#gosh this was darker than i intended
shadowbrightshine · 9 months
Heartbreaking exchange I just thought of between two Hatchetfield ocs.
Opal (who you've seen) and Daniela her first and only friend from Clivesdale when Dan comes to visit. This is the Starry eyed revival au (and the reformed -mostly- Lords stuck in Hatchetfield from @marvelmaniac715 s fic au as well)
For context Opal doesn't "have a birthday" but she's under age 10. Her birth parents are absolutely terrible people and she ran away and ended up homeless in Hatchetfield after hiding on a boat from Clivesdale.
Ok scrolling back up heavy heavy warnings for child abuse I should save this for a proper fic but it's too late now. Holy crap I didn't think the whole thing would fall out of me. I promise most of my ocs aren't this heavily traumatized.
It's a little rough compared to my usual handling and I may take it down if you guys are really upset by it. I usually plan out my depictions of abuse more carefully but I do think this is still acceptable for my standards.
Saying it again.
Warnings for child abuse I didn't realize how heavy this was until reading it back.
The Waylon place was slightly fuller than usual, it was still less than the full member list, but Sapphire and Zelda and Nate were here today along with the usuals.
"I don't know how to dance!" She protested.
Opal paused and then grinned. "I do! Sapphire gave me lessons! Just follow my lead."
Sapphire herself, who was sitting next to Pokey on an extremely rare visit to the new revival, called out. "I did not! I've been making you stay away from my ritualistic dances."
Opal froze. "I...uh...um..." She drooped. "Yeah...I know."
Sapphire blinked. "Why'd you lie? You don't follow Pokotho." Pokotho himself was eyeing Daniela (and...Opal?) with a strange amount of distain. An...abnormally high amount of distain actually what- her train of thought was paused and resumed from before it started. "Why'd you lie?" Sapphire unknowingly repeated.
The tiny girl kicked her leg. "You and your wife are the best dancers ever so I'd be cooler that way."
She smiled at the earnest complement but pointed out. "But your friend doesn't know me. My name means nothing to her and everyone else already knows I don't let you near my practices."
Opal looked even more embarrassed and wilted under the eye of the God currently sitting in the house with her. "Oh."
Daniela broke out of her semi stupor. "Hey! We promised not to lie to each other!"
Opal became even smaller. "I-I oh no...I forgot." She said in horror. "I forgot about our promise! I'm so sorry!!" Tears formed in her eyes.
Daniela quickly hugged her. "No no it's ok! Really, I thought you were dead anyways so it's like all our promises reset. We just have to make a new one. I forgive you."
"Really?" She sniffed.
"Yeah, really." The girls dried Opal's eyes together and nodded. They put an arm on each other's shoulders.
"Promise!!!" They both headbutted each other and fell on the ground with cries of pain. The other members of the group looked at them. Tim set down Webby's butterfly plushie and the patch he was sewing onto it.
"Uh... why did you do that?" Tim asked, a little concerned and glancing around to make sure Reed wasn't there to fawn over his adoptive daughter. Now wasn't the time.
Opal held her head. "When you break a promise you hurt yourself too."
Daniela nodded. "Opal taught me it. It's like an extra important promise."
Tim felt uneasy about those words. The sentiment itself was fine, in fact it was strangely mature for her age. Something else was off. "Opal, who taught you to hurt yourself for promises?" It shouldn't have been so worrying, and his wording might be too assumptive...But Tim's new sense of people that was developing alongside his involvement with Wiggly told him this wasn't good.
Opal scratched at the spot on her arm that raised alarm bells for everyone else. Otto quietly scooted closer, trying not to let his hoof skin hybrid feet make too much noise. "When Mother-" Otto tensed. "Made me promise things she'd hit me. Because if I broke my promise she'd make it hurt ten times worse." She sounded so normal about it.
Daniela nodded, she clearly didn't like her friend being hit. "When we became friends we wanted to change it."
Opal nodded emphatically. "I would Never hit Daniela! Never ever, not once!" She paused. "Except the ones where you go bap." She very lightly tapped her own arm. "Those are ok."
"Or head patting!" Daniela started the gesture on Opal but she flinched and made a pained noise. "What happened? I didn't do it hard!"
"You hit the sore part."
"I forgive you."
Otto spoke up. "Opal, mom's aren't allowed to hit people for breaking promises."
"They can't hit you for that either?" Opal asked cluelessly. "How many things did she do that are illegal?" This set something off in her friend.
Daniela, who clearly had been holding something back for some time blurted out. "Everything they did was illegal! You ate dog food and lived where your dog pooped and peed and didn't go to school! That's bad! It's really really bad! No one else had that happen!" Most of the kids that hadn't stuck out when the heavy conversation started flinched.
Sapphire made a mental note to buy Reed some wine and groceries. He was doing God's work for that girl. (Also Noelle needed food and it was her turn to help pay anyways). Otto moved away from them, trying to process the statement.
Opal was shocked. "Wait...no one? I thought it was normal for Cli-" she caught herself. "For people back at my old home. I thought Hatchetfield was just special."
"What the fuck..." River whispered, horrified at the idea of a mother doing anything other than spoil her kids. They were working on him but he had a right to be terrified this time.
The slightly older girl continued. "No, it's weird and very bad. That's why I told you to live with me instead. Why didn't you? I waited for so long and you never came back..." Daniela's eyes got watery and she asked quietly. "Why didn't you tell me you were leaving?"
Opal sat on the floor and dug her nails into the spot on her arm. "..." She swallowed. "Old dad found out I'd left to visit you at school, and told me if I didnt tell him who you were he'd make me." She stared at one of the deep scars on her pointer finger.
"He wanted to make you disappear so I disappeared instead and ran out of the house, and kept running and running and I hid on the boat. I wasn't making myself invisible for most of the run, so I was scared he'd find me and follow me." Opal looked her best friend in the eye, voice quiet. "He was gonna hit you until you died and leave you in the basement with me forever. He told me so."
Daniela was speechless.
"I wanted to say goodbye!" Opal was crying now. "I really really wanted to but I was so scared! I didn't want you down there with me! You live in the sunlight and I live in the basement and that's how it is and if you're in the basement too than everything is wrong."
She sniffed and her eyes glazed over. "If you're dead we can't play games anymore. Old dad said he won't feed us until we eat you instead and I don't want to eat people! Sprinkles is a good dog and she'd never do that, so I'd have to do it so she could get food again and I don't want to do it!" Opal covered her face. "I don't want to!"
There was a heavy silence. Daniela crawled over to the sobbing child. "You don't gotta. See? I'm alive right here. I've never been in the basement before. See? This is the cool clubhouse you told me about."
Opal didn't answer, grabbing her and hugging her as tightly as she could. The room erupted into movement. Some people running over to comfort Opal, some running out to throw up or just get away, and Otto was grabbing River by the arm to fire up his golf cart and go find Reed in town. Tim started praying to God. Both of them, though he didn't realize Wiggly was able to hear all his prayers.
Pokotho didn't look upset at all. Sapphire stopped noticing that and leaned over to touch Trent's arm. "You should go upstairs for a bit, ok?" He nodded mutely and headed for the stairs. Daniela stared down the others with a protective gaze and they stopped coming closer.
Daniela held onto Opal. "It's ok. You were super awesome. You saved me and I'm not ever gonna be mad about it ever again. I forgive you times a million gazillion. We can dance tomorrow ok? I'm gonna be here for two whole weeks so it's all ok now."
"I don't wanna see you die..."
"You won't! I'm gonna live as long as you do! Best friends die at the same time. I read about it in Dad's book, it said if you love someone enough you'll die with them and I love you so much!"
"I think so! So that means we just have to not die and we can be best friends forever, but for real! Friends are forever."
"Friends are forever." Opal repeated quietly, relaxing. "And ever, and ever, and ever."
"Mhm. See? You're parents didn't do anything different after you left. They don't care you're gone so they're not gonna look for you. You're safe now."
That soothed Opal more than anything previously. "You're safe too. Just forget me at home so we don't get in trouble ok?"
Daniela argued indignantly. "I'm not gonna forget my best friend! I'll just not talk about you at school."
"...Ok..." She looked drained and was getting limper in her friends arms by the second. "Promise you're not mad at me anymore? I don't wanna be mad..."
"Promise. I promise with a super hard headbutt that I am always gonna be your best friend and that I'm not mad at you for running away anymore."
Opal smiled. "I promise it back too."
Daniela lightly tapped both of them and her friend fell asleep on the floor as she usually did.
Ok I originally intended this scene to be briefer and then go into Pokotho explaining he didn't like Opal because he'd already made the mistake of using her in an apotheosis once and never again but uh.
Nope I'm leaving it here. Holy crap.
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the-kingshound · 1 year
Oh gosh, that Morien prompt 😭
What about MC fixing/brushing Elaine's hair?
*sorry Evaine, my phone changed it😅
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Your armor clangs as you open the door, weighted heavily by fatigue and the uncomfortable feeling of blood soaked fabric on your skin, only to falter at what you see.
Evaine stands in the center of the room, kneeling on the carpet with their braids draped over their shoulder. There is something dejected in their gaze as they slowly tilt their head.
"My hair was stained..." they lament, weakly, raising one of the braids. The color is darker than it should be, and it drips a few times on the carpet.
"I am sorry," you sign, wanting to offer them comfort. "I can redo them for you."
"But..." Evaine looks up with eyes that are more unfocused than they should be, "... I am filthy."
"Let's get a bath together."
Evaine sits between your legs, facing away from you, as you undo their hair and then slowly massage their scalp. They put to use their favourite scented soaps, a rare and expensive treat you know they allow themself but also you, and you both start to relax in the water.
When you are done with their hair, Evaine insists on doing yours. They very scrupulously wash away all the gore and dirt, and finally they seem more like themself when they place a kiss on your neck.
You go to sleep together in Evaine's bed and wake up in each other's arms, when the morning has barely started. You know that Evaine needs time to recuperate after each intense fight, and you intend to let them have it for today.
Once they are awake, you place them in front of their mirror, and you position yourself at their back. You section their hair and, slowly, you start to make each small braid.
"Thank you," they say, looking at you through the mirror.
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nyrhtak04 · 3 months
Inside Out 2
This is going to be pretty long, I think. Spoilers ahead.
I went to go see this with my siblings earlier this evening and oh. my. goodness. IT. WAS. AMAZING!!!
I did not go into it with high expectations, expecting another "first draft" movie. But no. It actually felt like a PIXAR movie.
Okay, the new emotions:
Anxiety: My immediate new favorite character. I love her wacky design and her VA (wasn't sure how Maya Hawke would do, but I absolutely ADORED her here). Also, as someone with GAD, she is my default emotion. I couldn't even hate her when she became the primary antagonist. And that panic attack scene. like.
Envy: Adorable. That's all I have to say. just. adorable. Again, character design and VA were perfect. I was kind of surprised that she was such a soft character. Almost seemed more like "emulation" or "admiration" than "envy." Wonder if they'll explore the harder/darker side of envy later I have only seen it once, so I could just be forgetting a part. I think there may have been a part where Envy caused Riley to side with the Firehawks. Anyway.
Ennui: Enjoyable character. Got a few laughs. Character design is fun like the others. I don't have strong opinions about them. I liked them.
Embarrassment: I liked the character design. "He's not big on eye contact or touching." Same dude. same. I was in physical pain whenever he was on screen, but I think that was the point. Also his teaming up with and hiding Sadness was so cute/sweet. Big marshmallow.
I've heard that guilt/shame were supposed to be involved. I would have loved this, but I can see how that might have made the movie a little too busy.
Now, the movie itself:
Some parts were rushed, but since this is a movie about anxiety, I'm not mad. Some worldbuilding parts could have been fleshed out more; it's only an hour and a half long, they could have made it a bit longer without it becoming tedious. Just linger on a few scenes a little.
Riley was ridiculously relatable. I mean, she always was, but this movie it's like they got footage of me. Except I got those feelings/thought processes a lot earlier than 13 and they've never gone away (if anything, they're getting worse. thanks burnout).
As someone who finds secondhand embarrassment to be physically painful, I spent most of the movie with my hands over my face. At one point (I think during the secrets vault) I slid down in my chair because I couldn't take it anymore. The squeaks and shrieks I had to keep quiet. I tell you.
As painful as those parts were, they were still cathartic. I felt seen. Having interests intended for much younger people. Being super conscientious about those interests and pretty much everything else to the point of missing the conversation. Constantly monitoring myself and being terrified that if I didn't I would end up alone. The conflicting self-images. The phrase of Riley's anxiety-driven self being "I'm not good enough" and anxiety being confused and trying to spin it as "just means we have room to improve" (or something like that). The panic attack. Oh my gosh the panic attack was perfect. The whirlwind and simultaneous paralysis. This movie made me cry so many times.
I am obsessed with this movie and will probably post a lot of art about it.
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edosianorchids901 · 1 year
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The Beauty You Are
@flashfictionfridayofficial prompt - "where the flowers grow"
As soon as he heard the faint sobbing, Aziraphale paused.
After a brief hesitation—he was supposed to be working, after all—he went to investigate. Angels must assist those in need, after all. Perhaps it was an injured human, someone he could patch up before returning to his usual job of writing endless reports that nobody in Heaven read.
He slipped around the boulders, grateful for the dappled shade of slender trees. The sandy ground shifted under his sandals, making a bit too much noise. He winced and tried to step more lightly.
The sobbing figure had been sitting in the shade beside one of the boulders, but they jerked their head up at his approach. The figure was not, in fact, a human.
“Crawley?” Aziraphale took a tentative step closer, then inhaled sharply. “Oh, my dear, what’s happened?”
Crawley’s red hair was darker than usual, dark with blood. Bruises marred his face, and his left eye was swollen almost all the way shut, crusted with tears. “Go away!”
“I… I don’t think that’s the best idea.” Aziraphale sank down to his knees in the sand, throat tight. “You’re hurt.”
“Really fucking observant,” Crawley snapped. He huddled away from Aziraphale, shaking with now silent sobs.
Sympathetic tears rose, and Aziraphale tried to blink them away. But oh, this was awful. Who could have done this? Who would hurt Crawley?
“Did someone try to rob you?” he asked, struggling to wrap his mind around it.
Crawley shook his head, tears dripping to leave little divots in the sand. “Nuh. Didn’t happen up here. I was reporting in, but Hastur didn’t like my tone…”
Aziraphale’s breath caught. He shifted forward a little, pausing when Crawley flinched. “I won’t hurt you, Crawley. I just want to help. May I touch you?”
One golden eye darted to him, full of tears. And then, lip trembling, Crawley gave a tiny nod.
Still, Aziraphale moved forward with caution. Crawley flinched practically every time Aziraphale moved, as if expecting another blow. He cringed away from Aziraphale’s raised hand most, breaths going quick and panicked.
“It’s okay,” Aziraphale soothed. He very gently pushed matted red curls out of Crawley’s face so that he could better see the injuries. And oh, there were so many injuries. “Oh, you poor old serpent. I’m so sorry he hurt you.”
Crawley’s lips twitched a little, as if he’d attempted to smile and failed. “Thanks.”
“Let’s see… Why don’t I heal you up a bit, to start, and then you can come back to the village with me to clean up?” Aziraphale stroked his hair again, aching for him. “I know a miracle could tidy you up, but washing your face might feel nice. And I have some beer, and figs, and a lovely bit of goat cheese. We could share them.”
At first, Crawley gave him a suspicious look. “Why?”
Because Crawley deserved gentleness and kindness. “Oh, well. It’s rather more fun to eat with someone else. You’d be doing me a favor, really.”
Crawley let out a faint snort, apparently seeing through Aziraphale’s ploy, but he nodded. “Yeah. Okay.”
“And if you feel up to it, perhaps we could take a small detour on the way there.” Hand hovering near Crawley’s cheek, Aziraphale channeled a healing miracle. Slow and careful, washing away the injuries in the same way that he intended to wash away the blood once they got home. “I know a lovely little spot near here, a place where the flowers grow. It’s so very peaceful, and very pretty.”
Crawley was silent for a while, eyes down as Aziraphale tended to him. “Flowers can actually grow here? S’ not the most hospitable area.”
“Well, much of it is rather too hot and sandy.” Aziraphale brushed his fingers against Crawley’s swollen cheekbone, repairing the damage near his eye. “But I find that even in the most inhospitable of places, there’s beauty.”
That drew a skeptical look. But then Crawley let out a sigh of relief, relaxing. “Oh gosh. That hurts a lot less.”
“Good, good.” Although it wasn’t the most thorough job; bruises still bloomed across the side of Crawley’s face, along with some on his neck and even some on his slender hands. He would likely need more healing later. “Do you feel up to walking?”
He extended his hand, offering. Crawley hesitated, then took it and let Aziraphale help him up.
They walked slowly under the dappled shade, down a little path that Aziraphale had discovered a few weeks ago on one of his lonely strolls. Even with Crawley limping and clearly still in pain, walking hand in hand with him across the sandy ground left Aziraphale with an unfamiliar sense of peace. He’d quite like to do this every day.
The path led to a little shaded area near a trickling stream. Tufts of green dotted the soil, short grasses that waved in a gentle breeze. And nestled among the grasses, delicate little flowers, blooms of yellow and red and white.
“Whoa.” Crawley limped to one of the more vibrant patches and sank to his knees, one arm hugged across his ribs. He still hadn’t let go of Aziraphale’s hand, so Aziraphale knelt beside him. “You were right, angel. This really is beautiful.”
The flowers were beautiful, yes, but that wasn’t what brought tears to Aziraphale’s eyes. No, he was most taken with Crawley’s willingness to trust him, open up to him, even to hold his hand. “Yes,” Aziraphale said softly. “It is.”
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primal-slayer · 5 months
Re-designing Wonder Woman
Various writers/artists talk through redesigning Wonder Woman
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CBR News: Diana's new costume was revealed in "Wonder Woman" #41. In her own words, it was finally time for her to leave the 'girl behind' and embrace then woman that she's become. What can you tell us about the new design and why it represents Diana as a god, a queen and a warrior for justice?
Meredith Finch: One of things Dave and I discussed was that the initial costume that she wore was the one that she put on when she left Themyscira and went into the world of men. At that time, she wasn't part of the Justice League. She was just herself. I wanted the costume to be more in line with what other members of the Justice League are wearing. I also wanted it to be in line with the fact that she is a queen now. If you look at the costume that Hippolyta wore -- traditionally, queens tend to put on much more ceremonial costumes. And, she's also a warrior, so I wanted to be a really strong, solid costume. It hints at the Amazon culture but also fits in the modern world.
When making a major decision, like changing an iconic costume, how much credence lies with fandom and those that have loved the costume since the days of the Linda Carter TV series and the George Perez miniseries and what serves your story and new readers of the title?
If you look at the sketch designs that Dave did (published in "Wonder Woman" #41) for the new costume, first and foremost, they are all intended to be reflective of the character. And when you find something that works, it's like a title for a book: It just works. Dave did quite a few costume designs, and once he did the one that we landed on, it worked instantly for both of us. Getting approval from DC Editorial was fairly easy, because looking at it, the costume just has a synergy with the character. It's strong and reflective of who Diana is, and is still very recognizable as a Wonder Woman costume.
Does the costume have any special properties, or is Diana powerful enough that she does not need any extra protection?
The nice thing is that because it's a new suit, if we decide that we want to add something to it, we'll be able to do that. But looking at who she is right now, she's not just Wonder Woman and an Amazon princess -- she's Wonder Woman and the God of War. As a god, she really is invincible. The suit is much more a reflection of who she is than an addition to who she is. But to be fair, it was designed by Hephaestus, so I am sure there is something special in there because he does love her. https://www.cbr.com/finch-on-signifi...ys-redemption/
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“She’s been locked into pretty much the exact same outfit since her debut in 1941,” Mr. Straczynski wrote. “If you’re going to make a statement about bringing Wonder Woman into the 21st century, you need to be bold and you need to make it visual. I wanted to toughen her up, and give her a modern sensibility.”
He added, “What woman only wears only one outfit for 60-plus years?”
Given Wonder Woman’s pre-eminence as a female character in the largely male superhero pantheon, her looks have always been a matter of more than casual interest, to both fanboys and feminists. In a 2006 interview about her work on the series, the novelist Jodi Picoult said: “One of the first things I did was ask if we could give her breast-reduction surgery, because as a woman, I know you wouldn’t fight crime in a bustier. But I was somehow shot down by DC.” The new costume was designed by the artist Jim Lee, who in February was named co-publisher of DC, alongside Dan DiDio. Given the assignment, “my first reaction was, ‘Oh my gosh,’ ” Mr. Lee said in an interview. But he welcomed the challenge: “When these characters become so branded that you can’t change things, they become ossified.”
The new look — with an understated “W” insignia, a midnight blue jacket and a flinty fusion of black tights and boots — is darker than the famed swimsuit-style outfit, and aims to be contemporary, functional and, as Tim Gunn of “Project Runway” might say, less costumey.
Given the hope that the character will one day have her own international film franchise (a feature has long been gestating at Warner Entertainment, DC’s parent company), one test of the design was to imagine how it would look standing next to, say, Batman’s politically neutral ensemble. “The original costume was the American flag brought to life,” Mr. Lee said. “This one is a little more universal.”
Mr. Lee has drawn his share of sexy superheroines (the X-Men’s Rogue among them), some in skimpy costume, and knows what many fans will ask: “Why am I covering up her legs?” Ultimately, he wanted her to look strong “without screaming, ‘I’m a superhero.’ ”
The arrival of Issue 600 is a bit of comic-book sleight of hand, or, as DC calls it, a return to historical numbering. Wonder Woman’s first self-titled series, which begin in 1942, ended with No. 329. The character was then overhauled, her previous continuity erased, and she starred in Volume 2 as a heroine new to the world. That incarnation lasted 226 issues. Another new direction spurred a third volume (and, to collectors who care about such things, another Issue No. 1) that ran for 44 issues. Do the math, and what would have been Issue No. 45 is now Volume 1, No. 600.
The new costume will almost certainly be better received than the curveball thrown Wonder Woman in 1968, when she lost her powers, dressed mod and practiced martial arts. It took the attention of no less than Gloria Steinem to protest the change, and to help get the Amazon back into her star-spangled duds. Ms. Steinem went on to use Wonder Woman, resplendent in red, white and blue, on the cover of the first issue of Ms. magazine in 1972. A cover line proclaimed, “Wonder Woman for President.”
That’s the kind of attention Mr. Straczynski thinks she deserves: “Wonder Woman is a strong, dynamic, vibrant character who should be selling in the top 20, and I’m going to do all I can to get her there.” http://www.nytimes.com/2010/06/30/bo...S8G9WNUsmwNo5Q
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I got to design the Wonder Woman costume for our Earth Two series, with just some small tweaks by Jim Lee. It’s my version of her battle armor as apposed to a classic variant. It was the most appropriate direction considering the context.
Truthfully, I like the middle ground between pure fantasy and practicality. I want to know how a costume works, what all the parts are for, where did it come from, what it’s made of. I want there to be a practical nature but for that to not limit the design. https://sciencefiction.com/2012/03/1...-nicola-scott/
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IGN: I'm glad you brought up the costume. Both you and Nicola are obviously drawing Diana at very different points in her life. Can you talk about the process of redesigning her look and what influences you drew from?
Sharp: Yeah, there's the basic one from the New 52. There's elements of that. There's also elements from the film version. With the one I'm doing, Greg was like, "Do you like the film costume?", and I said I really liked it. So let's just do that. That's settled. I was very happy to adapt that look for what I was doing with the costume. Nic's has slight variations. I talked about this with Greg. She'll wear different outfits. For instance, the cape is ceremonial. It's not always going to be there. We're of the belief that these characters live in a real universe. Obviously it's a fictional universe, but they wouldn't continue to wear the same clothes all the time. It's just ridiculous to assume that they would. So there are variations, and that's fine with me.
Scott: In the Year One story, I had asked if we could take the film costume and make it just a little more comic book-y and a little brighter and shinier. This is her first outing wearing a Wonder Woman costume. It's freshly minted. The breastplate has just come out of the forge and it's just been dyed. It's fresh. It's her first adventure off the island.
Sharp: Whereas mine is all tattered and beaten up and scuffed.
Scott: And probably has pieces replaced. It's a more mature outfit, where mine is meant to make her look a little more optimistic. https://www.ign.com/articles/2016/05...s-diana-prince
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MFT: Did you design the costume? How did you approach the task of a Victorian-era Wonder Woman design?
PW: Yes, I based it on a Victorian/Western showgirl. I looked at the original costume, hence the eagle, but stylized it to give it a more turn-of-the-century feel. I looked at Art Nouveau artists like Alphonse Mucha especially and some of the Pre-Raphealite painters like Holman Hunt, Millais, and the more stylistic Dante Gabriel Rosetti and also Victorian painters Alma Tadema and John William Waterhouse. It was important for me to understand Victorian scruples as much as their idealization of beauty. https://fanbasepress.com/press/featu...oman-amazonia/
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]JF: From my perspective I’m really inspired by the designs that these film-makers are coming up with in these movies. A lot of the times I sit there and I look at these designs and go, “These are great! Why aren’t we thinking about these designs in comics? How come we didn’t think of that first?” I have to say, it’s really cool to see that Ben Affleck’s Batman costume looks like it does in the comics. It’s taking its cue from the comics, you know? So I made a joke on Twitter that I’d been drawing Ben Affleck’s Batman for the last three years. I draw this guy with a giant chin in a Batman suit.
We came up with our Wonder Woman design, and a lot of people would think that our Wonder Woman design is based off of the movie Wonder Woman, but actually it’s based off of an old drawing I did five years ago that Geoff found and really liked. So we used that as a costume. Then it just so happened that, “Oh, Cool! There’s a Wonder Woman costume that kind of goes in that same direction!” I think with the comics, visually, we want these characters to look as classic as possible. The more classic you make your characters look, the longer life your book has. It can transcend time. It’s not stuck in a time period where it’s, “Well, remember when they did that?” It’s these characters are in their classic looks.
We really talked about that because we want this book to be as big as possible. We want it to be as timeless as possible, and we want fans to come to our Justice League to see the characters in their classic designs, and just dive into the story and go from there. We want to deliver the best visual and story book that we possibly can. We want you to feel like you’re getting your money’s worth with these books, every single month. That’s our goal. http://www.multiversitycomics.com/in...war-interview/
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Wonder Woman isn’t wearing her traditional costume but pants. Tell me a bit about how you came up with the look? Which do you prefer? Are these Amazon pants or off the shelf pants?
“You know what Lois like to see when she gets home? Pants. Pants on everyone.” As for these pants, they're store-bought. Or maybe “borrowed.” We’ll get to a more traditional look (or an amalgam of the various “traditional” takes) later in the arc. I had one idea for that one. Jorge took it, and ran with it and gave it his own twist, and it looks GREAT. As for her “vigilante” look when we meet her, we were going for something a little more urban combat-y. Pockets. Knives. Hair up. Some of her Agent Diana Prince look, mixed in with a bit of her (in hindsight, unjustly) lamented “Odyssey" look. Of course, we’d be remiss to not have her bracelets/gauntlets. She can’t NOT have those. Therein lies madness. https://dcwomenkickingass.tumblr.com...der-woman-once
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Themyscira is just the start of Paquette’s visual re-imagining. “My first thought when Wonder Woman with Grant was mentioned was ‘I don’t want her to be dressed as an American flag.’ Not because an American flag is wrong but it made no sense. She’s coming from such a rich, wonderful culture with so much iconography (Greek culture), so why does she not use that, and why would she dress up as a flag? She’s not Captain America. But at the same time, I understood that this kind of iconic colour/texture is something that’s recognizable, so in that aspect it does have value. If I could reach the same design with a few differences, but make it so it’s not coming from the flag, it’s coming from a natural extension of her culture, I could live with this. The retro-engineering of her costume into something that makes sense is already embedded into the story.” He details some of the changes he has in mind. “The animal associated to Aphrodite is a dove so instead of an eagle on [Wonder Woman’s] breastplate, it will be more of a dove. It’s not the American eagle, it’s the Aphrodite dove. Stuff that creates [the letter] W is by accident, so it’s not like she already has a letter of the alphabet on her [costume]. In the end I’ve created a structure so it feels inevitable for Wonder Woman to look the way she does.” https://thatshelf.com/interview-yanick-paquette-on-wonder-woman/
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cynicalmusings · 1 month
omg hi! i just wanna say how i respect YOU for staying strong with your love for the very charming shikanoin heizou <3 gosh your dedication. . .your loyalty. i respect. ( also i can’t believe you liked him since. . . 2022, because samesies ! )
i’m actually binge reading some of your fics and thoughts about him, and i want to tell you that i’m Very Much Interested 👀 for your kitsune heizou au… it sounds very intriguing and i like the way you write him. hopefully you share more of this!!! YOU HAVE ONE READER WHO WILL LOVE TO EAT THIS ALL OF UP!!!
recently my heizou phase just came back and it’s crazier than ever like i can’t believe i’m twirling my hair and kickin’ my feet for this man, but gosh he’s so dreamy. how can i not like him GJDJSL
anyway, i hope you’re having a great day! 🫂 thank you for your contributions to the heizou/reader fandom…
- 🧈
thank you so much! but it’s not that impressive, really: trust me, staying in love with heizou is no challenge at all…. one could say it comes very naturally, in fact.
i have lots of ideas cooking for the kitsune!heizou au which i hope i’ll be able to express in the fic (and that people will enjoy!) — i envision it being a mix of light-hearted, silly moments and darker, more serious themes as the story progresses. i’d also like to stretch my worldbuilding muscles a little with this one and pull on some japanese history and folklore, as well as my own ideas, to create a more self-contained setting which isn’t totally dependent on genshin’s own lore and worldbuilding.
i do intend to write it up properly as a pretty long fic and post it one day, but fingers crossed that does happen, because ‘intending to write’ something and actually writing it are two very different things…
the hair twirling and foot kicking is so true… sometimes i think hoyoverse looked into my mind and plucked out the character they know would most appeal to me. he’s just so silly and clever and funny and, as you said, dreamy… sigh…
are you a new anon, by the way? sorry if you’re not and i’ve forgotten about you, but i don’t recognise any butter anons (or maybe you misclicked the emoji?). if you are new, welcome! if you’re not, my deepest apologies…
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alilaro · 3 years
Is Caius meant to be albino? I’m looking at his parents on the family tree like “waitaminute!” And now i wanna know is that canon (I could honestly believe that) or something you thought up?
Yes, Caius has albinism!
As far as I know this is not canon? At least I don't think. I just always pictured Caius this way since reading the books.
He was an Assyrian soldier as a human, and grew up with a myriad of health problems due to his condition, including photosensitivity and poor vision (which isn't particularly great for a person that's constantly patrolling under a hot desert sun.) This only worsened with age.
(To add to Caius's collection of health problems as a human, he was also born preterm, only barely surviving it, and causing tachycardia and asthma. His symptoms combined started to worsen in mid-adulthood, and if he wasn't bitten and turned when he was, he probably would've only lived for a few more years.)
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oh my gosh, those mergwen headcanons are so freaking adorable!!!! i need, like, a hundred more, oh my gosh. fantastic!!! this pairing deserves so much love, it's so cute TT
(Referencing These Headcanons)
More you say?
I can manage a few more😁
First off, go HERE, to find a headcanon for how they act when Gwen goes into labour with their first kiddy. I fully intend to write this scenario into a full, fluffy fic one day. But yeah. They’re super excitable and everyone is super in awe of how chilled out they are considering Gwen is on her merry way to push a whole mini person out of her coochie (Gwaine was subsequently set on fire for wording it like that). They’re going to be SUCH good parents and everyone knows it.
Both of them, though Gwen starts first, when she’s pregnant, find themselves using their parent voice on their friends, but the thing is, it genuinely tends to work more often than not. The others find this very horrifying and also rather annoying (and hilarious when it’s someone else). When kiddy is older, and speaking and learning, Merlin, exhausted and in an odd headspace, has (on several occasions) said things like “Say hello to the duck, Elyan” (on a patrol) and “No touching, Leon, only looking” (when they went exploring the market together) and “Inside voices, Gwaine” (when he was laughing at a joke in a tavern). He will also, when he’s REALLY exhausted, try to get Arthur into bed at like... the medieval equivalent of 6pm. Because The King is a child, who can’t be up past his bedtime. He also took to cutting Arthur’s food up really small before he served it for a while, until Arthur pointed it out. It was genuinely just muscle memory, and Merlin was pretty embarrassed lol.
Elyan, obviously, gets used to the parent voice the quickest. Leon however... he never stops struggling. He blue-screens for a solid ten seconds every time it happens.
Jumping back again, once they get together, every gift they get someone else is exactly what the receiver needs in the moment, even if they hadn't previously realised it. No one will say it out loud it fear of hurting someone else's feelings, but everyone looks forward to whatever Mergwen gets them for Yule/Birthdays the most.
If they don't want to be found?? They won't be found. Of everyone in the castle, they're the ones that know the most about the secret tunnels and hidden rooms and gaps between walls. They can get anywhere unseen, and it also means they can just hangout uninterrupted any time they want.
They have pets after they move in together. Probably just half feral/outside cats at first, because they both work, but they get big ol' doggos later down the line.
On one memorable occasion, Gwen fully slaps Arthur in the face for making a slightly off colour joke about Merlin. Merlin was already tired and annoyed, so Gwen could see he was slightly more upset about it than normal, and Gwen was also tired and tetchy, due to having been up all night waiting for Merlin to come home from fighting the week's villain. She's utterly mortified after she finishes shouting at him for underappreciating Merlin, and just being plain cruel to him sometimes, but everyone else thinks it’s hilarious, and Arthur gives Merlin the meekest, but most sincere apology that has ever exited his mouth, before scurrying off, embarrassed.
On a similar line, Merlin has intimidated his fair share of arseholes in taverns and bars who wouldn't leave Gwen alone.
Gwen painstakingly and patiently teaches Merlin how to braid hair, and he becomes a master at it. They braid flowers into each others hair, and Merlin grows his out a little longer because of this.
On a slightly darker note, Merlin teaches Gwen how to properly clean and sew wounds, how to deal with blood loss, with concussion, with loss of consciousness. Once he becomes more comfortable with the idea of going to Gwen’s house, instead of Gaius (as a matter of practicality, OR avoiding a lecture), she utilises these skills regularly and impressively.
The Druids all call her My Lady and bow to her and give her flower crowns and cloaks and stuff upon first meeting her. She is baffled, and embarrassed, and hates it, but Merlin refuses to ask them to stop because she is a queen in his eyes. Merlin is, oddly enough, happy to take his place as King/Lord of the Druids, if it means Gwen also gets treated like royalty by the people he adores so much.
They don’t really do pet-names, probably just a casual “love” from Merlin, and “Merls” from Gwen. Maybe the odd “sweetheart” is thrown in the mix here and there.
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captainimprobable · 3 years
Part 3 of that thing I’ve been posting.  This is a first draft, once it’s edited I’ll put it on Ao3.  There will be five parts! Part1  Part 2  ~~
Amity has a plan.
She knows her girlfriend likes meaningful gestures, especially when it’s about something important.  So as she signs her name at the bottom of the pink paper, she wills herself not to be nervous.  She’s doing everything right, she knows, and besides, it’s Luz.  Luz is understanding and generous.  She’ll love this. 
(Amity hopes.)
Walking to school the next day is torture, and she’s brought back to a similar morning a few months ago, when she was clutching paper from the same notebook she used today.  She didn’t go through with it then, but everything is different now.  Luz will say yes.
So why can’t she stop shaking?
She walks into the building and immediately spots Luz.  Her stomach flips itself over, as usual, and she nervously walks over to her girlfriend.   
“Amity! I missed you!”  Luz sees her and runs over, catching her up in a hug.  Amity tries not to swoon.  
“Luz, I saw you yesterday,” Amity says, smiling as she’s picked up and swayed a little.  
Luz pouts as she puts Amity down.  “Yeah, but that was a long time ago,” she mumbles.  She looks down at the ground, and her eyebrows scrunch together.
“Oh wait,” she says, stooping down and picking something up.  “You dropped this.”
It’s the pink paper.  Amity wants to die.  “WAIT,” she says loudly, startling a couple of other kids down the hall, “DON’T LOOK AT THAT.”
She grabs the paper and then stops.  Wait.  Things are different now. 
“Actually,” she says, with as much composure as she can muster after an outburst like that, “this is for you.”
She holds out the pink paper. And Luz. Takes it.
If Luz recognizes the type of paper the note is written on, she doesn’t mention it.  Amity is shaking as Luz opens the note, inspecting every single change in Luz’s face, anticipating a possible rejection. 
But instead, Luz’s face morphs into a huge smile, and she turns the paper over so Amity can see the words she’s written.
“Luz, will you go on a date with me?”  
 There’s color high in Luz’s cheeks as she asks “Really?”
“Of course really,” Amity scoffs, her entire body relaxing at Luz’s reaction. 
“Ohmygosh of course I will!!!!!  Where are we going? What are we doing? Can we-”
Amity holds up a hand to stop Luz’s train of thought.  “I have it all planned out,” she says proudly.  “All you have to do is show up.”
 Luz smiles, the crinkles at the corners of her eyes getting deeper as she does.  “Of course you do,” she says.  “I’ll be there!”
Amity had thought she was nervous yesterday, but that’s nothing compared to today.
 Edric and Emira are trying to help calm her down, but they’re somehow making it worse.  “I’m sure she’s gonna have a great time,” Ed says sincerely, nodding to himself.  “Unless….she doesn’t,” he adds.  
 Emira hits her twin on the arm.  “Ed, not helping,” she scolds, and puts her hands on Amity’s shoulders.  “First dates are scary, but this is Luz.  You could take her to the dump and she’d thank you.”
 “I’m terrified,” Amity confesses to her sister.  
 “Don’t be!”
 “Thanks, Em, suddenly I’m totally fine.”
 “Glad I could help,” Emira winks.  “Now go get your girl.”
It’s time for her date with Luz.  Well, actually, it’s an hour before her date with Luz, but she’s leaving now anyway because she likes to be punctual.  
 As it turns out, she doesn’t have a lot of time to be nervous, because when she opens the door to leave Blight Manor, Luz is standing there with flowers.
 “Hi,” Luz says excitedly, laughing a little at the look on Amity’s face.  “These are for you.  I got you purple ones because they match your hair!”
 “You’re early,” is all Amity manages to say.  She takes the flowers from Luz and their fingers touch.  Normally, this wouldn’t be such a big deal anymore, but knowing they’re about to go on an actual date makes everything feel a little different.  Amity tries not to jump.
 “Yeah,” Luz says, hands behind her back.  “But I know you, and I knew you’d be early, so here I am!”
 Suddenly Amity feels like crying.  Being known isn’t something she ever thought she would get to experience.  Being known this well was never even a thought.  She is so, so lucky.
 She blinks the tears away and manages to direct a smile at her girlfriend.  “Thanks,” she says.  “I love them.”
 Luz beams.  Amity still marvels over the way Luz’s expressions are so open and extreme.  She’s smiling with her entire body, somehow, exuding so much happiness just because Amity liked the flowers.  
 “So you have an idea?” Luz asks.  
 “Oh, yeah!” Amity says.  “I have the perfect plan.”
Amity watches Luz’s face stealthily out of the corner of her eye the entire way through Bonesborough.  They’re holding hands, and it feels like magic, but Amity is so nervous that Luz won’t enjoy what she’s planned that she can barely appreciate it.  Luz looks unbothered, though, swinging their hands between them happily as she chatters on about something King did earlier in the day.  Normally, Amity would be paying rapt attention, but today she’s a little too wound up.
 “Okay, here we are” Amity says nervously, watching  Luz’s face carefully for any sign of rejection.
 Luz looks up and gasps.  “A bookstore?????? I didn’t even know there was a bookstore here!”
 “Yeah,” Amity says shyly.  “I just thought...well, the first thing we really bonded over was Azura, so I figured maybe we could wander and…” She trails off.
 Luz is jumping up and down on the balls of her feet.  “Yes! I’ve always wanted to go on a bookstore date! I wonder what kind of weirdness a Boiling Isles bookstore has! Unless it’s just, like, a normal bookstore.  Which would be disappointing but still cool!”  She grins and pulls on Amity’s hand.  “Cmon, let’s go!”
It’s going well, she thinks.  Luz looks like she’s having fun as she pulls book after book off the shelf, commenting on them each before putting them back.
 “I’ve been wondering about the Azura books,” Luz says at one point.  “Like, how come we get them in the human realm and the Boiling Isles? How is that possible?”  Luz scratches her head.  “Maybe the author is from here and somehow managed to get their books to my realm? Maybe they’ve got a really good publicist? Or maybe they’re human and their books accidentally made it here somehow, like, maybe Eda brought one back one day and someone bought it and-”  Luz stops.  “Oh my gosh, Amity, do you think Eda is responsible for the circulation of the Azura books on the Boiling Isles???”
 Amity considers that.  
 “You know, I haven’t really met any other people who like these books,” she says.  “I always wondered why they weren’t more popular.”  Her eyes widen, realization dawning.  “What if I’m the only one? What if Eda sold them to the bookstore and I bought them and-”
 “Woah,” Luz says.  “That is some crazy coincidence.”
 “Well,” Amity says bravely.  “Guess it just means we were always meant to be.”
 She gets a bright red Luz as a reward for her nerve, and she smirks.  It’s fun to make Luz nervous.  Knowing she has that effect on her makes her so happy.  
 Luz doesn’t say anything, just reaches out a hand for Amity’s.  Amity gets it.  Sometimes holding Luz’s hand is the only thing that makes sense.
 “Oh no way,” comes a voice from behind them.  Amity’s heart sinks.  Oh no, not now, why now, why here, why-
 They turn around and Boscha comes into view, scrutinizing their linked hands.  “You’re actually dating the human.  Wow.  I thought that was a rumor, like, one so ridiculous it couldn’t even be true.”  She smirks.  “And yet here you are.”
 Amity can feel Luz stiffen next to her, and she’s suddenly filled with rage.  Luz escaped her world to avoid being made fun of, she shouldn’t have to deal with that here, too.
 Amity raises her chin and looks Boscha in the eye.  “Aw, what’s wrong, Boscha, jealous that nobody wants to hang out with you?”  She looks around pointedly.  “Looks like you’re alone, huh?  Has everyone finally realized what a monster you are?”
 Boscha’s face turns a shade of pink darker than her hair.  “I’m not alone,” she spits.  “I came here by myself on purpose.  It’s exhausting, having followers all the time.”
 “Sure,” Amity says, turning to leave.  “Come on Luz, let’s-”
 “Can’t believe she went and got a girlfriend from another species,” Amity hears Boscha mutter under her breath.  And then, a little louder, clearly intending to be heard- “Guess shopping at the bottom of the barrel is easier than finding someone normal.”
 Amity stops.  She’s gripping Luz’s hand so hard it’s probably starting to hurt a little, but she can’t help it.  Luz seems to sense the storm coming, and she scrambles to stop it.  “Amity, it’s okay, let’s just go-”
 But Amity is done.  Done with Boscha and her stupid games, done with everyone making fun of Luz for things she can’t control, done with her girlfriend being treated lesser than because she wasn’t born a witch.
 She releases Luz’s hand, whirls around, and says, quiet as the dead, “Say that again.”
 Boscha seems to realize she went a little too far this time, but she’s not one to back down.  “What are you gonna do, Amity? Hex me? You don’t have the-”
 Before she can finish her sentence, Amity’s fingers are twirling in circles and Boscha is on the ground, angry hives crawling up and down her body.
 A security guard comes over, looking bored.  He gives Boscha a glance, unimpressed.  “Miss,” he says to Amity.  “I’m gonna have to ask you to go.”
 “Don’t worry about it,” Amity says.  “We were just leaving.”
Amity thinks her hands might be clenched permanently, now.  The anger (coiling, rampant, hot to the touch) she’s feeling isn’t new, but it’s somehow louder now, a line of static in her ears so loud that she doesn’t hear Luz calling her name until the third time.
Amity blinks herself out of her stupor and remembers, suddenly: she’s supposed to be on a date.  A date with her cute girlfriend.  A date that she messed up by getting them kicked out of a store.
 She knew she’d mess this up somehow.
 “Amity, are you okay?”
 Luz is looking at her with concern in her eyes, and Amity doesn’t deserve it.  She doesn’t deserve any of this.  She’s ruined everything.
 “I’m sorry,” she mumbles, not looking Luz in the eye.  She’d understand if Luz dumped her over this.
 “For what?” Luz asks sincerely, and Amity looks up in confusion.  “Um, for ruining our date?”
 Luz raises her eyebrows.  “How exactly did you ruin it?”
 “I hexed Bosca, I got us kicked out of the bookstore, I-”
 “What I’m hearing,” Luz says, taking Amity’s hand again, “Is that you got angry on my behalf and defended me from a bully”
 “But I got us kicked out of the store!” Amity insists.  She feels like she owes it to Luz to admit what a screw up she is, but Luz isn’t having it.
 “No, Boscha got us kicked out of the store.  Besides, it’s no big deal, we were basically done anyway.”
 This isn’t right.  She knows she should be happy that Luz isn’t blaming her, but something inside her insists that Luz needs to know, that Luz needs to understand that Amity messed up and will probably mess up again, that she had everything planned out perfectly and it went nothing like it was supposed to and Luz should probably break up with her and-
 “Break up with you?????” Luz sounds scandalized, and Amity realizes: she said everything out loud.  
 “You think I would break up with you over this?”
 “I..I don’t know,” Amity says, closing her eyes as though that will make her disappear.  “Maybe.”
 “Amity, I-I don’t like you because you’re perfect.  You’re only human- I mean, you’re a person, and people make mistakes, and that’s okay! I make mistakes all the time! Just today I missed a step and fell down the stairs.  It happens!”
 She takes Amity’s other hand and looks her in the eyes.  “You’re perfect to me.  But not because you never mess up.  Because you’re kind, and funny, and beautiful, and you do things like hex bullies because they make fun of me.  I don’t need the perfect date, Amity.  I just need you.”
 Amity is speechless.  Nobody has ever said anything like that to her.  She remembers what she told Hunter in that cave all those months ago: I grew up thinking everything was an opportunity to justify existing.  But there are people out there who won’t make you feel worthless.  You just have to let yourself meet them.
 It’s time she took her own advice.
 “Thank you,” she says quietly, smiling shyly.  “You’re the best girlfriend a girl could ask for.”
 “No, you are!” Luz says earnestly, and Amity realizes that, if she had the courage, she could kiss Luz right then and there.
 She doesn’t, of course, but now that it’s in her head, she’s not going to forget about it anytime soon.
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blueprint-han · 4 years
midnight walk — bang chan.
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— “I have to go back to the dorms, and so do you.” 
— “in which you and chan walk through a park during midnight to catch up on some much needed alone time, and you’re prominently reminded of how much you love him, and he does too.”
pairing: chan x (gn) reader 
word count: 3 k
genre: fluff, boyfriend au, idolverse au (though not very prominent throughout the fic)
⇥ warnings: none, very self indulgent making out but nothing sexual, just kissing. minimal dialogue, kissing in public even though there’s no people around, also this situation is just for fictional purposes okay, I am not encouraging any acts of pda that takes place here between idols or anyone (quite frankly i have no idea about it’s legality, but as I said, it’s fictional), it’s just for entertainment purposes. Please take it as such. Also this park is huge and Chan and Y/N walk pretty slowly, and they’re from different companies.
type: drabble.
⇥ disclaimer: This fic does not intend to represent the actions of the real Bang Chan in any way, shape of form, nor does it intend to represent JYPE. Events are pure fiction, please take them as such.
note — Something soft because I wanted to write. This idea was brought up in a convo between me and ella and it was originally for han but then I wrote it for chan because i need my comfort kpop boy right now. Also @meiiyue. I hope this is not shit but i have no idea haha. Please, please leave feedback. Not edited, please excuse grammatical errors and typos. I;m sorry is this is trash, I really haven’t written seriously in a while ;-;
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The air over here is way too moist.
So much so that you can feel beads of sweat litter the top of your brow the moment it’s been five minutes since you’ve arrived. You suppose you can’t complain when you and Chan made up the plan to meet immediately after a heavy downpour — you loved the smell of rain and he wanted to see you — it was a win-win situation.
But where is he? 
You wipe your forehead with the back of your sleeve, clutching your umbrella tightly in one hand while simultaneously going through your phone with the other. Your surroundings are calm, quiet, peaceful, exactly what you need to delve into your own thoughts and relax from the actual week you’d gone through. You can feel the tension in your shoulders, very very slowly, seep away as a blanket of mental peace is wrapped around your shoulders. As nice as it feels to be alone in this quiet place, all you want right now, is to hold your boyfriend’s hand and revel in nature.
You make a “tsk” noise, brushing the hair stuck to your face before scrolling through your contacts. You’re about to click on the one that says “channieeee <3″ when you feel hands — warm hands, grab at your shoulders from behind, and you shriek at the sudden shock that overcomes you. Owing to it being very quiet in this park, you slam a hand over your mouth, turning around to see the only person you were waiting for this whole time, albeit not this way.
“What do you think you’re doing?” You frown, though a small smile does pull at your lips when your eyes meet his warm brown ones.
“I was letting you know of my presence?”
“By sneaking behind me and giving me a heart attack?”
“I was going to give you a back-hug—” Chan points out,  waking around the bench to sit down next to you, not needing to ask at all. “—but then you screamed and I had to revoke it.”
A part of you wishes that had happened — as terrifying as that encounter was, Chan gives  great hugs. One of a kind. It’s almost like every time his hands wrap around your waist or shoulders, every inch of stress, thoughts melt away, leaving you in a calm state of bliss. That’s what Chan’s hugs are — pure bliss and honestly, your escape.
You give yourself a second to analyze his sharp features. Soft eyes, delicate smile, the pale, soft skin on his cheek so inviting. In this place where you and Chan are together, all you want to do is crawl into his arms, let go of the barrier that surrounds you and just be... yourself. You want to cup his cheeks and kiss him, just like you do whenever you meet up in secret.
But there’s more secrecy and hiding involved in an idol’s life.
“Yeah, yeah.” You say, fixing your mask properly over your nose before standing from your place. “You know better than to revoke my hugs, Christopher.”
Chan chuckles in endearment. You only call him Christopher when you’re unsure of your own statement, and it’s evident in the way your words end like you’re questioning him. Chan’s waiting for the “...right?” that should be following soon, but, oh well. He knows himself that denying you isn’t something his heart would allow, especially not when you look at him like that. 
Eyes gleaming under the dim lights of the park at midnight, a soft, almost unseen smile that only he’s allowed to see adorning your lips, and soft, unspoken words hanging heavy in the air. You didn’t even have to tell him you missed him, or that you wished to be in his arms again, because the connection between the both of you was on a whole other level — he could read all your emotions, just from looking into your eyes.
“Can’t deny that, can I?” He says, getting up from his seat before smoothing his shirt, while you put your phone into your pouch and fix your coat. Then, his hands silently seek your own, lacing his fingers with your own as warmth spreads through your chest. His hand feels soft, even more so than the last time you met him. In a silent want to hold him close to you, you tighten your grip as you smile at him and he reflects it back.
You walk around the path slowly, each step lingering against the mossy ground for a good second before moving on to the other. It’s so, so calming. The cold, moist winds refreshingly cool against your skin now that you’re not sitting idle in one place, the darkness in the park oddly calming. There’s the slight chirping of insects that resounds through the space like gentle music, and eventually, you feel yourself relax as you take in your surroundings.
“So, how was your week?” You ask, feeling yourself blush when you silently lean your head against your shoulder whilst walking, a soft chuckle leaving his lips as he snakes an arm around your waist, sending shivers up your spine when he gently smooths the fabric of your coat with his thumb.
“Stressful, honestly.” The both of you turn around the corner without second thought. You’ve done this so many times, it’s like your bodies are being pulled to the place you wish so hard to be in right now. You missed him. You missed him so, so much. You can see the stress lines on his forehead and the darkness around his eyes, almost sure that he isn’t getting enough sleep either. After a long pause where you take in his words, he murmurs silently. “Missed you during the shoot.”
“Awh darling,” You coo, pressing a soft kiss onto his shoulder, and even though he doesn’t feel it through his own coat, Chan can feel himself smile affectionately. Every tiny gesture you provide is just so... attracting. Comforting. Be it lacing your fingers through his hair and stroking gently to lull him into sleep or just a hand against his thigh, a soft whisper of an “I’m here” when his stress gets the best of him and he’s clinging desperately onto your shirt, fluttering of your lips all over his face the occasional time you wake up together, or just this — walking through a park at midnight because it’s hard to meet up when you’re both popular idols, hand in hand with almost no words spoken. Everything about you is just so... beautiful. “Did you eat and drink well this week?”
“I did. You wouldn’t stop texting me every day, remember?” Chan laughs, the kind that makes your heart flutter and do backflips.
“It’s very necessary. We both know you're total ass at taking breaks.”
“Hey!” Chan pouts, almost offended at your statement. “I’m trying, okay?” He then smiles, pressing a soft kiss to the top of your head, inhaling the fruity scent of your shampoo. “Besides, I have an amazing girlfriend to remind me, am I right?”
“Yeah yeah.” You brush him off, feeling the light grow darker in a particular section of the path, and that’s when you know you’ve reached the place you’ve been walking towards. There’s a bench placed in this place too — it’s the perfect spot for hidden conversations and maybe, kisses, because the chicken wire is completely hidden by trees, making this spot invisible from the outside.
“There it is.” You point out and Chan follows in pursuit, dusting the seat off for you slightly. Once you’ve sat down, you feel your cheeks burn, because the events that take place once the both of you find this spot has been engrained in your mind at this point. They’re the kind that get you flustered every time you see Chan in the JYP building the next day.
The chirping of insects is so much more intense here, yet you don’t even hear it when Chan puts an arm on your shoulder, gently sweeping his thumb against the material of your overcoat, a soft smile taking over his lips as your eyes lock. 
A gush of wind then sweeps past you, the chill in the air higher over here than near the entrance. You lean into Chan and he gets the idea immediately, pulling his coat over the both of you as you snuggle into his shoulder. He’s warm, so warm, so cozy, all you want to do is melt into his embrace and stay. Stay locked in this position you’ve grown accustomed to and found yourself in many times, with the gentle murmur of wind and chirping resounding all around you, almost like you’re trapped in utopia. You want to stay right here, but unfortunately, time runs fast.
“It’s cold.” He comments, and you let the words settle into the air.
“You’re warm.”
At that, Chan feels his smile widen genuinely, his grip on your shoulders tightening just the slightest before he trails up to tangle his fingers with your hair. You feel yourself tense before melting further, lifting your head up to look into his eyes, and my gosh, you can see the whole galaxy in them. His eyes are more sparkly, more lustrous than the clear night sky that lies above him, though the combined visual is truly enough to take your breath away.
“Always for you.”
One second, you feel his hand gently hold your chin and tip your head up, and the next, he leans to press his lips to your own. A mixture of warmth, fuzziness and nervousness bubbles inside you, mostly because you’re suddenly aware of the fact that you’re in the park — pitch black with dim lighting, yes, but still a public space.
Well, blame it on you for telling your partner you wanted thrill in your life when you were on your first date. It wasn’t a regular occurrence when you and Chan had the idea of meeting up at the park every Saturday midnight, kissing each other at midnight in a park where the trees were barely covering the partitions. Quite frankly, you have no idea when this whole thing started, all you know is that it became quite a frequent occurrence to go home with your cheeks feeling warm and your thumbs fidding with the collar of your shirt.
Your hands stay frozen on your lap and your brain fills with white noise. His lips feel so, so soft against your own as you basically melt against him. You can feel your knees go weak even though you’re sitting down, and Chan’s hands immediately grip your arms as though to cage you from your surroundings. Being in his arms seems like a whole other world to you. They surround you like that warm whiff of air when you get back home after a cold day at work, lock you against his body and protect you against any negativity that may threaten to look your way. Being in his arms, you feel like you’re in a cage you never want to get out from. A cage in which you are complete, you are content, you are loved.
And so, you gently press your palm to his cheek, running his thumb against the high end of his cheekbone, humming when you feel the soft skin underneath. His lips linger against your own for two seconds before he pulls away, feeling your delicate touch against his cheek. Then, he slowly turns to brush his lips against your palm, leaving a soft kiss there, and my god, you feel like your heart is gonna beat out of your chest. It’s too much for you to handle, his gestures are too sweet, to loving for you to not turn into a flustered mess.
He leans in once again, and this time, you cup his cheeks, pulling him closer until your lips meet and move in a synchrony of pure bliss. The hum he lets out is your favorite kind of music, it always build up the want for you to hear more. It’s just a pure expression of love that the both of you share, erasing every memory of anything else except each other. You love him, he loves you. That is all, and that is enough.
You never really knew that the man who wore his heart on his sleeve would end up meaning so much to you, but now that he’s yours, you never want to let him go.
It seems very practiced, owing to the countless times you’ve done this before, yet making your heart flutter all the same when the words “I love you” leave his lips in a hushed whisper. Only you’re allowed to hear those words, that tone, that beaming smile that pulls at his lips when his eyes meet your own even in this darkness. Even in this darkness, he thinks you look absolutely stunning, and all he wants to do is tell you how much he loves you over and over again. Well, that’s love. And love is an amazing thing to experience, you can say for sure.
You let yourself smile into the kiss before leaving a quick peck and pulling away, feeling him do the same before opening his eyes and gazing at your features. You shyly look to the side, noticing the leaves that sway gently where the gentle wind hits them. 
Even though the atmosphere is cold, you feel fuzzy and warm when Chan giggles, sparing a quick look to his watch before intertwining your fingers with his.
“Come on, we have some time before leaving, we can play on the swings.”
Oh, he knows the child in you too well.
When you’re done swinging the swings and collecting some flowers that seem fresh, you circle the route of of the park and back to the entrance, it’s already one in the morning. Most — especially your group members — would argue that the both of you should’ve been sleeping by now, owing to your hectic schedule that leaves you weary by the end of the day. But you tell them sometimes, just to get that one hour to spend with your lover, you’re willing to make the sacrifice — and seeing the loving, misty glint in your eyes, they understand.
“So, I guess... I’ll see you tomorrow?” Chan says, and you kick the air gently before pulling your mask over your face. Seeing you, he does the same.
“Yeah, you’ll be in your studio, right? I can drop by.” 
“Yeah. So, um...” You and Chan can never seem to ever part ways once your quality time with each other comes to a halt, the both of you want to reach out and embrace, and never leave. You often wonder what lead to your silent life being plagued with the essence of love, but then you see Chan, and you smile when you realise the answer.
And so, as if trying to hold onto the moment, freeze time a bit, you turn to him and pull him into a hug. He immediately responds and wraps his arms around your shoulders, resting his head on your neck as you sway from side to side. The road is quiet with the occasional vehicle speeding past, but you pay no attention to it. All you feel is Chan’s welcoming arms, his familiar smell that clouds your senses and makes you feel relaxed than ever.
“I love you, so much.” You murmur, not even sure if he’s able to hear it, but he does. He always does.
“I love you too.”
At that, you try to pull away to look into his eyes one last time, but Chan doesn’t let you, pulling his arms tighter across you and holding you close.
You laugh. “Chan.”
“Yes?” He drags the word and smirks mischievously.
“I have to go back to the dorms, and so do you.” You remind. “It’s late.”
“Mmh, alright.” He says, straightening himself from the embrace but not quite letting go yet. “But give me one more kiss before you go.”
You raise an eyebrow before looking around. While the interior of the park does have trees and stuff to cover the walls, the entrance doesn’t, and that sparks some nervousness within you, though you aren’t exactly worried. You’ve gotten away with stuff like this before, when either of you gets clingy and wants that one last lingering moment before you go your separate ways.
You lean in slowly and he just stands there, waiting for you to kiss him with that smile that he just can’t contain when he looks at you. When you pull both your masks down and your lips meet, it’s only for one tiny peck. You then quickly pull away and pull your mask over your face again, and Chan, though giggling furiously at the way he can see you’ve gone a little warm at the action, does the same.
You then bid goodbye and walk your way back home, the warmth that lingers all over skin so, so soothing to your mind. It’s like someone took away all your worries, leaving you in a bubble of contentment. It’s almost surprising how in the grand scheme of things, one person could stumble into your way and completely take your breath away, all because of the word we call love. You’ve realised how love means so much to you after Chan entered your life, and you don’t seem to be changing that idea any time soon.
When you’re almost close to home, your phone dings with a message, with the sender id “channieeee <3″. Instantly, you click on the message.
channieeee <3: so channieeee <3: same time tomorrow?  channieeee <3: pls 🥺👉🏻👈🏻 pls pls pls pls-
A dizzy, pure smile captures your expression, and so, not wanting to delay your plans to meet your lover again, you reply.
y/n: same time tomorrow, then 🥺💞 love you <3
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*:・゚✧ find the other fics here !
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vannahfanfics · 3 years
Electric Love
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Category: Romantic Fluff
Fandom: My Hero Academia
Characters: Izuku Midoriya, Ochako Uraraka
Hey, all! Here’s my story for the Izuku Big Bang! I had the pleasure again of working with my good friend @danyartime​, so do be sure to check out her adorable art too!
Izuku bobbed his head to the upbeat poppy tune bumping from the small speakers of his desk radio. Though the volume was low to keep from disturbing his dorm mates, the thumping bass in the background of the happy lyrics vibrated the pencils and pens in the ceramic cup beside it. The little tink-tink-tinks of the writing utensils hitting the side of the cup added pleasant harmony to the song. Izuku hummed along as he scrawled notes into his hero notebook, recalling everything he could from the joint training they’d conducted with Class 1-B that day. Just as he was musing that it may be time for yet another volume of his detailed notes, the song ended abruptly to be replaced by a particularly loud yell from the radio host. Izuku jumped and looked at the radio, turning it up in curiosity. 
“Thank you for tuning in this evening, folks! Today we have a very special offer for a lucky listener! Prepare to dial your phones, ‘cuz the tenth caller will win tickets to AKB48’s upcoming concert in Akihabara!” the host announced excitedly. Izuku wasn’t big into girl groups, but he’d often heard his female classmates discussing the idols. They must be really famous! He thought, pulling up his phone and typing up the radio station’s number as the host provided it. “All right, folks! Get ready to hit ‘dial,’ because time… starts… now!” 
Izuku waited just a brief second before hitting the dial button and holding the phone up to his ear. He honestly didn’t expect much— there were probably hundreds of people calling in with the hopes of securing the tickets— but he did get a little excited when he wasn’t immediately greeted with a busy signal or a “sorry” message. The phone rang for a second, and then, much to Izuku’s surprise, someone picked up. 
“Congratulations, Lucky Number 10! You’ve won yourself two tickets to AKB48’s concert next weekend!” 
“R-really?” Izuku stammered in shock, completely floored that a whim of a call had actually won him something. “Oh, wow! Thank you!” 
“Thank you for calling in today! What’s your name, Lucky Number 10?” 
“Well, Izuku, we hope you enjoy seeing the dolls of Akihabara in action! Stay on the line so we can provide you with information on how to claim your tickets.” Izuku did as bid while the radio host switched to a private line, playing a song for those who had been unsuccessful in their efforts in claiming the tickets. They gathered his basic information and provided him with the address to the local radio station, stressing that he needed to bring a valid photo identification to verify that it was indeed him and not someone trying to make off with his winnings. They made an appointment to pick up the tickets the following afternoon, since it was too late in the evening for a student to be out and about. After hanging up the phone, Izuku found himself excited to attend the concert despite not really being passionate about the band— new experiences were always thrilling, after all! 
Now… The real question is, who should I take with me? 
By the time he had retrieved his tickets and returned to the dorm the next day, Izuku didn’t have the answer to that question. He perched on the couch eyeing the two cardstock tickets with a frown, debating who to invite. He didn’t imagine that any of the boys were that into girl groups, so he couldn’t take any of them. On the other hand, all the girls probably liked them in some capacity or another. I want to take the person who would enjoy it the most!, he thought with a sigh, flopping back against the couch as the riddle poisoned him from the inside out. 
Just then, he heard Ochako and Kyoka’s voice drifting out of the kitchen. The two girls came shuffling out in their pajamas and fuzzy socks, probably getting ready for their weekly girls’ night as evidenced by the massive bowl of popcorn tucked in Kyoka’s arms. Ochako stared wistfully at her phone, petulant about something. 
“Man… I really wish I could go to the performance next weekend, but the tickets are so expensive!” she moped. Izuku perked up, peering over the edge of the couch. 
“Ochako, I told you that I would take you if you really want to go,” Kyoka smiled wanly. 
“No way!” Ochako refused, shaking her head vigorously. “I could never ask you to spend money like that on me!” She stopped walking to look at Kyoka, then deflated like a balloon and looked back to her phone once more. “All I can do is hope that they’re still performing by the time I’m making money as a professional hero…” 
“Hey, Ochako!��� Izuku hurriedly piped up as the two girls turned to head upstairs. She whirled around to look at him, eyebrows raised in confusion. Izuku flushed as he sat up on his knees to look over the back of the couch, suddenly aware that it would sound like he was eavesdropping. “I-I couldn’t help but overhear… I, um, I won two tickets to the AKB48 concert next weekend in a radio contest. You’re more than welcome to use the extra ticket and come with me.” 
“Oh my gosh, Deku, are you serious?” Ochako screamed and zoomed over to him faster than he’d ever seen anyone move, even Tenya. She grabbed his hands, clasping hers around his with the tickets still clutched in his fist. Her nut-brown eyes sparkled with delight as they bored into his emerald ones, which only made him flush darker. “You really mean it? Oh, thank you, thank you! I’m so excited; they’re my absolute favorite girl group! Oh, I’m so excited!” 
Her animated reaction made a smile stretch across his lips and a warm, bubbly feeling rise up in his chest. When she let his hands go to take the ticket, she gazed down at it like it was the most special gift in the world; tears of joy even bloomed in the corners of her eyes. “Thank you so much, Deku,” she repeated again, softly and choked with emotion. 
“Of course, Ochako! We’re gonna have a lot of fun!” He grinned widely. Ochako looked up at him shyly, batting her eyelashes to blink the tears away, before whirling on her heel to scurry back to Kyoka. Izuku leaned his cheek in his hand, smiling dreamily, as the girl jumped up and down giddily while showing Kyoka the ticket like it was nothing short of pure treasure. Cute, he thought, his smile growing more enchanted as Ochako’s own illuminated the room with the brilliance of a star. Seeing her so happy sent a light, fluttering feeling through his chest, and he couldn’t wait until next weekend so he could see that bright smile again. 
The next week passed like a blur, chock-full of hero training interspaced with general lessons and heaps of homework. Izuku busted his behind to finish the week’s assignments by the eve of the concert, determined to have no obligations so he could enjoy the outing as much as possible. After penning his last page of a small history report, Izuku slunk downstairs to indulge in some much-needed human interaction. He sank down on the common room couch with a heavy sigh, right beside Denki and Hanta, who were spending the evening playing videogames. 
“Well, well, well, look who decided to crawl out of their hole and join the world of the living!” Denki joked, nudging him with an elbow before returning his attention to the racing game he was playing. He cursed under his breath as Hanta’s car slammed into his side and sent him crashing through benches and trees on the sidewalk. “Hey, man! Not cool!” 
“Ya snooze, ya lose, Denki!” Hanta cackled, leaning back on the couch and clapping the soles of his feet together excitedly. “Anyway, Izuku, you and Ochako are goin’ to that concert tomorrow, yeah?” he asked, sticking out his tongue and leaning his body as if it would make the virtual car turn harder. 
“That’s right! She seems really excited!” Izuku nodded eagerly. He thought of that illuminating smile, of the joy simply radiating off her being, and couldn’t help but grin giddily. Denki caught his dreamy expression out of his peripheral vision and raised an eyebrow, then teasingly stuck out the tip of his tongue between his teeth. 
“So, does she know that it’s a date?” 
“What?” Izuku sputtered, throwing up his arms and curling his legs up on the couch in shock. His face had turned a bright shade of crimson in a mere instant, his freckles buried beneath the fiery warmth of his blush. “I-it’s not a date! I just had an extra ticket, that’s all, and it would have been such a shame for it to go to waste, so I was looking for someone to give it to, and I overheard Ochako talking about how much she liked the band, so n-n-naturally I would ask her if she wanted to go, because after all, I had the ticket and that’s the nice thing to do—” he babbled, his face reddening with each breathless phrase. Denki and Hanta just stared at him with matching expressions of pure skepticism, which only made his face more reminiscent of a tomato. Steam was practically buffeting out of his ears by the time he lost all semblance of words and just started gasping like a fish out of water. 
“Anyway, does she know it’s a date?” Denki repeated, deadpan. Izuku slapped his hands to his face, utterly mortified. He hadn’t intended to ask Ochako on a date; he was just trying to be nice! What if she did think it was a date? He had less than twenty-four hours until they were set to go to the concert, but if she thought it was a date, then he had to make sure it was the best date ever! After all, it would be her first date, wouldn’t it? Oh, he would hate for her to have a terrible experience— and with him, no less! What should he do? What should he do? 
“Now, Izuku,” Denki sighed magnanimously, chucking his controller onto the coffee table since his friend was clearly distressed. Hanta pouted, disappointed he could no longer clown Denki with the racing game, but paused the game so he could walk around the couch to plop down on Izuku’s other side and sling his lanky arm around his shoulders. Izuku’s emerald eyes, shining against his crimson skin, nervously peered through the gaps in his fingers. “Don’t worry! There’s still plenty of time to fix this sad, sad, sad situation you’ve gotten yourself into.” 
“There is?” 
“Indeed there is!” Hanta chimed in agreement, nodding his head and holding up his index finger confidently. “Rest assured, Izuku, the two of us are gonna transform you into the studliest of studs so that tomorrow you’ll sweep Ochako off her feet, guaranteed!” Izuku tentatively lowered his hands from his face, blinking uncertainly. Despite his misforgivings, Denki and Hanta were popular with the girls of the Hero Course; surely they at least knew something about taking a girl out on a date, right? Whether or not that was true, the two boys hoisted Izuku up to cart him upstairs, ready to give him a crash-course on wooing their adorable, bubbly classmate and taking her on the best first date ever… 
The following afternoon, after a night of feverish courting lessons and last-minute reservations, Izuku was standing in Denki’s bedroom, nervously regarding himself in the mirror hanging on the back of the blond’s closet door. He was dressed in a pair of tight-fitting, slightly torn jeans and a graphic tee— a much different look than his usual cargo shoots and simple tees. Denki fluttered around him, biting down on his lip as he suppressed excited squeals of delight. 
“Uh, Denki, are you sure about this?” Izuku asked, plucking at the white fibers of the shredded denim over his knees. “Shouldn’t I, like, dress for comfort?” 
“No!” Denki scolded and flicked him in the forehead, making Izuku whimper and press his hand over the pink mark on his forehead. “You dress to impress on a date, dude. Rule #1! Ochako’s probably gonna be dressed to the nines for this concert; you don’t wanna embarrass her! Sheesh.” 
Before Izuku could respond, Hanta descended upon him, spritzing him with cologne. Izuku hacked and coughed as the clouds of strong-smelling aroma wafted up into his face, stinging his eyes and throat. Hanta patted his shoulders and gave them an encouraging squeeze, grinning at him through his reflection. 
“You’re gonna do great, Izuku! Remember your training,” he encouraged with another squeeze. Izuku momentarily panicked, his mind flushing the last eighteen hours of grilling the two boys had subjected him to in the art of wooing women. Denki rolled his eyes and thwapped him upside the head with an encouraging smirk. 
“Relax, dude. You’re gonna do fine! Just remember to show Ochako a good time. That’s Rule #1!” 
“I thought ‘dress to impress’ was Rule #1?” Izuku blinked in confusion. 
“Every rule is Rule #1,” Denki tutted, but before Izuku could ask what good that did, Hanta steered him out of the room telling him that it was time for the show to start. They propelled him all the way to Ochako’s room, abandoning him there with no more than excited thumbs-ups and matching grins. Izuku watched them scurry back to the stairs, gulped loudly, and then nervously smoothed down his messy pine-green hair. He was already beginning to sweat; it beaded on the pads of his fingers as he smoothed them through his hair. 
Okay, Izuku! You can do this!, he encouraged himself with a roll of his shoulders and a determined sigh. He’d already informed Ochako that he intended to take her out for lunch today, and she should be ready for their outing by now. He took one more moment to steel his nerves before knocking on her bedroom door before he could change his mind. 
“Comi— oh dear!” 
Izuku winced as the cheerful call was interrupted by a loud thump and a startled squeal. He could hear shuffling and muffled whimpers and stomping around the room; just as he was about to inquire if Ochako was all right, the door swung open to reveal a breathless and red-faced Ochako. 
“Hey, Deku!” she grinned brightly as she swept a stray strand of her chestnut hair from her face, covering her anxiety with a nervous laugh. He could see her leaning awkwardly on one leg and the beginnings of a bruise forming on her other knee. “I’m ready to go!” she trilled, leaning in the doorframe and using her smile to try and hide the pained wobbling of her lips. He began to ask if she was really okay, but the words died in his throat when he finally took a moment to really look at her. 
She was wearing a pink sundress with a white ribbon around the waist, tied in a big bow in the back with lace accents. Shiny white sandals framed her feet, her pink painted toenails shining in the fluorescent lights of the hallway. A big pink-and-white bow was tucked into her hair, which framed her round face. A blush rose to Izuku’s cheeks as he stared at her, mouth opening and closing repeatedly. Ochako blinked perplexedly, eyes growing owlish. “Deku? What is it?” 
“Y-y-you look really cute today,” he finally managed. Ochako blinked again, and then her face flooded the color of her dress. She fisted the skirt shyly, swaying back and forth and trying not to let her happiness show on her face. 
“Thanks, Deku… You look nice, too…” She twirled a lock of her hair around her finger as Izuku continued to admire her beauty, her bashful little smile. After a minute of him just dreamily gawking, Ochako fluttered her eyes and politely pushed, “Um… Deku, shouldn’t we get going? We have a reservation at that sandwich place, don’t we?” 
“O-oh gosh! Sorry, sorry! Yes, let’s go!” In his flurry, he instinctively grabbed Ochako’s hand to begin pulling her down the hall. He heard her squeak in surprise and could feel the nervous sweat flood her palm, but for some reason, he didn’t feel the urge to let go. Her hand felt so soft and nice against his, which was scarred and calloused from the harsh use of his Quirk. She was careful not to touch his skin with her padded fingertips; they wouldn’t get very far with him floating off into space, after all! He did look at her briefly, however, silently inquiring if she was okay. She only grinned bashfully and gave his hand a little approvatory squeeze— and his heart rate shot into the atmosphere as that warm joy bubbled up inside of him. 
It was about a three-hour bullet train ride to Tokyo, where they would catch lunch before heading to Akihabara to attend the early evening concert before catching the train back. It certainly was a full day, but Izuku found himself excited as he joined the train with Ochako. Their curriculum was so demanding that it was rare they had a chance for an outing like this, and Izuku was happy it was with one of his best friends. Except… Best friends don’t go out on dates, he thought with a blush, looking down at where Ochako’s hand rested on the arm of the train seat. He’d let her hand go when they left the dorm, but his fingers had insistently itched to claim her soft hand once again. It felt like it had fit so perfectly in his own, like two puzzle pieces clicking into place. 
He looked away from her hand before she noticed, busying himself with the scenic landscape of Japan idling by through the window. He wasn’t sure how long he spent watching the buildings and roads and trees and hills roll by, but eventually he heard a soft thunk that pulled his attention away from the glass pane. He turned to see that Ochako had slumped over the edge of the seat to loll into the aisle, her mouth parted as she gently snored. The thunk had been her bracelet striking the plastic edge of the seat as her arm slipped off. She was bent awkwardly with the other arm of the seat digging into her side. It certainly didn’t look comfortable, evidenced by the way her face twitched in discomfort and she mumbled something unintelligible but laced with pain. 
I can’t let her stay like that, Izuku thought. Gently so as not to wake her, he leaned in to loop his arms around her and pull her back into the seat. She immediately began to slip to the side again, head bobbing, and he reflexively caught the side of her head with his hand. He flushed at the realization of just how big his hand was in comparison to hers, so easily cradling her skull. Tenderly, he guided her head to rest on his shoulder. Ochako’s face slowly became peaceful as she sought out his warmth, smacking her lips as she nuzzled into his neck. Heat flooded his body when the tip of her nose brushed his neck, but he fought the urge to spaz out because Ochako just looked downright adorable snoozing against him. 
Smiling sweetly, Izuku swept away a chunk of hair that had fallen into her face and tucked it behind her ear. Ochako hummed contentedly, her plump lips curling into a tiny smile. 
“Deku,” she mumbled sleepily. He tensed, afraid he’d actually woken her up; however, Ochako didn’t move, just continued to doze peacefully. He relaxed and then immediately tensed again when the realization struck him— Ochako had just said his name in her sleep. What does that mean? Does that mean something? Oh my gosh! Surely that means something, right? He used his free hand to nervously fidget, twiddling his fingers and jumping his leg up and down. His mind whirled for the remainder of the train ride, struggling to comprehend the implications of such a simple utterance. He was in such a whirlwind of confusion that he almost missed their stop as it chimed over the intercom. 
Izuku started with a gasp, then looked down at Ochako, who was still dozing peacefully. He gently shook her shoulder, looking up nervously as people began filing off the train. 
“Ochako… It’s our stop!” he whispered loudly. Ochako stirred, her eyelashes fluttering to reveal hazy, sleep-addled eyes. She looked up at him drowsily with a sleepy smile on her lips. Izuku couldn’t help but return it with a sweet one of his own, charmed by how cute she looked as she rose into consciousness. “Good morning, sleepyhead!” he joked. “Sorry to wake you, but we’re in Tokyo.” 
“Really?” she asked, looking around with her eyes still lidded with sleep. It took her a second to realize her head was propped on his shoulder, her short brown hair spilling over it like a curtain. When she did, however, she stiffened, and then bolted up with a squeak. Izuku only just managed to pull back in time before her head collided with his chin. Ochako covered her hands with her face, peering at him with appalled brown eyes. “I-I-I’m so sorry! How long have I been sleeping on you? That must have been so uncomfortable!” 
“N-n-no, not at all!” Izuku stammered back, waving his hands in denial. “It felt kinda nice, actually.” A split second of silence passed between them as they processed what he’d just uttered. Both of them then gasped and looked away from each other, both covering their bright red faces. The announcer pleasantly initiated the last call, making Izuku stand up stiffly. “W-w-w-we need to go! We don’t wanna miss our reservation!” 
“You’re right! Let’s go!” Ochako agreed, standing up and scurrying down the aisle while still covering her face. Izuku hurried after her, and they managed to hop off the bullet train just as the doors were closing. They stood awkwardly on the platform, heat radiating off them like a couple of steamed pork buns. They took a moment to recover from the embarrassing situation, with Izuku pulling up a map on his phone to navigate their way to the sandwich shop. He looked at Ochako, still slightly pink-faced, and coughed politely because she was still staring stressfully off into space. 
“Sh-shall we head off? I don’t think that the train station specializes in sandwiches,” he joked lightly and rubbed the back of his neck. Ochako smiled at his wisecrack, her opal-pink cheeks turning a pleasant shade of carnation as her discomfort was replaced with happiness. She nodded in agreement so Izuku turned around, standing on his tip-toes to hunt for the stairs over the sea of heads. The subway was bustling as those departing the train and those preparing for the next arrival blended together in a writhing, cacophonic mess. He and Ochako stared dauntedly at the tightly-crammed mass and the stairs hugging the wall beyond the great sea of people. 
“Um… Ochako… Would you like to hold hands?” Izuku offered shyly, looking at her with a sheepish smile. When her eyes blew wide like twin moons, his face blazed red and he hurriedly threw up his hands defensively. “I-I-I just don’t want us to get separated, that’s all! Th-there’s so many people, a-a-after all, and it would waste more time if one of us got lost!” 
“Oh!” Ochako blinked, the blush in her face fading with a sheepish smile. “Sure, Deku.” She offered him her hand and Izuku took it, careful not to touch all five of the cute little pink pads adorning her fingertips. As easy as floating over the crowd would be, it would probably present more problems than it would solve in the end. 
Clutching her hand tight and mildly self-conscious about the sweat that blossomed on his palm, he turned slightly to the side so he could shoulder his way through the crowd. He toted Ochako along, shouting “Excuse me!” and “Coming through!” over the chatter and mechanical din of the train station. Somehow, they wormed their way through the crowd and arrived at the base of the stairs, albeit a little breathless. He smiled at Ochako and moved to retract his hand, but surprisingly, she clenched down on his fingers. When he stared confusedly at her, she looked bashfully down at her feet. 
“It might be crowded on the street, so… maybe we should play it safe?” She peered out of her lashes at him, pink tinging her cheeks. Izuku’s eyebrows crept up his forehead, too stunned to even have the sense to blush, but the hopefulness in Ochako’s timid gaze chased away any inclinations of refusing. He just smiled sweetly and squeezed her hand, prompting her to look up at him. 
“Of course, Ochako. The last thing I’d want to do today is lose you.” 
She gasped lightly, then used her free hand to hide her face as it flushed bright red. Izuku, realizing how flirtatious the simple declaration could sound, did the same and looked over his shoulder. I didn’t mean for it to sound so lovey-dovey, but Ochako thinks this is a date, so I guess I should be a little flirty, right?, he thought, peering out of the gaps in his fingers at her. Though her hand covered most of her face, he could see the edges of her blissful smile poking out from underneath her fingers. The fact she was so happy at just a small comment made his heart flutter and a bubbly feeling rise up in his body. I want to make her as happy as I can today… he realized, a soft smile spreading over his lips. 
I’ll do my best to make this the best date ever for you, Ochako!
Finally, the two awkward teenagers gathered their wits enough to ascend the stairs to the street above. Like Ochako predicted, Akihabara was rather hectic; people streamed along the sidewalks, huddling close together as cars trundled by on the cobblestone roads. Flickering, bright neon signs towered over them advertising shops, deals, news, and— most importantly— the upcoming concert. Using his trusty map as a guide, Izuku weaved through the foot traffic toward the sandwich shop crammed in the small square space. 
“Wow! Look at all the cosplays, Deku,” Ochako piped up suddenly. He looked up with a confused blink, having been absorbed in following the map, before glancing around. Sure enough, a lot of the patrons moseying around were decked out in cosplay of their favorite anime characters. They flocked to the electronics and manga stores, coming out laden with goods. Others stood outside of maid cafés, chatting amicably with the girls in black-and-white dresses, thigh-high stockings, and cute bonnets trying to entice them in for an afternoon snack. Electronic music and chimes bled out of the door of a pachinko parlor as it opened and closed continuously with gamblers walking in and out, most of them defeatedly. 
“Wow! Akihabara really is as electric as they say,” Izuku praised. The air thrummed with energy; he could feel it vibrating under his skin, humming in his bones and sending a pleasant adrenaline pulsing through his body. He found himself with a prance in his step as he led Ochako on, both of them stopping occasionally to marvel at the eclectic displays that made Akihabara the haven for otakus and electronics enthusiasts. They paused so many times that they almost did miss their reservation, bundling into the shop with only a minute to spare and startling the hostess. 
Like the rest of Akihabara, the sandwich shop possessed an anime theme, specifically a popular magical girl anime that he knew Ochako liked to watch with Tooru. The waitresses strutted around in colorful, lace-laden dresses, playfully waving their ornate wands and punctuating their conversations with cute poses and sayings. Ochako’s eyes brightened immediately when they walked inside, and she looked at Izuku surprisedly as they were escorted to a table. 
“Izuku, did you pick this place because of me?” she asked as she eased into the booth seat, which was white and patterned with little pastel-colored hearts and stars. Izuku tried not to seem too proud of himself as he sat across from her, failing a little as the cheeky grin of satisfaction worked its way onto his face. 
“Yeah! They were really nice about working us in for the concert today,” he explained as he picked up the salt and pepper shakers, which were styled like fluffy alien mascots, to examine them with amusement. He set them down before smiling at Ochako, who looked like she was about to cry with gratitude. “I wanted you to have a good time, so I thought picking a restaurant themed after your favorite anime would make you happy!” 
She shrunk down a little in the booth. Her lips twitched as she tried not to smile too hard, but it broke free, stretching across her face until her eyes crinkled up into little half-moons. She played with the bow around her middle and shifted, her eyes trained shyly on the table. Finally, she murmured a soft, “Thank you, Deku. I really am happy.” 
“I’m glad,” Izuku replied, just as softly. She shifted again, her smile growing wider, though her face strained to fit the absolutely overjoyed beam. It made that fuzzy, bubbly feeling rise up within him again. He picked up the menu to hide his pleased smile. 
Everything’s going so well! 
They spent an hour or so in the shop, chowing down on scrumptious sandwiches and fraternizing with the costumed waitresses. Ochako snagged a photograph with every single one of them, and she broke down crying when the manager gifted her a free cosplay wand of her favorite magical girl because he was so charmed by her enthusiasm. She clutched it to her chest as they walked out of the shop, her eyes glittering like diamonds and her skin practically glowed with happiness. As Izuku pulled up his map again to find the concert venue, Ochako dramatically flourished the wand and bopped him on the head. 
“Am I a magical girl now?” He laughed while putting a hand on his head where she had tapped him with it. 
“Yep!” She giggled, tapping him again on his hand. “You’d make a beautiful magical girl.” 
“Thanks.” He laughed. “I’ll take that into consideration. Maybe I’ll make it my brand in a few years!” 
“Oh my gosh!” Ochako laughed, covering her mouth with an obscene snort. “I can just imagine you prancing around in thigh-high boots and a skirt with little plastic wings…” 
“I thought you said I would be a beautiful magical girl!” He whined. “What, is the image too beautiful for you to handle?” 
They both began laughing hysterically at the image of Izuku waltzing around in a girly costume with his magic wand touting about the power of friendship and love. It certainly was amusing. They continued to joke about it while they strolled to the concert venue, a building tucked into the towering mish-mash of specialty shops. It proudly displayed “AKB48” in bright letters of purple, red, and blue on the scrolling neon sign, followed by a “SOLD OUT” in white. 
“It’s a good thing you won those tickets, Deku!” Ochako said when they filed into line. Izuku clutched the tickets in his hands; it would be a shame for them to come all this way only to have lost them at the finish line. They inched forward as the concertgoers were filed inside. 
“Yeah! I’m happy you agreed to come with me, Ochako. Truthfully, I don’t know anything about these idols,” he admitted while bashfully rubbing the back of his neck. “I just called in for the heck of it. I was so shocked when I found out I actually won!” 
“Really? This is gonna be so much fun, then! I can’t wait to see what you think of them!” 
“Yeah?” he said, finding himself growing excited from her infectious enthusiasm. She began to ramble about the origin of idol groups in Akihabara and the rise of the latest, AKB48. Though Izuku really didn’t understand much of what she was talking about, the way her eyes lit up and a smile painted her round face made him listen along anyway. He watched her dreamily, more watching her mouth move than paying attention to the words coming out of it. She really is pretty, he thought absently, marveling at the sheen of her glossed lips. He wondered what flavor it could be. She seemed like a strawberry or cherry type of person, but maybe she opted for something unique. 
“Tickets, please.” 
Izuku was startled out of his daydreaming by the attendant, who had apparently been asking him for the tickets for several seconds, based on his annoyed expression and demandingly outstretched hand. Izuku hurriedly handed over the tickets while sputtering apologies, but the greeter only dismissively waved them through. Ochako encouragingly patted Izuku’s back as he shuffled on, sulking with embarrassment. 
I just couldn’t help but get so engrossed in her talking, he thought with a light blush dusting his cheeks. His eyes were still engrossed with her, trailing slowly to watch as she scampered up to the merchandise table to ogle the band tee shirts. A dreamy smile automatically appeared on Izuku’s lips; she just looked too cute, her index finger pressed against her pursed lips as she carefully surveyed the selection. He moseyed up behind her, hands clasped behind his back and his eyebrows raised meaningfully. 
“There’s a little time before the concert starts… Would you like a shirt, Ochako?” 
“What?” she cried, jumping at his sudden appearance. “O-o-oh, no, I was just looking! You already paid for lunch, Deku. I couldn’t possibly ask for more!” she refused, waving her hands. She was still holding the wand from the sandwich shop, so she accidentally bopped herself in the head with it during her nervous flailing. Her face turned bright red, but she continued to insistently refuse his offer. “Seriously, Deku, don’t worry about it. I don’t want one that bad.” Yet, her eyes slid longingly back to the table. 
“Yeah, you do.” He laughed and pulled out his wallet. He danced away when Ochako tried to swipe at him, dodging her grabs while pulling out a few bills. It took a few seconds for him to get back to the merchandise seller, who was watching them amusedly, but once Izuku dropped the bills into his hand, it was over. Ochako slumped defeatedly and sheepishly slid the shirt she wanted off the table, while Izuku grabbed another that had caught his eye. Izuku slipped his own over the tee-shirt that Denki had loaned him, and Ochako followed suit by sliding hers over her dress. The fronds of her bow stuck out awkwardly underneath, making Izuku chuckle and bat at them. 
“What? Do I look funny?” she pouted, grabbing the hem of the shirt subconsciously. 
“No,” he chuckled while rubbing the soft, wilky fabric of the bow’s tail between his thumbs. “I think it’s cute how big of a fan you are that you’ll wear it over your dress.” Ochako flushed and ducked her head, the edges of her smile peeking out of her swathes of brown hair. He reached out to tuck it behind her ear, and as his fingertips brushed ever-so-softly against her cheek, she froze. Normally he would grow flustered and flail about, but… there was something about the electric energy of this place that made him bold, that made him act on the warm, fluttery feeling that had been filling him up all afternoon. 
Slowly, that bubbly warmth had become sharper, stronger, turning into volts of electricity that shot through his bones every time Ochako gifted him that beautiful smile and cute pink face. He wasn’t even sure that he wanted to make her happy simply for her sake anymore, but rather a selfish desire to fuel the electricity pulsing within him, those sparks of affection slowly coalescing into an electric storm. 
“W-we should go find our seats,” Ochako gulped after a few seconds of staring at him in stunned silence, as his hands were still resting in her hair. He hummed in agreement and pulled back, sliding his hands in his pockets as he led the way. They walked into the concert hall proper to find rows upon rows of seats surrounding a spacious stage. Large black speakers lined its circumference and purple-blue lights basked the area in a dusky glow. Thanks to winning the special promotion, Izuku and Ochako’s seats were near the front— not too far up to be deafening, but close enough to still provide a great view and ambience. They pushed past the other concertgoers to take their place among the throng. They were just in time, as the lights soon dimmed and a hush descended upon the crowd. 
The silence was instantly replaced by deafening cheers as a group of young women in school uniforms skipped out on stage, smiling and waving enthusiastically. Izuku and Ochako barely had time to jam in the soft foam earplugs provided to them before the crowd erupted into their roars; even still, Izuku’s eardrums rang with the cacophony. After greeting the crowd, the girls set up in formation, prompting Ochako to touch Izuku’s arm excitedly. 
“Ah, they’re starting!” she squealed over the cheers. “I’m so excited!” She jumped up and down, standing on her tip-toes to watch the idols with sparkling eyes, and that’s when Izuku stopped paying attention to anything but her. 
Really, if he’d paid for the tickets, they’d have been a waste. Izuku spent the entire concert gazing at the girl beside him. The strobe lights played over her form in hues of pink and purple and blue, the light playing over her round cheeks pink with exhilaration and glinting off her bright smile and shining eyes. Sweat sheened on her skin as she danced excitedly in place and belted out the lyrics to the songs as loud as she could. Every time she looked at Izuku with an expression of sheer elation, he felt his breath leave his lungs. How a girl could be so utterly breathtaking doing something so simple as having fun, he wasn’t sure, but Ochako was. 
The electricity coursed through him, simmering under his skin and filling him to the brim with his own sense of joy. I think I love her, he realized with an adoring smile, just watching her sway her hips and toss her arms as she danced to the beat. No, I know I love her. Maybe he always had. How could he not? She had been there for him from the beginning of his journey, supporting him and encouraging him. She was the perfect balance of soft and strong, a kind heart ready to harden like steel whenever she needed to. And, God, she was beautiful, so beautiful his heart ached looking at her. She was a masterpiece underneath these flashing lights, the shining sun, the glowing moon— a soft and natural beauty that was as pure as the rest of her. 
Izuku found himself reaching out to her without realizing it. He gently touched her cheek, a feather-light trace of her skin. She dropped her arms slightly to look at him in confusion, and that’s when he closed the distance to press a kiss to her mouth. He felt her tense and then melt into him with a soft hum. Her body molded against his like it belonged there, her arms winding around his neck like they’d found their way home. The poppy tunes of the idol band faded into the background as they kissed slowly, sweetly, passionately, in the thralls of a love so electric it could power cities for all time. 
Eventually, they pulled apart, a little breathless and pink-faced. Strawberry, he thought absently when he licked his lips. Ochako stared coyly up at him and batted her eyelashes. 
“I didn’t know this was supposed to be a date,” she admitted quietly, so much so that Izuku almost didn’t hear her over the blasting music of the ending set. He did, though, and his eyes went wide in shock. 
“You… you didn’t? But Denki and Hanta said…” He trailed off with a groan, realizing just how big a mistake it was to listen to those two clowns. Ochako laughed when he face-palmed. She reached up to pull his hand away, still chuckling. The show had just ended with the crowd erupting in applause around them, but the two of them made no move to leave. 
“It’s okay,” she smiled sweetly. “I had an amazing time, Deku, really. This is more than I ever could have asked for.” 
“I’m glad, but…” He chewed nervously on the inside of his check. “Are you okay with it being a date? I mean, I thought… Which is why I kissed you, but if you didn’t want it, that was totally not okay of me—!” Before he could descend into sputtering rambles, Ochako silenced him by putting a finger over his lips. He crossed his eyes to blink at the digit, while she chuckled warmly. 
“Izuku, do you think I would have kissed you back if I wasn’t okay with it?” she teased. He blushed and rubbed the back of his neck, chuckling nervously. 
“Yeah, I suppose that’s true… So… does this mean we’re dating now?” 
“I suppose it does,” Ochako nodded bashfully, turning from side-to-side. Something about that made Izuku exceptionally giddy, so much so that he swooped in to press a kiss to the tip of her nose. She squealed in surprise and delight, returning his affections with a nose nuzzle. Filled to the brim with more happiness than he thought humanly possibly, Izuku just took a moment to admire his pretty new girlfriend, and her deep brown eyes that were staring at him, so in love. 
They were practically glued to one another’s side as they exited the concert hall. Dusk had descended, with the last rays of the sunlight spearing into the lavender-blue sky. Though Akihabara probably had much more fun to be had, they unfortunately had to return to the dorm before curfew. They headed straight for the station and boarded the bullet train. This time, Ochako nestled purposefully into his shoulder, watching with lidded eyes as he scrolled through his news feed on his phone. Izuku looped his arm around her waist to hold her close to him, enjoying her warmth blooming against his side with the nighttime cityscape basking them in streetlight.
It wasn’t long until she dozed off. Her shoulders rose and fell with gentle breaths. Izuku petted her soft hair with a smile, still on his phone as he idly wove the silky strands around his fingers. His phone chimed suddenly with a text message from Denki, asking how the date went. Smirking, Izuku raised his phone to snap a picture of them— Ochako dozing against him, held securely in Izuku’s grip. 
If Izuku had to say, it went very well indeed.
Enjoy this oneshot? Feel free to peruse my Table of Contents!
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arya-skywalker · 3 years
All that glitters is not gold, part 1 (Sanders Sides Fanfic)
Summary: LumaDale, the most magical place of your dreams. A theme park that claims to transport to a realm where real magic exists. When Thomas gets a sponsorship, of course he can’t turn down the chance to see it in person. Once he gets there, it feels like stepping into a magical dream. But dreams can quickly turn to nightmares, and some dreams can be hard to wake from.
Notes: I am actually so excited to finally post this! Fun fact: the original idea came from a dream one night.
Also a huge thanks to everyone in the TSS Fanworks Collective that helped brainstorm! Neil, fangirl, cherry, and alicat especially, y’all are amazing.
No TWs this chapter, but later chapters will get darker.
Part 2
AO3 link
“What is up, everybody?” Thomas did his signature intro, smiling at the vlog camera. “Today I am at LumaDale, the most magical place of your dreams, and the sponsor of this video!” He turned in a slow circle to show the gates— LumaDale written above in large ornate letters with medieval-style watchtowers on both sides. “I am so grateful to be here and have the opportunity to share the experience with all of you! I’ve heard a lot about this place and I’m so excited to see what it’s all about!”
Thomas walked up to the line, taking in his surroundings as he waited to be admitted inside. The place was packed, far busier than he expected for some niche theme park Renaissance fair thing. The buildings seemed of good quality too, with a bit of a Disneyworld feel overall. He made sure to give the camera a good view.
Soon enough he reached the gatehouse window. “Oh, hi, Thomas Sanders here, I got an email—“
“You’re good to go,” the person at the gate said, passing him a lanyard with a media pass. “Boss said you’d be coming. Enjoy your day!”
“Thank you!” Thomas smiled and waved, putting the lanyard on and stepping into some sort of town square.
There were a few touristy souvenir shops— which he’d probably check out later— as well as a snack booth selling something deep fried, a guest services building, bathrooms, usual things you’d expect.
But what stood out to him most was another long line leading up to a giant glowing circle. A sign read “Step through the portal to a new land!”
Thomas got into line and slowed to a stop, staring in awe at the glowing circle. The special effects were hyper realistic, rainbow sparks flying and swirling around. “Oh my gosh, are you seeing this?” He made sure to catch it on camera. The line of people ahead walked through the glowing circle and just… vanished. Must be some sort of mirror trick.
An announcement crackled through the speakers as he got closer to the portal. “Reminder for all travelers going through the portal: there will be no cell reception or wifi on the other side. Short-range communicators are available upon request to stay in contact with your group. Not all stores on the other side accept credit or debit cards; we suggest you bring some cash if you intend to shop. People who are pregnant, nursing, prone to motion sickness or vertigo, are advised not to go through the portal. No photography is allowed within the portal, but you are more than welcome to take photos and video on the other side! Enjoy your trip and make it a magical day!”
“Huh weird… well I’ll keep the video going for as long as I can,” Thomas said with a shrug, taking out his phone to shoot a quick text to Joan that he’d be unavailable for the next few hours.
Once he got close enough, Thomas turned off the camera and scrambled a bit to put it away in time. The portal was even more impressive close up. There was no heat, no fog, just a rainbow vortex and a bit of wind.
“So I just… keep walking?”
“Yes, sir. Just walk on through. You might feel a bit dizzy, but there’s water on the other side if you need it. It’s perfectly safe!”
Thomas smiled nervously. “Okay… great…” He took a deep breath and stepped forward.
Suddenly he was floating, suspended in midair, surrounded by nothing but the swirling rainbow. All sound was eerily muffled, subdued.
Then there was a flash of light.
Thomas stumbled forward, opening his eyes to a pathway between two rustic buildings, and yet another long line of people ahead of him. To his right was a stall with an awning, like something out of a Renaissance faire, with water canteens.
“Would you like one?” The attendant asked, dressed in a medieval-looking gown. “Complimentary souvenir canteen, with fresh cold water. It’ll help with the dizziness.”
Thomas blinked. “Uh… sure,” he said, accepting the offered canteen and taking a sip.
Once he felt slightly more grounded, he took out the camera. “Sorry about that! I’m back now, and wow was that an experience!” Thomas smiled at the camera and panned to his surroundings.
The line continued to a colorful red-green-gold tent, and once Thomas was close enough he realized it was a character meet and greet. Under the awning, there were two costumed people with shimmering dragonfly wings and elf ears. One was dressed in pearly white and ruby red, with a dazzling gold crown. The other had a grotesquely twisted mask, wearing tattered black and green robes.
“Greetings, good sir! Welcome to LumaDale,” the regal one announced with a flourish. “I am Prince Roman, and this is my brother Remus. We wish you a most magical day!”
“Wow, I love your costume! It’s so intricate,” Thomas complimented, posing for the picture.
“Thank you! I made it myself,” Roman boasted with a smile, then looked up at the vlog camera. “You have brought your own portrait-making device?”
“Portrait making….?” Thomas blinked. “Oh! The camera. Yep! It also does moving pictures.”
Remus made a muffled sound and gestured in what seemed to be an urgent manner.
The smile on Roman’s face faltered a tiny bit. “Do you work for LumaDale on the other side?” he asked in a much quieter voice.
Thomas frowned slightly, confused by their concern. Maybe it was a LARP quest kind of thing? “Uhh no, I’m just vlogging my visit. I’m a YouTuber, an entertainer.”
“An entertainer!” Roman exclaimed with a flourish, excited once more. “Oh how fabulous! I myself adore the arts, most especially theater!”
“Sweet! I’m also an actor,” Thomas replied.
“You are blessed indeed! If only I could step on stage once more—“ Roman sighed wistfully, but Remus interrupted with more sharp gestures.
Thomas glanced between them. “Is… everything alright?”
Roman forced a smile. “Of course! My brother is simply… impatient to meet the next guest! Can’t keep them waiting too long. Until we meet again, good sir!” He bowed with another flourish.
Thomas bowed awkwardly in return and left the tent, glancing back at the vlog camera. “Well, here goes!”
Across from the tent was a castle of sorts. There was an old stone tower in the back, turreted at the top like a medieval castle. In the center of the building was a bell tower. The front of the building had ornate pillars and colorful banners.
Thomas stared at it for a moment, then turned left and started to wander, taking in the sights and sounds.
This side of the portal was less Disney and more stepping straight into a fantasy movie, like Narnia or Lord of the Rings. Nothing cartoony about it.
It was a medieval-style village, but what stood out most were the inhabitants. Colorful costumes of mythical creatures of all kinds. Magic swirled through the air.
A centaur waved to him with a smile. “Would you like a tour of the town, kiddo?”
“Sure, why not?” Thomas carefully climbed into the carriage the centaur was pulling, but he couldn’t help staring. The centaur was… terribly realistic. Uncannily realistic. It couldn’t be a robot, or a person in costume. That was definitely a person’s torso on top of a horse body. It even smelled like a horse. How?
“Sir? You okay back there?” The centaur asked.
Thomas blinked and shook his head. “Uh yeah, I’m fine! I’ve just… uh… never seen a centaur before.”
The centaur giggled. “Well now you have! I’m Patton!”
“Thomas. Nice to meet you,” he said, trying not to stare too much.
“Get ready to see our wand/erful town!” Patton said with a smile.
Thomas smiled at the pun and tried to get more comfortable in the carriage. Patton started walking at a steady pace along the road, pointing to various things they passed.
“On your right is Dorian’s smithy. He’s got the sharpest tools in the shed!”
“Across from that is Burgundy Red’s Breads! She makes purrrfeft baked goods of all kinds!” Patton glanced back at him. “Burgundy is part tiger, like a cat lady. Get it? Purr-fect? Like a cat!”
“Next door is Remy’s tavern! Nice and homely. I always say, if it ain’t brew-ken, don’t fix it!”
“The castle in the center of town has stood for many generations, thousands of years. It’s not worth the castle to rebuild it, so each new ruler adds their own royal flair to the existing foundation.”
“Beyond the buildings you see are the fields and orchards. Wheat take great pride in our produce!”
“And here are the shops, where you can find unique homemade gifts to bring home!”
“Over in that shadowy corner is an a-maze-ing labyrinth, said to be haunted by creepy crawly death-dealers!”
Patton slowed to a stop. “And that’s where our tour ends! If you’d like a ride back to where we started, you can stay on. If you want to step off here, see you satyr!”
Thomas laughed at each and every joke, unable to help himself. He carefully got up and disembarked from the carriage. “That was amazing! Thanks for the tour!” he said with a smile.
“You’re welcome, kiddo! Enjoy your day!” Patton waved and maneuvered to turn around, returning to the other side of town.
After window-shopping for a bit, Thomas took a seat on a bench and addressed the camera. “Looks like I might not be able to see everything this town has to offer in one day— but that’s on me for sleeping past my alarm and not expecting lines,” he said with a sheepish smile. “But if this video does well enough, maybe we’ll get lucky enough to be invited back for a part two! So do all the YouTube things— I know, I know, but I gotta say it— like, comment, subscribe if you haven’t already! And if you want to check out LumaDale for yourself, go to the website in the description and put in my promo code right here—“ Thomas gestured towards where he imagined a code might appear, making a mental note to add the actual code during editing. “— and you’ll get 15% off your tickets!”
“Fascinating,” a stranger’s voice said.
Thomas glanced over to see someone covered in blue and black feathers, with a beak-like mask. Or maybe it was a real beak? Probably real. “Oh, hi!! Didn’t see you there.”
The bird-person pointed to the camera. “That device. Might I hold it? It is very… shiny.”
“Uh… sure? It’s just a camera,” Thomas said with a shrug, holding the camera out to the bird-person. “Be careful with it.”
The bird-person took the camera and inspected it curiously, poking at it and bringing it close to his face. “You were taking to it. Are there people inside?” he inquired.
Thomas chuckled and shook his head. “Nope, it just records things. People will watch it later, and they’ll hear what I say then.”
The bird-person stared at the camera. “Fascinating,” he repeated.
A guard walked up and cleared his throat. “Is this creature bothering you, sir? It is a known thief.”
The bird-person froze and hastily shoved the camera back at Thomas.
“No, no, it’s okay! He just wanted to see my camera,” Thomas said quickly, trying to de-escalate the situation before it got worse. “I let him hold it. We’re all good here! Thank you for your concern.”
The guard looked between them skeptically, then shrugged. “Very well,” he said, walking off a moment later.
“Thank you, sir, you are very kind,” the bird-person said quietly.
“You’re welcome. Just stay out of trouble, alright?” Thomas offered a smile. “I’m Thomas.”
“My name is Logan,” the bird-person said with a quick bow.
“Pleasure to meet you, Logan! I’ll see you around.” Thomas waved, then stood and walked towards the shops Patton had mentioned.
He briefly checked the camera to make sure Logan hadn’t accidentally changed any settings. It seemed to be alright. Thomas stepped inside the nearest shop, which appeared to be selling homemade soaps and lotions and such.
“Sssee anything you like?”
Thomas turned towards the source of the voice and jumped. It was a naga, covered in gold and black scales, staring back at him with bright yellow eyes. “Ssstaring iss rude, or ssso I’ve heard,” the naga chided, then hissed and flicked his tail.
“Oh! Umm sorry. I wasn’t trying to stare, I just… have never seen anything like you before.”
“Mmm. Of courssse you haven’t.” The naga flicked his tongue. “Well, let me know if you need anything. I’m not going anywhere.”
Thomas nodded and looked back at the soap displays, but he couldn’t shake the feeling of the naga watching him the entire time. It wasn’t long before he felt creeped out enough not to linger.
“Well, um, thank you!” Thomas said over his shoulder as he headed to the door.
The naga didn’t reply, still staring at him until he was out the door.
“That wasn’t creepy at all,” Thomas muttered to the camera, walking towards the shadowy labyrinth.
It was one of the few carnival-like attractions— a hedge maze which claimed to be haunted. It was starting to get late, but surely there would be enough time to get through it and out before closing.
Unfortunately it proved far more difficult than it looked. Tall hedges, twisted paths, lack of landmarks….
There was a scurrying sound. Something large scuttling in the darkness.
Thomas froze.
That something jumped out from around a corner and snarled, fangs bared. A giant spider— with the torso and head of a man.
Thomas screamed and jumped backwards.
The spider-person laughed. “You lost? Better run,” he sneered. “Time’s running out. You don’t want to be here after dark.”
Thomas swallowed, staring at the spider-person. “Th-thanks for the warning?”
The spider-person took a few intimidating steps closer. “I said, run!”
Thomas ran. He ran until he thought he had lost his pursuer— unfortunately he had no clue where he was.
He stopped to catch his breath, looking around to try to get his bearings amid the tall briar hedges. This… probably wasn’t good. Thomas shook his head and continued walking in a random direction, hoping to stumble upon the exit.
“Alright, guys, gals, and non-binary pals, it’s getting a bit dark so sorry for the drop in video quality. I think I’ll just… put this away for a bit to focus on not being lost,” he said with a nervous chuckle, then turned off the camera, using his phone as a flashlight.
The spider-person returned some time later, but this time he looked panicked. “What are you still doing here?” he screeched.
Thomas blinked, holding up his hands to show he meant no harm. “Ummm trying to find my way out? It’s a maze. So, yeah, I’m a little lost.”
“Shit! Fuck! You’re going to miss the portal and I’m going to be blamed and— SHIT!” He tugged at his hair, his breathing fast and shallow. “No no no no… this is bad. Fuck. I’m so so dead.”
“Hey, hey, breathe. Listen to me. In for four seconds, hold for seven, out for eight. Can you do that?” Thomas took a few deep breaths to demonstrate.
“You don’t get it!”
“Okay, then explain it to me, once your breathing is back to normal.”
“There’s no time!” The spider-person hissed, glancing around frantically. “Get on my back. I’ll give you a ride.” He held out a hand.
Thomas swallowed, staring at the spider body. “Are you sure? I… uh….”
The spider-person hissed again. “Yes I’m sure! I’m not going to eat you, I’m going to get you out of this maze. Take my hand and climb on, now!”
Thomas took a deep breath, then grabbed the spider-person’s hand and carefully climbed on. “Umm how do I….?”
“Wrap your arms around me and hold on tight. I’ve never done this before, but Patton has so it can’t be too hard.”
Thomas held on tightly and squeezed his eyes shut, trying not to think of how he was precariously perched on a giant spider. He could almost pretend it was like riding a horse. Not that he had ever actually been on a horse. The wind whipped at his face as they dashed through the maze and the village.
Eventually the spider-person stopped, frozen in place. Thomas tentatively opened his eyes, then blinked a few times and glanced around. It was where he had entered the village, but there was no portal in sight. “Wait… this can’t be…”
“We’re too late,” the spider-person said hollowly. “The portal is closed. It won’t open until dawn.”
Thomas frowned and slid off the spider-person’s back. “Can’t someone just turn it back on?”
The spider-person shook his head, staring at where the portal had been. He was shaking.
Thomas cleared his throat. “So… just for clarification…”
“You’re trapped here until morning. And the boss is going to be pissed.”
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dastardlydandelion · 3 years
Nightbooks! Yes! It was so cute and fun plus a cat?! Tailor made content haha. Krysten Ritter had a lot of fun and I love to see her get work. The entire nursery scene was nerve wracking as was the climax. I want a full spin-off of Natacha tbh, I would happily watch her descent (or rise, if you look at it that way!) How about you, what did you like best about the movie?
yes! it was so fun and whimsical and spooky, and i loved it! i am not particularly familiar with ms. ritter but omfg, she was perfect?? i love natacha so much, she nailed that character. can't see anyone else as her tbh.
the nursery scene! it reminded me of the spider stomping game they had at the arcades when i was a kid. well. tbh i'd still go now, but yk. covid. the blacklight in the nursery reminded me of laser tag too, oof, i also used to love laser tag. and the shredders were creepy! creepy-cute! the climax, dude, yes. like.
bruh. i didn't see it coming that there was another witch and now i feel BIG STUPID bc it makes so much sense, the clues were errywhere. i initially thought lenore was gonna turn out to be unicorn girl-- i didn't realize it was natacha until the kids found the actual homicidal unicorn in the apartment-forest.
now i'm like rambling on and on and i'm sorry, but like no, i loved this movie. everything. relatable protagonists (played by kids who can actually act), invisible cat, a villain who is kooky, spooky, sympathetic, and also hot??? and then *another* villain who is actually p gosh darn scary as far as kids' horror goes??
the setting was cool, the soundtrack was good, it was age-appropriate horror for the intended audience but also like, engaging for us adults. also, alex's room!! i want that room! i love that he added a poster of the people under the stairs at the end. imho the people under the stairs is craven's most underrated work and i am excited for jordon peele's remake, whenever it happens.
okay i'm still rambling, but like. yeah. nightbooks. 100% agreed, i absolutely want a full spin-off of natacha. i feel like i'd want to see her descent/rise too (it's prolly both) like, her past with the candy witch, and maybe it'd end when she inevitably lures/captures yasmine??
idk!! that movie would prolly be a lil bit darker than this romp tho, considering the candy witch actually ate kids. can't tell me we wouldn't get scenes of bby!natacha cleaning her friends' charred bones outta the oven. 😿
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theoriginalladya · 3 years
3, 12, and 19 for the end of year asks?
from this list
Thank you so much for asking!
3. favorite line/scene you wrote this year
Okay, so I have a number of these (which is really good since you and someone else asked the same question! lol)
So, one of my favorite things about this year is how Abby Williams has developed into such a personality of her own in Caleb Shepard's world. I mean, I knew she was going to be a bit of a player, but over the months she's developed into much more. one of my favorite scenes for her is in If London Falls (which I need to get back to writing) where she and Coats first meet. Per the ME3 game trailer, we know Coats is up in Big Ben during the Reaper attack on Earth. This scene is where Abby climbs up the tower to thank the person who saved her from a husk just minutes before when her ammo ran out...
Abby lifts her pistol and hopes to God that if they have ill intentions, having a weapon aimed at them, whether it actually has ammunition in it or not, will make them pause just long enough for her to tackle their weapon away.  Or at least charm them into believing her.  God, what I’d give for one of my katana blades right now…
Topping the stairs, she slips across the landing and through the doorway.  It’s darker up here, though there is plenty of light to see thanks to the shattered glass of the famed clock; some glass remains in the window, other sections are empty to the skies outside, and on the ground right next to the edge of the clock face…
Abby’s arm lifts immediately even as the Naginata takes aim on her.  Throwing herself back against the wall, she shouts, “Hey, man, I’m on your side!”
“Bloody hell!” he hisses, groaning as he jerks the weapon until it points upward, away from her.
12. favorite character to write about this year
Oh gosh, as a hard one, why don't you?! lol
Well, considering I've spent most of the year writing in Caleb Shepard's world, I'm going to say Abby again. Well, her and Coats, shall we say? I never intended for ABBOATS to become a 'thing'. They were both supposed to be friends to Caleb at certain points in his life, not much more than that... until I was noodling around with the beginning of Caleb's ME3 story and he whispered something about Coats needing to find Abby (while Caleb is under house arrest). As the idea started to flesh out a bit, I had a few prompts to help, and suddenly Abby was telling Coats he was going to take her dancing at some point and there was this look on her face as she said it (inside my head) and suddenly I realized it was so much more than that. So, yeah, Abby's definitely a favorite for this year (outside some of the more obvious).
19. any new fics to start next year
LOL Next silly question???
Definitely new fics to start writing next year. Also, new fics to start posting next year. Some of what I hope to be working on:
A new AU of Mass Effect/Robin Hood (basically taking an original fic that stalled out and playing with it in the ME 'verse to see if I can't inspire something to spur it on
Caleb Shepard - some of his N7 missions after he becomes N7 and between then and when he joins the Normandy. (these will be ones where he is with his battle buddy, Rosa Morales-Minton)
Caleb Shepard - hopefully finally getting into ME1 and posting some of those stories!
Caleb Shepard - post-war story #1 and #2 (I hope) and, if all things go well, #3 at least getting started writing
Caleb Shepard - more of the ME/WWII 'verse stories
Caleb Shepard - working title: Celtic AU - this is one I've been writing this year, but I'm hoping to post it next year
Lachlan Shepard - War Hero/Honeymoon story; some ME1 fic, Kaidan during the aftermath of Alchera
Rhys Shepard - BAaT story and maybe ME1
And god knows what else. I also want to get back to writing Biotic Pinball Wizard fics (which I know you're interested in!) to get some more Kandra Alenko out there, too!
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callsign-mischief · 4 years
Chilly Summer Nights.
Day 14 of ‘A Very Harry Potter Summer!’
Ron Weasley x Female!Reader!
Word Count: 2.6K
You were currently running frantically about your room packing your school trunk with everything you would be needing for the upcoming school year; as you were preparing to stay at your best friend's house for the remainder of your summer holiday. Your grandmother called out to you from the bottom of the stairs leading to your bedroom.
“(Y/N)! Let’s get a move on young lady! I sent an owl to Molly half an hour ago saying you would be arriving soon! Let’s not keep them waiting any longer!” 
“Sorry Gran!  I’m almost done, I promise. I’ll be down in a- woah!” You yelped, as you tripped over your trunk and crumpled to the floor with a loud THUD!
“That hurt..” you grumbled, with your face flat against the hardwood flooring of your bedroom. 
 Heavy footsteps ascended the stairs and before you knew it, your grandmother was stepping over the threshold of your dainty bedroom. She peered at you with her hands placed on her hips, brows arched high in curiosity.
“What did you do this time?”
Standing from the floor rubbing your sore knees and cheek, you look at her with an embarrassed smile. “Tripped over my trunk. But I’m okay Gran, don’t worry.” 
“Glad you are alright but- for Merlin’s sake!” She yelped as her eyes left your body and scanned over your messy living space. “You certainly don't know how to pack correctly, my dear. Please do step aside so I can finish this quickly and you can head off. It’s getting quite late.”
 Nodding your head, you step aside as you watch your grandmother pull her wand from her cooking apron before giving it a wave. You watched in silent awe as various strewn items, ranging from clothing to new schooling supplies, flew from different spots around the room. Into the trunk it all went before it was snapped shut and buckled then sent flying down the stairs, landing by the fireplace. Even though you were thirteen years old and were raised all your life around magic, it still amazed you.
“There, much better. Far quicker at that too! Now grab your school bag and Wisp so we can go!” 
“Yes, mam.” You acknowledge as she waltzed out of the room and back down the stairs. Hauling your bag over your shoulder and grabbing Wisp’s pet carrier and your wand from the bedside table, you exited the room, shutting the door tightly and gliding down the stairs with a newfound pep in your step.
Meeting your grandmother in front of the fireplace, she gave you a once over before giving you a loving, tender hug, and ushering you into the fireplace. Making sure you were settled in,  she offered you the pot of Floo powder with a gentle smile. Wisp, your loving black cat, gave a loud meow as a goodbye to your grandmother. Smiling at her, you take a handful of the powder before speaking clearly of your intended destination. 
“The Burrow!”
Instantly, you’re engulfed into flames and your sneakers reach the hard ground of the Weasley’s fireplace below you as you are hit with a quick bit of dizziness. “Gosh, I hate that sometimes.”
With Wisp’s cat carrier in one hand and your trunk in the other, you step out of the fireplace careful to not dirty up Molly's floor. When the dizziness in your eyesight has cleared, you are met with the sight and smell of the cozy home of the family you have come to love and adore over the past few years. 
You barely have a second to walk into the quaint living room and set down your belongings before two bodies come crashing into yours at full speed.
“You’re finally here!”
“It’s about time you’ve arrived, love! We were beginning to think you abandoned us!"
Chuckling at the two people’s words, you wrap one arm around each of their torsos, hugging them as equally tight as they were you. 
“Yes! I have arrived, Georgie. And Fred, that’s pure nonsense! I would never abandon you two! You are my favorites after all…” you pause to stand on the tips of your toes and whisper in their ears, “Just don’t tell your sister I said that. She would hex the daylights out of me once we got back to Hogwarts!”
The twins couldn’t help but laugh and release you from their smothering grasps as Ginny was heard barreling down the stairs to greet you.
“You two step away from her this instant! She is MY best friend!” She yells, running into the room.
“You should have gotten to me quicker then Gin.” You couldn’t help but grin as you were enveloped into yet another bone-crushing hug. You squeezed her back just as hard, beyond ecstatic to be reunited with your best friend after weeks apart. You break away from each other, catching up on the past couple of days leading up to your arrival when Mrs. Weasley walks in from the kitchen with Arthur in tow. 
“(Y/N), how lovely to see you, dear. It was ‘bout time you’d be arriving.”
Flushing red, you step up to her with open arms. “Sorry Mrs. Weasley, that was my fault. Got a late start to packing and Gran had to help me finish making sure I had everything I needed.”
Embracing you into her warm arms, she squeezes you gently (unlike her children), patting your arm lightly. “No worries dear, we’re just glad to have you with us.”
Moving on from Molly, Arthur gave you a hug as well. During your quick embrace, he began telling you all about the long list of new questions he had about Muggles. You couldn’t help but laugh and tell him that you would answer any and all questions he had throughout your stay. Once released from Mr. Weasley, Ginny, George, and Fred swept you away talking excitedly about the upcoming Quidditch World Cup match you all would be attending next week. Barely into the discussion, your ears perked up as you heard two more sets of footsteps descending the rickety staircase. Your face flushed a light pink instantly knowing who one of those footsteps belongs to. 
“What the bloody hell is all the ruckus down here about?”
Glancing over in his direction you couldn't help blushing a darker shade of pink. “Hi, Ron.”
Eyes bulging in shock, his face matches yours, flushing as red as his hair. “H-hey..you..you’re here! Why..w-why are you here?.” 
Ginny lets out a snort of annoyance, “If you can have your best friend here then so can I!”
The twins share a knowing look between themselves before Fred slings an arm around your shoulder smirking at his younger brother in the process, “Don’t act like you aren’t happy to see her mate.”
“I’m not!” Ron yells back defensively. But realizing what he had said, his hands fly up in surrender. "W-wait! No! That is not what I mean! I'm not not happy to see you -I..I am glad to see you! Ecstatic, even!” he scrambles trying to save his last shred of dignity. 
  Harry smirks, slightly leaning in close to the redhead, “Nice save there. Real nice.”
Ron shoots Harry a daggered look as his face flames in embarrassment and irritation, but his anger is short-lived as Molly announces from the kitchen that supper is ready. 
Jumping at the chance to leave from the room, Ron grabs the smirking dark haired boy beside him running away to the awaiting food with the towering twins following them out. Before you can fall in line behind George, Ginny grabs your wrist bringing you to a halt. 
“You like my brother!” 
Don’t panic, don’t panic. “I like all your brothers. They’re all quite nice and enjoyable really. Nice boys each of them are Gin-”
“No. I mean Ron specifically! You like Ronald.” It wasn't a question of 'if'. 
Feigning ignorance you brush off her statement, “Pfft. I do not! You’ve gone right mental Ginny.”
Before the feisty redhead could speak once more, her mother yelled for the two of you to come take your seats at the table. Thank you, Molly.
Sending one last look your way she narrows her eyes in a playful manner, “Do not, for one second, think that you are off the hook about this!” 
This is not good. Not good at all. 
Attempting to forget about the conversation with Ginny, you basked in the presence of some of your most favorite people. Dinner was amazing as always. The food was beyond delicious, smiling faces were seen all around- it was just perfect. Nothing could ever be better than this. You had spent most of the meal interacting with Mr. Weasley. Of course- the topic of choice being all things Muggle but that was all okay! You loved being helpful and answering any questions he had. 
When everyone’s bellies were stuffed to the brim with food, Molly excuses herself from the table to begin putting away any leftovers. Arthur follows after his wife while the Weasley boys and Harry disperse quickly, the twins dashing up the staircase conversing in hushed tones while Harry and Ron make their way into the living room. 
You and Ginny share an eye roll and begin to rid the table of all dirty dishes. With dinnerware piled in your arms, you two girls carry everything into the kitchen and are instructed by Mr. Weasley to place them on the counter top by the sink where Molly was waiting. With a grateful smile, Mrs. Weasley ushers you and Ginny out. You two venture into the cozy living room to see the two fourth-year boys sitting on the floor playing a game of Wizards Chess. Ron is leaning back against the sofa while Harry sprawls out on the floor on his stomach. You venture over to the sofa while Ginny takes the armchair by the fireplace. You plant yourself on the old piece of furniture, lying down behind the redhead and getting comfortable before cracking open a book you had brought with you. He glances over his shoulder, giving you a shy smile before turning away to take his turn. 
The rush of butterflies in your stomach was instant. You couldn't help but blush and move just a tad bit more towards the edge of the couch to be closer to him. You only hoped he didn't notice the shift, not wanting him to think of you as weird but he felt it. He didn’t mind though. He wanted you to be close to him. He couldn’t help but blush at the thought of you wanting to be closer to him too.
After a while, the heads of the home walk out from the kitchen bidding you all a quiet ‘goodnight’ before heading up to bed. Shutting your book, you place it on the coffee table beside you before your eyes slowly flutter over to the boy in front of you. The silence of the house is interrupted when you hear two sets of footsteps tiptoeing not so quietly down the stairs. Looking away from the youngest boy in the family, you see two identical faces pop out from around the corner.  
“Oi! You four come with us!” Fred whispers across the room. 
Without questioning the request, the four of you make your way out of your seats and follow behind the mischief makers. They lead you through the house and urgently usher each of you out the front door of the home into the chilly evening air. You couldn’t but shudder as a gust of wind rushes past you, sending tingles down your spine once you step out. You really wished they had let you grab a sweater. 
Lighting their wands with ‘Lumos’, Fred and George lead you all into the field eventually coming to a stop by a pile of old wood and sticks. 
“What’s all this?” you question as George sets down the box he had been carrying. 
“This, love, is our wood pile for a bonfire! And to make it even better, we have supplies for a snack! It’s a muggle treat, actually. What do you call them Harry?”
Harry chuckled, “S’mores. My cousin Dudley eats them all the time in the summer.” 
You couldn't help the excited giggle that spilled from your lips. You had heard about these but never got the chance to try one! Without wasting another second, you quickly set the twins on getting the fire started while you found yourself a small log to get comfortable on, ready for the fun to begin as you curl up to get warm again. The fire is quickly lit (all thanks to Harry) and everyone begins to dig in to make the famously sweet and gooey treat for themselves. The youngest Weasley son jumps at the chance to follow in your footsteps, planting himself on your small log seat. You peer at him with a wide grin causing his cheeks to flush pink. 
Tonight had been amazing. And although you loved your summer holiday’s, the one thing you didn't appreciate was that the later into the evening it got, the chillier it got. The fire had helped keep you warm but not completely. After seeing you attempting to hide your shivers due to the chilly breezes for what seemed like the hundredth time that night, Ron couldn’t bear to see you so miserable any longer. Scooting closer, he wrapped his arm around you, pulling you flush against his side. With wide eyes and cheeks flaming as red as his hair, you turned to look at him. He’s facing the roaring fire but you could see a content smile graced upon his lips. How is his side profile just as attractive as his entire face?!
Sensing your stare, his head turns. “You okay, love?” Love.
“Y-yeah! I’m great. But w-why?” you jester to his arm around your waist.
"You kept shivering so I thought this might help get you warmed up a bit more." 
Oh.. so he's just being friendly. Right. Of course he doesn't fancy you in return. That only happens in cheesy romance novels. 
He watches as your face falls slightly but before you can move away he tightens his grip on your hip.. "I-it's not just that ya know.." 
"Wait, what? W-what do you mean?" Your heart begins to beat out of your chest. ‘Please, PLEASE be the reason I'm hoping for.’ your mind pleads. 
He clears his throat nervously. "W-well..I um..I have fancied you for quite a while now a-and I um thought this," he nods at the position you were in "was a good way to show it. I-its okay if you don't feel the same, of course, I just wanted to make it known.." The poor bloke was shaking! How can someone be so nervous but still be so cute?!
You couldn't believe it! The boy you've been pining for for two years has feelings for you too! "Y-you do!? I like you too Ron. I really really do!" you all but exclaim, flinging your arms around his neck in an excited hug. Your cheeks ached from how hard you had been grinning and you couldn't help the giggles that slipped past your lips in pure happiness. 
His grin matched yours as he squeezed you even closer to his body, if that were even possible and placed a loving gentle kiss to your forehead. "I'm so glad you do." 
This felt like a dream. If all it took was a couple hours out in the chilly evening air to get where you were now, in Ron's arms, you would happily do it again anytime. Chilly summer nights were not so bad after all.
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Tell Me Everything
Pairing: Chris Evans x Fem!Reader Word Count: 3k Summary:  Reader works as a costume designer in Marvel. She's currently working on Endgame, designing the costumes for each superhero (but especially her favorite one), when Chris stops by. Later, he tries it on. Mutal pining goodness and fluff all throughout :) Warnings: None :) A/N: It’s been a while. I’ve written for chris once only, and I already miss it. Here’s some fluff.
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Earphones plugged in deep in her ears, blocking every other sound apart from her music. The side of her hand is dirty with pencil lead, leaving occasional smudges on the paper that she forgets to erase. It’s- there’s a lingering fatigue she can’t really shake off. She’s beyond exhausted, working so late in the night, still in her office, but doing this, right here, it feels so damn good. It doesn’t matter that she should be heading home, because all her repressed creativity is bleeding in the paper, flowing as if it’s pouring out of her veins . Finally, finally , doing the thing she’s great at, the thing she loves.
Her music is deep, dark, has a strong but slow beat to it, and she bobs her head along, uncaring of the strands of hair that are furiously escaping her ponytail. She gets lost in the design, vigorously making swooping lines and hard edges, scribbling to her heart’s content, erasing a line and coming back in. The tedious process of adding details makes her settle just a little.
These past few years have been incredible. Working for Marvel was a dream she didn’t even know she’d had, the opportunity of a lifetime, truly. During the time spent working with all these amazing people, she’s learned, she’s grown, she’d developed as an artist and as a person. She can say nothing less than she’s happy, truly happy here. She means, designing and creating costumes for this franchise has been a job she couldn’t have even dreamt of. It may get tiresome, sometimes boring and tedious, but right now, designing… she feels like she’s been born to do this and just this.
It’s been a while since she’d gotten so lost in a design. It may be the fact that this particular one, and the actor that’s supposed to wear it, is her favorite. She may be biased. But she’d had amazing ideas and she was so eager to just make them come to life.
She’s coloring the last of the star in the center of the chest, when fingers tap her shoulder. Having been so lost in her work and music, she feels like someone poured a bucket of water over her without warning, and she jumps, pulling her earbuds out by their wire and swiveling her chair to look at the intruder.
Chris smiles down at her, all teeth and soft eyes. His hands are in the air flamboyantly, It’s me!, dark grey, long sleeved Henley loose on his biceps, and dark wash jeans hugging his thighs tightly. His hair is grown longer, tucked behind his ears, his beard is… new , and very nicely trimmed. Her heart thumps a little louder at the sight of him. If anyone were to ask, she’d blame the jumpscare, but she knows better.
“Chris!” Excitedly getting off her seat and throwing her arms around his shoulders in a friendly hug. His own wrap around her tightly, squeeze her to him, if only for a second, and she exhales.
“Hey!” He tells her, just as excitedly, and she pulls back. “I’m sorry I scared you, I knocked and there was no answer.” She waves a hand to show him it’s okay and plops back on her seat unceremoniously.
“What are you even doing here?! I thought the cast was gonna show up next week, for the fittings?” A strand tucked behind her ear and she’s suddenly kind of self-conscious of her disheveled state. Chris leans his hip on her desk and crosses his arms over his chest casually, looking like one of those bad boys in 2000’s coming-of-age rom-coms. She tries not to stare, but it’s a struggle, and a funny thought crosses her mind. If she were looking at him for the first time, he’d be screaming trouble. He still does, but less because he’s scary and a heartbreaker, and more because she’s hopeless when it comes to being functional around him.
“I had some business up here in New York, and the Russo’s asked me to drop by. Something about paperwork.” He shrugs lightly and she ‘ah’s, accompanied by a nod and a brief eyebrow twitch to show her understanding.
“Well, I’m happy you dropped by. It’s been a hot minute, hasn’t it,” she smiles at him, and Chris nods, a bit of an apologetic, regretful almost, look in his eye.
“So,” he says and shifts his weight a little, “whatcha working on?”
“You, actually.” Lead-stained fingers pull the sketchbook under the light a little better, closer to him, and he gets off his hip, places his left hand on the back of her chair, leaning all his weight on his right, on the desk. His chest is suddenly so close to her face, her shoulder brushes his torso and she’s holding her breath , because he smells so good –cologne and aftershave?- she might fucking faint . She can feel her face heat up. She wonders if he’s doing it on purpose, if he knows at all. She watches his expression.
“Waddaya got?” It’s all interest in his voice, and he doesn’t seem to intend to move. Damn.
“Well,” she takes a shaky breath, “I figured, y’know-“ a mindless shrug, and his shirt is exceptionally soft and fairly thin, two layers between their bare skin, and- oh gosh, she's supposed to be explaining things. Focus! “Cap needs a new suit, and he’s a fugitive now, right? He doesn’t really care to get a new one tailored.” Chris exhales a chopped, amused breath and nods sideways, as if saying You have a point there . “So the old one would have to do.
“But it’s different now, because he can’t have the same exact one, completely untouched, and he’s a different man now anyways.” Scooting the chair closer to the desk on instinct- and fucking great , now she’s literally pressing into the bottom of his ribcage lightly with her shoulder. It’s getting harder to breathe. She can feel his exhales on her face, Jesus. “So basically,” a steadying, shaky breath, “I made it dirtier- that’s why the colors are darker. It’s supposed to be aging fabric. But it’s also more comfortable for you.
“The sleeves will end right here-” without giving it much thought, she traces a line under his right elbow, the one on which he’s leaning, and he follows the motion with his gaze intently, “and you’ll wear some fingerless gloves with buckles on them.” He nods, eyes still not off her design, occasionally flicking to glance at her. “But,” she begins.
“The detail I’m most excited for is this,” a tap on the star in the middle of the uniform- or rather lack thereof. The space where the plastic white thing once resided is now dark blue like the rest of the uniform. She grins up at him when his features twitch in interest. “I pitched this to Joe and he really loved it. Basically, my logic is that, as we said, Cap’s a fugitive, yeah?” Chris nods, attentive as ever. “He’s gone against every government official he knows, against a big chunk of his own team. The news have probably said awful things about him and painted him as a superhero gone rogue or something. So what does he do? He rips off the star.
“He no longer fits the Captain America title, in the sense that he doesn’t want to be associated with the government’s lap dog, their dancing monkey. Instead of faithfully following orders as a soldier, he’s his own self, still a Captain, but on his own terms. It’s symbolic! He’s carving his own  path, leading like he was always meant to, and he’s dramatic enough to have done this- ripped off the star I mean. The suit should feel more familiar to him now.”
She’s been rambling for a while, her mouth is drier, but she was so excited when the idea manifested in her head. A big sense of pride washed over her, she couldn’t wait to design and implement it in the costume.
And Chris, well… Chris is looking at her with this small little smile that grows the more he considers it. “I…” he shakes his head, a grin stretching his pretty lips, “I fucking love it,” he tells her, with so much genuine warmth in his tone. She’s never heard him this confident and proud , like a parent almost, glowing at her like she’s something brighter than a star. “That’s brilliant , Y/n, holy shit ! The fans will go nuts!” He leans close to inspect the design again with the new parameters in mind, shaking his hand as if disbelieving, smile remaining on his face. “You’re amazing .”
A hot, red blush spreads across her cheeks fiercely, and there’s a lingering urge to sit up straighter, to square her shoulders in pride and happiness, because she’s so happy he liked it¸ but she is now acutely aware of how close he is, still not having moved away from her since she pressed into him accidentally. She resorts to a one shouldered shrug. “Thank you,” her voice is meeker than she’d like it, but Chris doesn’t mention it. Instead, they share a smile.
“I’m, unf, gimme a sec- I’m coming.” Some shuffling, and then the sound of the curtain being pulled back, and she puts her phone away, swiveling in her chair and- oh Christ.
“Chris… ” she says, eyes racking from the tops of his shoes, up his legs, his thighs, his belt. The way the comfortable material stretches over his fit stomach, up his curved chest, and extends up to the base of his neck- it’s, fuck, he looks so good. His veiny forearms are exposed to the warm lamp light in the room, and he’s not wearing the gloves, seeing as they’re sitting on her desk.
The dark blue of his suit makes his newly dyed hair look golden .
“How do I look?” He says with a grin, striking an exuberant pose just to make her smile, and she grins.
“I’ll give you like,” she pretends to think for a second, “a six out of ten.” A shrug and a bitten back smile, and his hand goes to his chest dramatically, thick eyebrows furrowing and blowing out a breath.
“Damn,” he tells her with a look in his eyes that she can’t really place, something teasing, but like they're sharing an inside joke of some kind. “Harsh critic,” it’s teasing and happy, and she chuckles, because yeah. This is quite  perfect. She grabs his gloves off her desk and gets off her chair, going up to him and holding them for him to squeeze his hands in. She tightens some buckles, smooths a hand over the leathery material, making non-existent creases disappear.
A step back, she inspects the way the material hugs his thighs so nicely, but is also still baggy, to give him some freedom of movement. His boots are almost knee high, and- it actually looks like it might be a bit tight in the neck. She steps closer to him, barely tests the two buckles in front of his shoulders, checking that there’s give for him to move in. “It’s good? Comfortable, I mean?” A finger dragged between the collar of his top and his neck, purely professionally she swears, it was a subconscious move to check how much space there is for him to breathe and move his neck. And that’s the moment stupid Chris chooses to hum and she feels it in the exhale hitting her face, the vibration of his throat.
God .
Her lips purse and she squints a little, pulling back her hand. I can make this better , she decides. “Don’t move,” she orders and heads to her desk, grabbing some needle and a thread that matches the color of his suit, along with a small blade. She walks back up to him again and, with a careful hand on his chest and the threaded needle carefully placed between her lips, she makes a few, strategically placed rips near the star with the blade.
“Don’t stab me,” he says, tone low for a reason she can’t understand but makes a shiver run through her.
“Don’t give me ideas,” she counters, and Chris’s stomach shakes a little with a short, contained laugh. Continuing, she distresses the fabric, and patches up the edges so they won’t tear further during filming, allowing a string or two to stick out.
She is absolutely, of course, not ignoring how she can feel every single one of his breaths, and how he’s so good and still, and his hands are only a handful of inches away from her waist, his face hellishly close to hers.
A released exhale and a nod to herself. “Perfect,” she says quietly. She wraps the threaded needle around the handle of the blade so as to not lose it and throws it back on her desk haphazardly, to put away later. Unmoving from her spot near him, she gazes at the rips and decides it was a good addition. For just a second, it seems she forgets exactly how close he is, and now she looks up to him for approval, finding that same intent stare, straight into her soul from only three inches away.
There’s a sudden urge to shrink and disintegrate, confidence gone. Clothes she can handle. Chris she really can’t.
Baby blue eyes are watching her, standing perfectly still for her to do her thing, but there’s a, dare she say , affection of sorts in his gaze, and she’s very much struck with it. “You look great, Cap’n,” breathy and quiet, because she can’t fucking sit in silence when he looks at her like that. Chris smiles.
“All thanks to you.” A grin at the praise, at the lowered tone of his voice, as if he doesn’t want to break the moment with loud words. She should step back, b- but she physically cannot. Her muscles are seriously unwilling to move. This is her being weird, right? She’s crossing a line by taking advantage of his proximity, right? Why- He’s not showing any signs of awkwardness or discomfort though.
She’d like to know how one stretches a moment to eternity, a piece of knowledge she'd most certainly use right now. His cologne is the same as last week, when he visited in her office, comforting and musky, and he’s- he’s just looking at her with his beautiful eyes boring into hers, his warmth just centimeters away.
“You’re very close to me,” what a stupid thing to say , she scolds herself, but she just- she doesn’t know what else to do. Is it normal to feel such heat radiate from his body, or is that her mind playing tricks? She wants to curl into him, into said warmth, bury her nose in his neck and nuzzle there. It’s an urge that hits her like a tidal wave, and it almost makes her stagger on her feet. Her heart beats faster, inflated and full, adrenaline coursing through her veins all of a sudden. Chris swallows a little and nods. “What are you gonna do about it?”
There’s almost no charm in his tone, he looks borderline nervous, but there’s still some confidence in his velvety voice for him to flirt with her, the bastard and- she’s not imagining this, right? She’s not dreaming or anything? Chris actually enjoys this proximity, this closeness, he’s not pulling away. He just- he just sort of gave her consent to do something, anything. The ball is in her court, a challenge, proving she actually can do something about this.
With a shaky hand, she presses her palm flat on his chest.
A mental barrier is broken by that  touch and Chris seems to curl closer, if possible. His gloved hand goes to her waist, holding her near him, his head dipping lower, and she’s standing on her tiptoes. Noses brushing together, a challenge, emphasized in the teasing curl of his lips, sharing the same air. Beard tickling her top lip as she inches closer. A small hand on his face, and she licks her lips instinctively, parts them a little- and closes the gap between them.
It’s soft and wet and everything she’s ever dreamt of really, and holy shit , she’s dreamt of this. It’s actually happening, right now. He’s in his dumb Captain America uniform, pulling her close so now their chests are pressed together, moving his lips against hers slowly, and his hands are in leather gloves with buckles on them. The thought makes her smile a little, to the point where now the kiss is all teeth, and he pulls back for a second, as if sensing her amusement.
“What?” he asks. Her forehead leans on his chest, a sad attempt to hide her grin. His arms, one wrapping around her waist, his other hand on her back.
“I’m kissing Captain America,” and Chris lets out a single, incredulous breath, eyes rolling to the back of his head as if to say, you’re unbelievable. She grins up at him, a challenging eyebrow raised. Am I wrong though?
Teeth trap her bottom lip and she worries it for a moment as they quiet again, lost in thought and looking at him absently. She wants to kiss him again. She likes how his hands are warm on her back, how his chest is lean under her. Leaning on her tiptoes again, she smiles softly and brushes her nose on his cheek affectionately, because it’s suddenly okay to do so, the hairs of his beard scratchy against her skin. Chris is not having it though, and he turns his head to capture her lips again.
It feels so good, she thinks, as she instinctively places gentle fingers on his jawline to keep him tilted to her. It’s like the world is blooming. Like her heart is bursting through the seams, chest far too small for it. She kisses him, and he holds her just this much closer.
She’s kissing Captain America. And it’s a damn good fucking kiss.
Tags: @thegetawaywriter​ 
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