#gonna see about getting a stool sample to check if she might have parasites
savage-rhi · 16 days
Fu ch sia
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mirkwoodshewolf · 5 years
Wedding preparations; queen x reader
*Author’s note*
Okay guys here we go, these next few chapters are very near and dear to me because just last saturday (yep on May 4th) my sister had gotten married and I was so honored to be apart of it as one of her bridesmaids along with all her friends.  She really married a great guy and I’m happy for them. Now that all the stress of the wedding is over, I feel like now is the time for these next chapters to be published. I wish my sister and my new brother in law the best of luck as they now move to Nashville and they both get better jobs so that they can spend more time with their baby girl.
Anyways enough rambling I’ll leave you all too it and thank you all for being so patient with me, this semester has really been kicking my ass as of late, I still got one essay and 2 finals to do but that’ll all be over soon and then it’s 3 straight months of writing YAY!!!!! Hopefully I do better now that I’ve managed to do some writing throughout the semester and that I don’t get caught in a rut like I did all throughout last year. Anyways enjoy everyone :)
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The next day I was on the phone with Jack who had apparently tried to call me repeatedly after getting a message from Deacy about all that had happened the past couple of days.
“Yeah love I got your message.”
‘Oh that’s good.’
“Yeah I even heard about the one where you said you’d bring Jensen and Jared to come over and beat the shit out of Freddie.”
‘I knew I should’ve pushed harder to come with you.’
“No, no love there was no need for you to come. There wasn’t any point of you coming here along with me to have only 5 days up here and then end up going back to America.”
‘I know. But you know I love you right (y/n)?’
“Yeah, yeah I know you do.”
‘I really do baby.’ I smiled and then I said.
“Well I—I’ll call you tomorrow.”
‘Okay babe, love you.’
“Love you too.” With that I hung up the phone and smiled softly.  I heard footsteps coming from the kitchen to the living room where I was sitting on the couch, I looked up to see John coming with another piece of cake.
Veronica had offered to make some cake samples for the wedding.  Even though I told her it wasn’t necessary, she refused to take no for an answer and wanted to at least see if I would go for a wedding cake that she could potentially make instead of having me waste money on a cake.
“Another cake sample; chocolate Zuccotto.” He said as he sat down in front of me on the foot stool.
“Do I really have to try another one?”
“You don’t want it?”
“I mean I’ve already had nine samples already and loved every one of them, I feel like if I eat another bite I won’t find a wedding dress in my size anymore.”
“Well I’ll just tell Veronica she’s too good of a baker for your wedding then.” He said as he set the cake aside.  I playfully shoved him with my foot which made him chuckle.  “So you talked to Jack?”
“Yeah. Yeah he just got the yes from some more family members, a few friends and his cousins have agreed to be his groomsmen. Have you told him that you and the guys agreed to be in the wedding?”
“Yeah Brian got a hold of him last night after you went to bed. And I told him I’d agreed to be the best man. Have you talked to Veronica about the Matron of Honor position yet?”
“I was planning on telling her later today when me, her, Nique and Chrissie go out dress shopping.” He nodded.  “Have you gotten a stylist yet?”
“Jared’s wife Gen is actual a professional hairstylist and runs her own beauty salon so she’s gonna help with my hair and makeup.”
“And how about a song for you and Jack?”
“Not yet. Honestly I don’t know if there’s even a good enough song that could really help express my love for Jack.”
“You’ll find one love, don’t worry about it.” He said as he rubbed my shoulder.  I nodded and that’s when I noticed the time and I said.
“Oh shit I better head over to the bridal store; I promised the girl’s that we’d meet right at the doors when it opens at 10.”
“Well I won’t keep you and I’ll just see myself out.”
“Thanks for bringing the samples over Deacy. Veronica’s lucky to have someone like you.”
“Nah she was stuck with me.”
“Hey, she loves you immensely.” I shoved him again as I grabbed my purse and we both went out the front door.  I locked my house up and Deacy and I cheek kissed each other goodbye and he went home while I went downtown towards the bridal store to meet up with the wives of Queen.
I managed to reach the store with about 10 minutes to spare.  Already I saw a crowd of women trying to be the first ones inside.  Reason for that being was because today “Monique’s Bridal shop boutique” was having a 25% off sale on all her designer dresses.  I parked my bike and tried to look over the crowd of women who were pushing and shoving people out of the way.
“(Y/n)! (Y/n)!” I could hear Dominque cry out.  I soon saw her wiggle out and managing to peek out from the crowd and she held out her hand. “Quickly take my hand before I lose my spot!” I took it and she pulled me in.
Much like Roger, if anyone tried to push us out of the way, she would snap at them like a defensive lioness and tell them to literally ‘back the fuck away you harpies’ or my favorite, ‘you push this girl back, then your dress won’t be the only thing people will look at’.
We finally reached the front doors where Chrissie and Veronica helped us in and I said to them.
“God is it always like this?”
“When you have a sale like this, I’m afraid so. It was the same way back when I married Brian 10 years ago.” Said Chrissie.
“Okay ladies now remember, keep these whistles on you at all times, and if you see a potential dress, blow and hold that dress closer than you could ever imagine.” Veronica said as she handed out whistles for the three of us.
“Don’t you think it’s kinda extreme V?” I asked.
“Aww first time brides are so cute.” She said. She stroked my cheek and said as she cupped it, “Listen sweetie, deals on wedding dresses like this don’t come around very often. It’s a miracle we managed to pick a shopping date that this sale actually began on. Women will do anything to obtain the dress they need, even if it means using extreme violence.”
“For real?” I asked.  All three of them nodded and that’s when one of the employees came up to the door.
“Alright ladies, this is it; as soon as that door unlocks, you run like hell.” Dominque said.  The woman took out the keys and lifted them to the lock and I could hear the click, then like a broken dam with water spurting out everywhere, every single woman raced inside and went for the first dresses they could find.
I ran further into the shop towards a bunch of dresses that were on hangers and looked through them.  They were either too puffy of the sleeves, or too long of a train.  I browsed and browsed until finally I seemed to have found the right one.
“Oh my god, this is it. I’ve found the one.” I went to grab it when I felt someone else grab the dress at the same time.  We were both tugging on it till finally I was pulled to the other side of the rack where a woman in her late 30’s early 40’s stood with short red hair and green eyes.  She was tanned but I could see some early stages of wrinkles showing up.
“Well seems I’ve caught a little parasite with this dress.”
“Excuse me?” I snapped.
“Darling no offense but if you think you can pull off this dress, you might want to check the doll section over there. They might have one that’s for such a tiny thing like you.” Wow the girls weren’t kidding. This woman was really starting to piss me off.
“No offense giantess but if you tried on this dress you might not be able to hide those giraffe legs of yours.” She glared down at me and pulled on the dress and sneered.
“Let go of it you little brat.”
“No you let go bitch!” We tugged it back and forth till finally I grabbed my secret weapon and blew on the whistle and it pierced the air.  I kept blowing it and blowing it till finally I heard Chrissie’s voice exclaimed.
“Oi! I think she saw the dress first.” The woman turned towards the three women who were now standing behind me and that’s when Dominque said.
“So I suggest you release that dress less you want to wake up with barely any teeth left in your mouth for that perfect wedding picture.” The woman glared down at me and I only smirked up at her as she had no choice but to release the dress and walk away.
“Wow Dominque, I don’t think I’ve ever seen you act this defensive.” I told her.
“Well when you’re in a relationship with Roger Taylor, you pick up on a few things. So you found one?”
“Yes, I think this is the one.” I said as I held it up.
“Now hold on love, first rule of wedding dress shopping; never go for the first one unless is absolutely the one for you. Now Chrissie and I managed to find about three others that would be perfect for you. So let’s try them on in the backroom.” Said Veronica as she placed an arm around my shoulder and guided me to the backroom.
Chrissie and Dominque stood guard of the remaining dresses while Veronica was in the changing room with me trying on the dress that I had picked out.
“So how did you like those cake samples I had made?”
“Oh V they were delicious. All of them, I don’t think I can pick just one.”
“Well don’t worry love, you’ll choose one. At least you and Jack both agreed on chocolate cake, now we just need to find the perfect brand of chocolate.”
“Maybe you could fly out to America and let Jack have a taste of some of your samples.”
“One step ahead of you darling.” As she tied up the corset part of the dress, I felt like I was being constricted like a snake as I gasped out.
“Can’t breathe!”
“See this is why we try things out. They may look good but sometimes it doesn’t mean they feel good.”
“I just didn’t expect it to have a corset setting though. And this was such a beautiful dress too. Now I feel like a complete idiot for almost rumbling with that woman when this dress wasn’t even going to fit me. What if we never find the right one?”
“Hey now don’t you say that. We’ll find you a dress, I promise we will find you one. Let’s try on the one Dominque found for you.”
Dress after dress after dress and they were either too tight, too long, or it just didn’t feel right on me.  We spent god knows how long in the shop for trying on practically every dress we could find.  It was then we decided to tag-team search; Dom and Chrissie went together while Veronica and I teamed up and we began the search again.
As Veronica and I went through almost every rack in the store, she gasped and said.
“(Y/n) come here quick!” I raced over to her and she held out the most beautiful wedding dress I had ever seen.
“Oh my…..”
“Let’s go try it on, quick!” She took my hand and blew her whistle for Dominque and Chrissie to hear as she raced me back towards the changing rooms.
After getting the dress on, Veronica first stepped out and I slowly followed behind her with the dress and matching veil on and the three of them were in awe.
“Oh my…..(y/n).” Dominque cooed.
“This is it. I feel so beautiful in this dress.” I whimpered out.
“You look beautiful in it sweetie. Let’s get it and then we’ll make an appointment with a tailor to make any adjustments.” She helped me out of the dress and we got Chrissie and Dominque to meet us outside while Veronica and I bought the dress.  As the cashier rang up the price I thought it was a good time to ask her now.
“Hey V.”
“Yes love?”
“I want to ask you an important question.”
“Sure what’s up?”
“Well you’ve already done so much for me for this wedding already and since I don’t really have friends my own age anymore since I became the Rock Angel. I was wondering if you’d—would you like to be my Matron of honor?” She looked at me with a shocked expression before it broke off into a wide smile and she embraced me and said.
“I’d be happy to darling! Thank you so much for asking me.” I smiled and hugged her back.  The cashier congratulated us and Veronica paid for the dress.
I tried to convince her not to but she wanted to because as the Matron of Honor she wanted to make sure that everything was perfect and that she could handle the big payments while I handle the little stuff.  Of course I’ll let her have it for now but later on down the road we’re gonna come to a compromise.
After buying the dress and asking Dominique and Chrissie if they’d be willing to be my bridesmaids, they both agreed and were ecstatic to be a part of my big day.
Once getting the dress, we decided that after a stressful day of trying to get the dress, we all went to the pub in celebration for finding the perfect dress and for finally finishing picking my bridesmaids as well as officially having a Matron of honor.
By nightfall, I arrived back at the house with the dress and put it in the closet until it came time for me to head to America to help out with the remaining preparations for the wedding.
That night I tried to fall asleep but all I kept doing was tossing and turning.  Something was stirring in my head as I began to dream a million dreams after the day of my wedding.  
Jack and I buying a house, living away from society, having a large family, owning a huge property of land, or even a small cottage whatever it was we agreed to have in the end.
Finally looking at the clock to see that it was only 12:35am I decided to head down to my studio as the perfect wedding song finally came to mind.
*3rd Person POV*
Brian, Roger and John arrived at their Rock Angel’s house just to check and see how things were going since they didn’t get an update from either her or their wives.  They let themselves in as Roger called out.
“(Y/n)?! Oi (y/n) you here love?”
“She might still be asleep.” Suggested Deacy.
“Maybe, or she could be downstairs in the studio, let’s check down there first.” Brian stated.  The three of them walked down the basement stairway that led to the recording studio that was down there and low and behold they saw their girl lying at the control booth with papers scattered around and about a dozen cups of coffee mugs surrounding the studio.
“Some things never change.” Said Deacy.
“That girl I’ll tell you what.” Stated Roger. They walked over to her and Brian knelt down and stroked the hair out of her face as he whispered.
“(Y/n), c’mon love time to wake up. Open those beautiful (e/c) eyes of yours.” She quietly stirred and moaned but like the flutter of butterfly wings, her eyes opened.  “There she is.”
“Asleep at the control again I see love.” Said Deacy.
“What time is it?” she groaned as she rubbed the sleep out of her eyes.
“Almost 11 in the morning, did you even try to get any sleep last night love?” Roger said as he came up behind her and gently gave her shoulders a gentle massage.
“I couldn’t sleep at all, so many things were running through my head and then a song came up that I just had to work on. But I guess I must’ve fallen asleep working on it.”
“Poppet if this is for your new album put it aside, it can wait. Can’t have the future bride looking like a corpse as she walks down the aisle.” Said Deacy.
“There’s no album. This song is for the wedding. I—I came up with a song for Jack and I’s first dance as husband and wife. We’ve been having trouble picking a song, but then last night it hit me. So I tried getting to work on it as fast as I could and hopefully ran at least one full take of it before I fly back to America and get too busy with the rest of the wedding planning.” Brian took one of the pieces of paper and read over the words and said.
“Mind if we hear a bit of it?” she nodded and then stood up which caused Roger to stop massaging her shoulders but she quickly thanked him for it as she grabbed an acoustic guitar before sitting by the grand piano bench.  
“I mean it’s not much and I’m still working on some of the words but here’s what I’ve got. First; I imagine the opening to be like a string opening of a cello or maybe several violins before coming in like this,” she then began picking at the acoustic guitar strings.
She then began singing the acoustic notes as she then switched and played the first few notes on the piano before returning back to the guitar and began to sing what she had.
I close my eyes and I can see
A world that's waiting up for me
That I call my own
She then scattered out notes since she didn’t quite have the words right for the continuation of the song until she came in at the bridge.
They can say, they can say it all sounds crazy
They can say, they can say I've lost my mind
We can live in a world that we design
She then started up the full chorus and sung it loud and proud.  As she sang it with such finesse and rawness, the boys began to see that she had a special vision for this song.
'Cause every night, I lie in bed
The brightest colors fill my head
A million dreams are keeping me awake
I think of what the world could be
A vision of the one I see
A million dreams is all its gonna take
Oh, a million dreams
For the world we're gonna make
She then played the piano for a bit before stopping.
“That’s all I’ve came up with. The rest as you can see are just various rubbish lines that I may or may not use.”
“Well I don’t think these upcoming lines are rubbish.” Deacy said as he took one sheet and read out loud, “‘Special things we compile each one there to make us smile, on a gloomy day’”.
“Thanks Deacy.”
“This song is promising, and I know Jack will like it. You definitely have a vision and if you’re willing, we can help you with the lyrics you’re having trouble with.” Said Brian.  Her eyes widened and she said.
“You’d—you’d really do that for me?”
“This isn’t out first rodeo love, just leave everything to us.” Roger said as he rubbed (y/n)’s shoulders once more.
“Wait, wait what do I do?”
“You have the best job of all, and that’s getting some sleep.”
“What no? No I can’t I—I have to make sure this song is perfect and no offense guys not that I don’t trust you but don’t you think that I should guide you through on what I want for this song?”
“Yes, but at this point you’re running on hardly any sleep and over 12 cups of coffee that have long passed your system. At this rate you look more like a corpse bride and we refuse to allow you to push yourself than what you’re already under.”
“But I—”
“No buts. The only but I want to see is yours walking upstairs to your room and said but getting into bed and getting some sleep.” Roger stated.  She looked at the blonde drummer who looked down at her daring her to speak up against him.  Before she could say anything, Brian spoke up.
“He is right about one thing (y/n),” she turned towards the curly haired guitarist and he continued, “We’ve known you long enough to know that you’ll continue to work until you drop. This song shouldn’t be the sole focus at this point. With all the upcoming stress you will be facing for this wedding, you need as much sleep as you can get. We’ll try and work out the song and we swear to you; we’ll only change a lyric or two. We won’t change the vision that you have for this song.” She groaned and that’s when Roger acted.
He wrapped an arm around her shoulder and guided her out of the studio.  Once they were at the top of the steps, Roger then picked his daughter bridal style and carried her the rest of the way up to her master bedroom.
He set her down on the bed hearing her soft mumbles, probably future lyrics to the song or saying that she needed to finish the song. Had to finish it.
“We’ll finish it love, together. For now bride to be, go to sleep.” He kissed her forehead and stroked through her hair and proceeded to sing ‘Hey Jude’ as a lullaby to her, and within no time at all, the Rock Angel was fast asleep.  Roger softly chuckled and whispered to her, “Sweet dreams, my lion cub.” He lightly kissed her cheek and tucked her in before leaving her room and heading back downstairs to the basement studio.
*My POV*
By the time I woke up, the sun was still out and when I turned to look at my clock I saw that it was 4:15pm.  I also took notice that beside me was a plate of pizza. I smiled softly knowing that the guys must’ve ordered in so I took the pizza and as I took a bite, it was still pretty warm so it must’ve been very recent that they ordered it in.
I ate up the pizza and felt like I had died and gone to heaven then once that slice was gone, I hoped they at least saved me another slice because now I’m beginning to feel the nipping of hungry chew at my stomach, you know that feeling when your stomach feels like it’s chewing on itself when you’re so hungry.
I walked back towards the studio and I could hear the distinct chatter of the boys.
“But see if we come in at 16 then that changes the entire tempo of the song.” I heard Brian say.
“But for a brief moment, then we can go back into the original tempo of it.” Roger’s voice said.
“I don’t think she’d like that, we’ll just ask her if it’s what she wants. I’d hate to be blamed for ruining her vision.”
“Well thankfully you don’t have to wait anymore.” I spoke up.  The three of them turned around and Deacy said.
“Well someone looks well rested.”
“I feel well rested. Thanks for always looking after me guys.”
“No thanks are needed lovely.” Said Roger.
“So,” I hopped off the last couple of steps and walked towards them and said, “What have you boys done to my song?” I was then given my sheets of paper by Brian and the four of us went over the song.
“And you said that by the end of the chorus you wanted the piano?” asked Roger.
“Yes, I’ll take over from there at that point. I think the acoustic won’t come back till literally the end.”
“Okay done.”
“Hey, can I run something by you guys?” I asked.  Their attention turned towards me and I continued, “So for the second chorus, I can’t decide whether to go up or down. I mean not to sound conceded, but both sound sexy and chilling. It’s been bugging me for days now.”
“Hmm, I think I might have an idea.” Said Brian.
“Lay it on my Bri. At this point I’m desperate. I’ll do anything except have a recording play over during the reception.”
“How about we make this a duet? Roger can assist you during the second chorus.”
“A duet?”
“He’s right. You both blend well with your voices together, if you guys can do what you both did for ‘Shallow’ I think it’ll do good.” Deacy confirmed.
“Rog?” I turned towards him.
“I don’t mind.”
“Okay let’s take it from this part. Now which word are you thinking about doing the blending of both high and low note?” asked Brian.
“At the word ‘take’ towards the bottom just before the chorus ends.” I answered.
“Okay so you’ll go down (y/n) while Roger goes high.” We both nodded as Brian sat by the piano and began playing the tune and I sang the last two lines of the second verse before both Roger and I came in at the second chorus.
Our voices blending perfectly together with my low alto range and his raw high range that he’s known for in Queen.  And when it came time for the divide, Deacy reminded us of who was going up and who was going down.  When the moment came, Deacy pointed down to the ground in my direction while he pointed up towards Roger’s direction.
As I heard the note that I had imagined, I literally had goosebumps going up my arm and shivers went up my spine.  As I sang the last part of the chorus for my solo, I literally squealed.
“THAT’S IT!!!” And then like clock-work and after resting, the bridge suddenly came to me as I began playing the piano and singing the bridge that was coming to me like the flick of a switch.
The boys kept track of what I sang so that I wouldn’t lose it and as the workshop continued the song was slowly coming together until it was finally ready.  I was now in the booth running the full track of the song and once it was done, the boys smiled at me from the opposite end of the booth and Brian said.
“Beautiful darling.” I smiled and was overjoyed.
Dress; check
Song for the bride-groom dance; check
Location for wedding/reception; check
RSVP checklist; check
Bridesmaids/groomsmen/matron and best man; check
Song for the Father-daughter dance; check, check and check
The check list for the wedding was coming along greatly.  Within the next few days I then flew back to America to help with Jack and the two of us continued to prepare for the wedding.
Months passed and it was just a week before the wedding.  The boys and their families flew out to America to get settled into the hotels they were staying at as well as the show up for any duties that they were required to do in order to help decorate the venue.
We had actually gotten a lot done in such a short amount of time.  Currently I was up in Jack’s bedroom at his place.  Veronica and Laura were with me, Laura was watching as her mum was currently working on my eyebrows, doing a home-style doctoring of them.  I was holding the mirror while she used the tweezers to pluck out my furry eyebrows and make them look nice and thin before the wedding.
“C’mon now love stay still.” I groaned and whimpered in pain as she plucked hair after hair of my left eyebrow.  She apologized every now as well as saying she just needed a couple more.  Finally the torture stopped. “Sorry love.”
“Not too much arch V I don’t wanna be like,” I then mocked a fake gasp as I raised my brows as high as I could “The president and the Queen of England are having a steamy affair.” The two of us giggled and she said as she came back towards my face.
“Okay wait, wait, wait watch out let me get this one now.” She then pulled the hair out and I groaned as I rubbed around it trying to ease the pain as Veronica continued, “From furry to fierce girl, Jack won’t know what hit him. Don’t you think so Laura?” She cooed at her daughter.
“You look like a princess auntie (y/n).” she said.
“Aww thank you baby, say want me to do yours next?” I said as I tugged her into my lap and playfully tickled her making her squirm as we heard a knock at the door.
“Come in!” Veronica called out.  Opening the door was none other than Deacy.  “Hello my husband.”
“Hey Deacy.”
“Oh Veronica’s day spa?” he teased which made us laugh.  “Veronica love, we should be getting back to the hotel. Brian was just putting the boys into bed.”
“Yeah you’re right. Let me just talk with (y/n) about a couple more things and I’ll meet you down in the car.” Veronica said.
“Very well, but you better be in the car in the next 5 minutes.” Said Deacy as he walked up to his wife and the two of them kissed each other’s cheek. He then came around towards me and kissed my cheek and said, “Goodnight love.”
“Night brother of mine.” I said as I pecked his cheek back.
“Alright you c’mon along. Maybe you can be an example for your mother and your aunt.” Deacy said to Laura as he picked her up. She tiredly rubbed her eyes and let out a soft yawn.
“Goodnight Laura-bear.” I said.
“Night-night auntie (y/n).” she said as she leaned up against her daddy’s shoulder.  Deacy wrapped his arms around her and carried her out of the room.  I smiled warmly and said to Veronica.
“You both are just too damn cute together. I swear it’s like you both were meant to be.”
“Ehh he’s alright.” She teased which made me playfully shove her making her laugh.  “Nah John’s great. When I was pregnant with Robert I was so scared he wouldn’t want anything to do with him because we were so young, but he popped the question right then and there and vowed to stay by my side for every morning sickness, every appointment and every milestone for not only him but for every child we would have in the future.”
“And you both have made 4 perfect little angels. I only hope Jack and I can be just like you guys.”
“Sweetie, a word of advice. Just be you and Jack. Your story may have some similarities to John and I, but never try to follow our example. You both make your own stand and your own marks in life. Believe me even John and I have made mistakes in the past. Not every couple is perfect, no matter how it seems on the outside. But I do hope you and Jack find happiness together. After all you’ve been through, you deserve this honey.”
“Yeah.” I sighed heavily and said, “I just wish they were here to see this day. I bet my dad would be a blubbering mess right about now and my mum would be frantically trying to make sure everything was in place.”
“They’re always watching you sweetheart. When someone we love leaves us, they’re never really gone. And I know they’d be so happy for you right now. Just like we all are.” She stroked my cheek and we both hugged and kissed each other goodnight.  She walked out of the room and soon her and Deacy left Jack’s home and soon enough Jack had come into the bedroom.
“Hey love.” I said with a smile.
“Hey baby.” He said as he came into bed and pulled me close to him.  His arm wrapped around my back, drawing random patterns along my spine while I cupped the side of his face as the two of us lay there face to face of each other.  “Can you believe in one week we’ll finally be husband and wife?”
“It seems like it was only yesterday when you popped the question before millions of people at Madison Square Garden.”
“I can’t wait to call you my wife.”
“And I can’t wait to call you my husband.” He smiled and leaned forward and kissed me softly.  His free hand cupped the side of my face, his thumb brushing across my cheek and as we separated and pressed our foreheads together.  “So, you got your bachelor party assembled?”
“Yeah, Jared and Jensen are taking me up to a lodge up in Colorado this weekend along with the rest of the groomsmen.”
“Promise not to have too much fun and end up falling in love with a hot ski girl?”
“She won’t even compared to you. Promise me you won’t fall in love with a male stripper?” I laughed softly and said.
“Don’t worry, the girls will keep an eye on me during our spa retreat in Huston.” Jack then reached over and turned out the lights and the two of us cuddled together before finally falling asleep.
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