#good places to visit in india
forcenewz · 1 year
20 Best Places to Visit in India 2024
Are you planning to visit the best places to explore in india? In this blog, ForceNewz shares the 20 best places to visit in india with images and provides a list of the best time to visit the best places. Explore the stunning tourist places in india. Check the best months to visit Varanasi Uttar Pradesh india here!
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helloraahi27 · 3 months
Why Should You Explore Best Places to Visit in India in May Month?
May in India. For many, it conjures images of scorching sun and sweltering temperatures. But what if I told you there's another side to the story? May, in fact, is the perfect shoulder season to explore a treasure trove of destinations across this vast and vibrant country. Here's why you should consider a trip to best places to visit in India in may month:
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Pleasant Weather: Escape the Brunt of Summer
While the plains do experience rising temperatures, many regions in India offer a welcome respite. Hill stations like Munnar, Manali, and Dalhousie in the Himalayas boast comfortable weather, ideal for sightseeing and outdoor activities. Imagine lush green valleys bathed in sunshine, perfect for leisurely walks or adventurous hikes. Kashmir, the "Paradise on Earth," comes alive in May with blooming flowers and verdant landscapes, offering a picturesque escape.
Avoiding the Crowds: Shoulder Season Serenity
May falls between the peak tourist seasons of winter and monsoon. This translates to fewer crowds at popular attractions, allowing you to truly soak in the beauty and culture of each place. You'll have more breathing space to explore palaces, temples, and historical sites without feeling rushed. This also means potentially better deals on flights and accommodation, making your trip more budget-friendly.
Adventure Awaits: Embrace the Outdoors
The pleasant weather in May makes it an ideal time to indulge in outdoor activities. Trekking enthusiasts can conquer trails in Himachal Pradesh, Ladakh, or the Western Ghats. Adventure seekers can try their hand at paragliding in Bir Billing or white water rafting on the Ganges in Rishikesh. The sky's the limit, with options catering to all experience levels.
A Glimpse of Diverse Landscapes: From Mountains to Beaches
India's geographical diversity allows you to choose your perfect escape in May. Craving cool mountain air? Head north to Kashmir or Himachal Pradesh. Yearning for serene beaches? The pristine shores of Andaman and Nicobar Islands or Goa await. Want to explore rolling hills and cascading waterfalls? Look no further than Shillong, the "Scotland of the East," or Coorg, known as India's "Coffee Capital."
Cultural Delights: Festivals and Local Experiences
May coincides with several vibrant festivals across India. Witness the Rath Yatra in Puri, Odisha, a colorful chariot procession celebrating Lord Jagannath. Immerse yourself in the soulful music festival of Rajasthan or the traditional dance performances of Kerala. Local markets come alive with vibrant colors and unique souvenirs, offering a glimpse into the rich tapestry of Indian culture.
A Culinary Adventure: Fresh Seasonal Flavors
May brings a bounty of fresh produce to Indian kitchens. Sample delicious regional dishes made with seasonal ingredients. Savor the delicate flavors of mangoes, a quintessential summer fruit in India. Explore street food stalls for a taste of local life, or indulge in a luxurious fine-dining experience showcasing the country's culinary heritage.
Planning Your Perfect May Escape:
Here are some tips to ensure a smooth and enjoyable trip to India in May:
Research your destination: Different regions have varying weather patterns. Choose a place that aligns with your preferences.
Book your accommodation in advance: Popular destinations might see a rise in tourist activity during May.
Pack light, breathable clothing: Be prepared for warm days and potentially cooler evenings depending on your location.
Stay hydrated: Carry a reusable water bottle and stay hydrated throughout the day, especially during outdoor activities.
Embrace the culture: Be respectful of local customs and traditions.
So, ditch the preconceived notions about May in India. With its pleasant weather, diverse landscapes, cultural experiences, and adventure opportunities, May offers a unique travel window to explore the wonders of this incredible country.  Pack your bags and get ready to create memories that will last a lifetime!
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sanverma123 · 1 year
Best Desert Camp in Jaisalmer.
Jaisalmer is one of the most visited tourist cities in the Rajasthan state. It is located very much near the India-Pakistan border, which adds to its charm and importance. The place is good for both, a short holiday and an elaborate vacation. Best desert camp in Jaisalmer
It’s not just the Desert Camp in Jaisalmer or the luxury Swiss Tent camping, but there’s a lot more to it that can guarantee you the most enjoyable vacation of your life. Come visit us and you will have a distinct perspective on this magnificent Golden city that you will always fascinate with our loved ones. We are known for outstanding service and great facilities.
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gofitnesspro · 2 years
6 Reasons why Video Game is good for your health
6 Reasons why Video Game is good for your health
Video Game is good for your health: From action-packed games to challenging strategy games, we all love video games. Due to technological advantages, game developers keep creating fresh content. You have a new game to try every day. There are many benefits to playing video games that will encourage you to keep playing. Kids can develop problem-solving to social skills through video games. Video…
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cryptotheism · 10 months
My favorite inversion of religious history has to be the ancient Indo-Iranians having two categories of divine beings, that were originally largely divided by role and dominion rather than moral alignment, but in Persia and later Zoroastrianism the Ahuras became the "good" ones and Devas became the baddies. Meanwhile in India, Devas became the gods and the Asuras became the anti-gods. Even still the Asuras don't haunt Hindus the way the devils and demons would hound the Christians. My favorite anecdote was visiting a Hindu temple/mandir to Shiva in the Himalayas in the evening and being warned by a nice grandma to be careful because the ghosts and demons (Bhut and Rakshasas in Hindi) tend to worship there after dark. These spiritual miscreants need a place to pray too, and its best for us living folks to give them their space!
Reminds me of how djinn can convert to Islam. Like hey spirits want a place to worship too!
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worstjourney · 7 months
The Millennials' Polar Expedition
A year ago today (23 Nov 2022), I launched Worst Journey Vol.1 at the Scott Polar Research Institute. This is the text of the speech I gave to the lovely people who turned up to celebrate.
As many of you know, my interest in the Terra Nova Expedition was sparked by Radio 4’s dramatisation of The Worst Journey in the World, now 14 years ago.  The story is an incredible story, and it got its claws into me, but what kept me coming back again and again were the people.  I couldn’t believe anyone so wonderful had ever really existed.  So when I finally succumbed to obsession and started reading all the books, it was the expedition members’ own words which I most cherished.  These were not always easy to come by, though, so plenty of popular histories were consumed as well.  Reading both in tandem, it soon became clear that, while there were some good books out there, there was a lot of sloppy research in the polar echo chamber as well.
I also discovered that no adaptation had attempted to get across the full scope of the expedition.  There has never been a full and fair dramatic retelling, all having been limited by time, budget, or ideology from telling the whole story truthfully.  I was determined that my adaptation would be both complete and accurate, and be as accountable as possible to those precious primary documents and the people who wrote them.
So the years of research began.  I moved to Cambridge to be able to drop in at SPRI and make the most of the archives.  Getting to Antarctica seemed impossible, but I went to New Zealand to get at least that much right, and on the way back stayed with relatives in Alberta, the most Antarctic place I could realistically visit.  I gathered reference for objects wherever I could.  Because Vol.1 takes place mainly on the Terra Nova, which is now a patch of sludge on the seabed off Greenland, I cobbled together a Franken-Nova in my mind, between the Discovery up in Dundee and the Star of India in San Diego.  I spent a week on a Jubilee Sailing Trust ship in order to depict tall-ship sailing correctly.  I’m sure I’ve still got loads of things wrong, but I did all I could, to get as much as I could, right.
But still, everyone I met who had been to Antarctica said, “you can’t understand Antarctica until you’ve been there, and you can’t tell the story without understanding Antarctica; you have to go.”  So I applied to the USAP’s Antarctic Artists and Writers Program, with faint hope, as they do “Ahrt” and I draw cartoons.  But I must have blagged a good grant proposal, because a year after applying, I was stepping out of a C-17 onto the Ross Ice Shelf.  The whole trip would have been worth it just to stand there, turn in a circle, and see how all the familiar photographs fit together.  But the USAP’s generosity didn’t stop there, and in the next month I saw Hut Point, Arrival Heights, the Beardmore Glacier (including the moraine on which the Polar Party stopped to “geologise”), and Cape Crozier, and made three visits to the Cape Evans hut.  Three!  On top of the visual reference I got priceless qualitative data.  The hardness of the sound.  The surprising warmth of the sun. The sugary texture of the snow.  The keen edge on a slight breeze.  The way your fingertips and toes can start to go when the rest of you is perfectly warm.  The SHEER INSANITY of Cape Crozier.  The veterans were right – I couldn’t have drawn it without having been there, but now I have, and can, and I am more grateful than I can ever adequately express.  With all these resources laid so copiously at my feet, all I had to do was sit down and draw the darn thing.  Luckily I have some very sound training to back me up on that.
Now, this is all very well for the how of making the book, and, I hope, interesting enough. But why?  Why am I putting so much effort into telling this story, and why now?
Well, it means a lot to me personally.  To begin to understand why, you need to know that I grew up in the 80s and 90s, at the height of individualist, goal-oriented, success-driven, dog-eat-dog, devil-take-the-hindmost neoliberalism.  It was just assumed that humans, when you get right down to it, were basically self-interested jerks, and I saw plenty of them around so I had no reason to question this assumption.  The idea was that if you did everything right, and worked really hard, you could retire at 45 to a yacht in the Bahamas, and if you didn’t retire to a yacht, well, you just hadn’t tried hard enough.  Character, in the sense of rigorous personal virtue, was for schmucks.  What mattered was success.  Even as my politics evolved, I still took it as a given that this was how the world worked, and that was how people generally were – after all, there was no lack of corroborating evidence.  So: I worked really hard.  I single-mindedly pursued my self-interest.  I made sacrifices, and put in the time, and fought my way into my dream job and all the success I could have asked for.
And then I met the Terra Nova guys.
What struck me most about them was that even when everything was going wrong, when their expectations were shattered and they had to face the cruellest reality, they were still kind.  Not backbiting, recriminating, blame-throwing, defensive, or mean, as one would expect – they were lovely to each other, patient, supportive, self-sacrificing; in fact the worse things got, the better they were.  They still treated each other as friends even when it wasn’t in their self-interest, was even contrary to their self-interest.  I didn’t know people could be like that.  But there they were, in plain writing, being thoroughly, bafflingly, decent.  Not just the Polar Party – everyone had to face their own brutal realities at some point, and they all did so with a grace I never thought possible.
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It presented a very important question:
When everything goes belly-up, and you’re facing the worst, what sort of person will you be?
Or perhaps more acutely: What sort of person would you rather be with?
It was so contrary to the world I lived in, to the reality I knew – it was a peek into an alternate dimension, populated entirely with lovely, lovely people, who really, genuinely believed that “it’s not whether you win or lose, but how you play the game,” and behaved accordingly.  It couldn’t be real.  There had to be a deeper, unpleasant truth: that was how the world worked, after all.  I kept digging, expecting to hit bottom at some point, but I only found more gold, all the way down.  How could I not spend my life on this?
Mythology exists to pass on a culture’s values, moral code, and survival information – how to face challenges and prevail.  Scott’s story entered the British mythology, and had staying power, because it exemplified those things so profoundly for the culture that created and received it.  But the culture changed, and there were new values; Scott’s legacy was first inverted and then cast aside.  The new culture needed a new epic hero.  You’d think it would be Amundsen, the epitome of ruthless success, but “Make Plan – Execute Plan – Go Home” has no mythic value, so he didn’t stick.  The hero needed challenges, he needed setbacks, and he needed to win, on our terms.
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Shackleton!  Shackleton was a winner!  Shackleton told us what we knew to be true and wanted to hear at epic volume: that if you want something badly enough, and try really hard, you will succeed!  (Especially if you can control the narrative.)  Scott, on the other hand, tells us that if you want something badly enough, and try really hard . . . you may nevertheless die horribly in the snow.  Nobody wants to hear that!  What a downer!  I think it’s no coincidence that Shackleton exploded into popular culture in the late 90s and has dominated it ever since: he is the mythic hero of the zeitgeist. I am always being asked if I’ll be doing Shackleton next.  He has six graphic novels already!  That is plenty!  But people still want to tell and be told his story, because it’s a heroic myth that validates our worldview.
That’s why I am so determined to tell the Scott story, because Scott is who we don’t realise we need right now – and Wilson, and Bowers, and Cherry, and Atch, and all the rest.  The Terra Nova Expedition is the Millennials’ polar expedition.  We’ve worked really hard, we’ve done everything we were supposed to, we made what appeared to be the right decisions at the time, and we’re still losing.  Nothing in the mythology we’ve been fed has prepared us for this.  No amount of positive attitude is going to change it.  We have all the aphorisms in the world, but what we need is an example of how to behave when the chips are down, when the Boss is not sailing into the tempest to rescue us, when the Yelcho is not on the horizon.  When circumstances are beyond your power to change, how do you make the best of your bad situation?  What does that look like? Even if you can’t fix anything, how do you make it better for the people around you – or at the very least, not worse?  Scott tells us: you can be patient, supportive, and humble; see who needs help and offer it; be realistic but don’t give in to despair; and if you’re up against a wall with no hope of rescue, go out in a blaze of kindness.  We learn by imitation: it’s easy to say these things, but to see them in action, in much harder circumstances than we will ever face, is a far greater help.  And to see them exemplified by real, flawed, complicated people like us is better still; they are not fairy-tale ideals, they are achievable. Real people achieved them.
My upbringing in the 80s milieu of selfishness, which set me up to receive the Scott story so gratefully, is hardly unique.  There are millions of us who are hungry for a counter-narrative.  My generation is desperate for demonstrations of caring, whether it’s activism or social justice or government policies that don’t abandon the vulnerable.  We’ve seen selfishness poison the world, and we want an alternative.  The time for competition is past; we must cooperate or perish, but we don’t know how to do it because our mythology is founded on competition.  The Scott story, if told properly, explodes the Just World Fallacy, and liberates us from the lie that has ruled our lives: that you make your own luck.  What happens, happens: what matters is how you respond to it.  My obsession with accuracy is in part to honour the men, and in part because Cherry was the ultimate stickler and he’d give me a hard time if I didn’t, but also because, if I’m telling the story to a new generation, I’m damn well going to make sure we get that much RIGHT.  It’s been really interesting to see, online, how my generation and the next have glommed onto polar exploration narratives, not as thrilling feats of derring-do, but as emotional explorations of found family and cooperative resilience.  We love them because they love each other, and loving each other helps get them through, and we want – we need – to see how that’s done.  It’s time to give them the Terra Nova story, and to tell it fully, fairly, and honestly, in all its complexity, because that is how their example is most useful to us.  Not as gods, and not as fools, but as real human beings who were excellent to each other in the face of disaster.  I only hope that I, a latecomer to their ways, can do them justice.
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little-pondhead · 2 years
It was rare for the Fentons to go on a family vacation together.
What made this one special, however, was the fact they were going to another dimension. And while everyone was good and excited, the portal the family was using was only big enough for a single person. They didn’t think about how going into the portal one by one would land them all in different places.
Now, while technically trapped in another dimension and completely stranded from one another, each Fenton must request help from the local heroes.
Except, their perception of “urgency” was a little screwed.
Jack Fenton adamantly refused Superman’s help; instead he preferred the company of the lovely older couple whose farm he landed on. Martha and Jonathan Kent.
Jazz Fenton was on the streets of Gotham for less than a day before she ended up beating the Joker unconscious with a thermos and then seeking the aide of Red Hood. (Bonus points for Anger Management.)
Maddie Fenton meets Wonder Woman pretty darn quickly, but keeps wandering off to examine the hero’s villains in great detail. Her favorite study subject is Cheetah, who does her absolute fucking best to avoid the crazy woman in the teal hazmat suit. Wonder Woman can’t figure out if she’s upset at this woman for getting into things she shouldn’t, or thankful because now she can catch a break.
Danny Fenton was probably the worst. Somehow, someway, he keeps managing to end up in places that are completely illogical and highly illegal. He’s been spotted all over the world, doing the most random shit without ever needing to go ghost. Several heroes catch up with him, as do villains. He rejects all promises of power or help, determined in his stubborn teenage brain that he can find his family on his own.
And if that requires visiting every major tourist spot he’s ever wanted to see, then so be it. His parents obviously aren’t on top of the Leaning Tower of Pisa, so it’s time to move on. India next, maybe? They have good food.
Extra: Dani came along with them, and got plopped down in The Flash’s path in the middle of a battle. He tripped, landing face first into the rough asphalt. She panics, picks up the Flash in a fireman’s carry completely ignoring the now flabbergasted villain behind them.
Dani doesn’t know where to go; she essentially just kidnapped a superhero and her family was missing. So Flash wakes up in a makeshift dumpster bed that hides him from the public, with a green sticky note on his forehead.
Sorry I tripped you, Mr. Dude. But I can’t afford the insurance if I take you to the hospital so hopefully we’ll never see each other again:)
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fredwkong · 10 months
Hey himbo maker, I'd really like to be made into a Tamil South Indian guy, the hairier the better. I would really just love to immerse myself into their culture.. can you help me with that?
You’re… occupied when the first Himbo Maker notification arrives, busy stroking your cock to pics of beefy, hirsute Tamil guys. The notifications appear on your phone’s lock screen, and even though you don’t turn to look, each chime causes changes.
Himbo_mkr: Bro, how’s India been treating you? I swear you’re going native over there.
The room around you shifts and changes. You came to Chennai for a study abroad semester a few years ago, and you loved it so much that you stayed. Your Tamil is so good now that people sometimes assume you’re a native speaker, and you feel out of place when you visit home. The downside is that now, every day, you see, smell, touch, practically taste sexy Tamil men, so you’re pretty much always boned up.
Himbo_mkr: You pretty much went through a second puberty when you returned to the Tamil homeland, right?
Your cock jumps in your hand, the skin darkening as a stream of Tamil precum runs down the shaft. The darkened skin rushes over your body, followed by a thick growth of long, curly body hair. A well groomed beard, moustache, and thick eyebrows compliment your dark, heavyset features. You bury your face in your sweaty armpit, inhaling the stench of sweat and cooking spices. You always loved men of your race, so you turn yourself on all the time.
Himbo_mkr: Man, I bet you go to all sorts of cultivated events and enjoy all kinds of bros.
There’s a knock at your door. “Come in,” you call, in your native Tamil. The door creaks open, and you immediately smell the spicy musk of a Tamil man who’s been out in the Chennai heat, sweating and basking in his own stench. You can't wait for your fantasy man to join you in bed for a perfect main event.
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Want to chat with the Himbo Maker? He loves to twist your words, so be careful what you're asking for.
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metamorphesque · 3 days
its so comforting to see someone unbashedly love their country and culture. the way u write and speak of it its so refreshing to me. im from india and well, the state of our country isnt good our fascist leader is successfully dividing the people and its so rare these days to find ppl just simply love where they come from, culture and language without any hate for anyone else. so i absolutely adore it when i see u talk abt armenia its like one can see how much care u hold for the language and the country. wishing for peace and sending love x
I am sorry, dear, that dark clouds are looming over your bright and colorful land of magic. In my lifetime, I’ve had the pleasure of encountering a few young Indian people (both in real life and online), and I have a lot of love and respect for your nation and its culture. I am sure that brighter days are awaiting both our homelands.
You see, what I’ve noticed is that some people often confuse their fatherland with their government. The hatred that they have toward the latter often taints the love and respect they ought to have toward their homeland. But, once and for all, we must remember that these two are not synonymous. Fatherland is a place where the roots of history, culture and identity intertwine. A fatherland is not just a geographical location; it is a sanctuary of shared memories, values and traditions passed down through generations. It represents the collective spirit of a people, their history, struggles and triumphs. To call a place one's fatherland is to cherish it as a cradle of life, as one’s own home.
To me, the love one has for their fatherland is like a mathematical function that always moves towards infinity (its designated final value) but never quite reaches it. One can never love their fatherland enough. There’s always something more you can do, there’s always something better you can do. I guess the vessel that carries one’s love toward their homeland is only ever fully filled when one gives up their life to protect their fatherland.
I can only speak from my own experience – I was raised historically and, more or less, politically conscious. When you’re a six or seven-year-old impressionable kid and you visit The Museum of The Armenian Genocide of 1915, you see the photographs, the articles, all the documentation that exists – firstly, you’ll never be the same again, and secondly, your naïve childish brain thinks that, as you’ve always been told, whenever someone commits a crime or does something bad, they get punished. Then I looked around and noticed that these heinous crimes, these massacres, were not only left unpunished, but the whole thing was swept under the rug by the world, as if it never happened. Then you grow up, sharing borders with the enemy, the dagger of war swaying upon your head, with every new day bringing more and more deaths of Armenian soldiers serving on the border. You see your enemy disrespecting you, your history and your culture. You see them erasing your history and your culture … and all of this is accompanied by the crickets of the world. Then there’s Western Armenia calling for us, a topic that I plan on writing more about. And at last, our Ararat that you can see so very clearly from Armenia …
And, alongside this, there’s this immense pride you feel in being an heir to a nation that created a culture so distinctly beautiful, a nation that gave birth to luminaries such as Grigor Narekaci, Sayat-Nova, Hovhannes Toumnyan, Vahan Teryan, Eghishe Charenc, Daniel Varujan, Paruyr Sevak, Misak Metsarenc, Silva Kaputikyan, Hovhannes Grigoryan, Vardges Petrosyan, Martiros Saryan, Sergey Parajanov, Shahan Nathalie, Gurgen Yanikyan, Monte Melqonyan, and the list goes on … the nation that invented color television, ATMs, hand-held hair dryers, coffee machines, PET scans, MRI and so much more.
Have all of this brew in your soul and dare not to love and cherish your fatherland – you can’t.
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zvaigzdelasas · 11 months
In a speech on the Place des Cocotiers in the regional capital, Nouméa, in front of some 10,000 people, the French president said he did not "underestimate the disappointed aspirations of those who defended a completely different project" – in other words, independence.
But he told them that after three "no" votes to independence in the referendums of 2018, 2020 and 2021, it was time to pursue a "new project" of "New Caledonia in the Republic".[...]
"I was personally hurt" by these absences, Macron said. He also warned against the temptation to "take refuge in separatism", which "today or tomorrow" poses the "risk of violence" even though peace is a "treasure" to be preserved.[...]
However, the pro-independence members of the Front de Libération National Kanak Socialiste (FLNKS) are contesting the last ballot, which they boycotted – and negotiations to redefine New Caledonia's constitutional status have stalled.[...]
Above all, he warned bluntly that independence would hand the Pacific archipelago over to China's growing ambitions in the region. "If independence means choosing tomorrow to have a Chinese base here", "good luck, that's not called independence", he scolded, suggesting that we "look at" the countries in the region that "have lost their sovereignty".[...]
This he said after the Union Calédonienne criticised the Head of State for "exploiting" New Caledonia to "serve his strategy" in the Asia-Pacific "to strike a balance between China and the United States".
26 Jul 23
French President Emmanuel Macron warned against "new imperialism" in the Pacific during a landmark visit to the region, denouncing predatory behaviour by big powers in a region where China is extending trade and security ties. France, which has island territories spanning the Indo-Pacific including French Polynesia, has boosted defence ties with India and other countries in the region as part of a move to counter Chinese influence.
27 Jul 23
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magicaldragons · 4 months
ugramm (vs. salaar)
for @noisywolfwagonpeanut-blog
so, Ugramm takes place on a much smaller scale than Salaar, where:
Khansaar = Mughor Devaratha = Agastya Varadha = Balaa Aadhya = Nithya Krishnakanth = Prabhakar Vishwa = Bilal Shivarudra, an MLA, and his son, Dheeraj who are equivalents for Khansaar's leaders
the plot, with comparisons:
the movie starts with an animated backstory, telling us that the reason Nithya's dad is in so much trouble is because he was asked to make a shipment (since he owns a shipping company) for Shivarudra's smuggled goods, and he refuses, due to which his wife is killed
before the men can kill Nithya, who is a baby at the time, Prabhakar promises to make the shipment, but he steals most of the materials, selling them himself. He tips the police off about Shivarudra, and runs to Australia with Nithya.
this is particularly interesting because the reason that Krishnakanth is in trouble hasn't been revealed yet in Salaar, but it's the first thing we find out in ugramm i highly doubt the reason will be the same in Salaar though, since it's implied Aadhya's mother dies in Australia and never got a chance to visit India.
Twenty years later, Shivarudra is out of jail, though he has been keeping the syndicate active through his son, and he still craves vengeance on Prabhakar.
he's in a state similar to Radha Rama, which probably means that Krishnakanth is the reason that Radha Rama had to leave Khansaar, and does not really show her face anywhere, choosing to operate instead through obulamma, vedha, and the others.
In the present day, an older Nithya comes to Bangalore to visit her mother's grave (not with ashes), and is kidnapped by Dheeraj's men, but Agastya comes for her after receiving a call from a friend (Vishwa) and takes her to his home afterwards
therefore it's Agastya who saves her (without violence, specifically), and develops a rapport with Nithya, rather than how it is in Salaar, with Bilal doing most of the work, and minimal involvement from Deva.
Starting here, there's a whole series of events that bring Agastya and Nitya closer, and MANY motifs and themes that recur, as a symbol of their feelings for each other.
this is a section, that even though it gets major importance in Ugramm, is completely skipped in Salaar, with prashanth even going as far as to not show any chemistry between Aadhya and Deva whatsoever. there's also much more comedy and lightheartedness in Ugramm, which prashanth has cut out of Salaar, which really drives it home that he means for Salaar to be very dark and undeniably gritty.
some of these scenarios include:
Agastya teaching Nithya the names of various vegetables in Kannada, because she's temporarily responsible for the cooking and other housework (since Agastya is hiding her true identity from his mother).
Nithya bothered by people in the market place, which is when Agastya's mother gives him permission to save her. [he draws a line around her in the sand (with an umbrella) and says: "the line is drawn. everything in this circle belongs to me"]
a whole montage telling us that, Agasthya will be everywhere Nithya is, just a step behind her, and as long as he is there, no one will dare to touch her.
Agastya sheltering her from the rain. with an umbrella. several times
he saves her from Shivarudra's men, and finds where she's hiding based on the fruit she describes to him over a call, because she doesn't know where she is (it's a gooseberry)
he takes her to her mother's grave and when they reach she says: "do i look pretty? (for my mother)" & he's just awestruck by her beauty
basically, prashanth really builds a meaningful relationship between Agastya & Nithya and makes us root for them.
there's this scene where Agastya's tattoo is revealed to Nithya, and she has a whole phase where she's kind of scared (unlike Aadhya, who is immediately fascinated by Deva's violence), but it still serves as relationship development for the both of them.
in Salaar, on the other hand, Deva and Aadhya barely get a chance to talk, and Deva doesn't really form the best of first impressions which makes me wonder: if prashanth intends on putting Deva and Aadhya together, would he really save all of that characterization and plot, just to dump it on us in part two?
Eventually, after observing how mysterious Agastya has been at times, and hearing rumors from the neighbors, Nithya asks Vishwa about Agastya's past, which is then shown to us in a way that's not as elaborate as what we see in Salaar.
an important point to note is that throughout the course of Ugraam's flashback, we know that Agasthya is intensely loyal to Balaa due to a promise made when they were children, but we see no proper reason for that fealty. We are never told why Agastya goes so far for Balaa, so there's no emotional quotient tied to any of Agastya's actions. Balaa especially is shown to be a bit smug when people witness the power Agastya holds, which makes it feel a little like Balaa is using Agastya as a weapon, and not as if Agastya is offering it himself.
Agastya saves the women of Mughor from a man like Vishnu (but imagine without the theatrics), which gets Balaa put in jail, and the way Agastya storms the jail to get Balaa out (which takes two minutes) is extremely anticlimactic compared to what happens in Salaar.
after getting Balaa out of jail, Agastya promises to conquer Mughor for him, and there's a specific scene where he gives Balaa a map and says:
"whatever you point at, will be yours"
this is the point in the plot at which Salaar: Ceasefire ends.
Following this, Agastya goes on a rampage, capturing areas of Mughor for Balaa, which gains both him and Balaa several enemies. Politically, things become heated, and it doesn't help that some people, including Balaa's brother, want credit for some victories.
Balaa's brother is irrationally aggressive at times, and this reaches a limit when Balaa's brother threatens an innocent women, whose husband they have just killed. Agastya disagrees with hurting her, since she's not involved, and helps the woman. Balaa's brother, feeling humiliated, says something about hurting Agastya's mom, and that turns out horribly, leading to a fight. This then ends with the brother's death, when he actually attempts to find Agastya's mother.
There is a chance that Deva will be responsible for Baachi's death for different reasons (and an even smaller chance that Baachi might not die at all), especially because Amma isn't in Khansaar when Deva returns, after 25 years. He returns alone. In, Ugramm, Agastya and his mother only escape their hometown when Agastya is well into adulthood. Ugramm does not have Salaar's childhood plot whatsoever, which changes the circumstance around Deva's return to Khansaar. This means that, if Deva invokes Varadha's rage by hurting/killing Baachi, it might be for something other than Baachi threatening his mother.
Agastya decides to leave Mughor, knowing that what he has done will be unforgivable for Balaa, and Balaa stops him right before they leave, intent on killing him. Agastya's mother, worried for her son, begs Agastya to make her a promise that he will never enter Mughor again or commit violence.
Agastya makes the promise at the last moment, and Balaa decides not to hurt him, before they part ways.
Fast forward to the present, Nithya's dad comes for her from Australia, and Agastya lets her go, (due to the classic 'she's too good for me' syndrome) which disappoints her, but she is then kidnapped and taken to Mughor, compelling Agastya once more, to step foot into that place.
Agastya fights to save her, killing Dheeraj in the process, but just before leaving, Balaa finds him. Agastya refuses to fight, willing to accept whatever punishment Balaa deems necessary, as long as Nithya is spared,
but Balaa, after consideration says:
"I won't fight a man who won't fight back. Even if I win, it'll bring me shame to attack a man who is already weak from fighting."
Before Balaa lets him go, he makes it clear that he has somewhat moved on, and acknowledges their friendship once again, calling Nithya "sister-in-law".
The movie ends with Agastya and Nithya outside of Mughor's borders, where he tells her to let him go, because of the way he is. She refuses, drawing a line in the sand around him as a callback to the first time he fought for her, and tells him that "everything in the circle belongs to her," ending the movie with the both of them together, and their prospective futures ahead of them.
this is where many things can go wrong if prashanth decides to put Deva and Aadhya together in a similar way, because he has not set them up for that. with the way he's laid out the plot and characterization, it is legitimately impossible to imagine: 1. Deva choosing anyone over Varadha, even if Varadha dies by the end of part two or 2. Varadha letting Deva go after they meet again, especially if he is able to move on from whatever Deva did that hurt him
All in all, Prashanth has made many minor changes regarding detailing, for the story to flow better, and he's scaled Salaar up to seem grander than life. It's evident that he has put more care into explaining every facet of the story, so that there's no plot holes, and been able to use Ugramm as a stepping stone to make Salaar that much better.
The major differences include showing us Varadha and Deva's childhood, and taking out all of Deva & Aadhya's relationship development, along with giving many of Nithya & Agastya's parallels to Varadeva, which suggests a different ending for Salaar: Shouryaanga Parvam, than that of Ugramm.
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the-offside-rule · 1 year
Carlos Sainz Jr - It's Always Been You
Requsted: on wattpad
Prompt: Y/n and Carlos were friends but when they become more competitive it turns into bickering etc
Warnings: nada
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Carlos Sainz and Y/n Y/l/n. They had known eachother their entire lives. Their father's were both racers and childhood friends and theur mother's were friend too before they met the drivers. Naturally, they spent a lot of time with the eachothers family, even though she lived in Barcelona and he lived in Madrid. They visited each other for the weekends but then things started to change when they were eight. She began karting and so did Carlos. Now, for the first few races they were friends and they got along fine, but then then during the last race of the season, he cut her off and she went spinning, making her lose the championship and ended with Carlos winning it.
She stormed up to Carlos after the race. She threw the helmet at his feet. "You son of a bitch!" A gasp escaped her mother. "Y/n! Language." She yelled. "You took my championship! You made me spin out!" Her father grabbed her hand. "No! You just aren't good at racing! Girls cannot race and I tried to tell you but you wouldn't listen! Girls.cant.race!" The statement felt like a stab to the heart. Tears poured down her cheeks as she ran by him to hide under the table in my tent. She had worked so hard for this, she worked so hard only to end up crying. Carlos walked in and knew she'd be under the table, it had been her go to when escaping family. "I'm sorry. I know I shouldn't have done that. I think I forgot what I was doing and just-" he slapped his two hands together, indicating them colliding. "Yeah." She sniffed. "It was dumb. You shouldn't have done that." He put his arm around her shoulder as a form of comfort. "I won't do it again. I promise. Oh, and-" he paused taking something. "you left your helmet." She believed his promise. She shouldn't have but shs believed it.
Formula Renault. Y/n was about to become the first girl to win the competition. Final three corners of the final lap, he bumped into her rear wheel and off she spun. There was nothing she could have done to save the car, she could only brace herself. She felt the front get hit, then the back and that was it. The car came skidding to a stop. She un buckled herself and hopped out of the car without a scratch. Y/n took her helmet off and walked back to my team. Carlos was up on the podium with the Spanish anthem baliring. She stormed over to the tent again and booted the helmet across the ground. "Fuck! Fuck! Fuck! It's always the fucking same with this sneaky bastard!" Y/n was finally done with him and his stupid promises.
Her first race in Formula 1. She wasn't the first woman in formula one but was still a woman none the less. Y/n was driving along the straight of Australia in 2016 and yet again, that pesky Madridsta hit the car but this time, it took both of then out of the race. She hopped out, actually finished with him now. She was not going to pretend like it just happens. He was out of his car, observing the damage and taking off his gloves. He turned around to be faced with her, the small catalán girl, in a Force India suit, about to rip his head off. "What's your fucking problem?" He was speechless. "Do you have a problem with me at all? If so just say it so I can stop trying to be nice to you."
"Why would I have a problem with you?" he asked, scratching the back of his ear. "You are fucking joking! You always hit me off the track! Now look! Karma is a bitch isn't she?" She threw her arms up in the air. "I didn't mean to-" she shushed him by placing her finger on his lips. "No, no, no. I'm in a silver, orange and green car in the middle fo the day! You can't miss it! You made a promise when we were eight that you would stop crashing into me and here we are again Carlos!" He still doesn't say anything. "Just come find me when you want to talk because I'm not doing this right now!" She tried to walk away but he grabs her hand to pull me back. "Get off me!"
"No. We are talking now." He leans into my ear. "The cameras are on. Just pretend at least." She scoffs and walk away with him reluctantly. "Explain why you won't stop being a douchebag." She says coldly. "Ooh. That hurt. It's almost as if you haven't called me that before." he replied in a mocking tone. In all honesty, she had called him that a couple of times but it was true. "Yeah? Well don't feed the bullshit excuse of 'I didn't mean to, I didn't see you' cause that what you always say and I played along but now I'm in Formula one! You can't miss my car! Look at it Carlos!" he looked back at the car stranded. "That wasn't my excuse this time."
"Aha, but you had an excuse!" She laughs. "Yes. My brakes weren't responding. They just, stopped working. You can go have a look now if you want but they don't work." That...that actually made sense now. "Oh. Sorry I guess." That apology sounded so ingenuine. "I should be saying sorry. I ruined your first race." Damn. He was actually apologising for something that wasn't his fault. "Can I do anything to make it up to you?" he asked. That took her by surprise. "No, no. It's fine. Brakes well, break sometimes and there's nothing we can do about it really." I reasoned. "How about dinner? It's the least I could do." She stopped dead in her tracks. "Dinner? Like a candle lit dinner? At night?" He nodded with a smirk growing onto his face. "What time?" His smile grew as he heard my response. "Eight or seven. Up to you really."
"Half seven. Would that be alright for you?" He slung his arm around my shoulder. "Definitely. Can't wait princesa." Y/n looked at him again with a smirk. "Princesa? Since when was I princesa?" She asks while being in a state of nervous giggles. "It's always been you."
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hiver-vin · 11 months
hi there!! could I have hcs of america , canada, india and china with a tropical country! s/o?💕
||Nations with a tropical Country s/o||
a/n: India might be a little OOC since he doesn’t show up much in the anime. As always gn pronouns have been used and i decided to throw England in just for fun <3 sorry for the wait, I’ve been super busy and haven’t had much time to write anything at all
- there’s nothing he loves more than spending a day at the beach with you
- he’s a bit of a tourist and having you as his partner just gives him all the more reason to come visit!
- takes pictures of everything despite seeing it all practically every other week
- he will 100% be there is you have some kind of festival or party going on
- he’s also going to try a bunch of different popular foods and snacks
- Canadian winters can get pretty cold, so being able to retreat to somewhere warmer is always a plus
- he’s a bit of a homebody so he prefers to just stay at your place most of the time and it’ll take a bit of convincing for him to go sightseeing or something
- he’s always thanking you for letting him come stay with you ESPECIALLY during those long winter months
- he loves a good time and will never say no when you ask him to visit
- he likes seeing something new every time he comes to visit
- he will often strike up a conversation with strangers weather that be locals or other tourists
- he’s always a bit fast paced when he comes to visit- his schedule is just filled with sights to see and other things to do so there isn’t much time to just relax with him he wants to experience everything
- once and awhile he likes to slip away and just relax
- unlike the others, he’s not much for sight seeing or anything like that, he much rather just spend the day lounging around at the beach or taking a walk in nature away from the busy cities/tourist attractions
- he will however pester you to give him recipes, he doesn’t just want to try local foods he wants to try and cook them for himself (mainly to try and impress you) and he’d love it if you helped him/cooked with him
- He’s particularly interested in the history of your place
- he loves to sight see, especially historical monuments and museums and things like that
- definitely asks a lot of questions about literally everything
- he loves to learn new things weather it be bits of the language or the intricacies of the culture just things like that
- he is incredibly grateful for your hospitality and will thank you everytime he sees you for letting him come and stay
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idyllcy · 2 years
but I know how these things work out
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word count: 3.5k
Warnings: death, mild smut, blood, a servant tries to kill reader
summary: vamp Komaeda
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"Is that all?" You bat your lashes at him innocently.
"Mhm. That's all for this week." The vampire smiles a delirious smile. "You taste divine as usual, doll."
You wrap your leg, tightening the gauze to your skin to stop the bleeding. You wonder how you got here. It was amusing. It was hilarious. You were just trying to fetch water at the well, and you fell in love with a pretty little prince. Oh, he looked so pretty. His pale skin glistened under the moon, his smile enticing. His hands rivaled the coolness of the ocean. He was so kind, helping you lift the water back to your village before wishing you goodnight. He was so gorgeous. His white hair glowed under the stars, his voice breathy with passion as he talked to you.
Oh, and when your village chased you out. He was so kind. He helped you to his castle. He feeds you. Oh, he even hired servants to take care of you! You bathe in the cleanest of waters by the day, flowers spread out in every path you take. Komaeda is an angel. He adores you to pieces. He pleases you whenever you ask. He soaks your body in his delicate kisses. His lips are always so cold, yet it was such a welcoming contrast to the warmth he spread through your body.
Oh, his hands were always on you. He adored you to pieces. He bit and sucked and gripped your skin, yet his bites were always so gentle. They flooded warmth through you. He made you feel pleasure beyond what you had before. He never lets you go without coming once or twice. Hell, he could dine on you for days. He held your body like the expensive china in his home. He traced hearts on your skin like you were made of the finest porcelain. He adorned your body with kisses like gems and jewels from exotic places beyond exploration.
But he only does so because he sucks you dry nearly every month.
You stumble onto your divan, draping yourself over it like a sheet. It hurts to walk as usual.
Komaeda adores you to pieces. You acknowledge that. Yet, as you stand there in the center of every maid and servant's eyes in the castle, you don't feel it's love. You're just another dolled-up damsel in distress who's been picked up to feed him until he grows bored of you. Soon, you'll be nothing more than a doll on display in his faux ballroom. You stare at the other girls. Some of them have skin that looks paler than Komaeda's. Others have beautiful gold skin that would make even mother earth jealous. You stare at the next mannequin. It's nice and empty, almost as if it were welcoming you with open arms.
Komaeda appears behind you with a breath of air.
"My doll," He bows lightly. "I thought I told you not to visit this room anymore. You know how sad it makes you."
"I know," you mumble. "But I wonder if you'll forget about me like these girls."
"You know I won't," Komaeda holds your hand, tracing the back of your hand gently. His fingers are cold against yours. "I told you, I love you more than them."
"I bet you say that to everyone," you sigh. His fingers dance against your skin. Komaeda adores you. You acknowledge that. He places his coat on your shoulders, smiling. 
"I don't," Komaeda presses his lips to your neck gently. "Believe me."
"It's hard to," You smile.
Komaeda could love you forever. He loves you so much, that you're shielded every day in his castle, staring outside. He loves you so much that every room is lit up by the dazzling moon and never the scorching sun. Komaeda rests you in the finest silks from China, the prettiest gems from India, the most dazzling of gold from the African countries. Komaeda spoils you rotten. He coats your skin with the softest linen from Rome, the gentlest of fur from Sweden. Oh, Komaeda was enamored with you. Leaving the village was for your own good! Your mother was the one to suggest they burn you at the stake. Oh, when could you see that there was nowhere safer than his arms?
He, however, does not love you.
"It's not that hard," He smiles, leaning onto your shoulder. "You just close your eyes." His hand glides over your eyes. "...and give yourself to me."
You sigh, nudging him off delicately. 
"My doll," His hand lingers on your forearm. "let me die the moment my love dies. let me outlive my own capacity to love. let me die still loving, and so, never die. I could never part from you." He pulls you into his arms. "I adore you. You could keep me enamored for ages..."
You still don't believe him.
Komaeda swallows, you feel his movement against you. Oh, he's so pale. He's dressed exactly like a villager. The dress shirt hangs loosely from his chest, his collarbones out. He's so pretty. His hair was always so soft to touch. He never complained when you pulled and tugged at it when he drove you to the edge of the universe. Your blissed-out face was so pretty to him. Oh, the way you chanted his name like at mass. You were so pretty when under him. He could worship you for hours on his knees. Oh, and your blood. You taste so good when you come undone on him. The taste of metal mixing with your sweet release could keep him under you for centuries.
"I shall retire for the night," You bow gently. "My lord."
The vampire smiles, pressing a kiss to your eyes. "Rest well, my dove."
Komaeda loves the faces you make when he pleases you. No matter how much you deny his affections for you, he can always tell you're touched. Even as you're crying for him to stop, you don't mean it. You love the way his fingers feel in you. Komaeda knows you're always whining for more on top of him. Faster. Harder. One more. Oh, he could taint you for hours. And when you're leaking his pearly white cum down your thighs onto the bed. He just wants to keep you with him for eternity.
You can't deny that he worships you.
The servants stare at you with envy each time you open the door to your room in nothing more than a pretty satin robe, purple and bite marks all over your body, and his remains trickling down the inside of your thigh. You don't walk with shame. You did at first. It was scary when he had first railed you. The servants whispered at gossiped about how you would be out in no time. Just like the other girls. They talked about how you would be sucked dry like everyone else and then stuffed into a doll's dress and put on display in his ballroom. 
Once turned to twice.
Twice turned to four times.
And eventually, everyone lost count.
You walk about the mansion with no problem after he feeds now. You open the door to call any passing servant for food and bandages. Eventually, they install a bell for you to ring when you finish. Komaeda never overfeeds on you. He keeps himself from you when he goes through a mania episode. He only feeds when he's sure he can take it. It's fallen into a rhythm of life. He feeds on you every week, sometimes two or three times, but he always checks to see if you can take another of his feeding. He wants to keep you with him. He loves you.
Komaeda loves you.
You know that. 
Oh, hell. You know he loves you, but you don't admit to it. Why would you? He's a vampire. The two of you are in a mutually beneficial relationship. He feeds on you while you bathe in the riches from centuries before. You walk about the castle like you rule it. In a way you do. You're the owner's lover. Lover? Doll, perhaps. Komaeda worships you. 
"Doll," He smiles, entering through your window.
"Ah," You mumble, tying the ribbons of your robe. "Is it feeding day?"
"No," He wraps his arms around your waist, pulling you closer. "I just missed you."
You let him nuzzle his face into your neck, and you sigh. "I'm tired, my lord."
"You may rest," He smiles. "I shall stand guard for the night."
"Thank you, my lord," he tucks you into bed, blowing out the candles. The night's breeze spins through the air. Komaeda stands next to you, eyes red. Full moon meant red eyes. He stares at you, hand on his chin, staring down at you. His fangs glisten, and he runs his tongue along his bottom lip. Oh, you look so delicious right now. He wants to dine. But you're asleep, and you'd get angry at him if he were to dine on you while unconscious. He closes the windows behind him as he leaves, glancing at your resting figure one last time. 
You open your eyes as soon as he's out of hearing distance.
"Ah," You stare at yourself in the mirror. "I'm still here."
There's a bubbling fear in the back of your mind of being turned one day. Komaeda loves you enough to do that, you're sure of it. You don't know if it's reached limerence. You fear that it will one day. Maybe it has already. You don't know why you stay. Maybe it was a sense of love or belonging he gave to you. or...
The moon comes out from behind the clouds.
You could worry about that another day.
Your eyes grow heavy with the lack of rest, and you let yourself succumb to the need.
In a way, you've grown used to living with Komaeda.
After months with the vampire, the servants have grown to realize that you aren't just a temporary throwaway of their lord. You aren't just some young maiden that their lord picked up anymore. You're pretty much the mistress of the house with how much Komaeda adores you. Most of the servants like you. most of them. There are always the few who wonder why not them. You know who the few are.
"My doll," Komaeda smiles, opening his arms to welcome you. 
"My lord," You let him wrap his arms around you in adoration. 
"How have you been?" He mumbles. 
"The servants are playing pranks as usual." You smile. "nothing harmful."
"Let me know if it gets harmful," He mumbles against your skin. "Please. I will punish them as you deem fit."
"Of course, my lord."
Komaeda spends more time with you now that the winter has come. The two of you stay curled up by a fire he has the servants light for you. He can't stand too close, but you let him stay in the room. Had it been a few months ago, you would have told him to leave. You trust him a little more now. He has a lot more self-control than you thought. It's grown too cold for just a robe to wander around in. He has the servants prepare you a fur coat from the Russians. You look divine when you walk about in it. However, your room is the only warmth in the palace. Komaeda doesn't stay too long in fear of anything happening. He worries it'll burn your room down sometimes.
Then, a servant steps out of line.
Komaeda had just finished feeding that night, and you had pulled on the bell after he left through the window. No one answered. When you felt a little more energized, you had tried to open the door. It was locked. You wonder if they want you to freeze to death. You can't move the windows by yourself. The fire would eventually burn out after a while. They didn't even put proper wood into the fire this time. You amuse yourself by thinking about all the possible servants who could have done this. It's true. They could lie that you had locked the door from the inside. 
You stare around the room for anything to burn, and you stare at the hatchet on the wall and then the legs of a chair. You could make this work.
Komaeda visits you four days after feeding. He had gone through another episode, and as he opens the windows to your room, his eyes meet yours. You're staring at him with a hatchet raised into the air, eyes the most dead he's seen in a while. Then, he sees the legless chairs. Komaeda has no clue what's going on until he spots no wood or coal in the bin that's supposed to feed the fire. Something clicks.
"Oh, they stepped out of line," He frowns, voice strangely calm. "Oh, I thought I already warned them enough times..."
"It was funny," You hum, a smile cracking on your face. "It was actually hilarious. There are only so few servants, and only two of them hate me. I wonder if she's aware of the fact that it is winter and without your pay, her family would go homeless..."
Komaeda smiles. "Is that what you want, my doll?"
"Not quite," You smile to no one in particular. "Say, my lord. Would you be willing to ask them out for tea in about a week? I want to have tea with them."
"I shall set up a room for you," He smiles, his fangs visible. "Shall I unlock the door for you?"
"No," You glance at the fire. "I'm going to have some fun... oh, and do bring me some food, will you? I feel as though I'm going to collapse."
The next evening, Komaeda dines in the hall alone. The room is strangely silent without the sound of you cutting into the steak or drinking. He misses you. He calls a servant over, curious as to why you were missing.
"Say, I haven't seen my doll in a while. Are they alright?"
"They're fine, my lord," The girl bows.
He smiles. "Get another plate ready. I'm going to visit them."
The girl does as told, and when she tries to turn the knob, it doesn't open.
"They locked it?" Komaeda raises a brow.
"Yes, my lord," The girl mumbles. "It's been locked for the past five days. They won't eat or anything."
Komaeda hums. "Get the head maid. I'll wait here with the food."
She rushes off, and Komaeda watches her leave. He pulls the key out of his pocket and unlocks the door. You stare at him, biting down on a steak he brought you through the window earlier. Komaeda wants to laugh at how childish you look. He supposes it isn't his place. He hands you the key to your room, and you stare at it. Komaeda transforms to put his key back into his room, and rushes back before the maid can. He places the new steak on your table, and you smile at him.
"Thank you, my lord."
"My lord!" The maid rushes back with the head maid. Komaeda glares at her.
"You lied to me?"
"The door was unlocked," Komaeda frowns at her.
Her eyes widen in horror. "No! My lord, I would never do something like that! The door was locked! You saw me turn it!"
You cut into the steak, and open your mouth to take a bite. Everyone turns to stare at you.
"My lord, I do not possess the keys to the room. I can't lock it even if I willed to." You bite into the meat. damn, that's a good steak
"Head maid," Komaeda grimaces at the girl. "Do me a favor and remind her what happens to people who touch my dolls?"
"Yes, my lord," The elder bows. "Let's go."
She yanks the girl off, and you wipe your mouth with the napkin. You hear the girl's shrieks in the background as you slice into the meat again. Komaeda stares at your pale figure, and his eyes droop. "My doll."
"I know you don't want to, but it could be avoided if we turned you."
You stare at him. "I don't really want to."
Komaeda stares at your sickly skin from being starved for four days. He rests his palm on your cheek, and you stare up at him. He runs his thumb along your bottom lip. You part your lips as he rests his thumb on your tongue. The two of you pause in your movements before Komaeda pulls his thumb from your tongue, swiping over your bottom lip, coating it with your saliva. You stare up at him, doe-eyed. Komaeda smiles, leaning down at you.
"Aren't you tired, my doll?"
Your eyes soften at him, and you smile. "But you'll help me rest well, won't you, my lord?"
Komaeda's fangs hover over your shoulder. "Last chance."
"Same response."
Komaeda doesn't fuck you. He's significantly less rough than when he first met you and slept with you, yet he still makes sure you're pleased. Even as his fingers cramp from how many orgasms he's pulled from you, he makes sure that you've had your fill before allowing him to rest. Sometimes you wonder if he did that with all of his other dolls. The feeling leaves your mind as soon as you're trembling under him. He loves you. 
He loves you as Hades had cherished Persephone. He wants to lock you up in the underground and marry you. Oh, the things he would do if you let him turn you. He wants you to swallow the pomegranate seeds. He'll let you run this hell above him. You can have anything. He doesn't need it as long as he has you. He doesn't know what keeps you from falling right into his arms.
But he supposes he'll hold onto you for as long as you need him to.
Komaeda tucks your hair out of the way. You, fast asleep on the bed. Komaeda doesn't sleep. He doesn't need to. He presses the antibiotics to the places he bit you, and he wipes you down after each session. You're never awake to witness him do it. You always wake up in a new change of clothes after a night session, and you're always nice and clean. Komaeda is gentle with you.
But as Komaeda watches your eyes widen at the sight of blood dripping out of your mouth, a newfound sense of pure horror fills his body. He catches you before you can take any broken bones and the castle doctor is called nearly immediately.
He sits next to you, praying that you would recover as the doctor checks.
"Mild poisoning."
Komaeda knows which maid it is. You had wanted tea with her? He'll do it for you.
"Let's have tea," Komaeda smiles at the young maid. "As an apology for thinking the door wasn't actually locked."
The girl is elated. OH, did he finally see how much of a wrench you were and wanted to give her a chance? She's so excited. She can barely contain her excitement as the two of them sit down for tea. Komaeda engages in light talk with her. His words are smooth, alluring, enchanting. Komaeda's always had a way with words. His vocabulary is bewitching. He's gorgeous.
He's so bewitching that she doesn't even realize that her vision is growing fuzzier by the second.
Komaeda stares at the maid as if she were no more than a thorn in his side. No. She's not dead. How could she be? There's nothing fun about that. You still wanted tea with her. She couldn't die just yet.
You wake in four days. 
"My lord?"
"Ah," He stares at you, shoulders relaxing. "You woke up, my doll. Are you hurt? Is everything alright?"
"I'm fine, my lord," You smile. "Did you deal with the culprit?"
"No," He shakes his head. "You wanted tea with her."
"Right," You smile. "I did. Shall we have it today?"
"Ah?" Komaeda's eyes widen. "in two days, doll. You just woke up. I was considering..."
You stare at him. "I'd like to turn, but I want to kill the rat in the house."
"Of course," He smiles.
Komaeda watches you poison the girl with the same poison you fainted to. You hadn't moved as the girl fell over, blood seeping out of her eyes, her lips, and everything else. You stare at the way her blood gets the marble all dirty, and the head maid cleans her body. The final doll to the ballroom. Komaeda had never considered you to be a potential doll no matter how much he called you the name. You stare at her in the dress. You suppose she had wanted this all along.
"Doll," Komaeda forms behind you again. "Staring?"
You hum. "Yeah."
Komaeda lifts your hand to meet his lips, and he bows. "Ready?"
Komaeda will love you forever
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wheels-of-despair · 1 year
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Worth It | Ralph Penbury x You | Masterlist
{<-Previous} [My Good Friend Mary] {Next->}
Summary: Ralph brings you a present that's also a prop in your masterful plan to keep your mother in the dark. Words: 1.3k
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You returned to the park every day.
You'd told your mother you were meeting your new friend Mary Lennox, who had just left her palace in India behind for a mansion in London. She was a strange and lonely girl, who knew nothing of city life, so you'd volunteered to be her guide. Mary was very shy, and only comfortable with you for now, but you promised you would bring her home with you eventually. And perhaps your mother would receive an invitation to tea with Mary's exceedingly rich parents one day.
Except there was no Mary Lennox. There was only Ralph Penbury. Mary was the protagonist in The Secret Garden. You had once asked your mother to read it with you, back when you wanted to be close to her, but she never did. The only things your mother ever read were newsletters from her ladies' groups. How boring that must be.
You dared only spend a few hours with him a day, but you treasured every second of your visits. You'd meet at your secret bench at noon, share a picnic lunch packed by his kitchen staff, and discuss everything from books, to philosophy, to what the world might look like in a hundred years.
Your parents had noticed an improvement in your general demeanor since the Valentine's Day dance, but attributed it to your new friend Mary. You'd never had a friend that close before, always holding everyone at an arm's length. They need not know that your arms were actually wrapped tightly around Ralph Penbury.
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"I brought you something."
"I see that," you note with amusement from your position on the bench, having arrived first today. He's carrying a neatly wrapped box with a large bow on top. "What's the occasion?"
"Does a man need an occasion to shower his lady-friend with gifts?"
"Oh. I thought it may have been for our anniversary," you tease.
Ralph nearly drops his package in shock, a look of pure panic on his face.
"Relax, Ralph," you laugh, "I'm only teasing. Unless you intended to celebrate eight days together."
"I intend to celebrate every day together," he says matter-of-factly. Your heart flutters. Stop that, you think.
He takes his seat, and places the box between you.
"Well, open it!" he says excitedly.
You slowly untie the bow, rolling up the ribbon so as not to ruin it, and set it aside. Then you begin peeling off the paper at a snail's pace, careful not to rip it, deliberately driving Ralph crazy.
It's working. It looks as if it's taking everything he has to not lean over and rip the paper off for you. But Ralph remains polite, sitting as still as he can, trying to pretend he's not frothing at the mouth.
"What's the matter, Ralph? Am I going too slow for you?"
He looks surprised for a moment, then realizes that you're teasing him again. A sour expression flashes over his face, and he crosses his arms and huffs adorably. You laugh and rip the paper, and suddenly he's excited again. You love playing with him.
You crumple the paper and lift the lid off your box. Inside is a large book about India.
You look at him in confusion. "Open it!" he says eagerly.
You crack open the front cover. Inside is a message, in a woman's handwriting. Leaning closer, you read:
To My Newest and Dearest Friend,
Now you can see the places I tell you about in all my stories!
Thank you for being so kind and welcoming to me as I adjust to my new home. I could not do it without you.
Love, Your Good Friend Mary
"I thought it would help sell the story of Mary Lennox to your mother," he explains.
"Indeed it will," you laugh. "Did you write this?"
"No. Well, I wrote the words. I had the maid copy it into the book."
"Oh, you're a clever one, Mr. Penbury," you admire. He beams.
"Look at this!" He pushes the empty box to the ground and moves closer to you, flipping through the book and showing you his favorite pictures. You try to focus on the book as he gushes about the animals and architecture of India, but you can't keep your eyes off of him.
You've never seen a person get so excited about everything before. You'd always been a stoic, so much in fact that your mother spent most of your childhood wondering aloud if there was something wrong with you. You'd sometimes questioned this yourself.
But Ralph? Ralph got excited about everything. You breathed in that pure, unadulterated joy like oxygen. When Ralph was happy, you were happy. Even over something simple, like spotting a pretty butterfly or a vendor selling a treat he'd never tried before. You wonder if you'd felt more joy in these last eight days than you had in your entire life.
Everything had changed that night at the dance. After a lifetime of shutting people out, choosing to stay home whenever possible and lose yourself in a book rather than join clubs or attend sleepovers, you suddenly felt like your presence wasn't bringing the room down. (You'd actually been accused of this on more than one occasion. You pretended like it hadn't bothered you, but it had.) But you didn't feel that way with Ralph. Ralph looked at you like he was happy you were by his side. It was a feeling that would take some getting used to.
The bells in the clock tower began to ring, snapping you out of your introspection. Ralph closes the book and hands it to you, reaching for the picnic basket with a frown.
"I'm sorry, I got carried away. You should have stopped me." He begins unpacking the basket with a blush on his face.
"I didn't mind. If my mother decides to quiz me about India, I will definitely be prepared," you wink.
"You can tell me to shut up, you know. I won't be offended. Sometimes I need to hear it." He takes a bite of his sandwich and looks at the ground as he chews. Tell Ralph to shut up? You could never! You'd sit and listen to him talk all day if you could. You love his voice, and the way his face tells a story of its own, and that he has opinions on everything.
"Well, you'll never hear it from me," you tell him firmly. He looks up in surprise. "I love listening to you," you shrug, suddenly very interested in your lunch. You pretend not to notice Ralph swipe at his eyes.
After a few minutes, Ralph makes a comment about cucumbers, and the conversation returns to normal. You spend the rest of your time together as happily as any other day, until the clock chimes again.
"I can't believe I wasted half of our time together rambling about a book. I really am sorry," he apologizes again, stuffing everything back into his basket. He stands with a sigh and offers you his hand. You leave your book on the bench and rise to embrace him.
"Ralph, I could spend the rest of my life listening to you read bread recipes," you admit.
He giggles and nuzzles his nose into your neck. You hold him tighter, wishing you never had to let him go. But the bells begin to quiet, and it's time for you to go home. You reluctantly release him and pick up the very thoughtful gift he'd brought you.
"Thank you," you say, clutching the book to your chest, wishing you could say more.
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Disclaimer: All info posted here comes from their respective creator itself so yes, its legit and not just part of my imagination 💯
Interview Rules:
The interviewer can only ask 10 questions.
The interviewer cannot force an answer out of anyone.
The participant has the right not to elaborate their answer.
CW: Long post ahead / Interviewer being a Ketamine simp / Gavin's surprise cameo
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Interviewer: Hi Guys! I hope you're doing well today. Thank you for participating on this social experi- *coughs* interview. Btw, you can call me CC, I'm your interrogator today sent by your beloved MC, so please cooperate :) Are we ready? Lets start:
Question No 1: Aside for being a yandere, whats your dream job/profession?
❤️ Casanova: I wanted to be a chef for the longest time, but i’m happy with my job as an organ harvester!
🕊️ Krow: I-I actually like m-my job as a f-forensics cleaner but... I-I'd love to b-be a stay at home s-spouse a-and just do a-art.
🔪 Ezra: I actually really enjoy my current job. I've had it for going on... 7 years now? Almost 8. (Interviewer: Can we ask what your job is? No? Okay. *thumbs up* bish i value my life more)
🔥 Harper: Hmm, if I had to pick any kind of job, maybe a pyrotechnic?
💐 Keith: To become a plant biologist.
🎮 Tenebris: Be a musician.
🖥️ Virgil: My dream profession is to be Game Developer, I enjoy video games and I have always wanted to make a game for others to enjoy, and so that’s why I’m taking classes of game development.
🎤 Adam: I already have my dream job. Although, I did often think about becoming a vet as a kid. Sometimes I wonder how life would've turned out had I pursued that career instead of singing.
🐕 Henry: I’m not sure! I’ll probably do whatever Buttercup ends up doing!
Interviewer: Atleast some of you love their job *sigh* Me? I just want to be a cat, no work, just meow meow *defeated sigh* Back to the topic at hand:
Question No 2: If you could go anywhere in the world, where would it be? (Vacation or permanently)
❤️ Casanova: Barcelona, that’s where i was born and it’s really pretty there
🕊️ Krow: Ah! I-India! I-I'm Indian but... I-I actually don't know m-much about my heritage. I... w-wanna go s-see the land of m-my culture. W-with Dove too o-of course!
🔪 Ezra: Hmm... Anywhere with my Sugarsnap? If that's not too cheesy I suppose. But outside of that I'd like to visit Blaire's extended family in Vietnam.
🔥 Harper: I’m definitely more a big city kind of guy, so I’m pretty happy living where I am… To visit though? Hmm… Somewhere with some snowy mountains maybe, do some snowboarding, chill by a fire with some hot cocoa? Yeah, that sounds nice..
💐 Keith: It will be Kristenbosh National Botanical Garden.
🎮 Tenebris: My old home probably.
🖥️ Virgil: I’ve always wanted to go Iceland for vacation
🎤 Adam: As long as I'm by your (MC) side, it doesn't matter where I'm at~
🐕 Henry: Anywhere where Buttercup is good with me! But if we could both go somewhere, Disneyland might be fun!
Interviewer: So if MC just dissapear out of nowhere, thats the list of places where we can found them? Hmm ..
Question No 3: Song that you will sing to MC if given a chance.
❤️ Casanova: baby - eslabon armado
🕊️ Krow: Uhhh... uhhh... I-I guess... T-Together Forever would be c-cute...
🔪 Ezra: A few different songs, most notably... We'll never have sex by Leith Ross, Let you break my heart again by Laufey & Philharmonia or Habits by Genevieve Stokes. I just want sugar to know I want them for more than... anything. I love their heart and soul, it's not physical for me. Though I do find them incredibly attractive.
🔥 Harper: Actually sing myself?... Umm.. Maybe either Day 1 or No Song Without You, both by Honne?
💐 Keith: Can't Help Falling in Love
🎮 Tenebris: Trust by 7 Seconds
🖥️ Virgil: Rises the Moon, it’s a comfort song of mine, my mum sings this to me and my younger siblings when we were little, by then whenever my mother is busy, I sing the song to my siblings. And Hopefully, I can sing it to my beloved, as a way to help them if they need comfort.
🎤 Adam: *fidgeting because he's written one song in particular that he'd love for MC to hear but is worried that MC will wind up hating it*
🐕 Henry: The Promise by When in Rome! It’s our song!
Interviewer: *secretly adding all the songs to their playlist*
Question No 4: Name one food that you will never ever eat.
❤️ Casanova: Mac and cheese, i fucking hate mac and cheese.
🕊️ Krow: I-I'm never... eating b-bland... white people c-cooking EVER a-again.
🔪 Ezra: Beans on toast. I just don't particularly like beans. Or sweet potatoes.
🔥 Harper: Ugh… Raisins
💐 Keith: Rabbit meat.
🎮 Tenebris: Anything with bugs.
🖥️ Virgil: Anything fish related, I do not like fish, but if someone ever served me, I would just suck it up and eat.
🎤 Adam: *doing 5 stages of disgusted face known to humankind* Anything from Saffrons freezer. (Interviewer: Time to raid Saffron's freezer hehehe)
🐕 Henry: I can’t bring myself to eat cauliflower. It's so bland!
Interviewer: *proceed to eat Mac & Cheese to spite Nova* I dont trust people who hates Mac & Cheese.
Question No 5: This would be a little bit of personal, so you have a choice not to answer this okay? Whats your most treasured possession?
❤️ Casanova: Mi vida’s house key, of course! it’s a little mangled bc i keep chewing on it though.
🕊️ Krow: Oh... w-well... t-this pendant is... p-precious but... well... I-I actually don't have m-many possessions. S-so... everything I have has m-meaning. (Interviewer: I can be your possession Krow)
🔪 Ezra: Eliana gave me a tie she made back in elementary school. Neither of our dads are in the picture so she gave it to me instead. I still wear it to work sometimes. (Interviewer: *starts crying bc this answer is so precious*)
🔥 Harper: This lighter here, we have a bit of history together~
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💐 Keith: A bonsai tree I got from my father and I had for 7 years.
🎮 Tenebris: My guitar.
🖥️ Virgil: My necklace, it’s a gift from my dad.
🎤 Adam: You (MC). But if we're talking about an item...*he tugs on his earring*
🐕 Henry: A picture / polaroid of me + Buttercup as kids! (though, I do have more updated ones too…)
Interviewer: I am suprised no one answered MC's nose hair or whatever. Hmm.. Im not fully convinced but I will trust you on this one.
Question No 6: Nosy ask, whats your phone wallpaper right now?
❤️ Casanova: a photo of mi vida in the middle of taking their meds!
🕊️ Krow: D-Dove let us t-take a selfie! I-it's so cute aaaa--
🔪 Ezra: I managed to snap a photo of Sugar and Ellie cuddled up on the couch after a movie night once. I've never before felt so much love swelling in my chest. It almost hurt.
🔥 Harper: *proudly present his phone* 1st is my lockscreen and 2nd is my Homescreen. I took it myself..
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💐 Keith: A pair of white lilies (Why is this the most normal answer on this whole interview?)
🎮 Tenebris: We share the same phone, so a pair of white lillies also.
🖥️ Virgil: Pixel art of my beloved Galaxy and my puppy Scott, aren’t they so cute in pixel form? (Interviewer: Scotty baby *coos at the phone* )
🎤 Adam: My home screen is of YOU (MC). My lock screen is of a stray kitten I found on my way to the studio that Ethans younger brother ended up taking in. (Interviewer: Do you have any other pics of the kitten? *cat lady vibes intensifies*)
🐕 Henry: A picture of Buttercup sleeping! How’d I get it? (Note: Its in a modern Au bc mobile phone with camera is not yet invented on Henry's time)
Interviewer: MC supremacy yass! If only some surgeon named Ketamine Yetrovzski use my photo as his wallpaper *coughs* (Ketamine shouting "NO" can be heard in the background but still here supporting the interviewer, this fuckin tsundere)
Question No 7: If you could appear in any popular movie/anime/book, which one would you choose?
❤️ Casanova: hmm, i would say the hp lovecraft series! hate the guy but i’m a major monster fucker
🕊️ Krow: Umm... I... I-I wanna be in a Jane A-Austen book. As a p-protagonist. N-no matter what... t-they marry happily in t-the end.
🔪 Ezra: Well... I guess... I'm not sure. I've never really thought about it. I wouldn't want to be anywhere else. I can't imagine my life without Eliana and I don't want to be anywhere without my sugarcube.
🔥 Harper: Ah.. thats a hard one.. If I get powers n shit and I’m not just a normal person maybe Jujutsu Kaisen?... Tbh I play more games than I do watch or read anything haha..
💐 Keith: Sherlock Holmes, because solving murder cases looks like fun. So does creating the perfect murder. *a sudden smoke appear near Keith for dramatic effect*
🎮 Tenebris: Inuyasha. I really want a Kagome. (Interviewer putting their Kagome costume)
🖥️ Virgil: Hmmmm that’s a tough one… Haha I couldn’t think of anything right now.
🎤 Adam: Death note, the anime. I think I could do a lot better with that notebook than light Yagami did. (Hermit, the creator, rolls their eyes behind the scenes and Adam glaring daggers to Hermit)
🐕 Henry: The Princess Bride! That movie is practically about me + Buttercup.
Interviewer: Im with Harper on this one. JJK so I cant prevent Nanami and Nobara Shibuya Arc huhuhu.
Question No 8 : What are some habits you have? Any strange ones?
❤️ Casanova: I tend to scratch at my braces when i’m trying to focus, often i’d end up chewing on my fingers.
🕊️ Krow: Uhh.... I... bite my h-hands... a lot. It's... a comfort t-thing. S-sometimes my forearms too. I-I guess I also make the same expression a-as to what I'm d-drawing.
🔪 Ezra: When eating food like burgers or sandwiches I eat around the edge and then eat the center last. Um... I also tend to rub things with my fingertips when I don't know what to do with my hands. I'm almost always touching my nails absent-mindedly.
🔥 Harper: I have a habit of scratching my fingertips, especially when I’m nervous… Its kinda a bad habit, sometimes I scratch em a little raw.
💐 Keith: Buttoning and unbuttoning my shirt sleeve when Im bored or nervous.
🎮 Tenebris: Leaving my things all over the bed
🖥️ Virgil: Hmmmm, whenever I play a video game that has levels right? And I messed up one thing, I restart the level. Don’t know why, I just like to go through the levels smoothly. It’s pretty frustrating if you ask me ahaha
🎤 Adam: I don't have any strange habits. I'm just a normal guy. (Someone shouts LIAR and its not Hermit, i swear. Or maybe?)
🐕 Henry: Hmmm…I have really bad sleeping habits if I’m being honest! I’m lucky if I can get 3 hours of sleep at night. As for strange ones, nope, I’m perfectly normal! (now the interviewer is also shouting LIAR)
Interviewer: That was the biggest lie Ive ever heard in my entire life Henry. *headache incoming* No one is normal here. Im not even normal smh.
Question No 9: This question was submitted by Gavin Hyeon of Camp Willlow Peak. Its time to test your flirting skill, give me one pick up line that you will probably use when flirting with MC. Gavin said he is watching you right now.
❤️ Casanova: if you were a heart i’d eat you out!
🕊️ Krow: N-no wonder i-it's overcast t-today. All t-the colors are in y-your eyes.
🔪 Ezra: Sometimes I wonder what good deed I did to deserve such a perfect soul like you to enter my life.
🔥 Harper: Pickup lines really aren’t my thing… Gavin did write down this one for me once though… Lets see it’s here somewhere…” *digs through his pockets and pulls out a piece of scrap paper* “Here it is… ‘Hey baby… You got any Italian in you?.. No?... Do you want some?’ …… I don’t get it 😐 *Gavin cheering in the background*
💐 Keith: Im really not a fan of pickup lines, but okay, "You're sweet enough to give me diabetes".
🎮 Tenebris: Tie your shoelaces, I don't want you falling for someone else!" (Legend says that until now, Tenebris is still waiting for MC to wear shoelaces and for them to be untied.)
🖥️ Virgil: Hmmm let me go grab my telescope, so I can admire the beautiful star.
🎤 Adam: *combusts into one giant human blush* (Hermit doing a voice over: He can only flirt on the fly. If he has to think his actions through he'll get self conscious and overheat from overthinking it)
🐕 Henry: If I could rearrange the alphabet, I’d put ‘U’ and ‘I’ together!
Interviewer: *currently helping Gavin to write his will of testament before he becomes Gavin Flavored Toasted Marshmallow, recipe by Harper*
Question No 10: This would be the last question, and I want to thank you again for giving me a chance to interview you. Before we end this, do you have anything you want to say to the people reading this?
❤️ Casanova: if you ever need fresh organs without having to do it yourself contact valentine’s anatomy distribution! we have a wide selection available, and if you’re a fellow yandere homie you get a discount!
🕊️ Krow: Uhh, well? I-I guess... t-thank you for... f-finding me interesting.
🔪 Ezra: Not particularly. I'm not sure why Lilith arranged the interview but I don't mind answering questions. I should probably head back into work soon though... Oh, I will say this. Thank you for coming into my life Sugar, I didn't think I could love someone like I love you.
🔥 Harper: .. Unshrimp your fucking backs, love you~
💐 Keith: Um, hello. I hope my answers weren't too boring.
🎮 Tenebris: No? I don't know 'em.
🖥️ Virgil: Hello everyone, I hope all of you have a wonderful day, afternoon, or night, make sure to take care of yourselves or else I will if you don’t mind hehe~
🎤 Adam: Is...YOU (MC) reading this? Because if you are, I hope to see you again really soon~
🐕 Henry: You guys are kinda weird for wanting an interview! I’m not quite sure what else to say though!
Interviewer: And that would be all. Thank you to our lovely guests for joining us today. And here is the bribe. List of all 2d characters MC currently simping for. Do what you want with that info.
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Interviewer: Hi Hi guys! Again, CC here. Thank you again for entertaining this interview. To end this, may we ask for a few advices you can give for those aspiring artist out there or those who want to create their own vn.
NOVA belongs to @cannibalsweetheart : if you’re starting a project don’t feel unmotivated if you don’t get a lot of traction in the first few weeks, building a platform takes time, but soon enough you’ll gain an audience! (Demo link here)
Krow belongs to @thekrows-nest : While I don't have immediate plans for a VN (despite folks begging for it), for artist stuff, keep experimenting and trying out things. Don't be afraid to go to friends for advice. (:
Ezra belongs to @restartheartvn : lshdfksdfhj okay for my answer! My advice? Don't make something for other people. Make what YOU want to see. Make something that YOU are interested in. If you like... make something that you don't love and enjoy making people can tell. It doesn't come off as genuine and you'll burn out that way. Don't think about numbers or anything like that. Make stuff because it makes you happy. I make Restart Heart because I love my little passion project. I love it so much I get my nails done to match my game and spend most of the day thinking about it. I would still be making Restart Heart if no one played. Make something that you would want to make even if no one saw. Even if you were the only person in the world who loves it, make it because it brings you happiness. Sorry if that's cheesy or like super standard but it's genuine. (Demo link here)
Harper belongs to @campwillowpeak : Hmmm, other than the good ol’ practice practice practice?…Try and remember to have fun yeah? Don’t focus on numbers, yeah everyone wants more eyes on their work, thats normal, but if you focus only on how big you are you’re gonna burn out and get discouraged, stuff like that takes time, consistency, and a little bit of luck. In the meantime just have fun and make friends! Besides, people can tell if you’re trying to force it, an audience’ll more often stay if they can tell you’re legitimately having fun! And never just look at where you are now… Look at how far you’ve come from too!~
Keith & Tenebris belongs to @dualityvn : Make sure you set realistic goals for yourself. Taking on too many tasks and planning a project that is bigger than what you can currently manage can be your downfall. Stay positive and always create the things you yourself love! (Demo link here)
Virgil belongs to @wouldyoustayvn : Take your time! There’s no need to rush to make the game quickly! Make sure to take breaks!))
Adam belongs to @unknownhermit : Please get a good chair. It'll help in the long run when you're often crouched over your desk for hours on end. Don't be like me who hovers over my desk like a hermit crab shell.😅 Second thing is to just have fun creating and don't worry about what others think! I used to obsessively worry if my work was good enough and wound up never releasing it because I got self conscious. It wasn't until YOU and HIM that I actually had fun with what I was doing and I think that translated into my work. Create to create for yourself. Don't worry about what anyone else thinks because it's important to create what you love and are passionate about. And I'm sure a lot of us would love to see what sorts of things you'll come up with. 💙 (Demo link here)
Henry belongs to @homecomingvn : Ahh, I’m a really bad person to ask for advice if I’m being honest! I guess all I can really say is that no matter how silly you think your idea is, there will be an audience for it! It can be scary to put yourself out there, but honestly, this community is so incredibly supportive + I’ve met some amazing people here! Also, I’d recommend keeping various docs about your project! It’s nice to have it all in one (or 3 + a google slides in my case) place so you can have a clear idea about your wip + its characters. And lastly, be prepared for people to be horny! ^^ (okay, you dont have to call me out >…< will still send horny ask bc someone needs to 😙)
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Just a little self indulgent ramblings. I dont know if anyone already know about this game, but one of my moots recommended this, its DONT LOOK VN and I tell you, its so good. The story premise, the creepy atmosphere and the voice acting are all on point. They have on going Kickstarter and they only have 8 days left to reach the goal. This is my way of helping since im unable to pledge bc the banks here in the country im currently residing are shitty and they keep declining, so please if you have means to support, please do. Lets help them to reach their goals.
Here is the link of the demo also and their socials:
Kickstarter | Demo | Twitter | Tumblr
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