#good luck anon I’m cheering for you
byebyebbyblu · 2 months
Excuse me, I saw one of your posts--one where you said that what makes a butch a butch is who they are and not how they dress--and now I’m wondering if I am a butch or not because I don’t know exactly what “acting like a butch” means. I’ve been wondering this way before I saw your post because my family (conservative) sees me a super masculine, while my friends (queer) see me as androgynous, or even feminine at times. It’s a bit of a mess how people perceive me, but it’s interesting to see.
So, my question is, what are some traits that are “recognizable” when it comes to being a butch, if there are any? And how would you call an androgynous lesbian? Futch? Butch of Schrödinger?
Thank you in advance, and sorry for any inconveniences.
Hey thanks so much for the ask!
First of all I’m sorry if my post made you feel invalid that wasn’t my intention at all. I was trying to convey the complicated way that Butchness works and never meant to seem like I was positioning myself as some kind of authority because I’m not.
So far what acting Butch means. This question has a lot of nuance, it means a lot of different things to different people, you’re going to get a lot variety of answers. Acting Butch to me means loving your fellow Butches and Femmes, psychically and emotionally protecting the more vulnerable members of your community, and preforming masculinity in a way that challenges the “typical cis het male ideal of masculinity.”
I developed my idea of what acting like a Butch means from reading books by older Butches like Female Masculinity, Stone Butch Blues and Butch as a noun. I highly recommend them but please make sure to mind the trigger warnings. I’ve also learned a lot from older Butches on social media. @cowboyjen68 on here is a wonderful source.
For your last question some people do call themselves Futches (more as a joke then an actual identity) but there dosen’t seem to be a solid word for androgenous lesbian that I could find (maybe GNC or gender non conforming lesbian) If you feel like the label of Butch might fit you however I would suggest just trying it out. Labels are meant to fit you and if you try it and it dosen’t fit the worst thing that happens is that you were wrong. I personally tried the Butch label after IDing as a trans man for a while and it fit like a glove where the Trans man label didn’t.
Finally i’m sorry about your conservative family, I hope you’re safe and in a place where you can be loved for who you are. And if after reading this you find that the Butch label fits. Welcome home. We’re happy to have you!
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hihi ari, whenever i re-read your fics, i try to learn from your writing style and prose and incorporate those elements into my own fics, but it's kind of a struggle? maybe because it just flows so well that i get lost in the story again HAHAISDHAD but how do you minimize the amount of times you write "you"? thanks a ton!!
from 🌖 anon
hihi 🌖 anon!!!! YOU ARE SO KIND. have i mentioned that…. just knowing you re-read my fics at all makes me soso happy but knowing you use them for reference is just ???? idk i’m just very flattered and i appreciate you so much 🥺🥺
as for your question!!!
honestly that’s not really something i consciously think of when writing, i think it’s more like. a skill you build up? kind of?? word variation is super important when it comes to any kind of writing, and in xreader fics especially the second-person pronoun is obviously super common… so i understand your struggle!!!!
honestly my first tip is just. to write your fic, then go back and change stuff!! if you notice a particular paragraph where you is used so much that it feels repetitive, try to change that. bend the sentences in ways where you doesn’t need to be used in the first place!! i think that kind of editing can be really fun :> this is a super simple example but like.
”you sigh. you then roll your eyes.”
^ this clearly doesn’t flow the best!!
instead, you could tweak the second sentence to be more like this:
”you sigh — followed by a roll of your eyes.”
now it sounds a lot better. there are a ton of different ways to go about it, and it’s an easy fix!!
you is usually used when you’re describing actions, so another idea could be to describe a certain action or movement in more depth to fill the gap between that action and the next.
you sigh — the breath flowing from your parted lips with an air of defiance. he quirks his brow. ”whatever,” comes a roll of your eyes.
…. or something. I’M JUST SPITBALLING HERE TO BE CLEAR i’m really not good at giving advice on writing i think bUT. i hope you understand what i’m saying!! learning to bend language like that is a lot of fun and i think it comes to you naturally once you’ve gotten used to it. :3
so basically — you don’t necessarily have to avoid using you while writing, because you can always go back and edit parts that sound repetitive!!! but thinking about repetition while you’re writing is also good….. a small thing i do sometimes is to replace you with a — removing the possesive pronoun from the action itself!! so instead of ”you sigh.” it becomes ”a sigh.” followed by something that lets your readers know the sigh came from you.
a sigh — the breath flowing from your parted lips with an air of defiance.
now there isn’t a you at all!! but your readers still know that. you sighed. and even the emotion behind it…… i’m not very good at show don’t tell as you can see LMAO but i think it still works!!!
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alyrasturnz · 18 days
so highschool headcannons please!!! also i've been sending in so much anon msgs but u dont reply to them :(( whyyyyyy
SO HIGHSCHOOL {{ matt sturniolo }}
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summary — in which, he knows how to ball and y/n knows aristotle..
warnings :: varsity!matt x nerd!reader
— flufffffff
a/n ,, i’m not responding to any anonymous messages that aren’t requests until i make a masterlist!! also double update YAY 😝 lmk if u guys like hcs more than actual fics with plots and stuff
varsity!matt who finds it adorable when you try to impress him with your newfound stick-handling skills, and in return, he tries to quote your favorite philosophers, often with hilarious results.
varsity!matt who loves your late-night study sessions, where he sprawls out on your bed, tossing a basketball in the air, while you read aloud passages from your favorite poet’s works.
varsity!matt who starts calling you "professor" as a cute nickname, and you call him "coach," blending your worlds of intellect and sports.
varsity!matt who surprises you with a hockey-themed bookmark, knowing how much you love combining your passions.
varsity!matt who enjoys your philosophical debates after a game, finding your insights fascinating and often trying to relate them to basketball strategies.
varsity!matt who proudly tells his friends about your knowledge of philosophy, and they start calling you "the philosopher" in admiration.
varsity!matt who finds balance and joy in your relationship, appreciating how your intellectual pursuits complement his athletic ones, making your bond even stronger.
varsity!matt who loves when you analyze his hockey games, using your math skills to break down his performance and offer strategic advice.
varsity!matt who gets excited when you create detailed charts and graphs, showing him how he can improve his shots and positioning on the ice.
varsity!matt who appreciates your dedication, often saying, "you bring the brains, i'll bring the brawn," as he follows your calculated game plans.
varsity!matt who enjoys your post-game analysis sessions, where you both sit down with a notebook, and you explain your findings, helping him become a better player.
varsity!matt who surprises you with a custom jersey that has "math genius" on the back, showing his pride in your unique contributions to his game.
varsity!matt who loves when you cheer him on from the stands, knowing that your support and mathematical prowess are his secret weapons.
varsity!matt who often jokes that you're his personal "statistician," but he genuinely values how you make him a smarter player.
varsity!matt who makes sure to celebrate every win with you, appreciating how your combined efforts lead to his success on the ice.
varsity!matt who loves when you bring hot cocoa to his late-night practices, the steam rising like little wisps of encouragement.
varsity!matt who always looks for you in the stands, your presence a beacon of warmth and support, even in the coldest rinks.
varsity!matt who surprises you with spontaneous date nights after games, where the adrenaline is still high, and the world feels full of possibilities.
varsity!matt who appreciates your patience, listening to his endless stories about the game and his teammates, knowing you care deeply.
varsity!matt who loves when you wear his jersey, the sight of you in his colors filling him with pride and joy.
varsity!matt who makes sure to include you in team celebrations, because to him, you're as much a part of the team as anyone else.
varsity!matt who enjoys quiet moments with you after a tough loss, finding solace in your comforting words and gentle presence.
varsity!matt who loves when you surprise him with little good luck charms before big games, each one a token of your unwavering support.
varsity!matt who cherishes your handwritten notes of encouragement, tucking them into his gear bag for a boost of confidence when he needs it most.
varsity!matt who feels incredibly lucky to have you by his side, knowing that your love and support are his greatest strengths on and off the ice.
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leilakisakabiri · 1 year
heyy, can u write one where gavi is obsessed by reader's smell?
Surprise (Gavi)
Summary: You and Gavi are in a long-distance relationship and you go to his game to surprise him, but he catches you.
Warning(s): None
Requested: Yes
A/N: Hey anon! Thank you so much for the request and thanks for being patient. Hopefully, I did the prompt justice! Not proofread.
Word Count: [1666]
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You had reached out to Pedri a week ago asking him to help you surprise Gavi at the final La Liga game.
You were in university studying in America, and the two of you had been doing long distance since last summer. It was now early May and you had finished your exams just in time to be in Barcelona for the final game.
You had lied and told Gavi you wouldn’t be done for another week, before wishing him the best and making yourself scarce, telling him you were busy studying.
In the meantime, you had set up a plan to surprise him with Pedri and booked your tickets.
Once you landed in Barcelona, Pedri came to pick you up. You both smiled at each other warmly, telling each other about your lives since you’d been apart.
“I haven’t seen you since December. How have you been hermana?” Pedri questioned.
You laughed, telling him about your school and all the things you and your friends got up to.
“That sounds so fun. Now I’m jealous I never got to go to school in America!” He exclaimed.
“Mm. It’s probably not as fun as being a famous footballer.” You shrugged playfully.
“Yah I guess that’s cool too.” He remarked.
Before you knew it, you were pulling up to the stadium, and the nerves were beginning to set it in. You hadn’t seen Gavi in almost six months and you were a little nervous to see him again. Did he look the same? Would he be excited to see you?
Pedri could tell that you were getting in your head, and he placed a comforting hand on your shoulder.
“Don’t overthink it, he’ll be happy to see you. He was so sad you couldn’t be here.”
You looked up at him, “Really?”
He nodded affirmatively and you felt yourself loosen up, “Thanks Pedri.”
He gave you a smile, ushering you out of the car and into the stadium.
“Ok so we only have a few minutes before the rest of the team gets here so we have to be quick.” Pedri spoke leading you into the locker room.
The plan was that you would leave a note in Gavi’s locker telling him to look up into the family section of the stands, and he would glance up before the game and see you standing there wearing his jersey, cheering him on.
You didn’t want to mess up the before-game ritual, or the meeting with his team, so you opted for seeing him after the game as opposed to before.
You had just placed the note in his locker when you heard the locker room door open, male voices filling the air.
You looked up at Pedri in horror, his facial expression mirroring yours, as you both froze.
He snapped out of it first and pushed you towards the showers, “Oh shit, go hide!”
You had just snapped the shower curtain closed when you heard a voice, “Pedri, hey man. Why are you here so early?”
You heard Pedri let out an awkward laugh, and you cringed, poor boy was never a good liar, “Oh hey Ansu. Uhm- y’know just like to be early.”
A new voice responded, “Really since when?”
You breath caught in your throat, it was Gavi.
It had been so long since you heard his voice in person, it sounded so real, and so close. You felt a wave of emotions hit you. Hearing his voice made it ten times harder to keep yourself hidden, and only amplified how much you missed him.
“Ehh big game so wanted to start now.”
The boys seemed to accept his answer, continuing their conversation.
You silently prayed that they would move toward the other end of the locker room so that you could make a quick escape.
But it seemed like luck was not on your side today.
Gavi was in the middle of a sentence when he abruptly cut himself off.
“Do you smell that?” He asked, pausing to inhale.
“Did you just sniff the air?” Pedri asked him, trying to hold back his laughter.
“Shut up, it smells like Y/n.”
You felt your blood run cold. Oh shit. You had totally forgot about your perfume.
You had bought the perfume months ago, back when you were still with Gavi in Barcelona last summer. You had been looking for something that smelled like warm summer nights and when you found it you bought it instantly. However, it wasn’t just you who loved the smell as just twenty minutes after you wore it for the first time Gavi had you spread out on the couch, lips planting kisses all over you, hands exploring every inch of your body.
“You smell so good.” He groaned, kissing the column of your neck.
Your breathing was unsteady, and you found it hard to concentrate, “Thanks, I just bought it. It’s supposed to smell like summer."
“Well whatever it is, I love it.” Gavi murmured, his words caught between his mouth and your skin.
Since then, it had become your everyday perfume, and you spent the rest of summer wearing it and driving Gavi crazy.
He said it smelled exactly how he imagined you to be. Sweet and intoxicating.
Now you were wearing the same exact perfume, having forgotten about Gavi’s obsession with it.
You were scared that you had just outed yourself, but you were also impressed that the perfume had lingered for that long.
Guess it was a good buy.
“What?” Pedri asked him pretending to be confused, his voice pulling you out of your thoughts.
“She always smells like coconut and jasmine, and the locker room smells exactly like that.”
“I think the dirty socks are getting to your head. Go get ready.” Pedri retorted, trying to steer the conversation away from you.
Gavi shook his head, “Pedri I swear. Am I going crazy?”
Ansu spoke, “Nah bro I smell it too.”
That was all the confirmation Gavi needed, “Where is it coming from?” He asked as he set his bag down beginning to move around the room.
You could hear Pedri shuffling as well, presumably following the boy, “C’mon this is stupid. Let’s focus on the game. The rest of the team will be here any minute.”
Gavi sighed, “Ok yah.” He resigned, moving to go change into his uniform.
“Be honest Pedri, did you have a girl in here?” Ansu asked playfully.
You heard Pedri sputter, and you let out a small gasp, not being able to hold back your laughter.
“What was that?”
“What?” Pedri asked, his voice rising unintentionally.
“Swear I heard something over there.” Ansu stated.
You bit your lip, moving back into the shower, cursing yourself for making noise.
It was quiet for a moment, and then a second later you felt the shower curtain being ripped open.
You were greeted by a very stressed-out Pedri and a confused Ansu.
“What the fu-“ You desperately held up a finger to your mouth, pleading with him to be silent.
“What?” Gavi asked coming over.
Ansu quickly shut the curtain again, “Oh nothing. Just thought I saw a spider.”
They all moved away from the showers, and you let out a breathe. You couldn’t believe how close you were to being caught.
All you had wanted to do was surprise your boyfriend, but that was turning out to be much harder than you thought.
You heard more voices begin to fill the locker room, and you wondered if Pedri was going to come and get you or if you were on your own.
A moment later, the shower curtain slowly opened and Pedri popped his head inside.
“That was so close!” He whispered.
You stepped out of the shower, “I know! Now get me out of here.”
“Ok, most of the guys are in the main changing area, waiting for coach. We’re going the other way, so just walk in front of me and we’ll be good.”
You nodded, feeling Pedri walk behind you as you took a left out of the shower area.
You had your sights fixed on the door and were just steps away when a voice interrupted. “Pedri, do you know anything about this no-“ You heard Gavi ask before his voice faltered,
“Who’s that?”
You squeezed your eyes shut, knowing your cover had officially been blown.
You felt Pedri freeze behind you. He began to speak without turning around, scrambling to come up with something.
You cut him off, turning around and finally revealing yourself, “Surprise!”
Gavi stood there in shock staring at you for about five seconds, unmoving, before his body caught up to his brain and then he was colliding into you, arms wrapping around you and pulling you into a tight hug.
“Holy shit. Y/n? What are you doing here bebe?” He asked his voice rising in excitement.
You giggled as he picked you up, spinning you around.
You looked up at him once he put you down, reaching up to caress his cheek, “I wanted to surprise you! But you kind of ruined it for yourself.” You admitted.
“I don’t even care. I’m so happy you’re here.” He spoke, grabbing your hand and intertwining your fingers.
You smiled, kissing his cheek as you promised you’d find him after the game.
He walked you to the door, as you basked in each other’s presence.
You gave him one last kiss before pulling away.
“I knew I smelled you!” he exclaimed.
You giggled, “Yah I forgot about that. Can’t believe you sniffed me out.” You teased while ruffling his hair.
He gave you a playful glare before fixing his hair, “Oh c’mon you know I love it.”
You smiled, “I know.”
You gave him one last wave before turning and walking through the tunnels towards the seats.
You heard him yell after you, “Nice jersey!”
You turned around, a grin on your face, “Thanks. It’s my boyfriend’s.”
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winwintea · 28 days
how dreamies would react to helping you with your homework
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REQUEST ▸ how dreamies would react to having to help with your homework?
PAIRING ▸ friend!dreamies x reader 
TAGS ▸ none, crack, most of them are confused af and very unhelpful, DO NOT TAKE ANY OF THEIR ADVICE ESPECIALLY CHENLE’S…
AUTHOR’S NOTE ▸ anon i lost your ask somehow… it appeared on my computer but now i can’t find it but i still remember it! i apologize if the formatting is weird this time lol i’m writing this on my phone 😭
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Mark Lee
marks TRIES to help you with your homework. emphasis on ‘TRIES’ cause we all know he is no help at all. you ask him a question about the problem as you’re both attempting it together and he looks at you with the most confused look you have ever seen, “i was just about to ask you the exact same thing…” you two are probably never going to figure it out, so good luck getting your homework done tonight!
Huang Renjun
renjun is an actually good tutor. of course he’s going to walk you through all the steps on how to solve the problems and then discuss with you the subject better at hand, “I think it’s 47… stay focused y/n!” renjun’s the best study buddy, and even if he doesn’t understand the subject well, he’ll try his best to understand and learn on his own, just so he can teach you better.
Lee Jeno
jeno. poor jeno. he’s trying his best too okay? “why are there… letters… isn’t this math?” he hasn’t had much education past a basic high school level, so anything beyond that bewilders him, “we used to solve… much different problems… back when i was a kid” (okay boomer) next time remember that jeno and statistics do not work well together!
Lee Donghyuck
haechan looks at the problems for a few seconds before deciding that is simply something he does not want to attempt at all. “you know… you don’t need school!” he throws the pencil down on the table in a fit, “who needs school anyways?” haechan glances at the work then back at you, “there are so many other options on the table! just drop out!”
Na Jaemin
jaemin is great for emotional support! not the best for helping, but at least he’s there cheering you on from the sides. he’ll take a look at you with a happy smile on his face, “you’re doing great!” but then as soon as he looks back at the problem you’re currently attempting he arches his brows into a look of pure confusion. he’s just as clueless as you are, but at least he can be your cheerleader!
Zhong Chenle
chenle gets quite impatient with how slow you’re doing the problems, “wrong… wrong again…” until eventually he snatches the paper across from your seat and mumbles to himself, “you know what, give it to me…” you two sit in silence as Chenle does the homework for you, but before he finishes he looks at you again dead serious, “why don’t you just cheat?”
Park Jisung
jisung was everywhere but school… so what you even expect this man will do to help you study? “what’s the purpose of this again?” he asks as he lets out a big yawn, and stretches in his chair, rocking back and forth impatiently as you attempt the problem yourself. jisung watches as you struggle for a couple of seconds before grumbling to himself, “just tell your professor it doesn’t make sense… i don’t know… you can gaslight him, you’re good at that.”
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hamiltonaf · 9 months
Hello ! Can I request a Lewis x reader who's a famous singer and he attend her concert please ? Him reacting to the songs she wrote for him and how it end up a bit smutty with they finf each other backstage ?
Fantasize | Lewis Hamilton
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Pairing: Lewis Hamilton x Female Reader
Word Count: 1.1K
Warnings: Slight smut
A/N: Hello my loves ! The song inspo for this oneshot is Fantasize by Ariana Grande. Thank you anon for requesting. Hope you babes enjoy. Requests are open .xx
From long nights in the studio a few weeks ago to now going on tour felt like a breath of fresh air. The tour was starting off at home, in London. Excited, though my nerves took over me - even though I’ve been doing this for so many years now, I should be used to it, but not when I have a special guest attending…my situationship, Lewis.
Our situationship goes back about 3 months ago, when my PR manager thought it would be a good idea for me to date Lewis. I haven’t been in the dating light for quite a hot minute and apparently I needed to get back to it so people had something to talk about, especially since everyone nowadays is a fan of F1. Surprisingly his PR manager had agreed on it and apparently we would make a good looking couple.
It started when I attended the race in Miami, no one questioned it or got ‘suspicious’ because almost every A list celebrity attended. 3 weeks later I attended the Monaco GP, yet again I was a guest for Mercedes so people started to slowly talk about it. Didn’t go to any other race for a whole month since I had song writing and recording to do in studio. People really started to talk when I went to the British GP, not a coincidence to anyone that I’m from England but because my rumoured ‘boyfriend’ is British.
I grew to love the sport and let’s say my feelings also grew for Lewis. It felt a bit forced at first since we were patched by our PR team, but the more time we spent together alone, the more we learnt about each other’s true self. From sweet and shy to daring and flirty.
Lewis’ rizz is unmatched to any man that I’ve met or been with. He can start off as such a gentleman but can so smoothly move onto flirting with me and making me feel weak at my knees. Speaking of weak, we’re back to feeling that way now since Lewis was on a break in between races and decided that he wanted to attend to support me. For some reason he just makes me feel nervous, in a good way of course, I don’t even feel nervous to perform around friends or family or even my fans for crying out loud…wait, am I in love ? I’m pretty sure this is what it feels like to be in love and here I am being in denial about my feelings.
I was backstage warming up my vocals whilst getting my hair and makeup touched up, when we all heard a knock at the door. My manager walked over to the door and stepped aside as she held it wide open without a word, I looked through the mirror to see it was Lewis. “Aww Lew ! So glad you could make it” I smiled as I watched him walk towards me. “I’m so glad to be here. Very excited to see you perform tonight. Nervous ?” He asked as he rubbed my shoulders. My PR manager then escorted everyone out from the room so we were left alone.
“Very nervous but excited for the most part” I smiled as I then stood up to face him. “Don’t be, you got this. I’ll be cheering you on from the side. Just look to your left and you’ll see me” he smiled. “You’re so cute. Thanks for that, I’ll be looking out for you.” Just then my PR manager yells through the door, “(Y/N) you need to get dressed !”
I shut my eyes for a second, “Okay give me 5” I yelled. “Can I stay to watch ?” He smirked. “No, Sir. See you after the show” I felt the heat rush to my cheeks. I then turned him around by his shoulders and guided him to the door. “Just a peak” he pleaded as he bit his bottom lip. “Stop or I might just cave in. Bye” I blushed as I held on the door handle. “I’ll try my luck later. Break a leg” he said softly, he then caught me by surprise by giving me a sweet kiss and a wink before rushing out.
I finally got dressed, had another round of touch ups and put on my ear piece before heading out back stage for my entrance. I still felt flustered and I couldn’t stop thinking about Lewis. I really need to get my feelings off my chest after the show.
Out of the thousands of people screaming and looking at me I could feel a particular pair of eyes burning into me, when I took a quick glance to my left, he was right there as he said. His phone in hand, recording me looking his way. I shook my head and looked back towards the fans.
On the last verse, the energy in the stadium was ecstatic.
Mentally, physically weak
Boys blowin’ up my phone
They just ain’t you, ooh, baby
Tryin’ to behave, but I’m feelin’
Some type of way
That just ain’t me
The band and I took a bow before I gave a vote of thanks to the fans for coming, and for all the love they’ve shown on the album. After rushing off stage to my dressing room, my mind was running with thoughts of Lewis. Speaking of the man himself, he was already seated in my dressing room. “Hey gorgeous. You did amazing out there. I’m so so proud of you” he rushed over to me as he pulled me in for a hug. “Yet again, thanks for coming. It really means a lot” he then broke away from our hug with a serious look. “I was supposed to tell you this before you left and I can’t hold it in any longer”
“Okay well same and it’s eating me up inside to hold it back” I said as I took a deep breath. “I love you” we said simultaneously. “Oh my gosh” I lowly said. “Are you joking ?” He asked with the biggest smile on his face. “Lew this isn’t something to joke about” I said seriously. “Then please be mine, officially” he said as he then wrapped an arm around my waist and pulled me against him. “I thought you’d never ask” I grinned as I leaned in and closed the gap between us.
“As sexy as this dress looks on you, it needs to come off” he said in between kisses. The kiss got heated by the second as his hands trailed from squeezing my bum to the straps of my dress, pulling them off my shoulders. Just then there was a knock at the door. Shit. “Babe your car is here !” my PR manager shouted. “Damn it” I said frustrated and heated. “Well I guess we’ll have to continue this in the car” he said as he helped me adjust the straps of my dress - he grabbed a hold of my hand and pulled me along with him, eagerly waiting to continue this in the car.
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hughesluv · 1 year
Late | Quinn Hughes
quinn hughes x fem!reader even years into your relationship with him, quinn can’t seem to keep his hands off of you- even when it means being late for his game. (words: 0.5k)
a/n: thank you for the request anon! this is something really quick as i’m finishing up other requests and planning stuff for a possible celly😁
request: prompt #13 with quinn? thank you
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Breathlessly, you pull away from Quinn. His lust filled eyes lock with yours. A grin tugs at your lips as he attempts to connect your lips again. “Quinn, you’re going to be late!” You giggled, showing him your Apple watch.
He glanced back at you, a mischievous grin forming on his face, and shrugged nonchalantly. "Who cares?" he replied with a playful glint in his eyes.
You couldn't help but giggle at his antics, "I care, Quinn. You can’t miss your game.”
He chuckled, pulling you close with a sly smirk. "I know, I know," he murmured, his breath warm against your ear. "But right now, all I want is to be with you." His lips traced a gentle path along your jawline, causing your heart to skip a beat. His hand fell to your thigh, rubbing circles dangerously close to your core.
You tried to resist his charms, but it was almost impossible. Quinn had a way of making you melt with his sweet gestures and warm affection. He knew exactly how to distract you from anything else in the world.
"Quinn," you managed to say, though your voice was laced with desire. "You really need to go." Truthfully, you wished he didn’t have to go to the game. You wished he could stay home and have his way with you. Unfortunately, the universe wasn’t on your side with that one.
He chuckled softly, looking into your eyes. "Okay, okay, I'll go," he relented, but not before giving you one final lingering kiss. "Just one more for good luck."
You smiled, knowing that you couldn't deny him that request. As he pulled away, you placed a quick peck on his cheek. "Good luck, baby. I’ll be cheering for you in the stands.”
Pink flooded his cheeks before he finally tore himself away from you, grabbing his car keys and heading towards the door. He turned back to give you one last smile before disappearing out of the front door. God, this boy was going to be the end of you.
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foreingersgod · 3 months
Hi, I just read the Caitlin Clark x tennis reader. Would you possibly do a Caitlin Clark x volleyball reader, where the reader is more femme. Something along the lines of maybe reader plays for Texas vb and wins the championship.. sorry for the poor wording. Keep up ur amazing work!!
i would love too! again, i apologize for any inaccuracies in how i wrote the volleyball aspect of this, i’ve never played before so bare with me ! <3
Championship . CC
pairing: caitlin clark x reader
synopsis: caitlin supports you during your big win
you had been working your ass off this season. it was your senior year at the college you attended and your last year playing volleyball with your team, you were very overwhelmed to say the least. there were so many nights spent on the court late at night, trying to perfect every move and every technique. you desperately wanted to take your team to the championship and win this title for them.
so you pushed yourself to your limits, still trying to maintain your grades and personal life. caitlin, your girlfriend, was incredibly understanding of course. she knew what it was like to want to win so bad, so bad that it felt like you were going to lose your mind. but she kept you grounded. you had always been there for her with basketball, and she wanted to show you that same appreciation for your dreams.
she attended every single game, often making the trip with you for away games. she’d bring flowers for you on occasion for your big wins, and she’d tend to bruises on your knees from diving and scrapes on your arms. she was so incredibly good to you.
you were lucky to have someone who understood the stress of the game and how it felt to struggle with wanting to win and not let down your team.
your hard work had paid off this season, though. thanks to your team, your coach, your family and friends, and especially caitlin. you led your team to victory and you were now heading to the final game in the champions ship. of course, your training remained intensive up until the game, stretching you thin.
the night before your game, caitlin made sure to treat you to a small night in to help you relax. she set up a movie and dinner, tended to your aching shoulders, completely shifting all of her attention to you. when you had woke up the next morning to get ready for the big day, she had even helped you get ready to help keep your mind at ease.
“you know i can braid my own hair, right?” you were finishing up your makeup, putting on some mascara and the lip gloss cait had gotten you for your anniversary a while back. caitlin had walked into the bathroom, offering to do your hair for you so you didn’t have to worry about it.
“yea i know, but i want to do it for you this time” she smiled at you through the mirror “like my way of sending you good luck, then you’ll know i’m always with you even on the court”
“that’s so sweet, cait” you turned around, pecking her on the cheek “just don’t do it too tight, please”
so there she stood, towering over behind you, twisting the 3 strands of your hair into a braid. her tongue sticking out slightly as she stayed focused on getting it perfect, just how you liked it. when she was finished, she proudly showed it off to you. you thanked her again before changing into your uniform and grabbing your bag.
once you arrived to the court for the championship, you and caitlin walked down to the locker room so she could give you a quick pep talk and a final kiss goodbye. “you’re going to absolutely kill it, babe, good luck!”
˗ˏˋ ´ˎ˗
after ages of waiting in the locker room; getting warmed up, strategizing with your team, talking with your coach, it was finally time to head onto the court. you could hear the entire audience cheering as the announcers called on each one of your teammates, the anticipation for the game sat thick in the air.
the game started off well, everyone was quick on their feet, prepared for the opponent’s next move. you were probably having one of the best games in your career and you could just about feel that trophy in your hands. you had managed to hold a lead for the majority of the game, but within the last few minutes it tied, all boiling down to one last play.
you held your breathe as your teammate served the ball, watching as it sailed over the net. you stood ready, feet planted, heart racing, and determined more than you had ever been. the ball bounced back and forth over the net before eventually hurdling your way. your muscles tensed, eyes glued to the ball. you leapt, body a blur of motion, hand connecting with the ball in a perfect spike. Time seemed to halt as the ball soared over the net, bypassing the outstretched arms of the opposing team. the crowd erupted into cheers as you all watched the ball land on their court. you had scored the final point.
your team immediately surrounded you, lifting you up and cheering your name. there were so many tears and so many hugs as you all cherished the win of your last game together.
once the excitement died down with your team, you noticed caitlin on the side, making her way over to you. you smiled so big your cheeks hurt, running over to her as fast as you could. caitlin scooped you up into her arms, spinning you around from how fast you ran into her. your head buried itself into the side of her neck as you cried tears of joy, her arms squeezing you tight.
“i’m so fucking proud of you baby” she whispered in your ear, praising you gently and setting you back down on your feet “the best fucking player out there, hands down”
“thanks, cait” you beamed, pulling her back into another hug. “i can’t believe it”
“i can! you’ve been working your ass off for four years to get to this point! you deserve it more than anyone, YN” she said, watching how you bounced with excitement.
you and caitlin celebrated a little bit more on the court before you had to spilt to go talk to your friends and family, she waited patiently for you, observing how happy you looked taking pictures with the trophy and talking to your friends. it was such a rewarding sight to see, she was the most proud a girlfriend could be.
even when you had both arrived home, still buzzing with the post-win high. she showered you with praise and attention, making sure you knew how happy she was for you.
cait made you feel so special, no matter how sad the loss or how big the win. you were so privileged to have her at your side, supporting you through such an amazing collegiate career.
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ghostbustting · 3 days
Hey, I was wondering if you could write something about the fact that the reader has been James's partner for 5 years, and while they are at their friend's birthday party they argue over silly things but they both take it to heart, so the reader decides to make James jealous with x man (nothing too far-fetched) then James gets really upset and takes the reader to his house and they have rough sex (where James takes out his annoyance on the reader) And by the way, let it end with some good ending.
I imagined this scenario with James 1998, when he becomes beefier 🤭.
thank u anon, I shall say the word "beefier" on a daily basis now.
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𝒀𝑶𝑼'𝑹𝑬 𝑴𝑰𝑵𝑬 .ᐣ„ ๋࣭⭑
‘98!James Hetfield x Reader
Contains smut.
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Hand in hand, James and I carefully step into the bar that we were told to go to by his bandmate Kirk and his wife Lani, finding all of our friends and some faces we haven’t recognized yet all gathered around the bar to celebrate the guitarist’s wife’s 27th birthday.
Smiles are on everyone’s face while I release James’ hand in order to pull Lani into a warm embrace, “Happy birthday!” I congratulate her, pecking her cheek and stepping back, watching as James congratulate her as well.
Kirk stood by her side with an even wider smile than I usually see on him daily, it warms my heart to see how many love he have as his eyes stays on Lani, seemingly mesmerized by her.
James and I stood back with the others as someone brings in Lani’s birthday cake, I feel his arm around me as he kiss my head, making me lean against him as we watch her make a wish and blow the candles.
Then, Kirk wrap his arms around her and kiss her passionately before exclaiming to the crowd, “Happy birthday to this amazing wife of mine!!” His cheeky smile spreads to Lani’s own face as everyone cheer.
I watch the look they share with each other, my eyes slowly falling to the wedding rings on their fingers.. then to my own empty finger.
Lately, I’ve been thinking a lot of how Kirk and Lani had only been dating each other for one year only, yet they have already gotten married not long ago in January.
I can’t help but compare the both of them and their marriage to my five year relationship with James.
We’ve been together for so long, yet only ever keeping things as boyfriend and girlfriend. Sure, maybe it means he’s extremely loyal. But is it wrong if I just want to make things even more serious with him? I only ever wanted to be tied to him by an unbreakable vow and strengthen our love.
James and I sit down with the rest, drinking. My eyes slowly gaze upon him, the smile on his face as someone make a crappy joke. I feel the need to try to talk about it to him, finding the couple in front of us as a perfect topic starter.
I wait patiently for the perfect moment, clearing my throat as he drink. “Hey, James?” I slowly call out to him. His blue eyes look over at me and he grin, “Yea, baby?” He place the glass of drink back down on the table.
Taking deep breaths, I slowly speak. “So.. Kirk and Lani make a pretty couple, right..? Can’t believe they’re already 11 months into marriage.”
“Yeah, but eh that’s love.” He answer casually.
I look down and sigh, “I um.. Well, what about us..?” I start again, he look at me with a raised eyebrow, a small hint of confusion on his face. “We’ve been dating for five years now, so I’m wondering—”
“God..” He mutter and sigh, taking another sip of his glass.
I cut myself off when I hear this, a bit surprised by his attitude. “Excuse me?” I lean back in my seat and furrow my eyebrows, “What’s with the sigh?” I ask, sounding a bit offended.
He drowned his drink and sigh as he swallow the liquid, setting the glass down. He slowly turn his gaze towards me, shrugging. “Look, I love you and you love me. Isn’t that enough luck for you?”
“Luck? That’s what you call our love? Not fate?”
He groaned and run a hand through his blond hair, “I don’t mean it like that! I’m just saying, we don’t need to concern about marriage as long as we love each other.” He rambled out, rolling his eyes.
Though his words are partially correct, it’s his attitude that bugs me. “But don’t you think we should start a family? It’s been five years, James. Five goddamn years—” But then he cut me off yet again.
“Yea you said that already. Besides, you’re already a family to me like I probably am to you.”
“Can you just stop thinking about it? It’s a fucking birthday party, not a couple counseling.”
Feeling sick of his attitude, I sigh and stand up from my chair. “Where do you think you’re going?” James ask me, a hint of surprise in his voice. Instead, I simply shrug him off and take my glass with me as I walk away to another side of the bar.
I didn’t know why, but knowing he reject the very thought of creating an actual family, tying an ever tighter bond between us, making our love even more true, breaks my heart. I know he’s probably not ready yet. I know I’m supposed to accept his choice.
But I can’t stand the fact all of my friends had to shove their wedding rings in front of my face.
Sliding into a stool, I sigh and place my glass on the bar counter. I rest my elbow on the counter as I bury my face in my hands, rethinking the situation in my head. I find his harsh responses to be terribly unnecessary, he could’ve just responded with a softer response and try patiently to make me understand.
That’s when I hear someone slipping into the stool that was placed next to the one I’m currently sitting on. My eyes slowly peek through my fingers to see the mystery person, finding a guy I have never seen before. To be fair, I don’t know most faces here.
“Hey there.” He greeted me, a charming smile on his face, his arms resting on the counter as he tilt his head and look at me with those chocolate eyes.
“Hello..” I answer hesitantly.
Eventually, I discover that he was a close friend of Lani back then. He’s actually quite a nice and charismatic man, his style is a huge contrast to James’, yet no less intriguing. His brown eyes always looking serious whenever I speak, appreciating every letter that enters his ears. But of course.. there wasn’t any real special interest I have for him.
As he speak, I glance around the bar a little, a smile on my face now as he have lifted up my mood again. It didn’t took long before I notice the cold jealous eyes from across the bar that belongs to none other than my one and only boyfriend, James Hetfield.
Usually, it was a danger to play with fire when the James you’re dealing with is this type of James. But seeing the way his eyes sends daggers into the guy in front of me, the way his fingers grip his glass tightly to the point it seems like it’s about to shatter, the look of jealousy in his face..
I can’t help but grin to myself before I turn to the guy again.
Leaning slightly closer to the guy, I start talking more with him, making sure to laugh at a shitty joke he slip in that I’d probably actually call cringe if only I wasn’t testing James.
I put on my most stupid smile an twirl a piece of hair around my index finger as I listen to this guy ramble about something I surely and never will partake any interest in. He was definitely not James. He doesn’t share the same interest as the ones that James and I would talk about nonstop almost everyday of every year.
Bored, I take my glass of drink and take a sip of it. That’s when.. I feel a hand harshly grip my arm and tug on it.
When I turn my head, I was met by a stern looking James. It’s hard to tell what emotion was exactly built up inside those icy cold blue eyes of his, whether it’s jealousy, anger, annoyance, or everything in once. Nevertheless, the way his eyes immediately stare right into my soul gave my heart a quick pang of shock.
“We’re leaving.”
Before I can say another word, he just drag me by my arm out of my seat and out of that bar, simply yelling to his friends; “See you, man!”
I was forced to stay silent as he bring us over to our car and push me into the passenger seat before jogging to the other side of the car and get into the driver seat. I look at him cautiously as I slowly relax into the seat.
The ride to his house was filled with tension, he didn’t even spoke a word or glance a bit at me, yet he kept his hand on my thigh, gripping it tightly and even massaging the flesh every now and then, especially when he got pissed off by the other drivers on the road.
Sure, I planned for him to fully unleash his jealousy. But I never really expected him to be this.. intense.
My heart was practically jumping in and out of my chest by the time we arrive on the driveway of his house, I try to speak. “James—” Then again, my words fail to come out as he immediately exit the car and go around to my side.
He opens my passenger seat door and suddenly grab me without another word, throwing me over his shoulder while he close the door with his other hand. I gasp and squirm on his shoulder as he carry me all the way into his house.
“James- put me down..” I practically whined and grab onto his shirt, scared of falling and possibly hitting my head hard on the floor. I let out another gasp when he take his hand and land a harsh smack to my ass. I stop squirming and wince.
I could’ve sworn I heard him mutter something under his breath that I couldn’t really hear clearly while I watch as he close the front door and lock it, still holding me on his shoulder as he start to walk us upstairs.
I wasn’t quite sure what was happening. He was quiet. Way too quiet. All I could hear and feel is my own loud heartbeat while holding tightly onto his shoulder, I can smell the stinging but nice scent of his cologne filling my nostrils.
Even without being able to see his face, I can sense how he surely isn’t playing anymore.
Then before I know it, we were in his room and he kick the door shut before storming his way to the bed and technically throwing me onto it, causing a small grunt from me.
His bed has always been comfortable, the sheets has been a witness of all the love we shared in his room and on his bed. Innocently, and.. not so innocently.
His large hand slammed down on the spot next to my head, his face leaning down close to mine, just a few inches apart. “You fucking slut.” He spat, his voice deeper than I remember and his eyes colder than I ever saw. “You did that on purpose didn’t you?”
“Did what..?” I try to play dumb, though my eyes were slightly widened, intimidated by the proximity and how much tension he’s putting on tonight. I can’t help but press my thighs together, feeling an oh so familiar soaking spot on my panties.
“You know damn well what.” All of a sudden, he flip me over and push my dress over my ass, my eyes widening and I try to squirm out of my position of which is underneath him.
Denying my effort, he pull me back and keep me in place as he lift my hips up a little, pushing my head into the sheets as his hand lands harshly on my ass, leaving a red mark in the shape of his very own large hand, a loud gasp and a wince coming out of me. “Trying to make me jealous? That jerk didn’t even look half good as me.”
I can’t help but let out a small scoff at his statement, only earning another harsh spank to my ass. I wince and try to pull down my dress back, failing when his hand slapped mine away and hit again, even harsher this time.
He was mean. Always has been when he’s not in a good mood.
The worse part is I love it.
“Did you really think I’d let you go home with a dick that small? Don’t you know you’re mine?” He chuckle and pull down my panties slowly, I just knew he was smirking wide and cocky when he saw the sinful pool on my panties. “Dirty girl..” He mutter as he throw the panties away.
An even louder gasp leaves me when I feel his tongue on my cunt, his hands holding my hips tightly in his grasp. “James—” I was cut off by another spank to my ass along with a harsh suckle on my clit, I moan and whimper, hips wiggling uncontrollably as he work his tongue’s magic on me.
I can feel him spitting onto my pussy before diving back in, his groan muffled. He sucked and licked and bite and technically made out with every part of me he found down there. Every single one of those action never failed to pull out the loudest moan from me.
My visions turns blurry, the pleasure always way too much to handle every single time. I will never underestimate the power this musician holds on me. He knows way too much about my weakness. Perhaps, that’s because he’s the only man I’ll ever let discover the dirties part of me.
The moment his tongue slips through my folds, I lost it.
I was a moaning mess, gripping every part of the sheets that I could reach while he ate me out like a starving man. Yet his cock haven’t even made it out of his boxers.
“James please.. ahn.. more..”
I whined when he delivered even more rough spanks onto my ass, feeling the mark he left stinging and will surely make sitting a difficult task for me to do later on. Each time his palm meets my skin, more tears build up in my eyes.
A tight knot is felt in my stomach and the moment he gave a harsh suck on my pussy, I start to release on his tongue, moaning loudly to the point I’m sure these walls around us might betray us and spill my pleads for him to our neighbors.
I can feel him lick me clean one last time before pulling back, his hand immediately going to his belt and unbuckling it. “Who said you can cum? Hm?” He sounds breathless yet annoyed at the same time.
Hips back down on the bed, I was still recovering from my strong release, tears spilling from my eyes to the sheets underneath me, soaking it. That’s when I feel him tap his cock on my ass. “Hips. Up.”
What else can I do other than obey him and lift my hips up, though my weak state only allowed me to do lift it a little, which then James force with his hands to be up high in the air on display for him to completely ruin.
“I’ll show you what that fucking dickhead can’t give you.” He hold onto my ass before guiding his cock in with his other hand, immediately thrusting in a harsh pressure, meeting that one special spot in me right away.
I gasp and grip onto sheets, “Oh fuck!” I cry as he grab ahold of my hips and hold it still, his hips ramming back and forth into mine, his well-sized cock stretching me out and hitting all the right spots in me I’m sure he knows all too well.
His grunts along with the sounds of his balls slapping against my pussy fills my ears, yet they were no competition to my loud moans, they just keep pouring out of my mouth and might make me lose my voice later on. But I could care less. If this man stuffed inside me felt the need to take out his annoyance to me and show me who I belong to, I’m ready all night for him.
“Tell me you’re mine.” He murmured and deliver another hit to the already numb skin of my ass.
“I’m yours!” I moaned, “I’m yours I’m yours I’m yours!!”
“So you do know your place, huh?”
That’s when I feel his fingers in my hair, fisting it into a ball. I wince when he tugged on it and hold onto it as his hips move in a surreal speed, thrusting in and out of me in a speed of light. My lips were parted as I pant and whimper at the feeling, almost like a dog. It was humiliating. But at the same time arousing for him.
My eyes rolls to the back of my head, tears rolling down my cheeks uncontrollably, my hips try to move to his rhythm as well, adding to the pleasure. I slowly turn my head back towards James, finding him smirking smugly, still groaning with every thrusts. “Yea? You like that?”
He pulled me up by my hair and my back meets his chest, his arms wrap around me as he continue to thrust into me, my hands grip onto his arms as I lean my head on his shoulder. “C’mon.. answer me, baby.” He pull down the top of my dress now to pull out both of my breasts, cupping them in his hands.
“I love it!” I moaned out.
He chuckle and took ahold of my face, his lips finding mine in an instant, starting a sloppy and desperate kiss, our tongues meeting and rubbing against one another lazily. I whimper and look down when we pull away, “James.. wanna cum..” I mumble, breathless.
He bury his face in my neck and start kissing and biting there, a mark was made right below my ear. “Do it with me, baby. C’mon.”
With one last weak yet desperate thrust, we held onto each other and let out the most sinful noises ever as we release our load together. His cum shooting into me while mine came gushing out and mixing with his while he pull out his cock.
Too weak, I fall onto the bed and whine as I feel our mixed cum slowly dripping out of my swollen and used cunt.
He let out a heavy sigh as he fell onto my back, kissing from my shoulder, to my back, to the back of my neck, and to my other shoulder. I just hum tiredly, appreciating his caring gesture in a small soft smile as I turn to him.
I lift his arm up and slip right into it, “I’m sorry for—”
“No, I am.”
I look up at him with raised eyebrows, a bit taken aback by his sudden apology and refusal of my own apology.
He shook his head and look down, his hand reaching up to play with my hair, a habit he does every aftercare. “I shouldn’t have said it like that to you.. I was being a complete unreasonable jerk. I should’ve told you I’m not ready..” He sigh and kept his head low with his eyes away, as if he’s embarrassed of himself.
“James..” I sigh and reach up to cup his cheek, “Don’t be sorry, please..” I whisper and kiss his nose, smiling softly. “What happened earlier is just a silly misunderstanding, okay..? I love you and you love me, as long as we have love and each other, the world doesn’t matter.” I spoke, using his own words yet with a better arrangement. My voice gentle as I paint his face with kisses, pulling out his own smile as his blue eyes met mine again.
“God bless your mom and dad for creating you.” He mumble as he tuck a couple hair behind my ear. I laugh softly and close my eyes as I rest my head on his chest.
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panandinpain0 · 10 months
Can Hermione x fem!reader (or any you’re comfortable with) exist where the reader’s a slytherin but actively a good person-
like she’s a pureblooded snake but like, the cute ones with big eyes and that smile at you
like she’s a super competitive quidditch captain, and has slytherin friends, but she also shows the nervous ravenclaw first years around and has study groups with her hufflepuff friends and eats at the gryffindor table sometimes??
ok bye I just think it could be cute
Study Group
My favorite kind of character to write for deadass.
Requested by: Anon
Hermione Granger x Fem!Slytherin!Reader
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Literally Reader ^^^
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“Slytherin wins!” the announcer shouts over the sounds coming from the stands on the quidditch field. A mixture of "boo"'s and cheering were heard, a conflict seemingly starting out in the Gryffindor stands.
(Y/N), a chaser and Slytherins quidditch team captain, flew over to her seeker, holding up the arm that held the snitch and cheering with everyone. Patting the seeker’s shoulder, (Y/N) smiled and congratulated him.
The team flew back to the ground, heading to the showers before being intercepted by the crowd.
“You fly better than Angelina!” Fred shouted, his arm going over the captain’s shoulder.
“Don’t let her hear you saying that,” George warned, arm going around (Y/N)’s other shoulder. 
The Weasleys were a family friend of the (L/N)’s so they'd grown up together like siblings. When they started at Hogwarts and (Y/N) was sorted into Slytherin instead of Gryffindor they were disappointed, but got over it pretty soon after. Well, it took Ron a bit longer, but he got there. To make up for it, (Y/N) would sit at the Gryffindor table at dinner sometimes.
(Y/N) rolled her eyes and ducked out of their hold, wiping the sweat from her brow.
“Thanks boys, we worked hard,” (Y/N) replied, patting George’s arm before going to walk away again.
She was startled when Ron was suddenly in her face, Harry and Hermione behind him.
“Bloody Hell, (Y/N)!” Ron shouted, grabbing her upper arms and shaking her around. “That catch, and the pass- and when you-!” He continued to stutter out incoherent praises.
“You did great out there,” Hermione congratulated for him as Harry tried to calm him down.
(Y/N) replied with a laugh, “Thanks Hermione. I’m really proud of my team, they really gave it their all. You should’ve seen how hard I’ve been working them, I’m surprised they don’t hate me.” She smiled jokingly at Hermione.
“No one could hate you,” Hermione responded seriously to the joke. (Y/N) seemed to soften at that, her exhaustion beginning to show.
“Thanks, ‘Mione.” She patted her shoulder.
(Y/N) would have hugged her but she didn’t want to get Hermione dirty.
“Mind helping me escape?” (Y/N) laughed, gesturing to the crowd surrounding them. Hermione laughed and nodded, grabbing (Y/N)’s hand and pulling her away.
When they got to the Quidditch showers, Hermione let go.
“Do you think we’re safe now?” (Y/N) whispered conspiratorially, a laugh lilting the end of her sentence. She tried to stop herself from reaching out for Hermione’s hand.
“I think we are,” Hermione laughed back. The Gryffindor herself was missing the warmth. 
There’d always been tension between them. When they’d first met Hermione was intimidated by (Y/N), seeing as she was in the year above her, and also a Slytherin. Hermione never had much luck with Slytherins.
Not to mention she was gorgeous, and it’s terrifying talking to beautiful people. (Y/N) had always sensed Hermione’s discomfort and was always trying to make ‘Mione feel comfortable. They’d grown closer over these past 5 years, but the tension was different than before.
“Well, I’d better shower before dinner,” (Y/N) lazily pointed behind herself to the door.
“Want me to save you a spot at the Gryffindor table? You know Wood will want to talk to you about Ravenclaw’s defeat.” Hermione really wanted her to say yes. They hardly spent enough time together as it is, and even if she doesn’t have a chance with (Y/N) she still enjoys her company.
“For sure, Granger. Make sure it’s next to you, yeah?�� (Y/N) winked with a mischievous smirk. (Y/N) would often playfully flirt with Hermione to see her reaction, heat spreading up her neck and around her face.
And that’s exactly the reaction she got, Hermione’s gaze shy as she looked to her feet. She nodded and bit her lip, watching (Y/N) walk through the doorway.
At Dinner…
All of the Gryffindor’s were shouting over each other, the twins practically on the table as they argued with Oliver, their own captain. They’d already talked about the game, Wood practically interrogating the game plans they used from (Y/N). Now he was red in the face, scoffing at the twins.
(Y/N) and Hermione were on the sidelines, having a conversation about her study group. Ron and Harry would pop in every once in a while, but were also having a conversation about what Draco was up to this week.
“Lila, she’s from Hufflepuff- a third year- was having some trouble with Care of Magical Creatures. Something about nifflers? I don’t know, that girl is so quiet I have to have Becca translate for me.” (Y/N) shook her head sympathetically.
“Poor thing,” Hermione agreed, putting down her cup after having a sip. “Maybe I could come to the next one? It could be nice to have another person to help.”
“Sure, we’re meeting tomorrow in the library after lunch. Have you got a free period then?” (Y/N) asked, taking a bite of the food in front of her. Hermione hummed in confirmation, not trusting her voice.
She was so excited. Maybe she could start going to all of their study groups! She smiled to herself as she continued eating.
The Next Day…
Lunch was ending and Hermione stood up excitedly, practically buzzing.
“Someone’s excited,” Harry teased in a sing-song voice.
“It’s because she’s off to see her girlfriend~!” Fred and George replied.
“Oh, ‘Mione’s got a girlfriend now? Looks like I’ve got competition,” (Y/N) announced her presence, smiling at Hermione. She blushed at the quip and smiled back.
“Ignore them, they’re idiots.” Hermione shot the boys a glare.
“Trust me, I know. Shall we?” (Y/N) held up her arm, beckoning Hermione to wrap her arm around hers. Once she did they were off, leaving the boys behind.
When they got out into the corridor (Y/N) didn’t pull away like Hermione expected. They made small talk, (Y/N) waving to her friends when they passed. Hermione slowly trailed off her sentence when (Y/N) stopped walking.
“What’s wrong?” Hermione asked, looking around herself to assure they weren’t at their destination yet.
“Look.” (Y/N) pointed at a Ravenclaw, seemingly a first year. He was crying, sitting against the wall and shielding his face as his body shook. (Y/N) unhooked her arm from Hermione's and walked up to him, crouching down to his level.
“Hey, what’s wrong?” (Y/N) asked gently, but still frightened the first year. He flinched, uncovering his face to look at (Y/N). He seemed confused after he saw the color of her robes. Why would a Slytherin be nice to him?
He sniffled, “My classroom changed places and I can’t find it. I just got its new location memorized and then it moves! I’m gonna be late for Transfiguration and lose house points again.” He groaned in frustration, hands covering his face. (Y/N) gently took his hands and held them, giving him a comforting smile.
“Professor McGonagall can be very forgiving, as long as you tell her what happened. I’m (Y/N) (L/N), what's your name?”
“Conner,” he muttered through his tears. “Conner Wimble.”
“Well, Conner, I’ll walk you to Transfiguration. And teach you some tricks to find your classes. Is that okay?”
“Yes… thank you.”
Hermione shook herself from her thoughts, seeing (Y/N) being so kind to the first year did nothing to stifle her feelings. She rushed forward to join the conversation, crouching down as well.
“I know a spell that makes a string appear in the air that guides you to your classes. I could teach it to you,” she spoke gently to the Ravenclaw, bringing him to stand.
“Please, I need all the help I can get,” he sniffled out.
“Come on, let’s stand up now.” (Y/N), who still held his hands, pulled him to stand.
At the Library…
(Y/N) held open the door for Hermione, entering after her. She waved to Madam Pince before gently cupping Hermione’s elbow, guiding her to the study group.
“Look who decided to show up,” Becca giggled, a yellow ribbon holding her dark brown hair back.
“Yeah, sorry guys- got a bit distracted.” Her hand found the small of Hermione’s back. “This is Hermione-!” (Y/N) whispered before she was cut off.
“Everybody knows who she is. Harry Potter’s friend, right?” Suzie, a fourth year Ravenclaw, asked rhetorically. Her tone was a bit harsh, distaste following Harry’s name.
“Yes, but she has a name. Hermione will be joining us today, if that’s alright with everyone?” (Y/N) eyed Suzie with a warning gaze. After she got head nods from around the table she pulled out Hermione’s chair for her. Hermione blushed and gave (Y/N) a shy smile in thanks, earning a nod in return.
“So, how is everybody? Lila, how was Care of Magical Creatures today?” (Y/N) paid specific attention to the Hufflepuff as she pulled out her books. Lila murmured something nobody could hear, except for her best friend who sat right next to her.
“She said the niffler problem’s still got her stumped,” Becca repeated, going back to doodling on the corner of her parchment with her quill.
“We would have heard her if she would only speak up,” Suzie sassed as she rolled her eyes, playing with the end of her blond ponytail.
“Suzie!” (Y/N) scolded, looking concerned more than angry. “Please apologize.” She adopted a motherly look, eyebrows raised expectantly.
Suzie looked slightly ashamed, gaze lowering as she uncrossed her arms. She played with the edge of her blue sweater, the silver eagle on the sleeve catching the light. “Sorry Lila, that was mean.”
“It’s okay. You have a point,” Lila spoke a bit louder this time, giving Suzie a small smile.
“What’s going on?” (Y/N) gently asked Suzie, running a hand up and down her arm. Hermione watched with a bit of envy, but shook herself out of it when she realized her thoughts.
Suzie’s lip started trembling, her eyes blinking quickly to rid herself of the gathering tears. “David and I got into a fight. He’s been using one of the secrets I trusted him with against me in our arguments. It’s been going on all day.” She sniffled, sliding a bit of her sweater over her hand to wipe at her nose.
Lila, who was closest to her, put her hand on Suzie’s shoulder, rubbing it gently. Everyone sympathized and started helping her come up with solutions, and afterwards the studying quickly commenced.
One Hour Later…
Becca giggled at a joke (Y/N) whispered to her as they left the library, Lila smiling a bit. Hermione and Suzie were finishing a conversation while actively shoving books into their bags, trying to avoid the door swinging into them. Hermione almost got hit but (Y/N)’s hand stopped it, both of them looking surprised.
“Watch out there love, almost got hit.”
Hermione blushed at the pet name.
Suzie looked between the two of them for a second, sitting in their tension-filled silence.
Clearing her throat loudly, Suzie caught the girls’ attention, “I’m going to go talk to David now, I’ll see you two later?” Without waiting for an answer she walked off, waving behind her. She shouted goodbye to the two Hufflepuff’s and was gone.
“We’d best be off too. (Y/N), would you be a dear and ask Fred and George for more sugar quills? Lila and I have been craving them,” Becca laughed, joining hands with Lila.
“For sure! I’ll let you know what they say. Same time next week?” They nodded. “Make sure Suzie knows that too, please.” And they were off.
Hermione and (Y/N) looked at each other, still standing in front of the library. Taking in a breath, (Y/N) broke the silence.
“Would you like to come again next week? Suzie seemed to like having you around,” (Y/N) laughed a bit, smiling at the Gryffindor in front of her.
“Yes, I’m sure it was just Suzie,” Hermione giggled and nodded, not able to look away from (Y/N). Said Slytherin scoffed in surprise at the comment, her face heating up as she laughed in amusement.
“I’m glad we’re in agreement on that then.”
They smiled at each other for a bit longer, not wanting to part.
“Well, I think this makes you an official part of our group. What do you say?” (Y/N) stuck out her hand. “Want to join our study group?”
Hermione met her half way, shaking her hand.
“Well, we wouldn’t want to disappoint Suzie, now would we?”
Ta-da! Sorry it took so long, Anon! But I'm pretty proud of this final product. (I actually think it sucks a lot but maybe you'll like it. I hope you do.)
-Author Max <3
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kozumesphone · 2 months
hi! your writing style is so cute!!! <3
could I request for a jason x sister!reader fluff? maybe a holiday theme oneshot at camp ft. leo's silly little dialogues of course 💞
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💌┊₊˚⊹꒷ LIKE WE JUST MET .ᐟ
⤷ platonic!multiple x daughter of zeus!reader ‧₊˚ ⋅
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ᝰ. 𝐟𝐚𝐧𝐝𝐨𝐦 . . . percy jackson and heroes of olympus
ᝰ. 𝐢𝐧𝐜𝐥𝐮𝐝𝐞𝐬 . . . jason grace’s sister!reader and tooth rotting fluff ft. jason (ofc), leo and his adorable dialogues, just fluff basically, christmas party, and a fun day out for the demigods. ft. y/n saying a few words here and there in french, princess passenger!leo again <3, sugar crashed!leo, matching lightning mcqueen pjs for y/n & jace. alsoalso jason’s weatherman nickname inspired by this post.
ᝰ. 𝐤𝐞𝐲 . . . y/n — your name | n/n — nickname | r/n — random name | ‘merde’: shit | ‘mon amour’: my love
ᝰ. 𝐰𝐜 . . . 1.5k
ᝰ. 𝐚/𝐧 . . . uhajshwkjs this request is everything! tysm anon, bc I miss winter sm 😭 this was the perfect way to get over my summer depression fr <3 hope you like it!
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“rise and shine, my lovely buffalos!” clarisse’s voice rang loudly.
“stop, no,” jason groaned from the opposite side of the room, grabbing a pillow to cover his ears.
“I love you, but it’s christmas eve. let us sleep in, clarisse! even jace wants to!” I yelled.
I cracked an eye open, and sunlight filtered through the now-open door as clarisse walked in, her hand intertwined with a sleepy chris’.
“oh, the light, i’m going to go blind, merde-” I rambled and picked up a pillow, throwing it in the general area of the cabin’s door. a thwap sounded as clarisse caught the pillow before it maimed chris.
“man, wake up, where’s the christmas cheer, yeah?” chris said, extremely unenthusiastically.
“you’re half asleep, dude. let me sleep,” jason mumbled.
“yeah, we all know clarisse dragged you here-” suddenly, my blanket was yanked off my body as I muttered a string of curse words. “nooooooo, my lovely and warm blanket-”
a squeal sounded from jason’s side of the room and I sat up on my bed to see him blanket-less as well. satisfied that I wasn’t the only one who was being annoyed by the two lovebirds, I grinned.
“you know, this is the first time you didn’t wake up the second your clock hit 5 in the morning,” I chuckled at jason.
before he could reply, clarisse started ordering us around. “get out of your pyjamas and come around to the dining pavillion for breakfast at 8.”
she glanced at jason’s and mine matching lightning mcqueen pyjamas, and grinned. chris and her walked out, leaving the door open.
“at least close the door,” I mumbled.
we disappeared into our sides of the room to get ready, and met up outside the cabin in 20 minutes.
it was absolutely serene to wake up to an almost-empty camp as it was snowing, with the harpies asleep. a butterfly landed on jason’s nose and I smiled. in that moment, it felt like nothing could disrupt the harmony of the world-
“HEY, WEATHERMAN! oh hello, lovely n/n,” leo skidded to a stop in front of us and grinned.
“morning, princess,” I said. leo and I did our handshake, as jason was still preoccupied with the butterfly.
“dude, how did you not wake up at 5? did your alarm malfunction? I can fix it for ya,” leo commented, looking at jason.
“what, i’m not allowed to wake up late?” he rolled his eyes, and started walking towards breakfast. leo and I followed him, talking about our prank war against the stoll twins and the general ongoings of camp half-blood.
we all take our seats at the hermes cabin’s table since chiron decided we should just sit at the same table because we’re only 40-ish campers, as compared to the usual 150 or more.
jason talks with clarisse for a while as leo and I engage in conversation with connor and travis, as we wait for the food. when everything we could ever want for breakfast turns up in our plates, we collectively get up and make a line to offer some food to the gods. I drop in a portion of my french fries and some vegetables I didn’t want.
“good luck receiving burnt vegetables, my dudes on olympus,” leo said, looking at me dropping some broccoli into the pyre, making me roll my eyes.
as we ate, chiron walked trotted in and took his seat at the head of the table, as mr. d echoed his actions on the other side.
“merry christmas eve, kids,” chiron said. “we have an announcement to make.”
we stopped talking between ourselves and turned towards chiron.
“as you all know, most of our campers have left camp to visit their families for the winter,” chiron said, as we all nodded along.
“and in lieu of the small number of you left in camp, we wanted to let you know that we are giving you pesky kids permission to have a ‘party’ for christmas.” mr. d continued. “and as a bonus, for gods know what reason, chiron asked to send any four of you to the mortal world to buy some decorations, or whatever, and anything else you might need.”
chatter broke out at the news of camp’s first ever christmas party.
“no alcoholic drinks will be permitted, unfortunately,” mr. d remarked sadly, which no one bothered to hear.
by the end of breakfast, we were all talking about the things we’d need for the party, and I began making a list. after an hour of begging, chiron decided that jason, leo, travis, and I (or as mr. d called us: “lee, jackson, tyler, and r/n”) could go to buy decorations and food ingredients. he gave us a few american dollars, and told us to eat something with any remaining money. he also pulled jason and me aside, asking us to look after the other two.
we piled into the camp car with travis driving, and leo beside him. ever the passenger princess, he put on his sunglasses, turned up the radio, and started singing to some pop music.
in about half an hour, we reached a store called 7-eleven (“but why would you name a shopping centre in numbers?” leo had asked us the last time we’d been there) and walked into the store, the sound of the bell resonating behind us.
we split into each of the four aisles for food, use-and-throw cutlery, decorations, and board & card games.
I finished picking out the decorations first and met up with jason, who got lots of food, near the cashier.
“ooh, percy, hazel and nico would’ve loved the cocoa and marshmallows,” I said to jason, peeping into his basket.
“yeah. and frank, will and annie would’ve loved to help you put up all those streamers and everything,” he said.
I realised that it was the first time we were spending christmas without them.
“why do you guys look like someone ran over your favourite stuffed toy? it’s christmas eve, guys! cheer up!” travis said, slapping jason’s back.
leo joined us too, suddenly smacking my shoulder as well, earning himself a glare from jason.
jason and I scanned travis and leo’s baskets to make sure they didn’t get anything extra. satisfied, jason grabbed all four baskets and made small talk with the cashier about a football game till the billing finished.
“shotgun!” leo called, as soon as we got our receipt, and he ran away along with travis to get into the car. I chuckled and took two of the four bags from jason.
from the store, we drove to a cafe for some coffee and bagels before getting back to camp.
by half past 10, the hecate, tyche, hebe, hypnos, hera, poseidon, and hephaestus cabins had all the decorations set up, while the athena, demeter, nike, iris, and hades cabins whipped up the foods. the remaining cabins (ares, apollo, artemis, zeus, hermes, nemesis, aphrodite, and dionysus) set up the various games and logs for the campfire. chiron and mr. d chopped and dragged a tree from the woods to decorate.
we began settling down in a circle around the campfire with the decorated and well-lit christmas tree to one side. the apollo kids began singing, and the hermes kids put on their own version of a musical they called ‘hamilton’.
games were played and christmas carols were sung until we felt sleepy, and the chirping of the crickets increased. I was on my fourth cup of hot chocolate (jason said it wasn’t healthy, but whatever) and fifth packet of mini marshmallows, while leo was… passed out beside me from way more than just five cups of hot chocolate and lots of candy. typical leo valdez sugar crash.
“ay, mon amour,” I laughed at him.
beside me, jason was smiling warmly at the fire. his face was glowing in the harsh light of the campfire, making him look every part thalia’s brother.
I was a few months younger than jason, but I was at camp before he stumbled in. thalia was almost like my blood sister, always taking care of me. at this moment, everything about jason reminded me of the girl I once loved like a sister.
campers’ clocks struck 12, echoing wishes of ‘merry christmas’ throughout the camp.
“merry christmas, n/n,” jason smiled down at me.
“merry christmas, weatherman.”
“N/N!!! mErrY cHriStMaaaaaaaS!-“
“merry christmas, your honour, bad boy supreme,” I laughed at leo.
getting up from our spots on the mattresses around the campfire, everyone made their way into the hermes cabin. they had the biggest beds, and we’d all gotten our cabin’s heaters into one for more warmth.
the stolls fell onto the bed first, followed by around 10-12 campers, jason, leo and me. everyone readjusted themselves to comfort, and we were all falling asleep.
in the morning, I wouldn’t have anyone to share a miraculous christmas kiss with, but I will have many hugs to give to the boys I loved like my own brothers, and that would be enough for me any day.
“i’m not crying, you are,” chiron said, wiping a stray tear away, looking at the huge cuddle pile in the hermes cabin. “my babies!”
mr. d scoffed at him.
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taglist — @sunnitheapollokid @puffoz @canonfeminine @taytayluvr @urmomabby @cinemaconrad @aezuria @thetunnelunderoceanboulevard @jgracie @cherigall @percabethluvr @pjoverseluvr @maybxlle
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earthtoharlow · 1 year
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liked by jackharlow, bellahadid, SZA, mileycyrus, dojacat, urbanwyatt and 698,356 others
yourinsta: I love having a photographer boyfriend
view all 7567 comments
user: a photographer WHAT?!!!
user: just fell to my knees
jackharlow: purr slay werk it 💅
user: this dress tho??? 😭
user: they don’t deserve you
urbanwyatt: 💦 🐟
user: goals
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liked by yourinsta, jackharlow, cozane, champagnepapi, druski, lilnasx and 567,896 others
urbanwyatt: The garden still private ⛲️
view all 4,784 comments
user: ⛲️⛲️
druski: why did y/n get a custom coat and not me???
yourinsta: they like me better than you 💋
urbanwyatt: well… 😬
druski: I’ll remember this
user: I love that y/n has the fur on the hood!
user: we don’t even get content from y/n and we have to rely on this guy to post photos of her 😭
user: also how does she know these people
user: you know celebrities be friends with everyone
user: anyone here from that y/n is dating someone in PG thread 🫣🤣
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Liked by urbanwyatt, jackharlow, djdrama, normani, gigihadid, justinbieber, joejonas and 789,346 others
yourinsta: I just hope both teams have fun
view all 5698 comments
user: baby’s first football game
user: GO! SPORTS
jackharlow: 🤦🏻‍♂️ you started cheering for the wrong team
yourinsta: not my fault they had the hotter players
urbanwyatt: no only Chelsea FC can have fun 🙄
yourinsta: damn y’all sport fans strict asf
gigihadid: you look beautiful 😍
user: loving this random friendship, it’s camp
user: maybe that thread is right, I’m starting to connect the dots ☠️
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liked by 5278 users
ynsource: Y/N recent IG stories. Everyone wish Y/N good luck!
view all 424 comments
user: she’s gonna make that runway her bitch
user: Urby 🤗
user: good luck y/n! Urban is such a good friend!
user: she should date him tbh, no one seems to care for her more 🤷🏽‍♀️
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liked by jackharlow, neelamthadhani, nemoachida, yungskylark, yourinsta and 845,085 others
urbanwyatt: I’m so happy this woman came into my life. She deserves to know that, although I have already told her plenty of times. Never have i met someone so caring and selfless. Happy birthday to my treacherous twin 🤞🤸
view all 9356 comments
user: aaaah this is so sweet
user: favorite besties!!!
yungskylark: happy birthday to the homie! yourinsta🫡
user: this picture kinda intimate but we thank you for blessing us with this photo 🫶
user: just fuck already!!
youinsta: urban, I adore you 🥹
user: do we need to leave you two alone?
jackharlow: everyone say thank you Jack for all of us becoming friends
yourinsta: no 🙄
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liked by yourinsta, druski, saweetie, selenosunni, cozane, jackharlow and 957,026 others
urbanwyatt: you caught us, you caught us red handed
view all 10,578 comments
user: 😭😭😭
user: not a twitter thread exposing them
user: yall were not good at hiding
yourinsta: world worst kept secret
jackharlow: i'm just glad they stopped thinking it was me
yourinsta: you weren't even suspect number one... jackharlow: well I could've been!
cozane: ugh fucking finally
user: I'm so happy for them 😭
user: everyone make sure to say thank you harlowsthot on twitter 😂
fc was requested by anon whose message I accidently deleted, ily 🫶
tag list
(message me if you’d like to be added)
@heavyhitterheaux @hoodharlow @neon-lights-and-glitter @toocriticalharlow @babiefries @macey234 @jackmans-poison @itsyagirljaz
268 notes · View notes
luvsfootball · 8 months
starboy - jamal musiala.
requested by - anon.
request - jamal musiala imagine for the crazy 8-0 win against damstadt today 🩷 maybe he takes you out for dinner or to celebrate with teammates. whatever you’d like 🤗 thx
author’s note - i’m not really good at writing scenes with teammates so i decided for them to just have a cozy night in. and i also made her famous as well, but didn’t specify what reader does. hope you enjoy and don’t mind!!!
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unfortunately you couldn’t make it to jamal’s game today. but you made sure to support by checking the scoreline every now and then whilst at work.
you were on your way home at half time and it was currently nil-nil.
jamal sent you a photo from the changing rooms, a quick selfie with alphonso davies. you heart reacted to the photo and sent him a ‘good luck’ before switching your phone off.
turning the television on, you managed to just catch harry kane’s goal and you smiled at the screen when you saw jamal running up to him.
your dog ran up to you and you picked him up, relaxing back onto the sofa to get into the match before jamal got home.
jamal loved it when you complimented him and especially after a match. it made him feel king of the world hearing your terms of endearment.
another goal went by and then you saw jamal kick the ball, and you jumped from the sofa. cheering, you switched your phone on to send him a selfie of you in front of the television.
you were immediately being tagged in tweets on twitter as soon as the goal happened and you even retweeted a few, knowing how your fans went crazy for you and jamal.
the match was nearly finished, and you were in shock at the score. jamal had made it 7-0 and then it ended 8-0.
he rang you immediately after and the smile on his face was contagious. “i can’t believe it, bambi! eight nil!”
jamal laughed at you, “me neither. i can’t wait to come home and see you.”
you knew he’d be a good two hours yet so you spent that time cleaning up the house and even managed to take the dog on a walk before jamal’s car pulled up in the driveway.
“hey, starboy!” you cheered, causing jamal to laugh and wrap his arms around your waist. his head was buried in the crook of your neck and you kissed his forehead lightly.
“did you see my second goal? that was for you.”
his dimples shown in his cheeks by how big he was smiling. you loved jamal’s smile. it made your stomach feel warm inside.
“it was amazing. you played so well, i’m so proud of you.”
even though you had been dating for a year, jamal still got nervous around you. which is why he pulled away because of the blush painted on his cheeks.
“i was thinking we could have a quiet night in. maybe order something and watch a couple of halloween films,” jamal told you.
it was a good idea so once you had looked at takeout menus and decided on eating chinese food.
“which one, hocus pocus or halloween?”
“duh, hocus pocus.”
the pair of you settled in with your food and the film on, your dog at the bottom of your sofa resting his head on your knees.
“you’re my starboy, you know?”
jamal looked down at you from his position on the couch, grip tightening around your waist as he pulled you in. “and you’re my stargirl.”
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troomtroom101 · 2 months
Toon Quest Theory PT.1: Who is Pib and the meaning behind the Book of Life
okay so I know @toontails announced their return (idk your pronouns im sorry!!) but I recently reread thru the Toon Quest story and I’m finally clicking some stuff together that I’ve been wanting to maybe throw out there!! Please guys listen to me i have been thinking of this for weeks, TQ has so many open ends and mystery that it’s not even funny. I’m a person of wanting to understand things so I made this post to share my thoughts with you guys, and yes I did research don’t make fun of me!!!
so, to start off first and simple. I wanted to get down to the point where the Book of Life is first mentioned, AA mentioned that the Book of Life dosen’t randomly select its holders which makes sense because the book is a lingage and it somewhat of a heirloom (ok probs not the best wording but still) it was also mentioned that the Book of Life chooses its holders like I said, generational wise but also because of the attributes that the subject brings to the team. I couldn’t find the screenshot but AA answered an anon ask at one point stating that. Now if we look more into the team we can understand why exactly they make up the team they are now, instead of a group of goofballs we actually do have a pretty well looking team.
Oswald’s attribute would be his luck. Which is seen in the first chapter when he managed to save everhine in the van from the semi truck crashing into them, which follows with him cheering that he still had his luck.
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Bendy’s attribute from what I can assume, would be the fact that he’s a demon, and from what AA has stated/revealed the strongest one on the team (though Bendy himself might not know that) I’m taking it that in this AU, Bendy isn’t created from the ink machine but as it was said from AA he was accidentally taken from his home and placed on the surface (I can’t find the screenshot of the authors confirmation but trust me!!) I say that because Abel is after Bendy, which was also stated. And I’ll also go into why he might be after Bendy in my next post. But bendy’s attribute would be his strength and the fact that he’s basically inhuamne. Not to mention toons are hard to kill as is and since he’s a toon demon, it’ll take a lot to really kill Bendy and I’m sure we’ll see more of that in detail with future chapters.
Donald’s attribute would be his bad luck, which may be bad but is actually a good thing as in one of the chapters his bad luck basically murked the spirit spider that was chasing after them in the cave sequence.
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His attribute clearly comes in handy when it’s needed. Not to mention it weighs out Oswald’s good luck with his bad luck. Creating a balance.
For Cuphead and Mugman, it would have to be because they harness power to shot their peashooters, and because as stated they defeated the Devil some years ago. Though with their character turnaround with tagging along with the TQ gang, this makes them a great advocate with knowing some plans about the opposing team.
And Panchito would have to be for his intellucal integrity as he himself was the one to even put the band together to begin with. Traveling overseas just to find one of them. His morals seems to be very strong and I believe there’s more to his character as he was the first one to recive the book and get any sort of information about it, as he claimed that the thought of the book came to him in a dream that he has had for years. Which would make sense why the book would go to Panchito first out of everyone because his person is uplifting, loyal and fairly responsible (in a way)
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the book clearly harness some spiritual power as AA has stated. It’s not just a book, so I believe the book is what sent Panchito these visions. Also he’s good to and that it’s clear he’s a sharpshooter. Maybe even as good as Bettigan.
And moving onto Y/n. Her attribute, as we all know. Is undetermined because she’s a human. Not a toon. She dosen’t have any cool tricks, she dosen’t entirely have magic as it was said that she was supposed to, but lo and behold. She dosen’t. And she never will, as AA has confirmed. But inside the story it was say MULTIPLE times that the reader was supposed to be given a power to help her.
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it’s refered to as a mark and how it was supposed to be given to Hector, but because of time and how he and his group couldn’t successfully go on with the plan of figuring out what Ruby Falls was (the death of his friends) he came to a witch in the woods to send a message to Y/n about how her having a mark would help her defend herself from darkness and save mankind.
But as we noticed, Y/n has no power and so far has been fighting and defending herself based on her agility and luck. As it’s seems multiple times, she’s not very good in combat unless the other toons are with her to back her up. But by herself on a 1 on 1 combat, she fails exceedingly bad at defending herself, which I won’t bash her too much as she’s just a teenage girl who’s revealed to be a homebody with no friends, fighting against various combative individuals who clearly has more training and knowledge in the ring than she does. You’re not gonna wake up one day and be able to take down Batman. But there is one thing about her that I will point out. That she’s very observant and can very much tell when things are off in certain situations. As stated by AA.
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Reader is indeed a fast learner as when Ruck was teaching her archery, she was able to develop a knowledge on how to properly use a bow and arrow. And I must say. Archery is very much a tactile and difficult field to get in as it takes a lot of body strength and muscle strength, but with little time she had. She was able to adapt very quickly as seen with her being able to successfully get bullseye during the Warrior Falls contestant picking for the finale’s.
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Though that dosen’t mean we’ll run right over the fact that Y/n dosen’t have magic as states as she was suposoed to have. It even concerns her to a point of questioning why she dosen’t have it. Does the book decide not to give her magic? Does it often happen for these quirks to just not show up. It was clear that someone or something is suposoed to give them these quirks as Hector denied wanting to have it as he stated he would save it for Y/n. Which also comes into play that this is probably a one time use.
So where is it? And who has it? Well. Who else is the only one in the series that has magic? Well, we have Bendy. Who’s able to bend liquids (which from what I see it’s preferably ink) and he can also make portals.
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But this can also be because of the fact that Bendy is an actual demon and harness power that not any ordinary toon can. But that also makes me say. Do you know who else has the ability to create rifts and portals?
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And y’all look at this FUCKING KEY WORD!!! PUDDLE
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I swear this is not a COINCIDENCE!! I make this side by side comparison because at some point it was mentioned that Bendy would be the one prone to betray Y/n. Now I don’t wanna point fingers, but I believe Bendy may be a reason why Y/n is powerful. Or 1 of the many reasons. Because my second reason is going to be Pib. As it was said that Pib plays a big role and sort of a fairly meaningful role to not only Y/n, but to everytbing. Now, I don’t wanna be that guy but I really do want to say that Pib is actually a good guy and Y/n is a bad guy. AA did at one point said that Y/n is morally grey and that she dosen’t really care to be a hero, meaning that Y/n dosen’t wanna put her life in the line for just the sake of it.
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which may seem like a bad thing but, honestly? We’ll probably get more into why the reader may feel this way and why she may essentially reach a point where she feels this isn’t really fit for her. Pib isn’t exactly a bad guy because their only objective to them is to kill Y/n. That’s it. They don’t care for the book. They don’t care for the situation or who has the book, but it’s just to kill Y/n.
and the opposing team also wants Y/n dead as well. And only her. They don’t care for the others but just wanting her dead
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I’ll get into later why I might think why they want Oswald out of everyone. But that’s besides the point, I find it concerning that Y/n has such a large bounty over her head when she hasn’t done anything to anyone or from what we know and have been seeing she’s pretty much innocent. Before I get into Pib, I also want to put on the table why I may think everyone wants Y/n eliminated first.
I’m chapter 5, Argus states that when she kills Y/n, the book will be in her possession.
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She claims that when Y/n’s dead her bloodline will be no more, now I want to say she’s refering to Y/n being the last of her generation to hold the book in her possession, but now that I thought more on it, maybe when Y/n dies, the book just automatically releases its hold on the others making it accessible to anyone. So in some sort of way, Y/n has to be a key, a valuable key and asset to keeping that book locked. Whuch can explain why Ruck is trying him damn hardest to teach Y/n under the time he has to defend herself properly seeing she has no power to properly do it. Because if she dies. Everyone is shit out of luck, anyone in the world can just access the book. Which can explain why the villians want Y/n dead so bad. if break the lock. You have access to the riches. Now that’s if the others will still be there to defend the book from being taken still.
which moves back to Pib. Now we all know. The books signature glow is a yellow/golden light or aurora. It helped them navigate where to find eachother. Certain locations and even a piece to Ruby’s Heart. This book is basically its only navigation. But who else has that certain golden glow to them.
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In the recent sneak peek, Pib was able to tug some hair from their head and use the essence of it to creating a golden line to lead them to where the TQuesters are. The same navigating line that they used many times to help them travel around. And Pib’s glow is yellow and golden. A color that's assossiated with the book. Maybe Pib is also a keeper of the book, and maybe the magic that was supposed to be given to Y/n was handed to Pib somehwere along the line. But who would have given this power to Pib. The only other person I can think of, would be the main villian. The man in the trenchcoat. As he was the sole purpose of all of this happening to begin with. Though he has little screentime. It’s clear that he’s going to be a big problem. Pib’s power was also stated that it’s just about as strong as Bendy and Abel. Abel being a literal arch Angel—which is mentioned that Abel’s sole purpose on earth is to kill dark magic that’s located in the Shadow Realm. A split between physical world and the spiritual world. Which I can assume is where Bendy came from as well as Zip and Zot as they were confirmed to be from the shadow realm. I belive the things from this world are dangerous and cannot be contained. Which is why Abel is even present to begin with. He’s role is to destory anything that’s from that world. Including Bendy. Now why he has such a hatred towards Bendy, I don’t know.
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Not to mention Abel is at the top of the list of things that is very hard to be defeated so it’s safe to say that the book refering to angels being able to banish darkness, Abel is what it’s refering to.
Pib and Abel works hand in hand because they both have the power to do a lot of damage. I’ll make pt2 going over more bc I need you guys to hear me OUUTTTTTTTTTTTT
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nyoomfruits · 10 months
Do you have a snippet from the Landoscar fake married au that you’ve been writing which you could share with us? I’ve been craving to read anything from you for dayyyys, the two snippets you shared (even though they were really good) haven’t been enough by far to satisfy my thirst…
This is not meant to pressure you or anything though, if you don’t have anything or don’t want to share an excerpt that’s fine tho!! I just love your writing and I’m super intrigued by it and weirdly into the mctwinks… ahh
Have a wonderful evening ellie! 💛
oh anon you are in luck because i wrote what might actually be my favorite kiss scene i've ever written yesterday and i've been dying for a reason to share it so. here you go. from the landoscar fake married au :D
“Oh for god’s sake,” Max says, sounding exasperated. “Will you just fucking kiss him.” Logan is still chanting behind him.
“Right,” Oscar says, shaking his head. Then he squares his shoulders, takes Lando’s face in both of his hands, and kisses him.
And Jesus fuck.
They’ve hugged, before. They’ve fallen asleep tangled in each other’s arms. Heck, Lando frequently places obnoxious smacking kisses on Oscar’s cheek, much to Oscar’s annoyance. They’re no strangers to intimacy.
But this.
Oscar kisses him like he’s something precious, like he’s been waiting this whole life for this one moment. Like if he lets go, if he steps away, Lando is going to shatter in a million pieces. And he might, with the way Oscar’s thumb presses into his cheek, the way his lips slide against Lando’s. Lando’s hands have found their way to Oscar’s waist, and he can feel the way Oscar’s body moves against his below the soft fabric of his coat.
When Oscar pulls away his pupils are blown wide. There’s a strand of hair that has escaped the little swoosh his hair usually falls in, and Lando has to suppress the insane urge to tuck it back in. Next to him, Logan and Max are cheering loudly and obnoxiously, but Lando barely registers any of it. All he can think about is shit.
It would be so incredibly, insanely, ridiculously inconvenient if he actually fell in love with his fake husband.
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berriesandjunnie · 2 years
❝ the stylist chair ❞
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┆ ° ♡ • ➵ ✩ ◛ ° synopsis the job description didn’t mention meeting an angel in person. ┆ ° ♡ • ➵ ✩ ◛ ° genre & tags fluff / idol!jeonghan / stylist!reader / mutual pining / hannie is a little flirty / perhaps light swearing as usual / does breaking out of your shell around someone count as character development? / feelings are difficult ┆ ° ♡ • ➵ ✩ ◛ ° pairing jeonghan x afab!reader ┆ ° ♡ • ➵ ✩ ◛ ° w.c 4.9k words
┆ ° ♡ • ➵ ✩ ◛ ° author’s note this was requested by anon! thank you for requesting (: // i’m not a make-up artist nor do i do make-up at all on myself so don’t come for me if stuff is wrong 
˚ ༘♡ ·˚꒰ now loading… enjoy! ꒱ ₊˚ˑ༄  
“You start your new job today, right?” Your mother chirped up on the other end of the phone, ignorant to the fact you were trying to multitask - and failing miserably. It wasn’t supposed to be difficult, not exactly anyway but for some reason you always found ways to make the simplest things harder for yourself. Gathering paperwork, your portfolio and also choosing an outfit for your first day? Perhaps you’d given yourself too many tasks. 
“Uhh - yeah, some boy group...” you mumbled, sifting through your files case to find the right paperwork, not really paying attention to the conversation, “they recently had a stylist go on maternity leave... needed a filler.”
Your mother laughed softly through the phone speaker and you could picture her shaking her head as you swore quietly, completely in your own world. 
“I’ll leave you be, call me later! Good luck sweetie, they’ll love you!” You weren’t sure how your mother was so cheerful this early in the morning as you barely had wiped the sleep from your eyes. You hummed, acknowledging her absence as the call ended. Throwing your phone onto your bed, freshly made, you took a deep breath. 
It wasn’t a good idea to get so worked up before your first day at a new job, you couldn’t turn up in a foul mood - and what if things went wrong during the day? You didn’t need the added stress on top of that. This whole paperwork stuff wasn’t that important for your first day anyway, just some bank information that they could receive another day. Standing from your kneeling position next to your bed, your eyes turned towards the state of your wardrobe on the far side of the wall - there was more pressing matters to attend to.
Dressed in the comfiest clothes you could pick up without sifting through your dirty washing, you turned up to the Pledis building with minutes to spare. You were met by another young woman, dressed just as slack as you - a sigh of relief, if you say so yourself. You hadn’t underdressed nor overdressed for the occasion. You wasn’t too sure what was too little here, after all you were now a stylist for a multi-million dollar earning boy group, topping the charts worldwide. They could be specific about their stylists and how they look, you didn’t know otherwise. This was the first big job you’d landed. 
Her name was Sooyeon, she gave you a big beaming smile when you walked into the reception, her hands clasped in front of her and a few tattoos sneaking out from under her sleeves. She had dyed her hair following the split hair trend, proudly wearing pink and black on her hair. 
“You must be y/n?” She spoke softly as you approached, her eyes disappearing into creases with her smile, “it’s lovely to meet you.”
“You too.” You responded politely, not interested in making enemies on your first day. Yet as Sooyeon gestured her head for you to follow, you couldn’t dream of ever wanting to make enemies with her. 
“Perfect timing, by the way,” Sooyeon hummed as you both stepped into the elevator, your eyes watching her press the buttons, “they have a schedule today so we’ll be leaving soon. You can help us finish packing our things while we wait for them all.”
You’d prepped everything well at the makeshift vanity the recording show had shoved into the dressing room. You’d lined up his make-up perfectly and you’d stared over the descriptive sheet of the desired look for today’s schedule over fifty times. Yet you still hadn’t met him, let alone seen his face. Sooyeon said his name was Jeonghan - apparently mischievous and you should be aware of his pranks. Cringing slightly, you wondered why he had to be the member who was filling in the stylist for. 
A soft tap sounded on the open door behind you, causing you to whip around startled by the sudden sound in your silence. There was a gentle chuckle, almost angelic and you paused, staring the man in the face. Was that an angel? He gifted you a small smile, glimpsing his white teeth.
“You’re Hana’s temporary then?” He spoke up, respectful as he lingered by the open door, “my name is Jeonghan - what’s yours?”
The words made you freeze as you stuttered your words a little, unable to find the will to speak as you looked down at your feet.
“Y/n,” you uttered barely and Jeonghan still seemed to catch it, nodding, “I-uh, come in - I can’t do your make-up standing.”
Jeonghan chuckled once more, sauntering to the chair you’d been provided and sitting quietly. You admired the black shade of dye the staff had used on him and how well it complimented him and his skin tone before you turned to your things, humming to yourself as you got started on his make-up. He sat quietly, not battering an eyelid nor speaking to distract you. This was supposed to be the mischievous man? The one you was supposed to be careful of his pranks? You almost scoffed jokingly but you held it in, letting it crack a small smile onto your lips instead. Jeonghan didn’t miss it as you worked carefully on his eyeshadow.
“Thinking of anything interesting?” He mused, causing you to tense before you mentally shook the feeling from your body. You might as well small talk with him, you weren’t sure if you could manage if you made things awkward with him.
“Sooyeon told me to be careful of your pranks,” you admitted quietly as you paused his make-up to move your hair behind your ears, “but I can’t picture you being the type to prank people.”
He was quiet and you wondered if you’d said something wrong. With a beating heart, you chewed the inside of your cheek. How could you be so stupid this soon into the job? But moments later, he laughed once more - that sweet, angelic laugh.
“With my members, maybe,” Jeonghan hummed, closing his eyelid for you obediently when you gave the command with your hand, “they call me the mother of the group. I don’t think I could prank my stylists, you guys work too hard already.”
“Mother of the group?” You quirked a brow and Jeonghan’s laugh turned nervous, “are you the oldest?”
“No, second oldest,” his lips curved into a smile, “Seungcheol is our eldest.” 
“Why didn’t you tell me?” You quickly stepped back, staring at him in panic as he stared up at you - perhaps just as shocked by your sudden raise of your voice, “I’ve been speaking informally this whole time!”
His shoulders relaxed from where he had tensed up, his head hanging momentarily as he let out a sigh of relief. 
“Don’t ever do that to me again holy fuck...” He was quick to laugh again, shaking his head before looking back up at you. You furrowed your brows, glancing amongst his expression to try read his emotions.
“You’re not mad?” You asked quietly, blinking. It was Jeonghan’s turn to furrow his brows, shaking his head. 
“Did you think I’d get you fired or something?” He taunted, a smile curving his lips again, “relax, Sooyeon got you tense with that huh.”
You pursed your lips, too stubborn to announce he was in fact correct. Jeonghan saw it in your face, especially with the way your eyes darted away from him and towards the make-up products you had littered in front of him. He was quick to notice your bad habit of chewing your lip, something you’d been trying to work on for years. Your mother advised you to chew ice but was what you supposed to do, carry a bag of ice around with you?
He looked down at his hands, an amused smile tugging his lips as he held back a chuckle, fiddling with the rings adorning his fingers instead. 
You shoved some rice into your mouth, followed closely by some vegetables as you sat once more with Sooyeon at the small table. Seventeen were currently in the midst of their schedule, busy in front of the cameras. It felt wrong to be behind the scenes, watching them in person as you ate your lunch but you soon realised this was your reality - like a front row seat. No matter how much you tried to distract yourself, perhaps by thinking of what you’d be having for dinner that night or what time you should ring your mother later, you couldn’t get over your interaction with Jeonghan prior to this moment - your first interaction at that. 
And no matter how hard you tried to hide the tingly butterfly feeling in your tummy you got whenever you looked in Jeonghan’s direction, Sooyeon could see right through you like a window - on your first day at the job nonetheless. Your eyes fell back to Jeonghan before they slowly made their way down to your lunch. Sooyeon ran her tongue over her teeth, a cheeky grin growing on her face.
“That bad, huh?” Sooyeon teased, her voice low to stop any involvement from other staff. You blinked, confused as you stared at her. If you did say so yourself, your act was brilliant. Sooyeon wished she could snap a photo of your face on the other hand. 
“What do you mean?” You mumbled, turning your face back towards your food as gradual embarrassment loomed over your figure like a thundering black cloud. You could try shove your face with rice as much as you wanted but it wouldn’t hide the fact that you should have paid more attention in drama class and the thought made you squeeze your eyes shut.
“You won’t stop looking at him, y/n,” Sooyeon began again, basically whispering as she shuffled her things closer to you so your arms were touching. In your personal bubble, Sooyeon had all the control as her eyes glossed over the red hues in your cheeks, she knew it, “I know you don’t care about him ruining the make-up.”
Puffing your cheeks, you leaned back in your chair to try escape Sooyeon’s suffocating presence by your side but alas it was all for nothing. The wide grin on her face, the way she kept glancing between Jeonghan and yourself - it was all over. Raising your bottle of water to your lips, you figured the only way out of this was to play it cool.
“Script says they’ll be eating bibimbap in approximately ten minutes, not to mention the heat in here with no air conditioning? I can see his forehead shining from here,” you sighed, chopsticks back in your hand as you proceeded to ignore the way Sooyeon huffed and pouted, “I don’t know what you’re insinuating Sooyeon on my first day?”
Sooyeon grumbled under her breath, playing with her food before the room erupted into conversation and staff yelling commands - not to mention Seventeen’s own loud presence approaching their make-up artists. Jeonghan wore a smile as he approached, his aura radiating light-heartedness with a hint of tired. You stood from your seat within moments of noticing him, causing him to tut. 
“Sit down, will you?” He laughed, shaking his head as he pulled out the empty chair beside you, his eyes glancing at how close Sooyeon was sitting next to you, “finish your lunch first, there’s no need to rush.”
Your tongue poked your cheek, hands a little shaky at the situation as you lowered yourself back into the chair. Your initial plan was to shuffle away from Sooyeon once you’d finished Jeonghan’s touch up but now you were stuck in the midst of either being too close to Jeonghan or being too close to Sooyeon - neither of which you fancied right now. 
“Alright, okay.” You muttered, picking your chopsticks up once again as you quietly began to eat once more. Jeonghan leaned back in his chair, thumbing through his phone as he waited patiently for you to finish your lunch. Despite him saying there was no rush, you had in fact rushed what was left of your rice and vegetables, cleaning up your mess quickly so that you could get to work. 
Jeonghan didn’t fail to notice, his eyes borderline rolling into the back of his head as you leaned to reapply his lip tint, your finger dabbing his lips ever so gently. You couldn’t deny you needed to look into this brand, the lip tint did an amazing job of somehow making his lips look so plump. You paused. What the hell was you thinking? Jeonghan watched as you blinked, a little frozen before moving away from him again, fetching a clean applicating cushion and gently tapping away at his skin, removing the drops of sticky sweat he’d gathered on his forehead. 
“How are you feeling?” Jeonghan asked suddenly as you was cleaning up what you’d used, causing you to glance at him.
“Hm?” You hummed, raising a brow as you sat back in your chair. Heat rushed to your cheeks but it seemed to affect your whole body, suffocating you in a tight hug.
“We’re suffering in these loose outfits, how are you feeling in a hoodie?” Jeonghan reiterated, his eyes glancing you once over in your hoodie and jeans, “I can ask the staff to get you a fan.”
“It’s fine, I promise,” you laughed, shaking your head as you waved him off. Jeonghan scowled, “you guys haven’t got long left, I’ll live.”
Kicking off your sneakers that night, you’d never flopped onto your bed so quickly. Admittedly, you’d long shrugged off the hoodie you’d worn all day in a sweaty environment, leaving you in your sports bra as you laid beneath your air conditioning, soaking in the cool atmosphere in comparison to what you’d be in all day. Of course, it wouldn’t be long before you found yourself in the shower but for a moment, all your aching legs and sticky skin wanted to do was lay there and bask in what you’d been waiting for all day - the comfort of your own apartment. 
In the midst of poor clothing choices, no air conditioning and stuffy rooms full of staff, you also had your tricky dilemma involving Sooyeon’s awful invasion of privacy and Jeonghan’s teasing nature. Swallowing the tough lump in your throat, you debated admitting your sins to Sooyeon - specifically the one about Jeonghan’s lips but you gathered you’d never hear the end of it, especially with the whole “first day on the job” shit. 
The dilemma faded perhaps after two days. Sooyeon brought all the lies you’d tattled, which you thought was odd considering it was like she was looking through a window when she looked at you but you didn’t complain - at least she was no longer grinning like the Cheshire cat in your ear about looking at Jeonghan. It was peace of mind that you could go about your job without dating scandals, you figured his fans would pull that for you let alone without Sooyeon’s help. 
“Something on your mind today?” Jeonghan perked up from where he sat with his eyes shut, your finger dusting a shimmery powder onto your eyelids. He hadn’t missed how quiet you’d been since you’d started his make-up for today’s photoshoot. Of course, you’d uttered your hellos and how are yous but nothing more extensive like you had on your first day. He’d never admit it but Jeonghan was slightly concerned he’d said something wrong or put you in an awkward position. 
“Not really,” the lie slipped from your mouth instantly without a second thought, “I feel like I have no interesting conversation topics for you, is all.”
Jeonghan chuckled a little, opening his eyes the moment you mumbled to say you were done with his eye make-up. They followed you and your every movement as you packed away the make-up you’d just used and instead got out the lip tint you’d be using that day. Your hands were gentle, never roughly grabbing anything and always putting things away neatly like it was jenga. He hadn’t failed to miss the small things you did like the way you stuck your tongue out of the corner of your mouth when you concentrated or the way you’d twizzle the ring your mother gifted you as a graduation present while you were bored behind the scenes. 
“What, have we spoke about everything in the world in two days?” Jeonghan scoffed lightly, amused nonetheless that you’d avoided speaking to him, “tell me about you.”
Your finger froze, hovering just above his lips as you once more found yourself in a predicament with this man. Clicking your tongue, you shook your head and continued applying the lip tint. 
“What’s there to know? I work as a make-up artist and my name is y/n.” The words were a little sharp but you were getting defensive over Jeonghan’s need to know about you and Jeonghan was finding it ever so amusing as he watched the tiny little flame flicker in your eyes. 
“Do you have any siblings? Where’s your mom and dad? Do you own any pets?” Jeonghan blurted out a series of questions, ones you should have known was coming but you couldn’t help but sigh as you turned away to put the lip tint in your case. 
“Are you writing my biography?” You quirked a brow as you found yourself looking at him behind you in the mirror. Jeonghan stared back confidently, a sly smirk on his face. 
“Maybe,” he shrugged, “the extravagant life of y/n l/n.” His hands acted as if he was reading it on a billboard in New York City, chuckling as you scoffed and rolled your eyes.
“Extravagant? You mean boring.” You uttered, taking a baby wipe out of a packet to rub off the make-up on your hands. Jeonghan jutted out his lower lip that you wasn’t finding his biography act amusing.
“Well, I’m the one writing the biography and you never answered my questions,” he huffed in a slight tantrum, “so how am I supposed to know whether I can title it extravagant or not?”
“We don’t have the time for-” Jeonghan broke you off, grabbing your wrist as you attempted to walk past him. Your eyes met as he stared up at you, “we have ten minutes until I have to go.” 
He was a pain in more than one location, you thought as you swallowed a painkiller to cope with your cramps. You were waiting for him to turn up but today you weren’t so sure if you wanted to cope with his personality whilst it felt like a knife was being turned in your stomach. Yet the door opened wide before it shut again, his lanky figure sauntering over to the chair you’d set out for him. Your hand reached to shove the packet of painkillers back into your bag but Jeonghan caught sight of them sooner than you thought.
“Is everything okay?” His brows furrowed as he stood before you, suddenly refusing to sit down as your knees almost buckled beneath you, “why didn’t you call in sick?”
“Because I’m not sick now sit down,” you mumbled, turning to gather your things as usual but Jeonghan hadn’t seated himself, “it’s just cramps - you know, that monthly stuff you guys hate.”
“Oh come on,” Jeonghan chuckled with a shake of his head, bringing over another chair, “I’d hardly call those types guys, take a seat.”
“I can’t sit down I have to do your make-up.” You argued and Jeonghan rolled his eyes, finally sitting in his seat.
“Duh that’s your job but not today,” he hummed, looking over the stuff you’d laid out as he tucked his chair closer to the mirror, “sit down and talk me through it, I’ll do it today.”
You opened your mouth to speak but suddenly you buckled, falling back into the chair Jeonghan had fetched as another sharp jabbing pain hit you in the abdomen. Jeonghan glanced at you in the mirror, “that’s why.”
Frowning, you watched his pale fingers drift among the products you used on him, clicking his tongue. 
“There’s so many,” Jeonghan laughed a little at this and you couldn’t help but crack a smile, “you start with something on my face, right? Which one is it?”
“That bottle on the far left, it’s a little messy because it spills in my case,” your voice was meek as you grimaced at the pains kicking your ass, “why are you caring for me?”
“You forget that you’re Hana’s temporary because she’s on maternity leave - right? I’ve cared for a pregnant lady up until she was too far gone to keep working, I know what you guys’ bodies is like,” Jeonghan hummed, his eyes watching his hands as he carefully applied the liquid like you’d told him, “Hana always said these times of the month were your bodies being angry you didn’t give them a child - so I told her it must be happy now she’s pregnant.”
The realisation hit you once more than you were only with Jeonghan a temporary amount of time, like a sand timer as you watched his movements carefully. 
“Do you miss Hana?” You asked quietly and Jeonghan glanced at you in the mirror, pausing your actions. 
“What, think I don’t like you and I prefer Hana or something?” Jeonghan mused, not answering your question. You pouted and he rolled his eyes, turning his attention back to his make-up. 
Jeonghan had almost became a friend in the midst of you standing over him applying weird feeling liquids and powders to his face practically daily. Yet somehow you’d both managed to carry the most tense, awkward aura when you were together and it was always ten times worse when you had to be in his face and touching his lips - your mother called it sexual tension but you brushed her off saying there was nothing happening between the two of you. You could basically see her smiling through the phone when you said that. 
Today was like every other day with you sat in your chair devouring your lunch while Jeonghan was hard at work across the room. Today was an interview, mainly for promoting Seventeen’s latest comeback but you didn’t miss how weird the questions were - specifically when the MC asked “where’s your favourite place?” but you shrugged it off as wanting to get a vibe of what each member was like off camera. 
But as you scooped rice into your mouth - sort of like a vaccuum - it became Jeonghan’s turn and you listened carefully to the angelic laugh he let out from across the room before he admitted his ‘favourite place’ was in fact the stylist chair. The words caused you to freeze on the spot, like you had turned to stone in Medusa’s presence and Sooyeon caught it all with her eyes like a high definition camera. 
“Y/n?” She whispered, her voice for once not teasing you as her eyes fell to the way you’d become a statue. She waved her hand in front of your face, watching as you blinked your now dry eyes and slowly turned to her. 
“Did he say that?” You mumbled and Sooyeon slowly nod, her eyes glancing across the large warehouse-like room to where Jeonghan sat. 
“Girl...” Sooyeon cracked a small smile, nudging you with her elbow, “and he’s looking this way right now.”
The next day you couldn’t even utter a word in his direction let alone look at him as he walked into the room, whistling a tune as if nothing had happened - to him maybe it hadn’t. He’d perhaps admitted he found the stylist chair comforting because you allowed him to be a human with no cameras for some time or because you shared jokes and acted like a friend. Definitely not for the reasons you’d been listing in your head ever since he said it. 
Jeonghan glanced at you before glossing his eyes over your outfit choice - you were wearing the hoodie you’d worn weeks ago on your first day, the one that suffocated you with no air conditioning. His tongue reached out to wet his lips as he sat in the chair you stood beside, a smile growing on his face at your stubbornness when it regarded this hoodie.
“Any specific reason I’m getting silent treatment? Or is there a lack of content for the biography again?” He hadn’t let go of that stupid biography skit and he used it consistently when he was in the stylist chair to make you spew information about yourself. He loved it, he loved listening to you speak about yourself. Sometimes when you gossiped over little details, he would watch the sparkle in your eyes and he’d never miss how excited you got to discuss certain topics - one of these was your childhood pets. 
“Are you ignoring what you said yesterday or was it a fever dream?” You finally spoke, your throat a little raspy because you’d spent the last night screaming into your pillow crying out of stress that you didn’t know what his intentions were with that interview. Jeonghan let out a small “aaaah..”
“Is that bothering you so much?” He taunted, turning to face your beet red face stood beside him, “is there a problem with me liking this chair so much? Sitting in your company and enjoying you as a person?”
“Stop saying that shit,” you scoffed, folding your arms across your chest, “I’m your make-up artist for fucks sake.”
“So?” Jeonghan mumbled, mimicking your attitude by folding his arms across his chest - you narrowed your eyes at this, “maybe I don’t want you to just be my make-up artist, y/n but your stubborn ass is going to throw a fit about that, isn’t it?”
It didn’t go straight over your head but boy, you wanted it to. You stared at him, the muscles of your arms relaxing involuntarily as the room went silent between you. It was thick with a tense atmosphere that you could slice with a knife like cake. Jeonghan chewed at his tongue, already regretting his words when you took longer than a few seconds to respond. There’s no way he meant it like that, right? Maybe he just wanted to exchange instagram usernames so you could be friends outside of work - but that felt like a crime in itself.
“What?” You whispered, unsure how to feel but maybe that was because there was a million thoughts bouncing around in your head that you couldn’t even focus on the way Jeonghan had made his lower lip bleed under the pressure of his teeth. He rubbed his clammy hands onto his jeans, trying to dry them as if he wasn’t physically sweating from announcing a workplace crush. 
“You know exactly what I was doing with the biography bullshit y/n,” Jeonghan sighed as if he was annoyed with himself that he’d been caught in the act, “I wanted to know so much about you because every time you spoke about yourself, I could admire your actions and the way you reacted. I got to watch you lick your lips when you’d made them dry from talking so much about your favourite vinyl record. All the tiny little things about you I learnt in this chair - because you wouldn’t open up to me without some jokey skit covering my curiosity and I fell in love with everything.”
There was that thick suffocating silence again, sending both Jeonghan and your own mind racing as you stared at each other again. Your eyes were going dry and the stinging pain caused you to sharply turn away, blinking furiously as your eyes began to water in response to your stupid actions. 
“I think maybe we need to speak about this outside of work?”
The front door opened and you furrowed your brows from where you stood in the kitchen, slicing up celery and numerous other vegetables for the dinner you were preparing. There was only one person who had a key to your apartment and it certainly wasn’t your mother because you’d left your front door locked after you came home from work that morning. You’d been at work prior to do Jeonghan’s make-up as usual and then after shooting, you’d come home early - this was one of the much rarer days where you had such a freedom. Jeonghan had dance practise after the photoshoot and you knew damn well he didn’t need make-up for that. 
Lanky arms wrapped around your waist and the grin grew on your face almost immediately at the sickening sweet smell of his cologne washing over you. 
“I see you’ve taken to letting yourself into my apartment,” you mused teasingly, focusing on the vegetables, “how was practise?”
He chuckled, his chest vibrating against your back as he leaned down to press a kiss to your head. 
“Well, you did give me a key,” Jeonghan taunted and you admit, you scowled despite the fact he was very correct, “Hana visited us to show us her little newborn, he was so cute!”
“I bet he was loud too.” You hummed, scooping the sliced vegetables into the saucepan on your right. Jeonghan made a soft noise as if he was thinking. 
“I think Seungkwan and Soonyoung might have been louder...” 
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