#good job drawing those penalties baby!
whatever-dude · 2 years
literally why do all the other teams hate bee? everyone’s always tripping him and hitting him and just being very mean to him. he is a precious baby, leave him alone
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pesterloglog · 5 months
Rose Lalonde, Dirk Strider
Act 1, page 610-614
ROSEBOT: Looks like you're getting pretty good at motivational speaking.
DIRK: Well someone needed to shake the rust off of her.
DIRK: She's getting nerves.
DIRK: Right before the big game.
DIRK: We're never gonna make it to nationals at this rate.
ROSEBOT: Ah, fuck. The sports.
ROSEBOT: How quickly I forgot them.
DIRK: There's gotta be some kind of sports penalty, for forgetting the sports.
ROSEBOT: Oh, definitely.
ROSEBOT: I've been very bad and I need to be punished, to preserve the integrity of the sports.
DIRK: Let me just slip into my jackass sports judge mime outfit and get to laying down the fucking sports law.
ROSEBOT and DIRK: Let's stop saying sports.
DIRK and ROSEBOT: Agreed.
DIRK: Speaking of outfits, though, look at you.
ROSEBOT: You like it?
DIRK: It's chic.
DIRK: I dig the return of the hood.
DIRK: You could deliver a whole hell of a lot of cryptic prophecies out from under that sucker.
ROSEBOT: Yes, well, I figured that if I'm to appear before our chosen peoples as a harbinger of their simultaneous doom and salvation, I may as well look the part.
DIRK: Do you feel the part?
ROSEBOT: It doesn't really matter what I feel.
ROSEBOT: We have a job to do, and I'm trying to enjoy myself to the best of my ability while we do it.
DIRK: Trying, huh.
ROSEBOT: Speaking frankly, I've grown tired of...
ROSEBOT: Fussing over all the tedious minutiae of getting the baby's room ready.
ROSEBOT: The prospect of this Contest was entertaining to me for a time, but the longer it drags on, the closer we draw to the due date, the more it... repulses me.
ROSEBOT: I'm glad you've agreed that we're basically done tinkering here. I don't think I have much more patience for it.
DIRK: I can tell.
ROSEBOT: I'm also glad you've elected to hear Terezi out vis-a-vis the timeskip and save us the hassle of guiding the Deltritans manually.
ROSEBOT: I know it must be hard for you.
DIRK: Sorry.
DIRK: Got caught up with something.
ROSEBOT: Far be it from me to stand between you and your enigmatic somethings.
DIRK: You're welcome to stand wherever you like.
DIRK: Anyway, no, it isn't that hard for me.
DIRK: It'd be fun, but as I keep having to explain to people, I'm willing to compromise on certain points.
DIRK: Though I will say it's unfortunate to hear you making them, instead of our complainer on retainer.
ROSEBOT: What can I say?
ROSEBOT: I don't feel particularly inclined to play house right now.
DIRK: Not even with me, huh?
ROSEBOT: Not even with you.
ROSE: Thank you for taking me with you, Dirk.
DIRK: Yeah?
ROSE: I may be less than enchanted with this stage of the work, but I know it's important.
ROSE: It's just straying dangerously close to a lot of things I'm trying not to fixate on right now.
ROSE: Wounds that are still fresh, for me as a sum and for the myriad legions of my parts.
ROSE: Home.
ROSE: Family.
ROSE: Petty, little things.
ROSE: Personal things.
DIRK: Those are important, too.
ROSE: Not as important as this is.
ROSE: For all my temporary discomfort with the prospect of settling down on Deltritus and starting what could very loosely be considered a family with you, I want you to know that my heart is in what we're working towards-
DIRK: Technically, you don't have a heart.
ROSE: Shut up.
ROSE: - and that I'm happy to be here with you.
ROSE: Not drifting around in a constrictive, small pond, getting caught up in trivialities like politics and celebrity and romance,
ROSE: But saving the fucking universe.
DIRK: ...
DIRK: Well.
DIRK: You're welcome.
DIRK: I don't think there's anyone I'd rather be doing this with than you.
DIRK: The rest of them just don't have it in them right now to understand what it is we're fighting for, here.
DIRK: They can't grasp the stakes.
DIRK: Even now, they're on their way here, actively trying to stop us from saving them all.
DIRK: They'll probably catch us right before our entrance into the Game, actually.
DIRK: I won't insult you by asking if you're going to be okay when the time comes to face them, demanding answers they won't accept to questions they aren't even asking, because I know that you will.
DIRK: So I'm glad to have you with me.
DIRK: I'm glad you understand.
DIRK: I'm doing this for all of us.
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donutloverxo · 4 years
The proposition
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@sweater-daddiesdumbdork asked for "hmm. Gentle fluff or smut, can be both. Whatever your in the mood for babes. Long or short as you would like." Ok I know the story doesn't really fit the gif or the request but I love it so much🥺🥺
Summary - Wilford has a proposition for you and Curtis.
Warnings - smut, virgin reader, blood/cum play, dark themes, technically non con/dub con since it is coercion
Pairing - Curtis Everett x reader
Word count - 3.5k
Masterlist is linked in the bio!
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You looked at the wooden board contemplating your next move. You had gotten somewhat better at playing, after practicing for so many years. But you still weren’t nearly as good as Wilford.
“Check” You warned and grinned as you trapped his king with your knight.
“Hm” he hummed staring off into the distance. He was really out of it throughout the game.
“Is something wrong?” You spoke casually and felt a shiver go down your spine. Suddenly on edge again.
You often forgot that you’re supposed to hate him. After everything he’s done to so many people, even if he was somewhat kind to you, he was far from a good person.
You never even knew about the state of the tail section. Not until the revolution that happened months ago. Their conditions had gotten considerably better. But they and their leader were still struggling and fighting for their rights.
“Well if you really want to know...” He paused chewing on his finger while he supported the weight of his head with his palm. “There’s Curtis. He’s clearly not happy. He’s making it difficult for me to mould him into a perfect heir.”
“Oh” You let out. The disdain Curtis held for Wilford was really obvious. You had never spoken to him but you accompanied Wilford to several of his meetings. “Maybe you can meet him in the middle? Give into his needs a bit?” You said your voice strained. You didn’t need him second guessing your loyalty.
“I’ve been more than generous with him.” He scoffed “We have to maintain equilibrium. Perfect balance.” He went on his usual lecture taking out your knight with his queen “If only you were a bit smarter... and a man I wouldn’t even need Curtis.” He stated his eyes staring at the board.
“I’m sorry.” You hung your head in shame. Ashamed that you couldn’t be enough to satisfy him, be of any use to him. And that you craved his approval in the first place.
“At the end of the day” He said finally looking at you “How devoted are you? How far would you go for me?” He asked and looked at you expectedly.
“I – I’ll do anything for you sir. You know that.” You stammered. He had yet to ask you to do any tasks for him. Expect for keeping him company. You doubted he'd ask for anything too extreme from you. Not when he had so many skilled people do the job for him.
“That’s all I needed to hear.” He said giving you a chillingly warm smile that highlighted the wrinkles around his eyes.
Curtis struggled to not punch a hole into a wall to let the anger bubbling inside him out. Every time Wilford called him up to the ‘sacred engine’ it was for something incredibly stupid.
Like fucking tea parties with macaroons or mini sandwiches. The pompous ass called himself ‘A man of taste. That’s how I know you’re special.’
Now Curtis would have to eat those ridiculous cookies or sliders or whatever he serves him and listen to his bullshit.
But he knew that had no right to complain. This was a small price to pay for all the work he had been doing to help HIS people.
They were given five more sections of the train. Proper food and clean water. It was acceptable. But it still wasn’t enough.
He had his own spacious room since he’s 'one of the big guys now'. He felt guilty living in it. To have clean water to shower everyday, have more than enough food to keep him full.
It had been 17 years since he was alone in a room. With his thoughts. Now he got to sleep on his plush mattress all by himself. It should feel good. But he was guilty. He wouldn’t rest until his people got the same privileges. No matter how long it takes.
Wilford agreed to his terms, and negotiated with him for hours, when he had him over a barrel. It was either that or Curtis blows up the train.
The first few weeks were rough. He felt completely hopeless and crushed. Knowing from then on that he could only trust himself in this dog eats dog world. The people he did love and care for were now all dead.
So he did what he had been doing for the past two decades. Threw himself into work and planning with a clear goal in mind.
He finally reached his destination finding Wilford waiting for him. Welcoming him with a smile.
“Why don’t you sit down for a while?” He asked when Curtis merely stood there glaring at him.
“Can we make this quick.” He snapped.
“Why do you have places to be?” Wilford laughed calling for you to come out of the corner. Where you usually stood and watched his meetings take place. He introduced you to Curtis “But you must know her by now.” He inquired raising a grey eyebrow at him.
“Yeah.” Curtis gave you a small nod glaring at you as if he was ready to cut you up then and there. You had no idea why he seemed more angry with you than he did with Wilford.
“Well you’ve been on edge. And you know men have needs...” He trailed off shrugging “You can have her as your own. You’ll need an heir soon enough.” He continued.
Leaving you completely stunned. He wanted to sell you off as if you were a breeding mare.
When your father ‘gave' you to Wilford ,just over 4 years ago, you thought you’d have to do that with him. Keep him satisfied like the prostitutes in section 5 do.
But you were surprised to find that Wilford never really cared much for sex. Not with you or anyone else. He decided to ‘keep' you even went far as to call you a pet. Someone adorably stupid he liked to teach things and impart his wisdom to.
The thought of being with Curtis in that way wasn’t repulsive, not as much as it was with Wilford, but you were sure that he’d hurt you. That he hated your guts.
“That won’t be necessary.” Curtis stated “is that all?” He said completely done with this whole situation. And needing to get out of this place that just stinks of Wilford.
“Now now what’s the rush? Is she not enough? I thought you’d like someone simpler or I would’ve called for a professional.” To which Curtis shook his head dryly laughing at the ridiculous proposition. “Do you have someone else in mind? Someone in the tail section? No one there would be healthy enough to bare a child.”
To which Curtis gritted his teeth, clenching his jaw.
He did you a once over. He could see your curvy and plump figure even through your baggy clothes. That’s what he hated about you the most. The fact that he was so attracted to you. And that you always looked so goddamn irresistible.
“I don’t need a whore.” He spit.
“How about you watch your language and your tone” Wilford frowned “She won’t be a whore. She’ll be the mother of your children. You can marry her if you want to. Not that it would mean anything.” Wilford paused letting him process his words. “I’ll tell you what. You can have any woman you want.”
“How about no?” He snarked even though he knew better.
“I wasn’t really asking.” he sighed. Irritated at just how annoyingly stubborn Curtis could be. “You do this and maybe I’ll be more open to negotiating.”
Curtis shook his head in disbelief and looked at you. You had been quiet the entire time. Just like you always are. He had never heard your voice. He would certainly remember it if he did.
“And you’re okay with this?” He asked you.
Your eyes darted back and forth between both of them. “Ye – yes” You stammered. Feeling as if you were suddenly put on the spot. You didn’t really have much of a choice.
“Does tonight sound good to you?” Wilford asked you and you gave him a small nod. “Well then you should go on and get ready sweetheart” He cooed at you softly and you followed. Looking at Curtis one last time before going back to your room.
“Is this really necessary?” Curtis asked as he watched you leave.
“You’re still in your prime. This is the best time to have a baby that’d healthy. You know what they said better late.”
Curtis stayed for a bit discussing these ‘negotiations' Wilford had promised. But he was sure of one thing. No way in hell is he fucking a front sectioner. Let alone have a kid with one. He wouldn’t be caught dead trying to bring a child in this fucked up world.
You seemed impressionable. He could easily convince you to lie.
Your roommate Laura helped you pick out a dress for the night. Giving you some pointers on how to please men.
“And don’t forget to remind him to pull out.” She warned. Knowing the penalty for birthing more than one baby, in most cases, is very high. “Oh yeah you wouldn’t need to do that...” She trailed off feeling sympathy for you “Then I’ve heard that you should keep his cum in you for as long as you can. Let gravity do the work.”
You zoned her out. Needing her to stop talking because you were anxious enough.
“Aren’t you nervous though? To be a mom? I’d be terrified.”
Terrified. Yeah that’s what you should be. But you felt eerily calm. “I’m taking it one day at a time. Or I’d go crazy.” You muttered out in response to her.
Your steps were slow as you made your way to Curtis. What happens if he finds you lacking? Or so repulsive that he can’t even get it up. Would Wilford forgive you. How grave would his punishment even be.
You found yourself worrying more for Curtis. Wilford still held a soft spot for you. But as much as he claimed to be smitten by Curtis, it was clear that he held a bias. Like most front sectioners did against the tail Enders.
You knocked on his door before letting yourself in. Looking around for him. His room was, as you expected, much larger than yours. It held a king bed in the middle of it, unlike your twin beds. It was much cleaner and organised as well.
Your eyes fell on an old worn out paper which held what looked like a charcoal drawing. You held it up studying it.
“What the hell are you doing here?” You jumped as you heard him growl. You turned around to see him standing just a few feet away from you, dressed only with a towel hanging low on his hips.
“Uh I’m here for... the...you know...” What the hell were you supposed to call it? Babymaking?
“We won’t be doing that. You will sit there, quietly, for a few hours and leave.” He ordered looking through his dressed for his clothes.
Even though water was abundant to him now, he wasn’t going to be wasteful with it. So he only showered in the evenings. To wash the whole day off of him.
Maybe a part of him knew you’d be here. And wanted to look presentable to him. Which, he knew, was stupid. You’d never see him that way. And he didn’t need to work to impress someone like you.
“We can’t do that.” You mumbled taking in his naked torso. His shoulders were broad and he And you were pleasantly surprised to see just how huge he was.
“Why?” He asked pulling a shirt and some pants out. He looked back at you expecting an answer.
“He – a doctor will be examining me tomorrow. They’ll probably figure it out.” You said hugging yourself to make yourself small. Averting your gaze to avoid the intensity of his eyes.
“Fine then.” He huffed. He looked through the dresser to search for the lotion that came with the room. He could probably use it as lube, get it over with. It wouldn’t be too hard for him to do it and he wasn’t really looking to hurt you either. “Lay down on the bed” He instructed handing you the bottle as you settled on top of his mattress.
He opened his mouth about to tell you to apply it between your legs but then “I’ve never done this before you know. Just thought you should know.” You confessed still unable to look him in the eye.
“What? That’s not possible.” He frowned at you “Aren’t you supposed to be Wilfords whore?” He snapped.
Which set you off. This was the second time today he had called you a whore. “You really think you have the moral high ground to call me that?” you swallowed as he looked taken aback by your words. “I don’t know what I am to Wilford. What I do know is – if we don’t do as he says we’ll have to pay.”
“I’ll take my chances.” He scoffed.
“Don’t. You’ll regret it.” You said gravely. Shedding off your clothes. There was no point in prolonging it. “Can we turn the lights off?” You asked.
“No.” He let out as he looked at your dress. Bunched up around your waist. Giving him a generous look at your thick thighs.
He loosened his towel a bit as he felt himself harden at just the thought of you naked.
He hadn’t been with a woman in decades. Too afraid to bring a child in this world. There were offers from many to suck him off. But he was never particularly interested. He took care of himself as hastily and as quietly as he could, in his bunk late at night.
Despite everything, how lucky he was right now to have the things he had, how far he had come, he had also suffered a lot. Gave up a lot. Maybe he deserved something he took just for himself.
He dropped his towel onto the floor, revealing his erection to you. He climbed on the bed and crawled to you.
You stared at his long length, how scary and angry it looked pressed hard against this taut abs. “I uh what do I do with this?” You asked looking at the lotion.
“Forget about it.” He tossed the bottle away and worked on rolling your panties down your legs.
You shivered as cold air touched your exposed core. “Oh” You gasped as you felt his fingers nudge your warm folds.
“Off with this too.” He demanded taking your dress off your head.
You quickly brought your hands up to cover your exposed chest. Shifting in your place. The reality of the situation suddenly hit you. This was really happening. It was all too quick. There wasn’t nearly enough time for you to process your emotions.
He pushed you on your back and quickly settled between your legs. Smelling a whiff of your arousal. He knew he was being hasty. If he wasn’t patient it would be over too soon. But he was so damn hard he felt as he’d bust right then and there. He rolled his hips into the mattress to relieve some of the pressure from his groins.
He groaned at the sight of your naked body above him. Your soft stomach, your breast laid flat as your chest heaved. He dove in for a taste. Pleased with just how wet you already were and at the way you squirmed. He almost let himself believe that you wanted him. That you were so aroused just for him.
But he knew better than to believe that. It was far from the truth. You were just as forced into this situation as he was. He was just trying to make the best of it.
Before he could eat you properly you lightly pushed at his head. “Wait.” Your voice scratchy. You propped yourself on your elbows so you could look at him “I don’t... want it to hurt. Please.” You pleaded.
“That depends on how much you cooperate.” He threatened and you laid back. You whimpered as he sucked your clit, wrapping his mouth around it. He pushed a finger inside you and then another. Holding a hand flat on your stomach to stop you from moving. It was different than when you played with yourself with your fingers.
You cried out loud for the whole train to hear when he rolled your bundle of nerves between his fingers while fucking you with his tongue. You came on his tongue. Feeling more intense than you had ever before.
He lapped up everything you gave him. Not wanting to waste a single drop. He trailed kisses up your nipping just under your breasts and wrapping his lips around one dark hard bud. He sucked it harshly gently pulling on your other nipple, just to get a reaction out of you. You whimpered cradling his head close to your chest.
All too soon he released your nipple and supported his weight on his forearms to look down at you.
You looked so perfectly dazed. Staring at him hazily through your hooded eyes. Your lips bruised and bleeding. Were you biting them so hard to keep, and fail, from making those singular noises?
He couldn’t help it. He knew he’d regret it the second he thought of it. But he needed to know what your mouth tasted like. He nibbled on your bottom lip for a bit before capturing your lips for a kiss.
His first one as far as he can remember. He wondered if he was your first kiss too. He tilted his head to get an angle that would allow him to explore your mouth the best. Moaning into it he brought his hands up to cradle your face. Somehow kissing your mouth felt more intimate than kissing your cunt.
He finally pulled away so you could both breathe. He took in a few deep breathes before nudging your lips with his tip, before seething himself into you.
He was deliberately slow. Drawing out the pleasure for both of you because he didn’t want to hurt you. Far from it. He wanted you to scream his name just like you were minutes before.
He groaned into your ear as he bottomed out. Giving you all the time you needed to adjust to his length. He pulled your earlobe between his teeth. Snaking a hand beneath your hips he raised them so he could thrust deeper inside you.
You mewled and moaned under him, chanting his name as if it was a prayer, as he slowly rutted into you. He wondered, if it was because of him. Or it wouldn’t really make much of a difference to you of it was some front sectioners cock instead of his.
Your walls were so snug and tight around him. He knew he wouldn’t last long. He tried to think of all the work he had to do, hell even thought of Wilford just to hold off.
But he couldn’t. Not with the way you were squeezing him. He quickly pulled out and stroked himself to completion. Ropes of his cum painted your stomach. He felt strangely possessive at that. As if he marked you as his own.
He sat up on his knees, looking down at you and stroking your thighs, he admire his work.
“What did you do?” You asked as you felt his warm spend on your stomach. It had been feeling so good for you, you were almost at the edge when he pulled out. You knew he was supposed to finish inside you.
He didn’t bother to answer you before his broad shoulders nudged the inside of your thighs to fit him. He lapped up at your cunt again. Determined to bring you off at least once more. He moaned at the tangy taste of your blood, and your juices mixed with his.
It didn’t take long for him to work up your sensitive and overworked folds and cunt. This orgasm was somehow more intense, if that was even possible.
Curtis settled beside you. Wiping his mouth off with his hand he turned off the light. He thought about asking you to go back to your room.
But then you curled up against his arm, wrapping your little hands around it. You settled your head in the crook of his neck. He would get up later to clean you both up later. Right now he just needed to commit this moment to memory. So he’d never forget it.
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Tags will be in the reblog! If you want in on the taglist lemme know via dm/ask or click the link in the bio.
Yayyy I finally wrote for Curtis! Idk if there will be a part two to this. Snowpiercer is just too dark for a soft girl like me🥺🥺
Please note that my works are not to be reposted on any other website/blog. Reblogs are welcome though!
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hockeylvr59 · 4 years
Honest Love Part 5 || Cale Makar
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Requested: [ ] yes [x] no
Authors Note:  It only took me two months to write this next part but I think maybe just maybe I’m starting to get some muse back. Let me know what you think about this part. 
Warnings: smut, cursing
Word Count: 3,345
Looking over at the clock beside the bed you watched as the numbers flipped from 11:59 to 12:00, your brain thinking about everything that meant. Not only were you now officially 7 weeks pregnant but it was arguably the most special day of the year. It was so special because 22 years ago Laura Makar had given birth to your best friend, the love of your life, and now the father of the little bundle of cells growing inside of you. 
Watching Cale sleep, you smiled thinking about everything you had planned for his birthday. He had a hockey game to play but you were still determined to celebrate and you had a few tricks up your sleeve of things he’d enjoy. Starting now. 
Folding the covers back a bit, you slid down the bed so that you were level with your boyfriend’s hips. Then you carefully tugged his boxers down just enough to free his soft length, peeking up to check for any sign that he was starting to stir. Satisfied that he hadn’t started to wake just yet, you licked your lips to wet them before leaning forward to press kisses all along his dick feeling at least this part of his anatomy start to respond to the stimuli. Using your fingers, you continued to stroke him to full hardness before finally wrapping your lips around the pink head of him. 
It was at that action that you felt him jump a little and you watched as his eyes slowly fluttered open. He groaned seeing you using kitten licks against his tip and you smirked before taking him fully into your mouth for just a moment. 
“Happy birthday.” You whispered softly when you pulled back to breathe. Hearing Cale groan again, you took him back into your mouth, taking him as deeply as possible. Your nails traced teasingly down his thighs and you continued to blow him until he breathed your name, his voice strangled. “Just relax handsome. Let me take care of you.” You assured him. “Birthday boys deserve birthday blow jobs.” You added, feeling empowered by his reactions. As you took him back into your mouth you felt his hands tangle in your hair and you hummed around him in response letting him know that you liked it. 
Your blowjob wasn’t rushed but it wasn’t really slow and lazy either. You knew that you needed to get him off and then let him go back to sleep so that he was well rested for his birthday game. Focused on your goal, you went through the series of things you know he likes until he was a mess beneath you, squirming and cursing softly with his eyes blown. 
“That’s it handsome. Cum for me.” You murmured pressing kisses along his length while you caught your breath. Sinking down on him again you rolled his balls between your fingers until you felt him twitch and groan, his semen spilling in ropes into your mouth. Swallowing, you licked him clean before tucking him back into his boxers and sliding back up the bed to kiss him. It was clear his brain was foggy and you smirked to yourself before settling back against his side. “Get some sleep hun. Busy birthday ahead.” You assured him, smiling when he mumbled something resembling a thank you before crashing hard, his hand settling back against your stomach. 
Cale had already left for morning skate by the time you woke up again and you smiled when you realized he had left you breakfast. It was his birthday and you were supposed to be taking care of him but that was still hard when your fatigue levels were still much higher than you would like them to be. Eating the food, you looked around your living room thinking about all the things you needed to do for Cale’s birthday. You had planned to run the errands this morning while he was out and then once he left for the game you were going to put it all together, decorating, laying out his presents, and making dinner for his post-game meal before heading to the arena yourself. 
Sliding into some oversized clothes after finishing breakfast, you headed out to pick up the semi-healthy cake you had ordered for your boyfriend along with the array of balloons. Thankfully it was all easy enough to hide and you were back just relaxing on the couch when he came home to take his pregame nap. 
“There’s the birthday boy!” You greeted with a smile, laughing as his cheeks flushed in response. “Did you eat at the rink or should I make lunch?” You questioned, nodding when he replied that he hadn’t eaten yet. 
“You don’t have to make me anything, I’ve got it.” He insists but you roll your eyes and move to the kitchen anyway. “Go pick out your suit and stuff for later. I can make up a quick lunch.” You declare, not willing to take no for an answer. Cale knows better than to argue by now over little things like this and so he heads into the bedroom, the sound of drawers and the closet door echoing through the apartment as he gathered his things for later. By the time he had returned you had made up a protein rich salad for him and yourself and you settled in beside him at the table to eat, Cale checking in on how you’re feeling. 
“Good. Definitely tired enough to nap with you if you don’t mind, but I slept in and have just been chilling all morning so baby and I are doing just fine I promise. We’re excited about daddy’s birthday.” You finish your explanation teasing. You know that Cale isn’t expecting anything for his birthday but that’s just no fun. 
“My birthday isn’t that big of a deal.” He insists, modest as ever, causing you to roll your eyes. 
“Your birthday is a huge deal.” You counter, sliding your hand across the table to lace with his own. “It’s the day the universe gave me my best friend and soulmate. And this year is extra special because it’s the last birthday before this little one arrives.” Cale just grins softly, his expression conceding defeat. 
The rest of lunch was quiet and when you both finished, Cale quickly moved to clean up the dishes before offering you a hand to join him for his pregame nap. Cuddling close, you settled in, your body immediately sinking into the mattress in relief. You’d had no idea that pregnancy could be this exhausting and you were grateful to have a boyfriend whose job included naptime because it was so much easier to fall asleep beside him, tucked in his arms. 
Watching Cale leave for the rink, you were immediately filled with excitement giving you energy like you hadn’t had in days. You started in the kitchen, working to prep one of Cale’s favorite meals but in a crockpot version so that you could leave it while you went to the game and it would be ready to eat when you came home. 
From there you used a helium pump to blow up all of the balloons until the area around your dining table was full of bunches of regular silver,navy, and white balloons; letter balloons reading ‘FEELIN 22’ were floating above the table; and glow in the dark balloons stretched from the front door into the kitchen and living room to surprise him when you both walked through the door later. 
Wrapping Cale’s presents, you placed those on the table alongside his cake. Deeming everything done, you finally grabbed yourself a snack satisfied with your work and looking forward to seeing Cale’s reaction to it all. 
A glance over at the kitchen clock revealed that it was only an hour and a half before game time and you still had to shower and get ready. Quickly getting clean and shaving, you slid Cale’s last present carefully onto your body before you pulled on some jeans and a long sleeve t-shirt, grabbing Cale’s jersey to throw on when you got to the rink. A quick little bit of makeup and a brush through your hair and you were ready to head out, turning on all of the LED balloons as you headed out the door. 
By the time you got out the door and through Denver traffic you had missed pregame warmups. Greeting the girls in your section you smiled and settled into your seat ready to go. 
Cale on the other hand, did not seem so ready to go. Throughout the first period you could just tell that something was off about his game and it wasn’t until he took a stupid penalty in the corner of the rink closest to you that you realized he had probably looked for you during warmups and when you weren’t there it sent his mind spinning. Shooting him a quick text of a picture of him sitting in the box teasing him about how that wasn’t a good birthday present, you hoped he checked his phone during intermission to calm himself. 
When the second period started it was clear that something had changed, whether one of his teammates said something or he had indeed seen your message. With the Avs on a power play, Cale fired a puck on net which was beautifully tipped in front to put the Avs on the board. Just over five minutes later he danced into the offensive zone drawing defenders and leaving them in his dust before slamming the puck into the back of the net past the screened goalie. 
With another assist on the empty netter to cap off the game you smiled at his sudden three point night cheering how that was your birthday boy. The girls just laughed and smiled asking if you had anything planned for Cale’s birthday as you made your way down to the locker rooms. 
“Made his favorite dinner, a few presents, a semi healthy cake.” You shrugged. “Nothing too crazy or Cale would probably kill me but I have to spoil him a little.” You stated, a mischievous smile crossing your lips. The girls just laughed, reminding you to keep the marks hidden or else you’d be hearing it from them tomorrow with the team’s halloween plans. You flushed and rolled your eyes at them but couldn’t deny the assumptions they had made. 
With it being Cale’s birthday and him having a three point night you knew that it would be a little while before he finished with media and made his way out to you. Though you were starting to get hungry you waited patiently, greeting the guys that came out before him. When Cale finally appeared, you let him scoop you up kissing his lips with a light peck. 
“Look at you scoring a beauty of a goal on your birthday.” You grinned, your face going soft as he shared a bashful expression, his cheeks flush. “You ready to go home, birthday boy?” You asked, sliding your hand along his back as he agreed, leading you out to his car to head home. 
On the ride home you prayed the LED balloons were still lit and that Cale would enjoy everything you had planned for him. When you were about halfway there he asked about food and you assured him that you’d find something at home to throw together trying to hide the fact that food was already piping hot and ready. Cale just nodded and continued on the way back to your apartment, some fatigue showing on his features after tonight’s game. 
As you rode the elevator upstairs, you kissed him again softly, murmuring about how great he was tonight and how much you and baby love him. When he opened the door you stepped inside, moving to kick your shoes off and smiling to yourself at the glowing balloons lighting the room dimly. 
Cale clearly didn’t notice them until after he had closed and locked the door, kicked his shoes off, and dropped his keys and wallet onto the side table in the entryway. 
“Why don’t I...woah.” Cale murmured seeing the glowing orbs floating the entire way to the kitchen. “Yn….” He breathed. “What did you do?” He asked as he let you take his hands, walking backward as you guided him into the kitchen and living room. There you flipped on a light after just a minute, lighting up the rest of your work. 
“HAPPY BIRTHDAY!” You exclaimed softly, smiling up at him. Cale’s cheeks flushed and he ducked his head. 
“I told you you didn’t have to do anything.” He mumbled, leaning down to kiss you softly. “But thank you.” He adds, his hands sliding around your waist. “You’ve already outdone yourself and yet I feel like there’s more.” He chuckles shaking his head softly. You cocked your head in a ‘maybe’ expression before kissing him softly again.
“Why don’t you go change out of this suit while I serve up dinner?” You suggested sliding your hands down his chest. Cale eyed you for a moment before complying, heading into the bedroom. Shedding your Makar jersey onto a chair, you moved to grab dishes, serving up the meal you’d made earlier as Cale came back, his eyes going wide at the familiar smell. 
“You didn’t?” He accused softly. 
“I did.” You confirmed, a bright grin on your face. “It might be a little different but it should taste very similar.” You assured him carrying two plates to the kitchen table before moving to grab the bottle of non-alcoholic wine you’d picked up since it was a special occasion. 
“You’re something else.” Cale mumbles kissing you again as he sits down across from you taking in his presents and cake as well. 
“I told you it was a special day.” You remind him, shrugging. “Plus the presents are from baby so I didn’t really do that much.” You winked, opening the wine and pouring it into two glasses. “To 22. To my handsome man and baby daddy. May this year bring you lots of happiness and blessings.” You toast. 
Cale’s cheeks continued to be rosy red as he accepted your toast, clinking his glass with yours before taking a sip and nodding in approval, looking over at the label as you took your own sip. Satisfied that though it tasted like the real thing there was zero alcohol, he dove into his meal, his eyes going wide in delight as he tasted it. Knowing that you had done well, you dug into your own plate as well enjoying the meal you had made for him. 
When plates were cleared you complied and let Cale move to do the dishes and clean up the little bit of leftovers in the crockpot. While he did that you grabbed candles for his cake and a small trash bag for the wrapping paper bringing both over to the table so that you could finish celebrating his birthday after getting a couple pictures of your handsome man. 
Cale’s first present was just a new pair of dress socks, something fun for him to add into the rotation. The second was concert tickets for a band he likes when they come to Denver in a few months. His third and seemingly final present was the one really from the baby, a mug saying ‘daddy, est. 2021’ on it. Cale’s eyes went soft at the sight and he leaned to kiss you softly thanking you for all of his gifts. After kissing him back for a moment you insisted that he needed to blow out the candles on his cake and then you cut each of you a small piece as you curled up on the couch to cuddle for a bit and wind down from the excitement. 
You could tell Cale was getting tired but there was still one more thing left and you slid his hand under your shirt along your hip teasing to him that there was something different and special under your clothes. It took him a minute to catch on, but then his eyes went wide. 
“Want to unwrap your last present?” You whispered teasingly in his ear, your breath ghosting along his skin. When Cale nodded you moved to get up, pulling him back to the bedroom before settling his hands back against the edge of your clothes. As he carefully stripped you from them you watched as his eyes grew wide and dark and his tongue swept out against his bottom lip. Slowly he revealed the strappy black satin, which carefully framed your still flat stomach, and his hands lingered at your waist, his thumbs swiping along your exposed belly. 
“Holy fuck sweetheart.” Cale breathed, his voice strained. “You look...wow.” There was nothing like leaving your boyfriend mostly speechless to boost your confidence. 
“I know.” You grinned. “Now what are you going to do with me birthday boy?” You teased softly, your fingers trailing down his abs to the waistband of his joggers. Cale groaned before lifting you and carefully tossing you up onto the bed, his body crawling over yours as you settled back against the pillows. You felt his eyes rake over every inch of your body before he just kissed you, communicating everything he was struggling to find the words to say. 
You knew this was the best birthday present you could have given him and you just relaxed beneath him waiting to see what he was going to do next. Slowly his mouth kissed down along your body, worshipping every inch of exposed skin. As he kissed over your belly, he started searching for how to take the fabric off of you and you guided his hands to the tiny hooks along the curve of your spine. With that he was pulling the top piece off leaving you in just the strappy panties. 
More exposed for him, you reached up to slide your palms under his shirt wanting to even the playing field and with a careful tug he complied, pulling it over his head as he settled more firmly on top of you. 
“Fuck...look at you.” Cale breathed. “How is it somehow hotter seeing you in lingerie knowing that you’re showing off where our baby is growing?” He mumbled, kissing down along your neck as he worked the panties off of you as well leaving you nude under him. Smiling, you carded your fingers through his hair with one hand while the other cupped his ass. 
“Hmm...just wanted to give my man something special for his birthday.” You whispered. 
“Best birthday.” Cale agreed before kissing you again. 
From there it was a series of gentle caresses, no words needing to be spoken as Cale slid his joggers off before settling himself between your thighs and sliding inside you slowly. Sighing his name, you pressed your nails into his back urging him to move until he found a pace that felt perfect. Arching up into him you moaned softly, basking in the drag of his cock along your inner walls. Everything felt so much more sensitive and you found it hard to stay quiet as he made love to you slowly and lazily. 
It was clear by his movements that he was exhausted from the long day so neither of you pushed to extend this any longer than was necessary. As you fluttered around him with your orgasm, Cale spilled inside of you before collapsing off to the side, both of you sticky with mixed fluids. 
After a few minutes, Cale moved to help you up to pee and clean up and then you settled back into bed, your head on his chest. As you drifted off, you whispered to Cale one more ‘happy birthday’ and a smile slid across your face as he replied that it was perfect, his lips pressing against the top of your head. 
Perfect was exactly what you had wanted to give him because perfect was what he deserved.
Birthday Decorations & Presents:
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anonniemousefics · 4 years
All Kinds Of New Friends
Fandom: Six of Crows | Kaz + Inej (ft. all the other Crows)
Word Count: 4,700
Rating: Teen and Up
TW: contains mentions of sexual assault
Cross-posted to AO3
Synopsis: The gang has a run in with a couple of unscrupulous characters from Inej's past, and Kaz says a few things in the middle of a rage he wasn't supposed to say yet.
Author’s Note: This fic is dedicated to AO3 user puppy cat, who was such a supportive, lovely fan from the very first chapter of "My Dearest Inej" all the way to the end. They requested a fic based around a particular idea involving the gang at a restaurant and someone harassing Inej and Kaz losing his shit in a very specific way (being intentionally vague here to avoid too many spoilers lol). If you like this au, there's more of it in my recent fic "Samples". :)
Nothing brought Kaz Brekker life quite like being paid to argue. And he was good at it, which was why he could charge these student athletes afraid of losing their scholarships two hundred bucks an essay without even flinching. If a more delightful way to make money existed, he had not found it yet.
He was spending his Saturday the way he usually spent Saturdays: rounding out a conclusion to a paper arguing for the death penalty, for a pre-law class he’d never take and a trust-fund upperclassman he’d hopefully never meet. In a few hours, he could drop the doc in a secure server and wait for the Venmo alert that he’d been paid. Nothing was sweeter.
Well. One thing was sweeter.
Inej was in the beat-up old recliner beside him in his and Jesper’s little living room of their third-floor off-campus apartment. This was the best way to spend a Saturday. She was sitting cross-legged and practically drowning in oversized sweats, her raven-black hair piled on top of her head while she hunched over her MacBook. And she was wearing those thick-rimmed, blue-blocker glasses Matthias Helvar had convinced her she needed (which, of course, had nothing to do with the fact that he was being paid to promote them on his stupid Instagram, that douchebag). Kaz had cringed both internally and externally when she’d told him she’d bought a pair, but now he was seeing the merit, because, dear God, was she adorable in glasses. They were awakening strange and powerful urges every time he glanced over at her. If she held them in between her teeth while undoing her hair, he was going to have to leave the room.
Because the terrible reality was that Inej had had a rough go of it her freshman year at Ketterdam University. And even though they were sort of together now (Kaz was pretty sure they were?), the last thing Inej needed right now was to be over-sexualized – for anything. Including those really fucking cute glasses.
“I’m starving,” Jesper declared from his prone position on the floor. He had been propped up on a bunch of faded pillows between them, engrossed in shooting undead things on their Xbox. His boyfriend Wylan had spent most of the afternoon napping against his shoulder, but was now blinking awake like a blue-eyed baby owl at Jesper’s sudden announcement.
“I could eat,” Wylan yawned with a lazy stretch.
“Inej? You?” Jesper reached up to tug on Inej’s sock.
“Hm?” Inej looked up from her laptop like she was emerging from a cave while she gnawed on one of the strings of her sweatshirt. It had been like this since The Incident – Jesper and Nina often took turns making sure she would eat. (Kaz had it covered, but that was all right. The back-up couldn’t hurt.)
“Food? Are you hungry?” Jesper repeated, the unspoken question floating in the air: Have you eaten today?
Inej blinked a few times as she thought, her dark eyes flitting back and forth between Jesper and her laptop screen. Kaz knew this internal war well – the age-old taking care of one’s needs versus the siren-song of wreaking endless revenge.
Inej had come to Ketterdam University on a gymnastics scholarship, but that had fallen by the wayside – ever since The Incident. The night everything changed.
Kaz didn’t know Inej Ghafa all that well before it happened – had taken a few classes with her, studied for an exam with her once. She’d been eternally sunshiney, the kind of girl he knew wouldn’t waste her time on dark things like him.
But then she’d started missing classes.
And then showing up to class visibly drowning beneath the weight of sleeplessness and oversized clothes.
And he didn’t really know her but it had bothered him all the same. It was like watching a star collapsing in on itself.
And that’s when the story of The Incident hit the news cycle. From the moment he read the first headline, Kaz couldn’t stop scrolling, growing sicker and sicker in the pit of his stomach.
She’d gone to a party at a frat house with a new friend. (Kaz had even been there before, maybe even the night it happened. Frat parties were veritable breeding grounds for potential clients – full of rich, connected kids too drunk or stoned to be bothered by classwork and crooked enough to pay someone else to do it.) It was suspected that someone had slipped something in her drink, and it was known that the friend who’d brought her there had been entirely useless. Inej had woken up the next morning, half-naked on the lawn, crude drawings in Sharpie all over her, and no knowledge of what had transpired that had left her there.
It should have ended there – that was bad enough. But then the frat boys had started posting the videos of what had happened that night. How she had been used. How she had been touched.
If Inej’s parents were going to have their way, someone was going to jail. If Kaz was going to have his way, someone was going to suffer all the way there.
After he’d learned the news, he’d found her the next day before class started, where she was at the back of the room, hunched over her desk with her hood up. She’d shot daggers at him with her eyes when he approached. He’d liked that.
“I’d like to help you ruin them,” he’d told her. Inej’s glare didn’t relent as she sized up him – his black attire, the leather gloves that clenched his gleaming cane. He usually made a point of looking like the sort of person who ruined things. Nobody bullied a boy with a cane if it looked like that same boy could take your head off with said cane.
Inej seemed to agree that he looked like he could fit the bill. And they began to plot – how to expose her abusers, how to alert every girl they ever came into contact with, how to ruin every single party they would ever throw.
And somewhere along the way, it had turned into…something. Kaz wasn’t sure what to call it. But he couldn’t call it nothing – not when Inej regularly stayed the night in their apartment and did soft things like run her hand over his chest if she liked the jacket he was wearing or blush and smile if she caught him looking at her. He’d even really gone out on a limb one night and told her he liked her, and she’d said it back. He wasn’t sure where that left them at this point. Somewhere, he guessed, with something.
“I’ll eat,” Inej was agreeing, albeit with a bit of reluctance to leave her laptop. She was elbows-deep in a catfishing scheme Kaz had concocted for their latest victim.
“Nina wants us to meet up with her and Matthias at The Sweet Shop,” Wylan said, who was catching up on the texts he’d missed while napping on Jesper.
“I swear, Nina could lure a polar bear into the jungle,” Jesper sighed next to him, because it was a little miraculous to think Matthias Helvar, fitspo Instagram model and purveyor of all things organic and natural, had somehow been corralled into a bakery cafe. Kaz was surprised that Matthias even looked at carbs, let alone consumed them.  
And, even though he was pressed for time on the illicit essay he was writing, Kaz needed food, too. He and Inej both could use the time away from their questionable dealings online.
The Sweet Shop was within walking distance, but it had begun to rain, cold and foggy, over Ketterdam. So, the four of them piled into Kaz’s beat up black Chevy and rolled into town behind the rhythmic beating of the windshield wipers.
“Over here!” Nina waved to them, beaded bracelets rattling in a stack on her wrist, from the far corner as the bakery’s front door swung closed behind them, tripping a jingling brass bell pinned to the doorframe.
The Sweet Shop was a popular spot for the more bookish crowds to crash on the weekends, load up on starchy foods and coffee while rattling out papers on their laptops or flirting under the guise of study groups. Kaz wouldn’t go so far as to call them his type of people, but he was certainly more at home here than the drunken soirees where he spent his evenings fleecing the debauched children of alumni. Here, there were people crowded over old tables with their books, and well-worn leather sofas and faded overstuffed chairs in the corner lined with secondhand books and used board games that were almost always missing pieces. The air smelled like espresso and cupcakes and old pages, and if Matthias Helvar was going to sulk about the lack of kale on the menu, Kaz might have to punch him in the face.
Matthias was already nursing a colorful smoothie while Nina sat next to him on the old leather sofa, her long, shapely legs draped over his and a stack of sugared waffles on the coffee table in front of her.
“Took you long enough!” Nina was scolding as the four of them weaved through tables to the corner of sofas and chairs. “Do none of you check your phones on weekends?”
“A technology fast is very cleansing for our auras,” Matthias countered, with a sage look – Matthias, the self-proclaimed Instagram influencer. Kaz rolled his eyes.
“That almost sounded like real words, Matthias – good job,” Jesper smirked, as he perched on the arm of the chair where Wylan had flopped down. Matthias opened his mouth to retort something, but --
“I was just distracted, sorry,” Inej intervened with an apology to Nina and a sheepish look. (She thankfully was no longer wearing her blue-blockers or it might have been too sweet even for a place called The Sweet Shop.)
“And I was just ignoring you,” Kaz said with a shrug. Inej gave him an exasperated whack in the arm as he sat next to her on an old loveseat, resting his cane against one side, and Nina let out a put-out huff.
“Wylan’s the only considerate one among you,” she complained.
“Yes, that is true,” Jesper agreed, and Wylan grinned widely with his chin propped up on his fist.
“We wanted you here because,” And Nina drew out the because like she had something grand to follow it, “Matthias landed a sweet sponsorship yesterday, and he wants to buy us all lunch!”
Kaz and Jesper groaned in unison, loud enough it couldn’t quite be drowned out by Inej and Wylan’s congratulations. Matthias got particularly insufferable after new sponsorships – there would be strings attached to this.
“That’s very nice of you, Matthias,” Inej said, pointedly, glaring at Kaz.
“It is very nice of you, Matthias, to offer to buy us all strawberry ice cream smoothies like yours,” Kaz said, with an evil glint in his eye as he nodded to the large pink cup in Matthias’ hand.
Matthias gave an uneasy laugh.
“There’s no ice cream in this,” he said, then paused when he noticed Nina’s tight-lipped, icy stare boring into Kaz’s skull. Then his brow cinched up and looked down at his cup. “There isn’t ice cream in this, right, babe?”
“It’s not going to kill you,” Nina replied with an eye roll.
“Babe! You know I can’t do dairy right now! Tomorrow’s Six-Pack Sunday!”
There was no point in trying to stop it: a laugh in the form of a long snort rolled out of Kaz while Jesper and Wylan dissolved into a fit of giggles. Now Kaz remembered -- this is why they kept Matthias around.
“You don’t understand,” Matthias was trying to say. “It can take a whole week to detox and lose the bloat.”
“I’ll finish it for you, you big baby,” said Nina, and snatched the smoothie away from a panicked Matthias.
“I should start running laps now,” he was fretting.
“Make some food runs for us – that’s a start,” Jesper supplied, looking helpful.
“Good call,” Matthias nodded, and hopped to his feet, nearly dumping Nina onto the floor in the process. “Orders? Orders?” He looked to each of them, ready to leap into action and start fighting off the bloat.
He’d gathered up their orders and made a beeline for the counter when Nina turned to Inej.
“You had me worried, you know.” Nina leaned out a little over her knees toward her roommate. “You were just distracted?”
Kaz glanced in Inej’s direction in time to see how she swallowed hard. She’d stuffed her hands deep in her hoodie pockets. Kaz knew the reaction all too well -- what it was like to withdraw and fight to make yourself untouchable, even to those who loved you.
“Just a lot of work lately,” Inej said. And Nina slid a suspicious glance toward Kaz, as if waiting for him to explain himself and what he was getting the two of them into now.
But it had always been Inej’s decision, how she wanted to handle her own revenge. Kaz was only providing tools. He hadn’t answered for her yet, and he wasn’t about to start now.
Nina sighed.
“I just don’t want to see anyone hurt anymore,” she said. The brass bell over the front door jingled again.
“That’s not--”
But Inej stopped short when she glanced toward the sound of the bell. She barely moved, but Kaz could sense her growing rigid next to him. And something about it made the hair on the back of his neck prickle.
He followed her gaze to two boys who were now slouching toward the front counter. Kaz had seen them both before; he was pretty sure he’d written a biology research paper for the one with the pug-nose. They were both tall and conventionally good-looking – the sort you probably didn’t think twice about. Well-muscled, expensive haircuts, brand name sneakers.
Beside him, Inej had started breathing weird.
“Fuck.” Nina had noticed her staring, too, and suddenly all pairs of eyes in the corner were watching the newcomers at the front of The Sweet Shop with murder in their hearts.
Because these two bastards had been there the night of The Incident.
Kaz found himself wondering which one he could make cry first. Probably the bulkier one -- he looked soft and dumb around the edges. His mom probably still did his laundry on the weekends and called his professors when he didn’t get good grades. Kaz wanted to see him cry until snot dribbled down his sweaty face and –
“We should go,” Inej said, abruptly. She was looking pale and shaky, and her eyes darted around as if she needed to gather belongings, even though she’d brought none. Kaz had started to grip the head of his cane, tighter, tighter, tighter.
“Fuck no.” Nina was adamant and fiery, bless her. “We got here first – they can leave.” And then a little louder. “They should be in jail, frankly!”
“Nina!” Inej hissed, and her hand flew to curl against the side of her face when the boys looked their direction. Her eyes were wide and terrified when she looked over to Kaz.
“I want to go,” she told him, and that was all she needed to say. He pushed his weight onto his cane, hoisting himself to his feet.
“Don’t worry, girl – we got you,” Jesper was confirming, and, without even needing to consult each other, he and Wylan and Nina had Inej surrounded from sight on their walk to the door, Kaz at the front.
And it almost worked, too.
“Brekker!” Until one of the boys recognized him and gave him with a jovial grin. Shit. “Hey, it’s Brekker!” The stupid kid with the pug nose gave Kaz a hearty slap on his shoulder, and it took every ounce of restraint in him to not break the dude’s wrist.
“This kid got me an B+ on my bio term paper,” the kid was telling his bulky friend, and then with a shady-ass side smirk, he added: “Wasn’t totally the A I’d paid for, but that was still awesome, bro.”
“With your GPA, an A would have been too suspicious.” Why was Kaz even defending himself to this turd? He made to shove past, to head for the door.
But that kid was still gripping his shoulder. Like he wanted Kaz to remove it from its socket. Like maybe he was just asking for it. Kaz ground his teeth, trying to maintain his resolve. He wasn’t going to do this in front of Inej. He was going to be better than this for her.
“Bro,” the human pile of excrement still touching him was saying, “I’ve been meaning to text you. I have this world religions class this semester that is just killer, and I--”
“Your next words had better be how you’re doing your own damn work from now on.”
A simple “No” would have sufficed, Kaz realized, but his girl was in some kind of state because of this waste of carbon and his patience had never been plentiful to begin with.
Besides, the kid didn’t strike him as the type who understood simple “No”s. He was going to have to make it really fucking clear for this idiot.
Sure enough, the kid blinked hard, like he’d been slapped.
“I paid you, bro,” he said, dumbly.
“Oh, he did not just--” Nina started from the back of their bunch.
“Call me ‘bro’ one more time,” Kaz dared him, his eyes narrowing.
“What the hell, man?” said the thoroughly confused bulky friend.
“Kaz, just leave it,” Inej said, softly, and she slipped her fingers into the crook of Kaz’s elbow. “Let’s just go.”
A wave of recognition spread over the pug-nosed douchebag’s face at the sight of her. It was sickening, the surprised rise of his eyebrows, the smug, amused smirk on his lips. Kaz wanted to rip them right off his face.
“Oh, I see how it is,” the dick was saying. “You’re with this bitch--”
That’s when Kaz felt something snap. Oh, he was dead now.
“Kaz!” Inej shouted a warning, but it was already too late. With the cane between his two gloved hands, Kaz rammed his weight into this dead man walking. He threw the kid against the front door, the brass bell jingling as the shades on the window rattled in the scuffle.
“That’s my girlfriend, dipshit,” Kaz snarled.
Kaz was vaguely aware that there was a rising commotion around him, a crescendo of clashing panic and rage. His hand had found its way to the dude’s collar, throttling him; Nina was shouting something at Matthias somewhere behind him; chairs were scuffling about against the floor. But Kaz’s sole focus now was on making this heinous little fucker wet his pants.
“Kaz. The door.” Jesper’s clear-headed voice cut through the blinding wrath, and Kaz was somehow thinking clearly enough to gather his meaning and wrenched the kid away from the front door just long enough for Jesper to shove an arm through and open it.
And Kaz threw the pug-nose brat out into the rain ahead of them. The kid hit the pavement, hard, and scrambled back.
“Dude, you’ve got it all wrong if you think she’s the victim here,” the useless piece of flesh was sniveling. His nose was bleeding – pathetic, Kaz had barely hit him.
“I really think I don’t,” Kaz disagreed, thoughtfully.
“We could have you arrested!” the bulky child was screeching. Kaz turned just in time to see Matthias literally chuck the kid out after them, red-face and snarling. And Kaz had to hand it to him – even with his dairy intolerance, Matthias Helvar could toss frat kids with the best of them.
“Oh, please file a police report about this,” Kaz sneered at them. The wind and the rain were beating back his dark hair and flapping the collar of his black jacket, but he didn’t care. “I would absolutely love to know how you plan on explaining why you called my girlfriend a bitch.”
“Man, it is not my fault your girl can’t handle her liquor.”
CRACK. Kaz barely had time to blink, and Matthias had straight up decked the kid right in his jaw. Nina was rolling up her sleeves, ready to destroy the other one in the pelting rain.
“Hey!” The teenager in a green apron who’d been running the cash register was running out after them, holding a phone over her head. “I’m gonna call the cops if you don’t clear out!”
And when Kaz looked back at Inej, there were tears welling in her eyes even though her jaw was set firm. From the looks on the faces of the rest of his friends, they’d all noticed, too.  
So, it fizzled out before it even really began.
The frat boys had slunk off in the rain, and the six of them regrouped and sauntered back to Kaz’s car in silence. Jesper, Nina, and Matthias piled into the back seat, while Inej and Wylan squeezed into the front. And then an uncomfortable stillness descended.
Inej had pulled her hood up again when Kaz turned the key in the ignition, her arms tight in her sleeves. Every once and awhile, she’d sniffle as quietly as she could as the car ride seemed to drag on – but Kaz knew. Everyone knew. That had been awful. And it still felt awful. Kaz’s head was starting to swirl, his wracked nerves still buzzing. He shouldn’t have done it. He hadn’t wanted to do it, not really. And she’d told him she wanted to leave – she’d said it clear as day. And he’d said…oh God, what had he said? What had he done?
Kaz’s stomach was starting to lurch. He’d said a lot of things. Way too many fucking things. Things they hadn’t discussed yet. Things he’d clearly just assumed. What had he done?
“We really should cleanse this negative energy.” Goddamn Matthias was the first one to break the pervasive silence, and he was choosing to break it with this nonsense. Kaz’s glare drifted to the rear view mirror. “I have some sound healing bowls back at my place that are--”
“I swear to God, Helvar,” Kaz snapped, “if you break out even one sound healing bowl, I will make you wear it like a helmet and then drop kick you into the sun.”
In the rear view mirror, Kaz could see Matthias’ nostrils flaring.
“You are such an unbalanced piece of shit sometimes, you know that--?” But Matthias stopped short because Inej had let out a surprising chuckle. Kaz slowly let himself glance her direction – so did everyone else.
She was smirking up at Kaz.
“I just think it’s thoughtful of you to make sure his head is protected before you launch him into space,” she shrugged. Wylan barked out a laugh.
“I just think they should kiss already,” Nina added, waggling an eyebrow at a brooding Matthias, and then Jesper started to laugh, too, which really was the most infectious of laughs. Even Kaz was smiling after a moment – just a little.
Though that faded entirely when they pulled up to Kaz and Jesper’s apartment and Inej asked to speak with him alone in the car first.  
Shit, he thought. Shit. Here it is. He’d royally fucked it up now.
They waited in silence with the rain pouring over the car while the rest of their friends darted into the old Victorian home where Kaz and Jesper lived on the third floor. With each passing second, his stomach sunk lower into his guts. He wasn’t even sure he could form words in his brain, let alone with his mouth. He had no rational explanation for what had come over him back at The Sweet Shop, other than Here it is, Inej, I’m kind of a fucking disaster.
“So, that was…” Inej started, slowly. She was staring out the front window. Kaz felt like crumpling, and he hated it, hated how weak he felt. He pinched the bridge of his nose.
“I know, I know…” he muttered. He didn’t really, but he just wanted this to be over. If she never wanted to see him again, he needed her to rip the bandaid off quick.
“So, I’m your girlfriend now?”
Kaz couldn’t decipher her tone, and he couldn’t even look at her. He was just going to stare at the steering wheel until this was over.
But then Inej said: “I just would like to have known before the guys my parents are having investigated, that’s all.”
Kaz looked to her then, lifting his dark eyebrows slightly. She’d let her hair down from its knot before they’d left for the café – she’d braided it loose over her shoulder like he liked. She was twirling the ends now, a tired smile on her pink lips.
“If you want,” he said with a soft shrug. It wasn’t at all like the heroic way he thought she deserved to be swept off her feet. But she was still smiling all the same. It made him feel braver.
Funny – how throwing his weight around against perverts was as easy as breathing, but looking at her like this tore him apart.
“If you’ll have me,” he offered, even softer now.
And Inej reached across the distance between them. Laced her fingers over his, atop his knee.
“I will have you, Kaz Brekker,” she said, tenderly. It took him aback a bit. Made his breath catch. Made his throat sting.
“If I shouldn’t have--” he started to say of the row back at The Sweet Shop. But Inej cut him off instantly, shaking her head. Squeezing his fingers.
“You absolutely should have,” she said, firmly.  “And you should show me how, too.”
Kaz really raised his eyebrows at that. Inej smiled a little wider. His heart was lifting, lifting up and out of the certain doom he was sure it was about to face.
“Come on.” Inej tugged at his hand. “We’d better head up before Matthias starts culture appropriating all over your apartment.”
“You have to admit – he threw one hell of a punch, though,” Kaz pointed out, as he opened his door, and then wanted to punch himself for it. What the hell – was he defending Matthias Helvar now? This whole day was upside down.
Thankfully, there was a different kind of embarrassing going down in apartment number three when they finally made their way up. Kaz could hear it before he even made it to the top of the stairs – the loud, thumping bass, the voices shouting at the tops of their lungs.
Oh, their neighbors were going to love this. They were just making all kinds of new friends today.
When Inej opened the door, all four of their friends were dancing to Cardi B’s I Like It, blasting through Jesper’s bluetooth speaker. It took everything in Kaz to not physically recoil at the assault on his senses.
“Emergency dance party!” Jesper explained, yelling from behind Wylan.
“We’re clearing out the negative energy!” Nina shouted over the noise, her hands in the air. Matthias was jumping around behind her like an absolute madman. “But like in an acceptable way!”
“I think it’s working!” Wylan shouted at her in agreement, with Jesper’s hands on his hips.
They were all smiling.
And beside him, Inej burst out laughing – a wild, fluttery sound he’d heard only a few times before. It caught him right in the heart each time he had, and he knew he’d do anything to hear it as often as he could. He looked down at her and wondered, not for the first time, how she did it. How she managed to wring joy out of even the most dismal of circumstances.
It was something he needed more of – as long as she’d allow him to have it.
“Come on!” she was shouting to him as she took him by the hand. “You heard the man! Emergency dance party!”
And Kaz followed her in, shutting the door behind him.
Tagging: @annejulianneh111, @loveyatopluto, @ireallyshouldsleeprn, @whosanxiety, @raging-bisexual-alert,
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robert-c · 4 years
Abortion Solution?
Most reliable scientific polls show that an overwhelming majority of people in the US want abortion to remain legal and safe for women to choose. While I have seen no polling data on this, I would imagine that most would also prefer that it didn’t happen often. As someone who has been close to women who chose abortion, I know that it isn’t an easy decision, even when they decide it is the best choice. It is an extremely personal and difficult choice, which no one else can fully appreciate without a complete and total understanding of someone’s life, which is never possible.
When people approve of various restrictions, they are buying into the extremist’s viewpoint, that their feelings and opinions about the decision have some standing. Even when of good will, I think these people are simply talking about their own feelings of where they would personally draw the line for themselves, but imagining (as anti-choice forces wish) that it is up to someone else other than the woman involved. I believe that as long as something is in your body, then you have the final and only say about what happens to that growth.
In order for there to be a solution, there first has to be an acknowledgement that the choice is the woman’s. But those who wish there weren’t so many abortions could do something about that which would be a lot more constructive than trying to outlaw them.
I’ve often wondered what would happen if the massive amounts of money spent trying to outlaw abortion were instead spent on services that are lacking for most candidates for abortion. If these services were available, free or for little cost, perhaps the choices would be less influenced by circumstances that were transient.
The Guttmacher Institute has gathered statistics about abortion for decades in order to have reliable scientific data available for policy makers. Most of the data is not surprising; for example, most (59%) had one or more children already and even more (75%) were poor. In addition, most of the women were in their 20’s (61%).
This paints a picture of women choosing abortion when they cannot afford (another) child. Anti-choice forces would love to paint a simplistic picture of “why not carry the baby to term and offer it for adoption”. Aside from personal choice issues including health and risk to the mother, that may well be a false choice for most of these women. Poor means low income jobs, most likely without health insurance. These are the sort of jobs that don’t come with maternity benefits and which might even be dangerous for pregnant women to engage in beyond a certain point. And of course the most adoptable babies come from mothers with good nutrition, healthy lifestyle and who have had regular prenatal exams, the very sort of thing a poor young woman with no health insurance cannot afford. She could even lose her job for taking off to see the doctor, even if she could afford it.
This sort of rigid moralist thinking about abortion is creating societal problems that the very anti-choice proponents claim they don’t want to see – viz. unwanted children growing up in the foster care system or in unfit homes with inadequate supervision.
So I’m just imagining what if there was a place where a woman could go to get free, or nearly so (sliding scale?), prenatal care. Perhaps the place would even have job training for getting better paying jobs. Its hours would be very flexible so that people wouldn’t have to take off work, and risk losing their jobs, to avail themselves of the services. There would have to be a dinner prepared and a place for their existing children to be watched while in the after-hours programs. Perhaps the key would be to assign a case worker to each person so that their particular needs, training and assistance could be assessed and provided. At the very least, those whose primary reason for the abortion was inability to afford the prenatal care would be able to carry to term for adoption, and some who couldn’t support another child may be able to after additional job training. But in any event, it would be the woman’s choice, uninfluenced by many of the economic circumstances that might force her choice.
These are just “spit balling” ideas. I’m sure someone better than me could flesh them out more. But the key point here is that, contrary to Right wing propaganda, abortion doesn’t appear to be a casual decision, or a first line of birth control. The idea here isn’t to impose a morality on someone else, but to find a solution to the needs of real people so that the choices they make aren’t unduly influenced by things that can be changed.
One of the (many) ironies of anti-choice folks is that IF women choosing abortion were as flighty and casual about the choice as they like to believe, who would want to have them raising a child let alone adopting one from them? Successfully forcing these women to carry a pregnancy to term will not give them the financial ability to provide for the child (before or after birth) or turn someone into a caring and responsible parent.
There really are only a few reasons that the anti-choice forces are willing to spend so much money in an effort to outlaw abortion again, instead of using those millions to help create a world in which it is less frequent by choice. A big part of it is about imposing a simplistic morality on others. Then they can bask in a self-righteous sense of moral superiority and deftly avoid having to consider the complexities of real human being’s lives and the choices they have to make to get by. It may not be “let them eat cake”, but it demonstrates the same complete lack of understanding and empathy.
To top off the inconsistencies of their proposals, let’s remember what happened before when abortion was illegal. The well off women found doctors who would discretely perform the operation, some doctors would coach the women on symptoms to report so that a D&C would be needed, ending any pregnancy as a byproduct of the procedure. As usual, only the poor and people without those connections had to resort to more dangerous versions of abortion. Since the poor are overwhelmingly people of color, the anti-choice agenda is essentially racist as well. And yet at odds with other right wing ideas that see the poor as criminals and welfare cheats, and other alt-right folks who just want to eliminate or reduce the population of non-whites.
Of course these inconsistencies won’t split conservatives from the “right to lifers” because they have long sense quit being about principles and are all about voting blocs. Even the “right to lifers” have no consistent philosophy to pursue; some favor the death penalty, others do not, some are OK with contraception and others oppose it. Apparently the only thing they agree on is that they should (for some reason) have control of women’s bodies.
If the human race were on the verge of extinction for lack of enough children being born, then there might be some reason for their position. As it is, with human over population being one of the main stressors on the environment and threat to human survival, their position is ludicrous and dangerous.
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ssixa · 4 years
Description: Walking into the night shift at the hospital proves to keep you on your toes. Nights are left to the universe so you can only hope that tonight will be decent. What happens when you find out that one of your patients is THE Mark Tuan from GOT7? how do you try to deal with the chaos erupting from this chance encounter? and how many times do you have to tell yourself that you love your job?
Genre: fluff, slight cringe, smut (in this chapter)
Pairing: Black Fem Reader x Mark Tuan (though I will say there isn’t much description of black characteristics)
Word count: 5.7K
Warning: explicit language, SMUT!!!!!!, mention of piercings, drinking, switch, slight restraining, breath play
A/n: sorry for the hella late post! I got in this solid routine of studying and I didn’t want to break my stride with it lol. This is the first legit smut scene I’ve written before the narrative about Narachan that I posted. I’m still not very good at writing smut though, but I enjoyed writing from the y/f/n pov! 
*All pic collages are made by me unless I state otherwise. Individual pictures in the collage are not mine and I give credit to where credit is due.
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Chapter Eight
~y/f/n’s POV~
I opened up Yug’s profile and clicked chat.
“I can’t believe this bitch, imma kill her one day. But I’m happy, a little more happy then I thought I would be. How do I even start to message him? Why am I so nervous he’s a crackhead fetus. Ok, here we go” I thought to myself.
“Heyyy it’s y/f/nnnn” damn too many y’s
“Um hey y/f/n nuna” he replies almost instantly with a nervous emote 
“Yug, sweetheart you don’t have to call me nuna, y/f/n is just fine” I respond slightly flirtily 
“Oh ok...y/f/n. Um~” he responds
“Yes?” I respond already having a hopes of what he’s going to ask
“I was just wondering if you wanted to come hang out with me at the hotel? I fully understand if you don’t want to though and you would much rather stay with y/n” he sends with almost a nervous sense.
“I don’t mind as long as I’m not interrupting your rest time” I reply back just being certain
“Oh no you’re not interrupting, I invited you didn’t I?” 
“True, well I guess y/n can drop me off at the hotel then. You can go ahead and send the address to her”
“Yes ma’am hahaha”. Wow this boy has no limits, this will be an interesting night. I look to y/n who is on her phone purging the bad pics and videos from the concert. 
“Yo y/n, Yug said he’ll send the address of the hotel to you. You can drop me off there and go to your boo” I laughed
“Lol ok ok...Mrs. Kim” I joke
“Well said Mrs. Im” we broke out in laughter. What a circumstance we’re in. y/n starts the car and we leave heading towards the hotel. We keep ourselves occupied with small chatter back and forth when it occurred to me,
“Wait I just realized, when the boys were coming over to our side during the concert, was that because of you?” I ask
“Yup, apart from Mark, that was the first time they had ever seen me in real life. So I guess they just wanted to be idiots” y/n replies with a laugh. The drive wasn’t long, but that’s probably because we talked the whole time. We arrived at the entrance of the hotel and I texted Yugyeom that I was here.
“Ok, go ahead and head to the 7th floor. Room 723” he replied almost instantly 
“Gotcha” I replied. I said goodbye to y/n and walked inside. I headed to the elevator and walked in. I hit the seventh floor button and rode my way up. I took some deep breaths going up and until I was standing in front of his room. I knocked lightly and I heard footsteps rushing towards the door. A moment later, the door opens and I’m met with Yug’s adorable face. His smile is wide and he invites me in. After closing the door, he heads into the room and awkwardly stands a bit away from me. The air is full of an awkward silence until I speak up,
“Um do you mind if I take a seat?” I ask kind of nervously
“S-sure here” he points to the bed and neatens it up before I take a seat. 
“I guess that’s his bed huh” I think
“D-do you want something to drink? The boys and I went out together yesterday and I bought some drinks in case I had some time to enjoy it” he mentioned
“Oooo what kind?” I ask since I was in the mood for some drinks tonight anyways
“Some flavored soju” he says with a smile
“Perfect! Then of course! Can we also play some games too?” I ask excitedly 
“Yes! I love games! What do you want to play?” 
“Mmm, how about we start off with cham cham cham? Do you mind if we take a couple of shots first” I suggest excitedly.
“OK!” he jumps up and grabs the drinks from the minifridge. He grabs a couple solo cups and returns to the bed. He pours a shot's worth into both of our cups and we take the shot together. He asked me what type of drinking games Americans play and I gave him a few ideas.
“We have games like flip cup, beer pong, or even a card game like Uno” I relay
“Oh wow! Can we play one of those games?” 
“We can play beer pong since we can play it with two people, but if the others get back we can play flip cup! It’s one of my favorites and super fun too!” 
We continue small banter back and forth and we are a few shots in when we decide to start the game. I guess it’s because he plays this a lot more than me that Yug is really good at the game. I lose a good few times and the penalty is taking a shot or a flick on the forehead. We decided to make it more interesting and cut up slips of paper and put ‘F’ for flick and ‘S’ for shot. We grabbed an empty cup and threw the slips in it so whenever one of us loses, we shake it up, pick a slip, and do what is on it. It was my idea for this since we could easily drink all the alcohol he had. 
The game continued on with shots here and flicks here. A little while later, I could tell that we were both pretty tipsy; not super drunk, but gone enough to become really comfortable with each other. It was my turn at the game to cham cham cham him and he ended up seeing past my trick and dodging the direction my hand went. Next was his, he ended up winning so I had to take my draw from the penalty cup. To my demise, I ended up picking F which caused me to hide the slip. Yugyeom caught on to my sneakiness and asked to see the slip. 
“y/f/n, let me see the slip!” he says laughing
“Noooo!” I reply in a laughing
“Come oOooOOoOnnnn” he pleaded 
“Nope nope nope” I replied, shaking my head. My mother always told me my stubbornness would get me into trouble. I jumped to the other bed in the room trying to avoid Yugyeom. He got up and chased me there, I dodge him and roll off the bed jumping to his. No wonder he’s the main dancer because he changes direction and heads towards his bed. He hopped on top and fought to grab the slip out of my hands. I tried my best to keep it away from him, but all things considered, let's just say I lost. 
After we were done cutting up and trying to catch our breath is when I realized what position we were in. My back was against the headboard with my legs crossed while he leaned over me pinning my arms above my head with one hand. It’s when I finally opened and focused my eyes that I realized he was staring at me. His eyes looked glazed yet so dark. His nose and cheeks slightly tinted with a light shade of pink though I was unsure if it was because he’s embarrassed or because he was drunk. The contact remained persistent for only a few more seconds when he suddenly bent down and connected our lips. His lips were so soft and warm. The kiss was long and innocent and yet had me holding my breath. 
He broke the kiss and had both of our lungs trying to recapture the air that wasn’t breathed in. His facial expression changed suddenly 
“I-I’m so sorry y/f/n” he said with a sense of panic. I couldn’t even react properly, I just kept staring causing him to panic more. He quickly pushed off of me and scooted to the end of the bed.
“I don’t why I did that! I must have drunk too much..” he continued to panic and ramble on as I sat up.
“Yug, it’s ok, really, it was nice” I look to him trying to calm him down with a gentle smile
“I know I should’ve asked and not just done it, I-” he paused 
“You- it was nice?” he asks surprised at your choice of words
“Yeah~ you did catch me by surprise, but it was a nice surprise” I said quietly 
“T-then would you-” he stammered
“Yes” I answered 
“You didn’t even know what I was going to ask” he laughed slightly 
“Then what were you going to ask then” I say with a smirk
“W-would you want to continue?” he asks without making much eye contact. Scared that your previous answer was going to change. 
“Yes Yug. I told you I knew what you were about to ask” I laughed 
“Hahaha I guess you did” 
“Well then, are you going to come back here” I ask
“Anything for you” he replies as he slowly crawls back to me and centers himself between my legs. He closes in again where our lips are barely inches apart, but only a second later does he close the gap between us once again. Our lips move hungrily against each other, almost like he hasn’t had a sensation like this in a while if not ever. The kiss stayed heated and I tried to reach out to touch him in any way I could, but he tightened his grip on my wrists..
“Yug, please let go of my wrists” I beg
“I don’t think I will, baby girl” he replies lowly. The effect of the new nickname did it’s job in making me know my place. I find it hard to believe that he’s younger than me and yet he is this dominant. Then again I shouldn’t be surprised that the main dancer has a different personality. That’s one thing I’ve learned from being a kpop fan for so long. You can never trust these “sexy on stage” idols; them mostly being the main dancers at that. We go back to making out when he uses his free hand to slowly lift my shirt. I froze. It wasn’t that I couldn’t sleep with him it was that I couldn’t imagine that the person I was hooking up with WAS him. I started this day off going to the concert with my best friend only to find out she’s best friend’s with the group, and is now dating the leader. 
“Like damn, I really be living the “y/n” life right now” I think. Before I knew it, he somehow managed to pull my shirt over my head and now I was just sitting there in my bra and skirt. When I looked at his face, it showed no emotion, almost disappointed.
“W-what?” I ask nervously with obvious concern in my voice. I start to panic, normally I’m really bold with my foot always forward and my head high, but his gaze and just who he is...what the hell has this child done to me. I look down to see if there was something wrong and look back up when I don’t see off. When I look back into his eyes, he’s just staring at me.
“Yug...you’re scaring me. What’s wrong?” 
“You’re..just so…” he starts
“Yug don’t you fucking dare” I say almost angrily.
“...beautiful” he concludes. I thought he was going to say something else before I warned him, but when I looked at his eyes, all it showed was the most sincerity in the world. The black glaze from earlier was gone and his beautiful brown eyes sparkled like they just gazed upon the most beautiful picture in the world. He leaned back in starting to kiss my lips once more then making his way down to my neck and truthfully I can’t tell if there will be a mark left after this. Goosebumps start to form as he keeps moving down onto my shoulders. Light, yet warm kisses coated my skin that was left bare to the air conditioned room. He got down to my chest where he was able to unsnap my bra from the back which REALLY led me to think that he wasn’t as inexperienced as he looks. My thoughts were suddenly brought out of its state of euphoria when I heard a gasp. I snap my head up,
“Fuck...how many piercings do you have?” he questioned
“Oh sweetheart there’s more to come” I comment with a smirk
“Will I have a chance to see them?” he questioned a slight smirk and raised eyebrow
“Anything for you” I wink. What the hell is wrong with me. This isn’t like me at all! I’m never this cheesy when it comes to getting my back blown out, but I just can’t figure this kid out. One moment he looks like he could devour me whole, while the next he looks like a kid in a candy store. 
“That’s all I needed to hear princess” he says with his voice almost significantly deeper than usual. He goes to suck on one of the nipples while kneading the other and the pleasure is beyond the roof. I let out a soft moan which wasn’t soft enough because his actions suddenly changed. The hand kneading the one breast made its way down my stomach and to the edge of the skirt. He pushes back,
“Now, I’m going to release your hands and I’m going to need you to take off your skirt for me. Why don’t you be a good girl and do that for me?” he says
“Ok...but” you start
“I can’t be the only one fully naked out here. At least take off your shirt” you conclude. Finally, after this whole night since the concert ended, you’re showing signs of yourself once again. 
“Whatever you want sweetheart” he complied, releasing your hands. You get off the bed causing a look of confusion. You turn towards him and put your hands behind your back. You slowly start undoing the zipper at the back and you see the realization suddenly hit his eyes. He sits at the edge of the bed leaning back using his arms as support, enjoying the show that he knows is only for him. As I start shimming out of the skirt and seeing his eyes watch where my hands are, I stop.
“Why’d you stop?” he questions
“Last I checked, I said I wasn’t going to be the only one without clothing” I relay 
“Sorry, just enjoying the show. I hate missing good moments of a great movie” he winked
“Well looks like you hit the rewind button” I comment pulling my skirt back up and reaching for the zipper. 
“Oof you’re really going to make this a fun time huh?” he laughs
“Of course” I wink. He stands up and removes his shirt showing his pale yet fit self. You just stand there gazing as this boy built for the demigods. That’s when you truly realize that god truly picks favorites, though I know he’s worked hard for that body.
“Like what you see?” he slyly says 
“Who wouldn’t” I replied without looking back up. It didn’t take you long to rid yourself of your skirt. Though he was still wearing more clothes  than you were, it still felt better that he didn’t have a shirt. This wasn’t a moment of teasing during a concert where it is only a moment that a shirt gets raised, this is close to permanent and with more purging of clothing coming down the road. You both stood there just looking each other in the eyes. A deep breath held by much tension was let out and that’s when Yugyeom picked me up behind the knees and laid me down on the bed.
It wasn’t a foreign fact that his hard on was rubbing against my clothed core. He knew exactly what he was doing, he grinded harder and I let out a subtle moan. He dragged one of his hands down my sides and past my underwear. He rubbed my clit in circular motions with just the right amount of pressure. His index finger slid down my slit, teasing my opening
“Fuck Yug, please” I begged. 
“Damn you’re so wet” he seeths. Luckily he wasn’t fully ignoring my pleas. He slipped his finger in and slowly started pumping. The moans that left me could not be described with words. He easily found the one spot that could ruin me and made sure to hit it. Suddenly, he slides in a second finger. I let out a louder moan than before and continued to receive the pleasure he had been giving. He pumped harder and rubbed my clit faster and the tension in my stomach kept building,
“Fuck I’m close daddy” I moaned out. My eyes shot open in realization of the word that just left my mouth
“What did you just say?” he says in a low voice
“N-nothing” I squeaked out avoiding eye contact with him
“Say..It” he growled in what I would’ve thought a demon would sound like.
“D-daddy” he said quietly 
“Louder” he commanded 
“Daddy” I muttered slightly louder and more boldly. This I knew about myself; this daddy kink has always been a thing about me, but I have never uttered that word from just finger play and even someone younger than me. 
“Now what would you like daddy to do? Hm?”
“Please, I’m so close”
“As you wish sweetheart” he replies. He throttles the two fingers back into my warmth and curves his fingers up; with his thumb back on my clit. Knowing exactly where to hit, I let out a loud moan. My respirations grew deeper and faster as he kept pumping. The tension built more and more until I couldn’t bare it anymore.
“Fuck fuck fuck” I moan out. My body erupts in spasms almost immediately and it takes a minute for me to calm back down. My breaths slow as I catch my breath and realize how this might look. I couldn’t think of how I might look and I shield my face. 
“Why are you covering your face?” Yugyeom lightly chuckles
“I probably look a mess right now” I reply back
“y/f/n, you look beautiful” he compliments removing my hands from my face. He lays down beside me, almost exhausted himself.
“Why are you the one that’s tired? You weren’t the one that just got finger fucked” I laugh
“Seeing you like this, truthfully takes my breath away...and you forget that we just performed a two and a half hour concert” he replies back jokingly 
“Wow ok cringe, and that makes sense” I reply back. I lay to my side and he pulled me into his chest.
“Don’t you want a turn?” I ask after a moment of silence
“Nah I’m fine. Let’s just lay here” he says soothingly. Now, I know better and though I’m sensitive and truthfully tired, he seems to have unfinished business that is screaming to be dealt with. I slowly start moving my butt against him trying to gain a reaction from him. He slightly growls,
“W-what are you doing?” he asks nervously 
“You seem to have some unfinished business and I just wanted to solve it for you” I replied. I started moving faster as I feel him growing harder and...bigger? 
“Y-y/f/n” he moans out 
“Now tell me what you want baby boy?” I reply back slightly 
“P-please…” he sputtered 
“Please what? Use your words” I state. I was happy that I was finally getting back to my regular self.
“Please, I need you” was all I needed. I turned to face him and pulled my arm down to his crotch. My hand grabbed his covered member and started slowly massaging it. He let out a small moan, but tried to keep it suppressed. I was determined now to make him moan louder. I put my hand in his sweats and realized 
“No underwear?”
“Well they tend to be a little constricting so I choose not to wear them when I don’t have to” he mumbles out. I nod understanding his position. Hell, I understand because I hate wearing a lot of clothes when I’m at home. I grab his member and start pumping slowly. His breaths were getting deep so I decided to switch my tactic. I turned him on his back and got between his legs. I grabbed his waistband of his light gray sweatpants and slowly started inching them down. Throughout this whole process, my eye contact never left his. His stare was so innocent and his face was obviously getting red. I locked my eyes back on his pants once they were pulled far enough. His hard member shot up finally being set free from the constraints of the waistband. 
He was a decent size, not super big but not small either. It stood boldly and was already slightly oozing with precum. I knew better than to gawk because he might take the opportunity to take control back and I sure in hell wasn’t going to let that happen again. I pumped him more and lowered my mouth to it. I start to bob my head up and down at a steady pace. A string of curse words made their way out of his mouth along with some moans as well. I kept bobbing and stroking his member for a little while longer until I felt him jerk his hips up. I hold them down preventing him from bucking them up again. I do help further the pleasure by hitting the back of my throat a little more often than before. He tried grabbing my hair and I decided to hold down his arms. That proved to be pointless since he was a lot stronger than me. 
I released his member from my mouth and he snapped his head up.
“Why did you stop?” he wined
“I can’t have you grabbing my hair now can I?” I comment
“S-sorry” he apologizes 
“No~ that won’t work now will it” I smirk. I got off the bed and looked around for a second until I found what I was looking for. I went to his luggage, opened it, and started looking through it. 
“What are you doing?” Yugyeom questioned 
“Just looking for something...found it!” I exclaim. I turn around and hold up two belts with a smirk on my face.
“W-what are you going to do with those?” he shockingly asks with wide eyes
“This will keep those lovely hands of yours to yourself” I reply 
“Fuck, this is going to drive me insane not being able to touch you” he sighs
“Mmmm, I’m going to enjoy this” I say as I get back on the bed and straddle him. Luckily, and unusually, the hotel beds here came with a “usable” bed frame. I grabbed one of his arms and pulled it back. I tied one belt around his wrist then around the bed post frame. I grabbed the other arm and did the same. This is one thing I can say I’m good at, though I don’t think girl scouts taught us tying skills to be used for this reason. After making sure the belts were nice and tight, I went back to being stationed between his legs. I place my mouth back on his stiff member and my hand at his base helping me pump as I suck. He moans more than before and I guess it’s because of being restrained that causes it. 
“Fuck I’m so close, keep going, I’m so fucking close” he moans out. I picked up my pace to get him to reach his climax. Only a few seconds later do I feel his hips bucking up, hot liquid shoot to the back of my throat along with a string of curses. I milk him for all he’s worth taking my time to look at his face curling in pleasure. I release him and crawl my way up to his face. He opened his eyes and we made eye contact. I swallowed the liquid and used my finger to swipe my bottom lip showing that I would leave nothing of his wasted.  
“Fuck...I can’t….fuck” he mumbles. I smirk as I scooted to get off of him, fully satisfied by my accomplishment. That was short lived when I realized that his member was still slightly erect.
“I see that someone isn’t satisfied quite yet” I laugh
“What can I say, you have me horny as fuck” he replies with a sigh
“Well we can’t have that, now can we” I smirk. I get off the bed and remove my underwear that proves to be pointless at this point. I get back on top of him and center myself above his member. As I began to lower myself down, he stopped me
“Wait I think there’s a condom in my bag” he states
“Don’t worry, I’m on birth control” I state. With a breath, I slowly let myself down onto his member. We both let out moans of pleasure as I was being filled and he was being enveloped around my walls.
“Fuck, y/f/n, you’re so tight. god you feel incredible” he moans out 
“Yug you feel so good, fuck” I moan out as well. I give myself a little time to adjust from being stretched out so suddenly. Once I felt settled I started moving slowly. More strings of moans were let out by the both of us. Yug tried to reach out, but groaned out of anger forgetting he was restrained. 
“Damn, y/f/n let me out of these. They’re driving me insane” he uttered angrily 
“Hmm we’ll see, I quite enjoy this” I laughed. To increase the torture I decided to pause for a moment. 
“Why did you stop?” he growled. I said nothing and just looked him in the eye. I put my hands on my boobs and slowly started massaging them. I slowly started moving my hips back and forth trying to stimulate myself as much as possible. I threw my head back in pleasure that I was inducing myself. Yug was struggling to rid his arms of the restraints,
“Shit, take these things off of me. I can’t stand it, FUCK I can’t touch you” he angrily says. Seeing him struggle and beg just turns me on even more. I think it’s because of how much he exudes big dick energy, that seeing how he looks so vulnerable had me at my wits end. 
“Fuck, please!” he begs
“Damn, ok. I bet your arms are tired” I slightly give in. I lift up off him and go to untie his hands. As I release the second arm, I realize my mistake; maybe I riled him up a little too much. He suddenly pulled me on the bed and flipped me over with my arms yet again trappe above my head. My eyes were wide and my heart racing fast,
“Sweetheart, you made daddy very mad by all the teasing” he commented with his eyes covered by his bangs. Damn he looks hot.
“Oh did I?” I say with an innocent look
“Don’t play innocent sweetheart, you knew exactly what you were doing and now you’re going to pay for it” he says with a growl. He grabs my arms and one of the belts and ties them up. Well played Yug, well played. He leans over me and without warning, shoves his member into me.
“FUCK, SHIT!!” I scream out. He thrusts at a sporadic pace that drove me crazy. I knew this was payback and I greatly regretted torturing him earlier. He was missing my g-spot intentionally every now and then and it was driving me up the wall. He reached his hands up to my boobs and started massaging them while he started grinding at a slower pace. I moaned out in pleasure and I could see a smirk form on his face
“Damn, do you feel that good?” he cocks. Nothing but a string of moans leave my mouth as a response.
“So how does my princess want me to continue?” he asks continually grinding into me
“Please...harder...harder” I reply
“Harder what beautiful?”  
“Please harder daddy” 
“As you wish my queen” he replies. Damn that new name change just increased this ecstasy. He did as he was told and went harder. 
“Fuck I’m so close Yug” I moan out
“Me...too” he moaned out a reply. He slowly slid his hand up around my throat and slightly squeezed unexpectedly which caught me by surprise. My eyes crept open making direct eye contact with him
“Yug…” I squeak. His eyes are dark and lustful, but it was almost like he was broken out of a trance, he snatched his hand away and halted his movements altogether. 
“y/f/n, I’m sorry, I don’t know what came over me. I...I..” he panicked 
“Yug, it’s ok. Shit it was hot please keep going I’m so close” I assure him
“A-are you sure?” he looks with such innocent eyes
“Yug I swear If you don’t finish what we started I will end you” I threaten
“Alright alright” he says as he leans back down to kiss my lips. He started to pound into me quickly and without warning or hesitation again . He returned his hand back to my throat and after the two words of “I’m close” slipped my lips, he started to squeeze harder. I could tell he was reaching his climax due to his movements getting sloppy and the rhythm being less consistent. Deep moans rung throughout the room as we both hit our climaxes. The constriction around my neck really made it all the more euphoric. He thrusted his hips a few more times helping me ride out my high. After a few deep breaths were given out before Yugyeom collapsed beside me.
“Oh my god…” he says still trying to regain the lost air
“...that was amazing,” I finished. We turned to look at each other and he leaned down giving a long kiss to my sweaty forehead. He pulls me into his chest and I feel my eyes getting heavy. 
“You getting sleepy?” Yugyeom softly speaks up
“Mmm” was all I could respond
“Do you want to get cleaned up a little first?” he suggests
“I know I should, but I’m so lazy now” I whine in almost a sleep type manner
“Here let me help you” he responds. I feel the dip in the bed disappear and I force my eyes slightly open. Before my brain could comprehend what was going on, I felt my body being lifted off the bed.
“What are you doing?!” I exclaim in a slight chuckle
“We both need to freshen up anyways and…” he draws out
“And what?” I look at him in confusion
“Well, I don’t think Mark hyung would be appreciative of us stinking up the place” he laughs
“True he would probably stop rooming with you during tours” I laugh as we proceed to the bathroom.
“I can’t have that!! I get really lonely during tours and no one else wants to share a room but he’s the only one that doesn’t mind” he fake cries. (V Live, 05122018; http://kpopherald.koreaherald.com/view.php?ud=201805131852414957228_2) 
“You cry baby” I laugh while lightly hitting him on his shoulder
“Do you mind putting me down? You’ve been standing in the bathroom, holding me in this bridal style for the past 10 minutes” I continue
“Nope, this is nice” he grins, but puts me down into the already filling bathtub...wait...when did he even do this? Oh well nevermind. I see him grab some soap he brought from the sink and pour it into the bathtub. I’m surprised, and also not, that this man would enjoy bubble baths, but I can’t complain, who doesn’t like bubble baths. After pouring a decent amount in, he hops in and sits behind me. We sit in the quietness of the bathroom with the warmth of the water and our bodies keeping us comfortable. We continued small banter back and forth until we decided that it was time for us to get out and dry ourselves off. 
Yugyeom told me to wait as he ran into the room and came back with one of his shirts for me to wear. I threw it on as he put on his own clothes as well. We went back in the room and Yugyeom jumped in the bed while I headed to the window. 
“What are you doing?” Yugyeom looks over to ask 
“Opening the window, this place might need a little airing out. Let’s spare Mark the details” I laugh
“Makes sense, but sometimes I like to bully hyung. I’ll refrain this one time though” he laughs. I laugh along as I return to the bed after opening the window. Luckily, it was a cool night so leaving the window open wouldn’t be too much trouble. We cuddled together and I could feel some heavy breathing from behind me. I turn around, and smile slightly to see he’s fast asleep. He looks so precious and cute it’s crazy to think that this same boy was the same one who went crazy down on me earlier. I turn back around to have my back against his chest when I hear my phone go off. I reach and answer it,
“Bbbiiittcchhh you done getting your back blown out?!” I hear y/n scream through the phone
“y/n you drunk?” I ask laughingly 
“Well of course! Now ANSWER MY QUESTION!” y/n sasses
“Yes we’re done lol. I was just about to fall asleep when you called. Now I’m pretty sure you’re too drunk to drive back to my place so you spending the night with your new boo?” I ask slightly groggily 
“Good! I made sure the dinner lasted a little while longer, so you’re welcome. And yes! They’re letting me head to JB’s room first to avoid any suspicion and he would follow me in later” y/n rambles on 
“That’s nice, well a bitch is getting tired so imma have to talk to you later” 
“OKIE DOKIE GOOD NIGHT!!!” y/n replies and hangs up the phone. I place my phone back on the nightstand and cuddle back into Yug before drifting off to sleep.
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gumnut-logic · 5 years
We’ll Be Home For Christmas 3.3
Title: We’ll be home for Christmas
Day Three - If not for the courage of the fearless crew – Part 3 Prologue | 1.1 | 1.2 | 2.1 | 2.2 | 2.3 | 3.1 | 3.2
Author: Gumnut
27 - 29 Dec 2019
Fandom: Thunderbirds Are Go 2015/ Thunderbirds TOS
Rating: Teen
Summary: The boys can’t fly home for Christmas, so they have to find another way.
Word count: 4813
Spoilers & warnings: language and so, so much fluff. Science!Gordon. Artist!Virgil, Minor various ships, mostly background.
Timeline: Christmas Season 3, I have also kinda ignored the main storyline of Season 3. The boys needed a break, so I gave them one. Post season 3B, before Season 3C cos we haven’t seen it yet.
Author’s note: For @scattergraph. This is my 2019 TAG Secret Santa fic :D I hope you enjoy it.
Now you’ve caught up. I don’t have the next bit written yet (only bits of it), so I’m winging it from here. Also, it was hard to find a good spot to cut/end this chapter and it is quite long. Hopefully that can tide you over until I can get the next bit out. Also, if I can get to see the new eps, I would really like to write some episode tags, but I’m still tied up in this fic with a trail of WiPs behind me ::wails:: I want to wriiiiiite more than I can ::wails some more:: I guess, I’ll just have to write in my sleep :D
Many thanks to @vegetacide and @scribbles97 for cheering me on and their wonderful support through this craziness. And to @onereyofstarlight for geeking out with me over the setting.
Disclaimer: Mine? You’ve got to be kidding. Money? Don’t have any, don’t bother.
 It was mid-afternoon and Gordon was exhausted by the time he made it back to A Little Lightning. The ocean had a decent depth here and it had taken some time to get down, untangle and cut masses of netting from the rocks it was snagged in, stow it safely and then run the decompression ladder up the water column.
Two took Four back on board and Gordon was tempted to go with his sister back to the Island. He even suggested it, but Tin simply grabbed him by the shoulders, turned him around and marched him back to the hatch. “I’ve got this, Fish.”
“I need to clean out Four.”
“You’re on vacation. Besides, I need to deliver that net to WASP along with the rescue recordings. I’ll take care of your ‘bird, don’t worry.”
He eyed her. “That is a lot to ask of you. You are already taking care of Virg’s girl.”
Her eyes flickered away a moment and he frowned.
“I will take care of it, Gordon. Now go back to your boat. She needs her captain.” A smirk. “Or do you want to leave her in Scott’s hands?”
“Hell, no.” And before he could second think that thought she had him lowered to the ocean and jumping off Two’s forward hatch.
Alan scooped him out of the water in the inflatable asTwo rose in height and banked around in a curve. A moment and her massive rear thrusters fired, her roar bouncing off the water around him as she tore off into the distance.
A glance at the bow of his yacht.
Virgil was nowhere to be seen.
It took another half hour of getting himself cleaned up and being sideswiped by Scott who made him shove a sandwich down his throat before he could chase up his musical brother.
“He’s resting.”
Gordon stared at Scott sitting across from him at the table. “Voluntarily?”
His big brother sighed. “Yeah, well, I wasn’t going to question him suddenly doing something right, was I?”
“Is he okay?”
Scott shrugged. “He said he was fine.”
“But you don’t believe him.” He could see it in his brother’s eyes.
Quiet. “No...no, I don’t.”
Gordon opened his mouth to comment by was interrupted by John striding into the room. “We got them.”
“What?” He stared up at his space brother.
“Penny traced down the culprits and located the financial source. All roads lead back to a Richard Polominka, a billionaire who owns half the French seaboard. She’s got enough evidence to bring him down.”
Gordon stared at him. He wanted the energy to feel jubilant, but honestly he only felt the bare minimum of relief. It would stop, but how many had died? “Penalty?”
John straightened. “Enough. Penny followed through and she believes she has enough for life imprisonment.”
He looked away. “Good.”
The yacht rocked ever so gently, the lap of water against her hull, the only sound for a long moment.
“Thank you, John.” Scott’s gratitude was obvious, but his eyes were on Gordon.
John’s eyes darted between the two of them, questions in their turquoise that he didn’t ask. “Gordon, when you’re ready, Mel Fisher would like a report.”
“Yeah, thanks, John.”
His space brother dropped a hand onto Gordon’s shoulder and squeezed before heading back up to the bridge.
“Well, that’s it. We freed the calf, WASP is picking up the illegal nets and Penny found the person responsible. I think this mission is complete.”
“I need a drink.”
He felt Scott staring at him as he stood up and strode over to the bar.
“It is the middle of the afternoon.”
“Yeah, well, I had to stare a baby whale in the eye today and then hurt her to save her life, so you’ll excuse me if I would like a drink a little early.”
But Scott was suddenly in front of him, his hand on the bottle in Gordon’s hand. “Go and talk to him.”
Gordon looked up. “Why?”
“Because I think you need to.” A swallow. “And he needs to as well.”
He opened his mouth to argue, but nothing came to mind. He let the bottle go. “Fine.”
Scott placed it back on the shelf. “He’s in his cabin.”
The Tracy brothers mental health network was skewed. Gordon had to admit it. If you were a younger brother, you got the better deal. The more older brothers you had the more smothering you received until you were well again. Virgil had long compensated for Scott’s lack of an older smother brother by just smothering up the chain. But that was Virgil.
Of course, all brothers smothered up the age curve to a certain extent, but being younger and trying to look after an older brother who while bleeding to death might be eyeing you up and down and asking you if you were okay and telling you to sit down, it was smothering against the current.
And apparently, the older the Tracy, the more stubborn and less likely he was to take the advice of the younger Tracy.
So in summary, it was usually Scott who fielded any issues with Virgil. Gordon loved the man dearly, but he had no idea how his artistic brain worked, so in turn had no real idea how to fix it, and besides older brothers don’t like opening up to younger brothers. Particularly the eldest two.
But there was something about this incident. Something in the music his brother created, something in the eyes of the mother and her calf, Gordon felt it. He wanted to understand it. It called to him.
He knocked on the cabin door.
And received no answer.
He waited a moment longer before quietly opening the door and peering in.
His eyes widened.
His brother’s cabin was draped in paper. Sketches and drawings lay all over the bed and the floor. There were humpback whales everywhere.
Virgil lay curled up on the bedcovers, asleep, still fully dressed in his linen shirt and shorts,  fingers still wrapped around his pencil, sketchbook still in hand.
Gordon opened the door enough to let himself slide into the room. He had to reach down and pick up paper from the floor so he didn’t step on it. They were hurried sketches, far from his brother’s finished pieces of the day before. The pencil marks were aggravated, stabbed into the paper, the shading scribbled. On one sheet a net appeared with the whale and there was an actual hole in the page. Some pages were torn and crumpled.
God, Virg.
He closed the door behind him quietly and, picking up paper, made his way to the bed and sat on the end. The pages closer to his brother slipped into abstract shapes, words carved into the paper, none of them nice.
Ironically, looking at the drawings, Gordon could see a reflection of how he felt. There was beauty in those moments with the whales, but they were scarred and tormented by the injustice and the pain inflicted on the pair. Gordon had been there, seen it first-hand.
Virgil hadn’t been beside him, but perhaps he had been there another way.
The sound of his brother’s voice in the water...
He didn’t expect him to wake easily, Virgil never did. So the brown eyes that flicked open almost immediately, surprised him.
“Gordon.” It was a hoarse rasp.
What to say next? Asking if he was okay would just be stupid.
Virgil was staring at him.
“John got the bastards.”
He got a grunt for that, the brown gaze looking away enough to see the paper all over the cabin. His brother let out a resigned sigh. “Scott send you?”
“No.” But it was an obvious lie.
Virgil threw the sketchbook aside and pushed himself upright, his legs falling off the side of the bed, feet hitting the floor. Gordon resisted the urge to help. It wouldn’t be appreciated.
“Then why are you sitting on the end of my bed?”
“Can’t I check in on you myself?”
Virgil eyed him and Gordon knew he had an inroad. Activate the elder smother brother, get him concerned about a younger brother and he would be less likely to see the concern coming from the opposite direction.
“You okay?” And yes, those eyes were combing him for injury.
“I’m fine.” Okay, so he wasn’t great at lying right at this very moment. But then this was Virgil, he didn’t have a hope at hiding something like this from his brother’s radar on his best days.
Today was far from best.
He held up a page with both mother and daughter drawn onto it. “They are beautiful, aren’t they?”
Virgil blinked, some unidentified emotion flickering across his face. “Yes, they are.”
“It was pretty amazing down there.”
“You did an amazing job, Gordon.”
He looked down at the page. “Heh, you did your own bit of amazing. Mel is going to be fascinated. You spoke to a whale.”
“No, I didn’t.”
“You said enough to get a response.”
“I had no idea what I was doing.”
“You did something and it worked.”
“I-“ Virgil cut himself off and swallowed.
“Perhaps...” Gordon was hesitant. “When you are better, do you think you might like to try again?”
His brother’s eyes widened. “To speak to a whale?”
Gordon shrugged, “Speak? Sing? Communicate on some level?”
“I didn’t speak to her.”
“She spoke to me.”
Virgil stared at his fish brother as his eyes widened. “She spoke to you?”
He sighed, let his shoulders drop and rubbed a hand over his face. How did he explain how the mother’s voice had gotten into his bones, how it had felt? It wasn’t words, it was just...pain. Pain and anguish that he had done his best to answer, to do what he always did, try to help.
He could still feel that vibration, that infrasound. It did something to him. He had spent the hours since trying to express what he felt. It had been such an experience, and in a way, Gordon was right, he had communicated with the whales. But it wasn’t on a conscious level, it was just emotion and he felt inadequate as his response was so strong but so biased human. He had no reference but himself and it was all he could share.
And it wasn’t enough.
Gordon’s hand wrapped around his arm and he jumped. “Hey, it was a rescue. Whale encounters don’t have to be like that. When you’re better, we can go visit some humpback whales. Maybe we can introduce ourselves, get to know a particular family, build a relationship? We have Four and the technology. I can speak to Mel, get a special permit. Just you, me and the sea. What do you say?”
Gordon’s expression was so honest, so raw, so his caring fish brother, how could he deny him? “Okay.”
The grin that spread across Gordon’s face was worth the admission. “Okay. We can do it. Fit it between missions. Take it slowly. Mel’s gonna want to be in on this in some way. Maybe we can use her to help convince Scott. Use the eco-angle.”
And Gordon drifted off into planning, his eager muttering, dragging a small smile from Virgil.
A rush of fondness and he grabbed his little brother in a hug.
“Woah, Virg! I’m breakable!”
That only had him smiling more. A kiss in blond hair as Gordon struggled and he let him go. The eyes looking up at him were a little wild and wary. “Wow. No hugging whales for you, you might break one.”
Virgil just grinned. God, Gordon knew how to brighten the darkest of moments.
“Now, onto more important matters.” Gordon held up a pile of paper. “How many dishes do I need to wash to get to own one of your whale drawings?”
Virgil frowned. “We have a dishwasher, Gordon.”
His little brother grinned. “I know.”
Eventually, Gordon dragged Virgil out of his cabin and to lunch. There were concerned expressions from Scott and John, even Alan had a frown on his face. But a pointed glare on Gordon’s part and no-one questioned either of them.
The events of the day had drained them all, so it was decided that they would head for Raoul Island and break their voyage there before tackling the final stretch home the next day.
Gordon was quite happy about this. He had planned to drop in on Mel along the way anyway, but this gave them extra time to visit, maybe stretch their legs a little. Raoul was much larger than Tracy Island and any of the other of the Kermadecs. It was also an active volcano that twitched from time to time, IR having to fish the entire scientific compliment off the island for that exact reason more than once.
Before International Rescue existed, people had died on Raoul due to unexpected eruptions. IR could be there in minutes and it had been before.
So relief was the first emotion felt by Gordon on the bridge of his ship when Raoul appeared on his scanners. When her forested peaks finally crawled over the horizon he was quite surprised at the longing he felt for the Island. Sure, he hadn’t seen Mel for ages, but really?
The emotion was there, however, and as they approached and he piloted around the great volcano to the north shore, memories of visiting with his father all those years ago explained exactly why he was feeling the way he was.
A sigh. It had been a long day. He was obviously tired and a little maudlin.
“Hey, Mel. Ima knockin’ on your front door.”
A snort answered him over comms. “I can see you, Fish. You did go billionaire for this trip, dinya.”
“Only the best for my convalescing brother. Wouldn’t have done him any good to bounce him all the way home with those holes in him, would it?”
“Excuses, excuses, Thunderfish. Don’t you dare think I don’t have access to the specs on that beauty. The speed that girl can attain is definitely Thunderfish territory.”
It was Gordon’s turn to snort. “Like you would turn down an opportunity for a decent boat.”
“I have a decent boat, thank you.”
“Yeah, one I sourced and bought you after I saw that piece of crap the DOC had you relying on.”
“Not all of us are billionaires, Fish.”
“Yeah, well, I am and I choose to exercise it when necessary.” And it came out a little more strident than he had intended.
“Hey, Fish, take a breath. You okay?”
Great. Now he had Mel asking that question and he hadn’t even set foot on the Island yet. “I’m good. Stressful day.”
“Yes, but I am glad you were out there.”
“So am I.” The comms fell quiet a moment. “Meet you on the beach?”
“I’ll be there. Make sure you and your brothers are clean. I want no bugs, no seeds and no life other than Tracys coming in with you. You got that?”
He rolled his eyes. “We know the drill, Mel.”
“Yeah, well, if you had to fend off tourists on a regular basis, you’d be repeating yourself at all times. The last lot tried to bring a pair of cats onto the Island.”
“You’re kidding.”
“Nope. Bloody idiots swore at me when I rejected their request to land. Said their pets deserved some time off the boat. Ended up having to call the local WASP in to escort them out of the Sanctuary.”
“I bet Brandy was happy about that.” Having spoken to the woman earlier in the day and found her as curt as usual, he had no doubt a request like that coming from Raoul would have set her off nicely.
“Oh, she was professional. Coulda cooked my breakfast on the heat coming off her comm signal though. For a bit there I wondered if the tourists were going to survive the encounter. I doubt I will see them again.”
“You can always hope.”
Another snort. “Okay, Thunderfish, secure your vessel, clean your shoes and I’ll see you on the beach. Don’t forget to bring that gorgeous convalescing brother of yours.”
“Be nice.”
Her only answer was a laugh. “Raoul out.”
To say Scott was itching to get off the boat would be to grossly understate the state of his mind. Gordon was efficient in securing the yacht. He had no wish to find her run-aground in the morning, and Scott understood that perfectly. But it was frustrating to have to go over every piece of equipment to make sure no bugs had hitched a ride. He knew the reasons and agreed with them, but he just wanted off the boat!
Both Virgil and Gordon were quieter than usual and it worried him. Virgil insisted on packing his overnight bag no matter what Scott did to offer to help. He was moving slowly and Scott ended up leaving him to it before his frustration spilled all over his brother.
His own bag was packed and ready before the Island even appeared on the horizon.
Okay, so boats were not his thing, but it was only three days. Well, four now. He never thought he would be climbing the walls this badly.
The sight of all that land was just...exciting!
Alan thought it was hilarious.
“You might want to calm down there, bro. You’re gonna break something.”
He glared at his littlest brother lounging on the lounge with his gaming console.
Alan snorted and shot him a smart ass grin.
Little shit. “How goes the game?”
“Quite well, thank you. Just beat John to the next solar system and it is one with some serious resources. Now I have all I need for my intergalactic jump. He can eat my space dust.” His words were punctuated with some serious stabbing of the gaming console.
Scott arched an eyebrow. “You might want to keep an eye on him. You know what John is like in these things.”
“No, no, I’ve got him. It is all under control.” Alan was grinning.
The grin vanished a moment later as his console screeched at him. “What the-? A mine? He seeded it with mines?!” The console screeched again. Alan’s expression became tragic. “John, you asshole!”
From the other side of the boat. “Language, Alan!”
“I’ll give you language! That was my solar system!”
“Finders keepers.”
Alan shot to his feet and yelled the length of the boat storming off in the direction of his middle brother. His language went further south the closer he got to John.
Scott rolled his eyes. Alan never did learn. Both brothers were geniuses in their own way, but Alan just wasn’t quite as devious as John. John definitely embodied the theory that it was the quiet ones you had to keep an eye on.
Scott finally got off the boat half an hour later. All five brothers climbed into the inflatable with all their luggage. It was a squeeze and since Alan was still shooting daggers at John with his eyes, at times it was an uncomfortable ride.
“C’mon, Alan, it’s just a game.” Virgil’s calming baritone was tired. “Not worth the effort.”
“Just because its reality is virtual doesn’t make it any less important. Anyone with an AI daughter should know that.”
John groaned. “It was all in fun. Who thought you would be such a sore loser.”
“Loser?! I haven’t lost yet. Don’t count your space chickens before they’re hatched, Johnny.”
His astronaut brother only rolled his eyes.
Scott turned to Alan. “Space chickens? Really?”
“Well, he needed something to count other than mines.” And the glare was back.
“If you two don’t stop arguing I will join that game and obliterate both of you.” That got Virgil a pair of astronauts staring at him. Scott was staring himself.
It was almost a stunned silence only punctuated by the inflatable engine and the water it was pushing through.
“You?” How Alan got enough scoff into that one word was a feat in itself.
Virgil straightened where he sat, arm wrapped around his middle. “Yeah, me. What? You don’t think I could kick your butt in a video game?”
John’s voice was calm as always. “You haven’t played a video game in years, Virgil. Things have changed since we were kids.”
“Yeah, Pong is long gone.” Alan was grinning.
“Ha, ha. This morning you were both arguing over who I should help.”
“Yes, but that wouldn’t have been actual play. I was asking you to help me design engines. That is your wheelhouse, isn’t it?”
Scott couldn’t believe he was hearing this. “Hey, guys. I wouldn’t underestimate him.” In the field, Scott was the Commander of International Rescue, but he would be the first to admit that Virgil was essential to that command. The fact both his space brothers obviously weren’t considering that at all was concerning.
“Well, he’s obviously underestimating us. Go ahead, Virgil, it will be fun.”
“Yes, fun to watch Alan get beaten by both of us.” John’s grin was pure evil.
While Alan spluttered, Virgil smirked and Scott found a smile on his own face at the sight of his brother’s spirits lifting just a little.
“Okay, World of Warcraft, put your swords down, we’re about to dock.” Gordon throttled down the boat’s engine.
The word ‘dock’ may as well have been replaced with the word ‘rock’ because this landing was no easier than the one on Macauley. It did, however, have the advantage of Melissa Fisher standing on those rocks.
Slim, blonde and no nonsense, she caught the rope Scott threw her and tied it securely.
“Kia ora, Thunderfish.”
Gordon was off the boat and hugging the woman. “God, Mel, it is great to see you.”
“And you brought your brothers.” She said it as if it was a surprise, which they all knew it wasn’t. “Alan, I haven’t seen you since you were this high.” She held a hand to her waist.
Gordon snorted. “So last week, huh?”
Alan glared at his brother as he climbed out of the boat. “Hey, Mel. Yeah, it’s been a while.” He held out his hand and she took it in both of hers.
“Well, it is great to see you now.” She turned back to the remaining three brothers still in the boat bouncing on the waves. “Commander.” She nodded at Scott. “Hey, Spaceman.” John grinned at her. “I hear you took ill, Virgil. Sorry to hear that.”
Virgil lifted up a hand and waved briefly. “I’m good.”
Regardless, it took both John and Scott to get their brother off the boat and onto the rock and there wasn’t a shortage of winces in the process either.
Melissa stood in front of Virgil once he got his feet under him, a brother still either side, and looked him up and down. “You’re taking the skyrail up to the lodge. No way in hell are you climbing the hill in that condition.”
Scott rolled his eyes as his brother tried to protest. A gentle clap up the back of the head brought his denial to a sudden halt. “Hey!”
An arched eyebrow was enough to fend off his glare.
Alan and Gordon hauled their luggage out of the boat. The moment the boat was empty, they lugged the boat out of the water and trundled it across the rocks to a spot far above the high tide mark and secured it. Scott and John helped Virgil across the rocks towards the conveyor system that enabled luggage to be transported up the hill.
“You want me to ride a flying fox?” Virgil was staring at it in horror.
“It’s not a flying fox. Dad designed and built it to carry people when necessary. It is more a skyrail. Related to your chute, actually.” Though admittedly it didn’t look it.
“My chute?”
“Uh-huh. Where’s your sense of adventure?”
“They must have taken it out with my appendix.”
“Well, you’re not climbing that hill. So Raoul Skyrail it is.”
Scott had to admit the expression on his brother’s face as they secured him in what amounted to a laidback zipline harness was quite amusing. There were some alterations made to avoid his brother’s incisions and Scott refused to let him go until he was sure he was comfortable and nothing was pulling on stitches, but it was definitely smile worthy to set him on his way.
Gordon took video.
The skyrail trundled Virgil up the hill at a gentle pace while the rest of them had to climb the hill themselves.
Didn’t stop Virgil glaring at them through gaps in the trees as he passed them.
“It is good to see you here, Commander.” Melissa showed no sign of exertion as they climbed the hill. “It gives me a chance to thank you in person for all the resources and assistance both International Rescue and Tracy Industries have supplied us with over the years. Not to mention the loan of your brothers from time to time.”
Scott smiled. “It’s our pleasure. You’re doing good here. It is our honour to be a part of it.”
She barely came up to his shoulder, so she had to look up at him. “Well, thank you anyway. Our job would be so much harder if it wasn’t for you. Hell, some of us would likely be dead. I just wanted you to know that it is very appreciated, Commander.”
His smiled widened. “It’s Scott, and you are most welcome.”
Virgil felt like an idiot.
Sure, it was a harness, big deal. But it was a harness that had him dangling several feet off the ground with no way to get down.
He was stuck.
And looked stupid.
It took ages for his brothers to catch up and the laughter on the part of the two youngest deserved some serious retaliation. “Just get me down from here.”
Even Scott had a smirk on his face. Melissa was all apologies. There were only three other people on the island at the moment and two of them were on the far side of it. And, okay, she had forgotten to ask Sam to come help.
“Sam’s here?” Gordon was all excitement like some damn puppy.
“Yes, Gordon. Sam is here, but you need to behave.”
“Hey, that joke was a once off. I just want to talk cetaceans with him.”
“And he definitely wants to talk to you about today. He nearly set off the volcano with his ranting earlier.”
“That is no surprise. Wouldn’t mind setting off a couple myself.”
“Guys? Please?” He was still dangling and this was ridiculous.
“Ooh, sorry, Virg.” The smirks on all his brothers’ faces as they helped him down were annoying. Even more so when both Scott and John walked into the compound either side of him, ready to shoot out a hand if he stumbled.
“For goodness sake, I’m fine.”
They ignored him.
Sam turned out to be a mirror image of Gordon except for the red hair, extensive freckling and a missing right foot. Dressed in a Hawaiian shirt loud enough to put Gordon’s colour scheme to shame, the man was wearing hot pink board shorts which left the mechanical portion of his lower right limb very obvious.
“Bitten off by a shark.”
“Excuse me?” Scott was frowning.
“That was the answer to the question on your face.” He frowned. “Gordo?”
Gordon grinned and stepping forward pulled the man into a hug. “Hey, Sam.” There was some mutual back slapping and they separated, holding each other at arm’s length.
“How are you? Have you gotten shorter?” Sam’s grin was infectious.
“No, but you’ve just lied to the Commander of International Rescue and the Chairman of Tracy Industries.”
The surfer’s eyes widened. “I wha-?”
Gordon stepped back and waved a hand in Scott’s direction. “May I introduce my eldest brother, Scott Tracy.”
Sam’s eyes nearly fell out of his head. “Oh my god. I’m sorry, I didn’t mean it. It was a motorcycle accident. It’s just that it sounds so much cooler when a shark is involved considering my occupation and it’s a habit and I’m sorry, please don’t fire me!”
“Gordon, what the hell?” Exasperation was the only word for Scott’s tone.
It took another ten minutes to get Sam to stop apologising. Gordon got clapped up the back of his head for his trouble and the rest of them were eventually introduced. Sam’s eyes stayed wide for the entire time. “Gordo, I knew you were a Tracy, but this is amazing. This is International Rescue.”
“Uh, Sam, I am International Rescue.”
“Yeah, but you’re just you. This is THEM.”
Virgil had to grin at the outrage on Gordon’s face. Served him right.
End Day Three, Part Three
Day Three, Part Four
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xstick-noodlesx · 4 years
My sister and I talked about weird things in the wizarding world (2/?)
-why are actual schoolchildren expected to fight Voldemort??
-why can’t people say the name ‘Voldemort’ like what kind of weird superstition is it that he will come back if you say the name??
-why was there no army established to fight Voldemort and his Deatheaters after the fist wizarding war??
-why do the centaurs live in the woods? They are basically as smart as humans??? Why can’t they hold a normal job???
-is there an option for religious students to pray? Is the only holiday celebrated Christmas???
-why don’t the wizards conjure up food for hungry people???
-is astrology science??
-were Dumbledore and Grindlewald like blood brothers? Were they banging? And if yes why would you be the blood brother with the person you were banging????
-I get that Dumbledore couldn’t kill Grindlewald but he could have helped??? He could have found him or something??
-Jude Law’s Dumbledore wears a nice three-piece suit? When did Dumbledore ditch the three-piece suits in favour of bedazzled robes???
-Dumbledore looks like those wizards you see on the side of vans. Did he use those as inspiration or was it the other way around?
-why did My Immortal do more for gay representation than the actual book series???
-why is My Immortal’s Dumbledore a more consequent and responsible principal that actually enforces rules???
-why was My Immortal able to predict the way they would defeat Voldemort? Was JKR reading My Immortal for inspiration???
-why did Ebony from My Immortal use the time travelling device for better reasons than people in the actual books?
-why didn’t Hermione and Harry come up with a plan before using the time turner? They could have maybe captured Peter Pettigrew and spared Sirius for real??
-I feel like their time travelling adventure is a little like the grandfather paradox, or am I the only one??
-why are people so discriminatory against minorities like giants, centaurs, werewolves, house-elves????
-and I know I mention this too much but it still irks me that everyone is fine with giant spiders, killer mermaids, giant quids, dangerous tournaments, flying a broom into the sky even during thunderstorms, etc, but a werewolf being a teacher is where they draw the line?? Like if Remus was a safety concern due to his lycanthropy than surely they need to get rid of Quidditch, too, because that seems much more dangerous to me
-is there only one wizard bank? Are there no ATMs? What if I need money but I’m at Hogwarts? Do I need to travel there on a day off to get my money? Can my parents pick it up or do I need to be there in person??
-I know I’ve mentioned it before but how does a giant squid survive in a little clear water lake? Aren’t they saltwater animals?
-why were they planning on having the Dementors kiss Sirius for something they couldn’t prove but they never did the same to Bellatrix for example?? Where is the line that you need to cross to be kissed by a Dementor??
-after capturing Sirius for a second time they just decide to give him the soul-sucking penalty all willy-nilly without a process???
-Harry basically saved Dudley’s life but they wanted to expel him anyway???
-why aren’t more things on fire if there are real-life dragons??? And who thought keeping dragons in the forbidden forest during the tournament would be a good idea?? Probably dumbledore
-Don’t muggles see the dragons from time to time?? Or the centaurs or something???
-why do the werewolves need to register and are then mistreated? I wouldn’t get registered if I knew I’d be mistreated???
-or why do you need to be registered as an animagus? Who cares???
-can you homeschool your wizard kids? Because I’d rather homeschool my kids than sending them to Hogwarts??
-this may sound weird BUT if lycanthropy is contracted via a bite that means it is in the saliva, right?? Does that mean it’s contracted overall bodily fluids, like blood or genital fluids??? Why didn’t Tonks become a werewolf when she kissed Remus??? Is it only contagious if he is a werewolf at the time?? If he bites someone as a human are they fine???
-why are the Weasley’s all red-headed? Why is every second character’s mom a redhead??
-why did the make the guy who was supposed to be an HIV analogy straight??
-why couldn’t Remus raise harry?? Like I get he’s a werewolf but once a month he could get a baby sitter? And I get that he’s poor but Dumbledore and Hogwarts could have supported him???
-why is Snape still employed??
-why doesn’t get Trewlany get a house or a flat from the money she earns at Hogwarts?? Why does she live there full time?? Does Dumbledore pay them that little??
-we said it in the first part, but why are there so few teachers? You don’t hire ONE teacher to teach ONE subject. You normally have like two or three teachers for one subject and one teacher normally teaches like two or three subjects??? How does the school schedule work if you have that few teachers???
-why is there a class taught at midnight in the astrology tower???
-what happens if I accidentally kill an animagus in the animal form?? What if I step on a rat animagus?? Do they turn back to humans after death?? Does your foot rise when you have the rat guy under your foot?
-and if you kill an animagus in pet form without knowing they’re human, like eg shooting a stag during a hunt and it turns out it was James Potter all along, are you a murderer? Do you go to Azkaban??
-how was Peter able to sneak into a family and then into Hogwarts without anyone knowing that it was him? didn’t Sumbledore know that James, Sirius and Peter were animagi? Didn’t Minerva know?? She was one too??
-what family just picks up a random rat and decides that it’s their pet now??
-Sirius snuck out as a dog? Did the dementors not question why there was a dog in prison?? Shouldn’t they be able to tell?
-did Remus give Sirius a flea bath after he escaped from Azkaban??
-why didn’t Fred and George question a guy named Peter Pettigrew always SITTING on their brother and sleeping in his bed with him?
-Scabbers sometimes slept in bed with Ron, right? Why didn’t Peter just go somewhere else during the night?? Why did he stay with Ron?? Was he a creep??
-can you buy birth control in Hogsmeade? Or do you go to Madame Pomfrey for it?? Or is there a spell for that?
-can they use the Accio spell to get Nagini or the medallion? Or does that not work?
-what if you die wearing the invisibility cloak? Do they just lie on the ground, undetected until someone happens to bump into them???
-how big is the invisibility cloak? I feel like it varies
-why did no one else try to outsmart Death like the three brothers? You could get some sick stuff from that??
-so the students fought in the battle of Hogwarts?? Like I get if a seventeen-year-old decides to fight but what about all the first years?? Did they have to fight???
-were the Marauders furries? Do furries in the wizarding world actively try to become werewolves?
-is your Patronus your fursona??
-were Voldemort and Nagini in a relationship??? Like she was a woman before she turned into a snake???
-is there a black market for wands??
-how long does it realistically take for someone to find their wand? There are so many wands at Ollivander's?? Did Harry get lucky after like the fourth try?? Do other kids take way longer??
-what if no wand wants you??
-what happens if your pet dies in Hogwarts? Do you get to bury your pet??
-why do people still use Snape’s past to justify his actions? Just because he was bullied and had a rough home life doesn’t make it okay for him to bully his co-workers and the students? And do all the other messed up stuff he did?
-how did Lockhart get away with all his stuff?? Did no one ever ask him to perform the magic he claims he can do???
-why are there so many weird obstacles to overcome to get to the philosophers stone?? Like a giant chess board?? Flying keys?? Just put a trap door in front of it to trap whoever tries to steal it
-why is identity theft so easy in the wizarding world?
-why don’t they have credit cards?
-why is their currency so weird?? Is there someone who exchanges real-life money for magic money? Like for muggle-born students?? They need gold to pay, right?
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Bellow the cut are my spoilery thoughts after watching season 2 of the Tick
I’m kind of glad Dot turned out to have a super power because being the only hero with no powers is sort of Arthur’s whole thing. I also like that she didn’t outshine Overkill and just step over him, but still looks up to him a bit and appreciates his approval. They feel like equals, and he’s still an awkward turtle socially.
THEY WERE SO CUDDLY AND AWKWARD ON THE COUCH, Overkill is def the kind of guy who can’t move if there’s a pet on his lap. He’s so soft I can’t...
I LOVE that we get to see more of Joan and her relationship to her family, she’s awesome and I love and support her. She’s just doing her best, and I hope those lobster babies come to visit.
Superian and Larry’s relationship continues to baffle me just a bit. Larry seems to just be a willing servant to cater to his whims I guess. I kinda hoped they were more buddy buddy than that. Apparently it makes Superian feel better to toss him way up and catch him lawl
The way Hobbs reacted when Tick broke the arm wrestling machine thing makes me wonder if Tick is actually the strongest superhero in the world, maybe second only to Superian ??? Or at least the strongest ever registered with AEGIS.
I really, REALLY like Sage. He’s fantastic. He’s also really attractive, is it just me? DAT VOICE THO. [take me on a wild nipple ride! jk omg I’m sorry]
That twin woman who was impressed with Arthur’s nerdy organization came off as REALLY OBVIOUSLY flirting with him, and his reaction was to just shrug it off like he wasn’t in to her, even though she was gorgeous, and Tick immediately picked up on it that she was flirting and got DEFENSIVE AS HELL like she was taking Arthur away and I just-- that’s pretty gay guys. That’s really... wow. And then she comes back and continues to hit on Arthur and he never once acts like he’s in to her, I don’t... I don’t know what to say but if Arthur suddenly starts pining over her in season 3 out of no where I’m gonna kms [not because he’s not gay but because it’s pretty clear he’s not interested in this woman. Don’t establish this and then force romance after we’ve seen there’s none.] Also when Arthur was picking out fancy clothes Tick had REALLY specific fashion descriptions and opinions on what looked good on him. He was like enjoying Arthur modeling clothes ajdlfdjas
Someone needs to draw Overkill being lovingly rescued by dolphins STAT
I honestly, unironically, think Edgelord’s entire look is cool and he’s very handsome. I think he looks like if Johnny Depp and Adam Driver had a baby.
SUPERIAN FEARS THE TUMBLRS. We’re his kryptonite. 
Dangerboat... plane... whatever he is, kinda deserved a little more attention toward the last half of the season. The episode centered around him was the most emotional and it brought everyone together more, I really dug that. It made me cry. ALSO WE STAN MICHAEL, HE WAS TOO GOOD FOR THIS WORLD. I’m so proud of Arthur for seeing Dangerboat more as a person and making an effort to connect to him as a friend. <3 good job Arthur-- at the same time--
I HATE they way Arthur acted like Dot has a specific thing she should or shouldn’t be that was out of character. It’s like the writers wanted the female character to undergo some sort of oppression to rise up against, some form of misogyny from her male family member that she had to point out. You shouldn’t have to tear down a good character because he’s male, to make the female look good. If misogyny was gonna come out of Arthur, let it come out another way other than “this isn’t want you’re supposed to do” like mother fucker, she’s been taking care of you your whole life, she’s done martial arts training, she’s a paramedic, she is way more qualified than you. He’s the last person to talk that way to anyone and it’s pissing me the fuck off. He’s the one struggling with mental illness and no phyical ability to fight anyone, it makes no sense.
Arthur’s actor Griffin Newman, he just does such a fantastic job. The whole undercover scene was so perfectly on pitch, like... just the right level of second hand embarrassment and pride came outta me. He was so close to  blowing it because he’s an anxious person by nature, but he pulled it off and came off more as just an awkward criminal with tons of money that was just believably nerdy. I loved it, it was so funny. Please give him all the awards. And that scene where Tick is on one side of Lint, way too close to her, and Arthur is on the other, and they just work her forking nerves was so hysterical. I died. I think they need to play up that comedic chemistry more often because Tick and Arthur bounce off each other really well when they’re not busy trying to solve serious problems. 
Ok so the whole human furniture thing caught my eye immediately. The pose we are first introduced to is an infamaously disturbing pose by a real life serial killer who ate people and posed their bodies in weird positions and used them for sex and I forget what else. Anyway I tried to brush that off as coincidence, but then later on Dot and Overkill go to where they think this Duke guy’s lair is, and his house looks exactly like John Podesta’s house that had a statue of that EXACT same serial killer’s victim in that pose, and podesta’s walls were covered in creepy pedo art of little girls and drowning women. And the walls of Duke’s lair were covered in creepy human furniture art. I mean there are all kinds of parodies this season that are in your face, but I don’t think anyone who didn’t follow pizzagate carefully would catch this one.
Speaking of parodies OMFG I lost it when Superian reenacted that Superman scene where he’s like “Can you read my mind?” as he’s dragging the screaming guy across the night sky. 
Ugh, I’m so sad that Tick and Arthur don’t get to keep those precious baby lobsters, and where did they get all the cute toys?? I wanna think Joan picked those up for them. Kawaii lobster voice: “Joaaan!” Tick is such a good dad...  A family can be a giant Tick man, a moth boy, a hobo, a mimaw, and a bunch of singing lobsters. "SHE'S THE MOTHER OF OUR CHILDREN!" Tick drinks respect woman lobster mom juice.
I think I don’t know what to make of the reverse Green Goblin twist going on with Ms. Lint. The creepy voice is telling her to become a hero I guess, but not really? I think the joke is we think it’s telling her to be a hero, but really it’s teaching her to be a  better villain LMAO
I’m glad kevin has a power and he was welcomed to come help even before said power was revealed.-- woah wait where tf is Karamozov?? I gotta tweet his actor he loves this show and he wasn’t in this season ???
I don’t blame Dot for being upset they want to defrost The Terror, but at the same time due process is a thing. I don’t know how that would work in a society full of super powers though. Because the moment you defrost him he’s going to find a way to escape. He’s the oldest, and the worst super villain of all time. This is why I’m ok with the death penalty and killing villains lol
I was expecting Walter to be some sort of MK Ultra sleeper agent, but the plot twist was, that’s what Overkill would become I guess. And Lobstercules. OH BTW I think she’s voiced by the same actress who played Captain Liberty in the old Tick sitcom! “Walter isn’t Walter? My feet don’t feel so good.” Aw Tick
Ty Rathbone drinks respect mothers juice.
Acting agent commander doctor agent Hobbs, honestly I suspected he was the main villain like the moment he was headed toward Lobstercules because something about the lighting and the camera work seemed to telegraph that.
I bet the reason Ty Rathbone feeds his black hole heart monster mice, is because it requires frequent blood sacrifice and that's the smallest sacrifice he can think of that he can quickly just put in there and placate it and go on with his day. I don’t know if he’ll be season 3′s villain or if it’s the aliens that just came back to reclaim Superian. 
Which btw, I called that shit from season 1 episode 1. Superian showed up crash landing inside Big Bismuth which is the only thing that could trap him. He was a prisoner, probably because he did some bad shit, and he told Arthur he helps humanity because he just wants to be a good person. Like he wasn’t one before and now he wants to try to be one.
I want to talk about these, nearly involuntary dance parties Overkill rewards himself with... but I uh... I still can’t compute that that’s actual canon. That that’s a thing Overkill and Dangerboat enjoy together and he... he can’t seem to control himself when the music plays... And also that Dot AND Overkill both know how to floss dance... I just... wow...
Oh and that hug with Overkill made me an emotional mess, he just... he really needed that, thank you Dot.
This concludes my rant and ramble.
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abdulfashionstyle · 5 years
28 billion job is 'more suitable for a woman'
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sunlitroom · 6 years
Gotham – s5e04 – Ruin
As I watched it, and some random observations here and there.
Previously on Gotham:
Tabitha was a dumbass. Jeremiah shot Selina.  Ivy gave her a magic seed. Selina visited the Church of Jeremiah.  Ed has memory loss. Jim has several sugary talks with orphans. Oswald went to Haven to get his people back. Barbara showed up to shoot him, but Jim wouldn’t let her.  Then everything went BOOM.
As always, long post will be long.  There are likely to be rambling digressions. Gobblepot might appear (although I welcome all shippers and non-shippers alike :)).  There will be naked favouritism and naked not-favouritism.  Broader comments at the end on plotlines and parallels and general direction.
In case we are not fully aware of the pathos of the scene, and in keeping with Gotham’s recent habit of absolutely beating messages home – we open with a teddy on fire.
There’s chaos and flames all around.  We see people panicking.  Oswald wakes slowly, blinking  He stands and stares aghast at the flames.  We see Barbara behind him.  She aims agun at Oswald's back – but looks round at the carnage and wavers.  A baby cries, and she lowers her gun and runs off.
Jim calls round for help – organising people.   It’s notable that even though he needs to be commanding here – his tone is also downright harsh.  This is underlined when he spots a dazed and shocked cop, and shakes him – telling him to snap to and focus, before slapping him for good measure.
Looking round, Jim spots Oswald.  Grabbing him, he accuses him of causing this by bringing the gangs here but – to be honest – while it’s blustery and loud, it doesn’t feel genuine. As soon as Oswald starts to protest, Jim lets go almost immediately, losing focus on him as Harvey approaches and asks what they can use to put the fire out.  Jim tells him the drinking water is their only option.
The fire is out, and it’s morning now.  Jim stares up at the burnt buildings. Harvey approaches and Jim tells him he wants to send search parties in for survivors. Harvey nods – but also hands him his badge, which was found in the building, shaking his head as he does so to let him know that the boy wasn’t found alive with it.
Jim tells the nameless voice at the other end of the radio that the death toll stands at 311.  There are 49 injured, and 2 dozen unaccounted for. The voice asks who was responsible. Jim says that there was a gang incursion, but admits he doesn’t know and can’t rule anyone out.  The voice promises help and tells him he has every right to be angry and upset, but Jim switches off – disillusioned.
We can hear now that there’s a rabble outside – and Jim goes to investigate.
Jim descends stairs and tells them to let the angry crowd they’re restraining through. They yelling random angry questions and accusations – when will he find the culprits?  How do they know they’re safe?
Oh Lord.  Jim is gearing up to another speech.  They can’t destroy the hope we’ve built up unless they let them.  Justice will be done, and we will stop this from happening again.
The crowd is not really mollified
Jim retreats to Harvey and Lucius, and they all acknowledge that someone has to pay for this.  Jim tells Lucius to find something. Lucius tells him it won’t be easy – but Jim tells him to do whatever he has to.
Lucius leaves.  Harvey comments that the building blew up when Barbara arrived – and Jim adds that she disappeared immediately after.  Harvey’s not sure about his own observation, though, saying it
Doesn't make sense - even for her
Jim says nothing makes sense anymore, and leaves.  Deep stuff there, Jim.
At Jeremiah’s church, Bruce is still rattling the gate - yelling for Selina.  We see a stained glass window of Jeremiah in the background, as some guards approach him, and attack
(An aside.  Nope.  Can you imagine how furious Jeremiah would be to find out that some random guard had murdered Bruce Wayne? I find it hard to believe that they wouldn’t all know Bruce’s face better than their own – as well as the penalty for harming him)
Fortunately for Bruce, Alfred appears, and despatches the guards.  Bruce tells him he was worried he didn’t get the signal – nudge nudge – and then asks what happens.  Bruce clumsily tries to cover up – but Alfred realises that it was Selina, and Bruce admits that she’s out for revenge and is in a dangerous situation.  Alfred says this is a recurring theme with madam (hey, fuck you, Alfred).  He comments that one day Bruce will realise that he can't save her from herself – but until that day comes, it’s time they should head off and find her now – don’t you think?
Sirens - and a bunch of tacky velvet furniture.  Babs – the red velvet goes with literally nothing else.  Please. Give it up.
Jim enters (not for the last time this episode!)
One of Barbara’s pulls a gun on him, but Barbara says to let him through – he’s either here for information or thinks she had something to do with that atrocity.
Jim says she was desperate for revenge against Oswald – who had been in the building.  Barbara says she could have killed Oswald right there but didn’t.  Jim asks why she didn’t.  The writers don’t have a real answer for this yet – so Barbara angrily retorts that the person who did this has to pay – that’s all that matters.
Jim says she’s worried Sirens might be next.
(An aside - Eh?  What would the motive for that be?  Haven can be seen as a sort of bastion of law and stability – it makes sense that more lawless factions might want to send a message. Would they really bother blowing up a brothel?)
Barbara says she’s already put of feelers – there was a shady guy lurking outside Haven
Jim is rather pissily dismissive.  Jim – you have nothing else.  Behave
Barbara also mentions something about a building to the north-east of the park
Jim asks how much the information has cost him.  Barbara tells him to do his job and get the bastard.
As he turns to leave, she calls after him
Do you really think I could have murdered all those people?
Jim says he doesn't know
Barbara says she guesses she deserved that
Jim stares at her.
Harvey contacts him to let him know that they have a problem.  Jim leaves.  
GCPD, where Oswald standing in a carefully arranged pose with his coordinated henchmen.
O hai eyepatch guy!
Jim approaches, and we get Oswald’s foreign jangly music.  
Oswald - what are you doing here?
Jim – it’s woefully apparent that you’re outmanned, outgunned and out of options…. so I’m here to help
Oswald hands Jim his gun with a smile.  Jim remarks that this is generous – and Oswald tells him he’s only getting started.  His henchmen bring in boxes of weapons. Harvey looks at him askance
Well aren’t you St Nick on Christmas morning?
Oswald tells them not to be shy, and take what they can carry.  
Jim says he guesses that there are strings.  Oswald says there are none – the only string will be the one cinching round the neck of the bomber.  And really, Jim – that should possibly have been your first clue that Oswald might not be on board with a custodial sentence.
Oswald continues.  He lost people too - people Jim lured with promises of safety, who were then incinerated
However – he’s willing to put that in abeyance, and for them to put aside their considerable differences, and get the people some justice
What do you say, partner?
He holds out his hand. Jim takes it.  Oswald smiles – and Jim looks serious.  
(An aside.  
So – sort of a lot here. It echoes the scene with Barbara, a little.  Both Barbara and Oswald are horrified by what happened to Haven. They offer Jim help sincerely.  In both instances, Jim suspects them of self-interest
Oswald is pissed off about what happened to his people, and he’s pissed off that they went to Jim in the first place.  I have no idea whether I’m supposed to think he digested his lesson from last week. That lesson – in itself, was dependent on the notion that the manipulative Oswald had no clue he was hated. Now, I’m to believe he’s sort of forgotten that big lesson (underlined by Penn’s death)?
For what it’s worth – I believe he was genuinely horrified by what he saw, and he sincerely want to offer help.  He’s still stinging, though, from what happened last week – and that will inform his actions)
In the library, Ed lurches awake. There’s a suitcase next to him.  He prods it cautiously before opening it and finding it empty.
He talks into a recorder – a method to keep track of what’s happening to him amidst all the memory loss. Have you tried drawing a clock, Ed?  Here’s the one to beat.  The bar is not high
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He remarks that he’s been on a trip or is going on one, before noticing a smudged message he’s written on his palm.  He figures out that it says ‘inmate at 1215 knows’.  He assumes that inmate refers to a prison inmate, smiles, and heads out purposefully.
We see old posters from Oswald's mayoral campaign pasted to a wall in a street down which Jim, Harvey, Oswald and several cops and men of Oswald’s are striding.
Harvey is talking to Jim, trying to convince him that Haven wasn’t his fault.  Jim snarls that he hadn’t given the people the hope he had promised, and now they were dead.
Jim starts talking about how they will conduct the search, but massively underestimated the speed with which Oswald would be drawn to a megaphone. Oswald begins proclaiming that the vile miscreant who was responsible for Haven’s destruction has nowhere to run.  His men and the GCPD are two forces – he gives Jim a wink at this – united in one purpose.
They’re almost immediately sprayed with bullets.  They take shelter behind one of the cars. Jim comments that the shooter’s position means they’re sitting ducks. Harvey remarks that they’re sitting ducks and one penguin – and Oswald pulls a face at him before yelling to the shooter that they have more weapons and more ammo.
A voice responds that it’s pretty cosy up here – thanks guys.
Realisation dawns on both Jim and Oswald’s faces.  As Oswald incredulously remarks that he knows that voice, Jim calls out Zsasz
We then finally see Victor at the window.  He offers a jaunty
Hey guys – what’s up?
Before blowing a little kiss
 A GCPD, Ed manages to sneak in by stealing a blanket from someone sitting near the door and draping it over his head.
He makes his way to the record room and starts rifling through files.  He finds the one he was looking for, but as he pulls it from the drawer, it’s taken from his hand.  He turns to see who’s taken it – and find himself smoothly pressed against the filing cabinet by Lucius, who has pressed his hand against his chest.
(An aside - Ha!  Has Ao3 crashed yet with the influx of people frantically hitting the 'New Work' button?)
Ed’s face breaks into a grin when he sees that it’s Lucius who’s found him, and looks generally entertained by the circumstance.  He asks Lucius if he ever learned that it was  
Impolite to sneak up on people
Lucius smiles back at him
So is breaking and entering.  I heard you were dead, Ed.  What are you looking for?
(An aside – there a quiet ‘no’ from Ed when asked about being dead.  He’s obviously not dead now – but he was for a while.  Ed seemingly has no recollection of what happened to him)
At the opportunity to pose a riddle, Ed gets very intense
I’m given - not taken – I’m with you from your first breath and follow you until death.
Lucius thinks for a moment before answering
(An aside – Ed and Lucius are standing pretty close while that riddle is posed and answered.  There’s an odd bond between them – and Lucius’ ability to answer Ed’s riddles seems to affirm it.)
Lucius wanders off with the folder, before turning to face him and asking what it’s worth
(An aside – I posted a set of images of this elsewhere.  It is pretty much a perfect recreation of Ed’s attempt to flirt with Kristen by telling her that houseflies buzz in the key of F.  Their positioning, Ed’s gestures – all identical)
Ed poses a little, and asks what the going rate is on dust bunnies
Lucius smiles, and tells him the file is valuable to him,
Ed smiles back.  
(An aside - I’m saying ‘smiles’ a lot – but, honestly, there’s a lot of smiling.  They pretty much go back and forth between being weirdly pleased to see each other, and vaguely flirty teasing.)
Money is worthless, and I have no snacks on me…..what would you like?
(this is precisely the moment where I’m guessing a lot of the fanfic will diverge pretty hard from canon…..)
Lucius replies
Your expertise
Ed smiles and draws himself up taller - visibly pleased.
Lucius says that Ed must have noticed what happened to Haven.  They want to know how it was done so they can avoid it happening again.  
Ed grins and walks towards Lucius, hands clasped behind his back
So.  The 2nd smartest man in Gotham needs my help
Lucius replies that explosives are not his expertise
Ed smiles wider
I didn’t realise you had one
(Did a shipper write this and send it in and then they just decided to go with it?)
Lucius grins at this – and Ed promptly tries to grab the file from him, but Lucius effortlessly keeps hold of it – staying completely calm.  Ed gives in, and Lucius shakes his head at his antics
Just - why?
He then asks whether they have a deal or not – to which Ed offers a sulky fine. He leaves, and Lucius follows.
(An aside - See, Gotham - this is how it's done.   You've never forced this interaction, or lavished an excessive amount of screen-time on it, because you've never had to: the characters share common ground as well as key differences, and it feels natural and plausible enough that viewers accurately guessed at aspects of this story before airing.  There's logical reasons that these characters would work together and - most importantly - a natural chemistry.  I'm not having it crammed down my throat while being told how wonderful it is.)
Back with Jim, Oswald, Victor and co.  
Victor shouts that he - 
Did not make that building go boom, Jim
Oswald says Victor gave up honour a long time ago – why should they believe a snake like him?  
Victor replies that he would never take credit for someone else’s work.
Oswald yells angrily that he would betray anyone for the right price.
Victor replies that if this is about Sofia Falcone, then Oswald should move past that – it’s not healthy
Oswald is fulminating when Jim asks him to concentrate and tell him if they’ve got enough ammo to cover him for two minutes.  Oswald calculates and replies
For you, Jim.   Let's say two and a half
Jim looks up at the building, then over his should at Oswald
Give me everything you've got
(Ooo-er, missus.  Gotham’s really blessing me with the double entendres this season.  First of we had Ed telling Tank ‘I’m gonna guess you gave it to me’ and now it bestows upon me Jim growling at Oswald ‘give me all you’ve got.’  I mean, come on.)
then abruptly cease fire
Oswald nods. You can count on me.
Jim gets ready. Oswald looks at his watch, and yells
There’s a hail of gunfire. Jim runs into the building.  Victor leans casually against the wall, drinking a milkshake, waiting for them to finish shooting.
Outside, Harvey and Oswald join in the shooting, before Oswald yells ceasefire
Victor turns and aims, and Jim tackles him.
As they leave the building, Victor handcuffed, the cops and Oswald’s men applaud.
Victor waves like the applause is for him, and praises some of the men
You were great.  No hard feelings
Oswald approaches Jim and offers a well done, commenting that they make a hell of a team.  And I know that we’re supposed to be applauding Jim’s heroism, and rolling our eyes at Oswald – but this stunt wouldn’t have worked without his guns and ammo.
Oswald asks Jim to allow him to deal with Victor.  Jim says this is more than his vendetta, and they need to see if it’s part of something larger.  Oswald agrees – and says he excels in the loosening of tongues.  Jim’s not having it, though
No - he's mine
He leaves, and Victor waves from the back of the car.  Oswald fumes.
(An aside – as always, I am biased in favour of Oswald.  I do, however, honestly think he sincerely wanted to help Jim find the culprit. He’s trying, as best he can, to be nice – talking about their teamwork.  He’s genuinely pleased.
He gets sidetracked by finding Victor, and loses it a little.  And although they play it off here as humour – Oswald needing to move on – Oswald has just cause to be incandescently angry at Victor.  He colluded in having him sent to Arkham – the source of a tremendous amount of trauma for Oswald.  He also saw how close Oswald was to Martin – yet still used him to have him sent down. That’s going to press a number of Oswald’s buttons – and we know that Oswald will react emotionally.
If Jim hadn’t been in such an assy place – he might have realised that including Oswald, allowing him to sit in on Victor’s interview, was likely the better move. He’ll still feel that the partnership is genuine, and he’s more likely to respond rationally if he feels respected, and when he is allowed to participate in the process. However – exclude Oswald, slight him – and all you will end up with is an angry and irrational Oswald who feels the need to reassert himself.  What happens later could have been avoided at this point by a cleverer man.  At the moment, that man is not Jim)
Church of Jeremiah.  Selina follows acolytes into some kind of workroom, where we hear someone sobbing and wailing.  We can hear the foreman saying Jeremiah is pushing the men too hard
We see him now as he adds that there’s no way to make their schedule.
(Er – wasn’t he dead before? That’s definitely the annoying stoner who was using the children as slave labour.  He’s even more definitely someone we saw Jim shoot in the head.  Does Jeremiah have the means to reanimate people? He was pretty friendly with Ra’s for a while)
Meantime – Jeremiah is tired of him, and cuts his throat
Well, not with that attitude you're not - let's reach inside and dig a little deeper. It’s the only way you’re making it out.
He licks the blood from his knife while Selina’s glare burns a hole in his back.
Ecco approaches Jeremiah reverently.  He’s talking to himself – two sides of him arguing.
It’s a nice gift, he’ll like it
No he won't
Ecco stares rapt
Jeremiah turns and spots her.  Ah.  There’s the woman he’s sexually attracted to.
He asks if there are these all the recruits.  Ecco thought he would want quality over quantity – not everyone can pass her test of faith. Jeremiah agrees that she has set a high bar for devotion.  He grabs her neck and pulls her close, then turns her head to the side to see her scar.  He then begins to dance with her.
She tells him Bruce Wayne and his sidekick Curls (or is he the sidekick) are here.  She really wants to kill him, and can walk really well for a paraplegic.  He twirls and dips her.  If she sees her, she’ll give him a shout.  He grimaces. She adds and kill her – which makes him smile.
Ecco is left all hot and bothered by their dance.  Jeremiah watches as she leaves with the recruits – followed by a disguised Selina.
Ed and Lucius investigate the ruins of Haven.  For a moment, Ed seems a little shaken by the scale of the destruction.  
Ed takes the lead.  
The superstructure is largely intact – so not c4 or semtext.  With this kind of deflagration – you’re looking at gunpowder or nitroglycerine.
They pass ideas back and forth a little.  Ed says it’s a classic locked room mystery.  Lucius is stumped.  Ed says there was no bomb – the building itself was the bomb – just detonate the heating oil.
Lucius holds up a piece of glass
That doesn't explain this
They look up at the window. Whatever ignited the oil – they speak now in unison
Smashed through the window
 At GCPD, Victor’s head is pressed against the table. He remarks it’s a nice table.
This recap is interminable – so I’ll summarise a little.  Jim asks why he shot at the cops if innocent. Victor says they were shooting at him, and they’re cops – plus, those were warning shots.  
Victor essentially says it wasn’t him – he’s not added any scars to mark those deaths.  Jim leaves to take a phonecall.  Victor says Alvarez can strip search him, since he’s handsome.
Lucius tells Jim that Haven was destroyed by an RPG like the helicopter was – and they’re now looking for the rooftop the shot was taken from.  Jim says his suspect was on the ground. Lucius tells him he needs a new suspect.
Oswald arrives at GCPD, wanting an update on what has been happening.  Jim tells Oswald he has to leave.  Oswald asks if victor is still claiming innocence, and Jim says the evidence backs him up.  
Oswald says he didn’t expect Jim to go soft.  Well – actually, he did.  That’s why he didn’t come alone.
His henchmen arrive, and Oswald sends one off to bring him Victor.
Jim says that torture isn’t justice.  Oswald says that as misguided as he is, his old friend Jim is correct.  Despite inflamed passions, he won’t rush to judgement.  He’ll let the people decide.
As Victor is led away, he aims a parting shot at Jim
Good to know who's really in charge, Jim
Oswald smirks
On a rooftop with Ed and Lucius.
Lucius confidently remarks that this is it.  Ed is impressed, noting all the calculations Lucius must have immediately carried out regarding trajectory.
Yep – and there’s the RPG case right over there
Lucius puts on gloves to handle it, hoping it will provide clues as to who did this. He’ll get it back to the lab.
A subdued and troubled Ed says it’s doubtful someone who could pull off this intricate plot would leave evidence.  Lucius agrees – but says it’s all he’s got.
Ed shrugs.  Well. maybe I’m wrong.  He unhappily adds a quiet, I hope so
He turns to Lucius and tells him, sincerely
I truly hope you find whoever did this - and you make them pay
Lucius looks at him for a moment, and then hands him the file he wanted.
As promised.  I appreciate your help Ed – I couldn't have done it without you
Ed blinks, surprised. Lucius continues.
And if you tell anyone I said that - I will deny it
He gives a cute little flex of his shoulders, grins at Ed, and leaves.
A smile breaks out on Ed’s face – which widens as he looks down.
(An aside – My my, isn’t Ed left all swept and flustered?  Lucius is very charming, and Ed is decidedly charmed.)
His smile disappears when he opens the file and finds that the inmate is deceased.  He yells in frustration, and throws the papers away. As he looks out despondently – he spots a woman in a wheelchair in the apartment opposite.
His first response is to yell for Lucius to come back – but he’s left.  He jumps and waves to catch her attention – but the deaf old bat doesn’t hear, and he leaves to go question her.
 At city hall, Victor sits down on an ornate chair, looking unimpressed.  Harvey remarks that he’s got no love for Zsasz – but are they really going to let this happen.
Jim says if they try to stop it, they’ll turn their anger against them.  Harvey says they need to do something. Jim asks what.  Harvey mentions another speech.   Fuck, no, Harvey.  Mercy.
Jim ponders that this is maybe what the people need.
Oswald is playing at being judge.  And also the prosecution.  Oswald’s having a high old time.  
Order in court!
Victor protests that his rights are being violated, and Oswald orders him gagged.  He asks his witness where he saw the defendant.  He replies coming out of the building.  
Oswald plays up the melodrama – talking about the beloved souls lost.  He asks if there were any other witnesses – and virtually all assembled raise their hands.
Oswald says Captain Gordon would have the court believe that all you fine citizens are mistaken, and Victor Zsasz is not responsible.
He turns to Jim and asks if he wants to say anything.
Jim looks round, and says that it wasn’t a bomb.  There’s disgruntled yelling.  Oswald shushes them.  Jim tells them it was a RPG fired from a rooftop which caused the explosion. If Victor was on the ground, then he can’t be guilty
There’s more disgruntled muttering.
I know you all want justice.  So do I .  You’re angry - scared – help may not be coming.  We may be on own.  If true - what we do now is more important than ever.  But this?  This is not justice.  Not who we are
Oswald approaches, and leans to speak into Jim’s ear.
I'll consider that your closing argument
Oswald puts it to the crowd
What say you, jury?
They all yell guilty
Victor is taken to a guillotine – because Oswald is just that dramatic. He beats his gavel
By the power vested in me by…. well, me – you are sentenced to die.
He asks if Victor has any last words.  I’m almost positive Victor steals Sydney Carton’s last words at the guillotine.
It is a far, far better thing that I do, than I have ever done…..
Jim and Harvey step in and disrupt things enough to stop the beheading.
Oswald is livid
What the hell are you doing?
Jim says he’s keeping them all from making a terrible mistake.
Oswald is now beyond furious, and screams that Jim Gordon cares more about protecting a murderer more than protecting you
(An aside. @zara2148 mentioned elsewhere that this seemed especially charged with personal resentment – and I would probably agree.  Oswald’s anger at Victor is rooted in the whole Sofia Falcone business.  Although he’s moved on from that where Jim is concerned – the sense of anger and betrayal hasn’t abated.)
He leans in close to Jim
They don't believe in you anymore.  They're mine now
Jim shoves him away – and Oswald flies backwards.  He’s helped up by solicitous henchmen – one of whom is eyepatch guy.
(An aside. Amidst the silliness of the court stuff, there’s deeper content.  Oswald and Jim aren’t so different.  They both want to establish order.  They both want the love of the people.  They both think they know better than anyone else how justice ought to be administered.  Jim’s been on an ego trip just as much as Oswald.
Jim has, for a long time, Not Responded Well to being reminded by anyone of his kinship with several of the rogues.  He blusters and yells and throws his weight around whenever this happens.  What we saw here was just that in a more dramatic public setting.  Oswald’s words hit home – and Jim couldn’t bear it.)
Jim and Harvey drive to some deserted area with Victor in the car.  Harvey says Victor is not safe at GCPD – lots of cops want to see him on the slab.  Jim says they’re not taking him there.  It’s either a matter of letting him go or letting him die for something he didn’t know.
They release him.  Victor turns to Jim
Thank-you, Jim
He adds that the city never be what he wants it to be – it’ll always belong to the bad guys like me
Jim walks away, and tells Harvey to give him his gun
Harvey is unimpressed
Victor is equally surprised
Yeah what?
Jim repeats himself. Victor asks if he has a death wish, because he will kill him. Harvey too.  Jim replies maybe.  Or maybe he’s just tired of listening to Victor.  He tells him to do it.
Victor tilts his head
You know what - you seem tired.  Let’s do this another day.
Jim responds to being outdone in the maturity stakes by Victor by sort of lamely repeating what they said earlier and then telling him to go away.
People like you are always trying to own the city.  They never will.  Get the hell out of my face
An angry Harvey turns to Jim
A shootout, are you serious?
Jim sulkily says he could have taken him
Harvey is singularly unimpressed and angry at him
Never ask me to do anything like this again.  Pull yourself together
 At the Church of Jeremiah, Bruce and Alfred take out workers.
Up in the room we saw earlier, Jeremiah fans himself with his hat and inspires his workers.
You see – the river cuts through rock not because of its power, but because of its persistence.  So when you feel like giving up….
His workers have heard this before and chant
Dig a little deeper
He continues
When you can't go on any longer…
He sees Ecco – but as she draws close, she removes her mask – and we see it’s Selina.  She knifes Jeremiah in the gut/torso area
Deep enough?
Jeremiah chokes, and tries to speak
Well Selina.  Well Selina, I must say
Selina snarls
Don't say anything
She knives him repeatedly, and we get a lot of focus on Jeremiah’s pained expression.  She raises her hand to aim for the heart, but Bruce grabs the knife from her.
It's done - it's over- let’s get out of here now
Selina looks down for a moment at the body - a little like someone has thrown cold water over her.
A fight ensues when Jeremiah’s followers see what has happened.  Alfred hurls a smoke bomb, and they escape.
 Ed climbs stairs in the fancy apartment building.  Why is this place so pristine?
He remarks he hates stairs before finding apartment 1215.  He knocks, and the old woman who answers tries to tell him to go away.  Ed assures her he won’t hurt her – but needs to know what happened.
She tells him what some part of him was starting to realise on the roof.  It was Ed who was there – holding a rocket.   He shakes his head – and says it’s impossible.
He looks over at the rooftop, aghast – and the woman takes the chance to hit him over the back of the head with a vase.  Ed starts to remember what he did, and when she hits him again – sees her witness it all.
He turns.  She apologises and tells him she won’t tell anybody.  Ed says he knows she won’t.   She protests that he said he wouldn’t hurt her.
Ed says he’s really very sorry – and pushes her through the open window
He falls with the force of it, and stares out looking shocked
Uh oh.  Well – we had Selina stabbing Jeremiah earlier, and now it’s time for the second ill-advised penetration of the episode.
Jim sullenly drinks alone in his office.  Barbara enters, pointing out that the spotlight is off, and asking if he forgot to pay the electric bill.  
Hilariously, Barbara's makeup has been getting progressively lighter and softer to make her more palatable for this storyline.  Compare her first episode hair and makeup with how she looks here.
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They’ve removed a ton of makeup, lost some clothes, and given her one of Oswald’s softer haircuts. That could be s1 Barbara with her hair up.
Jim gravels a what do you want at her.  She says she wants the same as him – to protect her people.  Jim, a little snottily, tells her that her tip didn’t pan out. She offers another – a lead on a guy selling RPGs.  Jim’ still set on snotty mode, and asks if that’s all. Barbara tilts her head, and says that she heard some of his people went over to penguin.  She grins
Can't win ‘em all.  Poor Jim.  All alone again.
(An aside - All alone? Not really.  People throw friendship at Jim.  If he’s in his office drinking alone, it’s because he chose to.)
Jim growls at her to get out, but Barbara is enjoying taunting/teasing him.
No-one knows what it's like to be him.  To carry the weight
I told you to leave
I heard you
She leans in like she’s going to kiss him, but stops short, pats his face, and walks away.
Jim delays for a moment, before grabbing Barbara to kiss her.  This is inadvertently funny – because given the length of the delay, and the sound of how many steps Barbara took - Jim must have freakishly long arms to have reached her from there.
They kiss to overly doomy and melodramatic music.  Calm down, Gotham - they're not spawning the antichrist.
General Observations
Pull yourself together
Ruin is an apt name – because it wasn’t just Haven that went to pieces last week.
Oh Jim, Jim.  How far the mighty have fallen, and how quickly we’ve resorted to old ways.  Snarling, picking fights, drinking alone.  I should feel more sorry for Jim here – he felt responsible for those people, and now they’re gone.  But it’s all too inextricably tied to his ego to feel nothing but pity.  Does he feel grief for the people he’s lost?  Of course.  Has his self-perception suffered a serious dent at having ‘failed’ to save them? Yes.  Which one has motivated the pity party? Tougher question.
To go a bit weird for a moment, his situation reminds me a lot of this tarot card. Partly because of the imagery - but also the meaning
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The Tower is about a sudden catastrophic event – something that shakes you to your core. It’s often revelatory – and what it usually reveals isn’t very flattering.  The tower is built on unstable foundations: illusions and delusions, false beliefs.  Jim’s sudden transformation into hero was very sudden.  Not so long ago – he tried to ally with Falcone primarily because – as Carmine pointed out – his pride was bruised.  He allowed Harvey, his closest friend, to believe he was a screw-up for too long – and took the captaincy he was so proud of.  If anything – the crisis has felt like a sticking plaster: he’s been forced to focus on the here and now.  And he’s done well – in many respects – but those old problems were still festering.  
Now the tower has come down, and revealed shaky foundations.  The same old coping mechanisms are there.  He’s taken Harvey for granted, squabbled with Oswald, snapped, snarled, blustered, tried to start a gunfight, and now he’s drinking alone in his office and latching on to the nearest warm body.
Harvey told him to pull himself together, but Jim’s nowhere near it.
Oswald fell to pieces with the arrival of Victor.  There were festering resentments there – but he was content to put them aside to find the bomber.  When Victor appeared, it opened a Pandora’s box of anger and pain.  How Oswald pulls himself together remains to be seen.
Barbara seemed to be pulling herself together when she was unable to shoot Oswald – realising not only, perhaps, that Tabitha had a fair part in her own death – but pulling herself together almost to a much earlier version of herself.  A version that was horrified by the carnage round her, and who couldn’t contemplate killing someone.
Selina seemed to almost sober up when she saw Jeremiah on the floor.  I can’t honestly begrudge her the revenge she took – but they took care to show us Jeremiah responding to each stab. I don’t know how Selina will move on from what happened.  She seemed to pull herself together in that split second afterwards – but by that point, the deed was done.
Ed most literally began to pull himself together – all the fractured elements of himself.  It started, in a sense, with Lucius – taking him back to the old Ed by having him investigate the bombing.  Later realisation dawned slowly, then forcibly, with the blows to his head.  Ed’s pulling himself together – but it’s a painful experience.
Well – it was throwback Thursday all round.  Ed decided to play forensic investigator again, and reenact his flirtations in the records annexe for good measure.  Harvey and Oswald let a criminal go free.  Oswald made another dramatic entrance to GCPD, and Jim and Barbara hooked up.
There’s maybe something of a theme of dealing with the repercussions of your actions.  Jim agrees to take weapons from Oswald – but then has to deal with Oswald’s idea of justice.  Jeremiah faces the repercussions of shooting Selina. Selina will now need to deal with the repercussions of stabbing Jeremiah. Barbara and Jim’s tryst will have repercussions, the most tangible of which will make appearance in nine months.  Jim will have to live with the repercussions of turning Victor Zsasz loose.
So – I do think they’ve made both Jim and Oswald carry sort of needless conflict balls this week – presumably to put them on difficult ground before Bane arrives – which will then more easily drive a temporary wedge, which will then be resolved again.  I suppose you can hammer something workable out of this: Oswald is still smarting from the knowledge that his workers hated him, Oswald is smarting over being bested by Jim – but, then, you have to swallow two equally silly things: first, the notion that Oswald didn’t have a clue he was hated until Penn told him, and that the revelation that seemed to chasten him last week didn’t really take – which in turn undermines Penn’s death. In short, it sort of works if you only glance at it. 
I think it’s easiest to assume that they’re both lashing out, in their own ways, due to recent events.  Oswald – as Oswald does when stinging from recent hurt – grabs even harder at control. Jim blusters and alienates.
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