#good drunk the perfect amount last night had fun woke up today and i feel ok no headaches or anything
appalachy · 2 years
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theluckyyyoneee · 3 years
i love you. | myg
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pairing: min yoongi x reader
word count: 2,3k
summary: you ask yourself what your husband's reaction would be if you didn't tell him you loved him back
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“So I tried it—and he didn’t even notice!” Karina grumbled over the rim of her glass, earning drunk exclamations and agreements around the table. 
Suji shook her head and wagged her pointer finger in the air and moaned. “My husband will go weeks without telling me he loves me these days, I doubt he’d even care if I never told him I loved him again.”
Slurred words of comfort rang through the air before the attention turned to you, already shying away from their sudden stares. “Y/n, what about you? What do you think your husband’s reaction would be if you suddenly stopped telling him you loved him?”
You opened your mouth to attempt to answer the question you’d never thought about, but were saved by Karina’s loud snicker, almost dropping and shattering her glass as it almost slipped from her loose grip. “Y/n has that man wrapped around her pinky. I legitimately thought Yoongi was incapable of smiling before he met her. He’d probably die of heartbreak.”
“Oh, lucky you!”
“That’s so cute!”
“I’m so jealous!”
More versions of the same kind of phrases were cried out as your cheeks heated up, embarrassed but silently agreed with you friend’s words. Not that you’d consider Yoongi wrapped around your finger and all that, but you could admit that he treated you very well, with that kind of cuteness and slight clinginess that you definitely didn’t expect when you two started dating all those years ago. 
Ever since the two of you met through mutual friends, to silently draping his jacket over your shoulders when he noticed you shivering through your thin sweater, to going ahead and ordering your preferred meal choice when you running late to a dinner party, to his attentive stare that had you flushing whenever you met his gaze, to him quietly and a bit awkwardly asking you out on the first date of many—he’s been the perfect friend, then boyfriend, then husband.
It hasn’t all been a walk in the park, the two of you had your share of arguments like every other couple did, but you prided yourselves with being able to communicate your insecurities and newfound doubts the two of you ran across and worked together to reassure each other and find a solution.
That, and it seemed as if Yoongi couldn’t help but profess his love for you every chance he got. Which wasn’t something you minded at all, it was incredibly endearing and something that about made you fall in love with him all over again. You still had trouble believing he could make a complete stranger trip over their own feet in trying to get away from him by a simple glance. 
How could anyone ever be scared over a cutie like him?
As the conversation around you livened up again as a new subject was brought up—ah, the drunk mind and their attention span—you took a distracted gulp from the drink in your hand.
What would Yoongi’s reaction be if you didn’t respond to the three little words he loved to shower you with?
Were you so cruel that you wanted to find out?
That was all you could think about as you returned to your house a few hours later, having taken off your heels as quietly as you could and shedding off your dress in exchange for a large shirt of his. You breathed in the calming and familiar scent of him as you snuggled into his side after half-heartedly washing up, his arms immediately opening up with an opening for you and held you to him. Still pretty much asleep, he attempted to ask you about your night and place soft kisses over whatever inch of skin he could find at the same time, already fully asleep about ten seconds later. With a breathy laugh, it wasn't long before you joined him.
You woke up earlier than you would have liked, but your stomach was screaming at you in forms of grumbles to get some food in your system. So after a quick shower to rid yourself of the groggy feeling as best you could, you retired to the kitchen, noting with a smile Yoongi still sleeping peacefully, cuddling your pillow with your absence in the bed.
You were scooping the rice into the bowls and finished frying the eggs when he emerged from the bedroom, looking absolutely adorable with the shuffling steps he took towards you and his face slightly swollen from sleep, even after he had obviously washed his face.
"Good morning, baby." He breathed his greeting into the sensitive skin of your neck as he wrapped his arms around your waist, his gummy smile making its appearance at the slight squirming and giggle that left your lips. "You should've woken me up when you did, I could've helped with breakfast."
You shook your head and gazed tenderly at the soft stare he met your eyes with, leaning in for a quick peck before you scooped the eggs off the hot pan. "It doesn't take long, I can handle it. Plus, you were sleeping so nicely, I know how tired you've been and I wanted you to sleep in a bit longer." Playfully pushing him away with your shoulder you told him to go set the table.
"Anything for Mrs. Min. I love you," He squeezed your sides once before stepping away, ignorant to the secret grin that lit up your face as you sprinkled a bit of salt on the food, hearing the clattering of utensils as well as his last three words but saying nothing.
"So, any plans for today?" You asked chirpily as you sat down, noticing him staring at you strangely, but you pretended as if nothing was out of the ordinary and stared at him expectantly with the same smile on your lips.
He blinked and gazed at the food with furrowed brows before responding, "Uh, Hoseok and I were going to go look at some equipment today. I should probably call him and see if he's up," his words were a bit distracted and he fumbled a bit with his phone while you say silent across from him, munching on the rice in your mouth.
"Okay, I'll see you in a bit." Yoongi looked at you once he was done with his short call but you were already spooning a generous amount of food in his mouth. You had heard his entire conversation with Hoseok—not that you planned to eavesdrop, but Hoseok’s voice had the ability to be heard even over the loudest siren.
"Go get ready when you're done eating, I'll take care of the dishes, you still haven't taken a shower yet."
"Did you want to come with us? We shouldn't take too long, and we can go do something after if you want?" You smiled at just how innocent and imploring he seemed as he stared at you with wide eyes and his cheeks puffed out with how much food was in his mouth.
You shook your head and took a sip of your water. "I'm good, I have a bit of a headache from yesterday. I think I'm just gonna laze around today."
"Are you sure?"
He still looked unsure, and you leaned forward as you sighed, wiping a grain of rice off the corner of his mouth. You reassured him that you’d be fine and now it was his turn to smile as your words, nodding as he hurried to finish his food. 
It was under an hour later, and you were lounging on the couch when Yoongi came out, all dressed and ready to go. 
"Alright, I'm heading out. I'll be back later. Call me if you need anything. Love you." He bent down with his lips puckered and you couldn't help the smile that rose the corners of your mouth as you leaned in the remaining inch and met him halfway.
“Okay, I’ll see you when you get home. Bye.” You were smiling and your eyes were trained on his face, expecting a certain reaction that you knew you’d get.
In a millisecond, the relaxed grin that had been in place on his face fell to a frown. He blinked at you and even waved a hand in front of your face. "Did you hear me? I said I love you."
You nodded and offered another smile. “Yeah, I’ll see you when you get back. Have fun.”
He blinked at you in obvious confusion now, his expression shifting into a frown as he kneeled in front of you. His eyebrows raised nearly to his hairline and he looked back at you expectantly as he repeated, “I love you, Y/n.”
You just nodded and smiled in response. “You’re going to be late.”
“Are you mad at me for something?"
"No, why would I be mad?" It was hard to keep a straight face, but this was more fun than you had previously thought it would be, even if you did feel the tiniest bit guilty at the look of concern donning his handsome features.
It about tore your heart to pieces when he gazed up at you with such a dejected and hurt expression on his face, a sad pout on his lips as he quietly whined out, “Then how come you won’t tell me you love me?”
You were going to hell for your actions that made him look at you in such anguish and you would go willingly. 
“I’m so sorry,” you all but cried as you threw your arms around his shoulders, almost taking the both of you tumbling to the floor if it wasn’t for Yoongi’s fast reflexes. “I love you, I love you,” you continued to repeat those words as you grabbed his face in your hands and peppered kisses wherever you could.
Once you had pulled away, his frown was almost completely gone, he was still looking at you a bit peculiarly though he now had the barest hint of a smile as he stared at you in silence as you snuggled into him. 
“I’m sorry,” you apologized again. “I didn’t mean to upset you, it’s just there was a conversation yesterday with the girls’, and they were talking about their husbands not telling them they loved them and I just wondered what your reaction would be if I did that to you.”
"It was just a little prank." You brought your thumb and pointer finger a width of a hair strand apart to emphasize that he shouldn't take it too seriously. You sent him a smile you were hoping would appease your actions that you were regretting more with every second that passed.
"Oh, so it was just a prank?" His eyebrows were raised once again and you nodded silently, that feeling of guilt coming back. A grimace settled on his face as he stood the two of you back up and backed away a few steps, crossing his arms over his chest in a defensive stature as he interrogated, "was it was fun to make me worry about if I did something wrong?"
You shook your head and opened your mouth to refute his words but stopped at the vulnerable look that fleeted across his expression as his arms across his chest turned into a more protective gesture, kind of like he was comforting himself as he muttered, “I really thought I did something to make you stop loving me,”
“Honey, I’m so sorry. Don’t ever think that, it was just a stupid prank. I’ll never do anything like this ever again, hmm?” You rushed to him, feeling like you might seriously cry for making him feel that way. “I love you, Min Yoongi. I love you.” You were raising yourself on your tiptoes to gaze into his eyes to which he attempted to evade, but ultimately giving in when you keep persisting in your exclamation of love, giving you that smile and that fond look you associated with him.
“Okay, okay, I believe you. Say it again.”
“I love you, Yoongi. So much.”
He took your face in his hands and pressed a sweet and slow kiss to your lips. You gasped a bit in surprise when you felt his tongue sweeping along your bottom lip so suddenly, opening your mouth and he wasted no time in deepening the kiss with a small moan of his own that had you squeezing your thighs together just at the sound of it.
He tugged you even closer to him, his hands leaving your face to travel down your sides, going as far as to drift underneath your baggy shirt to get to the skin underneath and you couldn’t help shivering as you felt the slightly rough skin of the calluses on his fingers glide over your back.
“Min Yoongi, you're supposed to be meeting Hoseok in ten minutes.” You hated to pull away, especially when he was looking at you with those dark eyes, his mouth glistening and his breath faster than usual. He chose not to answer, letting his gaze linger on your mouth as he tightened his grip on your hips. You pulled further away with a sigh and a sound of surprise was pulled out of you as he pulled you against him, biting your lip as you felt the firmness of his body meeting yours.
"That can wait. I think I need to teach you a lesson about pulling pranks."
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Hoseok sighed and ended the unanswered call, the fifth time he’s called Yoongi with no answer, not even answering the texts he sent, to either of you. 
“That asshole told me he’d be here twenty minutes ago,” he whined, feeling his ass slowly but surely turning numb with the amount of time he’s spent sitting on his ass in the driver seat of his car waiting in the store parking lot.
Min Yoongi, just you see.
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the-bau-quinjet · 4 years
You Belong With Me
Chapter 5 of In Breakable Heaven!! 
Summary: Penelope has a Halloween party!
Warnings: none 
Word Count: ~3100
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You woke up slowly, not realizing you were on the couch with another human. As usual, you tried to roll over and go back to sleep, but instead of landing on the other side of your bed you land squarely on the floor between your couch and coffee table. Spencer shifted on the couch to look down at you as the two of you burst into laughter.
“Are you okay?” He struggled to get the words out through the laughter. 
“Yeah. Yeah I’m fine.” Finally managing to stand up, you grab the trash from the night before and throw it out. Spencer grabs the dishes from behind you and loads them into the dishwasher. You are about to offer Spencer some breakfast when he breaks the silence.
 “I should probably get going, but, uh, I can’t find my phone.” You can’t help but smile at the dejected look on his face.
 “It probably sunk into the couch, here” you hand him your phone “You can call it while I look under the cushions.” He takes your advice, dialing his phone and holding yours up to his ear.
 “It’s ringing.” You can hear it begin to vibrate as you remove cushions from the couch. “Got it!” You hold the phone up victoriously, answering the call. “Hello Doctor. What can I do for you?” You can’t help but tease him a little. He hangs up your phone, trading it for his. 
“Thank you. I really do have to go, but I’m really glad I got to see you again.” “Me too. I mean, I don’t have to go. I live here. I just meant I’m really happy I got to see you again too. And now you have my phone number, so we can talk more!” You force yourself to stop rambling before you say something even more embarrassing. 
He just grins at you, glad to not be the one rambling for once, and waves goodbye as he says “I’m looking forward to it.”
 Around 4 PM a couple days later, you get a text from Spencer. You two had been texting pretty consistently since he left your apartment. But this text feels like a birthday gift from up above when you read the five simple words. Not that you would tell him today is your birthday. That would be weird to just randomly bring up.
 From Spencer: “Are you busy right now?”
 To Spencer: “Nope. I just got back from the bookstore.”
 It takes what feels like eternity for him to respond. Unbeknownst to you, he is pacing his apartment, working up the nerve to press send.
 From Spencer: “Do you want go see a movie? There’s a new Scream that just started in theaters and since Halloween is right around the corner, I thought it might be fun.”
 You can’t help but squeal a little when you read and reread the message.
 To Spencer: “I would love to! I love Halloween.”
 From Spencer: “Great, I can pick you up at 5?”
 To Spencer: “See you then”
 You instantly drop what you were working on to get ready. You have to pick out something to wear that says you’re interested but isn’t too much for going to see a movie. You decide on a pair of dark wash jeans, black combat boots, and a light sweater that ties in the back. It’s cute, comfy, and very fall. Just as you finish your mascara, you hear a knock on your door. You grab your purse and swing it open to find Spencer standing there in a black button up, dark jeans, a maroon cardigan, and of course, black converse. He looks incredible. You can feel the blush on your cheeks as he looks at you. “Ready to go?”
 “Yep, just let me grab my keys.” And with that, the two of you are walking back down to his car. You arrive to the theater 15 minutes before the movie, the perfect amount of time to get some snacks! You insist on buying the popcorn and sweet treats since he bought the tickets. You make your way into the theater and see it’s mostly empty except for a few people in the back. You find two seats in the middle and sit down. You’re honestly a little nervous because even though you love scary movies and haunted houses, you still get freaked out pretty easily. The scare is why you love it, but also why you’re nervous.
 “Are you okay?” Spencer’s question cuts off your train of thought. 
You decide to answer honestly “yeah, I love scary movies. I just… get scared… Wow that was stupid.” You can feel the blush creeping up again as you try to come up with a better way of describing it.
 “That’s not stupid at all. It’s really all because of adrenaline and other fear induced hormones. It is common for people to seek out adrenaline inducing situations because the brain itself won’t determine how much danger you are in. It only recognizes the fear and produces adrenaline to combat it.” You inadvertently cut him off when you hug him, muttering a quiet thank you. He’s too distracted by the scent of your perfume to continue on about adrenaline.  
 Ten minutes in and the movie hasn’t been that bad yet. You can’t tell if you’re disappointed or glad you aren’t screaming like crazy. Just as you let your guard down, there’s a jump scare that has you grabbing Spencer’s arm for safety. He laughs, seemingly unfazed by the cheap scare, and shifts so he is holding your hand. “Just squeeze my hand when you’re scared” he whispers in your ear. You feel the butterflies again as you nod at him. You squeeze his hand on and off throughout the rest of the movie, blushing when his thumb starts to rub circles on your hand.
 When the movie is over, the two of you decide to go across the street to a diner for some real dinner. You are right in the middle of eating breakfast for the third time that day when both your phones go off. Glancing down, you see a text from Penelope.
 From PG: “Y/N!! I am having an impromptu Halloween party and I do not want to hear it that you are too busy. Get your butt over here by 9!!”
 To PG: “You got it! Costume?”
 From PG: “Of course! I wouldn’t have it any other way.”
 You look up at Spencer “Penelope’s party?” You immediately try to think of a costume you can pull together from what you’ve got at home. It’s already October 27th, but you hadn’t planned a costume yet. 
“Yep, I guess I have to go find a costume.” Spencer replies, running his hands through his hair. 
“Same here. I have no idea what I’m going to wear.”
 “I can drop you back at your apartment if you want? So you can get ready.” You sigh, he is obviously right but you were hoping the night would last a little longer. 
“That would be great, thank you.” At least you know you’ll see him soon.
 Getting ready goes a lot easier than you anticipated. You pull together a young, country Taylor Swift costume with denim cutoff shorts, cowboy boots, a cowboy hat, a navy tank top, and a matching flannel. You decide to grab your acoustic guitar just to add to the look. It’ll work. You finish your makeup and leave in a hurry. Penelope is not one to be kept waiting.
 You get to Penelope’s apartment at 9:02. “What took so long? I thought you would be right over after I texted.” She scolded as she opened the door.
 “I wasn’t home, so I had to go home and throw together a costume” you laugh as she looks you up and down, doing a little twirl. She looks you in the eye before confirming your costume “Country Taylor Swift, not bad.”
 “Why thank you! Might I add you make an incredible vampire!” You say, lifting your hat off your head. Penelope just rolls her eyes and opens the door wider for you to come in. You immediately spot the rest of the team as other the other guests. Emily, Derek, JJ – who brought Will - Hotch, and Rossi. You didn’t know them all that well, but apparently you made a good impression since you were invited back. You aren’t sure if Spencer has told them anything about the two of you hanging out, so you decide not to say anything either. Instead, you admire everyone’s costumes.
 Emily is dressed as Black Widow in a tight all leather getup. Derek matches Penelope’s vampire costume, something you are sure she made him wear. JJ and Will make an adorable Mr. Incredible and Elastigirl. You are still trying to figure out Hotch and Rossi’s costumes when you hear them arguing. “I am very clearly a chef. Look at my hat.” Rossi says as he emphatically points to his head.
 “And I am from Men in Black.” Hotch declares. You are sure he is glaring from behind those sunglasses. They all turn and greet you when you get close enough.
 “Who are you dressed as?” Derek asks as he looks you up and down.
 “She’s clearly a young TS. The only thing missing is the signature curly blonde hair.” JJ looks shocked that Derek couldn’t put that together.
 “Ooh, since you’re dressed as a singer, you have to go first in karaoke. We can’t start until everyone is here though. Penelope’s rules.” Emily declares.
 “I guess I need a drink then!” You laugh as you head to the kitchen. You pour yourself a glass of white wine, not understanding how anyone can enjoy the vinegar like taste of the red, and walk back into the living room.
 You immediately spotted Spencer. He was wearing a loose white button up with puffy sleeves, a black vest, black jeans, and he had a red bandana tied around his head. Plus, he was carrying a prop sword. The converse didn’t really match, but you could still figure out the look. He was the dorkiest pirate you have ever seen and you loved it. Derek was giving him a hard time, but before you could do anything Emily was pulling you over to the karaoke machine.
 “It’s time to start karaoke!!” She was clearly a little tipsy, but you did not feel nearly drunk enough to sing in front of these people. You downed your wine, earning some whistles, and put the glass on the coffee table.
 “Emily! I have no idea what to sing.” You tried to protest.
 “Nonsense, you can sing a Taylor Swift song.” JJ chimed in “Something from an old album since your dressed country!”
 Emily immediately started a song before you could protest anymore and you were singing almost immediately.
 You’re on the phone with your girlfriend, she’s upset.
 ‘At least it’s an easy song to perform’ you thought to yourself, having done it what felt like a million times. But they don’t know that. Before you knew it, the girls were all singing the end of the song with you.
 Have you ever thought just maybe, you belong with me? You belong with me.
 You chanced a glance at Spencer as you finished the song. You refused to look at him before that, knowing he would make you too nervous. Before you had a chance to comprehend the look on his face, Derek inadvertently interrupted the moment “Y/N you’ve been holding out on us. That was great!” He said. The others joined in on the praise as you turned red. You managed to squeak out a “thanks” before retreating to fill your wine glass. Spencer met you in the kitchen.
 “That really was an amazing performance. You should consider switching careers.” You laughed at his comment, it was pretty comical considering your side hobby. “No really. You would be amazing.”
 You turned even redder with the compliment. “Thanks Doc, I appreciate the confidence boost.” You almost told him then and there, but ultimately you were being called back to the living room to hear Rossi sing Bon Jovi.
 The night continued much the same until Penelope broke off into the kitchen. You were going to follow her, but Rossi pulled you back into a conversation and you missed the chance. Soon enough she was returning with a huge birthday cake. At first, you were shocked. Then you realized she was the Penelope Garcia. Figuring out someone’s birthday is child’s play to her.
 Then you were shocked again, because everyone was singing to Spencer. Apparently it was after midnight and his birthday is October 28th.
 Once everyone has a piece of cake, you walk up to Spencer hitting him on the arm, “Why didn’t you tell me today is your birthday?” 
He deflects the question easily.  “Today only just started, so I really didn’t have time. Plus you haven’t told me when your birthday is.”
 You instantly freeze at that. You can’t possible tell him your birthday was yesterday. That would be so awkward. He immediately senses the tensions and asks “Are you okay? What’s wrong?”
You practically run out of the room calling “yep I’m fine, all good, 100% a-o-kay.”
 Spencer, confused by your quick exit, decided to look at your license to figure out your birthday. Maybe he could surprise you with something. Realization dawned on his features as he read the date, seeing that your birthday was yesterday.
 You were relieved when Spencer didn’t chase after you to figure out exactly why you practically sprinted away from the conversation. You decided to just enjoy the rest of the party.
 Around 2 AM everyone was heading out. You hung back a little since Spencer hadn’t left yet, hoping you’d be able to walk out with him. God, you feel like a teenager again. Secretly crushing on a guy who clearly only likes you as a friend. Ugh.
 “Y/N!” You break out of your pitying thoughts to see Penelope and Spencer standing in front of you. Great. How long were you just staring at the ground? “You okay?” Penelope asks, looking at you with clear concern.
 “Yeah, I’m just tired. You threw quite the party!” You tried to joke to clear the air. “Thanks for inviting me, Pen.” You hugged her as you looked around for your purse, grabbing it off the chair. Spencer has been staring at you with a contemplative look on his face during the whole encounter.
 “I’ll see you soon, right?” You looked back as you opened the door. “Of course, my lovely!” Penelope smiled as you and Spencer left, him calling a quick goodbye as he walked out after you. You didn’t say anything until you noticed Spencer was walking towards your apartment with you.
 “What are you doing?” Ugh, real subtle. What kind of a question is that?
“Walking you home. It’s my birthday, you can’t say no.” You rolled your eyes at his playful tone, but there was something serious in his eyes. “Why didn’t you say your birthday was yesterday? We could have celebrated!” He seemed genuinely confused.
 “I don’t know. I guess I’ve never been the kind of person who does well with all that attention. My birthday was never a huge deal growing up, so I haven’t really made a big deal out of it now. Pen wanted a Halloween party, not a birthday party. I didn’t want to make a big deal out of it.” You couldn’t make eye contact with him. You’ve never really talked about these insecurities with anyone.
 “First of all, she clearly didn’t mind having a party for both because she had a birthday cake for me. I am completely sure that she would have decorated it for both of us had she known. Second, you deserve to have people make a big deal. You are an incredible person, Y/N. You are extraordinarily kind, selfless, and beautiful.” He pauses for a second before pulling something out of his bag. “I didn’t know your birthday was even in October, but I bought these a few days ago. I was going to give them to you after the movie, but then Garcia called and we split up. If you don’t like them I can take them back I just thought since you twist your earrings around so much, maybe they were bothering you and maybe a new pair would help. Penelope actually helped me pick them out, although she doesn’t know that. She just mentioned how she thought you would like them when we were at the farmer’s market.”
 Tears sprung to your eyes as you realized how much thought he must’ve put into this. You couldn’t help but throw yourself into a hug whispering “thank you, Spence. That is so thoughtful.” He rubbed your back until you stepped back from the hug. You opened the box to find a pair of dainty white gold earrings. One was a moon and the other a star. “They are beautiful.” You whispered into his ear as you pulled him in for another hug.
Stepping back again, the two of you made your way to your apartment. Upon arrival, you confessed, “I actually have something for you too. It’s upstairs though, so you have to come inside.” He smiled as you pulled him into your building.
 “I obviously didn’t know your birthday is today, but you told me about breaking your watch and when I saw this in the store window I thought of you and it just looked perfect.” You watched as he slowly opened the watch box, pulling out a simple brown leather band with a white watch face surrounded by a silver casing. It honestly screamed Dr. Spencer Reid. The watch face isn’t too modern and the leather band matches his satchel.
 “Y/N, it’s perfect. Thank you.” He closed the box, hugging you to say thank you. Looking into his eyes, you realized with 100% certainty you are falling for Dr. Spencer Reid. “Let’s go to sleep” is all you can say in response. You pull him into the bed and snuggle as close as you dare, too afraid to say anything else when you don’t know how he feels. The two of you drift into a restful sleep, not even bothering to change from your costumes.
 You wake up due to the muffled voice of Spencer in the kitchen. You can smell the coffee, so you quickly change into some pajamas before walking out to join him. He glances at you apologetically while you pour the coffee into two mugs, adding equal amounts of sugar to both.
 As soon as he hangs up, he’s hugging you goodbye. “I’m so sorry, we have a case. We are supposed to be at the jet in 30 minutes.”
 “Don’t worry about it Doc. Go save the world.” You decide to listen to Superman on repeat for an hour while you clean.
tag list: 
@mac99martin​ @goldeng1rl8​ @eevee0722 @l0ve-0f-my-life @haylaansmi @dinonuggets15 @laurakirsten0502 @green-intervention @burnin-passion @takeyourleap-of-faith @secretpickleprofessordean @awkwardnesshabitat
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Princely Problems
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Synopsis: Where a princess-love-story-unbeliever meets a prince-like gentleman named Joshua
Pairing: Joshua x fem!reader
Genre: tiny bit angst, fluff somewhere at the end
Warnings: drinking, harassment, violence
Word Count: 3k words
Fairytales were fictional. _____ had already had that down. Princes that saved princesses from abnormally high towers or mad dragons didn’t exist and love stories weren’t what Disney had made them to be. Those fictional movies just made little girls hope for something that could never exist: a perfect love story
Out of all the relationships she had been in, not one of them proved to have a Disney-like fairytale happy ending. In fact, none of them had happy endings. Men only pretended to be princes that would swoop in to save you when you needed it. But even that façade only lasted so long. Men only wanted you for a night, a month, or not at all.
This was why _____ wasn’t fazed (or as fazed as she would like to admit) when the epitome of gentle princely men knelt down beside her, asking if she was okay after her fall on the sidewalk from running too fast to catch a cab to work. He didn’t seem to care that some strands of his perfectly styled hair had fallen down over his eyes as he looked over her for any injuries.
“I’m fine, seriously.” She said as she got up while holding onto the lamppost beside her and pretending not to notice that the guy had held out his hand to help her, taking note that her left ankle was definitely sprained. The boy’s doe-like eyes looked into hers and it took all of _____’s willpower not to nervously swallow under his stare.
“My name’s Joshua and I don’t think you’re okay.” The boy— Joshua— said as he slipped an arm behind her and led her to one of the houses nearby.
“What the heck! Where are you taking me?” _____ panicked. Joshua just laughed, the sun shining on his glorious face as he threw his head back. “This is my house and no, I’m not going to do anything to you. I’ll leave the door unlocked and open if that makes you feel safer but that sprained leg needs to be iced.”
Needless to say, the boy made this “prince” thing look very natural.
Over the next few days, Joshua continued to keep up his princely façade. It was like he was actually born from royalty. The amount of grace and politeness that exuded from his form made _____ gag. He was almost too perfect. Everything he did was considered kind. Helping old ladies cross the street, holding the door open to let the pregnant lady into the shop, carrying groceries for that old man that lived at the end of the street, and basically any action kind and princely. He was just mortifyingly nice.
Not only that but he was mortifyingly nice even to _____ who turned down his many attempts to be of service to her. She didn’t let him open the door for her when they coincidentally went to the same café, grabbing the door handle along with him to open it herself. Nor did she let him help her change her car tire. _____ was fooled once, okay maybe more than once but she wasn’t going to be fooled again. Not by a guy who pretended to be nice. Not by some kind boy who lived a few houses over and made her heart do parkour routines in her chest every time they met. Not by Joshua, and that was final.
So far, Joshua hadn’t gotten tired of her refusals. He was still as nice as he was when they had first met. _____ pitied the girl who would fall for him. There weren’t a lot of people who wouldn’t believe that Joshua was just pretending.
“Joshua sure is one good actor,” she mumbled to herself as she walked.
“You should wear a jacket if you’re going out today.” Speak of the devil. _____ turned around and saw the embodiment of princely behavior graciously standing with a leaf blower in his hands, yard nearly rid of any leaves that had recently started falling. “It's autumn now so the nights are gonna be colder.”
She didn’t miss the way his eyes drifted to her legs, exposed by the short dress she was wearing, before coming back up to rest on her face. Typical men. They just can’t help themselves can they, _____ thought scoffed. The neighborhood prince’s face was contorted with worry as if he was afraid that she’d get cold. _____ gave a laugh in response. “I can take care of myself.” She told him before going her way.
Getting drunk was part of the plan. _____ had agreed to go out with her friends from work to get her mind off the angelic creature that had been reaching out and offering his help bothering and pestering her all week. The bar was full of people, music, and alcohol. No princes and no Joshua. Just what she needed tonight.
Her friends immediately went to the dance floor, their eyes wide open and hunting for someone to take home for the night. _____ sat at the bar and watched them as she took shot after shot, drowning any thoughts of Joshua. One shot. Princes didn't exist. Another shot. His real personality would show itself sooner or later. Shot glasses gathered up in front of her as she drank alcohol as if it was water.
"That's enough alcohol for you sweetheart. Why don't I take you outside for some fresh air?" An unfamiliar man's voice said. _____ turned to her right and saw a man reaching for her thigh, his oily hair slicked back and his wild eyes peering over her form. Even in her dunked stupor she noticed that he wasn't looking at her face but at her chest and thighs.
Disgusted, she pushed him away and stumbled to the dance floor in search of her friends. The man followed her closely, his invasive eyes never leaving her body. People bumped and pushed against her, making it hard to make an escape from the man. Soon enough _____ found herself stuck in the middle of the dance floor with the man pressing his pelvis against her back.
"Go away! " she tried to shout at him, but the loud music and chatter drowned out her cry. The man smiled behind her as his hands went lower towards the hem of her dress. _____ pushed hard against him and bolted out of the bar.
She ran out of the exit and was met with the ice-cold air of the night. That apparently was not enough to make the man stop pursuing her because he was still hot on her trail. Desperate to get away from the man, _____ managed to stumble to the main road when suddenly her heel got caught on a stone and she twisted her ankle rather painfully. The girl let out a loud cry of pain.
"Get up, hurry." a new male's voice came as the speaker's warm hands softly gripped her forearms, pulling her up. In the light of the moon, _____ looked up at Joshua’s face. His usually warm eyes were now boiling with anger as he stared at something behind her.
"Josh, my ankle," _____ whined, the alcohol hitting her again and momentarily forgetting that she didn’t want anything to do with Joshua tonight. Light and shadow blended together. The boy sighed and removed his jacket, wrapping it around her legs before positioning his arms around and under her to lift her up.
This was the first time that she had seen Joshua up close. Of course, every time he tried to come near her, she just pushed him away. Her eyes focused on the lines of his face as if it were a camera. He was so annoyingly nice and attractive that her heart started beating faster.
"Come in girlie, let's have some fun at my place." the man said as he came running towards _____. Joshua stood up protectively in front of her. If a fight broke out between him and the man, it was obvious Joshua would win. But the man was too blinded by his desire for pleasure to think straight. He barreled towards _____, reaching down to touch her when Joshua grabbed his arm, pulled him to eye level, and stared him down.
"Leave. Her. Alone." he threw the man to the ground and kicked him for good measure. It was surprising to see this side of Joshua. The warm man who seemed like he couldn't even hurt a fly was now inflamed with anger and beating up a stranger. The fire in his eyes didn’t subside even as he kicked the man over and over.
"Joshua, stop," _____ said as she reached up to tug on his shirt, letting out a yelp as she accidentally moved her ankle. Joshua looked back at her, his wide, warm, worrying eyes meeting hers as he came to her aid. "Don't beat him up, it's not worth it."
"Sorry, it's just that guys like him disgust me," he said as he scooped _____ up and headed off. She heard a car beep before he laid her in the passenger seat of his car. He then went to the driver's seat and started the car.
"You followed me?" _____ asked him, earning a smile from the man beside her. "I figured something would happen to you, especially in that dress." his warm, gentle voice washed over her. He looked up at her and winked. The girl rolled her eyes and looked out the window. Joshua was too attractive for her own good. _____ really had to get him out of her head or she might end up falling for a prince again.
_____ woke up with the worst headache she had ever had in her life. She was still in the dress from last night, her foot bandaged and Joshua's jacket draped over her.
Joshua's jacket?
That woke her up. Clearly, she was in her house and sitting on her couch which meant that Joshua had come into her house but had the decency not to go into her room. The fact that she was still in her clothes from last night meant he hadn't tried to undress her.
Why did he have to be such a natural gentleman?
Getting up off the couch, _____ made her way to the kitchen where she found a post-it note sticking on the refrigerator door.
I put some of the hangover soup my mom made in here. Heat it up and eat that when you wake up. Call me if you need anything. - Shua
Below the last sentence was a series of numbers. _____ smiled and saved the number into her contacts. As much as she didn’t want to have anything to do with Joshua anymore, she would have to thank him sooner or later. She had to admit, he was really thoughtful to have done all this. The familiar warm bubbling in her chest from last night came back. _____ shook her head.
It's not real, _____. Don’t start falling for him now.
A knock on her door shook her out of her thoughts. The face of the prince greeted her when she opened it. His kind eyes immediately looked down at her injured foot before the scolding started.
"Why are you already walking around? You're injured, for goodness' sake." He demanded, grabbing her arms and pushing her back into the house.
"Joshua I- Wait-"
He dragged her inside and sat her back down on the couch. Joshua placed down the paper bag he was holding and went straight to the kitchen and brought out the hangover soup. _____ felt like her chest was about to burst. She knew this feeling and this was something she promised herself never to feel again.
He’s not a prince. He’s not a prince. He’s not a prince. He’s not a prince.
"Aren't you tired of pretending to be nice Joshua?" _____ huffed as she crossed her arms over her chest. The girl couldn't wait for Joshua to snap, to prove her wrong so she could go back to believing that Disney stories were plain fiction. With that, she would have enough reason to not like him and go back to her normal life.
"What do you mean pretending? This is how I always am though?" Joshua said, his head peeking out of the kitchen. When he saw that _____ wasn't convinced, he walked over to her and looked her in the eyes.
"Did I do something to make you uncomfortable?”
Feeling guilty, _____ looked down at the floor. To be perfectly honest, there was nothing Joshua had done that would ever even make her question his kindness. He has been nothing but kind to her and to everyone around him. However, her belief still stands.
“You should probably stop being so nice and princely to me. I don’t believe in those Disney movies that say men will sweep you off your feet and carry you to happily ever after. I’ve been through enough to know what men are truly like. I know you’re not Prince Charming and you can’t make me think otherwise.” _____ hissed before pulling him to the door.
“Thank you for bringing me home last night and for bringing me the soup but I’m not going to fall for another nice guy like you, Joshua.” And with that, she closed the door leaving a stunned Joshua staring at her peephole.
For the next few days, Joshua left _____ alone. No greeting when they passed each other on the street. Heck, it was like they didn’t even know each other. The boy continued to be of help and service to the other people in their neighborhood but he had cut all contact with _____.
The change made _____ happy. Her feelings for Joshua had faded away and she was able to go about her life without that fake prince tempting her with his sweet words and actions. Or so she would like to think.
After kicking Joshua out of her house, he invaded every second of her time. She couldn’t think of anything but him. _____ couldn’t admit it, but she missed having someone greet her in the morning on the way to work. She missed him coming over to her house once in a while to give her some mashed potatoes because he had made too much. The girl lay in bed at night haunted by the warmth of a person she had pushed out of her life. Though _____ wouldn’t admit it to anyone, she missed Joshua.
Christmas time came around and the snow had started piling up in her yard. Shoveling snow was the only thing she could do without thinking of the boy that lived a few houses over so she did it every time she could. _____ shoved piles of ice out of her yard banning all thoughts of princes and boys. It was just her, the shovel, and the ice. Right now, nothing matters, she thought to herself. Her shovel got stuck on a rather large chunk of ice. She pushed with all her might but the ice stubbornly stood its ground.
The sound of footsteps on the snow made her look up to see the very face she had been avoiding to see. Joshua was standing at the edge of her yard with a shovel in his hands. “Do you need help?”
His offer took _____ aback. This was the same guy she kicked out of her house a few weeks ago, right? The guy who she had called a fake. And here he was, offering his help to the girl who had done all that to him.
“It’s fine. I don’t want to bother you.” She gave a forced smile and hoped he would leave her alone after that.
I don’t want to have to kick you out of my life again.
The boy shrugged his shoulders. “You could never bother me _____. If it makes you feel better, you can help me shovel my yard too.”
Seeing that he was adamant about helping her, _____ gave in. The two worked side by side in silence. After finishing Joshua’s yard, he offered her some hot chocolate to which _____ only agreed to because her teeth were already chattering.
As she sat in his living room, looking around at the Christmas decorations already put up. A fire was roaring in the fireplace. She could hear the tinkling of the teaspoon hitting the mugs as Joshua mixed the hot chocolate.
“Don’t you hate me, Joshua?” _____ asked him, nervously fiddling with her hands on her lap.
The boy’s laugh rang in her ears, making her cheeks turn red. Weeks of trying to forget him went to waste as her feeling came back to the surface. “Why would I hate you?”
“Didn’t you get offended that I kicked you out of my house after you were only trying to be nice to me?”
“Of course, not. You had a perfectly good reason to be suspicious of me and I figured that you just needed time to sort your feelings out.” He handed _____ a glass of hot chocolate.
“Feelings?” Did she accidentally tell him something? _____ didn’t remember ever telling anyone, even her own friends, about how she felt for Joshua.
“You probably don’t remember but you’re kinda talkative when you’re drunk. Plus, you called me a prince that one time so it was safe to assume that you probably saw me that way.” _____ turned to the side to hide her blush. Curse the drinking habit she had to have.
“And for your information, I like you too,” he said, turning her head towards him and forcing _____ to meet his glittering eyes as the girl nervously swallowed. There was no turning back now, their feelings were out in the open. All that was needed was their decision on what to do with them.
“Give me a chance to prove you wrong, princess.”
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Fic: So Close Yet So Far Away
Fandom: Triple Frontier
Ship: Frankie Morales x Jay 'Lady' Ray
Warnings: Language, talk of sex, throwback to sex, Pope is a crude asshole. Yearnnniinnngggg.
Summary: Lady and Pope get into an argument and Frankie sorts her out. Cue some elite level yearning.
A/N: HAHAHA I wasn't even meant to write this today but I woke up with this on my mind and I just had to because they're my BABIES. This is an instalment in the Frankie x Lady series and takes place back when Lady was in Frankie's squad, before they were an item.
Jay should have known better than to ask about everyone’s weekend. She just wanted to make small talk while they got prepped for a field exercise. She wasn’t ready to hear about their night out on Saturday, how Santi, Frankie, and Benny all scored some willing chicks, Will only missing out because he had a girlfriend, not because he didn’t pull.
All the while Jay was stuck with her family, listening to her mother go on about how she was too good for the army, she should leave while she was still alive, get a normal job, marry, have kids… She could have been out with the guys, maybe get lucky herself and if not, at least have a fun night. Get drunk instead of sad.
And now she finds herself listening to Santi talk about his one night stand, not giving Benny a chance to talk about his, while Frankie, quite characteristically, clammed up about personal stuff.
“Nutted her so fucking hard and all she did was beg for more,” Santi brags, “best fuck I had in ages…”
Jay’s been in the military since she was 18. She knows how soldiers talk, she’s heard it all, she’s participated in the crude joking, she’s not put off by it. But on this Monday morning, while the squad is assembling their equipment, she doesn’t want to hear it.
“Jesus fucking Christ, Pope, do you fucking have to talk like that?” she barks, unable to hear one more word about his sexual conquests. The rest of them cease their activities in wait for Pope’s reply. Working so closely together, sometimes spending weeks cramped up on assignments builds close bonds but also breeds discord. It’s normal to be at each other’s throats from time to time but it’s rarely Jay who flies off the handle.
“Oh, I’m so sorry, My Lady,” Santi replies with a smirk, his voice at its most velvety. “I meant I made passionate love to her all night – “
“You are so fucking disgusting, you know that?” Jay hisses. “Just shut the fuck up about the whole thing, nobody wants to hear about it.”
“Clearly not you,” Pope drawls, quick to anger. In the corner of her eye, Jay notices Will shake his head at him. Don’t engage, bro, just drop it. But Santiago Garcia is someone who doesn’t let things slide when he’s in gear.
“When was the last time you got laid, Ray? You need to get those pipes cleared out. Get some d.”
When was the last time? Too long ago. She does have an itch but last time she scratched it, it just didn’t feel right. She had the same feeling of detachment as she experienced just now when she heard about last Saturday night, particularly the fact that Frankie got laid.
It’s not that she’s jealous. She’s just more comfortable with the idea that Frankie doesn’t sleep around with anyone.
“A dick isn’t going to solve my problems, Santi, unless it’s a big one up your sorry ass,” she snaps, a rude laugh from Benny telling her she scored a point. Staring hard at Pope, whose ridiculously handsome features show an obnoxious amount of amusement, she knows that he won’t budge until he’s drawn metaphorical blood.
“Just name the time and the place, Ray, I’ll be there. Will you?”
“Okay, knock it off.” It’s Frankie, of course. The voice of reason. “Redfly’s gonna be here any minute and I don’t want to do extra laps just because you two can’t play nice.”
Frankie always has that calming effect on her, even now when she’s inexplicably mad at him for having fooled around with some random girl he picked up at their usual dive. Is there a possibility of her being there again in the future? Jay doesn’t want to think about it. Right now, she focuses on the sense that Frankie’s words make. It’s not worth it. Santi’s not worth it.
“Just stay away from me, asshole,” she warns Santi before going back to her kit. The tension in the room eases and Benny, who’s closest to Jay, gives her a brief pat on the back and a nod that says Good call. She hears Frankie murmur something to Santi behind her back, then Santi’s mutter: “She on the rag or something?”
That does it. Jay throws down her backpack and spins around.
“You say that to my face, you piece of shit,” she growls, taking a step forward. Her body is quivering with pent up rage in need of an outlet and knocking Pope on his ass would serve as an adequate one.
“Jay, he’s not worth it,” Benny tries to placate her but she barely hears him. Her whole focus is directed at Pope and his shit-eating grin. He says one more thing…
“Got your panties in a twist?”
She lunges forward but doesn’t make it to Pope as several hands grab her and hold her back.
“Hey, hey, hey!”
“Calm the fuck down, Ray!”
“Crazy bitch – “
“You’re on really thin ice, too, Pope! Shut that motherfucking mouth of yours!”
Benny is physically restraining her as she practically vibrates with desire to beat the crap out of Santi, who’s held back by Frankie.
“Ray, he’s not worth it,” Benny tells her. “Take a walk. Smoke. Calm down. He’s an asshole.”
He’s right and Jay knows it. Mustering up all of her willpower, Jay rolls back onto her heels, straightens her back, and squares her shoulders. Without looking at anyone, she turns around and stomps out.
Frankie finds her by the vehicles, in the backseat of a Humvee. Her fore and middle fingers are rubbing against her thumb: she’s quit smoking but is clearly wishing she had a cigarette right now. Frankie climbs into the backseat from the other side and pulls up a pack from his pocket, offering it to her without words. Jay hesitates but eventually takes one and leans closer to him when he flicks open his lighter. Frankie can smell the anger on her, a sweaty tightness that radiates from her muscles. She sits back, inhaling deeply before exhaling in a frustrated puff of smoke.
“Fuck,” she mutters, “I don’t wanna die because of these.”
“I thought you quit?”
“I did.” She throws him a glance and a grimace before flicking the cigarette out through the open door. “I thought you quit as well?”
“I keep them around for emergencies like this,” he shrugs. Jay looks pointedly at him.
“Then you haven’t truly quit, have you?”
He loves it how she puts him on the spot like this, provokes him, forces him to reconsider, change his way of thinking. She always does it with such ease, sometimes with a teasing glint in her eye. She just makes him want to be a better person.
“I guess not.” He throws her a small smile that goes unreciprocated. She stares into the back of the seat in front of her, lips tight. Frankie would love to just sit here in silence and let her lead, let her open up in due time, but he knows that if they don’t join the others soon, Tom is going to make a scene.
“Pope’s an asshole,” he states. Jay scoffs but says nothing. “But what’s up with you? You usually don’t let shit like that get to you.”
Her nostrils flare and he sees the muscles of her throat flex. Eventually, she parts her lips to speak, her voice strained.
“I spent the weekend with my dear mother, my brother, and his family. And you know what mom’s like.”
Frankie nods. Yes, he’s heard about Jay’s mother and the dislike the woman has for her daughter’s career choice. The older brother is married with one kid and another on the way and he, of course, is a saint, a pinnacle of human achievement, his children the very essence of what makes a successful life, his wife the perfect picture of Woman.
Jay suddenly twitches, then kicks at the seat in front of her.
“Fuck!I hate this fucking shit!”
Frankie refrains from putting a hand on her shoulder, no matter how much he would like to. He might end up with a broken nose.
“I cut her off,” Jay says tonelessly. “Completely.”
“About fucking time, Jay.” He’s been waiting for this to happen and he wants to tell her that he’s proud of her but it’s not his prerogative, no matter how much he would like it to be.
“Yeah,” she agrees, still not looking at him. “I kept hoping that she’d get her shit together but…” Her voice trails off and she swallows hard. “Fuck. I miss my dad.”
“He’d be proud of you,” Frankie assures her, biting off the endearment that threatened to escape him. Mi amor. Querida. He wants to be able to call her that, wants to be the one she’d come to with her sadness. Wants to be the one to call her mother and tell her to go suck an egg.
“You should’ve called,” he tells her but she only shakes her head. Stubborn as a mule.
“You were out. I didn’t want to ruin your night.”
It had been ruined the moment Santi laid eyes on the company of three young women by the bar. He had zoned in on the curvy brunette and Benny had picked the fiery redhead, leaving Frankie with the blonde. He didn’t want her, didn’t want any of the others, but he had fallen for the peer pressure and for every drink, he figured it could be a good idea to get laid. The girl was pretty, funny, nice. She had a hot body and was clearly willing. They had gone to her place and he had treated her like he would treat every woman he slept with: he ate her out, giving her several orgasms with his tongue before even thinking about putting his dick in her.
She had insisted on riding him. Frankie didn’t mind but as she bounced on his cock, her round, heavy tits jiggling in front of him, he didn’t see her face anymore. No, it was Jay all along, Jay’s long, lean body on top of him, Jay sinking down on him, her slick, hot pussy swallowing his cock while he swallowed her moan. The fantasy had become so real that he had to wrangle the woman off of him and take her from behind instead.
He left in silence once she was asleep, crept out like an asshole, a coward. He usually asked a woman if she wanted him to stay, he had once upon a time enjoyed having breakfast the next morning, sharing kisses when he finally left. But now, it all felt like cheating.
“You wouldn’t have ruined the night,” he tells her quietly. “It wasn’t that good.”
“The night or the sex?”
“The latter.” His ears are burning and he refuses to look at her.
“Too much to drink?” There it is: that sweet, amiable little taunt she saves for him only – or at least he hopes she does. He’s never heard her speak like that to any of the other guys.
“Wrong girl.”
Jay turns her head and looks at him. The distance between them in the backseat seems to shrink and grow at the same time when he returns her gaze. The hairs at the nape of his neck rise when he loses himself in the fathomless ocean-blue of her eyes.
He has to kiss her. He mustn’t kiss her.
“Are you two done with your fucking therapy session?”
Both of them startle when Tom shows up by the open door on Frankie’s side.
“I have an exercise op to run and I don’t have time to wait for you to feel quite ready, Ray,” he adds before slapping his hand to the roof of the Humvee. “Get your asses in gear.”
He leaves without having noticed anything. Frankie wonders how it’s even possible. Didn’t Tom feel the air crackle with electricity? Didn’t he hear how hard his heart was beating?
Jay gets out of the vehicle and slams the door shut, and Frankie follows suit. As they walk back, keeping a distance of two feet between them, Jay murmurs a Thank you, Morales to him.
“Sure,” he replies easily, forcing himself to sound neutral. “I got you, Ray.”
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laboflove · 3 years
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Oikawa & Iwa X FR
•Aged up•
Word Count- 2363
❗Warnings❗{Smut, angst, praising, infatuation, ridiculing, cheating, body shaming}
A/N: Thicc Y/N who's dating Oikawa and although he says he loves her it doesnt seem that way.
He smiles as he sees your eyebrows pushed together, you were always so cute when you were angry, he just wanted to keep making fun of you to see that face. "Tooru" you suddenly say making his smile fade, "Yeah?" He says confused and your phone buzzes, "Nevermind, I have to go, Iwa is here" you say then kiss his cheek before leaving.
A frown forms on his face as he sees you walk off, you were always hanging out with Iwaizumi. It made him mad because you were HIS girlfriend not Iwaizumi's. He huffs then leaves as well, whatever, hed just make you remember how great it is to date him.
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You walk in to find him on your bed and he smiles, "Hey" you both say, you climb onto the bed forgetting about today at work and he pulls you onto his chest. "Did you gain weight? Damn" he says with a chuckle making the thoughts come back, "I think, I'll lose it dont worry" you whisper as you move off and onto the side.
He pulls you close, his hands trailing your body making you anxious, you werent skinny like other girls, you had curves and Oikawa would always tease you about it, middle school to now and you always tried to lose weight but youd gain it back. An endless cycle and honestly the last thing you wanted right now was for him to be touching you like this.
Yet you dont stop him, instead closing your eyes and trying to fall asleep but his hands get more touchy, soon enough spreading your legs. "Not tonight Tooru" and his frown appears again, that's the second time this week you've called him that. "Okay" he says then turns around and you both fall asleep, one angry and confused and the other filled with dark thoughts.
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"I just dont understand, shes been calling me Tooru this entire week, why?" He says as he passes the ball to Iwa, "Its your name" He says making him huff. He knew it was his name but you've never called him that before, so why now?!
"I dont like it, she never calls me that so why now? Did I do something wrong?" He says and Iwa stops, "You always make fun of her, im surprised she hasn't dumped you yet" and Oikawa's mouth goes dry. His biggest worry, something he never wants to happen, for you two to break up, you meant everything to him, youd always lift him up, give him pointers and take care of him. You couldn't leave him, you're all he had.
"S-she knows I'm just kidding, I don't mean any of it" he says then the ball flies towards him, "Iwa-!", "It always sounds like you mean it, you tell her shes fat, that shes not pretty enough, that she isnt smart, terrible shit but you never say that you're just kidding. Even then you shouldnt say shit like that to someone who already deals with criticism as it is, you especially shouldn't say it to her because shes your goddam girlfriend" he leaves and Oikawa clenches his fists.
"Hey!" And he looks back, "Do you like her?!" He yells out earning a nod making his blood boil, "I've liked her since middle school, even more in high school and the most right now, but she made the stupidest decision on dating you" and he walks off again.
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"Youd never leave me right?" He asks as he rests his head on your chest, you dont answer making him look up with dim eyes, "You would?" He asks and you sigh, "If something were to happen yes but just breaking up with you for no reason would not happen" and he nods. "Um, what would be the reason?" He whispers remembering the conversation with Iwa, "If one of us cheats, I'd never do it but well..." you stop and he looks up at you.
"I-im sorry, I'll never hurt you like that ever again, so please dont leave me" you nod then place a kiss on his head.
He looks back at the tv but hes barely focusing on it, only remembering that night. He was drunk, saying terrible stuff and when he woke up he found you in front of him, sitting down, looking super tired and your eyes were so dry and red. He didnt know why till he looked around and found unfamiliar clothes, women's clothes.
You didnt talk to him about it, none of you brought it up and soon you were both back to normal but he knew that all trust created was gone.
His thoughts are broken by the familiar buzz pattern and you pull the phone to your ear, "Hey" you say with a smile, why cant you smile like that when you talk to him? Why doesnt your voice get all cute and soft with him? Why is it only with Iwa?
"Oh I'm with Oikawa" you say as your hand runs through his hair, he smiles and even more as you rest it on his cheek. "I-iwa" your hand twitches slightly and he can feel your aura change, "Dont call me until your done with that crap, God, you're worse than Oikawa" you put your phone down and he looks up at you.
"What's wrong?" He asks but you shake your head, "Its nothing, just Iwa being a bit of an asshole" he nods and you look at the tv.
"He doesnt love you, he says all that shit which he shouldnt be saying, what if he cheats on you again huh? "
You let out a sigh then close your eyes, uh oh, you're pissed.
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"Hey" you hear, turning around you see them and shoot a smile, "Hey guys" you say as you slowly come to a stop. "Whatre you doing here?" One asks, "Oh uh well you know working out" you say and they nod. "Any specific reason? You look perfect already" you laugh making them confused, "Yeah right, if I was Oikawa wouldnt judge me 24/7" you say and they tilt their heads.
"Anyways, I'm gonna get back to this" you say with a small smile and they head to the other side, "Whatre you thinking?" Akaashi asks as Bokuto glares in your direction. "I'm thinking that I want to kill Oikawa", "As much as I'd love to help you do that, its illegal" he says and he huffs. "Only if i get caught".
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"Whatre you doing?" He asks as his arms wrap around your waist, you step off and you smile, "Yes" you say and he rubs your stomach, it's not as squishy as before. "I finally lost 15 pounds" you whisper with a large smile and although he should be congratulating you it doesnt make sense. "Whyd you lose weight?" He asks and you look back, "For you, you wanted me to lose it remember?" You say and he looks at you in the mirror.
"I'll love you no matter what", "Haha, yeah right Mr. I want a trophy wife who's beautiful and perfect" you say then move away, his heart clenches hearing you say the words he regrets telling you. He didn't want anyone but you.
"Y-you know I love you right?" He says and you look at him, you dont say anything making his heart break. "I do Tooru, it's just hard to believe" and he looks down, "Okay".
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"Y/N" he says for the thousandth time this night, "Are you even listening to me?! It's like you dont care about me! You're always off with Iwaizumi doing God knows what! Why cant you just love me! Only me!" The tears keep falling but you dont look back and you dont let a sob escape. For three days it's been like this, him finding anything to ridicule about and making sure you knew how terrible of a girlfriend you were.
You stand then look at the tree your parents gave you, well it was meant for both of you, something to resemble your love for each other, always growing and alive till death.
A sigh escapes your lips and you walks up to it, "Just as I suspec-", "If I cut this down does that mean were done too?" You ask surprising him. "What does that mean?" He asks and you turn to look at him, "I want to break up" and he looks down. You're crying, you're actually crying, hes never seen you cry, you always refused to look at him whenever you did so hes never got to see it and he wishes he never did.
"Why?", "Why? Why?! Why else Tooru?! Every second I spend with you hurts me! The love in our relationship cant even compare to the amount of pain there is! You give me so much shit and i try to be better, i try to become someone perfect for you but theres always something! I dont love Iwa like I love you! I never have! I only love you but it's like you dont think i do! Even though you're the one that cheated! You're the one that broke the trust! I should've broke up with you before!" You cover your mouth realizing what you just said and you look away.
You were right but why did you say all that stuff to him, he looks at you but quickly looks away. "I'm leaving" you say then rush past him, "W-where are you going?" He asks as he follows you upstairs, you couldn't leave, not like this. He has to say sorry, he has to fix it, he cant lose you!
"I dont know but I cant stay here" you pack stuff up as you avoid his hands, "No" he suddenly says as you reach for the front door. "Bye" you leave in a rush and he looks around, "NO! GET BACK HERE!" and he falls to ground. It actually happened, you left him, you left him and it's his fault, who's going to love him now? Who's going to help him when he gets sick and who's he going to tease?
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He leans in as he holds you close, "I love you" he whispers but you stop him, "Its been two months yet you still push me away", "I didnt have sex with Tooru till we were five months in" you say but he doesnt stop, "Oh c'mon, you know you want to so ju-", "Can you stop? I'm really not in the mood for anything like this" you say as you push his hands away from your stomach and thighs.
"Oh I get it" he says as he pins your hands above your head, "You think I'm like Oikawa, that I'll point out your flaws, that I'll think you're ugly, that I dont actually want you" he says into your ear and you look away, he was right and you both knew that. "Well guess what, we all have flaws, I dont think you're ugly and damn do I want you" he kisses you hard but your squirm in his embrace.
"N-no Iwa stop" you let out with a soft moan as he rubs his knee against your clothed heat, "Why? We both want this, you just cant admit it" his tongue trails up your neck as you resist him only making him want you more. "So soft and you always smell so good" he murmurs as you grind against his knee although your mind is saying you dont want this.
"So pretty, especially these moans" desperate whines leave your mouth as he slowly undresses you, "Heh, I think we should take this to the bed" he says as he looks down at your naked body.
Your arms cover yourself as much as they can as he lifts you bridal style, "M-maybe we should wait, i-i should lose a few m-", "Shut the hell up or else I will tie you up" you nod fast and he places you on the bed. "Fuck me" you turn red seeing his eyes take you in, he reaches for his shirt and you move up to help him but he pushes you down making you bounce a bit.
"Stay right there" he undresses as you watch, once hes done he spreads your legs making your body heat up and filling you with so many emotions. "So perfect" he says as he pushes in slowly, you hiss slightly at the feeling you havent felt in such a long time. "Ah- no, Haji-!" He thrusts harder and faster making the frame hit the wall, over and over.
"So warm, so tight and it feels so good" moans leave his mouth making you bite your lip, this felt so different, way too different. "Dont think about him" he says as he thrusts hard sending your eyes wide open, "I-I dont know how he fucked you, or if hes a goddamn sub but dont! Fucking! Think about him!" He growls out with a thrust each time, feeling angry that even now you're still thinking about him. "Sorrysorrysorry!"
Pants leave his mouth as cries leave yours, "God I love you, I love you so much" he mutters as he looks at your pink cheeks and tears falling down your face, he lowers next to your ear as one hand holds your thigh as the other holds your head close to him. "I love the way you just clamp around me" his hips slow down, grinding against you, "I feel like coming every time I thrust into you, that's how good you feel" you tighten around him as the praises keep coming.
Why did this feel so good? Just his words were getting you there and it was so embarrassing that he made you feel this way. "I just cant believe that the woman I've loved since I was 13 is finally mine, that were here together and you're in my arms" he stops to kiss you and you sniffle slightly, "You can come now" a soft cry fills the room as you come and he thrusts a bit more leading to groans and a warm feeling in your core.
"You're mine, only mine".
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loeyluvr · 4 years
intoxicate me
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pairing: jaehyun x fem!reader
word count: 3.4k
warnings: cursing, sexual themes
genre: friends to lovers!au
summary: when you and your best friend began to end the nights together in less friendlier ways, it was nothing but ways to get laid, at least that was what it started as. you couldn’t have fallen in love with him, could you?
you couldn’t remember when your story began exactly. you couldn’t pinpoint the exact day or the exact time reckless nights filled with solo cups and music turned way too loud became the start of something entirely different. when those reckless nights began to end with your limbs tangled in his. when the music that blared below began to lull you to sleep in his arms. it was an unspoken rule between you two, that you’d always end the nights with one another. and that rule had yet to be broken.
it was always the same. a routine. every morning you’d wake up with the sun pouring through his curtains as the hangover from the night before came hurdling in with it. the reluctant removal of his hands that were always wrapped tightly around you, as you peeled back the thin sheets that separated you from him. you weren’t friends with benefits, technically, or dating, it wasn’t that simple. just two horny friends who found relief in each other. at least that’s how it was before you began to find yourself yearning for more than the nights you spent together. it was fun you’ll admit, to always be guaranteed a hookup no matter the occasion. no strings attached, no specifics, hell you never spoke a word about what you two were doing once the buzz of the alcohol was gone and sobriety hit. but when it was there it felt like heaven. too good to be true. but you later learned that the hard way.
today was no different. you felt the warmth of the sun meet your exposed skin before you turned to see it. your face buried deep within the duvet, too stubborn to meet it eye to eye. the bittersweet moment of waking up in his arms only being a temporary relief in itself before you had to remove yourself from them completely and pretend it never happened. even though you both knew you’d be there tomorrow morning anyways.
you felt his hands next, pressed tight against your stomach as he held you to him, so close you could feel the heat of his chest sending warmth down your whole body as you melted into him. then it was his chin, nestled into the crook of your neck. his breath leaving goosebumps as it tickled your skin gently, blowing your hair just the tiniest amount. his stubble grazing your shoulder as his chest moved up and down softly. there was something different about his touch this time, it was more gentle and needy opposed to lazy and unintentional as if he moved to you in his sleep with a different purpose in mind. you noticed this shift in his hold a few weeks ago. more reluctant to let you go as you spent more and more nights together.
this time, in particular, had started pretty simple. you were buzzed and insisted on jaehyun watching an episode of your favorite show with you, just remembering it to be on tonight. even in the middle of one of his notorious parties. causing you to drag the tall idiot through rooms of winding bodies in search of his room. you didn’t miss the looks some of the girls would give you though. jaehyun got around to put it lightly, and almost everyone wanted to sleep with him. the thought alone made you want to gag. so as each glare landed on his and your stumbling figures you made sure to meet them with winks. giggles flying from your mouth as he couldn’t help but join in. the two of you eventually finding it. but even in your drunken states, jaehyun managed to get into the show more than you, something that seemed to happen every time, even if he was reluctant to admit he was a sucker for tv dramas. giggles and gasps being the only thing to accompany the tv and the music blaring from downstairs. and just like that, the night ended with your hands on him as his landed on you.
you turned to face him as gently and quietly as you could while picking up his outstretched arm. which was easier said than done as it was wrapped tight around you, unmoving. you shook your head lightly as you felt the grip tighten, somehow. it was almost taunting like he knew you were planning to move. you sighed as you attempted to remove it once more, concocting a plan. it worked and you eventually were able to unleash the death grip he held on you but not before earning a dissatisfied grunt from the sleeping giant behind you. you laughed softly at the childishness he held even in sleep. but you rolled over quickly and placed it right back where it was, gently removing his head from your shoulder and letting it fall onto the pillow. the grip tightened immediately once more as his fingertips began to dig into the skin left exposed by your movements. smirking at your success. your eyes scanned over him, mesmerizing every feature on his sleeping figure as if it would be the last time you’d ever have the chance to. and you found your fingers winding through his messy hair that fell along his forehead. him smiling involuntarily at your actions. his hair had a natural waviness in it, it wasn’t quite curled but it wasn’t quite straight. one of your favorite things about him. his natural hair that was, as he always wound straightening products through the strands. but that was jaehyun for you, the always well put together person he was. your best friend. and you were glad you had the privilege of seeing him like this, his polished look gone. usually composing of pin-straight hair combed meticulously until every strand was in place, tucked in shirts, paired with the perfect jewelry to tie his looks together, that you had consequently had to pick out for him. in its place leaving fluffy hair and plump lips that you’ve felt yourself melt into time and time again. you’ve always seen his softer and more approachable look as opposed to his charming and polished one. and it wasn’t like you were complaining.
your fingers continued to dance along the brown strands and for a moment everything felt ok. but you knew it wouldn’t last though because this was apart of the bittersweet moments you shared each morning. and you were sure the worst thing about them was knowing you were experiencing one. the fleeting feeling as you try to mesmerize every detail as you become aware that its end would eventually come. and every time you’d done this you still never got over just how breathtaking he was. it was something you were sure you’d never or would ever get over.
you weren’t sure how you managed to last this long. deeply and disgustingly in love with your best friend without cracking and cutting this whole unspoken thing off. every morning it hurt more than the last to sneak away and leave things unsaid. you wanted so much more. the moments of softness and tenderness he showed you was something you wanted at all hours of the day, not just the ones he spent drunk. you sighed as the pain of the hangover began to creep back in, joining the heaviness of your heart sending your head into the pillow behind you.
withdrawing your hand to massage your temple. your action caused a stir in jaehyun as you opened your eyes to see his flutter open, as they adjusted to the brightness of the room, just as you had done.
of course, you didn’t always sneak away, sometimes you’d wake up after him or sometimes before and would carry on conversations when the other woke up. or you’d just lay there together, him greedily holding you to him, as you were both well aware of his sobriety. and when those lingering moments together began, that’s when you knew you had gotten more than you bargained for.
his eyes adjusted and met yours. and you laid there taking one another in. his eyes were soft and sleepy and yours were bright and gentle. he smiled at you and it was the best sight you were sure you had ever woken up to. a blush crept onto your cheeks as you offered one back.
“good morning sleepy head” you spoke first as he shook his head. your voice breaking the comfortable silence.
“good morning sleeping beauty” he chuckled before you flicked his forehead. causing him to dramatically fling his head back, acting as if you had done way worse.
“heyyyy” he whined. “what was that for” as a pout began to set in.
“dunno” you giggled before disappearing under the covers, prompting him to follow you. “oh so that’s what we’re doing” he scoffed playfully a giggle daring to escape his pink lips, as he snuck his head down to meet yours.
“hi,” you breathed. the warmth underneath the blankets becoming suffocating with him with you. you were sure it was just the heat and not the way his hand still grasped your waist.
“hi again” he replied as you found yourself eye to eye. and before you could open your mouth to speak he pressed a quick kiss to your nose. and giggled. and god did it make your heart lurch. you frowned involuntarily, which he took note of immediately.
“i’m sorry-“ he replied but you cut him off. and pressed one right back to his. his ears immediately turning bright red. a habit of his that you adored. always turning bright red whenever he was nervous or embarrassed. you didn’t have time to linger on that though. as his eyes still had concern in them as you leaned back and rested your forehead against his.
“your morning breath is absolutely awful by the way,” you said leaning back and watching his mouth open. the look of concern leaving his eyes as quickly as it entered.
“you’re so MEAN” he replied feigning hurt, his pout returning. “please go brush your teeth before i kick you out of this bed” you replied holding your nose.
“it’s my bed,” he said his eyebrow arching. “and it’s your breath making it disgusting.” he rolled his eyes before giving in. he snuck his head back up above the covers as you were left alone under them. you soon heard his heavy footsteps round the corner of the bed and descend into the bathroom, hearing the light click on. you giggled and waited for the water to turn on but it never came. confused, you peeled above the covers and there he stood with his hands planted on his hips. a playful smirk on his face.
“what did i-“ you began but were cut off this time as he threw the covers off you and before you could adjust to the cold on your bare legs you were hoisted over his shoulder.
“jung jaehyun put me down,” you yelled as you beat your fists against his back. blowing your fallen hair out of your face as you rested on his broad shoulders. your face was crimson and you were glad he couldn’t see that.
“nopeeee” he replied drawing the e out. he giggled before dashing to the bathroom, feet thundering through the room. you sighed as you felt him finally make it to the sink, this time with you. he plopped you down on the counter with a smirk as you crossed your arms in annoyance. taking in the way he held the goofiest smile you had ever seen. teeth flashing. making your heart race. the frown daring to make its return as you pushed it away. becoming painfully aware of how much damage you were doing to yourself by letting these moments happen.
he giggled at your state before reaching behind you and plucking the toothbrush he kept for you out of its container. yes, he kept a toothbrush in his bathroom just for you. you shuddered. this causing you to snake your way out of your lingering thoughts. and without missing a beat he reached behind you again to grab the toothpaste, while continuing to giggle to himself. after he put toothpaste on it he looked back up at your confused face, one mixed with genuine confusion and with annoyance as the cold counter you currently sat on began to sting the back of your legs.
he shifted his position before nudging your legs with his free hand. getting the message, you move them apart as he found his way between them.
“open,” he said. you quirked an eyebrow at him.
“i’m a big girl i can do it myself,” you said as he rolled his eyes, his other hand drumming on the counter beside you. you began to reach for the toothbrush before he swatted your hand away. stubborn as always.
“you’re so annoying just open your mouth.” it was your turn to roll yours as he waited. you sighed before opening your mouth and he didn’t miss the opportunity before the toothbrush was gliding along your teeth. he grabbed your chin and titled your head back just a little while he worked. a look of determination never leaving his face. you couldn’t believe he insisted on brushing your teeth for you. you would never understand him. he worked quickly and efficiently before pulling it from your mouth, his hand dropping your chin before finding its way under the brush as he took it out, preventing any toothpaste to leak onto the floor.
you watched as he turned the tap on and rinsed the bristles before moving aside.
“spit” he ordered. “but i swallow,” you mumbled as the toothpaste rendered your voice muffled. he rolled his eyes as he tapped the sink. “yeah i know that now can you spit it out.” and you giggled to yourself as you spit. him rinsing it down with a disgusted face and before filling up a cup of water and handing it to you. you rinsed and spit again.
“good girl, now that wasn’t so hard now was it?” he asked with an, “i told you so” look. the pet name sending butterflies into your stomach. you flicked his forehead again and he ruffled your already messy hair. you giggled before he left to brush his. you were lost in thought and were more than confused at his actions. you were shaken from them again, however, as he picked you up again. this time your legs wrapped around his waist.
“damn we’re already in this position again?” you asked and without looking up you knew he rolled his eyes at your remark.
he dropped you gently on the bed, leaving you to your own accord as he raked through his closet. he was treating you like a baby and you were confused but didn’t question it, jaehyun was always the weirdest person you knew. he was back again with quickness along with a hoodie and boxers both his, thrown over his arm.
“here,” he said simply, dropping the clothes onto your lap. “i have to shower, i assume you can dress yourself” he prompted a hint of humor in his tone.
“why are you treating me like a baby” you muttered in mock annoyance. even though you were quite fine with what he was doing.
“the least i could do was give u clothes and if you thought my breath was bad...” he trailed off, earning a glare from you. but he shrugged as you rolled your eyes. acting as if it was the simplest thing in the world. but then came the after-effects of the high you felt from his actions and your mood shifted.
“i’m going to order breakfast,” you said quickly. he raised his eyebrow as you moved around him from your spot on the bed and slid through the door. you felt your heart drop in your chest. and this was the worst it’s ever gotten. you were so fucked. that wasn’t something you just do with a hookup. granted you were friends and have hooked up too many times to count. but he had never been that loving and caring with you. going out of his way to take care of you. to spend time with you after. and the way each action made your heart soar scared the absolute shit out of you. the way the most disgustingly cute things had your palms sweating and heart racing.
you scurried through the hallway, throwing the clothes onto the counter. raking your hand through your hair. before pulling open the drawers looking for takeout menus. you were all over the place and didn’t notice the pair of warm hands that slid around your waist. causing you to freeze as his head found your shoulder and landed a soft kiss on your neck.
“penny for your thoughts?” he asked softly, squeezing you gently. and that’s when it became all too much.
you turned around to face him. “jaehyun we can’t do this anymore.” the words barely escaped, your throat tightening. your hands finding the expanse of his chest as you pushed him away. he took a few steps back, his expression was unreadable as you calmed yourself down, taking deep breaths. internally freaking out. eyes moving from him as his pierced yours.
“i agree,” he said. you wish you could've hidden the hurt in your eyes from him, but you knew he saw right through them even if you couldn’t meet his gaze.
“um i’m glad we agree” you stammered before trying to escape from the small space between the counter and him. hoping to get away from him before the tears you were holding began to fall. granted it was your proposition but you didn’t want him to agree.
“let me finish,” he whispered and you ceased moving. he moved closer as he spun you around again pushing your fallen hair out of your face. your throat was tight as you balled your fist to control your emotions, fingernails digging into your palm.
“i don’t want to do this anymore either,” he spoke quietly as his forehead wrinkled in thought. fingers dancing along your cheek as he began to think out what he was going to say next. “but i don’t want to be just friends either” he trailed off as he watched your reaction. and you couldn’t help but laugh, one of almost relief at his implications you hoped you had interpreted right.
“so if not friends and not whatever this is, then what?” you asked. he giggled before pulling his lip between his teeth. you giggled too, realizing this was the first time you had spoken about your situation.
“as girlfriend and boyfriend, idiot.” and even though it was a serious moment, it earned him another thump on his forehead. “i’m confessing my love to you and you thump me?” you giggled. “yeah.” and he began planting kisses all over your face as you continued to giggle.
“so will you be my girlfriend?” he leaned back and asked again.
“only if you’ll be my boyfriend.”
"fucking finally" you and jaehyun spun around in suprise at the other person in the room, separating in the process, eyes landing on, jaehyun's roomate johnny eating yogurt on the couch.
"since when have you BEEN here?" jaehyun asked, eyebrow raised as you began laughing at the fact neither of you had noticed his presence before having a mini soap opera in his kitchen.
"Um since this morning i kind of live here you know," he quipped back taking another spoonful of his yogurt.
"ok smartass," jaehyun mumbled as you couldn't help but laugh again earning a glare.
"but on a serious note, since like an hour ago before you guys did your thing," he said, using his spoon used to emphasize the amount of time he had spent watching you two.  jaehyun sighed rubbing his face, earning a playful shove from you.
"as long as you'll be my boyfriend," johnny began again, his free hand doing none other than air quotes, as he quoted you. "y/n i never took you to be such a romantic." his hand dramatically clutching at his chest in sarcasm making your cheeks turn bright red as jaehyun engulfed you in a hug, hiding your embarrassed expression.
"change of plans we're going out for breakfast," he mumbled throwing a spoon at johnny who was still giggling at your embarrassment.
"have fun lovebirds" he called as you and jaehyun left, the door closing behind you, jaehyun mumbling under his breath. nothing like johnny to make your lives that much more interesting.
a/n: long time no see! hope this wasn’t too bad, let me know if you have any suggestions or any requests, all feedback is taken with open arms. i ended up writing this a few months ago when i was in my feelings over jaehyun and decided to edit and post it now. make sure you wear your masks and stay safe!  see you in another 6 years! LMSFMS
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bettydice · 3 years
the intrinsic intimacy of staring at your opponent through the net and wanting her to absolutely rail you
wlw Wangxian, E-Rated, Modern AU - Volleyball Rivals, cisswap
Read on AO3
“I think Lan Zhan could rip the ball in half, if she wanted to.”
“Mhmmrmmm mhhnannm,” Jiang Cheng groaned into his pillow. Wei Ying knew he was disagreeing with her but chose to ignore it.
“If she’s really angry… she could… just grab it and…” Wei Ying shuddered and pressed her hands against her flushed cheeks. The Yiling Demons were playing against the Gusu Clouds the next day and she was unreasonably nervous. It certainly would not be the first time they’d play against each other, nor would it be the last. No reason to be nervous, right? “Just absolutely destroy it.”
Jiang Cheng groaned again, then sat up in his bed and glared at her, hair sticking out in all directions. “Why? It’s in the middle of the fucking night! Go to bed and leave me alone!”
Wei Ying ignored him, just stared at him from where she was sitting cross-legged on the bed next to him, gnawing her thumb. “She could rip me in half. Have you seen how mad she was last game? I bet she wanted to…” Wei Ying swallowed thickly as she remembered the furious look Lan Zhan had sent her way through the net. Not just a look. Looks. Plural. The entire game. “Annihilate me.”
“And why is this a problem now, at 2 a.m.? She always looks at you that way.” Jiang Cheng threw his pillow at her, but Wei Ying caught it easily, then threw it back at him, hitting him in the face.
“Cute that you thought you could catch me, star volleyball player Wei Ying of the Yiling Demons, by surprise,” Wei Ying cackled while Jiang Cheng cursed under his breath and slammed the pillow down next to him.
“Exactly,” he grumbled. “Then why are you so worried you have to disturb my hard-earned sleep?”
“It’s just… an important game. That’s all.” Wei Ying was gnawing on her thumb again.
“Stop that, do you want it to bleed again?” Jiang Cheng slapped her hand away. “And it’s a friendly match for charity. Just go the fuck to sleep.”
“I need to play well so we raise a lot of money! I don’t want to be responsible for the library not being able to expand! Can you imagine the shame? Lan Zhan really would rip me in half then, she loves books.”
“How do you even know that? ... Don’t tell me. I know you’re obsessed with her.” Jiang Cheng snorted, adjusted his pillow and lied back down. “Now fuck off. Go to bed. You’ll play well tomorrow, you always do.”
“I’m not obsessed with Lan Zhan!” Wei Ying yelled indignantly, but Jiang Cheng only pulled his blanket over his head. Wei Ying stared at his back for a few seconds, outraged. Then, when he made no sign of saying anything else, she huffed and went back to her room, grumbling under her breath.
She wasn’t obsessed! She had a normal amount of interest in Lan Zhan! They had an intense athletic rivalry, and because Lan Zhan was the most dangerous player, she had to be aware of what she was doing at all times! Also, it was physically impossible to ignore Lan Zhan, she was so tall and imposing! Nobody could take their eyes off her and her strong arms and thighs and… Nobody! Nothing wrong with admiring the female form in peak physical perfection. Obsessed? Jiang Cheng didn’t know what he was talking about.
In bed, Wei Ying kept turning and tossing, so annoyed was she with her brother. Annoyed with him for talking nonsense. Annoyed that he didn’t help distract her from her thoughts. Because she had reason to be anxious, didn’t she? Because something happened last game… Well, nothing happened, but… After the game, Lan Zhan had been waiting for her in front of the locker room. Wen Qing had only rolled her eyes and left, leaving Wei Ying cruelly behind. Alone and defenceless in front of Lan Zhan, who wanted to rip her in half! Lan Zhan had stared at her, fiercely, while Wei Ying clutched the strap of her bag, face growing hot. Then Lan Zhan had said: “I’d like to talk to you.”
She’d said it so politely, almost shyly. Usually, Wei Ying would be thrilled to be the sole focus of Lan Zhan’s attention, but…
Wei Ying had fled. Had mumbled something about having to help Wen Qing with A Thing and had literally run away.
What had Lan Zhan wanted to talk about? Lan Zhan didn’t just talk to people… Would she try again after tomorrow’s game? Or had Wei Ying messed it up and now Lan Zhan will never talk to her again. Maybe she won’t even allow Wei Ying chatting at her during parties anymore, won’t endure her tipsy ramblings, won’t let her crowd into her personal space anymore.
Wei Ying couldn’t decide what’d be worse – Lan Zhan waiting for her tomorrow after the game or Lan Zhan never looking at her again.
No. She knew.
She wanted Lan Zhan to keep looking at her.
When she finally fell asleep, her sleep was restless, and she woke up with quickly dissipating memories of dreams of Lan Zhan’s piercing gaze.
As soon as Wei Ying entered the gym, she saw Lan Zhan, warming up on court. As though she could sense her presence, Lan Zhan turned her head and stared directly at Wei Ying. And frowned.
Okay, so she was still looking at her. Good. Good, good. The frowning… well, a lot of people frowned at her daily, nothing to worry about. In fact, Jiang Cheng was frowning at her right now.
“This is that ref again, isn’t it?” Jiang Cheng narrowed his eyes and looked across the court where the ref was chatting with Lan Yi, the trainer of the Gusu Clouds. Wei Ying really didn’t have time for his bullshit right now.
“If you embarrass me again, you’re banned from watching my games for a whole season,” Wei Ying hissed at him, eyes searching out Lan Zhan again, who was doing lunges now. Her legs were looking especially powerful today.
“How is demanding a fair ref embarrassing you? She clearly had it out against the Demons, your fingers did not touch that ball!”
“You were yelling at the ref and they probably would’ve thrown you out if Jiejie hadn’t charmed them with her presence and promised she’d keep you in check.”
Before Jiang Cheng could open his mouth to counter with even more bullshit, Wen Qing joined them, putting her arms around both their shoulders, effectively shutting Jiang Cheng up.
“Ready? I’m in the mood to crush some skulls today. Let’s go warm up.”
“Yeah, be right there!”
Wen Qing nodded, then gave them both a slap on their butts. Jiang Cheng turned bright red and decidedly did not watch Wen Qing walk away.
“You’re so fucking embarrassing,” Wei Ying murmured at him under her breath, dragging her eyes forcefully away from Lan Zhan and her glutes, and turning towards the locker rooms. “You know she has a girlfriend, right?”
“Shut the fuck up.” Jiang Cheng elbowed her, but very half-heartedly. Probably, because it was game day, and he didn’t want to risk actually hurting her. Ugh, he was such a sap. “Go get changed.”
“I will! You should go outside and wait for Jiejie, I’m sure she brought way too many snacks again.”
“Fine, I will!” Jiang Cheng turned around and stomped off, but not before yelling: “Warm up properly!”
Ah, her sweet little baby brother. This was why she couldn’t be mad at him for long, even if he said nonsensical things like Wei Ying being obsessed with Lan Zhan.
The game was… intense, for a charity game. Well, maybe it wasn’t. Her teammates seemed to be having fun. But Wei Ying wasn’t having fun. She couldn’t focus on the game, couldn’t stop thinking about whether Lan Zhan would want to talk again. And what it was she wanted to talk about. She couldn’t… it wouldn’t…
It probably didn’t have anything to do with how Wei Ying had gotten drunk at the last party they both had attended and had… said things. She couldn’t really remember what she had said, but she remembered clinging to Lan Zhan’s strong arm and looking up at her, at her lips, feeling hot all over. And maybe this had been the party after the game where Wei Ying had realised she wanted Lan Zhan to press her against a flat surface and make out with her.
So. Lan Zhan probably just wanted to let her down gently, right? Because she was actually a nice person, even if she’d gained the reputation of being an Ice Queen. Wei Ying didn’t want to hear it though; she already knew Lan Zhan would never want to do those things to her. Even though she could, Wei Ying would let her do anything.
She shook her head and tried to focus on the game. Gusu Clouds were 2:1 in the lead and currently two points ahead of them in this set, so they really had to get their shit together. With newfound determination, Wei Ying managed to land a spike right in front of Lan Zhan. As her team huddled together to cheer, Wei Ying couldn’t help herself. She looked at Lan Zhan, who was already looking back at her, and grinned. Lan Zhan… smiled? Was that really a smile? What the fuck, what the fuck, what the fucking fuck? Fuck.
Was this some kind of evil tactic from Lan Zhan? Because there was no way Wei Ying could focus now. She just stared at Lan Zhan through the net, across the field. Lan Zhan was actually concentrating on the ball now and not looking back. Well, good for her.
Wei Ying tried to focus, she really did. But then Lan Zhan jumped in the air to hit the ball and her shirt rode up a little, showing a hint of her abs. She was so strong and graceful, she –
The ball hit Wei Ying in the face with the full force of Lan Zhan’s infamous spike. She blinked and when she opened her eyes again, she was lying on the ground. She blinked again - now her teammates were crowded around her, yelling. At her?
“I’m fine,” she said, but no one seemed to hear her. Her face hurt, of course, but a numb kind of pain, not a ‘broke my nose’ kind of pain. And Wei Ying knew what that felt like!
Somebody helped her up and off the field, and five minutes later she was sitting there with a giant ice pack pressed to her face. It had taken one minute to convince the paramedic she was fine and four minutes to convince Jiang Cheng and Jiang Yanli that they could go back to the stands.
She was fine, but she wasn’t allowed back on the field, so she could spend the rest of the match being eaten up by embarrassment. She’d just stood there and let the ball hit her, because… because she was too horny for Lan Zhan! What the fuck was wrong with her?
Wei Ying had to watch her team lose the set and the game and knew it was her fault. She needed to get over this… whatever this was. She should allow Lan Zhan to say her piece, tell her ‘Wei Ying, I’m really not interested in you like that or at all’ and then maybe Wei Ying could get over… whatever this was… and be able to focus again when they were playing the Clouds.
Either that, or she’d have to stop playing volleyball and also maybe move to a different country. Which she didn’t have any money for.
She was the last one in the locker room, everyone eager to shower and change quickly to go stuff their faces at the picnic slash barbecue the teams organized in the little park next to the gym to hopefully collect a lot of donations. Everyone had been so nice to her, making sure she really was okay, getting her a new ice pack, when all she wanted was just to crawl in a hole and die.
But she couldn’t. She couldn’t even just keep lying here on the bench, ice pack on her face, hair drying slowly, until it got dark and everyone had left, because Jiang Cheng had already sent her five worried messages. Lan Zhan was probably at the picnic too, right? It was for a good cause, even she wouldn’t skip a social gathering that was for a good cause.
Okay, Wei Ying was going. She was.
Right now.
Five more minutes. The ice pack was still a little cold; she needed to use it a bit longer if she wanted to ensure a minimum amount of swelling. There would be a bruise, maybe even a full black eye, but so far there was no swelling.
Suddenly, the door opened. Maybe it was Wen Qing coming to get her and/or to yell at her because Jiang Cheng was yelling.
She turned her head with a weary sigh, then sucked all the air back in, because… Lan Zhan. Was here. Walking over to her. Crouching down next to the bench Wei Ying was lying on. And… and… carefully lifting the ice pack from Wei Ying’s face and looking at her.
“Does it hurt?” Lan Zhan stroked her thumb over Wei Ying’s cheek, just under her bruise. She’d never…
“Uh… n-no?” Wei Ying stuttered, because she was a mess and Lan Zhan was touching her face very gently.
“You’re not sure?” Lan Zhan sounded amused, her thumb still stroking Wei Ying’s cheek.
“It doesn’t hurt badly. Just a little.” Wei Ying hoped that her voice sounded normal, but it was hard to tell because she currently couldn’t remember what her voice usually sounded like. It was always this high, right?
“Good.” Lan Zhan nodded her approval. Then, she moved her hand, so it rested on Wei Ying’s neck, thumb stroking her jaw now. Wei Ying swallowed hard, which Lan Zhan would be able to feel. “Why didn’t you move?”
Lan Zhan’s gaze was hot on her face and oh… she knew. Whatever Wei Ying had told her… She knew and this was her way of…
“Lan Zhan…” Wei Ying pleaded. She already knew, why did she want Wei Ying to confess to her horny obsession?
Lan Zhan watched the flush spread out on Wei Ying’s face, travel down her neck and chest. But the look in her eyes told Wei Ying that she wouldn’t back down. “Tell me.”
Wei Ying let out a shaky breath, then stared at the ceiling. “I had trouble… focusing.”
“Why?” Lan Zhan’s thumb was now resting right underneath her lower lip, which was horribly unfair.
“Lan Zhannnn, please. You know why.” Wei Ying squeezed her eyes shut, which she immediately regretted because the bruised side of her face hurt, so she opened them again, accidentally meeting Lan Zhan’s eyes. Lan Zhan was smiling at her. She looked… still intense, but her features were much softer than what Wei Ying’s heart could handle.
“Tell me.” She was still smiling; the same secret smile Wei Ying had seen on the court earlier. Was it just for her?
“Because… I… You’re… really hot.” Wei Ying had never been this in embarrassed in her life, and when she was embarrassed, she started babbling. That’s why she said, while staring straight at Lan Zhan’s amused face: “I could see your abs when you jumped.”
“Mhm. Is that all?”
“Huh?” What else did Lan Zhan want her to say? Wasn’t this enough???
“You weren’t thinking of kneeling between my strong thighs or how my long fingers would feel inside of you?” Lan Zhan said with an almost completely straight face. Her ears were a little red, her mouth twitching a little, but otherwise… how could she just…
“What… why… oh fuck is that what I…” Wei Ying tried to hide her mortified face behind her hands, but Lan Zhan didn’t let her, pulling her hands back down with just one – just one! – of her large hands. Fuck. “I was really drunk. Lan Zhan, you can’t hold me accountable for my drunk ramblings.”
“So, you don’t want that?” Suddenly, Lan Zhan’s hand was resting on Wei Ying’s stomach, not very far from her boobs. Rather close to them, actually. Wei Ying was only wearing a ratty old tank top over her sports bra. A really thin top. Lan Zhan’s hand was very warm.
“Uhm… “ It seemed like if Wei Ying were to say yes, then these things would actually come true. She didn’t know why she was so scared to admit it, this was what she wanted. “I… Please.”
Lan Zhan put her hand right across Wei Ying’s heart. And her boob, as a side-effect. Or was it the other way round? Her left eyebrow twitched a miniscule amount, another question. Wei Ying bit her lip and nodded and hope it was enough, that Lan Zhan would finally –
Lan Zhan kissed her.
This kiss wasn’t a quick peck or a shy first meeting of lips. Lan Zhan wasn’t asking anymore; she had heard Wei Ying’s pleas, and this was her answer.
Wei Ying tried to be an enthusiastic participant of the kiss, but it was very difficult, because she also had to figure out where to put her hands: Desperately clinging to the bench? Buried in Lan Zhan’s hair? Gripping her strong shoulders? Additionally, there were loud moans seeking to escape her throat and she really tried to hold them back. However, Wei Ying quickly found out that she was incapable of holding back moans when Lan Zhan was squeezing her tit. And Lan Zhan seemed to like it, because whenever Wei Ying moaned, Lan Zhan squeezed harder – a vicious, delicious cycle.
The only problem was that Lan Zhan’s touch was so good that all the parts of Wei Ying that weren’t being touched were complaining about it. She tried to tell Lan Zhan this but trying to talk around a tongue in her mouth just sounded like more moaning, meaning more squeezing, meaning more actual moaning. Since Wei Ying wasn’t willing to break the kiss just yet, she tried to shimmy so Lan Zhan’s hand would move lower, or at least under her shirt.
Lan Zhan’s hand did move. To her stomach, pressing down to stop her squirming. Oh. Yeah, okay. That was. Mhm.
Lan Zhan also stopped kissing her, which was not okay at all, and Wei Ying wasn’t too proud to pout and try to pull her back down. But Lan Zhan didn’t budge, because she was very tall and ridiculously strong.
“Wei Ying.” Lan Zhan looked down at her with a frown. Why was she frowning again? Wei Ying had already stopped squirming!
“Why aren’t you kissing meeeee?” Wei Ying whined, but with a lot of dignity. She wasn’t desperate or anything.
“Your phone.” Lan Zhan’s eyes flicked towards Wei Ying’s phone she’d at some point dropped into one of her trainers.
The phone was ringing. Oh!
Wei Ying scrambled into a sitting position and fished her phone out of her shoe. Lan Zhan didn’t move at all during this, so Wei Ying had to spread her legs to accommodate her. Lan Zhan’s hand was now resting high, very high, on her thigh instead of her stomach.
She answered the phone without looking at the screen, because she couldn’t tear her eyes away from the sight of Lan Zhan crouching between her legs, looking up at her with dark eyes and well-kissed lips. Fuck.
“Yes?”, Wei Ying barked into the phone.
“Where the fuck are you?” Ugh, of course it was Jiang Cheng. Of fucking course! “Jiejie is worried you fainted in the locker room! I texted you like three times! Do you need to go to the fucking hospital or something?”
“Aw, you care so much! That’s so sweet, A-Cheng.” Wei Ying had to look away from Lan Zhan’s face after all, because it was just… a lot to handle, while trying to annoy her brother.
“Don’t be gross! Anyway, you’re okay? Because I’m taking A-Jie home, the heat is getting to her.”
“Is she okay? Do you need help?” No matter how horny Wei Ying was, she would walk away from Lan Zhan’s everything right now, if her sister needed her. She’d probably cry about it later, but she would do it.
“She’s fine, just a little dizzy. Anyway, are you coming, too? I’m not gonna drive back later to pick you up, okay, no matter how many crying emojis you send me.”
This was a lie and they both knew it; Jiang Cheng would totally come pick her up. But Wei Ying had, uh, different plans. “No, I’ll stay here and… “ A hand squeezed her thigh. “Uhm, I’ll see you tonight.”
“You’re really okay? No nausea or anything? Because I can-”
Jiang Cheng’s worry was sweet and all, but Wei Ying really needed this phone call to end ASAP. Luckily, she knew how to accomplish that. “Ooooh, my sweet little A-Cheng is so worried, because he loves me soooo much, how touching! I want to squish your cheeks and-“
Jiang Cheng hung up. Wei Ying dropped the phone back in her shoe, and finally dared to look at Lan Zhan again.
Lan Zhan still looked so put together in her shorts and sleeveless blouse, her hair in a braid, only slightly ruffled by Wei Ying’s searching hands. Didn’t look even half as sweaty and flushed as Wei Ying felt. Wei Ying wanted to change that.
Lan Zhan wouldn’t be here, wouldn’t have done all that if she didn’t want this. If she didn’t want Wei Ying. So…
Wei Ying took off her top under Lan Zhan’s intense gaze and dropped it on top of her phone. Lan Zhan only quirked one eyebrow, slid one finger under the waistband of Wei Ying’s sweatpants. She didn’t tug on it, but the command was clear: Off.
Wei Ying took those off as well, so she was sitting in front of Lan Zhan in only her sports bra and her yellow panties with little cartoon ghosts saying ‘BOO’ on them.
Lan Zhan looked up at her and smirked. “Boo.”
Fuck, why was Lan Zhan so cute? Wei Ying had no choice but to take her face between her hands and drag her up, so she could kiss her. Lan Zhan let herself be dragged, half kneeling on the bench between Wei Ying’s thighs. Because she was so tall, Wei Ying now had to tilt her head back to be able to still kiss her. It was a very awkward and uncomfortable position, but they were kissing again, so Wei Ying counted it as a win.
Lan Zhan had always been extremely competitive, so of course she wouldn’t content herself with staying like this. A few seconds and some manhandling later, Wei Ying found herself sitting on Lan Zhan’s lap, back to Lan Zhan’s chest.
Wei Ying started squirming again, trying to turn around so she could look at Lan Zhan’s beautiful face and to receive more kisses. But Lan Zhan had other things in mind. Namely, pulling Wei Ying’s bra up and her panties down, so she could grab Wei Ying’s left tit with one hand and her pussy with the other.
“Lan Zhan, you…” Wei Ying said. Well, moaned.
“Mhm,” Lan Zhan murmured against Wei Ying’s neck.
Wei Ying didn’t actually know how she’d wanted to finish that sentence, and then Lan Zhan started pinching and rubbing, so she finished it with: “Fuck.”
“Mn,” Lan Zhan agreed and bit her shoulder.
Wei Ying’s whole existence melted down to three things: her shoulder, her throbbing clit, and her nipple. Lan Zhan was the only thing keeping her together, while she was thoroughly taking her apart. It didn’t make any sense, but Wei Ying had never paid much attention to ‘sense’ anyway.
“Lan Zhan… ah… Can’t I… Can’t I look at you?” Wei Ying tried to turn around again, but her body didn’t listen, too busy undulating and chasing Lan Zhan’s touch.
“Yes. After you’ve come.” Lan Zhan said and dipped one, no, two fingers into Wei Ying’s hole, then went back to rubbing her clit, the slide much smoother now because Wei Ying was so fucking wet.
“I… So mean… Lan… Lan Zhan!” Wei Ying came while moaning Lan Zhan’s name, her orgasm rolling over her so quickly and so strongly, she was afraid she’d fall off Lan Zhan’s lap. She put her hands over Lan Zhan’s to make sure she didn’t let her go while Wei Ying’s body was still twitching with aftershocks.
Lan Zhan held her, kept holding her, kept pressing kisses to her shoulder and her neck, murmuring her name, until Wei Ying finally felt like she had control over her body again.
This time, when she tried to turn around, Lan Zhan let her and even helped her pull up her panties, so she could comfortably sit on Lan Zhan’s thighs, Lan Zhan’s arms securely around her waist.
“Lan Zhan…” Wei Ying began, but then had to kiss her first, before she could continue. “You’re really pretty.”
“Wei Ying is pretty.” A smile tugged at the corner of Lan Zhan’s mouth and Wei Ying had to kiss the smile. And Lan Zhan’s cheek, because that was an important part of smiling. And her forehead, because Lan Zhan’s brain was behind there, and it had to work for the smile to happen. And her nose, simply because it was a good nose. And her other cheek, she didn’t want it to feel left out.
After her work was done, Wei Ying leaned back to look at Lan Zhan’s face again. She should do this again while wearing lipstick. If Lan Zhan would allow it. If she even wanted this again… Oh wait, were they even done yet?! Because… “Lan Zhan, you haven’t come yet!”
Wei Ying moved her hand down to Lan Zhan’s waistband but was once again stopped by one of Lan Zhan’s strong hands.
“What do you mean ‘later’?” Wei Ying pouted, trying to hide her anxiety. What if there was no later? She wanted to give Lan Zhan the best orgasm now, so she would not be able to forget this ever happened. Because Wei Ying certainly wouldn’t be able to. “When will that be? Don’t you want to come now? I’ll eat you out, Lan Zhan, please, you know how good I am with my mouth.”
Lan Zhan’s grip tightened, Wei Ying’s words clearly affecting her in some way. But still she said: “Later.”
Wei Ying whined, but Lan Zhan smiled so beautifully, it shut her up again.
“Later will be in about 15 minutes, if you walk fast.” Lan Zhan let her gaze drag over Wei Ying’s flushed face, her still exposed tits, down to her soaked panties and back up to her face. She smirked. “Let’s say twenty minutes, because I don’t think you’ll be able to.”
“Wow, okay, I’ll have you know I’m a superstar athlete! I can walk very fast, under any circumstances!” Wei Ying didn’t really want to leave Lan Zhan’s lap, but proving her point was more important. Though her legs did prove to be a little wobbly still. She put her hand on Lan Zhan’s shoulder to steady herself, ignoring Lan Zhan’s smug expression. Well, not ignore it completely. It was kinda hot actually.
“Well, what are you waiting for? Or do you need some time to recover? I understand, I’m a very good kisser and-“
Lan Zhan, it turned out, did not need to recover, but Wei Ying did, after Lan Zhan pressed her against the wall and kissed her until she was dizzy.
“Well… You proved your… Anyway… As I was saying… In conclusion, I was right,” Wei Ying panted against Lan Zhan’s smiling mouth. She really was smiling a lot today. It did dangerous things to Wei Ying’s heart.
“Thirty minutes,” Lan Zhan said, because she was a menace.
“Fuck you,” Wei Ying sighed weakly, pulled down her bra and began collecting her clothes.
“Mhm, later.”
Wei Ying chose to ignore that comment, because getting dressed required all her attention, since Lan Zhan’s hands were still holding her hips and refusing to let go.
It took a few minutes, but eventually, Wei Ying was finally ready to leave the locker room, not bothering to look in the mirror, because her face was a mess anyway, no need to confirm that.
She turned to Lan Zhan and held out her hand, smiling. They were going to have sex and it was going to be so amazing, Lan Zhan would want to do it again! And again. And-
“Wei Ying… before we…” Lan Zhan suddenly hesitated and avoided her eyes. Which… ever since Wei Ying had finally annoyed Lan Zhan enough to look at her, she’d never stopped doing that.
“What’s wrong? Did you change your mind? Do you want to go to the fundraiser instead? I understand, it’s more important than me, haha.”
At that, Lan Zhan looked back at her, frowning, took her hand and pulled her close. “Nothing is more important than Wei Ying.”
“Uh…” Wei Ying swallowed, mouth suddenly dry.
“Nothing.” Lan Zhan pressed a kiss to the back of Wei Ying’s hand and Wei Ying was going to combust or melt into a puddle or just plain explode.
“Uh… then… what did you want to say?”
“When you were drunk…”
“Oh no, what else did I… listen, if I said… like kinky shit you’re not comfortable with, or…” There were so many things she wanted Lan Zhan to do to her, if she talked even just about a fraction of those…
“You said, you wanted to watch me while I made breakfast for you,” Lan Zhan said quietly, eyes now locked with Wei Ying’s. “That you want to hold my hand while we’re sitting on your couch, watching a movie.”
“Oh. Lan Zhan, I can explain!” Wei Ying said, then squeezed her eyes shut and wished to disappear, because she actually couldn’t explain. This sounded as though she wasn’t just horny, this sounded as though she was in love with Lan Zhan or something. Which… was true. Fuck. Of course, she was in love with Lan Zhan! Well, who could blame her???
She slowly opened one eye, risking a glance. Lan Zahn was still there, looking at her. Waiting. Wei Ying closed her eye again, so she could think.
“Wei Ying.”
“Just a second!”
“I also want that.”
“What?” Wei Ying’s eyes flew open, so she could confirm with her eyes that her ears hadn’t heard that wrong.
The tips of Lan Zhan’s ears were flushed, but her eyes and the set of her jaw were determined. “I also want that, Wei Ying. With you.”
“Oh… So like… you’d want to be… I don’t know… “ Wei Ying swallowed hard, then looked at Lan Zhan’s cheekbone instead of her eyes. She wanted to kiss that cheekbone. “Like girlfriends? Gal Pals? Les-bee-anz? Gaaaaaaayyyyy-“
Lan Zhan had mercy on her and shut her up with a kiss.
It took them 45 minutes to get to Lan Zhan’s apartment. Wei Ying didn’t leave until noon the next day, 10 angry messages from Jiang Cheng, and many orgasms later.
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jmnjmnjmn · 4 years
Eternal beings | Chapter 1
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Pairing: Vampire!Jungkook x Human!Reader
Key words: supernatural, vampire.
Word count: less than 3,000
Warnings: swearing,  sadness, jealousy, mentions of murder
Inspo board
In the spirit of Halloween I decided to write a whole series about Vampire!Jungkook. I know should’ve been posting it throughout October and not on Halloween... Bare with me okay? There’s more to come.
Walking through the city at two in the morning isn’t as cute and mysterious as it may seem. The streets are empty and dark despite the street lights being on and every noise sounds like a forecast for something dangerous, especially when you're a girl walking home from work by yourself. You recently took up night shifts at the convenience store you were working at part time. Your boss was more than happy when you announced to her that you can work nights for half of the week. It was always hard to find people for those hours. With all of your classes at college being online this semester you had more time to work and earn money for rent and other things. You actually liked working at night, because there weren’t many customers then if any at all, so you had freedom to spend most of your time at work reading magazines, studying or sitting on your laptop. The only drawback of working at that time though was the walk home.
You pulled the steel grating over the door and locked it slowly in the faint light of the neon sign above the door. Before walking away you pulled on the padlock to make sure it’s definitely locked right. When you didn’t feel it budge under your fingers you turned on your heel and started speed walking home. Your apartment wasn’t further than twenty five minutes away from the shop and though it felt like a short stroll during the day at night it almost always seemed like a pilgrimage. “Fortunately for me-” You thought. “-the summer is in full swing and the nights aren’t so cold anymore.” You shivered at the thought of walking home in winter time. On the other hand the increase in temperature caused all sorts of shady people to come from their homes and clubs out onto the streets. For example you already walked past more than a dozen of drug deals and were cat called by drunk men leaving the bars so many times you couldn’t count anymore. And that’s only this summer season.
Despite all those unpleasantries you kept working and getting the money you desperately needed to pay the rent for your small flat and lead a decent life in the city. And because of those same unpleasantries you came up with a special system of walking home from work that made you a tad bit more comfortable and it went like this. First: leave the shop with earbuds in your ears, but no music playing, walk with big strides and your head up to notice any potential danger and stay alert no matter how tired you are. Second: walk only the bigger streets with street lamps and businesses on them, preferably ones that are open at night so there’s always someone to run to for help. That part wasn’t too hard since you worked right in the center of the city and lived close by. You smiled to yourself, thinking of the deal you cut on your current apartment. You were subletting from one of your college friends who left to study abroad for a year. He didn’t want to break the lease on his place and not have something to come back to when he finishes his studies, especially since his apartment was in such a perfect location for a young student. That led him to looking around for someone to sublet to and… Tadah! You got a beautifully furnished, one bedroom apartment right in the city for a price that was unheard of in that area. Only downside was that you had to vacate the place in less than ten months.
A loud sudden sound pulled you out of your thoughts, but what followed made your heart skip a beat. A sound so faint it was barely hearable, but clear enough to make you stop in your tracks.
“Please, n-no.” The voice definitely belonged to a male. It sounded as if its owner was struggling to breath out the words. You heard him inhale sharply and ask again. “P-lease, stop.” His begging words sent a shiver down your spine. Something really bad was happening around that corner. “N-no.” You felt your shoulders tense up. You didn’t want to get involved with something dangerous, but you couldn’t just walk by a possible assault or maybe something worse. You tightened your grip on your bag and started to walk back quietly. Your instincts started to kick in slowly as you made the difficult choice between the two possible options. Fight or flight.  “Flight.” You  thought to yourself. “From a safe place I will call the police. I promise.” You sweared in your head to the man around the corner.
“Stop.” Said a second voice also belonging to a man by the pitch of it.
“Please.” The first man said. “Please.” He repeated now with more strength in his voice. Within a second you heard shuffling indicating a fight broke out between the pleading man and his attacker. You started pressing in the police number on your phone and started moving faster as the noises started getting louder and closer to the alleyways exit. The very same exit from which you were trying to back away from.
“I told you to stop.” The second man repeated himself. Right when you were just about to turn the corner and start running to safety with the police on the phone two men fell to the ground in front of the alleyways exit. Both of them in disheveled suits. The older one, which you assumed was the previously heard beggar, was clearly losing to the other man. You made your last step back and tried to turn to the side to start running when you heard the losing man speak. 
“Help me.” He  croaked looking in your direction and blowing your already weak cover. Standing in the shadowy street you thought he wouldn’t be able to see you backing away, but he did and his attacker now saw you as well. “H-elp.” He tried to repeat his statement, but the other man pushed him to the ground getting rid of the bits of air in his lungs. “What should I do?” You asked yourself. The nerve connections in your brain made a snap judgment for you. The scene you had before you looked just as frightening as comical. What even was this situation? Two well dressed men, who you would think are well behaved and well above resulting in physical fights if you saw them in the shop you were working at, were playing some murderous tug of war right in front of you in the middle of the night. As you realised the oddity of the situation it stopped being so scary all of a sudden. “They’re just drunk office rats fighting in an alley.” You thought to yourself but didn’t put your phone back down in case things escalated to something more dangerous. You continued to back away when the standing man spoke.
“How many times do I have to repeat myself?” He asked in an authoritative tone, but you weren’t going to listen. You turned around and made a step to your left wanting to reach the main road again and get away from this bull. “Stop.” He said tiredly. You turned the corner and started to run before he could say or do anything more to you. You pressed the green button on your phone screen calling the police.
“112.” Said a female operator on the other side of the phone after just a short moment. “Hello. There’s a fight going on near my house. Two men. It looked pretty bad.” You said nervously.
You woke up the next morning around noon. Having already forgotten the events of last night you got ready for work. You were covering a shift in the afternoon at the shop for your co-worker Jimin. He worked there a couple of months longer than you, showed you the ropes on your first day and since you got along pretty well you became work friends. You decided not to eat breakfast at home and just grab something at the shop. Just like that within twenty minutes of you waking up you were out the door. 
The mid day was warm but you had your jacket in the bag ready to be put on in the late hours of the night when you’ll be walking home. You turned the corner to get to the main street and have a stroll to work in the sun when you were met with a hoard of policemen blocking the sidewalk. You crossed the road and took a different route than usual, not bothering to think twice about the reason the police were where they were right now.
As you entered the shop you noticed Jimin watching television on the small screen hanging over the cigarette shelf. The bell over the door rang when you closed it and Jimin instantly turned his head towards you, greeting you with a warm smile as you walked towards him.
“Great to finally see you.” He said, taking off his name tag.
“You’re only happy to see me today, because I’m relieving you of your shift.” You joked and he laughed quietly. 
“Only today.” He said smiling and let you behind the counter. “I have to run. Yoongi’s probably already waiting for me.” He waved you goodbye, grabbed his bag and headed for the door.
“Go. Have fun.” You called after him smiling.
You turned the volume down on the TV and cranked it up on the ancient radio on the counter. Jimin always watches TV at work while you prefer listening to music and shuffling through magazines or newspapers. You pinned your name tag on and started looking for a good read as a bell rang signaling an arrival of a customer. You picked a fitness magazine and leaned on the shelves behind you and started reading about “the benefits of doing squats”. After a couple of minutes the customer who earlier entered the shop came to the counter with his pickings. You scanned the last item when he asked you to turn on the volume on the TV. You pushed the “+” button on the remote and was about to tell the man the amount he has to pay for the items when you heard the speaker's voice on TV describe something horrible. 
“... A gruesome murder. Victim: a man in his thirties, possibly a nearby office worker. His exact identity is still being confirmed by the police.”
“Horrible.” Said the customer. “And so close by. Who would do such a thing?” He asked, sounding truly concerned.
“Twelve thirty, sir.” You said politely. That’s exactly why you didn’t like watching TV at work. This particular television set was about twenty years old and had an antenna so crooked it played only three channels, two of them being news. There was no day there wouldn’t be bad news. A natural distaster, an economic crash, a new riot or war somewhere in the world or, like today, a murder. The man scanned his card and left with his things. As the door was closing behind him you reached for the remote to mute the TV again.
“Estimated time of the murder is thirty minutes after two in the morning.” Said the speaker and you quickly put two and two together. Glancing at the screen you reached your shaky hand for your phone and started searching the internet for more information on the event. A cold shiver went down your whole body when you read an article header stating the place where the “gruesom murder” took place. It was that alleway near your building. You dialed your friend Taehyung’s number still looking at the screen, waiting for more details to be described by the news anchors.
“The number you are calling is unavailable.” You heard an automated message and hung up the phone. “What the hell do I do now?” You whispered to yourself. “I called the police last night and described the situation as well as I could.” You thought. “It’s not my fault they didn’t intervene… Or did so too late.” You explained to yourself. “Still, shouldn’t they have my number saved somehow? And shouldn’t they be calling me up right now for questioning? I was there after all.” You couldn’t wrap your head around the idea that you could have seen a murderer last night. “Maybe it wasn’t them.” You started wandering. “Maybe they left right after they saw me and someone else did… That.” Another announcement by the news anchors pulled you out of this train of thought. “Police just confirmed the identity of the victim. Thirty five year old (Victim’s name), an office manager at (Company’s name) was brutally murdered last night on Third.” You covered your mouth with your free hand when the picture of the victim popped up on the screen. It was the man from last night, the one that lost the fight. “His body was found by a passerby over four hours after the murder took place.”
“Impossible.” You breathed out. “I called the police right around two. How is it that they didn’t send anyone to check on the situation?” You thought and dialled Taehyung’s number again.
“The number you are calling is unavailable.”
“Shit.” You hissed. You really wanted to talk to a friend right now and figure out what to do. Taehyung was your closest friend right now, you knew each other from highschool and hung out all through your first years of college to this day. You dialed the police number once again in the last twelve hours.
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justwritethatdown · 4 years
Bechloe Week 2020 – Day 1: Friends with Benefits
Call me friend, but keep me closer
Post PP3. Chloe is madly in love with Beca since college, now Beca is a famous pop star, but they still live together in New York while Amy left after finding out she was rich. One night they end up having drunk sex and the morning after Chloe doesn’t want Bec to freak out about it.
Rating: M
Words Count: 1.8K
Big thanks to @viharistenno for beta reading this and fixing my mess! <3
Read here or on AO3
And I could lie, say I like it like that…
 “Hey, are you awake? I was thinking that maybe we could, you know…”
“Yeah, totally. I was just calling it for today so… perfect timing” Beca said casually before hanging up.
Chloe put the phone back in the pocket of her coat and started walking home. She knew she shouldn’t have asked, but her better judgement weakened after a couple of drinks and she just really needed Beca. She felt lonely; at the party many people hit on her, but all she could think about was going home to Beca. She knew Beca didn’t feel the same way about her, so it shouldn’t have been a surprise that it didn’t feel intimate at all, because it wasn’t. It’s not like Beca didn’t care about her – Beca loved her deeply, just not the way Chloe wanted her to – they were just two friends with a deal. And yet, the way they talked about it, like if they were talking about watching a movie, hurt her immensely. The worst part was that she only had herself to blame as she was the one who suggested it after all.
 It was the night they moved in the new house – a bigger one, with two bedrooms and an actual bathroom, provided with a door – they’d had a couple of drinks too much, to celebrate, and ended up having drunk passionate sex all night long. Chloe woke up the morning after in a state of bliss she’d missed for far too long – it was even better than when they won Worlds. However, the feeling didn’t last long because when Beca woke up Chloe could sense the boiling panic she was feeling. The brunette looked like she was about to throw up any second and Chloe felt deep inside of her it wasn’t because of the amount of alcohol they consumed the night before.
“Chlo, I… we- last night was-”
“Was fun, right?” she jumped in, forcing a bright smile on her face, to dissimulate the way her stomach was turning inside out. She knew it wasn’t what Beca was about to say but couldn’t handle to hear it – it was a mistake. So, she got herself together and spoke before Beca could shatter her heart completely.
“We should do that more often” she added casually, getting out of bed without bothering to cover up her naked body, hoping it would distract Beca enough to let her finish her act without the brunette interrupting her, “you know, to have some fun… until we find somebody…”
“You, you mean like…” the brunette stuttered.
“Friends with benefits” winked Chloe, smile never leaving her lips, no matter how crushed she felt inside. She knew she was getting herself into a shitty situation, but she wasn’t ready to lose Beca, she couldn’t afford that.
“Yeah that… that sounds good” answered Beca, surprise clear on her face, she seemed as shocked as Chloe was about her actually agreeing to that.
“Awes” Chloe swallowed hard “I’m gonna hit the shower” she stated leaving the room. It was a bad idea, but Chloe couldn’t deny she was thrilled at the idea of sleeping with Beca again.
The following times they hooked up were nothing like the first time – the sex was always great though, but Beca was different – she never kissed or cuddled her after like Chloe remembered so vividly her doing the first time, and she didn’t even stay the night in her bed. Every time Chloe found herself crying alone in bed, she swore she’d end it, still, she couldn’t stop. There was something about finally being fucked by those slender fingers she’d dream about so many times and got off to – even when she was with somebody else – that made it impossible for her to call their arrangement off.
 “How was the party?” asked Beca when Chloe got home “I thought you’d spend the night with someone you’d met there”
“Nope” mumbled Chloe popping the last letter.
“Their loss.” stated Beca entering her personal space “Shall we?” she asked, before leaning in to press a kiss to Chloe’s lips. Beca had never initiated physical contact between them, it was a pleasant surprise to Chloe, until she tasted the alcohol on her lips
“Are you drunk?” Chloe asked frowning.
“What? No, I just had a beer to, you know, catch up with you” told her Beca grinning.
“We don’t have to if you don’t want to” Chloe assured her.
“Of course I want to” the brunette frowned “actually I was hoping you’d come home tonight” she confessed.
“You did?” whispered Chloe, with a hint of hope and disbelief in her voice.
“Yeah” Beca cleared her throat, “I’ve been pretty stressed out because of work lately, I could use your… help” she added smirking, already leading Chloe towards her bedroom.
They’d never done it in Beca’s bed before, but Chloe was too disappointed to notice, she was lost in her head; this contract they had hurt way too much. Knowing that to Beca this was just sex, a way to relieve some stress, knowing that she will never be enough for Beca to fall in love with her, and that she’d eventually fall for someone like she did with Jesse all those years ago pushed all of the oxygen out of her lungs. A thousand bells were ringing in her head, telling her to stop, but she couldn’t stop.
As soon as Beca’s shirt was off her brain shut down. It happened every time.
Chloe was hypnotized by Beca’s body, by being finally able to kiss her, touch her, to slip two fingers inside her cunt and make her come cursing and whispering how good Chloe was at that. It was intoxicating, to have Beca literally melting onto her hand. It was a drug Chloe couldn’t give up. She always needed more, needed it so much that it alone made all the pain worth it. She didn’t even need Beca to return the favor, but Beca always did anyway, like a good contractor who always fulfills their part of the deal.
Looking into Beca’s eyes while coming hurt too, but Chloe couldn’t help that either. Maybe because she was a sucker for pain or maybe because, in that moment, she felt a connection so deep with the brunette that made her feel like they were two pieces of the same puzzle finally clicking, like they belonged together. The way Beca looked at her made it impossible for her to look away.
 The next morning Chloe woke up with Beca’s arm around her and their naked bodies pressed up together. “You’re still here” she mumbled lacing her fingers with the ones resting around her middle.
“Well, it’s my bed…” stated Beca, making Chloe’s blood freeze in her veins.
The redhead quickly sat up pressing the sheets against her chest “Oh sorry! Last night I passed out, I didn’t mean to-”
“Hey, it’s okay” assured Beca stopping her from getting out of the bed “I don’t mind” she added smiling.
Chloe relaxed and laid back down, Beca’s arm was still around her and the girl started to trace random paths on Chloe’s abdomen with her fingers, using the other arm to keep her head up and look at Chloe in a way that made it hard for her to breathe. It felt so intimate, to lay naked together without having sex, just looking into each other’s eyes.
Beca kissed her slowly and whispered a sweet “Good morning” against her lips, before getting up and walking to the shower. Chloe lay there staring at her leaving, with a bittersweet feeling in her chest; it was like watching her dreamlife from outside of a window, so close and yet unreachable. It was bliss and torture at the same time.
 Chloe’s favourite moments were the times Beca asked for it: at first, she started to ask Chloe to ease her mind before her way too frequent flights to LA, to the point that, after a while, Chloe started to expect that when she knew Beca had to leave the next day. It became a sort of appointment they had, like the Wednesdays’ movie nights. Sometimes Chloe stopped at the store coming home from the vet clinic to buy a bottle of wine, other times she cooked a full meal to set the mood. It felt so natural that Chloe started to pretend that they were actually dating and every time Beca said something that brought her back to reality it felt like a breakup.
The feeling that she had to stop having sex with Beca before she drove herself crazy was a permanent thought in the back of her mind, but every time she decided to do so, Beca had this way of drawing her back in, as if she knew Chloe was drifting away from her and consciously decided to stop her.
They were watching a movie on the couch, as they did every Wednesday, when Chloe felt Beca’s foot move beneath the blanket and slide up to her knee. She looked at her and saw the brunette biting her lip in anticipation.
“I’m bored” complained Beca, trying to stop the smirk from showing on her lips. Chloe swallowed hard before licking her lips involuntarily.
“Come here” she commanded.  Beca didn’t need to be told twice, she threw away the blanket and moved to straddle Chloe’s hips, the intensity of her stare set Chloe on fire.
Beca’s kisses tasted of love and need, Chloe had stopped reminding herself a while ago about Beca not being in love with her, and it was so easy to pretend that she was, with Beca’s hips grinding down on her, while she kept kissing Chloe like her life depended on it.
They’d never had a full make out session before; sure, they’d share some kisses, mostly during sex, but Chloe never had Beca panting into her mouth and chasing her lips while she desperately tried to pull Chloe impossibly closer to her.
The burning in her lungs forced Chloe to break the kiss and look at Beca; darkened eyes and swollen lips, uneven breathing as she tried to take in as much oxygen as she could. She looked like she was about to say something, but then she didn’t. The soft smile on her face pulled a string inside Chloe’s heart and the redhead felt an overwhelming urge to confess her feelings. She knew it would have probably scared Beca and made her run for the hills, ruining everything. So she choked it down and instead flipped their bodies, pushing Beca’s back on the couch. The brunette pulled her down, welcoming her hips between her thighs and resumed their kissing.
Chloe had to suppress the need to tell Beca those three words every day since that night and she knew she couldn’t resist much longer, she had to tell Beca she was in love with her.
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naturallytom · 5 years
One Day Later (TA!Tom Holland x reader)
a/n: welp. this was way more nsfw than i planned. oops. big thank u to @sunshinehollandd​ for reading this over!!
warnings: language, drinking/drunkenness (sort of), making out, nsfw but nothing too heavy/graphic, fluff, a teeny bit of angst 
please reblog/leave feedback!!
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“Good afternoon class and welcome to Sociological themes in Classic Literature. My name is Professor Jones.” The entire class was zoned out, as most students are the first day of classes.   You were mindlessly tapping your pen against the top of your notebook page, your eyes flickering over the previously highlighted assignment due dates. If you were being totally honest, you didn’t really want to take this class, you were just taking it to fill your English requirement. You figured it’d be easy since you were a sociology major already. “..And before I let you all go today, I wanted to introduce your TA to you guys. His name is Tom, he’ll send out an email with his office hours and how to contact him later.” Professor Jones finished.
As soon as Tom stepped up to the podium, you could tell every girl was gonna be going to his office hours at some point. And could you blame them? No. Not exactly. He was cute. Like really really cute. His short brown hair was gelled up and he had pretty brown eyes that resembled those of a puppy. Rectangular dark brown glasses sat on the bridge of his nose, giving him a look that screamed ‘teaching assistant.’ 
“Hey guys, as Professor Jones said my name’s Tom, I’ll be the TA for this semester. I’ll send you all an email later that will have this information in it so you don’t have to worry about memorizing it right now but my office hours are Monday’s from 12-4pm, Wednesday’s from 3-5pm, and Thursdays from 1-3pm. If those don’t work for you I’m happy to meet up with anyone outside of those times, just send me an email or a text.” He smiled, grabbing his bag and leaving the room, waving on his way out. “Perfect. You’re all free to go. We’ll start discussing Pride and Prejudice next class so make sure you have the first three chapters read.” Professor Jones dismissed. The class filed out of the lecture hall, whispers of how cute TA Tom was filling your ears in both directions. “He’s so damn cute.” One girl giggled to her friend. “I hope he’s single.” Her friend sighed in response. “I’m so gonna text him with random questions just to talk to him either way.” You rolled your eyes. Sure, he was cute. But he was your TA. It would be unprofessional to try anything with him. Besides, he’s got to have a girlfriend, right? You got your answer a few weeks later. Classes were going steady, but midterm week was approaching and you needed to let loose and have some fun before you had to stress about Mr. Darcy, Elizabeth Bennet, and the theories of social class. The frat house was more alive than ever. Multi colored lights decorated the kitchen with music blaring throughout the entire house. Making your way to the kitchen, you grabbed your friend’s hand to ensure you didn’t lose them in the crowd. The last thing you needed was to lose your friend in a sea of drunk college guys. Your friend settled on a beer while you settled on making a rum and coke to start. Next thing you knew, your friend was drunk and dancing with a couple guys, making you chuckle. “Need another drink?” A voice called over the music. You turned, seeing a cute boy standing next to you. He seemed familiar but between the alcohol you already consumed and the madness of the party, you couldn’t put your finger on where you knew him from. “You’re doing shots?” You yelled over the music, seeing him pour tequila into the small glasses. That was not what you thought when he offered to make you a drink. “Wanna join me?” He shrugged, offering you one. Fuck it. You took the small glass, clinking your glass with his lightly before the two of you downed the alcohol, feeling it burn your throat. “Another one?” He offered. Why not? A short amount of time and god knows how many shots later and you were out of it. Sober enough to know what you were doing, but drunk enough to know you’d be hungover tomorrow morning. Your lips were pressed messily up against his, your hands tangled in his soft but short curls. The two of you made your way upstairs, finding an empty bedroom. As soon as you were inside, you were pressed up against the door, his tongue finding its way into your mouth. “Fuck, you’re a good kisser.” You breathed out as the brunette trailed kisses down your neck and along your jaw. “Thanks.” He paused, giving you a goofy smile, a massive but momentary change in his demeanor before he pressed his lips to yours messily again, this time guiding you to the bed and laying you down before climbing on top of you, kissing you again before pulling away and resting his forehead against yours. “Are you gonna do something?” You whined as his hand toyed with the end of your shirt. “Do you want me to?” He asked, straddling your waist and earning a groan from you. “Yes, fuck yes. Please do something.” You sighed as he kissed down your neck, leaving marks in his wake. “Hm I don’t know.” He teased, his breath fanning over your ear. “I need you to be really sure about this.” “Jesus christ, you want me to beg?” You groaned, making him shrug. “First of all, my name’s Tom.” He chuckled, you rolling your eyes. “Second of all, I just wanna make sure you’re really positive you’re okay with what we’re about to do but I’m more than happy to hear you beg.” “Fine.” You rolled your eyes. “Please, please do something, Tom. I need you.” “What do you need?” He teased again. “I don’t, fuck, I don’t know! Go down on me, fuck me, just do something for fucks sake!” You groaned. That was all the answer Tom needed. - When you woke up the next morning, your head was pounding and you were in an unfamiliar bed, but you remembered exactly what had happened. Though you still couldn’t figure out where you knew Tom from, you figured you’d never see him again anyway, giving you mixed feelings. You climbed out of his arms as gently and as softly as possible, putting your clothes back on, before heading out of the frat house to call your friend and head back to your apartment. - It wasn’t until the very next day that you remembered where you knew Tom from. You walked into your sociological themes in classic literature class, prepared for the review session held by the TA and froze almost as soon as you entered the room upon seeing the TA. Oh. Right. Tom is the TA for this class. That’s how you knew him. The marks on your neck still sat there proudly and a light blush rose to Tom’s cheeks when he saw them as you took your seat. You gave him a simple smile as you sat down, pretending to scroll through your phone as the other students filed in. The class was torture. That was the best word to describe it. It was difficult to focus on anything when you now knew that you fucked the goddamn TA. The dorky, innocent-seeming TA. Finally when the class was over, you got up to leave as soon as possible, but stopped when Tom called your name. You sighed and the two of you waited until the rest of the students were gone to break the uncomfortable silence between the two of you. “I did a good job on your neck.” He said smugly, this time it was your turn to feel your cheeks heat up under his gaze. “Yeah. Um, I enjoyed that.” You mumbled, internally face palming yourself at how awkward you sounded. “Oh I could tell from the pretty little noises you let out.” He chuckled, making a smile tug on your lips, though you rolled your eyes. “Did you want to talk about something or did you just want to be a smug son of a bitch?” You asked. “Well, both, but I wasn’t planning on being a smug son of a bitch.” He smiled. “I wanted to see if you wanted to grab coffee.” “Like…like a date? Is that legal?” You wondered, making Tom laugh. “I’m a TA, y/n. We’re just two students, it’s not against the law.” He laughed. “We don’t have to-” “No, no. I want to. That sounds lovely.” You smiled, making Tom smile. “Here,” He handed you his phone. “You can put your number in.” You typed in the numbers, texting yourself so you knew who it was, and added a star emoji next to your name, because why not? Tom chuckled when he saw the emoji. “Do you wanna wait until after the midterm?” He asked. “The midterm is next week, Tom.” You giggled. “We can do this weekend.” - Your coffee date was Saturday morning and Tom asked you on a second date before it was finished. Two dates turned into three and soon enough a month went by and Tom asked to make things between the two of you official. “Yeah, of course I want this with you, Tom.” You whispered, the two of you lying in his bed, your fingers tracing shapes on his bare chest. “Just don’t want anyone knowing for a little bit.” “Perfectly fine with me, love.” He sighed, tugging you closer to his chest. “Perfectly fine with me.” The next time you had class, you got jealous. Tom looked exceptionally good that day and was in class to answer questions about themes relating to 1984. You were jealous because the girls in your class were basically undressing Tom with their eyes. Granted they didn’t know he was your boyfriend, you still felt jealous. Tom knew something was wrong when you stayed behind after the students left. The two of you had a date that night and he knew you’d want to do some homework before he picked you up. “What’s up, baby?” He asked as you walked up to the podium. “I didn’t like the way they were looking at you.” You mumbled into his chest. “Who?” “The girls in class. They were looking at you like you’re their boyfriend, but you’re my boyfriend.” You pouted, making Tom chuckle. “I am all yours, love. Don’t want the other girls in the class. Only you.” He assured you, pressing a kiss to your forehead. “All mine?” You asked, looking up at him from his chest. “All yours.”
tagging some mutuals: @sunshinehollandd​ @angelic-holland​ @spideypeach​ @terrifictomholland​
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callme-chaos · 3 years
The Perks of Being the President (1/4)
Chapter 1: Free Shit
There are many perks to being the President. Reduced travel expenses, high security wherever you go, lots of money and free shit. It can be a lot of fun. I would know. I was a King once. Now I’m a God.
But I digress.
               There are many perks to being the President but being known is not one of them. The history books are not always kind to their subjects but they are never kind to their rulers. Whether you win or lose or die or live – someone out there hated your guts and will never let the world forget it.
I would know.
               But this is not my story. I will just be narrating it because no one else had the energy to do so. Which I guess makes sense – everyone was very tired after the war.
               Instead, this is the story of President J. Schlatt who, despite being voted in completely legally and democratically, was still a very controversial figure in our history. You all know the beginning of the story, I’m sure of that much. But here is where it ended for one of them…
               “Does anybody smell toast?”
               “That’ll be your breakfast, sir,” Quackity said, his suit buttoned up to the throat, as he woke the President from his beauty sleep. Schlatt slowly sat up from the bed, holding his head. He felt like he was having the hangover of the century but had no idea that he actually was. For a moment, he remembered nothing of the previous days.
               Quackity presented the divine breakfast on a silver platter to Schlatt, who’s eyes gleamed with greed. “Did I pay for this?” Schlatt asked.
               “Of course not, sir. Breakfast is always on the tax payers,” Quackity replied.
               Schlatt licked his chops in delight and tucked in. There was something very grotesque in the movement that I distinctly didn’t like – but, hey, what was I gonna do about it? He was President and I was barely corporeal in that moment.
               With a mouth full of toast and cooked salmon, Schlatt spoke again: “You know, I had a really weird dream last night.”
               Quackity had been pulling out the perfect suit for his President to wear and barely turned around to listen to what the old crackpot had to say. Undeterred however, Schlatt continued. “I think I had a heart-attack and died.”
               Breathing a heavy sigh of “only if”, Quackity pulled out a grey suit and red tie combo. “And what did that feel like?”
               “Not so great actually. I got really drunk though beforehand so that was good. I think we might have been at war.”
               “There is no war in Manberg, sir.”
               “Maybe not out there, Quackity,” Schlatt swallowed harshly. Today felt like a big day. Schlatt could sense it: the clouds were moving faster over Manberg and it looked like it might rain. Something was coming. Something epic and gorgeous and legendary and green and funny and sexy and just all round pretty excellent.
               Though, Schlatt wasn’t to know that at the time, I guess.
               No, Schlatt instead tossed the feelings aside and went about his day as usual: he finished his free breakfast, had a free lunch to follow up and had an exquisite free evening meal and finally went to bed. Full and happy and unknowing.
               The house was silent and dark when the stunningly attractive green man came. He slipped through the window like a breeze and lay in waiting for his prey to wake from slumber. Jschlatt was a noisy sleeper. Every snore was a lion’s roar and shook the entire building. But the lovely green man was unintimidated by it and stood in the corner of the room, basking in the shadows.
               Until he inevitably got bored of the waiting and woke the sleeping man up.
               “Hey! Jschlatt! Wake up! I need to tell you something!”
               Schlatt tumbled out of bed and, still half asleep, pulled out a sword from under his pillow. “Waddyawan?”
               Amused, the green man said, “You sleep with a knife?”
               Blinking himself awake, Schlatt’s vision finally came into focus. “Dream?”
               The green man shook his head violently, “No no. I am NIGHTMARE.” A well-timed clap of thunder sounded above them and lightning struck the floor outside. It was very epic.
               But the drunk asshole just laughed. “Nightmare? That’s something I would call my Club Penguin avatar.”
               “You are far too old to be playing Club Penguin, Mr. President.”
               “Hey! Don’t question what I do in my spare time. Anyways, what are you even doing here?”
               “I need to tell you something.”
               Jschlatt released an irritated sigh and began to crawl back into bed. “Then make it snappy. I still have some z’s to catch before morning.”
               NIGHTMARE ripped the covers off the man and he shivered. “Over the next three nights you will be visited by three ghosts who will teach you things about being a better person-“
               “You’re a bit early for that, buddy. Try rescheduling for the 24th of December.”
               “Schlatt, I’m serious. You need to change your ways.”
               “Wait. Did you say over the next three nights? Dickens did it in one – what’s the hold up here?”
               “Minecraft nights are much shorter than real life nights – anyways, stop questioning the storyline and listen to me! You might be fat and happy in this timeline but you can’t be making mistakes. If you keep going down this path, you will die!”
               “That’s what my doctors have been saying for years.”
               “I’m not talking about the alcohol, Schlatt! Take it from someone who knows, being a leader is difficult – it’s more than just living the lush life.” NIGHTMARE watched the emotions flit across Schlatt’s face: a mixture of doubt then uncertainty and then nothingness. This man was empty.
               “Look here, buddy, things are going great for me at the moment – industry is booming, the treasury is over-flowing, the people are ecstatic and there is no war in Manberg! I’m a great president!” Schlatt said with no small amount of arrogance.
               “No, /your/ industries are booming, /your/ pockets are over-flowing, /you/ are happy. Your people are not. And while there is no war now, you will have one on your hands soon if you don’t shape up-“
               “What’s that about my shape?”
               “Three more ghosts are coming, Schlatt, whether you want them to or not. You better listen to them or else…”
               “Or else what?” Jschlatt taunted but anyone could see that the grip on his sword was faltering. “Are you gonna kill me?”
               “I’m afraid it’s already too late for that,” NIGHTMARE turned away from the hopeless case, annoyed. “And you can have that bit for free.”
               And with that final sentence resonating in Jschlatt’s head, the awesomely epic green man disappeared in a crack of lightning and another expertly timed clap of thunder.
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missnxthingg · 4 years
stop pretending | h.o.
Summary: You and Harrison are friends with benefits. He goes away for a while to work with Tom, but when he comes back, you’re decided that you want something else out of this relationship.
A/N: I realized that I didn’t have a fluff one shot for Harrison and I’m just a big fucking sucker for this boy. I love him with all my heart. Also, this is my first moodboard, so be nice.
Words: 4.8 K
Pairing: Harrison Osterfield x Reader (Friends With Benefits AU)
Warnings: Swearing, meantions of sex, nudity and alcohol.
masterlist | main blog 
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Your life was pretty ordinary. During the week, you attended the university as you have been doing for the past two years and would sit to listen to professors talk for hours, taking careful notes on everything they said. You’d walk Marshall, your dog, out and maybe stop by the flower shop and buy some flowers and plants to decorate your little house. On weekends, you always had something fun to do, it didn’t matter if you had a company or if you were on your own. Sometimes you’d hang around the pub with your friends, sometimes you had a quality time on your own with a good book and a big mug of tea. But sometimes there was a little boy around your small house.
He was the one that brought flowers over every time he came by. The one who would make you place smell like strong perfume and would leave a mess of clothes scattered across the room trailing them to your bedroom. The one reason why you needed to change sheets often because they always got dirty when he was around. But the boy who never stayed for long.
Harrison was your friend for years now. You met in High School and were part of the same circle of friends, but somehow got close. He had been your best friend ever since, and it was always you, him and Tom, the inseparable friends. That until Tom got famous and started to drag Harrison everywhere he went. It would be fine if you and Haz didn’t have something going on between you two.
It all started a few months ago. It was the stolen kisses when he was very drunk in the pub, the huge amount of hugs, the hands resting on your waist, telling you how pretty you were every time he saw you. It all ended with you two in bed after dinner over your place, ending the night with you naked over his chest trying to come down from your high and he kissing your head telling how pretty you were.
But you weren’t exactly dating. Actually, you didn’t even know if he likes you more than just a friend because you never talked about your feelings, but you certainly liked him, even dared to say love him. You might be friends with benefits, but every time he could, he was there by your side and you would get drunk in his kisses and paralyzed with his touch. Now, it was rare when Harrison came home and you missed him.
He left for two months to help two shoot some movie and sometimes he called so you would just talk, but you missed the physical contact, the kisses, even the silly pillow talk you had before falling asleep. You didn’t know what it would be like when he came home, what if he found someone better than you and didn’t want to keep doing your little thing? What if he came back with a blonde model wrapped around his neck and you were left forgotten as just his best friend and old fling?
That’s why when he told you he was coming back to England you got terrified but extremely excited to finally have him back again. Maybe, if you were lucky, you would have him all to yourself for a long time. Maybe you would confess your feelings, maybe he would confess his. Hope bloomed our heart when you got out of your house to get the boys at the airport with Harry. They were planning on a great night and they all wanted you there, but it still was a surprise.
Tom was the first one to cross the exiting gate holding his bags. He came to Harry first, hugging his little brother tightly and letting go of his luggage to do so. You were next and he gave you a big bear hug and complimented on your new haircut. It was so nice to have Tom back, he has been your friends for years now and you missed your talks. But you were more interested in another boy. Where was he?
Well, he came a few seconds later with much more bags but dropped them quickly when he saw you standing there waiting for him. You think you never saw his smile wider than this and honestly, it made your heart warm-up and all your fears go away. When he crashed his body against yours in a tight hug you felt like you were home again.
“Ugh, I missed you so much.” He whispered in your ear and you held him tighter.
“I missed you too.” He kissed you on the temple and pulled you even closer as if he didn’t want to let you go just yet.
“I hate to break this to you, but there could be paparazzi in here and I don’t want to be disturbed by them.” Tom said and Harrison nodded, letting you go to gave his luggage from the floor, but Harry stood in his way.
“Leave it and go be with her.” Harry whispered and Harrison nodded, hugging his friend before coming back to you, waiting on Tom’s side. He threw his arms around your shoulders and pulled you to walk with him.
“So, got me any souvenir?” You asked him while looking up to capture his features. He never stopped smiling and his face was glowing. His hair was a little longer but his blonde locks looked so beautiful. You wanted to bury your hand there.
“I got you the prettiest Victoria Secret’s set that I’m dying to see you in.” He whispered in your ear and you smiled. Things were like they always have been, but you didn’t know if you liked it or if you wanted more. “And a dress that reminded me of you. Maybe you can wear it tonight.”
“Where are we going tonight?”
“Clubbing. You said you wanted to go out dancing when we last talked on the phone.”
“Yeah, I miss going out to dance. But after I do so, I’m usually very tired to do something afterwards.” You hoped he got the message and he shrugged.
“Yeah, we can do that tomorrow. I’ll be home for a long time, I promise. Tom’s next project is here in London, so I’ll be around a little longer.”
“That’s great.” You smiled widely as you stopped by the car were Harry was loading it with their bags. Harrison wanted to just kiss you there, but he knew it was too risk and someone with a camera might spot you two there.
After the boys quickly loaded the car, they drove back to Tom’s place where Harry had been living alone for a long time now since all the boys decided to be somewhere else. It’s been a while since you last stepped your foot in there, the last one was the night before Harrison left, but you barely left his bedroom to go around the house. You felt so comfortable there, surrounded by the people you loved the most in the world. And you spent the whole day there, helping the boys unpack, making them something to eat.
Harrison spent if after you and suddenly something you were very familiar with started to come back. The hands on your waist when you were cooking, kisses on your cheeks, neck and collarbones. The feeling inside you that wanted to burst out and shout to the world that you loved Harrison Osterfield. Thank God the boys kept their mouth shut to not ruin their moment and you were enjoying every minute of it.
"Harrison, I can't concentrate with you kissing my neck like this." You teased because you knew he was going to give in your game.
"It's been months since I last had homemade food. Or your food for that matter. I missed this." He kissed your temple and pulled his body away from yours. "Do you want some beer, darling?"
"Please, it's so hot today. I need a beer to ease."
You wanted to talk to him about your feelings because you didn't want to keep going with this teasing game and ending up in his bed with meaningless sex. The time you went without him was the worst, and now he was here for a long time and you wanted to take advantage of it.
"A beer to my pretty girl." Harrison served her a good glass of beer, which she thanked with a smile.
"Uhm, this smells so good. I missed your food, (Y/N)." Tom said as he walked in with Harry.
"Yeah, you didn't even visit me once to cook for me." Harry whined as he sat down on the table Harrison was now setting.
"She's not your babysitter, Harry. And I'm her special boy, she only cooks for me." Haz winked back at you, making you blush.
"Stop fighting over me." You served the food and sat between Harrison and Tom. Haz served some food in your plate and served some for him.
"Tonight's party will be awesome. You'll love it."  Tom said. "Booze, good music."
"Finally a proper night out!" Harry said. "Today is the perfect day. Good food, maybe a movie in the afternoon and clubbing later."
"Oh, I miss going out to dance. All I've been doing is studying like hell, some pints at the pub with the girls and walking my dog out."
"Thank God there's no one else in that equation." Harrison commented and the table remained silent, including you.
You carried on with your lunch and ended up having ice cream in front of the TV, scattered all over the couch. Harrison made sure that you cuddled up with each other, him on his stomach between your legs, face lying down on your belly. You couldn't be happier to be in that position with him, it was like all your problems went away when he was right here and you couldn’t wait to feel his lips on yours again, which hasn’t happened yet because you never kiss in front of anyone, even though Tom caught you in embarrassing positions once or twice ever since you started your little romance, if you could call it like that.
The boys slept in seconds because of how tired they were and you could feel Harrison’s snores in your belly, giving you the biggest peace you haven’t felt in a long time. So you permitted yourself to fall asleep as well, being only woken up hours later by Tom so you could get ready to go out, eat something and hit the club. Harrison slowly woke up and started to look around the room to see what was happening and once his eyes landed on you, he opened the biggest smile in the world. So he leaned down, cupped your cheek and pecked your lips.
“Best nap I had in a long time.” He mumbled against your lips and you smiled.
“Kiss me again.” You pulled him down with a hand on his chin and he gladly glued your lips together again, but this time he made it longer and deeper. His lips were soft just like you remembered and God… You craved this for a long time now, it was like you were in heaven. His hand went down to your waist while the other sustained his body over yours and you pulled him down with your hands buried between his curls. The kiss was breathtaking everything you needed after a long time without him.
“Get a room.” Harry groaned when he got into the room and you quickly stopped kissing. Harrison buried his head in your neck to cover his blush. “You keep reminding me that I’m still single.”
Technically, you were both single too, and to be honest, you didn’t know if you were actually a thing. You loved him with all your heart, but you didn’t know if you were dating or if he even liked you that way. All your insecurities screamed that you were just a toy to him, but your heart said that he was much more than just someone who would play with your feelings.
“Come on, I want to show you the dress I got you.” He helped you get up and soon you were in his bedroom. Harrison showed a short baby blue dress, with little sparkles that made the whole dress shine. “I saw this one at the store and instantly thought about you wearing it.”
“It’s so pretty, Haz. I love it!” You held the dress in front of your body and glanced down to admire it. “It matches your eyes.”
“Well, I got to match with my girl somehow.” He winked before locking himself in the bathroom to take a shower.
Luckily you had some makeup in your bag so you could get ready without having to go home. It didn’t take long until you were done dressing up and soon were in a cab to meet your friends in the club. You weren’t sure if the reason why it all looked so awesome is because it’s been a while since you last been to a big party, but everything looked so fun and you were glad to be there with all your friends.
“Drinks for everyone!” Sam, who came separately from the boys, came holding a lot of drinks in his hands. “Tom and Harrison, some whisky. Me, Harry and Tuwaine, beer. (Y/N), gin tonic.”
“Oh babe, that’s too strong.” Harrison said and you shrugged, taking a sip of your drink.
“You can take care of me.” You leaned and pecked his lips softly, not caring if you were in front of a lot of people. Harrison frowned, but relaxed when he felt your hands resting on his thigh.
“I guess I’ll have to take it lightly to take care of you.” He kissed you back before taking his drink. The boys frowned and had a small conversation between looks, which you and Harrison completely ignored it. They knew you had your thing but never dared to mention it because they didn’t know what you actually were. But there was one thing they did know, that you both liked each other very much and never talked about your feelings.
“Are we just going to sit here and drink? I came here for dancing.” Tom said shrugging all the tiredness off his body and pulling you up by the hand.
“Yeah, me too. Come on, guys!” You signed Harrison to follow you and he downed his drink in seconds.
“Coming babe.” He shouted with a smiled and the boy rolled their eyes. “What?”
“Just tell her how you feel, mate.” Harry said before following his brother to the dancefloor. “Come on, Sammy. You’re gonna be my wingman.”
“What did Harry mean by that?” Harrison asked Tuwaine, who laughed audibly.
“You love (Y/N) and you should just tell her already so you can quit messing around to fucking be together.” Tuwaine left after that and Harrison watched them all dancing together with confusion written all over his face, but he softened when he saw you dancing alone with a big smile on your face.
“Come on, Harrison. Why are you taking so long?” You shouted and he chuckled, leaving his seat to join you at the dancefloor.
“Man, these gin tonics are fast.” Harrison laughed once he approached you holding an empty glass that previously had your drink. You were now over the moon because of the alcohol in your system and feeling a little looser to dance all night.
“We should do shots!” You suggested excitedly and Harrison shook his head.
“Easy there, pumpkin head. We just got here. Let’s just dance, maybe we’ll do shots later, okay?” She nodded with a shit grin on her face. Some cool song started to play and you shouted in excitement.
That night was amazing and you had so much fun it was hard to believe. You danced to every song with every single one of your friends, alcohol was just a booster and you knew you were drinking way too much. Harrison also observed that and only had a couple of beers to stay sober enough to take care of you, because he knew you were way too drunk now and he needed to make sure you got home safe. For now, you should just have fun with everyone, including him, who danced with you all night.
You sang every song on the top of your lungs, your legs were hurting like hell but you didn’t mind. You felt happy with your friends, dancing all night long, and especially, next to the person you loved the most taking care of every step you took. There was a single moment that night when a good love song was playing and you threw your arms around his neck and glued your lips together in a gentle kiss. Nothing deep, just the touch of your soft lips during the song. Harrison smiled into the kiss, pulling you closer by the waist.
“You’re so pretty it makes me want to punch you.” You mumbled against his lips, making him chuckle.
“You’re the prettiest girl in the whole damn world.” Your face softened as you pulled him for another kiss. “Come on, let’s dance!”
“I wanna do one more shot!” You showed the number one with your index finger before pulling another shot of tequila from your table and joining Tom who was calling the pair of you to the dancefloor. He was just as drunk as you and Harrison rolled his eyes at the boy dancing awkwardly with his girl.
“My girl.” He mumbled to himself and chuckled. Was she his girl? That thought was stuck in his head ever since he left to travel the world with his friend. (Y/N) was something else, but he realised they never talked about their feelings, maybe because they were too scared to ruin what they already had, which was very comfortable, but he needed something else out of this relationship. Of course, having the most intimate moments with her when it was just the two of you was amazing, but he wanted more than anything to show you off to the whole world.
It didn’t take long until he joined you again at the dancefloor and you dance a little more, but soon you were worn out and thrown over Harrison’s arm with your face buried in his neck. You were sweaty and drunk, but the didn’t mind, having his hands holding your middle so you wouldn’t fall from your heels.
“Angel, can you take me home? I think I’m worn out.” You said in his ear keeping your eyes closed because everything was spinning.
“Of course. Let’s go outside so I can call an Uber to take us home.” He kissed the top of her head and started to say goodbye to some of their friends, saying that he would take care of you and maybe wasn’t coming home. Sam even joked about him getting lucky, but Harrison never dared to have sex with you when you were drunk and he wouldn’t now considering this is the most drunk he’d ever seen you. Harry helped him get you safely to the car and even threw Harrison’s jacket over your shoulders. On the drive home, you rested your head on his chest, held his hands and closed your eyes to get more comfortable.
“You take so good care of me.” You whispered and he chuckled, slightly tightening the grip on your hands.
“I always take care of people I love.” He mumbled against her hair before pressing a kiss there.
“You love me?” You shot your eyes opened and they were shining with the words Harrison just said.
“I do.” He smiled and you started to cry a little. “Hey, why are you crying?”
“I love you too. So, so, so much.” You pressed some kisses to his chest and neck just soft ones, not intending to be sexy or anything. The Uber didn’t take long until he parked outside your house and Harrison helped you out of the car after tipping the driver.
“Love, I’m gonna need you to walk just now so I can open the door, okay? I can help you.” You nodded and he held you steady so you could walk up the small stair that got to your front door. You waited until he unlocked the door with his keys and helped you come inside.
Your house looked exactly how he remembered. The fresh plants and flowers all of it, slightly messy but always very clean, your dog sleeping on the living room’s rug. He had so many memories with you there. The meals you cooked together in that kitchen, the late nights talking in the small back garden, the make-out sessions in that couch, the clothes scattered across the floor trailing to your bedroom. Those soft sheets that smelled like lavender, the bathtub you shared over the time you were together. He loved every single part of that place.
“I smell disgusting.” You groaned as Harrison locked the front door. “Can you shower me, please?”
“Yeah, of course.” He carried you to the second floor because he knew you’d take forever on your room.
The bed was surprisingly made up and Harrison would have to undo your work so you could sleep. You rushed to the bathroom to pee, leaving the door opened. You and Haz had that kind of intimacy now, you weren’t bothered by doing mundane things like this in front of each other. He stepped into the bathroom after you cleaned up and sat on your sink, too drunk and tired to do anything.
“Can you clean my makeup?” You asked and he chuckled, nodding. “There are some wipes under the sink.” It wasn’t hard to find and Harrison gently rubbed them on your face, cleaning everything from your face. “I’m so sorry that you have to take care of me.”
“I don’t mind.” He shrugged as he finished his job on your face. “You want me to go inside with you, or do you want to take a shower alone while I make us some tea.” “I don’t think I can shower on my own.” You groaned and he shrugged. Harrison had showered you a lot by now, but most of them were sexy showers that ended up with him pressing you on the wall and taking you there. But now he was just taking care of you, not intending to do anything to you. To be very honest, he was really happy to be taking care of you so he could show how much he cared.
“Can I?” He assured with his hands on the bottom of your dress. You nodded and he quickly pulled it off. He stripped you down and then stripped himself so you both could step into the shower. The water was warm and he made sure to be soft on you, but try being quick because he knew you were tired. You were so happy to have him there with you and water was helping you feel better.
“I love you. I love you. I love you.” You drunkenly kept repeating against his chest when he was cleaning your hair.
“I love you too, dummy.” He softly pressed a kiss to your lips and kept on with the shower.
“Do you think we can stop pretending now?”
“Pretending what?” He asked and you shrugged.
“Not being boyfriend and girlfriend.”
“Is that something you want?” You nodded and he smiled. “I think we should talk about it tomorrow when you’re sober enough to remember our conversation.”
“But I’ll remember this.” You whined and he laughed as he finished your shower and started to take a quick one himself. “I swear I’ll remember Harrison. Don’t laugh at me.”
“I know, darling. But you’re drunk and for this particular decision you need to be sober.”
“What about you? You’re sober.”
“I would love to stop pretending.” He kissed your temple and you blushed. “I’m almost done, hang on.”
“You look so pretty, baby boy.” You started to check his boy up and down, smirking to see some of your favourite curls in front of you.
“Stop fucking me with your eyes.” He laughed and you shrugged.
“I mean, you could just take me here.”
“I already told you that we’re not having sex when you’re drunk.” Harrison finished his shower and rolled you in a towel. “Come on, I’ll get you dressed so we can sleep.”
He helped you out of the shower and back to the bedroom where he already picked something for you to wear. A comfortable panty and a nightie, just what you loved to sleep in and he knew it. Your relationship wasn’t completely sexual and sometimes he’d watch you climb over him to cuddle with your comfortable clothes and he’d still find you the cutest person in the whole world. He also got himself some clothes that were staying over a small drawer in your closet. After you were both dressed, he got you between the covers, very comfortably.
“Please stay.” You whispered with your eyes closed and he smiled.
“I wasn’t planning on leaving my pretty girl alone.” He made himself comfortable behind you, pulling you closer in a comfortable hug.
“Harrison?” You called quietly and he hummed, the vibrations on your neck giving you the chills. “ I feel safer with you here.”
“I always do, but I guess I never told you before.” You entwined your fingers under the covers, making him smile wider. “Sometimes, when you were away and I was lonely, I would just lie down and pray that you’d be back soon so we could just be together again.”
“You know…” He started as he adjusted his body to yours. “I’d pray the same thing every day.”
“You mean it?” You asked and he nodded against your neck. “Thank you for being here.”
“I’ll always be right here.”
Next day hangover is the worst feeling in the world. You just wanted the whole world to stop working so you could be quiet for a moment and gather your shit together. Was even worst when you woke up alone in bed and you started to think the whole thing that happened the night before was just a dream. But then again, Harrison’s clothes were thrown over a chair in your bedroom and you just knew it wasn’t just a dream. You fought the urge to stay in bed and started to walk downstairs to find Harrison cooking in the kitchen.
“Morning.” You mumbled getting his attention. He looked up to you and smiled widely. His smile could light up a whole world, your world.
“Good morning, beautiful.” You approached him and hugged him from behind, planting a small kiss on his back. “I’m making us some toast and eggs, and tea is almost ready. Also, I made you some hangover juice and got some aspirin to make you feel better.”
“You’re the perfect boy.”  He turned around and pressed a kiss on your lips. “My head’s gonna explode, I swear.”
“You’ll be fine.” He pulled you to sit on a stool before he served you breakfast.
“I think I can get used to you taking care of me.” You winked as you took your aspirin with some tea. You always loved his tea, they were always strong and hot.
“Only if you can take care of me sometimes. I can get drunk too.” He winked back and you chuckled, but your head hurt, so you winced. He pressed a kiss to your scalp before sitting next to you.
“You know I would take care of you.” You rested your hand over his, giving it a gentle squeeze. “I missed you so much.”
“You have no idea how much I missed you.”
“I guess this time apart made me realize my true feelings for you. And I don’t want to keep being just friends with benefits, Haz. I want something real. Like, I keep imagining us in this house, just having our life together as a couple, with Monty and Marshall, maybe our future kids. I know I’m rushing into this, but I never loved someone as I love you...”
“I want that too.” He said immediately after you. “And maybe we’re rushing into this, but I don’t care. I used to lie awake at night thinking about being back on this kitchen and cooking something with you. Maybe sit in that back garden and drink a beer with Marshal resting his head over my lap. And waking up next to you every morning in that bed… like today. Oh God, I would die to wake up like this every morning.”
“Do you think we can stop pretending now?” You raise your eyebrows as you repeated your exact words that slipped out of your mouth last night and he chuckled again before pulling you into another kiss.
“I thought we already had stopped.”
bold means i can’t tag you (send me a message to solve it!)
Permanent taglist:  @missmulti​ , @zabdisamor​ , @cmon-peter-tingle​ , @lifeisabitchandsoareyou​ , @tinyplanet-explorers​ , @spideyyypeter​ , @princezzariel​ , @pastyoverlord265​, @dumandbass​​ @lilgaga98​​@chatnoirfangirl1624​ , @heartofholland​​, @big-galaxy-chaos​​
Haz taglist: @starlightfound​​, @sandran04, @tomsppsleeve​​, @spiderbibby​​, @seutarose​​
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melyaliz · 4 years
Remember me pt. 3
 Master List 
Fandom: My Hero Academia 
Pairing: Bakugou Katsuki x OC 
Notes:  Olive's crying a lot and Bakugou can’t deal with emotions. I also don’t love it but I promise it slowly stops.
All Masterlists @melyalizarchive​
Connect with me! AO3 / Instagram / Pinterest
-0-0-0-- Olive --0-0-0-
“Hold this for me?” Olive looked up confused at the bright blue eyes of her husband Eliott. He was holding out his fist about waist high. Holding out her hand palm up she waited for him to give her something. Reaching out Eliott took her hand in his giving her a little squeeze.
Olive felt herself flush slightly as she giggled, pulling his arm to her so she could kiss his shoulder affectionately. “Look at you so cute,” she said. Her husband just grinned down at her so proud of himself.
“Still got it,” he said, taking her hand kissing her knuckles. A comfortable silence enveloped them both as they walked. Both lost in their own thoughts. “Man,” Eliott finally said, “I love you SOOOO much.”
Olive giggled, swinging his hand back and forth as they walked, skipping a bit, “Oh hey me too.”
“WHAT!?! Who would have thought.” absentmindedly Eliott’s fingers brushed over the small ring on his wife’s hand. The slim platinum ring held small diamonds that ran around the entire band set in a vintage flower setting. It was modest but it was perfect. Eliott was perfect.
“Oh hey, I talked to Tommy today.”
Olive perked up at the name of Eliott’s old coworker who had moved from filming sports to doing promotional work for a local hero agency. “Oh yeah?”
“Yeah, he said he needs back up on some hero shoots. It’s a little dangerous but the money is good.”
“That’s amazing!” Olive said, “you would be amazing at that.”
“Yeah, sports are fun but if I could work for an agency that would be amazing.”
“Yeah, and with me publishing my second book looks like we are moving up in the world.” Olive giggled
“Look at us,” Eliott said as they walked down the street away from the bars they had just been visiting toward their small apartment. “Following our dreams and shit.”  The night was beautiful, warm with just a light breeze, a large moon shining from above making it the perfect night for a drunken stumble home
“Yeah, you getting pro-work and me not writing about 19 inch long dicks.”
Eliott burst out laughing, “I thought your story still had dicks.”
“More like five-dollar footlongs. There’s a difference.”
Eliott burst out laughing, “got to give the public the dick size they want.”
Olive chuckled, nodding as they got close to their apartment. Tonight had just been a normal Wednesday night. Both of them had decided to take a break from their constant working and just have a normal mid weeknight out. She knew she may be paying for it a bit tomorrow with the amount of alcohol they had drunk. But it was hard not to while singing off tune to some classic rock over a game of pool in their favorite dive bar. It was moments like these that Olive would remember forever.
The ones where they were just together having fun doing whatever.
As Olive slowly woke up she found herself reaching out for Eliott and like the millionth time since he had died. The empty bed reminding her that once again he wasn’t there. However, her fingers brushed against something soft and fluffy.
Slowly opening her eyes she realized she wasn’t in her bed. Her normal cotton white sheets were replaced with the softest black she had ever felt. A large fluffy gray and white cat was curled up next to her, blinking its large blue eyes at her.
Then it all came rushing back.
Eliott was dead and she was in Japan with a man who said he was her husband. They owned a cat and it had been over five years since Eliott had died.
Slowly pulling herself out of the bed she looked around the bedroom again.
It was beautiful, much nicer than anything she would have dreamed of having in the US. Large windows overlooking the city were covered in thick blackout curtains. Once she opened them it filled the room with so much natural light.
The room had a very clean modern feel to it. Decorated with lots of hardwood panels, with black, grays, and hints of red woven throughout the decorations. A few potted plants and lantern looking lights hung from the ceiling. Two bookshelves stood on either side of the TV that was hanging from the opposite wall from the bed.
She remembered that the large walk-in closet was behind the bed, separated by the large ashy wood wall. Walking around she entered the huge space. This closet was the size of her bedroom. Running her fingers over the hanging clothes she frowned. Which ones were hers?
Probably the side with the dresses.
The thought of the grumpy looking blonde who claimed to be her husband in a dress made her smile though.
He would probably look better in them too She thought as she pulled down a cute black dress with large yellow sunflowers. Just staring at it a feeling of being completely lost and unsure of what to wear. instead just standing there looking up at all the designer items dressed in her oversized tee.  
Hanging the dress-up she noticed a black jacket had fallen. Picking it up she was taken over by the powerful sweet smell. Since last night when she had identified it as her new husband’s she had been unable to stop finding it everywhere. It made sense in theory because he also lived here but it smelled so foreign to her. Yet there was something comforting about it. As if in the very resessing of her mind something told her she was safe.
“Do you need help?”
Letting out a squeak she jumped clutching the jacket she had been currently burying her face in as if it could protect her. Turned to see-- What was his name again? Katsuki? Had been leaning against the wall watching her. At her shocked expression, his face melted into a soft frown. Moving forward he pulled out a pair of jeans and a shirt thrusting them toward her. She looked up at him feeling very awkward with the fact that she was braless in nothing but a shirt in front of this stranger.
Although she wasn't a stranger to him.
The thought of them knowing each other intimately was so weird it made her flush slightly. For a moment a different expression crossed his face. Subtle and just as unreadable as any of the other ones he had.
“I made coffee,” he said, turning and leaving the closet, “When you're ready.”
Quickly hanging the jacket back up Olive dashed past Katsuki mumbling incoherent words of thanks as she dashed into the bathroom to change. After dressing she looked down at the sink, two toothbrushes looking back up at her as if laughing at her dilemma. Which one was hers? Grabbing the dry one -he must have snuck in here earlier to freshen up- she hedged her bets and quickly finished cleaning up with whatever she thought looked like something she might use.
Taking a look at herself in the mirror Olive sighed running her fingers through her hair. That was when she noticed the strands of bright pink throughout her dark locks. Frowning she turned, playing with her hair for a moment realizing she had a rainbow dyed into her bottom layer.
In theory, it made sense. She had always wanted to try that style with her hair. Olive had always liked to play with different shades and trends with everything from her hair to her makeup and even clothes. A drastic style change was not uncommon for her. But waking up with a completely different hairstyle felt so…
Tears sprung into her eyes before she realized they did.
“Jesus Olive!” she snapped at herself, the feeling of being overwhelmed disappearing as it was overtaken feelings of frustration. “Stop crying!” she said glaring at her reflection. The image of a red-faced glassie eyed Olive just made her cry harder. “Stop it.”
Bakugou hadn’t gone far. He knew he should have. Just leave her to gather herself but he was worried. She seemed so far away yesterday and this morning she looked so lost in their closet. Standing there sniffing his jacket like some deranged weirdo.
So despite his better judgment, he had stayed in the bedroom leaning against the wall between the closet waiting for her to come out. He could hear her shuffling about in the bathroom and then there was a long pause and suddenly her voice was as clear as if she was right next to him
“Jesus Olive, stop crying!”
The words cutting into him like a knife and twisting with each plea from the young woman to make herself stop. He could feel small sparks of anger flickering in his tight fists. That feeling of helplessness overcoming him again. Letting out a growl he stormed into the kitchen pulling out her favorite shitty sugar cereal and placing it on the counter.
Glaring intensely at the box he started questioning his choice. Maybe he should make her bacon? Or some cakes? He looked around frantically as if their whole marriage depended on what she found when she came out of the bathroom.
He froze his shoulders hunching slightly at the soft sound of her voice. Part of him was scared to turn around and face her. He didn’t want to see her eyes all puffy and red, to see that lost sad look on her face.
He wanted his happy little bitch back.
“Mornin’,” he mumbled, turning slowly to see her bright-eyed and with a large forced smile on her face.
And he realized there was something worse than seeing her sad. It was her faking happy.
Slamming a mug of coffee down in front of her he looked away trying to keep his temper in check. Her face pissed him off. Stop smiling like that. If you're sad just be sad. His brain screamed as if he could put his thoughts into her head.
“Thank you,” she said, taking a sip before her eyes widened, “Oh wow this is good.”
“Yeah I know,” he said simply taking a sip of his own.
“Do you uhhh, make this for me a lot.”
Every morning.
“What’s that?” she asked pointing toward the box of cereal.
“Cereal, here” he quickly made her a bowl before handing it to her. She took a bite smiling. A genuine smile as she glanced shyly up at him. “What?” he snapped, instantly regretting it as she looked down at her bowl again.
“I… are you going to have some too?”
“No, I don’t like sugar.”
Her eyes grew wide in shock, “Like at all?”
“Do you also not like happiness and joy?” she asked a real smile breaking across her face. It was as if the sun had just broken through the dark storm clouds that were swirling around the two of them. Shoulders relaxing Bakugou felt like he could breathe again.
“Apparently not, it is something you do remind me of frequently.”
“Sounds like something I would do” she chuckled. Another awkward stretch of silence spanned across them. Olive slowly pulled out her phone from her lap looking down at it then back up at him. The way she was fidgeting it was obvious she wanted to ask him something but felt bad about it.
“Just say it,” he said, “What do you want?”
“I…” she jumped slightly before opening her phone, “Could you maybe tell me who these people are in my photos?”
“Ok, but I have work in a bit.”
She blinked as if that had never accrued to her, “oh that’s right, your a… hero?” it was more of a question than a comment.
“I bet you're really good.”
“Number one.” he paused, “That’s how we met. The agency sent us over to help with an earthquake issues and you were working with the insurance company that was covering damages.”
“Oh right,” she paused again mulling over this information. She had been working for that company -if it was the same one- for about three years when Eliott had passed.  
“You presented, in English, and some pretty bad Japanese.”
“Wow rude.” her face scrunched in that expression he knew all too well. The one where she was trying not to laugh at his rudeness. Trying to look annoyed but she found his mean comments funny
“Yeah well, it’s true. It was cute.”
“So it was my shitty language skills that attracted you to me?” another small smile. Bakugou shouldn’t be getting this excited to see it.
“That and you bitching about some woman at Starbucks in that shitty language skill.” his words earning him a laugh, a small one but a laugh none the same.
“Sounds on brand.”
“Who did you want to know about?” he asked, coming around the island to where she was sitting so he could look over her shoulder. Enjoying the closeness of being by her. Taking in her warmth she was wearing that perfume he had gotten her for her birthday.
“The kids?”
“Lilly’s daughter Emma, and Clare’s two son’s.”
“No!” She gasped looking down at the image, “those are Cole and James!?! They are so big! And of course Lilly named her daughter Emma.” she cooed swiping through a few more images,, “She’s so beautiful” Bakugou shiffed noticing the soft tears coming to her eyes. Normally when she talked about her godchildren Olive would get emotional but something he would always tease about, but right now it seemed like she never stopped crying.
“That’s red,” she said pointing to Kirishima recognizing him from the mall. So he was also someone she actually knew pretty well. Or well enough to have pictures of them together in matching cowboy hats.
“Eijiro Kirishima” Baugou said, reaching over pointing to the three of them standing in an american themed bar.
The next one was of Bakugou and Olive with another couple at a local fair. “That’s Momo Yaoyorozu and her husband Shoto Todoroki.” Olive had met Momo during a highschool reunion and the two had become fast friends. Momo had even called Bakugou after the accident asking about Olive. After hearing about her memory loss Momo had decided she would wait to reach out as to not overwhelm the girl.
“Oh wow, she’s so pretty” Olive whispered. Bakugou tried not to laugh, guess some things never change. After the first time Olive had met Momo she had (drunkenly) demanded to know why her then boyfriend had never “gone for it?” and then that she was going to leave him for Momo because “she’s the whole package”.
“And a million of Dolemite” Olive giggled turning to show Bakugou who had seen all of these images a million times. To say his wife was obsessed with her cat would be an understatement.
As Olive turned her nose gently brushed against his cheek. Their eyes locking. She hadn’t realized how close they were until she had turned. His warm sweet scent was slightly overwhelming. Dark red eyes studying her, his body unmoving from their closeness. She could hear a bit of a hitch in his breath as his gaze moved down from her eyes to her lips.
For a moment Olive thought he might kiss her. Her heart pounding in her chest unsure what to do. Should she let him? Somehow she felt like she was cheating on her late husband. But Eliott had been dead, for years now. Still, guilt washed over as she pulled away. The look on his face sent a new wave of guilt wash over her. Hurt.
“I have to get to work” he mumbled backing up shoving his hands in his pockets.
“Ok” she responded, her hands clutching her phone so hard for a moment she thought it might crack, “I’ll clean up in here” she said motioning to the small collection of random boxes and cups on the counter. Nodding Bakugou grabbed his black duffle that was sitting by the door.
Glancing at her one last time he saw her watching him. She was biting her top lip, worry written all over her face. When their eyes met she flashed him another one of those fake smiles that kind of just spread flat across her face and didn't really curve up to her eyes.
“See you later” she said waving
He nodded before leaving wanting to get out as quickly as possible. He needed to go pound someone, preferentially a bad guy.
Olive couldn’t help but jump a little at how loudly Katsuki slammed the door shut. She was slowly leaning, this man was pretty aggressive. A bit of a contract to Eliott who was always scaring her with how quietly he would walk around. At least she would know where this new man always was.
But there were a few things that reminded her of Eliott in her “new” husband. Like the sugar thing. Eliott always hated sunshine and things that were too sweet. He preferred cooler weather and spicy food. A joke Olive would always use on him.
“You just like bitter things, that’s why you married me.” she would say when he would make a face at her sweeter preferences in wines or coffee.
“I would say more salty but yeah, basically.”
As Olive slowly started to clean up the kitchen she wondered if Katsuki also loved watching videos of kids getting hurt. During their time together Olive had lost count of the instagram accounts and videos Eliott had sent her of people wiping out. It got to the point that Olive could tell when he was watching a video of someone getting hurt by his laugh.
Was it even fair to compare the two of them?
Trying to push away those thoughts, Olive decided to explore Katsuki’s cabinets. Trying to piece together what kind of man her husband was. As if some perfectly organized cups would give her the answers to her four year long relationship with that intense blonde. Everything was so much more, put together, than her old life.
Maybe that was because she worked from home? She had more time to keep things clean and organized. Did she even work from home? Katsuki had said she had an office. Did she still work insurance?
A soft meow broke through her thoughts. Closing the cabinet she bent down picking up the fluffy cat that was at her feet. Stroking his thick fur leaving the kitchen thoughts starting to spiral
Could she even work insurance in Japan? What about her books? What was her life like?
What was she even supposed to do right now?
Bakugou and Kirishima had spent all morning talking to the robbers who had been at the mall. While they were more than happy to give up what they knew (especially after seeing Bakugou bursting in hands blazing just needing an excuse to set someone aflame.) There wasn’t a lot of information to go off of.
It had been a paid job Which made no sense to Bakugou. Why would anyone pay someone to break into a mall? What was the point? They weren’t even asked to steal anything in particular. It was more of a “here’s some money and a plan, go fuck shit up and take what you want.”
“Maybe they were a distraction and something we don’t know is missing?” Kirishima said as the two heroes walked down the street. The rest of the day had been just as tedious and frustrating. To the point, Kirishima had thought maybe it was best if they went out on patrol to try and help Bakugou calm down a little.
It hadn’t help.
Bakugou was in a foul mood and had a hard time focusing on anything. Normally he never had this problem. Once he got to work no matter what was going on outside of his job he could tune it out. But right now all he wanted to do was see how Olive was doing. The way he had left things that morning. Just storming out. The way she had looked so lost in their apartment.
It was just pissed him off and he couldn’t stop thinking about it.
Normally around this time of day Olive would have been texting him with random thoughts, weird memes she would find or endless images of that stupid cat. But the silence was more distracting than her constant texting had ever been.
Glancing over their text log for the hundredth time he didn’t see anything out of the ordinary. Right before this attack, she had been excited about their trip to Germany in a few months. It was going to be a celebration for her publishing her fifteenth book and for his second year of being the #1 hero. There were a few snarky comments about all the “losers who said my amazing husband was more of a villain”
That was Olive he knew. Quick to love and quick to snap back if someone so much as looked at those ones she loved wrong. Not this sobbing mess who flinched at his very presence.
“Bro, just go home.” Kirishima finally said after Bakugou snapped at yet another old lady who was in his way during patrol. “If anything crazy happens I’ll just call you in.”
“I’m FINE!” Bakugou snapped back. Besides, the old Olive would be mad at him for abandoning his work just for her.
“Yeah but if your ratings drop because you made some baby cry Olive will kill you.” Kirishima seemed to read his mind as Bakugou stomped past two giggling high school girls who were not so subtly snapping pictures of the two heroes.
Rubbing his forehead Bakugou sighed, his teammate and friend had a point. If he dropped back down to Number two because of this foul mood Olive would kill him. He could hear her now.
“I mean I don’t give a shit what number you are, but you honestly lost two years of kissing up to the press over me?”
She would have that look of both hurt and also an annoyance. Plus she would be right. Better take a day off and work out this shity problem than deal with long term consequences.  
After a few hours of just walking around in circles with no idea what to do Olive decided to call Lilly. She wanted to see her goddaughter and best friend. Hear a familiar voice. So scooping up Dolemite she curled up on the large king size bed to video chat and catch up with all the stuff she couldn’t remember.
Ten minutes in Clare - who had been filled in on the whole memory loss- had demanded to join in.
“Threesome!” Clare giggled, her thick curls pulled back into a messy bun, “How are you feeling Olly O? Lilly told me what was going on.”
“I’m ok,” Olive mumbled, playing with Dolemite’s ear as the cat leaned into her hand purring loudly “It’s all... very overwhelming.”  
“You don’t remember anything?”
“No. It’s like I woke up and it’s five years later.” Olive said, “To me, the last time we hung out we took your three-year-old and one-year-old to the beach.”
Clare winched at the thought, “You know if you want to come back you can” she said, “Take a break and be with some people you actually remember. No one would blame you if you needed a break..”
Olive paused for a moment thinking back to that morning. Katsuki looked so concerned as he followed her around with that angry face. He kind of reminded her of grumpy cat, his blonde hair sticking up everywhere with that pout on his face. He was probably having as much trouble with this whole memory loss as she was.  
“I, I’m not sure yet. I married him for a reason and even if I can’t remember why I want to find out.”
“I guess that makes sense,” Clare said, “But just so you know we have an extra room if you need to get away.”
“You’ll be fine” Lilly pipped up. “Katsuki’s nothing if not stubborn. I once saw that man climb up the side of a cliff over a river with just his quirk because you freaked yourself out and couldn’t get down.”
“Oh yeah, that man is intense.” Clare nodded, “I wasn’t sure about him at first but he loves you.”  
Walking into the apartment Bakugou was greeted by the sound of laughter filling the apartment. His heart leaped in his throat as he followed the sound. He saw Olive laying on the bed kicking her legs up and down as she talked on the phone. The sound of Lilly and Clare’s voices could be heard.
“Do you remember that time I ran into the wall?”
“You had to wear a boot for a month you dumb ass” Lilly laughed, Bakugou could almost hear her rolling her eyes. He had heard this story a million times. Olive’s friends were nothing if not the kind of people who never forgot the dumb things they all did.
“Eliott was so worried… poor guy,” Olive said, his name flowing from her mouth with so much fondness Bakugou wanted to punch a wall. Jealousy so strong he felt sick. They had good memories too. So many of them, but all she could remember was that other guy.
“Oh Olive” Clare’s voice was soft as Olive suddenly choked, “Where even is Christian Salter? Why isn’t he there?”
“Who?” Olive asked sitting up, Bakugou could only see her back but he could tell she was rubbing her eyes.
“Katsuki.” Lilly’s voice was soft.
“I… I’m sorry” Olive babbled, “I’m kind of overwhelmed.”
“It’s ok to miss him you know,” Lilly said as Clare’s voice made some sort of agreeing sound.
“I loved him so much.” Olive’s voice cracked and it took everything in Bakugou’s will power to stay where he was. Rested against the wall just outside the bedroom listening to her sob for another man. Missing another man. Saying she loved another man.
“Fuck” he mumbled quickly moving away while pulling out his phone. He didn’t even realize he was calling Kirishima until he heard his best friend’s voice on the other line.
“Hey bro.”
“She won’t stop crying,” Bakugou said desperately running his fingers through his messy blonde hair as he paced the kitchen. He was desperate. He just wanted her to stop crying. Wanted this to end. Wanted to go back to the teasing, the laughing, the ANYTHING but this.
“She just lost Eliott all over again.” Kirishima’s voice said on the other end, “Give her some time.”
“But she loved me just as much, more ” Bakugou’s voice broke slightly as he looked over at the hallway leading to the bedroom. As if the answer to everything would just come walking out. As if SHE would just come walking out and this whole thing would just be some cruel joke.
“Yeah, and she will love you again but she doesn’t remember you. She doesn't remember any of it.”
“I’m trying! I made her coffee, we looked at pictures on her phone.” he walked from the kitchen to the living room looking out the large window that overlooked the city bustling with business. “She was even more attached to Momo more than me”
“I don’t know bor, take her to that ramen place you guys always go to?” Kirishima scratched the back of his head. There had only been one time he had ever seen Olive upset and that was when Bakugou had gone missing fighting some big bad villain in the forests of Brazil. Even then Olive had kind of just hid her feelings only really breaking down when Bakugou got back safe and sound.  
Bakugou paused looking back at the bedroom again “You think?”
“She liked it before,” Kirishima said, Bakugou could almost see him shrugging over the phone. “And it’ll be like her first time again.”
Her first time. Bakugou hadn’t thought about it like that. Everything was like her first time again.
“Ok,” was his simple resonance before hanging up. Walking toward the bedroom he softly knocked on the door. It sounded like she had already hung up with her friends and was now sitting on the bed wiping her eyes. When she saw him she looked away, face red.
“I’m sorry” she mumbled trying to hide herself. For some reason that pissed him off more. As if he wasn’t allowed to see her like this. As if she was ashamed or something. “You’re home early…?’ she paused unsure if this was early. Seemed early since it was only a little after twelve o’clock.
“Just get ready, we are going out to lunch.”
“I… where?” she asked jumping down from the bed, her hazel eyes wide. Dolemite, who had been curled up on her lap, looked very put out.
“It’s casual, do you want me to pick out an outfit for you?” it was more of a statement than a question. Although, he did honestly want to know, did she need help?  
“No, I think I can navigate that huge closet,” she said, flashing him a soft smile. While it wasn’t her normal large one it was genuine. Small victories, Bakugou decided, he would take what he could get.
“What you are wearing is fine. Just bring a jacket because you always get cold and wear shoes you can walk in, the pink sneakers work.” Bakugou followed her into their closet and she paused watching him as he grabbed a clean shirt and pants. “I’m only saying that because I know you are going to stress about it for 20 mins.”
“How…” her question died at her lips as she watched him.
“We’re married idiot” he mumbled softly “I’ll shower in the other bathroom. When your ready meet me in the living room.”
“You have another bathroom?”
“ We have one at the end of the hallway.”
Another pause and Olive looked like she wanted to say something. Bakugou sighed
“Spit it out”
“I uhhh,” she took a shaky breath and for a moment he was worried she was going to start crying again. “I’m sorry”
“Stop apologizing,” Bakugou said, tuning to go Before pausing in the doorway, “And you can cry as much as you want. So stop trying to hide it.”
 Master List
Story Tag: @0hmydeku @inumorph @it-jinxed-us @myraticm
15 notes · View notes
septic84 · 4 years
Your soul knew it belonged to me, Chapter two: The “Thing”
Dan, are you still sleeping?" Softly smiling, Dan stretched as he woke up. "I'm not sleeping now." Phil walked in and sat on the edge of his bed, "are you ill?" "No, just didn't sleep well." Looking at Dan’s face was enough to tell Phil that already, "how was your trip?" "Fun, good. I missed," Phil paused, "London, though," Dan smirked. "I missed you too, you Dingus."
"Do you want to go get dinner tonight? I don't feel like cooking, and it seems as if you probably don't either." "Okay." "I’ll let you sleep." Phil hopped up off of the bed. "Welcome home, Phil," Dan said as he laid back down and rolled to his side, falling asleep. Phil now knew why Dan was still in bed. The dark circles under his eyes were a telltale sign of what Dan had gotten up to when Phil was away. Lately, they seemed to be a reoccurring part of Dan's face. Frowning, Phil wished he could change that, even if he didn't know what to do. He had missed Dan a lot when he was gone but telling him about his trip would have to wait; for now, he would have to entertain himself.  After Phil got his things sorted from his trip and relaxed, he lost track of time. Hours had passed, Phil peeked his head into Dan's room quietly; he was in a deep sleep, slightly drooling, and looked peaceful. Phil felt a weight lift off of his shoulders; walking over to Dan, he pulled the duvet back over him. He smiled as he brushed Dan's hair to one side, softly cupping his cheek. When Dan was deeply asleep, his face showed no signs of worry or distress; it was perfect. Phil decided that they wouldn't be going out, so he left to get groceries. Dan looked in no condition to leave the house, at least not today.  He would be cooking after all, but Phil actually didn't mind. He was okay taking care of Dan.
When he put away all of the groceries, Dan still hadn't gotten up. Phil wondered if the man had slept at all when he was gone. He was concerned and curious as to what could have been bothering him so much. Had he been in a lousy place for days? Was Dan having another one of his famous "existential crisis" weeks? Was he face down in a hallway the whole time Phil was enjoying himself? Phil instantly felt guilty, had he left Dan at a time that he shouldn't have? He thought back to the days before he had left and remembered sad piano playing and crying. Was that the start of it? Phil's heart clenched with the hindsight that he had left Dan when he was in that state. As Phil sat on the sofa and booted up his laptop, he sighed again. The damage was done, now he would have to wait for Dan to wake up. Maybe then he could get to the bottom of this. It was shortly after 7:00 pm when Dan finally started to stir. He saw the time. "Fuck," he said out loud. He got up to find Phil with headphones on, eyes glued to his screen. "Phil, why didn't you wake me up?" He said yawning Phil removed his headphones, smiling. "Dan, you haven't been sleeping. Sleep was more important." "We could still go to a late dinner if you want,” "No, No. It's okay. I bought food; I can start cooking at any time." Dan sat next to Phil, looking at him carefully. "Okay." Phil smiled, "Really, Dan, it's okay. Should I start cooking now?" "I'll help. Let me shower." "You shower, I'll cook. I really don't mind. Then I can tell you about my trip." Dan was disorientated by the massive amounts of sleep he had gotten as well as frustrated with himself. He wanted to hide his exhaustion from Phil, but when he went back to sleep, he never thought it would be for the rest of the day. He hoped Phil wasn't disappointed that they were not going out. Dan groaned; how could he tell Phil that the reason he wasn't sleeping was that he was alone?  Or that the reason it looked like none of the rooms were lived in when he was gone was because they were not. Dan shouldn't have been surprised that when Phil was finally home, he was finally able to sleep for several hours. As he finished showering, he was becoming more and more uneasy about the dreaded questions that he knew were coming from his flatmate. It really shouldn't be this big of a deal, but Dan feared soon enough he would let the real reason why he had been acting so differently slip out. Phil started to prepare dinner; it was simple spaghetti and cheese bread. He pulled out a bottle of wine, pouring two glasses. Taking a sizeable satisfying drink, suddenly, Phil's mind drifted to Dan in the shower. As the fantasy started to fill his mind with images, he suddenly shook his head, blushing at himself. Dan was his best friend; he knew he had to get over the attraction he felt towards him. More than once, Dan had said he was not gay, but some of the signals he sent off confused Phil, and he didn't know what they meant. Even if Dan were attracted to men, Phil doubted he would be attracted to him. Dan came into the Kitchen, "It smells nice in here. What can I do to help?" Phil handed the other glass of wine to Dan. "Just get dishes out, everything is almost ready. Nothing too complex." Dan nodded, taking a sip, "Oh Swaggy, wine night, is it?" He laughed as he set down the glass and started to gather dishes. "I made Italian; usually, there's wine, right?" He took another loud sip, "besides, it's sweet and tasty." Phil licked his lips for emphasis; Dan sharply sucked in his breath, then quickly looked away. After the dishes were on the table, Dan leaned against the counter, sipping his wine. He loved to watch Phil; the way he moved around with ease, the melody he was humming off-key, and the smile that was plastered to his face. He was enjoying readying the meal, occasionally taking sips of his wine as it stained his lips and brought a flush to his cheeks. Dan smiled; this was so domestic it was almost sickening. Then as Phil bit his lip in concentration, Dan's thoughts took a less innocent turn.  He focused on Phil's lips, slightly swollen, tinged red, inviting. He wondered what it would be like to taste the wine off of Phil's lips while caressing his cheek. Phil was so, "What?" Phil asked, catching him staring. Dan blushed, spinning the wine in his glass. "Just worried you're going to fall, moving so quickly. You have had wine, you know." "We both know I don't need wine to trip over, Dan," Phil smirked as he brought the food to the table. As they ate, Phil told Dan about the trip, both of them splitting the bottle of wine between them. Phil's stories always were detailed and elaborate; Dan smiled. He loved listening to Phil talk. When Phil had finished, and they were both through eating, a comfortable lull in the conversation came. It was so easy to exist with Phil, so natural. This was home. Dan stood up to take the dishes to the sink. "Dan?" "Yeah?" "Are you okay? Why weren't you sleeping?" And there it was, he knew Phil would ask. "I don't know, really," he lied, "just couldn't." "Maybe you need a doctor?" "No, I'm sure it's fine." Phil started to help Dan clean up, dropping the topic for the time being. Dan was putting away a dish when Phil leaned over him, slightly pushing him into the wall accidentally. Phil froze, Dan's skin was warm and inviting; the smell of Dan and sweet wine flooded his senses. Phil's breath hitched in his throat as they looked at each other, Dan's eyes shone with slight fear, and the air was thick with excitement. The tension of the circumstance could be felt in between the quick breaths that Phil was taking. He shifted slightly, still looking at Dan intently. Phil didn't move, letting his senses take in Dan. He was warm, he was so close, and Phil knew he wouldn't have to move much to meet his lips. Dan was the first to speak. "Ah, Phil?" Phil visibly swallowed, "Does this make you uncomfortable?" Though the corners of his mouth were upturned, his voice husky and dominate. "Ah, yeah, you weirdo," Dan's face was red, but he had humor in is tone. Phil didn't move; he just stared. "Phil, what are you doing?" Phil panicked slightly. What was he doing? "Dan, why couldn't you sleep?" His voice was deep; his eyes never left Dan's. "Tell me." He said, leaning a little harder into him. Dan shifted into the touch for a moment and then cleared his throat. "I just couldn't, Phil. Now, if you don't mind, I'd like to get away from this wall, you spork." Dan laughed nervously, slightly pushing on Phil's shoulder. Phil blinked, confusion crossing his face; he slowly backed his way out of the Kitchen. "Ah. I'm sorry." Phil mumbled shyly. "I was going too," Phil looked at the floor. "I, I gotta go." Dan nodded at him as Phil stumbled over the arm of the sofa, practically running to his bedroom. "The hell was that?" Dan asked the empty Kitchen. He ran his hands through his hair as butterflies swarmed in his stomach, and his mind raced. Phil was acting strangely, was there something that he wasn't telling Dan? Dan finished cleaning, more confused than he had been in the days leading up to Phil's homecoming.  Phil was leaning into him, staring at him, maybe even gazing into his eyes.  Was it the wine? They had had enough to feel pleasantly warm, but Dan didn't believe either one of them had been intoxicated, though they did finish off a bottle.  Dan finished cleaning up and sat at the table alone. Finishing the last of the wine, he got lost in his thoughts. Phil paced in his room, "What was I thinking?" He had no idea what had come over him; what had caused an accidental touch to turn into pushing Dan into the wall? Was he drunk? He didn't feel drunk. What he felt was embarrassed and scared. He wondered what Dan thought, mainly after he had run away. Phil sat on the edge of his bed, his face in his hands, bewildered. He was supposed to do a live show after his trip; he regretted promising that. For some reason, he tweeted he would do so, but now he just wanted to hide. He should have just waited until Thursday as per usual. It took 20 minutes to compose himself, but soon he was answering questions and smiling again. A knock came to his door, and he paled. "And here's Dan!" he choked out, his voice high and squeaky. "What was that, Phil?" Dan asked, laughing, "Going through puberty, are you? Or are you getting laryngitis again?" It was a surprise to the viewers that Dan was on the live stream; they hadn't really been doing them together lately. It wasn't planned that Dan was to be in this live show, he hadn't asked to be, but Phil was relieved. To Phil, this meant that Dan wasn't that upset over what had happened in the Kitchen. "Ugh, I hope not!" Phil sat awkwardly beside Dan, trying his hardest not to give away that there was tension between them.  When the audience started to notice and comment, he did not acknowledge it. Dan pretty much overtook the broadcast. Phil was thankful, he wasn't able to communicate appropriately anyhow. When the live show ended, an awkward silence filled the room. After what seemed like ages, Dan spoke. "You alright?" Phil only nodded, "so," Dan turned towards him. "What was that all about?" Phil sighed. "Which part?" "Well, the live show was a disaster; you shouldn't promise them after a trip. But what I was referring to is what happened in the Kitchen." Dan cocked his eyebrow. "I just want you to tell me why you couldn't sleep. I am worried about you; I am always worried about you," he blurted out. Dan smiled. "I am okay, Phil. You don't need to worry about me." "Yes, I do, someone does. Especially if you aren't sleeping properly." Phil said with no humor in his voice. "So, you push me into a wall?" Phil sighed. "Can we please just not talk about this?" He stood up and placed his laptop on the desk. "So we just pretend it didn't happen, then? Is that it?" "Please, Dan. Can we just let it go? I'm sorry." "Just be open with me, Phil, that's all I am asking." Phil rolled his eyes in frustration. "It isn't like you are honest with me, Dan." Dan paled as he stood, ready to leave the room. "Fine, Phil. Never mind." Dan's face started to feel hot, the paleness now changing into shades of pink. "Since when do we keep secrets?" Phil asked, clearly hurt. "Since when do you take blond bimbos out to bars, get wasted, and post kissing pictures on the internet, Phil?" Dan was now angry, furious. "Relax Dan, don't yell at him," he thought to himself. Phil cocked his head, shocked. Hadn't Dan let that go yet? Why? Phil was under the impression that it was fine. He thought Dan was jealous that Cindy had chosen Phil, but now he wasn't so sure. Kissing pictures? Phil stepped towards Dan. "What are you on about, Dan?" "Ask Tumblr." He said bitterly, looking at his feet. "There's a picture of me kissing someone on Tumblr? Does this have to do with Cindy?" Dan said nothing, but his brow creased, and his lips were pressed into a thin line. Phil took a deep breath, turning, so their eyes met. "I didn't know you were still so upset about Cindy, Dan." Dan shrugged. "Are you jealous?" Dan stayed quiet as Phil walked towards him; his entire demeanor had changed. Dan was subconsciously backing up as Phil came closer. "I think you are." Dan exhaled loudly and kept backing up until he was against the wall "Bloody hell, Phil. What do you know!" Dan intended the words to come out forceful and angry, but instead, they were soft and sad. Dan stood still as Phil closed the gap between them, placing a hand on the wall next to each side of his head. Dan looked at both of Phil's hands next to him, turning his head as he did. His heart was racing as he returned his eyes to Phil's. There was something playful in them that made Dan shutter. Phil noticed and grinned "Dan, who were you jealous of?" Dan looked away. Phil grabbed his chin and pulled his head back towards him, causing Dan to gasp. "Me? Or Cindy?" His voice was deep like it was in the Kitchen; his eyes were wild and held a cocky glint. Dan was avoiding eye contact; he was mortified. "You're blushing!" Phil said, surprised. "Who, Dan?" "Phil. Stop. Just fuck off, okay?" Dan muttered. "Who?" Dan closed his eyes and tilted his head up to try to create some space between them. He did not want to confess his feelings for Phil, not like this. Phil would have none of it, though, tilting Dan's head back down into the small space between them. Dan opened his eyes but refused to meet Phil's. "Who, Dan?" Phil's body was now pressed against Dan's; their knees were slightly touching. Dan couldn't take it. He swept his eyes to meet Phil's, a fiery passion and desire within a pool of brown. Phil gasped. "HER, alright? Fuck." Dan said, never taking his eyes off of him. "I didn't want her to touch you. Ever. Not at the meetings, not at a bar. Ever." Dan's eyes smoldered, his shoulders moving up and down as his breathing increased. "You were jealous of her touching me?" "Yes." Dan shifted harder into Phil's knees, subconsciously; his breathing became heavier. Phil looked at his eyes and then his lips. “Why couldn't you sleep, Dan?" Dan was almost panting, through clenched teeth, he said, "Phil for fuck sake, please," "Why?" He demanded. "Because you weren't here," more quietly, he added, "are you happy now? You win, Phil, get off me." He was embarrassed; tears could be heard in his voice. Somewhere in the back of his mind, Phil knew he should stop and move away from Dan, but he didn't. "Because you were scared to be in the flat alone?" Phil questioned; his voice was low. "No. You weren't here." Dan was admitting a weakness now; he looked so vulnerable. "What does that mean, Dan?" "Phil," Dan closed his eyes. He knew at this point Phil was toying with him. "Stop. Please." He begged. "You need me around to sleep?" "Yes, you idiot." He said, his voice was tentative. Phil sighed, and with a voice hardly above a whisper, he said, "Oh." Dan cocked his eyebrow; he had regained some of his courage. "Do you remember crawling into MY bed after your date?" "It wasn't a date, Dan. Just drinks with a friend." "Stop avoiding the question, Phil. Why were you pressed up against me in MY bed? What happened on the date that made you cry?" "It wasn't a date, Dan." Phil scowled. "You. Kissed. Her." He said, anger flashing in his eyes; Dan shifted, trying to initiate space between them. Phil frowned. "Well, I didn't mean too." He said, honestly. "Yeah, well." Dan trailed off; he was mad. "Would you rather I kissed you, Dan?" Phil asked, his voice low, shocking himself. Where was this bravery coming from? "What?" Dan feigned incredulousness at the question, but he was still shocked that Phil was saying these things. Out loud. To him. "Don't act like you don't know what I am talking about." "Phil, I think I should go," Every alarm in Dan's head was screaming, he needed to escape, now. "Not before you answer the bleeding question." Phil licked his lips, pressing Dan more firmly against the wall. He started to move his face slowly closer, trying to close the distance between them. "Fuck you," Dan grunted, slightly struggling. "Get the hell away from me," Phil smirked. "For once, I have the upper hand in our friendship, huh Dan?" "I don't know who YOU even are right now. You are not my friend. He would never do this to me." There were tears in Dan's eyes as he brought his arms up and pushed Phil roughly. Phil stumbled back, and Dan darted for the door. "Dan, Wait." He called after him, panicking. Dan ignored him. Oh, God, what had he done? He had gone too far.
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boyfriend-cal · 5 years
You have a lame ass boyfriend (Shawn Mendes Series Part One)
You have a lame-ass boyfriend - Shawn Mendes Series part One
Shawn takes his place as your date
Description: Your sister is getting married, and your boyfriend bailed on the wedding last minute. You’re told you can’t show up without a date, so that’s where Shawn steps in. Part one of a three-part series
Word count: 4.7k
 masterlist / request / taglist
  Tomorrow was the big day. Wedding day, but not yours, of course. Your sister was marrying her high school sweetheart, and tomorrow was their eighth anniversary. It was a long time coming, but you were so excited.
 You couldn’t be happier for them. Ben was a great guy and literally your sisters other half. They’d been inseparable since the ninth grade. She’d dreamed about this day since their first date, and even had one of those thick scrapbooks to portray her perfect wedding. It was finally happening.
 Another reason you were so excited was that you’d get to spend all night with your boyfriend, Josh. Your relationship with Josh hadn’t been perfect lately, but you blamed it on both of your busy schedules so maybe actually getting to spend time together would get things back on the right track. He’d just texted you that he wanted to call you, but before you could do anything, the phone was snatched from your hands.
 “Hey! The one rule of tonight was no phones, there’s not an exception for you. I’m putting this away.” Your sister, Anna, shoved your phone into her back pocket and shook her head.
“Fine. Let’s do another round of shots, then.” You challenged her, knowing she was already on the edge of being belligerently drunk.
 “Yes! Another round on Y/N!” Anna screams, pointing to the bartender. You hoped that whatever Josh needed to tell you, it could wait until later.
 “Oh my god, my head is already killing me. You’re the maid of honor, why didn’t you stop me?” Anna groaned, collapsing on the first bed she came to in your shared hotel room.
 “You know that no one can stop you once you’re too far gone, don’t blame it on me.” You laugh. It was close to three a.m., but the wedding wasn’t until sunset so you knew she’d have time to sleep it off.
 You turned on one of the lamps so you could open your bag to find pajamas. When you find that you’d packed one of Josh’s shirts, you remembered that he needed to talk to you.
 “Give me my phone back now, I need to see if Josh is still up.”
 “Why on earth would he still be awake?”
 “I don’t know because someone had to pick a wedding eight hours away from home and not everyone wants to pay for a hotel room the night before.” You playfully roll your eyes and stick your tongue out at her.
 “Yeah yeah, since he isn’t here I don’t get my own room. He sucks.” Anna starts to strip out of her clothes so she can pull back the duvet and crawl into bed.
 “I’m going outside to talk to him.”
 “Take a key! I’m going to sleep. Make sure I get up on time tomorrow.” Your sister mumbles, mostly into her pillow instead of to you but you got the gist.
 “Oh good, just the responsibility I wanted.” You laugh, flipping her off before making your way to the door.
 “You signed up for it when you agreed to be my maid of honor, suck it up buttercup.”
 You shut the door behind you and sit down with your back against it. You have a few texts from your mother, just making sure you two got back to the room safely. After you text her back, you ask Josh if he’s still awake. Instead of replying, his name pops up on your screen.
 “Hey baby, how was the party?” His voice is unusually raspy, but he might be tired.
 “It was okay. I spent most of my time making sure everyone else was staying together. It’s a lot easier said than done. Did you finish packing? Any idea when you’ll head out?” You rest your head on your knees that are tucked to your chest.
 “That’s what I was going to talk to you about. I can’t come, my truck broke down, and my mom needs her car this weekend. I really wanted to be there to spend time with you.” He sighs loudly, and your heart drops to your stomach.
“What? You know I can’t show up without a date, Anna is very set on her even number of people attending. My car is at home, go to my dad's house and get it. You promised you’d be here.” Panic rises in your chest, Anna was going to be so upset with you. You were angry with Josh, but you refused to ruin the day Anna had been dreaming about for eight years.
 “I can’t. I know I promised, but I’ll make it up to you when you get home. Send Anna and Ben my congratulations. I love you, Y/N.”
 Before you have time to process, the phone clicks and he’s gone. He hung up.
 “You’ve got to be shitting me. What just happened?” You mutter to yourself. You slowly push off the floor, and prepare yourself to go inside and talk to Anna. She might be asleep, but she’ll have to wake up and help you figure this out, whether it’s her wedding day or not.
 Just as you push the key into the door, your phone dings with a new text. It’s from Shawn, your longtime best friend.
 Sent 3:12am Hope you didn’t party too hard, and that Anna doesn’t turn into bridezilla at the last moment. X
You smiled, taking the key back out of the door and sinking back to the floor. Shawn always seemed to know exactly when you needed to hear from him. He wasn’t coming to the wedding because his sister was supposed to be his date, but because of a storm, her flight was canceled.
 That’s perfect, Shawn could come after all. He could be your date, and nothing would be messed up. Without replying, you dial his number.
 “Shawn, thank god you texted me when you did. Tonight has been shit.” You groan as soon as he picks up, not even letting him get a “hello” in.
 “What’s been going on, bubs?” Shawn chuckles into the phone. His voice is comforting to you considering the news Josh just left you with.
 “I hate trying to drink when you realize you’re the only sober one left and then that automatically makes you the one responsible. It was a nightmare trying to keep my sister and all of her friends in line.”
 “Oh right, that’s how I feel taking care of you every time we go out, dumbass. Looks like you got a taste of your own medicine.”
His words make you smile big enough that you bite your lip to suppress it. “I’m forever appreciative for you when you come out with me. How about that?”
 Shawn loves that your voice is dripping with sweetness, even if you’re only messing with him.
 “I guess I’ll take it. Anything else happen? I doubt that’s the only thing that’s got you in a terrible mood unless they’re all puking in the toilets now.” You can tell Shawn is smiling wherever he is because of the teasing tone he uses.
 “You sound like you’re trying to get rid of me, Mendes.” You roll your eyes to yourself.
 “Y/N, it’s three am.” Shawn grunts.
 “And you’re the one that texted me first.” You challenge.
 “You got me there. Quit stalling and tell me what’s going on.” His tone is more serious now.
 “Josh called, and he can’t make it to the wedding. I’m terrified of telling my sister because you know how it was when Aaliyah wasn’t going to be able to fly in. I’m the maid of honor, I can’t screw this up the night before the wedding.” You were telling the truth, just maybe not the whole truth.
 Shawn can tell you’re panicking but trying hard not to let him know. He knows when you’re hiding things from him. He’s known you almost your whole life.
 “So I’ll come in his place. It’s not something to stress over, so Anna doesn’t even have to know. Come on, Y/N, you’re not upset because you’re scared of ruining her big day.”
 You feel tears prick your eyes because he’s right and you hate that he’s right. He can spot something wrong with you without even having to look at you.
 “We just haven’t really been getting along lately, like it’s not as fun to be with him anymore. This weekend was supposed to be for us to get to spend some time together, just the two of us, it sucks that his truck broke down.” You sigh, leaning your head against the door and looking to the ceiling in hopes that it makes your tears go away.
 “I know you don’t want to hear this, but I don’t think a weekend together would fix all of the problems you guys are having.” Shawn knows it was a little bit of a risky thing to say when you’re already in a bad mood, but he’s your best friend, and that gives him the right to say things like that.
 There's that and the fact that he cares about you more than Josh ever could.
 “Yeah, you were right. I don’t want to hear it. Don’t drive eight hours to be a dickhead when I’ve already had to deal with one today.” You shake your head even though he can’t see you.
 “He doesn’t treat you the way you need to be treated, you should know better, Y/N.”
 “We’re working on it, Shawn. I know you tolerate him because he’s in my life, but you’re not doing a great job right now.” You’re starting to get frustrated with him, but it might also be because you haven’t slept yet and the sun will start rising in just a couple of hours.
 “Alright miss grumpy pants. I’ll text you updates on my ETA when I hit the road. Get some sleep, and I’ll see you soon.”
 “Thanks, Shawn. This means a lot to me.”
 It was only five hours later that Anna’s loud shrill woke you up. Apparently, she’d missed her alarm by three minutes, and now she only had twelve minutes to sit and do… nothing. According to her, she needed to be awake for a certain amount of time before she started getting ready, so she didn’t have her ‘zombie face’ on.
 “Well, I’m not concerned about my zombie face, so let me sleep. It’s only nine, and my hair appointment is at three.”
 “At least turn your phone on silent or something. Shawn keeps texting. He’s not usually awake this early, is he?” You’re forced to roll over and pick up your phone off the nightstand.
 “No, but he might be asking for directions or something if he’s already on his way here.” You groggily type in the name of your hotel and the address of the venue, so he has them, then you send “sleeping” so he knows not to bother you until later.
 “He’s coming to the wedding? Did he find a date?” Anna raises her arms to stretch.
 “Long story short, Josh couldn’t come, and Shawn offered to step in as my plus one.”
 “Like I said last night, Josh sucks.”
 You only respond with an eye roll before you pull the covers over your head to return to your peaceful slumber.
Meanwhile, Shawn was jittery, for some reason. It wasn’t from the three gas station coffees he’d already engulfed, it was a different kind of jittery. Like, maybe he was actually nervous to see you?
 Ever since Josh had entered the picture, you and Shawn hadn’t hung out as frequently. Movie nights or long rant sessions in one of your apartments went from four or five times a week to maybe two if your schedules worked out. He understood, really, he doesn’t know how comfortable he’d be with his girlfriend hanging out with a guy more than she hung out with him. It just made him realize that he misses you.
 Shawn would like to think that he only missed you as his best friend. It’s what he told himself, but he knew it wasn’t true. He wasn’t very good at tricking himself into thinking so. He knew that maybe he shouldn’t have agreed to be your date when your favorite song came on in the car, and he found himself remembering a couple of different times that you’d sat right next to him and belted out the words. Shawn got this giddy, butterfly feeling in his lungs that he couldn’t shake.
 He had a whole eight hours to prepare himself, to be calm and collected, to be on his best behavior. Your family loved him, and he knew that. For as long as he’d been around, they’d considered him their own. Shawn would never tell you this, but when Josh had first come around, he heard your mother telling your sister about how she’d always thought it’d be him, not Josh or anyone else. He kind of thought so too.
 But, for whatever reason, you liked this guy. Shawn didn’t necessarily hate him, he was just jealous, really. He tried to keep that part out of it because at first, you seemed happy with this guy. Shawn didn’t have to like him to know that much. It’d only been around six months since you two had started dating, but Josh got comfortable too fast. Now he was blowing you off and making stupid excuses. Shawn isn’t surprised he bailed on the wedding, but he wasn’t going to tell you that he knew for a fact that Josh’s truck wasn’t broken.
 On his way out of town, Shawn was stopped at a stoplight when Josh rolled up next to him. They glared at each other, but Josh’s ultimately turned into a smirk because he knew Shawn couldn’t do shit. He’d seen what happens when Shawn tries to tell you that Josh has done something wrong, and you’ve always defended Josh. It’s really only happened once, around the time that Josh’s downward spiral began. You’d been so upset that Shawn wasn’t making an effort to like the guy you’d chosen, so Shawn hasn’t ever mentioned anything again. The topic of Josh is kind of off-limits when it's just you and him.
 It frustrates Shawn the most because he’s literally a grown-ass man, but he acts like he’s still in high school and that you’re some kind of game. The first three months of your relationship were great. Then it was like Josh took off his mask, and everything was a mess.
 Shawn turned up the music in his car. He couldn’t sit here and think about Josh for the next eight hours, or he’d end up turning around and giving him a piece of his mind.
 By the time Shawn had arrived in town, you were too busy with the maid of honor duties to actually get to see him. It was okay though, you left your hotel key at the front desk, so he could get ready there. He’d also stay with you tonight since Anna would leave with Ben and there was no need for him to have his own room when there’s an extra bed.
 As your sisters best friend, you had put together a scrapbook of pictures of her and Ben over the years. Trying to get all of the bridesmaids to write small notes for her proved to be more difficult than you thought, but only because Anna is a naturally curious person.
 It was after the photographers were finished with the pre-ceremony pictures that you finally got a chance to sit down and check your phone. Shawn had been texting you all day letting you know he was excited to see some of your not so close relatives again. You knew that he was most excited about getting to dance later. Just looking at him, you’d never think he was one to get out on the dance floor and bust some moves, but he loved it.
 You’re pulled away from the phone when there’s a knock on the dressing room. All four of the bridesmaids look at you, so you take that as your cue to get up and answer it. Anna is in the bathroom, so even if it is Ben, he won’t see her. You crack the door just a little bit, in case, but you’re met face to face with his brother, Nick. Nick was your escort, seeing as he’s the best man.
 “The photographer needs Ben’s wedding band so she can take pictures of the rings together.”
 “Oh, right. It’s in my pocket.” You dig your fingers into the shirt pocket of the oversized plaid button-up you have on, but it comes up empty. You feel your heart start to race, where would you have put it?
 “Can you stall her for a few minutes? Tell her to keep working down her list, and I’ll find it.” You whisper, knowing every single one of the other bridesmaids are watching from behind you.
 “Y/N! You have to find it. I’ll try.” Nick's eyes widen, and you nod.
“I know, I know. I’ll come over when I get it.” You shut the door and take a deep breath. Anna will be out of the bathroom any second, and she can absolutely not know about this.
 “So… We need to find Ben’s ring like now. I had it in my pocket so it must’ve fallen out if I bent over. Anna doesn’t need to know at this moment.” You whisper and try to get the words out as fast as possible. All of the girls hit the floor to start looking, just as Anna comes out of the bathroom.
 “Why are you all on the floor?” She questions.
 “Macy lost her earring, and we’re trying to find it.” Erin, one of the bridesmaids, says while her face is against the floor so she can see under the couch.
 You close your eyes and take a deep breath while trying to remember what you did with the ring. The loud sound of a phone ringing interrupts the chaos of the room. Shawn is calling you.
 “I’m going to step outside to take this.”
 Your sister had gifted all five of you these monogrammed button-ups, and they were big enough you hadn’t worn pants under it, but since the venue was still empty you stepped out into the hallway anyway.
 “Hey Shawn, you okay?” You ask, hoping he’ll get to the point so you can continue to look for the ring.
 “Yeah, I’m fine… Why? Are you okay?” Shawns tone turns from ordinary to confused.
 “Uh, probably. I lost something important, and it needs to be found as soon as possible, so if we could cut to the chase of this phone call, I’d appreciate it.” You tap your fingers against your leg as the result of your nerves.
 “Come outside, I brought you some food because I didn’t know if you’d get to eat before we have dinner at the reception later.”  
 As if on cue, your stomach starts to growl. You had missed eating lunch with the bridal party earlier due to some unexpected errands that needed to run. Oh god, what if you had dropped the ring when you were out?
 “Okay, coming.” You say into the phone and weave your way through the tables that have been set up in a particular fashion. Not a single detail missed. When you push open the door, the hot summer air warms your skin.
Shawn is standing under the big carport that guests will leave their car to the valet attendants to, and his attention is brought to you when the door snaps shut behind you. He has a Taco Bell bag in his hands.
 “God, I love you for this, Shawn.” You skip over to him and hook your arms around his neck. His empty arm comes around your waist to pull you close to him. Shawn always gave good hugs, even if it was sort of a side hug.
 “Yeah, I figured you’d be too focused on everything else going on. What’s the important thing that you lost?” Shawn pulls away and raises his eyebrows at you.
 “Uh, well, Bens ring. I swear I had it in this pocket right here and it’s gone. Of all things to lose today.” You sigh, running your hand through your hair and rolling your eyes.
 “Yikes,” Shawn rocks back on his heels, “And Anna hasn’t lost her mind yet?”
 “She doesn’t know. She walked in while we were all on the floor looking for it, so we told her that we were looking for Macy’s earrings.”
 Shawn hands you the food bag and yanks on the thin silver chain he wears around his neck. You know what’s attached, it’s a ring that’s been in his family for ages.
 “Here. It’s average men sized, so I bet it will fit Ben.” He releases the clasp and lets the ring fall into his palm.
 “No, Shawn there's no way I’m taking that. It’s too important to you.”
 Shawn shakes his head and reaches for your hand, dropping the ring and then closing your fingers around it. “I trust you with it. Anna will have so much adrenaline during the ceremony she won’t realize it’s not the one she picked out. Just tell Ben you’ll need it back before they leave tonight.”
 You turn it over in your hands a couple of times. It’s nothing fancy. A standard black wedding band with wooden accents.
 “Look at you, always coming to my rescue.” You look up at him through your lashes, and the look on his face is something you don’t know how to describe.
 His face quickly changes as he laughs. “Yeah, first you needed a date, second you needed food, and now you’re taking my ring. What a high maintenance person you are.” Shawn playfully rolls his eyes.
 “Maybe a little, but you couldn’t live without me.” You wink at him and then turn to walk back towards the door.
 “You’re right. I’d never want to.” You pause for just a second with your hand on the door, so you can look back at him. There’s a moment where neither of you does anything but look at each other.
 Then the door is pushed open against you, which makes you stumble back a few steps. Your gaze breaks from Shawn to Macy, who’s wide-eyed and out of breath.
 “Y/N, thank god, we found the ring. The photographer already had it and forgot. Anna wants to know where you ran off to.” Macy sighs as she feels the hot air.
 “Oh, okay, great. I’m coming back in just a second, I need to give this back to Shawn.”
 When you turn around to hold out the ring to him, you find that he’s gone. He’s already across the parking lot, waving from his car.
 “I’ll see you tonight, Y/N!” He yells. You try to hide the huge, school girl grin that spreads across your face.
 You finally feel like you can breathe again. The ceremony is over, dinner has been served, and the reception is in full swing. Anna is happily dancing with her sorority friends, and Ben is currently taking shots with his fishing buddies. The balcony gives you a perfect view of the whole venue. You’d come up here to make sure the DJ had the list of songs Anna wanted to be played at some point in the night but instead of returning to the party you’d stayed for a moment.
 Shawn was comfortable being around your family, so he hadn’t minded when you slipped away. Your grandma had been begging him for a dance since he arrived and he had no choice but to say yes. He loves your family, and he couldn’t be happier that Josh decided to bail.
 After a few minutes, you decide to go back downstairs and see if you can pull him away from Grammy but when you turn he’s already headed up the stairs towards you. Shawn looks up and catches your eye, so he stops.
 “You think you’ve got another dance left in you?” You laugh, holding your dress up a little as you make your way to meet him halfway down the staircase. Something about the fairy lights strung on the rails and his pretty smile with his hand outstretched made it feel like a fantasy.
“Of course. Saved one just for you.” Shawn’s cheeks are rosy, and he’s ditched his suit jacket, so his navy button-up is opened to reveal a couple of necklaces resting against his chest. Seeing the empty one reminds you that you have his ring.
 “Before we get any further, let me give this back, so I don’t lose it.” You slip the ring off of your thumb and then reach up to undo the chain from behind his neck. In a smooth move, you let the ring fall down the chain and then close the clasp.
 “Thank you.” Shawn takes your hand and helps you down the stairs, leading you onto the dance floor. As if on cue, the DJ starts a slow song that you’ve probably heard before but can’t remember the name. You’re a little bit relieved because you’ve never been good at freestyling your own moves to a song during an event like this.
 Shawn gently rests his hands on your waist and pulls you into his chest, so your arms snake around his neck. This was the last dance before Anna and Ben would make their grand exit. Then we’d have to start packing up and cleaning up. You lean your head onto his chest and decide to relax for these last few moments you get. Being made of honor was an exhausting job when you have a sister like Anna, no matter how much you love her.
 He exhales and seems to relax at the same time you do. Shawn is singing softly along to the song that’s still playing. You try to imagine what this would be like if Josh were here instead of Shawn. Grammy wouldn’t have wanted to dance with him, most likely. Ben wouldn’t have shaken his hand and fondly ruffled his hair. Your dad probably wouldn’t have smiles so big when he said, “Good to see you again,” and he definitely wouldn’t have called him ‘son’.
 They would’ve been kind to him, though. You understood that none of them had known Josh as long as they’d known Shawn. Eventually, you felt like they’d get to that level. He hadn’t been in your life that long, your family would come around. You hoped, at least.
 As the song dwindles to some soft piano notes, you lift your head to look up at Shawn. “I never got to say thank you for all of this. You signed up for more than just being my date given that my whole family loves you. I really appreciate everything.”
 Shawn scoffs, playfully rolling his eyes. “You know I love your family. I’m having a great time, and I’m sorry that Josh couldn’t come, but I wouldn’t trade it for the world. You never have to thank me for this kind of thing.”
 That’s when your heart drops. You realize that it’s not your family; that’s the problem. Even if Josh were here and you’d thanked him for coming, he would’ve never replied like Shawn did. Josh would’ve pointed out that you didn’t give him a choice whether he got to go or not and somehow turn it around on you.
 “You okay?” Shawn’s voice brings you out of your thoughts, and you give him a little nod. The music has stopped, but he’s still holding you.
 Then you mentally shake your head. It’s not fair to compare Shawn and Josh. Shawn is your best friend, and Josh is your boyfriend. They’ll never be the same, and you couldn’t expect them to be.
 “Come on, we’ve got to go wave them goodbye or Anna will ask you why you don’t care about her.” Shawn laughs in effort to pull you out of the serious mood you fell into so suddenly.
 “Oh, we definitely don’t need that.” You shake your head and laugh with him as he pulls you outside by the hand.
 don’t be like josh lol  next part will be posted in one week!
Taglist: @calumsnatchedmyheart @mikeyglifford @aulxna
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