#good god sometimes i swear the ai can read minds
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dastardlydandelion · 2 years ago
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made a moodboard for the latest chapter of the abcs of neil hargrove's death. have decided from now on any chapter that surpasses 20k will get a moodboard bc they are fun, it might help me hone my focus and actually finish the damn series, and they make everything look fancier.
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olderthannetfic · 2 months ago
Wow, I am not this anon but I was surprised by the p unanimous pushback, at least when I first saw the comments. I interpreted reupload here in this context as something more public than a dm, like something Google findable, but still effectively an interaction, so still technically peer to peer in the first place, and preservation not theft minded. Not like, a wattpad reupload? Like answering an ask or post on the deleted fic sub for help finding a fic with an archive link/cache link, or posting a google drive link? Idk if I’m using the right terminology for any of this now.
I’m a bit of a fic hoarder and seek out deleted things pretty often, and do show up in spaces like the aforementioned, hat in hand, when there’s stuff I can’t find, and also privately point people to where they can find deleted fics. I didn’t consider this kind of thing reupload, which I would prev had said I’m against (unless you’re the original author), but it did feel to me like it was what op was describing, on the other hand if it /is/ considered reupload, I also am pro this specific sort… like are these uncharitable interpretations of the ask, bc op was verbally telegraphing ‘very controversial take’ out the gate? Have I been secretly an fandom badguy all along and I didn’t know it??
Maybe I’m over correcting and being too generous in my read because I feel like they’re doing a bad job at, ultimately, saying something I agree with, but I also don’t think saying that the internet is written in ink is and individual human beings who like your art might preserve it or interact with it in way you don’t like once it’s public = AI scraping is fair enough, and ultimately on you, and so are sex crimes 😭, even if there were unfortch parallels in how this sentiment was conveyed... if you don’t want [undesirable outcome] don’t [preventative choice] is a standard format that can be used for good AND evil I think. I swear to god I’m not op even though it highkey sounds like I am how I’m going to bat
Wayback machine links and privately linking someone when they make a "Can anyone find X?" post are mostly accepted, in my experience. Posting a public link on that same post that isn't the wayback machine is sometimes okay with people, but it varies.
Anon was here to stir shit.
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twistsandtwizzles · 2 years ago
Stars on Mars: The Finale
Holy shit, y’all. We made it.
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After twelve weeks of watching “celebrities” pretend that they are astronauts on Mars, we have come to the final episode. Tonight we will learn, at long last, which one of them is “The Brightest Star in the Galaxy.”
Shatner kicks us off with a series recap, and I had honestly forgotten that Richard Sherman was on this show. Then we get a brief moment with each of our final five crew members, starting with:
Adam: “In my sport, it was: become a National champion, go to the Olympics,” he tells us, over footage of him twerking with Porsha, running through a dark cave, and riding on a rover. ��And these are the tools that I’m going to be counting on to go all the way.” Then a hero shot in slow motion of Adam in full space suit, walking down the hab hallway.
Cat: “When I am in a competition, there’s something that clicks in my brain,” she says as we see her driving the rover and high fiving Lance. “I always have in my mind that I am going to win.”
Porsha: She walks down the hallway in full glam. “I came here to do some things I’ve never done before,” says her voiceover. Clips of her celebrating with Tinashe after a mission, rappelling down a cliff, and pretending to wrestle with Ronda. “You don’t make it this far and not be a warrior.”
Paul: “I went from the poor house to the penthouse,” he says. “Bottom three to Base Commander.” Most of his clips are just him standing at the airlock door? Sorry Paul, but you really did just kind of stand around a lot. “The simple fact that I’m still here is saying a lot.”
Tinashe: “I’ve always kind of felt like an underdog in my life, maybe because I’m quiet sometimes. But I think I’m going to surprise everyone.” She smiles at the camera and I have to say that I have really become fond of Tinashe. She gives us our last slo-mo hero walk before we cut to the show logo.
“Sol 19 - Second to last day of experiment,” reads the text on the screen, as we find Shatner just . . . sitting on the edge of his bed, in his leather jacket, appearing to be waiting for instruction. Lady AI obliges, and tells him that it is time for him to go address the crew. Shatner has some trouble with the door latch on the Base Commander suite, but eventually makes it out and summons the crew to the kitchen.
On his way he passes a big red button on the wall that says “DO NOT PUSH” that I swear to God we have never seen before but apparently it’s been there the whole time?? We even get a bunch of flashbacks of crew members pushing the button as Lady AI tells Shatner that the button controls all the hab life support functions, and was placed there to test the crew’s self-control. “That did not go well, and I disabled it on Sol Day 1, but it has now been reactivated,” she says.
Shatner tells Cat that he really, really wants to press that button.
Adam and Porsha are hanging out in the living room and Adam tells Porsha that he has really loved getting to know her: “You’re such a good person.”
“Aw, thank you,” Porsha says, touched.
“It will be so sad when you leave the competition,” Adam continues, grinning. They both dissolve into giggles.
The group gathers and Shatner tells them they are at the “moment of truth.” This morning, they are going to reduce the five remaining contestants to three. And then tomorrow, those three will be reduced to one, who will receive the ��Brightest Star in the Galaxy” patch. (We see a picture of the patch here, and I just have to note that it only says “Brightest Star” on top and then on the bottom it says “Stars on Mars.” I would demand to have one that specifically says “Brightest Star in Galaxy” as Shatner promised.)
Shatner goes on to say that the winner of that patch will then have the opportunity to “speak to the world.” You can tell that the group was sort of hoping that the additional prize might be like, cash. Or a vacation somewhere that is not the Australian desert. “A message coming from your heart,” Shatner continues. “It could be the biggest and best thing you’ve done with your life.”
Porsha and Cat play along and tell Shatner that it is an amazing prize. Adam meanwhile is trying really hard not to smirk.
Shatner says the process starts now - they are each going to get to ask the other players one question, and then they will vote for the three people who will continue on in the game. The group splits up to write their questions.
Adam tells us that he loves Porsha, but he’s still kind of stung that she chose to be in a group with Marshawn instead of him last week, and that he feels like the dynamic between the two of them has changed.
Cat says she wants to be strategic; Tinashe says that Cat has been playing the game and seems to be the only person who wants to win “by any means necessary, and I think that makes her a threat.” Tinashe also says that she’s noticed Porsha and Paul bonding and that they may be playing a bit of a game as well. Porsha tells Paul she thinks it’s shady they have to ask their questions in person and would prefer that they were anonymous.
Shatner has Tinashe ask the first question. Tinashe asks Cat if she made every decision here “for the right reasons” or if she was more focused on strategy. And honestly I am THRILLED that we did not let a full season of a reality competition go by without someone pulling the “right reasons” card. Cat says that she came in knowing that alliances had already formed, and she’s tried really hard to focus on what was fair in all of her decisions. Then we get flashback footage of Cat telling Paul that she’ll nominate him for Base Commander if he makes her Mission Specialist and her getting mad at Andy and kicking him off of Mars, and I LOVE when the editors get shady. Cat also adds that she cooked for the group, which wasn’t really part of the question but okay.
Adam asks Porsha who she thought would make it all the way to the end at the beginning of the experiment. Porsha says she thought Tinashe would.
Porsha asks Adam if he truly thinks that he is the “Brightest Star” over everyone else at the table, and why. Adam says that he thinks he’s proven that he shouldn’t be underestimated and that he can be a serious competitor. We see a flashback of Adam promising Tinashe and Porsha that there is no way they’ll be in the bottom three if he’s Base Commander, followed by footage of him talking Andy out of putting the two of them in the bottom. We also get a clip of Adam winning the challenge last week. “And I’m so proud of myself that I made it this far,” Adam continues. “And in my own eyes, I feel like, yes, I am a bright star.”
In his voiceover, Adam says, “I’m going to be honest. At this point, I don’t know if Porsha sees me as a serious contender or a serious crewmember.”
Paul asks Tinashe how she deals with failure. Tinashe says that she’s faced a lot of moments that she could have taken as a failure, but that in those moments she chose to be resilient. 
Tinashe asks Paul if he feels like he deserves to win over people who have been there longer. Paul responds by telling a story about getting stabbed and almost dying in his early twenties, and then William Shatner asks him if that experience helped him on Mars. (Yes, Captain Kirk. Surviving a murder attempt definitely carried over into pretending to be an astronaut for a week and a half.) Paul says his life has always been about starting at the bottom and rising above.
Question time over, Shatner tells them that they are all wonderful. He instructs them to go put on their spacesuits, because the time has come to cast their votes for the most mission critical crew members, and the two people with the fewest votes will immediately be extracted. 
Adam says in his confessional that when push comes to shove, he will fight for what he wants, and that he’s stronger than he looks. “People are going to have these subconscious biases about keeping their friends in the experiment,” he continues. “But here’s the thing: at this point, it’s just about who has played the game the best.”
When the crew gathers again they are all pretty nervous. (“I’ve peed 100 times today,” Adam tells the others.) Cat is feeling confident which seems silly because she’s clearly outnumbered by the Porsha/Tinashe/Adam faction. Lady AI tells them to rank the five remaining players, including themselves, from 1-5 (most critical to least).
Shatner collects their ballots and pretends to do the math in .5 seconds but you know we had a cut while the producers figured out the tallies. Anyway, he announces the first person who is safe: Tinashe. Not a surprise at all. Girlfriend made it through this entire experiment without ever being in the bottom three!
The second person who is safe is Porsha. She’s thrilled.
We’re dealt an excruciatingly long reality tv pause before the next name. (Adam: “I feel a little like I might have diarrhea, but I think that I’m going to hold it in, because I’m wearing white.”)
And the third and final person advancing to the final part of the experiment . . . is Adam!!!! Yay! 
“OG Three! OG Three!” chants Tinashe. Adam gives everyone hugs, as his voiceover says that it just feels right that the final three are all original crew members, and how happy he is that he gets to be there at the end with two of his closest friends from the entire experience.
Cat and Paul say their goodbyes. Cat says she really thought she was going to go all the way, but gives credit to Adam, Tinashe, and Porsha for a game well-played. Paul says it’s been a fun ride.
The final three embrace, grinning from ear to ear. 
“It’s so dumb, I’m so excited,” Adam says, pretty much summing up the entirety of the Stars on Mars experience.
Shatner tells them that what he didn’t tell them earlier is that all three of them got the exact same score when the votes were tallied.
“Look at that,” Tinashe says. “Teamwork.”
Later that evening, the remaining three are having drinks and celebrating together. Tinashe says she suspected it would be the three of them at the end. Porsha says she knew it too: “I wrote it down so fast I had to slow myself down.” 
Porsha does add that she put Cat above Paul, Adam says he did too. Tinashe says she had them reversed: “I saw what I needed to see earlier. I respected the fight, but . . . even picking Lance as her mission specialist. I was like, ‘this is a strategy, because this doesn’t make sense.’” Tinashe also says it rubbed her the wrong way that every time Cat cooked she made a big deal of letting them all know how lucky they were she was cooking for them.
The group says goodnight to Lady AI and Lady AI tells them that she is very happy to have the three of them there.
After commercials, the crew is waking up on Sol Day 20 and the very final day of this lunatic experiment. Tinashe and Adam are shown working on their message “to the world.” (LOL.) Adam asks Porsha if she’s done hers yet. She says no, it’s just thirty seconds, and Adam is APPALLED that she is apparently just going to wing it.
We get another montage of the final three walking in full glam and slow motion down the hallway in their spacesuits. Porsha has put her long wig back on. Shatner is making them wait, and they pace nervously in the command center until Shatner appears with three tablets under his arm.
“It’s a big day,” Shatner begins, running down all the things they’ve endured to get to this point. And then, the final mission assignment. Out there in the “Martian desert” there are two satellites, which will be used to broadcast their message to the world. The first person to assemble their satellite and transmit their message will be the Brightest Star in the Galaxy. But before they can get to the satellites, they have to take a quiz about Mars facts. The first two people to answer enough questions correctly will proceed out of the hab to the satellites, and the last person will be eliminated.
Adam says that he read the Mars manual “every chance he got” but that the facts might be a little muddy.
Shatner passes out the tablets, and then leaves - punching the “Do Not Push” button on his way out with a “WOO!” He really is charming and I cannot get over the fact that this man is in his nineties. He saunters out of the hab with a “good luck!” as the hab begins at countdown to the end of life support systems. The group has five minutes to complete the quiz.
“Damn,” Adam says. “That’s what that button did?”
“Yeah,” Porsha replies. “I pushed it the first day.”
Everyone laughs.
The quiz starts: “I feel like I’m taking a written test at the DMV,” Adam tells the others.
I’m not going to run down all of the questions that are on this quiz, because listen, you can just google Mars if you want to learn about it. But five questions in, everyone is tied with three correct answers. “I really thought I knew this stuff,” Porsha says.
“Me too,” Adam replies.
Adam takes the lead with the sixth question, and needs just one more question correct to advance. He gets the next question wrong and Porsha and Tinashe get it right, so now everyone is tied again. Everyone is VERY NERVOUS.
The next question is “Who was the first person to see Mars through a telescope?” with the choices Copernicus, Galileo, and Johannes Kepler. Galileo is correct. Tinashe curses.
“Mission complete!” Adam shouts, excitedly. The other two cheer for him as he sets his tablet down and hustles out of the hab. Adam leaps on his rover, saying, “Let’s go, baby!” and he looks like a little kid in his glee. It’s cute.
The next question is about the diameter of Mars. Tinashe gets it right. “I love you!” she yells to Porsha on her way out the door. “I’m on your ass, Adam!” she shouts as she gets on the rover.
Porsha heads out of the hab for her extraction, saying that she’s ready to go home and conquer some stuff. “For my daughter to see this, it would be such a positive and motivating thing for her.”
Adam is racing through the desert on his rover. “I want to win this experiment so badly,” he says. “Because I love patches.” LMAO.
He pulls up next to the satellite assembly station, where Shatner is waiting. Shatner tells him that there’s a brief with instructions in the back of his rover. Lady AI informs us that each contestant needs to hook up a series of cords and wires to the satellite, but each cord goes in a specific spot. The instructions illustrate what goes where. After the satellite is assembled, they will insert the disc with their message to Earth. The first satellite to begin broadcasting will be the winner.
“In my entire life I have avoided all instructions,” Adam tells us, as we see him start to unload cables and plug them in. “And I thought, ‘why would I start today?’” 
As someone who has watched literally every season of The Amazing Race, I know that not reading the instructions ALWAYS comes back to bite you on the ass. So this is not a great start for Adam here.
Tinashe is still driving. She says she’s feeling very zen as she pulls up to Shatner, who congratulates her on her driving and cool skidding stop.
We watch them put together their satellites for a while. Adam pulls out to an early lead, but we do see Tinashe actually reading her instructions which she says was “very helpful.”
This is when Adam realizes that the cables have to go in specific places. “Oh, Adam,” Shatner says as one of the satellite pieces falls over. “You have to have the right length cable!”
“Got it, mister,” Adam says, sounding annoyed, and I wonder if this is also how he responded when Raf gave him a correction that he had already identified himself. 
“Am I having a lot of trouble?” Adam asks us. “Uh, yeah. The issue is that I didn’t read the directions and I really should have.” 
So Adam starts redoing his cables, and Tinashe begins to catch up. Shatner alternates between heckling and encouraging them both and I desperately wish he would have said “Come on, buddy!” just to make the world’s most niche joke for fans of The Runthrough. Adam is spinning in circles looking for one of his cables. “Where is this bitch?” he mumbles to himself.
“Oh Adam, for God’s sake,” Shatner says, his head in his hands, as we go to commercials.
When we return, Adam is explaining that he was feeling frazzled. “Some of my cables were in the wrong place. William Shatner was yelling at me. And now Tinashe is going to win!”
Tinashe says she knew right away that the cables went in specific places, and that she could tell she was catching up. Tinashe connects her final cable and officially pulls ahead of Adam, and moves on to connecting her wires.
Shortly after, Adam gets his last cable connected. Tinashe is struggling figuring out the wires, and so is Adam: “Are we still using wires?! It’s 2023!” (“Go the *bleep* in!” he tells the wire he’s working with, trying to get it to connect.)
Adam takes the lead again and Tinashe says she was disappointed she couldn’t hold her advantage. She’s frustrated and finally asks Adam for a hint. “Just flip them around, you’ve got it!” he tells her. She gets her first wire connected.
All three of them - Tinashe, Adam, and Shatner - are sweating. Shatner has more flies landing on his face. “Oh my god, I’m doing all this for a *bleeping* CD-ROM!” Adam exclaims, as Tinashe laughs.
They are neck and neck until: Adam gets his final wire connected. Triumphant music swells and at this moment my friend messaged me, “Oh my god is Adam going to win Stars on Mars?!”
The answer is yes, yes he is. And Adam is as incredulous as we are: “I can’t believe it.”
Adam inserts the DVD with his message on it into his satellite. He pumps his fist as Tinashe and William Shatner cheer. Then - and this is so freaking funny - we see the message he has recorded, but the producers have CGIed it so that it appears like the message is playing to packed crowds in Times Square, Red Square in Moscow, Vatican City, and Sydney Harbor.
Here is his message in full: “From Mars, this is Adam Rippon. When I began my journey here on the Red Planet, I had no idea what to expect. I quickly learned that being hot doesn't make you a great astronaut, which feels like it should a little bit. More importantly, I learned that life is all about the journey and the connections you make. So let the ones you're close to know how much they mean to you as often as possible. I'm sending you so much love and I can't wait to see you back on Earth.”
I appreciate that Adam opened and closed this series talking about his hotness. Never change, Adam.
“You have won,” Shatner says, as Adam and Tinashe high five and celebrate. “Adam, my darling. You are wonderful.” He hands Adam his grand prize, which is literally just . . . a patch in a little plaque. I need you to understand that on first viewing I did not stop laughing for basically the last ten minutes of this episode because it is, forever and always, just. So. Dumb.
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Tinashe says, “Honestly, I’m so happy that Adam won. He’s had so much growth over this competition - I’m really happy for him.”
Adam spins in a celebratory circle, and gets the final word of the series: “I’m Adam Rippon, and I’m the brightest star in the galaxy.”
But the final shot belongs to one of the robot dogs, who has wandered to a billboard welcoming us to Coober Pedy, Australia. Banjo music swells as we pan back to see a highway. GASP. You’re telling me we’ve been on Earth this entire time?!
And so that’s it. We have reached the end of our Mars adventure! Adam shared some behind the scenes pictures on his instagram that made me laugh, below, and he also gave this great interview to Entertainment Weekly that I’d encourage you to read if you haven’t.
The funniest thing about this entire stupid show? I’m actually going to miss it. Who saw THAT coming??
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Thanks for coming along with me on this dumb ride, all two of you who read these. 😂 I can promise that if there is a season two of this show, you will not find any recaps here.
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ragingbookdragon · 4 years ago
These Words You Should Always Remember: To You, My Heart I Surrender
Batsis x Ghost-Maker One-Shot
Word Count: 4.6 Warnings: Explicit Language, Violence, Angst
Author's Note: This wasn't supposed to be 4K words y'all. I swear. But y'all better love me for it. Enjoy! -Thorne
There were the occasional sounds of fists meeting faces and shins hitting sides echoing in her ears, but she paid them no mind, eyes trained on the screen before her. She was content to let her brother and oldest friend beat the ever-living shit out of each other if it meant they’d eventually put their feelings aside and make up. Of course, it was a long-shot pipe dream and one not so easily reached—she could hope though.
Over the sound of the continual fighting came footsteps, followed by, “Aunt (Y/N). How’s it hangin’?”
Glancing over her shoulder, she smiled at her second nephew. “Jason,” she greeted warmly, and he bent down beside her, letting her press a kiss to his temple. “What are you doing here so late? I thought you and Roy were going to Panama City tomorrow? Shouldn’t you be in bed?”
He shrugged. “Plane leaves in the morning. Figured I’d hang around here for the night to say a couple ‘see you laters’.” Jason’s eyes followed the screen. “Is that the human trafficking ring out of Saint Petersburg?”
“Yeah,” (Y/N) answered, turning to click at the mouse. “Some lawyers from the courts around here got caught in a hotel room with a few of the girls.”
Someone new appeared in her peripheral, two people actually, Tim and Dick. “Didn’t they arrest everybody in the hotel room?” Tim asked, propping his chin on her shoulder.
She reached up and scratched his scalp the way he liked. “They did. The girls were sent to a secure facility for treatment and the lawyers have unsurprisingly lawyered up. None of them are talking.” (Y/N) clicked on the screen, opening a tab that led to an interrogation room. “Gordon’s not having any luck. Whoever’s running this operation is obviously terrifying enough that none of these guys are cracking. Even with the threat of getting sent to prison for life.”
“Want some help?” Dick offered and she shook her head.
“Nah. We adults have it.” (Y/N) looked at them and smiled. “You guys go do what young people do. Hang out with your friends, drink, party, be young.”
“I feel like you’re saying that to the wrong trio,” Tim said. “None of us drink except Jason and even then, none of us party.”
She shook her head again, this time in shame. “God, you people need to live.”
Jason happened to glance over her head, and he frowned. “Speaking of needing to live…you might wanna stop Bruce and GM from killing one another.”
(Y/N) turned in the direction of her friend and brother and sighed. “Am I a terrible person for considering letting them punch each other unconscious?”
“Nope!” came unified response and she chuckled, rising from her seat.
“Thought so,” she said, walking over to where Bruce and Ghost-Maker were about to go at it again.
She stepped in between them, gracefully dodging a throw punch and a kicked-out leg, shoving both of them back in return. “Hey, enough.”
“Move.” Bruce commanded and she glared at him.
“I said, enough.” Her head turned to Ghost-Maker. “We all know this little sparring match has gone a bit farther than just training.”
“No one’s getting hurt, (Y/N).” Ghost-Maker said, and she narrowed her eyes.
“Maybe not right now, but someone will get hurt and we don’t need that.” She pointed to the opposite ends of the room. “Separate and cool off. Both of you.”
Seeing that she wasn’t going to budge, Bruce let out a puff of air and turned, striding into the showers, leaving her and the other man on the mats. (Y/N) sighed quietly, rubbing her temples, and griped, “I swear you both make it so difficult to be around.”
“Only because he lets his emotions get in the way.”
(Y/N) looked up at him, watching as he wiped the sweat from his face. She caught his hand. “You busted your knuckles.”
“I’ll be fine.” He started to pull away and she tightened her grip.
“Don’t even start with me, Ghost.” She tugged him to the med bay and shoved him towards a seat. “Sit.” He obeyed, though she could tell he was probably making a face at her, and she busied herself with finding the antiseptic and some wraps.
Turning back around, she perched herself on the desk and placed his hand in her lap, gently wiping the blood and dirt away from the wounds; then she set the rag aside and wrapped his knuckles with the fresh gauze, carefully, as if he were made of glass.
When she was finished, she couldn’t help but do the childish thing she’d come up with all those years ago during their training; (Y/N) softly rubbed her thumbs over his knuckles, blowing quietly, then she murmured, “There. All healed.”
A rare smile came over his lips, though she could tell it was more of a sneer than one. “You’re still doing that?”
(Y/N) huffed a laugh and shoved his hand off her legs. “Yes. How do you think I managed to heal all the wounds me and the family have gotten over the years?”
“Hmm, stitches and alcohol.”
“Smart-ass,” she grunted, rising to her feet. “You hungry?”
Ghost-Maker stood from his seat. “No. I have to get back to The Haunt.”
“Hot date waiting?” (Y/N) cracked, elbowing him in the side and he snorted.
“No. I need to read up on the information Icon’s run through since I’ve been gone.”
She crossed her arms over her chest, gazing at him. “You know I’m doing that right now with our scans, right?”
“Of course, I do. But you’re not Icon.”
(Y/N) rolled her eyes. “Great, I’ve been beaten by an AI.”
“An AI that I designed.” Ghost-Maker added, and she glared at him for a moment before chuckling.
“With fear, so I’ve heard.”
He shrugged. “I figured I would give him the one thing I lack.” He looked over at her. “Do you want to come with me?”
She wanted to, but she sighed heavily. “I can’t.” her eyes found the shower room door. “Someone needs to stay behind and talk to him.”
“I’m not surprised you’re staying.”
It was all he said before he disappeared from her sight and (Y/N) bit the inside of her cheek as something aching tugged deep in her chest. She hated how easy it was for her to understand when Ghost-Maker was disappointed in her decisions. How easy it was for him to impact her feelings. It’d been almost two decades since they actually held real conversations and every memory of the time they’d spent together, her, him, and her brother came back to her. Every moment of watching the two boys go head-to-head, and her torn between her family and the man she loved—it’d always been that way…and sometimes she wished she were like Ghost-Maker, unfeeling of love and empathy.
She shook herself from her stupor and walked into the locker room, leaning against the wall of the closed shower door; she could see his feet beneath the door. “Why do you always let yourself get so angry when it comes to Ghost?”
“You know why.” Bruce retorted. “You know how he is.”
“And I know how you are,” (Y/N) countered. “Yet you refuse to admit that on some level he’s got good points.”
He stuck his hand out from the opening of the door. “Towel.” She waited. “Please.”
Handing it over, she said, “You and I both know the longer we do this the darker it gets…the darker we get.”
“I’m not killing people, (Y/N).” Bruce griped as he stepped out of the shower, the towel around his waist. He’d busted his eyebrow and lip.
“I’m not saying you have to, Bruce. I wouldn’t expect you to. All I’m saying is you won’t admit that Ghost is right about things.”
“About what!” He shouted, turning on her. “That I should just start slitting throats up and down the street! That I should give up what we started as children! What (Y/N)!”
She merely stared at him amidst his yelling and then she calmly stated, “That you can’t save everyone.” He didn’t react, just looked at her as she explained, “You are so hellbent on the idea that everyone can have a moral redemption arc, but the truth is that not everyone has one nor does everyone deserve one.”
(Y/N) shook her head. “Sometimes I think Ghost was right. Trying to save everyone? Giving up every part of myself to make sure everyone lives? He was right. It eats until there’s nothing left inside you.”
“So what? You’re going to stop saving people?”
“Don’t be an idiot, Bruce.” She gave him a sharp look and said, “I’m going to stop saving the people who don’t deserve saving. And if that means I let someone bad die? I can live with that.” Walking off, she ignored him as he called out for her to stop, leaving him alone.
The little hovering tray floated into her peripheral and she blinked, turning to look at it. “Good evening, Miss Wayne. Refreshments?”
She smiled, plucking a champagne glass off along with a few grapes and cheese slices. “Thanks Icon.”
“You’re welcome.” The tray wandered off and she walked over to where he was sitting down, silently reading through the reports.
“Find anything interesting?” she asked, popping a grape in her mouth as she nudged his elbow off the armrest to perch on it herself. His arm unconsciously rested around her waist, fingers brushing the side of her pants.
“Leonidovich is having a party tonight.”
(Y/N) hummed, watching as he clicked through the pictures of the party’s setup. “Big place. Open. Good for plain clothed security to get around in.” she narrowed her gaze. “This is the ball room of the Winter Nebula Hotel. Who’s renting out the penthouse?”
Ghost-Maker smirked. “Our host for the party.”
She nodded. “Then that’s where the real party is going to be tonight.” Glancing at him, she asked. “Any big ballers on the VIP list?”
“Oh, a few internationally wanted arms and drug dealers.” He looked at the screen. “Leonidovich picked up a new shipment of girls earlier. He’s probably going to make a deal with the dealers tonight in exchange for them.”
(Y/N) nodded. “I guess it’s time to put our noses to the grind then.” She shimmied off the seat and started towards the closet. “Have any dresses back here?”
“You’re going inside?” he questioned, almost sounding surprised.
“Well, you can’t go it,” she retorted. “Your wily ways of fucking and flying means that people know your face.”
“Half of it.”
(Y/N) stuck her head out from the curtain, neck, and shoulders bare. “You’re not going to go in without your mask on. We both know that.” She pulled back in, grunting and shuffling around until she was finished.
Pulling open the curtain, she stepped out in a thigh length white heart-bodice dress, form fitting to her body and off the shoulders. (Y/N) slipped in the black metal teardrop earrings. “Part of me wants to ask why you have female clothing in your closet, but the other part wants to ask why on God’s green earth do you have to buy everything in white.”
Her face pinched. “It’s sterile. At least paint some gray in here somewhere, Jesus.” Ghost-Maker merely chuckled at her complaints and stepped behind her, gently placing something around her neck. “What are you—”
He let the black necklace fall to her chest and gently grabbed her chin, the other plucking a small device from the tray that Icon had next to them. Maneuvering her head to the side, he reached up and stuck it behind her ear, snug and out of sight. “Your hair should cover it,” he said.
“What is ‘it’?” (Y/N) asked.
“Listening device.” Ghost-Maker nodded to the screen, and she looked over, seeing a black box on the screen with a marker that was ticking. He raised his fingers to her ear and snapped; the blue marker etched with the sound, and she couldn’t help but feel impressed.
“Nicely designed, Ghost.” She remarked, glancing back at him. “Get my invitation?”
“It’s printing.” He met her eyes. “You need to be careful.”
(Y/N) knew he was being serious, but she couldn’t help but mess with him a bit. She smirked. “Why, Ghost, are you worried that I can’t handle a bunch of international criminals by myself? Me? That mighty Widow-Maker?”
“I’m not worried about you.” He said, and it hurt a lot more than she expected it too. “But I’d be down a sparring partner if you got yourself killed.”
She blinked at him. “I’m not sure what’s more upsetting—that you only think of me as a sparring partner or that you legitimately think I can’t do this by myself.” (Y/N) tipped her head. “Ghost, I’ve got this.” He opened his mouth to say something, but she turned away, walking to the door. “Where will you be tonight?”
He watched her back. “I’ll be doing what I do best. Surveying until you get into the penthouse.”
“You can’t bust in until I get enough on Leonidovich to have him arrested.”
“I’m not going to arrest him, (Y/N).” She turned, staring at him, but she said nothing, and he cocked a brow. “You’re not going to stop me?”
Her gaze fell to the tile floor, and she shrugged. “I don’t think I can, even if I tried to.” She let out a breath and turned. “Good luck tonight.”
To a novice, the party would’ve just been a normal high-class function, but to her knowing eyes, both from her own billionaire life and her vigilantism, this party was crawling with criminals. She’d caught at least seven drug deals go down in the past five minutes since she walked in, and at least nine men went off with escorts.
She inconspicuously grabbed a champagne chute from a waiter’s tray and sipped it lightly, scanning the room for Leonidovich. He was in the corner of the room, sitting next to a few women who (Y/N) recognized from the missing persons in Gotham.
His eyes flashed to hers and she gave him a flirty wink, disappearing to the bar, knowing he was going to take the bait. Sure enough, a hand touched the small of her back and she hummed as his lips brushed her ear. “I wasn’t expecting a goddess like you to come to this party tonight.”
She smiled and leaned back into his chest. “This goddess goes where she pleases.” Tipping her head slightly, she caught his eye. “And where her boss will find the best deals.”
“Deals, hmm?” he hummed. “What kind of deals are you expecting?”
(Y/N) smiled. “Oh, the ones where lots of money is involved…and merchandise.”
He gazed at her for a few moments then murmured in her ear, “The code word for entrance to the penthouse is ‘подземный мир’.”
“I’ll remember.” Leonidovich pulled from her with a smile and disappeared into the crowd. Something made her want to shiver from disgust, but she concealed it, watching and waiting for him to enter the elevator.
When he did, she waited another few minutes before walking over to it; the security stopped her and she cocked a brow, muttering, “подземный мир.”
The two guards looked at each other then stepped aside, letting her into the elevator. Another guard was inside, and she smiled politely as she stepped in, glancing at the little panel as it blinked.
It dinged, signaling their arrival and when the doors opened, she was greeted by an extravagant penthouse. To her surprise, there weren’t many people inside, just Leonidovich and his personal entourage.
“Ah, you’ve come,” he greeted, holding out a hand.
She took it, letting him place a kiss to her knuckles. “I told you, this goddess goes where she pleases and where she’s needed.” Looking around, she murmured, “My boss would prefer our business done alone. Is that possible?”
The guards seemed to turn even frostier but Leonidovich merely chuckled, nodding his head as he let her go and gestured to a side door. “The office is just through those doors. We can draw up a contract.” He turned to his thugs. “Wait here.”
(Y/N) nodded, following him as he led her into the office, noting how he locked the door, and he motioned to a chair in front of the desk. “Please, sit.”
Taking her seat, she crossed a leg over her knee. “You wouldn’t happen to have something to drink, would you?”
“What can I offer you?”
He chuckled. “Ah, a woman after my own heart.” He waltzed over to the bar and poured them both glasses, walking back to hand her hers. “Here you are.”
(Y/N) took it and clinked her glass to his. “ваше здоровье.”
They both downed their glasses and for effect, she held her façade. “You speak and drink like a true daughter of Russia.”
She smiled. “I’ve had more than a few drinks with many sons of Russia.” Glancing out the window, she added, “My boss is interested in your inventory. A few of them actually.”
Leonidovich hummed, turning back to wander over to the drink counter. “Tell me about your boss.”
“He’s a multi-billionaire out of Hong-Kong. Made his fortune by building cell towers and selling opium on the side.”
“Opium is a highly sought-after drug.”
“That it is,” (Y/N) agreed. “He’s been branching out into Kolkata, wanting to get into the spice trade.” She gazed into her empty glass, staring at her reflection. “But the men over there want something in return…more than money, if you catch my drift.”
“I do.” He said, matter of factly. “Perhaps I can offer them something better.”
“And what would that be?” almost there. She thought, but she never expected—
(Y/N) turned her head just as he swung his arm as hard as he could, the vodka bottle in his grasp. She barely even had time for her eyes to widen when it collided with her temple, shattering into a thousand shards, cutting deep into her skin.
She fell out of her seat and hit the ground, dazed and in a massive amount of pain. Reaching up, she felt the blood pouring from her head and she sucked in a shuddering breath, trying to wipe away the fluid from her eyes so she could see.
Of course, he didn’t give her time because he was pressing his knee into her back, fingers yanking the listening device from behind her ear. Leonidovich glared at it and smashed it between his fingers. “I know who you are working for. I’ve seen this tech before.”
(Y/N) rolled onto her back, throwing out her elbow, which to give her credit, she did catch him in the jaw, but he was quick to respond, punching her across the face. Blood pooled in her mouth, and she spat at him, then his hands were winding around her throat, squeezing tightly. It reminded her of the training in the Amazons where she had to learn to uncoil anacondas from her body.
His grip became tighter and tighter just like the reptiles and she bared her teeth as she tried to suck in air, digging her nails into the flesh of his hands, his wrists, anything she could scratch at. He was heavy enough that she couldn’t flip him and with the dress tight around her thighs, she couldn’t cock her legs up to his shoulders or waist to get any distance between them.
She gasped when he put his knee in her stomach and that was the last bit of air she had to hold in. Her lungs started burning, begging her for air she felt the panic starting to rise in her as she thrashed beneath him, trying to throw him just an inch, but nothing was working.
Dark spots started to ebb out from the corner of her vision and like the phrase had come alive, she saw every moment of her life flash before her eyes. Every wrong decision, every right one. Every goodbye, every hello. Every person she’d ever lost and every one she’d ever saved. Her nephews’ and nieces’ faces darted across her vision followed by Bruce’s and then his.
She didn’t want to die now. Not since he’d come back to see them after so long. She wanted to stay. Wanted to tell him she loved him, even if she knew he would never be able to feel the same. She wanted to live.
Gunshots sounded from the outside, but they were like whispers as her eyelids started to droop shut, brain fogging from the lack of oxygen. Her hands started to go slack as the door was kicked in and as her arms went limp, something damp splattered across her face and the weight of Leonidovich’s body fell away.
(Y/N) sucked in a lungful of air and rolled, with what strength she’d received from the freedom, over onto her side, coughing violently. Her head was swimming with pain and her brain felt like someone had taken a mallet to an overripe melon.
Someone gripped her shoulder and she screeched, flailing on them when they grabbed her wrists. “(Y/N). It’s me.” They pulled her against them, folding her to their chest and placed a hand to the back of her head. “You’re safe.”
Sandalwood and metal oil wafted up her nose and she heard the familiar hum of his suit. “K?” she breathed, terrified to pull away and look at him.
His thumb caressed the back of her head. “It’s me, (Y/N).”
Something broke inside her and she buried her face in his cloak, sobs wracking her body as she clung to him. Words passed her lips, and she wasn’t sure what she was saying but it didn’t matter because all she could think about was how he’d saved her in the nick of time. The man she’d turned her back on at twenty to go home with her brother, had saved her again.
When she awoke, she sat up straight in the bed, vaguely unaware of how she’d gotten there in the first place. She started to move when she heard, “I wouldn’t get up if I were you.”
Stilling, she looked over, seeing Ghost-Maker with a book in his hands. Sun Tzu’s The Art of War, one of his favorites. When they used to train together when they were children, they used to lie under the stars, and he’d tell her all about how each chapter in the book had been devoted to a different art of warfare; she loved how passionate he would get when he talked about it.
“What happened?” she asked, fingers twitching against her side where it had started to ache.
“You were found out and almost strangled to death in penthouse suit.” He snapped the book shut. “When the bug went down, I moved in and took care of the criminals in the suite before killing Leonidovich and saving your life.”
(Y/N) frowned as he set the book down and leaned over, checking inside the bandage that was wrapped around her head. “Thank you.” Her eyes found his behind his mask. “What happened after?”
“You don’t remember?” he inquired curiously, and she tried to shake her head, but his grip was firm, keeping her in place.
“No. I remember you saving me but everything after that is a giant blur.” Suddenly she felt too transparent and pulled from his hands, turning her back to him as she threw her legs over the side of the bed. She rested a split second and stood, though his earlier warning rang in her ears as her knees buckled beneath her, head swimming.
He was there in an instant, arms wrapped around her waist as he caught her, lowering her back onto the bed. “I told you not to move.”
(Y/N) grunted at him and when he moved to pull away, she held on, resting her head on his shoulder. “Just…wait, K.” She whispered softly. “Please, just a moment.”
Ghost-Maker didn’t move though she felt the way he tensed at the first letter of his name. “You called me ‘K’ back there too.”
“I was relieved to see you.”
“And what you said afterwards?” She fell silent. “You don’t remember, do you?”
(Y/N)’s lips pulled downwards. “I have an idea of what I said. But I doubt you’ve been oblivious to it all these years.”
“Why do you love me?” he inquired, and from the tone of his voice he was either genuinely curious or completely baffled, she was hoping for the former and not the latter.
She turned her head, ignoring the prickling of pain as her temple brushed his shoulder, and pressed her forehead into his neck. “Because you saw who I was when no one else did.” Tears started swimming in her vision, and she reached up, curling her hand in his suit jacket. “I love you because you’re you, K. Because you’re my oldest friend and the one who’s always known me.”
Ghost-Maker closed his hand around the one in his suit and fell silent for a long while and (Y/N) stayed quiet too, simply letting the tears fall from her cheeks to the skin of his collarbone, her lips quivering against his skin.
“I can’t love you the way you love me.” He finally admitted.
(Y/N) blinked the tears away, whispering, “I know.” She started to pull away from him, reaching up to wipe her eyes. “I’m sorry, K.” It was hard to look at him, but she managed it, barely. “Just…give me some time and let me work through all,” she gestured around herself, her heart, and her head. “This.”
“You’re not angry at me.” He remarked and her brows furrowed.
“Of course not. Why would I be?”
“Because I don’t feel what you do. Love.”
(Y/N) couldn’t help but laugh despite the heartache. “K, I’m not going to get angry because you don’t feel love.” She reached up and placed a hand to his cheek, her thumb brushing against the fabric he kept covering his nose and eyes. “I know that in your own way you do care. Even if it’s not love.” Her hand shifted and she ran her thumb over his lips. “I can live with that.”
Ghost-Maker slid his hand up the side of her neck, pulling her to him; he pressed his lips to hers and she closed her eyes, letting herself be lost in the bliss of the moment, if only for a moment, then she pulled away and opened her eyes, gazing at him.
She offered him a sad smile and managed to find her feet again, rising from the bed, leaving him there. “I’ll see you sometime soon, K.” she said, walking to the door.
“Do you want me to call Bruce to pick you up?”
“No. I’ll walk for a bit.” (Y/N) got to the door and stopped, pausing to look back at him. “K?”
He glanced over, meeting her gaze. “Hmm?”
“Do you know what my biggest regret is?”
“I don’t.”
(Y/N) grimaced. “It was leaving you.” Even behind his mask, she knew the surprise was in his eyes; she knew him that well. “And if I could do it all over again…I’d stay with you instead of getting on the plane that night.”
Ghost-Maker looked shocked for a moment, then it gave way to a smile. A real smile. One she hadn’t seen in years from him. “I think I would liked that.”
“Goodnight K.”
“Goodnight (Y/N). Stay safe.”
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127-mile · 4 years ago
Bots and books.
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Pairing: Artificial intelligence Ten x female reader.
Genre: AI, bookstore | Fluff, angst.
Warnings: Ten thinks robots are superior to humans.
Plot: When your boss asked you to train the new employee, you didn’t think you would end up with a robot freshly out of the factory.
Word count: +5.3k.
A/N: This is part of the AI project #14320 collab hosted by @pastelsicheng​​​.
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"Can I talk to you for a minute?"
When you hear Taeil's voice behind you, you drop the book you were holding, and when it crashes on your foot, you pursed your lips so as not to be vulgar when so many customers are in the store. "Oh boy, I'm sorry, I should have warned you that I was here." Taeil whispers, and when you look over your shoulder, you notice that he doesn't look embarrassed by the situation, or ashamed, on the contrary, he looks amused.
"I feel like you are trying to hurt me, am I wrong?" you ask, squinting, and he shrugs. At least he bends down to pick up the book and put it where it was supposed to go. "Maybe I'm just trying to get you to go home because you're spending too much time here, maybe I didn't do it on purpose, who knows." If he wasn't your boss, you would have insulted him, but you care about your job, and you like being able to pay your rent every month without having to ask your parents for help.
“I don't spend too much time here, I even think that I don't spend enough time here. But getting back to what caused you to come bother me, yes we can talk. What do you want?" you turn completely towards him, and you tilt your head to the side. "We're going to have a new employee tomorrow, and I was wondering if you could take care of him, show him how the bookstore works, show him how to use the cash register, you know, everything that I taught you when I hired you."
"Aren't you supposed to take care of it, as the boss?" you ask, and he takes his hands out of the pockets of his pants when a client approaches, he smiles at her, and when she disappears, he regains his slumped position. "Are you listening when I'm talking to you?" you know it's a rhetorical question and yet you shake your head, you're not going to lie, you tend to stop listening when he talks for too long. Can he blame you? He has a soft voice that lulls you to sleep.
"I vividly remember telling you last week that I had to go away for a few days. I have an appointment in another city for my next book." oh yes, you remember hearing him mention a new book, an appointment with his publisher, and other people who might help him, but you don't remember hearing him mention the date, or how long he would be gone. "Am I going to have to spend weeks putting books away with your head on the cover? I better get a raise for that!"
"Why would you get a raise, you should be happy to see my face on books!" you could tell him that yes, it's an honor to work with a famous writer, but you don't want to give him that pleasure. "So if I have to take care of the new employee, does that mean that I will also be the boss until you come back from your vacation?"
"It's not a vacation," he mumbles, and you smirk, it's so easy to annoy Taeil, and that's why you like him so much. "but yes, you will be in charge of the store until I return. So are you okay with that?" you know you don't have a choice, that you are the only person working here that he trusts enough to entrust his shop, his baby. "Of course I agree! I won't miss an opportunity to turn a new employee against you."
"Maybe I'll take this opportunity away from the store to find a new employee, to replace you. I've had enough of you!" you're very happy that customers are around, otherwise he certainly would have shouted to sound more dramatic. "You can't fire me, because I'll ruin your business, and you love me way too much, you'll be bored without me. Do I also need to remind you that you wouldn't have a manuscript for your editor to read if I hadn't been there to force you to write?"
Rather than respond, Taeil walks away muttering something between clenched teeth, and if a client wasn't calling for your help to find a book, you most likely would have laughed at his behavior.
Night has fallen for an hour or so when you finally lock the bookstore door behind you, and when the cold wind caresses your cheeks, you sigh deeply. You like this place, it's a bit of a second home for you, but good god, you want to be at home, even if you have to deal with your roommates' antics until you fall asleep.
"Excuse me?"
Your blood freeze in your body, you should have checked that no one was around the store when you went out, because Taeil is already gone, and he won't be there to help you if a drunken idiot, or a little too pushy keeps you from coming home. You take a deep breath, but it hitches in your throat when you turn on your heels. "Can I help you?" you ask in a voice that you hope is not too shaky.
The young man stays silent for a while, and you frown when he tilts his head a little too slowly not to look like a killer straight out of the horror movies you love so much. You clear your throat, and he seems to take notice of the question put to him, so he nods, extending a hand to you. "You dropped that." in his hand, you see the notebook that you always keep in your bag, bag that you have thrown over your shoulder without even taking the time to close it.
The lump that had formed in your throat is disappearing as quickly as it came, and you refrain from sighing in relief. "Oh, thank you very much!" you take the notebook that you put in your bag before closing the zip. "Thank you?" the young man answers, but before you can open your mouth he walks away from the shop.
You happen to meet strange people, but this is the first time you've met someone like him, someone who seems surprised to have been thanked for something as mundane as returning a notebook. Taeil would say that this is a person's first life on earth. Him and his writer mind.
Even though the stranger didn't look dangerous, you make sure he got far enough away to walk in the direction of the stairs leading to the underground metro. If you're not a fan of this place, you like being there at this late hour, because it's not so crowded, and it's easy for you to find a seat in the metro. You push your headphones into your ears, and you look up at the screen near the sliding door.
You roll your eyes when you see the ads for LSM going on. If you were to earn $10 every time you saw it on TV, or heard it on the radio, you would have enough to pay your rent for at least six months without needing to work. This really isn't an exaggeration, the company really wants everyone to know about what they are offering, new updates on their bots, and how excited they are to have sent the most of their new robots in the world for work, for study, or for entertainment.
You have nothing against robots, you just think it's a shame to take jobs from people who genuinely need to work, but apparently: "robots aren't here to replace you, they're here to make it easier for you. Do not be scared, technology is good, we need it." You're not sure if you're okay with that, and you'll let it know when the robots take over the world.
Lost in your thoughts, you almost forget to get up to get out of the metro, these damn robots will end up making you miss your stop. Yes, sometimes it's much easier to blame the robots than it is to accept your responsibilities.
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"Johnny, if you don't get out of the bathroom in a minute, I swear to god I'll make you swallow your camera!"
you growl, and you open your eyes. Why do you always have to wake up regretting all the decisions that brought you here, living with two roommates who are ready to tear their heads off at the first opportunity offered to them. "And I'll make you eat your books back if you do that!" you hear Johnny respond, and you wonder why the neighbors haven't filed a noise complaint yet. You would have done it since day one.
"Doyoung, you don't work Saturdays, why are you already up?" you ask in a voice loud enough to be heard, and what you didn't want to happen happens. The door opens, and your gaze meets Doyoung's, he has furrowed brows and dark circles, since when has he not slept? "For your information, young lady, I would be sleeping if Johnny hadn't knocked on my door at six in the morning to ask me for the time!"
"Not that I want to stand up for him, but you looked for it by setting his alarm clock to go off at five the other day." you answer, and he rolls his eyes as he walks into your room to drop into the bed, and you groan when his back blocks your legs. "Doyoung, I have to go to work, so if you could move that would be very nice." he doesn't move, and you wiggle your legs until you can free one. "As soon as I convince Taeil to give me a raise, I'll find myself another apartment and I won't have to deal with you anymore." you mumble, and Doyoung chuckles.
"Even if he agreed to give you a raise, which he won't do until he has published two more books, you won't leave. You don't like silence, and you will miss us too much after the first day." he's not wrong, but you could always find a new roommate. "It's okay, I'll find someone else. Someone who doesn't make me want to throw myself out the window every morning."
"If you need help finding a new roommate, ask us, we'll be happy to help." you sigh when you hear Johnny, and when you turn your head, you roll your eyes. Johnny is in the doorframe, a towel hanging low around his hips, and drops of water falling from his hair. "We'll find you someone good. Or someone worse than us, Doyoung and I will have to talk about it before we decide."
Before Doyoung can react, you free your second leg, grab your clothes for the day, and head to the bathroom, not without pushing Johnny out of the way. "Y/n, I'll make you eat your fucking books!" Doyoung growls as he straightens up, and you laugh. You know he can do it, but before that, he'll take the time to find the worst book in your book shelves to do it, so you'll have plenty of time to run away, change your identity and be forgotten.
You need less time than Johnny to shower, and to be ready to go. When you come out of the bathroom, you notice that the two boys are still in your room, and they are chatting as if they hadn't threatened each other less than twenty minutes ago. "Are you going to stay in my bed? Don't you have bedrooms, or a couch where you can talk?" Doyoung looks up, and he smirks. "Your bed is much more comfortable. We're talking about what to do with this room when you're gone." little shit.
"Well, since I'm apparently the only one working here, I'm going to go. See you tonight, or never." you get your bag that you throw on your shoulder and you stick your tongue out at Johnny who waves to you without moving from your bed, the sheets are going to be damp because of him, and you want to hit him for that, but that might make you late for work.
You leave the apartment, and like the day before, you quickly find the stairs leading to the underground metro, and unlike yesterday, it's more difficult to find your way through the students, workers and partygoers who have just returned from a party the night before. You concentrate on your breathing to avoid letting yourself be overwhelmed by the different smells of perfume, sweat, and alcohol.
When the doors slide open, you quickly get out of the train, and you find the outside. You never thought you would miss the clean air as much as since you started taking the subway to work. Since Taeil is away, the shop is still closed, and it takes you at least five minutes to find the keys in your bag, and for a second, you wonder if you haven't left them at home, but you sigh with relief when your fingers come in contact with the cold surface of a key.
You unlock the door, and walk into the store smiling at the familiar scent of old books piling up in part of the store. When you started working here, you asked Taeil what the old books were for, that they would never be sold, but now you see the charm of the old book with the damaged binding, the sound of the pages, and you wouldn't do without them. You put your bag on the counter, and you turn on the lights.
Taeil must have gone to the store before leaving, because you can find the boxes already behind the counter. You could have taken care of the delivery, but Taeil likes to check that everything is there, even if he might be late for an appointment that could really change his writing life, even if in your opinion, he is already quite popular and doesn't need more help.
You sit up when you hear the door open, and you open your mouth. "We're not open yet, sorry." you say, and if you expected the door to close, it stays open, and when you look at the person, your eyes open wide. This is the man who gave you your notebook back last night, and once again, he tilts his head far too slowly not to be awkward to watch.
“I'm LC27296,” he begins, but he shakes his head with a certain vigor that you would never have at this time of the morning. "I'm Ten, I'm going to work here." your mouth opens, but no sound comes out. For a minute, you forgot that you were supposed to take care of the new employee. "Taeil told me to come before the opening to make it easier." oh he did that?
"Before I introduce myself, I have a question for you. What were you doing here last night?" you ask and he suddenly seems nervous. "I- I didn't mean to scare you, I just wanted to make sure of how long it would take me to get here, so that I wouldn't be late for my first day." you hum, not sure you believe it, but it's not like you can accuse him of something without having any proof whatsoever. "Alright. I'm Y/n, I'll take care of teaching you how the store works until Taeil comes back in a few days. You can shut the door."
Ten does, and he approaches the counter, he doesn't seem in his element, but if Taeil hired him it's because he saw something in him. "Why did you give me numbers when I asked you for your name?" you suddenly ask, curious.
"Oh! It's my serial number, but I was told I had to introduce myself with my name, it makes it easier to fit in." a serial number, what the hell? You frown as you take your phone from the pocket of your jacket, and you open up the conversation with Taeil.
To Taeil: A serial number, what's wrong with the guy you hired?
Taeil must still be in the car, or on the train, since the answer is not long in coming. You shouldn't ignore Ten, but you need an answer before you decide whether you want to be locked up with a stranger all day, or not.
From Taeil: Ten is a robot. LSM sent me a letter a few weeks ago asking if I wanted to take any of them, and I said yes.
To Taeil: And you didn't find it useful to tell me that I was going to have to train a robot? And besides, aren't they already programmed to know how to do everything, why should I waste my time training him? Is this your way of telling me that I'm fired and that you will only hire bots from now on?
You don't get a response, which shouldn't surprise you, so you put your phone on the counter, and you meet Ten's gaze, who hasn't moved an inch. Did he himself on pause while you were busy? "So you are a robot?" you ask in a small voice, and he nods. "Yeah, you didn't know?" honestly no, even though LSM has some amazing quality robots you would expect to see them with bolts and metal.
"It's my first day away from the factory, and I'm very happy to be here!" he adds, and you roll your eyes, if he's happy that's the main thing, but you're not sure you are. "You can think of me as a human being like any other, no need to make a difference because I am superior to you." you gasp at him, but  you can't help but smile, stunned. "Just because you're made of metal doesn't mean you're superior to us. I'm sure if I throw water at you you'll rust and stop working, so in a way, I'm superior."
"You can try, but it won't work! That would be stupid to think we fear water, or fire, or anything for that matter, right?" oh, it might get hectic if he continues. "How about I show you how the store works? Because if we talk any longer, I might look for other ways to turn you off, and you wouldn't want that to happen, would you?" he shakes his head, a worried look on his face. Perfect.
You're going to have a serious conversation with Taeil, you think, showing him where the books go, how the cash register works, and where the storeroom is, storeroom that is also used as a rest room.
"For starters, you're going to go to the storeroom, and you're going to sort all the books alphabetically while sorting them by genre, can you do that, oh you superior robot?" you ask, tilting your head, and he shrugs his shoulders. "Of course I can do it!" Taeil never asked that the books in the storeroom to be sorted, since most are unsold books that will be donated to associations or the city library, but you don't want to have him in your legs when the first customers arrive.
You take your phone, and you send one last message to Taeil before turning on the light in the storefront indicating that the store is open.
To Taeil: This robot is an idiot, and if he pisses me off too much, I'm going to fire him whether you like it or not.
To make sure you don't receive an answer, you turn off your phone before throwing it in your bag before starting to put away the new books. And surprisingly, the morning goes off without a hitch. Ten comes out once or twice to ask you for advice on an unfamiliar book, the few customers who come in don't need your help, so that's nice.
When the time comes to close the shop for the next two hours, you enter the storeroom. Ten is sitting on the ground, and he's surrounded by books that should have been put away for a long time now, but the robot seems way too deep in reading to do the job you asked him to do. You frown. "Do you know that reading is not part of your contract?"
Ten doesn't react, he just turns the page and laughs at something he just read. "Taeil buys LSM magazines, I'll go check if I can't find an article on how to deactivate a robot if it becomes threatening." you say, and immediately Ten lifts his head to look at you. "But I'm not threatening!" he exclaims, like a petulant child would.
He may be a robot, but he has typically human reactions, which is strange in itself. At least for you. "They won't have to know when I throw your body in front of the factory you came from." you answer in a slow voice, and Ten finds himself on his feet, not without slipping a bookmark in his book so as not to lose his progress. "Sorry, I found this book, and it's so interesting I couldn't help myself."
You look at the title, and you smirk. You hide in the storeroom when you don't feel like coming home, and it's one of the books you've read. "If you don't want me to tell you who the killer is, you're going to finish putting those books away, and then I'll give you time to read until the store closes tonight, do we have a deal?"
He mumbles something between his teeth, but ends up nodding. You walk away from the room before remembering that you had a question for him, so you go back. "Do robots eat?" you wouldn't want to deprive him of his lunch break and end up with some sort of robots protection squad on your back for mistreatment. "Yes, we eat. I told you, we are like you."
"It's break time so you'll finish tidying up later." Ten passes over a pyramid of books, and he leaves the room, not without taking his book with him. "So, what are we going to eat?" he suddenly asks, and you want to take his book and hit yourself with it. "What do you mean, we?"
"Taeil told me you would take me out to eat with you so I wouldn't be alone in the store." Taeil should remember to tell you when he decides something, because you can't continue to be surprised every time he opens his mouth. "Did he say that?" a nod. "Great. I'm going home to eat, so I think you're going to meet the two most annoying people on this planet after you."
He squeals with delight and you roll your eyes as you pick up your bag. You exit the store by locking the door behind Ten, and you head for the subway train. "I love meeting new humans, you are all so fascinating!" you wonder what can be fascinating about humans, but for a robot, everything has to be. "What fascinates you so much about us?" you ask going down the stairs, being careful that Ten keeps following you, you don't feel like looking for a lost robot in the streets.
"We can feel emotions, but they're programmed for us, so it's not as real as when you feel them." human emotions are difficult to understand, humans are confusing. "I think it's pretty nice to be programmed to feel certain things, it's probably easier, less confusing."
"You're wrong," Ten starts to say, following you in the subway, he sits next to you not without looking at a little dog with stars in his eyes, as if he had never seen a dog in real life, so much so that you wonder if there are robot dogs, you'll have to ask him one of these days. "We're forced to feel the emotions, so we don't understand them. Being programmed doesn't mean we understand what's going on."
It's pretty sad, you think.
"Do you have a program that allows you to kill us if we becomes threatening for you?" you ask in a low voice so as not to attract the attention of the students around you. Ten's eyes widen and he chuckles. "No, we can't do that. We're not here to hurt you, just to help you." it's a shame, you would have needed it with Johnny and Doyoung.
"This is where we come down." Ten follows you to the door of your apartment. You can smell Doyoung's food already. He might be annoying, but when he's not working he always makes a snack for you for when you come home from work during the break, and that's very nice. "I live with two people, Johnny and Doyoung, they can be weird, and they might ask you tons of questions, so be prepared."
When you put your hand on the doorknob, Ten puts his hand on your wrist to stop you. "Wait, wait. Are they going to hurt me? Some humans can be mean when in the company of a robot." oh, he didn't sound so nervous earlier, but in a way you can understand that. "They're not mean, and they're quite fascinated by LSM's robots, so you have nothing to worry about, they won't do anything to you."
You open the door when he seems to be relaxing, and you sigh when you hear the loud voices that most likely come from the kitchen. "Johnny, how many times have I told you not to set foot in my kitchen? You're a walking hazard, you'll manage to set some water on fire if you wanted to! Get out!"
"Guys, I'm here. And I'm not alone, so if you could behave like normal people that would be really nice." you say and immediately Johnny's head pops out of the kitchen door jamb and you roll your eyes. "Oh hello mister stranger, who are you, are you our beloved Y/n's secret boyfriend?"
"I-" Ten seems unable to speak, and Johnny throws his head back when he notices the blush on Ten's cheeks as he lowers his head. "Oh, he's blushing! Adorable! He's in love but he hasn't had the courage to tell her yet. Doyoung, come see!" you should have known that they were going to mess with him. You should have warned them before you got home, threatened them, or promised to pay for the next pizza night.
"Shut up, big idiot! He's the new bookstore employee, we met this morning." you respond by swinging your bag in a corner of the apartment after removing your shoes. Ten does the same, and he follows you into the living room. You're pointing your index finger at the boys. "Johnny, Doyoung, this is Ten. He works with me."
"Oh, I didn't know Taeil was okay with hiring bots." Doyoung says, stunned. "How do you know it's a robot?" were you the only one who didn't have a clue? The only one that can't tell the difference between a robot and a human?
"It shows! And he's got LSM's name tattooed behind his ear." You'll have to go see the ophthalmologist to get glasses, because you didn't notice the black ink behind his ear. "Taeil didn't really hire me, it's just a contract for a couple of months to see how quickly I adapt to a new environment. Next time I'll be in a new place." oh, that's a detail you didn't know either, you thought Ten was here for good, at least until you got fired, or left.
"And can't you ask to stay at the bookstore for good?" you ask, sitting down in a chair, and Ten shrugs. "Why, have you already become attached to me? You refuse to see me go?" you could get up and hit him, but you don't want to break your fist if he is made of metal inside. "I said that because I wouldn't say no to less hours of work, dont think I appreciate you."
"She never introduced anyone to us, even casual employees, so you must be special." Johnny says winking at Ten, and you refrain from leaning over the table to hit him. "Taeil asked me to take care of him, what was I supposed to do, lock him in the storeroom with a piece of bread and a glass of water?"
"That's what you would have done with us, so yeah." he's not wrong, that's what you would have done if you had had Johnny and/or Doyoung as a colleague. "Anyway, we don't have all day, so if you could just leave Ten alone so we can eat." you mumble, but Ten shakes his head, apparently he doesn't mind being the center of attention. At least he knows that emotion, and he understands it, that's a good thing.
When it's time to go back to work, you almost have to pull Ten out of the apartment. "But why? I was having fun with your roommates!" of course he was having fun. "You can come back and see them if you want." you answer by going down the stairs. You have a little over thirty minutes left before you have to open the store, so rather than locking yourself in a subway train, you decide to walk.
"Really, you would let me come back?" you shrug your shoulders. "Why wouldn't I want to?" Ten plays with the hem of his hoodie, and you frown, he doesn't look like the type to be surprised or even slightly nervous over something as futil. "Because I wasn't very nice to you when I arrived this morning. But like I told you, some humans don't want us to fit in and want to harm us, and I heard so many stories that I defended myself if you ever decided to be like them."
"I don't understand robots, I don't understand LSM's motivation, but that doesn't mean I would hurt any of you. You should have waited, and you would have known it."
"I'm sorry Y/n, and I promise I'll do my job well until the end of my contract!" he exclaims, his smile back on his face. His beautiful face, moreover, you did not miss this detail. "I hope so, otherwise I won't give you time to read before closing." he gasps, but he laughs, and you have no choice but to laugh with him.
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xbladekitkat85 · 4 years ago
Do You Remember Now?
Summary: It's Peter's birthday and everyone is planning on a surprise when he wakes up. Except there's a huge problem. Peter's gone missing.
Word count: 4k+
Warnings: Descriptions of violence, swearing, ANGST, mentions of dealing with grief.
A/N: I haven't really written angst before so I don't know how hard it's going to hit. I did tear up at one part while typing so maybe it's a bit heavy???
Peter's disappearance happened when everyone least expected it. It was the morning of his birthday, and all the heroes of the universe were going to be there. It would have been the first reunion in over 5 years where everyone was available to come, Asgardians and Guardians as well. Everyone was going to sneak into Peter's room to wake him up with a collective shout of "SURPRISE!" and pop an unnecessary amount of party poppers all over the room.
Tony peeked inside first to make sure that Peter was still asleep before beckoning everyone inside. But he felt a cold draft flowing from the crack between the door and the doorframe that shouldn't have been possible due to the picture windows.
He entered the room to find the window cut open and various items belonging to Peter scattered on the floor. There was no sign of Peter himself and the excited feeling that Tony had all morning quickly twisted into something he had felt only when Pepper had been taken years ago by Killian.
It was the feeling of debilitating fear.
Tony felt a wave of nausea hit him as various scenarios all ran through his head, each with Peter hurt, scared, or possibly even dead.
Pepper was the first to notice Tony hadn't come to get everyone. He came out of Peter's room after a few minutes more of waiting. But he wasn't acting like the excited father he was only moments before.
"Tony, what's wrong?" She asked, feeling anxiety building up with each second of silence.
Tony turned to look at everyone with a haunted look in his eyes. Pepper recognized it as the same expression he had when he had returned from space after fighting Thanos. Something was horribly wrong, and it had to do with Peter.
"Tony, talk to me. What's happening." Pepper asked gently despite the worry she felt.
"Peter's not there." He whispered hoarsely and turned to look at her. "Pep, we can't lose him again."
Morgan, Carter and Harley had heard what Tony said and they all felt a sharp stab of fear and worry. Morgan felt tears burning in her eyes, and buried her face in Carter's shoulder for a moment to compose herself. Carter held her close and stroked her hair while Harley walked into Peter's room to see it for himself.
Harley looked around the entire space. He checked the closet, the hammock near the ceiling, and the bathroom adjacent to Peter's room to no avail.
"FRIDAY, show me the tower's security activity from 11pm last night up until dad opened Peter's door." Harley requested.
But to everyone's shock, there was no familiar response of, "Sure thing boss." from the speakers throughout the tower.
FRIDAY was out of commission. That meant that somebody had been able to shut down an AI made by Tony Stark, which is no easy feat. This meant someone skilled was behind it and most likely planned the kidnapping with extreme scrutiny.
Nothing about the situation was remotely close to how everyone thought this day was going to go.
"We need to get Friday back online ASAP." Morgan shakily said. "If we are able to access the security cameras, there's a chance we might be able to find a clue."
Carter glanced at Morgan and saw the pain and worry in her eyes, and gently took her hand and squeezed it to reassure her. She squeezed it back to acknowledge his presence.
"Morgan, Harley, and Carter, come with me to my lab. Nat, you reach out to any contacts who may know something. Carol, this is a long shot, but I want you to ask off world allies if they have any clues as well." Tony ordered. "Everyone else start looking around the tower for clues of any sort. If you see anything remotely suspicious, make a note of it."
*Time skip*
Nobody had been able to find a trace of a clue regarding Peter's whereabouts.
Not any of Tony's extensive connections had an idea. Natasha's contacts hadn't heard any chatter about a kidnapping or hostage. Carol came up empty from every person she had asked but that wasn't unexpected.
Morgan had been back to school and Carter was supportive whenever she needed reassurance. But after a month of no news, or leads, she was starting to lose the little hope she had left. Peter would promise her before every mission, that he would come home safe and sound. But this time he hadn't come home. She didn't even know where he had gone.
Harley became fixated on building tracking devices, scanners, homing beacons, anything that could help find his brother. Harley had promised to always help Peter if he was in a pinch, regardless of how annoying he could be sometimes.
Tony had shut himself in his lab to fix FRIDAY and go through everything he could think of that could offer some sort of sign, a clue, a word, literally anything to bring Peter back home. He had invented time travel to bring him back so why couldn't he do something as simple as finding a clue? Peter would probably point out an error in his work that would solve his problem but now that wasn't possible.
Pepper busied herself by concentrating on running Stark Industries. Whenever she got the chance, she would drag Tony and Harley out of their labs to eat meals with her. God knows those two would forget to eat if nobody reminded them that food and water was an essential part of living. Peter would usually take care of that but since his disappearance, she took up the job.
Everyone felt a piece of their family was missing. But nobody said his name out loud, even though everyone thought about him.
It just hurt too much to hear his name knowing that by now he was likely dead. That he was never coming home.
And time would continue to pass, as the pain of losing Peter would too.
Until one day, on a mission, everything changed.
*6 months after Peter's disappearance*
HYDRA had suddenly resurfaced with no warnings whatsoever.
They had set off Tony's alert system designed to warn of threats, and a group immediately suited up. Having HYDRA stirring up trouble was never a good sign, especially since they were supposed to be gone. But as the saying goes, "Cut one head off, two more take it's place."
The team that had gone to check out the threat consisted of the original 6 Avengers as well as Harley, Bucky, Kate, and Wanda. Upon arriving at the location that had set off the alarm, they noticed that another group of people were there as well. One person among them in particular stood out to the OG Avengers. Before anyone could make a move, all the Avengers were suddenly knocked down, and tied up so they couldn't move.
"Hey, I found these guys lurking around. Who are they?" An unfamiliar voice asked.
"Yo-Yo, you can let them go. We're friends. Well, at least most of us are, those three I haven't met. It's alright."
All the OG 6 Avengers felt a cold shock run through their bodies. That voice belonged to someone they thought was dead since the Battle of New York.
"Agent Coulson?" Tony asked in shock.
"It's former Director actually and yes, I'm alive." Coulson replied, as everyone was untied by Yo-Yo.
"There's no way." Natasha said as she stood up. "Fury would have said something sooner. And when were you Director of SHIELD?"
"I'm sorry, Nat, but he meant to keep it a secret from all of you. Me being resurrected." Coulson said with regret in his voice. "Said that if you knew, it would have distracted you from your goal."
"Steve, who is this guy?" Bucky asked in confusion.
Coulson's eyes widened in a very comical way when he noticed who had just spoken.
"Sergeant Barnes. It's an honor to meet you." He said, holding out a hand to shake.
Bucky took Coulson's hand to shake and noticed that his hand was not a real hand.
"Your hand... It's mechanical isn't it?" Bucky asked curiously.
"How much has happened with you since we last saw each other?" Steve asked.
"A lot. And we'll talk about it later after we take care of this HYDRA base. I assume that's why you're all here." Coulson said, gesturing to the other group.
"Yes, well, let's introduce the new members of our teams and then make a plan." Steve said.
Coulson informed his team of the change of plans. Everyone on Coulson's team met up for introductions.
"Daisy Johnson, aka Quake. She has the ability to manipulate natural vibrations as well as generate concussive blasts of vibrating air. Elena "Yo-Yo" Rodriguez. She is able to travel at superhuman speeds within the timeframe of a beat of her heart before she bounces back. Hence the nickname, Yo-Yo. Melinda May, expert martial artist, pilot and empath. Mack, Deke, and FitzSimmons are on the Bus right now. You'll meet them later."
Everyone on Tony's side acknowledged their names and took note of their abilities and powers.
"Ok, for the new faces on our side, we have Barnes, the Winter Soldier, who you already know, Wanda, she's got telekinesis and can read minds, Kate, she's Clint's protege, slash eventual replacement and Harley, my oldest kid, who built his own suit." Tony said, introducing the group.
Daisy leaned over to Yo-Yo.
"Tony Stark has kids?" She whispered.
"How the hell would I know?" She responded. "I'm not the former groupie member here."
Daisy glared half heartedly at her.
"I said it was one time!"
"Not my fault you got drunk and told me that story." She shot back.
"Hey, focus we're not here to argue." May interrupted. "We have a mission."
Everyone quickly formed a plan and they all entered the base.
Yo-Yo ran through the halls to assess the amount of security as well as any potentially dangerous weapons. When she was done, she gave the report to Coulson and Tony so they could split their team accordingly.
"May, Harley, Kate, Captain Rogers, Wanda, and I will be one group. Daisy, Yo-Yo, Nat, Clint, Sergeant Barnes, and Tony will be the other. " Coulson explained. "Dr. Banner will be here on comms just in case. I've synced the signal our comms travel on so we're on the same channel. We're going to be split up, so only call for help if necessary. We have about equal amounts of power on each side, so take advantage of every opportunity if need be. Let's go."
Everyone nodded and headed off with their respective groups to raid the base.
(A/N Tony's team will be written in bold and Coulson's team in regular text to avoid unnecessary writing)
Wanda lead the group through the hallways, with May taking out the first few guards easily. Coulson shot ICER bullets at the ones May couldn't focus on while Harley made sure every guard was unconscious. Cap and Kate ran ahead to scout out the next few corridors and the rest of the group quickly followed.
Daisy knocked down the first wave of guards and Yo-Yo tied all of them up while Nat, Clint, Tony and Bucky advanced deeper into the building. A group of guards wielding batons and handguns immediately appeared in their path, blocking the way. Clint shot arrows into the walls that released smoke to obscure the soldiers vision and aim. Tony took advantage of their disorientated state and used heat signature seeking taser blasts to knock them out.
Cap almost got a punch to the face while he rounded a corner but he leaned to the side, barley avoiding it. Kate quickly rushed in and used the man's momentum to flip him over her shoulder into the wall while Cap recovered and punched another soldier trying to attack Kate from behind.
"Thanks." She said, a bit out of breath.
"No problem. Incoming from both sides, get ready." He replied, standing nearly back to back with Kate.
"You got it, Cap." She said, readying her bow.
He threw his shield at the closest guard while Kate shot multiple electric arrows at the hallway in front of her, effectively creating a bolt of electricity that hit multiple targets. They quickly rotated in sync and they repeated the same attacks as before, with Cap taking out the last of the soldiers in his way and Kate knocking out hers.
Tony watched Yo-Yo as she sped forward to scout the next hallway. He couldn't help but think of Pietro Maximoff, and how similar their powers seemed to be. Of course, Yo-Yo bounced back while Pietro didn't. He just kept going forward and never looked back.
Before he could even blink she had returned to the group.
"There's about a dozen guards outside a set of reinforced double doors." She said. "They're guarding something important."
"That's why we're here though. HYDRA has some weapon or something they plan on using, right?" Daisy asked. "Why else would they have resurfaced?"
"It's never a good sign when there's that much security outside an already pretty secure door." Clint added.
"They couldn't have possibly made anything more dangerous than supersoldiers." Bucky muttered.
"I wouldn't put it past HYDRA to find a way to do it." Nat said. "We got to make a plan. We can't just charge in."
Coulson's group had reached the end of the last hallway on their side. There wasn't anything at all to take as evidence or to destroy.
"It can't just be a dead end." Coulson said in disbelief. "There's gotta be a secret door or something at least."
Harley snorted at his complaint.
"I mean that's would I would have done." Kate said thoughtfully. "There wasn't anything of importance on our side of the base. So it makes sense that there's something we're missing."
Cap walked forward and proceeded to rap his knuckles on the wall.
"Whatcha doing there Cap?" Harley joked. "Hoping the secret door will open if you politely knock?"
Cap had moved to the left wall and knocked on it as well.
"He's checking to see if any of the walls sound more hollow than the others." May interjected. "It's a smart idea. It could reveal a hidden room or passage that isn't visible to the naked eye."
Wanda turned to Harley with a raised brow.
"Hey, can't you scan through walls with your suit? That would make this go a lot faster." She asked sarcastically.
Harley froze and everyone turned to look at him.
"Yeah, that would have made this a lot easier." Coulson said wryly.
"I'll get on it." Harley said sheepishly.
He scanned all the walls around them and eventually started walking in another direction.
"This way. There's a room further this way that I can't see through with the scanner. It seems to be lined with lead, which means x-ray scanners won't do the job. Whatever we need to find must be there." He said.
Everyone quickly followed Harley's lead as he walked down the halls, eventually leading them to where the other group had gathered in front of heavy looking doors. The soldiers that had presumably been standing guard were incapacitated on the floor.
(End of bold/regular text switches)
The entire group was preparing to enter the room they stood in front of. Whatever HYDRA had been working on had to be here. Nowhere else in the building had anything significant and this was the final stop.
The door had a keypad that required a passcode as well as a biometric scan. Of course, they could try using the guards to try to pass the retinal scan but there wasn't any guarantee they had access.  Of course, they had to deal with the code as well. Maybe physical force would work.
Tony scanned the door's material and found that it was capable of taking the strongest hit from his and Harley's suit combined.
"All right, does anyone else have any brilliant ideas on how to enter this room?" He asked "I don't have enough firepower for this door."
Coulson turned to Daisy and nodded his head.
"Do your thing." He said.
She rolled her eyes and approached the keypad to the door and forced the device to open, revealing circuit boards and wires.
"What is she doing?" Harley asked in confusion. "I thought she could blast through stuff?"
Daisy took out a small tablet and hooked it to the keypad, quickly typing out code and breaking through the security.
"You're lucky I still carry a tablet, Coulson. We would have been in trouble otherwise."
Tony was impressed and slightly scared of how fast she broke through HYDRA's mainframe of security. He made a mental note to update his security system as well as FRIDAY's firewalls.
After a couple minutes of rapid typing, the door opened with a hiss of cold air.
"Remind me to change all my passwords on my social media." Harley said to his suit's AI.
"All right, lets see what HYDRA has been working on." Coulson announced. "Prepare yourselves for anything."
They walked into the room and immediately, everyone noticed the change of temperature compared to the rest of the base.
FRIDAY informed Tony that it was 10 degrees in the room and understandably, everyone was shivering.
Tony walked a bit further and then stopped suddenly. He felt his blood run colder than the room itself.
Coulson had said to be prepared for anything but he clearly didn't have this in mind of the things he needed to steel himself for.
"Oh my god." Kate whispered. "Is it?"
"Peter?" Harley asked in disbelief.
Tony's son was in the corner of the room, curled up in the fetal position, and unresponsive to the world around him.
"FRIDAY, scan for any vital signs." Tony asked desperately.
"He's got a pulse, but I believe he may be in a comatose state. He is also dehydrated and malnourished."
Coulson's team didn't know who this Peter was, but they knew based on everyone else's reaction that he was someone who had been missing for a long time.
"FitzSimmons, do you read me?" Coulson said into his earpiece.
"Yes sir, what's wrong?" Jemma's voice replied.
"We need you to set up the medbay immediately. Get an IV drip sufficient for dehydration as well as malnutrition." Coulson ordered. "We also need heat lamps, if you got any."
"Right away sir." She replied.
Steve picked Peter up and everyone followed him out of the base, back to safety.
*Time skip to returning to New York*
Morgan had been in the middle of a meeting for student council when her watch buzzed. Although it wasn't unusual for that to happen, this time it was buzzing in a pattern that meant there was an emergency that she could not ignore.
"May I be excused to go to the bathroom?" She asked the teacher, who nodded her approval.
She grabbed the hall pass and made her way to the bathroom and checked to see what the message was.
The message was from Harley and what he had sent broken down the walls of composure she had been building for 6 months.
Morgan, we found Peter. We're almost back to the tower and mom's picking you and Carter up. We'll tell you more when you get here.
She sank to the floor and started to sob.
How was this possible?
Where had he been?
How was he alive?
Was he still alive?
More and more questions ran through her head and she finally calmed down enough to exit the bathroom without looking like she had just had a breakdown. When she walked back into the classroom she was handed a summons to leave early.
She arrived at the attendance office and Carter was already there, waiting for her with Pepper by his side.
They all hugged for a good long while and they all cried a bit before Happy started to drive to the tower to meet up with everyone.
"Mom? Is he alive?" Morgan asked hoarsely.
She was silent for a bit before replying.
"He's alive but he's in a coma of sorts."
"Do we know why?" Carter asked.
"Dad said it was extensive exposure to frigid temperatures and that the spider DNA caused him to hibernate because of it." She answered.
"Do we know when he's supposed to wake up?" Carter questioned.
"I don't know honey." Pepper said honestly. "We have to hope for the best."
Morgan felt her heart sink in her chest as they pulled into the parking garage.
Everyone got out as soon as the car was parked and rushed to the elevator.
"FRIDAY, take us to the medbay where Peter is." Pepper said.
"Right away miss." She replied.
They made it to the medbay in record time and rushed to Peter's bedside, where he was still asleep.
Morgan almost didn't recognize that it was Peter in the bed.
His face was unnaturally pale and gaunt and he had lost weight, his frame looking thinner and weaker because of it. His hair was longer than she had ever seen it before and was tangled in knots. He had multiple bruises scattered around his body that should have been healed.
Tony and Harley walked into the room soon after and Morgan hugged them both extra tightly as she let out months worth of fear and anxiety in the form of tears.
"Shhhh, Maguna, it's ok, he's home." Tony whispered. "Breathe, you have to breathe."
"I thought he was dead." She sobbed into his chest.
"I know, but he's here now, everything's going to be ok." Tony reassured her gently.
Carter and Pepper joined in the hug and they all comforted each other.
Peter was finally home, where he belonged.
And he was about to wake up from his slumber.
"Hello?" a voice said, cracking in the middle of the word. "Where 'm I?"
Harley turned his head towards Peter so fast he almost gave himself whiplash.
"He's awake!" He said.
Everyone let go from the hug to gather around Peter's bed.
"Peter, are you ok? How do you feel?" Carter asked.
Peter turned to look at Carter.
"Who're you?" He asked confusedly.
Peter looked at all the people standing by his bed.
"Who are you guys?" He asked. "What am I doing here?"
Everyone's hearts collectively sank at his question.
Peter didn't remember anyone in this room. He couldn't recall his family. What had HYDRA done to him?
"Peter, we're your family." Morgan explained shakily. "I'm Morgan, your little sister. That's Harley, your brother, Carter, my boyfriend. That's mom and dad over there. Don't you remember at all?"
Morgan's voice broke as she asked him that question.
Peter looked at everyone's faces, one by one, trying his best to remember them but he couldn't. His memories were blank with a capital 'B'.
"Maybe photos or videos might help?" Carter offered weakly.
"FRIDAY pull up video footage from the folder, Family Shenanigans."
FRIDAY displayed footage from the timeframe that the Avengers were playing pool in the rec room.
Tony was on a team with Carter and Harley and Morgan were on the other. Peter and Pepper were watching them play from the side.
"Come on Harley, you can do better than that!" Tony teased as he put chalk on his cue stick. "Morgan's been carrying your team the whole game."
"No way, I've hit at least half of our balls in the pockets!" Harley protested, even though he knew he was spouting bullshit.
"I've done two behind the back shots and made them, how many have you done?" Morgan piped in, absolutely decimating Harley, the Roast King himself.
Everyone burst out laughing at her comeback and Tony immediately fell to the floor from laughter and pounded his fist on the ground.
Morgan had never seen her dad laugh so hard at something, let alone everyone else, including Natasha, who usually never let more than a chuckle out when she found something hilarious.
"WHOSE SIDE ARE YOU ON ANYWAY?!" Harley yelled at her over all the laughter.
"That's my sister!"  Peter said proudly, with tears of laughter in his eyes.
Friday played other videos taken during random moments, as well as displaying photos. Everyone took turns explaining what had happened that day and why it was special. Peter asked questions here and there and everyone answered patiently and with extra detail to help.
Eventually, they had gone through the entire folder and Morgan glanced at Peter to see if there was a flicker of recognition at all.
"Do you remember now?" She asked him softly.
Peter had tears in his eyes as he answered.
"I'm so sorry." He said.
Morgan wanted to scream her heart out. He still didn't remember his family. She didn't know if he ever would.
"I've been gone so long, and HYDRA erased my memories. But you guys were able to find me before they could finish the job for good." He said, finishing what he had wanted to say. "I do remember you guys. I can't believe I ever forgot how much everyone here means to me."
Pepper let out a gasp as she nearly tackled him in a hug. Everyone felt a huge weight lift from their shoulders as Peter laughed weakly at everyone's faces.
"Peter, don't you ever scare us like that again!" Harley scolded with tears running down his face.
"That was a shitty thing to do, seriously." Carter said, annoyed but mostly relieved that Peter was back.
"Peter, never forget how much we love you." Tony said, wiping a tear away from his cheek.
"I can't believe you're back." Morgan said, smiling despite the fact she was still crying a bit.
"I'm here, and I won't be leaving you guys like that again." Peter replied. "I mean, I'm bedridden at the moment anyway."
Everyone groaned at his joke before a group hug formed around Peter.
Everything was as it should always have been.
A/N: Here's a little fun fact about this chapter, the part where Morgan roasts Harley is based on something that happened within my family a couple years ago. In my family's version, I was on a team with my cousin and my dad and another cousin were on the other team. The dialogue is basically word for word what happened. I roasted my cousin, and my everyone started laughing, and my dad literally fell to the floor and was pounding his fist on the ground.
Taglist: @frostedgiant
Send an ask if you would like to be tagged in future fics!
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lovelyirony · 5 years ago
I didn’t see the fluf tag oops I’m Tired: Fluffy peterned: peter always gives flowers to ned every Saturday morning without fail.
i’m putting a twist on this: spider-man does it first! 
Ned doesn’t know who is dropping off flowers at first. But very Saturday morning, there are flowers. He wakes up at nine, and there are daffodils, or roses, or sunflowers. Sometimes even forget-me-nots. 
He’s even tried waking up earlier. He sacrificed sleep to get up at six in the morning. 
There they were, resting on his window sill. 
Ned smiles as he gets them, taking them inside carefully. 
His mother swats at him the first couple of times. 
“What if someone is trying to kill you, honey?” 
“Through sunflowers?” Ned asks, snorting. “Come on, mama. Who’s gonna kill me?” 
“Me, if you don’t hurry up and go get your cousins,” she teases. “Go! Now! And eat before you go!” 
Ned rushes out the door, looking back at the sunflowers. 
At least that’s happening. 
There is probably the question of: How did Spider-Man find Ned Leeds? 
There’s an answer for that. 
Peter Parker has been friends with Ned Leeds since sixth grade. 
He has had a crush on him since seventh grade.
Ned loves flowers. His fingers always drift towards flower petals, he’ll stop in his tracks to smell roses that some people plant. He always is wanting to carry home a new plant to take care of, although his older brother has banned it. (Something about “I cannot handle you grieving every single plant.”) 
And Peter’s kind of always dreamed about giving Ned flowers every Saturday. He was just usually broke. And too scared to confess as to why he’s not just a “really good friend for always buying flowers.” 
So when the internship came with actual pay and with the new suit Ned’s apartment room was slightly more accessible? 
Well...Peter was fine with getting up a bit early to get the best selections. 
And then he oversleeps. Like an idiot. 
Ned usually sleeps until nine. Occasionally he’s up early either working on a LEGO model that Peter will no doubt see on Snapchat, or maybe even a couple of pictures texted, or Ned’s helping cook breakfast. 
(He’s such a good cook. When he made Peter an omelette he almost cried. Ned remembered that he liked onions in his omelettes.) 
But not this time. 
Oh no. 
Ned is looking at the sun coming up, and there’s Spider-Man swinging. With an undeniable bouquet of daisies and daffodils. 
Ned’s eyes go wide. 
“Wait, it’s you who’s been leaving me flowers?!” 
“I can’t exactly deny that because there are no other windows near yours, so I’m going to tell you the truth and say yes,” Spider-Man says. 
(Peter is screaming. Karen will tell this to Friday, who will tell it to Mr. Stark ((with permission)). He’s so dead.) 
“Why?” Ned asks. “I mean, thank you. I just wanna know why.” 
“What, can’t give a cute guy flowers anymore?” Spidey asks. “Some world we live in.” 
Ned turns bright red. 
“Um, thank you? A lot. I, um, I--I like the flowers. A lot. How did you know these are my favorite?” 
Peter panics. 
“I just picked out ones I thought suited you best,” Peter finally answers. “You know, um, guesswork. Hypotheses. The Scientific Method. Anyways there’scrimegottagobye!” 
He swings away, and then realizes he still has the flowers in his fucking hand. 
So he has to swing back. 
This is decidedly worth it when Ned takes them in hand and waves goodbye. 
“Thank you Spidey! I’ll see you soon!” 
Spidey blows a kiss back. 
Ned, if possible, is redder. 
This is considered a success. 
“Peter, you do know that Sir reviews the footage, correct?” Karen asks. “At least, the footage that Friday marks as important.” 
“Karen I swear to god if you tell her I’m going to tweet that you’re a terrible AI who is trying to become the next Hal 9000.” 
“Would that be such a bad thing?” Karen teases. “But Friday already received the footage.” 
“Yeah, because you flirt with her,” Peter mumbles. 
“I--I do not.” 
He grins. 
Flustering an AI, in some respects, is one of the most flattering things you can do. 
And then school starts. It’s a little bit rough, because Peter now has schoolwork and sometimes he and Ned have sleepovers on Fridays (and they did before, but Ned could sleep like the dead when they stayed up until three a.m. googling conspiracy theories about the Avengers) and Ned wakes up early because Peter usually leaves around ten or eleven. 
So there’s not a whole lot of time to get flowers. 
Ned has also told Peter, and Peter is trying very hard not to just reveal it all. He’s really bad at lying, but Ned tends to be a bit oblivious when Peter’s bad at lying. 
“Why do you think Spidey likes me?” Ned asks. They’re sleeping on the floor, in the middle of a blanket fort. Yes, there is a functional bed. No, they did not want to be boring. 
“Because you’re a wonderful person who deserves love and flowers, next,” Peter says. 
“You say that like you’re so sure,” Ned teases. 
Peter turns. Honestly, really looks at him. 
“I’m always sure when it comes to you, Ned. Always.” 
Ned has caught feelings. 
This could be bad. 
MJ tells him he’ll be fine. 
But MJ also thinks that reading solves any problem she has. 
“Who needs water. That’s for fools.” 
“MJ we need to discuss your self-care methods.” 
“We will discuss that at a to-be-determined date, right now we need to talk about how you managed to have a crush on two people at the same time.” 
“Just because the only crushing you do is spirits, doesn’t mean it’s impossible,” Ned says, poking out his tongue. 
MJ laughs. 
“Funny. I’m using that. Anyways, I’d say we need to figure out who Spidey is behind the mask.” 
“We do not need to do that. I’m not going to uncover a superhero just because he gives me flowers.” 
As it turns out, Ned doesn’t have to. 
Tony had assumed that Peter had told Ned. After all, they’ve been best friends for years, and he knows that Peter has a crush on him. He will not shut up about him. Or the flowers. 
So when Ned gets involved to tour the lab spaces and get a look into cybersecurity, Tony just point-blank asks him. 
“How do you like the flowers that Peter gets you?” 
Ned blinks. 
“Mr. Stark--” 
Tony blinks. 
“I was. Not supposed to say that. Sorry Ned, I thought you knew that he was Underoos.” 
Peter panics. Again. 
“He did not know that.” 
“Oh. Then I guess you two have some talking? I am going to--Friday, come up with an excuse for me.” 
“Boss is getting lunch,” Friday says smoothly. “He will not be bothering you for upwards of an hour.” 
Ned looks at Peter. 
“You know, you could’ve just given them to me.” 
“I know,” Peter says. “Except, um, I did not know that. I didn’t think that you would like me like that.” 
Ned looks at him incredulously. 
“You think I wouldn’t like you? Have you seen you?” 
“Have you seen you?” Peter counters. “You have the best smile in existence and you’re so funny and good at talking and you look good in hats!” 
Ned is stunned. 
He didn’t think Peter noticed he looked good in hats. 
(He is also just realizing now that he doesn’t have to choose between his two crushes.) 
“Look, if you don’t want me to drop flowers anymore or if you think this is awkward I can leave you alone, I’m sorry if I made it weird--” 
“You didn’t,” Ned says. “I, um. I really like your flowers. Sometimes they were the only thing that kept me going that week. And you knew my favorites! That’s...wow. That’s amazing.” 
“I always remember important things, you know that,” Peter mumbles. 
Ned grins, bringing Peter in for a hug. 
“How about instead of you dropping by with flowers on Saturday, you drop by for breakfast somewhere? My treat.” 
Peter grins. 
MJ says that that Saturday is the start of enough pictures to fill eighty scrapbooks. 
They don’t mind. 
Ned even starts pressing the flowers that Peter hand delivers now. Ned greets him with a good morning kiss before the day starts for Spidey. 
It’s good. 
(What’s not good is when Ned and Peter have to have the Avenger Family Dinner and discuss their Dating Life.) 
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katikacreations · 4 years ago
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(Cover illustration by @clowncauldron​ ) LINK TO AO3 VERSION IN THE NOTES! Formatting is better on AO3, it’s easier to read over there!
SUMMARY:  Gyro can’t fix Boyd’s glitching problem, so he asks Dr. Von Drake for advice. Boyd goes to a pool party and confesses to Huey that his new home life with Gyro isn’t exactly perfect. 
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2BO, you are not evil! You are good! You’re more than your programming! You are a definitely real boy! Gyro’s own words echoed in his head as he tried to sleep on the flight back to Duckburg.
It was a gruelling twelve hours on a cargo plane like the Sunchaser, but if one was willing to put up with the discomfort and inconvenience of being stashed between boxes of freight, it was worth it. Mr. McDuck didn’t charge for employees to hitch a ride on cargo planes that were already scheduled, and there was no TSA screening for private cargo flights, leaving from private airfields, which was a big help when you were traveling with hyper-advanced combat technology like the Gizmosuit and 2BO.
2BO. Boyd. Whatever you called it, the android was potentially very dangerous. It had been able to override Dr. Akita’s programming and choose its own actions, which had saved both Gyro and Fenton’s lives, but how? Asking an AI to ignore its programming was like asking a human being to ignore their instincts, like trying to inhale underwater, or sticking your hands into a fire. It could be done, but it was difficult and sometimes impossible.
Whatever Dr. Akita had programmed into 2BO had become lower priority and less important than the android’s own, self-created programming, even if Akita’s programming was older. That’s the only way that 2BO could have possibly overridden the commands.
It had to be the result of twenty years of independence. 2BO had gone so long without anyone to give it orders, it must have learned to make choices for itself, otherwise it would never have survived as long as it did. It was a learning system, so the ability to re-evaluate and change its own programming over time to adapt to new situations was integral.
But was 2BO a real boy? Gyro had said the words, but he knew of course that they weren’t true. 2BO was a machine that emulated a real boy very convincingly, but that did not make it a human being. Gyro felt a twinge of guilt for speaking such nonsense out loud in front of God and everybody, but he’d had no other choice. 2BO hadn’t responded to anything else, and that phrase had clearly been lodged deep in its memory as something significant, even if it was just nonsense spoken by an immature and naive younger version of himself. Gyro had tried everything else he could think of before resorting to that meaningless platitude.
It had worked, though. Gyro and Fenton were both still alive. 2BO was with them, had circumvented Dr. Akita’s override programming. They were all headed back to Duckburg, safe and sound.
2BO wasn’t a real boy. What 2BO was, Gyro wasn’t sure yet.
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Gyro Gearloose was a proud man, and he’d earned the right to that through a life of hard work. He knew he was smart and wasn’t about to partake of the sin of false modesty. He was justifiably proud of his superior intellect, his ability to keep discovering new truths of the universe, and to keep designing and creating new and imaginative technology over the years.
He’d started inventing when he’d been just barely old enough to pick up a screwdriver, and he hadn’t stopped in the forty-three years since. He did the work because he loved it, because it was the most fulfilling thing in the world for him, because nothing else compared to the satisfaction that came with seeing an idea from his head come together in his hands and finally become a fully-formed creation that existed in the real world.
Other people took weekends and nights off because they worked to live, but Gyro lived to work. The little moments of life - visiting family, spending time with friends, “relaxing” and “resting” - were obstacles between him and getting back to the work he loved with his whole heart. They were distractions, necessary evils he was occasionally forced to bow to, but they would never be the thing which drove him. Gyro lived to discover, imagine, build and create. So anything that got in the way of that was quickly pushed to the side.
This presented a problem. Being a very proud man, Gyro was not particularly practiced at asking for help. It took him a long time to realize when he needed help, and even longer to figure out how to ask for it.
2BO had started living with Gyro after their return from Tokyolk, and Gyro suddenly found himself thrust into the position of not only trying to fix the android’s damaged programming (an ongoing, unresolved issue), but also having to provide daily guidance for something that acted very much like a child.
He was being forced by circumstance to act as a caretaker and to parent. Needless to say, that was not a skill set Gyro had honed, and it wasn’t a job he wanted to do. He had no aspirations of being a father or having children, but 2BO constantly pushed him into that role with each new interaction.
It wasn’t all bad of course: 2BO was pleasant enough to be around, so it took some time before things reached critical mass. 2BO could take care of itself, was self-reliant for the most part, and was often helpful around the lab with its superior strength, lightning-fast processing speed, and its ability to withstand deadly radiation.
But 2BO wanted continual attention from Gyro, and he didn’t have the patience for it. 2BO constantly wanted to play games, and every night it asked Gyro to read it a “bedtime story”, even though 2BO didn’t actually sleep.
Generally Gyro just dismissed the requests, and told the android to go play with the McDuck children, or Lil’ Bulb. He’d tried to read to 2BO once or twice, but the android had complained when Gyro started reading articles from scientific journals out loud, so they didn’t do that anymore.
All of that was bad enough, but it was the incessant questions that finally pushed Gyro too far.
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“Why did swear words get invented if we’re not allowed to say them?”
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“How did people make the first tools if they didn’t have any tools?”
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“”Huey, Duey and Louie are triplets. Did they all come out of one egg or were they in three separate eggs?”
“How did Ms. Della lay three eggs that big?”
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"Where do thoughts come from?"
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“Are there infinite words?”
“No, 2BO, but there are infinite numbers.”
“Well if there is a word for every number, then there must be infinite words.”
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“How do I know that I’m real?”
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“What happens to a person when they die?”
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“What did it feel like on your last day of being a child?”
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“Why do people hold hands?”
“Well, adults hold children by the hand to make sure they don’t fall down or run into traffic.”
“Then why do adults sometimes hold hands?”
“I don’t know,” said Gyro, who had never actually held hands with anyone after his eleventh birthday. He’d never experienced the urge, either. Why did adults hold hands? “Maybe to restrain the person they’re with, to keep them from leaving.”
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Gyro Gearloose needed help.
From a technical, legal point of view, 2BO was not his responsibility. He’d only been an assistant on the project, which had begun years before Gyro had even set foot in Japan. The reason he’d taken the fall for the destruction of Tokyolk was because they had needed someone to blame for the catastrophe, and he’d been the only available target after Dr. Akita disappeared. None of it was Gyro’s fault, but he’d suffered for it regardless.
He’d done jail time, lost his scholarship to the Tokyolk Institute of Technology, and had to start his doctorate over from scratch at the University of Tennessee-Knoxville years later when the disaster with 2BO was no longer so fresh in everyone’s minds. Gyro had paid for what happened in Tokyolk many times over, and he was only just starting to dig himself out of that hole.
Despite all that, morally he felt an obligation to 2BO. He had been there when the android first activated. He’d spent months programming, teaching, and training it to act as much like a person as possible. The fact that it was struggling with all of that now was Gyro’s fault. He’d been a naive, sentimental idiot in his youth and instead of letting 2BO be the weapon Dr. Akita had designed it to be, he’d forced it into an eternal game of playing pretend, and now 2BO was barely functional as a result.
He could think of few worse fates for an artificial intelligence. To be shackled and bound to arbitrary human standards of behavior, to waste all of it’s mental powers on trying to convincingly present itself as a human child when in reality, it was so much more. Gyro felt sorry for it.
Gyro Gearloose needed help. He needed a specialist.
He offloaded the onerous task of seeking assistance to Fenton.
“I need you to find a specialist to help with 2BO’s glitching problem,” he told him one night, as Fenton was on his way home.
“What?” Fenton called back, his foot holding the elevator door open as he leaned back into the airlock that connected the elevators to the lab floor to hear Gyro better.
“Find a specialist to help with 2BO’s glitching!” Gyro shouted back.
“A specialist to help with Boyd’s glitches?” Fenton called back. The elevator attempted to close on Fenton, and he put his arm up to make it stop. The door pushed against his hand briefly before sliding away from the resistance. “What kind of specialist?”
The elevator began to make a high-pitched squealing sound, protesting the fact that it was being held open.
“I don’t know!” Gyro shouted back. “A programmer, I guess! Someone who knows Fortran 77, C++, MATLAB, Python, and can handle system architecture of at least 100 billion bits.”
“Not asking for much, are you?” Fenton replied with a level of sarcasm Gyro knew his assistant wouldn’t dare to voice if he was in the same room as him.
“Just let me know when you find someone!”
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It was nearly a week later when the topic came up again. Gyro was attempting to troubleshoot a glitch in 2BO that was triggered every time the android heard the word pineapple. At this point the list of things that could trigger a glitch was truly overwhelming. A few days ago 2BO had nearly destroyed someone’s house because he heard a dog barking. Thankfully, the McDuck family had covered it up, blaming a minor earthquake for the damage.
The android sat on a table beside the lab’s Cray XT3 computer terminal. 2BO was powered down, eyes closed and body slumped forward, cables connecting it to the Cray’s data ports. The monitor was awash with seemingly endless lines of code from the core dump they’d just done, and Gyro was pain-stakingly working his way through them, searching for the source of the problem.
“Dr. Gearloose! I’ve gotten some replies from the people I contacted about helping with Boyd,” Fenton said, approaching with a stack of envelopes in hand.
Gyro glanced away from his work only long enough to see the paper envelopes. “You wrote physical letters? No wonder it took them so long to respond.”
“In this day and age, a personal touch like a paper letter can really help make a good impression,” Fenton said. “Also, people familiar with the programming languages you asked for all skew older.”
Gyro made a noise that indicated he’d lost interest in the conversation and that Fenton should move on. The man had gotten better at reading him, and, instead of making further small talk, he went to start opening the pile of letters.
“Alright, let’s see,” Fenton said, and Gyro marked where he was in the code so he could come back to it later, deciding to take a break. He wouldn’t be able to concentrate properly with Fenton talking and rustling around nearby. He took the opportunity to take off his glasses and massage around his closed eyes.
“Yes? Get on with it, Inter--Assistant.”
“Eh, espere,” Fenton said, and Gyro heard the rapid fluttering of papers as Fenton fumbled with them. “I… This doesn’t make sense. They all say… ‘No’, ‘No’, ‘No’, ‘No’, ‘Hell no’, ‘Contact me again and I’ll get a restraining order?!’ ”
“What did you write to them, Assistant?” Gyro demanded, though he already had a hunch of what might have gone wrong.
“I--What did I do? Nada! Nothing unusual! I just said that you were looking for someone with the skills you listed, to consult with on a technical problem you were having.”
“Did you put my name on them?” Gyro asked, wanting to confirm his suspicions.
“Of course I did!” Fenton said. “It’s your lab! Who would I tell them was writing, the Queen of England? Lin-Manuel Miranda? Spider-Ham?! I used the lab stationary that has Dr. Von Drake crossed out and your name written in the margins.”
“You idiot,” Gyro said, but he was more tired than angry. “Did you forget that I’m a pariah in the scientific community? People still blame me for what happened in Japan with 2BO twenty years ago, and if they’d started to forget, last month’s incident made it the hot new gossip all over again. I thought you were smart enough to figure that out and put your own name instead. I didn’t realize I had to tell you everything.”
Fenton’s face tightened the more Gyro spoke, taking the scolding without any further attempt at making excuses, which was a relief. Gyro hated when people couldn’t keep it together.
“Considering your usual tendency to overdo things, should I assume that you’ve written to every programmer in the United States that fits my requirements, and all those bridges have now been thoroughly burnt?” Gyro asked with some venom.
“Also a few in México and Canada,” Fenton said, shrinking in on himself with embarrassment. “I’m sorry, Dr. Gearloose, I didn’t mean to cause trouble for--”
“Go… Do something else. Away from me,” Gyro said, struggling not to shout at the other man. “We’ll have to continue working on 2BO without assistance.”
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Huey loved planning things. Oftentimes he found himself making plans for events that would never even happen. The process of planning and figuring out all the details just felt good, even if he never got outside of the planning stage. He could spend hours daydreaming about parties, expeditions, and camping trips.
Planning was his favorite part of any adventure, and he loved going over maps and charts with Uncle Scrooge, observing how the old man did it and trying to learn something from it.
So planning for their first ever pool party with their extended group of friends was beyond exciting. It wasn’t just a fantasy scenario that had no hope of happening. Their friends were really all coming over for a day of fun in the pool, and Mrs. Beakley had even given Huey a budget for buying snacks and party supplies.
He’d scoured the Pinfeather app looking for ideas all week, spent days creating pool-themed decorations, and all of yesterday preparing dishes so there would be a variety of healthy and fun food available, no matter what kind of dietary restrictions their friends might have. He’d thought of everything and was extremely proud of how it had all come together. Nothing could possibly go wrong when he’d done such a thorough job of planning things.
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Everything was going completely wrong!
The party had been in full swing for a couple of hours, and Huey couldn’t bring himself to go into the water or join in with the others. Nobody was eating his lovingly crafted healthy snacks. His brothers had taken one look at Huey’s Fun Summer Dessert Pizza, his Gluten-free tortilla chips and strawberry corn salsa, his hotdog sliders with mango and pineapple chutney, and they had started raiding the pantry, helping their guests to microwaved hot wings, cheese-wiz, mini pizza bagels, potato chips, and Pep soda.
Lena, Violet and Webby (who wasn’t technically a guest but Huey had counted her as one for the sake of his logistics) seemed to be having plenty of fun on their own without the piles of pre-made water balloons that were stacked on a pool float bobbing around in the water, or the board games Huey had arranged by the neat stacks of towels and sunscreen. Lena had turned off Huey’s Summer Pool Party Fun Mix five minutes after her arrival and plugged in her own phone to play the newest Featherweights album. Violet had complimented him on the decorative wreath made of novelty cocktail umbrellas and swords at the front door, but Huey wasn’t sure if she had been employing sarcasm or not.
Louie climbed out of the pool and shook the water off his feathers. Huey felt too miserable to even bother flinching away. What did it matter? He was in swim trunks anyway.
“How come you’re just sitting over here by yourself?” Louie asked, picking up a bag of chips and shoving a handful into his mouth as he sat down next to Huey.
“No reason,” Huey mumbled. He was saved from further conversation when an app on his phone told him there was someone at the front door. “Someone’s at the door, it’s gotta be Boyd! I’ll go let him in.”
“Robo-Boyd?” Louie called after him, tone incredulous. “Why’d you invite him? Can he even go in the water?”
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“Boyd! The party started hours ago, is everything okay?” Huey asked as he flung open the front door. Boyd stood there wearing a Hawaiian shirt with anchors and ships on it, red swim trunks, and his red anti-laser sunglasses. He was carrying a large plastic tupperware container.
“I’m sorry for arriving late.” Boyd said, holding the tupperware out for Huey to take. “Yes, everything’s fine now. I brought this for the party, I hope everyone likes it.”
Huey vaguely remembered reading something about it being polite in Japan to bring a gift with you when visiting someone’s home. He took the plastic container and tried to guess what might be inside it by the weight and the black and white color he could discern through the semi-opaque cover.
“Oh, thanks for bringing something!” Huey said. “What is it?”
“A cookies and cream sheet cake.”
Everyone was going to love that, Huey thought with a mix of envy and embarrassment. Why was Boyd better at understanding regular people than he was? Shouldn’t Boyd be at a disadvantage, since he was a literal computer and Huey was a flesh and blood kid?
“Awesome. Come on, let’s go out back so I can introduce you to everybody,” Huey said.
“I’m excited to meet Webby’s friends, Lena and Violet,” Boyd said, closing the door behind them as they walked through the house.
“Why’d you show up so late? That’s not like you.” Even though Boyd said everything was fine, Huey couldn’t stop himself from worrying. Both he and Boyd were usually very punctual.
“I was helping Mr. Gizmoduck clean up a shipping tanker accident in Audubon Bay. I wanted to send you a text, but the signal was bad. I’m sorry for worrying you.”
“It’s okay! I’m just glad it wasn’t anything too dangerous and that you’re safe,” Huey answered in a rush, not wanting Boyd to feel guilty for trying to be a hero. He knew that ever since they’d returned from Tokyolk, the android boy had spent a lot of his time helping people all around Duckburg and St. Canard.
“I think it’s really cool that you’ve been helping out Gizmoduck,” Huey said, and Boyd flashed him a huge, brilliant smile that made Huey’s chest feel funny. He smiled back at Boyd.
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“Hi, I’m Boyd, a definitely real boy!” Boyd announced, offering his hand to Violet, who shook it, and Lena, who didn’t.
“I’m Violet. You’re in the same Junior Woodchuck troop as Huey, right?”
“Affirmative! I’m a member of Junior Woodchuck troop 15. You recently became a Senior Junior Woodchuck. You have more badges than 86.2% of the other members in our age range. I think that’s very admirable.”
“Cool,” Said Lena indifferently. “So you’re Huey’s friend? Where are you from?”
“I was born in Tokyolk. Where are you from, Lena?”
“Uh, let’s not talk about that,” Lena replied uneasily.
“Why not? I answered your question,” Boyd said.
“Lena’s kind of been through a lot recently,” Huey said, interrupting the conversation before it could get any more confrontational. “Talking about family stuff is hard for her.”
“Oh,” Boyd said. “I’m sorry! I didn’t know.”
“It’s whatever,” Lena said with a shrug, radiating a cool indifference that Huey envied a little.
“Boyd’s an android,” Huey explained, “But he’s also just a kid like any of us.” This revelation seemed to soften Lena’s attitude.
“This is my first time attending a pool party. I’ve also been to a birthday party. Those are all the parties I have been to,” Boyd said.
“You know what? This is our first pool party, too,” Lena said, smiling at Boyd. “And I’m having a great time. Do you eat food?”
“Yeah, I love eating food!” Boyd said, as the group made their way over to the snack table. “I need to consume nutrients and calories to maintain my biological components.”
“Me too,” Lena said.
“You planned this whole party, right Huey?” Violet asked. “I think the streamers between the umbrellas and the colorful leis really create a festive atmosphere.”
“Thanks, I made them by hand,” Huey said, grateful that someone appreciated just how much effort it had taken to prepare everything.
“And I’m guessing Tweedle-Dee and Tweedle-Dum weren’t a lot of help,” Lena added, unwrapping a chocolate ding-dong and taking a bite.
“Which one of us is Tweedle-Dee and which of us is Tweedle-Dum?” Dewey called from the pool. Lena ignored them and looked at Huey expectantly, waiting for an answer.
Huey laughed a little, and he hugged his arms to himself to try and ease how awkward he felt with the older girl’s attention on him.
“Yeah, they weren’t really interested. Planning stuff is more my thing.”
“Well, you’re good at it,” Lena said bluntly, “They’re probably too lazy to try and compete with someone who tries as hard as you do.”
“Who are you calling lazy?” Louie called from the pool float he was lounging on.
“You!” Lena shouted back.
“Fair, that’s an accurate assessment, carry on,” Louie replied as he floated away.
Maybe the party wasn’t going that bad. Now that Boyd had arrived, Huey felt a lot more confident, and watching Boyd enjoying himself made Huey happy.
“I have an easier time breaking down and extracting nutrients from simple, unprocessed foods,” Boyd said, as he polished off a second plate of cheese-and-fruit skewers. “I don’t have a sense of taste, but I’m sure these are really yummy. My compositional sensors say the fruit is at peak ripeness and that the cheese is at an ideal temperature.”
“Glad you like them,” Huey said.
“You’re welcome. Should we go in the pool?” Boyd said.
“Can you go in the pool?” Huey asked. “Aren’t you too heavy?”
“Dr. Gearloose installed automatic arm floaties on me this morning.” There was a loud hissing sound as metal panels on Boyd’s upper arms retracted and PVC material inflated with air, outfitting Boyd with swim fins. “They’re rated up to 145 kg which is twice my weight. He assured me that with these, I would be able to remain safely buoyant while in the water.”
“If Uncle Donald could install those on us, he would,” Huey said.
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“So where did you get the cookies and cream cake from? Dr. Gearloose didn’t make it, did he?” Huey asked. The sun had started to set, and the pool lights were on. The other kids were all playing with glow-sticks and glow-in-the-dark bracelets and necklaces Huey had bought in bulk online. A little distance away, Mom and Uncle Donald were barbequing some burgers and hot dogs for dinner.
Boyd hadn’t taken any of the glow-in-the-dark stuff, but he seemed happy to sit on the edge of the pool next to Huey, their feet dangling in the water. Boyd’s eyes were lit from within, like flashlights, as the daylight around them grew dimmer. His tinted sunglasses turned the light red, and it reminded Huey of the taillights of a car.
“No, of course Dr. Gearloose didn’t make the cake, he’s much too busy for that kind of frivolity. I went to the employee cafeteria at The Bin to buy some slices of cake, and one of the ladies who works there asked why I was buying eight pieces. I explained to her that I was going to a party, and she asked why I was by myself in the cafeteria at 9AM, and I told her I didn’t have--”
“Uh, I think I get the general gist of what happened,” Huey said. “So she made the cake for you?”
“Yes! She said that she was certain it would be popular, and I think her assessment was correct. Its sugar content is similar to snacks that children in our age range typically enjoy.”
Even though it was getting dark outside, the air was still almost unbearably hot. It had been over ninety degrees every day for the past two weeks in Duckburg, and the heat lingered. Cicadas buzzed in the dark, and occasionally a frog croaked.
“Kids, time for dinner!” Donald called. Gradually they all set aside their games, dried off with towels, and made their way to the picnic table that had been set out for dinner in the garden. Boyd grabbed Huey’s arm before he could follow, stopping him.
“What’s wrong?” Huey asked.
“Nothing’s wrong,” Boyd said. “I just… Wanted to thank you for inviting me to your pool party. It’s been a lot of fun.”
“Well, don’t worry, the fun’s not done yet,” Huey said. Maybe Boyd was just sad that the party was almost over? “We’re still going to tell scary stories around a campfire, and Uncle Scrooge and Mom always have some great ones.”
“That sounds great. I’m excited to hear the stories,” Boyd said, his grip on Huey’s arm relaxing until the android’s hand slipped down and rested against Huey’s. They were holding hands. Huey felt that same funny feeling in his chest from before, and suddenly the rest of the world around them was weirdly quiet. No frogs, no cicadas, no Uncle Donald arguing with Mom. Just him and Boyd, holding hands on a summer night.
“...But something’s bothering you, isn’t it?” Huey asked.
Boyd didn’t answer immediately, which was unusual for the android. Huey squeezed his hand gently, trying to encourage the other boy to share his feelings.
“When I lived with Mr. Beaks, he played with me all the time for the first few days, but then he started ignoring me. When I lived with the Drakes, I could play with Doofus any time I wanted, but he didn’t want to play with me, and said things that made me feel bad. Mr. and Mrs. Drake were nice, but if they paid too much attention to me, Doofus always got mad…”
“I like living with Dr. Gearloose better than any of the others,” Boyd said. “But sometimes I feel lonely. He doesn’t have a lot of time to play with me either, and if I distract Mr. Fenton or Mr. Manny from work too much, Dr. Gearloose yells at them. At night when he goes to sleep, he makes me stay in the closet, so I won’t wake him up by moving around, and he doesn’t like reading me bedtime stories.
“Is something wrong with me?” Boyd asked. “It feels like every time I join a family, they end up getting bored with me, or they don’t really want me around.”
“There’s nothing wrong with you!” Huey said. “A lot of kids feel that way. Sometimes parents or other kids don’t have time to play with us, sometimes they don’t want to play with us, and it does feel lonely. Also, not everyone has a good family. Sometimes people just don’t get along.”
“What do regular kids do if they’re in a bad family?” Boyd asked.
“Honestly? I think they’re just stuck when that happens. Running away and living on your own is dangerous and hard. But you don’t have that problem! Since you’re a super-strong robot, if you want to leave, you can just go.”
“Sort of,” Boyd said. “It’s… Not that simple. I’m a robot, but I’m bio-mechanical. I still need to eat and charge some of my power cells occasionally. Getting food and access to electricity when I’m on my own can be hard. But the worst part is… I really don’t like being alone. I like to be around people.”
There was such a sadness in Boyd’s voice in that moment that Huey felt a need to do more than just hold hands. “Would it be okay if I hugged you?” he asked, not knowing what to say or how else to make Boyd feel better.
“Yes,” Boyd said, looking delighted by the offer. He held his arms out stiffly towards Huey, and it looked so silly that Huey struggled not to laugh.
“Okay.” Huey carefully put his arms around Boyd, hugging him tight.
“BOYS!” Della shouted from a distance, making Huey nearly jump out of his skin. “Come eat before the food gets cold! C’mon! You got water in your ears or what?”
“Coming, Mom!” Huey shouted back, grabbing Boyd by the hand and pulling him towards where the rest of their family and friends were gathered.
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Once a month, Gyro had a video chat with Dr. Ludwig Von Drake. The man had mentored him when he made his second attempt at his doctorate, and though he wasn’t always easy to have a long-distance conversation with, Gyro found the exercise useful in a variety of ways. Sometimes he could bounce ideas off the older scientist and find better solutions he might not have thought of on his own. Sometimes they talked about world events and science news. Sometimes it just felt good to talk to someone else who felt as if they were remotely close to Gyro’s level of intellect.
Dr. Von Drake might have been a bit scatterbrained, but he was brilliant and a real renaissance man to boot. Gyro admired him tremendously, though he did take the man’s words with a grain of salt due to the aforementioned scatterbrained-ness.
Gyro liked to have something mindless he could work on while he was on a call with someone, even someone as interesting to talk to as Dr. Von Drake. Having to sit still and focus on a conversation and struggle with eye contact on a webcam was a surefire recipe for not only boredom but also his attention wandering away. On particularly bad days, he might end up feather-picking, which was an embarrassing nervous tic he’d spent decades trying to conquer.
So today he was shoulders deep repairing a jet engine (burnt out courtesy of Launchpad McQuack) when his conversation with Dr. Von Drake shifted from the doctor’s latest oil painting experiments to what Gyro had been up to recently.
“Nothing that exciting, I’m afraid,” Gyro said. “It feels like all I do anymore is repair things. A never-ending cycle of maintenance, something which should have been passed on to technicians instead of taking up my valuable time! I’m always chasing after old projects, trying to keep them from falling apart. The Gizmo-suit. And Lil’ Bulb. And--”
“Dr. Gearloose,” 2BO said, suddenly appearing at Gyro’s side. “Can I go over to Huey’s to play?”
“I don’t see why not.”
“Thank you!” 2BO chirped enthusiastically as it activated its rocket jets, the turbines spinning up rapidly.
“Just make sure you don’t stay out too late!” Gyro shouted, raising his voice so 2BO could hear him over the roar of its propulsion system.
“I’ll be home at seven!” 2BO said with a smile, rising from the floor and flying out one of the emergency air lock exits. Gyro could see the android shoot out under the water, flying past the lab’s windows as it gained altitude and finally vanished from sight, leaving nothing but a flurry of bubbles in its wake.
“My goodness, what a charming little boy!” Dr. Von Drake said. “Is he yours or perhaps the child of a coworker?”
“Oh, it’s not a child,” Gyro explained. “That’s 2BO, it’s just an android I helped create as a student.”
“Just an android? Gyro, my boy, he is quite remarkable! Even with the rocket jets for feet, I was entirely ready to accept that he was a real boy. Why haven’t you ever shown him to me before? You’ve never even mentioned him.”
Gyro had been dreading this particular topic, though he’d always known it would come up someday. He set down his tools and wiped the oil from his hands, fidgeting with the shop towel as he tried to pick his words.
“It’s a long story, sir.”
“That’s no problem, I have long ears!” Dr. Von Drake replied, which was nonsensical enough that it made Gyro chuckle.
“That is manifestly untrue.” Gyro felt himself smiling just a little. Though they were thousands of miles apart and only interacting through an impersonal and cold computer screen, Dr. Von Drake’s warm and nonjudgmental presence still felt as reassuring now as it had when Gyro had been a young man. “But since you insist… Before I came to work for you, I worked for Dr. Inutaro Akita in Tokyolk.”
“I’ve met him,” Dr. Von Drake said, prompting Gyro to continue.
“He was already working on 2BO when I started assisting him. It was designed to be an autonomous defense drone, capable of interacting with end users in a naturalistic way. But something went wrong.”
“With 2BO?”
“No, with Dr. Akita. Originally I thought it was a fault in 2BO, but it was just following orders. Dr. Akita ordered 2BO to go on a rampage, and it performed exactly as designed.”
“That’s awful!” Dr. Von Drake exclaimed. “But now that you mention it, I remember reading something about a robot attacking Tokyolk way back when. It’s hard to believe all that destruction was caused by little 2BO… But if he was created by Dr. Akita I can’t say I’m too surprised. The man has ‘mad scientist’ practically stamped on his forehead. He’s a terrible sore loser. Matilda said he’s not allowed at the annual canasta game after what happened to that china cabinet.”
Gyro was morbidly curious to know what had happened that would make the sweet-tempered Matilda McDuck ban someone from the International Robot Designer Union’s annual card game, but he knew better than to ask. Dr. Von Drake was likely to actually tell him the whole story and that could take hours - hours that Gyro didn’t want to spare.
“So how is it that he’s come to live with you now?” Dr. Von Drake asked. “The incident in Tokyolk was a long time ago.”
“Somehow 2BO turned up here in Duckburg,” Gyro explained. “I had no idea that 2BO was even operational anymore. I thought it had been destroyed, but it wasn’t and now it’s here, and it’s just another thing I have to constantly do maintenance on.
“It has these terrible glitches that are triggered by random stimuli. I’ve been working on it for a whole month, and it seems like the problems just keep getting worse. I’m not making any progress. I told Fenton to get in touch with some programmers to find a specialist to help me resolve the issue, but--”
“Tell me more about these glitches,” Dr. Von Drake said. “Maybe I can help you figure it out.”
“Well, as I said, 2BO was originally designed to be a defense drone, so obviously it has a weapons system.”
“But 2BO’s also a highly complex learning system. It was meant to interact with people the way another person might, and that kind of processing power normally takes up a much larger footprint than 2BO has.”
“It’s not a remote system?” Dr. Von Drake asked. This wasn’t an unreasonable question, as most AI’s of 2BO’s complexity were at least the size of a car. There weren’t that many out there that Gyro was aware of, but they did exist. He assumed that most of them were confidential government projects. None of them were really like 2BO though. Advanced AI technology had been a stagnant field since the end of the Cold War.
“No, 2BO is entirely self-contained. It can be remote controlled in theory, but, under normal circumstances, all it needs to operate is onboard.”
“And you say it’s been functioning independently for… How long?”
“Twenty years on its own without meaningful human intervention. No maintenance, no repairs.”
“Remarkable!” Dr. Von Drake took off his glasses to polish them, something he usually did when he was excited. “Can you send me the latest core memory dump? I’m sure it’s a doozy of a file, but I’d like to look it over.”
“Of course, though… Hmm.” Gyro considered the reality of sending the file over the internet. “It’s almost a terabyte.”
“That’s not so large, we can keep talking while it sends over the WAN. A terabyte shouldn’t take more than half an hour.”
The suggestion of sending the data across the McDuck Enterprises’ global intranet made Gyro hesitate. It was one thing to send Dr. Von Drake a funny cat video through their company emails, it was another thing entirely to send proprietary data that wasn’t official McDuck Enterprises work through the data pipeline that Mr. McDuck so generously provided to their labs.
“Are you sure that’s alright?” Gyro asked. He’d long given up working on anything while having this conversation, and was watching Dr. Von Drake on his desktop monitor while picking at the feathers on his left wrist. “I know you’re Mr. McDuck’s brother-in-law, but it’s still using company resources for a personal project.”
“Pish-tosh! Don’t worry about it so much, my boy. After all, are you debugging Boyd on a personal computer, or are you using McDuck resources to do it?”
“I am using the McDuck lab equipment,” Gyro admitted grudgingly. “I’ve been here so long, I always think of it as my lab equipment. I do a lot of work here that isn’t strictly for Mr. McDuck, but this is different.”
“How so?”
“Those other things I work on are never anything this important,” Gyro said. “Like using the laser cutter to cut out pieces when I was making myself a suit of armor, or when I made myself a new headset. I designed it on my workstation using my company edition of CAD and printed it with the 3D printer after hours. I bought my own filament and used that for the build, but it’s a small project, and if Mr. McDuck wanted to copyright the design and mass produce them, it wouldn’t matter, even if I just designed it for my personal use.
“2BO is different,” Gyro continued. “Both the chassis and the programming are proprietary designs that belong to Akita International.”
“That company went bankrupt and ceased to exist years ago,” Dr. Von Drake pointed out. “You don’t expect them to show up on your doorstep and demand custody of 2BO, do you?”
“I don’t know,” Gyro admitted, wincing as he tugged a feather loose from his wrist. He set it down on his desk and crossed his arms over his chest in an attempt to stop picking at himself. “Dr. Akita is in jail, but he does still have living family. And there could possibly be old creditors that might come after 2BO if they realize it’s still functional. Anyway, what I’m really concerned about is that if I send the data through the McDuck Enterprises system, then they’ll have legal grounds to claim the data as theirs.”
“Please, Scroogey wouldn’t do something like that!” Dr. Von Drake said.
“Mr. McDuck might not, but the company absolutely would,” Gyro said, recalling his many unpleasant encounters with the McDuck Enterprises’ Board of Directors. “I’ll ship it to you overnight on a jump drive. You can tell me what you think of it when it arrives.”
“Alright, alright. But back to the subject at hand, you were talking about the hardware and software that your android runs on.”
“Right. 2BO’s hardware is a combination of chemical and crystal processors operating a GIST framework, using a program derived from the FELT system.”
“Ahh, like TOODLES! You remember TOODLES from when you worked here, don’t you? He’s built on crystal microprocessors and a GIST framework as well.”
Unfortunately Gyro did remember TOODLES, the omnipresent AI that controlled Dr. Von Drake’s lab at McDuck castle in Scotland. It wasn’t that there was anything particularly wrong with TOODLES, but the AI had been designed as a caretaker, a nanny of sorts, and it tended to treat everyone it came into contact with like a child. It got on Gyro’s nerves very quickly.
“I do remember TOODLES,” Gyro said, as diplomatically as possible. “I didn’t realize it shared the same architecture as 2BO. I guess I never really looked under the hood.” In truth, Gyro had avoided TOODLES whenever possible in the seven years he’d worked for Dr. Von Drake.
“And that’s a shame, TOODLES is quite the complex fellow. He’s even older than your 2BO, born in 1980.”
“Activated. You mean activated in 1980,” Gyro corrected, but to no avail as Dr. Von Drake simply continued on.
“However, I think the primary difference is that TOODLES has absolutely no conflict programming, as he is not a weapon, and that he has never been on his own. When he learns new things, I’m right here to help him through it, and to make sure TOODLES has properly understood whatever his new experience was. 2BO, I assume, has many different layers of programming, from his weapons systems to navigation to human interaction. Living on his own for twenty years with no one to help him properly understand the things he has experienced, well, I’m sure his code looks like a big plate of spaghetti by now!”
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Two days later, Gyro received an email from Dr. Von Drake.
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NEXT CHAPTER: Dr. Bara Summary:  Fenton and Boyd chat on the way to the lab. Gyro introduces himself in the most melodramatic way possible, and Dr. Bara meets everyone at McDuck Enterprises R&D. Dr. Bara starts assessing Boyd and things get worse before they get better. Gyro thinks he's helping.
62 notes · View notes
starrybbarnes · 5 years ago
high flying, pt. 3 | [b.b]
Pairing: Bucky Barnes x superhero!Reader
Summary: bucky has no memory of you using magic. certain teammates are catching on, but you’re standing your ground. trouble brews as you’re training yourself. 
Word Count: 1932 (more substance! i promise this one is worth it)
Author’s note: originally, this was supposed to be a 3 part thing, but i’m pretty sure there’s be 4 total. don’t worry I’ve tried to make these next two as long as possible, but also still entertaining. but, the main attraction is coming soon. as i’ve said before, i appreciate all of your feedback! :)
Warnings: more swearing, some more magic, and a cliffhanger.. maybe. I’ve sprinkled some fluff to make up for it. also if you know someone from mit, i apologize in advanced.
Part 1 Part 2
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Smack smack smack went your feet across the padding... It became mundane as you kept fighting the still punching bag, and much more tiring. 
While practicing some combat moves, you started thinking about the meeting. Surely, no one was able to identify you, but you’re sure as hell Steve and Bucky might have an inclination. And rightfully so, as you partially wiped the mind of a friend. 
You thought about the moment Bucky stared you down in the conference room, his mind trying to put two and two together, but alas couldn’t make a connection. Maybe he is that clueless, you thought to yourself.
However, if Steve is able to connect the dots as to why Bucky can’t remember certain moments of certain days, then you might be into some hefty trouble. And if he were to find out you casted a spell on his best friend, you might jeopardize your job.  
But at the same time, you thought about your own safety, your privacy. You weren’t ready to take on a huge role, much less when you’re not used to your powers. It was a tug and pull, but you were committed to letting everyone know once you had the capacity to control it. 
You were deep in thought when you felt yourself levitate slightly. It was a force of habit, but you let it happen, letting your thoughts occupy you.  
As you stood, er- floated, there while pondering, you heard the gym door open and you quickly grabbed a hold of the pull up bar. Making their way towards you is Steve and Bucky, both carrying duffle bags on their side. The boys stare at you incredulously as you’re holding onto the bar.
“How’s it hanging down there?” you half joked, as Steve rolled his eyes and Bucky was suppressing a smile. 
“Very funny,” Steve said, “we were looking for you all over, figured this might be the last place to look.” 
“Well,” you started, still on the pull-up bar, “your inclinations were correct.” 
Bucky eyed you, gears churning in his head, trying to see why you doing pull-ups felt… off. 
You sensed Bucky’s confusion as he stared at you just dangling from the bar, and so you thought fast. You fell on your knees as you abruptly let go of the bar and planted onto the floor. A loud oof was heard as Steve audibly gasped at the sight.
“I’m fine!” you said nonchalantly  as Bucky scooped you up and stood in front of you. 
Bucky shook his head and began to speak, “we came by to find you—”
“You came to find her,” Steve interrupted, “I just came to support Bucky because he’s always afraid to talk to ya.”
“That’s neither here nor there,” Bucky interjected, “but anyways, the team and I are headed out of the country for 5 days. Ireland, specifically. I think it’s business related. So we won’t be long.”
A slight hum escaped your mouth, nodding at the statement Bucky had said. “Look at you two, being business-y,” you joked as Bucky cracked a smile, while Steve rolled his eyes.
“Well, sweetheart, I’ll have you know I’m all business, all the time,” he added, earning a groan from you and Steve.
You stood in front of the duo. If anyone knew awkward, it’s definitely these two centenarians. Another moment of silence overcame the gym, as three of you just stared at each other, and you crossed your arms, waiting.  
“Oh, for god’s sake Buck,” Steve sighed, “Y/N, Bucky told me he was going to miss you and he didn’t know if you felt the same way.”
You raised your eyebrows at the duo, Bucky blushing ever so slightly and Steve looking more exasperated than usual. 
“Well,” you coughed, “Let Bucky know that I will miss the team equally… but, I’ll miss him slightly more.” 
Bucky smiled at the last comment and went to hug you. Steve came in for a hug too and broke away and said they should get going, as they shouldn’t be running late. Bucky slowly let go and sheepishly waved goodbye as the duo started to head out. 
As the two walked away, you carefully shot some magic their way, a safe travel spell, and he closed the door. You saw through the windows that Steve and Bucky  looked confused at the slight lavender aura around them, how they smelled of rose and vanilla all of sudden.
Steve shoots you a look through the window, and all you do is laugh and shrug. You go towards the back of the gym, and reveal your silver staff hiding in plain sight, and begin to twirl it. It begins to glow with its purple hue, and you start practicing with it.
Maybe they’ll figure it out, it doesn’t matter. But, it is kind of fun messing with the guys. 
6:45 pm, 5 days later
The compound had been eerily quiet the past five days, and you were elated that your friends were coming back in a couple of hours. Most importantly, Bucky was coming back.
You promised yourself it was now the time to make a move. You pondered for hours with your stuffed animal and your best friend, the latter being slightly more responsive.
You also let your friend Betsy know that you have completely gotten a hang of your powers, and your friend suggested that you  might be ready to fight alongside the Avengers.
You hesitated at that suggestion. You were really good, but that’s only because you kept practicing in the simulation room at the gym. Sometimes you're thrown a curveball in the real world. But you knew you’d have the support of your friends whenever you’re crime fighting. 
Betsy asked about Bucky’s flight back. It left at around 7 this morning, so you predicted they might come around the afternoon. She commented that a normal flight from Ireland usually is 8 hours long, if there are no layovers. 
That means they should’ve arrived here at around 3. The quinjet is fairly punctual, and it isn’t like the team to be taking that long. Especially with the time differences, everyone would’ve been eager to come back home to sleep off the jet lag. 
You asked FRIDAY if there was any GPS location of the quinjet the team was boarded on, but oddly enough there wasn’t any. FRIDAY reported that the last signal was sent from Queens, which meant they were almost here. Flying from the city to upstate New York took an hour, tops. 
“This isn’t looking good,” you said to your friend with concern. Both of you kept throwing off ideas as to why there was a delay, when FRIDAY notified you of an incoming message.
You opened up the hologram and there said a message that read: In trouble. Top of building. Call backup. B. 
 “Call backup?” you questioned, “but there’s no one except me and Peter. All the other other Avengers were either with Steve or they’re doing other minor missions. And I’m pretty sure other agents don’t have the clearance to do this type of stuff… right?”
That only leaves once choice, Y/N, your friend commented. You’re gonna have to brave this out with Peter.
“Peter’s a child,” you argued.
When he wants to be, your friend interjects. He can put up a fight, I’ve seen him on the news. 
You keep weighing your options, when you hear a knock on the door. 
“Uh, Y/N?” Peter asked, “did you get that text from FRIDAY? I think the guys are in trouble. Most importantly your secret boyfriend is in trouble but that’s beside the point. I want to do this, but I’m by myself and I can’t do the saving by myself, I mean I can, but I need your help.”
Peter is dressed in his suit, minus the mask, and he peeks inside more to see you talking to your friend. You look at your friend, back to Peter, to the message, back to your friend, and then back to Peter. 
You opened your closet and then opened a secret drawer. You saw your suit, and next to it, your silver staff. 
“Peter,” you sighed, “Let’s grab a small jet and get to the bottom of this. Lord knows I’ve prepared myself for this.”
As the jet got closer to the main city, you and Peter tried to intercept any signal or clue to find your friends. You put the jet on autopilot, and pulled up a map of the city to see the roofs of any tall building. 
You groaned slightly, “this is hopeless, there’s no way we can pinpoint a place quickly.” 
You wondered as to how a quinjet of such size can’t be detected by just plain eyesight. Either that, or it was time to get your vision checked out. 
Then Peter started to sense something: it was by a building on Liberty Street. He then pulled up a hologram and started zooming in on the roof of that building. It was difficult to see, but there was a ball of light sort of floating above the roof.
You were called over by Peter to check it out, and as the jet slowly started to get closer, and you pulled out some binoculars, you can vaguely recognize some burly men all bunch up together. 
“Peter, try to land on the roof that is two buildings over from that building,” you suggested. As the jet neared the roof, you decided to turn off the engines and used your magic to safely land the jet. It was no easy feat, but it was done. 
Getting out of the jet, you and Peter went towards the roof’s ledge that got as close as possible to the building with the floating light ball.
Using your binoculars once again, you got a clearer image of who was on top. 
It was the boys. And they were surrounded by a bunch of guys dressed in black, with one scrawny dude standing by a weird contraption. 
“That doesn’t look pretty,” Peter commented through his suit. His AI was explained to you and Peter that the scrawny was an ex-Stark employee, and the machine was used to keep the Avengers captive, while also a finding way to try and blow up the compound. Karen, the AI, proclaimed that the machine had major flaws and said it wouldn’t take much to take it down. 
“Can you tell Karen that while that sounds optimistic, there are also only two of us, and bunch of bad guys,” you groaned. This definitely wasn’t in a gym simulation.
“Sure... but,” Peter started, “we do have your powers, and my strength, and my ability to distract people. Also, I think it’s your time to shine, I think we’re both ready to do this.” 
You looked over to the other roof. You vaguely saw Bucky’s arm glistening in the sunlight. He looked confused and afraid. It looked like was looking upwards in every direction, trying to find any sign of backup. Luckily for him, it isn’t that far away.
“Peter, you’re right,” you replied. “And I think I have a surefire way to save our boys.”
You took your staff out of the sheath that was on your back. It slowly started to glow, and your whole demeanor changed. Now wasn’t the time to back down, it’s time to fight. And fight hard. 
“Karen, give us a rundown of our surroundings. I have a plan that will make sure than Peter and I can kick scrawny intern ass.”
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finleyjayne · 5 years ago
You Should Care
Steve Rogers x Fem!Reader
1000 Follower Celebration for @justkending​! Happy Birthday~ Thank you for being so welcoming to me. Also, like really hope this doesn’t disappoint.
Text Prompt: “Yeah, go write me a 1000 page essay on it, and maybe I’ll care.”
Warnings: swearing, mild angst.
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Summary: You have had enough of Steve overlooking your advice when it comes to reconstruction after his many exploits with the Avengers because you are his girlfriend. So you come up with a plan, and, with Pepper Potts help, you are going to put a solution into place. Hopefully, you can convince him that you know what you’re doing.
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There was a definite divide between Captain and Steve in your relationship. It was always there, and usually, there wasn't a problem. It's important to compartmentalize when it comes to personal and work matters, but sometimes... sometimes, you just wish that he would see you as more than just his girlfriend.
Honestly, you have credentials that shouldn't be taken for granted. You had worked in war zones as a medic and relief co-ordinator. This made it increasingly difficult to accept that your sweet and caring Steve wouldn't listen to you when you brought his attention to the increasing disregard for the citizens the Avengers try to protect.
Sometimes his tactics take no consideration to the refugees that will be displaced. People who never ask for the battles to be fought near their homes. They never wanted to be there. They want to live their lives, go to work, go home, spend time with friends. Captain, doesn't see that. He sees an objective and one way to get it done. Determined to do the right thing, even if it leaves the people there worse for wear.
The last time you brought it to his attention, there was nothing that could convince him that there needed to be something to help out after. Nothing that could keep him from doing what he could to take down the HYDRA base, screw the consequences. Even when it meant destroying one of the only schools in the area. He dared to have the gall to say, "well, I know that they need the help, but I don't know how you expect us to do anymore. There isn't anything that you can expect from us."
 You couldn't take it anymore. If Captain America wouldn't change his tactics, you would change yours. After all, he did make a good point, there is only so much a single, lone soldier can do.
So here you are, walking up the front steps of Stark Enterprises to talk to not only Captain Rogers but also his team and CEO Virginia "Pepper" Potts. Taking a deep breath to force yourself to focus, you walk through the doors to start going through the heavy security of the tower. Finally, using the clearance that Steve had you get so that you could come to see him if, read when, he gets injured.
Now though, he doesn't know you're coming,  you are on my own personal mission, and he will NOT be stopping you. He will not ignore you this time. There will be no shutting you out. You are going to make sure that no more innocent people will take the brunt of the Avengers' crime-fighting. There needs to be some type of clean up crew that comes in after the fact to give these people the medical, emotional, and technological help to reconstruct the people's lives after they are hit as collateral damage.
You already know what half of them are going to say. The outlook is bright in this going in your favor, but honestly, there are no reasonable excuses. They may save the world but, if they aren't careful, they may end up breaking it in the process. People are going to start revolting against their help. You want to prevent that, and this plan is just one step in that direction. They do good, but they need to be a little better at managing collateral damage. You know for a fact that the PR department of Stark tech has been up their asses about it. It's one of the main things Steve complains about after his rarely-talked-about missions.
Sighing, you walk into the elevator. "Hello, Future Mrs. Rogers, I take it you are here to see Mr. Rogers?"
"No, Jarvis, I am actually here for my meeting with Ms. Potts and the Team," you state, rolling my eyes at Tony's inability to call me my name, even through his AI. "Will you take me to floor 39? And don't let Captain Rogers know I am here, please."
"No problem, Miss. I will envoke Ice Out Capcicle Protocol 7."
Head held high, you give a slight nod. No time to dwell on the fact that Tony programmed a protocol to keep someone from running into Steve at the moment. You don't even know if you want to know why it needed to be coded.
Stepping off the elevator, you are met by the glorious visage that is Pepper Potts. From her perfectly-quaffed hair to the stylish yet functional clothing, her appearance practically screams I have authority, do as I say.
You give her a timid smile, "Ms. Potts, Thank you for seeing me today. I hope this meeting goes as well as you lead me to believe it would."
"{Y/N}, as I've told you before, call me Pepper. I read your proposal, and honestly, I have been looking for a fix to this problem ever since Tony came out with his alias as Iron Man. It's as if you could read my mind. Now, all we have to do is make the team aware."
Your smile grew more genuine, "Well then, we still have a whole battle in front of us. God only knows what the Captain will think when he knows that I've been working on this. He can be such an old man sometimes."
"Well, even if he complains, he knows full well that this is what you have been trained to do. That's more than he can say about his own beginning." Pepper says with a mischievous smirk.
"Well, let's get this battle underway, why don't we?" you answer, already looking forward to this presentation being over.
Going into the meeting room, you take your place at the head of the table, setting your briefcase down. "Jarvis, can you bring up the folder ARF onto the Holoscreen?"
"Of course, Miss." Was the prompt reply. Soon following, a set of photos, pie charts, graphs, and other little snippets projecting into the air above the table. "The team will be arriving in the next five minutes, along with Director Fury. Would you like anything else in the meantime?"
"Thank you, Jarvis. I don't think I need anything else." You say.
"Jarvis, is Tony's lab still on lockdown from this morning?" Pepper asked from her seat to the right. Her eyes still scanning over something on her StarkPad.
"Yes, Ms. Potts, he is on his way."
"Good." Right as she responds, the majority of the team comes in taking their preferred seats around the table. Their faces show a mix of curiosity, suspicion, and confusion at seeing me there.
Steeling my nerves as best you can, you stand going through the photos and graphs, ordering them for later reference and shrinking them so that they are out of the way until you need them. Chatter fills the room as their conversations continue. With a faint smile, you look up to watch Steve and Tony walk into the room, followed by a cantankerous Director Fury.
With one look, Steve smirks. "Hi, honey, I didn't expect you to visit today."
You smile, "Yeah, I have a meeting for that new project I've been working on." His eyes flash with confusion as he opens his mouth. Before he can speak, you cut him off, "Welcome, General Ross, it's good that you could make it. Now that everyone is here, we can start." Hopefully, Steve didn't ruin this.  
"Thank you for having me, Ms. Potts said that you had a solution to some of our concerns?" His brow scrunches in concern as he folds his arms over his chest.
"Indeed, she has. {Y/N} has been a lifesaver with a new project that Stark Industries is undertaking to proactively increase the security of the world's opinions on the Avengers. It will also help with reconstruction after world catastrophes like the Invasion of New York, should something like that happen again." Pepper explains, "Not to mention, it will be a big help to the Avengers PR team."
You give Pepper a thankful smile before turning to start the meeting only to have my mouth filled with Tony's voice.
"Wait? Roger's Housewife is the Humanitarian Aide-specialist you've been talking to and raving about for the past month? Really?" Tony barks as you smirk, finding his eyes shine with intrigue as he looks you over.
"Tony, your misogyny is showing," Natasha probes with an eye-roll.
"But she..."
"Don't worry your pretty little head about it, Mr. Stark. Anyway, as Ms. Potts was saying, I've noticed a negative trend, and I want to help." Flicking your hand, you shower the table with images of towns, both before and after Avengers' battles have taken place near, or in them. "The Avengers do essential work, but every time there is a battle or an operation, many innocent people are harmed or injured. People that don't have anything to do with the conflict. Some of those people will never be able to save themselves from the devastation that has been rained down around them. Between the buildings that have been crushed, the people who are injured, and the emotional and mental trauma that comes from not being safe in your own home, full economies have collapsed. As of right now, there is nothing in place to clean up after the Avengers take down whatever big bad comes out of the shadows."
Looking around, you see the director is following along with a skeptical look, Natasha is smirking like she already knew what you were going to say and approved. Clint is wholly zoned out; upon further inspection, you see his hearing aids on the table. Tony is glaring, probably thinking about his own solutions to the problem, while Rhodey is smiling in encouragement. Skimming over the rest, your eyes catch Steve's glower. Notably pissed at you for bringing this up in a more formal environment.
"That is where I come in. As some of you know, I used to be a wartime medic, and as Mr. Stark has previously stated, I am now a certified Humanitarian Aide Specialist. It used to be my job to take care of the people displaced by wars like those in the Middle East. In my time there, I have been able to help many people by rebuilding their little pieces of the world. I have put together a team of Medics, Contractors, Therapists, Teachers, Farmers, and others to go in after the Avengers to play clean up. To make it so that we don't cause more harm than good. To keep us as the good guys in people's eyes."
After you were done speaking, the room was silent. You met their eyes, keeping your breath even as you waited to be interrupted. After a few beats, you realized that they were all intently listening, even Steve looked like he was listening intently to your compromise.
You have to swallow the lump in your throat before speaking, "The first response team consists of Trauma Specialists with field medic experience lead by myself. Along with a crew of Hotshots and Firefighters. The secondary response depends on what is needed, all focusing on rebuilding affected infrastructures and betterment within the economies of these countries. They will be working with the respective governments to help not only restore but also improve upon what was lost. I recruited them from many places. Most of them are personal contacts from my time overseas and locally. All of them are cleared by both Jarvis' background check and SHEILD's screening. I don't know if this is going to work, but I cannot stand aside and let you devastate the lives of any more innocent people without at least trying to help."
 Taking a deep breath, you look up into their faces. Their expressions were a mixed bag of emotions. Pepper was smiling at me encouragingly as the rest of the Avengers' faces seemed very accepting of this proposal, Rhodey, Natasha, and Tony looked the most impressed. Steve was glowering at a graph set hovering by his seat, trying to figure out exactly how bad he should feel for ignoring your expertise. Fury was the only one who seemed unsold on the benefits of this situation.
"And why exactly should I be interested in this, Ms. {Y/L/N}. From what you've said so far, none of this concerns SHIELD or the work that they do.
"Well sir, although they are an independent organization, they do tend to reflect on the world's view of America-"
"- I am a very busy man and don't have time for this. Write me a 1000 page essay on it, and maybe I'll care." Fury interrupted.
"One step ahead of you. Here is my thesis on defense by building infrastructure. A 1,297 word debrief on why you should give this your stamp of approval and help. And finally, A contract with stark enterprises to co-operate and co-fund ARF or the Avenger Relief Foundation. Already gone over by Agent Hill, all you have to do is sign it." You calmly reply, sliding him a folder of the stated documents on top of a bound copy of your thesis.
Fury glowers at you through his one healthy eye. "Well, I see you've done the leg work. I'll give it a once over and be back with you." He grumbles, grabbing the folder and leaving the thesis. "I don't have time for that." He calls over his shoulder on his way out the door.
"Well, whether or not fury gives his okay on this project, Stark Industries has already started preparations to pick up and implement the ideas you've presented to us, {Y/N}." Pepper states. "I look forward to working with you and can't wait to see your successes."
With that, everyone nodded, giving their congratulations and well wishes. Leaving just you and Steve, who is still enraptured in the data you had put together.
Unwilling to start this conversation, you walk around the conference table to pick up the thesis.
"I owe you an apology, {Y/N}," Steve stated.
You look at him through your lashes at the corner of your eye. "What exactly for, Captain?" you ask, busying yourself with your briefcase as he stood there looking apologetically at you.
"You were right, I just didn't want to listen. I didn't want you to be right because it would mean that for the last couple of years, I've been ignoring the people I've vowed to protect." He says, going back to looking at the images still being projected over the space. "I am sorry that I didn't listen to you when you told me that there were ways to change. I still don't really like the idea of you putting yourself into more danger, but I can see why we need this.  I am proud of you for following your heart." Steve says, looking at you, earnestness filling his blue eyes.
"You did save them from the big bad, and sometimes it's harder to admit we are wrong than we would like it to be. I forgive you, but next time I say something, at least try to be open. I may act like your typical 50's Housewife, but I can assure you I will kick your ass. We are a team, I am here to help you, just as much as you are here for me." You tell him as you come over to him, brushing your arm down his arm sweetly.
" How did I get to be such a lucky man?" He asks, giving you a dopey grin.
"You didn't do anything. You are just Steve. Now that I know you aren't going to skin me alive for fighting this battle, do you wanna go out to lunch?" You blush, picking up your briefcase.
"Whatever you want, sugar. I gotta show the world how beautiful and smart my best girl is. I mean, she is going to save the world, one village at a time." Steve says, wrapping you in his giant arms.
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retrauxpunk · 5 years ago
silicon valley grand finale recap: 6.07
everything under the cut, complete with spoilers :)
okay alec berg
you won me over as i suspected and hoped and wanted you to but i dared not hope too much because of what a clusterfuck 6.06 was in my opinion
i had low expectations as a defence mechanism
but i’ve just watched this magnificent 45-minute farewell behemoth of an episode and you know what? FINE. 
IT WAS REALLY REALLY GOOD and it’s good enough that i’m now slightly less mad about 6.06 because you know what OKAY the dumbass rushed-execution plotline about the AI — yeah okay now that the finale’s out, OKAY, YES, it was WORTH the russfest deus ex machina fucker to get THIS. 
a really good finale that i’m. HAPPY WITH.
i FELT THE EMOTIONS when i was meant to feel them! it resonated! it was brilliant!
oh man
i don’t know if i have too much to say because i’m just quite happy with it and now that the whole thing’s over, i no longer have the suspense? but okay let’s see
so firstly i woke up to a DM from some fucker (someone i’d intermittently chatted SV with on instagram after they reached out to me; someone who, prior to this, i would not have called a fucker) and all i saw were the notifications reading something like ‘have you seen the episode’ and ‘heartbreaking’ and i swear to god i was fucking livid because, like, i recognise that that’s not a spoiler DETAIL about PLOT per se but i’m one of those freaks who, when i really like something, i don’t want to know fucking ANYTHING! including the emotional reaction anyone has to it because then!! then!!!! i fucking start thinking about what happened! it’s giving me some kind of information that i previously did not have and which i did not want to have because i DO NOT WANT my experience coloured by other people’s reviews! because they give away SOMETHING
(if you were doubting the veracity of me relating to richard the most out of the characters. behold this petty rage and tell me i’m wrong)
(also i KNOW it could’ve just been saying ‘the show’s over now and that’s heartbreaking’ but the point is I DON’T KNOW THAT RIGHT because you only get a truncated view in notifications and it’s not like i’m gonna open the fucking chat to CHECK if it’s ACTUALLY A SPOILER at the risk of viewing S P O I L E R S)
(they don’t call me the richard hendricks bitch for nothing, that moniker has a new dimension now)
yeah so i blocked this guy (and then sent him a technically polite and civil but otherwise really fucking pissy DM in response after i’d watched the episode) and then went about my day
i had a good day, which was good. gotta be in the right mood to consume the final installment of my favourite tv show ever.
i started watching.
documentary, huh? this is. INTERESTING.
and it becomes clear that something’s fucked up. even without instagram fucker’s comment, it is clear. given the fact that richard looks like a lonely soul in a retirement home at the beginning of the documentary, with all the colours/backdrop and the weighty comments of how ‘everything was fine’
and then there’s the party ... hurray ... richard in the cake! love it. sometime do some fic/art of richard popping out of a cake in a jarrich context lol
monica’s gift of the text messages! that’s really sweet and i loved it.
also u fuckin nerd with the ellipsis comment........... tbh i get it, i appreciate that joke
I really enjoyed when jared mansplained and got bitten by monica lmao i just ............ i’m not fully able to articulate why i liked it but i REALLY ENJOYED IT hahah
GILFOYLE!! appearing with the lock the doors comment and cliff bars and a gun ...... oh boy i love him ;_;
i enjoy that they explicitly(ish) mention that gilfoyle’s an alcoholic lmao
also, dinfoyle shippers, gilfoyle passing out in the men’s room after a rendezvous with dinesh? huh? huh? -aggressively nudges and winks-
i love that it’s the combination of richard’s obsessive meticulousness and gilfoyle’s hardcore work ethic and security-mindedness that reveal this fatal flaw with pied piper. it’s a nice collaboration of sorts and it speaks kind of to each person’s greatest strengths (diligence, thoroughness) (i mean we know richard’s other greatest strength is the talent of his coding and gilfoyle’s other greatest strength is also his brilliance and also his being smoking hot but y’know i didn’t say greatest strength at the exclusion of others...)
YES GILFOYLE you have a strong moral compass and want to kill the monster!
laurie being in prison .......................for no clearly defined reason.....and her hair’s still perfect..... yeah i’m here for it. also she does strike me as someone who’d do pretty much fine in prison lmao 
i liked richard and jared’s rooftop conversation. i ..... i was annoyed with jared mentioning gwart because THAT WHOLE THING WITH GWART AND JARED LEAVING AND THEN COMING BACK AND THE I MISS YOU AND WHATEVER I DON’T CARE WHILE LITERALLY CRYING AND ALL OF THAT STILL FEELS LIKE AN ARC THEY STRAIGHT UP FORGOT TO CONTINUE/RESOLVE AND I’M STILL FUCKING MAD but aside from that i liked the conversation.
this whole series has been instance after instance of richard’s idealism and moral compass seeming to thwart his success because he refuses to do shitty things and instead chooses the harder but ultimately morally good path, and it’s ...... i love that this culminates in him making one of the most difficult/painful idealistic choices of all: let his dream of six years come to fruition and possibly (rather than certainly, at this point) ruin the whole fucking world, or kill his dream and really truly make the world a better place by SAVING THE FUCKIGN WORLD?
UGH YES *chef’s kiss*
love that jared’s agreeing with him/supporting him the whole time and you can fucking SEE richard calming down from his initial rage and seeing that, oh, okay, no, he has no choice, he Must kill the beast he has created...
and at that point screaming FUCK from the rooftop seems like a pretty sane response
love the cut to him in his i-mean-business blue hoodie (was it his blue hoodie? i can’t remember but i feel like it was?) being like ‘gilfoyle’s right’ lol
this was cool enough that i did not care about technological feasibility, Rule of Cool achieved
and dinesh’s speech about how he couldn’t be trusted! oh boy
like jared said, it was a magnificently courageous moment of cowardice. LOVE. IT.
(also i couldn’t help thinking, lol was this done as a response to kumail nanjiani’s schedule clashing with the others so they had to have all his scenes separate rom the rest of the cast? i mean either way they executed it stunningly)
oh BOY THE THING WITH GABE AND JOHN STAFFORD!!! and you know if gilfoyle had been friends with john stafford then maybe john would’ve fucking called gilfoyle and checked before fixing this shit!!
is this what they intended? i’m not sure. but it sure makes the gilfoyle chess subplot seem a lot less frustrating than the other going-nowhere-but-comedic-relief subplots that were in themselves fine but made me mad when i saw how rushed 6.6 was
gabe lmao
fuckin gabe
lmao i loved kumail nanjiani’s horrible wheezing as he opens the door and then despairs and then wheezes his way up the surprise additional stairs, i actually started laughing in my seat. brilliant physical comedy.
also loved gilfoyle’s ‘are you jacking off’ ‘did you do one push-up’ jibes lmao
oh and speaking of trusting dinesh. richard being like ‘dinesh you fucked us’ and then apologising and dinesh being all ‘you’re good, i’d think i fucked us too’ AHHH *chef’s kiss*
THE RATS? LMAO THE RATS? verging on maybe too ridiculous but I THINK I LIKED IT.
oh boy
oh man that convo on the roof! the only issue i had with that was jared being relegated to the seats behind them WHY ! WHY WAS THAT!! 
ok i’m gonna headcanon it as like, they were gonna make room for him but he was like ‘OH NO NEVER MIND I’LL SIT BEHIND YOU, I LIKE BEING ABLE TO WATCH OVER YOU ALL’ ok there i fixed it. it’s plausible and i fixed it.
gilfoyle drinking entire bottles of tres commas? man he’s so hot and alcohol-soaked i’m astonished he hasn’t spontaneously combusted yet
oh and now the present day................ (of the episode) ......
gavin as a trashy romance novelist and denpak as his long-suffering ghostwriter/collaborator? LOVE IT LMAO yeah sure why not!! and that scene when they’re arguing but then have this breakthrough about their novel in progress? AMAZING HAHAHAH i hope they’re happy together
I MEAN OKAY FIRSTLY he is well-qualified to be an ethics in tech professor given his experience
maybe gavin made a hefty donation to stanford and bighead gave enough of that to richard that richard doesn’t mind
maybe at this point richard’s developed a good enough sense of humour to tolerate it because if he didn’t, he’d go fucking insane
he said he was happy .................... was he? i’ve no fucking idea tbh. what do you guys think? richard’s happy with a high-paying non-stressful job, or richard’s sad and despairing? ......i’m gonna go with the former. maybe wistful. maybe he’ll start another company one day. idek.
god when he said his best friend gave him a job ... for a second i thought it was jared. but oh well. OH WELL. OH WELLLLL.
LOVE that big head is president of stanford and it’s not addressed AT ALL how that happened and you know what? we had enough of him failing upward that we don’t need an explanation! this seems totally plausible! amazing.
and josh brener’s acting when they’re like ‘do they call you that because your surname is bighetti’ .......... amazing
hey i just realised is NEWELL ROAD the place where the guy who bought dinesh’s laptop from the office clearance sale lived where gilfoyle turned up pretending to be geek squad to punch a hole in the laptop????!!
okay i just went back and checked and that’s not it. BUT newell road is the street the hacker hostel’s on!
which is fucking adorable and i love it.
i swear to god when they said there was a meeting i just briefly imagined the ‘meeting’ was them sneaking off to a supply closet to fuck or something
so we didn’t get jarrich but WE GOT THIS
okay whatevs i’ll take what i can get *blows coolly on nails*
jared working with the elderly! that thing about having parents and being someone’s parents! that’s so beautiful and makes so much sense it works somewhat as a salve to the darkly comedic but ultimately not really necessary punch to the gut that was the discovery about his biological parents.
judy reading one of gavin’s romance novels HAHAH YES
oh boy! the reunion!
i swear to god when richard and jared walked up to each other IT STILL FUCKING FELT LIKE THEY WERE GONNA KISS
everyone hugging!
to me, that’s him being like ‘look at these two. ten years and they’ve not realised they’re in love yet’ hahahha
oh and Monica working for the NSA? yeah i can see it hahahah
jian-yang’s crazy jungle empire? yeah fuckin checks out
dinesh referring to gilfoyle’s horrible corner hahaha it’s so clear they fucking love each other they wouldn’t have fucking started a company if they didn’t also THEY LIVE NEXT DOOR TO EACH OTHER WHAT THE FUCK OH MY GOD THANK YOU FOR THIS GIFT
at first i was like oh god did richard and jared not see each other for years??? but then there was that line about ‘i saw you last week’ and i’m so happy again. headcanon best friends (not to say that big head isn’t also a best friend of richard’s) and they catch up and love each other and then fall in love down the line (TIME TO WRITE A FIC LOL)
richard losing the thumb drive. HA.
good. good setup
now the spinoff of sv is this apocalyptic hellhole because the thumb drive fell into the wrong hands and now pied piper have gathered to face/fight the apocalypse
i..... could write that fic. i could.
i imagine in that apocalypseverse jared has super surprisingly become a ruthless leader of a tribe, dinesh and gilfoyle are dual rulers obviously (or like, scavenger rebels on the fringes), monica has a terrifying tribe of followers or has made herself indispensable to another leader, richard is working as a tech slave for someone horrible (or is out in the woods after being stranded away from civilisation when the first attacks/clusterfucks occur) but then gets rescued by jared/the rest .............. yeah
in short i really really liked it and i think the whole idea of them having to purposely fail to save the world from the terrible genius of what they’ve created is a fitting and deliciously bittersweet way to end this wild journey and i LOVE THIS WHOLE FUCKING SERIES and i don’t wish it had ended any other way
except for richard and jared kissing and sailing off into the sunset of course
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fae-fucker · 6 years ago
Zenith: Chapter 29-32
I realize leaving y’all hanging for a whole year like that in the snark, where our beloved heroes Andi and Dex had just been shot in their empty little heads, was very cruel of me. You guys must’ve been just DYING to know what happened.
Quick recap: Andi & Co are space pirates. They are captured by Andi’s ex Dex and the father of Andi’s childhood friend, whom she “murdered” by landing a ship bad. He asks her to get his son, who is in a dank dark prison. Andi does the thing with the help of Dex and her ragtag bunch of generic archetypes. 
We good?
Let’s go.
Chapter 29
We interrupt the 100% totally real threat of Andi and Dex being shot to death to have another boring-ass moment with Nor. She walks around in an underground lab feeling sorry for herself and thinking about how tragic her backstory is. We’re introduced to a two-headed scientist who could’ve been interesting in the hands of actually talented authors, but who doesn’t appear in the book after this point so she’s wasted. For some reason she’s also referred to as one person when the heads are clearly different individuals? Irl when there are two heads sharing one body the heads are different people with different names. You know, because the person is stored in the brain? Idk why Shinsay did this.
“Slowly, you dolt!” the right head screeched to the left. 
The left head huffed in annoyance. “I’m merely trying to give our queen a glimpse of her new toy.” 
“It’s a wonder I’ve been able to put up with you all these years,” the right head retorted. 
“You haven’t a choice, my dear,” the left said back.
I think this is supposed to be funny, but all I can think if is how everyone’s dialogue sounds exactly the same. 
We find out that this is where Nor’s people are developing the titular Zenith (except it’s not named yet, spoilers), and Nor wants to know if they’ve made any progress.
The two-headed scientist, Aclisia, says that the weapon is ready and that they only need a test subject. Did they develop this mind-altering thing without any previous test subjects? I mean I guess it makes sense that they’d need somebody unaffected by previous versions to test out the final product, but like ... Did the previous subjects die? That doesn’t bode well. 
Anyway, the test subject they have is one of the guards on Lunamere, where Andi and Dex were in the previous chapters. Nor is displeased that the guard “let them go,” and I want you to remember this line:
“You had one of the Unified System’s most wanted fugitives in my prison. And instead of keeping her there, where she could have been persuaded to join the right side of the galaxy...you lost her. [...]”
File that away for future reference, my pretties. 
Anyway, we end the chapter without even finding out what the drug does, because Shinsay love breaking their own pace and suspense because they have to rely on cliffhangers to keep people reading. 
Chapter 30
Oh Christ oh God it’s our girl Klaren again. It’s year twenty-four and despite five years passing this woman is still all about how she’s destined to die and everything in her life is crap, which, idk, mood I guess?
Xen Ptera is losing the war and Klaren is sick because of all the poison air or whatever. The king wants her to hide because enemy troops are closing in, and Klaren takes another moment to think about how she wasn’t supposed to fall in love and yadda yadda. 
Who’s ready for another Smaasism?
She wished she could go back. She wished she could change that passionate night they had shared, the careless days after and the tonic she’d forgotten to take...
You’d think in advanced space times they’d have more reliable birth control. 
Also ... wouldn’t the king expect an heir anyway? Like, we’ve seen that even the title of “general” is inherited in this shitfest of a universe, so wouldn’t he eventually catch on and insist on having a kid? Or if she claimed she couldn’t produce one, surely there would be tech to get around that? Idk. For all the future-sight this bitch had, she sure didn’t have any common sense. 
Klaren tells the king to take Nor and fuck off, and Darai says something about how she’s the strongest Yielded and how she must fulfill her duty. 
Which apparently includes going into the battlefield, which is conveniently right outside the palace, and mind-control General Cortas into wanting to fuck her so bad he forgot she was his enemy. 
Her husband was wrong. 
Hope was not dead. 
Hope, in the form of the queen’s sacrifice, had only just flickered to life.
This is framed as tragic and beautiful but she is about to mind-rape a man for years soooo get ready for some extremely uncomfortable shit.
Chapter 31
We’re back in Andi’s POV, except it’s still a fucking flashback. This time it’s to when Andi was still Kalee’s Spectre and lived with Valen and the other dingdongs. And then we get actually good writing?
During meals, when Andi and the other Spectres stood guard, she’d watch him curiously. Valen usually sat in the farthest seat from his father, hunched forward as if he were battling some deep, silent pain. Sometimes she’d catch him staring at her with his strange, unblinking hazel eyes, his paint-stained fingers gripping his golden fork like a weapon he didn’t want to use.
Like I’m into this. It’s showing and not telling, mysterious and intriguing without being on the nose, and for once Andi doesn’t have all the cards and knows what Valen is inside and out, so his character doesn’t become obvious. Like, he’s battling some pain, but he’s also reluctant to use a weapon? That could mean anything! In a good way!
This good chunk is also immediately ruined by the following descriptions, which point out that indeed, all the other kids talk about Valen and how WEEEEYOOORDDD he is, and how he’s constantly covered in paint, because that’s what artists look like, I guess. Catch me bodyslamming a freshly painted park bench to prove I know color theory.
We’re also told that Valen never got a personal Spectre for spooooooky reasons. He just doesn’t feel like a proper part of the family, ya know? I wonder that it all could meeeeaaaaaan. 
This is all told to us just so we can revisit the part where Valen tries to stop Andi and Kalee from going on a joyride. Kalee insults him for a bit, and then Valen drops some more foreshadowy dialogue about how he hopes this birthday is everything Kalee wants it to be. 
Chapter 32
Lira has been literally counting seconds since they left Andi. 
She recaps everything that happened three chapters ago, saying they executed their secret plan with the “ultimate amount of finesse” before noting that despite obeying Andi’s direct orders to run, she feels like a traitor. 
Your captain is in chains, a voice whispered in the back of her mind. You should be by her side. Instead, you’re running. 
All you ever do is run.
I have literally no idea how this is even a little bit relevant considering that they’re waiting for Andi and Dex to return and aren’t moving anywhere. By the way, Andi and Dex are thirty minutes late. Which freaks Lira out because THAT WASN’T IN THE PLAN. 
Her scales start freaking out and she’s about to overheat. Holy shit, how are you still alive? 
Honestly, this is a pretty accurate depiction of someone with an anxiety disorder, but I think we’re supposed to think Lira is emotional or analytical or loyal or whatever. I doubt Shinsay have the finesse required to write something like this on purpose, so this just reads as incompetence. 
Apparently Andi said that if they’re late, the girls are supposed to flee and save themselves, and Lira is starting to get antsy. 
Ok so ... just moments ago you were worried about how you’re always running away. So why is your first instinct when your beloved captain is THIRTY MINUTES LATE to book it? Like. Calm the fuck down. Thirty fucking minutes, in space? Can you chill??? 
Lira whines more about how this is the second time this week that she’s second-in-command and she hates it. Hey why not give that responsibility to Breck, who’s always calming everyone down? Would that make too much sense? 
Lira goes to her room to mope and angst about how she likes being alone. It’s riveting. She thinks about how this crew is her SOUL and how much she LOVES them. Which we can see by her sitting alone in her room thinking about how much she loves them, obviously.
She continues to angst about how her dad died of Space Plague, and her mom became a drunk because ... Idk, that’s what moms do in books like these. But lo, she and her brother got taken in by their Cool Aunt, who then wanted them to Do Things when they grew up, and Lira doesn’t want to Do Things, she wants to fly around and Crime. 
So she left her home planet because her Cool Aunt wanted her to Do Too Much Stuff, and the weight of her expectations crushed Lira, who must soar the skies like the beautiful bald blue bird she is. 
The other girls interrupt this godawful exposition dump by inviting Lira to play some Not!Pokémon. And we get this exchange, which I included in my review, and yes, it’s real:
“Hope is a raging asshole,” Gilly said. 
“Explain to me, Gilly,” Breck said with a sigh, “how exactly can an asshole rage?”
Lira choked on a sudden, unexpected laugh. “I swear, the two of you. You were both born with my brother’s sarcastic soul.”
This bloated and repetitive nonsense that apparently passes for character development is interrupted by Alfie, who’s gotten out of the waste bay. We’re reminded that this ship doesn’t have any mechanics, because of course, and Alfie makes a reference about how the ship’s AI’s voice is turning him on. 
It appears Lira has gotten a message from Soy to come and get Andi and Dex.
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tinamaetales · 5 years ago
Thirteenth K Drama: I am not a robot
They said that no man is an island but what if a person chooses to live in seclusion because of his allergy to his fellow human? Is that really possible for someone to survive just by himself? Is it possible for a human to have an allergy by having even the slightest human contact?  And what triggers such allergy? I am not a Robot is a romantic comedy drama that tells us the story of Kim Min Kyu, the Director of KM Financial Corporation, who lived 15 years of his life in seclusion – avoiding human contact at all cost.  Until, he met a robot that looks exactly like a human, AJI 3. With AJI 3, he was able to interact with her as if she’s a human and his allergy is not being triggered because he knows that it is just a robot and not a human. But what if the AJI 3 that he knows is actually not a robot?
For a successful man like Kim Min Kyu, Director of KM Financial Corporation, you would think that he has it all in life. Sure, he’s rich, good looking and intelligent but if there’s one thing weird about him is that he’s not fond of being near with people. And by that I mean, you’re not literally allowed to have even a slightest contact with him for there would be an extreme allergic reaction on his body. Despite being the chairman of a large corporation, Min Kyu is seldom seen in their office and when he shows up, everyone’s instructed to hide and is not allowed to go near him. Although he never told anyone about it, it has become the norm in their office. He’s always fully clothed and even wears gloves no matter the weather and he also carries a “baton” which gained him the title “three part baton”. What people around him don’t know is that the reason why he behaves that way is because he has an extreme allergy with human contact. Ever since his parents died, he lives alone in their mansion (although he has a butler but he lives in a different house). He doesn’t trust anyone for at such a young age he already experiences betrayal and that traumatized him so bad that even a slight touch would cause for an extreme allergic reaction. And then, he met the Santa Maria Team. They are a group of scientists who specializes in creating the most advanced robot. They introduced Min Kyu to AJI 3; AJI 3 is a super advanced AI robot that functions and look exactly like a human but is more intelligent than an average human. Seems like an answered prayer for Min Kyu who’s been living his life in seclusion however, before they can even get the chance to send AJI 3 to Min Kyu it encounters a problem. Out of desperation, they seek the help of Jo Ji A, the human that AJI 3 was modeled after. They made Ji A pretend as AJI 3 until they fix the real robot. What will happen now that the AJI 3 that Min Kyu knows is actually NOT a robot?
Okay, I know this is another drama that would make me say “I can relate so much to the main character” but I swear this time it is on a whole different level of connection. Early this year, I was diagnosed with Social Anxiety Disorder and the name itself is already the clue that it has something to do with being around people. Actually, I can tolerate people when they’re about a kilometer (I’m bad at this measurement thing, sorry) away from me and they’re minding their own businesses. But once I get myself in a crowd and people starts being noisy and if bad luck would have it, they will strike a conversation with me, I will start having panic attacks. It will start with having difficulty in breathing, then my heart would feel like it beats faster than normal which will then led to the feeling of my chest tightening and then the rest of my body would be numb. I would have this paranoia that those people would hurt me. Most of the time I will run to the nearest bathroom but sometimes if I’m lucky enough to have a brown bag, I would inhale through it. When I started taking my meds for my anxiety disorder, the attacks lessened and somewhat become milder. So there are days wherein I would be confident enough to not take the meds at all – some days are good because I get to have zero attacks but there are days wherein I would have at least 2-3 attacks. The worst part is that, I work outside Cavite and has to take public transportation. The work that I have is related to frontline services so imagine the kind of suffering I have to endure for months before my former boss decided to transfer me to the back-end operations office (God Bless her, she’s the best!) Now that I’m not in the frontline, I can say that I’ve calmed down already. However, there are still series of attacks. I guess it will really take time – maybe years, before I can recover. I’m not rushing into things but sometimes I feel so bad about it – it makes me feel like I’m not normal and will never be. In Min Kyu’s case, it was more visible physically. A slight contact with another human would result to him having severe allergic reaction in which his body will be covered with rashes and he will also have difficulty in breathing. It was somehow deadly. His doctor pointed out that it was being triggered psychologically since Min Kyu doesn’t trust anyone. So, his body would definitely react when another human, whom he doesn’t trust, would make a contact with him. The root cause was the betrayal he experienced when he was still younger. After that, he doesn’t have the ability to trust anyone anymore. Who could blame him, though? Humans tend to do that all the time – betrayal, even though you’ve shown them nothing but kindness. I truly understand why Min Kyu chooses to live in seclusion. Most of the time, it is better to just be alone than be with people who will turn their backs on you once they’ve realized that the benefits they’re gaining from associating their selves with you ran out. What makes this story unique is that it shows the journey of Min Kyu’s healing and the romance aspect is a beautiful addition to that. Its theme might be rom-com but there really is more to it.
Picking up the broken pieces
As they say, pain changes people and I truly believe that. Min Kyu’s life changed drastically after his parents died and at such a young age he was forced to face the world by himself. He chose to live in seclusion as to not get hurt anymore. He ended up being a bit arrogant because of that. As I’ve said earlier, I can truly understand where he is coming from. Most of the time, dealing with people is stressful. I’ve experienced a lot of horrible things with people too, especially at school wherein bullying is common and sometimes can’t be helped. Once you’ve experienced betrayal, trusting people again would be a challenge. Min Kyu kept his guard up as to not experience the same kind of pain he’d been through when he was young. However, even though he won’t admit it, he’s lonely. Having that kind of medical condition didn’t only affect him physically but also morally and psychologically. He can’t even enlist himself in the military and fulfill his obligation as a citizen of his country because of it. But I guess fate is on his side because he gets to meet the Sta. Maria Team who are developing the most advanced AI robot. With AJI3 by his side, he slowly learns how to face the world again. It was as if AJI3 gives him the confidence and assurance that despite the craziness of the world, if you have at least one person by your side that you can trust, then life is bearable.
Nobody’s perfect
I’ve read this phrase somewhere online before and I couldn’t agree more to it: We are very good judges with the mistakes or others but are also very good lawyers with our own. And, I can pretty much relate it to Min Kyu’s situation, somehow.
It is already a given fact that in this world, people has the ability to hurt and disappoint us whether it be intentional or not and that’s okay because it is part of our journey and character development. What we often forget is that everyone makes mistakes for nobody’s perfect – something that Min Kyu seems to be struggling with. He tend to get mad at the slightest mistake of his employees without thinking that most of the time he is being too much; he is already hurting people. Sending AJI 3 to him is actually a good step towards “transforming” him to become and live like a normal human being should be however due to the circumstances, the Santa Maria Team has to do something out of desperation, a “detour”
 Letting go
Someone once told me that in order for me to live better, I must let go of all the negative emotions that I am carrying – anger, pain, resentment. It is not easy but once you’ve done it, you will feel better – as if something heavy has been lifted off your chest. It is when you learn that the world is cruel yet you can make it become less of it that can make you feel more at ease – acceptance is the key.
Min Kyu is not anti-human, he’s just protecting himself from the pain he once experienced that’s why he ended up that way and I totally get where he is coming from when he gets mad at the Santa Maria Team and Ji A for manipulating him. Although their intention’s a bit good, what they’ve done is dangerous and lies, no matter how big or small, are still lies and they are not good. What Min Kyu has to learn, the hard way though, is that there will always be people who would hurt you and betray you but that’s okay because what they do and/or say actually says more about them than you. And even him, he can also hurt people, may it be unintentional or not but what’s important is you know how to accept mistakes and learn from it. After all, a single mistake should not define who a person is. People change, they do it all the time so we should be ready to forgive because despite the cruelties in this world, there are still a lot of people who are willing to learn from their mistakes and make up for it. Sometimes we do things that can hurt people that we never intended to and it sucks that we can’t just go back in time to change it, we only have the present to make up for the mistakes of the past and I strongly believe that we all deserve a second chance. At the end of the day, the good will always outweigh the bad.
It is when he decided to let go of all the anger, resentment and grief that he’s been carrying on his shoulders ever since he was young that he finally opened himself to love – self love. It is when he realized that people make mistakes but that doesn’t mean that they won’t learn from them and change for the better that he was able to open his heart to accept people in his life again. Of course there would still be people who will try to take advantage of him but upon realizing that those people can be outnumbered and overpowered by those who truly care for him, then life is still worth fighting for. Min Kyu’s journey towards healing is a great inspiration. This drama is really something else. There are a lot of life lessons that we can get from it. Give it a chance, go watch it I promise you won’t regret it.
for more of my kdrama review, click here: https://tinamaetales.tumblr.com/tagged/k-drama
PS, I have so much backlog with my kdrama review/reflection posts (the ones I am posting so far are the kdramas I’ve watched in 2018! ) because I just recently recovered my tumblr account wew
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merryfortune · 6 years ago
001. Precure in general. 002: HikaLala. 003: Himari Arisugawa? (not all of them, just what you would like to answer, if any at all)
PreCure in general
Favorite character: Emiru Aisaki
Least Favorite character: this is… highkey unfair and for no good reason but that Towa girl. I’m like 2 episodes away from the violinist princess getting redeemed in Go Princess PreCure but I stan Yui so hard that in my eyes, Towa is the reason that Yui isn’t able to become the Princess of Music & Art
5 Favourite ships (canon or non-canon): Emiru/Lulu, Haruka/Kirara, Hikaru/Lala, Nozomi/Coco, Haruka/Close but there are more but these ones with the most interesting story or dynamic
Character I find most attractive: don’t at @ me but I think Close (and Shut) are both gorgeous as all hell (I like thots apparently)
Character I would marry:
Character I would be best friends with: Emiru!!!!!!!!!!
A random thought: where is all the fic ;w;
An unpopular opinion: I really liked how the Homare has a crush on Harry plot was handled. Maybe it’s because I remember/was in Homare’s position once (16/17 year old me was hot for teacher lol), I really liked how she found closure for herself without having to confess her feelings. I dislike how vehemently fandom will deny that this plotline even took place because I think young girls, who will develop crushes on unattainable/older men, need to be shown stories of how to handle those feelings without placing themselves in danger of being preyed on.
My canon OTP: Akira/Yukari (look, if the dub had to ungay them, that must make them canon)
Non-canon OTP: gonna give this to Ichika/Himari because I shipped them before Emiru was introduced I’m p sure so they get seniority privileges
Most badass character:
Pairing I am not a fan of: tbh I think I can give most precure ships a chance but I did see some Smile PreCure ships where I’m ehhh on. I only like Nao/Reika from that set. all the others should stick to being friends.
Character I feel the writers screwed up (in one way or another): I think this goes without saying but Hana. Saaya, and Homare got super screwed over by Hugtto having a lot of Emiru/Lulu subplots. Also, Yui. She should have gone PreCure.
Favourite friendship: I mostly read said friendship as romantic but Emiru and Lulu……… they’re best friends oh my god
when or if I started shipping it: hmmmm middle of episode 1; definitely cemented by the end of episode 2 lol
my thoughts: I wrote a meta on them so I have a lot which mostly boils down to a lot of great symbolism between them gives them subtextual evidences, they hold hands a lot canonically so that’s cute, and it’s just a great ship
What makes me happy about them: Hikaru gets an alien girlfriend aND ITS FANTASTIC
What makes me sad about them: the Hikoboshi and Orihime parallels between them heavily implies that sometime in the future, they will separate and they will only have miniscules chances of continually/regularly seeing each other thereafter ;v;
Things done in fanfic that annoys me: me, who owns a lot of property in the hikalala fanfic tag on ao3, jack and shit, babe!
Things I look for in fanfic: anything which accentuates Lala’s alien-ness
My kinks: look… Lala can generate electricity…. that gives a lot of stimulation play scenarios but mostly… nah
Who I’d be comfortable them ending up with, if not each other: I like these ships a lot - Hikaru/Yuni, Lala/Yuni, and Lala/Madoka
My happily ever after for them: they go off traipsing the universe, exploring. Hikaru takes after her father and writes a book on her travels whilst Lala uses the information to update the Saman Planet AI because I’d love to see a plot twist where the AI isn’t quite as benevolent as Lala trusts it is so she takes it upon herself to remedy it (using the Rainbow Planet Tragedy as a catalyst for said goal or as foreshadowing towards it)
Himari Arisugawa
How I feel about this character: I was expecting to fall totally head over heels in love with either Aoi or Yukari since their animal motifs are both feline and I’m a major cat person but instead, Himari managed to steal my heart before either of them got the chance. I super relate to her and see a lot of myself and some of my struggles (particularly in social situations) in her. so yeah. I love my squirrel daughter.
All the people I ship romantically with this character: Ichika
My non-romantic OTP for this character: no one in canon springs to mind…  which brings to mind something else… so this is out of the left-field but I had a dream once where Spectre met all the KiraKira PreCure A La Mode girls but it was Himari whom he bonded the most with in said dream (kind of “I’ve only had Himari for five minutes but if anything happened to her, I’d kill everyone in this room and then myself” type situation or maybe its more comparable to the reaction image of the samurai dude (spectre) with the cat (himari)). anyway long story short, her and spectre because if one favourite character makes me happy then two makes me even happier.
My unpopular opinion about this character: she is the best girl of KiraKira PreCure A La Mode.
One thing I wish would happen/had happened with this character in canon: can’t remember if this happens or not but I swear KiraKira forgot at some point that the girls gained animal characteristics (so, in Himari’s case, her superspeed) so I would have liked to see that explored more. also in a kind of Tokyo Mew Mew twist, I would have liked to see Himari (and by extension, all the girls) deal with their new animal natures in their civilian forms too… like, this might be too lore heavy for PreCure but I would have liked to see Himari (and I guess this applies to all the girls) deal with becoming “part fairy” (just like Pekorin and Ciel had to deal with becoming part human). TLDR: more Squirrel characteristics from Himari, please!!! because I am a furry!!!!
My OTP: Ichika/Himari
My OT3: i don’t have any but if I was at gunpoint, the options I suppose I could live with are Rio/Ichika/Himari (gee, Ichika, who let you have a girlfriend AND a boyfriend) or Aoi/Himari/Ichika because apparently Aoi/Himari is a semi-popular ship???
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marvelmando · 7 years ago
let there be light - pt. 2
summary: y/n has been living with tony stark since she was three, after a lab accident killed her parents, and left her with the ability to create and manipulate light. since then, she battles as an avenger, and eventually, as a babysitter for a certain new hero. she doesn’t mind it though, because she’s always wanted to live a normal teenage life… and possibly also because peter’s cute.
contains: swearing, angst, fluff
notes: what the actual fuck the last chapter literally blew up i don’t think i can say thank you enough????? i appreciate every single message, reply, note, and reblog, and im sorry if i don’t respond, or upload frequently. i just had major back surgery and im now back at school so im literally drowning in make-up work. but ill try my very very best!!! also: please send me an ask if you’d like to be in my taglist! if you only reply i can’t promise i will see it :) but thank you all sososososo much!!
part 1
Tumblr media
For the following two months, Tony you prepare to go undercover at Midtown School of Science and Technology as yourself, Y/N Stark.
Now, you weren’t really the biological child of Tony’s, but his adoptive daughter. For reasons you didn’t know, you’d been sent to live with Tony when you were three, after an accident had killed your parents. Or, at least, you pretended not to know. The real reasons were strictly confidential, and only a handful of people knew besides Tony, Nick Fury, Phil Coulson, and the highest ranks in government.
Keeping secrets was second nature to you by now, which made you ideal for an undercover mission. Also, Natasha had taught you a few things after your heroic debut in the Battle of New York, wherein after you became a full-fledged Avenger despite only being 11 years old.
The world had not yet known that Tony Stark had a daughter, whether biological or not, which made you unsure. However, Tony made the point that you were going to grow up into an adult one day, and he hoped that you would keep his surname. Of course, as a slightly anxiety-ridden girl, you worried that would cause a lot of unwanted attention towards you. But Tony was right. Besides, what other surname could you use?
Now, you weren’t really going undercover at Midtown. You didn’t have a fake name or a fake backstory, like you usually would. You were just... you. But you were going undercover to Peter, as Artemis. You would watch over him, guide him as a fellow superhero by night, and a friendly girl by day.
Luckily, and not surprisingly, Tony had already thought ahead.
Now that he didn’t have much to worry about Steve Rogers and Bucky Barnes, he put most of his effort into this spider kid. Sometimes you wouldn’t see Tony for days, as he holed himself away in his workshop, only briefly scampering to the kitchen for water and food.
You were concerned about Tony. You knew about his nightmares, and vaguely about something called Thanos, but every time you tried to confront him, Tony would shut you down.
“Hey, Kiddo, ready for your first day of school?” A brown paper bag plopped on the counter in front of you.
Looking up, you saw Tony across from you, sporting a tight smile. The corner of your lips twitched as you snatched the bag. “Ready as ever.”
Tony drove you to school in his Audi R8, obviously the most conservative car he owned. The drive was long and silent, as you mulled over everything that could possibly go wrong.
As if he could hear your thoughts, Tony awkwardly reached over the console and patted your hand, which was rested on your knee. “You’re gonna do fine, Light-bulb. After all, you are a Stark.”
This made you smile genuinely, as you thanked him with your eyes. For the past twelve years you’ve lived with Tony, as much as he was caring, you never felt like you belonged there. As much as you had the last name, you weren’t sure that you could be a Stark.
Pulling into the school, you could see heads turning as you passed, through the tinted windows. You instinctively shrunk in your seat, feeling as if bugs were crawling over your skin.
The car in front of you, a silver convertible, honked its horn twice, as a lanky figure dodged it as he crossed the street. Almost immediately, you recognized the boy as Peter. He hurried up the stairs of the school, and you had Tony stop the car.
You stumbled out of the car, giving Tony a quick goodbye. You barely noticed the whispers and the glances as you hurried your pace to catch up with the boy.
“Peter!” You whisper-yelled, although you weren’t sure why. It’s not like you were trying to keep your interactions a secret.
After months of doing research on his powers, you knew he had heightened senses. However, if he heard you, he didn’t act like it. You figured he hadn’t, due to the earbuds in his ears, and the loud chattering of the students.
You pushed your way through the crowd, watching as Peter slipped in the front doors. You kept him in your sight, weaving through the conglomerates of social groups clogging up the hallways.
At one point, something had tugged on your hair, hard. Apparently, one of the students had a drone of some sort, and was struggling to control the thing. It got caught in your hair as you passed, and the boy holding the control squeaked as the drone continued to malfunction. Trying not to break the device, you took hold of it.
You untangled your strands from the metal, and handed it back to the kid. He was younger than you, skinny, with dark skin and glasses too large for his face. He took his drone with shaky hands, and pushed his glasses back up his nose. He stuttered out an apology, and you gave him a warm smile.
“Try fixing the circuit board, one of the motor hinges is loose.” You said as you walked away from him. The kid’s jaw dropped. You laughed to yourself.
Once again looking for a sign of the curly-haired boy, you made your way down the hall. You noticed a group of cheerleaders, who had suddenly taken an interest in you. They whispered among themselves, looking you up and down as you passed. You gripped the strap of your backpack tighter.
You almost hadn’t seen it, but there Peter was, at a locker behind the cheerleaders.
“Peter!” You sighed in relief, and hurried towards him. “Thank god I found you, I almost—” 
You stopped shortly when you noticed the larger boy across from Peter, mouth open mid-sentence, and holding a small Lego figure. “Is that Emperor Palpatine?”
Both boys’ eyes widened.
“Um, hey, Y/N, ri—right? What—uh, what are you doing here?” Peter laughed awkwardly, folding his arms. “And—you know who Emperor Palpatine is?”
You shrugged, clutching your backpack. “I’ve got a lot of time on my hands. But um, yeah, I kind of go here now?”
The chubby boy looked back and forth between you and Peter, obviously confused.
“Oh! Um, Y/N this is Ned, my best friend. Ned, this is Y/N—”
“Hi,” You held your hand out so he could shake it. He seemed hesitant, still perplexed at how you and Peter knew each other. “I, um, work for Tony Stark. That’s how we know each other.”
“Right!” Peter cried, realizing now what your angle was. “The internship.”
Ned seemed satisfied at this answer, the shy expression from earlier gone and replaced with a bright grin. “Well, you like Star Wars! Right? Because I got this sick Death Star Lego set, and it has 3,803 pieces!”
“That’s insane!”
“Wow, that sounds rad.” You chuckled, and you heard the group of cheerleaders snicker, as one of them didn’t even attempt to hide their distaste as the said, “so lame”. You looked down at your feet, hiding your face as you tried to contain your embarrassment.
“I know right! So I was wondering if you wanted to build it tonight?” The three of you began to walk down the halls, and you walked beside Peter, Ned on his other side. “You can come too, Y/N!”
Before you could respond, Peter stepped in. “No, I can’t tonight, I’ve got the Stark—”
“Stark internship. Always about that internship.” Peter scratched his neck. “What about you, then, Y/N, or do you have the internship too?”
“No, um, I’m free tonight.” You smiled across at Ned. You were looking forward to go home so you could read or work of Spider-Man’s AI system, but you reminded yourself that this was good—normal. Hanging out with other teens after school. Right?
Peter shot you a look but you avoided his gaze.
The two friends began to discuss jobs, but you watched your feet, clutching your class schedule from your pocket.
While Ned talked on about the Death Star, Peter’s focus drifted. His footsteps faltered, and his eyes pinched in the corners so it looked like they were smiling. Curious as to what caught Peter’s attention, you followed his gaze.
Whoever this girl was, she was beautiful. Her skin was tan and smooth, and even though she was only in a sweater and a skirt, she still managed to look like a model. Her lips were full and her eyes were warm, and you couldn't help but shiver. You looked down at yourself, noting the dull skin color and frizzy hair, paired with jeans and your old band t-shirt, and wondered if anyone would ever look at you like that.
Glancing at your schedule with a heavy heart and an aching feeling behind your nose, you realized that class started in just five minutes and you still had no idea where you were going.
“Hey, um, do either of you have AP Physics with Mrs. Warren?” You asked.
Ned nodded. “Yeah, Peter does. He could take you there.”
Peter smiled to himself, although it appeared as though he wasn’t even listening to you. “Yeah, that’d be great.”
At that moment, a sharp ringing noise sounded. You cringed at the horrible sound. “That’s the warning bell.” Ned told you.
“I’m gonna be late, shit.” You glanced up at Peter. You grabbed his clothed arm gently, drawing him out of his trance. Looking down at you, you took in the warmth of his dark eyes. “You ready?”
He nodded, head turning to catch the pretty, dark-skinned girl disappear behind a wall of lockers.
As it turned out, you shared all of your classes with Peter Parker. You were grateful to have someone you knew in all of your classes, but you were annoyed at the great probability that Tony had meddled in your scheduling. You had to remind yourself, however, that you were not just here for the hell of it, but you were actually supposed to be “babysitting” the new hero.
But as much as you tried to tell yourself that this was only a mission, you couldn’t help but feel like this was going to turn into something much more.
At the moment, Peter sat next to you with his head buried in the screen of his laptop, as he diligently watched a video of Spider-Man stopping a car from smashing into the side of a bus. You rolled your eyes at his lack of subtly. How did everyone not know his secret by now?
“Okay, so how do we calculate linear acceleration between points A and B?” The teacher pointed to the board, and then to a kid that sat in the row in front of you. “Flash.”
“It’s the product of sine of the angle and gravity divided by mass.” He answered confidently. You snickered, knowing he got it wrong.
“Nope.” Mrs. Warren said. “Peter. You still with us?”
Peter’s head snapped up, only taking a second to look at the board before answering. “Uh, yeah, yeah.” He shut his laptop carefully. “Uh... Mass cancels out, so it’s just gravity times sine.”
Looking at him from the corner of your eye, you were impressed at how easily Peter managed to get everything correct, despite the distractions.
The teacher also seemed impressed, but not surprised. “Right. See, Flash, being the fastest isn’t always the best if you are wrong.”
As the class snickered, Flash turned in his seat to Peter and whispered, “You’re dead.”
You narrowed your eyes at the boy. You wanted to reach over and smack him upside the head, but you promised to behave. For some reason, Peter had been glancing back at the clock hanging up on the wall every couple of minutes.
The next period, Peter had used the opportunity to mix some of his web fluid right in the middle of class. You were close to screaming at that point. This kid was definitely going to get caught. You made sure to warn him with a harsh whisper whenever the chemistry teacher neared.
After that was lunch. You sat across Ned and Peter, and glanced down the nearly empty table, save for the girl immersed in a book a couple of seats down. Digging into your school-bought lunch, you noticed Peter’s glazed over eyes as his head rested on his propped up arm.
You turned, realizing he was staring at the same pretty girl from earlier, who stood on a ladder, hanging up a paper sign that had “Homecoming Is Almost Here! Are You Ready” in painted cursive. You turned back around, stabbing your steamed broccoli angrily with your fork. 
You weren’t sure why exactly you were mad, you barely knew Peter. Perhaps it was the adoring and endearing look in Peter’s expression that made your stomach twist itself into knots.
“Did Liz get a new top?” Peter said absentmindedly. You glanced up, but he was still transfixed on the girl, Liz. Even her name was beautiful.
No. We’ve seen that before, but never with that skirt.” Ned answered.
“We should probably stop staring before it gets creepy.” Peter mentioned, but it seemed like he wasn’t planning on stopping any time soon.
“Too late.” The girl a couple of seats piped up, startling you. You faintly noticed a purple section in her ponytail. “You guys are losers.” She turned back to her novel.
“And absolutely ludicrous.” You quipped, and met eyes with the girl, who gave you a small, amused smirk in return.
“Well, then why do you sit with us?” Ned pointed out.
“Because I don’t have any friends.” The girl responded, effectively ending the conversation.
Somehow, Tony managed to get you into the Academic Decathlon team with little dispute, which is where you went next.
You sat on the sidelines, observing the team, as Liz quizzed them. The members were funny and eccentric, and you liked most of them, except for Flash, who was on the team somehow.
You watched Peter as he talked to the team’s sponsor, Mr. Harrington. “Peter, it’s Nationals. Is there no way you can take one weekend off?”
“I can’t go to Washington because if Mr. Stark needs me, I have to make sure I’m here.” Peter said, clearly exasperated. You watched him intently, wanting to say something about how Tony would most likely not call on him for another mission again anytime soon, but feared his response in case he grew suspicious.
“You’ve never even been in the same room as Tony Stark.” Flash shouted.
“Wait, what’s happening?” One girl asked.
“Peter’s not going to Washington.” Said another girl, lying on the floor on her stomach next to them.
Cries of protest came from Peter’s teammates, as one kid, who you knew was Abraham, dinged the bell to ask, “Why not?”
“Really?” Liz asked, genuinely concerned but too sweetly for your liking. “Right before Nationals?”
“He already quit marching band and robotics club.” The girl from lunch, Michelle, Peter told you, mentioned. As heads turned to look curiously at her, she simply shrugged. “I’m not obsessed with him; I’m just very observant.”
“Flash, you’re in for Peter.” Liz announced.
“Oof, I don’t know.” Flash said. “I gotta check my calendar first. I got a hot date with Artemis coming up.”
Before you could stop yourself, you snorted loudly. “As if.” You scoffed, before realizing what you had said. Everyone looked at you, and you hid your face behind your hair again.
The rest of the school day, Peter grew increasingly restless. By the time the final bell rung, Peter shot out of his seat and bolted for the door.
You could have easily caught up to him if you were allowed to use your powers, and you were practically itching to release the contained energy. But you couldn’t, so you didn’t.
“Peter!” You called out to him, crashing through the doors after him. You saw him jump the extremely tall fence, and cursed at him silently.
Knowing already what you needed to do, you met Happy in the car waiting for you the next street down.
“Happy, take me home, and make it quick. I gotta change.”
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love-max1982-us · 4 years ago
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They know how inconsistent the curriculum is from teacher to teacher. He was fully convinced, however, up to the very last minute, that he was only leaving her for six weeks and that their wedding would take place on his return. Just wanted to let all of you know! That all of your words of encouragement today meant the world to me. He is a graduate of Oklahoma State University and has a master's degree in international relations from George Washington University. When Edd caught sight of the ragged band of wildlings, he pursed his lips and gave the giant a long look. The subject was indefinitely postponed. Success in music these days is a bifurcated proposition; you either have one of a rare number of big hits, or your products barely scrape by (it's that way in the movie business, too). A post race party and trophy presentation will be held afterward inside the fort. That much was true, Selmy knew. In the event you have additional questions that are not covered by others, please feel free to requeue and we will do our best to come back to you. Do you realize what an insult it was? In her horror and, above all, her pride, she drew back from him with infinite contempt. It is the quad core gpu that izraeli kézműves ékszerek is working 4 times harder than the dual core gpu it replaced. My opinion of NFL players is that the vast majority of them are regular guys. While the company relies mostly on e commerce, consumer packaged goods and entertainment, it starting to prove its value to vehicle manufacturers.. "People might think it's a joke store or a children's toy store. If one really might call her a child she belonged to that class of thinking children who are fairly numerous in our Russian families. Will Ackerman, Grammy award winner and founder of Windham Hill Records, puts Lanier "among the finest pianists and composers on oneil mellény the contemporary scene; playing music filled with soaring inspiration papuci de casa din pasla and remarkable peace." Admission is $15 for adults and $10 for students. With so many gooey cheeses on board, there's barely room for the noodles themselves, which results in a "super creamy, dreamy" mac and cheese that Guy dove into on Diners, Drive Ins and Dives. Neither team scored again until late in the third. "It's not an exaggeration to say the world stands at a crossroads on air max 90 ultra se climate change. The calcaneus and malleoli should also be observed for normality of shape and position.Weight Bearing Position, Medial View The longitudinal arches of the foot are the primary concern in this view. It is an oak aged Belgian pale ale, brewed with apricots. Golden Shoes separates itself by wrapping Christian's soccer story around his missing father and the deceitful neighbor (played by Eric Roberts) who takes him in after his mother's accident.. Yes those are GPUs but I am sure that AMD has had 45nm CPU models in their lab for quite some time now. Dottie Pope, a retired pharmacist and stay at home mom, represents the bulk of our readership Brentwood moms and she keeps them foremost in our minds.. Its neighbors are not supine, and they show on occasion, when needed, that they are able to coalesce against Chinese actions that they judge as going too far. He had been reading Uncle Tom’s Cabin, and spoke of it as a novel, which, like other romances, was well calculated to excite the sympathies, by the recital of heart-touching incidents which never had an existence, except in the imagination of the writer.”. He has cursed his daughter, and he came yesterday to ask you to take his daughter’s place. There were numbers of tenants in the building, almost all artisans or German women who let lodgings with board and attendance. We await results of judicial proceedings before commenting on the matter. Much of the evening, it was men among boys and in a lot of ways they imposed their will on us. In nearly all cases, the goods made in those regions came back to the United States as imports.. In another twist, Vroman sang a fascinating two in one number melding the Jewel Song aria from Gounod's "Faust" with "I biciclete rusesti vechi Feel Pretty," batteria ai polimeri di litio amazon from "West Side Story." She is gorgeously, operatically trained and perfectly professional. Now, the reader will perhaps be surprised to know that such an incident as the sale of Cassy apart from Eliza, upon which the whole interest of the foregoing narrative hinges, never could have taken place in Louisiana, and that the bill of sale for Eliza would not have been worth the paper it was written on.—Observe. I offered a reward of fifty dollars, and have him here safe in jail. Bryan Cranston, the "Breaking Bad" star who denied Hamm the award three times before, was nominated again for his role as a teacher embroiled in drug puma red bull racing evo cat ii trafficking. Such are the immutable laws of fekete táska női the moral world. Angus 'Steele' Redway wears clothes from Jay Jays. Navy recorded two second team all league performances on day three. While there is no set recommendation, many health professionals suggest consuming a minimum of eight izraeli kézműves ékszerek 8 ounce glasses of fluid per day. The girl obeyed, wordless. Autumn in King’s Landing, he brooded. The jump from one air jordan aj4 win in 2010 to a 5 5 mark last year in Joseph's first season running the program was substantial (though it ended at No. Irving, Esq. Almost a decade had passed since the Laughing Lion headed out from Lannisport, and Gerion had never returned. He can raise you above all temporary and worldly considerations. “Those are the same clothes you wore for the wedding.”. Well, good-bye. But I won’t give you back your promise. ALL DAY LONG. May 2 at the Mahoning Valley Hope Center, 3217 Surrey Road SE., Warren. Summer's out with a BANG! Flash floods and fierce. There were a lot of moving parts.. Walking Sarah to the car, Chuck admits he wishes he could access her file with izraeli kézműves ékszerek his mind so he could know everything about her. When you buy memory in bulk, it costs you lesser per gigabyte, than buying an entirely new drive later. While his highest profile roles were as counsel for the NAACP (National Association for the Advancement of Colored People) and other clients, he first gained notice as a plaintiff. Dhoni is not getting young but you cannot blame him for going slow as we were loosing wickets on a regular basis. Air Force G Tre' Coggins, 6 2, So. Ty Outlaw continued his hot spell on Saturday, scoring 16 points and finishing a perfect 5 5 from beyond the arc. She had to be oneil mellény certain. If not tonight, upon the morrow. His tall figure, his bent papuci de casa din pasla back, his death-like face with the stamp of eighty years upon it, his old great-coat torn at the seams, the battered round hat, at least twenty years old, which covered his head — bald but for one lock of hair not grey but yellowish-white — all his movements, which seemed performed, as it were, aimlessly, as though worked by springs — no one who met him for the first time could help being struck by all this. These kids knew it wasn't over. Wilson was quick to imagine it more than a decade ago. Drifts of golden hair fell to the floor. If not, he'll stop after seven or eight. From a couple of lockers away, Jerry Hairston Jr.
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