#good tv criers are so underrated too
pynkhues · 29 days
a) Sam is SUCH a beautiful crier. Somewhere Rolin is thinking of all the trauma to come next season and real Lestat being so weepy and rubbing his hands in glee thinking HAHAHA YES CRY PRETTY MAN, CRY
b) These are two of the most devastating moments of the season to me. The depth of Lestat's shame and regret and horror and heartbreak in that moment at the trial, that he hurt (so horribly and intentionally) the person he loves more than anyone or anything...and then in the reunion scene (where they were both so brilliant and I want to hear all your thoughts on the whole scene), that moment absolutely sucker punched me. His voice cracking like that, such a deep voice going so high because he couldn't control it, because the thought of what Louis had done to himself was unbearable. Sam just accessed such raw, exposed-nerve levels of pain and sorrow in these moments. And again, they both did that in the reunion scene, which is just such raw pain and love from beginning to end.
Agreed on all counts, anon.
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