#gonna stop tagging now but if you opened the tags this far drink some water
worldlxvlys · 9 months
hiii could u make dwb (chris or matt which ever) where reader is drunk and Chris take care or them plsssss
( I'm a slut for being taken care of when drunk sue me😭)
boyfriend! chris sturniolo x reader
warnings: reader is drunk, cursing, mention of sex
a/n: hope you like :)
based off of these texts, you can read if you want !
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my mind was fuzzy, eyes unable to focus on anything. the only thing i could think about was chris.
i tapped the stranger next to me, making him turn towards me.
“my boyfriendsss comin’ to get me!” i told him, a huge smile on my face. “i’m sooooo excited to see him”
he stared at me with a weird look, “ok?” he said confused.
when he walked away, i saw the familiar fresh love logo walking towards me.
“CHRIS!!!” i yelled, starting to walk towards him, but losing my balance.
“careful ma” he said as he caught me.
“chrisss, you’re actuallyyyy wearing fresh love ! i didn’t even know !” i let out a gasp “maybe i’m a psyhcic! “ i said as my eyes lit up.
“ok baby, let me take you home”
“WOAHHHH CHRIS” i yelled.
“you tryna fuck ? shit, we can do it right hear, right now” i said as i went to pull my dress up.
“WOAH WOAH” he said, eyes wide and stopping me.
“baby, you’re so far gone right now. i’m not gonna take advantage of you, i just want to make sure you get home safe” he said.
“awww how cute” i said.
“c’mon ma” he said as he guided me outside and into the uber.
once we arrived at my house, he thanked our driver and helped me into my house.
he wrapped an arm around my waist as he helped me walk to my room.
he sat me down on my bed, “ i’m gonna help you get changed, ma. is that ok ?” he asked.
“mmhm” i nodded.
he pulled my heels off, placing them down on my floor. he then moved behind me, slowly unzipping my dress, careful not to snag my skin.
he pulled my dress off, and helped me to get changed into a pair of sweats.
“are you cold? want my hoodie?”
“yes please” i said, grinning up at him.
he pulled his hoodie off, putting it on me.
“ok baby, i need you to drink some water for me” he said as he passed me a bottle.
i opened the bottle and put it to my mouth, letting the cool liquid flow down my throat.
after a few sips, i put the cap on and placed it on my nightstand.
“alright, let’s get you to sleep” he said as i laid down.
he pulled my blanket over my body, and placed a kiss on my cheek.
“thank you, chris” i whispered. “you always take good care of me”
“you deserve it, ma” he said, his eyes sweeping over my face and taking in my features.
he began to walk away.
“where are you going?” i asked, peaking my head in his direction. “i want my cuddles”
the corner of his lips turned up as he started to smile, “i got you, ma”
he laid down next to me, wrapping his arms around me and placing a kiss on my shoulder.
“sweet dreams baby”
sorry i just realized that you asked for dealer chris, hope you still like tho <333
tag list: @lovingsturniolo @lustfulslxt @gwenlore @flowerxbunnie @sturnssx @mattslolita @its-jennarose @chanelsturn @sophssturn @bernardsleftbootycheek @queen161718 @chrisdevora @cupidsword @nickmillersn1gf @stramboli4life @mattsneezing @chrisstankyleg @sturniolobltch @vib3swithanuk @ciarasturn1 @bethsturn @bernardenjoyer @mbbsgf @soursturniolo @rac00ns-are-c00l4
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shygirl4991 · 2 months
Haunting Past
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Summary: After failing to stop Mr Puzzles at the meme factory, SMG3 drinks his pain away hoping to forget how much of a failure he is. Lucky for him things aren't how they use to be and he has someone watching out for him.
Tags: Drinking to cope, Alcohol, drunk smg3, emotional hurt/comfort, sleepy cuddles, boys crushing on each other
SMG3 sighs as he takes a swig of his drink, the burning sensation reminding him how far he has fallen. He thinks back on the battle back at the meme factory, he couldn't believe he failed. Though thinking about it more, that was the story of his life. In the past he made it his life mission to ruin SMG4, to the point he lost himself and attempted to kill them all. The one thing he was glad to fail, he couldn't picture his life without these idiots in his life. He stares at his drink frowning, he was a failure of a villain isn't he? 
He attempted to follow his dream, opening a cafe with both of his favorite activities. Drinking coffee and dealing with explosives, he remembered how exciting it was when everyone started to show up. He was making something for himself he thought, till one day no one showed up. No matter what he did no one wanted to be in his cafe, again he was failing while SMG4 was flying having everything handed to him. He lets out another defeated sigh as he finishes his drink, he just wanted to forget how much of a failure he is. He couldn't even stop mr.puzzles, the moment he was out done by that monster that has haunted them for months. Frustrated from the memory Three throws his cup, he breathes heavy as he watches the cup shatter in pieces. Four arrives at his castle with a huge smile, finally they are free from Mr.Puzzles. He was glad that they were able to pull the plan off, what he didn't see coming was how much meme energy it was gonna take out of him. Hoping to get some energy back, he walks into the kitchen where he gasps at the sight in front of him. A depressed Three was sitting at the counter getting ready to open another bottle, SMG4 runs and takes the bottle away from him “Three! Why are you surrounded by so many bottles?!” 
Three smiles brightly at four “Hey! So happy to see you, give me a hug!” Four panics seeing the man throw himself at him, dropping the bottle he catches the drunk man who cheers. “Three, how long have you been drinking?” He watches as the man stumbles away from Four’s arms. Concerned that Three would fall he follows every step ready to catch him at any moment, Three giggles as he pokes Four’s cheek “Since the whole puzzle thing!” Four sighs as he gently grabs hold of the guardian “Three lets get you some water okay?” Four helps Three to a chair before walking away to get the man a glass of water, seeing his partner walk away Three starts to cry “Where are you going? Are you leaving me because I'm such a failure?” hearing that causes SMG4 to freeze. He turns to see his partner, it was strange for him to see his ex rival sitting there crying. Walking over he gently rubs the man’s back “Hey, i'm not leaving you i just wanted to get you water.” With a sniff he looks up at four, wiping his tears “liar…” he whispers, Four sighs as he pulls out a chair to sit next to Three “Do…you want to talk about what got you drinking?” 
Three turns looking away from Four “How long have we been here?” Confused by the question Four looks at the clock “A few minutes, why?” Three frowns thinking, he knew he came to the kitchen for a reason. He kept trying to think why he was there only to get distracted by his partner, Three smiles softly “You're so handsome it's annoying.” SMG4 blushes, rubbing the back of his neck “Oh uh thanks! Now not to change the topic but I do want to know, did something happen today to get you like this?” Three’s eyes water looking down, seeing this Four reaches out grabbing his partner's hand. It always tingled when they held hands, the energy that flows between them was strangely reassuring. Three keeps looking down and starts to cry “I’m a failure…i fail at everything i do,” hearing his words break Four’s heart. 
Getting up from his seat, Four grabs Three pulling him into a hug “Dude, you're not a failure. You have done such amazing things, you're so smart…please stop saying this about my best friend.”  Three holds on to Four, he yawns starting to feel drowsy “You're so much better than me…why are you my friend?”  he mumbles out as he battles his need to sleep. Four frowns hearing the pain in his partner's words, slowly he adjusted himself to hold Three better “I should be asking you that, I have done nothing but treat you like nothing.” He hears a sniff before Three sleepily looks at Four, with a gentle smile Four wipes the man's tears “Okay, we are friends because you're more amazing then you think. You never give up no matter how hard things get, I honestly admire that about you.” Three lays his head on Four slowly falling asleep “You..liar” with those words the man fell asleep. Four frowns as he lifts up Three to carry him, the cafe was close by though the idea of using an elevator with SMG3 in his arms didn't appeal to him. He walks to his room and gently places SMG3 on his bed, he removes the man's hat. Smiling softly he kisses the man on the head “I hate seeing you like this Three…im sorry im failing at being your friend.” He grabs Three’s hand frowning “I promise, I will be better so this won't happen again.”
Making sure Three is tucked in, Four walks back to the kitchen to clean up the bottles. He looks at the bar filled with different drinks and throws them in the trash, seeing how depressed his partner is he needed to make sure the castle is safe.  Once everything was cleaned he returned to his room, he felt the fatigue of the day hit him. Not caring at the moment for Three’s reaction when he wakes, Four lays in bed next to the man. He squeaks in surprise when three cuddle up to him, with a soft giggle he lets himself enjoy close contact as he drifts to sleep in SMG3 arms. 
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dreamwatch · 2 months
Let The Bodies Hit The Floor
Written for @corrodedcoffinfest
Day #26 - Prompt: Tour Date | Word Count: 1000 | Rating: M | CW: racism, violence, use of the C word| POV: Gareth | Pairing: None | Tags: mosh pits, rough gigs, fighting, band vs the world, run on sentences
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These shitty little bar gigs are a curse and a blessing, honestly; like some set up for a shitty joke - what happens when you throw four hundred people into an underground bunker with no air conditioning? They take their clothes off and drink too much. Badoomtish!
It’s hot as satan’s balls backstage, and his shirt didn’t even make it to the stage with him. The thing about gigs in small venues that you don’t get in big venues (he imagines, he’s never played anything with more than six hundred people and they were the openers, it wasn’t even full), is that you can see them. Like, they’re practically on stage with you, you can see their eyes, see them moshing, watch how they get progressively sweatier, their hair plastered to their heads and faces. It’s visceral. It’s what The Hideout could never give them. Gareth has never felt more alive.
They’re the last on tonight which is just fucking, like what? How is this happening? How are they getting anywhere? It’s insane and he loves it, and fuck you Taco Bell, he’s never going back. But that means with no air conditioning these lunatics have all been drinking for hours, and you can see it. They’re getting rougher, people aren’t just pushing and shoving because it’s fun now, they’re doing it because some of them are drunk and angry.
It shouldn’t be exciting. It feels wrong, like he’s watching an arsonist flicking the spark wheel too close to a gas pump, over and over, and it’s probably okay, maybe, but one spark. It just needs one spark.
Jeff ends up throwing his shirt into the crowd within five minutes, he knows Matty and Eddie will just tough it out; they’ve both got their reasons not to but it boils down to the same thing. And Eddie suffers more than most; his temperature regulation is fucked since all that shit happened a few years back, he’s brittle and pained in the cold, boils if the thermometer rises above seventy. He’s got his hair tied back, same as Gareth, and they keep more water coming for him. It’s not much, but it helps.
The gig is good, Gareth can feel the rivulets of sweat running down his back, his face, the crack of his ass when he stands up. And he can see Jeff’s back right in front of him, glistening under the lights, defined muscles that weren’t there back in high school when he was carrying a few extra pounds. Touring and living cheap has made him lean, loading and unloading amps has built strength. He’s growing his hair out, sides shaved, locs a work in progress on top. He looks fucking awesome. 
The problem with some of these little bum fuck towns is that they like metal just fine, satanism who now? Fuck it, thrash the fuck out of us. But black people? Not so much. Mostly it’s not overt, it’s the vibe, the looks, a thing they have to be careful of, and, bar some nasty words being spat at them, so far they’ve walked away. Angry, disgusted, but with all their own teeth.
It’s how it affects Jeff, though, that’s what’s upsetting. He gets introverted, ruminates on it, which like, he gets (but he doesn’t, he knows they’ll never really understand). Where Eddie would usually have to tell you everything about everything, taking you on the journey of where his brain started to where it ends up, Jeff sits on things, he’ll come up for air when he’s good and ready. And even when he does come up for air he’s not sharing with the class, not all in one go. It’s Matty that’s there first doing the unpicking, soothing the verbal cuts and bruises. Gareth’s never been able to figure that one out, Matty being kind of cold sometimes, but he caught a snippet of conversation one day — 
“— cunts, every last one of them. One day you’ll be breezing through here in our tour bus, we’re not even gonna stop for a piss in this sewer, and you’re going see that racist cock sucker at the side of the road with one tooth in his head and his dog. And then you’re gonna notice he’s married to the dog—“
— and Jeff had laughed, like belly laughed at that, and Matty strikes again.
So this show is fucking something else, and that spark is getting closer and closer to the gas and then whoosh, up it goes, there’s an actual fight in the crowd. They keep playing, there’s blood in peoples teeth, he’s that close, but fuck it and then he notices it really kick off and then he can’t hear Jeff anymore and when he looks up he’s gone, what the fuck, locs flying into the audience. Gareth’s gone, over the fucking kit, can hear the cymbal stands clatter to the ground, but now he’s in the crowd and like, what the fuck is he actually doing here? And he gets a punch to the head and he punches back and then he’s being yanked back on the stage by Eddie and a security guy, and Matt has Jeff, but then a guy from security punches Jeff, like he dragged himself into the crowd, and Matt is like in this fucking dudes face, and Gareth watched Matty break someone’s nose a couple of years ago, he’s got it in him, but Matty shoves the guy away. And like… what do you do now?
There’s this vicious sound, a scream of anger from the amps and it’s Jeff. They all get the memo, Gareth picking up his cymbals before climbing back behind the kit and he doesn’t even count them in, they’re already in, already off. And like fuck the crowd at this point, they’re playing with fury and everyone’s going to listen. And maybe it was excitement, maybe it was some racist fuck, but whatever, their ears are going to bleed for it.
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Okay so... A/N if you're interested.
Title from Bodies by Drowning Pool (a song all about mosh pits!)
Inspiration for this came from two places.
1. There was a game going round yesterday - your first gig / last gig. My first was Anthrax at the Camden Underworld in 1993. Small basement gig, getting kicked in the head by stage divers, all that good stuff. It just reminded me there was a time I went to places like that to see metal gigs and it just sent me down a 'oh fuck I am so old and i used to be so cool' spiral.
2. Related, my husband showed me a video of a Nirvana gig where Kurt threw himself into the crowd, and once he got back out he was punched in the face by a security guard, and oh boy, how fast Dave got over those drums. And Matty getting into it with the security guard is a straight rip of Krist doing the same in the video.
Also - Gareth POV and mostly about Jeff because I didn't write for their prompt days and I felt bad. :(
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melodygatesauthor · 1 year
Jake Lockley w/ this prompt: “What would make you the happiest right now?”. The story could be about him hanging out with his best friend after a few around of wine, he likes y/n. It can be platonic or not. You decide since it’s your birthday Queen.
Bad with Feelings
Jake Lockley X gn!Reader
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Nonnie YES. This was fun to write. I'm not 100% sure if what I wrote was quite what you're looking for but I loved it haha. We all need a little soft Jake in our lives. - changed the prompt a little to “what can I do to make you happy right now?”
Tags/Warnings: SFW, alcohol consumption, drunk/drinking, friends to lovers, probably one of the CORNIEST things I've written but I love it so deal with it haha.
Word Count: 918
Jake tipped his head back letting the burning liquid course down his throat. You’d lost count of how many shots in he was, but you’d stopped being able to keep up a while ago. You chuckled when he wiped his mouth in his gloved hand and looked at you with a deep lidded gaze.
“One more.” He slurred.
“Nope, come on drunkie, I’ll bring you home.” You took his arm over your shoulder and led him to the black Lincoln parked outside.
“I’m not letting you drive my car amigo.”
“Jake, you don’t have a choice, get in the car.” You opened the passenger’s side door.
“Nope, call a cab.”
On a normal day, Jake was fast, and much stronger than you, but not in the state he was in at that moment. You snagged his keys out of his pocket faster than he could block your arm before you shoved him into the seat and slammed the door. The grown man crossed his arms and scowled out the window while you walked to the other side and got in the driver’s seat.
“Are you…are you pouting?” You looked at him with a raised brow.
His face was downturned and he kept his eyes out the window.
“Just bring me home.”
You couldn’t help the smile that crept across your face. Jake looked like a child, arms crossed and lips downturned while you started driving toward his house. Fortunately he didn’t live far, so the silent ride was only awkward for a few minutes. You’d known Jake for quite some time, and you knew he was only afraid of a few things, and someone else driving his car was one of them.
“Are you going to be able to walk yourself inside or do I need to carry you?” You looked over at him.
He started going off in Spanish about how fine he was and how much he didn’t need you to take care of him. You rolled your eyes, got out of the car and walked over to his side. You opened the door and the grumpy drunk stayed in his seat, not seeming very willing to let you help him out to the car.
“Jake, come on.”
“If you come willingly, I’ll make you your favorite.” You said in a sing-songy tone.”
You leaned over and started trying to undo his seatbelt. He was in the way, making it difficult.
“I don’t want food.” He grumbled.
“Are you going to move over so I can unbuckle you? I mean honestly Jake, what did you expect me to do? It’s just a fucking car, you’re acting foolish.” You scolded.
He started going off on you in Spanish once again. You stood back.
“Fine, you know what? Sit there then. I’m going inside.” You walked toward the house. “I’m gonna stop going out to the bar with you like this if you’re going to do this to me every time!” You shouted as you ripped the door open.
You were hungry, despite him saying he didn’t want food, so you started cooking. Not five minutes later he was stumbling into the house and tripping his way to the living room. You grabbed a glass of water and brought it to him.
“Gracias.” He muttered, taking big gulps of his cup.
“De nada.” You replied, crossing your arms over your chest. “Why do you get like this? We always have a good time going out and then it always ends with you grumpy and dismissive.”
He handed you the glass and brought his glistening brown eyes up to meet yours. You took the cup and kept your gaze on him, waiting for his answer. He pulled off his hat, letting his curls drop into his face before putting it on the table and combing the stray hairs back.
“Because, when I drink it’s the only time I…feel.”
Your shoulders slumped down and your expression softened.
“What do you mean?” You walked over and sat next to him.
“I’ve done some terrible things, things you can’t begin to understand.” His lips pulled together in a thin line and he looked down at his hands. “And even though I know you’d be better off without me, when I drink, I get this feeling like…”
He trailed off and looked over at you. You didn’t expect anything other than friendship from Jake, and that was all he expected of you, but it was clear something else had developed. You weren’t sure you were ready for what he said next.
“I have these feelings for you that I am afraid to express because I don’t deserve even your friendship, never mind anything more.”
You smirked. They said the truth comes out when you’re drunk, and Jake was full on spilling his guts.
“Jake.” You put the cup on the coffee table and then rested your hand on his arm. “I’m content being friends, but I’m also more than happy to see what comes next. There’s no pressure.” You pushed a stray curl from his face. “What would make you happiest right now?”
He leaned in, the smell of alcohol and tobacco permeated your nostrils. He breathed heavy, bringing a gloved hand up to cup your cheek. You leaned in too, letting the moment happen. His lips were soft, gentle and full of passion.
He pulled back, sporting a rare smile across his beautiful face. You couldn’t stop the smirk from taking over yours too.
“You make me happiest, always.” He said.
Celebration Masterlist
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bubbles-lounge · 2 years
Ending Alhaitham:
Warnings: yandere themes, mention of attempted stabbing, mention of drugs and kidnapping(if you find any more let me know)
".." = Talking
Quickly charging in you grabbed Kavehs hand to stop the knife.
"Reader what do you mean he's your cruel ex?! "
Quickly you kick Kavehs dick(that's gonna hurt) as you take Alhaithms hand and run out of the house him and kaveh shared.
Reaching a place in the forest far away you quickly turn to Alhaitham.
"I'm so sorry, are you ok?! "
Alhaitham flashes you a smile... Quite the memories huh..
"I'm fine thanks to you, we can go to my spare house for now. "
'He has a spare house!? '
"Sure! "
Quickly Alhaitham grabs your hand and picks you up bridal style as he runs to his spare house.
As he arrives he places you down and gets you and him a drink.
"Sorry about that... How your ok. "
You simply nodded as you gulpped the water down your throat, the water giving your dry throat some taste.
You and Alhaitham continue to chat to catch up and so he could explain why gets did what he did, this was after Alhaitham filed a report, you eventually started to feel tired as you collapsed.
Maybe if you payed more attention during that conversation you would have seen the way his eyes shined the way the obsession grew.
Sorry for the shit posting motivation has dropped badly and I have a few personal problems.
Have a great day/night and remember your fvcking stunning and wonderful<33
Remember to eat and drink some water<3
Tag list(people who wanted to be tagged and my supporters through this series) : @gfyguy @average-yandere-enjoyer @wite-sno-flik @sleepy-yandere @aalastors-blog @pocarinapyon
LARGE THANKS TO @pocarinapyon FOR THE SUPPORT (And keeping me company)
Remember my chats are always open!
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hoffmannwrites · 2 years
On My List
1  - 2 - 3 - 4 - 5 + 1 Masterlist
Author’s Note: I'm gonna just post part 2 now because the response has been overwhelming and also I need to ride this train until it runs outta steam, yfm?
Pairing: Steve Harrington x Eddie Munson
Description: 5 Times Steve and Eddie kiss as friends, and one time they don't.
Warnings/Tags: Everyone lives, Nobody dies, 5+1, Kissing, Fluff, Idiots to Lovers, Friends to Lovers, some pretty brief mentions for drinking, smoking, being inebriated (the gang is drunk here but nothing too bad, just in a fun way), uhhh they're gay your honor, no beta we die like Barb, vague medical issue, fainting, let me know if I missed anything?
Every Breath You Take
The second time Eddie and Steve kiss it’s not really a kiss at all. Robin and Steve are working a shift at Family Video - well, trying to work at least, because Eddie’s there which means everyone’s just sort of dicking around. Steve is processing some returns while Robin and Eddie argue about some sort of incomprehensible music shit. They’re both such fucking nerds about it that it makes Steve’s head hurt hearing them discuss the rhythm vs the beat and the symbolism of the song's accompanying music videos. Steve doesn’t understand why they have to analyze everything, why they can’t just like shit.
He’s not really paying attention until he registers the panic in Robin’s voice as she suddenly pushes off the counter and says Eddie’s voice just a little too frantically. Eddie has slumped slightly forward over the counter, eyes rolled a little too far back, and not responding to her calls for him. Steve immediately jumps into action, thinking about seeing Max in an eerily similar situation, about the fits Will had when he came back. Steve grabs Eddie and lays him gently in the ground, immediately crouching over him to do CPR, not bothering to check for a pulse or breathing. Just starting compressions, counting the way he learned how while hanging out at the hospital waiting for Max and Eddie to wake up. He couldn’t just sit there, and the hospital offered free training courses in shit like this, so he went. And he’s so glad he did as he starts doing rescue breaths on Eddie, ignoring Robin’s “ohmygodohmygodohmy-“ as she struggles to remember Hopper’s number when she finally stops freaking out enough to grab the phone. It doesn’t matter though, because by the time Steve is halfway through his second set of 30, Eddie’s eyes are fluttering open and he’s breathing heavily, but just fine on his own.
“Oh thank fuc-“ Robin starts as she drops to the ground on the other side of Eddie. “Are you okay? What happened? You just-“ Robin starts rambling, panicking that this meant the worst wasn’t over.
“Robs. Give him a minute. Go grab a water bottle,” Steve softly commands, his instinct to protect and help and heal outweighing his ability to do anything else. She does as he asks, and Steve starts to help Eddie move to a sitting position. “Easy does it, man. You can keep laying on the floor for a little if you need.”
“No, no. I’m okay. Sorry. I just, uh, had a minute. It happens sometimes. Happened a lot more when I was little. Stress, ya know? Was real bad right around the time I started living with Wayne. Had a really bad couple of weeks after Bonham died, too. But since, ya know- everything, it’s been happening again.” Eddie explains, rubbing the middle of his chest where Steve had previously been pressing. Steve just nods as Robin hands him the water bottle, watching, waiting for everyone’s adrenaline to slow.
“Jesus, dude. I think you almost cracked a rib. Way to put those muscles to use,” Eddie jokes, in between sips. Steve cracks a smile, but his eyes are still filled with worry. “Thank you for trying to save my ass, but in the future, I’m just fainting. No CPR required. Just make sure I don’t hit my head on the way down,” Eddie explains.
“Sorry,” now it’s Steve’s turn to ramble. “I just went into panic mode and I didn’t even check for a pulse or-“
“Don’t sweat it.” Eddie cuts him off. “I appreciate you wanting to save my life. Again.” He adds that last part a little quieter, knocking shoulders with Harrington. As Steve helps him to his feet, he adds even quieter “You sure you didn’t just wanna plant one on me again, Big Boy?” And Robin is too busy fussing over Eddie and asking questions about his fainting and yelling at him for not warning anybody that they’re both too busy to notice the blush that creeps up Steve’s neck and the way he flexes his hands like touching Eddie hurt. 
A/N: Not so fun fact! John Bonham, drummer for Led Zeppelin died in 1980 after a heavy drinking binge. This would have been absolutely devastating to a young Eddie Munson, as it was for everyone else with ears and a soul at the time.
Also, Steve does the Pride and Prejudice hand flex every time he touches Eddie. Convince me otherwise. I dare you.
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intersexalastor · 1 year
Comatose [2/?]
<- Prev | Next ->
Rating: T Pairings: Dabi/Twice Tags: alcohol use/abuse, past mentions of child abuse, civilian LoV, mental health issues, medical jargon
It's the mere pitter-patter of rain against the window that initially draws him out of sleep. The television has automatically shut off and, save for the street light outside, it's dark. He floats in limbo, between dream and reality, where they mix. He hears the rain and dreams of the night he and Dabi got stuck in a downpour, unable to hear anything but the million splashes of water against concrete and Dabi's mix of cursing and a little laugh.
He dreams of Dabi overturning his boots inside and water racing across the floorboards. Of being sore, after running blind and smacking his face into a pole and landing ass first onto the wet sidewalk.
Of Dabi running a towel along his back and legs when he aches too much to bother trying. Of dry clothes and coffee right before bed and warm blankets. Of his best friend lying under his sheets with a little snore.
So his brain can't make sense of the knock on his door. It rips him entirely from a long forgotten dream, back to a reality where Dabi's gone. Vanished. Like a flame snuffed out. Like a ghost, there one moment and gone the next. Calls unanswered, voicemail unavailable. Then finally disconnected.
Radio silence.
Stupidly, he dreams of the past. He dreams of old memories, and memories never made, and the new life Dabi's living, and his grave, and sometimes his. His corpse. Shoved into the corner of some alley where rats gnaw at his blue fingertips. Renamed John Doe and file tossed into a drawer that's too full to close.
For over a year now, he's walked the streets after work. Burning through cigarettes, he wanders the city for hours until he eventually meanders back home, lost until he recognizes street names. He comes home, if you can call it that. Sometimes he forgets to grab a bite before passing out till morning, and sometimes he replaces mealtime with just a quick drink to help him sleep. So he doesn't wake up in the middle of the night, confused when he can't find his friend sleeping next to him.
His eyes flutter when a second knock hits the door. Groggy, he rubs his face and can just barely make out the bowl that Toga handed him earlier that night, nary a bite taken. He'd meant to eat some, honest. But the exhaustion weighing him down won instead. He won't risk it now. Seafood's too finicky to take a chance.
She and Giri, along with Atsuhiro and Mag, have been handing him their leftovers. And while he appreciates it, he really wish they wouldn't. Can't stand the look in their eyes. Wishes he could get them to look elsewhere. He knows what he looks like. He doesn't need reminders.
The door shakes with the third knock. He's fully awake now, and acutely aware that there's someone at his door in the dead of night. What's worse is that, despite his excellent memory, this is one knock he can't put a name to.
Slowly he rises from the couch and makes his way to the door. He's lived a life on the streets, and he's none too keen to open his apartment to an attack. He grabs the baseball bat slumped against the side table just as his late night guest knocks a fourth time.
He unlocks and unlatches the door, then gives it a light tug so it swings open, him far enough in that he can't be so easily jumped. But even with his eyes adjusted to the dark, he can't make out a figure.
He starts to think he might be losing his mind when a rough voice calls from the dark, "You gonna invite me in or what?"
It's a voice unknown and so familiar at the same time. He loses his breath, and now he can't stop how quickly the air rushes in and out of his lungs. Cautiously, he pokes his head out of the door.
Sure enough, slumped against the wall, he can make out a person. His mind is reeling, trying to fit in the sound of this voice with the nightmare he's been living this past year. He knows every knock of his friends, taps his fingers to the rhythm when he's standing idle or humming up a made up tune. But there's one friend who never bothered knocking to begin with, always barging in whenever he showed up.
"Had me thinking," the dark figure says, "that I had the wrong place for a minute. Jackass."
"Who else?"
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poppy-metal · 3 years
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Wc: 4k
Pairing: eren jaeger x reader
Cw: car sex, fingering, emphasis on reader being innocent and a virgin. reader is armins little sister. corruption kink
you're 6 years old when you first meet eren jaeger. apparently he'd run off some people that were bullying you big brother, armin. you admire him and mikasa immediately.
you're 8 and he's 11 when you get a scrape on your knee from playing tag. eren runs into your mothers bathroom to fish out the first aid-kit, you know he just doesn't want you to tattle, you never would anyway, but he pulls out a pink band-aid with little ariels all over it and places it gently over the cut. he stays there for a few beats, soothing the skin around the hurt area with his thumbs. his big bright green eyes look up at you, "better?" and that's the first time your heart skips for a boy.
you're 11 and he's 14 when armin starts becoming protective. "he's had like. 5 girlfriends in middle school, who knows what he's gonna be like in high-school"
it intrigue you, for some reason.
you're 13 and he's 16 when he taps furiously on your window at night, wild eyed and wearing a t-shirt and sweats. he falls ungracefully on his ass when you let him in, though he grins at you from the floor. "thanks, squirt"
you wince at the nickname, knowing it solidifies you as someone only platonic to him. armins little sister and nothing more. "what's this all about?"
he gets up and swipes imaginary dust off his sweats, looking around your room. its absurdly girly. he picks up one of your plushies and tosses it up, then catches it, peering over at you and grinning. "i hope you never change," he sighs and flops down onto your pink sheets. "girls my age are fucking psychos"
you creep closer to him, snatching your plush back. "im sure there's something you're leaving out there. im not completely dumb, you know"
he waves his hand, "yeah but you're....i don't know? innocent or whatever. you don't care about shit like boys and drama"
i do care about boys, you think, watching the way his shirt rides up to expose a hint of tan skin. you look away, squeezing your plush to your chest. "im gonna grow up eventually, ren"
he sighs and sits up, looking at you from under his ridiculously cute floppy brown hair. "Just promise me you won't go boy crazy"
you roll your eyes and sit down next to him, he leans in and licks a broad stripe against your cheek with his tongue, grinning "we have cooties"
you swat at him and wipe your cheek, groaning and calling him gross. "i know that. you and armin never let me forget how gross boys are", you side eye him. "what did you even do? really?"
he looks to the side, only now having it in him to look the least bit sheepish, "my girlfriend may have caught me with my hand down historias skirt..."
yeah, boys really are gross. but not eren, no he's beautiful and magical and makes you feel all the fluttery things. but he's also a player, a bad boy, dangerous and completely off limits. maybe your crush should have ended there, but of course it didn't.
You're 15 when you go on your first date with a boy. until now you haven’t allowed yourself to even think about men outside of the enigma that is eren jaeger, but that’s a lost cause, a stupid crush you need to let go of. and despite what eren thinks, you’re not that innocent. not in your head anyway. you’re a girl and you have fantasies. 
the guy is nice, armin likes him enough. big and tall and humble, reiner brought you flowers for your first date. the age difference is a little weird, he’s in erens grade, a senior, but you think its harmless. you’re turning 16 soon. the date goes well, you smile and giggle alot, and reiner seems smitten by the end of it. he even goes as far as to kiss your hand when he drops you back off at home, at 8pm sharp, just like he promised. he was kind and sweet, and you liked him, but you wonder what it means that there were no flutters in your belly, not like when you’re around him…
you’re still thinking about that when you open the door, and walk inside. the house is quiet, and you wonder where armin is, and eren. thinking they both must be in armins room, you go to the kitchen to get a glass of water, stopping on your path there when you see eren on the couch. he’s lounging back, hand idly wrapped around a gaming controller as he watches you.
you glance around him. “where’s mimmin?”
he doesn’t take his eyes off you. “annie called”, he leans forward a little, propping his chin in his palm as he observes you quietly for a moment.
you squirm in place, his eyes are too hot. “oh” and you make to start moving again but his voice stops you. 
“so. braun, huh?” his tone is hard to discern, the words coming out cool and detached, but his eyes are that intense green. 
“yeah” you say, shifting on your feet. “he was nice. kissed my hand and everything”
“sounds like a dream” and that is definitely said sarcastically. you bristle but eren is already turning away from you, facing the TV. “didn’t think he was your type though” 
because erens been your type since forever, you guess he’s right. reiner couldn’t be more different in both personality and looks, but maybe that’s a good thing. “maybe he can be” you say softly, looking at your feet. you dont see erens eyebrows jump, or his lips twist disdainfully. 
“If you wanna settle for missionary the rest of your life, then sure, go ahead” he sounds a little miffed and that confuses you. makes you look up. you don’t even know reiner that well, but you feel the need to defend him from erens usual snarky jabs. 
“not every guy that doesn’t live on Xbox and fuck half the school is a bland guy” you huff. you feel a little guilty for calling him out but he started it. eren hated preps, that was obvious, but its not like he was a model person either, if his long track record of promiscuity was anything to go by. reiner wasnt boring he just…..wasn’t eren. but that wasn’t a flaw. It shouldn’t be. 
“you been keeping tabs on me, princess?” eren asks wryly, smirking now. you just glare at him, quirking a brow and daring him to prove you wrong, to say he’s better. 
he doesn’t. he just looks at you, sets his controller down and does that tick he’d developed since he was young of jiggling his knee, tapping his finger on it. “don’t go on more dates with him” 
you squint your eyes, “and why not?”
“because i said so” 
“you’re not my boss” 
“because..” he scratches the stubble on his jaw, gaze looking far off as he stares at his bouncing leg. “guys shouldn't touch you” 
your mouth pops open. you get that, right now, you’re too young for stuff like sex, but being touched? everyone your age had boyfriends, why should you be any different?
It feels a bit like deja vu when you tell him, “m’not staying innocent forever. dating and s-sex are apart of life. you do it, why shouldn’t i?” 
you didn’t really get his whole overprotective bit, armin, who was your brother, wasn’t even this bad. he’d seen happy almost, when you told him about your date with reiner, even, so you really don’t see where eren is coming from. 
erens lip curls in a smirk and he points a finger at you. “that’s why” he says. “you can’t even say the word sex without stuttering. what’ll you do when you see a cock for the first time?” 
your skin heats, hating that he’s right. “I’ll grow out of it” you promise him. 
he huffs a laugh. “sure thing, dork” but then his face gets serious. “you don’t need to change though. sex is lame, i promise.” 
“you seem to have alot of it, so there must be something good about it” 
“for me, yeah” he grins. “but im selfish. most men are, and you deserve better than some highschool tumble with a guy who looks like he can’t find the clit to save his life” his eyes weigh you down. “just keep bein’ you. If i come back from college and hear that you’re the towns tramp stamp, m’ not gonna be happy” 
and that’s that. 
you’re 16 when eren leaves for college. you get to 18 without ever being touched. 
you’re 18 and you wish you hadn’t begged armin to let you come to this stupid bomfire party. it’s just the first time he’s been home in the 2 years since he’d left for college, and you know that means eren is back too, though you have yet to see him. he’s supposed to be at the party though.
you wonder if he’ll react to having seen you after not for awhile, if he’ll look at you different now that you’re grown. you’re wearing a simple pleated white skirt and a pink top, the picture of innocence you’ve always been, never changing. 
being around so many people makes you uncomfortable, you want to cling to armins side, but you don’t want to be annoying so you tell him its okay to leave you. your eyes scan the mass of people on the crowded beach as you nervously hold your solo cup to your chest. 
your eyes stop their nervous skittering when they land on someone familiar. 
college eren is completely different and yet wholly the same since you’d last seen him. he’s wearing a red bomber jacket, over a black t-shirt and skinny jeans, scuffed converse kicking in the sand as he shifts from one foot to the other. you peep tan skin, a hint of a tattoo peeking on his neck and….and black hair. he’d dyed his hair, and, is that jewelry on his ear? rings on his hand?
he’s smiling easily with a pretty blonde and...and reiner. talking to them like old friends as he tilts his head back and laughs, taking a swig from his cup. he’s still chuckling and shaking his head when his eyes flick distractedly over, rove over you and then stop. even from all the way where you are the green of his eyes pins you in place. the warm glow of the bonfire dances across his features, and you see the bastard has a lip ring as well. he takes his time cataloging you and you do him, before his lips tilt, he hands off his drink and he makes his way over to you. 
your whole body is tense with nerves as he gets closer and closer.
when he’s standing in front of you, the smell of his cologne wafts over you. his smile is small and genuine. “hey, pip” 
pip as in short for pipsqueak. you have to fight the urge to grin at him, your cheeks warming pleasantly, even though you groan out loud. “m’ not little anymore” 
“I can see that” eren eyes rake over you, linger on your bare legs before dragging slowly back up. his eyes feel like a caress and when they meet yours again, you’re already tingly. you’ve never been touched sexually, and just one look from eren has you wet between the legs like nothing. “still dress like you wanna be an extra in a Bratz commercial” 
the tension disputes as you swat his arm. “shut up!! Its a fashion choice, not like you’d know. dressed like a wannabe rockstar” 
“aw, c’mon. you’d be my groupie right?” 
you roll your eyes. “you wish, jaeger”
“mm” he hums softly. “s’cute though. always has been” 
before you can even register the compliment, he’s leaning forward to peek into your cup, swiping it easily from you. “underage drinking, are we? left you for a couple years and you go rebel barbie on me” 
you squawk as he chugs all of your drink back in one gulp, crushing the cup in his fist and tossing it behind him. “ren! I wasn’t even drinking it. It was..” you wave your hand around. “for the aesthetic”
“uh huh” he drones, but then he jerks his chin. “i’ll get you another one to stand around and look pretty with then. C’mon”
cute, pretty. the compliments are gonna make your heart fly out of your chest if he doesn’t let up. you follow him as he leads you to a keg, one that’s a little ways away from the bustle of the party, close to the parking lot where you came in. 
you shyly say ‘thank you’ when he fills you a cup and hands it to you, proceeding to lean back against a car as he goes back to observing you.
to distract yourself you mumble, “you can’t just lean on a strangers car for the sake of being cool” 
the grin is back. “you think im cool?” when you glare at him he rolls his eyes and slaps the hood of the car. “she’s mine, pip. you can untwist your panties” 
you blink at him, “since when did you get a new car? and when did you dye your hair?” 
he looks at you curiously, drumming his fingers. “do you not, like. follow me on instagram?”
you look away, kicking your feet in the sand. hesitantly you admit, “didn’t wanna miss you, so i didn’t look” 
he doesn’t say anything to that. the silence stretches between you, making you nervous. should you not have said that? you guessed it was weird, after all, but it was true. If you’d looked at how erens life was progressing without you there to see it, you’d have cried and been a total lovesick girl about it. 
he finally breaks the silence. “do you have a boyfriend?” 
you look back at him. “uh...no? do you?”
the smirk you wanted ghosts over his lips again, and your eyes are drawn to his lip ring when he tugs it between his teeth. “nah, you know me. unattainable” 
“yeah, i know” you say under your breath, thinking of how eren jaeger had been an unattainable fantasy for you for years. 
“so no current boyfriend or…?” 
“no boyfriends...ever” its embarrassing to admit, but less humiliating than admitting that the reason that was is because you’re in love with your brothers best friend, the very man standing before you now. 
“that’s kinda tragic, pip” eren hops up on the hood of his car and fishes a cigarette out of his pocket. he waves a hand at you, “you’re rockin’ a bod like that and no one’s bagged you? thought you’d be beating down options with a bat by now” 
you watch the smoke that plumes in the air, the way it coils and wisps, and really look at eren. he’s tragically beautiful. his no black hair is boyishly messy, tangled around his head in a dark halo. his face is sharp and tan, his eyes striking and making you feel like you’re sinking into the sand beneath your feet.
you’ve wanted him for so long, it makes you ache. years and years of pushing away men and declining confessions for this man in front of you. you’d never expected anything from him, but you couldn’t move past the fantasy in your head. couldn’t imagine giving any of your firsts to anyone but eren. 
“you told me to stay innocent” its out before you can stop the words, they just fumble out, spilling from your lips and into the air like the smoke.
eren stills, pauses from where he’d been about to take another drag. his expression is unreadable. he flicks the ashes from the cig on the sand, stumps it out under his foot as he hops down. the wind ruffles his dark hair as he just looks and looks and looks at you. 
“yeah?” and oh, jesus, if the rough gravel in his voice doesn’t make your cunt warm immediately. “and you listened?” 
you squeeze your thighs together, an action that draws erens gaze between your legs. to late to back down now, you think, and wet your lips. “y-yeah. I did” 
“you didn’t let any boys touch you while i was gone?” eren continues and he draws closer, creeping towards you.
you shake your head, silent as he comes in front of you. he reaches up to delicately push a strand of hair behind you ear with one of his ring fingers. he keeps it tucked behind your ear as he towers over you, staring you down. “you’re still my innocent little girl, huh?” 
you wonder if this is how it feels to be seduced, seduced by eren jaeger no less. his eyes are warm, and they make you feel warm from where the rest on your eyes, and then, your lips. they part under his gaze, on instinct. “I am, ren. always have been” 
his eyes darken, and the finger behind your ear becomes his whole hand sliding to cup the back of your head, slowly fisitng your hair in it. “shit” he tilts your head up. “you can’t say things like that, baby”
baby, baby, baby. your head swims. you’re on autopilot now, speaking without thinking and you think that’s good because if you were thinking clearly you wouldn't have the courage. “i’ve always been your good girl. no one elses” 
you have one second to hear his exhale before his lips are crashing against yours, and oh. oh, he’s good. you feel the metal of his lip ring against your bottom lip as he slides his tongue in your mouth, eating you up.
“god, you’re sweet” he nips your lip. “knew you would be”
you pant into his mouth, your hands curling on his chest, “y-you’ve thought about me?”
“‘course i did, im not blind” he pulls away. “I just really like my dick and didn’t want it chopped off. armin is scary” 
you know he can be when he wants to be, knows if he saw eren ravishing his little sister against his car right now, body parts would be strewn about. and that’s just from armins verbal warfare.
you look at eren demurely from under your lashes, “i don’t want anything to happen to your…” you trail off at the end.
erens eyebrows climb up his forehead, he presses close to you, tugs you to him. “my…” he prods, eyes glinting with mischief. 
you look away, pouting. “know i can’t say it” you mumble, hating that even now, saying vulgar words is embarrassing for you.
erens chest shakes with a laugh. “you just sucked my tongue down your throat, pip, and you can’t talk about my cock? you’re precious, c’mere.” he starts walking backwards, towards his car. “we gotta be sneaky about it but-” he dips down to kiss you again, once, twice. “i really wanna touch you” 
you gulp, and nod, let him pull you to his car and open the backseat for you, climbing in after you. he shuts and locks it behind him and then he’s facing you, eren jaeger giving you his full attention. looking at you like he wants you, like he’s seeing you, like he wants to do alot of bad things to you.
you place a shaking hand on his shoulder. “im- i dont know what to do..”
you want to impress him, but pretending you’re good at something you’re not won’t do that. eren doesn’t like liars anyway. 
he scoots close to you, pulling you halfway onto his lap until you’re sitting comfortably against him. you bite your lip when you feel the hard ridge of his cock pressing against your ass under your skirt. one of his hands settles on your bare thigh, scooting it up just barely.
“you ever watch porn, sweetheart?” erens breath puffs against your ear and you squirm on top of him. 
you push down your own embarrassment, resigning yourself to be a big girl and be honest. “s-sometimes” 
“yeah?” god, why does just that word turn you on so much? “tell me what kind of stuff you watch when you touch your little pussy” 
his vulgar words go straight to your cunt, at the same time his hand slides up your thighs and slips under your skirt. you close your eyes when you feel the tip of his finger trace over the band of your panties. “they’re always a couple..” you gasp when his hand dips inside, palm cupping over your pussy. “a-and the guy has dark hair..”
“Imagining anyone in particular?” eren teases, but you hear his breath catch at the same time yours does when he sinks one long finger inside. the folds around your slit part seamlessly around the intrusion, sucking his finger in like your pussy wants it there. “so wet, baby. keep talking for me?”
ever the good girl, you push through the tingles and the heat spreading down your legs, the slick sound of his finger fucking in and out of you filling the silent car as you struggle to find words. “s-shes always inexperienced. Its her first time and...and hes gentle” you moan a little when erens thumb comes to swirl around your clit, hips lips finding your neck. he’s teasing another finger at your tight entrance when you swallow another groan and try to keep talking like he’d asked. “he’s gentle but he takes. t-takes what he wants”
“mm” eren hums, tongue sliding against your skin. you gasp when the tip of his ring finger edges in beside the other one, stretching your tight passage around his digits in thorough little twists of his fingers. “that’s real good, baby. you like the sound of that, huh?” 
eren hooks his chin over your shoulder, bunches your skirt around your waist so he can see where your little pussy is clenching and squeezing around him, clit engorged and throbbing for attention. when you don’t answer, he continues, using the slick dripping down your slit, gathering it and then pushing back into you. “I bet” he says, low, husky. “In those videos, he eats her out real nice, yeah? makes sure her little virgin cunt is wet enough to take his cock”
“y-yeah” you pant, holding his wrist but not pulling it away, pushing him more towards you. you’re starting to grind down against the pleasure, walls rhythmically fluttering around his fingers, fucking yourself on them without even knowing it. he curls them, and your head thumps back against his shoulder as you cry out. 
“i’ll give that to you” eren promises, pumping his fingers faster, his other hand coming up to cup one of your tits over your blouse, giving it a squeeze. “gonna take you home after you cream around my fingers and lay you out on your bed” he kisses your cheek, holding you firm against him when you start to twitch and writhe. “lick this little flower open. wanna feel your thighs squeeze my face when i drink the cum from your pussy, get you all loose and wet and then i wanna feel you drip down my dick when i slide it inside”
“oh god, ren!” you jerk in his hold as you feel your orgasm crest over you, gushing down his palm, as you ride his hand, milking it as tingles shoot across your whole body. A milky, creamy film rests around his knuckles when he slides his fingers out of your weeping cunt, still pulsating and twitching from the come down. 
he rubs the excess slick around your folds and clit, rubbing it in. you whimper and he chuckles and kisses your cheek. 
you sag against him, fucked out. eren brushes some hair from your forehead and kisses it. “wannabe punk pounds sweet virgin pussy into her bed” 
you look at him, confused and dazed “huh?”
eren grins at you. “s’ gonna be the name of our porno” 
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erwinsvow · 3 years
𝐢 𝐜𝐚𝐧'𝐭 𝐡𝐞𝐥𝐩 𝐦𝐲𝐬𝐞𝐥𝐟
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for the 𝐝𝐞𝐛𝐚𝐮𝐜𝐡𝐞𝐝 collab <3
summary: you've always been fond of your step-brother, jean, despite how much he tries to avoid spending time with you. he finally reaches his breaking point when he sees you talking to eren, though.
warnings: step-cest, slight manipulation (reader), possessive behavior, teasing + edging, fingering, oral sex (m receiving), degradation, rough sex, creampie, jean is a good boy and reader is a fiend
author's note: i hope everyone likes this!!! i'm thinking about creating a step-cest series, let me know who should be next! tagging the lovely @yeagerslut & sending a big thank you for creating this collab! <3
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Jean can never really peel his eyes away from you, no matter how hard he tries. At first it was subtle glances, like staring at the exposed skin of your supple thighs from his place beside his mom, when she was first introducing you and your father to him.
His first thought, besides the fact that it’ll be nice to have a sibling in the house with him every once in a while, is that your dress is incredibly short. So short that he wonders how you’re allowed to leave the house in something like that. If it was up to him, he wouldn’t let you, that’s for sure.
He quickly remembers that it’s not up to him, and that it’s not his place to be worrying about the length of your hem. Jean tries to suppress the strange, sudden burning feeling in his chest when he thinks about you wearing something as short as that when he has his friends over. No, that won’t be allowed.
He’ll have to tell someone about it, at some point, because he can’t stand the unusual jealousy he feels stirring at the idea of one of his friends looking at you while you’re wearing that.
His thoughts are cut short when his mother tells you two to get acquainted, while your dad and her head to the kitchen to prepare dinner. Jean almost doesn’t want them to leave, doesn’t want to be left alone with you and those legs and that dress, but he doesn’t have any say in the matter.
Your first words to your new step-brother are carefully calculated. In fact, you've been deciding everything carefully. The way you did your hair, the dress you’ve chosen that’s much too short for a family dinner but it’s not like someone can stop you, even the pink lip gloss you reapplied in the car before entering the house. Everything has its purpose, its place, with one goal in mind: see how long it takes for Jean to crack.
“I’m so excited to finally have a big brother, Jean!” you let out in a cheerful, chirpy voice that doesn’t match your insidious thoughts at all. You close the bridge separating you two with a few steps, wrapping your arms around his neck and pulling him down into a hug.
It’s so sudden, so unforeseen that he stumbles a little, letting his tall figure be pulled by your efforts and arms wrapping around your waist for support. And before he knows it, the sweet smell of your perfume is invading all his senses and leaving him with nothing to think about except you.
He takes it all in, the lingering scent of shampoo in your hair, something fruity, he thinks off-hand, the feel of your soft skin on the back of his neck, your cheek against his, but especially the way your breasts feel against his chest.
He pulls away before you want him to, and you begrudgingly allow him to, recognizing what a challenge it’ll be. But you’re always up for a challenge.
The first few months pass by in the blink of an eye for you, and dragging on and on for him. Jean tries to avoid interactions with you since that first meeting, but it’s hard to when you’re living in the same house as him. Even harder when your bedroom is right next to his, his mother offering up his assistance to help you move boxes and get settled while she and her new husband go out to dinner.
It’s ridiculous, the way he flushes bright red when he opens boxes and suitcases filled with clothing he doesn’t want to look at, all short skirts and sun-dresses and delicate panties that he tries and fails not to stare at.
You keep your gaze away, knowing exactly which suitcase you had given him to unpack, while you organize books on the shelves of the room and sort knick-knacks.
“Won’t it be nice sharing a wall?” you comment, adjusting a frame on your nightstand and not meeting Jean’s eyes. “I think it’ll be fun to have you so close.”
Jean chokes on the water he was drinking, gasping for air and trying to process your words all at once, when you finally turn around and smile. A smile that he thinks should be illegal, given the way it’s innocence personified when you’re actually a little devil.
He leaves a little bit after that, calling out that he’s not hungry when you knock on his door for dinner, but you don’t miss the way he sounds breathless, or the panties missing from your drawers.
Every challenge gets easier, right?
It doesn’t take long for your behavior to get a little out of hand, especially when the two of you have so much alone time together. Your parents are gone all the time, frequenting dinner parties and double dates, and not coming back until late at night.
Jean tries his best to keep away. While he had once been the friend whose house was always available for sleepovers, movie nights, and the like, he was now keeping everyone away. Every time your parents’ car left the driveway, Jean followed suit, either hopping into Connie’s Jeep or walking the short distance to Sasha’s place and leaving you alone.
He was hoping no one would notice, but of course someone did, and of course that someone was Eren.
“We can’t do my place again,” Sasha says, absentmindedly reaching for the bag of chips which Connie yanks out of her reach. “My dad’s having people over.” A swat to the back of Connie’s head gets her back the snack quickly.
“How come we can’t do Jean’s place like usual?” Eren asks, reclining back in his seat and enjoying the panicked expression on Jean’s face. “There something wrong with that new sister of yours?” Jean chokes back a cough.
“Does she always have friends over, or something?”
“Then it’s settled,” Eren says, bringing his hands together. “Jean’s place it is.” Shit, Jean. Better come up with something quick.
“We- we can’t do my place!” he sputters out much too loudly, meeting the gaze of every person in the room.
“Any reason why, Jean-bo?” Eren asks.
“I- we- what if she’s not okay with having a bunch of loud-mouthed idiots sleeping over?” Shitty, but it’s the best he can think of when he’s so concerned with keeping everyone away from you.
If you behave like that with parents in the house, how are you gonna behave with his friends around? He doesn’t wanna take the chance to find out.
“How about you call and ask, dumb-ass?” Connie suggests, shoving his phone at him and waiting with a confused look. Jean lets out a defeated sigh, knowing how this phone call will go.
Your loud, chirpy “I’m perfectly fine with that, silly! I’ve been waiting to meet your friends..” can be heard through the phone and answers Eren’s question.
Jean searches for a reason, any reason really, to keep this sleepover from happening, but realizes that he’s failed miserably when all his friends appear, clad with pillows and overnight bags, on his front door. “So,” Eren begins, with a wolfish grin on his face that Jean wants to punch right off, “Where’s the sister? It’s only polite to say hi, right?”
As if you’d been waiting for the cue, you poke your head out from the living room, that very same innocent and sweet smile gracing your face.
“Hi,” you, stepping out to greet his friends in the foyer. “It’s so nice to meet you all.”
Jean immediately regrets the fact that he never had that conversation with you about the length of your dresses. It always sat in the back of his head somewhere, though it was incredibly easy to dismiss when you would come sit next to him on the couch, dress riding up frequently and exposing more skin that he somehow always found himself entranced by.
Today the dress of choice is yellow, and though it does, in fact, cover everything it needs to, it doesn’t leave much to the imagination either. Jean almost feels like a schoolboy again, blushing at exposed shoulders and thighs, but he can’t help it when you’re clinging right to his side as you greet his friends.
“I’m Eren-”
“Hi, I’m Connie-”
“Ignore these two, I’m Sasha-” All meet each other at once. You let out a laugh at your step-brother’s funny friends, glancing up to see his expression, but all you see are signs of anger. Your smile dims a little, but picks right back at up when you notice the way Eren looks at you, and the way Jean looks at Eren.
A plan is working itself into creation in your head before you can help it, deviousness taking a hold on you as you smile brightly in favor of Eren over Jean. Your step-brother’s been keeping his distance all this time, but you’re about ready to force his hand.
You don’t miss the way Jean’s jaw tightens, his hand clenching into a fist at his side as he guides the group to the living room. Your original plan changes quickly, following them into the space and taking your usual place on the couch as you scan the various video games laid out.
“Eren, will you sit with me?” you ask in a gentle tone, one that Jean is all too familiar with. “I don’t know this game, can I watch you play first?”
“Don’t you have work to do, or something?” Jean blurts out without thinking, his only thought centered around getting you out of the room and as far away as he can.
“What work? It’s summer,” you reply, watching your step-brother’s cheeks turn red.
You’re not helping matters for Jean, as he watches Eren sit where he usually does, teeth clenched so hard his jaw hurts. He doesn’t think he could get more angry, until he notices Eren’s hand move to your knee, squeezing quickly but lingering entirely too long. There must be steam coming out of Jean’s ears at this point, watching this interaction between you two.
“Yeah, Jean, she can stick around to watch. Anything for your little sister, right?” “I’m not that much younger than you guys, you know,” you reply with a laugh, adjusting your position on the sofa and purposefully lifting the skirt of your dress for a second before letting it settle. If someone were looking, which both Jean and Eren were, they’d catch a glimpse of black panties, and they both did.
Jean is seeing red now, standing up without realizing why, ready to yank Yeager away from you, when the doorbell rings again. It stops Jean in his tracks. “That must be Marco,” Sasha reminds, looking up from the games to glance at Jean with confusion. “Aren’t you gonna go get that?”
“Y-yeah. I’ll be right back.” Jean locks eyes with you as he leaves the room, and you dejectedly sigh, leaning away from Eren. It’s no fun to mess around with another guy if Jean’s not there to see.
He guides Marco into the living room, and you greet him with a quick smile before giving your full attention back to Eren.
The next few hours are fun for you, and unbearable for Jean. Every time he spared a glance to you, you were pouring over Eren, asking questions about the game and insisting on clarification, leaning in much too close and supporting yourself on his shoulder as he explained another trivial rule to you.
Jean didn’t like any of it, not the way you laughed sweetly and played with your hair while talking to Eren, not the way your legs were on display and Eren’s sleazy hands kept finding its way back to them, none of it. What he couldn’t stand, though, was how you didn’t shy away from his touch and found any and every way to keep it going.
He’s at his limit when you go to your bedroom after dinner to change into pajamas, knowing what to expect from your nightwear. If he’s lucky, you’ll pick a big t-shirt and shorts, but he’s seen first-hand the silky slips and cotton sets you prefer to sleep in.
Jean doesn’t think he can handle the look on Eren’s face if you come down the stairs wearing one of those, so he lets his anger do the thinking for a minute when the others are fighting over snacks and who gets the couch versus the floor.
Eren’s waiting near the bottom of the stairs, looking at something on his phone when Jean approaches and glances quickly to make sure you’re still in your room.
“You better knock it off, Yeager, I’m serious,” he says, trying to contain his anger and keep his voice down. His words come out in a low grumble that he barely recognizes, body stiff and trying his best to intimidate Eren. It doesn’t seem to be working. “Knock off what?” Eren questions nonchalantly, amused that his suspicions were proving to be correct. Looks like Jean had a little thing for his step-sister after all.
Jean’s eyes unwittingly flit to the top of the stairs again, before he forces his gaze back to Eren, but the quick gesture isn’t missed by his so-called friend.
“Oh, I see. You want me to stop being so buddy-buddy with your step-sister, huh? You better tell that to her first, you know. She’s been all over me since the minute I met her.”
The sly smirk playing on his lips only makes Jean want to cave his face in all the more.
“You better watch it, you son of a-” Eren clicks his tongue to interrupt Jean.
“Come on now, Jean, you can’t really expect me to stop. I mean, it’s not like she’s my sister, right?” Eren says, with a strange look in his eyes as though he was tempting Jean to blow his cover.
Eren walks away to rejoin everyone in the living room, leaving Jean seething by the stairs and you in your bedroom, pressed against the door and clinging onto every word.
All night you had known Jean was getting agitated by your constant flirting and touchiness with Eren, but he hadn’t been close to cracking, or so it seemed. The fact that he even confronted Eren had your heart pounding in your chest, wondering if tonight might finally be the chance you had been waiting for. You hear Jean’s heavy foot steps walk away, and you decide that it’s all or nothing, now.
You leave your room and close the door gently, dressed in a pink camisole and shorts that were sure to get Eren’s attention for long enough for Jean to finally crack.
Just as you began the descent down the stairs, you heard footsteps coming back and were greeted with Jean at the foot of the stairs.
The look in his eyes was something you hadn’t seen before, something entirely different from the reserved, hesitant Jean you had gotten so used to.
No, this Jean was someone else, a mix of want and desire and shame pooling in his pretty eyes, looking at you as though you were the prey he had finally cornered.
Before you know it, Jean is in your bedroom and your back is pressed against the door roughly as his lips stay on yours and refuse to pull away. His tongue is hot in your mouth, and his hands feel as though they’re burning your skin with the heat they are radiating, groping your ass and the soft skin of your back as he explores your body. All the things he’d wanted to do for these last few months, that he’d forced himself to repress, finally coming out.
You moan into Jean’s mouth at the sudden feel of his hands on your tits, grabbing blindly and pinching your nipple roughly and suddenly, causing the moan to turn into a loud squeal. Jean clasps his free hand over your mouth.
“Shh, now,” he begins, staring into your eyes and making your core heat up uncomfortably as you realize your little challenge was finally over. You feel the wetness between your legs growing, pussy throbbing just at seeing Jean be so dominant for once. “We don't want anyone to hear, do we?”
You shake your head quickly to answer his question, having completely forgotten about the multiple guests just a floor away. You expect Jean to pull away, to tell you that he’ll take care of you after they’re all gone, some other time, but he doesn’t.
He pulls his hand away and leads two fingers to your mouth, guiding them into your willing mouth, latching your lips around them and sucking while swirling your tongue, getting them wet as he wanted.
“You know how long I’ve wanted this? Huh? Since the day I met you, that’s how long. And you’re such a fucking tease all the time, you know how unbearable it's been?” Jean says in a deep voice, his eyes observing your mouth continuing its work. You moan around his fingers, wanting to speak but no words come out.
He pulls his fingers away and leads them straight to your throbbing pussy, running one up and down your slit teasingly as you hold back a loud moan.
“P-please, Jean, please do something, I- oh!” Jean shoves the two digits into your tight hole without any warning at all, causing your whole body to shake at the sudden fullness.
“This is what you wanted, isn’t it, you dirty slut? You wanted your big brother to get fed up and fuck you senseless, didn’t you? Say it,” he orders, fingers pumping in and out and his hand grazing your clit with every motion, causing you to moan as your body tenses. You can hardly process his words because of the pleasure you’re feeling, but his other hand finding your throat brings you back quickly.
“Say it. I won’t ask again.”
“Y-yes, Jean, I-I wanted big brother to fuck me, oh, yes-” You lose your thoughts again as his pace increases, making you squeal again before you clamp your mouth shut to make sure no one hears you. Your stomach is tensing and you know you’re so, so close, one more touch from Jean would have your orgasm washing over you like lightening spreading through your body, when he suddenly stops.
You gasp loudly at the sudden emptiness, feeling your orgasm dissipate as you buck up and clamp down against nothing at all. Jean’s fingers are in his mouth, tasting your wetness as you try to catch your breath and protest against the way he’s teasing you, but your pleas are met by deaf ears.
“Jean,” you moan desperately, clinging to his shoulders, “please, please, let me cum, please-”
“No. Filthy sluts that mess around with their big brother’s friends don’t get to cum,” he says gruffly, as you whine again and try to release yourself from his tight grip. It’s useless since he has you caged in, firm hands on your waist dragging you to the bed and throwing you on top of the soft covers.
“Please, I promise I’ll be a good girl,” you plead, using your sweetest voice and big. teary eyes to win Jean over, but it’s still useless.
“I said no,” he repeats, hovering over you and his hands finding their way to the bottom of your camisole. He pulls the skimpy top off of you quickly, revealing your tits. Your nipples harden at the sudden cool air, and Jean’s fingers find them once again, pinching and teasing as you moan into your pillow, desperately bucking your hips up for contact between your legs, to no avail. His hot mouth finds your nipple, flicking with his tongue as his hand plays with the other, before he pulls away quickly.
You whine again at the loss of stimulation, before you see Jean pulling down the band of his grey sweatpants and leaning back against the headboard.
“Prove to me that you deserve big brother’s cock,” he says, revealing his hard dick as it snaps against his stomach. “With your mouth. Now.”
You don’t need to be told twice. You reposition yourself, ass in the air and head at Jean’s crotch as you stare at his pretty, pink cock with wide eyes. You’d expected him to be big, but not like this, though you don’t have time to dwell on it as he grips it firmly and taps the angry, pink tip against your lips.
You hang your tongue out, spit collecting and falling all over his length before you finally take as much as you can into your mouth, sucking and swirling as your hands move up and down the rest that you can’t take.
“Just like that-” Jean begins before breaking into a loud moan. You pop him out of your mouth and keep stroking with your hands as you whisper for him to shush.
“What happened to being quiet, and everyone downstairs will hear, and-” You’re interrupted as Jean grips his cock and shoves it back into your mouth, gagging suddenly at the unexpected movement.
Jean stares at your obedient mouth, following his instructions without any sign of the brat he was so used to. As you cup his balls in your hand, he feels them tighten and knows he’s not gonna last much longer like this. He guides your head away from his cock, admiring the drool and spit on your face and the glassy eyes he’s longed to see.
“Jean, I wanna-”
“I don’t care what you want, sweetheart,” he says, a false sweetness in his voice that’s making you feel dizzy. “You’re gonna ride me now, you got that?”
Jean’s hands are firmly set on your hips, positioning you just as he wants as you hover above his leaking cock. You grind down quickly, desperate for friction on your throbbing clit, before Jean stops your motions with the tight grip he has on you. “Are you gonna make me repeat myself?” he questions, in a tone that makes you positive that you don't want to make him angry. You shake your head immediately, taking his dick in your hand and lining it up with your wet hole, before slowly sinking down.
“Oh, god-!” you let out, before clasping a hand over your mouth. You had never felt quite so full before, the stretching burn making heat course through your whole body, as you bottom out and clench hard. “Come on, baby, you know how long you’ve been begging for this? Don’t get shy on me now,” Jean says, and you regain your senses slowly. You start moving, up and down, just like he wants and speeding up as you feel your cunt gush against Jean.
You’re sure to be making a mess, but you can hardly care when your brain feels so cloudy and distracted at how good Jean feels inside you, and you start the grinding movement again. Jean entertains you for a minute, before grabbing your hips even tighter, nearly at a bruising grip now, and snapping his own hips to thrust into you.
You’re blabbering now, utterly senseless as Jean fucks you mercilessly. You know you’re being loud, but you just don’t care, not when Jean is hitting that one spot inside you that has you seeing stars before you know it, your hands on his shoulders and holding on for life.
“Are you close, baby? Are you gonna cum all over your brother’s big cock?” Jean teases, feeling you clench down harder and knowing he won’t be able to hold on much longer either. “Yes, yes, yes! Jean! Oh, Jean-” you finally feel the tight coil in your stomach snap, unaware of your own movements and surroundings as you focus on the pleasure Jean’s giving you. You yell out, cumming so intensely and shaking on top of Jean, twitching once more when you hear Jean groan and feel hot ropes of cum inside you.
Your throat feels dry and scratchy, heart pounding as you come down from your high. You feel Jean’s grip, much softer now, lead you off of his cock and lay you next to him on the bed. It’s a mess, and you don’t know how you’ll clean up with everyone downstairs and surely they’ve noticed you’re both still gone-but you still don’t care.
All you care about is the sound of Jean’s heart beat from your position on his chest, and the way his hands feel on your skin as he holds you close to his warm body.
“So,” he starts off quietly, “was it how you’ve been imagining it all this time?” You’re not looking at him, but you know he’s smiling.
“Mmh,” you hum contentedly, “even better.” You feel his body rumble with a laugh, and his hand reaches to cup your face and lean into you for a kiss. Just as your lips meet, you hear a sharp knock at the door.
“Might wanna hurry up, you two,” Eren calls out from the other side of the door. “The others are getting suspicious.”
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peakyblindersxx · 3 years
Hello!! Do you think you could write something John Shelby where his gf is very shy and innocent (like the complete opposite of him) like John was her first everything and after a while she asks John to be more rough with her in bed?? Like more dominant and aggressive?? Hope that made sense, thank you !!!
a\n: hey babe! ty soo much for requesting this cause i liked it so much i had to make an entire fic about it. i’m a sinner.  hope you enjoy!!
tagging my bestie @stxdyblr-2k ik you’ve been waiting love u !!
love, abi xxx
desperate - john shelby x reader 
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warnings: nsfw!!! degradation, praise kink, power play, john being sexy as fuck
John Shelby was a sight to behold in bed. From the moment he had taken your virginity, slow and sweet in your best friend Ada Shelby’s guest room, John’s touch was slow and torturous, fingertips searing into your skin as he was soft and slow with you, making you come with his mouth and hands before even attempting to broach the subject of his cock inside you. You were already his, his pink lips a welcome relief as he lapped at your cunt, obscene sounds echoing off the walls. The two of you were tipsy, the rest of the party obscenely dancing to music playing from the gramophone downstairs. John had always been irresistible to you, but you were his younger sister’s innocent friend, whom you thought he never noticed. He was surprised that you even showed up to the party hanging off Ada’s arm, clad in a light pink silk dress that clung to your curves in a way that made his mouth water. He had watched you make your way through the party, downing whatever drink Ada passed your way. Finally, he got drunk enough to make his way over to you, your eyes sparkling as they met his, gin and tonic sloshing in the glass in your hand. The two of you fell into conversation, John’s fingertips grazing your bare back, causing goosebumps to prickle on your skin.
“Having fun?” John’s lips brushed against your ear as the two of you stood at the edge of the party, at the entrance to a hallway leading to a few spare rooms. You shivered at the contact, alcohol pumping through your veins, giving you the courage to be blunt. “It’d be better if you kissed me,” you smiled shyly, looking up at John through your eyelashes. John’s lips met yours, backing you up slowly against the wall as he kissed you gently, teeth tugging at your bottom lip for access. You let him in, like you’d dreamed of so many times before, kissing him back with fervor, letting out a soft whimper. John groaned, abruptly removing his lips from yours before tugging you into the nearest empty bedroom. He shut the door quickly, lifting you up with his hands on your ass as he connected his lips with yours again, setting you down on the bed before looking down at you with dilated pupils. 
“John, there’s something I need to tell you,” you murmured, looking down at the blanket on the bed. 
“What’s that, sweetheart?” John asked, peppering kisses on your collarbone. 
“I’m-I’m a virgin,” you blurted out, a blush spreading across your cheeks. 
John stopped and locked his blue eyes with yours. “You don’t need to be embarrassed about that, darling. It’s just.. Are you sure you want to do this? With me?”
You nodded, looking up at John under hooded eyes. “Yes.”
John wasted no time in covering your body with his, kissing you harder than before. And now, here you were, back arching into John’s face as he continued rubbing circles into your clit while he devoured you. You weren’t even conscious of the noises leaving your mouth as you came all over John’s face, eyes rolling back into your head as you reached your climax. John groaned into your cunt as he watched you come, continuing his ministrations through your orgasm, causing your legs to shake. John finally stopped, chuckling as he wiped his mouth on the back of his hand. 
“So fucking pretty when you come.”
You blushed, as John made little work of the rest of your clothes. He spent the next hour showing you just how hard he could make you come, and you couldn’t help but let him. He was headache inducing, in all the right ways. From then on, he’d always find ways to get you alone, from in his office, in his car, in various hotels, to even in the goddamn movie theater once. You’d be lying if you said you didn’t love it, the way he took his time with you, and always paid attention to how your body reacted. However, you knew there was more to John Shelby than the sweetness that he showed you. You had overheard many heated phone calls; heard the rumors spread about his reputation. You found yourself longing for more. You wanted to see the dark side of John, wanted him to use you to his satisfaction.
You could hear John swearing into the telephone before you even opened his office door, the air thick with the tension of the day. You quietly slipped in, not wanting to interrupt. John stood at his desk, eyes trained on the papers spread across it as he snapped into the receiver, shooting his whiskey between sentences. His shoulders were clenched underneath his dark grey suit, making you want to run your hands across the taught muscles in an attempt to help him relax. Profanities spewed from his soft lips as he argued with whoever was on the other line, running a hand through his neatly combed hair. 
“I gave you a deadline, yeah? Now, you need to fucking deliver!” John slammed the phone down, exhaling as his eyes found you. A small smile replaced the frown that had previously occupied his mouth. 
“God, you’re a fucking sight for sore eyes,” John exhaled. 
“Could say the same.” You smiled up at him, walking behind his desk and kissing him, breathing in the intoxicating smell of his cologne. John picked you up and sat you on the desk, deepening the kiss. Before he could continue, you freed your lips from him. John furrowed his brow in confusion, but before he could say anything, you spoke.
“I need to ask you something.”
“What’s goin’ on, darlin’?” John looked slightly concerned, his blue eyes trained on yours.
You steadied your breath. “I was wondering if… you know…. you could be, um, rough with me?”
John let out a sigh, dropping his head slightly before bringing it back up to meet yours, the light of the fireplace reflected off of his eyes. his arms on either sides of you. “Fucking christ, sweetheart. Never thought I’d hear those words come out of that sweet little mouth, hm?” John grinned at you as you ducked your head in embarrassment. 
John lifted your chin so your eyes met his again. “I’ll do it, but only if you promise to tell me if it’s too much. You say stop, and I’ll stop, yeah?”
“I promise,” You replied, blushing slightly.
John smiled at you before pressing kisses down your neck, causing goosebumps to prickle. “Pretty little thing like you, wanting me to treat you like a whore, eh?” 
You shivered at his words, and John took note, letting out a low chuckle. “Look at you, getting all riled up. Barely even touched you yet sweetheart.”
“John,” you whined, and his eyes darkened. 
“Don’t be a fucking brat.” John’s harsh tone went straight to your core as he continued pressing sloppy kisses to your collarbone. You fucking wanted it, and he knew it. Your back arched into John at the mere touch of his hands and mouth. You were already so far gone, it was ridiculous.
“John, please,” you whimpered, looking up at him through heavy lidded eyes, cheeks flushed. This was the look he couldn’t resist, and some part of you knew it. 
“Don’t worry, sweetheart, I’m gonna take care of you,” John crooned, his fingers finding their way to your sopping wet core. “Jesus, Y/N, you that wet for me already? Been thinking about my cock all day, huh?”
You couldn’t do anything but nod, moaning at John’s fingertips curling against the spot that made your head spin. John chuckled darkly. “Pretty little girl, couldn’t even wait for me to get home, hm? Had to come see me so I could give you what you need.”
“Fuck,” you moaned, and John’s eyes darkened as he reached a hand up to grip your throat, making your breath hitch. 
“Watch your language, princess. Don’t wanna have to make me punish you.” John rumbled, rubbing his thumb in circles around your clit as you squirmed, nodding with flushed cheeks as you looked up at him. 
“Yes, sir,” you gasped between whimpers, as John wasted no time connecting your lips roughly. He flipped you over, shoving your skirt over the curve of your ass before entering you, groaning at the feeling of your wet heat practically sucking him in as he grabbed a handful of your hair, pulling your upper half off the desk as he fucked into you at an infuriatingly slow pace. 
“You don’t even care that I’ve got you bent over the desk like a whore, huh? You that desperate for me, sweetheart?” John grunted, savoring the feeling of his cock sliding in and out of you slowly. The only speech you could manage other than a fevered nod was almost a cry, and you almost could feel John grin at the state you were in. 
“Please, sir,” you managed to blurt out, aching for more from him. 
“Please, what?” John mocked, but it went straight to your lower abdomen. It was like he already knew which buttons to press to get you as riled up as possible. If you were screwed before, you were definitely fucked now. Quite literally.
“Please fuck me harder, sir,” you moaned, attempting to fuck yourself back onto him. John grinned at the sight of how eager you were for him; how willing you were to take whatever he gave you.
“Should’ve fucked you like this sooner, huh? Knew you loved my cock, but fucking ‘ell, darling,” John crooned, watching you cry out and grab for the top of the desk for leverage as he pounded into you, savoring the whimpers that fell out of your mouth. 
“I’m gonna-” you couldn’t even finish your sentence as John quickened his pace, his hand toying with your clit. 
“You gonna come all over my cock, pretty girl?” John growled as he slammed into you roughly, fingertips bruising at your hips. Your eyes rolled into the back of your head as you came as hard as you had ever in your life, body going limp as John chased your orgasm with his, grunting as he released into your pulsing cunt, stickiness dripping down the back of your thighs. 
“Fuck,” John groaned as he took his cock out of you. He reached into a drawer and produced a dry towel,  cleaning you up and pressing kisses to the curve of your back as you laid there panting, seeing stars. 
“You alright, love?” John questioned, pushing your hair behind your ear and planting a kiss to your forehead. 
You nodded, smiling up at him before he pulled you into his arms for a kiss. 
“Let me take you home and make you dinner, hmm?” John queried, pressing kisses to your hair. 
“Yeah, I’d like that,” you murmured into John’s neck, sleepy yet satisfied. 
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etheriaaly · 3 years
Just The Two Of Us [C! Tommyinnit x GN! Reader]
FLUFF TO ANGST (PLATONIC)  WARNINGS: Mentions of suicide, suicidal thoughts, character death, cursing
Reader pronouns: They/them 
A/N: Hi, this is my first DSMP fanfic so uhh I hope u enjoy lmao. There might be grammatical errors so pls do not mind it :D
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[Y/N] already lost count of all the pranks and chaos they made with Tommy. They didn't like causing havoc or pulling pranks on people but if Tommy asked them to tag along, they would. Tommy is their best friend after all. Plus, where's the fun in life without a little risk?
[Y/N] was just at their Cottage house, peacefully making the potions that Quackity ordered just hours ago. Since [Y/N] is a skilled witch, it was no shock when they owned a Potions business. Everyone in the SMP server knows about this and they usually come and buy their potions. 
They were about to finish the last set of potions that Quackity ordered until they ran out of ingredients. "Dammit." [Y/N] muttered under their breath. They turned around and immediately went to find if they have any stock ingredients in their barrels or chests.
When they saw no stock ingredients, [Y/N] sighed and decided to do some last minute ingredients grinding. It was until they opened the door and saw Tommy standing in front of their house door.
[Y/N] knew that his presence is no good because that motherfucker is grinning ear to ear. They playfully groaned and asked, "What is it this time child?"
"Hey, I told you not to call me a child anymore!" Tommy suddenly protested, feeling insulted but went back to his sly grin and said, "Let's prank Skeppy and Bad." 
"That's a horrible idea." 
"Come on, bitch. It'll be fun." 
And they did come with Tommy. A couple hours had passed and [Y/N] had already forgotten about the ingredients they were gonna get for Quackity's potions. Tommy said that Big Q's order can wait but the prank can't. 
It wasn't long after Bad and Skeppy saw the two teenagers doing their little harmless prank on them. 
[Y/N] caught sight of the two and immediately tugged on Tommy's shirt. "Fuck, Tommy we gotta go." 
Tommy, unfazed and still focused on the prank, said, "Just a little longer." 
[Y/N] nudged Tommy's side using her elbows as the two teenagers can now hear Skeppy and Bad's incoherent yelling drawing closer and closer to them. 
"RUN!" [Y/N] yelled as they both left the things they used to try to prank BBH and Skeppy. 
The two let out a laugh as they ran away. Tommy constantly turned his head back to see if Skeppy and Bad are still after them. 
[Y/N] and Tommy continued to run even though Bad and Skeppy stopped coming after them. It wasn't until the two teenagers finally stopped running so that they could catch their breath. 
"What now?" [Y/N] gasped, who is still out of breath from both running and laughing at the same time. They looked at Tommy. 
Tommy grinned again and then grabbed their arm, "I have something pog to show you." 
[Y/N] didn't question Tommy and just let him drag them to a mountain. 
Once they have reached the destination, [Y/N] let out a 'wow'. The view is breathtaking and it is very peaceful. The mountain isn't that very far from the SMP but it looks like very few have come across this part. 
"So, what do you think?" Tommy asked, looking at the view. The view consists of the calming ocean waves and a peaceful sunsetting with birds passing by. 
[Y/N] turned to Tommy and smiled, "This could be our secret spot." They slowly walked towards the edge of the mountain cliff but were immediately stopped by Tommy. 
"Oh, [Y/N] wait. Be careful, the edge of the cliff looks really faulty." Tommy warned. 
[Y/N] immediately stepped back a little and took note of what Tommy said. But, they were still curious and looked down at the edge of the cliff, only to see the water from below. 
If someone would fall from this cliff and took a heavy impact on the water, that person wouldn't survive due to how high the mountain cliff is. 
[Y/N] then proposed, "You know, when things are stressful and stuff. We can just go here, sit in silence and look at the view as the wind or the waves takes away our problems for a while." 
"Just the two of us." The blonde haired lad said and then they both stood in silence, admiring the view and beauty of the server. 
Oh, if only you could turn back in time and relive this memory. If only things are still the same the way it was before. 
It's been so long since [Y/N] had fun and peace. Probably so many months since Tommy first showed them their secret mountain hangout area. 
[Y/N] currently stood still, gazing at the view that was once calm and peaceful but was now replaced with sounds of flying TNTs, fireworks and screams from the background.
They were in no state of mind as of the moment. They don't even know what to do anymore. A lot has changed ever since the wars, the exilation of Tommy. 
[Y/N] sniffed, wiping their tears using their now mangy sleeves caused by the current chaotic event. They continued to stare at the ocean, a potion of poison glistening in their hands. 
[Y/N] looked at the Potion of Poison that they were holding and pondered whether to drink it or not. 
Maybe it's best to end it once and for all. They don't have anywhere to go anyways. They don't have any friends or family to turn back to since everyone is against them or thought badly of them now. 
[Y/N] can't even go back to L’manberg as well since they're now a wanted criminal for breaking the laws and escaping from their house since they're supposed to be on house arrest for the crimes they didn't even do. 
They opened the cork of the potion, but they didn't drink it yet. They let their mind wander for a while and process everything that has happened. 
Maybe Dream was right. Maybe the people they loved never even cared for them at all. Maybe it was all just a lie. Maybe—
"[Y/N]." A familiar voice that they haven't heard in a while. 
It was windy. The cool breeze of air touched their skins. But along with the wind, there are particles of TNT or fireworks dusts. 
The [H/C] haired person turned around and saw their best friend for the first time in months. 
"Tommy." [Y/N] replied. Their voice were hoarse and dry. "What are you- What are you doing here?" 
"I could ask you the same thing." Tommy glared at them.
[Y/N] quietly groaned, closed their eyes for a while and pinched their nose bridge, still holding the potion on their other hand. "So, you believe all that shit?"
"Enough for me to believe the fact you tried to murder Tubbo, burn my invites and team up with Dream." 
Tommy added, "Maybe they were right about you. You're Dream's sibling after all." 
[Y/N] scoffed and threw their available hand around the air, "He may be my sibling, but we are never alike." 
"Why, [Y/N]? Why did you do it?" Tommy asked, hands gripping tighter on his sword. "Did Dream finally get into your head for you to commit these crimes? Or did you just do it because it's in your blood?" 
"You don't know a thing that happened," [Y/N] harshly spit back, completely trying to avoid the topic of Dream. "Of course you don't. You were exiled."
Tommy never understood why. Why had they turned like this? He felt rage and betrayal. During his exiled time, Tommy thought that they were gonna be that one person who would try to find him. Comfort him or even send him secret coded messages. But no, he received nothing. 
It hurts. Hurts like hell to know your best friend turned their back on everyone. A best friend that he has known for years. A part of him wants to believe they didn't do it but the proofs are enough for him to believe it was really them. 
"Well, you really can't blame me can you? You can only blame yourself," [Y/N] said. "This all started because of you and your stupid discs. All you ever care about is the FUCKING DISCS. Wars started, lives were lost, relationships were destroyed, all just because of those discs." 
They had never done this before. This was their first time just being angry and shouting at each other. Although this might be new to each other, it was obvious that they have been bottling up their emotions way too long. 
"You know what?! Things would be so much better if only you didn't exist." Tommy instantly regretted what he said as soon as he saw a potion glisten from [Y/N]'s hands. 
He may not be an expert but he knew well enough of the potions due to him hanging out too much with them before. "What are you doing?" Tommy immediately asked. "Is that a potion of poison?" 
"Nothing for you to care about." [Y/N] turned back towards the cliff and stared at the view once again. 
"Just the two of us again here, huh?" They said as they pulled the potion towards their mouth, just inches away from the lips now until Tommy hurriedly ran towards [Y/N] and tackled them. 
"What are you, an idiot?!" Tommy scolded as they both fought each other while trying not to fall from the cliff. He tried to pull the potion of poison away but it was hard since they kept gripping on it. 
It wasn't until Tommy was finally able to remove the potion from [Y/N]'s grasps. He threw the potion far away as it got smashed on the ground. 
The two of them were too busy fighting over the potion to notice that one of them is now standing on the faulty edge of the cliff. 
[Y/N] was on the edge of the cliff and accidentally backed away from Tommy, thinking there was still space. A loud shriek came out of their mouth.
Tommy immediately ran towards the edge, scrambled on his feet and looked down. Luckily, [Y/N] was able to hold onto the edge but their hands are shaky and tired from all the things that just happened. 
"I got you, I got you." Tommy frantically muttered, his breath increasing as to not knowing what will happen next. 
[Y/N] grip is slowly failing. Once their hands slipped, Tommy instantly grabbed their hands and tried to pull them back up. But, he too was tired from everything that has been happening. 
He tried to pull them up again but it was no use. Stress was adding up even more the moment they both felt the edge of the cliff shaking once more. 
Tommy can't do it anymore. So, he let out all the tears he's been trying to fight back. 
"It's gonna be okay, Tommy. Let me go." 
The blonde haired teen's eyes widened at [Y/N]'s statement. He can't do it. He can't bear to lose another loved one in his life. 
"I can't lose you too, [N/N]." Tommy croaked. 
The two might've fought just minutes ago but this is now a life and death situation. Problems and angst aside, they still care for each other. 
"You already did." Tommy's eyes widened in confusion and sadness. [Y/N] forced their hand to slip from his as Tommy tried to tighten it even more. [Y/N] had a few energies remaining, so they used it to push themselves off the cliff with their foot, making Tommy let go. 
For Tommy, everything is going so fast that his mind almost stopped working. 
But everything was in slow motion for [Y/N]. The fresh wind was so refreshing, almost making them forget what is currently happening to them. 
They closed their eyes, not wanting to see anymore reactions from Tommy. This is their end. This was meant to be. 
The moment [Y/N] chose to fall out from Tommy's grip, the blonde panicked and set aside all items he had with him. Without thinking properly, he lunged himself off the cliff. The only goal he had in mind was to save [Y/N] before it's too late. 
But he was, indeed, late. 
Everyone's communicator beeped. They all took at least some time to look at what the message could be on the communicator. As soon as everyone read the 2 words, their jaws dropped. 
[Y/N] drowned. 
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I posted 2,754 times in 2021
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#akagami no shanks x reader - 97 posts
#shanks x reader - 94 posts
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My Top Posts in 2021
Imagine starting a party tradition for the whitebeard pirates
On an uninhabited tropical island
Ace: *having a good time with his friends*
You: *sits near by and starts carving into a pineapple with a knife*
Ace: what are are you doing?
You: don't look you'll ruin the joke, give me a minute
Ace: okay then *goes back to chatting with one of his crew mates*
Ten minutes later
You: *imitating marco's voice* hey Ace, who am I-yoi? *Holds the pineapple carved in the likeness of Marco the phoenix in front of your face*
Ace: *chokes on his drink* holy shit (y/n)
You: watch your profanity yoi
Ace: *leans too far back in his chair as he laughs and falls*
You: *still holding the pineapple up, you lean over him* what is the matter Ace-yoi?
Ace: *still laughing* please stop! It hurts *holds his stomach to try and ease the pain*
You: do you need a doctor yoi?*tilts your head and the pineapple to the side*
Ace: *laughing but now in tears* I'm gonna kill you, please stop!
Marco: (y/n) what are you doing to Ace?
You: *not breaking character or lowering the pineapple you look at Marco* I think something is wrong with Ace yoi.
Thatch: *starts laughing* (y/n) you evil genius.
Marco: I don't sound like that
You: *turns to whitebeard* what do you think, pops yoi?
Whitebeard: *turns his head and snorts*
Marco: ha ha have you had your fun (y/n)?
You: *lowers the pineapple* yes
Marco: are you done?
You: yes *goes and carves the marco pineapple into a drink cup, fill it with juice, put a straw in it, and you give it to Ace*
Ace: *tears still running down his face* oh thanks, what I always wanted, a fruit Marco.
Thatch: can I have a fruit Marco, too?
You: sure *ends up carving everyone a marco fruit*
Next party
Whitebeard: (y/n) I'd like a marco pineapple again
You: on it pops *pops open your switch blade*
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381 notes • Posted 2021-05-03 19:01:20 GMT
Imagine Shanks deciding to let you join the crew after realizing you are quite funny
Massive Sea king: *raises itself out of the water and stares down at the red force
Shanks and Benn: *stunned silent*
You: oh what fresh fuckery is this
Shanks: *thinks that's the greatest thing he's heard all week and fully intends to incorporate it in his vernacular*
On the Moby dick with Shanks and, whitebeard and his crew.
Whitebeard and Shanks: *exchanging information and small talk over a cup of sake*
Teach: *talking shit about Shanks under his breath with his crew mates, but loud enough for everyone to hear* I bet his dick is a different shade that the rest of his skin.
Shanks and whitebeard: *hear him but elect to ignore it*
You: *overhears and loudly retorts* yeah, it's every shade of your mother's lipstick.
Shanks: *chokes on his drink* (y/n)!
Whitebeard: *has the sake come out his nose* garahrahrahrah you picked a feisty one
Shanks: I haven't decided on whether or not they can stay yet
Whitebeard: oh sure, if you don't want em I'll take em. They're perfect for keeping my boys on their toes.
Shanks: I didn't say I was willing to let them go.
Whitebeard: garahrahrahrah, I suppose that's fair.
sabaody archipelago at Shakky's bar
Some random lady: *whining about her husband*
You: *annoyed with her* will you shut the fuck up?
Some random lady: you obviously don't have a husband
You: yeah, that's why I'm gonna fuck your's now instead.
Benn: *looks over at Shanks* can we please keep them?
Shanks: *sighs* yeah
Benn: congratulations (y/n), you're officially a member of the red haired pirates
You: fuck yeah!
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384 notes • Posted 2021-06-14 19:02:21 GMT
Imagine learning Karl is very weak to signs of affection part 1
Karl: *has been working on some designs for hours*
You: *enters the room* Karl
Karl: I'm busy
You: I know darling, you skipped lunch so I thought I'd bring you some snacks and something to drink. *Puts a tray of food and a mason jar of water with a lid and a napkin*
Karl: why the mason jar?
You: it's the only container we have with a lid, I wanted to make sure your drink was in a container with a lid so it didn't spill and ruin your designs. *Puts your hands on his shoulder* please make sure to take a break and you stretch so you don't hurt yourself.
Karl: *blushing* alright.
You: dinner is at five thirty, see you then. *Gives him a kiss on his temple and leaves*
Karl: *pulls the brim of his hat over his face* they'll be the death of me.
That night
Karl: *returns to work after dinner*
You: *notices the factory has gotten pretty cold so you throw a blanket in the dryer and starts making hot cocoa*
Ten minutes later
You: *drapes the warm blanket around Karl's shoulders and puts a cup of cocoa next to him before leaving the room*
Karl: *didn't notice how cold he had gotten so he pulls the blankets tighter around himself* I've worked long enough *gets up and goes to the rooms you've made into living quarters to find you cleaning the kitchen and he stands behind you just watching you*
You: *turns around and jumps when you see him* sweet heart you scared me. Can I get you something?
Karl: I'm calling it a night, why don't you join me?
You: sure, give me a minute to wash my hands.
Karl: *flops down on the couch with his hot cocoa*
You: *wipes your hands* can I sit in your lap this time?
Karl: what?
You: can I sit in your lap to share the blanket?
Karl: *his voice cracks* sure *adjusts himself on the couch so you both can put you feet up*
You: *slides into his lap and takes ahold of one of his hands, pulls it into your lap, and begins to gentle massage lotion into it*
Karl: what are you doing?
You: you work with your hands all day, let me take care of them for you. Plus I like the way they feel in my hands. *Gives his knuckles a kiss*
Karl: *having an internal error 404*
You: Karl?... Karl, hey! ... Karl you still in there?....*straddles his lap and cups his chin in your hands to tilt his head back to get a closer look to see if he has a concussion*
Karl: I'm fine!!
You: oh that's a relief, I was worried there for a minute.
Karl: * grumbles* you worry too much
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459 notes • Posted 2021-06-05 19:00:55 GMT
Imagine Karl learning you speak German the hard way
Author's note: I took German in highschool and college so I'm rusty at German so I had to look up a few things. If they're not correct, sorry, send me the proper thing and I'll fix it.
Part 2
Edit: everything has been fixed, anything that's not right has most likely been left on purpose. Thank you for the fixes @sweetwizardheart
The first week of knowing Karl
Karl: I asked for the fucking Phillips head not the flat head! *Throws the screw driver across the room*
You: *yelps in surprise*
Karl: *grumbles* Du bist für nichts zu gebrauchen (you are useless)
You: I'm sorry, I'm still learning please be patient with me. *Gets the proper screw driver and puts the one he threw back in it's original spot*
A month later
You: I made sandwiches for lunch! *hands him his plate*
Karl: *takes a big bite* es ist lecker, mein Schatz (it's delicious, my treasure)
You: *stares at him for a second*
Karl: it's alright
You: oh wonderful
Three months later
You and Karl: *on the couch in front of a flaming trash can, cuddling for warmth*
Karl: *his arm around you, and his hand running up and down your arm* (y/n)
You: *looks up at him* yes?
Karl: ich liebe dich, Schöne (I love you, beautiful)
You: *genuinely surprised* what?
Karl: it's nothing forget I said anything
Six month later
You: *infinitely more comfortable with Karl* I take it you'll need the eight millimeter wrench?
Karl: *on a rolling board under a machine* no, the ten millimeter
You: *hands him the wrench but drops it*
Karl: Arschgeige! (Literally means ass violin, but it's a rude outdated way of saying someone is an asshole)
You: *slams your foot down on the rolling creeper, right between his thighs, his testicles practically on your toes, and you pull him out from under the machine* Pass auf, Junge. (Means "watch out, boy" but in this case it's used as a warning)
Karl: Du kannst Deutsch! (You can speak German)
You: die ganze zeit (the entire time) *pushes him back under the machine and leaves*
Karl: *scrambling to get out from under the machine* wait! Warte! Liebling komm zurück! (Wait, darling, come back!)
You: *already in the elevator*
Duke: *hears Karl running after you and is absolutely delighted by the drama* oh my, what's going on?
You: Karl's a dick *exits the elevator on the top floor*
Karl: *floats up on a gear* where is (y/n)?
Duke: what did you do, I don't think I've ever seen them this mad before
Karl: I've been speaking my mind out loud in German, and it turns out they speak it as well.
Duke: I can sell you a box of chocolates and a bottle of champagne for three thousand lei
Karl: *sighs and reaches for his wallet* make it three bottles, and do you have any condoms
Duke: getting a little a head of yourself, don't you think?
Karl: do you have em or not?
Duke: yes *gives him the goods* good luck Lord Heisenberg. It's best to just apologize for whatever you did
Karl: yeah yeah, thank you.
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469 notes • Posted 2021-06-25 19:02:50 GMT
Imagine the nickname the red haired pirates gave you making its way onto your wanted poster
Shank: welcome to the crew princess *ruffles your hair*
You: that's not my name
Shanks: too bad *sticks his tongue out at you*
During a fight
You: *is cornered by several marines*
Benn: hang on princess, I'm coming! *comes to your rescue* four men against one woman! You boys ought to be ashamed of yourself!
When you receive your first wanted poster
You: no! No!
Shanks: what's wrong
You: this is your fault
Shanks: what I do?
You: this! *Holds up your poster for him to see*
Shanks: *snorts* oh my god
You: shut up!
Benn: *just woke up from a nap* what's going on?
Shanks: our little princess got their first wanted poster?
Benn: oh, really what's your bounty?
Shanks: six hundred million berries
Benn: damn princess, for a first time bounty that's up there.
Shanks: but wait it gets better, get a load of this *holds the poster up for him to see*
Benn: *bursts out laughing* can we frame that?
Shanks: you bet your sweet bippy we will.
In a fight against the marines
Smoker: so you must be princess of the red haired pirates
You: *furious* that's not my name! It's a nickname they call me!
Smoker: excuse me?
You: my name isn't princess, if I tell you my name can you get the damn poster fixed? My captain and crew have been giving me hell about it.
Smoker: I can do that
A week later
You: *receives a new poster with your preferred name on it, goes to shanks and slaps it on the table in front of him* read it and weep
Shanks: *looks at the poster* no! They changed it!
You: Smoker kept his word, I stand by my opinion that he's one of the only reliable Marines.
Shanks: I'll get it changed back
A week later
Shanks: *had his meeting with the five elder celestial dragons*
You: *receives a new poster with the name princess on it again* Shanks! What did you do!
Shanks: I asked the five elders to change it back and not allow it to be changed again
You: why!
Shanks: because you're our princess
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480 notes • Posted 2021-06-27 19:02:26 GMT
Get your Tumblr 2021 Year in Review →
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butterflyyeo · 3 years
drunk in love
pairing - yeosang x fem reader
genre - fluff, angst (?)
tw - lots of alcohol consumption, swearing
wc - 10k
side ships - seongjoong, yungi
a/n -- was meant to be angst but turned into fluff... im trying my best to get better at writing angst aaaah. but please enjoy this for now <3 thanks for letting me tag you @iminchaosnow !!
------------------------------------------- you had known kang yeosang for nearly two years now. two, dreadfully slow and exhausting years.it was your final year of high school when he transferred to your school, he was a close family friend of wooyoung's. his parents had spoken highly of the school, insisting that yeosang transfers in order to excel for his last year of schooling. as far as you were concerned, he had decent grades, but he preferred to spend his time hanging around the skatepark after dark, when everyone else had left.
and in all the two years you'd known him, you had never once had a full conversation with him, despite being in your group of friends. his side of the 'conversation' usually consisted of monotonous 'yeahs' and 'mhms'. wooyoung constantly assured you it was because he's shy and that he'd eventually open up. but you weren't convinced. you tried so hard for him to like you, but your efforts were fruitless. it was infuriating, feeling like you were constantly doing something wrong whenever you were around him.
you currently found yourself in the backseat of yeosang's car, wedged between a drunken yunho and mingi while a chaotic wooyoung was singing along to his chosen playlist. (though, it sounded more like wailing.)
you and the eight boys had all decided to take a gap year, spend every last cent you earned on adventure and alcohol to make lifelong memories, before your careers became a blockade in your friendship. but the year was coming to an end soon, it was already mid november. on the bright side, that meant your favourite holidays were just weeks away.
yeosang was always the designated driver. that was something you had noticed about him over the last few years. to be honest, you weren't sure just how he coped with a screeching wooyoung, because you sure as hell weren't dealing very well with yunho and mingi who were playing a very intense game of rock paper scissors to decide who would be crashing on the couch in your apartment.
"i win!" mingi cheered, waving his hands excitedly. "you're on the couch, man."
yunho frowned, "damn."
you laughed, "it's okay, yunho. you can share the bed with me if you'd like."
"hey! that's not fair y/n! you said i could this time." wooyoung whined from the front seat.
"sorry, woo. you know i keep my promises, but you're going back to your apartment. remember?" you tried to reason.
wooyoung looked as though someone had switched a lightbulb on behind his eyes, "oh yeah! i forgot."
the four of you burst into laughter, mainly caused by the alcohol and partially because of wooyoung's realisation. and still, yeosang didn't crack a smile, hands just gripping the steering wheel tighter as his knuckles turned white.
soon, you arrived outside your apartment block, quickly stepping out the car after yunho. wooyoung wound his window down and you poked your head in, attempting to hug him goodbye.
"bye woo!" you said, giggling at your faltered farewell.
"good night y/n, thanks for the drinks!" he shouted, exclaiming a bit too loudly next to your ear.
"thanks for the lift as always, yeosang!" you yelled, pulling away from wooyoung's tight hug.
he nodded, "no problem." before putting the window up and driving away.
you pouted, turning around to face the two boys. "i just don't understand what i'm doing wrong." you buried your face into your hands, "why doesn't he like me?" you groaned.
"y/n." mingi began, "its nearly 1am, its way too late for this 'why does yeosang hate me?' crap." he shook your shoulders, literally trying to shake some sense into you.
"yeah, mingi's right. we've had this discussion a thousand times." yunho said grasping your wrist and pulling you up the stairs, stumbling along the way. (because lets be real, stairs are difficult enough as it is, let alone when drunk.) "now, let us into your apartment so we can eat your food and crash on your couch!" he joked, nudging mingi in a playful manner.
you reached into your pocket and fumbled around with they key for a moment before unlocking the door. the boys practically pushed you inside and made a beeline for the fridge.
"help yourselves! i'm going to shower." you called, dragging yourself to your bedroom.
once you'd finished showering you went back to the living room to check on yunho and mingi. not so much to your surprise, they had fallen asleep on your couch already, cuddled up into each other. it was cute, even picture worthy to show their sober selves. you reached for your phone which typically lived in your pocket, though you began to panic when it wasn't there. hurrying around the apartment, you searched every possible nook and cranny for your phone, but it was nowhere to be found. you collapsed onto your bed, snuggling into the soft sheets, too tired to worry about your phone anymore and content with the assumption that you'd left it in yeosang's car.
shortly, your heavy eyes fell shut and you began to sleep away the tequila.
the next morning you awoke to mingi and yunho's deep, hungover voices, discussing their plans for the next week.
you reluctantly pulled yourself out of bed and dawdled down the hallway.
"ah! there's our favourite karaoke partner!" yunho greeted, jokingly.
you laughed, "shh, don't let wooyoung hear you say that."
"she's right, man. he'd be so offended." mingi said, stretching out his sore limbs. "how are you feeling today, y/n?" he asked.
"not the worst hangover i've had. what about you guys? you're welcome to stay here as long as you'd like, until you feel better." you replied, knowing them well enough to know that they'd need at least a few painkillers and a good meal before they went home.
yunho chuckled, "i feel like crap, but nothing a sandwich and glass of water can't solve."
"i second that." mingi said, raising a hand.
"okay, well in that case, i'll go to the store and get something for breakfast. sound good?" you reasoned, running a hand through your hair. you loved these boys, and making them breakfast was just a nice way of showing you cared. drunk or not, they knew how to make you smile and laugh, which they loved to see.
"sounds amazing!" yunho said, breaking into a sincere smile.
you quickly changed out of your pyjamas and slipped some shoes on.
"i might be a bit longer, i need to stop by yeosang's. i think i left my phone in his car." you explained, picking your keys up from the kitchen counter. "see you guys soon! feel free to take a shower if you want." you said, waving goodbye and heading out the door.
"okay, bye y/n!" the boys called from behind you.
the first stop was yeosang's apartment, he only lived about ten minutes away with wooyoung and san, in the same building as jongho. both yunho and mingi lived on the other side of town, which is why they so often crashed at your place after parties. seonghwa and hongjoong were fortunate enough to live in a house, just outside town, they had actually been the hosts of last night's party.
it didn't take long to get there. you pushed open the lobby door and made your way over to the elevator, disappointed to see that it was out of order for maintenance. instead, you took the stairs and began spiralling upwards. less than a minute later you looked up, only to bump into the man you came looking for.
"oh, yeosang! i'm so sorry, i didn't mean to." you quickly apologised, worried about creating another reason for him to dislike you.
"it's fine." he shrugged.
you both began to talk again at the same time, "ah, sorry, you go."
"i was just gonna say, you left your phone in my car. actually, i was about to bring it back." he pulled your phone from the pocket of his jacket, handing it to you. as he did, your fingers brushed against his. he spun around suddenly and began to walk away, "i'll see you around."
he had left before you even had a chance to thank him. slightly confused and frustrated, you turned back around and traipsed down the stairs.
you gathered what you needed for a hearty breakfast at the local convenience store before heading home and spending the rest of the day in the enjoyable company of yunho and mingi.
yeosang had entered back into his apartment and sat down on the couch.
"back already?" wooyoung asked, rummaging through the fridge.
"she was coming to get her phone and i ran into her on the staircase."
wooyoung sighed, "when are you gonna stop hating her?"
"i don't hate her." yeosang said, not looking up from his phone.
"then why do you act like you do?"
yeosang pretended to not hear that question and continued to scroll through his phone. see, he'd rather not dwell on things that he couldn't understand.
to fill up your weekdays during your gap year, you had picked up a job at a hotel in town as a receptionist. to your dismay, your boss had asked you to work night shift all week, which is how you found yourself here on thursday night, sitting alert and waiting for the slight chance that someone might check in at this time of night. it was a pretty fancy hotel, and the job payed well enough, so really, you had nothing to complain about.
the nights seemed to drag on for an eternity. to keep yourself busy, you often wasted time counting the cars that drove past, or tried to count the number of crystals that hung from the chandelier. so far, only a few people had checked in during your shift, having come from overseas and recently arriving at the airport. honestly, whenever someone walked through the front door, lugging a suitcase behind them, you got excited as it gave you something to do.
the clock was creeping up to 4am and you let out a quiet yawn, feeling drowsy as your body clock hadn't yet adjusted to the change of sleeping patterns on such short notice. taking a sip of water, you shook your head, trying to stay awake. your head suddenly jolted up at the sound of the front door opening.
a man stumbled forward, and you'd seen enough zombie movies to become instantly paranoid. you quickly pushed the thought out of your head, feeling ridiculous for even considering it. but as the man got closer, you could smell the cheap, potent alcohol lingering on his body.
he leant against the desk, peering down at you. "i need a room for the night."  he grumbled. "my stupid wife kicked me out." he said under his breath.
you forced a friendly smile, despite feeling uneasy, "of course! i just need you to fill in this form with some simple details." you said, sliding across a clipboard and a pen.
he huffed, picking up the pen and scribbling onto the sheet of paper before pushing it back to you. "can i go now?"
"just a moment, sir." you replied, eyes skimming over the form as you copied the information into the computer in front of you.
the man was growing impatient, stepping from foot to foot with his arms crossed.
"uh, sir, you missed a part of the form. could you please provide your phone number here." you pointed to the empty space on the sheet.
"for fucks sake." he muttered, "i don't have my phone on me and i don't know my phone number." he said, annoyedly tapping on the desk.
"i'm really sorry, sir, but—"
"can't you just find me a fucking room?" he snapped, hands balled into fists and slamming against the desk, making you jump in fright.
before you had time to try and reason with him, he continued to shout.
"you're as stupid as my wife! i'll just find a different fucking hotel." he yelled, swiping the clipboard and pen off the desk. "useless bitch." he mumbled as he kicked over a chair on his way out.
you chewed your bottom lip, trying to fight back the tears. with shaky hands, you picked up your phone and dialled the first place that came to mind. after a few rings, the phone answered.
"woo?" you croaked, trying hard to not cry.
"he's asleep. this is yeosang." he replied, evidently having just woken up by the sound of his voice.
"oh." you began, instantly feeling guilty for waking him up, "i'm sorry i didn't mean to disturb you."
"did you need something?" he asked.
"i just, i was..." you let out a sob, wiping at a tear falling from your eye.
this didn't go unnoticed by yeosang, "are you crying? what are you doing awake right now anyway?"
"i'm at work." you managed to choke out.
"at 4am?"
"i'm on night shift."
"why are you crying then?" he asked, feeling something slightly tug at his heart, but choosing to ignore it.
you began to ramble, "a man came in and he was really drunk and complaining about his wife and then he yelled at me because i asked him to give his phone number and—"
"i'm on my way." yeosang cut you off.
"i'll be there in ten." with that, he hung up the phone.
exactly ten minutes later, you were sat in the passenger seat of yeosang's car. he was dressed in sweats, clearly having come straight from bed. you'd left a note on the desk, explaining to your coworker why you wouldn't be there when she arrived to take over your shift. a silence filled the car, and you felt the need to talk, but chose not to, worried about giving yeosang another reason to hate you.
once you arrived outside your apartment building, you were surprised that yeosang got out the car too and trailed closely behind you up the stairs to your apartment. when you reached the door you spun around to face him.
"thank you for bringing me home." you said, voice quiet and still rather shaken up.
"it's no problem. good night, y/n." he replied, sensing that you were still upset. he suddenly felt this overwhelming urge to wrap his arms around you tightly and not let go until you stopped crying. he wanted to protect you from every drunk idiot on the planet. he wanted to make you feel safe.
but instead, he watched as you closed the door behind you and locked it from inside.
you arrived at work the next morning, instantly feeling more comfortable with cleaners, employees and people coming and going. immediately, you headed for your boss's office.
"good morning, sir. i just wanted to come and apologise for leaving my shift early last night. i can assure you it won't happen again." you said, feeling nervous as to what your boss might say.
he shook his head, "i should be the one apologising, a man came in this morning and spoke very sternly about the safety problems here. i realise now how stupid it was of me to make you work night shift, alone, at such a young age. we've hired security guards and have also made sure that two people will be on desk at all times. i'm sorry that you had to deal with that."
you were at a loss for words, you didn't think that there would be such drastic changes just from the once incident. "thank you so much." you replied.
"for now, take the rest of the day off. you'll only be working day shifts for next week and can return to doing night shifts whenever you feel ready to do so." your boss said, motioning for the door.
the rest of the day you spent in deep sleep, catching up on some much overdue rest.
weeks passed and you found that work was much more enjoyable. you still hadn't returned to working night shifts, but at least now you had someone to run the front desk with you and keep you company.
this weekend, you were going to visit hongjoong and seonghwa. hongjoong was sick and so you decided to go help out since seonghwa couldn't always be there to look after him.
you knocked on their front door and was surprised to be greeted by san.
"good afternoon! come in." he gave you a hug before ushering you inside.
"what are you doing here?" you said, following him down the hall.
in the living room, you saw all eight of the boys gathered around a couch-ridden hongjoong.
"jongho was already here when me, yeosang and woo arrived." san explained.
"yeah, and then mingi and yunho turned up." wooyoung continued.
"y/n! i have never been more glad to see you! you gotta save me from them." hongjoong laughed, arms open, signalling for a hug.
you went over and embraced him in a hug, "good thing i brought an excessive amount of cookies." you said, placing the box of cookies on the coffee table next to the couch. the table was covered in empty mugs and bowls, you could tell seonghwa had been busy and hadn't had the chance to clean up. you opened up the box and handed him a cookie before offering them around to the rest of the boys.
"you're the best cook ever." mingi said, taking a big bite.
"i made you spaghetti last night!" yunho countered, feeling offended that his roommate didn't think he was the better cook. mingi just laughed and took another bite.
"jongho get off the counter, please." seonghwa said, coming through the front door. "don't be so comfortable, you were throwing up in my toilet like a month ago." he joked.
yeosang glanced your way, his eyebrows furrowed like he was contemplating something.
"lets head off and give these two some space." yunho said, dragging mingi behind him.
wooyoung stood up, "yeah, lets get going."
yeosang pulled his keys from his pocket, "okay, bye guys." he said, heading down the hallway.
"can we get some food on the way home?" you heard san call as they left.
"bye hongjoong! i hope you're feeling better soon." jongho said, "bye seonghwa, i promise i won't throw up in your toilet any time soon." he joked, leaving through the front door.
"seonghwa, how are you? don't forget to take some time for yourself as well." you frowned.
"i'm tired, but i'll be okay. i just gotta clean up and—"
"why don't you go rest a while? i can keep hongjoong company for a few hours." you reasoned, wanting to help as much as possible. there was nothing you hated more than seeing you friends in distress and upset.
he looked between hongjoong and yourself, "i couldn't."
hongjoong let out an audible huff, "hwa! will you just let her help please, she clearly wants to."
you grinned, "exactly, now go read or sleep or watch some tv or something." you said, gently pushing him towards their shared bedroom.
you spent the afternoon tidying up and talking with hongjoong. you managed to do all the dishes and put them away before scouring their kitchen, deciding on what you could use for dinner. you found everything you needed for a decent meal and began cooking it up. hongjoong had dozed off mid conversation, surrounded in a pile of tissues, you chose to let him sleep so he would recover quicker.
about an hour later, you placed two steamy hot meals onto their dining table next to two full glasses of water. you quietly knocked on their bedroom door, finding seonghwa asleep amongst the covers.
you gently shook him awake, "hwa, i made dinner for you guys. you can wake joong up, i'll head off now." you said with a smile.
leaving the two of them to enjoy their dinner, you headed home and cooked yourself something to eat. it was nice having some time to yourself, but saturday nights were becoming more and more empty as winter grew closer. december was only days away and the year would soon come to an end. you reached for the phone, suddenly desperately missing your friends despite only seeing them hours ago.
"hey woo, are you free next weekend?" you asked.
he paused a moment, "i think so, why?"
"you wanna go out with the others? it's been a while since we have all caught up for drinks."
"count me in!" wooyoung cheered.
you called everyone else up and they all agreed, even hongjoong promised to come if he was feeling better.
you found yourself surrounded by wooyoung, san, yunho and mingi as the music blared. it was a less popular club on the far side of town but it was a comfortable place for you all. you often came here for drinks and the staff members knew you, quite well, a little too well. san grabbed your hand and spun you around a few times with the music.
you laughed, leaning against him, "maybe spinning around isn't the best idea right after two shots of vodka."
"what?" san yelled into your ear, struggling to hear you over the music.
you laughed louder, pulling him closer to you, "i said, spinning is not a good idea after drinking vodka!"
"oh!" he joined you in laughing before trying to twirl you around once more.
hongjoong and seonghwa sat at the bar, holding hands and being intimate as always. yeosang was sat next to jongho at a booth, quietly talking with him, but from the corner of your eye, you saw jongho stand up and walk away. your eyes watched him worriedly and you couldn't help but run after him. you followed him as best you could, stumbling every now and then. he'd gone to the bathroom so you patiently waited outside until he came back, looking slightly pale.
you practically leapt at him, doing a quick scan to make sure he was okay, "jongho? are you alright?"
he smiled at your overwhelming concern, "yeah, i just drank too much as usual. i'll be alright, you can go back to dancing."
"let me just get you some water first. i'll be right back okay?" you patted his shoulder. "don't go anywhere i'll be back in a second."
you made your way back to where jongho had been sitting with yeosang. as you approached, yeosang eyed you up and down, taking in your drunken state, though, it wasn't the first time he'd seen you this way. you nearly tripped as you reached the table, struggling to walk in heels.
"i need a glass of water, do you have a glass of water? jongho needs a glass of water." you mumbled to yourself, reaching for the jug in the center of the table.
"are you okay?" yeosang asked, quickly pushing your hand away from the jug.
"i'm okay, but jongho needs water. can i take this cup? he's waiting for me, i told him not to go anywhere, i need to get back to jongho—" you tried to pick up a glass but yeosang pressed your hand back down once more.
"i'll take it to him, you stay here." he said, filling the cup full with water and heading towards the bathrooms.
your brain suddenly felt fuzzy and your eyes became blurry, it was like the alcohol hit your system all at once. your head spun round and round and you leaned forward, resting your hands on your head. you'd never felt this sick from drinking, maybe you'd had too much too quickly, maybe it was the spinning. there was no way to tell, all you knew was that you felt like you were about to fall from the top of a very high roller coaster.
your eyes felt increasingly heavy, you allowed them to slip shut, head falling to the table with a not so gentle thud.
"y/n?" someone shook you, "y/n wake up!" it was wooyoung.
"shit, is she okay? should we call an ambulance?" jongho said, reaching for his phone.
"is she breathing? has anyone checked?" seonghwa gently lifted your shoulders and sat you upright, relieved to see the rise and fall of your chest. "we should call a taxi and get her home."
"are you crazy? she's unconscious, she won't be able to get up the stairs to her apartment! what if the driver is dodgy? she's already had to deal with shitty men while working night shift, imagine if something happened while she's drunk!" yeosang blurted out. the boys were shocked over his sudden concern for you. yeosang had never once shown any interest or care for you in the presence of them.
"well, what should we do then?" mingi asked, worriedly running a hand through his hair.
"i'll take her, you've all been drinking." yeosang concluded. "she'll be fine, don't worry. enjoy the rest of your night, okay? i've dealt with woo passing out before remember?"
"that's true." san said, throwing a light hearted glare in wooyoung's direction, who showed a rather sheepish expression.
the boys went back to their drinks, taking it a little slower now and yeosang carried you to his car. it wasn't easy, but he managed to sit you upright in the back seat of his car with his rear view mirror aimed directly at you so he could make sure you were okay.
he was able to lift you up the stairs and get your house key from the pocket of your jacket, which would've looked questionable to anyone else, but he had the best intentions. he sat you down in a dining chair, watching as your head lolled forward and your body slumped. he quickly filled a glass of water and came back to you.
"y/n." he whispered, resting a hand on your shoulder. "y/n." he said again, louder this time.
the last thing he wanted to do was hurt you, but you weren't waking up and that was becoming concerning. he shook your shoulder, as gently as he possible could in a moment like this, and to his relief, your eyes hesitantly opened.
your head felt like a bowling ball and you groaned quietly. "yeosang?"
"here." he said holding the cup to your lips, allowing you to take a small sip.
"how did we get here?" you mumbled, head rolling to the side.
he caught your head and carefully pushed you back upright, "i drove you, this is your apartment."
"oh." you said, eyes drooping shut again. "oh." you repeated.
"y/n, i really need you to stay awake right now." he said, bringing the cup to your mouth again. "lets talk."
"we never talk!" you exclaimed. "this is the longest conversation we've ever had!"
"i know." he said, pulling up a chair to sit directly in front of you. yeosang felt that slight tug at his heart again tonight, the way you sounded so excited just to talk with him.
"no, no, no." you whined, "this is so bad!"
"what is it?"
you pouted before nervously biting your lip, "i'm really sorry."
"for what?" he questioned, leaning back in his chair.
"for ruining your night and making you stay here with me! now you just have another reason to hate me." you sighed, letting your head fall into your hands.
"i could never hate you." he said, voice barely above a whisper.
but you had fallen back asleep, so yeosang sat you upright once more and monitored you closely all night. with every minute that passed, he wished more and more that it was easier for him to show his emotions, to you especially. he wondered if maybe he wasn't so closed off that things would be different between the two of you. but it was hard for him, to let people in, he was afraid. afraid of people judging the real him, afraid of what might happen if he lets himself become vulnerable, afraid of facing his feelings about you.
you awoke hours later with a raging headache and extreme nausea. you headed straight for the bathroom and hunched over the toilet, feeling the sickest you'd ever felt. yeosang waited patiently outside the bathroom door with a glass of water and painkillers.
when you came out, he held his hand out, "take this."
you looked down at his hand and then up at him, slightly confused, "what are you doing here?"
"you passed out last night, and i drove you home because everyone else had been drinking." he said, passing the glass of water.
"oh my god." you ran a hand through your hair, "yeosang, i'm so sorry. i didn't mean to be any trouble! you must of been here all night, i promise it won't happen again, that was so stupid of me—"
"it's fine, don't worry about it." he said, shrugging, "i'll get going now, but make sure you take it easy and drink enough water." his eyes carefully scanned your body one last time, making sure you were really okay. he headed for the door and you followed.
"i'm really sorry." you frowned, feeling as though no amount of apologies would make it up to him.
he let out a slight chuckle, "it's okay, seriously y/n." he said before leaving. you heard the all too familiar jingle of his keys as the door closed behind him.
he'd stayed with you all night, eyes watching over you closely. ready at your side whenever you stirred in your sleep. he'd been there in the morning prepared with water and painkillers. this was never how it was, usually this was your job, taking care of the boys. it was your way of showing you cared, helping out wherever possible.
this wasn't like yeosang. at all.
as soon as yeosang got home he was greeted by a very concerned san and wooyoung.
"is she okay?"
"are you tired?"
"did she wake up?"
he was bombarded by questions.
"she's okay, she fell asleep after a while and i made her take some painkillers when she woke up." yeosang said, collapsing onto the couch.
"so you really don't hate her then." wooyoung thought aloud.
"he can't, he spent the whole night looking after her!" san said, hitting wooyoung like it was obvious.
"owww," wooyoung rubbed his arm, "even she thinks you don't like her!"
"i know, she said last night. but she probably won't remember saying that." yeosang said, feeling increasingly drowsy from his lack of sleep.
"maybe you guys should like, talk things out?" san suggested, taking a seat next to him.
"maybe." yeosang said, drifting off into sleep.
you had spent the day curled up in bed, wondering how you could make it up to yeosang, and there was nothing more you wanted than to get to know him better, but what would he want? you called up san on that thought.
"hey sannie," you said, "i need your help, actually, is woo there as well?"
"oh my god she's alive!" you heard wooyoung call from beside san.
"what do you need help with?" san asked.
you paused a moment, "is yeosang there?"
"well yes, but he's asleep."
you groaned, "i feel so bad that he stayed up all night looking after me. i really wanna make it up to him but i don't know how. plus, it's not like he's that fond of me. maybe i should just thank him by staying out of his space."
"i don't think he'd like that." wooyoung interjected. "i still think he just needs time before opening up to you."
"i think its just me." you sighed, worriedly chewing on your bottom lip.
"hey! don't be like that! there's no reason to not like you." san scolded you for down talking yourself as he always does.
"agreed." wooyoung said, chiming in.
"i'm sure i'll work something out. thanks guys! enjoy the rest of your day!" you said.
"good luck!"
"bye y/n!"
you had been staring at your phone for at least an hour, typing and retyping the message to yeosang. wooyoung gave you his number so that you could contact him when you'd finally worked out how to make it up to him. in the end, you decided that you would let him decide.
you drew in a sharp breath and squeezed your eyes tightly shut as you pressed send.
you: hey yeosang, i still feel really bad about the other day, i wanna know how i can make it up to you !!
yeosang: did wooyoung give you my number? T~T
you: yes he did.. i hope thats okay !
yeosang: of course yeosang: how about you make it up to me over a cup of coffee? >.<
you: that sounds great !! you: when are you free ?
yeosang: does tomorrow morning work for you ? i can pick you up ^_^
you: of course ! i'll see you tomorrow :)
yeosang sat in his room, facepalming. why was it so easy to be more open over text?
you on the other hand, felt your heart swell in a bizarre way. maybe it was the way you hadn't expected him to use such cute little emoticons. maybe it was the way that you'd be able to have a full conversation with him. whatever it was, excitement had taken over you.
a knock pounded at your door and you rushed to open it.
"ready to go?" he asked, leaning against the door frame coolly.
"yes, lets go!" you said, sounding a little too excited.
the two of you made your way down the stairs and into yeosang's car. you found yourself smiling as you looked out the window.
your excitement hadn't gone unnoticed, "you seem awfully excited."
"i really wanted to make it up to you," you beamed. "it must've been boring to watch over me all night."
"i didn't mind so much." he said, shrugging.
you frowned, "you shouldn't of done it."
"and leave you passed out in the club?" he quirked an eyebrow up at you.
"exactly." he said, parking the car outside a small cafe nearby his apartment. "come on, lets go inside."
you followed him in and took a seat across from him at a table close to the window. you both ordered coffees and resumed conversation.
"so, where were we?" you smiled, taking a sip of coffee.
"talking about how you wanted me to leave you passed out in the club." he said. you were almost convinced you saw a teasing smile pulling at his lips.
"right. i'm so sorry about that."
this time he actually chuckled, and you were taken aback. it was like the wall yeosang had surrounding himself was crumbling before your eyes.
"you need to apologise less." he laughed, bringing his coffee cup to his mouth for a sip. "half of the time we talk its just you saying sorry to me."
"i'm so—"
"hey!" the two of you broke into laughter.
his laugh was loud but warm and you couldn't help but notice the way his nose scrunched up cutely, the way his eyes looked full of stars and the way he brushed his hair out of his eyes after, revealing his beautiful birthmark. from that point on, you wanted to be the one to make him laugh every day.
he felt that familiar tug at his heart, the one he'd been feeling every moment he spent alone with you. the one he felt when he first met you. the one he couldn't make any sense of. it was as though his heart was a violin and you were the one playing it. (which would explain the tugging feeling.) but you were playing the sweetest song and he never wanted it to end.
the two of you laughed the morning away, gradually making up for what you'd missed over two years in a matter of two hours.
you'd discovered that even after getting him to open up more, he wasn't one for words. you found yourself talking his ear off while he listened intently, occasionally sharing his opinions and stories. in all his honesty, he didn't mind listening to you talk. he could've sat there all day, drinking countless cups of coffee, watching the way you bit your bottom lip whenever you paused to think or the way your eyes filled with sparkles when you talked about something that made you happy.
you insisted on paying for the infinite cups of coffee, as it was your way of making it up to him. he reluctantly agreed, but promised that he would pay if there ever was a next time, which he secretly hoped there would be. he'd finally had the chance to let his walls down. (it was actually more like you'd climbed the walls and torn them down with your bare hands.) but he was thankful for it.
he drove you back to your apartment, even after you persisted on walking home, seeing as it wasn't that far. he refused, insisting that he drive you. he even followed you up the stairs to the door of your apartment.
you turned around to face him, "you know, you're not so bad when you actually wanna talk to me."
"you know, you're not so bad when you're not drunk." he countered, his lips breaking into a playful grin.
you glared jokingly, "hey! don't make me apologise again."
"okay, okay. i won't." he said, raising his hands in defence.
you smiled, resting against the door, "alright, well, i've really enjoyed hanging out with you today. maybe we should catch up more often."
"maybe we should." he said, bearing a coy smile, "bye, y/n. i'll see you around."
it was only about a week later he showed up at your work, at the end of your shift. you were pleasantly surprised to see him, and at first thought he was just someone coming to book a room.
"hello, are you looking for a r— yeosang?"
"when do you get off work?" he asked, glancing over to the clock.
"five minutes."
"i'll be waiting in the car, okay?" he said, turning on his heel and heading for the door.
on his way out, you saw as he ran into your boss, the two of them beginning conversation.
"it's good to see you've made those security changes." yeosang said as he nodded, extending his arm for a friendly handshake. "i'm very thankful."
your boss shook his hand, "and i'm thankful that you suggested them."
just over five minutes later you got into the passenger seat of yeosang's car.
"it was you who told my boss about the safety problems." you said, in near disbelief.
"hello, to you too." he joked sarcastically. "well, i would hate to think that the situation could happen again, so i just suggested some possible improvements. thats all." he shrugged like it was nothing.
"suddenly, i feel the need to make it up to you again." you smiled shyly.
"you can do that by accompanying me to the skate park." he said, motioning to his skateboard on the back seat.
"ah, so thats why you came."
"well yeah, i wanted to bring you to the skate park."
your heart swelled once again, feeling joyed that he wanted to share one of his favourite places with you. (despite him never telling you directly, you knew he loved the skate park as he spent majority of his high school time there when he wasn't studying.)
when you arrived, the sun was beginning to slip behind the horizon, causing the sky to glow a rosy pink. there were still a few kids, probably high schoolers, hanging around the park. you took a seat at a bench and waited for yeosang to come over, who was getting his skateboard out the car. you felt oddly out of place since you were still in your neat work uniform and didn't know the first thing about skateboarding.
yeosang rolled over with a grin plastered onto his face, you'd never seen him so happy, and it made you happy to see him this way. it was strange how all it took was a few cups of coffee for him to become a completely different person around you.
he didn't need to ask you to watch as your eyes were already glued to him as he dropped into the bowl, showing countless tricks and flips.
the truth was in fact that yeosang was grateful for you 'making it up to him'. he'd never been able to comprehend his feelings for you, if they were even feelings at all. he hated the confusion and decided it was easier to ignore it, and to an extent, ignore you, to make it go away. it had been working for the most part, until every time the two of you were alone together, he couldn't ignore the slight tug at his heart, that was becoming more of a pull over the last few weeks.
"you're amazing!" you cheered as he sat down next to you, out of breath.
"thanks." he smiled shyly, running a hand through his hair and out of his face. he leaned back, looking up at the sky. "do you sometimes wish you could see the stars from within the city? hongjoong and seonghwa are so lucky they can see them from their house."
you pondered a moment, thinking about the last time you actually saw stars in the sky. "i see stars in your eyes sometimes." you said, absent minded.
he felt warmth burning in his cheeks, "you do?"
"do what?" you turned to him, "did i say that out loud?" you gasped, covering your face in embarrassment. "i'm sorry, i didn't mean to say that it was just a thought and—"
"what did i say about apologising?" he laughed. "it's getting cold, right? you ready to head home?" he asked.
you smiled, "if you are."
he drove you home and said goodbye, feeling happy about spending time alone with you once again. he couldn't stop thinking about what you said and you couldn't stop feeling like a fool for saying it.
the weather got colder and colder and soon it began to snow as the days of december passed. you had spent the day helping jongho move some new furniture into his apartment. it was a difficult job, but easier with the two of you, even san and wooyoung came to help. you couldn't resist wondering where yeosang was and why he didn't come, seeing as they lived in the same building. maybe he was busy, you thought.
"hey, where's yeosang?" you asked, lifting a box and placing it on the kitchen counter.
"at home, i think he's been feeling sick or something, he hardly comes out of his room lately." wooyoung shrugged, assuming it was all good.
"if he's sick i'll bring him over some food and painkillers, maybe keep him some company." you explained, not wanting yeosang to be unwell.
"i think he'd rather be left alone, to be honest." san said, giving wooyoung a side glance that you couldn't miss.
you pulled out your phone and sent yeosang a quick message.
you: are you feeling okay? san and woo said you were sick :((
he didn't respond right away and you just figured he was asleep. but as you finished helping out at jongho's house a few hours later, he still hadn't responded. when you were sitting down to eat dinner at home, he still hadn't respond. just before you were going to turn the lights out and go to bed, he still hadn't responded.
something was up. this wasn't like yeosang, not anymore. not since the two of you had been spending so much time together. maybe it was like the boys said, and he was truly very sick, but in that case, why wouldn't they let you help?
days passed and you went to work as usual, repeating the same few lines, asking people if they want a room, asking them to fill in a form, then directing them to the right room. days passed and you still hadn't heard back from yeosang, you wondered if he was still sick. days passed and you began to think maybe you should go over there to see if he's okay.
but if there was one thing you'd learnt about yeosang recently, it was that he was the quieter type, and probably wouldn't appreciate you going over there to keep him company and would rather be alone. so that evening when you got off work, you didn't go visit him like you so desperately wanted to, instead, you went straight home.
you cooked and ate dinner for yourself, before picking up your phone, only to see still no messages from yeosang.
you: hey woo you: is yeosang feeling better ?
wooyoung: yeah he is
you: well then can i come visit tomorrow ?
wooyoung: i think he's busy wooyoung: sorry
you: its okay woo you: its not your fault !!
you switched your phone off and headed for the shower, trying to wash away the stress and worry for yeosang that had built up over the last few weeks. you had really grown to like him and there was still so much about him you wanted to learn, like when he learned to skateboard or how he got the small scar on the back of his hand, that you'd noticed when ever he brushes his hair out of his eyes.
two years he'd spent, not interested in holding conversation with you and two years you'd spent, wondering what you'd did so wrong. but lately, you felt like you were doing something right around him, getting him to smile and laugh, share his own stories.
you couldn't shake the feeling that maybe he still didn't like you, and had just been trying for wooyoung's sake.
or maybe he was genuinely starting to like you, but you went and fucked it up by weirding him out and telling him about his starry eyes.
or maybe he'd just had enough of you already. decided that a few weeks was enough time spent trying to change things between the two of you.
as you finished showering and changed into comfortable clothes, you glanced at the clock which read 10:56pm. you switched on the television to watch some youtube before going to bed. as you felt yourself dozing off, a faint knock sounded at your door, so quiet you almost missed it.
when you opened the door, you were shocked to see yeosang standing there, leaning against the door frame for support. he looked up at you, his normally starry eyes were dulled with tears.
you rushed forward to him, smelling the alcohol as you got closer, "yeosang are you okay? what are you doing here? i thought you were sick. are you drunk? you never drink, come inside." you gently pulled him inside, closing the door behind you. when you turned to face him, he was staring at you, tears about to spill over the brim of his eyes.
"i hate you." he breathed out, voice barely louder than a whisper. he didn't seem angry though, he looked fragile, like a glass vase balancing on the edge of a table.
you felt the urge to cry, finally hearing those three words that confirmed your biggest concern, yeosang disliking you. "yeosang, i'm so sorry. i never meant to—"
"i hate you." he said, louder this time before running a hand through his hair hastily. he let out a frustrated groan, dragging his hands down his face. "i hate the tugging feeling in my heart whenever we're alone. i hate the way you put yourself before others. i hate the way you ramble on when you're nervous. i hate the way your eyes sparkle when you laugh. i hate the way i don't drink around you because i feel the need to protect you and make sure you're safe. i hate the way i tried to ignore you for two years because i was scared and confused about my own feelings. i hate how it only took one cup of coffee with you for my walls to come crashing down!" he paced from side to side, waving his hands around crazily.
yeosang looked scared and lost, like he'd never felt this way about anyone before, and that was the truth. he didn't know how to comprehend these feelings and it terrified him.
you watched as he spiralled, seeming as though it would never stop. you weren't sure what to do, so you just listened to that swelling feeling in your heart once again, the one that had led you to develop feelings for yeosang, and you pulled him close into your arms. he clung onto you tightly, scared to let go, like if he did then he'd lose you forever. you ran your fingers through his hair briefly, trying your best to comfort him.
"i'm sorry." you repeatedly whispered to him. you'd never meant to upset him or confuse him.
yeosang let out a quiet sob into your chest, "i hate the way i've fallen in love with you." he croaked out.
he didn't hate you. never did. never will. your heart swelled completely in your chest, feeling as though it would burst through. but it couldn't be true. he's totally drunk out of his mind.
"you're not in your right mind, yeosang, you need to get home. you're drunk and talking nonsense." you embraced him tightly one more time, and you could've sworn you felt the beat of his heart through the hug. "come on," you urged, steering him towards the door, "wooyoung and san are probably worried and waiting up for you."
with much effort, you led him down the stairs of your apartment block and walked him home. the street lamps led you in the freezing city night air. you held his wrist lightly, guiding him up the stairs to his own apartment. he didn't speak a single word the whole time, instead, sniffling and wiping at his eyes. it hurt you so much to see him this broken, but you knew he wasn't saying the truth under control of the alcohol in his veins.
you knocked at his apartment door, hoping that one of the boys were still awake. luckily, they both were and quickly they flung the door open.
"y/n? yeosang?" san questioned, his eyes wide open with disbelief.
"we've been so worried about you!" wooyoung said, pulling yeosang away from you. "hang on, are you drunk?"
san had noticed his tired, tear stained eyes, "you look like you've been crying! are you okay?"
you let out a quiet sigh, knowing you didn't need to be here anymore. you gave a small wave goodbye and headed home, utterly exhausted.
and though you were so drained, you couldn't seem to fall asleep. those words yeosang said to you kept running through your mind busily.
did he mean any of it?
yeosang felt bad. he felt terrible. like he wanted to vanish into thin air and float away with the breeze. though he couldn't, no, he desperately wanted to apologise to you. but he didn't know how, he wasn't good with words or expressing his feelings, and you wished he knew that was something you loved about him.
wooyoung and san tried to ask him what happened the night he drunkenly confessed to you, but he couldn't have them know that he'd been harbouring feelings for you for all this time, they'd never let him live it down. he could imagine the continuous teasing they'd give him, nudging him whenever you were together or giving him side glances after talking to you.
yeosang gave it lots of thought. he mulled it over in his head repeatedly. it was only after hours spent hidden away in his room that he decided to go back to where it all started, a text. a text that said how much he wanted to make it up to you for having to deal with him drunk, just like the one you'd sent initially.
yeosang: hey y/n, i feel really bad about the other day, i wanna know how i can make it up to you! T^T
your heart leapt a mile seeing his name appear on your phone. you grinned upon reading his message, realising it was scarily similar to the message you had first sent him.
you: hmmm you: that sounds familiar
yeosang: >.< yeosang: seriously though, how does dinner at my place tomorrow night sound? i'll cook
you: you can cook?
yeosang: there's a lot you don't know about me x_x
you: okay, i'll be there !!
yeosang wasn't lying when he said he can cook. as you traipsed up the stairs of his apartment block you could smell something delicious laced in the air.
the usual swelling in your heart had instead fell to the pit of your stomach, you were feeling slightly nervous as to what would happen when you entered yeosang's apartment. you inhaled deeply before knocking at the door of his apartment.
"hey y/n, come in." yeosang greeted, holding an arm out, signalling for you to come inside.
"you must've been working hard cooking! it smells delicious." you said, feeling a sense of comfort just from the smell of food.
"yeah, lucky i sent wooyoung and san over to jongho's place, otherwise i doubt there would be any pasta to serve." he joked. "you can take a seat, i've just gotta serve up."
you sat down in front of a neatly laid table, it had somewhat surprised you how much effort yeosang had put into this dinner tonight. he placed a steamy hot plate of pasta in front of you and one where he would sit.
"so." he began.
"so." you copied, teasingly.
"i guess, i really just wanted to say i'm sorry for how i behaved the other night when i was drunk. you shouldn't of had to deal with that." he frowned, poking at his dinner.
you furrowed your brows, "it's seriously fine yeosang." you took a bite of pasta, "i was just surprised to see you drunk, since you never drink."
he chuckled, bringing a hand up to cover his mouth, "actually, i do. i just never drink when you're there."
"really? why?" you questioned, eating another mouthful of pasta.
"because..." he paused. "no, it sounds dumb out loud."
"it's okay, you don't have to explain yourself." you smiled warmly, "but that does remind me to ask... do you remember anything you said to me while you were drunk?" you leant forward, genuinely curious.
he sighed, "i remember.. enough."
"you don't really hate me, right?" you asked, playing with the food on your plate.
"of course not! that's why i invited you here tonight. to show you that i don't, and to make it up to you." he had to refrain from reaching across to hold your hand, just to show how much he cared that little bit more.
you nodded, "well, thats good. i was kinda worried that we'd gone back to square one."
comfort settled within you. it was relieving to know you weren't hated by the one person whose love you wanted most. a tiny thought crept into your mind, maybe, just maybe, now would be the right time to tell him about your blossoming feelings for him. or would that confuse him more? now you were the one feeling conflicted.
"are you finished eating?" he asked, reaching for your empty plate.
"yes, thank you! it was delicious. you're a good cook, y'know."
"ah, thanks y/n." he turned away to hide the blush appearing on his cheeks.
"would you like me to do the dishes? since you cooked." you offered, standing up. but he quickly opposed.
"don't be ridiculous." he shooed you back to your seat. "can i get you a coffee? water? wine?"
"a coffee sounds good, i think you and i have had too many drunken situations lately." you laughed.
yeosang pulled out two mugs and put the kettle on. he felt your eyes carefully watching him. once again, he hated the feeling that was pulling at his heart. the way you could say nothing, yet he felt everything.
"can i tell you something?" you asked, voice now quieter and more hesitant.
"sure, what is it?" he said, placing a warm cup of coffee in front of you.
you took a sip, humming in delight. it was exactly the way you liked it. when the two of you went out for coffee, he had unintentionally remembered just the way you like it.
"well," you began cautiously, in case you brought this situation into flames again. "i just... i always wondered why you didn't like me. if i was doing something wrong, if i said something once that really upset you. and then after we started spending time together, i finally felt like i was doing the right thing." you groaned, frustrated with yourself for not getting to the point quicker. "what i'm trying to say is that i have feelings for you. it's okay if you don't feel the same way. i wouldn't expect you to, i just thought you should know—"
yeosang basically choked on his coffee, eyes widening in shock. "it's okay, y/n! in case you hadn't noticed, i'm crazy about you."
you had continued to ramble nervously before hearing what he said.
"wait. you are?"
"basically ever since you said that thing about stars in my eyes, yes."
you cringed, remembering how you had said that so absent minded. "yeah, sorry about that."
"it's okay, it was cute. and what did i say about apologising?"
you shook your head and smiled, "i know."
ever since the two of you confessed to each other, you had been almost inseparable, except of course when you had work. but he dropped you home most nights, even though you insisted it was okay and that you could walk. he came over every weekend just to spend time with you, even if the two of you just sat and talked, enjoying each other's company. you'd been dating for a few weeks now, but kept it undercover, not wanting to suffer the incessant questioning that would come if you told your friends.
it didn't go unnoticed either, wooyoung and san were constantly nagging yeosang about why the two of you spent so much time together, and each time he just shrugged it off.
christmas was just around the corner, so you were spending the evening at seonghwa's and hongjoong's house, who of course, were throwing an unnecessarily large house party to celebrate.
you were sat between a very drunk yunho and mingi, who were trying to talk to an also very drunk jongho. you eyed your boyfriend from across the room, as if asking for a way out and he just laughed at the situation you were stuck in.
after at least ten minutes more of having your ear talked off, yeosang came to pull you away to the dance floor.
"care to dance?" he asked, extending his hand to you.
you immediately jumped up, latching onto his hand, "i would love to!"
he chuckled, pulling you close to his side and leading you to the makeshift dance floor that seonghwa and hongjoong created.
the two of you laughed at the boys' reaction. they were completely shocked to see the two of you so close together and yeosang being friendly.
he twirled you around a few times with the music, before settling his arms around your waist. he brought you near to him as you placed your arms behind his neck. you swayed back and forth, engulfed in your own little bubble of comfort in each other's arms, completely out of time with the loud thumping music that blared around you.
you felt content, and yeosang no longer felt confused. he found his home in your arms and his happiness.
you reached up to place your lips on his, capturing the moment surrounding you. yeosang melted into the kiss, discovering that your lips were soft and sweet against his, just as he had imagined, which caused his knees to feel weak and his heart to skip more than just one beat. he never wanted to let you go, he wanted to compensate for every second that he didn't spend with you since the two of you met.
he leaned forward and whispered softly, just so you could hear above all the music and singing, "lets stay like this forever."
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jiminrings · 3 years
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cold senior!y/n x stem major!koo masterlist :D
you leave jungkook alone in your dorm after a fight — but at the same time, he gets left alone with yoongi and jin, who still aren't sure what to think of him especially now
aka part two of the ll couple's first fight
"i think i'm gonna crash."
seokjin yawns and says out loud without the knowledge that he's speaking out loud, his hands fumbling for the dorm keys amongst the numerous keychains he has a knack for collecting
"you drank one cup of coffee, jin," yoongi snorts because as far as he recalls two hours ago, jin even made him drink his remaining coffee because he couldn't take any more
yeah well sCREW jin for trying to stay awake the whole day alright!!!! he made a roadtrip out of scouring each individual part he wanted to add to his fancy PC setup he's been saving a pretty penny for
he doesn't say it at all but yoongi carries immense happiness in tagging along with errands even if it serves him no purpose <3 sometimes he just likes being a keychain to his best friends and he's happy!!
"yeah, hot coffee — the worst," jin elaborates his dislike for hot coffee even if both you and yoongi heard it a hundred times before
he's noisily trying to find the right key and he's surprised you haven't woken up and just oPENED the door for them, but he's cluelessly and thoroughly entertaining yoongi aka the guy who hAS his own key yet refuses to use just so that he could see his friend suffering some more
at this point, your neighbors probably think you’re getting robbed but thankfully jin finally manages to put in the right key, a satisfactory sigh leaving him when it finally clicks and turns the right way
the dorm is dark and noT dim like what they’re used to, probably something to be blamed to the hellfire of rain that’s going on outside
jin’s carelessly removing his shoes by his own feet, only stopping when yoongi harshly pinches him on the side before he does it to himselF on the inside of his arm
“ow! what was-“
he soothes the sore spot on his side because yoongi can reallyyyyyy put his two fingers close without pinching and therefore make it hurt even more, eyes all around the place before it stops on a familiar figure
a familiar figure, sure. welcome? not exactly.
"huh. you're still here? are you staying the night?"
seokjin asks out loud to jungkook who’s standing by himself beside the couch with his hands bunched, worried eyes fixed on them
"where's y/n?"
yoongi asks and it’s made evident how the both of them have different intentions to acquire for, but they all boil down to you nonetheless
jungkook’s throat dries because it hasn’t even been an hour that he’s left alone in yoor dorm, not expecting it either that your two friends would come home this quick
"that's the thing,” he mumbles and yoongi picks it up first, slithering around jin to confirm if he’s really hearing jungkook
what does he mEAN that’s the thing???
"y/n left."
jungkook’s with the two of them now but oddly enough, he doesn’t feel cornered even if the two of them are positioned as if they’re trapping him
he feels more alone than he is cornered, fresh tears stinging at the back of his eyes that he doesn’t want to show yoongi nor jin
"what did you just say?" yoongi asks more in confusion than in disbelief, narrowing his eyes at your boyfriend
"why would she leave at this hour and at this weather? not to mention, leave you alone with us."
jin raises a valid point to put into everyone’s head how bizarre the situation is and not to spook jungkook out, but it sounds like the latter to him which is why he snorts at the startled look
"calm down, kid. we're not gonna rough you up if that's what you're thinking," he reminds him because they’re not tHAT unhinged when it comes to you, walking to the refrigerator to down the nearest water bottle, ".... not unless??"
he still carries a playful edge to him because as much as he’s worried about you, atleast one of the three of them in this room should be far from having a breakdown to level the others
yoongi’s not done with his questioning streak because he presses further, sitting at the couch in your exact seat that makes jungkook gulp
god it’s now just hitting him that you left
"why did she leave?"
"w-we fought."
there’s slight hesitance in his tone because he’s not exactly surE if he should be telling that he fought with you to your friends, but he sets aside the possible consequences because after all, it’s you that they’re conversing about
yoongi nods to himself, having a hunch that the both of you must’ve fought and when he looks up at him, he only belatedly realizes that your boyfriend’s now blonde
"what did you do?"
he goes straight for it, startling jungkook
he’s not necessarily offended that yoongi asked him what he did because if you ask him, this is really aLL his fault
"i-i'll get to that but uh shouldn't we look for y/n first?"
..... okay that was understandable
yoongi knows where he’s coming from, nodding to acknowledge him
"not the first time this happened," he admits quietly and that leaves jungkook speechless, watching him intently which is why it made sense that yoongi’s not out of his mind panicking just like he is, "y/n left the dorm when she and seokjin fought."
yoongi says it even quieter and jungkook gets why, because as low as his mumble went, seokjin still managed to hear it
it must’ve been a sore spot that jin doesn’t want to tell him all about, atleast right now, because he looks down to his feet as if he’s been burnt
"it was a serious fight, but it was long ago,” he mumbles under his breath and the reminder of their fight which he’s tried to bury in the back of his head throws him off his feet slightly, “she doesn't really leave when it's just a petty fight or something."
yoongi somberly smiles at jin as some sort of apology for bringing it up, not wanting to put salt on the wounds as he just redirects his attention to jungkook
"i'm asking you for the last time, jungkook — what did you do?"
there’s no direct pressure behind his words but the three of them know that it would drastically help if he just said so
there’s no moral compass that he tries to steer because he himself wants to tell yoongi and jin, even if it means having to put the little respect and love they have for him on the line
jungkook doesn’t sugarcoat and retells all the way from what happened with the hoseok situation until he finishes with what happened merely an hour ago, almost scared to look up at the both of them
jin humorlessly chuckles and shakes his head to himself, still perched against the kitchen counter
"low fucking blow, kid."
surprisingly, yoongi became the lenient one
jungkook’s head aches because the two of them switched attitudes in a matter of minutes!!!! jin is the one that sounds like he hates being in the same room as him and yoongi is the one that tolerates hin generally
he could oNLY assume that the retelling of the events must’ve hit jin one way or another, somehow connected to what the two of you fought about long ago
yoongi takes the liberty to speak after jin’s remark, nudging jungkook by the knee to sit beside him
"y/n's hurt, of course, because as much as she had flings and casual fucks and whatnot," he trails around but doesn’t look to jungkook who’s wide-eyed thy he’s even letting him sit beside him, “you're her first boyfriend."
...... what
“i am?”
jungkook asks in confusion and the regret creeps up to him not a second later, the ringing in his ears blocking out the rain and even jin’s announcement that he’ll call you
he nods and kook knows that he’s not only saying this to pull at his tail, simply because he’s aware that yoongi doesn’t joke around with him
with jin entering his room to call you, that leaves him alone with yoongi and it barely registers in his head that this is the first time it’s only the two of them after that time when he threatened to give him a knuckle sandwich and the sort
"was starting to entertain and like the idea of you in y/n's life — our lives, y'know?"
yoongi initiates conversation and kook gets startled even more, tripping over his words because he can’t grasp at the situation fully
"i'm sorry, yoongi. i-i really am."
"hate to say this but," he clicks the roof of his mouth with his tongue, fiddling with his bracelets, "i know you are."
jungkook’s confusion at your friend’s words is what distracts him from his remorse, not believing his ears
yoongi believes him??? he knOws that he actually feels sorry for having done what he did??
"y/n doesn't like being accused, i think no one really does," he starts off carefully, “it's not my story to tell but it's for you to understand that y/n, y'know...."
jungkook swallows the lump on his throat for whatever yoongi’s gonna say next, a furrow in his brow as he chooses his words
“she doesn't come from a past wherein assurance is at face value,” he clears his throat, "that's all i can tell you."
jungkook nods and he tries to contain his thoughts because he doesn’t want to assume. he’s only gonna take what you give and he’ll willingly wait for that time you tell him all about his past
he does have a clue about your family because he asked that one time if he’d be meeting your parents because you’re a senior and you’re graduating soon, but you only shaked your head no and said “yoongs and jin are enough” for your ceremony
yoongi feels sorry, but he’s not sure for who :(
all he knows is that his heart aches, even if it’s for the boy in front of him that he swore he’d hate, but is now unconsciously worming his way into his heart
he’s no stranger to what jungkook feels because he felt the same type of territoriality and the insecurity that came along with it — the one he used to have over you, in that platonic soulmate sense he didn’t realize at the time
"it's not my place to tell you either, but sooner or later, insecurity will consume you, jungkook."
the guy in question nods eagerly because yoongi manages to address the struggle he has in his mind, acknowledging the issue at-hand fully
"y/n can't baby you forever,” yoongi sighs, “but you can't be ditched whenever she feels like it either."
did yoongi just take his side.....
jungkook kNOWS in the back of his head that yoongi’s neutral, but it all just registers in his head that for the first time, yoongi’s on his side, even in a sense
"talk it out. just sleep in her room for the meantime. fix it in the morning,” he starts to gather himself to stand, pausing to look at jungkook in the eye, "i'd hate to see my soulmate hurting."
the thing is, jungkook knows that yoongi’s your soulmate :-)
you told him that once and as much as you explained that it was only platonic, jungkook quickly understood it, much to your surprise
he knows he doesn’t know the entirety of you, but he knows that when he looks at yoongi, he’s looking at you too :)
yoongi gives him the ghost of a smile, making jungkook blink twice
"sooner or later, the two of us need to talk."
jungkook’s contented with that, smiling back at him
"good night, yoongi."
"good night, jungkook."
( ♡ )
“don’t come home, it’s pouring. or go back to your dorm, whatever. i don’t care.”
okay you dO in fact care!!!
it’s been more or less two hours since you left the dorm and you know this because jungkook’s been texting you without fail, only stopping twenty minutes ago that makes you look at the time
it’s 11 o’clock :O
either he’s asleep like he usually would be at this time, or he walked home
in fact, you don’t even know if jungkook is still at your dorm
your phone rings all of a sudden that it makes you flinch, scrambling to see who it was and you don’t know if it’s disappointment or relief coating you when you saw that it was jin
"and where is my favorite girl at this time of the night?"
you could only chuckle as you share a glance with the person whose dorm you crashed in, sending an eager greeting with his mouth full
"i'm at taehyung's. we're eating brownies right now."
when you knocked on tae’s door just two hours ago, the only thing he greeted you with was with a towel!!
he didn’t ask why you’re practically soaked in front of his doorstep because for whatever it is, it must probably be in good reason
truth be told, you didn’t even knOw where you were supposed to go but then tae popped into your head as the only sane person you know that would let you in at this time of the night without prior notice
it was a simple “jungkook and i fought.” to which he only nodded to, turned on the tv for you, and started baking brownies
"mhmm. what kind?"
you chew on the chocolate fudge, slightly chuckling at what jin’s insinuating
"the kind that doesn't leave you disoriented."
he hums at that and you could picture him swiveling on his gaming chair he bought just a week ago, his phone tucked to his ear closely
"the same kind that makes you able enough to come home tonight?"
"yeah,” you breathlessly agree, fiddling with the matching bracelet you have with jungkook, “same kind."
you could only assume now that they've seen jungkook and he's still saying there, all alone but with them
your heart warms at the thought that indirectly, jin’s making you come home to reunite you with jungkook, knowing that there’s an impending conversation sooner or later
"want me to pick you up? you'll get a cold."
"i'll borrow tae's umbrella. i'll come home when we finish the brownies."
the both of you know that it’s code for you just wanting a little more time before you come back, and also because you really wanna dO finish the brownies that tae warmly made for yoy
"mkay," jin smiled at your response, "i'll lock the door but just send me a text and i'll open it for you."
"won't you be sleeping?"
"i'll stay up. i'm not sleepy."
jin replies just as quick, a complete 180 to what he said when he initially came home that he wanted to crash because of the hot coffee he drank
you wordlessly thank him and he acknowledges it, happy to atleast know that you heeded his concern for you to come home tonight
"get home safe. love you."
it’s not only minutes later than you thank taehyung immensely and promise to take him to the aquarium as your thanks, finding yourself in your dorm that seokjin ushers you into with a peck on your head
you rush to your room and you’re greeted with the airconditioning turned on, seeing a lump beneath your comforter that you automatically know it’s jungkook sleeping
you're still damp from the rain but you change quickly to the first set of clothes you can grab from your drawers, not wasting a second longer
you sneak into your own bed, the same one that’s carrying jungkook
his sleep hasn’t even been the deepest and the moment he feels a shuffle beside him, he’s woken up immediately
“i’m here.”
jungkook realizes it’s you with the way your voice is soft and the way you hold his arm when you climb into the covers, wordlessly embracing him from behind
"i'm sorry. it's all my fault,” he says sincerely as he turns his body so he could face you, caging you in with his arm
"i'm sorry i stormed out on you."
he feels you nuzzle to the crook of his neck and it calms him down, the familiar scent of you enough to make his eyes close without fear
it only hits you now that this is the first time the two of you cuddle, much less share a bed
"love you."
it’s barely audible but it leaves you nonetheless, not expecting a reply in return but you get one anyways from a sleepy yet overwhelmingly-content jungkook
"i love you the most."
as always, lmk what you think!! i love answering asks :D what do you want to see from the lunchbox lovers next? send them here <3
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cafeinthemoon · 3 years
Don't Leave Home - Chapter VII
Chapter 7/?
Wordcount 3,9k
Title Comfortable
Fandom Jujutsu Kaisen
Pairing Toji Fushiguro X reader
Read the previous chapters
1 . 2 . 3 . 4 . 5 . 6
Symbols ⭕ . ➕ . 💛
Warning (s) A bit of angst I guess, and a long chapter ahead
Tagging @brumous11, @darling-imobsessed
(if you want to be tagged in any of my stories, just send an ask or a message 😉)
N. A. So we're having some progress here! Yay! After a day like that, the only think one could desire is a good, long sleep, but some matters must be discussed before this (and by the size of this chapter you can imagine that the night is gonna be even longer for these two lol)
This was the hardest chapter to write by far, but I'm glad it's finally among us. It's an immense pleasure to share it with you, guys. I hope you have fun with it :)
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Despite being left only resting, empty over your lap, your hands were not going to stop shaking so soon. The same could be said about your breath. You barely recollected the exact moment when Toji led you to the kitchen and took the plastic bag from your hand, pulling a chair for you and then disappearing with it in his way to the bathroom. You thought you might have asked “Where’s Megumi?” as you walked through the corridor, and he replied that the baby was on his own room, still sleeping; later, at the kitchen, you’ve heard him say “wait here” before leaving, but you weren’t sure of this as well; his voice sounded as distant as in a dream.
You didn’t know how long you’ve stood there, under the yellowish light of the kitchen, the only perceptible sounds coming from your own breath, a slow leak in the sink and Toji organizing things out of your sight. Your thoughts were all on the knife that was pointed at you, and then, a moment later, its pieces falling on the ground, the blade clinging at the two men’s feet. What you saw there – was it real, or were you hallucinating?
You woke up from those deliberations when Toji came back. You raised your eyes to him but said nothing; instead, you just observed him taking some stuff from the pantry and putting them upon the sink, only then realizing he was going to make instant coffee. He opened the packaging and the smell of it spread all over the place; he separated a mug and poured the dark powder inside it, then took a small pan and filled it with water, taking it to the stove.
The notion that it might have seem weird to stay there, observing each movement of his, didn’t cross your mind until all the work was done and he leaned on the sink, arms crossed over his chest, willing to wait with you until the water started to boil. Until that moment, you were occupied thinking that the quick, unaffected manners in which he took care of everything made it easier for you to put yourself together: you knew that after all the events of that day, if you were in the company of a more sensitive person, you would already have passed out.
You were so focused on your own thoughts to notice anything, so you just assumed that you two would stay in silence for a long time. That’s why when Toji spoke, it sounded so sudden that you startled.
- I should have sent you here with the baby and go to the drugstore instead.
He said that in his low, serious tone, more to himself than to you; he did it as a statement, not something that should be discussed.
- This used to be a calm place, you know – he explained, a bit louder now that he had your attention – By the time I came to live here with my wife. But now, if the weekend is approaching, you can find these bastards walking around, drinking, stealing and bothering the girls as soon as it gets dark. I don’t know what the hell’s going on. Unemployment increasing, I guess.
You spoke in your best efforts to appear unworried, however your voice betrayed you, and you scolded yourself for this.
- It’s happening everywhere. It... could have been any other person...
- No – he cut you off – This could have been avoided. I knew it, and still I forgot about it! By this time you should be at home, safe, and I should be here, doing my job.
You could let the irritation in his tone make you uncomfortable or guilty, but you’ve learned to recognize what it meant in the rare times he would speak that way: he was frustrated with himself, for not being able to change things when he saw them not going as expected, and even more when other people were involved. That was a justified feeling, of course, however it wasn’t as if the world would explode because of it; you, the one who were threatened by the blade, knew that. But trying to convince him about this was a different story: Toji could be incredibly stubborn sometimes.
Still, your heart was so tight that you just had to make an attempt.
- Look, everything is over now. You’re back. Megumi will get better. I’m fine now.
He turned his gaze to you, the silent question implied in their glow – are you?
But you were not going to be drowned by his depressive deliberations. Not now.
- I’m really fine! – you insisted – I’m just… shocked, and tired. But it will pass.
For a moment, you thought he was going to have some strong reaction. You thought he already had something to say to contradict you, lingering in the tip of his tongue, that he was going to come to you and pull you up from the chair, wrap you with his arms just like he did outside the house, insist that things should have been done differently and…
But the only thing established between you this time was the absence of your voices and the sound of the water that started to boil. He took it to the sink and prepared the coffee. A moment later, he offered you the mug, steam coming up from it and warming your face as you held it. You accepted it with a whispered “thank you” and did your best not to shake it and make a mess on the table.
You spent the next seconds inhaling the steam and the smell coming up from the liquid; when you took the first sip, a slight burn spread on your tongue and a shiver ran all over your body. The coffee was too strong for your taste, but that was precisely what you needed to crush the shock out of you.
After some delicate sips (you didn’t want to get your tongue really burned), you put the mug in front of you and tried to continue the talking.
- You know... I don’t think that guy will be back so soon. Not after what he saw.
You bit your lip right after this last sentence left them. Not only your attempt to bring some positivity to the environment has failed, but it also led a conversation that should have ended minutes ago through a stranger, more dangerous path.
Toji immediately raised his eyes to yours and found in them the words you didn’t dare speak. After what I saw too. He knew what you were thinking: you guessed that it had something to do with his job, about which he wouldn’t talk to you. You, who were aware of the peculiar nature of such job, wouldn’t find it hard to believe that it was based on something dark, even inhuman.
However, instead of discussing this with you, he chose to express his concordance concerning the robber.
- Yeah. He would be too stupid if he tries to come back here.
More silence. It was a consensus, you were sure, that there was no way to go on with this discussion. You already had decided to stay quiet and finish your coffee... when something crossed your mind and you were forced to speak again.
- Is it something inherited?
Toji frowned. Your voice sounded as if you were thinking out loud.
You tried your best to explain.
- I’m referring to your… Strength. You know, what you did to the knife... people don’t do that everyday.
He sighed, finally understanding where you wanted to go with that.
- Yeah, I’m aware of that. But, answering your question, no, I didn’t get it from anyone in my family. At least no one I know.
You thought of this for a moment.
- It might be something from a distant generation. Who knows? – you surrounded the mug with both hands, but didn’t take it from the table; you couldn’t help the feeling that you were crossing a line with what you were going to say next – Is there… others like you in your family, or are you the only one?
A growl, followed by a harsh laugh, was heard, and the way his eyes found yours and lingered in them made his intentions clear: he was going to examine your reaction to what he was about to say, and maybe have fun with it.
- You’re really curious, aren’t you, darling? In this case, don’t fall from the chair with what I’m gonna say – he moved on his spot – I’m not the only freak among my family, but I’m far from being the greatest one. Actually... they’re worse than me.
Your fingers tightened around the mug in an unconscious attempt to stay composed. Of course it wasn’t safe to say anything yet; for now, it was better not to try and find out what he meant with worse.
You led the conversation to a different direction, as delicate as the previous one.
- Is there any possibility for Megumi to become like you in the future?
Toji licked his lower lip.
- Honestly, I pray it never happens. I know it’s gonna sound cruel because I just said my family is worse than me, but it would be better if Megumi grew up to become like them, or at least a normal person.
You gasped and he stared at you, the familiar grin lingering on his lips.
- Hey, don’t look at me like that. I know my own family. I know what I’m talking about.
You let go of the mug and raised your hands.
- I’m not going to discuss this. I know I have no conditions to do it – and calming down a bit – For now I’ll be content with it.
It might have been just an impression, but you could swear the tension he has been suppressing for all that time just vanished when he heard that. He relaxed his shoulders and sighed, no more words needed to be said between you.
He approached your spot, leaned over you and kissed the top of your head, his hand on your nape making a little mess on your hair. You immediately sensed it was not one of his jokes – it was a rare, serious gesture just like the one he made earlier that day, when he left you with Megumi. Those serious gestures of his, as you used to call them, made your chest so tight that you always wanted to cry after them.
Toji went to the kitchen’s exit saying he was going to take a bath.
- Megumi’s door is open – he said in a vague tone – If anything goes wrong, just warn me.
- Okay.
Your voice almost cracked when you said that single word; you tried to disguise it turning your attention to your coffee. You’ve been feeling tired since you were in the train, but now this sensation became unbearable. After drinking half of its content, you moved the mug away from you and laid your arms over the table, then your head between them.
You must have been dreaming.
You were thinking that you should raise yourself from the table and finish the coffee before it got cold, but you just couldn’t move. Your hands were becoming numb and you were telling yourself you needed to change your position, but you just sighed and stood there, waiting. You moved your left fingers and their tips touched the mug right in front of you; it was still warm. You still had some time.
You were so sleepy. You remembered being up since 6am. That day was long, and you left the hospital at least at 9pm; it felt like an age since that. Besides, coffee never had a strong effect on you. No wonder you were falling over the first surface you saw before you.
There was a moment when you sensed the presence of someone beside you, but no words were heard. Of course it was Toji. But he just said he was going to take a bath; how did he get back so soon? Maybe he forgot to tell you something and came back, but found you taking a nap and gave up speaking. You noticed the sound of steps walking around you, then something was put on the sink. Probably your mug.
Yes, you heard many things while you stood in the kitchen, but the funny thing is that you didn’t hear when Toji left.
You only realized you’ve been in a deep sleep when an ache on your right arm forced you to move: you were lying over it. With an irritated moan, you turned around yourself and sensed a soft surface underneath you instead of the kitchen’s hard chair. You moved your toes and sensed you were wearing only your socks. You didn’t remember taking off your shoes, by the way: you were so concentrated in leaving the dark street behind that you didn’t have time for such etiquette.
You let an oh escape.
When you opened your eyes and recognized the place, your face burned: instead of letting you on the table or waking you up, Toji came to the kitchen and took you to his room. The sound of steps and the other things you sensed there weren’t just an impression, then. You looked ahead and over your shoulder, not willing to change your position, and confirmed you were alone. Where was he? Probably with the baby, or in the kitchen making some food. There was the possibility that he went to the living room, but the absence of the television sounds made you discard the idea.
You sighed. You turned your face to the pillow and tightened your arms around yourself, wanting those deliberations to go away. It was useless to keep embarrassed. You closed your eyes and gave up trying to find out what time it was, what you would do once you stood up and how you would go back home.
Minutes or hours must have passed when you woke up again, this time because you sensed a pressure on the bed, as if someone was taking the spot behind you. You didn’t move, waiting to see what was going to happen. It was clear that the person making you company now was Toji, but was he going to just sleep? Or was he going to start talking to you? Did he even know you were no longer sleeping?
For a while, only your breaths could be detected inside that room, but it changed when a low, ironic laugh was heard behind you.
- How long you’ve been awake, y/n? – he mumbled to the darkness around you – You’re a terrible pretender, you know?
So he knew you were awake. Of course he did: long before you witnessed his abnormal strength in action, you’ve already noticed other peculiarities in him that were equally impressive, such as an exceptional sight and ears that could distinguish the different ways one would breathe beside him.
You replied with a lazy “Hm”, but that didn’t discourage him. A new pressure was applied on the mattress, this time when he turned to your side; you felt a warm, strong arm pass under yours, his hand resting upon your rib. With a squeeze, not so subtle, he pulled you closer to him. You shivered: his skin still had the warmth of the bath, something you didn’t take long to realize for he wasn’t wearing a shirt.
And not even this would go unnoticed by his exceptional senses.
- Don’t tell me you’re ashamed, darling.
You turned your head a bit and mumbled at him, half irritated half sleepy.
- Why did you bring me here?
He giggled, closer to your ear than you were expecting.
- Isn't that obvious? It's more comfortable.
You didn’t reply. His hand left its place around you and reached your cheek, his thumb caressing it in the dark.
- Ah, not you thinking I was eager for a chance to drag you to my bed.
You scoffed and tried to get rid of his grip but didn’t succeed, and that provoked an angrier reaction from you.
- So why do you make it look like that?! You could have left me there.
That time your words made him burst out in a harsh laugh.
- You’re the first girl I see getting angry for not staying in the kitchen.
- Oh, not you making jokes about staying in the kitchen – you replied with your most annoyed tone – Not at this hour.
You felt his pinching your cheek with his thumb and index finger.
- Well, if you don’t want to stay here, that’s okay. You can just leave.
- What?
- You heard me – he replied, unbothered – You can go back to the table, go to the sofa, to Megumi’s room or anywhere you prefer. Because I won’t be sent to the couch in my own house – and approaching again to whisper in your ear – Not even for you, darling.
You didn’t need to look at him to visualize the smirk on his face while he spoke, and even more now when you could sense his eyes burning your back. You kept quiet, trying to go back to sleep, but the conversation was not over.
Toji brushed your hair behind your ear.
- Are you mad? Hm? – he laughed – Of course you are.
But you weren’t really mad. After all that time, you were already used to Toji’s manners: he would spit the most provocative things just to see the blush on a girl’s face without the commitment of a real flirt. You weren’t immune to that; his twisted sense of humor always made you smile, even though it would go against your philosophy of getting angry with such behavior. However, dealing with it was the last thing you wanted now, and being on his bed at the moment only put you under the risk of giving the wrong impression.
So you chose to be honest.
- I’m not mad, right? – you said without moving – I mean, not at you or what you did. I’m mad at this situation. I feel like there’s so much to process right now but all I want is to sleep – you smiled – Is that too much to ask for?
Toji still had his fingers caressing your hair. The gesture was so comforting that you didn’t interrupt him.
- Then it’s better if you stay here and get some rest. The chair is far from comfortable.
You agreed with an “hm” and closed your eyes. Nothing more was said between you.
Slowly, you turned to his side; he was quick in his response and pulled you to his chest. You didn’t offer resistance. You didn’t want to: it’s been a while since you felt safe beside someone – beside a man – and you almost forgot the sensation. But in a second, in a hug that could smother you if a little more strength was put in it, in his rhythmic, composed breathing, in the warmth of his body and the smell of his bath lotion, he brought this memory back. You wanted to laugh at that thought: were you this easy to conquer? No wonder you’ve got into so many problems along your life.
Toji had his hand running up and down on your back.
- You got something in your mind – he whispered – Don’t you wanna share it?
You giggled.
- Can’t believe we just evolved to this level.
- What level?
- You already know when I’m deliberating – you explained, in a soft tone you haven’t used with anyone in a long time – Soon you will be able to guess my thoughts as well.
He laughed.
- It’s nothing. I’m just following my senses. And you’re so close to me that I’d be a fool if I haven’t noticed.
You raised your face to stare at where you thought his eyes would be in the dark.
- Most men don’t notice.
His response to your provocation was immediate.
- I’m not like most men, darling – his hand got a bit rougher on your back – I thought you already knew that.
You laughed so hard your ribs ached.
- Oh, no way! We’re not having this conversation!
- Yes, we’re having it – Toji passed his hand to your waist, his fingers tickling your side – Because you still didn’t answer me. What’s keeping you from sleep?
You took deep, slow breaths to recover, then wiped the tears from your cheeks.
- I was thinking of the moment when you arrived at the hospital – you moved in discomfort at the memory of the episode – God, just one second before was I so desperate… I couldn’t believe I’ve carried the baby through all that distance to seek for help and weren’t going to get it because of a stupid, little detail. I was so afraid. I was so angry. But when I heard your voice…
You paused. You weren’t sure of the best way to say that to him.
- When you heard my voice…? – he encouraged you.
- I’ve never felt so relieved in my life – your voice cracked a bit with the confession – I guess even Megumi sensed it.
- Hm… really?
- Please, don’t laugh at me – you said while already doing it for yourself – It’s true. When I turned and saw you there, the first thing I wanted to do was to run to you and cry.
Like any other person who’s used to solve things all by themselves, you hated the vulnerable place those words put you in, despite the undeniable relief brought by honesty. But the response you got from Toji was less passionate than you imagined, something that both surprised and spared you. And that was enough to inspire gratitude.
- There’s no reason to laugh at you, darling – his palm touched the back of your head, bringing you closer; his lips went over your hair, leaving a kiss on them – Once I’ve put my eyes on you, I imagined you doing that. But I understand that Megumi and the bags managed to stop you that time…
And unlike that occasion, there was nothing stopping you now. Such freedom was so scary that you didn’t know exactly what to do with it. Were you thinking too much? Maybe. But you never succeeded when you acted without thinking first. Funny thing is that, whenever Toji was around, you didn’t sense this necessity of think, of deliberate; he would simply know what to do, and you just had this urge to follow him. It was so easy to gravitate towards him, so comfortable as if it was the right thing to do, when in fact it was the most dangerous decision you could think of. And he knew that, and he would take any chance to have fun watching your inner debates, and you were just unable to get angry at him like you would get if it was any other man in his place.
And right now he was willing to have fun as well, and you only noticed that when it was too late to discuss: he already had his fingers under your chin, soon cupping your jawline, delicate and tiny compared to his hand; his thumb found your lower lip in the shadows and separated it from the upper one. You raised your hand and rested it upon his, but the gesture wasn’t quick enough to stop him from bringing his lips to yours.
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sugar-petals · 3 years
sub!Yuzu | nsfw alphabet
🌹 NOTE ⇢ content for our fave figure skater, the legend himself. mr. yuzuru hanyu is 1000% dom candy and i’m here to honor it at length ⛸
— WORDS. 5k
tags + warnings. dom/sub dynamics, femdom!reader, role reversal hc, smut, kinks, cum play, spanking, sex toys, very freaky yuzu, kitten play, mdlb, crying kink, food play, prostate orgasms, bondage, some deeper stuff & angsty bits, asthma mention, aftercare
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  A = Aftercare (what they’re like after sex)
Once the cat ears come off, who is Yuzuru Hanyu not to remain in character for a while. For the shits and giggles, and because it’s cozy. Once a catboy, always a catboy, it’s the law of the land. Curling up, kneading at you for the head pats and massages, you know the programme. 
Also: Yuzu is famously soft-spoken and always finds the right thing to say. So, stimulating conversation for the cooldown. This is literally so nice. He’s unafraid to reflect everything in detail, say what he preferred, what you could change up together, what he wants to try next. The afterglow is not just physical, as in you give him something to drink, it’s 70% verbal which is very important to him as a consistent habit.
Of course, not to forget: Always gotta have a Winnie Pooh plushie ready. He embraces it readily and, as we know him, does some roleplay right then and there. Yuzu, professional cutiepie he is, is the kinda sub who treats all plush and pillow stuff as alive and breathing. You as his domme are in on the play and also treat his things as holy as they are to him. That Yuzu lets you into that world is the biggest compliment you can possibly get. 
B = Body part (their favorite body part of theirs and also their partner’s)
We all know Yuzu’s godly ass and thighs. Or the staggering waist and beautiful black hair that makes him a total bombshell in his classic comb-back styles. His face is soft and expressive and so damn unique, his legs muscular and long, his back and tummy chiseled, the list goes on and on. Jesus, he has so many great features. All body parts a masterpiece. That are all capable of god-tier contortionism on top of that, gotta mention it in passing. Just so you know if you haven’t seen him bend his every limb into directions you wouldn’t believe are humanly possible. 
Interestingly though. If he chooses, Yuzu picks his feet: They are his most important instrument and weak spot. His ankles are where the magic happens. So, you taking care of them a little would mean the world to him, imagine a candle light massage. Not to worry, no-gross-alert. Yuzu has perfect and cute feet. That’s gonna be a Victorian moment, oh my god I saw his ankles. For his partner, short and simple: He likes a shoulder to lean on. He loves being touchy in general, all body parts are amazing to him. Being in a profession that’s all about the physics, Yuzuru knows about the wonders of the body.
C = Cum (anything to do with cum, basically)
Certified king of cumsluts, doesn’t even hesitate. The more, the merrier. If he’s not covered in sticky stuff, Yuzu would be underchallenged. It’s less about the taste, texture or any degradation, for him it’s the playing around with his tongue. Somebody wants his mouth preoccupied. Give the cat his milk. Feed him his own cum mixed with yours. He’s gonna lap at it and swallow.
Since Yuzu’s dream is a mommy domme baking him something, he just loves the smell of dough and hazelnuts and cinnamon and everything — you know what’s coming: Imagine the food play. Nuts indeed. Anything that even remotely looks like a creampie is something he wants to get his lips on. And Yuzu is not the type to be a foodie at all, let that sink in. Sexual-looking food is just too big a temptation, though. And you spoiling him that way... oh my. Surefire way to end up in bed right after. 
D = Dirty secret (pretty self-explanatory, a dirty secret of theirs)
Has a butt plug collection. Once almost went on the ice with one in. The more you know. Also— this guy is the kinda type fantasizing to get absolutely railed on a bed of plushies. He has troubles suggesting it to you because he doesn’t want them to get actually dirty. But the idea gets the two of you kind of horny. Sometimes, a thought is better as a fantasy than actually executing it. You can use it for riling up’s sake, whispering it to him during dirty talk. How you’ll bounce on him and ruin him and milk him while he’s splayed out so innocently on your bed. I smell corruption kink. 
Another secret Yuzu keeps is just how much he changed his mind about wanting his partner to control everything in bed. He grew up with a pre-defined ideal type of a cute, nice skater girl who’d let the reins very loosely around him, who he can speak Japanese to because he had problems with English, who is small and someone he will protect. It wasn’t something based on experience and trying things out: It was simply expected of him. People wanted the domineering Yuzuru on ice to be that way in private, and make use of his power, be a man, savior, boss. 
The reality being: He never felt truly as tough on the ice, nor was he gender-conforming in person. In fact, that is what he became famous for, and it reassured Yuzuru very often how people would accept and actually celebrate this side of him. Which is so refreshing, and a sight to see. The side that was dorky, clingy, childish, gorgeous, and cute has always been there, but now he embraces it more as his comfort place. He has to know what he’s doing in his skating programme and show competitive spirit to achieve his dreams, but that’s where it stops.
His former ideals are something people wanted to hear, it was an adaptation of the environment rather than thinking it through on his own. So, years later — oh boy have things changed. Yuzuru no longer defines his ideal type that way, saying whoever he likes is someone he’d be with. What was a fantasy template and filter is now gone and adapted to his newfound, own preferences. Yuzu is comfortably open-minded rather than being a copy to mainstream. He found fun in speaking English, opened up to the world at large, had more girls around him who he could befriend, grew more confident in his stature, and is well aware — turns out he’s the cute one. Who needs to be taken under a wing. He likes strong-minded girls and says if he had a wife, she’d dominate him. Yuzuru secretly wants her to be in charge entirely, she owns his body and soul. Not in daily life where things are just normal and everyone goes about their business. Sexually, where he surrenders instead, and is taken care of.
E = Experience (how experienced are they? do they know what they’re doing?)
The tale of an introvert. What he knows — he hides it well. Has eyefucked a whole lot of people and is the type to lust like mad from a far distance, and nobody will ever know. Crushes harder than peppercorns in a mill. If he loves someone, it lingers in his mind every split second of the day, may god have mercy on him. And if you know him: Yuzu aims too high to keep it light and easy and clumsy. He hates being an amateur, he’s terrified of starting out something. He dreads not knowing what to do, how exactly to behave, talk, touch, breathe, respond, negotiate, prepare. That’s a hundred percent like hell to him.
Ironically, he has a natural feeling for it and he’s literally amazing in bed, has a sense for social interaction is all the way cute with something valuable to say. But what he believes is something way different. Yuzuru is a diehard, nervous perfectionist. He can only think of it as a rated performance since his mind usually has to work that way to skate well. His esteem is on a knife edge depending on how well he thinks he does. So, the inevitable: He will shy away from sex altogether. He draws immense skating passion from staying celibate, in fact it’s his success secret, but it still eats him up from the inside and makes him frustrated beyond measure. Not even for the pleasure, since he’s so ambitious that’s almost forgotten about, but for being told he did well. 
That’s how much he believes sex is a drill and capability test. And it’s sad that he thinks it’s like his skating career, racking up points for the impossible things judges want and being in a deadlock when it comes to showing his artistic side. He feels thrown into cold water if he doesn’t know everything beforehand. If he ever works up the courage, which probably won’t happen, he will pay an expert to learn from rather than let something all over the place happen with a random person or even someone he might like. 
Yes, you heard that right. He’d rather see a sex worker than ‘mess up’ his first time according to his sky-high standards. So, Yuzu’s experience remains limited since he’s so 100% do or die, and so anxious, and so torn about social interaction, he doesn’t get how his peers can be playboys and get married and flirt with someone they like and all that. He sort of has an easier time with guys, but girls... he can’t approach. To top it off, he also feels like he’d burden his first time one somebody or embarrasses himself, so he will reject and avoid suitors. Those are usually not the people he crushes so hard on to begin with. It’s bound to be one-sided and he knows, so he will abstain and focus on career and use the cheers of his fans as a substitute.
Truth is, he feels helpless and distant from sex sometimes, especially with his practice-heavy lifestyle and hyper-smart mind, Yuzuru has an intelligence that exceeds what most people can grasp. He’s alone on the ice and Brian as a coach is often the only reference person who truly gets him, and leads him well without being controlling. But that’s professional life. Sexually, Yuzuru is metaphorically: coachless. He surely observed it well when Javier (the #1 ladies man, his opposite) was still active and a social butterfly helping him fit in, but Yuzu would always be worried about his extreme fame and spotless image when introduced to someone fangirling over him. He’d rather prefer someone who comes across as a mentor and solid, loyal-to-death person to look up to. So he would do anything to have someone benevolent like that. Most girls would expect him to be the sex god and expert, but he knows that’s only half of the story and based on his characters on the ice. Yuzu crafts these to counterbalance how he really is — withdrawn and indirect. 
Yuzu is extremely calculating and selective, he scans suitors well, protects his reputation, and is mortified of failure. So, he’d rather learn it by the book and from someone he’s not emotionally attached to. In a one-night stand that might also be the case, but he doesn’t know what to expect, and he’s absolutely terrified of sudden sexual vulnerability. He himself often says he values his own struggle between feeling so weak and being strong again 
Besides: He’d have problems squeezing hookups into his schedule and lifestyle, he’d have to cut down on things and create a double life. Plus, Yuzu is famously inept with social interaction up close, he flees the noise and unpredictability. So, it’s better to have a long-term partner. If he doesn’t know something yet, he has it down in one day like the single axel. Definitely counts on his partner teaching him.
F = Favorite position (this goes without saying)
We know Yuzu’s signature move is the lean-back Ina Bauer. So, whatever position allows for an arch is the real deal (cough, taking the strap — oh my god his ass is made for it). But anyway, he can pull off anything with that stellar flexibility and core strength. 
If I think about it. Yuzu might like sitting on your lap very much. I know it’s not a sex position, I mean it can be once his inner lapdancer awakens or you use a strap-on, I rather mean... just for some sweet moments and making out. But yeah: Fathom Yuzu gyrating on your like that. Not in an outright lascivious manner or Chippendales style. The Hanyu way, with embellishments and all the grace. This is gonna be a huge turn-on and perfect foreplay position.  
G = Goofy (are they more serious in the moment? are they humorous? etc.)
Not much to elaborate here: Yep, Yuzu is true goofball indeed. Really flustered and clumsy when eye-to-eye in missionary, and yet: He’s ultra serious towards the end, there’s gonna be an aggressive staredown before cumming. The feeling gets pretty intense, his duality between silly and ‘yeah, give it to me’ is no joke.
H = Hair (how well groomed are they? does the carpet match the drapes? etc.)
Would probably die from inflammation if he shaved clean under those tight suits and did all these chafe-heavy skating routines. Doesn’t have a lot of body hair to begin with, but for pits and pubes, it’s alive, wild, and decently long. Out of all people, Yuzu cares particularly about aesthetics, but in this case pragmatism will prevail. He doesn’t care too much about it either as long as it doesn’t get in the way of something. Having sex with Yuzu tends to be well um well all about a hundred types of friction so any stubble would be a bad idea.
I = Intimacy (how are they during the moment? the romantic aspect)
You haven’t seen a guy in love like that. It’s a figure skater thing for sure. Since he works to portray these sentiments on the ice daily, hardly anybody can play up feelings so delicately and palpably like Yuzuru. Emotion is what his entire career is built on. He knows how to express himself directly, appropriately, intimately. Couldn’t be any more romantic. Yuzu can’t go without it. 
Very passionate, ‘for your eyes only’ kind of atmosphere. Yes, he shows off on the ice, it’s his job (although of course, that word doesn’t really sum up what skating means to him). But private Yuzu is someone you can claim as yours. He will make it clear, he wants to belong to you, he’s yours, dedicated, devotion is the entire point. Less with a slant of what some subs like, very hands-on ownership of a mistress. It’s more emotional. He’s really attached and all smitten. Your private little haven is everything to him. 
Talking about little: Yuzu can be quite a pillow prince sometimes. At least when the initiative doesn’t go back and forth as it frequently does, you often alternate with suggestions and ways of tweaking an ongoing play session. You blindfold him or tie his wrists, He might be standard tired from practice or just fascinated to watch you work your magic on him. 
He also likes music to set the tone for intimacy, who’s surprised. Prepare: Yuzu likes dramatic classical music all the way. He’s probably one of the few people who can make it more than ‘classy’ and definitely more than cringe. He selects pieces very well. This is gonna be a practice template to cum together when the music reaches its peak. Makes the whole thing full of adrenaline.
J = Jack off (masturbation headcanon)
Lots of fun to him. Would beat it 24/7 if the ice wasn’t calling him. Drowns himself in lube. This guy’s me-time is so rated R, Cardi B would be inspired to remix WAP to wet ass penis as an anthem just for him. A dry dick is a ruined day for Yuzuru, as is a session without teasing his prostate in whatever way he currently fancies. Once he tried it, he never went back. The intensity knocking him out is something that Yuzu thinks about all the time. Strokes like a pro, does all these little moans, can do it forever, loves the feeling, chases the high. Adrenaline junkie on the ice? No different with his hand around his cock. 
Will masturbate everywhere in the house and has to really get his head in the game to make sure he won’t ruin any carpets. So, he always has at least two towels with him. In the kitchen, in front of the TV, in the shower, the bed. Watches his fair share of eclectic porn, he gets really desperate. Especially before you started dating, Yuzu would shut himself in until the lotion ran out. Can jack off to something romantic (he starts crying) or something extreme (he loves shocking himself and ). 
K = Kink (one or more of their kinks)
Very curious about sadomasochism. Googles a lot of things that make him hard during the day. Often jawdropped by his research, but once he tries things out with you, nothing can really shock him anymore. Absolutely wants to be collared, it’s his biggest fantasy. Another little secret he has, Yuzu is decked out in skating gloves, right. He wishes he could feel you wearing them, or he keeps them on for sex himself, the lacey transparent ones. Looks especially pretty when his wrists are tied so, major photograpy material. Oh yes, Yuzu likes the camera, he can work it. The guy is photogenic in any position and can strike any angle you want. Your phone background is a new Yuzu snapshot every week already, imagine your gallery, 5800 kinky pictures.  
L = Location (favorite places to do the do)
I’m gonna say it. The frozen lake out of town, late at night, condoms and lube with you. A quickie that will leave your genitals frozen. Yuzu might get stuck inside you because it’s -15 Celsius. Call that fantasy on ice. Jokes aside: Come on, Yuzu is the biggest ever hermit homebody. The couch will have a bunch of indents after your week-long fucking sessions after he comes home training. Also, at his desk while he does work for university. You ride him, Yuzu studies. Double the ambition. His dick is completely sore. The lake out of town thing might go down, but without sex. Just skating together under the stars, Yuzu doing amazing spins and spirals around you, very very romantic.
M = Motivation (what turns them on, gets them going)
Yuzu is a crazed Sagittarius. Have you seen these men? They just want it all. Must be the influence of Jupiter. Zeus was definitely vibing that way. And yes, Yuzu has borderline unhealthy gold medal thinking in bed. He wants to be not just good but damn good with pleasing you. If you don’t have a good time and head home without an orgasm, he’ll consider himself a failure. Yuzu won’t cut himself any slack there. You’d have a hard time changing his ways into something more chill and moderate. Instead, you will see the benefits of rolling with it once you see how improvement fuels him and does make sex really mindblowing.
N = No (something they wouldn’t do, turn offs)
Couldn’t do things like slapping you, spanking. Yuzu makes for a terrible daddy dom, it’d not suit him.
O = Oral (preference in giving or receiving, skill, etc.)
Cum-dripping oral mess, Yuzu is the brave kind. Totally into it, and can’t resist a good blowjob. Will act different afterwards, there’s a lot of erotic tension. “This evening again?” is what those eyes are saying.
P = Pace (are they fast and rough? slow and sensual? etc.)
Outstanding kinesthetic intelligence. Every inch of his body follows his intent, and yours if you have him take on certain ways of kneeling. Yuzu can do it all, whatever you want. Tantalizing, moderato, overwhelmingly fast. He can take it, he can portray it. And knows the value of a pause like a true connoisseur. Not just when he wants to prevent cumming early, also just because the moment is right. That’s why cockwarming is a staple, as well as you having him wait patiently for kisses. To top it off: If you give him a blowjob, building up the tension by doing nothing is damn effective. The ruined orgasms you’re gonna give him... delicious.
Everything’s gonna have nice transitions as well, no awkward climbing and rolling and tangling limbs. If he gets something from another room that you need, no slouching. The university course as good as the extracurricular activities. Being inconsistent with any subsidiary details? Not in the Hanyu household, he’s keeping it classy. Yuzu feels like if he makes the bridges to new positions even remotely messy, the feeling is killed and it’s as if he’d break character mid-skate. Although he’ll have to practice and refine and test a lot of things because he’s not super experienced and adapting to your own movements is an individualized thing to do, he’s a masterclass of quality, period.
Even when things get fast and heated, nothing feels off. Having that kind of body smartness also means: Yuzu learns by touch, whatever you do. He knows by the way you pull his hair what comes next. How much saliva drips off your tongue when you suck at his neck, he knows how hard you’ll to ravage him in five minutes. This guy observes things you aren’t even conscious of because his physical understanding is just so fine-tuned.
The sense of rhythm, and every skating programme of him will showcase that, unbeatable. Unless his mood is really impacted by something severe, your guy feels it in every bone. He’s an artist, after all, he listens to music all the time. Dissecting rhythms to turn them into movement is what his line of work is all about. The pace will always fit the mood. Everything is precise, but never crude. Instead, the way he moves is dictated by an inherent flow. With little accents that match right with any thrust, like putting his hands on your sides when you’re on top of him.
Q = Quickie (their opinions on quickies, how often, etc.)
Hit it Shakira: Whenever, wherever! He seemingly carries an entire condom factory with him. Or, to be more exact: At least three of them.
R = Risk (are they game to experiment? do they take risks? etc.)
This one’s a complicated case. Yuzu being reckless on the ice may or may not mirror in your private life. He might need some downtime, so bring out the soft domme stuff. No trial and error stuff, just going through a routine of things you love the most. On the other hand, he always gives it all. This guy’s endurance at your hands is amazing. Advanced kinds of BDSM he will not feel deterred from at all. Rough toys, anal hooks, sounding, whips, why not is Yuzu’s motto. But then again. He has such a confusing mix of innocence and feeling like he’s completely hardcore. You might end up experimenting a lot, but also not daring the leap sometimes because the mood is different. And then rather go for softer hours, where Yuzu will be all shy shy and more bursting with excitement than ever. A good, interesting mix is what I’m saying.
S = Stamina (how many rounds can they go for? how long do they last?)
Yuzuru, once he gets a bit of practice to gauge the situation... Viagra on two legs, absolute unexpected powerhouse. You might end up pondering to work out a little and go for a run because this guy is in a consistently outstanding shape to say the least. Olympic athletes are literally hard to fuck with. And since Yuzu is starfishing sometimes (which is very adorable), or he’s in bondage for some time, that presents a further problem: For a second round, he’s full of energy, while you already spent energy. So, you alternate with who’s active, and the other leans back entirely. He has to remind himself since his body is programmed for it: This is no contest — the point is feeling good.
You might ride him reverse cowgirl all the way while you watch TV, and after the overstimulation fades he will eat you out ad nauseam, full course slobbering, sweeping the whole menu. That way, it’s less about keeping up with him, which would be hard for most people not doing sports at his galactic level. He understands, Yuzu knows he’s not normal in that regard, you don’t have to worry. Some exercise still doesn’t hurt, just to further increase the quality of sex anyway.
Then again: Why go jogging and do some laps wasting valuable together time when Yuzu’s lap is the best workout? And running doesn’t guarantee your stamina in bed is perfect even if it does help. You rather wanna manage how to draw out the arousal. It’s a self-control thing, with the goal of having you match up in every aspect as good as you can. In which case, you can count on him to pull it off: Have you seen Yuzu doing jumps side by side with a bunch of female skaters? Copy paste. This guy knows how to synchronize with the ladies.
Something that has to be mentioned beside that, though. Yuzu has asthma since 2 years old, and it’s often a mind thing to him still these days. He doesn’t let it stop him from sleeping with you because as always, he’s not letting anything get in his way. He has learned to live and thrive with it. But you both have to mind the possibility of an attack, he prevents it with inhalers, and the mood plays a crucial role. Yuzu being comfortable and confident is so important to his breathing, and keeping a good rhythm rather than being chaotic in bed. So, you will plan most of your sexual activities rather than improvising. 
T = Toys (do they own toys? do they use them? on a partner or themselves?)
Would stuff an entire sex shop into his every available orifice. Yuzu is a toy freak, he wants to try everything. Motto: a new one every day. Well, almost. But he can afford it. Buys stuff he uses solely on himself, things you use on him, things he uses solo and you use on him, and as the cherry on top, every possible high end vibrator on the market for you. Any size, too. This bitch will browse through the latest innovations, prepare to get off. He’s obsessed with seeing you use it on yourself. Yuzu owns a separate phone just for videos of you buzzing your clit, and him fingering you for minutes and minutes. 
U = Unfair (how much they like to tease)
Extremely so. Loves to be a total brat only to get put into his place. He does it so you’ll pull the chin grab on him. He likes getting choked out as a punishment as well. Yuzu also tends to be very around the corner if you will when it comes to soft subbing, he lays over expecting cuddles but doesn’t say so. Buds his head against your chest, nuzzles, and so on. Lighter forms of teasing come to him very easily. Loves to prompt. Roughhousing, banter, favorite thing.
V = Volume (how loud they are, what sounds they make, etc.)
Moderately loud because his voice is very very light, but unsurprisingly — he’s just beautiful. What a nice tone. Gorgeous whimpering sounds. And when you go hard on him, voice cracks! And really heavy breathing. What’s gonna be the most striking though is his expressiveness. We know it from the ice and interviews, and he can really amp it up even further. No need for screaming, that face will speak the volumes.
W = Wild card (a random headcanon for the character)
You’ll be blessed with him if you have a huge crying kink. Yuzu definitely opens the waterworks every other week in bed. Happy tears, horny tears, relief tears, aftercare tears, orgasm tears, masochist tears, romantic tears, subspace tears, he has it all. He also begs for the type of pain that makes it stream down his face for minutes. He’s touchy-feely all the way and feels like he can really connect with you that way.
X = X-ray (let’s see what’s going on under those clothes)
His ass twitching is kind of a spectacle, but I don’t have to tell you, do I. Yuzu has muscles for the gods in there. So voluptuous, you can’t call it any other way. Big booty boyfriend, Jesus you can show him off, he loves it. Around the house, he will flaunt them big ole athlete buns in particular, acting like it’s unintended. Um, Yuzu, those are joggings. Smack it, he is sure to moan. 
And may I respectfully mention as well — this guy has some major big ass balls figuratively and literally. How else would someone be motivated to jump a triple axel like it’s nothing. Not kidding, they’re big and round and ugh. His love for tight pants doesn’t help. He knows what your eyes like and dresses just to flex the goods. Screams for more spanking and pinching if you ask me. Yuzu is definitely serving it. Well-endowed, you lucky girl.
Y = Yearning (how high is their sex drive?)
Mega horny, ready when you are. On a scale from zero to hundred? Breaching into the 90 percent right there. Yuzu’s hormones are literally insane. On paper he’s 26, but his dick wants the 18th birthday party. Jesus is he gonna be clingy when he’s in the mood. All wrapped around you in a backhug in the kitchen or when you iron a costume of his, and that’s sexy of him. He’s not gonna hide what’s filling out those sweatpants. He’ll desperately grind up against you like it’s Christmas.
Paired with his puppy eyes and little “Do you have some time... I’ll iron this tomorrow” — instant pounce. He’s admittedly a bit hard to keep up with sometimes, though. The reason: With that level of exercise, he has major pent-up energy. That machine is definitely running. Heavy sports changes your hormones, nervous system, and especially blood flow. Now take that to the scale of his performances and regimens? That equals a firework of horny. No wonder he masturbates all the time.
Z = Zzz (how quickly they fall asleep afterwards)
Takes some time. He cools down, sweats it out, chugs water. However, don’t underestimate how tired Yuzu can already be. His daily routines and competitions have a toll on him. Ironically, he’s not a deep sleeper, however. Yuzu might toss and turn and have sudden energy bursts, or ideas, or gets hungry. So, he needs his plushies, he needs a weighted blanket, warm pajamas, a hot cup of his favorite warm drink, a light snack, and you by his side. Spooning him excessively and sometimes even humming to him. Yuzu looks like a certified angel on his pillow, his well-deserved rest from everything is so important, too.
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NOTE - hope i could indulge you, thank you for reading!
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