#good guy nai au
lankylunatic · 1 year
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As a follow up to my previous post
Just a bro with a smoothie. That's all Vash.
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rosenbergamot · 6 months
writing process = painful
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yurimother · 7 months
Fan Favorite Yuri Series 'Handsome Girl and Sheltered Girl' Licensed in English; Omnibus Release September 2024
On February 14, Seven Seas Entertainment announced that it has licensed the popular Yuri romance manga Handsome Girl and Sheltered Girl (Ikemen Girl to Hakoiri Musume). The manga is written by Mocchi Au Lait and illustrated by majoccoid.
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The publisher describes the series:
When Okuma Satomi’s friend seeks her help wrangling guys for a crossdressing cafe, Satomi winds up with a boyfriend! Sort of. After asking her handsome and aloof classmate, Kanda Mizuki, to help out in the cafe, Mizuki agrees, but on one condition: the two of them must go on a date. Satomi eagerly agrees, delighted to have such a good-looking guy interested in her, but Mizuki realizes that Satomi has completely misunderstood something crucial: Mizuki is a girl! Will this case of mistaken identity blossom into something beautiful, or will the truth leave both girls brokenhearted?
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Handsome Girl and Sheltered Girl was originally serialized in Comic REX from September 2019 until its conclusion in October 2020. It was based on a work posted on Twitter before being picked up for serialization. Ichijinsha published two collected volumes of Handsome Girl and Sheltered Girl in Japanese.
Despite its lack of an international release, the manga quickly became popular with English-speaking audiences and is highly ranked on cataloging websites such as MyAnimeList and Anime-Planet.
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Creator Mocchi Au Lait is a pair known for their Yuri manga works, many of which have a shared world and lose connections. In addition to Handsome Girl and Sheltered Girl, they have contributed to several anthologies, including Yuri Drill, Syrup (licensed by Seven Seas Entertainment), and the official Yuri Is My Job! Anthology. Many of their works are independently released online. Their other serialized works include Yamitsuki and the currently running adult comedy series Warui ga Watashi wa Yuri ja Nai (Sorry, I'm Not Yuri) from Kadokawa.
Illustrator majoccoid, also known by the circle name Haratama, has also contributed to several manga anthologies and is currently the illustrator of Shimesaba's romance manga series Tayutau Kemuri wa Tsukamenai, which is serialized in Comic HOWL.
The complete series of Handsome Girl and Sheltered Girl will be released in English in September 2024 as a single omnibus under Seven Seas' GL label.
Source: Press Release, Seven Seas Website
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chocostrwberry · 3 months
Just binged your chocoau version of Miraculous Ladybug and I'm screaming and crying oh my goddd it's so good yet so tragic :(
I have a question though (and sorry if it's been asked before): What happens to Marinette after she becomes a eldritch cosmic goddess? Does she just?? Watch over Paris in a way? I know the ppl don't remember her, but are aware that she existed...
AAAHH TY TYYYY!! 🥹🥹🌈🌈🩷🩷😼🫶 I personally love doomed soulmate aus so it’s like, the perfect opportunity to make one ehehffhje
(/nay this is just a great opportunity to address this)
The unification was too powerful and it killed her, destroying her body in the most peaceful way imaginable. She is not coming back!! Homegirl has been wasted!!
It seems like a lot of yall want her to still be alive, so I am CONSIDERING making her like, drift between spaces of reality as a goddess, or at least a kind of messenger/harbinger for the kwami, especially Tikki and Plagg.
Like she might appear in future holder’s dreams for messages about the future, or tidbits of things have haven’t happened yet or what to avoid!!
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ancha-aus · 3 months
RealAgeAU Drabble - Haven
I am back with my BS AGAIN :D @spotaus You know the drill friend come over :D I can not be stopped. I have grown too powerful!! (just played dnd. Checked the chapter to upload tomorrow for my main au and i wrote a bit on a new story. I AM POWERFUL!) <- says the woman who will probably crash in under an hour lmao.
First Drabble Prev Drabble Next Drabble
We got no beta and no editing as we just go! maybe that is why these drabbles for going so well. me just kinda going and not worrying too much about the in between bits or mistakes or grammar. I just write and say that is done.. huh... writing lesson i guess. ANYWAY! back to the family :3
Cross hums as he finishes cutting another wood board in the right size. He puts it with the others on the pile before checking the list he made before hand.
Cross nods as he looks towards the house "Got them all ready for the downstairs!" Cross grins as he takes a moment to just look at the house. Their house!
When Horror had returned with the news their new acquaintances had secured them a house they had all been sceptic at best, Dust had been downright suspicious.
But it was the truth! aparently they had managed to build up a good enough reputation that they had been trying to figure out a solution. An empty and abandoned farm and ground? That was too small for most to do anything with? hidden mostly by a forest?
Perfect for them!
They had gone to check it out and it is amazing! It is secure and easily to defend! Sure it is an old building but Cross and Horror can fix up the house easily enough! Dust had handed Nightmare over to Killer and had started looking around the house to inspect it.
long story short? He thinks he can fix most things.
With a hopeful plan they spend the inspection day also cleaning. That had been yesterday.
today? They took most of the old construction wood Crop and Straw had stored away and they got to work. Dust is cleaning and fixing what he can while Horror and Cross himself did contruction work.
Killer is on Nightmare watching duty. Mostly because Killer doesn't have nay skills in construction. Neither of them mind as they had been exploring their new area and territory together. Hoenstly it was adorable to see Killer walk by with Nightmare on his shoulders.
Horror walks out of the house as he takes the planks "Thanks. Walls?"
Cross grins proudly "All of them. Including the walls and the new banisters for the roof."
Horror blinks before grinning "great. thanks Oreo." nad he chuckles as Cross sputters.
May be because horror isn't wearing a shirt. Which kinda makes sense! Becuase horror is pulling a lot of old wood away and rebuilding stuff. the chances of him ripping his few good shirts is rather high. Still Cross is trying very hard to just focus on his face and skull. it is fine! No one notices!
Cross turns back to the pile he still has. it has been reduced quickly which sucks. He looks through it with a frown.
Crop stops by him with a knowing smile "Hey Cross!" he grins wider "Getting heated?"
Cross glares at him "Well the late autumn sun is rather warm!" and he goes back to shifting through his pile.
Crop nods "It is it is..." then the grin falls and he frowns "You guys already that low?"
Cross shifts through it more "Yeah but it is okay! I can probably use this to make the cabinets for the kitchen still..." still they will need to get more materials for everything else.
Crop frowns and must have made the same conclusion "Hopefully Straw gets back soon with more stuff."
Cross rubs his neck "You guys really didn't need to help this much... we already own you big time..."
Crop shrugs "That is how a community works Cross. We all help each other. We will eventually pay it back with helping them back." he smiles "We are only a tiny town and only have ourselves to count on. You heard how the deal with the repair service from the big city went. People are quick to think off us as dumb or naive. We gotta stuck together."
Cross shoots him a grin "We will try to ffigure something out... eventually." he groans "we don't even know what type of farm to make yet!"
Crop shrugs "You guys will have to test some stuff. See what works for you and your land..." he grins again "I don't think a diary farm fits you guys though."
Cross glares at him "Not funny. I swear Betty knew she freaked me uot."
Crop nods "Oh absolutely! Cows are really smart."
Just makes them more terrifying in Cross's opinion and he has no doubt that thought is clear on his face.
Crop laughs but a honk of a car pulls them out of their conversation. and. That is a giant truck. much bigger than Straw and Crop's truck.
Crop blinks "Dani and Ellie?" he raises to his feet and waves.
The truck stops and Ellie leans out "Hello! Your lovely neighborhood lesbians have brought you." she puts ahand under her chin and wiggles her eye brows "the wood."
Dani chuckles as she jumps out "Straw told everyone around town. Most people are grabbing their stuff but this was all stuff we were planning on giving to the community anyway." she shrugs "tree farmers after all."
Ellie grins as she waves them over "Come! lets see what you need! We have all types of trunks with us. They will still need some work and treatment but Dani is amazing with her magic!"
Dani grins as she gives a thumbs up "figure out how to treat wood with magic instead of the slow treatment. Most still want the traditional work but i figured you guys would be okay with this help."
Cross is unsure how to react. People don't just help them. People hate them and what they do. Tehy hadn't expected this much help and it is overwhelming "I... I... I don't know how to... We don't have money?" he is lost.
Dani shrugs again as Ellie smiles "Hey. We have been where you guys have been... well not exactly but people werent'exactly welcoming of us either... as soon as we graduated we grbabed my old car and just left. we foudn thsi place and people were nice enough to take a chance on us." she grins "We now pay that forwards. We are doing this!" she grins and winks "Will just have to invite us over for a prime tour of the farm once you guys are all done!"
Dani nods as she starts untying the many trunks "What Ellie said. the Danielle's are at your service. Now what do you need?"
Cross is still lost when Horror joins them curiously. no doubt hearing all the noise. He pauses as he takes in the sight before tilting his skull "What?"
Cross just kidna waves at the two "We... euh.. got help? And thinks? Do you know what we need?" his mind is in shambles at the moment.
Hroror sees it and smiles as he walks past. patting his shoulder before going over to the dog and bunny and having a short conversation. Horror hears their whole speech and smiles. he thanks them and explains what they need for what. The two woman listen closely before nodding and starting to organise the brought materials with practised ease.
Horror joins his side again and grabs Cross's lists. He takes a pencil and writes some tree names by a few of the items before handing them back "They will help prepare the materials. They are nice." and he disappears back inside.
Welp!! If Horror says that that means they are nice and most likely trustworthy! They get over to him and Cross explains the system he had and what they had calculated to need for each area. The two monsters nod and ask if they should start on the porch while cross continues preparing stuff for horror. Which Cross thanks them and agrees wiht.
They are hard at work when Killer nad Nightmare return. Killer laughs "Criss Cross! you are not going to believe this! The like east area just has a tiny field at the edge of the forest and part of that forest is still in our little area! better yet that means some of the forest animals are like right there!" then he notices the guests and grows quiet "oh... hello." His hold on Nightmare's leg tightens.
Ngihtmare tilts his tiny skull at the two monsters "Dani and Ellie... right?"
Ellie coos as Dani grins "Good memory. I can't imagine remembering all the new faces you meet only once is easy." and she finishes her spell on a piece of wood which Ellie pulls over to cut.
Nightmare shrugs as he hugs Killer's skull "good memory..."
KIller nods as he glances at Cross "Sooooo... Hello Lovely ladies!" he grins "What brings you here?"
Dani raises a piece of wood "Neighborhoodly friendliness." and she continues with her task.
Killer stares at him and Cross grins "They brough over some wood" he ignores the eye brow wigglign "after they heard from STraw that we are getting the house fixed up. aparently it is a community thing that everyone helps everyone." he shrugs at the doubting look "Don't look at me. it is new for me too. Horror said it is fine though."
Killer blinks "I mean... if Horror said it is fine..." he looks at Nightmare "What do you think tiny boss?"
Nightamre shrugs and hugs his skull.
Killer nods "notion accepted. Got it." he grins at them "We are going to look at some of the other stuff Straw and Crop brought along. See what is in there."
Cross nods "Good idea!" and he watches Killer walk off with Nightmare.
Dani chuckles and looks over "Not good at construction?"
Cross groans loudly "Killer is good at a lot of things... not construction." he shrugs "It is fine. We don't want Nightmare near this stuff anyway." he is too small to lift everything and could too easily get hurt. it doesn't matter he is technically a god he is not going to have to work. They don't agree with child labor.
Dani nods "I get that. best to have a child safe corner for them to sit in." she turns back to the next trunk and gets to work as Ellie cuts pieces.
They work for a long time and the sun is well past midday when more people come by. They deliver some older looking furniture and more tools and items for them to use.
Most don't stay for long aside from dropping things off or asking if they needed anything specific. Some brought over some premade food for them and other snacks because aparently 'breaks are important!'.
Crop and Straw, when he returned, work on clearing the road betweent eh main road and the farm and getting some clear markers on where to go.
Dani and Ellie leave later in the afternoon and by the end of the day their group of skeletons looks back at their progress. They aren't done yet but it starts to look more like a house than an actual falling apart piece of junk.
Dust is covered in ashes and when they look at him he just says 'fireplace' which probably means he found a challenge of somekind. Then again Cross thinks he spotted Dust on the roof once or twice but each time he had looked back to check he hadn't been there.
They are packing up when Killer and Nightmare return. Killer looking very proud and Ngihtmare looking a bit more nervous as he fidgets.
Horror and him share alook as Horror looks at them, now once again fully dressed "yes?"
Killer grins "Remember how we were told most farms have a name?"
Cross give shim a look "We are aware. we also agreed we would take time to think about it."
Killer grins "True. But! Nightmare thought of one and I figured it was perfect and fine!" Ngihtmare shoots him a glare and crosses his tiny arms.
Dust tils his skull "fact. Waht is the name?"
Cross wants to disagree but also if nightamre wants to clal it something specific he is fine with it. Nightmare never complains about them deciding stuff so why would they complain about this.
Nightmare mutters something but when he sees everyone looking and waiting he speaks louder "It was just an idea... Killer got excited..." still staring and he rubs his arm looking embarresed "It is silly... I thought... I figured Haven would fit. Haven Farm."
Cross stares at Nightmare and feels a bit of tears try to form as the meaning sinks in and what it implies and means. He can't stop it as he picks nightmar eup and hugs him close. Purring much too loud as he speaks "I agree it is perfect!" their home. their safe place. their hide out. their haven.
Killer grins wider and nods "Which i agreed with. So!" he pulls out a board from behind his back.
It is a name plate. It spells Haven but the letters are a bit croaked and nailed to the backboard. it are all different sizes and different colours nad Cross fucking loves it!
Killer grins "We made it together." he rolls his eye lights "don't worry i did the cutting and nailed it all together. Ngihtmare was my supervisor."
Dust looks appeased as he nods "Seems good."
Horror nods as he takes the plate and puts it by the door, too hang later "Will need a bigger one for the gate at the enterance."
Cross grins as he feels ngihtamre relax at the approval and start to purr himself. Cros sjust nuzzles the babybones.
They still have a lot of work ahead of them but that is fine. It will be all so very much worth it once it is done and they have their house to finally just be them.
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ladykailitha · 1 year
Well Met By Moonlight Part 5
Hi guys, I want to thank everyone who commented on the most recent Royal Pain and all the people that commented on the Midsummer's AU. I saw some that I hadn't seen comment in awhile and it made me so happy to see them back. I missed you all.
Here we have more of Wayne being badass. I know it feels like he's the main character right now, but trust me it will shift to the younger members soon enough.
And I got the chapter two to work finally, so I will be linking to the original from now on.
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4
Sun down on the following Saturday saw Wayne Munson in front of the whole town. Businesses closed. Only the hospital, fire and police station remained opened and they only had the most basic of crews.
Behind him on his left were Steve and Nancy and on his right were Billy and his bride, Heather. In front of him were the five boys that had attacked Steve.
Mayor Roberts stood between the two sets holding a microphone, he too was flanked. Sheriff Danny Powell stood on his right and Jim Hopper stood on his left.
“Welcome everyone. It is a sad day in Hawkins when we have to meet like this. I know it is hard on the lives and livelihoods of the people of this fair town. But a sickness has come to this town. The mindset of those not like being othered, seen as monsters and demons.”
The crowd murmured and hummed.
“But this town was not founded on those ideals. It was founded on peace and brotherhood between all its people. The humans, the vampires, and the werewolves. For nearly one hundred and fifty years this town has stood as testament to kinship that it has fostered. Which is why it is with much trepidation I have made the decision to let Sheriff Daniel Powell go as police chief of our fair town.”
The murmurs became more angry and sharp.
“He was told by several members of this community that these five boys before me were up to no good. That they would cause harm. Vampires and werewolves alike came to your sheriff with concerns and he waved them away. Regular people such as yourselves came to him that these boys meant serious harm to the supernatural members–nay to your neighbors and still he waved them away. Is that the type of man you want to protect and defend your town?”
Sheriff Powell looked down in shame as the crowd let out small cries of distress. Because no, that wasn’t what the town wanted. Most of them had thought him a good man. But this cast doubt on that very image. If he would turn a blind eye to a threat to a supernatural person, would he do the same to a black man or woman of ill repute, just because he didn’t care for their kind?
“Jim Hopper has graciously offered his assistance in stepping back into his old position of police chief. He will hold it until it is time to elect a new sheriff and with hope he will run then, as well.”
Hopper smiled and shook his head. “We’ll see,” he growled.
Mayor Roberts smiled back. “I will now turn the time over to Wayne Munson.”
Powell moved off to the one side and Mayor Roberts and Chief Hopper moved to the other. Wayne stepped up and an eerie silence descended on the crowd.
“It appears I’ve been too soft on this town,” Wayne growled, his voice reaching every corner of the town hall without the aid of the microphone. “Hunters think they can just come into my town, my territory and hunt people like a pack of feral dogs.”
The boys were forced to kneel in front of the crowd. Their hands were tied behind their backs and they bowed their heads.
“These are the children you raised,” Wayne told the crowd. He picked up something from the table next to him and held it up. “A foot trap made of silver. Considered inhumane to animals used to trap a nineteen year old boy, not much older than themselves. Yes, Steven Harrington is no average boy, but he is young nonetheless.”
He threw a few feet in front of the crowd, it clanging noisily to ground, the people in the front leaping back. He picked up the shattered pieces of the cross they had nailed Steve to.
“They bound him in silver to a wooden cross!” Wayne snarled. He threw the pieces after the trap.
The whole crowd gasped in horror as the pieces clattered to the floor. He picked up the final object off the table and held it above his head.
It was a metal bat. Not silver, but deadly all the same. The tip was rust red. Wayne threw to the ground as he had done the others. “They were beating him with this.”
“These are your children!” he growled. “Have I not been good to you? Have I not been kind?”
There were murmurs among the crowd.
“You have forgotten you are are under my protection!” Wayne roared. “Without me the pack and coven would have free rein of the town, like the roving gangs of old. You are fortunate that the current alpha and Dominus are generous. Do you not recall the terror that ruled under alpha Jack Sullivan before I tore his pack to pieces? Do you not remember the children that were be experimented on under the Dominus Dr Martin Brenner? Before Billy Hargrove came and cleaned out the lab and the coven that reeked of death?”
The crowd was stock still. Pin dropping would sound like thunder in that hall.
“Five years for Brenner,” he continued. “Ten years for Sullivan. Mere drops in the bucket of time for someone as old as myself, but to you? Far too long. That they were able to hide from me their ills for as long as they did, was an abomination. But they were summarily dispatched when I did find out.”
The crowd became restless.
“So I have passed judgment upon these youths,” Wayne said. “The two younger boys, Joshua Bentley and Chance Nelson will learn the ways of the pack and of the coven. Spending six weeks with each sect to unlearn the hate you taught them.”
The crowd let out a sigh of relief. That was good punishment for the two boys.
“Andy Duncan will be tried as a child,” he continued. “For criminal mischief and conspiracy to commit assault. It is likely that he will be forced to spend his time at a youth facility where he will remain until he turns eighteen. Then it will be up to the courts to move him to an adult facility or release him.”
The crowd took up the murmuring again as this was a little more harsh then the other boys, but still lenient.
Wayne grabbed Jason and Patrick by their collars and hauled them bodily to their feet.
“As for these two boys,” he snarled, “the mayor wants to try them as adults for use of an illegal trap,” the boys rolled their eyes, “assault with a deadly weapon,” Patrick gulped, but Jason was still smug, “conspiracy to commit murder,” Jason was mentally counting the number of years he would get and tilted his head like it was acceptable while Patrick turned white, “and for attempted murder.”
Jason looked shocked for the first time, he didn’t think they would go for the attempted murder charge, he had been told by his lawyer that it was unlikely because of how young they were. “And because of the laws of this town are unique, they will also be tried for supernatural hunting. A crime punishable by death.”
Patrick fainted and Jason threw up. Josh who had been sitting nearby, leapt out of the way of the vomit.
“But I am merciful,” Wayne continued, slowly lowering the unconscious Patrick to the ground. “They will spend time with me for six months and then I will make my own recommendations to the judge on the charges to proceed with.”
That was when Jason fainted, right into the pile of his own sick.
The crowd’s relief was palpable. Everyone was murmuring with agreement and elation.
“Let this be a lesson to you all,” Wayne concluded. “I am merciful, but test me one more time and you too will face my wrath.”
“Go!” he barked and everyone in the hall turned and fled.
All that was remaining was the mayor, Sheriff Powell and the six supernatural beings.
“Will you being staying in our town?” Wayne asked Powell.
Powell shook his head. “No. I got a job lined up in Chicago. I wasn’t meant for small town politics. I put my own prejudices ahead of the lives of the citizens of this town.”
“You still gonna be a copper?” Hopper asked.
Again he shook his head. “No, I can’t risk making the same mistake in a bigger town. I’m going to teach self-defense.”
They all nodded.
Mayor Roberts patted Powell’s arm. “You’re a good man who made a bad decision, don’t let this moment define the rest of your life.”
Powell nodded. He gave the mayor’s shoulder a squeeze and walked away.
“There goes a deeply troubled man,” Nancy said. “Do you think he’ll be all right?” She hugged her sides.
“Chicago is the best place for him to find that out,” Billy said. “It will either consume you or learn enough about yourself to survive.”
Steve put his arm around her and she leaned into his comfort.
“I hope the town can heal from this,” Mayor Roberts said. “There has been so much pain and hurt in this town in the last decade. I’m not sure how much more it can take.”
Wayne shook his head. “This town survived two world wars and a Great Depression, it will survive this.”
Mayor Roberts smiled sadly. “It is good to have such a long perspective, my friend.” He squeezed Wayne’s shoulder and slipped away, leaving behind the three vampires and three werewolves.
Hopper scratched the back of his head, sheepishly. It was strange look on the werewolf. “I’ve never been police chief and not the alpha before.”
“I prefer it,” Billy said with a low growl. “It means the werewolves are a little more even in terms of power in this town.”
Steve nodded. “I agree. It’s better this way. The sheriff needs to be supernatural in the way that the mayor must be human. A vampire sheriff would be weak during the day and even having a thrall as deputy would divide the power in a way that would make them weak. But a werewolf being sheriff ensures that everyone has a say.”
Wayne nodded back.
“Thank you for coming out, Steve,” he said, “I know this wasn’t easy for you, reliving your trauma.”
Steve scoffed. “If I didn’t, I would look weak and open myself and the pack to further attacks. Not just from the anti-supernatural quarter either. Other packs would think us easy prey. Vampires would attack us to feed on.” He glanced over at Billy and Heather and sneered. “I don’t have the favor of the current Dominus, not like our previous one did.”
Hopper looked down at his feet.
Billy smirked. “Come on, Heather,” he drawled. “Let’s go, babe.”
Heather simpered. “Anything you want.”
Billy licked his lips slowly. “Promise?”
She giggled and they walked out, with his arm around her waist as he whispered dirty things to each other.
Wayne watched them with a shake of his head. There were some disadvantages to having such a young Dominus. With a sigh he turned back to the werewolves.
“Thanks for doing this, Jim,” Wayne said, patting his back. “I know it’s not easy to come back this job, especially since you were hoping to spend more time with Jane.”
Hopper sighed. “I just hate that I have to step up in this way.”
Steve kissed the top of Nancy’s head. “Let Hop take you home, I still have some things to go over with Wayne.”
Nancy nodded and slipped out from under his arm.
Steve and Wayne watched them go.
“I was always surprised you made her alpha female,” Wayne said thoughtfully. “Not after what happened between you.”
Steve hummed. “I didn’t have a lot of options. It was either Joyce or her and I didn’t trust Joyce.”
Wayne nodded. “Who would have you picked if you had your choice?”
Steve smiled fondly. “Robin hands down, but right now she more valuable to me as a keeper then alpha female.”
“You really do have a good head on your shoulders, Steve,” he said, his smile crinkling his eyes. “Now, go reassure my boy that kiss on Nancy’s head was friendly, eh?”
Steve frowned. Wayne pointed to the back of the hall where a solitary figure waited.
Steve shook his head. “Has he always been the jealous type?”
Wayne laughed. “No, just when it comes to you.”
Steve hopped down from the stage and strolled over to Eddie. He wrapped his arms around the other boy and kissed him deeply.
“Oh,” Eddie said with a blush.
“Yeah,” Steve murmured. “Only you, okay?”
Eddie nodded.
“Come on, sunshine,” Steve said, his voice low and gravely, “I’m going to spend all night showing you how much I’m only yours.”
“Point me in the right direction, big boy.”
The two went off, not as giggly and overt as Billy and Heather, but just as heated, and definitely more in love.
Wayne looked up at the ceiling. “If there is a god, watch over those two, please. They are going to need it.”
Part 6 Part 7 Part 8 Part 9 Part 10 Part 11 Part 12 Part 13 Part 14 Part 15 Part 16 Part 17 Part 18 Part 19
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number1mingyustan · 1 year
Habit (part iii.) —k.sy
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GIF by chogiwapadada
fuckboy!hoshi x fem!reader
Genre: fwb au, college au, fuckboy au, angst, smut
Warnings: kissing, cursing, grinding, oral (f.), face riding, unprotected sex, penetrative sex, creampie, explicit smut, angst, bad tension and hurt
Word Count: 4.1k
part i. part ii. part iv.
"Nai," you plop down on your roommate's bed.
"Hmm?" she hums, not looking up from her book.
"I'm kicking you out," you tell her.
She looks up at you. "What?"
"I have a guy coming over and–"
"YOU WHAT?" she cuts you off, sitting up and dropping the book on her bed. "WHO?"
"Calm down," you laugh. "It's just Soonyoung and–"
You grab her phone, handing it to her and pushing her toward the door. "Yes, now he's gonna be here in like 5 minutes and I need you out of here."
"Oh hell no," she protests. "No way you're just gonna drop that bomb on me and not explain yourself. You haven't gotten laid since circa 1483 and now all of a sudden you're fucking Soonyoung?!"
You roll your eyes, pushing her toward the door. "It hasn't been that long!" you defend yourself. "And I will tell you everything you want to know later. Just find something to do for the next like hour and a half outside our room, please."
"It's like... 8pm Y/n," she raises an eyebrow. "Why the hell is he coming over so early?"
You roll your eyes again. "I don't know, he just texted me saying he wanted to see me and that he'd be over soon. Now can you please just find something to do elsewhere?"
You open the door. "Fine," she huffs. "But I want details about everything."
"Yeah, yeah okay," you oblige. "Now get out, love you bye."
"Love you too!" she calls back as she makes her way down the hall. "Have fun!"
You smile to yourself before closing the door. Now all you need to do is put on something cute before he gets here.
"You wear this just for me?" he mumbles into your neck. "Huh, Shorty? My favorite color in lace?"
His thumb is pressed firmly against your clit through your panties. You've only got a hoodie on over the lacy set you bought that he's pulled up, exposing the thin material to his eyes.
"Fuck," he whispers. "You really know how to drive me crazy.
You moan when he presses his thumb harder on your sensitive bud. "Soonyoung... please."
"Please what?" he lifts his head with a smirk.
"Don't do that," you breathe out.
"Do what?"
"Don't be a tease."
You don't give him time to respond before you pull him into a kiss. It takes him a second to respond, but he kisses you back just as hungrily. The kiss is rough and needy. You're pulling on his hair and his hands cup your cheeks.
With him on top of you, he pushes his hips against your crotch. His jeans are creating the perfect amount of friction against your thin panties to have you moaning in his mouth. You can feel him smirk into the kiss, so his hips pick up in rhythm as he grinds against you.
And fuck, while it feels good, but it’s not enough. You need him inside of you, filling you up to the brim.
You pull away from the kiss suddenly.
He licks his lips. "Thought I was the tease."
"Eat shit, Soonyoung," you glare.
"Nah," he smirks. "I'd rather eat you."
Moments later his head is between your thighs and his fingers are hooked onto your panties. He slides them off and tosses them onto the floor.
"Oh fuck!" you cry out.
Your back arches off the bed as you feel him lick a stripe up your pussy. He wastes no time devouring you, tongue pushing inside of you, lips puckering around your throbbing clit.
He wraps his arms around your thighs, pushing his face deeper into your cunt and holding you securely. Before you know it, you're being flipped over and sitting on his face.
"Shit, Soonyoung," you gasp.
He flattens his tongue and allows you to take over. You move your hips gently as your grind down on his face. He's moaning into you, causing vibrations to rumble through your body. Your head is thrown back, eyes screwed shut and hands still in his hair.
Your hips pick up in rhythm and speed as you begin to chase your orgasm on his tongue. He's enjoying it almost as much as you, moaning and groaning as you tug on his hair and ride his face.
" 'M so close," you moan.
His grip on your hips tightens as you ride out your orgasm on his face. Your body stutters as the pleasure washes over you. You're gasping and moaning when you cum, surely dripping all over his face.
Your chest heaves as your body stills on his face. It takes you a moment to fully come down before you lift yourself off his face. He runs his hands through his hair with a grin on his face. His entire face is soaked because of you.
He pulls your body into his. "You okay?"
You nod quickly. "Fuck yes."
You pull him in for another needy kiss. You don't mind tasting yourself on his tongue. Kissing him feels so good, it brings butterflies to your stomach every time.
He pins you beneath him and pulls away to pull the hoodie off your body. His shirt is the next to go. You can't help but stare at his toned body. Muscles bulging out his arms and toned abs visible. He's so well sculpted, there's warmth brewing in your lower stomach just from looking at him.
He reaches behind you, effortlessly unclipping your bra with one hand before unbuttoning his jeans. You help him to slide the material off and nearly drool at the sight of his hard cock in his underwear. His length is poking through the thin material and there's already a wet patch seeping through.
His discards of his underwear before planting a kiss on your lips. His silver chain is dangling from his neck as he hovers over you. He plants another kiss on your lips, then your cheek, traveling toward your ear and down.
"You gonna let me fuck you raw again?" he asks, trailing kisses along your neck.
"N-No," you moan out.
He pushes the tip of his cock against your folds. "You sure about that Shorty? No one likes a liar."
"Not lying," you mumble out.
"C'mon Shorty, you know I always take care of you," he drags his length through your folds, coating his cock with your juices. His tip teases your entrance. "Just lemme fuck you raw... know you loved it last time."
Fuck, there was no denying that. You've only gone raw that one time and it was by far the best sex you've ever had. Since then, all the times you've slept together you went back to using condoms. You're so needy today, you just might let him do it again.
"Mmph– Just put it in, please," you whimper.
He smirks. "Wasn't so hard, now was it?"
With your permission, he slides his cock inside of you. You moan out in unison at the feeling. He pushes his entire length into you with ease. You wrap your arms around his neck and legs around his waist, allowing him to fuck you deeper.
His hips find a rhythm quickly, fucking into you just the way you need him. Your head falls back into the pillow and your mouth falls open in an 'O' shape.
His arms are on either side of your head. His eyes are trained on you as he fucks you. He loves the way your face contorts with pleasure, it only encourages him to go harder.
"Feels so good nngh–," you moan. "So good, holy shit."
His hips snap back, allowing him to thrust into you harder. Your headboard is knocking against the wall with each thrust. He'd be concerned about getting caught in your room if you weren't so close already.
"Shorty you're so pretty, you've no idea," he coos. "So pretty."
He knows your body well, and you're close. He can feel the way you're tightening around him. Your breath is getting caught in your throat and it's harder for you to form coherent words.
"Shit Hoshi I'm cumming," you warn him.
He fucks you through your orgasm thoroughly before his overwhelms him. He watches you, admires how beautiful you look when you cum around his cock. He absolutely loves it, how tight you get when you cum for him.
"Cum inside," you moan. "Please, Hoshi."
Shit. He didn't think he'd cum just yet.
But he fucking loses it. His movements grow erratic and sloppy as he empties his load inside of you. You're so sensitive from the overstimulation. You can feel how his cock throbs as the ropes of cum shoot inside of you. It's enough to send you into your third orgasm of the night.
Your legs shake as your last orgasm washes over you. He looks down at you with wide eyes.
"Fuck," he breathes out. "Did you just cum again?"
You nod. You're breathing heavily, chest rising and falling quickly as you lay beneath him. He plants a kiss on your shoulder before pulling out slowly. You both cringe at the loss of warmth. He plops down on the bed next to you.
"You good?" he asks.
"Mhm," you nod.
"Okay, good."
He grabs his phone, checking the time before sitting up on your bed and pulling his underwear up. Wordlessly, he disappears into your bathroom and turns on the shower for you. When he comes back in, he's immediately gathering his clothes from your floor.
“You’re leaving already?” you ask.
“Yeah, I gotta run,” he pulls his shirt over his head. “I can doordash some food for you if you want, but I can’t stay any longer.”
You clear your throat. "I'm not hungry, thanks though."
You're disappointed, to say the least. You'd somehow convinced yourself that he came over early so he could spend more time with you. Things had been going so well that you seemed to have forgotten Soonyoung couldn't be tied down.
“Quick question though," he zips up the zipper of his jeans. "Since when did you start calling me Hoshi?” he asks.
“What?” you reply. Did he forget or something?
“You said it when we were going at it but like, I don't know it's kind of weird to me. Like I know we’re cool and all, but not even Seokmin really calls me that,” he starts putting on his shoes. “It’s like a personal nickname for me.”
“I’m sorry, you said—“
“Is that my jacket?” he questions, walking toward the fabric sitting on the back of your desk.
“Yeah,” you reply softly.
He gives you a look that makes your heart tighten. He grabs his jacket and makes his way toward the door. “Okay, I’m out.”
And with that, he’s gone again. There’s a bitter taste on your tongue. He doesn’t remember anything about your walk home the other night? Was it all just drunk words? You’ve done your best not to read into what he says or does too much but fuck, it’s messing with your head.
You clean yourself off in the shower and put on some comfy clothes. You’re still not tired, so you decide to play a movie on your laptop to kill time before you get sleepy.
It’s about an hour and change into the movie when your phone buzzes. You look down, seeing a text from Nai.
Nai: i’ll be home in 10
You like her message before your phone takes all your attention away. You’ve sort of blocked out the movie as your phone distracts you. A simple text back results in mindless tapping through Instagram stories.
Mindless until one story in particular makes your stomach drop.
It’s Akari’s and she’s at a party with Soonyoung. It’s a horizontal photo of them together, his arm is wrapped around her shoulders, drink in hand. His mouth his open and his other hand is held up and scrunched like a claw.
She's looking at the camera with her head leaning into his chest. And she looks so pretty.
They look like a couple.
You know they’re not, but you can’t help but feel some type of way. He slept with you and then rushed out to go party with one of the other girls he’s with.
It shouldn’t bother you, but it does, and it fucking hurts, It’s your own fault really, you weren’t supposed to grow attached to him. He made it clear from the start that there’d be no feelings involved.
And now you’re left scared of your own feelings. Had this been anyone else, it wouldn’t matter so much to you. The idea of falling for someone isn’t something you’ve ever felt worry about, it’s about who that someone is.
Kwon Soonyoung was making your heart race and that was a problem.
While he was incredibly charming and a great friend, that’s all he could ever be. A friend.
And now you find yourself wandering the halls because you walked through a door that wasn’t meant for you. You’re not built for the no strings relationship, especially with a guy like Soonyoung.
It made it so easy for you to grow attached. He cared about you, yes, but you mistook his kindness for love and it was a fatal mistake.
You don’t know when you started crying, but you did. There are tears staining your cheeks and you can’t seem to stop them from falling. What the hell is wrong with you? Why does it hurt so much?
When Nai comes home, she finds you crying on your bed. Your eyes meet hers and she doesn't say anything, simply rushing to your side and holding your body securely in her arms.
She lets you cry until you calm down enough to talk to her. She doesn't say anything for a while, she simply listens. You tell her how everything started and verbalize your feelings and fears.
It's not until this conversation that you're able to admit out loud how you feel about him. That he makes your heart race and causes you to smile. How you love that he's got a nickname for you and takes care of you. That you really really like him and you want him to be yours.
But also how he never will be yours. How you two never actually talked about what you are to each other or set any real guidelines besides no feelings. How you never talked about the possibility of sleeping with other people and the only thing said out loud is the thing you've messed up.
Nai is incredibly understanding. She talks you through your feelings, helping you to navigate and acknowledge everything. It's the psychology major in her.
The two of you talk until you doze off and it makes everything hurt a little bit less.
You haven't been to Econ in three days. Soonyoung texted you 10 minutes into class on the first day you were missing and didn't get a response. He assumed you were sick or asleep. But now 4 missed calls, 2 classes, and 12 texts later, he's beginning to think something's wrong and that it's his own fault.
He keeps replaying your last night together in his head, trying to figure out if he did or said something wrong. The only thing he can really think of is the nickname you called him. He can admit he could've been a little nicer about it, but you completely ghosting him because of that isn't realistic.
He decides that if you won't respond to him on the phone, he'll just have to talk to you in person. He makes his way to your dorm and knocks on the door.
"Y/n? It's Soonyoung, are you there?" he asks.
He hears a bunch of sudden movement before everything goes completely silent. The door opens, but to his disappointment, it's Nai and not you.
Nai and Soonyoung had become good friends too, and although she wasn't personally hurt by anything he did, she was still going to have your back. She had no intention of switching up on him and suddenly treating him badly, however you needed your space from him and he was getting in the way of that.
"Is Y/n here?" he asks.
Nai isn't much taller than you, and with the door cracked open, his eyes search behind her in hope of seeing you.
"No," she frowns. "She went out."
Bullshit. You must be hiding in the bathroom because he sees your phone sitting on your desk. You don't go anywhere without your phone. He knows you.
"So she's not sick?" he finally looks Nai in the eyes, playing along with her lie.
"No," she replies.
"Oh," he frowns. "She hasn't been to class in a few days and she hasn't texted or called me back. I assumed she was sick."
"Well she's not," Nai moves to close the door. "And I really need to study so if you could just–"
"Nai," he presses his lips together firmly. "Can I just talk to her? I don't know what I did, but I–"
"She's not here, Soonyoung," Nai stares him dead in the eyes.
She's got one hell of a poker face. He knows you're home, but he also now has confirmation that he's upset you. There's no point in trying to force his way in, so he gives up.
"Fine," he sighs. "But when she gets back, can you tell her I came by and need to talk to her?"
"Sure," she mumbles before closing the door in his face.
Soonyoung's show is tonight and he really wants you there. He knows you're upset with him, but he's hoping you'll still show up. He put a lot of effort into this and he knows you're someone who would appreciate his talents.
You've only seen him dance a few times, and never in a setting like the production he's putting on tonight. He worked so hard and he hopes you can put aside whatever you're feeling to show up for him tonight.
He doesn't care if you show up and tell him you still want your space. He'd rather it be that than you not showing up at all.
Soonyoung's show is tonight and you're debating whether or not to go. You told him you woudln't miss it, gave him your word. He's become someone you value as an important friend, and you always show up for your friends.
But sometimes, you have to put yourself first. If you go tonight and see him dance, you fear you'll fall harder. You know he's extremely talented and his production tonight is going to be incredible. But it'll only make things harder. You need your space, time to rethink and reconsider.
You feel horrible because of it, but you simply can’t be around him.
It's almost showtime and you're still not here yet. He's scanning the audience from behind the curtain, searching for your face. But you're nowhere to be found.
The theater is filling up rapidly, if you don't come soon you won't have anywhere to sit.
He's performing now and you're still not here. The show is going so well. He pushes you out of his head, chooses not to acknowledge the disappointment. At least not now, he's got a show to put on.
He gives it his all and even though you're not there to see it, he's proud of himself. He's got plenty of other people there to support him and he's not going to let his emotions get in the way.
You didn't show. He's surrounded by all his other friends and while he appreciates them, he wishes you were there too. But again, he pushes his feelings aside and puts on a smile. He masks his disappointment, too well. It's become a bit of a habit for him.
A very, very bad habit.
The next day, there's a loud knock on your door. Nai is in class and the banging on the door has interrupted your studying. You open the door before asking any questions, something you immediately regret.
It's silent when you first lock eyes with one another. The tension is thick and unpleasant. There’s so much hurt and frustration behind his eyes. He doesn’t need to say anything to tell you what he’s thinking.
"What are you doing here?" you ask.
He walks into your room uninvited and closes the door behind him. "You missed my show last night."
There's a pang of guilt in your heart when he says it out loud.
"You have been avoiding me for days Y/n. I've been trying to reach out to you and figure out what I did wrong and whatever it is, I'm sorry. I know last time I was here I was a little rude, and if that's what this is about I'm sorry. I-I didn't mean to hurt you if I did, that's just a touchy subject for me and I didn't mean to hurt your feelings. And if it's not about that, I'm still sorry. You know I wouldn't do anything to hurt you, fuck, I care about you so much."
Why is he making this so hard for you? Why is he trying so hard to kept you around? He doesn’t want what you want, so why is trying so hard?
"You can't apologize for something if you don't know what it is," you frown.
"Then tell me!" he shouts.
You can't. You won't. It'll only hurt more and what he doesn't know can't hurt him. If he finds out you've caught feelings, he'll run and it'll crush you. He enjoys the no-strings aspect of these kinds of situationships. He thinks he wants to know, but he doesn't.
Soonyoung doesn't do feelings. Hasn't been his thing since his ex broke his heart two years ago. He told you about her one time and one time only. And even then, it was brief. She's a sore subject for him, to this day.
She'd been his best friend since they were kids and became his girlfriend freshman year of high school. They were together up until graduation when she suddenly told him she didn't want to do the distance when they got to college and that she'd found someone new.
It crushed him and now in his sophomore year of college, he sleeps around and avoids all things romance. You know that you're not going to be the one to change him all of a sudden either.
"I think we should just end whatever we had between us," you says in just above a whisper.
You can see the hurt wash over his face. He sighs. "Fine, if you don't want to sleep with me anymore I can accept that, I won't force you into something you don't want. But can you please just tell me why? All I'm asking for is an explanation, Shorty."
"Y/n," you correct him.
His face completely falls. He’s always called you Shorty. Ever since he met you, you’ve been Shorty to him. You're doing this on purpose, hurting him. He knows you're self-sabotaging right now and he so desperately needs to get through to you.
"Can you please just talk to me?" he pleads.
He can see that this is hurting you just as much as him. There are tears welling in your eyes and he can read you like a book. He refuses to break eye contact, searching behind your shiny orbs for something, anything.
You want to, you really do. But you also remember Akari, and Leina, and his ex, and it stings. He never once invited you over to his dorm, he had to be the one coming over so he could be the one leaving. He always leaves and right now seems to be the time you need that most.
"I think you should leave," your voice breaks.
He stands there dumbfounded. You're seriously kicking him out?
He scoffs. "Don't do that, don't push me away when I'm trying to fix things. That's not fair."
"Soonyoung," you bite down on your bottom lip. "Can you please just... go?"
"You know I really cared about you Shorty," he breathes out.
"I told you not to call me that," you correct him once again.
He doesn't acknowledge your comment. "And I thought you cared about me too and valued me as someone in your life worth keeping around. I did my best to make you feel safe and comfortable. I thought- I thought we were friends. And that we were close enough that you'd want to talk things out if they got difficult. But I guess I was wrong."
He leaves without another word and a soft close of your door. Your chest drops and tightens. It feels like someone is squeezing your heart, wringing out every last drop of blood like a sponge. You tell yourself over and over that this was for the better.
Deep down inside you know you're not fooling anyone, especially not yourself.
© number1mingyustan - Do not repost without permission.
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gojos-thot-patrol · 1 year
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Some more supplementary material for the Frat Boy! Au, this time starring blorbo of the hour: Kento Nanami
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Because he’s been heavy on my mind. Starting with his basic info!
Nanami grew up very middle class, not as poor as Suguru or Ryomen, but nowhere near as well off as Satoru.
He’s a business major not because he wants to, but because he feels he has too. If he had it his way, he would be a culinary student. But according to his father, there's no money in being a line cook, so accounting it is. 
Still, he hopes to use his degree to open his own restaurant one day. His father would never approve of a line cook for a son, but maybe Nanami could sell him on a business owner for a son. 
He says the main reason he joined the ABO frat was to try and make business connections, he knew that some people would hire one applicant over another just because they were alumni of the same fraternity. In reality though, he’d have more room in the frat and unlimited access to the kitchen. 
His room is full of plants. Plants of all kinds everywhere, including some herbs. It used to kinda annoy Ryomen (his roommate) but, he’s grown to actually kinda appreciate it. It makes the room feel less dead. 
Phenomenal cook who can not bake to save his life. Cooking is an art but baking is a science and somewhere along the way he fucks it up every time. Be it mixing the batter too much or too little, not letting it sit long enough or letting it sit too long- he doesn't know. He can handle box cake mix that’s about it. 
Now if you want a steak cooked to perfection with perfectly roasted veggies and the creamiest mashed potatoes you've ever put in your mouth on the side he’s you’re guy. If you want an authentic lasagna with homemade everything including the noodles and sauce, he can do that for you. Do not ask him to make bread. 
He’s also insanely good at fighting games. Every version of Nanami in my heart is a God when it comes to fighting games, there is not a universe in which Nanami exists where he doesn’t dominate at Tekken, argue with the wall if you don’t agree.
Adding to that, he’s also in love with D&D. He’s a forever DM that spends hours of time planning campaigns, hours he should be spending on his school work but shhhh. If you really want to make him swoon, offer to let him be a player in a campaign. He’d pull out a ring on the spot. 
That being said, I think it’s time to get into some relationship headcanons ;)
HE’S A TSUNDERE! Look at that man, he has such big Tsundere energy.
Out of all his frat brothers, Nanami is probably the one that gets laid the least. Not from a lack of opportunity, nay nay, women (and men) throw themselves at him all the time. He’s just picky and not a fan of being touched by stragers. 
You though? You’re different (of course you are, you’re the main character!) The two of you really started to click after you had to work on a pretty big project together. Little things you did softened his heart for you.
Small things like asking him more about his D&D campaign plans, excitedly showing him pictures of the plants that you kept in your dorm, and offering to help him out in the kitchen. Little moments of quality time and tenderness while you were working on this project together nurtured his small crush into full blown butterflies when you were around.
He finally admitted to himself he was in love with you when you beat him in Street Fighter. He wasn’t used to losing at fighting games. You bragged about using his tips against him (you listened to what he said) and laughed about the weeks you spent training to destroy him (otherwise known as taking a genuine interest in his hobbies.) 
He asked you out on a date that night and you were taken completely off guard! You had no idea the fool even liked you! He was cold on the best of days, spending more time scowling at his notebooks than listening to what you said (or so you thought.) He never contacted you unless it was in regards to your project, and most of the time you spent hanging out outside of it was just because you had become friends with his frat brothers and happened to be at the house. You mean he liked you?! 
Of course you said yes, if for no other reason than to see where the hell this goes. You were 40% sure it was a prank, but hey- a free meal was a free meal. It helped he was hot as hell, what was the harm in one date?
You saw a whole new side of Kento Nanami that night. He was warm and attentive, and fucking hilarious when he wasn’t just keeping all of his jokes to himself. 
It was a simple date. A moonlit picnic in the nearby park, one where he brought his laptop and used his phone hotspot so the two of you could watch movies together. 
That was the night when you found out Kento Nanami considered himself to be a hopeless romantic. 
When he took you back to your dorm, he walked you to the door and actually asked if he could kiss you goodnight. 
And now you’re both smitten! 
Once you’re officially his girlfriend, You’re gonna find out he’s genuinely pretty chill. Happy to give you your space and recognize you’re a person outside of your relationship. That being said, let some asshole start getting a little too comfortable with you at a part and he’s quick to throw hands.
You would think nerdy little Nanami wasn’t that good in a fight, but nay nay, he was forced to play football in highschool and will leave a bastard concussed. 
He says he’s not a cuddler, but every time you sleep in his bed you wake up with him cuddled close to you. 
Nanami loves kisses, and is always planting them on you when you’re in kissing range. Your lips, cheeks, forehead, everything is fair game. 
You’re the only person in the world other than like, his parents that can call him Kento. He’s always gone by his last name, to the point that his first name makes him feel like he’s in trouble. Only authority figures use it when they’re pissed off at him. But it hits him different when it comes from your lips. When you say it, it feels tender and intimate. It’s the closest he gets to liking his name.
He always tries to make time for you and your relationship. Even if that sometimes means that your date nights are just study dates, he always strives to make you feel like a priority. 
He’s a soft guy that falls in love easily. You may not know it yet, but he has full intentions to marry you after graduation. A fact his frat brothers are quick to tease him about, while also making him promise to make them groomsmen. 
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nyoomfruits · 10 months
where you lead (i will follow) for the wip title game!
its the gilmore girls au!!!!!!!! lando is a single dad of a 16 year old daughter and oscar runs the diner and they're so incredibly domestic everyone essentially thinks they're married.
Lando swings open the door the dinner, practically tripping over his own feet as he makes his way inside, delighted to be out of the crisp fall morning air. He takes off his scarf as he makes his way over to the bar, and gives his biggest, most beaming smile to Oscar, who has been watching Lando’s entry with a wary yet fond look on his face from his place behind the counter. “Oscar, you look beautiful today. Practically glowing. New skin care routine?” 
Oscar rolls his eyes. “Five minutes,” he says, turning his back to Lando. “Coffee’s not done brewing yet. Are you having breakfast?”
“Five minutes,” Lando laments dramatically, flopping his head down on the bar. “Might as well be five years. Why do you hate me.”
Oscar turns back to him, looking entirely unimpressed. “The machine was broken. You’ll live. Just be glad I managed to fix it.”
Lando, who had been making garbling dying noises into the warm wood of the bar, perks up. “Oscar, you are a savior to mankind and I don’t know what I would do without you. You impeccable handyman, you. You shining example of everything that’s good in the world. They should reward you citizen of the month. Nay, citizen of the-“
“Lando,” Oscar interrupts him, raising an eyebrow. “Do you want breakfast or not?”
Lando thinks about the stale granola bar he hastily shoved into his mouth this morning before he had to make a quick stop at the supermarket to accept the bread delivery. “Depends. What’s your special this morning?”
“Depends,” Oscar says, with a shrug, starts wiping the counter with a tea towel. “Is Nugget coming?”
As if summoned, the door to the diner swings open and Lottie Norris makes her grand entrance, nearly tripping over her own feet before barreling into a barstool, looking up at Oscar with big pleading eyes. “Coffee,” she says, and then after a second. “Please?”
Oscar rolls his eyes, throws the tea towel over his shoulder as he turns towards the coffee maker. “You truly are the spitting image of your father” he says, sounding very far from annoyed and very close to fond. “Five minutes. Machine was broken.” With that he disappears into the little back kitchen.
“And he fixed it,” Lando says, leaning over to give Lottie a quick hug.
“Our hero,” Lottie says with a gasp.
“Do you want breakfast, Nugget?” Oscar yells from the back.
“Yes, please!” Lottie yells back.
“In that case the special is pancakes,” Oscar says, popping his head through the kitchen door before disappearing again.
“Pushover!” Lando yells, and then, “I’ll have some please!”
“Cannot believe we have to wait for coffee,” Lottie laments, letting her head fall down on the bar with a soft thunk. “I’m going to die.”
“There, there little grasshopper,” Lando says, patting her back consolingly, wondering if Child Services might come after him for giving his 15 year old a coffee addiction. “We will survive these horrors. We are Norrises, after all. We are strong, and brave, and-“
“Dying,” Lottie interjects, face still firmly planted into the bar.
“You two are so unnecessarily dramatic about the whole coffee thing,” Oscar comments, as he appears from the back, makes his way over to the coffee maker. “I have tea, you know.”
Lando hisses, as Lottie chants “Cursed beverage, cursed beverage” Oscar rolls his eyes. “Fine. But you’re going to have to do without your usual mugs, I’m short,” Oscar says, as he pours coffee into mugs that are decidedly smaller than the ones he usually has.
“This day just keeps getting worse,” Lando pouts, as Oscar puts the mug in front of him, completely unimpressed.
“What happened to the big ones?” Lottie asks, wrapping her hands around her own mug.
Oscar pulls a face. “New guy,” he says. “His name is Logan. Hired him so he can pick up some of the weekend shifts, but he’s rather… new to the whole carrying trays thing. So he keeps dropping them. He’s broken fifteen mugs this week alone.” Oscar gestures at his empty shelf that usually holds a colorful array of big coffee mugs. “Haven’t gotten around to replacing them yet.”
“Bummer,” Lando says. “But coffee is coffee so we shan’t complain.”
Lottie, who was sporting a rather pensive look at Oscar’s mug story, snorts. “Shan’t? Dad, oh my god, you aren’t that old.”
“I mean he is turning 36 soon,” Oscar says, as he makes his way around the counter to serve other customers their long awaited coffee as well. “Practically ancient.”
“You are only one year younger than me!” Lando yells after Oscar’s retreating back, and frowns at the shake of Oscar’s shoulders indicating his laughter. “You two are so mean to me,” Lando sulks, finally grabbing his mug to take a sip of his coffee. He swallows a bunch of very inappropriate noises as the first few drops of the precious liquid hit his tongue. “God, do you think Oscar would be willing to marry me so he can just make me coffee this good all the time?”
“Yes,” Lottie says without hesitation, taking her own sip. “Hey, Emma saw a recipe on TikTok for these like, s’mores cookies, where you like, make a smores but then you cover it in cookie dough? And I showed them to Oscar and he gave me his cookie dough recipe, so now we want to see if we can make those, is it cool if we use our kitchen after school?”
“Yeah, sure Nugget, no problem,” Lando says. After all, their kitchen really only gets used to heat up frozen pizzas and make Kraft Mac and Cheese, so.
“Awesome,” Lottie says, grinning as she grabs her phone, presumably to text Emma. “Can I come into work with you to pick up some groceries before I go to school? Then we can go home straight after.”
“Of course,” Lando says, downing the last of his coffee.
Oscar chooses that exact moment to reappear at the counter again, refilling Lando’s now empty mug without asking, before disappearing in the back and reappearing with two towering stacks of pancakes. One has whipped cream and strawberries on it, which he places in front of Lottie. The other, with maple syrup and chocolates chips, ends up in front of Lando.
“I love you,” Lando tells the pancakes. When he looks up, Oscar is already looking at him, soft expression on his face. His cheeks have that signature flush they always kind of have, although it appears a little darker, probably from all the running around Oscar’s been doing. His hair is falling in the usual little swoop it does, though there’s a stubborn strand sticking to his forehead. In an insane moment, Lando considers reaching over to push it back into place but then-
“Oscar, are you going-“ Lottie starts, around a mouth full of pancake.
“Lottie, don’t talk with your mouth full,” Lando scolds. Lottie rolls her eyes and very obnoxiously swallows her bite.
“Are you going to the Fall Festival?” She finishes.
“The Fall Festival?” Oscar asks, frown on his face as he glances at the town square, just visible through the big windows of the diner.
“Yeah, it’s this Friday,” Lando says, chasing a chocolate chip around his place with his fork. “There’s a Pumpkin carving competition, a hayride, I think they’re setting up a little stage for music as well. Bunch of booths selling fall stuff, food.”
“S’mores pit,” Lottie adds, lovesick look on her face.
“You and your s’mores,” Lando says, fondly. “But yes. S’mores pit. All the good stuff.” He turns to Oscar expectantly. “So? Are you coming?”
Oscar pulls a face. “I don’t know,” he says, “It’s not really my thing I think…” He trails off.
“Aw, Oscar, please?” Lottie says, pleading look on her face.
Lando, as a frequent recipient of that particular look, sends a small thought of sympathy Oscar’s way before jutting his own bottom lip out, trying to make his eyes look a little bigger.  “Yeah, Oscar, please?” He asks. “It’ll be no fun without you.”
“No fun at all,” Lottie agrees. “Just the worst.”
“Crying all evening. Do you want to ruin our evening?”
“Tears, Oscar. There will be tears.”
“Oh for God’s sake,” Oscar relents, throwing his tea towel at Lando, who catches it with a squawk. “You two are the worst, you know that? Fine. I will go check it out.” Lando and Lottie cheer, high fiving while Oscar rolls his eyes in the background. “Now go eat your pancakes, I have other customers to serve.”
Oscar disappears from behind the counter then, and Lando doesn’t really see him again as he spends the rest of his breakfast talking to Lottie and eating his pancakes. When they finally leave, after Lottie checks the time and nearly flails off her barstool when she realizes how late they are, he only just manages to throw a quick goodbye to Oscar over his shoulder, before rushing out the door.
The wind is still cold, nipping at Lando’s cheeks. But when he glances back, sees Oscar waving at them through one of the big windows with a soft little smile on his face, he barely feels it at all.
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hellinistical · 1 year
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After a couple encounters with a guy from the library, you get handsy after you agree to let him teach you French.
Tutor!Knives x Afab, gn reader.
Warnings: fingering, pet names, cockwarming, no protections.
WC: 2.4k
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It had started as a simple thing. Simple touches with the tips of your fingers grazing each others’ hands. Occasional glances that may or may not have lingered. You saw each other maybe three times a week throughout the campus- usually in the library, where you’d find him pushing his glasses up for the umpteenth time as he struggled (only sometimes) to carry a horrific amount of books to the checkout. 
Remembering when he dropped a couple of his books, you helped him gather them up, using it as your chance to strike up a conversation with him finally, but he had beaten you to it. 
“You’re in here a lot, huh?”
Your eyes widened; his voice was surprisingly deep. The man chuckled at your reaction as if it were a normal response- it probably was. “So are you.”
You stayed quiet momentarily, looking him over as he counted his stack.
He was pretty, with lashes that kissed his cheek. His hair was soft, blonde and pushed back.
He was pretty, with his broad shoulders and slender waist.
He was just pretty. 
You hear a group of students behind you, but you can't make out what they’re saying- it was probably just nonsensical plans for the weekend, anyways. And then finally, you see his eyes as he looks up. 
He was really pretty.
Swirls of blue melted with the light grays and greens from the sun rays streaming in through the windows, and by god, you couldn't even begin to think of a logical reason for this with all your medical knowledge. 
“You’re staring,” He had a small smile on his face, his books now in bags as he extended a hand towards you. Taking it, you mumbled an apology, noticing one more thing.
His skin was hot.
A couple of months went by, and you learned a lot about your library buddy-turned-friend. Like the fact that his name was Naii- short for Knives. You didn’t get his last name, he didn’t get yours. Naii hated swimming but loved baths. He had a big family and wanted a big family. And he couldn’t cook for shit. He was a language fanatic and wanted to travel all over when he graduated. 
You also learned that he was very persuasive when he wanted to be. 
**** "That's it, sugar, just like that. You're doing so good for me. Can you tell me what the next sentence is?" 
Your mind was hazy, overwhelmed by the loud thrumming of your pulse in your ears as you look at the characters in the textbook, seeing the way they joined as you formed the syllables to read it aloud. 
"J'aime aller au cinema" (I like to go to the cinema.) 
“Very good,” Nai hummed into your neck as he listened to you sound out the words, his deep voice sending shivers down your spine. He had you, his pretty little student in his lap, an open (albeit slightly damaged) French textbook splayed out on "Common Greetings and Phrases", with his hands on your waist, keeping you pinned to his lap. Shifting your hips, you mumbled something incoherently, but he paid it no mind as he fixed you again for the umpteenth time. His hands kneaded the fat of your thighs as he whispered praises in your ear every time you got a word right, calling you sweetheart, pet, beloved, and the like. Thumbs drawing circles in them, Naii occasionally would pinch the inner sides, making you jolt. While he wouldn’t reward you with praise if you got it wrong, he would motivate and tease you while you struggled to understand the material. 
That being said, truthfully, he was originally going to tutor you. 
He just got sidetracked. 
A shiver ran down your spine as you felt his teeth nip at your neck, his hot breath fanning over the skin as he licked the area. Biting your lip, you suppressed a moan; Nai’s hands had strayed down to the waistband of your sweatpants, running his fingers along the elastic band as he snapped them. 
“Soft…” He whispered in your ear, as he slipped his hand past your underwear where his fingers met your labia. Trailing them along for a moment before he brought them to your lips, he pressed his thumb past them, grinning as you ran your tongue over the digit before he pulled away, bringing it back down to your pussy.
Starting to circle your clit, he moved slowly, with his thumb pressing against the bundle of nerves, and his middle and index fingers sliding between wet your folds, coating them in your arousal as he starts to tease around your entrance. You bucked your hips, a whine escaping you as he chuckled. His teeth caught the shell of your ear, and biting down softly, he hummed again.  Clamping your thighs around his wrist, your mouth fell open as he pried them open again.
He pulled back, and for a second, you thought he’d stopped to actually tutor you again. 
But he just got distracted. 
Turning to look at him, Nai clicked his tongue disapprovingly as he grabbed your chin and pressed a chaste kiss to your cheek before turning you to face your textbook again. 
“Focus, honey. Read the next one for me, please doll?” he murmured, his hand slipping under your shirt as he made quick work of your bra, pulling it off you. Your nipples pebbled from the cool air, hardening as they peaked through the thin fabric of your shirt. Rolling the bud between his fingers, you again bit your lip, your eyes trailing over the characters as you tried to make out what they said.
 "J'aime l'art et..." (I enjoy art and…)
Your voice trailed off as he slid into you, one finger at first, pumping it in and out slowly as he curled it, soon adding a second, stretching out your walls.
Groaning, he leaned into your shoulder, his hair tickling the exposed skin as he pressed another kiss to your body. His free hand went to one of your breasts, squeezing it like it anchored him down. For all you knew, it probably did. You gasped shakily, your breath shallow.
“Oh, sweet thing, relax, it’s too tight f’me to move, don’t wanna hurt this pretty pussy now, do we?”
”“J'aime l'art et la littérature.” (I enjoy art and literature)
“There we go, look at you, so smart. Pretty thing.” 
His fingers quickened their pace, and as if he already knew where to look, he found your g-spot, laughing as you again jolted. 
You felt your hips rise suddenly, and the feeling of his fingers left you as Naii turned you over to face him. He had a wide smirk on his face, pressing one, two, three kisses to your lips as he brought his hands to his pants, quickly undoing them. 
Your mouth watered, the textbook forgotten as he tugged his pants down just enough to reveal the waistband of his underwear. Your fingers were quick to tug that down, too, until his hand clamped around your wrist, a small smile on Nai’s face. His blue eyes gleamed, the light flush on his skin unabashedly resting there only growing deeper. 
“Ah-ah. Not yet, Y/n.”
“Huh? Why not?”
He only smiled, leaning back into the chair as he looked at you expectantly, mouthing ‘in French, baby’.
Well, shit. 
You wracked your brain, desperate; the sooner you got this, the sooner you would get the relief you wanted. All the while, he just smirked, running his hands down your sides, waiting patiently. 
"S'il te plaît, Nai.” (Please, Nai)
You cringed at the way the words fell off your tongue; you definitely butchered the syllables and spacing of the words- something something the phonetics were too different and you didn’t remember enough Latin or Spanish to actually enunciate some of them.
Still, your buddy-turned-friend-turned-perhaps-boyfriend (you weren’t really sure what to call the two of you at this point, considering he just finger fucked you,) smiled easily, before leaning in and bopping your nose with his index.
"Bien sûr chérie." (Of course, darling.)
Letting go of your wrist, he leaned back again, watching as your hand went back to his underwear, a dark patch resting on the fabric, his bulge prominent. You slid his underwear down, raising your hips so you could slide them down more, watching as his cock sprung free. 
Add that to the list of things that were pretty about Naii. 
“You’re starin’, dollface,” He whispered, his hand wrapping around the base of his dick as he lazily pumped it.
“Not that I mind,” Nai added with a grin. You could see his canines peak out just barely again. "C'mere, raise your hips again- yeah, like that." 
His hands were firm on your hips, squeezing the fat on them just a little as he helped you. His hands were hot against your skin, almost uncomfortably so. You paid it no mind, too focused on the task at hand. Lining His tip with your entrance, you noticed the pearls of pre, slowly dribbling out. 
Lowering yourself, you sucked in a breath as his tip kissed your entrance, warm and slick. You were slow with it, taking him inch-by-inch, but Nai didn't seem to mind; it almost seemed like he enjoyed watching you struggle to take him in. 
He exhaled sharply as you sank down on him, your walls clamping around his shape. Mumbled curses left his lips; he hadn’t expected it to be so tight. You bit your lips, half of you ashamed that you let it get this far and the other half wanting more. You were embarrassed, but it was too late to back out now. 
Looking up at Naii through half-lidded eyes, you blinked slowly, your lashes giving butterfly kisses to your cheeks as you took a deep breath, bracing yourself, placing your hands on his shoulders as you started to ride him. It was clumsy, at first. Clumsy and slow. You didn’t rise all the way for fear of him getting out, but you also didn’t meet his base, for fear that he was too big.
Your hips stuttered as you rolled them; it was clear you didn’t know what you were doing. Chuckling, your tutor looked at you with an equally rosy face as his hands dug into your hips, helping you as he steadily quickened the pace, lifting and sinking you down on his cock, splitting you. A white ring soon formed around his shaft, strings of slick connecting you two everytime you rose up, only to be hidden as you fell. 
A cry slipped past your lips- Nai had pushed you down to his base, pressing his hand against your stomach as he nodded in approval. 
“So pretty,” He mumbled as he kept you down for a moment, basking in your warmth as he leaned over, biting your shoulder. His mouth was hot, teeth sharp as they made shallow scratches, breaking the skin. His tongue swiped at the peaking droplets of blood as he kept you there, arms firm around you. 
As you tried to move, he pinched your thigh, sighing heavily. 
“Don’t… don’t move. Not yet. Let me…let me have this.” his voice was shaky, raspy as if he hadn’t spoken all day- which was quite the opposite. You comply, letting him be as you sat in his lap, full of him. Leaning into his touch, the tips of your fingers felt tingly, and nervous, as if a thousand butterflies had swarmed into your body. 
You stayed like that for a time before he slowly started to rock back into you. 
“Fuck…fuckin’- you feel so- why’re you so tight still? Makes no sense…relax around me, sweetheart. Wanna feel good, too, ya know? Just…fuck. Just lemme-” Nai sucked in a sharp breath. Suddenly, still in you, he wraps your legs around his waist as he lifted you up. You gasped, bracing yourself as he laid you out on the bed, crawling over you. Blue eyes pierced into your own, though this time it was as if rings of red began to swarm in his blue hues. Nai’s lips turned upwards into a crooked smirk, leaning over you, hiding you from view as he leaned in. An unspoken question, and you answered, raising your hands to his face as you captured his lips into a kiss, your lips molding against each other. 
It was far too late to deny kisses at this point. 
He bit your bottom lip, tugging at it before swiping his tongue across, asking for entrance, this time not waiting for an answer as he pushed into your mouth, his tongue meeting yours as he rocked his hips into yours.
Moans spilled from Nai’s lips, deep and heavy as he pulled away for air, just to dive back in as if he was intoxicated. 
The dorm bed creaked, old from previous uses from previous students, the springs weary and tired. Placing a hand by your head as if to cage you in, Naii looked at you with blown-out eyes.
“Thank you,”  He gasped, kissing you again as he muttered ‘thank you’ again and again. Praise fell from his lips, ‘sweet thing”, “doing so well,”, “just like that”, “I know you can take it. I know it,”. He was starting to get desperate, his movements getting sloppy as you began to space out, broken cries hiding his words. 
A knot formed in your stomach, the flurry of butterflies in your stomach becoming an army as you brace yourself. 
“Too much, Naii, it’s too much- can’t, I can’t-”
“You can love. I know it. Look at you, you’re doing so well.”
Kissing your tears away, his movements became erratic. He was close. You were close. 
If the RA were to be walking down the halls, you wouldn’t know. But the idea of getting caught…
You groaned, eyes closing tight as you felt yourself come undone, but Nai persisted, making you ride out your orgasm, cursing as you came around him, only to return the favor. 
Heat shot through your walls as he clamped a hand over your mouth when you screamed. It was intense, how the man above you forced you to ride it out, even when he himself was cumming. 
As Naj slumped into you, he released a shaky breath, voice quiet.
“Mine…all mine, right, sweet thing?”
He rolled over, pulling you on top of him, not waiting for an answer. 
You were spent, exhausted as you leaned into his touch. Your clothes stuck to your skin. You felt gross. 
And just as you were about to fall asleep, 
The RA banged on your door. 
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lankylunatic · 1 year
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What could possibly go wrong when you give a cowboy obsessed plant with an insane IQ access to a workshop and bunch of lost tech? Robo Honse is what happens Brad promptly banned him from being unsupervised in the workshop after this. He's still not sure how the hell Nai made this without anyone finding out
I've decided Redemption AU Nai gets to build a robo horse because the Toma don't like him very much (he doesn't like them either)
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chris-continues · 1 year
Literally anything with jealousy in it I will go feral over. Like maybe Nai seeing the reader talking to someone and that someone clearly has a crush on you or something. I wonder if he would act possessive.
Or maybe the reverse? Jealous reader? 👀👀👀
Ok like I love writing jealousy stuff and I don’t do it enough
COLLEGE AU TAGLIST: @h4venpha @lune010 @vashfantasy @macncherries
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In college AU by the time you and Nai meet you both are young (obviously, you’re in college, duh) and you’re both not super experienced in romance so jealousy is like mildly new territory (Nai especially LMAO) so when he feels a pang in his chest when you’re bantering with Wolfwood on a side that’s a bit too friendly for his liking?
Nick’s arm is slung around you as he tries to take a selfie with Meryl’s Polaroid, the girl attempting to jump to reach it as Milly observes. Vash is attempting to calm the situation- ever the peacemaker.
You’re laughing and amused all the while, smile painting your lips as you pose for a photo. You’re so happy with them it’s almost aggravating, ugh. Can you all just take it outside of the apartment? Nai has to hide away in his room, Snuggie wrapped around him in his little grove when you’re all here. A scowl is apparent as he scoffs, moving to his room with a few snide remarks muttered under his breath. He won’t ruin his brother’s fun though, he’s had trouble making friends in the past. So not to say he loathes you all, rather… you’re not preferable choice in company.
That’s what helps him sleep at night (when he does choose to sleep, at least).
In reality: does Wolfwood have a crush on you? No. You guys are just friends that mess around and chill out. But why should Nai care? You’re just another one of Vash’s friends who he happens to study with on occasion. That is all. All it will ever be.
He attempts to hide his glare as he stands and walks towards his room.
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Nai is a tennis champion, both him and Vash are practically campus celebrities. Both handsome, single, athletic, smart- Vash is well known and liked by everyone.
Nai though? HAH. Haha you’re funny. He’s well known. Respected enough. But he’s made it plenty clear kegstands and partying into the ungodly hours of night on a fucking Tuesday isn’t really his cup of tea. In fact it’s not even a cup at his table. (In this hypothetical cup scenario).
People oftentimes throw themselves at him, flocking to the handsome guy who’s far too beautiful to be human, tone and leaned muscle with a sharp jaw and cunning remarks. This girl was no different.
You knew of her, she was far more bold than you and was a relatively good student. Seemed nice enough.
You couldn’t hold it against her to take a liking to Knives as her hips swayed, eyes bright and flickering up to his. Normally, Nai wouldn’t go to the cafeteria, however Vash had wanted to grab a snack from a friend who worked here (they had donuts today) (curse him and his sweet tooth, ugh)
You sat with some other friends of yours, checking your phone for any notifications before turning to see her chatting with him. With his face away from you, you couldn’t see his obvious disinterest, although he was presumably like that with everyone, right? You have no idea why you’re watching so intently for someone who you can hardly call an acquaintance- he’s just a guy you sometimes exchange notes with.
Something unpleasant settles in your chest as your eyebrows furrow, looking down to your phone once more to forcefully distract yourself. It’s weird to stare like that, ahem.
And maybe you feel a tinge of guilt as he brushes past her to Vash, who’s 3 doughnuts richer now that his friend gave him “the goods”, a bead of something swelling in your chest.
Vash is perceptive as always.
He says nothing though, following Nai who takes brisk strides once more out of the noisy cafeteria, head almost buzzing from how overwhelming the noise can get for both of them.
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tomatoswup · 1 year
Lunch Time!
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summary: Since you didn't get McDonald's the last time, maybe you should get some for Lunch! You sure are hungry!
warnings/tags: knives/nai jumpscare, another crack!drabble hehe, they really gonna put yall to work,,,you don'T EVEN WORK THERE,, but no warnings just plucking chickens :P, humor,
A/N: sorry for barely any updates, i just got sick again :,D am suffering,,,anyways is this another mcdonalds AU fic? YES,,, poor reader, they really goin through it naww,,,hehehe enjoy~
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Work was a tiring, dreadful thing.
Thats what you concluded as you twirled and spun around in your office chair. How long have you been here now? 5 Hours now?
The rings of phones going off, the gossiping of co-workers around your cubicle, and the bright computer screen honestly just made the side of your head pound. The growl of your stomach making you feel somewhat a bit worse as the rushed small breakfast of the morning wasn't as filling as you would've wanted it to be.
What time was it anyway?
Planting your feet on the ground, stopping the spinning chair, you peaked up at the lone analog clock on the monotoned colored wall.
12:00 PM
Oh! How'd you miss that? It was lunch!
Without a seconds thought with the urge to get the fuck outta the place, you got up and grabbed your keys. Maybe a good meal could clear your headache. Thinking about it, you haven't visit that odd McDonalds in a while, it wouldn't hurt to visit again...
It didn't take long to find yourself in that same McDonald's, swinging the door open and cautiously walking in to avoid an airborne bun or sausage.
Maybe the nice guy from last time could take your order! What's his name? Bash?..Flash?...Vash, Vash! That was it!
"Hi-" Looking up as you took your wallet out of your bag, you couldn't help but freeze in place.
Oh shit
Instead of the kind-hearted poor worker you had expected, the scary, built...Actually pretty built dude who pummeled the shit out of that customer from that morning stood there. They did kind of look alike though.. Twins?
He shot you a stank look, tilting his head to the side.
"Oh, uh..." You gaped out.
Peeping at the name tag on his...why was his chest that plump- SORRY IM SORRY WHAT WAS HIS NAME?
Squinting, you made out the name "Nai" before your thoughts were interrupted by cough.
"So you gonna order or keeping staring at me?" Your cheeks flushed as you took out your wallet “Oh uh yeah, sorry, can I get a number 2-"
"We don't have that."
...Okay? This was a McDonald's right? They really don’t have any quarter-pounders in the back?
Wasn't that their most common meal item?
"Oh? Really? I didn't think you guys would run out of-" Nai whipped his finger up to the clock on the wall nearby "You came at a shitty time, everyone working comes in and orders shit. So pick again."
A bit stunned, you rubbed your hands together out of nervousness before looking back up at the menu...What? Would you wanna get your ass beat by a McDonald's worker?
"Then can I get a 10 piece chicken nugget mea-"
"We don't have that either."
"Chicken nuggets? Ya'll really don't have chicken nuggets?" You exasperated.
"Office party. Ordered 4 orders of our 50 chicken nugget deal, cleared our storage right up. Look, are you gonna order something we have or what?"
"Or if you really want nuggets, how about you pluck the chicken in the back?" He deadpanned, leaning on the counter with his right hand and resting his left on his hip.
"....do you guys really have a-"
"No we don't have a fucking chicken."
Damn it.
"Wait..." He muttered, whipping his face around to the clock again as the beeps and dings of the back of the McDonald's became consistent, ringing at every minute.
"Are you fucking kidding me?" He sighed, rubbing the bridge of his nose before walking out from behind the counter to the front door.
"Hey!" He yelled as you looked around, he wasn't talking to you right? You nervously pointed to yourself unsure "Yes you! Get behind the fucking counter, I don't wanna get sued again."
You aint wanna get your ass handed to you today!!!!
You quickly slipped behind the counter with Nai right behind you. "What happened?" You asked, putting your bag down as Nai rummaged in the cabinets for something.
Was someone robbing the store? Was there another another customer he was gonna fight? Cops?
It wasn't until you heard slams on the door that you looked back down at him, before getting a face full of fabric.
"A-A hat?" You cried out as he stood back up "They break down the doors sometimes but you can work the shift today." Giving you a hardened smile, he slapped the hat down onto your head.
Suddenly, you heard a loud pop of a lock break, and the waves of business men and women, and other customers pushed through the door, hogging the lobby up as if they were the sardines from that one Spongebob episode.
"Well!? Nai screamed at you "Take their order!"
Bro you didn't even get to order food! When did your lunch end anyway?!
With a heavy sigh and slouched shoulders, you pressed a few buttons on the screen "Hello welcome to McDonald's, how can I get your order?"
Why do you keep coming here anyways?...
'Can I leave now?'
It didn't take long for the hour to end, and all the customers to be cleared out that all the staff from the back had come out to the front.
"Are they dead?"
"Well they sure look like it- Ow! What was that for!?"
"Wolfwood don't say that!"
Your body was slouched against one of the walls, the McDonald's hat covering your face as you sat there as limp as a doll.
"I hope they're alright..." One of the more taller browned haired female worker said as the small black haired one went to shake your shoulder.
"Just kick them, maybe they'll awake."
"Legato don't-"
Never again....
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officialeggsuprise · 10 months
Ok so a bit into my brain for the doctor who au:
Obviously all the different iterations of vash we have seen so far are his different regenerations, 98 is one of the youngest regens and therefore seems way goofier. I think the different stages of max can be different regens, like the spilt black and blonde to all black hair are 2 different regens. And stamp is the most recent and he’s depressed. And he’s The Stampede, vash has a gallifreyan name built into his name so like pop off.
Wolfwood I want to be the Jack character, having known and traveled with vash, getting killed, being brought back and then getting stuck like that. I like the idea of him being from the future and being a time agent too since jacks backstory does involve having a brother so I think he slots into that role p nicely.
So Meryl I had a very fun idea for, stamp Meryl is vashs newest companion and he thinks she looks familiar but doesn’t look that much into it because he’s hurting rn and just wants to not be alone. Meryl grew up on stories from her grandmother of space fairing adventures fighting aliens and saving people, her grandmother who was an insurance agent later became a journalist and inspired her to do so. Yeah her grandma is 98/ max Meryl, but I’m gonna change her name to Myrtle for the sake of not having 2 Meryl’s but Meryl is like the spitting image of her grandma as that happens sometimes, but she is shorter and styles herself differently. She’s in college to be a journalist before getting swept up in the stampede.
So 98/ max Meryl aka Myrtle did the whole bad wolf thing and is the reason woowoo is now immortal, it was an oopsie ok. But Myrtle, woowoo, and Vash were just besties, no romantic feelings here (because I want the stamp trio to be the ones for that and imagine dating a guy your grandma also dated that’s fucking awkward) ((plus I read 98/max more platonic between vash and Meryl vs. stampede where they feel more romantically inclined))
Nai I was going back and forth on keeping him as The Master or making him The Lord since he’s constantly referred to as lord knives and shit. But yeah he’s taking the place of the master here WITH NO SUBTEXT WE ARE NOT DOING INCEST HERE. They simply both looked into the time vortex and got fucked up in different ways with vash running and never stopping and nai going off the deep end, though now the ending of the time war is going to be a little different.
Rem is here but she is taking form as the tardis, I love the episode where the doctor gets to meet the tardis, OBVIOUSLY NOTHING HERE IS ROMANTIC EITHER THE TARDIS IS MOM-ING HIM HERE, it’s so bitter sweet and makes me sob. That means he’s not going to call her sexy I hope we are all ok with that shdhdbfjdbdhbr.
Roberto is gonna be a companion and also happens to be Milly’s uncle and the journalist Meryl is shadowing. He gets tied up into all of this when meryl comes back from an adventure and accidentally brings some of it with her to him and he’s kind forced to come along. Will he die? Good question.
Milly is Meryl’s college roommate and I’ll have her join the crew later on, kind of like in stampede how we haven’t seen her yet but she’ll be on the tardis you better believe it.
Brad and luida are older companions that are now apart of unit and help vash when he needs it, think like Martha and Mickey types but again more parental toward the doctor, left on their own and still help when they can.
Let’s talk about the fucky stuff I wanna do with timelord twins:
Vash and Nai are special since they are twins, they are constant reflections of each other and always regenerate together, as if there were some cosmic force making sure they were never out of sync, they’re always fatally wounded at the same time. They can also feel one another, like a tether that constantly connects them, they don’t just automatically know where the other is but they can always feel the other’s presence as if they were standing side by side at all times.
Now the time war:
In my mind Vash would be fully black hair trimax for this regen (outfit would be different but I would need a post to go over all the fits) and Nai would be almost fully black hair but with that little tuft of blonde. Nai convinces Vash that he just wants the war to end, that he didn’t want to be a soldier fighting in this endless war, and he needs vash to tell his where the vault is and help him get in there because there is something in there that can save them all, Vash at his wits end believes Nai and gets him in and they take the moment, Nai convinces Vash to wait in his tardis for him but the conscious of the machine appears to Vash and not Nai in an attempt to stop Nai, Vash and Nai fight, Nai cuts off his arm and gets to the machine before Vash and the moment is used, Vash (who’s punishment if he uses the machine is to live) ends up in the tardis on the verge of regeneration watching as both Gallifrey and Skaro are destroyed. And as he begins to regenerate he can’t feel Nai anymore. He regens into stamp Vash, though his arm is still missing, like a reminder, every scar he earned in the war as well still marking his body and for the first time in his life he is truly alone. And when he looks in the mirror he sees that his eye color is now that of his brothers, gone is his typical seafoam green, now they are frighteningly blue.
Anyway I will be writing a fic sooooooooooo if y’all wanna know more like outfits and timeline stuff I’d be down to share.
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fionajames · 10 months
Hey!!! How’s the concussion? Hope it’s almost healed. How are you since the last time I’ve asked?
Requesting time: may I pretty please with a cherry on top have a story about an AU where the wars over and all our fav clones have been recognized as citizens and all have their dream jobs (what do you think they would be) please?
If that’s too hard, may I substitute it with a little story about Xi (I believe that’s his name?) the clone who got sick from one of my other requests and has a little crush on General Skywalker?
Thank you so much, hope you’re well, have a great day! -Sha 🫡
fix-it-fox au
HI SHA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! <3
ok so guys, originally i was also gonna do headcanons for all my clone ocs and i wrote a few but gave up cause its been hours.
also, yes, normal dogs and cats and their various breeds exist in this.
have some headcanons:
(writing below the cut)
The Clones get like, idk imma just say money but basically they get a bunch of money to make up for not getting paid but especially to make sure they’re not gonna end up homeless.
Most Clones live in groups as it feels unnatural for them not too.  (i feel like im doing a david attenborough documentary rn, read: ‘most clones live in groups’ in david’s voice, go check him out if you dunno him)
The Clones are then all ‘employed’ by the GAR (they’re not rlly given a chance, as the senate wouldnt fully permit them to just become civvies, padme, chuchi and bail as well as some others managed to negotiate this, which was the best why could do). This means they can have other jobs and are only called upon if there is a problem that requires them. Sorta like how the Jedi were before that, but different.
Most Clones move to planet Nay-Mets (an anagram of amnesty, i think this is funny because the definition of amnesty is ‘an official pardon for people who have been convicted of political offences’ which is kinda what the anti-clone people would think about them, so its like the clones r saying ‘we dont care what you think’ and owning it) - which I have made up. Nay-Mets is a planet of earthy terrain, with lakes and rivers running through it. Its beautiful, and had a sparse and small population until the clones arrived. The clones are careful with what they do to the land and care for it dearly. The Non-Clone civvies are very welcoming and help the Clones build homes and other things. They moved into a town that had been uninhabited for a year or so for no real reason. Only a month after the end of the war, Nay-Mets is busy and buzzing, with Clones and Non-Clones.
Bail Organa has become Chancellor and is pushing everything for Clone rights. Between him, Chuchi and Padme - plus some other senators - they’ve gotten good and better rights for the Clones.
Anakin lives with Padme on Naboo. When the war ended, he ended up telling Obi-Wan about his marriage who happily informed him the Council was changing the code to allow such things. 
Anakin is off-world when Luke and Leia are born, but feels it through the Force. He rushes home (Obi-Wan orders him to, claiming he can finish the battle by himself) and cries upon meeting his children.
Obi-Wan visits Naboo before returning to Coruscant and immediately feels the tug towards Luke, who’s Force is a blanket of warmth and sunlight. Ahsoka comes as soon as Anakin comms her (which is pretty quickly, and rather excitedly) and upon meeting Leia, she can’t help but hear the raindrops and feel the moonlight she emits to her. Luke has a special bond with Obi-Wan, just as Leia has a bond with Ahsoka. 
Even though Palpatine is dead, the events of the other seasons take place, but slightly differently. The battles that do take place (no way im specifying, i dont have the patience for that) are run by Dooku. He’s keeping the war going, but without Palpatine, it’s hard. He’s captured by Anakin, then Grievous is killed by Obi-Wan. Dooku goes to jail.
Ahsoka still gets the message from Bo-Katan and frees Mandalore. She captures Maul who is taken to trial and he is the reason that the trial against Fox finally proved him not-guilty (well, guilty but fairly).
Order 66 never happens (no shit) and the Kaminoans are ordered to de-chip every single Clone. They are taken to jail immediately afterwards. Some Clones remain on Kamino to raise the youngers, and Shaak Ti ends up taking control of the whole place.
During this time period, after the Kaminoans were arrested, the Bad Batch stumble upon a certain blonde girl hiding in a lab. Hunter - seeing no reason not to - immediately ‘adopts’ her. 
Some cadets and baby Clones leave Kamino, but these are only ones who have an older Clone who has managed to snag legal custody over them. These guys aren’t very common, as they didn’t have much exposure to older Clones, but it’s not so bad.
Shaak Ti begins to make the Clones’ training intertwined with schooling, and also give them excursions off-planet. The young Clones no longer hate Kamino like so many of their elders did.
Alongside the de-chipping process, Clones are all given a vaccine that returns their ageing to normal, meaning they get to live normal, long lives.
Oh and Ahsoka is paid for helping Mandalore, so she’s no longer broke.
As soon as the war is over, Rex goes and visits Cut.
He isn’t really sure what to do at first, as he’s put his heart and soul into the GAR, and now he doesn’t have to.
He follows Ahsoka around like a lost puppy because she’s got more experience with civilian life, and frankly, he’s missed his sister. He does help Fives whilst he’s recovering from his trauma and as a result, it's Fives and Rex bunking at Ahsoka’s place for a bit (she pretends to be annoyed but she really isn’t).
Eventually she convinces him to take Fives and Jesse (who’s been crashing on her couch and making ramen at 3am for a few weeks) and go get a house. This is because the Clones are given… like, money, because they didn’t get paid during the war.
So Rex, Jesse and Fives get a place next door to the Bad Batch (including Echo and Omega) and end up knocking down the fence separating the two houses and building a hallway between them so it’s like one big, slightly separated house.
Rex slowly begins to relax as a civilian, but still is a bit too rigid. He’s the third person to meet Luke and Leia (aside from Anakin and Padme, ofc) - first being Obi-Wan and second Ahsoka. He’s utterly honoured but immediately uneasy, as he hasn’t had much exposure to children. 
But Luke, with his mighty force connection, sees Rex and is instantly puppy-eyed, and won’t stop crying until his uncle holds him. This boosts Rex’s confidence a lot, and he finds himself visiting a lot.
Rex wears mostly hoodies and baggy/cargo pants. The first time he put a hoodie on, he did that thing where you pull it over your knees and curl up. He didn’t move for hours. Ahsoka went out the next day and put him a ton, mostly blue ofc.
His favourite hoodie is the custom one Fives got for him (although he’ll never admit it aloud). It’s blue and white - the 501st’s colours, ofc - with his jaig eyes on the front. On the back is his CT number, but with a line through it and below, his name. Fives says he wants everyone to know that they’re not numbers, they’re people. Rex cried when he heard.
Rex doesn’t get a job at first, and instead helps Fives, Jesse and Echo out in their cafe when needed. Eventually, he turns his farming hobby (something he’d picked up to use his time) into profit and attends the farmers’ market to sell products.
Echo didn’t really know when the war ended, until the Bad Batch came and rescued him. 
Even after being sweetly reunited by Fives, he struggles mentally and physically, unused to being a cyborg. 
He finds himself staying with the Bad Batch the most, because of his newly found troubles. When it comes to house-arrangements, he has a talk with Fives, and they agree to live separately, but everyone knows you can often find them in the other’s house anyways.
He ends up running a cafe with Jesse and Fives that becomes popular very quickly. His favourite thing to have is a hot chocolate with a choc-chip cookie, which he often does whilst reading a book at the counter.
Speaking of books, Echo is finally exposed to books, like, fictional books. Although others were shocked, Echo prefers fiction over non-fiction, as he likes the made-up stuff. He wishes desperately he had it growing up and with that thought, he and Shaak Ti teamed up to get the cadets and baby Clones on Kamino books.
Echo cries when he gets his custom hoodie. It’s like the rest of the Bad Batch’s with the grey, black, red and white pattern and ofc his crossed out CT number and name on the back, but there’s also a blue hand print where it was on his armour. 
He wears his hoodie everywhere, much like Rex.
Other than his hoodie, Echo mostly wears baggy long-sleeved stuff in an attempt to cover his robotic screwdriver-thing hand. Anakin offered to get someone to remove it and replace it with a prosthetic hand like his own but Echo denied it. He's proud of it, but a little self-conscious.
Echo’s a lil more shy than he was before, but still his sarcastic goofy self. He buys a bike (bicycle) when he arrives on Nay Mets, and rides it everywhere. Its not uncommon to see him riding his bike through the hills at 6am.
Because of the whole ‘Tup’ incident, Fives’ mental health has deteriorated drastically. Rex is his biggest help, alongside Echo and as well as Jesse and Ahsoka.
Because of this, he goes with Rex when he moves into Ahsoka’s apartment temporarily. They basically get two mattresses and chuck them in an empty room, sleeping on the floor (on the mattresses tho) with blankets, but its so much comfier than their bunks.
Fives starts becoming his usual self a bit quicker than expected, especially when he arrives on Nay Mets.
He ofc runs the cafe with Jesse and Echo, and is the main drink maker. He makes the best milkshakes.
After a bit, Fives ends up assembling a group of Jedi and Clones to help him get hoodies for almost all the Clones. It takes a few months but with him learning to sew, dozens of others doing the same and various people across the galaxy being paid to make them, the hoodies are distributed everywhere.
He designs his last, and its pretty simple with the blue and white markings and his crossed out CT number and name.
Like most Clones, he prefers comfy and baggy clothes, wearing mostly hoodies and baggy pants. He develops a love for beanies.
Fives takes up electric guitar as his hobby, and thoroughly enjoys it. 
When he first meets Padme, she hugs him and comforts him without a second’s hesitation. He cracks immediately and cries. She spends the entire day calming him and comforting him, and she’s self-employed herself as his unpaid therapist.
He returns to Naboo to visit Padme regularly, and his General, ofc. 
To everyones’ delight, when Leia is toddlerish age and her rebellious side is evident, Fives becomes more like himself as he assists her in getting into trouble.
Anakin and Padme don’t mind having to clean off the noticeably washable marker from the walls when Fives starts laughing again. They’re grateful he’s getting better, and that he chooses to use materials easy to clean up.
Jesse spends the first few weeks of his civvie life going absolutely nuts in trying to experience stuff. 
He quickly realises that he has no home and ends up crashing on Ahsoka’s couch. She pretends to get annoyed at him when he constantly gets up at unholy hours to make ramen but she frankly is glad he’s doing well.
He’s the one to organise a house for him, Rex and Fives on Nay Mets.
He ofc runs the cafe with Echo and Fives, and he’s the cooking expert. He’s well known in the town for his delicious foods and alongside Fives’ excellent drinks, its what gets the cafe popular quickly.
His hoodie is the same as Fives’, but with his number and name, ofc.
It’s only been six weeks since the War ended when Jesse arrives home with a sheepish grin and a box that moves. He giddily reveals a black and blue merle mudi dog (such a cute breed, go google it, you wont regret) that he names Tundra. Tundra is rather quiet for his breed (never had this breed but during researching, it says the bark a lot, sorry if thats not true) but filled with energy and affection. 
Jesse and Tundra are rarely separated. When Jesse has work, he brings Tundra. He either sleeps on the floor whilst watching or will go out to the fenced-in area through the dog door they installed in the cafe.
Jesse adapts rather quickly to civvie life and really enjoys it. 
Kix has pretty mixed-feelings post-war.
He loves being a civvie but can’t help but find himself up late at night, waiting to attend to a wound of sorts.
At first, Kix is really anxious and uncomfortable with being aware from the battlefield. Jesse tries to get through to him but ultimately fails, as Kix needs alone time.
Anakin sees his medic in distress and tells Padme. She immediately agrees to let Kix live with them on Naboo until he can regain his footing, no matter how long that takes. 
Kix spends his almost-three months on Naboo recollecting himself and then turns to Jesse, who immediately agrees to let him move in with him, Fives and Rex. 
Kix ends up taking a job at the hospital, and instantly finds himself better footing. Its much easier for him after he takes up the job.
His hoodie is the usual but with his red medic symbol on the shoulder. He wears it as much as possibly, and thanks Fives almost daily for the gift.
When they were de-chipping, after he got his removed, Kix worked tirelessly to remove the other Clones’ chips. He was thrown a ‘thank you’ party afterwards by all the Clones he helped. 
Cody’s immediate reaction is relief.
He’s just grateful the war is over.
The first few weeks he spends living with Obi-Wan (idc if you see this as a ship or platonic, basically the embodiment of the ‘and they were roommates vine’ tbh) as he doesn’t really have any where else to go.
Eventually, he moves to Nay Mets like many others, and takes Meerrt and Vick with him. They have a room for Obi-Wan which is used a lot more than expected, but they love having their Jedi over.
Cody’s hoodie is the usual, in yellow of course. 
He spends most of his first few months reading and experiencing life as a civilian (alongside making the best cinnamon scrolls you’ll ever taste) but eventually gets a job at a kindergarten, of all the places.
Unexpectedly, Cody works really well with kids, and it really shows. He becomes an idol to a lot of little kids on Nay Mets.
Upon meeting Luke and Leia, he takes up a job as unofficial babysitter when Padme and Anakin need a break. 
Cody wears mostly sweaters and cargo pants - like so many other Clones - and a golden bracelet with a sun charm attached. He doesn’t take it off.
He also starts learning violin, and really enjoys that too.
He’s one of the first to get de-chipped, and waits until his battalion have also been de-chipped to even leave Kamino. This is mostly because Obi-Wan got annoyed when he found out Cody wasn’t sleeping out of worry.
Wolffe’s immediate reaction was also relief, but in a sarcastic way. Like, ‘oh we’re finally done?!’ But deep down, he is super glad.
He stays with Plo and several others from his battalion before finding a place on Nay Mets with them. Plo lives more on Nay Mets than Coruscant, just like many other Jedi do too.
When he gets his hoodie - the usual but in grey with a small wolf symbol on the front - he breaks and grins, giving Fives a huge hug. But he then blackmails him into not telling anyone he did.
Wolffe wears his hoodie everywhere, rarely takes it off. He likes the ‘not a number’ statement that comes with it.
He also wears like thick, fluffy winter coats and cargo pants a lot, with the occasional bad-ass leather jacket.
He attempts to get a job somewhere, but can’t really find one that works, so he stays unemployed. 
After a little while, Wolffe adopts a grey, male tamaskan dog (also beautiful, check it out, they look like wolves) he names Fang. Everyone thinks its hysterical he got a dog that looks like wolf.
Wolffe and Fang are also inseparable.
Wolffe finds himself enjoying hiking and does it almost daily, with Fang joining him. He finds it peaceful and enjoyable.
Fox is ofc the one who basically ended the war, or at least he majorly turned the tables.
He’s so relieved when its finally over.
He’s one of the first Clones to move to Nay Mets, and ofc Dhole, Vector, Menace, Dice and Bloodshot tag along. They live in one great big house.
Almost immediately, Fox impulsively adopts a ginger tabby she-cat he names Pumpkin. She’s a beautiful, silly cat and Fox has zero regrets in getting her.
He lets her be a very free cat as he feels bad for being any other way.
His hoodie is red and white with the usual and a fox symbol on the front. He loves sweaters.
He wasn’t really looking for a job at first, and eventually decided to stay unemployed.
Fox picks up piano as a way to calm himself, and grows to become a great pianist. He practises practically all day with Pumpkin sitting on his lap.
He regularly goes for long walks and takes Pumpkin, cause she’s that kinda cat. 
Once there was an incident in town when a guy lost it and started shooting or smth and Fox just calmly tackled him (that's an oxymoron lol) and got someone to arrest him. He was really quiet afterwards.
When he got his chip removed, Fox became a lot more quiet for a little. This was because he could finally hear properly. When he had the chip, he always heard a little voice in his head, something he now knew was Palpatine.
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heich0e · 1 year
Dying DYING to know Nai’s whole text to Vash in the last college au drabble
a comprehensive literary analysis and partial translation of knives' series of text messages sent to vash in this instalment in the trigun college!au - by: liv
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6:16PM - New Message (1) Nai: Hi. That girl is here again
i have mentioned this before, but nai refers to all of vash's acquaintances (and really, the world at large) as "that guy" or "that girl" or "them"—he will occasionally (begrudgingly) tack on an adjective to differentiate between who he's talking about when there is a large group and it proves necessary, but they are not nice adjectives. this isn't necessary all the time though, because his tone is always particularly and unmistakably disdainful when he's referring to two specific people: nicholas and yourself. even, as evidenced above, through the medium of text.
6:16PM - New Message (2) Nai: She’s in your bedroom
nai is pretty careful about how he communicates with his brother. he is absolutely overbearing and pissy but he saves outright petulance or anger for very rare occasions. this text is basically the binary code equivalent of standing with his arms crossed over his chest looking sullen. a fairly good translation of this text into plain english would be: WHY is SHE in your BEDROOM. i hate this. make her leave.
6:16PM - New Message (3) Nai: When are you coming back? Where are you? If you need to leave the house you shouldn't let people stay there unattended, it's not safe. Especially not the people you like to hang around with.
nai is not afraid to double, triple, etc. text vash. in fact it's weirder if he doesn't. he's not much of a texter, in all honesty. deletes message threads with classmates when he's tired of responding and gets annoyed when a new message pops up again in his notifications. has purchased a new phone solely because he got added to a group chat of fellow pre-med students and it was irritating. the only actively maintained conversation he has is with his brother. also, translation: THAT GIRL
6:17PM - New Message (4) Nai: Did you wear your jacket? It's cold out tonight. I got us dinner.
translation: i love you, come home safe. QUICKLY.
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