#good q though.... ii guess i never really addressed this????
musubiki · 5 years
Hi! I love Taffy....he cute...........Also, I have a question about your relationship chart :Oc it says Mochi is in love with Lime, but honestly how you draw them it feels like it's more the other away around. Is the relationship chart to the canon story or is it just you like drawing Lime having a crush ;3c
LMFAO I ALSO LOVE TAFFY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
good question!!!!!!! heres kinda the explanation regarding them and the way i draw them (with context):
the relationship chart is everyones relationship at the beginning of the story (or when theyre first introduced)!!! but its still canon to the storyline!!!
mochi is 10000% in love with lime!! shes had such a big crush on his handsome dork ass for such a long time by the beginning of the story, but she was never really the type to be all obsessive and swoony!!! (shes not like marinette @ adrien i will guarantee you that. the other girls in school act like that with lime all squealing and fawning, but mochi just. no. its not in her personality to act such ways). when she first started crushing on him she was kinda jittery and nervous but she eventually grew out of it, and now its like soft looks, admiration, blushing, emotional support, kinda subtle things!!!! but especially after she gets into her witch phase,.,..(i mean she’ll ALWAYS love him and MAKES time for him) but she realizes that she. kinda has other stuff to worry about. like not dying. (ofc during the witch stuff though shes still in love and romance plays a big part in this obviously but mochi hardly ever makes the first move. most of their soft moments are either by accident or because of lime)
for LIME, at the start (and for a long time prior), he just sees mochi as his best friend!! he spends almost all his time with her, teases her to make her blush (because he enjoys her reactions), hangs out with her, does homework together, but you’ll see later he treats her more like a friend at the beginning!!! (with some softness cuz ngl he has a huge soft spot for her even then. i think he has a little crush on her but didnt realize it). but after the whole witch thing gets rolling and lime becomes the first member of her guild, she pretty much shifts into the center of his universe in a way he never thought she would!! suddenly shes with otherworldly amazing badass chick and hes being opened up to all these new worlds and magic and its !!!!!!, unreal!!!!!  but throughout all of that his care and protectiveness of her goes up by like 1000000%. and as the story progresses that unrealized/suppressed crush starts to surface more and more in him and it gets harder and harder to hide from her, and it shows in little ways like the way he smells her hair or how he acts reckless just so she’ll heal him and he can spend more time with her!!!
and thats generally the time period when i draw a lot of limochi art is post-reveal when lime is kinda struggling with his feelings!!!! so i guess yeah he does kinda have a secret crush on her???? its so secret even he doesnt know he has it. and mochi is just an expert at hiding shit so. good job kids. slow burn 👀
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arecibomanual · 7 years
It seemed like the transcripts of some of Chronos' videos were lost, so I went ahead and redid them myself.
I strongly believe that my mom was being monitored and harrassed by Youtube, Universal Pictures, and their affiliates, due to a secret, of sorts, she had uncovered within the original trilogy of Jurassic Park films Let me start by saying as early on as I can that I am not crazy - never been diagnosed with schizophrenia, [????] disorder, or any other mental illness. I'm just good at noticing patterns I've always been a big Jurassic Park fan. [near illegible, but I tried my best] I saw the first[firat?] film in the [??] when I was five years old, [etc] It's possible that Youtube's part in the harrassment campaign may have started with the removal of her various tribute videos to Jurassic Park after her passing but those may also merely be the result of the vast machine that is the automated copyright-takedown system. As big of a JP fan as I am though... [yes, just one word gets its own entire block.] [The next two slides are both on screen for like a second or less each, and both very hard to read.] I was never as [Jebus??] into the franchise as my mom was. She would watch the entire trilogy [something something] weekend [something] month She would buy JP-branded oatmeals and sugary cereals, long after her doctor advised her to steer clear of these for [sdffghjh] tribute videos [sasfsds] like those Linkin Park anime music videos, [there seems to be another line below this in smaller text, but all that can be seen due to the "Lost World" logo is an 'n'] I started noticing their absences toward the end of 2015 Without access to her Youtube password [again, the logo obscures a second line of smaller text] videos s[asdf] eate[n???] on her old laptop I contacted Youtube many times regarding the videos, but have only recieved canned auto-responses and unhelpful, yes sympathetic responses from actual employees after pressing the matter
Sudden huge increase in views... I hope anyone reading this is good with computers. Can you help a dude out? Anyone with experience in the "Eratas" or "Erratas" system, if you could send me a message I'd be extremely grateful. I realise reaching out to my Youtube viewers is a stretch, but hey I guess it's worth a shot, right?
This is the current automatic transcript of the song lyrics- note the address is gone.
0:00 yummy with our bodies we go double take 0:16 when double towel and down because you 0:18 will obey yep at the moment a swing 0:24 according and what if they were moving 0:26 out of people put this flag again me and 0:30 where we get the Kyrian's logbook that 0:32 much will be here with norma j whatever 0:35 same time of shipment be ready rings I 0:39 got the swagger bomb dinner she gotta be 0:41 the banker getting hungry mi made it was 0:46 a motherfucker I get the most which is 0:49 one of those bad Mama's lawmakers face 0:54 big to wait before the game silly 0:56 mistakes by me for the legality long 1:00 incremented plan to participate there 1:03 are few things that remain partly in 1:05 fact women brown one jet respect for 1:08 just a sec all want to hear that amana 1:12 fellas 1:14 where's little water water some people 1:20 talk to prepare a while did you dress 1:22 this is probably one night shift with a 1:25 flower wanna sesh with the left yeah I 1:28 came with the girl boy more than I can 1:32 make you feel a bit of summer fun dirty 1:34 hands off what you got this one is 1:37 different cuz of giving up their friend 1:40 not expedia we go up as much me what is 1:44 now for miracles that reason who I saved 1:49 it up for going my life we thought okay 1:52 II didn't see results el Muppet is 1:55 liking the brand back when we flew with 1:58 the what the fucking bag guys what dear 2:01 what I do like her to the finish my blog 2:05 or give it give you burn the neck yet 2:08 before pop pop pop you're already 2:10 because up just a touch the phone fucker 2:14 hit e'rybody chose to be seven dollars 2:18 oof amazing makers Allah fuckin ear for 2:21 my age / or two big horses doing his way 2:26 where we're going 2:28 we're breaking any / you an exact 2:32 digital model for the problems of 2:34 opinion i wanna do you live with my 2:37 first build up an American town to fit 2:42 terrasse de multiple more Chicago's 2:45 that's what we not all results too 2:48 powerful for design code changes
And here's the transcript for the QnA video, copy-pasted from KYM because it's under a spoiler tag on that page and thus won't archive. I don't know why KYM thinks this video was deleted, as it's very much still available.
TRANSCRIPT: [start of video] I’ve been fairly reluctant to really ask anyone for help since the nature of ] like pre[ classic paranoid nutjob ramblings - algorithms controlling things behind the scenes, weird stuff in that vein. But I would never waste anyone’s time with stuff like that. In the past couple of years I’ve asked for help from friends in programming and business circles. but over time, friendships fade, people move, people stop talking to you. You know the drill. As such, I’m very grateful for the help people are giving and I’ll try and answer as many questions as I can here. Cork Top writes: Q: "So with this video, are you essentially trying to see if this system called “Erratas” or “Eratas” will attempt to take down the video because it’s some system/algorithm that takes down videos that… I don’t know, include the term “Eratas”/“Erratas” in them? Which is why you used asterisks for letters in the word in the description, to see if the system could detect text on videos?" [Cont…]
A: Thanks for writing, Cork. Yes. I don’t know much about programming or computer systems, so I’m not too savvy about how to trick them. All I really know about Erratas is that it’s used by dozens of companies. (“recent”, as in, within the last 5 or 6 years) they seem to use it as a copyright-enforcement tool which works as an excellent [?] if you want to take down other things as well. But it has its limitations, and I’m fairly sure that my “test video” helped ferret those out. Maybe. The original Jurassic Park trilogy is excellent, by the way, I highly recommend it. The second film is my favorite, in spite of its flaws. Frank Horrigan writes “what is the erratas system? any documentation?” A: Thanks ]ing, Frank. “Erratas”[?] is something I [?(I’m not sure if there’s a word here or not)] crossed paths with over the years, and in[scope[?] disturb[??(this word MIGHT be “disturbance,” or it might be “disturbs me”)] … The fact that it went after my mom in her twilight years is either evidence of its enormous and uncaring[?] reach in other words, a coincidence, or it means it’s specifically still coming after me after all these years, and to be frank, both options freak me out equally. 3M and Unilever were early adopters, which shows the versatility of the system. Too much faith is put into computers in general, and WAY too much faith was put in Erratas. Lots of people lost their jobs. And Aaron4420 [referring to a YouTuber who posted on one of his videos], it’s easy to talk shit from behind a computer screen but takes a real man to back it up so suck my dick through a straw [end]
rip aaron4420
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