#good ...boy??? raymond
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lady-rosceline-hurst · 2 months ago
- Omninet search how to tell if mine sister knoweth I am not a boy
- Omninet search how long until mine hair groweth out
- Omninet search how to steal estrogen from medical wing undetected
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lady-rosceline-hurst · 2 months ago
- I... I do see. I t-thank thee ever so much for sharing, Suzerain...
- Raymond, would thou...
- H-hmm?
- ...Nevermind, dear.
[You hear what sounds like Rosie patting Ray on the shoulder.]
- G-good Suzerain... I had a question about thine title... If thou mindest not! O-of course! I did wonder... did thou choosest "Suzerain?" Or was it bestowed upon thee after thou did discover thine g-gender identity?
- I ask out of... c-curiosity, that is all. Thou may refrainest from answering if thou wishest...
I... normally in many a circumstance I would turn down the prying but you Raymond, yes I know whom you are your voice is clear as day to me, I shall make an exception.
As may be apparent my Kinfolk are not present, they left San Simeon nearly 8 years ago now... And left me in charge of the affairs of mine house. My identity was never truly an issue, I was a proper heir and they loved me dearly. I doubt I have any complaints about my childhood. I was accepted as this... fluid being that I am.
Shortly before they left, namely the day of my birthday that year, I was granted my title.... Suzerain felt appropriate. A title scarcely used with no bearing towards masculine or feminine.
I wear it as a mark of pride. After all I was ready to lead my house at such a young age.
/Your Ally and Friend Suzerain Arvantiel Sarthis of The House of Promise\
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louissviolin · 2 months ago
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Some rare pictures of the cast! I wish I could find more of the “party”
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jimmyspades · 9 months ago
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He’s so pretty looking up like this…
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the-last-patch · 2 months ago
- H-hello again, Opossum! Tis once more thine friend of House Hurst. I um. Would like to apologize for mine lack of contact. Things hath been... t-tense here...
- In any case, I have r-read some of thine recent posts! The planet thou art on sounds beautiful! But cold, as well... I am used to warmer climes, I know not that I would last long there...
- O-oh right! Mine reason for addressing thee! In mine off time I have been doing restoration work upon the cassette tape! :D
- The thing has dirt and sand encrusted upon it like thou wouldst not believe, but I do belive with more time I should see it function once more! I am so very excited for you to see it!
- G-good tidings out there!
[Tuning In]
[Flipping to A-Side]
[Now Playing - “Opossum”]
Ah hello there! Long time no see, well, hear I suppose! Just so you know, there’s no reason for you to apologize buddy! If anything it’s my fault for not reaching out again since last time. I noticed that your sister regained her access to the account and was planning a little bit of a rebellion over in the baronies, commendable work honestly! I can only imagine how stressful that must be on you though, make sure to take care of yourself in the meantime. I mean that. It’s times like these that you really need to take a moment and spend it with those you love. You might not get the chance to later, although I sure hope that’s not the case!
<Theres a brief pause, it seems “Opossum” pondered something for a moment before continuing.>
U-XVII really is quite a cold place, just yesterday it was about -57 degrees! Although it can be dangerous on the surface because of that bitter cold, the wind will make it much much worse. Most of the time we camp out in natural caves or build igloos with our mechs to help block it. The real secret to surviving out here though is heated gear. Just about every inch of my hardsuit is fitted with a heater, without it I would surely lose a finger or two to frostbite! Honestly though, you do get used to living out in these conditions, and it’s well worth the struggle to see the planet’s true beauty! Enough rambling though, now let’s get to the fun stuff.
<The sound of shifting can be heard, as if someone just leaned forward in a seat or something similar>
So, before we talk anything about the current condition of the tape I want to confirm that you did in fact do your research before beginning restoration work. I trust you did, after all you seem rather well informed, and understand you are a historian of sorts, so the importance of this object isn’t lost on you. One thing I will recommend is that you make sure to keep it away from anything magnetic, or really electronics in general. Without proper protection from those devices it could threaten erasing the data on it. That being said, I am so absolutely jealous that I can’t be there to help restore it! I can just imagine how exciting it will be to listen to the first time! I wonder what songs are on it? Did it have a label? Oooh actually I’m not sure I want to know, it’ll be such a fun surprise! I’m just dying of anticipation out here! I promise that the first thing I’m doing after I get off this planet, will be hitching a ride through the nearest blink gate straight to…Crossland wasn’t it? Anyways, I don’t make promises lightly, and sure as hell don’t break them. I will come to claim that cassette one day, no matter what happens.
P.XV “Opossum”, talk again soon?
[End Track]
[Next Up - “Raymond..?”]
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invinciblerodent · 3 months ago
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I didn't even mention, on Marcus' run I took a second crack at making an aged-up version of Ray, and, well...
I honestly don't know which one I like better/hate less.
I feel like the first was a bit more on the cartoonish side, but it's slightly closer to the original (and vaguely resembles Ver like I want him to), while the second is a bit paler, more tired, and has his freckles, but not his ruddiness- like someone turned the saturation down on the entire man.
Which is kind of reflective of his whole Experience of his thirties so far. Like that version kinda shows better how saving the world a few times over ages you, being that this man is only supposed to be about two years older than Ver. (And like her seventh cousin or something equally ridiculous like that.)
There's unfortunately just no real way to make him look the way he does in my head in 9:52 (the Veilguard CC seems impressively resistant to my attempts at making a slightly older, traditionally masculine man), and I just cannot fucking nail his eyes no matter what I do, but, I mean.
I hope this is gonna be my biggest problem for the next however many years, honestly.
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incorrect-koh-posts · 2 years ago
I was curious!! Did you go into watching KoH already knowing about/having a special place in your heart for the historical Raymond of Tripoli, or did watching the film inspire a love for him?
Ah well ... it's complicated, haha.
I mean, I always say that I first watched KoH in 2020. Which is true - in the sense that I then watched it intentionally for the first time. I've always loved historical fiction, but the amount of medieval literature and culture I learnt about at uni awakened a sudden interest in knights and the medieval period in particular. So, in a long line of historicals, I picked up Graham Shelby's novel The Knights of Dark Renown (which is admittedly very dated) sort of by accident, and was oddly enchanted by this sad grouchy Raymond fellow. Obviously, I had to investigate further. I soon stumbled upon William of Tyre's description of him, which sold me even more on his character, and then I found KoH. When I saw that Jeremy Irons, one of my favourite skrunkly old actors, played Tiberias ... well, at that point I was well and truly lost already.
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But I soon realised that, actually, I had seen this movie before. When I was about 12, with my then-best friend who had a terrible crush on Orlando Bloom (which I very much disagreed with, lol) and made me sit with her through every movie with him that she could get her hands on. I think I was still miffed that she had laughed at me for thinking Aragorn was hot when we watched LotR together (I still stand by that, btw), which is why I basically sulked through the first 45 minutes of KoH. Then Raymond showed up and I was like 😳. And then, I think, I was immediately so overcome with embarrassment that I forgot about this entire film for the next seven years or so, haha. You could say the rest is history.
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0nl0n · 2 years ago
I have a random book idea
it’s not about solarballs nor space
it’s about riggy the runkey from danno cal drawings
btw this takes place a few years after the shorts wars incident(shorts wars 2 hasn’t came out)
basically riggy finds a child that glitched into his base(they weren’t filming)
and the child looked like him but an Orange color and half rabbit-half squirrel
riggy wants to keep the child but danno doesn’t let him since danno thinks he would be a ‘incompetent father’
Riggy decides to adopt the child anyways but keeps them a secret from danno, he decides to design a room for them with things that will keep them entertained and happy and he ofc took care of them(I’m gonna make them as wholesome as possible)
Even though riggy hid the secret from danno, he told royal pear, Johnny and joe about it (by that I mean he only told royal pear, then Johnny somehow found out himself and then told joe)
Then royal pear recommended the name “Raymond” for the child so they went with that(which was better what riggy thought of which was “Squirrel Bunny good boy 3000”)(they assumed Raymond was a boy, but then later found out she was a girl)
Since riggy had to keep Raymond a secret, he didn’t let Raymond outside of her room unless danno’s not around, and he was overprotective of her, so he never let Raymond talk to anyone he didn’t know well, so well.. Raymond didn’t really learn how to properly socialize so she was weird asf, Raymond was homeschooled until highschool, riggy knew Raymond would be somewhat safe going to a public high school so he sent her there.
Raymond ended up making friends with some shady dude but hey, atleast she made one..?
spoiler, Raymond is actually a shapeshifter
We need more of the shorts wars Bois being silly—
I absolutely LOVE this idea!!
(YAYAYAY MORE RIGGY-) also dammit for the spoilers
also loved the fact that riggy named Raymond “Squirrel Bunny good boy 3000” XDD
I would love to see riggy and Raymond being a wholesome father daughter duo
And royalpear, jonny and Joe being the uncle figures
Also I would like to see danno get a little suspious but just brush it off like " Hmm, riggy as been more tired and off schedule lately.....eh, riggy is just being riggy" aka brushing off MASSIVE CLUES— (just like how danno wasn't suspious of clone riggy when he took control) though danno would question riggy some day idk lol-
Bet the shady dude is like, a clone that survived or worse-
Excited for the shorts wars saga season 2 when it comes out (small therory: the masked figure was the FIRST Jonny raZer clone)
R.I.P Royal melon (aka Royal pearls clone 😔)
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lady-rosceline-hurst · 3 months ago
The House of Hurst is nothing if not humanitarian. If thou wishest, bring the survivors hither and I will have mine people take cake of them.
Lady Violet Hurst
No. No. No, this is wrong. I cannot allow this. This is Raymond speaking. Oh Passions protect me...
I very rarely go against mine mother. I am... I am very afraid. But I must be brave. Like mine sisters... Rosceline... I cannot say much, but she did make a stand to protect people, and I must do the same.
Do not bring the injured here. Before the... incident... they would have been safe. Rosie would have ensured that... But I highly doubt mother will allow her that sway any longer after all that has transpired.
Mother would use these people. I know not how. She might seek to indenture them as payment for our assistance, she might simply use them as a shield from those who might attack her. Whatever she plans, it shall be unpleasant. Thoroughly.
But listen to me. I know of a place where they shall be safe.
The Original Peoples of Crossland... Those which did settle here long before we Karrakins arrived. They exist as many groups, but there is one... they art healers. Doctors. A semi-nomadic people which do take in the meek and the hurt. I have read the histories... During the Interest War they did treat all injured, regardless of affiliation or creed. At their own peril they did save countless lives. I believe they shall do the same again.
I shall link coodinates to their last known encampment. They should still be present, as the volcanism hath been quiet there for some time. The Demeter's Bounty should have clearance to arriveth upon Crossland due to Brigand's contract with Rosie. Just please do not land them within our territory.
With the Passions' grace, Brigand shall find rest and medical assistance with these people as well.
Warlock of Horus,
I did read the recent mission report. I... should like to offer mine condolences.
While thine mission for me hath not begun in earnest, thou art technically in mine employ at present. I do make it a point to take care of those in mine employ. I suppose what I mean is... If there is ought I can do for thee, hesitate not to ask.
With kindest regards and deepest sympathies,
Lady Rosceline of House Hurst, Jewel of Crossland.
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lady-rosceline-hurst · 2 months ago
Hey, Mind giving me a copy of your echo program?
//For Cognito Ergo Sum\\
- Um. Hello! Mine sister is... let us say occupied at the moment. I would be happy to send thee a copy. Hold a moment...
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monstrousgourmandizingcats · 2 months ago
i watched conclave and now I really want to know more about all the drama with cardinals, how do you find out about that kind of stuff?
Ohhhh boy. Where to even begin?
Well, to start with, a lot of the cardinals in Conclave are based on real people! Bellini is obviously Carlo Maria Martini (right down to having a surname that's a mixed drink), especially in the book, where he's apparently Italian rather than Italian-American (I love that, unlike with Lawrence, who's also Italian in the book,* they didn't change his name; Stanley Tucci is eminently capable of playing an ItAm guy named Aldo Bellini <3). Martini was a "liberal" Archbishop of Milan who for much of the 90s was widely expected to succeed Pope John Paul II but ended up stalling out at the 2005 conclave.** Tedesco has a lot in common with Raymond Burke, an archconservative cardinal who's still alive and very vocal in the media, although Burke, conversely, is American rather than Italian. (America unfortunately has a very conservative local Catholic Church in general these days.) Tedesco and Burke even look similar, right down to the campy, "muffled sounds of 'Good Luck, Babe!' playing in the distance" fashion sense and body language. Tremblay has a similar career trajectory to Marc Ouellet, who, like Tremblay, was widely respected and seen as pretty middle-of-the-road until serious scandals started coming out. Adeyemi doesn't seem to be based on or inspired by any one real person, but the virulent homophobe who isn't that reactionary otherwise is a very common type of sub-Saharan African cardinal, perhaps most prominently represented currently by Fridolin Ambongo Besungu. Like with Adeyemi, I can see Ambongo picking up steam but then imploding over the course of the next IRL conclave, although it would be uncharitable to Ambongo to assume it would be for the same reasons. And so on.
(Benitez is an ideal, rather than someone inspired by a real person or ideological type, but there are cardinals who've had similarly high-stress and altruistic career and life trajectories, like Marco Zenari, Pierbattista Pizzaballa (which is seriously his name),*** and, in fairness to him, also Ambongo, who is Congolese and is regularly physically threatened by political and paramilitary forces within the DRC.)
As to how one learns more about this, you could start by setting news alerts for some of these people's names--Matteo Zuppi, Luis Antonio Tagle, Pietro Parolin, Peter Erdo, and Victor Manuel Fernandez are other names to potentially watch--or reading some books that have been written recently about the current politics of the Church, the Curia, and the Francis papacy. There's one called In the Closet of the Vatican that is incredibly scurrilous, as its title would suggest, but a rip-roaring read if you're not too concerned about forming possibly-unfair negative opinions of some of these guys. There are also writers like Austen Ivereigh and (gag) Edward Pentin who've made whole careers of being Vatican Inside Baseball Understanders, especially since Pope Francis was elected in 2013.****
In general I'd say Conclave is a very good representation of the way these people think and act, especially the constant tension between venal ambition and genuine belief that they are participating in a divine agency in the world. The tendency in non-Catholic and even some Catholic circles is to assume that only the former is present, but people are complicated.
I hope some of this helps, anon!
*I looked it up and in the book he's called Jacopo Lomeli. I've never seen this surname before, but apparently some real people do have it.
**The Catholic Church has its own ideological spectrum and there are ways in which liberal, progressive, conservative, etc. are not very useful terms, but for broad purposes they work here.
***Patriarch of Jerusalem, the only Palestinian cardinal (cardinals are counted as "from" the countries that they lived in when they became cardinals, not necessarily the countries they're from originally; in his case his country of origin is, unsurprisingly, Italy). As you might imagine, he's been in religious news a lot lately.
****Francis, or Jorge Mario Bergoglio as he was then, is widely believed to have been the runner-up at the above-mentioned 2005 conclave, which produced Pope Benedict XVI.
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jimmyspades · 1 year ago
chase away my heart and heartache
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lady-rosceline-hurst · 2 months ago
- ...
- I see...
- I h-have some things to think about... I should speak to Marceline soon, as well...
- I t-thank thee, Han Jae.
- Um... H-hello, Han Jae? Uh. Thou didst mention that I could ask thee questions. I mostly have only the one...
- When thou didst come out, did those around thee... maketh a big deal of it? In honesty t-this is mine greatest concern... I want not... fanfare...
Oh, hey kiddo, how ya doin’?
Can’t really gauge who’d freak the fuck out over here, I came out over in Unionspace, but the bottom line’s no. No one made a big deal over it. Parents got me the care I wanted, brother ribbed me ‘bout finally admittin’ it when it was apparently fuckin’ obvious, but it ain’t that big a deal.
I’m sure the good Lady Hurst ain’t gonna make a big deal of it, she doesn’t seem the type to do that to ya. Can’t say anythin’ ‘bout anyone else, but I can say that much.
You got a bunch’a other people in your corner too, kiddo. Me, Arvantiel, I’m sure Torrentes’n his house. There’s a lotta things that ain’t the end of the world what feel like it in the moment, this is one of ‘em. You’re gonna be ok, kiddo, you got a lotta people rootin’ for ya here.
-Han Jae-
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leiswxrld · 1 year ago
𝐌𝐢𝐝𝐬𝐮𝐦𝐦𝐞𝐫 𝐍𝐢𝐠𝐡𝐭𝐬
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pairings: felix catton x fem reader
synopsis: you hate felix catton because of how snobby rich and stuck up he is and when your best friend Farleigh tells you to come to saltburn with him, you have no choice but to say yes.
warnings: mdni 18+, smut, public sex, smoking, degradation + praise (slut,whore, pretty girl, beautiful), riding, pussy eating (r receiving), unprotected sex, period sex, enemies to lovers kinder (one sided).
a/n: guys I feel like I rushed this but I was trying to get this done and out by tuesday latest, felix is the definition of girl dinner.
credits: @cafekitsune @roseschoices line dividers ❥
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It’s late, way past midnight sat in the garden hearing the crickets and sounds of birds chirping as you light a cigarette, taking a long drag before pausing and exhaling into the bristly midnight air, sat in pyjama bottoms and a tank top you feel the inclement cold slivering up your fingertips, giving you a case of raymond syndrome.
It’s quiet but peaceful laying against the green grass, taking in another drag from the narrow cylinder in between your lips, tasting the thick smog. You hear the sounds of heavy footsteps behind you, briefly turning over to see him before rolling your eyes and turning back to face the beautiful scenery in front.
Felix Catton. The owner of this beautiful home but it was safe to say you didn’t feel the same way about him, you felt absolute hatred towards him, you didn’t want to be here living it up with all the prissy rich people who loved to flash their money and talk about shit about people they wanted to but your best friend Farleigh begged you to come in his words it would be a ‘hell of a fucking experience’.
Was he irritable- yes but one thing you weren’t going to deny was that he was attractive who in their right mind would disagree, his dark brunette hair complimented his memorising earthy brown eyes, his height would make any person crease and that fucking cheshire smile got you every time.
You feel his presence lingering behind you, almost scared to even approach as you sat in silence for a few seconds, you gently tap the ashes from your cigarette into the grass and you dump the remains into the pond. “What do you want”
You voice is low but threatening, not moving from the current position your in. The sounds of his voice being caught in his throat is evident as he try’s to clear it with a soft cough, “Farley wanted to know where you were”
You scoff, turning around to meet his puppy doe eyes that seem to avoid your intimidating gaze. “So why did Farley send you out to find me”
“Well- I think we need to talk” he replies, voice cracking but confident.
“About ?” your head tilts to the side, eyebrow raised you just wanting the conversation to end so that you could go back to the peaceful silence.
“Do you hate me” the question catches you off guard, surprising you how forward Felix was about your loathing against him.
You sigh, cracking your neck and turning away from him watching the ripples from the pond spread out across the mass of the pond water. “What’s not to like about you….your an asshole, an ignorant rich boy who likes to laugh at those who are less fortunate than you and in general a massive slut”
It was true, Felix was known for being the university’s massive manwhore sleeping around with any girl that would throw themselves his direction, it not only disgusted you but it made you fucking jealous. In some twisted fucking way you wanted to be the one he would bend over and fuck the shit out of, hearing stories from your friends about how much of a good fuck he was made your distaste for him even stronger.
He’s lost for words not saying anything for a moment, you’ve think he’s finally got the hint and pissed off back into the house and you sigh in relief, laying back down on the floor but you hear his footsteps pace around you before stoping in front of you, blocking your view. “What the fuck are you-
It’s quick and sudden, falling onto his knees and grabbing your thighs pulling you towards him. Your confused and baffled, feeling how dizzy you were from the rapid movements as he goes to pull off your shorts along with your underwear.
“Felix get off of me what the fuck are you do-
You felt how embarrassingly wet you were, feeling vulnerable under Felixs unreadable face.
He lowers his face towards your wet pussy, the warm gush of air making you shiver as he finally lets his tongue gently lay across your swollen clit. You gasp, head falling to the ground as Felix gently sucked and nibbled at your sensitive bud.
Your body feels like it’s on fire, the blood flowing throughout your veins, making the beats in your heart beat faster as you unconsciously moan out. He grins, letting you grind into his face feeling the cold sensation of his tongue jewellery, create a cooling sensation on your cunt.
He’s slurping, lapping at your juices and letting out guttural moans, sending vibrations against your clit. He briefly looks up making eye contact with your starstruck eyes as he allows his thumb to gently circle around your bud.
He’s sensual and voluptuous almost making out with your leaking cunt as you try to stay quiet muttering curse words and praises hand, tangled into his greasy hair. You felt painful cramping restricting around your stomach, trying to distract the pain with the pleasurable sensation you were experiencing.
Felix stops for a second coming back up to see his face covered in your juices mixed in with your blood, the feeling dawned on you that it was your period blood on his face and you felt your face heat up as the embarrassment began to bubble in your chest. His finger slides between your folds before slipping it into his mouth, your laid there in shock as you watch how he moans around his fingers.
As if normal he resumes, eating you out more ferociously than before. “y-your fucking insane Felix fuckkkk”
He hums, letting his fingers rub your clit faster as you feel the intense feeling of an orgasm hit you before your slump on the ground, face flushed and mouth gaped open.
He comes back up with blood all over his face and a shit eating grin, “looks like someone’s lost for words”
“Fuck off Felix” your grinding into his hand and he chuckles licking his lips clean, “Seems like someone’s still desperate for my touch I thought you hated me princess ”
“I do hate you the only good thing about you is your tongue” you reply, going to stand up before he pushes you down.
“Since I’m only good for my tongue let’s see how fucking cock drunk you get for me, maybe it will change that bratty attitude” he sets himself beside you, sliding off his briefs before revealing his girthy curved cock, his tip scarlet red and leaking precum.
“Are you going to sit on it or not because I can just go and you can use your fucking hand to get off” your pissed but too aroused to fucking argue, climbing onto his lap and straddling over his tip before completely bottoming out on it. You both gasp slowly, feeling his hands go to grasp your ass before you begin to bounce on it.
You keep a set pace, grinding and vigorously bouncing on him, your hands wrapping around his neck. He invites you into a heated kiss, the taste of your period blood having a addicting sweet metallicy taste mixing in with your bitter tobacco taste.
The grunts and moans, emit from his chapped lips as he slaps your ass with a tight grip. “Look at you so eager to bounce on my fucking dick and I’m the fucking slut” you moan in response, your nails digging into his back leaving moon shaped crescents behind as you scratch and abuse his back.
Your panting feeling the fatigue hit you as he suddenly stops you, “Turn around and face the pond” you stop, turning around as he slips himself back inside you, making you gasp once again. He’s locked your arms with his hand and begins to bounce you on him making your head roll back into him, moaning feverishly the sounds of his harsh thrusts being heard from across the garden.
You feel his hand wrap around your neck pulling your head against his as he nibbles at your ear, “you should see how fucking sexy you look from here….so….fucking….pretty” he thrusts with every word so cock drunk for your brain to comprehend not caring if you could get caught fucking out in the open.
“I bet your wishing that someone would catch us out in the open as I fuck the shit out of you” he mutters, feeling his bruised lips against your nape, leaving love bites all over marking you as his.
“oh my god fuck- felix I’m going to come” you warn, your hands going to grip his thighs, feeling yourself clenching around his dick before you cum with a loud whimper, the warm feeling of his spunk releasing into you as he slows down his thrusts.
“Fuck babe you’ve made such a mess all over me” your still panting, fatigue hitting you as your both sat in silence feeling his heart racing against your back.
You turn around meeting the brunettes gaze before speaking, “Don’t get use to it, this is the last time I’ll ever do anything remotely sexually with you Catton”
You raise a brow, dying for the burning question on your tongue to be answered, “Who told you i hated you”
He smirks, “Farleigh…. he told me when he was going through his drunken rant”
“I’m going to kill that boy when I see him”
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yappacadaver · 7 months ago
I need to do the good boy/girl meme with Raymond and Yumi
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reveluving · 3 months ago
I need him. 🫠
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a/n: NAVYYY! My goodness, do I need him too kdslsjk I can always trust you to fuel my love for this man like no other 😌🙏🏼Wanted something extra sweet so enjoy this little idea!! THANKS MOTHER ILY!!
warnings: lovestruck raymond, fluffy fluff, brief mentions of movie-style violence & explicit language!
» curious about both fall and winter specials this year? come & check out this year's 'reve's quirky reverie' m.list! ❄️'!
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Imagine how beat Raymond is, having done Mickey's dirty work as usual, but is unable to take his eyes off you as his head remains lolled to the side as it perches on the headrest of the couch.
Watching you whip up some good quality hot chocolate on the stove—not even the finest cafés could make it as good as you—after convincing him to stay put and relax. He's a little more refreshed after a good shower, and fuck, if he didn't want to wrap his arms around you from behind so badly—
But, for you, he remains seated like the good boy he was, a dumb smile already gracing his lips upon imagining the big smile on your face after seeing him still melted on the couch like you had asked him to.
The thoughts he had of you while he worked his ass off at work couldn't hold a candle to seeing you just a few feet away now. Making sure he was as snug as a bug from the chilly weather like he hadn't killed a man point-blank hours ago.
While he knew you could handle a drop of blood or two, he didn't take the risk, washing the crimson fluid off as soon as he came home to ensure not even a speck stained your skin.
Now, there he sat, waiting for his beloved, though he'd be lying to say he did it patiently.
You can see how he visibly perks up as soon as you turn around, approaching with two hot mugs topped with a generous dollop of chantilly cream, making it almost as sweet as you.
His arms are already open, helping you with the mugs before tugging you to the couch with him.
It's that sweet giggle of yours that has his hold tightening around you.
You know he pretends not to hear you when you playfully tell him to let you breathe. His eyes already fluttering shut, despite putting his lips to work, covering the spot between your neck and shoulder with kisses, tickling you with his beard on purpose.
You can feel the cheeky smile against your skin as you wriggle and laugh against him. He only grants you mercy when you reach for the mug, his mug, to offer to him. He relents, smiling over the rim of the glass as you maintain cheeky eye contact.
Even after a satisfying fill of warm chocolate, he wants another fill of something sweeter, more satisfying in every way especially after the day he’s had as he watches you place your mug back on the coffee table before pulling you with him as he lay on the couch, snuggling you like he wants—needs to keep you warm like you do him. 
˚ · . f i n . · ˚
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a/n: Considering this as the first winter bonus for Quirky Reverie because why not!!
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