#google chat
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hiddenwritingsintheworld · 8 months ago
I need some people who want to chat with me on Google Chat about writing, ideas, editing some works, etc. Any takers?
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irissmith898 · 1 year ago
You're always on my mind
Plus i want to fuck you😋😋
Slide to my DM
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techniktagebuch · 1 year ago
August 2023
Immer offene Browsertabs, der späte Beginn einer Chronik (X)
Das letzte Update dieser Chronik war vor über zwei Jahren, im April 2021.
Seit Februar 2022 müssen meine Tabs dank des Firefox-Plugins "Tree Style Tab" nicht mehr nebeneinander leben. Sie haben jetzt viel Platz am linken Rand des Browsers. Während ich diesen Beitrag schreibe, sind knapp 70 Tabs offen. Die meisten davon dienen als Erinnerung an noch nicht vollständig umgesetzte Pläne oder Projekte, oder es sind lange Texte, die ich irgendwann noch weiterlesen will. (Das passiert manchmal wirklich!)
Die immer offenen Tabs stehen in dieser linken Spalte ganz oben. Von oben nach unten sind es:
Das Google Spreadsheet mit dem Gemeinschaftstagebuch (seit April 2020)
Tumblr (seit Februar 2014), wegen des Techniktagebuchs
Facebook Messenger (seit Mai 2015; mittlerweile vor allem wegen des Techniktagebuch-Redaktionschats, der aus historischen Gründen dort wohnt)
Telegram (nutze ich seit Januar 2015, scheint sich aber als separates Tab erst später etabliert zu haben)
WhatsApp (seit Anfang 2021) – nicht meine Entscheidung, aber ich habe mittlerweile doch ein paar Freund*innen, die WhatsApp bevorzugen)
der Chat von Google, der so oft umbenannt wird, dass es mir egal ist, wie er diese Woche heißt (seit Juni 2023, aus beruflichen Gründen)
Discord (seit ca. 2020, vorher auch schon mal), ich habe aber leider immer noch nur selten Gelegenheit, es auch zu nutzen.
Mastodon – im letzten Update dieser Chronik im Frühjahr 2021 steht "Mastodon (seit letzter Woche wieder, aber mit geringer Hoffnung auf Dauerhaftigkeit)". Vielleicht ist das Tab wirklich seitdem offen? Intensiver genutzt habe ich es jedenfalls seit Sommer 2022.
Mastodon Techniktagebuch-Account (seit irgendwann nach März 2023, damit ich als Techniktagebuch fremde Beiträge reposten kann)
Google Keep (seit Juli 2015)
Google Drive (seit etwa 2006)
Weggefallen seit dem letzten Update sind:
Google Calendar – (ca. 2006–2021) Ich habe immer noch viel weniger Termine als vor der Pandemie, da genügt es, wenn ich den Kalender bei Bedarf öffne.
Tweetdeck (Anfang September 2014 bis irgendwann 2022; von 2008 bis September 2014 hatte ich multiple Twitter-Tabs) wegen der Twitterübernahme durch Elon Musk. Kein Tab-Abschied hat mein Leben so stark verändert wie dieser. Leider habe ich es versäumt, mehr darüber ins Techniktagebuch zu schreiben, so dass ich mich jetzt schon kaum mehr erinnere, wie das eigentlich war. (Nachtrag: Jetzt gibt es den Versuch einer Rekonstruktion anhand von Chatbeiträgen.)
Smashdocs, wie im letzten Teil der Chronik angekündigt: "Nach dem Ende dieser Überarbeitung werde ich das Tab wieder schließen, voraussichtlich im Herbst 2021." Ungefähr so kam es auch.
Slack (April 2021–März 2023) Aus dem Projekt, für das ich es brauchen wollte, wurde nichts. Au��erdem habe ich mich über Slack geärgert.
(Kathrin Passig)
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kittieshauntedourfantasy · 2 years ago
I started a new blog with my friend
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Google Releases Bard, Its Competitor in the Race to Create A.I. Chatbots | AI | Google Bard
Google has announced the release of a new chatbot called "Bard," which uses artificial intelligence to create poetry in response to users' prompts. The chatbot is designed to imitate the style of famous poets such as Shakespeare and Emily Dickinson and can generate sonnets, haikus, and free verse. Read More
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ameliakeli · 6 hours ago
Migrate Slack Emojis to Google Chat with CloudFuze
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musicalthought · 2 months ago
I have a Google chat appointment with my advisor to drop my one class ...... tell me why I couldn't do this over email miss heather?
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zmyaro · 7 months ago
R.I.P. all the nonprofits that didn't switch from Slack to Discord or some other competitor ASAP 😞
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chubbyandsubby · 1 year ago
Um wasted let's chat pls thanks cuties xo
Send ask, dm, we can Kik, Google chat, submissions and anon on, hollllllla
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idigitizellp21 · 7 months ago
How Google Chat Bridges Communication Gaps
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Google never fails to surprise their users with jaw-dropping software updates and integrations. Google comes back with a surprise but this time in the Business Environment! Aren’t you curious what’s the surprise about? Breaking the ice, Google at the Cloud Next 2023 event announced that they will allow Google chat users to chat with other workspace platforms like Microsoft Teams and Slack.
Questions related to Google Chat are answered below:
Why is this collaboration a big deal? This tech news has taken the market by storm as it allows cross-platform real-time communication and collaboration which enables interoperability to the people with a simple Google subscription, Mio. Mio is not a separate chat platform, but rather an integration for your existing Google Chat, Microsoft Teams, Slack, or Zoom Chat applications. Organizations will need to install the Mio app onto their respective chat platforms in order to enable cross-platform communications provided by Google Chat. Mio is the only fully Native platform to date as it allows users to stay on the platform and connect with other’s on several different platforms without learning how to use another platform.
What are the key takeaways of this integration? Key takeaways of this integration are that it saves time for users by integrating everything within one single platform, instead of switching between apps, which not only enhances productivity but boosts efficiency at the workplace. Picture this: You’re working on a project with your team, and some carry out business operations through Microsoft Teams while others rely on Slack. Communication shouldn’t be a limitation whilst we all work towards one organisational goal. This is where Google Chat comes in as the hero; breaking down barriers and encouraging collaboration across various other business platforms.
How is it beneficial to Frontline workers? Surely you didn’t know, 77% of the Frontline workers deal with clients remotely. For, them it’s a great platform as they can remotely connect with people on a single platform. Jake Bailey, Chief Commercial Officer of Mio, states that “The adoption curve for most frontline workers is almost non-existent and makes for faster adoption”. By this, it can be said that Google Chat makes it easier for frontline workers to get a digital identity. Information source: https://www.m.io/blog/frontline-worker-collaboration
How does this technology work? Google Chat uses different API’s (Application Programming Interface) to connect between different platforms, allowing data to flow freely over the internet without any disruption. It allows us to bridge the gap between Microsoft Teams and Slack. API here are trusted because, Mio works directly with Google to build the APIs that relay information from platform to platform, for a secure and frictionless end-user experience. Information Source: https://www.m.io/ Usage of Google Chat has increased after this collaboration as it gives several benefits to the user like enhanced productivity, access to a larger user base, increased collaboration opportunities, etc.
Summing Up:
Collaborate to upgrade. Google Chat has upgraded its product efficiency by collaborating with other platforms for a seamless flow of communication within an organisation. With this said, the organisational flow of information is sure to mature and contribute to company goals. A renowned digital marketing agency in Mumbai, iDigitize Infotech LLP, takes inspiration and delivers seamless development and social media projects to varied industry professionals. Here our internal teams work in collaboration to ensure a smooth and timely project delivery.
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ppixel7128 · 9 months ago
Redemption, justice, purity, gods presence, union
sweeter, richer, more refined skillfully crafted: malt scotch whisky by wlliam grant & sons inc. new york, ny... generations categories and perspectives! #distilled #influences
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yuusukewada · 9 months ago
まず、別途メールマガジンで書いたように、当社は今月で第25期目を迎えました。ご支援、ご協力いただいた皆さまに感謝を申し上げます。 MSがTEAMSを分離した とうとうこの日が来ました。MSがMS365 (OFFICE365) からTEAMSを分離して出荷しました。これはSLACKが長年、バンドル(同梱)して配布は不正競争だと訴えていたことです。 覚えていますか?あのブラウザ戦争を?そうです、Internet…
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fly-in-amber · 10 months ago
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me basically
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gingermintpepper · 4 months ago
I think, perhaps one of the funniest things to come from EPIC popularising the Odyssey is that now a ton of people think Poseidon wanted to kill Odysseus.
In the Odyssey, Poseidon has no intention of killing Odysseus. In fact, part of the whole reason Zeus lets Poseidon do whatever he wants even though he thinks Odysseus is rad and should get to kiss his wife is explicitly because Poseidon had no intentions of killing Odysseus. Poseidon wanted to pay back the suffering/inconvenience blinding Polyphemus would have caused. It's a really abstract thing tbh. How do you pay back someone permanently disabling your son? Poseidon's solution was just to amputate Odysseus from his other half; i.e. Penelope. The end game was never murder, it was always an endurance race.
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(Od. Book 1: Zeus reassuring Athena that he is not, in fact, a part of Odysseus Hater-Nation. Trans. Robert Fagles)
Also, for those wondering if there's any sort of in text reason for why Poseidon wasn't around in God Games - at the time in the Odyssey when Athena petitions Zeus to let Odysseus leave Calypso's island, Poseidon was -checks notes- on vacation in Ethiopia. Yep. He left to Ethiopia for a festival and thusly was very much absent for Athena's whole "please let Ody go? Please? 🥺" request.
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(Od. Book 1: While Odysseus was suffering, Poseidon went to party in the east)
I am begging y'all to read the Odyssey. It's a comedy for everyone except Odysseus and Penelope who are, in fact, suffering 24/7 365.
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