#good stocks to buy now india
nikethestatue · 1 year
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Chapter 1
London, England
Elain Archeron
London’s Victoria Station greeted its new visitor with a cacophony of noise, chaos and excitement. Clutching the instructions and the address that she received from the stern and cold Mrs. Amren, who was the organiser of this wild scheme, Elain Archeron attempted to follow the directions inside the clamour of the train station, though it was proving to be difficult.
She’s never been to London before and now, the place terrified her. She was pushed and shoved without consideration for her gentler sex, those around her were shrieking, yelling, and shouting something all the time. There were people, whole families, whose skin tones were different from her own, whose fashions and outfits were odd and contradictory. There were people of different religions as well–she could tell Jews and Hindus and Muslims. She was educated and well-read, so she was not surprised to see those who came from Africa, and India, or even the Chinese, and scarf-clad women from Poland, or maybe Russia–but seeing them all in the flesh was overwhelming. She never imagined that people of so many various colours, sizes and shapes existed. 
She continued her walk through the station, jerked off her feet by the blaring claxons from the train, clutching her travel satchel close to her chest. It had her only possessions inside–her two dresses, her unmentionables, stockings, another pair of boots, hair ribbons and pins, her spare corset, and toiletries. 
Her walk was interrupted constantly, men offering rides and calling out “Miss! Miss!” to her. But she kept her eyes down and shouldered her way to the massive doors of the station. 
She must be mad.
It had to be that!
To be doing this, she couldn’t be normal.
She was here, in London of all places, alone, to meet with some mysterious man.
What if he was Jack the Ripper?
She’s read the papers–Jack the Ripper was rampaging on the streets of Whitechapel and what if Mrs. Amren was his co-conspirator? What if she lured unsuspecting country girls to London, and into the clutches of Jack the Ripper?
Elain’s read and enjoyed the tales of Sherlock Holmes, that wiley intriguing detective, who solved crimes–but if she thought about it more, why was there so much crime in London? People stole and abused and murdered others. It was horrifying.
Where she was from, St. Margaret’s Bay, the biggest crime last year was Ollie Oswald stealing Mr. Clarence’s goat, and Maggie May becoming pregnant out of wedlock. That thought sobered her right up, though still, Maggie’s out-of-wedlock babe was hardly the same thing as a mad serial killer running around the streets of London and slaughtering women of ill repute.
Elain finally existed the station and stood on the street, all her senses assaulted by even more noise, the stench of manure, hordes of jostling people who were all rushing somewhere, paper boys who were announcing the latest headlines – another Ripper murder, apparently – vendors peddling food and all sorts of items, handsome soldiers, and every spoken language imaginable. Elain recognised everything from French and Italian, to some dialects that she was unfamiliar with, Slavic, German and even Scandinavian speech. She had a knack for languages, and having spent time in Dover, with her father’s ships, she’d seen sailors, merchants and visitors from every part of the world. Stupidly, she thought that Dover was a busy city. It had nothing on this monstrosity.
She walked over to where the cabs were parked awaiting passengers.
“Good mornin’ Miss, in need of a ride?” one of the drivers asked.
“Yes, this is the address,” she handed him the paper that Mrs. Amren had given her, which had the address and all the instructions. Mrs. Amren had also given her ten pounds, which was more money than Elain’s seen in a long, long time.
She could buy so much for ten pounds! Dresses and a pair of shoes, meat pies, maybe even a pastry, tea, lodging…Her whole family survived on four-five pounds a month, and here she was, with ten pounds, six shillings and 3 pence in her pocket. Mrs. Amren told her that the tenner had come from the gentleman who took care of her travel accommodations and spending money.
Once she was situated in the carriage, they took off,  the driver navigating the streets and the chaos of other cabs and pedestrians with expert precisions. Elain knew that they were going to Westminster, and she wished to see the cathedral, and the abbey, but she did not, though she was pleased that they’d be staying far away from Whitechapel.
“Dog and Hound, Miss,” the driver announced and then opened the door for her.
It was a public house and also offered lodgings and once Elain exited the cab, she thought that it looked presentable and clean. The facade of the building was well-kept, brick, with garlands of wisteria wrapping around the lower part of the building and the very large bay window. Once she paid for the ride, she walked inside–she’s been to public houses and taverns before–but this one looked very well kept, with a beautiful walnut bar, all sorts of hunting pictures and engravings on the walls, and burgundy and green seats. There were not many patrons milling around, but it was also only 10:30 am. 
Elain approached the proprietor, just like Mrs. Amren told her to do and said, “Good morning. I am here to see Mr. Arthur Johnson.”
The man straightened at the mention of the name, and then quickly and accommodatingly told her, “Follow me, Miss.”
“Where are we going?” Elain whispered, baulking at the invitation.
“Mr. Johnson is waiting for you Miss. My understanding is that he wished to have a conversation with you in private.”
Elain’s never been with a man in private, let alone in an unfamiliar city, but what choice did she have? She already felt like she signed her life away, when she was meeting with Mrs. Amren. The woman had a heap of papers and documents for Elain to sign, mostly about confidentiality and non-disclosure of any information that she was to learn. There were financial papers as well, but Mrs. Amren told her that they would be finalised should the contract be signed. 
They stopped at one of the doors and the proprietor knocked. A man’s voice answered promptly.
“You may proceed, Miss,” he told Elain and then stepped aside.
This is where I die, was her only thought. 
It was definitely Jack the Ripper. There have been whispers that he came from the upper classes, maybe even nobility, and she was going to meet him right now and he was going to skin her alive. And then her body would be baked into meat pies, just like Sweeney Todd did it. They said that the mad barber did not exist, but Elain begged to differ. Stories like that didn’t just happen to be written due to someone’s fevered imagination. He must have existed.
So she would be abused, killed and then will end up in a pie.
He sat in a wingback chair.
That’s all she saw when she finally dared to enter the room. The man. The gentleman.
A very tall man by the looks of it, considering how far his long legs stretched. He was dressed in all black, elegantly, in a way Elain wasn’t used to seeing men dressed on a Thursday morning. His jacket was stylishly tailored and his boots were perfectly polished. However, it was the man’s face that gave Elain pause. He was handsome to an unusual degree, the panes of his face sharp and sensual at once. Large, slightly slanted eyes of a peculiar colour regarded her with detachment and mild scrutiny. When he licked his full lower lip, Elain couldn't help but notice the movement and she balled her hands at her sides, suddenly feeling tense and hot. He had the look of a foreigner about him–dark bronze skin, thick black hair cut unusually long on top, and those strange light hazel eyes.
“Elain Archeron, I presume,” he asked at last, and his voice was deep, low and just as sensual as the rest of him. Like a whisper of black silk in the wind. The accent was unfailingly upper crust. 
“I am, my lord,” she confirmed and curtsied.
“Please sit,” he gestured to the sofa across from his chair.
She did as she was told and noticed that he held a photograph of her in his fingers. His hands were large, with long, strong fingers, but surprisingly, the hands were covered in thick scars–burn scars from what Elain could gauge. Mrs. Amren said that the photograph was a requirement and Elain was forced to travel to Dover to have her photograph taken. It was expensive, and she needed to sit in the same position, unmoving and silent, for almost seven minutes. In the end, she didn’t even think that the photograph looked like her. But following her handing the photograph off to Mrs. Amren, she received an invitation to travel to London–-she supposed that it did the trick.
“How was your journey?” he asked politely.
“Very nice, thank you, my lord.”
“I wished to have our conversation first, if you don’t mind, and then you may rest.”
“Of course,” she agreed. Her fingers were shaking and she attempted to hide them in the folds of her skirt, though she was sure that he noticed it.
His tone was light when he assured her, “there is no need to be nervous. I believe we ought to have a talk first and you aren’t obligated to anything, and neither am I.”
She nodded and allowed him to talk, because it was just easier. Her throat was tight and her mouth dry. Her dress felt itchy against her skin and the collar borderline was suffocating. 
He stood up and she had to crane her neck to take in his full height–he was probably six and a half feet tall, and when he moved to pour water into a glass, she definitely noticed how thickly muscled his arms and shoulders were, and how slender he was otherwise, trim and lean and strong. He handed her the glass and then leaned against the desk, crossing his legs at the ankles and drumming his fingers on the surface.
“I am Azriel, Lord Night, the Duke of Velaris,” he announced simply. 
Elain’s hand stopped mid-way to her lips, as she stared at him wordlessly.
She’d assumed that he would be a nobleman, perhaps a baron, maybe a count, but a duke? The Velaris family was well-known: it was said that they came to Britain all the way back with William the Conqueror. It couldn’t possibly be the same Velaris? Could it?
“I am sorry, my lord,” Elain said softly. “You are the Duke of Velaris?”
He nodded, “the very same”.
“But…” she bit her lip, “I was under the impression that you were married, my lord? To Lady Morrigan?”
The lovely Lady Morrigan, Countess of Hewn, was renowned for her beauty. Elain had seen her in newspapers and other publications. The Velaris-Hewn nuptials was the society wedding of the year just a couple of years back. 
“I am,” he confirmed calmly. “And since you are bound by our confidentiality agreement, I will disclose that my lady wife had suffered a grave incident last year. She was thrown by her horse, and had broken her spine. Unfortunately, she suffered a brain bleed from her injuries as well. She is my wife and will remain so until she or I die. But alas, she is bed-bound and without sense or consciousness. Now, you must understand that her condition is not known to anyone, other than my most trusted servants and her nurses. It must remain so until I produce an heir. The child must be mine, and upon the birth, we shall announce that Lady Morrigan suffered compilation in labour.”
Elain sighed and murmured, “I am sorry, my lord. For you and your lady wife. It is truly tragic and I am…just sorry.”
He cocked his head and regarded her quietly for a while.
She’d only known him for about fifteen minutes, but she could already see how observant he was, methodical even. There was a calmness about him, an almost predatory stillness, and she sensed that he dwelled in some dark places inside his head. Perhaps it was the sorrow  resulting from his wife’s condition, or maybe something in his past, but this was a man of secrets and unanswered questions.
“May I ask some questions of you?” he inquired at last.
Elain sipped her water and nodded once.
He didn't use any props, not notes or correspondence, when he said,
“Elain Archeron, twenty-one years old, the middle of three sisters. Tell me, why are you, of all people, responded to my advertisement?”
“We need the money, my lord,” she admitted plainly. 
“There are other ways to get money,” he noted, his dark brow raised. “You are a maid of gentle breeding based on your family’s history–a merchant father, a mother who was from a well-to-do family. Surely you can think of other ways to…” he stopped and scrubbed his scarred hand over his chin, before continuing, “tell me, why?”
“My father has lost his fortune,” Elain explained, her voice quiet. “My younger sister has a disease of the stomach that makes her vomit and she is frail and weak. She needs medicines, which we cannot afford. My older sister is a proud woman and…” her voice trailed. How could she explain Nesta? She couldn’t. Nesta was smart, even cunning, but she was better suited for running an estate or even a business. Haughty, proud and demanding is what Nesta was. But she was not one for sacrifices. “And that leaves me. I…well, I answered the advertisement in The Times, and was contacted by Mrs. Amren. We met and discussed the offer…and,” she swallowed, “I am interested.”
“What do you understand of the offer and the proposal?” he asked seriously.
She tugged on her skirt and peered down, looking at the floor. 
Quietly, she answered,
“A gentleman requires the services of a female to produce a child, an heir. The gentleman is willing to pay ten thousand pounds for the child and…well, would pay all throughout the pregnancy…That is all.”
He sighed and turned, his movements measured and languid, as he walked to the window and clasped his hands behind his back, as he looked out on the busy Vincent Street.
“I fear, Miss Archeron, that you are underestimating the commitment that this ordeal would require of you,” he said, almost to himself.
Elain’s heart dropped.
He wasn’t interested.
He did ot find her comely or appealing or satisfactory. Perhaps he liked her photograph, but seeing her in person made him change his mind.
Ten thousand pounds was an astronomical amount of money.
It was enormous. At the height of their success, the Archeron family wealth was estimated at about fifteen thousand pounds, which made Elain and her sisters very appealing on the marriage market. To have a large portion of that fortune come back to them would guarantee a bright future for all–they could all marry well, they could cure Feyre’s illness, they could operate on their father’s mangled leg and send him to Italy or France to recuperate. They could have fine homes and wardrobes and servants. 
Currently, they existed on about four pounds a month, for the four of them. If they were lucky. 
“I don’t think that I am, my lord,” Elain found it in herself to answer boldly and firmly. “I understand what is required.”
“You understand that you must lie with me,” he was still not looking at her, and therefore couldn’t see her flaming cheeks, “and have relations with me as if I were your husband. You would be required to do so at my beckoning and pleasure, for at least six months,”
“What happens after six months?” she interrupted him, confused.
He turned his head and explained,
“I am willing to allot six months for the conception to take place. Children are usually not made in a day…it may take time, and I realise that. I feel that six months is an adequate amount of time for you to conceive. If you don’t, then we will part ways, since clearly we would not be compatible enough to create a child together.”
She chewed the inside of her cheek and then asked,
“And if I don't…conceive that is? What happens then?”
He shrugged,
“You will be paid five hundred pounds for your troubles and you will leave. Naturally, you will be bound by the non-disclosure agreement for the rest of your life. That extends to me as well, Miss Archeron. If we proceed with this…arrangement…whatever the outcome is, your name will not be mentioned or besmirched, so that you have a chance at a successful marriage with a man of your choosing.”
“I appreciate that, my lord,” she said sincerely.
He went back to the desk and gathered a stack of papers in his hands, though he did not give them to her yet. He was clearly still deciding on something, his brow furrowed. At last, he said,
“These are the financial terms of the arrangement, Miss Archeron. If we proceed, you will sign and retain a copy for yourself.
“Again, I urge you to consider everything with utmost seriousness,” he pressed. “This is not a trivial matter. Your involvement with me may last up to a year and a half. It is quite a long time for a woman of your age to dedicate to a…male. One who will not marry you in the end, and whom you shan’t see again.
“Furthermore, if there is a child, it will be wholly mine.”
A shudder ran through Elain and she suddenly became cold. When he put it like that, it did give her pause. Because in exchange for the money, she would be required to give up her baby. Theoretically she understood that–when she began corresponding with Mrs. Amren, and when they finally met, this was thoroughly discussed. But seeing this man in the flesh, even briefly imagining that there would be…coital relations involved, though Elain wasn’t quite sure precisely what it all entailed, and then there would potentially be a pregnancy, which was something that was often fraught with dangers, only to end in a painful labour, and then…the separation. Permanent separation from a baby that she’d give birth to. From the man too. Yes, he was strikingly handsome–to her great relief–but she knew that she was in danger of developing feelings for him, which he surely would never reciprocate. He had his poor wife and was devoted to her, and was only after an heir to carry his name and his legacy. Elain would be left without love, without companionship, without her babe, but with money. She supposed that she could have more children, but the idea of giving up her son or daughter seemed terrifying. Her firstborn. 
Azriel looked up at her and watched the warring emotions that danced on her face. 
“Would you like me to read out the terms?” he asked at last, his expression slightly softened, even kinder.
She swallowed and nodded.
He glanced at the first page and began reading.
“The female in the arrangement is expected to be an unmarried and unbetrothed maid, of good moral standing and a virgin. She is to be free of diseases and for the duration of the arrangement she may not be seen with a male or engage in any manner of relations with a male other than the Requestor.
She would enter into the arrangement willingly and would be required to have sexual intercourse with the Requestor at his bidding. The Requestor shall not physically hurt, slap, hit, abuse or force the female, and will not verbally insult or berate her. If the female is unwilling or unable to have sexual relations with the Requestor, she is to notify him immediately and provide an explanation as to the cause. Relations are not required from the female when she has her monthly flow. 
The female is expected to live on premises of the Requestor’s abode and accompany him upon his travels. She shall have her private room(s) at the dwellings. She is not expected to sleep with the Requestor or share his private quarters. The female is required to maintain her decorum at all times, and may not fraternise with the help. The female is not to divulge any part of the agreement to anyone, including her family. The female will not occupy a place at the servants’ quarters and will not partake in meals with them. The female will have a maid of her own to assist her with personal matters. 
Upon conception, the female is to remain at the Requestor’s home, under the care of his physicians. She is to maintain a healthy lifestyle, to ensure a successful pregnancy. She will be assisted during her labour by a midwife, a doula, nurses and physicians. Upon delivery of the child, the female will be allowed to bond and nurse the infant for up to one week (if she wishes  to do so). After one week of recovery, the child will be removed from the female’s care and presence. At that time, the arrangement would be considered fulfilled and would be terminated.
The Requestor guarantees the following payments:
£1000 for taking the female’s virginity
£50 weekly stipend, for up to six months of service
£50 weekly stipend for the duration of the pregnancy
£1000 for labour and delivery
£10,000 for the birth of a live child
All legal fees, room and board, wardrobe allowance, personal and beauty treatments, transportation, et cetera would be provided by the Requestor. 
The female may be allowed to spend Christmas with her family (up to one week), as well as one week of her choosing as a personal holiday.”
He did not ask whether she was agreeable to the contract, but simply handed it to her and said,
“Read this over and be thorough. Any questions, you should ask me.”
Elain didn't answer for a while, but he didn’t seem impatient, and wasn’t put off by the awkward silence between them. Instead, he went over to a sideboard upon which stood a decanter and some glasses and poured himself a drink of whatever it was.
She finally broke the silence and said,
“This is much more than ten thousand.”
It seemed that she took him by surprise with her comment and he looked at her with expectation.
“The contract was for ten…this is closer to twenty,” she pushed. 
“Is that a problem?” he queried.
“I just…” she blushed, “I don’t want to be unfair. I was fine with ten. Why a thousand for the virginity?”
He sat back in the wing chair and sipped his drink, before saying,
“Seems only fair. I would be taking something that doesn’t belong to me and isn’t intended for me to take. You ought to be compensated for that.”
Theoretically, what he was saying made sense to her, but it seemed so…transactional. And, of course, it was a transaction. There were no feelings involved. 
Craning his head side to side, he added after a pause,
“The pleasure is free, if that makes you feel better. I won’t be charging for it, and I won’t be paying for it either. You can enjoy it free and clear.”
If that meant to be a lighthearted comment of some sort, it didn’t land, because Elain looked at him, perplexed and said. “What pleasure?”
He chuckled softly, “Sexual pleasure, Miss Archeron.”
“There is no pleasure in relations such as those,” she argued primly.
He leaned back in his chair, relaxing into the leather and smiled at her, though the curve of his beautiful mouth was both challenging and sinister.
“And you are an expert then?” 
Her heart was beating wildly in her chest, and she couldn’t even believe that she was discussing this with a man she didn’t know.
“I am no expert, my lord,” she told him, “but what pleasure could there be? It is an act designed to propagate the species.”
He propped his head on his fist, crossing his long, muscular legs and swaying his boot-clad foot casually. A lock of his silky black hair fell on his forehead and Elain had the insane urge to go and fix it for him. His handsomeness didn’t help. Elain had feared that the man would be old and paunchy, sweaty and balding. Why else would one need to contract for a woman to give him a child? She figured maybe he was missing limbs, or had distorted features, or perhaps some unappealing trait…but she definitely, definitely did not expect Lord Night. She had some parameters that she had set for herself in regards to the arrangement–if the gentleman seemed brutish, if his looks made her squeamish, if he had a visible disease or if his visage repelled her, she would not have gone along with the scheme. As much as she needed the money, she also knew that she wouldn’t have a child with someone cruel or unappealing. She wanted her baby to live in a loving environment and with a parent who’d want them and care for them. 
The problem was that Lord Night’s appearance quickly overrode her good sense. It wasn’t something that she ever considered–that he would be so handsome and so titled that she’d forget all her common sense and all the expectations that she had prior to meeting him.
Stumbling a bit over her own tongue, she asked at last,
“What sort of pleasure is there?”
“Ahhmm Miss Archeron,” he smiled at her, “why do you think people have lost their minds and morals through the centuries over love?”
It was an excellent question, to which Elain did not have an answer. Why indeed?
“Well, perhaps, you will have the chance to find out,” he got up and straightened his jacket.
“I do not want love, my lord,” Elain insisted brusquely. 
He nodded slowly,
“Yes, yes. I know. You need the money.”
“I do.”
“Then don’t fall in love, Miss Archeron,” he suggested.
But why did it sound like a challenge.
“Take the rest of the day to think about everything,” he told her. “These rooms are yours for the night. You may order food and drink. St. John’s Gardens are not far–should you wish to take a stroll. 
“I will call upon you tomorrow, at 10 am, and I expect an answer.”
* UK £10,000.00 in 1890 would be equivalent to £1,644,035.82 in 2023, an absolute change of £1,634,035.82 and a cumulative change of 16,340.36%.
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anticmiscellaney · 2 years
as an aspiring comic artist looking to move from graphite and oil painting to more ink/inkwash/watercolor like you- could you explain your process a bit? any tips for beginners? i love your art and you're at the top of my inspiration list right now :,)
Thank you! I've been using ink and watercolour for a long time, and ink/inkwash is definitely my favourite medium. A key tip for getting started would be to know the different kinds of ink available because they all work differently. The three main ones are:
Dye-based ink - these have their uses, but they are not lightfast at all (fade quickly) and they act kinda weird. The colours are very vibrant, but they tend to dry very fast, not be waterproof (tricky for layering), and stain the paper. I use very few dye-based inks. Some ink brands look like they have a big colour range, but when you look at the boxes half of them say "dye based" - don't buy Higgins those.
Acrylic ink - think of this as very liquid acrylic paint. There are a lot of fancy options, many specialty kinds (metallics, pearls, neons), but they aren't going to give you the transparent inkwash look. It's good for drawing opaque lines over colour, and you can dilute it with water for a wash, but it gets chalky. Waterproof may vary (test it first), and it usually has a matte finish. White acrylic ink is well worth having as you can detail over solid black or tint it with coloured pigmented inks, and god knows I love using neons, but I treat acrylic ink like "effects" ink. It’s not my main drawing ink. Daler Rowney is good and widely available (pigment-based is not the same as pigmented ink, this is still acrylic ink), they have a few lines at different prices. Liquitex is decent.
Pigmented/India ink - this is my favourite kind of ink and probably what you want! Pigmented ink dilutes well (it’s a transparent medium like watercolour) and often has a glossier finish depending on shellac content, and it will say on the bottle if it’s waterproof (test that first). It’s good for brush or nib, good for layering, works nicely with watercolour and other types of ink, can be mixed to make new colours/tints...she’s got it all. If you’re in Australia, Art Spectrum is great, I stock up every time I’m back there. If you’re elsewhere, I recommend Speedball for black ink (Blick Black Cat in the US is good). Dr Martins Bombay India Ink has great colours and they’re usually affordable.
There are many brands and everyone has their preferences, and over time you will find your own. I have a mix of different types and brands, though probably fewer than you’d think. Get a small bottle in one or two colours and play around, see if you like it before investing in a set. Don’t buy fountain pen ink or Rapidograph ink for nib/brush, those are best suited to being used in specific types of pens.
The nibs I use are Hunt #512s. #102s (called crow quills) are popular and I like them too, but they are very sharp and will rip up your paper, and can be a little too flexible and hard to control. The #512 is a good all-rounder with a smooth line capable of variation, and I think they’re a solid choice for a beginner. These nibs and holders are cheap and widely available. I don’t buy expensive watercolour brushes because ink will wreck them a lot faster than watercolour will. What you want to look for is the fibers holding a point - the brush should not have bedhead.
My only real advice to someone looking to try watercolours is to not buy the cheapest shittiest kind. You know from oil painting that all paints are not created equal and bad paint is going to frustrate you, especially when you’re starting out. I started with one of these twelve years ago and I still use it in conjunction with other sets I’ve built myself, I just refill the pans from (better quality) tubes when they get low. They last a long time. So do bottles of ink.
I’d like to do a process post, but I’m not sure what would be interesting or helpful to you, and I use ink/watercolour/gouache in a lot of different ways. If there’s a specific piece you liked the look of, I’m happy to demonstrate that method, or I can just go through my favourite approach.
As for comics...the best advice I can give you is pretty general.
Anatomy is a rewarding life-long study, but what really counts for narrative art, over technical accuracy, is GESTURE, EXPRESSION, and BODY LANGUAGE. Look at people. Look at how they move, look at their faces, look at their hands, listen to how they talk. In comics, you are the director and the actors.
Environments are a bonus character in your story and can add a lot of depth and atmosphere! Understanding perspective will make using them a lot easier.
Do not start with your graphic novel idea, start with a short story (under eight pages) and finish it. Finish it. Fucking finish it. Then do some more, getting longer over time. The best idea you never do is worth less to your progress than the worst finished piece.
There aren’t a lot of books that dig into the nuts and bolts of sequential storytelling for artists in a way I like. Filmmaking books are handy, but they’re dealing in moving images and don’t have to worry about page design. There are some good “how to make comics” books (the two Will Esiner did are my favourites), but as a genre it can be very hit or miss. I always look at what the writer/artist has made to see if I want to listen to their instructions - if you hate their art and think the graphic novel they made sucks, don’t buy their how-to book.
Bob McLeod, one of my teachers, gave us all this list:
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These rules aren’t inflexible, but they cover the big issues.
For actual storytelling advice, the best one I have read was Directing The Story by Francis Glebas. It’s aimed at storyboard artists, which I was, but it discusses visual storytelling and explains how to approach it and the reasoning behind choices in a way that is useful for anyone making sequential art.
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mariacallous · 3 months
A week after the Moscow Exchange was hit by U.S. sanctions, the ruble is experiencing unusual swings. In just two days, from June 18 to June 20, the dollar’s official exchange rate against the ruble dropped from 89 to 82.6 rubles, while the euro fell from 95.4 to 89 rubles. However, the very next day, Russia’s Central Bank raised the dollar exchange rate by nearly three rubles to 85.4, and the euro to 91.4 rubles. Meduza breaks down the factors behind this volatility and explains how to track the ruble’s fluctuations going forward.
On June 12, the U.S. Treasury Department imposed sanctions on Russia’s largest stock exchange, the Moscow Exchange (MOEX), and its subsidiaries, the National Clearing Center and the National Settlement Depository — effectively cutting off the Moscow Exchange from the dollar. That same day, the exchange announced that it would halt trading in the U.S. dollar and the euro, starting June 13. (Trading in the Hong Kong dollar also stopped.)
As a result, currency trading shifted to the over-the-counter (OTC) market. Even before the sanctions, 60 percent of currency transactions in Russia occurred off-exchange. Importers and exporters, the primary players on the Moscow Exchange, had the most influence on the ruble’s exchange rate in recent years. Now, they’ve also had to transition to the OTC market, leading to higher costs for buying and selling currency, as well as increased volatility in the ruble’s exchange rate.
These sanctions against the Moscow Exchange are another step towards making the ruble non-convertible and a new blow to importers and exporters, noted Alexander Kolyandr, a non-resident senior fellow at the Center for European Policy Analysis (CEPA), in a column for The Bell.
A faux phoenix
The sharp fluctuations in the ruble’s exchange rate this week are the direct result of U.S. sanctions, which have caused demand for foreign currency to drop. This, in turn, has driven up the ruble.
U.S. sanctions have already been impeding Russian imports, with fewer and fewer banks in China, India, and Turkey offering their services to Russian companies out of fear of secondary sanctions. According to SberCIB analysts, imports in May were about 30 percent lower than they could have been with a normally functioning payment infrastructure. The Central Bank also noted that the expected seasonal spring increase in imports didn’t occur.
Now, this payment issue has been compounded by the sanctions against the Moscow Exchange. The halt in trading of the dollar and euro could affect at least 22 percent of imports, estimated Pavel Biryukov, an economist at Gazprombank. Promsvyazbank analysts believe that the new restrictions could reduce foreign goods deliveries by 15-20 percent.
Meanwhile, exporters continue to sell foreign currency earnings in compliance with a mandatory decree. Each day, the Central Bank sells yuan worth 8.1 billion rubles (over $90 billion) as part of budgetary operations, and exports and the current account surplus remain strong thanks to high prices for oil and other raw materials, Mikhail Vasilyev, the chief analyst at Sovcombank, told Vedomosti.
The Central Bank confirmed this. According to its preliminary data, the surplus in the foreign trade balance of goods from January to May increased to $56 billion, up from $47.6 billion in the same period last year, “due to a more significant drop in imports compared to exports.”
This situation is reminiscent of 2022, when the ruble sharply appreciated due to the withdrawal of foreign companies and the collapse of imports. “In fact, we’re now seeing a classic situation with a pool and two pipes: currency flows into the country in a stable stream through one pipe, and almost none flows out through the other,” explained Alexander Potavin, an analyst at the Finam financial group. According to him, this has led to an “unwanted strengthening of the ruble for the government.”
At the same time, sanctions against the Moscow Exchange are also impacting exporters. The sharp appreciation of the ruble may be due to their reluctance to sell currency at an unfavorable rate. On June 20, Reuters, citing market participants, reported a sharp decline in the sale of export earnings in yuan. The outlet’s sources believe this is because corporate sellers are unwilling to sell at a low rate. It’s also likely that the Russian authorities intervened: the Kremlin might have persuaded exporters to hold on to the currency to prevent the ruble from strengthening too much.
The ruble runaround
Before the U.S. imposed sanctions on the Moscow Exchange, Russia’s Central Bank set the official ruble exchange rate based on currency trading on the exchange. This rate could be tracked in real time on the exchange’s website.
Now that dollars are no longer traded on the exchange, the Central Bank is determining the rate of the U.S. currency against the ruble based on bank reports and information from over-the-counter trades as of 3:30 p.m. Moscow time on the current business day. (This rate is then published at 4:00 p.m. Moscow time.)
There’s nothing unusual about this method of determining the exchange rate, noted Alexandra Prokopenko, a non-resident scholar at the Carnegie Russia Eurasia Center and co-host of Meduza’s Russian-language podcast View of the Kremlin:
In general, exchange-based currency trading is fairly rare in the modern world. Most currency transactions take place on the interbank over-the-counter market, where participants report to the regulator. The regulator then determines the exchange rate based on these reports. Now, the same thing will happen in Russia.
The absence of trading in dollars and euros on the exchange has also created another problem: investors and ordinary citizens lack a reference point throughout the day. The Central Bank sets the official rate once a day, but with the current level of volatility, actual values can change significantly.
One way to estimate the ruble’s rate against foreign currencies is through the yuan, which is still traded on the Moscow Exchange. Using the yuan-to-ruble exchange rate, the ruble’s value against other currencies can be calculated using data from foreign central banks. Generally, the stronger the ruble is against the yuan, the stronger it will be against other currencies.
According to the Central Bank, the Chinese currency accounted for 54 percent of trading on the Moscow Exchange in May, making it the “primary currency in exchange trading.” “The yuan/ruble exchange rate will set the trajectory for other currency pairs and serve as a benchmark for market participants,” the bank said. 
Non-deliverable forward contracts for dollars and euros are also still traded on MOEX and can also serve as indicators of the ruble’s value against Western currencies. Additionally, dollar futures contracts can be used to track the ruble’s exchange rate, although their prices have always differed slightly from the actual dollar-to-ruble exchange rate, Natalia Pyryeva, an analyst at the Moscow-based investment company Tsifra Broker, told Forbes. Contracts with earlier settlement dates provide a more accurate picture, explained Vladimir Bragin, head of research at Alfa Capital, as those with later dates are less liquid and may not accurately reflect current market conditions.
Although it’s possible to track the ruble’s current value through futures contracts and the yuan exchange rate, there’s no guarantee that Russians will actually be able to buy currency at these rates. The final price is now set by the seller and the platform where the transaction occurs.
Previously, the Moscow Exchange guaranteed that buying and selling dollars and euros was transparent and safe. Now, sellers can essentially set their own prices. As a result, the cost of exchanging currency — the spread between buying and selling rates — has increased, and these rates must be constantly checked. Additionally, the currency might not even be available at a given location. In the first few days following the new U.S. sanctions, many bank branches visited by journalists didn’t have any physical dollars or euros.
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deviant-nomad · 2 years
This Christmas Party Was So Fun That Now I’m a Communist, by Brennan Lee Mulligan
[I] thought to myself, “This is the most fun I’ve ever seen anyone have. ... This is… so great. This is… completely fucked.”
This party cannot be allowed to happen again. It was too much fun! No human being can justify having that much fun. There is an indirect but tangible connection between my family’s inability to purchase health insurance, and the quality of the hors d’oeuvres at this party. The world that makes my childhood friends go on large, unnecessary detours to get a shot at their dreams is the same world that heaps largely unappreciated splendors on these party-goers. It’s not an intuitive conclusion to draw, but when you think about it, the reason this chocolate truffle tastes so good is that my brother and I went to a state school. The reason this champagne is on the house is that the house is largely on Africa, South America and rural India.
This party is so much goddamned fun and it has to be stopped.
I wondered if I had been too harsh. Perhaps there was some kind of justice to all of this that I, as the malnourished, hayseed-child of the working poor, could not fully comprehend.
In that moment, I knew that I would never again experience a party this fun. Because the next time I was at a party this fun, I’d be burning it to the ground, holding high the banner of the revolution.
If you had guessed there would be a fortuneteller at this party, you would have been dead wrong. Because there were two fortunetellers at this party.
This party was so insane, extravagant and incredible that the hosts hired not one, but two separate soothsayers. The services of two women capable of piercing space and time with their minds were required for this shindig. Next to one of the three fully-stocked open bars, there was a woman wearing a bird on her head who was reading palms. And downstairs, in a hallway filled with ancient Buddhist art recovered during the Chinese invasion of Tibet, there was a Romani woman giving Tarot card readings. I mean, take your pick, really. Do you prefer the occult prognostications of cartomancy, or the intimate and personal revelations of the mysteries of your own goddamned hand? Because this party had both.
This party was so far off the fucking chain that you could have one of two magic women tell you what was going to happen to you in your future. And if you didn’t like what she said, you could get a second opinion, and never be more than thirty feet away from a fondue pot.
There was also a magician in a tuxedo walking around doing sleight of hand tricks. So to reiterate: Three different wizards were working at this party.
This party was the most fun anyone has ever had. And something needs to be done about it.
I arrived at the party as they were still setting up. The penthouse, located a few blocks from the eastern edge of Central Park, was in a word "palatial." It felt like I had stepped out of the gilded, art deco elevator into the distant palace of some Caliph at the height of the Ottoman Empire, were it not, I should add, for the many Christmas decorations being put up by an army of party planners. Pine garlands the length of city buses, with the circumference of an elephant’s leg, wrapped around marble banisters on staircases that ascended to impossible balconies overlooking Park Avenue. Shelves lined with ancient and powerful scotches, first edition books beyond reading, paintings and sculptures by artists so French that, were I to whisper their names, I would first need to buy a Rosetta Stone app. And all of this was being slathered in artisanal glass ornaments, gilded candles, sprigs of holly and every other thing that turns the darkest part of the year into the hap-happiest season of all. Guys, this party made the trailer for The Great Gatsby look like the strip mall parking lot where two divorced parents meet to exchange their children.
In the scraps and shreds of memory that come to me from that wild night of celebration, I remember certain landmarks. As guests exited an elevator that opened directly into the foyer of the apartment, they were greeted by butlers holding glasses of bellinis, champagne and sparkling water. They walked to a floor of waitered tables and a small dance floor, while being serenaded by a rotating cast of singers and pianists. These areas were overlooked by balconies with performers and entertainers of various stripes and shades, and from these balconies led hallways that arrived at various catered dining rooms and seating areas, all cozy, lovely and intimate, all just the right size to see that, yes, other people were having fun, but not too many other people were having too much fun too close by. And throughout it all, guests were bombarded with trays of lobster, caviar and truffle oil brioche canapés.
This party was like if the Dalai Lama and Elrond Half-Elven owned a castle together, and had decided to throw a birthday party for Santa Claus. More money than I have yet made in my life was spent on this party. It was immediately the most fun I’ve ever had, and within minutes, I was deeply unsettled.
As the immaculately dressed and bejeweled guests wended their way to banquet tables of delicious food and various dance floors, they were lit from not a single actual light bulb. I don’t know when I realized it, but aside from candlelight and the glow of the city through the windows, there was not a single visible source of light in the entire party. “Why do the rich find light bulbs so distasteful?” I thought. Every light had been tucked, hidden or sequestered from view, ensconced in little cubbies or stowed underneath cabinets, so that a warm glow filled everything, and you couldn’t tell how or from where. It became almost maddening as soon as I recognized it. Where is all this light coming from? Is this why I’m poor? Too much direct light?
While I was trying to piece this together, the music had once again changed, and I peered from the balcony where I was standing, to see the hired singer and pianist walk from the small raised stage with its rented Steinway through the doors into a literal servants’ quarters, like in Downton-motherfucking-Abbey. AND THERE WAS A PARTY IN THERE! A separate party for people working at the first party! The performers, jugglers, soothsayers and probably sex-workers that had been hired by the hosts had a separate catering group attending solely to their needs. This party was so dope, it was spawning sub-parties to bolster the spirits of workers for what I’m now calling “The Motherparty.”
I ducked into the servants’ party to discover that one of the singers had a day-job at the New York Metropolitan Opera. This Christmas party was so fucking great, that one of the 16 people they hired to sing in one of the rooms is a professional Opera singer at the Met.
I began to notice how many people were working at this party. There were the many performers and entertainers, and a fleet of photographers, separate from the gentlemen running the rented photo booth, which swarmed all night with beautiful young women immortalizing their splendor. One such woman was photographed while instagramming herself in front of the photo booth, which is maybe how wormholes are created. There were business staff, house staff, building staff, the host’s personal and executive assistants, custodians, and caterers, all of whom disappeared into grey hallways, designed to be ugly but also kind of invisible, a place where the help disappeared to. When you’re rich, you can afford to have sections of your home into which you never go.
As I watched the quick, nervous movements of the help, I began to look at who was actually attending the party. I ate my free lobster and furrowed my brow. These people probably didn’t even call their free lobster “free lobster.” They probably just called it “lobster.”
I watched the beautiful children of the rich mingle and converse. Young, gay men so fabulous that I couldn’t even tell you the most basic elemental details of what they were wearing. Possibly a fabric? Maybe not. It could have been a ceramic. I just don’t have the facts. Some young Ivy League dudes, pupating senators and ambassadors. The young women were gorgeously dressed, adorned with jewels, and so beautiful that they seemed photo-shopped in person. It would be easy to write off these airbrushed debutants as vapid, but they weren’t. They all had sharp, predatory eyes and laughed quickly and with fierce intelligence. They were ubermensches, as much the daughters of their bloodthirsty, corporate fathers as their supermodel mothers. These stunning women would spend the rest of their ball-gowned lives handing out their fathers’ likely ill-gotten fortunes to worthy charities, and going to parties just like this one.
From a distance, it was hard to tell the mothers and the daughters apart. Rich women don’t age, they just desiccate. Their jewelry, hair, gowns, even their posture and attitude all stay the same as their elegant, somewhat more humid daughters. A rich young woman and a rich old woman, standing next to each other, kind of look like a snake having perfectly shed its skin.
The old men were by far the most diverse bunch. Old billionaires wear whatever the fuck they want. One man wore a maroon, velvet, three-piece suit and a paisley cravat, and he must have been sweating in it, but I couldn’t tell because he had doused himself in a cologne that I’m going to call “A Million, Billion Different Kinds Of Fruit, by Calvin Klein.” There were two shaven-headed men of Caucasian descent, wearing black hakama robes and some kind of pendants. They had white socks and sandals, and from the way people were bowing to them, I’m guessing they were some kind of religious officials, but I can’t be quite sure. Whatever faith they practiced, it wasn’t Christianity, Judaism, Islam, Buddhism, Hinduism, Sikhism, Baha’i, Taoism, Shinto, Confucianism, Voodoo, Wicca or the Dreamtime Faith of the Aboriginal Shamans. If I had to guess, I would say they were either members of the Illuminati, or we are living in the Matrix and they are priests from the remaining human city in the real, outer world.
I don’t know what religion they were from. Do we get why that’s scary? Aside from the fact that a vast chunk of my education centered on world religions and mythology, religions really want you to know about them. That’s their whole business model. They tell you why things are the way they are and then you give them money. So the fact that there’s a religion that I’m too poor to know about is deeply troubling.
These rich old billionaires were the kindest, sweetest old gents. In conversations I overheard more than once, a man worth more than my entire extended family (which is Irish and therefore vast and mighty) talked about another man at the party as “just being the sweetest soul,” or referred to a cupcake at a certain café as “sinfully seductive.” And I realized, these men may have been cutthroat sharks before, or they may have inherited their fortunes, but none of that matters now. They won. They won life. They are lions that, having killed enough gladiators, are now left gloriously alive to become old and toothless. The host of the party had an entire wall covered in plaques and trophies. I read most of them, and still couldn’t tell you what he did for a living. Because whatever he had done, he certainly didn’t need to do it anymore. His accomplishments referenced his humanitarianism, his civic heroism and his contributions to culture and civilization. So whether or not this man had worked at Bain Capital gutting companies in the American Heartland didn’t matter, because he had rescued a bunch of Tibetan art and now he was kissing other billionaires on both cheeks and saying, “Tom, I’m in love with you!” because who gives a fuck, I’m rich!
I watched these crazy old holiday wizards and their jeweled scarab wives, their Oxford sons and Cambridge daughters, and thought to myself, “This is the most fun I’ve ever seen anyone have. Louis the XVI would've shit a brick if he'd ever thrown a party this good. This is… so great. This is… completely fucked.”
I began to notice that people were looking at me funny. For a moment I became scared that they realized I was poor. Perhaps I had used the wrong fork, or a moth had flown in lazy spirals out of my wallet, or my toes had popped out of the holes in my shoes. But then I realized it was my expression that was drawing looks. I looked flabbergasted and astounded. And they didn’t.
That’s when I realized it. These motherfuckers weren’t going to the best party of their lives. They weren’t even necessarily going to the best party of their week. Who knows? Maybe one of these plutocrats was sneering at the lack of a third fortuneteller. “No augur divining mysteries from the movement of birds? No oracle breathing poison and screaming prophesies? You call this a Christmas Party!”
Well fuck that!
This party cannot be allowed to happen again. It was too much fun! No human being can justify having that much fun. There is an indirect but tangible connection between my family’s inability to purchase health insurance, and the quality of the hors d’oeuvres at this party. The world that makes my childhood friends go on large, unnecessary detours to get a shot at their dreams is the same world that heaps largely unappreciated splendors on these party-goers. It’s not an intuitive conclusion to draw, but when you think about it, the reason this chocolate truffle tastes so good is that my brother and I went to a state school. The reason this champagne is on the house is that the house is largely on Africa, South America and rural India.
This party is so much goddamned fun and it has to be stopped.
The last singer finished a tear-jerking rendition of Ave Maria, and the DJ came out. A man who looked like a young, handsome Santa Claus wheeled out his holly-studded turntable and then killed it. Every song he played was fucking perfect. Cecilia. Signed, Sealed, Delivered. Rescue Me. This goddamned DJ could do no wrong. And the patricians began to dance.
And oh how they danced. I used to think that only we poor, starving bohemians could truly dance with the hedonism and reckless abandon of our pagan ancestors. I was WRONG, guys. Starving artists don’t dance with reckless abandon. We dance like we’re trying to forget that the rent is past due. We dance to sweat off that last box of Annie’s Mac & Cheese. We dance to trick the endorphins into healing our tired, unkempt bodies.
The rich, however, dance as if possessed by Pan himself. The young and old alike gyrated, wiggled and bounced like they had not a care in the world. Sorry, let me rephrase that. The young and old alike gyrated, wiggled and bounced BECAUSE they had not a care in the world. And it was magical. Every face beamed with glorious jubilation. I saw five separate people fall in love that night, and I know it’s going to work out, because of just how good that party was. It was the most magical night I have ever witnessed, and so help me God, I will toil unyieldingly to ensure it never happens again.
For a brief moment I surveyed the upper balcony. The host and his wife smiled gaily, singing along and dancing. They looked so serene. So happy. And I saw the host turn, and start handing out tip money to the staff. $50 bills flew from his fingers into the waiting hands of the army of party workers. And they thanked him for his kindness. And he was kind. He was a kind man, this white-suited oligarch. In that moment, I wondered if I had been too harsh. Perhaps there was some kind of justice to all of this that I, as the malnourished, hayseed-child of the working poor, could not fully comprehend.
The caterers left the hall, and the DJ stopped.
That’s when I noticed that while the dance party had been happening, a Pinkberry and a Wafels & Dinges had both opened inside the penthouse.
Let me say that again.
A Pinkberry and a Wafels & Dinges both had their grand openings during and inside this party. Two, miniature, satellite restaurants with mobile service stations, serving free food, staffed by uniformed employees, with their full assortment of products, had sprouted up within the span of ten minutes. For every fortuneteller in this party, there was a restaurant in this party. And the choir sang. And the people ate. And the champagne flowed. And the two fortunetellers ordered extra nutella on their wafels & dinges. And the velvet suit fruit man hugged a young gay boy wearing a scarf with the whole Bhagavad Gita written on it and whispered, “We are never, ever going to die.”
In that moment, I knew that I would never again experience a party this fun. Because the next time I was at a party this fun, I’d be burning it to the ground, holding high the banner of the revolution.
Merry Christmas. Happy New Year. Fight the Power.
— Brennan Lee Mulligan
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stocksupdates · 1 year
A Comprehensive Guide to Choosing the Best Book for Intraday Trading
Intraday trading is an exciting way to make money in the stock market. It requires a certain level of expertise and knowledge to be successful, and one of the best ways to gain that knowledge is through reading books. However, with so many options available, it can be challenging to choose the right book for your needs. In this comprehensive guide, we will explore the key factors to consider when choosing the best book for intraday trading in India.
Guide No. 1 For Choosing Best Book For Intraday Trading In India.
First and foremost, it's essential to choose a book written by a reputable author. Look for books written by authors with a proven track record of success in the stock market. They should have a good understanding of the Indian stock market, intraday trading strategies, and risk management techniques.
One way to find the best book for intraday trading in India is to ask for recommendations from fellow traders, friends, or family members who have experience in intraday trading. They may be able to suggest a book that helped them in their trading journey.
Otherwise you can visit any Stock Market Training Institute. For Asking that from Which Intraday Trading Book You had Created your Best Stock Market Course In India. This can help you to find Best Book For Intraday.
Guide No. 2 For Choosing Best Book For Intraday Trading.
Another crucial factor to consider when choosing a book for intraday trading is the level of detail provided. Look for books that provide a step-by-step guide to intraday trading, including strategies for identifying potential trades, risk management techniques, and how to handle emotional and psychological factors that can affect trading decisions.
The best books for intraday trading in India should also cover technical analysis and charting tools. Technical analysis involves using charts and other tools to identify trends in stock prices and predict future price movements. A good intraday trading book should provide a detailed explanation of technical analysis and how to use it to make trading decisions.
The best book for intraday trading should also cover fundamental analysis. This analysis involves looking at a company's financial statements, economic indicators, and other factors that can affect its stock price. Understanding fundamental analysis can help traders make informed decisions about which stocks to buy and sell.
Guide No. 3 For Choosing Best Book For Intraday Trading.
In addition to technical and fundamental analysis, the book should also cover various intraday trading strategies. The book should provide an overview of different trading strategies and explain how to apply them in real-world trading scenarios. Look for books that cover popular strategies such as scalping, momentum trading, and breakout trading.
When choosing the best book for intraday trading in India, it's also essential to consider your level of experience. Look for books that cater to your level of expertise, whether you are a beginner, intermediate, or advanced trader. A good book should be easy to understand for beginners but still provide enough depth for experienced traders.
Now that we have discussed the key factors to consider when choosing the best book for intraday trading in India let's take a look at some of the best options available in the market. One of the best books for intraday trading in India is "Mastering Intraday Trading" by Prashant Shah. This book covers various intraday trading strategies and provides a step-by-step guide to making profitable trades. It also covers technical analysis and risk management techniques.
Guide No. 4 For Choosing Best Book For Intraday Trading.
Another excellent option is "Intraday Trading Ki Pehchan" by Ankit Gala and Jitendra Gala. This book is written in Hindi and covers various intraday trading strategies, charting tools, and technical analysis. It also provides an overview of the Indian stock market and how to use it to make trading decisions.
If you're looking for a comprehensive guide to intraday trading, "Intraday Trading Strategies" by Bansari Parikh is an excellent option. It covers technical and fundamental analysis, various intraday trading strategies, and risk management techniques. The book also provides real-world examples of successful intraday trading strategies.
In conclusion, choosing the best book for intraday trading in India is a crucial step in your trading journey. Look for books written by reputable authors, provide a detailed explanation of intraday trading strategies, technical analysis, and risk management
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propertyexperttips · 2 years
Right Property Value in Indian Real Estate?
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In India, investing in real estate has never lost its attractiveness. Even while property may not be as profitable right now as stocks, Indians don't buy homes only for the return on their investment. Owning a home has a significant psychological benefit. For the owner's family, it serves as the cornerstone of financial stability. It always preserves its worth whether it is used for living or for renting out. Due to this, second residences are highly common throughout the nation.
In the past few years, residential investment in India has increased dramatically. Despite the consistently rising costs of labor and raw materials, property values have increased significantly along with the demand. An ordinary 2BHK residential unit that cost between Rs 40 and 45 lakhs in 2013–14 is now offered for between Rs 60 and 70 lakhs. Industry research claims that over the past ten years, the average housing value in India's top seven cities has climbed by more than 40%.
Although the average growth rate has recently decreased noticeably, the cost of owning real estate will continue to rise over time. Therefore, according to analysts, this is the best time to invest because the COVID-19 pandemic has created a fertile market and given consumers greater negotiating power. The most important question, however, is how much money you should put into real estate to achieve the best capital returns and what possibilities are available for different price ranges.
The location of an excellent rental property is its most crucial feature. The property must be near or have good access to the city's central business districts.
Two- and three-BHK apartments are typically cheaper in most Indian cities, and middle-class renters choose to rent them. Purchasing a bungalow or villa in a location where there is no need for expensive rental properties makes little financial sense. Look at places where individuals can afford to rent a large luxury house if you wish to invest in one.
If you overpaid for the property, it will be very difficult to make enough money from rentals to cover your initial expenses and make a profit. Searching for the cheapest houses is not advised, though. These residences are either excessively small or situated in undesirable areas. A house's price should be contrasted with its worth four to five years ago.
One must carefully assess the infrastructure of the immediate vicinity, including the presence of malls, hospitals, and educational institutions as well as the ease of access to roads and trains. Consider yourself a renter and ask the right questions to ascertain whether a residence might generate a good rental income.
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estatedekho26 · 1 day
Plots for sale in kothur India
Discover Your Dream Plot in Kothur, Hyderabad: The Land of Opportunities
When you think of finding the perfect plot to build your dream home, Kothur in Hyderabad might not be the first place that pops into your head. But let me tell you, it's a hidden gem that's just waiting to be discovered. So grab your cup of coffee (or chai, if you prefer), sit back, and let's take a journey through the open plots for sale in Kothur, Hyderabad.
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Why Kothur?
First things first, why should you even consider Kothur? Well, my friend, Kothur is like that underdog in a movie who ends up winning everyone's hearts. Located just 36 km from the bustling city center of Hyderabad, Kothur offers the perfect blend of urban convenience and rural tranquility.
Strategic Location
Kothur's strategic location is one of its biggest selling points. Situated near the Bangalore-Hyderabad Highway (NH 44), it provides excellent connectivity to both cities. Imagine being able to escape the city's chaos without being completely cut off from it. Sounds like a dream, right?
Affordable Prices
Now, let's talk about something that makes everyone's ears perk up: affordability. The plots for sale in Kothur are attractively priced compared to other areas in Hyderabad. This makes it an ideal spot for first-time buyers and investors alike. Who doesn't love a good deal?
The Allure of Open Plots
Alright, let's get into the nitty-gritty. Why are open plots in Kothur so appealing?
Flexibility and Freedom
With an open plot, you're not restricted by someone else's design choices. Want a massive garden for your pet kangaroo? Go for it. Prefer a minimalist zen garden? The choice is yours. An open plot is like a blank canvas, and you get to be the artist.
Investment Potential
Investing in an open plot in Kothur is like buying stock in a company before it becomes the next big thing. The area is developing rapidly, and property values are expected to soar in the coming years. It's the kind of investment that makes you feel like a financial wizard.
Community Vibes
Kothur is home to a warm and welcoming community. Picture this: evening strolls where you actually know your neighbors, kids playing cricket in the streets, and the aroma of home-cooked meals wafting through the air. It's the kind of place where you don't just buy a plot; you buy into a lifestyle.
Key Amenities and Infrastructure
Now, let's talk logistics. What can you expect in terms of amenities and infrastructure in Kothur?
Education and Healthcare
Kothur boasts several reputed schools and healthcare facilities. Your kids won't have to travel far for quality education, and you won't have to worry about healthcare emergencies.
Shopping and Entertainment
While Kothur offers a peaceful retreat, it's not devoid of modern conveniences. You'll find shopping centers, cinemas, and restaurants within a short drive. Whether you're craving biryani or pizza, you're covered.
Kothur's proximity to the NH 44 ensures excellent connectivity. The Rajiv Gandhi International Airport is just a short drive away, making it convenient for frequent travelers.
Types of Plots Available
Let's dive into the types of plots you can find in Kothur.
Residential Plots
These are perfect for those looking to build their dream home. With varying sizes, you can choose a plot that fits your vision and budget.
Commercial Plots
If you're looking to start a business, Kothur has commercial plots available too. With the area's rapid development, it's a promising spot for new ventures.
Farm Plots
For those who dream of a peaceful retreat away from the city's hustle and bustle, farm plots in Kothur offer a serene escape.
A Personal Anecdote
Let me share a little personal story. A friend of mine, let's call him Ravi, was on the lookout for a plot to build his retirement home. After months of searching, he stumbled upon Kothur. Initially skeptical, he decided to visit the area. Long story short, Ravi fell in love with Kothur's charm and bought a plot there. Today, he has a beautiful home with a garden full of exotic plants, and he couldn't be happier with his decision.
The Buying Process
So, you're convinced that Kothur is the place for you. What's next? Let's break down the buying process.
Research and Shortlisting
Start by researching available plots and shortlisting the ones that catch your eye. Visit the sites to get a feel of the area.
Legal Checks
Ensure that the plot has a clear title and all necessary approvals. It's always a good idea to consult a legal expert.
Negotiation and Purchase
Once you're satisfied, negotiate the price and finalize the purchase. Make sure all paperwork is in order.
Development Plans
Now comes the fun part: planning your dream home. Hire a good architect and get started on turning your vision into reality.
The Future of Kothur
Kothur is poised for significant growth. With the government's focus on developing infrastructure and promoting real estate, the area is set to become one of Hyderabad's most sought-after locales.
Upcoming Projects
Several upcoming projects in and around Kothur promise to enhance its appeal. From new residential complexes to commercial hubs, the future looks bright.
Sustainability Initiatives
Kothur is also focusing on sustainability, with plans for green spaces and eco-friendly developments. It's an area that's not just growing, but growing responsibly.
In conclusion, Kothur, Hyderabad, is a fantastic place to invest in open plots. With its strategic location, affordable prices, and a promising future, it's the perfect spot to build your dream home or make a smart investment. So, why wait? Dive into the world of Kothur and discover the land of opportunities.
Visit estatedekho.com for more information about Plots for Sale in Kothur Hyderabad Telangana. Estatedekho is an online platform that offers sellers, potential clients, buyers verified plots, and professional agents at service.
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blacksheep-023 · 3 days
The Ultimate Destination for Sneaker Lovers in India
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Discover the Iconic Air Force 1 Mid — A Sneaker That Redefines Style and Comfort
The Air Force 1 Mid is not only a shoe but a perfect combination of two acronyms: timeless style and comfort. Popular for its smooth looks and appearance that fits both the fashion conscious and the sportsmen and women, this sneaker has always been on trend. The major highlight in this model is the raised ankle collar that not only provides for the shoe’s aesthetic design but also increases comfort for shoes to be worn all day. No matter if a person is wearing Air Force 1 Mid with comfortable leisure wear or putting in all that hard work to perform while wearing the shoe during a basketball game these shoes are a classic fashion statement and an equally good performance shoe.
Timeless Style and Comfort: The Air Force 1 Mid has been well loved for it’s versatility of style and comfort, as a design it is worn by both style gurus and sportsmen.
Classic and Performance-Driven: The Air Force 1 Mid shoes are now synonymous with fashion as they are with sneakers that provides extra cushioned support for intense activities.
Elevate Your Game with the Timeless Air Jordan 1 High
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Step into Style with the Sleek Air Jordan 1 Low in India
For those lovers of sneakers with a desire for lighter and slimmer models, the Air Jordan 1 Low India is tailored to meet these needs and offer comfort. While this one is not the high-tops type, this shoes comes with a little height as compared to its relative thus making it more suitable for casual occasions or even for general wear throughout the day. In this pair of sneakers, the Nike swoosh emblem blends in with the athletic shoes’ upper-component, which is made of high-quality materials that will not only make the sneakers look classy but also last long. Branded Jordan shoes can also be worn in India; these shoes are in higher demand because they do not compromise the looks of the shoes while being comfortable.
Make a Bold Statement with the Vibrant Air Jordan 1 Multicolor
If you are daring and would like to stand out, then Air Jordan 1 Multicolor is the shoe you should get. With bright colours and high-quality materials, the crowd will definitely know that you’re wearing this pair of sneakers. That is an interesting touch for people will appreciate the vibrant design of these shoes even though they are not tight and uncomfortable. The high-top design provides the sort of support you can look forward to with other shoes of this kinds, while the cushioned sole means that you can walk around in them comfortably for hours on end.
Get Authentic Air Jordan Shoes for Sale and Enhance Your Footwear Collection
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Great Deals on Classic Shoes: Searching for Air Jordan shoes for sale offers an opportunity to snag iconic designs at discounted prices, making it a dream for sneaker lovers.
Value in Sales: Purchasing Jordans on sale allows collectors to expand their wardrobe with new additions while maintaining the high-quality standards of the brand.
Find the Best Sneaker Shops Near Me and Discover Premium Footwear
When you are looking for the pair of sneakers, remembering the best sneaker shops near me can assist you in saving time and get the best quality sneakers. Apart from this, these shops stock all the best brands such as Nike, Adidas, and Yeezy besides offering a professional opinion on which is the best shoe for you. Purveyors of fine athletic footwear offer the premier sneaker collector the finest collections available to the public including new releases, classics, and some that might not ever see your average retail store. Well selected and staffed, shopping to the best sneaker stores ensures you obtain shoes that fit your preference, comfort and performance.
Experience Performance and Style When You Buy Nike Sneakers
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Shop for Nike Air Jordan Online in India and Get Your Hands on the Best
If you are a fan of Jordans, then — you will hardly find words to express the comfort of being able to buy Nike Air Jordan in India online. By a simple click of a button, one is able to get the latest and most popular model thus minimizing on missing favorite models. Another aspect that comes with shopping online is that one is able to compare the various sizes, color and design preferences in the shoes before choosing the best style to go for. Whether you are an experienced Air Jordan aficionado or a new comer, shopping online is one of the best and convenient ways to shop without the stress of getting to the store and is equally as convenient as having the shoes delivered to the door step.
Stay Ahead of the Trend by Shopping for Nike Dunks
Often, when you decide to buy Nike Dunks you are sure you are getting yourself a stylish shoe that serves the purpose. Originally created as a basketball shoe, this particular brand of shoe has become more of a fashion shoe with its retro styled design and uses. For comfort, there is cushioned midsole to support your feet throughout the entire day and the outsole for added traction, which can be worn as casual shoes or for sports. High end sneaker lovers respect Dunks because of the simplicity of the shoe and the ample opportunities for any color choice.
Buy Nike Dunks Online in India and Explore a World of Stylish Footwear
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Convenience of Online Shopping: The ease of buying Nike Dunks online in India ensures you never miss a release, offering unmatched convenience for sneaker enthusiasts.
Extensive Selection: Online platforms provide access to a wide range of Nike Dunks, from original classics to the latest releases and limited drops, catering to diverse tastes.
Grab a Pair of SB Dunks for Ultimate Skater Style and Comfort
Overall, it can be said that for fans of skating or for those who like the skater’s style, it pays off to buy SB Dunks. These are some famous shoes due to their good grip, extra córceive stiching and padded soles, these are reserved for the newskaters, but so many people use them for all kind of purposes. Their peculiar shape and synthetic construction brings them to the rank of some of the most resistant and stylish shoes for whoever needs them. Fitted with design features that garnered them the advanced SK8-Hi label SB Dunks come in a multitude of colors making them perfect for the skate park or to simply be seen wearing down town.
Discover the Timeless Jordan 1 High — A Sneaker That Defines Basketball Culture
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Step into Style and Comfort with the Versatile Jordan 1 Low
The other style of Jordan 1 Low is further ideal for you in case you like a simple touch of the shoe. It maintains the same logo features as the high-top shoe which inspired the original product but it is a low-top design that is lighter and more casual in its construct thus being appropriate for every day use. If you are going out at night, or just staying at home, these sneakers give that flexibility like no other. The Jordan 1 Low is one of the finest if someone wants to diversify Jordan’s history but do not want a high-top shoe to be so bulky, then they should go for this shoe, it is perfect for style, comfort and fashion.
Find the Best Jordan Shoes in Mumbai — A Hub for Sneaker Lovers
If you are looking to find elite Jordan shoes in Mumbai, there are various shoes that you can find that meet both the fashion and demand of the athletic shoes. These ranges from the earliest designs such as the Jordan 1 High to the modern day designs and some of the best brands of Jordans can be found in Mumbai. As the trend of sneaker wearing increases day by day in the town, getting those perfect Jordans has never seen such a problem before. From comfort aspect to fancy designing, these sneakers are among the best sneakers available in the market whether you are planning to buy it online or directly from the store in Mumbai.
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1. How do I know which Jordan 1 High size is right for me?
To find the perfect size for your Jordan 1 High, it’s best to measure your foot length and compare it with the brand’s size chart. Since Jordan sneakers tend to fit true to size, you can usually order your regular shoe size. However, if you have wider feet, you might want to go half a size up for a more comfortable fit.
2. Are Jordan 1 Low sneakers comfortable for all-day wear?
Yes, the Jordan 1 Low sneakers are designed for comfort, making them a great option for all-day wear. Their low-top design provides a lightweight feel, while the cushioned insole ensures that your feet stay comfortable even during extended use. They’re versatile enough to be worn for casual outings or more active days.
3. Are Jordan 1 High and Low shoes suitable for sports activities?
Yes, both the Jordan 1 High and Jordan 1 Low are originally designed for basketball, offering support and durability suitable for athletic performance. However, due to their iconic status in fashion, many people now wear them as lifestyle sneakers. If you plan to use them for sports, the high-top version provides extra ankle support, while the low-top is more lightweight and flexible.
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digital288 · 11 days
Mutual Funds vs. Stocks: Which Investment Option is Best for You?
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Investing is all about putting your money to work for you, but choosing between mutual funds and stocks can feel like deciding between coffee and tea. Both options can be profitable, but each has its unique risks and rewards.
Did you know that in FY 2023, more than 14 million new demat accounts were opened in India, with retail investors pouring ₹7.5 lakh crore into mutual funds? That’s how much the investment game has heated up!
So, if you’re wondering which investment option mutual funds or stocks is right for you, then Hurry Up! Contact Mutual Fund advisor Now.
Understanding the Basics: Mutual Funds vs. Stocks
Let's start with the basics.
Stocks represent ownership in a company. When you buy shares of a stock, you essentially own a piece of that company. If the company does well, your investment grows; if it doesn’t, your investment can shrink or vanish. Stocks can offer high returns, but they also come with high risk.
Mutual Funds, on the other hand, pool money from many investors to invest in a diversified portfolio of stocks, bonds, or other securities. A fund manager handles this for you, taking care of the stock picking and balancing. Mutual funds generally offer lower risk because of this diversification, but they also tend to deliver lower returns compared to individual stocks in the short term.
Risk Factor: How Much Can You Handle?
Let’s be honest: when it comes to investing, risk is always on the table.
Stocks: Buying individual stocks is like riding a rollercoaster. Sometimes you’re flying high, and sometimes you’re plummeting. Stocks are volatile, and you need to keep an eye on the market. For example, if you had invested in Reliance Industries in the early 2000s, you'd have seen your money multiply several times over. But stocks like Yes Bank have shown us that things can go south quickly if the company takes a hit.
Mutual Funds: If you're not into the adrenaline rush of constant market checks, mutual funds might be more your style. Since mutual funds spread your investment across various stocks, the overall risk is reduced. Even if one stock in the fund performs poorly, the others may balance it out. In 2023, the average equity mutual fund in India offered returns of about 12-15%, which is decent without putting your heart at risk!
Control: Do You Like Being Hands-On?
If you're someone who loves keeping control and doesn’t mind doing the research, then stocks might be your go-to option.
Stocks: You can pick and choose your companies, buy and sell whenever you want, and stay in total control. This is great if you enjoy learning about companies, industries, and market trends. However, the downside is that you need to stay constantly updated. Think of this as managing your own sports team—you're the coach and manager all rolled into one.
Mutual Funds: Here, a fund manager takes the wheel. They make the buying and selling decisions, freeing you from day-to-day management. So, if you’re someone who’d rather sit back and let an expert handle things, mutual funds are a good fit. It’s like hiring a coach for your sports team—you’re still in the game, but someone else is making the tactical calls.
Returns: What Are You Looking to Gain?
When it comes to returns, stocks generally have the potential to outperform mutual funds, but this comes with higher risk.
Stocks: Over the long term, stocks have historically delivered better returns than most other investments. For instance, stocks in companies like Infosys, TCS, and HDFC have consistently shown growth over the years. But, they come with wild swings. Your investment could double, or you could lose half of it within a few months.
Mutual Funds: While mutual funds may not offer the same high returns as individual stocks, they do provide more stable returns over time. Equity mutual funds can give you 12-15% annual returns, while debt mutual funds typically offer around 7-9%. The growth may be slower, but it’s more consistent, making mutual funds a great option for long-term wealth building.
Time Commitment: Do You Have the Patience?
The time and effort you’re willing to commit to your investments also play a big role in deciding whether stocks or mutual funds are right for you.
Stocks: You need to actively monitor your portfolio. If you have the time and interest to stay updated with the market trends, quarterly earnings, and corporate news, stocks can be rewarding. It’s like maintaining a garden—constant care and attention are needed.
Mutual Funds: If you don’t have time to monitor the market, mutual funds are more like a set-it-and-forget-it option. The fund manager does the heavy lifting, so you can relax while your money grows slowly but steadily.
Liquidity: How Quickly Can You Get Your Money?
Liquidity, or how easily you can turn your investment back into cash, is another crucial factor.
Stocks: Stocks are highly liquid. You can sell your shares anytime the stock market is open, and the money is usually credited to your account in a couple of days. This flexibility can be great, especially if you foresee needing cash on short notice.
Mutual Funds: Mutual funds are generally liquid, but they’re not as instantaneous as stocks. You can redeem your units, but it usually takes a day or two for the funds to appear in your account. Some funds, like ELSS (Equity Linked Saving Schemes), come with lock-in periods, so be mindful of the type of fund you choose.
Conclusion: Which Investment Option is Best for You?
It all boils down to your personal preferences, financial goals, and risk tolerance.
If you’re okay with higher risk and enjoy staying involved in your investments, stocks might be the better choice for you.
If you prefer a safer, hands-off approach, mutual funds could be your best bet.
For example, a young investor in their 20s with time on their side might lean towards stocks for high growth, while someone nearing retirement may prefer the steady returns and lower risk of mutual funds.
In the end, there’s no one-size-fits-all answer. Many investors choose to balance both, creating a diversified portfolio that includes mutual funds for stability and stocks for growth. So, which will it be for you?
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papertradingapp · 1 month
Best App for Intraday Trading in India
Intraday trading, also known as day trading, has become increasingly popular in India due to its potential for high returns within a short time frame. With the rise of mobile trading apps, traders can now buy and sell stocks on the go, making intraday trading more accessible than ever before. However, with so many trading apps available, it can be challenging to determine which one is best suited for your needs.
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In this article, we’ll explore the best app for intraday trading in India by examining their features, benefits, and drawbacks. Whether you're a beginner or an experienced trader, this guide will help you make an informed decision.
Understanding Intraday Trading
Before diving into the best apps, it's essential to understand what intraday trading is. Intraday trading involves buying and selling stocks within the same trading day. The goal is to capitalize on short-term price movements in the market. Unlike long-term investing, where the focus is on the stock's long-term potential, intraday traders look for quick gains by exploiting market volatility.
Why Choosing the Right App Matters
Choosing the right app for intraday trading is crucial for your success. A good trading app should provide real-time data, fast execution, user-friendly interfaces, and low brokerage fees. Additionally, it should offer tools for technical analysis, as this is a key aspect of intraday trading.
Key Features to Look for in an Intraday Trading App
When selecting an app for intraday trading, there are several key features you should consider:
1. Real-Time Market Data
Accurate and real-time market data is essential for making informed trading decisions. Look for apps that provide live stock prices, charts, and market news.
2. Fast Execution Speed
In intraday trading, seconds can make a difference. The app you choose should offer fast order execution to ensure you can capitalize on price movements.
3. Technical Analysis Tools
Technical analysis is a critical component of intraday trading. Choose an app that offers advanced charting tools, indicators, and drawing tools to help you analyze market trends.
4. Low Brokerage Fees
Since intraday trading involves multiple transactions in a single day, brokerage fees can quickly add up. Look for an app with competitive brokerage rates.
5. User-Friendly Interface
A user-friendly interface is vital, especially for beginners. The app should be easy to navigate, with all essential tools readily accessible.
6. Customer Support
Reliable customer support is essential for resolving any issues that may arise while trading. Ensure the app offers timely and effective customer service.
7. Security Features
Your chosen app should have robust security measures in place to protect your financial data and transactions.
Top Apps for Intraday Trading in India
Now that we’ve covered the essential features, let’s take a closer look at some of the best apps for intraday trading in India.
1. Zerodha Kite
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Zerodha Kite is one of the most popular trading platforms in India. Known for its low brokerage fees and extensive range of features, it is an excellent choice for both beginners and experienced traders. If you're interested in learning more, please check out our article about the Zerodha Review.
Real-Time Data: Zerodha Kite provides live market data with advanced charting tools.
Technical Analysis: The app offers over 100 indicators for technical analysis.
Low Brokerage: Zerodha charges a flat fee of ₹20 per trade, making it cost-effective for intraday trading.
User Interface: The app has a clean, intuitive interface that is easy to navigate.
Security: Zerodha Kite is known for its robust security features, including 2-factor authentication.
2. Upstox Pro
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Upstox Pro is another top choice for intraday traders in India. It offers a powerful trading platform with advanced features. If you're considering using Upstox, please check out our article about the Upstox Review to get a comprehensive understanding of its offerings.
Real-Time Data: Upstox Pro provides live market data with customizable charts.
Technical Analysis: The app includes a wide range of technical indicators and drawing tools.
Low Brokerage: Upstox charges a flat fee of ₹20 per trade, similar to Zerodha.
User Interface: Upstox Pro has a user-friendly interface that is suitable for all levels of traders.
Customer Support: The app offers reliable customer support through various channels.
3. Angel One (Angel Broking)
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Angel One is a well-established brokerage firm in India, and its mobile app is a strong contender for intraday trading. If you're considering Angel One, please check out our article about the Angel One Review for a more in-depth look at what they offer.
Real-Time Data: The app provides real-time stock prices and market updates.
Technical Analysis: Angel One offers advanced charting tools and indicators for in-depth analysis.
Brokerage Fees: Angel One offers competitive brokerage rates, especially for intraday traders.
User Interface: The app is designed with a user-friendly interface, making it accessible for beginners.
Customer Support: Angel One provides excellent customer support, including live chat and phone support.
4. 5paisa
5paisa is known for its affordability and feature-rich trading platform, making it a popular choice among traders. If you're interested in learning more, please check out our article about the 5paisa Review.
Real-Time Data: 5paisa offers live market data and customizable watchlists.
Technical Analysis: The app includes a variety of technical analysis tools to help traders make informed decisions.
Low Brokerage: 5paisa charges a flat fee of ₹20 per trade, making it budget-friendly.
User Interface: The app is designed for ease of use, with a simple and straightforward interface.
Security: 5paisa ensures secure transactions with advanced encryption and authentication methods.
5. Groww
Groww started as a platform for mutual funds but has quickly gained popularity in stock trading as well. If you're interested in learning more, please check out our article about the Groww Review to get an in-depth look at the platform.
Real-Time Data: Groww provides live stock prices and market news.
Technical Analysis: While not as advanced as other platforms, Groww offers basic charting tools for technical analysis.
Brokerage Fees: Groww charges ₹20 per trade for intraday trading.
User Interface: The app is known for its clean and user-friendly design, making it a good choice for beginners.
Customer Support: Groww offers reliable customer support, primarily through chat and email.
6. ICICI Direct
ICICI Direct is a well-known name in the Indian stock market, offering a comprehensive trading platform.
Real-Time Data: The app provides live stock quotes and detailed market analysis.
Technical Analysis: ICICI Direct offers a range of technical analysis tools for traders.
Brokerage Fees: ICICI Direct's brokerage fees are higher than some other apps, but it offers a premium service with additional features.
User Interface: The app has a professional design, catering to more experienced traders.
Customer Support: ICICI Direct is known for its strong customer support, with multiple channels available.
7. HDFC Securities
HDFC Securities is another prominent brokerage with a powerful trading platform for intraday traders.
Real-Time Data: The app provides up-to-date market data and stock prices.
Technical Analysis: HDFC Securities offers advanced charting tools for thorough market analysis.
Brokerage Fees: The app has competitive brokerage fees, making it a good option for frequent traders.
User Interface: The app is user-friendly, with a focus on ease of navigation.
Security: HDFC Securities ensures high levels of security with encryption and secure login features.
8. Sharekhan
Sharekhan is a well-established brokerage with a strong reputation in the Indian market.
Real-Time Data: Sharekhan provides real-time market updates and stock prices.
Technical Analysis: The app offers comprehensive technical analysis tools, including various indicators and charts.
Brokerage Fees: Sharekhan charges competitive brokerage fees, particularly for intraday trading.
User Interface: The app is designed for both beginners and experienced traders, with an intuitive interface.
Customer Support: Sharekhan offers excellent customer support through phone, email, and chat.
9. Motilal Oswal
Motilal Oswal is a trusted name in the Indian stock market, with a feature-rich trading platform.
Real-Time Data: The app provides live stock prices and market news.
Technical Analysis: Motilal Oswal offers advanced charting tools and a wide range of technical indicators.
Brokerage Fees: The brokerage fees are slightly higher, but the app provides value-added services.
User Interface: The app is designed with a professional look and feel, catering to serious traders.
Security: The app has robust security features, ensuring the safety of your trades and data.
10. IIFL Markets
IIFL Markets is known for its robust trading platform and extensive market research tools.
Real-Time Data: IIFL Markets offers live market data, stock prices, and in-depth analysis.
Technical Analysis: The app provides advanced charting tools and a variety of technical indicators.
Low Brokerage: IIFL Markets charges a flat fee of ₹20 per trade, making it cost-effective for intraday traders.
User Interface: The app is designed for ease of use, with a clean and intuitive interface.
Customer Support: IIFL Markets offers reliable customer support through multiple channels.
Choosing the best app for intraday trading in India depends on your individual trading needs and preferences. Zerodha Kite and Upstox Pro are excellent choices for their low brokerage fees and advanced technical analysis tools. Angel One and 5paisa are also strong contenders, offering a mix of affordability and functionality. For those looking for a more comprehensive trading experience, ICICI Direct and HDFC Securities provide premium services with robust customer support.
Regardless of the app you choose, ensure it meets your requirements for real-time data, fast execution, technical analysis, and user-friendliness. With the right app, you can enhance your intraday trading strategy and increase your chances of success in the dynamic Indian stock market.
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point-sindia · 2 months
The car business may change practically daily, but tyres will never need to be replaced. As a result, it is reasonable to believe that tyres will always be in demand, and Buy Car & Bike Tyre Franchise India is among the most lucrative business ventures. You shouldn't be concerned about your tyre business failing because the need for tyres will rise along with the demand for cars.
What are the essential considerations while setting up a tyre franchise?
Don't worry if you've never set up a tyre franchise before; this article will provide you with all the assistance you require. Despite the fact that making a selection may seem daunting, it will get simpler as you take in all of this information. Thus, the following are some of the actions you should do to maximize your sales and launch a tyre business:
1. Perform market analysis
You must ascertain whether there is a market for tyres in the location of your choice before investing the money required to launch a tyre company. Despite the fact that tyres are always in high demand wherever they are, it is always important to research the competition. Along with the amount of tyre dealerships in the neighborhood, you will also need to investigate the base income and preferences of the populace. For example, you may notice that the tyre dealerships that are positioned strategically along highways are in high demand. Make sure to get as much information as you can using focus groups, questionnaires, interviews, and other methods.
2. Being aware of the dynamics of the market
Since tyres can break down at any time and you will always have potential leads, the tyre business is a relatively safer venture. It will be difficult for you to break into such a crowded industry if selling and fixing tyres is the main source of income in your hometown. You would surely succeed in business if the town has a sizable demographic base and is expanding gradually. After that, you'll need to study the pricing and marketing tactics of your rivals and adjust the cost of your services appropriately. You must take into account your profit margin in order to compute the projected income when determining the selling prices of all of your goods and services. This will help you to develop your tyre business plan. 
3. Select the products you want to sell
Sure, you want to sell tyres, but since there are numerous kinds of tyres to fit different kinds of cars, you will need to decide what inventory items to sell. You must inspect the cars that operate in your tiny town in order to choose the tyres, and then you must stock those. You can stock up on tyres for two-wheelers, light passenger cars, and large commercial vehicles to make sure you can supply tyres for all kinds of vehicles. The quality of the cars on the roads in your little town will now determine how many tyres are needed. In your store, you can even fix damaged tyres in addition to selling tubes and seams.
Why Go with Point S for an Indian Multi-Brand Tyre Franchise?
In general, a multi brand tyre franchise in India makes more money than a single brand franchise.
Product Diversity: A store with multiple brands can provide a greater range of tyre types and brands to suit different budgets and tastes. Comparing this to a single-brand franchise, the potential client base is increased.
Negotiating Power: A multi-brand retailer has greater negotiating leverage with tyre producers since it represents a variety of brands. By using their purchasing power, they can negotiate better wholesale costs and boost their profit margins.
Inventory Flexibility: Possessing a variety of brands enables a multi-brand retailer to modify its assortment in response to shifting consumer needs. 
Overhead: A multi-brand store can frequently take advantage of economies of scale and distribute fixed expenditures like rent, utilities, and manpower across a bigger organization, even though a single-brand franchise may have cheaper operating costs.
Brand Loyalty: Rather than choosing a particular tyre brand, customers in multi-brand stores may be less brand loyal and base their purchases instead on factors like price, availability, and compatibility. Higher sales volumes may result from this. This is why you should choose Point S, Best Tyre Dealership Franchises in India. 
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gazetteweekly · 2 months
Digitalisation: A Double-Edged Sword for Consumers and Financial Systems, Says RBI Report
In its Report on Currency and Finance (RCF) for 2023–24, the Reserve Bank of India (RBI) highlighted the transformative yet challenging impacts of digitalisation on consumer behavior and financial systems. Released on Monday, the report underscores how the convenience and accessibility brought by digitalisation can also lead to impulsive spending, herd behavior, and heightened risks of data breaches.
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Benefits and Risks of Digitalisation
Digitalisation undoubtedly enhances the ease with which consumers can access financial services. However, it also introduces new risks. The RBI report points out that the rapid spread of financial trends and choices through digital platforms can influence consumers to follow the crowd, leading to impulsive spending and herd behavior. This is particularly evident during market frenzies, where mass buying or selling of stocks can trigger similar actions from other consumers.
Moreover, the interconnected nature of the digital financial system can complicate financial stability. For instance, widespread withdrawal of deposits due to herd behavior could lead to bank runs or failures.
Data Breaches: A Growing Concern
The report also highlights the growing threat of data breaches. In 2023, the average cost of a data breach in India was $2.18 million, marking a 28% increase since 2020. Common attacks include phishing and the use of stolen or compromised credentials. These breaches pose significant risks to both consumers and financial institutions.
Implications for Monetary Policy
Digitalisation impacts inflation, output dynamics, and the transmission of monetary policy in various ways. The report suggests that if digitalisation shifts credit supply from regulated banks to less-regulated non-banks, it could dampen the effectiveness of monetary policy. As such, central banks must integrate digitalisation considerations into their models to ensure effective monetary policy and financial stability.
Proactive Measures and International Collaboration
The RBI has been proactive in leveraging the benefits of digitalisation while mitigating associated risks. Digitalisation holds the potential to boost India’s external trade in goods and services, particularly in modern services exports. It can also reduce the cost of international remittances, benefiting recipients through higher incomes or savings.
In a significant step towards enhancing cross-border payments, the RBI joined Project Nexus, aiming to interlink domestic Fast Payments Systems (FPS) across several countries, including Malaysia, the Philippines, Singapore, and Thailand. This follows the integration of India’s Unified Payments Interface (UPI) with Singapore’s PayNow, facilitating faster and more affordable remittances between the two nations. Similarly, an MoU with the Central Bank of UAE aims to link India’s UPI with UAE’s Instant Payment Platform (IPP).
The Rise of UPI
The report highlights the explosive growth of UPI, which has seen a tenfold increase in volume over the past four years. From 12.5 billion transactions in 2019–20 to 131 billion in 2023–24, UPI now accounts for 80% of all digital payment volumes in India. As of June 2024, UPI is recording nearly 14 billion transactions monthly, driven by 424 million unique users.
Future Outlook
Cross-border digital trade policies will be crucial in leveraging new opportunities and ensuring data security and cybersecurity. The internationalisation of the rupee is also progressing, supported by a comprehensive policy approach.
In summary, while digitalisation brings significant benefits, it also poses new challenges. The RBI’s report emphasizes the need for a balanced approach to harness its advantages while managing the associated risks to consumer behavior, financial stability, and data security.
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the-firebird69 · 2 months
Isn't a couple other things going on there's a bunch of people with some really really s***** plans and they need to be weeded out it's horrendous and people don't care they think it's good for them and it's not we are going to start to go ballistic on them if it continues.
-there are some reasons why this is happening the Mac proper I think they can find us in demons and rig them to be controlled and they also think they'll eliminate all the rats and cash I wonder why they're so freaking annoying. They do a lot of stuff on purpose to annoy him and us and a very ridiculous people and really they don't know how to keep anything working in there use a lot of money buying things that they break and they're not going to go anywhere it's annoying as hell right now we have some things going on. The Easter hemisphere is on fire there are huge huge changes coming they are very abnormal for this time and place they are not things that usually happen they are things that don't usually happen we do have several examples and we'd like to put those forwards and one of them is that the crowd is getting gross yeah in the Western hemisphere they're getting very rude and it's cuz there's a lot of death in the Eastern hemisphere right now and they think they're going to get somewhere and we don't think so we think that they're going nowhere and there's some results.
-the bunkers that are nuclear they are being attacked with ferocity all of them are blocked but they are losing their stocks quickly right now there are 50 fortresses in Russia right now there's 40 this morning there were 45 and that's a lot those things are massive and they're emptied usually device just go in the tunnel and they're fight over quite fiercely. In Africa there were about 100 very large and mostly that size this does not include the vertical tunnel or tubes as we're calling them now they're about 85 and in Russia there were 10 tubes and now there's eight and in Africa there are nine tubes now there are seven and in Asia there were 45 fortresses now there are 38 and you're losing a lot of them today it's only a half day over and they're getting wound up meaning they prepped and went in and they're getting wound up and it was just begun but the infiltration effort was far less than it should be these guys are not massively difficult but you have to be careful and it is dangerous of course but they are actually infiltrating quite well. There are about 50 fortresses in Asia including the islands of the Philippines Indonesia Malaysia Japan and the peninsula of Korea they are going to probably get to 40 today of the others will be more blocked and they are chasing them out when they come out dude have them coming out and they have been grabbing all of the weaponry and the nuclear stuff and they're getting weaker and the numbers are down not as low as we said but they're going down pretty swiftly this operation will pick up and the operation against the pseudo empire will pick up and they will deplete rather quickly and these people are saying they're into it and stuff but they're not doing very well. They're also about 80 between India and Pakistan right now it's a 70 the end of the day we think 60 and more of them will be blocked off and that attracts armies and they'll be depleted.
The fleet that is heating up as 50% heat it up but it's 30% out.
And also they are advancing on those ships and they're tired of them doing it and they'll probably knock that whole fleet out very soon if not later today it's annoying as hell a little peckers next week will be Trump's 2.5 trillion Battlestar Galactica and they go out pretty quick but there is an issue in Titan before they're all gone but they look like pseudo empire who probably took them and they're actually trying to deliver stuff that's what they're doing a terrorist attacks but it's against the pseudo empire. And Hera is saying she's okay and having some issues and our son and and says to her it's probably only like 20 or 30 more of that she says get the hell out of here but really we have to wait until what was it April says yeah that's right so she's remembering and I have all sorts of weird things are going to happen to me I might actually have money I might grow and the joint might feel better and women might go nuts and scratch each other to death that's something to watch if you get tomorrow as you watch it yeah straight she says. We have more news and it's interesting.
Thor Freya
Zues Hera
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spicevillagesblog · 3 months
Savor the Flavors of India: Buy Indian Groceries Online with Free Shipping
Imagine the convenience of getting your favourite Indian groceries delivered straight to your door without any extra shipping costs. Thanks to the expanding internet buying trend, this fantasy is now a reality.  For lovers of Indian cuisine, finding authentic ingredients is essential. This article explores the benefits of Indian grocery online free shipping and how to easily buy Indian food online.
The Convenience of Online Shopping
Shopping has been transformed by the internet era, which has made it simpler than ever to access goods from around the globe.   For those passionate about Indian cuisine, the rise of online grocery stores offers a new level of convenience. No longer do you need to travel to specialty stores or settle for limited selections at local supermarkets? These days, you may shop from the comfort of your home for a large selection of Indian groceries.
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Indian Grocery Online with Free Shipping
One of the standout benefits of online shopping is the availability of Indian grocery online free shipping. This feature not only saves money but also enhances the overall shopping experience. Free shipping means that you can order as much or as little as you need without worrying about additional costs. It makes it easier to keep your pantry stocked with essential ingredients like spices, lentils, rice, and more.
Online platforms offering free shipping often have minimum order requirements, which are quite reasonable. This makes it practical for regular shopping or bulk purchases, ensuring that you always have what you need to cook delicious Indian meals.
The Ease of Buying Indian Food Online
When you buy Indian food online, you gain access to a vast selection of products that might not be available in your local area. From staple items to specialty ingredients, online stores cater to all your culinary needs. Making educated selections and selecting the highest caliber products for your kitchen is made possible by thorough product descriptions and user reviews.
For international students and expats who yearn for a sense of home, online businesses are especially helpful. They have a large selection of goods, such as packaged foods, snacks, fresh produce, and even prepared dinners. This variety ensures that you can recreate traditional dishes and experiment with new recipes without any hassle.
Ensuring Quality and Authenticity
A common concern with online grocery shopping is the quality and authenticity of products. Reputable online stores prioritize sourcing their products from trusted suppliers in India, ensuring that you receive genuine items. Many platforms also provide detailed information about the origins and quality of their products, giving you peace of mind with every purchase.
When choosing an online store, look for those with positive customer reviews and transparent policies. This will help you find reliable platforms that deliver on their promises of quality and authenticity.
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The ability to buy Indian food onlinehas transformed the shopping experience for enthusiasts of Indian cuisine. With the added benefit of Indian grocery online free shipping, you can enjoy the convenience and savings of having your favourite ingredients delivered right to your doorstep. For a seamless and satisfying shopping experience, spicevillage.eu offers a comprehensive range of high-quality Indian groceries with free shipping options. Embrace the ease of online shopping and bring the rich flavours of India into your kitchen today.
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alysongills · 3 months
How to Publish Your First Puzzle Book on Amazon KDP
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Want to dive into self-publishing and start a new way to make money? Amazon Kindle Direct Publishing (KDP) can show you how. It lets you publish various books, including puzzle books, which are highly sought after. Puzzle books offer games like crosswords and word searches, great for those wanting to step away from screens. Using Amazon KDP, you can make your own puzzle book for free. You only need to create the book, and Amazon takes care of the printing and sending. The added bonus? You get money from every book sold. This could become a nice side income for you. Key Takeaways: - Amazon KDP lets you publish low-content books with puzzles for free. - People love puzzle books for a screen break, making them popular. - Selling puzzle books online can earn you money passively. - It's quick to get your book on Amazon KDP, sometimes in just three days. - Picking the right book categories and keywords can help it sell better.
What is Amazon KDP?
Amazon Kindle Direct Publishing (KDP) is a self-publishing platform by Amazon. It lets authors publish their books and low-content books with no upfront costs or minimum stock requirements. You create the books, share the printable manuscripts, and Amazon deals with printing, shipping, and support. You make money through royalties on sales, which can become a steady passive income. Amazon KDP offers a lot of flexibility. You can publish both ebooks and physical paperback books there. For ebooks, the royalty rates range from 35% to 70%, based on the book's price. With physical books, you get a steady 60% royalty on the list price. Amazon KDP also lets authors join the KDP Select program. This program gives better royalties in some countries, like Brazil, Japan, India, and Mexico. You also get to join Kindle Unlimited, a service where readers pay a monthly fee to access books. With this program, authors earn based on the pages read. In sum, Amazon KDP is a great tool for self-publishing and making low-content books. It gives authors a chance to reach many readers and possibly make passive income from their creative projects.
Why Publish Puzzle Books on Amazon KDP?
In today's world, people look for books that get them thinking, like crossword puzzles and word searches. These activities are great for taking a break from screens. They also give our brains a workout. This has opened a big chance for authors to publish puzzle books on Amazon's platform, Kindle Direct Publishing (KDP). Growing Demand for Physical Activity Books Books where you write things down, like notebooks, have always been popular. This is because some like keeping track of stuff in a physical book. The interest is the same for brain teasers and games, making puzzle books a hit on Amazon KDP. These books are also perfect as special gifts, making them even more wanted. Lucrative Opportunity Not long ago, 105 crossword puzzles with a Canadian theme became a hit book. Packed as an 8.5x11" book, it became a #1 bestseller in its categories. Smart choices of words and categories on Amazon played a big role in its success. Plus, more folks were buying activity books during the early COVID-19. This propelled its sales even more. Realizing this success, the author made another book, this one about poker, with 125 puzzles. It also did really well. More promotion for the poker book meant more people noticed and bought the Canadian puzzle book. This shows how good it is to create different puzzle books on Amazon KDP. Amazon KDP lets authors upload books and have them ready for sale in just three days. Right now, many people are looking for puzzle and craft books. This makes Amazon a great place for authors to publish their puzzle books.
Examples of Puzzle Books to Create
If you're keen on making your first puzzle book for Amazon KDP, you have lots of great choices. Puzzle books and activity books are very popular now. They can sell between 573 to 885 copies every month. This could earn you about $1,117 to $2,185 every month. Here are some top puzzle book genres: - Crossword puzzle books - Word search books - Cryptogram puzzle books - Picture find & seek books - Math riddle books - Sudoku books - Connect the dot books - Coloring books - Maze puzzle books - Brain teaser books - Themed activity books - Mixed activity books - Cut & color activity books - Logic puzzle books - Memory games books While word searches, crosswords, and sudoku are well-liked, try out other puzzles too. Hashiwokakero, cryptograms, and more offer less competition. No matter the puzzle type you pick, do your research well. Make sure you reach the audience you want. Amazon KDP helps you make, sell, and earn from your puzzle book ideas.
Examples of Free Tools to Generate Puzzles
Self-publishing puzzle books on Amazon KDP is easier with the right tools. Luckily, you'll find many free tools to help create puzzles for your books. Here are some great resources: - Online Puzzle Generators: Check out sites like Puzzle-Maker.com and TheTeachersList.com. They let you create crosswords and word searches for free. This is perfect for making content quickly for your Amazon KDP books. - Canva: Canva isn't just for design. It also offers templates and features for creating activity pages and puzzles. It's a powerful tool to add to your puzzle-making kit. Using these free puzzle-making tools can make the process smoother for your Amazon KDP books. This saves you time and effort. Mix in your creativity and these helpful tools. Soon, you'll be making and selling great puzzle books on Kindle Direct Publishing. To do well in the puzzle book market on Amazon KDP, focus on top-notch content. These tools will help you make standout puzzle books that draw readers in. Stay ahead by offering engaging and high-quality puzzles using these free options.
Examples of Paid Tools to Generate Puzzles
Free tools are good to get started, but there are paid options too. These help you make puzzles for Amazon KDP books. Paid tools have more features. They make creating puzzles easier and let you make books that look professional. Consider these top paid tools for puzzles: - Book Bolt: Book Bolt offers puzzle generators within Book Bolt Studio. It lets you make sudoku, word search any many other puzzle types fast. - Fiverr: On Fiverr, freelancers make custom puzzles. This is great for unique, personalized books. - Puzzle Generation Services: Puzzle Warehouse makes puzzles for you. You tell them what you need, and they deliver. This is convenient if you don't want to make puzzles yourself. If you want a big variety of puzzles, need special features, or don't want to make puzzles yourself, these tools are great. They help you create a top-notch puzzle book for Amazon KDP users. ToolKey FeaturesPricingBook Bolt - Book Bolt Studio for puzzle generation - Wide range of puzzle types - Customizable difficulty levels Newbie starting from $9.99/month. You will need Pro at $19.99 to access the puzzle generator (It is well worth it!)Fiverr - Custom puzzle creation by freelancers - Variety of puzzle types available - Personalized designs and themes Varies by freelancerPuzzle Warehouse - Puzzle generation services - Submission of requirements for custom puzzles - Delivery of completed puzzles Varies by project requirements Exploring these tools opens new paths. You can make great puzzle books for Amazon KDP. Choose to make puzzles yourself or find someone to do it. These tools make the process smoother and help your books stand out.
Self-Publish Your First puzzle book on Amazon KDP
Want to self-publish your first puzzle book on Amazon KDP? It's a rewarding journey, with key steps to success. By taking the right steps, you can have your low-content book available on the biggest online store. - First, find good puzzle book ideas that people want. Use tools like Book Bolt's Cloud to see what's hot and not. - Next, pick the KDP book size for your puzzle book. This affects how your book looks and fits Amazon's rules. - Then, bring your puzzle book to life with tools like Book Bolt's Creator Studio. They make designing and formatting easy. - Make a great book cover that draws in readers. Your cover should be catchy and show what your puzzle book is about. - Adding A-Plus Content can make your puzzle book even better. It lets people see inside, making it more interesting. - Customize your puzzle book with special themes and designs. This can make you stand out among other low-content books on Amazon KDP. By sticking to these steps, you're almost ready to publish your first puzzle book on Amazon KDP. Remember to study your market, make a top-notch product, and get it noticed. This is the path to a successful self-publishing story.
Step 1: Research Puzzle Book Ideas
Use Book Bolt's Cloud Tool To start making your first puzzle book for Amazon KDP, do some important research. This research will show you which puzzle book ideas are popular and not too crowded. Book Bolt's Cloud Tool is a great help here. Signing up for a free Book Bolt account means you can check out the Cloud Tool. It helps you find hot puzzle book topics, see what's selling well, and check out the competition on Amazon. The aim is to pick a topic that lots of people want but not many others are selling, so you can shine as a new creator and sell your book. - Use the Cloud Tool to search for popular puzzle book keywords and topics. - Examine the top-selling puzzle books in your target niche to understand what's working well. - Analyze the level of competition by looking at the number of similar books and their sales ranks. - Identify any gaps in the market or opportunities to create a unique, high-quality puzzle book that caters to a specific audience. Doing this detailed research with Book Bolt's Cloud Tool prepares you to make a winning puzzle book for Amazon KDP. This first step lays the groundwork for your publishing journey. It also boosts your chance of finding a successful spot in the growing puzzle book market.
Step 2: Pick a KDP Book Trim Size
When making your first puzzle book for Amazon KDP, picking the right trim size is key. The trim size is the physical size of your book. It influences how it looks and feels. Picking a trim size starts with looking at what's popular in your book's category. Check out top puzzle books on Amazon for their trim sizes. This tells you what your readers might prefer. Amazon KDP makes it easy by offering a variety of standard trim sizes. The 6" x 9" size is common and versatile. It is well-liked for its balance of space and easy reading. But there are other sizes like 5" x 8" or 5.25" x 8" that might fit your book better. Your choice depends on your book's design and contents. For the best choice, follow Amazon KDP's suggestions on margins and page numbers. This will make your book look professional and polished. Think carefully about your trim size. It will affect how your book is produced and sold. Research well and pick a size that meets your vision and your audience's needs on Amazon KDP.
Step 3: Create Your Book Manuscript with Book Bolt
Book Bolt's Creator Studio makes making a puzzle book easy. It makes sure your book is good for Amazon KDP. You can design covers, make puzzles, and add themes inside, all in one place. With Book Bolt, you get everything to create, arrange, and export puzzles in the right way. This helps save time, letting you focus on making your book fun and unique. Designing Your Book Cover The Creator Studio lets you design a cover with ease. You pick from many templates, add your text and images, and check it meets Amazon KDP's rules. A good cover helps your puzzle book get noticed on Amazon. Generating Puzzle Pages - Book Bolt offers tools to make various puzzles like word searches and Sudoku. - You can change themes, problem levels, and layout for your readers. - The software prepares your puzzles to fit smoothly into your book. Customizing the Interior You can make the inside of your book look great with the Creator Studio. Add backgrounds, graphics, and more to make a beautiful experience. This helps your puzzle book look better than others on Amazon. Using Book Bolt's Creator Studio, you can make a great Amazon KDP book without much hassle. This lets you focus on making your book fun. It also ensures your book is ready for Amazon KDP's standards.
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The Importance of A Stand Out Book Cover
Selling your puzzle book on Amazon KDP demands a catchy, visually appealing book cover. It's the first part anyone sees. So, it must make them want to dive into your puzzle world. To make your Amazon KDP puzzle book cover great, think hard. Choose bold colors, intriguing pictures, and titles that tell what the book's about. A great cover is key in helping your puzzle book shine among others on Amazon. Did you know, 85% of readers judge a book by its cover? It's smart to hire a skilled designer. The cost is often a few hundred dollars. Why not invest in a cover that will help your puzzle book stand out? Plus, consider this, 90% of self-published books use platforms like Amazon KDP or IngramSpark. A unique book cover is vital for success. Key Considerations for Puzzle Book Cover Design - Create a cover that is 300 DPI in CMYK color for optimal printing results - Include a spine if your puzzle book has at least 80 pages - Extend your cover images 0.125" beyond the trim line to avoid a white border - Ensure your cover file size is 40MB or less to avoid conversion issues - Provide your cover designer with at least 3 mockups to choose from - Consider creating a cover vision board on Pinterest to share with your designer A striking, well-made cover can really help your Amazon KDP puzzle book stand out. It's a crucial step in making your puzzle book noticed amid the vast competition. This way, you make your book intriguing and inviting to your potential readers.
Why You Should Consider A-Plus Content
For self-publishers on Amazon KDP, A-Plus Content can make a big difference. It allows you to show off your puzzle books in a detailed and attractive way. This feature lets you include more visuals and details, improving how your books are seen. This extra content lets you share sample pages and puzzle examples. It helps customers understand your book's quality and content. This is especially useful for puzzle books where visuals matter a lot in choosing to buy. Amazon found that using A-Plus Content can boost sales by about 5%. It also means fewer returns and negative feedback. This is because customers get a better idea of what they're buying. Adding A-Plus Content can make more people interested in your puzzle books. It also helps tell your story and build trust with readers. So, it doesn't just boost sales; it helps your brand stand out too. Even though Amazon’s A9 algorithm doesn't read A-Plus Content, using it can still have a big effect. It can help sell more books and affect your Amazon search ranking and ads. Making your books more engaging can separate them from others, making customers more likely to buy. FeatureBenefitsA-Plus Content - Increase sales by an average of 5% - Enhance product presentation and improve conversion rates - Build trust and connect with readers through brand storytelling - Reduce returns and negative reviews by providing more details - Impact Amazon sales, SEO, and Advertising Cost of Sales (ACoS) Using A-Plus Content can lift your Amazon KDP puzzle book listings. It makes the buying experience better for your customers. Ultimately, it boosts your sales and helps your low-content book business succeed.
Niche Down Your Puzzle Book
To stand out on Amazon, focus your puzzle book. Aim at a certain group like children or a hobby group. Or pick a special theme or type of puzzle. One smart idea is to make each page unique with themed backgrounds and elements. It makes your book look great and different from others, drawing in your target readers. Customize with Themed Backgrounds Adding themed backgrounds and elements makes your puzzle book special. It connects with your readers in a unique way. Try these customization ideas for your puzzle book: - Use nature themes like forests or beaches for those who love the outdoors. - Add fun, cartoon-style pictures for a family-friendly touch. - Choose modern designs with simple shapes for a sophisticated look. - Pick patterns or images related to certain hobbies or interests to grab readers' attention. By adding these touches, your puzzle book becomes visually attractive. It's a hit in the Amazon KDP world of niche puzzle books. This approach helps get your book noticed by the right people. It improves your chance of having a popular low-content book.
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Estimated Earnings with Puzzle Books
Selling puzzle books on Amazon KDP can lead to significant earnings. Research shows the top puzzle books are making between $3,481 and $7,071 a month. Authors are earning $1,117 to $2,185 monthly. This shows how profitable passive income from puzzle books can be on Amazon KDP. Your earnings will vary based on your niche, price, reviews, and marketing. But, selling more books in a growing market can bring in good money. By meeting the demand for activity books and using Amazon's reach, you can earn well from puzzle books. MetricRangeMonthly Sales$3,481 - $7,071Author Royalties$1,117 - $2,185 To make good money, focus on creating top-notch puzzle books for your readers. Amazon KDP offers tools to help you publish with success. This approach can boost your earnings in the puzzle book market.
Creating puzzle books through Amazon KDP can make you money with little effort. Now is a great time as people love activity books and making puzzles is easy. Read the full article
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integratedindia · 3 months
Maximizing Your Stock Market Potential with Margin Trading Facility
In the world of stock market trading, one of the powerful tools that many traders leverage is Margin Trading Facility (MTF). This facility allows investors to buy stocks or shares by funding from their brokers, thus multiplying their buying power up to 4 times. Essentially, MTF enables traders to invest more than what they have in their account, offering the option to buy now and pay later. However, with this facility comes the responsibility of paying interest on the borrowed funds.
Understanding Margin Trading Facility in India
Margin Trading Facility in India is a popular choice among traders looking to capitalize on market opportunities by amplifying their investment potential. With MTF, investors can enter into larger trades than they would typically be able to afford, thereby potentially enhancing their returns. This facility is especially beneficial for investors who have a good understanding of the market trends and can use the leverage effectively to maximize profits.
When utilizing margin trading funding, traders need to be mindful of the interest charged on the borrowed funds. In India, the interest rates on MTF are typically around 0.052% per day, which can add up quickly if the trades do not perform as expected. Therefore, it is crucial for traders to have a solid risk management strategy in place to mitigate potential losses.
The Benefits of Margin Trading Facility
The primary advantage of margin trading in the stock market is the increased buying power it offers to investors. By leveraging MTF, traders can potentially earn higher profits compared to trading with their own capital alone. Additionally, MTF allows traders to diversify their portfolio and take advantage of short-term trading opportunities that may not be feasible with traditional trading methods.
Another benefit of margin trading facility is the flexibility it provides to investors. With MTF trade can execute trades quickly and capitalize on market movements without waiting for funds to settle in their accounts. This agility can be particularly advantageous in volatile market conditions where timing is crucial.
Choosing the Best MTF Brokers in India
When it comes to selecting the best MTF brokers in India, traders should consider factors such as reputation, reliability, trading platform features, customer support, and MTF charges. Integrated as a top brokerage firm in India that offers competitive MTF options.
Integrated as a broker provides their traders with a range of margin trading options and competitive interest charged on MTF. Investors should choose Integrated Enterprises for its competitive MTF charges per day, high-quality service, and exceptional overall trading experience that aligns with their trading goals and risk tolerance.
Mitigating Risks in Margin Trading
While margin trading can amplify profits, it also increases the level of risk involved in trading. Traders must be cautious when using MTF to avoid potential losses that can exceed their initial investment. Therefore, it is essential to have a clear understanding of the market, set stop-loss orders, and regularly monitor trades to manage risks effectively.
Additionally, it is advisable for traders to start with a small portion of their capital when experimenting with margin trading MTF and gradually increase their exposure as they gain experience and confidence in their trading strategies. By adopting a disciplined approach and conducting thorough research before executing trades, investors can minimize the risks associated with margin funding facility.
Leveraging Margin Trading in India
In India, the margin funding facility has gained popularity among both seasoned traders and newcomers to the stock market. The availability of MTF options in India has enabled investors to access additional capital to participate in a wider range of trading activities and potentially enhance their returns.
Traders can take advantage of the margin trading facility in India to seize lucrative opportunities in the market and capitalize on price movements across various asset classes. By utilizing leverage wisely and staying informed about market trends, investors can harness the power of MTF to optimize their trading strategies and achieve their financial goals.
Exploring Competitive MTF Options
As the demand for margin trading in India continues to grow, brokerage firms like Integrated are offering competitive MTF options to attract traders. Investors can rely on Integrated Enterprises for the most cost-effective and reliable trading platform with the lowest MTF interest rates in India.
By conducting thorough research and understanding the terms and conditions associated with margin trading, traders can make informed decisions when selecting a broker for their MTF needs. It is essential to consider factors such as interest rates, leverage limits, margin requirements, and customer service quality when evaluating the best MTF options available in the Indian market.
In conclusion, margin trading facility is a valuable tool that can empower traders to maximize their investment potential and capitalize on market opportunities. By understanding the benefits and risks associated with MTF, investors can make informed decisions and navigate the complexities of margin trading effectively.
As the best MTF brokers in India, such as Integrated Enterprises (India) Pvt. Ltd, continue to enhance their offerings and provide competitive MTF options, traders have the opportunity to optimize their trading strategies and achieve their financial objectives. By leveraging the power of margin trading in India responsibly and strategically, investors can unlock new possibilities in the dynamic world of stock market trading.
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