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technicolor--dreams · 4 years ago
I was tagged by @polikszena and @mostlydaydreaming - Thank you!
Rules: you can usually tell a lot about a person by the music they listen to! Put your music library on shuffle and list the first 10 songs, then tag 10 people.
On top of the world - Imagine dragons
August - Taylor Swift
Xanadu - Olivia Newton John
Bubblegum bitch - Marina
Minuetto - Mia Martini
The name of the game - ABBA
Torna a casa - Maneskin
Always remember us this way - Lady Gaga
Ridere - pinguini tattici nucleari
Mr perfectly fine - Taylor Swift
Tagging: whoever else wants to do it! :)
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chwetuan · 5 years ago
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type your name + aesthetic into the search bar on pinterest and use 9 images to make a personal moodboard
tagged by @wangtuanian 💋
tagging: @wonderlustlucas @ohjinyoung @dyewithyou @poc7 @jacksennn @kafffeesatz & anyone else who wants to do it!
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lifeofahockeyjunkie · 8 years ago
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Thanks @ontarioreignhockey for the awesome Kingston vinyl figure adding it to my collection #ahlhockey #goreign #hockeynightinontario #hockeytime #hockeylife #hockeyisawayoflife #lifeofahockeyjunkie
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coyotemarked · 6 years ago
smorches u 💋💋💋💋💋
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henlo!! smorches u back
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mikebarbre · 8 years ago
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Happy and relieved to finally welcome #HawksNestWest to Alki. Bring on 2016-17 Seahawks football! #SoftOpening #SportsBar #AlkiBeach #ThatSportsLife #SeattleRestaurants #GoHawks #GoSonics #GoMariners #GoSounders #GoReign #SonicsArena #SoDoArena #BringBackTheSonics #SeahawksFootball #MarinersBaseball #SonicsBasketball #Mariners #SuperSonics #Seahawks #Sounders #Reign
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andthewinner · 8 years ago
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#panda #leolunatic #goreign #thegood #thebad #theugly #thepanda #hope #swan #only #axe #cigarette #mom #arsenic #rose #bird #skull #art #postcard (at Tarihi Yeldeğirmeni Mahallesi)
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ferrijordyn-blog · 6 years ago
When You Need of Medical Certificate Translation Services?
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To follow rules and norms in a foreign country might be completely different from that followed in your native country, to present your health conditions for Visa application, job application in goreign country, you may have the need of translation. Read more: https://bit.ly/2SgSUdN
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pradeshjagran · 7 years ago
बॉलीवुड की वो हीरोइनें जिनका दिल धड़का परदेसी बाबू के लिए
एंटरटेनमेंट डेस्क|
ना उम्र की सीमा होती है, ना जन्मों का हो बंधन…ये लाइनें थोड़ी पुरानी हो चुकीं हैं अब ये बंधन दरिया समंदर से भी पार जा चुके हैं जहाँ एक दूसरे की चाहत ने सरहदों के फ़ासले मिटा दिए| आईये आपको बाताते हैं किस सेलिब्रिटी का दिल किस परदेसी बाबू के लिए धड़का|
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दृश्यम फिल्म में अपनी एक्टिंग से सबके दिलों को जीतने वाली श्रिया सरन ने 12 मार्च को अपने रूसी प्रेमी आंद्रेई कोसचीव के…
View On WordPress
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twiggyhecate · 8 years ago
Questions posed during a February Hangout hosted by Fact or Fiction with Tiffany, MindofanEmpath regarding Solar Minimum and Climate Change.  
Solar Minimum with Tiff hosted by Fact or Fiction
These are the questions posed throughout the hangout and sources used.
1.  Can you explain in layman’s terms what is a solar cycle? https://www.google.com/amp/amp.livescience.com/33345-solar-cycle-sun-activity.html?client=ms-android-sprint-us
2.  Can you please explain TSI and how this has been recorded in the past and now?   https://glory.gsfc.nasa.gov/overview-tsi.html
3. Which cycle are we in now? When did it start and what is the criteria for changing into the next solar cycle?
4.  Are we in Solar Maximum or Minimum and what is the different?
5.  When we look at the distance past, to calculate data, we know through the historical accounts that during the early medieval and u to the 19th century that we were in a little mini ice age. French Revolution, the decline of the Vikings, The Renaissance, The Black Death and the fall of the Spanish Empire were all products of the little ice age, which was a 500 year period of history in which the climate cooled treat. Obviously, this effected agriculture and the order of society around the globe. The cold changed the crops in Europe (Now we have GEO’s). Folks then could no longer grow grapes in Germany and England like they did before. The potato became popular in Europe because it grew underground and could handle the cold berr. As agriculture suffered, traders and merchants sought goreign land, which launched the age of discovery. To sum it up, the popularity of beer and potatoes are a result in this change. As is the Protestant Reformation and the age of exploration and Renaissance. Our lives today are greatly affected because of e little ice age on the people at the time. Taking into account the recent recorded historical accounts, and what is banded about today as to regards ‘global warming’ / climate change – will see the true effects of a solar minimum likened with that of the mini ice age.
If so why, if not why? https://www.nasa.gov/mission_pages/sunearth/news/solarmin-max.html https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.theweathernetwork.com/amp/news/no-mini-ice-age-from-new-grand-solar-minimum/54340?client=ms-android-
6. What do you think of the folks who have said that we may encounter a maunder minimum event?
7. Your blog also correlates that earthquakes and volcanoes are affected by a solar minimum   why is this and could you please give a couple of examples? https://pubs.giss.nasa.gov/abs/st07500u.html
8. What are contributing factors?
Funding for skeptics http://drexel.edu/now/archive/2013/December/Climate-Change/
9. Is climate change the same as global warming?
  10. Why is climate change happening?
11. What is the greenhouse effect and how does it affect the climate?
12. Does the ozone hole have anything to do with climate change?
13. Has the earth’s climate changed before and what’s different about climate change today?
14. Why is it a problem if the earth’s average temperature gets a little warmer?
15. How can the earth be getting warmer if it’s colder than usual where I live?
16. What are the most visible signs of climate change? http://climate.nasa.gov/effects/
17. Can climate harm plants and animals?http://blogs.ei.columbia.edu/2015/02/03/climate-change-poses-challenges-to-plants-and-animals/
Presentation played within hangout
Between the early 14th and late 19th centuries, a period of cooling known as the Little Ice Age chilled the planet. Europe bore the brunt of its ill effects, experiencing harsh and fickle weather for several centuries and especially from 1560 to 1660. Scientists continue to debate the cause and timeline of the cold spell, which has been blamed for catastrophes ranging from droughts and famines to wars and epidemics. According to the latest study, described by an international team in this week’s Geophysical Research Letters, volcanic eruptions just before the year 1300 triggered the expansion of Arctic sea ice, setting off a chain reaction that lowered temperatures worldwide. Two periods of unusually low sunspot activity are known to have occurred within the Little Ice Age period: the Spörer Minimum (1450–1540) and the Maunder Minimum (1645–1715). Both solar minimums coincided with the coldest years of the Little Ice Age in parts of Europe.  
This video showcases beautiful pieces of art which were commissioned during that period which contribute towards the historical record
For daily updates on Spaceweather and information on the sun.
Climate Change and Solar Cycles Blog by Mindofanempath. Fabulously written with tons of resources. https://mindofanempath.wordpress.com/…
Twiggie, 2017
Solar Minimum / Climate Change Questions posed during a February Hangout hosted by Fact or Fiction with Tiffany, MindofanEmpath regarding Solar Minimum and Climate Change.  
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hunterforsberg · 8 years ago
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#houvsea #supporther #seattlereign #thehomi #letitreign #goreign #nahomikawasumi #nahomi #kawasumi #川澄奈穂美
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ilovemesomehockey · 9 years ago
Ontario Reign @ Stockton Heat #RoadTrip #OntarioReign #ReignVsHeat #GoReign #ReignTrain (at Stockton Arena)
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lifeofahockeyjunkie · 8 years ago
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Congrats to goalie Jack Campbell of @ontarioreignhockey for his All Star Game now #goreign #ontarioreign #ahlallstargame #allaboardthereigntrain #kingsahlaffiliate #hockeyfan #hockeylife #lifeofahockeyjunkie
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estelofimladris · 9 years ago
End of second period. Reign 3 / Barracudas 2. On to the final period! @dkhb92649 #ontarioreign #goreign
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coyotemarked · 6 years ago
smorches ilu
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smorches   ily2!
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designbysml · 9 years ago
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Best of luck to our @reignfc girls as they head out to their last season home game at #memorialstadium this evening! #goreign #srfc #badassgirls
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cristinagronk16 · 10 years ago
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All smiles for a 5-0 win 😁 #ReignTrain #GoReign #Game4 (at Citizens Business Bank Arena)
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