#goosebumps goldie
rainbow-neko-artblog · 8 months
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Man guys i think i like dummies but i can't tell-
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✨behold the: motivation said no to draw so I made these fucks: excuse✨
Yes I'm cringe I know yes it's gacha club 2 very fun to experiment with designs and stuff
So uh- yeah-✨💀✨
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how do the dummies from gb sleep (u already KNOW who it issss)
How do the dummies sleep?
okay for slappy? that boy sleeps with his EYES OPEN. He’s a little weirdo regardless of what’s going on, especially if you were to sleep in the same bed as him! you’ll wake up with a little puppet on top of you like a weird, little cat as he stares into your soul like he knows when you’ll die.
Snappy however, sleeps flat on his back most of the time! which gives him the worst snoring but that’s just how he can fall asleep comfortably! just don’t agree to a sleepover with him, you’ll be kept up all night.
Mr Wood actually will sleep anywhere he doesn’t care, if he’s tired enough he will sleep standing up! just carefully pick up the poor little guy and put him somewhere more comfortable! when he wakes up he’ll whine about being coddled, but deep down you know he appreciates it.
Mary ellen has to sleep a certain way or she won’t be able to sleep at all, the room has to be the right temperature, the sheets and blankets have to be freshly cleaned, and she has a white noise machine going on as well HSJSJ
Dennis sleeps like a baby honestly, curled up in the fetal position with like three thick blankets on him- but you know those videos of cats being handed plushies and they just grab them and start cuddling with them? that’s dennis, he’ll do the exact same thing.
Rocky is the kind of guy that would fall asleep in those lazy boy chairs with the LOUDEST SNORING EVER and for good measure the tv will be on blaringly loud and once you change the channel/turn it off, he’ll instantly wake up with the grumpiest expression on his face. “Hey! I was watchin’ that!”
I don’t think goldie sleeps, I think she watches people sleep 🧍🏻‍♂️
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sp00kies · 5 months
Old Slappy art I never posted
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feathermushroom · 11 months
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2 troubled kids and one old dollmaker lady
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Jhon and his dear weird son
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Slappy and Mr wood being nice siblings as aways
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m3-kk · 3 months
Last notes for Part 1! (I just finished now I have to read side stories and part 2 lets gooo)
Ch. 753- Hahah actually hitting the WS in the back of his head with a rock KEHEHE
Ch. 754- Why is this one of my fav chapters? We finally got to beat the bloody (literally) WS, PHYSICALLY! With a rock, A ROCK! KEHEHEHHEHE I LOVE THIS HAHAHHA WAR WARRRRR DESTRUCTION! It’s soooo satisfying to see him cry 🥰
Ch. 758- We’re attack in but the others!
Ch. 759- Dam, we stabbed ourselves and him…. I’m speechless, flabbergasted..
Ch. 760- Praise the Alberu thank God! WOO THAT GAVE ME GOOSEBUMPS!! Sheesh 💀
Ch. 761- Collecting Ancient Powers like they are Pokémon Cards heheheh!
Ch. 762- Eruhaben & Roan ye! Cales Panicking fr fr
Ch. 764- Slacker-chan really did leave to get the milk 😭(my face feels so warm rn I might have a nosebleed like Cale lol)
Ch. 766- UwU
Ch. 767- It’s sleepy time ya’ll 😴😪🥱💤
Ch. 768- Bath time! Also seeing Ron after a bit. GOLDIE GRAMPS NOOOOO!!
Ch. 769- Eruhaben is so shameless for wanting extra life! 🫢 (jk we love him)
Ch. 772- NAH WE GOT LOOTED?! God of Death: Be the Saint. Cale: Chucks book.
Ch. 774- I’m so happy for Cale Lee Soo Hyuk reincarnated into his world?! Also we get a new cintami yay! Part 1 is almost over :(
Ch. 775- Lee Soo Hyuk is at Endable! 🥹
Ch. 776- Part 1 ‘The Birth of a Hero’ FIN. NOW I NEED TO READ Part 2 ‘The Laws of the Hunt.’ IVE BEEN CRYING FOR AN HOUR OMG
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Just popped in my mind taken me some days to finish but I'm sorta proud how it turned out!
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Bobby my boi 🙏✨
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I'm loving all of these Goosebumps stuff with you hc. I think they are great! But do u having anything for Goldie? We can't leave the sister behind.
we forgot about goldie 💔 :((
General HCS for Goldie the dummy
She’s actually incredibly smart, like to a frightening level.
You thought her brothers were dangerous? HAH, you haven’t even met her.
I think she’d be slightly more sadistic than her siblings, she’d probably kill someone’s if she had the chance.
ignoring the part where she got viciously attacked by rats in the diary of a dummy book
However, if you’re more curious about her chill side- she’s the type of ally you’d want to have, she’ll do you favors, cut someone toxic out of your life, and protect you!
but of course this all does come with a price, she slappy’s sister after all.
though her prices seem to be rather small, if you don’t mind being a servant for the rest of your days :)
but not to worry! she just has you do little tasks for her or clean, nothing too serious yet
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goldiejake11 · 8 months
For the Ducktales 2017 ask game, let's go with favorite character.
Thanks for the ask @boingodigitalart!
I know it's no shock that I love Goldie. I first fell in love with her in the comics because she was a woman in a man's world and basically beating them at their own game. She wasn't just sitting at home simpering after a man (coff coff comics daisy coff) seemingly helpless with even the most basic task without their input. Goldie on the other hand was someone who relied on herself to get things done. If she had help great. If she didn't oh well she just got on with it. I like that both versions of ducktales picked up on this character trait and ran with it.
Technically though...Scrooge is, was and always will be my overall fave. Like Goldie I first 'met' the character in the comics and immediately thought I wanna be him! Confidence! Intelligence! Resilience! Buuuut the real attraction was the super deep secret he kept hidden - the vulnerability and fear that he might not be good enough so he would always overachieve to make up for it. Which of course leads to bluster, pride and ego to cover up for it - smoke and mirrors to make sure no one sees the truth. I like that Barks gave the comics Scrooge things like exhaustion, self doubt and even mental health issues which gave him immense depth of character and things that I could also relate to. Others like Rosa and Ducktales fleshed all of this out and made him an understandably flawed but likeable character that although I might not be super rich I can definitely escape the confines reality with from time to time and enjoy.
I think ducktales made him much more ego centric which works for the storyline. They went a different direction with the vulnerability aspect which I think really, REALLY was a brilliant stroke of genius to contrast the Scrooge that he 'wants' people to see and the Scrooge he is inside underneath...I still get goosebumps whenever I see or hear the 'I am' scene. *shudder*
The vulnerable Scrooge is the Scrooge Goldie sees even though he really wishes she wouldn't. This is why she knows EXACTLY what buttons to push to annoy the crap out of him. And also why she pushes him out of air ships for the challenge she knows he loves but also protects him when he is in over his head (Golden Lagoon rock fall, Outlaw Scrooge McDuck Jeeves fight, Foreverglades Jeeves fight again).
Phew!! That was WAAAY longer than I expected, but super fun. Thanks again for the ask!
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joanquill · 1 year
Hey!!! Could you do an enemies to lovers william x reader with prompt 26?
"Yep. We're lost. In the fucking woods."
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William James Moriarty
Warning/s: Profanity
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You hissed as you sat up from the ground, your back and butt stinging from the fall.
"Damn, that tree came out of nowhere..." you grumbled as you blinked open your eyes, seeing the cliff you fell off.
You groaned as you stood up, hopping on your foot as you saw familiar red eyes among the trees.
"Oh, come on!" you grumbled as William lunged at you.
You roll on the ground, avoiding his attack as you grab your sword.
You quickly turned and parried William's strike, making him click his tongue as he slid back.
"Don't you think this is getting a little old, scarlet eyes?" you smirked as you tried to stand up, but the sharp pain in your ankle made you fall back on the ground.
'Shit...!' you thought as you looked back at William, grabbing the gun from your belt and shooting him.
"That fall did a number on you, I see," he taunted as he swiftly avoided your shots, making you frown.
"What? You landed on your feet or something?" you asked as you quickly reloaded your gun.
"No," William grabbed your wrist as his face was only inches from yours, "But I do not like one-sided battles," he smiled as he tightened his hold, making you drop the gun.
"Is that how you talk to people?" he asked as he inspected your injured ankle.
"Nope. Just you,"
"How special," William muttered as he inspected your injury.
His fingers traced softly on your skin, making you feel goosebumps.
"It's sprained... Even I know that much," you grumbled as you pulled away from him, ripping cloth off your clothes to wrap it around.
"Now what? You're not going to kill me just 'cause of a sprained ankle?"
"It takes away the satisfaction of seeing your defeated face,"
You rolled your eyes at his answer as you tightly wrapped the cloth on your ankle.
You slowly stood up, but your ankle was too painful to walk.
"Do you really think you can walk in that state?" William asked as he watched you falter.
"Shut it, Goldie." you hissed as you hopped on your foot, making William roll his eyes.
"How the mighty have fallen..." he whispered under his breath as he took your arm and put it around his shoulder, grabbing your waist.
"I didn't ask for help,"
"Watching you struggle was just pitiful," he answered as he helped you walk.
"Besides, do you even know you're way back?" he asked, making you freeze.
You looked back at the cliff you fell from and the forest around you, making you sweat.
You heard William chuckle, making you shove him.
"What about you, Mr. Know-it-all? Since you're the one who got us into this mess,"
William looked around the forest, seeing he was trying to think of a way out.
You sighed as you dropped your arm in defeat.
"Yep. We're lost. In the fucking woods..." you bit your lip as you looked around for shelter.
William sighed as he swiped his arm under your legs, carrying you in his arms.
"What the fuck-"
"Do you wish to stay here with me?"
"Then keep quiet while I try to get us home,"
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sp00kies · 3 months
Human sibling designs hehe
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letzgetsilly · 1 year
Goosebumps theory: Mr Wood timeline of events
Ok this may be a little bit insane and the formatting may be off because I’m copying and pasting all this from where I was rambling in a friend’s Minecraft server’s Discord chat. But anyway without further ado:
This is how I think Mr Wood/Wally's life went. The books I'm getting this info from (in the order they were published) are Night of the Living Dummy, Bride of the Living Dummy, Slappy's Nightmare, I am Slappy's Evil Twin, and Slappy: Beware. Warning, this is a long ol’ post and contains spoilers!
So in I am Slappy's Evil Twin we learn that Slappy, Snappy, and Mr Wood were made by a ventriloquist and puppet maker named Franz Mahar in Britain in the 1920s, all made out of wood from a stolen coffin. We can infer that Goldie was also made by Franz, though she isn't mentioned because she hadn't made an appearance yet. Things get tricky here because Mr Wood, Snappy, AND Goldie were all said to have been created 'side by side' with Slappy but that's kind of impossible lmao. Slappy and Snappy are the only 2 who are described as being completely identical, though Mr Wood does come close enough to Slappy's appearance that he's almost exclusively reffered to as 'Slappy's twin'. Goldie was probably created first because she has the most powerful magic, then it was either Slappy & Snappy or Mr Wood, or Mr Wood was created last. All we really know is that Mr Wood is Franz's least favourite because of how he treats him, but idk if he treats him this way because of what Mr Wood did to him or if he just doesn't care for him much because he was created after the others? Or maybe Slappy & Snappy were created last and they're his favourite because they're like his final ultimate creation? This could really go either way. They were brought to life by a magician named Kanduu who Franz worked with, but after Mr Wood attacked Franz on stage he found that Kanduu had used his magic to turn the dummies evil which like ok wow, dick move there bro. Franz then runs away and moves to an isolated town in America where he continues to make puppets on his own. Slappy 'n co. are absolutely mental and so just go around the town fucking shit up, so of course the locals are pissed at Franz. They end up catching Mr Wood and burning him on a bonfire, and Franz fakes being upset about this but when he goes back home he just laughs with Slappy because that's his favourite little boy and he is so pleased that the townsfolk think Mr Wood was behind everything and will now leave him and his guys alone.
^ There is a bit of a discrepancy with this backstory though. In Slappy: Beware, Slappy claims he was made by an evil sorcerer 200 years ago in an evil tower but I am 100% certain he is just making shit up to sound cool. Or he genuinely believes this because he literally has a peanut butter sandwich in his head.
Now we know Mr Wood obviously survives this fire because he appears in other books. Maybe being framed and falsely accused from Slappy is the reason he hates him so much, though maybe he always hated him because as seen by the 'beat down of 1920' he is just generally violent. Anyway so while the first book published to feature Mr Wood was Night of the Living Dummy, I think that the next book in the timeline is Slappy's Nightmare. Yeah that's right baby, I think Slappy's Nightmare is a PREQUEL!!! WHAAAAT!!!!!!!
For some context though we need to take a look at Bride of the Living Dummy. In this book, we see that Slappy now currently belongs to an enthusiastic young guy named Jimmy O'James, for some reason depicted as a spineless old man in the TV series but I digress. This book doesn't have Mr Wood in it but it is very relevant because of Jimmy! Our precious Jimmy! Puppeteering them blind! Jimmy and Slappy work together to entertain kids at the town's local theatre, and because Slappy is alive Jimmy is like "wow I really hit the jackpot with this guy I'll be the best ventriloquist ever and make so many people happy with my performance!" but SIKE Slappy is evil and abuses Jimmy behind the scenes. Jimmy ends up running away from home I think? Or something? But we do know that Slappy eventually finds his way back to Jimmy because they are performing together again in Slappy's Nightmare.
SO this is where Mr Wood makes a return, but under the name of Wally. On the Goosebumps Wiki they are listed as 2 separate characters, but it's pretty much unanimously agreed upon that Mr Wood and Wally are the same character because they are both described as looking similar to Slappy, both hold a grudge against him, both have even worse anger issues than Slappy does, and both have blue eyes. The ONE teeny tiiiiny issue is that 'Wally' is described as having brown hair, but there are several non-canon (I think it was on a backpack) and dubiously-canon (Enter HorrorLand, the French cover of Night of the Living Dummy) depictions of Mr Wood where he has brown hair. So idk. Maybe his hair was dirty or he put like temporary dye in it or something. All I know is it's pretty much unanimously agreed upon that Mr Wood and Wally are the same.
Anyway tangent aside, most of this book doesn't count because, as the title suggests, it's Slappy having a nightmare, but there is a lot of relevant info in the parts where he is awake. We know that Slappy is still performing with Jimmy and that Jimmy desperately wants to get away from Slappy while continuing his dream of being a ventriloquist but is scared of failure and that if he stops performing with a living dummy everyone will see his lips moving (bro thought he was gonna be Archie Andrews 2 <-- nerd reference for fellow puppet fans ONLY). But at the end of the book, he gets Mr Wood (Wally) and reads a spell that will put Slappy to sleep and wake Wally up. So Slappy is now 'dead' and Mr Wood is now 'alive'. And while this bothered me for quite some time because how would Slappy come back for the later books, I think it makes sense with this prequel theory, because this leads on PERFECTLY to Night of the Living Dummy.
Despite the most famous cover of this book, the original American cover, having only Slappy on it, and the modern cover also featuring only Slappy, Slappy is actually BARELY relevant in this book AT ALL. Most of the crazy stuff that happens is all because of Mr Wood. So the book starts with the Powell twins playing on a construction site because this was the 90s and nobody cared about children's safety, when they find a dumpster with Slappy in it. Lindy claims it and Kris gets jealous, so her parents go out and buy her a dummy that is just like the one her sister has, and it's Mr Wood baby!!! This was the first book published with these 2 in it. The birth of absolute legends. We'll get back to the Powell twins later but we need to figure out, what happened in between Slappy's Nightmare and the first Night of the Living Dummy if it really is a prequel? And this is where we go to Slappy: Beware for one crucial clue. I know I already disparaged this book because Slappy is as about as unreliable as an unreliable narrator can get, but he has zero reason to lie about this because it makes his brother, who he hates, seem more successful than him, so I believe it's reall. I also haven't read Slappy: Beware but I know this is in it as a major plot point.
In the Goosebumps universe, there is actually a line of mass-produced replicas of Mr Wood, and Slappy uses this to his advantage by disguising himself as Mr Wood and hiding in one of the boxes so he's bought and gifted to a kid.
Why would Mr Wood be famous?
Because, I think, after putting Slappy to sleep and waking Mr Wood up, Jimmy began touring with Mr Wood instead. People took notice of 'how good of a ventriloquist this Jimmy guy is' (I mean wow, it's almost like the dummy has it's own voice or something!) and he got on talent shows and even like TV and stuff. They get merch deals, including producing those replicas, which is a real thing that happens irl with famous ventriloquist dummies like this literally irl happened with Slappy. But it's not to last because just like his brother, Mr Wood is an evil little shit and is exceptionally violent. Perhaps they got into an argument over the fact Jimmy was profiting off of Mr Wood's likeness now, who knows, all we know for certain is that Mr Wood ends up in a charity shop and Slappy ends up in a dumpster.
Anyway, so in the first Night of the Living Dummy book it's actually Mr Wood who's going around fucking shit up and vomiting green slime on people, Slappy is just completely normal and does nothing throughout the entire book. Eventually though Mr Wood's head gets crushed by a steamroller. Bummer! And then one of the twins accidentally brings Slappy to life and boom, twist ending!
There is something else I'd like to briefly mention, Mr Wood was actually the protagonist of the 2008 online game Enter HorrorLand (which is why it's the piece of lost media that most desperately needs to be found). The canonicity of this game is a little dubious and peculiar as all the books in the HorrorLand series link to this game as if it's part of that same universe and the books all end with maps that match up exactly with Enter HorrorLand. So it's possible he somehow survived the steamroller? God I hope so. I really really hope so.
Anyway that was the story of undertale thanks for reading lol :P
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tvccreator · 2 years
Puppeteer Quartet for the Underrated Character Event
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Lady Donna Beneviento doesn’t get that much love compared to Lady D or Heisenberg, and I felt in the mood to draw her with the three puppet brothers from Goosebumps, so here you guys go!
Before anyone asks, yes, Slappy has brothers: Mr. Wood, Wally, and Snappy. Snappy and Wally look almost exactly like Slappy (although Snappy has black eyes and is confirmed to be Slappy’s twin.) Mr. Wood was overshadowed in Night of the Living Dummy since, y’know, Slappy is the one on the cover. They also have a sister named Goldie who was turned into a rat.
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loki104-uwu · 1 year
goosebumps stuff
Goldie: The floor is lava!
Rocky: *helps Dennis onto the counter*
Wally: *kicks Snappy off the sofa*
Slappy: *lays on the floor*
Goldie: ...Are you okay?
Slappy: No.
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fanficwriter284 · 11 months
quick question if you don't mind me asking do the other goosebumps ventriloquist dummies like Wally wood, Snappy, Goldie, Dennis, and Rocky exist, if so how does Slap's feel about them?
They do! Though I don't really mention them! Since they're people Slappy would like to forget ever existed. He has a new family now and doesn't want to dwell in the past. He hates Snap, Goldie he doesn't care for, he doesn't like Wally, and Rocky and Dennis are somewhere unbeknownst to him (They're living their best lives)!
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I did a stupid lil chart of how my ver of slappy and his siblings get along with each other over the years made a base for it in case anyone wanna do there own as well =^=
For clarification
Black means hate
Blue means dislike
Green means they get along very well
And yellow means they have mixed opinions on them
And 2 or more colors means more complex feelings tords
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