#good anakin
blondie20000 · 2 years
Reunion - Anakin Skywalker x Reader
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After weeks of being apart Anakin is finally reunited with the Reader.
Anakin was coming home.
After weeks of waiting he finally contacted You and told You he was coming home and soon You will be back in his arms.
The last few weeks have been torture. Anakin went off a mission and You had no idea how long the mission was going to last or if he would even survive the mission. You couldn't reach out to anyone as it would put your relationship with Anakin at risk. The Jedis were not allowed to have attachments so You and Anakin had to keep your relationship a secret. It was frustrating being kept a secret You always dreamed of going out arm and arm with your husband showing your relationship to the world showing the love you and him had towards each other but You knew deep down that couldn't happen Anakin loved You but he also loved being a Jedi and You were not going to risk destroying one of the things that meant so much to him.
He told You to meet him at their usual location, their secret location where they can be a couple and are away from prying eyes. You immediately picked out your best dress and got your lady in waiting to fix up your hair. You wanted to look nice for him You wanted to remind him what he has missed while he has been away. Once everything was done You went and waited for him.
As You examined the plants You heard a voice call out your name.
A wave of warmth goes through You as that familiar voice calls out. You turn round and a smile spreads across your face as You see him step outside.
He looked as handsome as ever. His sky blue eyes sparkled and his hair looked like it has grown slightly but You didn't mind You loved his hair You loved running your fingers through his hair it was soft just like him he was always soft around You.
As soon as he saw You his face immediately lit up. He calls out your name with pure joy as he runs towards You and scoops You up in his arms. You let out a squeal as he spun You around.
"Aww Y/N." He kisses your lips and presses his head against yours. "I missed you so much."
"Oh Ani!' You sighed. "I missed you too."
He lowered You down to the ground but still kept You in his arms. He breathed in your scent and sighs heavily.
"I missed this." He kisses You. "I missed us I couldn't stop thinking about you every night you were there in my mind your face there in front of me it pained me that I couldn't touch you I could only watch and hope that one day I will be reunited with you...My love." He holds your hand against his chest. "My everything. I am so happy to be back here with you."
"Ani." You felt the tears form in your eyes. "I was so worried about you not knowing what was happening to you out there not knowing if you were..."
You couldn't bring yourself to say the words the thought of something happening to your beloved horrified You. Anakin brought You out of your thoughts by kissing your hand. He then smirks at You.
"You can't get rid of me that easily."
"Ha ha." You laughed.
He then cups your cheeks with his hands. The coldness from his prosthetic hand didn't bother You anymore. He then looks You in the eye.
"Y/N. I love you."
"And I love you Anakin Skywalker."
His hands go to the back of your dress. You stopped him when You realized what he was planning to do.
"I just got this dress."
"And it suits you." He grins. "But I think you will look much better without it."
"Really huh?"
"Hmm." His grin widens. "Allow me to assist you my darling."
Moments later the couple stripped each other's clothes off. Anakin locks his lips with yours. He wraps his arm around your waist and pulls You in as he deepens the kiss. You respond and push your tongue inside his mouth. He moans as his tongue rolls alongside yours.
Once he pulled away he then gently eases You on to the bed. He rubs your arm in an affectionate manner and his eyes seek permission from You permission to continue this. You nodded and allowed him to consume your mind, body and soul. He kisses You, licks You, sucks You he even left a love bite on your neck as a reminder to say You were his You are Anakin Skywalker's wife.
"So beautiful." He mumbled. "You are so beautiful."
You beamed at his words.
Eventually he reached between your legs. You opened your legs before he could ask You are eager for him to get inside you. Anakin sensed your eagerness and smirked. He wasn't going to give You what You want that quickly he is going to make You wait.
"No need to rush my love." He said smoothly. He raises an amused eyebrow at You. "Patience."
You responded with a groan.
He goes down until he is facing your cunt. He then blows into it. You tensed up as his hot breath hits your pussy. The throbbing ache below You increased.
"Hmm?" He replied .
His hand runs along your thigh. That smirk remains on his face. You shake your head.
"It has been so long please."
He looks up at You. His eyes had that hint of mischief in them. He then returns his attention to your cunt.
Suddenly a gasp escapes your lips as he rolls his tongue along your folds. The cool wet salvia against your hot sweaty skin made You slightly tremble. Each stroke sent a jolt of electricity through You. When his tongue then pushed past your folds You immediately reach out and grip on to his hair. You tug hard at it as he hungrily licked You up and down.
You wrap your legs around his head causing him to moan. You push yourself against his face which earned another moan from him.
His tongue flicks rapidly over your clit while he did that he pushes his index finger into your heat.
You cursed out loud. Your grip on his hair tightens. Eventually he removes his tongue but continued to fuck You with his fingers. He pumped You harshly and enjoyed the sweet sounds that came spilling from your lips.
Moments later he removes his fingers and licks them clean. He closes his eyes and hums with content it has been so long since he tasted You he missed it greatly. Anakin knew once he got a taste of You he couldn't stop he wanted more he needed more but that wouldn't be fair he made You wait so it is only fair You made him wait as well. With a sigh Anakin got back on to bed. He cups your chin with his hand and smiles at You.
"Your turn."
Your eyes darken with lust. It wasn't long before the couple switched positions and You found yourself on top of him. Your eyes roam over his body. You examine all his muscles and abs.
He is so gorgeous. You thought with a sigh.
You then reach down and claim his mouth with your own. You kissed him passionately. While You did that one of your hands travels between his legs. You cup his balls with your hand and You begin to squeeze them. He straightened up with shock his arms around You tightened. You smirked into the kiss and continued to play with him down there. He pulls away and gasps.
"Patience." You repeated his words back at him. He slumps his head against the pillow and sighs heavily.
You then return your attention to his body. You suck on to his nipples You bit down hard on them You enjoyed the shudder that coursed through his body as You took in every part of him. Once You reached his legs You position yourself in front of his entrance.
A low moan escapes your lips as You pushed Anakin deeper and deeper inside of You. You lean forward and lift your hips slightly before getting your husband deep inside You again. Anakin lifts his hips to allow him to meet You for each thrust.
"Stars!" He again gasped.
You plant your hands on the wall and continue to ride him. He grasps on to your ass causing You to increase the pace.
"Y/N!" His nails dig deep into your skin. He curses as You moan to him.
"Ani...Oh Ani...ANAKIN!"
You cursed in Huttese as You felt the heat forming at the bottom of your belly. The need to release started to consume You. You look down at him your eyes wide. You didn't need to tell him he knew he can sense that You needed to let go.
"To...Together." He said between pants.
You nod and press your head against his.
"Together." You repeated.
Anakin growled and the growl made your legs shake and your mind started to go into overdrive. You then buried your head against his collarbone.
Eventually You did let go. You muffled a cry as You spilled yourself all over him. His eyes widen as he saw You fall apart in front of him. This quickly made him let go. He lets out a cry as he releases himself.
Once that was done You remove yourself from him and You collapse by his side. Anakin grabs the covers and wraps it around your trembling body. You grasp the covers and let out a shaky sigh.
"Come." He opens his arms out.
You go into his arms. You rest your head against his chest. You let out another sigh this time feeling content the warmth from his body relaxed You it made You feel safe.
He kisses the top of your head.
"Perfect this is perfect you are perfect. "
"And so are you." You replied.
You twirl a strand of his hair in your fingers.
"I don't want this to end." You whispered.
He felt the same he didn't want this to end either part of him wished he could stay here with You but with his life as a Jedi it was impossible he can only see You when he is available and the couple knew eventually Anakin will be sent off on another mission and they both have to go through the suffering of not seeing each other again. The thought of that pained them both.
Not wanting to ruin this moment Anakin pushed those negative thoughts away and replied.
"Let's focus on the present lets enjoy the time we have together."
You nod and agree with him.
He holds your hands. His eyes shone with love. He then smiles at You.
You smile back at him.
My love. My everything.
The End
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I think Anakin Skywalker has been doomed by the narrative long enough. It's Obi-Wan's turn to be inevitably swallowed up by the darkness he tries to shove away all his life. You know. As a treat.
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newgrean · 5 months
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They only know one senator
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raycatzdraws · 5 months
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The true botw shrine experience. I don't think Four approves!
The full comic page and some colorful Fours can be found under the read more!
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A meme redraw based on something I did in a playthrough lol. Out of arrows? Throw your sword!
I love Four so much aaAA
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graye · 2 months
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Rumors say this is what tipped Anakin to the Dark side.
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moompl · 5 months
A visual parallel I have noticed throughout SW is the image of a Palpatine goading his new apprentice to kill a defenseless person. He does it with Dooku and Yaddle, Anakin and Dooku, and finally Luke and Darth Vader (Anakin). Each time he encourages them to do something that goes against their morals (killing a friend, a defenseless person, or their father) and the choice they make is telling to who they will become in the future. Luke is the person to break this cycle when he refuses to kill his father after seeing Vader’s mechanical hand. He looks to his own hand and realizes that to destroy his father is to become him. He holds fast to his ideals in the face of Palpatines attempts to change them. It’s a nice way to keep consistency with Palpatine’s character and form of manipulation.
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hayden-christensen · 1 year
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I see Anakin’s new teaching method is to “do as I say, not as I do.”
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garmaballs · 4 months
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look it’s master lloyd !!!!!
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twinterrors29 · 6 months
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Anakin is just, like, a supercharged molotov cocktail, right?
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go-see-a-starwar · 5 months
Anakin & Dooku original Revenge of the Sith fight choreography with lightsaber effects [x]
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galactic-rhea · 5 months
The Midi-chlorian essay only a few asked
(or, How Is Anakin Skywalker a walking biological horror)
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So I made this post and a few were actually interested, also i needed to write down all of this or I wouldn't be able to sleep.
The way I went just from "hahaha they're just mitochondria before becoming forced symbionts and losing all autonomy" to the Medical Horror that would be Anakin Skywalker .
Let me explain, going from this theory, let me tell you that the average mammal cell can have between 800 to 2000 mitochondria. In Star Wars we're told that the average living being, has 2500 midi-chlorians per cell. The difference isn't that big, so we can assume that mid-chlorians are smaller than our real-life mitochondria, and it would make sense since the mitochondria have the best possible living conditions, whereas midi-chlorians, if they're free-life bacteria (as in, they aren't forced to live in the cells of another being) it would make sense if they're just smaller, let's say, sneaky, to increment their chances at living.
So Midi-chlroains don't just produce ATP, Force sensitives have a minimum of 4000-5000 midi-chlorians per cell. That's...a big number, but not very horrific. See, the amount of mitochondria is related to how much energy the organic tissue requires. The cells of muscular tissue and neurons are the ones with the highest mitochondria count. Also the mitochondria in the neurons are mobile and flexible, because just thinking burns ATP.
We can assume that using The Force burns insane amounts of ATP, so I assume it makes sense for Force Sensitives to have big amounts of Midi-chlorians. But! The problem with this is that we're told that the Midi-chlorians are attracted to the force, not born within it. But any multicelullar organism (with a few exceptions) need the mitochondria. Mitochondria have their own ADN, and they're always inherited from the mother, so we can assume that there's two different types of midi-chlorians: The ones any normal being borns with, and the ones that get attracted because of the baby's force potential. Either that, or both the mithocondria and the midi-chlorians exist simultaneously.
Which means that Jedi (or anyone who wants to know, really) would need to take several blood tests for midi-chlorians count. Because a newborns midi-chlorian count wouldn't be the same through a babie's infancy. UNLESS...The midi-chlorian infection (yes, i'm calling it that) ocurrs already since the pregnancy, if the force is strong enough for a fetus to be a possible force sensitive in the future, then I guess the midi-chlorians would get attracted to the parent during the pregnancy as well.
WHICH BTW, IT FITS WITH PADMÉ BECOMING FORCE SENSITIVE, at least for a while, like the discarded ROTS concepts. But also, would mean, that poor Shmi became a hella strong force-sensitive person as well, at least for a while.
And it would be a biological advantage if we take this route, because it would possibly make the pregnant being stronger and with a higher supply of energy.
It also explains why the jedi would only take a single blood test when the force sensitive is just a baby, because the infection is already settled. It can also be argued, that any baby born with a fairly high amount of midi-chlorians (like the 4000 per cell count minimum) would only increase, if only slightly, as the force sensitive grows because the midi-chlorians will get attracted regardless.
There must be a limit, or more like, a balance, that the midi-chlorian and the force potential of the individual met. As in, there's just enough force within the individual for a certain number of midi-chlorian, and all of this is probably decided already during the fetus formation or very early on the baby's life.
Now, Anakin...would be an abomination. Because his cells are so full of midi-chlorians, that it's scary to think how the cells aren't exploding or downright giving malfunctions to the rest of the cellular organelles.
If we go by the route of "midi-chlorians start infecting the force sensitive host mother during pregnancy" it means there were high chances of a misscarriage or an incompatibility between Shmi and Anakin, because holy cow, Anakin is just too much.
But you know what also, it could potentially mean? That Padmé's pregnancy was a risky one, fron the start -slowly nods-. Luke and Leia's force potential was lower than Anakin's, but there's still a lot to unpack there in terms of compatibility. We are never given the exact count of midichlorian count for the twins, but let's pretend it was low enough for Padmé to not inmediatly have a miscarriage. That, and also, maybe, Padmé isn't strong in the force to manipulate it, but maybe just close enough for the pregnancy to be carried to term, let's say, her midi-chlorian count is 3900, close enough.
Something similar with Shmi, I'm taking for granted that she also had a difficult and risky pregnancy (on top of it being a pregnancy she had no agency). It becomes worse because, unlike the twins, Anakin is just...50% human. The only possible genes Anakin has are from Shmi. So he's probably...genetically, almost a clone of Shmi but with a massive infection of Midi-chlorians (yes, this implies that Anakin has homogametic sex chromosomes, aka XX, there's no other possible explanation because he literally only has Shmi's genes to work with!).
But he's Space Jesus, though,so let's pretend that the "no father genes" helped with this and allowed Anakin to grow into a...normal-ish baby despite it all.
Midi-chlorians must be extremelly small, closer to the size of a virus in this case, viruses vary on size and the way they infect the cells is by hijacking the nucleus, which then can produce more viruses instead of its own proteins. This can vary anywhere between a production of 50.000 to 100.000 viruses produced by infected cells.
Which, btw, still fits somewhat with the mitochondria theory, because mitochondrias are believed to have been from a genus of bacteria called Rickettsia, which used to be believed to be the in-between of Viruses and Bacteria due their small size and extreme endosymbiotism.
Still, we aren't even told how many midi-chlorians Anakin had, just that it was over 20.000 and thus the chart couldn't even register it. Even if we're just counting 21.000 midi-chlorians per cell, that's...a lot. Even if the relationship is symbiotic and positive in nature, that's excessive, an infected cell will usually die faster. So Anakin's cellular death must be on record time.
The life span of a cell varies highly depending of the type of cells, white cells can live about 2 days, others about 5, and then there's others that live about 6 years in average.
Forget all of that, Anakin's cells die anywhere between a few hours and a week. Which also means a super fast regeneration and healing (Hey! that tracks, that's how he didn't die even though he should have, on several ocassions).
But that's not the only problem here, the production of energy is strong with this one, too strong. Again this should make the cells burst due too much ATP because of an increase on osmotic pressure. Anakin is producing so much damn ATP (which we can assume it becomes glycogen stored in muscles and fat tissue) his need to be active and just doing something skyrockets, he might as well be the equivalent of being high on meth since birth.
The accelerated cellular formation and death, gives me the horrific idea that Anakin was probably one of these babies that are born premature, but also that he probably was bron with, idk, teeth and already lots of hair. Maybe that's also why he got so tall of all sudden, lots of cellular grow, huh.
Anakin seems to age normally by what are we given by canon. So despite it all, his life-span or aging doesn't seem to be compromised, this is probably because of how strong he is with the Force. In the sense that...he needs the midi-chlorians to handle this much power, but he also needs the force to handle with that many midi-chlorians, otherwise he would have been already born dead.
See, ageing has a lot to do with stem cells. Anakin's stem cells need to be highly prolific and potent to keep cellular division happening at such a high rate, we can infer that any force sensitive has potent stem cells, so the force must inherently affect stem cells. So Anakin's stem cells must be monstruosities in efficiency. If Anakin donated stem cells to someone else, that person would either have a strong inhumne reaction against them or they would get some of the worst cancer ever seen. Again I'm no expert, but the fact Anakin doesn't develop cancer at all as soon as he was born is already impressive. The rate in which Anakin's cells die must be ridiculous, even has a baby, he must have required tons of energy and endure lots of stress which...tracks. The fact he gets electroshocked, burned, gravely wounded or whatever every week or so, must help him to no develop some cancer, which is a bit funny.
But it would also mean he can go long periods of time without eating or resting like...a normal human. Not saying that he doesn't need it, though, but his neural activity and use of the force must be high at all times to burn out that much energy. Theoretically, the production of glycose and glycogen helps him through long periods without sleep or food so he doesn't get long-term damage, or at the very least the ability to keep going, like I said, maybe is like being on drugs all the time; there's still the need to sleep and eat, but he can push his body to keep surviving beyond what's considered normal without having long-term damage. (Don't get happy, this isn't taking into account all of the stuff that happens to him, lol)
The balance between burning too much energy and not burning enough must be insane as well. As Vader, a lot of this probably watered down because all of his energy must be saved for...you know, surviving all the torture. But as a young teen/man amist war? Oh boy.
I'm not an expert, but I'm theorizing that putting Anakin in an induced sleeep must be...fricking hard. Painkillers that work on him? fricking hard. Anesthesia? Probably the same used for big animals, he must be insane and awful for a doctor to work with! Just imagine it, he probably gets injured in such a way that would have anyone else fall unconscious, but Anakin remains awake and with tremendous amounts of adrenaline triggered by a stress response sustented by the extreme amounts of energy that the midichlorians produce.
When it happens in the central nervious system, excess of ATP can produce neuronal dysfunction. In fact, many degenerative mental illnesses have a lot to do with a malfunction of the mitochondrias. There's a corelation also with neurodivergency sometimes, like autism or ADHD. I will leave it there.
And with all of this...I also conclude that Anakin, on general basis, doesn't like sugary things and doesn't even rationalize why, but is because he has already enough glycose. Having something sugary probably gives him a headache.
God what has Star Wars done to me.
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blondie20000 · 8 months
Anakin Skywalker Fic Collection
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Links to the fics are in the titles below.
Reunion (Smut, One Shot)
After weeks of being apart Anakin is finally reunited with the Reader.
Gone (Smut, Angst, One Shot)
AU, where Anakin won the fight on Mustafar.
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ooowyn · 1 year
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in another universe we could have had it all
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intermundia · 4 months
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SHOOT DAY 28: WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 6, 2003 LOCATION: Stage 3 SET: Mustafar landing platform SCENES SHOT: 145pt (Padmé confronts Anakin on Mustafar and Obi-Wan arrives)
At 2:45, they're ready for close-ups of Hayden. Lucas discusses the tone with him. "This is Anakin's greatest moment; he's got all these new powers-everything is fine." "Anakin's just gone and killed his family, more or less, so I've done a deed that I thought would've weighed on me," Christensen would say the following day. "But George sees it as an outburst of almost accidental anger that Anakin then has to suffer the repercussions of for the rest of his life. Anakin thinks he's done the right thing in killing all the Jedi, so George wanted me to come to the scene with enthusiasm. Things are good. I'm the most powerful man in the universe and I'm going to be able to save Padmé."
Honestly I think what makes Hayden's performance as Anakin during the confrontation on Mustafar so compelling is that Hayden's instincts are to feel guilt and horror, from the deep revulsion of the good part of him that still lurks inside ('i just killed my family'), and Lucas's direction is to project confidence and enthusiasm out of self satisfaction ('what i did was definitely absolutely right, good, necessary, important').
As a result Hayden gives Anakin a palpable kind of tension in the eyes. He holds up a unsettling false front of willing self-deception, leaning into insane delusions of grandeur to avoid confronting the traumatic reality of what he did. That tension visibly snaps at the perception of betrayal, lashing out in the surge of accidental anger that would haunt Anakin for the rest of his life.
Hayden's acting in that moment, the huge swing of manic joy to a murderous scowl, really never gets the credit it deserves for actually being pretty subtle. It feels natural and seamless despite the high drama and unsubtle dialogue. I love the build up of that psychological tension as he falls into the dark and its explosive, deadly release, it's really perfect to me.
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grandkhan221b · 1 year
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More spidersoka stuff! This started as a fun character design thing but I've turned it into a full blown AU woops
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thenegoteator · 1 year
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—Even losing you (the joking voice, a gesture I love) I shan't have lied. It's evident the art of losing's not too hard to master though it may look like (Write it!) like disaster.
-- 'One Art' by Elizabeth Bishop
you ever think about how after everything Ahsoka told Vader "I'm not leaving you" and it wasn't enough
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