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adiladedesign · 22 days ago
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Customizable products for Farm Goose Eggs business such a label sticker, stamp, sticky notes, business cards, etc.
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moko1590m · 2 months ago
2024年11月25日 15時01分 向かいの建物にあるノートPCを遠隔から乗っ取るロシアのAPT28による「ニアレストネイバー攻撃」とは? セキュリティ企業のVolexityが、ロシア軍に関連する脅威アクターグループ・APT28による「ニアレストネイバー攻撃」を検出したと報告しています。このニアレストネイバー攻撃は「最も近い隣人」という名の通り、標的企業の近くの建物にあるノートPCなどをリモートで乗っ取ってから、標的のWi-Fiネットワーク経由で不正アクセスを試みるというものでした。 The Nearest Neighbor Attack: How A Russian APT Weaponized Nearby Wi-Fi Networks for Covert Access | Volexity https://www.volexity.com/blog/2024/11/22/the-nearest-neighbor-attack-how-a-russian-apt-weaponized-nearby-wi-fi-networks-for-covert-access/ Hackers breach US firm over Wi-Fi from Russia in 'Nearest Neighbor Attack' https://www.bleepingcomputer.com/news/security/hackers-breach-us-firm-over-wi-fi-from-russia-in-nearest-neighbor-attack/ APT28はロシア軍参謀本部情報総局(GRU)と関連するとみられる脅威アクターグループで、「Fancy Bear」「Strontium」「Pawn Storm」などのコードネームで呼ばれています。APT28はこれまで、世界アンチドーピング機関(WADA)や2016年アメリカ大統領選での民主党全国委員会などに対するハッキングに関与しているといわれています。 ロシア政府系ハッカー集団「ファンシーベア」が未発見のLinuxマルウェアツール「Drovorub」で国家安全保障を脅かしているとFBI・NSAが警告 - GIGAZINE Volexityによると、2022年2月にウクライナ関連の作業を行っていた「政府関連組織の顧客」のサイトでサーバー侵害を検出した時に、APT28による攻撃が検出されたとのこと。 Volexityが「GruesomeLarch」というコードネームで追跡していた脅威アクターらは、まず被害者の公開サービスを狙ったパスワードスプレー攻撃で、標的となる企業のWi-Fiネットワークへの認証情報を入手しました。しかし、多要素認証保護によってパブリックネットワーク上での資格情報の使用は阻止されました。企業のWi-Fiネットワーク経由での接続自体に多要素認証は必要ありませんでしたが、標的となった企業から何千kmも離れた海外から接続���ているという状況が問題となります。 そこで、脅威アクターは標的の無線ネットワークの拠点となり得る近隣の建物内の組織を探し始めました。近隣の組織のネットワーク上で有線・無線の両方を備えたノートPCなどのデバイスがあれば、脅威アクターはワイヤレスアダプターを使って標的のWi-Fiネットワークに接続できるというわけです。 調査の結果、標的となった組織の会議室にある窓の近くにあるワイヤレスアクセスポイント3つに接続可能なデバイスが適切な範囲内にあることが判明。脅威アクターは複数の近隣組織を次々と侵害してWi-Fi接続をデイジーチェーン状につなぎ、最終的に標的組織にアクセスする手法を取りました。この手法により、攻撃者は物理的な近接性を必要とする攻撃の利点を得つつ、実際には遠隔地から安全に攻撃を実行することができました。 侵入後は、Cipher.exeを使用して痕跡を消去したり、VSSAdminを使ってActive Directoryデータベースを窃取したりするなど、「Living off the land」と呼ばれる手法を用いて、既存のWindowsツールを使って活動を行いました。 Volexityによると、使用されたツールやIPアドレスから攻撃者を特定できなかったため、脅威アクターが誰なのかを特定するのは当時困難だったとのこと。しかし、2024年3月にMicrosoftがAPT28についての調査レポートを公開し、この中で脅威アクターグループが用いた「GooseEgg」という攻撃ツールについての情報が明らかになりました。 GooseEggは、Windows印刷スプーラーの特権昇格の脆弱(ぜいじゃく)性であるCVE-2022-38028を悪用したものでした。そして、Microsoftが報告したファイル名やフォルダパス、batファイル内のコマンドがVolexityの観察したものと同一だったことから、Volexityは一連の攻撃はAPT28によるものだと結論付けています。 ニアレストネイバー攻撃は攻撃者が物理的に特定されたり拘束されたりするリスクを排除できる点が特徴で、物理的な近接性の利点を享受しながら、攻撃者は何千kmも離れた場所から安全に作戦を実行できます。Volexityは、熟練した脅威アクターがサイバー攻撃の目的を達成するためには徹底的な手段を取ると注意を促しています。 また、Wi-Fiネットワークがもたらす運用上のセキュリティリスクについて、より慎重に考える必要があると指摘しています。近年、インターネットサービスに対しては、多要素認証の導入やサービスの削減によって攻撃対象となる領域を狭めるような対策が進められてきました。しかし、Wi-Fiネットワークには同レベルの注意が払われていないことが多い、とVolexityは警告。企業のWi-Fiネットワークへのアクセス��、VPNなどの他のリモートアクセスサービスと同様の注意と配慮を持って扱う時期に来ているとしています。 この記事のタイトルとURLをコピーする
向かいの建物にあるノートPCを遠隔から乗っ取るロシアのAPT28による「ニアレストネイバー攻撃」とは? - GIGAZINE
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7loveneverfails · 3 months ago
My son has a gooseegg on his forehead and I have no idea when or how he got it.
He had several flailing and crying fits and i don't know during which one he did it.
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insurgentepress · 9 months ago
Utilizan hackers rusos virus personalizado GooseEgg para vulnerar Windows
Un informe publicado por @MsftSecIntel advierte sobre la herramienta GooseEgg que es utilizada por hackers rusos para explotar vulnerabilidades de @Windows.
Agencias/Ciudad de México.- Investigadores de ciberseguridad de Microsoft han advertido sobre la herramienta maliciosa personalizada GooseEgg, utilizada por el grupo de hakers rusos Forest Blizzard para explotar vulnerabilidades de Windows, como la identificada en el servicio Print Spooler, con lo que consiguenejecutar código en remoto e instalar puertas traseras para el robo de credenciales. El…
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ericvanderburg · 9 months ago
Russian Cyberspies Deliver ‘GooseEgg’ Malware to Government Organizations 
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rabchunter · 2 years ago
Well just look at that pure gold in them there shells, I must be a wealthy man to have these many eggs 💪
Fresh picked Cackle Berries (chicken eggs) 🐔 Quackaberries (duck eggs) 🦆 and Honkaberries (goose eggs) 🪿 arrrrr a country boy can survive alright 🙏🧔💪🐾🐶⚔️🛡️🧑‍🍳👑
Now that will be eating like a country king 👑🧑‍🍳💪🧔 www.theolehedgecreeper.co.uk
#theolehedgecreeper #foodheaven #foodporn #thekingeatsfirst #thekingdrinksfirst #gooseegg #duckegg #chickeneggs #acountryboycansurvive #bathradio #radiobath #radiocookingshow #radiofoodlive #radiochef
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theyvefallen-arch · 2 years ago
@theyvefallen || random starter because i love you
{ ♪ } – She hummed to herself quietly, lifting up the little basket she’d put together for her friend. For Josie, she had gathered up some nice smelling soaps, a few candles, even some bath bombs. The other woman had the same habit Bella did of seriously overworking herself and taking care of everyone else over her.
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Rapping her knuckles against the door, she beamed and waited patiently until it opened up.
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DESPITE THE STRESS that she was under, not much more but a hair was out of place. with her curls knotted and twisted around each other, the woman answers the door (with a thud, because she trips on an ill-placed toy car, her face hitting the door first). leaning against it, she’s rubbing her forehead, where a gooseegg was forming. “Bells? what’re you doin’ here? you know it ain’t safe to be in Edalina’s woods this late!” 
SHE LIGHTLY SCOLDS the other, looking around to ensure nothing had followed Bella. only a few stray spirits hid behind rocks and trees; otherwise, they were safe. sighing with relief, Josie fixes her eyes onto her friend. “sorry fer snappin’ at ya, Bells, ya know how worried I get for ya. looks like it’ll be a night in fer ya, cos the suns gone down... hope that’s alright?”
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breezybirdfarms-blog · 6 years ago
Simple Guide to Hatching Duck & Goose Eggs
Muscovy - 35 days
Other - 28 days
The incubation period for duck eggs is quite long. This means that there is more time for bacterial bloom in the warm humid environment.  Clean your incubator immediately after each use, and then again before you use it.  Be sure to use a mild soap with hot tap water. If you are using a styrofoam incubator please be advised they are difficult to clean properly and can result in poor hatches. Stronger cleaning solutions may damage the styrofoam. 
For Incubating.The forced air incubator should be operated at 99.25*F and 99.75*F for incubating duck eggs. Relative humidity 55%. Don’t use the automatic turning rack when hatching duck eggs. Lay them flat. 
The automatic turning rack only rocks the eggs back and forth and doesn’t actually turn them over.  This works well for chicken eggs, but not so well for duck eggs. 
Hand turn the eggs
Let the eggs lie on their sides in the incubator. Do not turn the eggs for the first 24 hours.  After this period,turn the eggs a minimum three times a day up to five times.  You can put an “x” on one side of the egg and an “o” on the other. Use pencil or sharpie marker. No other marker please as this will kill the embryo.  It is advantageous for duck eggs to be cooled briefly each day, so this hand turning actually accomplishes two goals – turning the eggs and cooling them.  The cooling period should be no more than 10 minutes in total each 24 hour period. You may spritz the eggs once a day using a spray bottle with room temperature water. 
Candle the eggs at the end of week 1 and again at the end of week 3. Discard any eggs that have not started growth.
Unfertilized eggs and dead embryos will cause a bacterial bloom in the incubator, weakening the growing, live, embryos.  It’s important to remove any dead embryos or unfertilized eggs that you find in candling.
Place the incubator on a sturdy table on an inside wall, away from direct sunlight or any heat source.
Incubators perform best inside buildings or rooms where the ambient temperature does not fluctuate more than 5*F over a 24 hour periods.  Consistent temperatures are especially important with smaller incubators, like the Hova-bator.  Try to locate your incubator away from heat sources and windows, in rooms with an ambient temperature of 65*F to 75* degrees.  Never put the incubator in direct sunlight.
Allow for good air circulation around the incubator.
The developing embryos need a constant supply of fresh air, which is provided through the vent openings in the Hova-bator.  When incubating duck eggs, keep these holes constantly open.  In the final week, as you get closer to hatching, be sure that the Hova-bator has all ventilation holes uncovered.
3 days before the expected hatch, remove the eggs from the incubating Hova-bator and place them in the hatching incubator
It is recommended to move the eggs to a hatcher and not use the incubator for sanitary reasons. In the hatcher relative humidity should be maintained at 85.  Some people find it helpful to lightly spritz the eggs with lukewarm water 48 hours and 24 hours before the calculated hatch time.  If you only have one incubator, simply adjust the humidity in the final 2 days of the incubation period.  Note the incubation period above that is specific to your breed.
Be sure the hatching incubator is lined with a washable tray.
This makes clean up easier and helps to minimize bacterial bloom before the hatch.
Do not open the lid of the incubator until the hatch is finished – super important.  
You will want to see the progress of the hatch, but opening the window will allow the humidity to escape and the ducklings or goslings that have pipped will have their egg membranes dry and toughen, making it harder for them to break their tougher shells.  It takes 24 to 48 hours for them to pip the eggs and then turn and work their way around the shell. Newly hatched ducklings/goslings will be tired and should be left in the incubator to dry out for at least 12 hours after hatching.  Maintain good ventilation during this time.
Once all have hatched and fluffed up, you may move them to their brooder. This is a good time to help any stragglers. 
Don’t be discouraged with low hatch rates.
With ducks, the average hatch is 50 to 70% so don’t be discouraged if your hatch is between 33% and 50%. Goose eggs can be even lower and are difficult to hatch. This takes practice and patience. Shipped eggs can decrease this further. Keep good records of daily temperature and humidity readings, and make adjustments until you are happy with the hatch rate.  If you are having poor hatch rates or ducklings/goslings dying in the shell before pipping the most likely culprit is the humidity level.  Waterfowl are more sensitive to humidity levels than chicks.  Keep good records and your hatch rates will improve over time.
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healthykidshappykids · 6 years ago
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I collected an array of eggs today. My first goose egg, just missing the duck egg. Some say duck eggs are best for baking cakes, what eggs do you think are best for what? #eggs #eggsofinstagram #eggvarieties #blueeggs #gooseeggs #duckeggs #chookeggs #formosafamilyfarm #cookingmycookbooks #cooking #baking (at Greens Creek, Victoria, Australia)
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choclette8 · 4 years ago
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Shakshuka with green peppers and goose eggs for our lunch today. So delicious 😋 #shakshuka #whatvegetarianseat #gooseeggs #vegetarianfood #vegetarianrecipes #flavoursofthemiddleeast #vegetarianmeals #middleeasternfood #cookblogshare #fbchat21 #li #scrumptiouskitchen #scrumptioustribe https://www.instagram.com/p/COptRRDLzq5/?igshid=lhey7nvnrfir
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southernheirloom · 5 years ago
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Goose eggs season will begin in a few weeks. #geese #gooseeggs #southernheirloomacres #pastureraised (at Kershaw, South Carolina) https://www.instagram.com/p/B7W-ERKnXux/?igshid=1p8e5ptuddvfu
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cantankerouscatfish · 3 years ago
🎵 layin' on the sofa with frozen peas on my head
🎵 bc my dad dropped a piece of pvc on it from 5' above
🎵 owwies
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stickalithus · 4 years ago
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A goose barnacle? Oh, you mean a barnacle goose egg
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ericvanderburg · 9 months ago
Russian APT28 Group in New “GooseEgg” Hacking Campaign
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roseapodaca · 6 years ago
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My mom’s idea of an #Easteregg: made from 4 #gooseeggs. #Eggery is among her countless talents. 🐰 #talentedmom #motherswhorock #happyeaster #egghead #springtime #eggs #lavieenrose https://www.instagram.com/p/Bwh3BdOAzl5/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1geatnvz7sxkl
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thecornichon · 6 years ago
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My home is my palace! Saturday breakfast of scrambled goose eggs, bacon and pan seared green onions. I made the eggs as per The Food Lab instructions: beat the eggs with salt and let it rest. Cook in a sauce pan with butter, whisking non stop and adding creme fraiche in the process. Yummm! #scrambledeggs . . . . . . #ketobreakfast #eggsandbacon #eggs #bacon #gooseeggs #keto #ketofood #instaketo #ketoideas #ketomeals #ketoeats #ketojourney #thecornichon #yummyfood #deliciousfood #nom #chillingathome #chilax #hyggelifestyle #hyggelife #hygge #lagom #lowcarbdiet #lowcarblife #ketofoodie #thebeginnerchallenge https://www.instagram.com/p/BwMt249Ae_b/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=f03dyv3b1kwp
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