#gonna pull a sickie tomorrow
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the-rollerchloster · 9 months ago
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romanarose · 1 month ago
Sicky Wicky
Frankie Morales x fem!reader
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Buy Me A Coffee : Kofi
Written for @strang3lov3. IDK if you're still sick but i wanted to just whip a lil thing up real fast for you. I hope you like Frankie, I saw you have him on your masterlist. I know Joel is our guy but as you know i decidedly don't write for him anymore so I hope this is okay <3 Frankie is my sweet soft baby
Summary: Just Frankie taking care of you while sick <3
Warnings: Some mild sex jokes
When entering the home he shared with you, Frankie avoid his usual "honey, I'm home!" routine, knowing when you don't feel good you like to nap on the couch a lot.
He slid his cowboy boots off, trying his best to not let the heels clomp on the wood floors but grumbling when his sock stepped in a pile of melting snow.
"Baby?" You call from the living room, and Frankie mumbles a swear.
Rounding the corner (with one wet sock) Frankie peaked at you. 'damp' was the first descriptor his head came up with, but he'd never tell you that.
"Hey baby, feeling any better?"
You give a little shrug. "Stopped puking, fevers pretty low now. I think I'll be okay tomorrow."
As much as he wanted to stay home with you and take care of you, unfortunately in this economy losing the hours for both of you wasn't ideal. Still, he'd managed to swing by during his break and check on you when you weren't answering his texts, only to find you fast asleep.
He checked your forehead, and yeah, just a little warm. That was good, you were on the mend.
"You think you can eat some tomato soup?"
You look up at him, tired eyes and- yeah, damp hair. Poor girl. "With grilled cheese pweeeeeeeeze?"
Francisco couldn't help but laugh a little. "the best damn grilled cheese ever. Only the best for my poor sicky wicky baby."
He did not disappoint. The bread was grilled with garlic butter, the good cheese and lots of it. The cheese pull on that beast was Instagram worthy, and he even garnished the tomato soup with parsley.
Mouth full, you look at Frankie's shit eating grin as he sat on the couch, your cold feet tucked under his butt. "You're awful proud of yourself, aren't you?"
"You're eating my food and moaning like that time you ate me ass, so yeah, feeling pretty good."
You wiggle your feet just to make him yelp, and have the first good laugh you've had since falling ill last night.
When the mutual laughter settles, the sounds of your favorite sitcom playing reruns on the TV echoing in the background, your voice fades into sincerity. "Thank you for taking care of me." You yawn, setting aside a plate that had not a crumb on it and a bowl licked clean.
Frankie runs your knee, a smile reaching up to his eyes in little crinkles. "Not a problem at all. You getting tired again."
"Yeah, wanna finish this episode though." You snuggle back down under the blankets, eyes dropping. You weren't making it through the episode.
"Okay." He pats your leg and grunts as he gets up. "i'm gonna get a load in the dishwasher while it finishes, then I'll carry your happy ass to bed, hows that?"
Another yawn. "Something somethin... I'll take your load.... something... in my..."
"yeah I lost it."
"Good job baby." He pats your head as he walks around the couch, chuckling. "I'm sure it'll come to you."
"Uuhhhh you'll cum... into me?"
"Go to sleep!" Frankie calls over his shoulder. You're in the middle of arguing when you fall asleep again, tummy full, fighting off the last of your sickness.
Hope you all liked it! Been a hot minute since I wrote non-dark frankie!
Want some dark frankie? Want cute frankie smut? Want A dad!frankie series dealing with addiction?
thank you all for reading!!!! I might be MIA for a while, im going on a trip to get away and write this novel that was originally based off a fishben fish I wrote LOL, then Ill be online classes full time and, if i get this job i so desperatly want, working full time. I'm so broke it's so fucking bad I need this job ;-; so, prayers plz
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ihaveitprinteddout · 12 days ago
who wants to beat Max is gonna pull a sickie tomorrow so he can avoid the F1 75 event? 😂
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antisocialgaycat · 10 months ago
im so tireddddd ughhhh ive seen enough of this earth i need to leaveeeee (i'm being dramatic because it is my God given right) see. u tomorrow
im literally 3 seconds away from dropping doen dead i am Not Thriving i an Exhausted abd prolly gonna pull a sickie tmrw cos i dont want to go to school so see. u on friday but yes being dramatic is a god given right yass and slay
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crystalsnow95z · 1 year ago
I wanted to do something in celebration of Jungkook's birthday, but the draft i had before didn't get saved properly, so I wrote without any thought of where this story would go.
The end is nonexistent. Sorry didn't finish in time
Sorry JK
Sickie: drunk Jungkook tw: emeto
Knock. Knock. Knock.
Jungkook hears someone knocking at his door. He wasn't expecting anyone. He had gotten phone calls at midnight from the other members, but with Taehyung and Jimin both working on ambassador photoshoots, Namjoon and Yoongi obsessing over the next concert and J-hope being out of country for a seperate project for a collaboration, he could only guess it was Jin.
"Who is it?" Jungkook calls.
"Delivery." Jimin speaks in the deepest voice he could manage, but it didn't fool Jungkook.
"Huh? Jiminah?" Jungkook quickly opens the door, eyes widening when he sees five pairs of eyes staring back at him.
"Happy birthday to you, happy birthday to you.. happy birthday Junggukkie. Haply birthday to you!"
Jungkook feels his eyes tear up when he hears the voices of Jimin,Jin, Namjoon, Yoongi and Taehyung singing.
"What? What is this? What are you doing here?" Jungkook questions.
"We came to celebrate with you. Hurry up and blow out the candle." Jimin smiles, holding the cake him and the other members decorated for him. They found a bunny candle where the two ears have wicks and they were already half gone.
"Ah, okay. Okay.." Jungkook closes his eyes, making a quick wish, blowing out the candles and ushering in his hyungs into his house."I thought you guys were busy.."
"We finished up all the meetings early." Yoongi replies, putting a bag on his table with a clank. "I brought some drinks. It's been a while since we all drank together."
Jimin places the cake down. "You didn't have any plans in the morning, right? You don't have to drink if you do."
Jungkook shakes his head. "I don't have anything until 2 tomorrow. I'm so happy you guys are here, but it's strange without Hobi-hyung."
Yoongi goes in the cabinets, getting a cup for everyone pouring the soju into the glasses.
"I know. It feels strange to me, too." Jimin tried to hide his smile. "He'd be here if he could."
Taehyung quickly put his arm around Jungkook, pulling his attention away from Jimin. "I got you a present!"
"Huh, a present?" Jungkook blinks. "You didn't have to do that."
"I know, but I saw it when I was in France for that store opening, and thought of you." Taehyung gets the bag he brought, side eying Jimin. 'Don't ruin it.' He mouths to to him while Jungkook pulls out the black jacket he picked out for him.
J-hope managed to finish up shooting early, and was already on his way back to Korea. His plane landed and he was already on his way there.
"Woah, it's so soft..!" Jungkook slides on his new jacket, zipping it up halfway. "I love it Taehyungie-hyungie." He smiles brightly, pulling Taehyung into a hug.
"I knew you would." Taehyung hugs him back. "I'm happy." He squeezes him tighter.
"Here, Taehyungie, Jungkookie. Let's have a drink." Yoongi passes them a cup.
"Let's have a toast then!" Jungkook holds up his glass.
"Later, later. I have a present for you too."Jin goes into his bag, trying to buy some time for J-hope to arrive. "I made you a card." He holds it out to Jungkook.
"You did?" Jungkook tales it, laughing when he opened the envelope and saw the drawing on the front of the card. "Hyung what is that? Is that Cooky with my tattoos..and a cake?"
"I went to go to a store but it was too crowded so I just took some computer paper and made this one.. I think it's pretty good." Jin smiles getting the reaction he wanted out of the mankae. They have been doing a lot of work separate from one another and he knew it was bringing him down.
Jungkook gets quiet to read the heart-felt message inside. "Hyung, I'm gonna keep it in my room in a frame." He tucks the money and card back into the envelope. "Thank you."
Jungkook gets through all of the gifts that his brothers brought him, cutting into the cake Jimin brought him not noticing Namjoon sneaking to the front door.
J-hope had sent a text he had arrived, quietly entering the house with a big smile when he hears Jungkook happily trying his cake.
"Mmm!" Jungkook's eyes widen.
"Is it good?" J-hope asks, giggling when Jungkook whips around to see if his ears were hearing correctly.
"Hobi? I thought you were in Japan!"Jungkook wraps his arms tightly around him.
"Not so tight, you'll make me throw up.." j-hope rubs his back, still feeling nauseous from the plane ride.
"OH, oh I'm sorry Hyungie." Jungkook releases him immediately. "Do you need some water? You want to lay down for a bit?" He quickly rushes to the kitchen to get a waterbottle.
"It's okay. I'm fine. Really." J-hope waves him off, but accepts the water, taking small sips. "I brought you a present!" J-hope goes back to where he left his suitcase, opening it up and taking out a bag. "It isn't much, though."
"Oh. Thank you, hyung. You didn't have to. Just being here is enough." Jungkook brightens up when he sees the Japanese snacks inside. "Oh wow.. I'll enjoy them deliciously!"
"Now that everyone's here, we can have a toast!" Jin passes cups to each member. "To our Jungkook-ah! Let us have many more years together!"
Jungkook sings loudly into the mic. "Dashi run run ruh!"
"Shh...Shh Jungkook-ah quieter you have neighbors." Yoongi puts his hand over his mouth, trying to keep a straight face. "No more mic for you."
Both men were a little past tipsy, giggling happily as they wrestle over the mic.
"You okay Hobi-hyung?" Taehyung asks, hugging him from behind.
"Yeah, I'm okay. Are you? Your cheeks are warm." J-hope only had one drink compared to the others, everyone at least tipsy.
"I'm good, I'm good..I just missed you.. you were gone for a whole week.." Taehyung has always gotten a little clingy when drunk. J-hope quickly realizes he's the only sober one watching Namjoon happily hype up Jungkook who won the battle over the mic just in time for the last part of the song.
"I beat it! I beat your score Taehyungie!" Jungkook says with a giddy smile. "That means you gotta take the drink."
"Okay, okay.." Taehyung moves away from J-hope, almost stumbling onto his face if it wasn't for J-hope grabbing his arm.
"Be careful Tete, don't move so fast." J-hope found himself playing babysitter, but he didn't mind. He loved watching the others being happy.
Taehyung obeys, moving slower to take the cup from Jungkook, taking a drink. "Ugh, what even is that?"
"High ball, but i think i didn't add enough..uhm..Bubbly drink." Jungkook answers.
"It's not good.." Taehyung gives it back to him scrunching his nose.
"Okay, okay.. new song." He changes the song. "Hyungie, hyungie sing song with me!" He pulls on Jin who happily obliges, the two singing together to pied piper.
Taehyung crawls to sit on J-hope's lap, sipping from a different glass.
"I didn't invite you into my lap." J-hope teases, taking the cup from him taking a small sip before placing it on the side table not trusting Taehyung not to spill it on the both of them.
"But it's comfy and I missed you." Taehyung leans against J-hopes shoulder, switching to his
aegyo voice. "I wanna cuddle just for a bit hyungie?"
"Oh baby, you're so drunk.." j-hope smiles his cute act working, pushing a strand of hair out of his face, cringing when he hears Jimin badly singing Taehyungs part. "Ah Jiminie what key even is that?" He laughs.
"What? Oh.. oh I got it!" Jimin tries to sing lower, but it was lower than his vocal range.
"No. No this is how you do it." Yoongi joins in the chaos.
"Jungkook-ah you better apologize to your neighbors tomorrow." J-hope tried to sound serious, but when Taehyung gets back up to join them, trying to sing his own part, everyone tried singing over him.
Namjoon, J-hope and Yoongi all lost it giggling.
"Okay. Okay, new song!" Jungkook turns it off, switching to cypher pt 1. "Hoba-hyungie! Sing for me. You rapmonnie-hyung and Yoongi !"
Namjoon takes the mic, rapping his line, jungkook joining in without the mic, mumbling the lyrics that he remembered, jumping excitedly.
"Okay, okay I'm coming..." J-hope takes the mic from Namjoon when he finishes his part.
Jungkook takes a big drink, then starts to jump around happily again. Jin wraps around his waist, swaying with his beloved dongsaeng.
He was enjoying the attention from Jin, but the last drink was a bad idea. He could feel it coming back up again. "Hyung let go.." he quickly pulls away, trying to run to the bathroom, but only makes it a few steps before the liquid splashes onto his floor, his knees shaking.
"Aiish Jungkook!" J-Hope quickly goes to the kitchen, getting a large silver pot for him to get sick into.
"Hyung is here, I got you.." Jin coos, gently moving Jungkook to the couch to sit, rubbing his back."You over did it baby.."
Jungkook burps up more sick, keeping his hand clamped over his mouth until J-hope returns cheeks puffed up.
J-hops runs back, placing the pot into his lap. "Here Koo. It's okay.. let it up.."
Jungkook moves his hand, the mix of cake, seaweed soup and alcohol splattering into the pot.. "Hyung..i.." he whimpers, another heave coming, his shoulders shaking as he continues to empty his stomach into the pot.
"Oh no.. Junggukkie.." Taehyung sits on the other side of Jungkook, rubbing his stomach, feeling the tension of the youngers muscles as they tighten, pushing out everything he had.
"Namjoon-ah do you think you could help me clean this up? I'm afraid I'll puke if I try.."
"Sure Hoba.." Namjoon and J-hope go to get cleaning supplies, knowing Jungkook would only feel worse if he saw them cleaning it. It was best to do it while he was too busy.
"Ah..it..burns.." Jungkook whines, heaving up another mouthful of Liquid, gagging on the foul taste.
"I know.. but it'll be over soon.. okay? I'll get you some gingerale." Yoongi goes into the kitchen, getting a can from the fridge.
Jungkook didn't feel like it would be over soon, more mouthfuls of sick coming up one after another in painful heaves.
"Breathe Jungkook, you gotta breathe or it'll just hurt more.." Yoongi gently urges him.
Jungkook takes deep breaths in between heaves, less and less coming up until only spit came.
"That's it.. all done baby, all done.. just lay back and take deep breaths okey?" Jin coos, gently moving the pot from his lap.
"I'm..I'm sorry..I ruined the party.." Jungkook sniffles, taking the can Yoongi offered.
"It's not ruined. We just gotta stop drinking. We can do something else. Like we can play cards or watch a movie." Jin suggests finding a napkin and wiping the corners of his mouth. "Aiigo Koo you gotta take off that jacket.."
Jungkook looks down, noticing the wetness on the chest, the smell making his stomach churn again. "My new jacket.." Tears threatened to form.
"No no don't cry, don't cry. Hyung will get it washed. It's okay." Jin uses the napkin to pull the zipper, using it as a blocker between him and the dirty jacket.
Taehyung helps Jin get the jacket off Jungkook, Yoongi taking it away to the laundry room.
"See? It'll be good as new. Promise." Jin strokes his hand across Jungkook's back, scratching lightly.
"Okay.." Jungkook leans into Jin's side, burying his face in his shoulder. "Can we watch a movie...?"
"Of course baby. Whatever you want. I'm sorry I should've kept a better watch on you. You shouldn't be sick ok your birthday.."
"No..no I should know better.. and even with getting sick.. it was fun.." Jungkook peeks up at Jin, wiping his cheeks."could..we watch.. iron man?"
"It's your day. You can watch whatever you want."
J-hope sits next to Taehyung on the couch. "Is all taken care of.
"Thanks, Hoba. Hey, could you put on Iron Man for Gukkie?" Jin asks, gently rubbing Jungkook's stomach.
J-hope searches for the remote, finding it under the table. He puts on the movie and gets settled on the floor by Jin's feet.
Taehyung leans against Jungkook. "I still had fun.."
"I'm still sorry.." Jungkook yawns. "Thank you for coming guys."
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gabapentinblues · 12 days ago
journal 2.16.2025
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feeling sicky todayyyyy. everything sucks, my body hurts and is tiredddddddd.
i took advil and gp to maybe help but rly i just wanna stay in beddddd. i wish i had waffles lol. i wish i could eat whatever i wanted and not gain weight, but thats a whole other issue ugh.
i feel like stuffing my face today and trying again tomorrow. when i feel sick its hard to keep any kind of discipline.
i worked on one of my paintings and one of my collages for a bit but i dont think i'll get into the art zone really today. i'll probably just lay in bed and read fanfiction and maybe write. idk.
i'll probably end up taking a nap too.
i went to the party last night and it was pretty fun. i did feel kinda left out and lonely in the middle of it. it was a really cute nostalgia sleep over party, the host made goody bags for everyone with glowsticks and stickers and cute stuff. it was really fun, she's a very sweet person. she did pull me aside and say we should hang out more, so maybe we will.
i wish i didnt feel like such crap today, its gonna be a real waste of a day, but i guess i should just rest.
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kpopsickies · 3 years ago
The Taekai fic I wrote in 10th grade (but better)
(originally this fic was a exo/shinee crossover but superm has since then become a thing, so I changed it a bit to be just kept within the realms of superm)
sickie: Taemin
caregiver: (mainly) Kai (minor) Lucas
(not really a tw but germaphobic Lucas)
Taemin p.o.v
“can you just like, not breathe until I leave” Lucas says standing in the doorway of the room. “wow, thank you so much for your sympathy” I said rolling my eyes, but smiling “yeah no problem hyung” he says as he goes to the shared closet and takes a hoodie “why are you even here? I thought you guys went to the studio”
“they did, I was staying to hang out with you, I didn’t know you were sick”
“neither did I, I felt fine last night”
“maybe it’s a fast moving virus and you’ll be better by tomorrow”
“I sure h-h--etshu-hheshu-etesshu-I sure hope so” I said clearing my throat, which had adopted the feeling of eating nails. Lucas cringed, but I could see the sympathy in his eyes. “do you want me to call your boyfriend?”
“No, I’ll just wait for him to get back” He gave me a skeptical look. “alright. You should rest, you don’t want to get worse” He gave me a sympathetic smile, turning to a grimace when I coughed. “hyung, you should really cover your mouth” he said, sounding a bit nervous. I felt bad for my younger member, he clearly wanted to be helpful and I could tell he wasn’t trying to be harsh, I also knew that he’s always been a bit cautious and even nervous around people when they are sick. I apologized to the younger and gave him a reassuring smile, which he returned. “I’m sorry that you don’t feel good hyung, do you need anything?” I thought for a second. “can you grab the box of tissues from the bathroom?” he nodded and left the room, returning a moment later, tissue box in one hand, a flu pill and water bottle in the other. He moved towards the bed, sensing his nervousness I scooted over to the other side of the bed and turned away from him. He set the things down. “take the medicine and get some sleep” 
“thanks Lucas”
“no problem hyung” 
Kai p.o.v 
Taeyong, Ten and I were working on the choreography (kind of, actually it was a lot more of just messing around) Mark and Baekyun sat in the corner. Originally i think they had been taking notes on the choreography, but now they had turned their notes into paper airplanes, which kept flying over our heads, occasionally hitting one of us. There was a playful aura in the room. We didn’t have any schedules, and our comeback was still a few months away, currently we were just spending time (supposedly) getting some work done. The one, well actually two, things missing were my boyfriend and my “brother” they had stayed at the dorms. Taemin had still been asleep, and Lucas said he wanted some “dad and son bonding time” I brushed my sweaty bangs off of my face. “I’m gonna call Tae and Lucas and find out if they want to come hang out” 
“tell them to bring food when they come” Baekyun says as he lazily flicks an airplane across the room, where it hits Ten in the back of his head. Who lets out an annoyed noise. Taeyong and Mark both laugh at him. I find myself laughing at their antics as I go over to my bag and pull my phone out. My brow creasing in concern when I see a text from Lucas. “your boyfriend is sick. He doesn’t know I texted you. He said he was fine” I felt bad for not noticing the older being sick. I was in bed with him all last night, how had I not noticed?
“hey guys” they all looked over at me “Lucas just texted me, Taeminnie is sick. I’m gonna go take care of him” with just those words I watched Taeyong go full leader mode. “oh shit. text Lucas and tell him he can come here and that you are on your way” he didn’t sound panicked or stressed, but he did sound very concerned. I passed the information on over text.  “is everything okay?” I asked noticing how the three nct members all had nervous looks. “Lucas has always been super nervous about germs. It stresses him out when others, or himself are sick” 
“poor kid. I’m gonna head out, see you guys this evening” they all waved and said various forms of byes. 
Taemin p.o.v
“hey hyung, I texted Jongin hyung, he’s on his way home. I know you old be no to call him, but I can see you don’t feel at all, and I know I’m not being helpful”
“don’t stress it bud, it’s ok. You do what you need to do. If you want to head to the s-stud-iheh-dio with the others that’s f-fineh-heh” I stuttered between hitching breaths. I burried my nose into the crook of my arm and sneezed three times. Lucas cringed a bit, but not as much a before. “bless you” I smiled and thanked him, taking a tissue to blow my nose. I heard the front door open. “Looks like you’re free to go”
“I’m sorry I wasn’t more helpful”
“I’m serious Lucas, it’s fine, don’t worry.” 
“Feel better hyung”
“I will, thanks bud” He smiled and left. 
Kai p.o.v 
I had barely even gotten in the door before Lucas came downstairs, he had a mask on and went to wash his hands. I stood in the door of the bathroom. “hey kid” 
“I’m not a kid” I saw him roll his eyes through the mirror. I laughed and ruffled his hair. “How’s the sickie?”
“am I wrong?”
“technically, no” He laughed drying his hands on a towel, he headed towards his room where he changed. “are you going to head to the studio?”
“If you don’t mind, I think I will”
“That’s fine, I also am curious, do you know how long Min’s been feeling sick?”
“he said he felt fine yesterday, but I did notice that last night he looked a bit pale”
“He did fall asleep really early” I said out loud, but more to myself than anything. Lucas shrugged. He dried his hands on a towel. “I’m heading out now. See you later. Tell Taemin hyung I said feel better”
“I will. Thanks for babysitting my boyfriend”
“no problem hyung” he smiled and left. I went up to my boyfriend’s room. He was curled under the blankets his hair messy, his cheeks and nose a flushed pink, his eyes looked glassy. It was then that I began questioning if he was actually older than me. He looked so young and innocent. 
“hey baby”  I sat down on the bed next to him, running my fingers through his hair. He smiled and curled into my chest. “how are you feeling” I tipped his chin up so he could look in my eyes. “not great” he said quietly, turning away from me and muffling a cough into his shoulder. He sounded weak, felt how rough his breathing sounded. “are you hungry? thirsty? do you need anything?”
“right now I just want to cuddle with you” he said burying his face into my chest I smile and his cuteness and pull him closer, kissing the top of his fluffy hair. His breath soon evened out and he grew quiet, soon after I heard soft congested snores coming from the older. I felt quite warm, my sweatshirt still on from being outside, plus having my boyfriends feverish body on mine. But i couldn’t move. I didn’t want to wake him up. I knew with his fever he would be cold. So I just held him close and hoped that my body heat could warm him without raising his fever. 
After only about 20 minutes he began stirring. He whimpered softly, and whisper-called my name. I brush his sweaty bangs off of his face. “I’m right here Minnie” I kissed his warm forehead. He pressed his face into my chest. “’m cold” he whined, coughing with his face pressed to  my chest. I ran my hands up and down his back. “I know you’re cold hon, but I don’t want to raise your fever.” He whined again. “I know, I know, I’m so mean” I said kissing his sweaty hair. He shook his head. “not mean, good boyfriend” he said I felt his lips brush over my skin. I smiled. I instinctively pulled him closer. “I love you” 
“hmm. love you too” He said softly. Curling into my chest again and falling back to sleep. I soon fell asleep with him. I was woken up a bit later to harsh sounding coughs. Once I was fully aware of my surroundings I saw my boyfriend doubled over coughing, attempting to muffle it into the blanket. I sat up behind him, gently placing my hand on his back, which I could feel tensing with every cough. His coughing seemed like it wouldn’t stop, every time he tried to take a deep breath he would choke and begin coughing again. I took the water bottle from the bedside table, handing it to him when he had a small break in the coughing. He gave me a grateful smile and took it, gulping it down greedily. As he did I gently brushed his bangs out of his eyes and placed my hand to his forehead. “I’ll be back in a second”
“where are you going?”
“I think your fever has gone down a bit, so I’m going to get the thermometer so we can check”
“if it has can I wear one of your hoodies”
“First I’ll have to see if your temperature is low enough” I kissed his forehead and he nodded. I rummaged around the bathroom and still couldn’t find it, eventually I gave up and texted the group chat, where Taeyong informed me it’s under the bathroom sink. I looked there and sure enough there it was. I pushed the door open. “hey baby” he said, his voice growing raspier from his coughing and sneezing. “Hey hon. I found it” I sat in front of him. I placed the thermometer under his tongue. My hands placed gently on his thighs, rubbing gently. After the thermometer had been in for about half the time necessary when suddenly his nose wrinkled. He rubbed his nose around the thermometer. As soon as it beeped he pulled it out, handing it to me. “hetchu-hesstchu- estchu-sstchu-esstchew-” I ruffled his hair checking the thermometer. ‘100.3′ “It’s gone down quite a bit” he rubbed his nose and sniffled. “can I have your hoodie now please” he gave me sweet puppy dog eyes. I laughed. “how are you older than me?” he pouted, “you’re mean” smiled and rolled my eyes, and placed a soft kiss to his forehead.  I went to the closet. “which one?”
“the red one” I should have known. It’s my favorite, but I think this is the first time I’ve had it in my possession since dating Taemin, he’s obsessed with it. “I don’t know, that’s my favorite hoodie” but I took it out and placed it on the bed in front of him. He smiled and pulled it on. It was already big on me so it practically swallowed him. He looked like a baby, drowning in the soft material. “cute” I said kissing his forehead an sitting on the bed next to him. He instantly clung to me, curling into my chest. “I love you” 
“love you too” 
“do you want to watch something? Or do you want to sleep?”
“I may be your baby, but I’m not an actual baby, I can only sleep so much” his voice had a light teasing tone. “do you want to watch something?”
“Can we watch singles inferno” (it’s so good. I’m actually obsessed) 
“sure thing honey” We curled in bed together I set up my computer.  He curled in closer to me. “I love you so much, Thank you for taking such good care of me”
"I love you too. I’m happy I could be here to take care of you” I kissed his forehead. 
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poor-baby-bangtan · 4 years ago
i was wondering if you could do something snz-centric with jungkook. like a cold or flu. hes just so adorable and im too much of a sucker of bts taking care of him in fics. (also im so happy youre back and well, you're one of my favourite bangtan sickfic writers here on tumblr ^^)
I hope you enjoy! 
Sickie: jeongguk 
Caretakers: Namjoon and Seokjin 
Words: 6,853
Themes: snz, fever, hurt/comfort 
By the fifth time that Jeongguk had to tear himself away from the recording equipment to sneeze almost violently into his hands, Namjoon was ready to call it quits for the day. The pair had been finishing up some backing vocals for a nearly-completed song - it was only a bit of harmonization, nothing extreme or extravagant. Jeongguk had always been the best with harmonizing, especially in a higher pitch, so Namjoon figured that he would layer the maknae's hidden track over it first just to get a feel for the way it sounded.
But Jeongguk was barely able to get through any of his lines or simple melodies without having to turn around to sneeze or clear his throat. And now that Namjoon thought about it, his voice did sound a bit rough around the edges and maybe even a little congested if he listened closely enough to his dongsaeng's voice blasting through his headphones. And, above all, he couldn't get through a track that he would have aced any other day. It was nearing 1 AM and the maknae looked tired, stressed, and sick behind the mic.
"JK," he called through the slightly-opened door beyond the large built-in window between them (purely to keep unwanted sounds out of the recording). "You okay?"
Jeongguk sniffed and rubbed at his nose with a knuckle, ears reddening slightly at the sudden attention. Namjoon found it incredibly endearing that, despite living together for just shy of seven years, he still managed to get embarrassed over minor stuff like that.
"Yeah, I'm alright, hyung. I'm sorry, I know you wanted this finished quickly," he managed, staring at the open mic in front of him with obvious frustration and guilt, the tip of his bunny nose pink with mild irritation.
Namjoon stood and took off his bulky headphones, joining him in the adjacent room and placing a firm hand on his shoulder. "Don't worry about it, Gguk, it's not your fault." The maknae sniffled again but didn't say anything, looking so pitifully sad as his eyes wandered around the floor. "Are you wearing a new cologne or anything? New shampoo?" Namjoon knew how sensitive their youngest was to smells - his perfume of choice was actually faint and made for women and he wore it for the sole purpose of it not irritating his sinuses. Even a change in shampoo, conditioner, or hair spray had a tendency to trigger Jeongguk's rhinitis flare-ups.
Jeongguk shook his head. "No, everything's been the same, Joon-hyung. I don't know why it's like this."
The rapper chewed at his lip worriedly, running a hand through the younger man's soft hair. "You think you're getting sick, babe?" Namjoon chose to break out the pet names now - it helped break Jeongguk out of that shy, nervous, I'm-grown-up-so-I-can-handle-everything-myself shell he always tried to adopt.
"Hih-H'tshhuh! T'cHh!"
Jeongguk didn't have time to reply before he was pitching forward to sneeze twice into his elbow, leaning back with a little groan. Namjoon chuckled quietly and rubbed the maknae's back as he sniffled and scrubbed at his nose with his sleeve. "I think that might be a yes."
The maknae sighed, rubbing at his brow like he had a headache. "I don't want to be."
Namjoon just tutted and put his palm to the younger man's forehead, frowning when he felt the slightest bit of heat underneath his hand. He wasn't flushed and didn't feel too warm, but he always ran hot when he was coming down with something. "I don't think you have a choice in this one, Gguk-ah."
"But hyung," Jeongguk whined, looking up at him with his big doe eyes, "I can't get sick right now. We have so much stuff to do and I'm already making you stay late-"
"Hey, no," he shushed. "You're not holding back anything. We have work, sure, but it's not anything that we can't push back a few days for you. This is the lightest our schedule has been for a while, so don't stress about it, okay?" Namjoon smiled faintly, running his fingers once more through Jeongguk's fringe. "And you're not keeping me here doing anything. We could have been doing this next week or even not at all; this is optional just to test the sound, you know that."
Jeongguk nodded, sniffling again for good measure. "Yeah, okay," he mumbled, still disappointed and very much not convinced.
"Why don't we go ahead and head home? It's late," Namjoon yawned, stretching, all an act just to get the maknae to not protest leaving just like the rapper knew he would. He had always been the hardest one to take care of - most of the others eventually gave in and let themselves be coddled. But, nope, not Jeongguk. He would put up a fight until he was passed out or in the hospital, something that his hyungs tried relentlessly to keep from happening. No matter how much they drilled into his head that you need to talk to us, Gguk or you can tell us anything, Gguk, it seemed like the kid never listened. Despite the fact that he had recently turned twenty-one, he had absolutely zero skills in the self-care department.
Jeongguk nodded and Namjoon marked that as a big success on his part. "Okay." He patted his pockets a few times before sighing. "Let me find my keys first."
That's right. He drove us here this morning.
"No that's okay, Gguk. I'd rather call a cab." Namjoon wasn't sure if he really wanted his maknae driving while sick, and at midnight nonetheless. He was already a little reckless behind the wheel on the best of days and the last thing they needed was him having a cold (or worse yet, flu) on top of that. The leader silently cursed himself that he hadn't gotten around to getting his license yet (and tried not to be embarrassed that the youngest of his group had to drive him around despite the age gap).
"No, I'm fine, hyung. I can drive," Jeongguk protested, looking just a little too eager to prove himself and that he was indeed okay. "I can.. d-dr- hhitsHh!"
He was interrupted by another sneeze, though, pitching forward, bent at the waist from the strength of it. He slowly straightened upwards, hands still cupped around his face. Namjoon took the hint and passed him a tissue, which Jeongguk hesitantly took as if he were almost too prideful to take it. He usually was, and the rapper was thankful that it was late in the evening. A tired Jeongguk was an obedient Jeongguk.
"I know you can, Ggukkie, but I'd rather just call someone. It's late and we're both tired; I'd feel better if we had a cab or a manager come pick us up. Besides, we're here every day. We can pick up your car another day, yeah?"
Jeongguk wiped his nose with the tissue and threw it away, sighing. "Okay. Is Sejin-nim still here?"
"Let me text him. Go ahead and put your coat on."
The maknae nodded and went to retrieve his hoodie as Namjoon fumbled with his phone.
Joon: Hyung-nim, are you still in the building?
Cool manager hyung: yeah I'm about to leave. need a ride?
He smiled at how Sejin already knew what he needed before he had the chance to say anything about it.
Joon: yeah, me and Ggukie are finishing up in the studio.
Joon: do you mind dropping us off?
Manager hyung: of course, it's on the way anyways. but I thought Jeongguk drove you two here..?
Joon: yeahh but I think he's coming down with something. don't want him on the roads right now ~_~;
Manager hyung: aishhhh why am i not surprised 
Manager hyung: that kid always pushes himself too hard
Manager hyung: meet me outside in 10. i'll stop by the pharmacy tomorrow.
Joon: thank you Sejin-hyung :))
By the time Namjoon looked up from his phone, Jeongguk had pulled his hoodie on and was scrubbbing at his nose with one of the sleeves, sniffling weakly. The hoodie was a couple sizes too large and hung low around mid-thigh. He had balled up his hands inside of the sleeves, making rather adorable sweater paws with them. His nose was now red, morphing from the innocent pink tinge that it had held for most of the night, and his eyes looked a little far-off and watery. Namjoon tried his best not to make a sound of endearment and simply pocketed his phone, reaching out and squeezing his dongsaeng's shoulder.
"Sejin-nim is gonna pull up out front for us."
"'Kay," the maknae mumbled, looking exhausted despite himself. Hopefully it wouldn't be hard to get some medicine in him and put him to bed.
Sejin held true to his word; his car was already warm and running by the time the pair made it downstairs. Namjoon crawled into the backseat with Jeongguk instead of taking his usual place up front. Jeongguk didn't seem to mind, or even notice for that matter, as he put on his seatbelt and yawned into his hand. Namjoon caught Sejin's knowing smirk in the rear view mirror, though, and felt his face heat up.
He wasn't one of the most doting members but he still cared, alright?
Sejin started up the car and pulled out of the parking lot. "How's the song looking, boys?"
"It's going great, Sejin-nim," Namjoon smiled. "Jeongguk is really blowing it out of the water." He reached over and ruffled Jeongguk's hair lightly. Jeongguked smiled that cute smile he does, lips barely pulling back to preview his bunny teeth, eyes scrunching gently around the edges, and it was all Namjoon could do to not make a noise like a variation of a dying animal. That kid does something to his heart that should not be legal. The maknae pushed his hand away and he let him, reaching down to intertwine their fingers and rest them on his thigh instead.
Sejin chuckled deep and throaty, smiling in the rearview mirror. "Just as usual, huh?"
"Yep." Namjoon ran his thumb over Jeongguk's knuckles. "Golden maknae here always does his best."
Jeongguk ducked his head and smiled, teasing his lower lip with his teeth, ears going a bit red. He had never been able to take a compliment without getting embarrassed. "Thanks, hyung."
"Aish, don't thank me kid." Namjoon swore his heart was about to burst. His maknae really was just too sweet without knowing it.
Jeongguk was opening his mouth to say something back but stopped short, getting a far-off look in his eyes as his jaw hung slack. His nose twitched and scrunched several times with the effort not to sneeze; his breath hitched several times as his breathing quickened. He was not able to quell the feeling, though, and sneezed openly onto his lap before he could react.
"Hih.. hh-huh-H'itsxhu! Ht'scHh! Es'cHischh!"
He tore his hand from Namjoon's as he caught the second and third that came with it. They sounded increasingly intense and painful, and Namjoon winced in sympathy.
Sejin sucked in air through his teeth sharply as Jeongguk slowly brought his hands away from his face and sniffled in retaliation a few times. "You feeling okay, kid?" He pulled up at a red light and looked him over in the rear view mirror. "That sounded kind of bad."
Namjoon was glad that Sejin chose not to mention the fact that he had already told him Jeongguk wasn't feeling his best. Jeongguk would have been eternally embarrassed and probably would deny his hyung's help for a while. He had a strange trust system and Sejin seemed to know that.
Jeongguk snuffed once more against the increasing stuffiness in his sinuses before replying. "Yes, I'm okay Sejin-nim, thank you."
Namjoon withheld a sigh and put a hand on Jeongguk's thigh. Always so closed off and shy. Of course, he loved his maknae and wouldn't change his personality for anything. But sometimes he wished he would open up a little more and be a little more trusting to those around him. He had opened up to his band mates after a while, of course, but it was still hard for even them to get through to him at times. Jeongguk could be silly and goofy and just himself wherever he was, but when it came to showing any form of weakness it was like he retreated as far back into his shell as he could get. It was a constant inner struggle for him, realizing that he's still human and needs to treat himself as such. Even one (1) voice crack during a performance can drive him to tears. Weakness and mistakes are just not something that he tolerates with himself, as sad as it makes Namjoon. He's never really as concerned with Jeongguk's physical condition as much as he is with his psychological one when his health dips.
Sejin sighed quietly enough for Jeongguk to miss it and pulled up as the light turned green again. "If you're sure. Just let me know if that changes, okay, Jeongguk-ah?"
"Yes, hyung-nim." Namjoon could hear the gratefulness in the maknae's voice, even if he most likely would not accept the help.
"Aish, kid, always so formal," Sejin grumbled playfully. He had long stopped trying to get Jeongguk to drop the honorifics. They were fond and playful now more than anything.
Jeongguk made that happy noise in the back of his throat that he tended to do, sort of like a mix between a laugh and a endearing huff, and replied, "Of course, Sejin-ssi."
"Ack!" Sejin waved one of his hands in the air dismissively. "That's worse!"
Jeongguk chuckled, fully this time, with a grin that split his whole face and made his eyes squint. He seemed tired, but happy still - probably wasn't feeling too bad, then.
The trio fell into a comfortable silence for the rest of the trip. Namjoon could feel that they were all tired - reasonably so, it was past 1am - and if he was being honest he was ready to do nothing more than just crash in bed when he got home. But his maknae still needed to be taken care of, because he certainly wasn't going to take medicine on his own.
The pair said their goodbyes to Sejin after he pulled up outside of their apartment, with the older man giving Namjoon a knowing wink as a way to say good luck with that one. Namjoon just laughed and waved him off. He knew how to handle his maknae.
Jeongguk stumbled inside, already half-asleep from the car ride, and made his way into the bathroom. Namjoon veered towards the kitchen where their medicine cabinet was and dug around for a few minutes looking for some sort of cold medicine or anti-congestant. He came up with a half-empty blister packet of a nighttime cold medicine which was about the best he could have hoped to find. With the winter, colds had been going around the members quite often and it was around that time of the year that they were constantly running low on medicines. That, and it would help Jeongguk sleep more soundly - even though he usually slept a lot (like, a lot) when he was sick, it was never very deeply and it left him still feeling exhausted, even after he was healthy again.
Namjoon popped a few blue gel-capped pills into his hand and filled up a glass of ice water as he heard the shower come on, sighing when he realized he also still needed to shower. But then he had a thought... why wait? He'd rather keep an eye on his dongsaeng anyways.
Setting the pills and glass on the counter, Namjoon made his way other to the bathroom and poked his head in. "Mind if I join you, Ggukkie?" he called.
"Sure, hyung," came Jeongguk's reply, rough around the edges and tired. Even though he had been living with roommates for many years, he still erred to the shy side, especially when it came to being undressed around others. But, if he was tired enough or felt bad enough, he tended to care less about exposure and more about having company and skinship.
At his response, Namjoon stepped into the bathroom and quietly closed the door behind him, quickly stripping down and pulling back the shower curtain to step under the warm stream of water. Jeongguk stepped over to make room for him (thankfully they finally had enough money for an apartment with several large bathrooms with large tubs and showers, so both of them comfortably fit). The water was a tad too hot, probably because the younger was feeling chilled from being out in the cold, even if they were just walking from the car to their door. Or that's what Namjoon hoped - he was praying the kid wasn't cold because a fever was coming on. He did his best to ignore it, though.
Jeongguk was just beginning to shampoo his hair, eyes droopy and tired. He sniffled once, and then twice - the steam was probably helping with his congestion. Namjoon struggled against a fond little smile and reached over to shampoo his dongsaeng's hair himself. Jeongguk didn't even argue and dropped his hands immediately to his sides. His eyes fluttered closed as his hyung worked the product into his hair, swaying with the motion. He sighed a long, drawn-out breath and leaned into Namjoon's touch, mouth just barely hanging open like a puppy's when receiving a good scratch.
"You're not allowed to ever stop that, hyung," he mumbled, words thick with exhaustion and groggy, eyes still closed. Namjoon laughed again and massaged the base of his scalp.
"We'll see about that, kiddo." He worked the suds through Jeongguk's long hair (wow, it had really gotten lengthy, hadn't it?) and took a second to admire the youngest's features. Even when he was feeling under the weather, his face was still radiant and beautiful. His skin was perfectly blemished, a healthy tan (how could anyone ever want to whitewash him?), and the resting-exhaustion-pout glued to his expression made him look younger and more adorable than ever. As Namjoon guided his head underneath the stream of water, he took a second to appreciate how lucky he was to have Jeongguk as his dongsaeng.
Jeongguk preened under the warm water, melting under it as it met his skin. He looked half-asleep. Namjoon fondly tapped his cheek, to which he opened his eyes; the older man smirked. He was just about to say something teasing when Jeongguk's face screwed up and he hitched, pitching forward catching it in his elbow.
"Hh- hh'itschiew!"
He sniffled a few times as he straightened up, keeping his elbow to his face as he coughed a couple times into it. Namjoon felt his chest tighten and eyebrows pinch together.
"Are you sure you're feeling okay Ggukkie?" He ran his hands through the younger's hair once more, scratching at the base of his neck. Jeongguk just nodded and coughed one more time before dropping his arm, pushing even further into his hyung's touch. But he didn't say anything or respond verbally at all. He was probably feeling too tired to even try and debate about his health. Namjoon just sighed and reached for his own shampoo, quickly lathering up his silver-blonde hair. "I have some medicine laid out for you. Let's just finish up so you can take it and we can get you to bed, hmm?"
Jeongguk only nodded sleepily once more, fumbling for the conditioner. Namjoon once again took over washing his dongsaeng's hair as soon as he had finished with his own; Jeongguk was seriously lagging behind as he struggled to stay awake underneath the stream of hot water. After rinsing out the remaining conditioner from the younger's hair, Namjoon passed over the body wash, turning the maknae around so he could wash his back. Soon enough, though, they were both toweling off and clumsily dressing in sleepwear. Jeongguk groaned when Namjoon pulled out the hairdryer.
"Hyung, can we please just skip that? I want to sleep," he whined, lip protruding in a cute little pout in an attempt to win his hyung over.
"Nope, no way. You're already getting sick and the last thing we need is it getting worse because you went to bed with cold, wet hair. Turn around and sit on the counter if you want."
Jeongguk huffed, annoyed, but did as he was told anyways. Namjoon pressed a chaste kiss to his forehead before brushing through the younger's hair and turning on the blow-dryer. Now the maknae was actually falling asleep, head lolling down several times before he woke himself up and jerked himself back upright. Namjoon bit back a smile as he continued to blow dry his hair, overwhelmed by fondness. By the time his hair was dry, Jeongguk was passed out, mouth hanging open and cheek pressed against his shoulder. At the sound of the dryer turning off Jeongguk stirred, blearily opening his eyes and blinking several times to focus them.
"'M done?"
"Yeah, kiddo. Hop down and we'll go take your medicine."
Jeongguk fixed him with a groggy glare. "You didn't dry your hair."
Namjoon chuckled and winked. "I'm too tired, I guess."
The younger slid off the countertop and headbutted his hyung in the chest; evidently he was too tired to pick his head up, so he let it rest on Namjoon's sternum as he weakly hit him with a closed fist. "You're the worst, Namjoon-hyung," he mumbled, no real heat behind the words.
He just chuckled in response and wrapped an arm around his dongsaeng's shoulders, leading him out of the bathroom and into the kitchen. "Oh yes, I'm just terrible for looking after my maknae," Namjoon said as he passed Jeongguk the pills from where they were on the counter, holding up the glass to the younger's lips. Jeongguk mumbled faux-angrily under his breath as he tossed the pills into his mouth and let Namjoon give him a drink of water to wash them down. Namjoon took the glass with him as the guided the younger down the hallway and into their shared room, setting it down onto the nightstand.
Jeongguk belly-flopped onto Namjoon's bed with a big sigh, stretched out parallel to the headrest. He grumbled incoherently into the duvet and stilled completely. Namjoon huffed a laugh and slapped him lightly on the back of the thigh.
"Come on, Gguk-ah, move over so we can both fit. That's right, get under the covers." Jeongguk sighed and grumbled again at his words, lazily re-correcting himself to lay properly on the bed. Namjoon lifted up the covers for him and the maknae crawled obediently between the sheets, settling in on his side with his feet curled up in a half-fetal position. The older man climbed in after him on the opposite side of the bed, turning off the bedside lamp and pulling up the duvet over the both of them. He reached over and adjusted the covers to below Jeongguk's chin, effectively tucking him in. As he got settled in himself, Jeongguk squirmed his way to Namjoon's chest, cold nose feeling over his collar bone. The rapper intertwined a leg with the younger's, wincing at his freezing toes, and slung an arm around his slim waist. For a few seconds, it was just the quiet sound of the AC and the feeling of the maknae's chest rising and falling against his own, warm breaths puffing against his neck. Jeongguk's long locks tickled against his cheek.
"Th'nk you, hyung," Jeongguk slurred against his collarbone, sounding sleepy and content but more congested than he had previously. Namjoon just gave a low rumble and pressed a hand to his maknae's forehead. A little warm, but that was probably just from the combined heat of the shower and hairdryer.
"Of course, you don't have to thank me, Gguk." He pressed a kiss into the younger's hair. "How're you feeling, jaigya?" Namjoon's brow contorted in concern as Jeongguk shivered a little in his arms and sniffled against his t-shirt.
Jeongguk just gripped his shirt a little tighter and nosed further into the crook of his hyung's neck and mumbled, "Shh, hyung, sleepy t'me, shhh..." His breaths became a little deeper as he fell further into the grasp of sleep, the small rushes of air sending goosebumps over Namjoon's olive skin. "No m're talkin'," he murmured, sounding as if he were barely hanging onto the last dregs of consciousness.
Namjoon pressed a kiss to his forehead before relaxing back into his pillow, fingers drawing invisible pictures onto the younger's back. "M'kay, babe." Namjoon figured he had been awake long enough - it was nearing 3am and he was feeling sick, there was no point in keeping him up any later than he needed to be. He could always check up on him in the morning. Plus, Namjoon thought he had done a pretty good job of taking care of his maknae thus far - a little questioning could wait. "Goodnight, aeghi. Saranghae."
Namjoon was only barely able to hear the whispered reply of "Joon-hyung, saranghae," before the youngest promptly fell asleep in his arms.
As expected, Jeongguk was restless during the night. He never really woke up but tossed and turned all the same, occasionally making sleepy noises and sighs against his hyung's neck. He never slept particularly well when he was unwell, which was something Namjoon knew was going to happen. That being said, the older man didn't get much sleep either. He was hyper-vigilant and woke up every time his maknae so much as stirred. Namjoon was exhausted, seeing as he had several late nights in a row, but somehow he didn't seem to mind this time. As the night went on, though, Jeongguk seemed to still, back pressed up against his hyung's chest. Namjoon woke up a few hours later to light streaming through the window and Seokjin knocking at the door to wake them up up. The rapper stirred and stretched, inhaling sharply. It felt like he had hardly slept, but it was already 8am.
Jeongguk still lay quiet as the little spoon, curled up into Namjoon's stomach. His body was radiating heat and he was breathing laboriously through his mouth. Namjoon swore and peeled back the covers, pressing a hand to the younger's forehead; he found it to be hot to the touch. His tan skin shone with sweat and his face was particularly pale aside from the flush of his cheeks. Along with that, he was shivering a little in his sleep, brows contorted into a painful grimace. Namjoon dropped his hand and sighed; he knew this was going to happen.
The older man tucked his maknae back into the covers before getting up himself, sighing once more. He made sure Jeongguk was still asleep as he left the room. Seokjin was in the kitchen brewing coffee from the Kurig, watching with tired eyes as the bitter liquid slowly filled his cup. Namjoon approached him from behind and wrapped his hands around the older man's slim waist, burying his face in a broad shoulder and pressing down hard with his forehead.
Seokjin chuckled and patted his arm. "What's this, Namjoon-ah?"
"Jeonggukie's sick," he grumbled into the fabric of the singer's sleep shirt, getting a whiff of his fabric softener in the process. Seokjin always smelled so nice. The younger man could feel the other craning his head to look at him so Namjoon picked his head up and rested his chin on his shoulder instead, meeting Seokjin's gaze. "It came on last night," Namjoon sighed. "He was restless all night and when I woke up he was running a fever."
Seokjin maneuvered out of his arms, turning around to face his dongsaeng and tracing the pads of his thumbs over Namjoon's eye-bags with a concerned crease in his brow. "Are you sure you didn't get it, too? You look awful, jaigya. You're pale."
"No, hyung, I feel fine. Maknae-ah just kept me up with all his tossing and turning."
Seokjin got a smug look on his face, smirking.
"What?" Namjoon deadpanned. He was too tired for this.
"Well," Seokjin drawled. "You're usually such a heavy sleeper. Worried about our youngest, are you?"
Namjoon felt his ears go hot with embarrassment. What's the deal with people, first Sejin, now Seokjin was teasing him? Unbelievable. "With all due respect hyung, shut up. Just because I don't show it as much as you do I actually do care about my maknae," Namjoon spat, pushing away against his hyung's chest and trying to walk past him, annoyed. Seokjin's squeaky laughter followed him and he was stopped by the older man catching his wrist.
"I'm just kidding Joonie, don't get so defensive," he giggled, drawing the younger back into a hug.
Namjoon sighed and buried his face again in Seokjin's shoulder. "Maybe don't tease me then," he grumbled, but the heat was gone.
"I'm sorry, I'm sorry." Seokjin stroked his back and laughed one more time. "Have you checked his temperature yet?"
"Not yet. He's still sleeping."
Seokjin hummed, planting a kiss in Namjoon's bed head before pulling away.
"I'll go get the thermometer. Will you wake him up for me?"
"Sure, hyung." Namjoon started down the hallway, slowly creaking the door open and slipping into his and Jeongguk's shared bedroom. The maknae was exactly where he had left him, turned away from the door curled up on his side. Even though he was about to wake the younger man up anyways, the rapper tiptoed around the bed and kneeled next to his pillow as quietly as he could. Jeongguk's face was still scrunched up and tense with pain, a flush high on his cheeks. His hair and shirt were saturated with sweat. Namjoon reached up with his hand and smoothed over the distressed wrinkles on his forehead; his face relaxed after a few seconds, melting into a neutral expression. His face was hot to the touch and Namjoon's fingers came away damp.
"Jeonggukie," Namjoon murmured, reaching over to grasp his maknae's shoulder gently. "Aghi. It's time to wake up, jaigya." The younger stirred, eyebrows immediately scrunching up again as he fought against waking consciousness and the pain he obviously felt. Namjoon shushed him gently, cupping the side of his face with a large hand and rubbing his thumb over his temple. "I know, babe, wake up for just a few minutes."
Jeongguk blearily opened his eyes and immediately winced, making a pitiful noise of pain from the back of his throat and curling up into a tighter ball. He squeezed his eyes closed and buried his face in his pillow.
"Aigoo, I know, I know it hurts Ggukkie." Namjoon moved from stoking his forehead to running his fingers through his damp hair, something he knew Jeongguk had a soft spot for. "Seokjinnie-hyung is bringing you a thermometer and then we'll get back to sleep, okay?"
Jeongguk whined weakly, voice gravelly from a combination of sleep and sickness, looking up from his pillow to gaze at his hyung pitifully. His eyes were red and glassy and tired, framed by the high spots of fever-induced color on his cheeks. Jeongguk's face screwed up, and for a horrifying second Namjoon was sure he was about to start crying. He pitched forward with a sneeze instead, following it up with a few rattling coughs. Whimpering, he reached up to hold his head in his hands as though the movement had aggravated a headache. The older man frowned and leaned over to press a kiss to his forehead before settling himself on the edge of the bed, running his hand over his dongsaeng's back in soothing strokes.
"How're you feeling, babe?"
Jeongguk just grunted and gently placed his forearm over his eyes to block out the light from the window. "Bad," he mumbled, voice still thick with sleep.
"Tell hyung what's hurting," Namjoon prompted, smoothing out the wrinkles of his maknae's shirt over his side.
Jeongguk didn't move his arm as he answered. "My head n' my body are aching. It's cold."
"I know, aghi. Anything else? Is your throat bothering you?"
The singer just slowly shook his head before once again going still, arching his back against Namjoon's touch. He could feel the younger's fever through his shirt. He was satisfied that the younger's throat wasn't hurting him, though; a hoarse voice was an idol's worst nightmare.
Jeongguk reached back with his free hand and pulled his shirt up to expose his back, reaching for Namjoon's hand to press it into his skin. "Push harder, hyung. Please," he murmured, pushing with more force against Namjoon's hand, digging it into his ribs.
Namjoon took the hint and began to massage his back with the heel of his palm; Jeongguk shivered under his touch, goosebumps breaking out over his skin. He was probably cold and skin most likely sensitive, but wanted skin-on-skin contact anyways. His skin was moist and sticky from perspiration, but Namjoon bore the discomfort and carried on.
"Does that help with the pain Jeonggukkie?"
The maknae nodded underneath his forearm, releasing Namjoon's wrist and draping his arm back around his waist. "It feels good, hyung."
Namjoon adjusted his position on the bed for a better reach, kneading the palms of his hands into Jeongguk's feverish skin, moving from his shoulders down to his calves. Jeongguk mewled under the touch, arching his back and wincing but not pushing his hyung away. He always got awful aches when he was feverish and Namjoon seemed to know just how to get rid of them. The maknae tried to keep as still as possible, pressing his forearm against his eyes hard to try and reduce the pain.
A soft knock resounded on the door before Seokjin poked his head in, frowning softly when his eyes drifted to their youngest member. Jeongguk was shivering and trying his hardest not to let small noises of pain slip through his gritted teeth as Namjoon worked against his tight, painful muscles. The skin of his face was flushed and damp with perspiration - even from across the dim room the mat-hyung could see the rivulets of sweat trailing down his neck. Namjoon turned around, hands still kneading against Jeongguk's thighs, and met Seokjin's eyes with the same concerned look.
Seokjin looked back to the maknae and closed the door behind him, walking around and dumping his handful of medical supplies on the bedside table, keeping only the thermometer.
"Oh, honey," he murmured. "You must be feeling awful. I'm sorry, jaigya." Seokjin passed his fingers through Jeongguk's damp, sleep-tousled hair.
Jeongguk peeped out from under his arm and met Seokjin's gaze. "Good morning, hyung." His voice was strained and congested and the older man winced at the sound of it. He pursed his lips and planted a kiss on the maknae's forehead.
"My Jeonggukie, always so polite. Good morning to you too, baby. Let's get you some medicine and some food so you can get back to sleep okay?"
"Okay," Jeongguk mumbled, struggling to push himself up to sit against the headboard. Namjoon immediately moved to help him up, hoisting him up by the armpits until he was comfortably upright. The younger man winced as soon as he was sitting up, grinding his palm against his eye to try and ease the headache. He obediently opened his lips for the thermometer, holding it underneath his tongue until it beeped. 101.9.
"He wasn't very bad last night at all, hyung, I was surprised when I woke up this morning," Namjoon fretted, chewing his lip.
"You and me both, Joonie. We'll fix him right up though, aghi, don't worry too much," Seokjin said, putting the thermometer down on the bedside table and unscrewing the lid to the fever reducers, shaking a few out onto his palm.
Namjoon was about to respond when Jeongguk's face screwed up again for the second time that morning. His eyes got a far-off look as they glazed over, breath hitching. His already-pink nose twitched and nostrils flared, trembling. He brought his hands up where they paused, hovering just a few inches away from his face.
Jeongguk squeezed his watering eyes shut, letting out an involuntary whimper as the sneeze refused to leave his body. The singer's mouth hung open just slightly as his breathing hitched again, once, twice, three times, nostrils flared and nose twitching.
"Hih... Hh... Hih.h..! Hihtshu! Hi'tshh!" His body lurched forward as he caught the sneezes in his cupped hands. Seokjin quietly blessed him and rubbed his back. Jeongguk let out a little groan as he leaned back slowly, dropping his hands and scrunching his face up in pain. The sneezing hadn't done much to help his headache.
"Oh, baby, I know," Seokjin cooed, running his thumbs over the distressed lines in the younger's face. Namjoon hopped up from the bed and drew the blinds, engulfing the room in a pleasant darkness. Jeongguk visibly relaxed at the abscence of light, sighing and melting back into the headboard. "Here, Ggukkie, take these and drink half the glass." The older singer pressed the pills into the maknae's hand and held the glass of water he had brought along near his lips. Obediently, Jeongguk popped the pills into his mouth and drank from the cool glass of water as Seokjin put it to his lips. Surprisingly, the younger drained the whole thing - both of his hyungs were pleasantly surprised.
"Good job, babe," Namjoon praised, kissing him on the cheek and patting him gently on the head. Jeongguk made a satisfied noise low in his throat, eyes already closed and lolling down to his shoulder.
"That's my maknae," Seokjin smiled, patting the younger on the shoulder before turning to Namjoon. "I'll finish making his breakfast and leave it in the microwave. I think it's fine if you let him sleep for another few hours. Watch over him, okay?"
Namjoon fixed his eyes on the younger who was blissfully dozing by that point, head lolling down to his chest. "I will hyung."
Seokjin kissed the maknae on the top of his head before leaving the room, going to wake the rest of the members and get them to get ready as quietly as they could (if they could at all, that lively bunch...).
"C'mere, Jeonggukkie," Namjoon muttered, going around to his side of the bed and crawling under the covers, holding his arms out for the younger to crawl into. Jeongguk didn't miss a beat, drowsily slouching down and scooting over until he was wrapped up in the older's arms. He nosed forward until his warm forehead was pressed square against his hyung's cheek. Jeongguk intertwined a leg with the older man's, wrapping an arm around him and pulling him close as he shivered; he must have been freezing cold. Tucking the blanket securely underneath his dongsaeng's chin, Namjoon pulled him as close as he was able. The younger's breathing was already slow and even, already asleep. Namjoon laughed silently and pressed a kiss to his forehead, letting his eyes drift shut as well.
There were definitely worse ways to spend the day, he thought.
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cuddlepilefics · 4 years ago
Snuggly puppy
Fandom: Stray Kids
Sickie: Seungmin
Caregiver: Felix
Sequel to ‘Not sleepy’
 Noone’s POV.:
It had been almost a week since Seungmin had taken a sick Felix back to the dorm. The Aussie was finally feeling better, his voice was back to normal and his fever had broken the previous night. Over breakfast a small dispute arose because the dancer couldn’t wait to get back to work, while Chan would have preferred the younger resting for at least another day. Their loud voices soon quietened down when a disheveled looking Seungmin joined the group at the table. The members exchanged worried glances at the lack of a greeting from the vocalist and watched the boy listlessly push his food around the plate. It had been predictable really, given how cuddled up Hyunjin had found Seungmin and Felix the previous week. A hoarse cough confirmed their suspicion, the second youngest had caught Felix’ cold. “Hey, Minnie, you ok?”, Hyunjin whispered from his seat next to the vocalist. The younger just nodded, not feeling like talking with the straining ache that had settled in his throat. Chan nudged Felix and motioned for him to follow the leader to the kitchen. They took their empty plates and announced, they’d be doing the dishes today.
When they were out of earshot, the oldest spoke up: “Lix, would you do me the favor of taking care of Seungmin today? There’s no way he’ll go to practice today. We can’t afford to get another member sick and you’ve just gotten over the same thing, so it’s unlikely you’ll catch it again. Only if you feel up to it of course.” – “Hyung, I feel fine. And sure I will, it’s my fault he’s sick to begin with. I’ll be missing another day of practice though, and I really need to catch up with how many mistakes I made with my dancing last time”, the younger Aussie replied, a pained expression flashing across his face. “Ah, don’t worry, we’ll help you catch up. We can all take turns going over the choreography with you, we’re not gonna leave you behind”, Chan promised, “Just please watch Seungmin.” Felix smiled: “I already told you I will. I owe him anyways.” Just as their conversation had ended, the members came in one by one, carrying their plates for the Aussies to wash while they got ready for their schedule ahead. When Seungmin passed them, Chan stopped him with a hand on the younger’s arm. “Hey, I think it’ll be best if you stay home today, since it seems like you caught Felix’ cold”, the leader hummed, frowning at the dark circles adorning the vocalist’s eyes. Seungmin shook his head, avoiding his hyung’s eyes: “I feel fine, hyung, just a bit tired. There’s no need for me to stay back.” Felix who was overhearing the conversation from where he was standing over the sink, shook his head slightly. This was exactly how it had started for him too and if it wasn’t for the strained rasp in the sick boy’s voice, they might even have believed him.
Before Seungmin could react, Chan had spread his palm over his dongsaeng’s forehead: “I mean, you don’t have a fever, at least not yet but neither do look nor do you sound alright, so you’ll be taking the day off to rest.” – “Hyung-“, the younger whined, voice cracking. “Hey, maybe you’re really just tired and will be fine tomorrow. In that case you can tell me how much of an ass I am for making you stay back, but for now, you’re staying back”, when the oldest saw the fight building in the vocalist’s eyes, he added, “Leader’s orders.” – “This is abuse of power”, Seungmin fought back, “and completely unnecessary.” Though he immediately proved his statement wrong by turning away and muffling a cough into the sleeve of his sleep shirt. “Aish, Minnie. Stop fighting, last week you were the one lecturing me about how I shouldn’t push myself when I’m sick and now look at you”, Felix scolded, drying off his hands. The vocalist shot his youngest hyung a deathglare: “’Look at me’ ? It’s your fault that I’m in this situation anyways, so who are you to talk?” – “See, you just admitted it and yes I know and I’m sorry, that’s why I’ll stay back too and keep you company”, the dancer giggled, while his dongsaeng quickly covered his mouth noticing how he had just messed up. Chan pulled the sulking boy into a hug and tried to get him to look at him: “Min, it’s ok to be sick and if you rest now, instead of pushing on, you’re chances of recovering faster than Felix did are pretty high. You’re not as stupid as him, forcing yourself to hours of dancing, now are you?” – “Hey, I’m not stupid!!!”, the dancer yelled, smacking his hyung’s butt with the towel he was still holding. Seungmin giggled: “No, I’m not. I’ll stay back but only to prove to Felix-hyung that I’m the smarter one.” Felix put on a fake-offended act but if that was what made his dongsaeng rest, it was fine with him.
The group soon left, leaving Felix and Seungmin alone at the dorm. “Hey, what do you want to do now?”, Felix asked, “Do you want to sleep more?” – “I’m not a baby, I don’t need to sleep again immediately after getting up!” The dancer rolled his eyes, he should have expected how difficult of a task it would be to take care of Seungmin. The younger was way too stubborn and insistent on his independence. “Ok ok, no need to sass me. What about a movie?” The vocalist seemed to actually think about it: “Alright, but if you make me watch another of your boring dramas, I swear to god…” – “No, I’ll let you choose what we’ll watch, like the good hyung I am”, Felix retorted, throwing him a blanket as the pair got settled on the couch. True to his promise, the dancer let his dongsaeng choose a movie. He hadn’t seen it before, but the vocalist insisted it was really good. They were both focused on the screen in front of them, the only thing distracting Felix were the increasingly frequent sniffles coming from his dongsaeng. He glanced over at the younger, only to see him bring the blanket up to his face sneezing twice in quick succession. “Bless you”, Felix hummed, reaching for the remote and pausing the movie, when he noticed the younger’s eyes closing again. “Hh’ktCHhsx!”, Felix watched expectantly, “hh’txCHH’uh!” – “Bless you again”, he chuckled when it seemed like the younger was finally done. “Thanks *sniff*, I’ll just go get some tissues”, the vocalist mumbled. The older wanted to offer, getting them but one stern glance made him keep his mouth shut. He really didn’t want to fight with Seungmin right now.
When Seungmin returned, they continued their movie. By the time it ended, his eyes were watering from focusing on a screen and his head hurt worse than he wanted to admit. They considered watching another one when Felix had an idea: “Hey, how about we shower now? That way we won’t slow things down when the others get home and the steam might help you breathe better.” The dancer had noticed how miserably congested his friend sounded, which was the sole reason he wanted the younger to take a shower. “I cad breathe perfectly fide”, the younger rasped, his glare not nearly as intimidating as intended, due to the itchy tears dotting his lashes, “but yeah, shower sou’ds alright.” – “Sure, so why don’t you go first?”, Felix offered, pushing his dongsaeng in the general direction of the bathroom. ‘That little spawn of Satan, why does he have to make this so difficult?’, the dancer thought, making his way to the kitchen when he heard the bathroom door close. He decided to prepare some of Seungmin’s favorite tea, because he still remembered how irritated his throat had been not to long ago. The younger didn’t really seem to appreciate his hyung’s efforts to help but Felix knew that under this overly independent facade were mostly insecurities, so he would just continue to care for the younger despite his protests. He could hear the painful coughs over the sound of the water running and cringed in sympathy, sure he felt guilty. Seungmin had only cuddled him because Felix was in desperate need of cuddles when he was sick, ‘like a little child’, the dancer thought. Had he acted like the adult he physically is, his dongsaeng wouldn’t have to suffer the consequences now but now it was too late and all Felix could do was make the younger as comfortable as possible, while he rode out his sickness.
Locking the bathroom door behind him, Seungmin finally let his guard down. For aa minute, he just sat on the closed toilet lid, burying his aching head in his hands and rubbing his face. He gave a few wet sniffles before finding the strength to get up and strip out of the clothes he had slept in last night. Goosebumps spread over his body as the cold air touched his overly sensitive skin and he hurried to get into the shower, letting the warm water soothe his chills. The vocalist kept turning the water temperature higher and higher because he still felt cold. Soon the room was filled with thick clouds of steam and he took deep breaths in hopes it would loosen at least a fraction of the congestion clogging his airways. And it did, but the dislodged mucus just fell deeper in his lungs, choking him. The sick boy had to lean against the wet tiles of the shower to keep his balance has he prayed for the coughing fit to end. When he finally managed to catch his breath, the damage was already done, his throat felt really swollen and tender and his head was spinning from the lack of oxygen. With his last remaining energy, Seungmin rinsed off the soap and dragged his achy body out of the shower. He felt so much worse than before, weak and shaky, his muscles not willing to cooperate, but there was no way he’d ask Felix for help with this. After drying off, he put on some fresh clothes, a hoodie and sweatpants, hoping they’d keep him warm against the chills wracking his body, before dizzily stumbling back to the livingroom. Getting comfortable under the blanket on the couch, he told Felix to go and take his turn showering and not wanting to blow his cover as to why he forced his dongsaeng to shower, the dancer went to the bathroom.
While Felix was showering, Seungmin found the tea the older had left him on the coffee table. He was barely able to hold the cup with how much his hands were shaking and he had to use both hands to not spill the hot liquid, but the vocalist sighed in relieve when the few sips he managed to force down soothed his abused throat. Laying down, he pulled the thin blanket up to his chin and draped one arm over his eyes to block out the light. ‘How could I get so much worse so suddenly?’ He lay there not able to sleep due to the pounding in his skull, but also not able to move with how badly his muscles were burning. “Hey, did you feel homesick?”, Felix laughed as he walked into the living room with a towel around his neck, “because the water was hot as hell.” Seungmin just blinked at him confused, too out of it to get the pun. “You ok?”, the Aussie asked, sitting down next to his dongsaeng. The vocalist tried to be strong, he really did, but way too soon the tears he fought to hold back spilled from his eyes and he shook his head defeatedly. Felix’ face softened and he pulled the younger into his arms, alarmed at how much strength he had to use, because Seungmin didn’t seem helping by using his own muscles at all, though he did, he was just really weak. He allowed the vocalist to cry into his fresh shirt, while he ran a soothing hand through the younger’s hair, frowning to find it still dripping with water. Glad he still had a towel with him, Felix whispered sweet nothings, while gently rubbing the other’s hair dry. “We wouldn’t want you getting worse from running around with wet hair, would we?”, he hummed lowly, stroking the sobbing boy’s back. “Is already worse”, Seungmin managed to choke out before turning away to cough. The older used this opportunity of not having the younger’s face buried in his shirt to feel his forehead for a fever and sure enough, the vocalist was burning.
The dancer continued to gently rock his dongsaeng in his arms till the latter either calmed down or had exhausted himself, Felix wasn’t sure. “I guess the hot water raised your temperature, sorry you feel so bad”, he whispered, aware of the headache the younger was suffering, “I’ll go find you some medicine and then you can go to bed and hopefully sleep as much of this off as possible.” Seungmin nodded gratefully, though he really didn’t want to let go of his hyung. Feeling cold, he curled into himself tightly, shaking while he waited for the older to return. His nose was itching again and he brought a sweater paw up to his face: “H’iKTsh!’tsh! H-’khSHt’NGsT!”. He must have nodded off after the stuffy triple because the next thing he knew was the dancer rubbing both of his arms for warmth humming: “Hey puppy, do you think you could sit up for a second to swallow this? It should help with both, the fever and the pain.” The vocalist tried but weakly fell back, needing Felix to pull him upright against his chest. “Tha’gs hyu’g”, he mumbled, accepting the pills and washing them down with the lukewarm tea, the dancer steadying the cup to avoid spills. Swallowing was a struggle with how swollen his throat was but his hyung rubbed his chest through the entire following coughing fit.
Felix was getting worried at how weak his dongsaeng had gotten within less than an hour. First, he was sassing him not accepting any help at all and then suddenly he wasn’t even able to sit up by himself. Since it was obvious that Seungmin wouldn’t be walking anywhere, the dancer just scooped him up and carried him to his room, figuring the younger would be most comfortable in his own bed. He was met with no resistance at all but he wasn’t sure whether the flush on the vocalist’s cheeks was from fever or embarrassment, both probably. Tucking Seungmin in, Felix chuckled when his dongsaeng held onto his wrist, tugging him. The grip was really weak and the dancer would have had no problem freeing himself, but he climbed under the blanket with a small smile, heart beating fast, when the younger snuggled into his side. “Want me to read you a story, puppy?”, he whispered. The vocalist nodded against his friend’s arm: “I-I lohh- N’gsCH! *sniff* -love y-your voice.” Chuckling Felix pulled out his phone and searched up a calm and peaceful bedtime story, making sure to keep his voice soft and low, while the hand that didn’t hold the phone drew comforting circles on his dongsaeng’s back.
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the-fiction-witch · 4 years ago
Sick P1
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I slightly shivered as I rode my bike thought the cold autumn streets, the pathways covered in layers of orange, red and gold leaves, the green grass of gardens littered with twigs, a few houses having little pumpkins on their doorsteps, a few evil people daring to have the unholy twinkle of Christmas lights in their windows already. 
I kept my wheels turning as the sky was getting darker and the chill in the air was growing till I reached the little house I had been looking for, I pulled my bike onto the driveway chaining it to the garage door and heading up the little gravel path till I hopped into the porch and knocked on the little door 
"Oooh good evening y/n" she smiled opening the door 
"Hi, how's he doing?" I asked as she let me in and I began to slip off my coat as the heat in here was insane compared to out there 
"Like hell," she says "I'm sure he'll be happier once he knows your here" she smiled "go on you know the way" he smiled "ohh and ask him if he wants some pie"
I laughed and hurried up the staircase turning sharply on the corner to the bedroom door covered in stickers gently pushing it open revealing the blue bedroom, his bed not made tucked up within the corner of the room, his desk covered in paperwork, his TV mounted to the wall with his little sofa facing it, almost every inch of the floor was covered with dirty clothes and tissues, even if the bed was full of them. And I spotted him sat on his little sofa a blanket over his legs, a blanket around his shoulders, he wore his grey sweatpants and an old blue triumph t-shirt, his console controller in his hand and a box of tissues to his side he looked sickly pale...well.more than usual, his nose bright red and his eyes looking weary his hair a bedhead it slowly worsening each day s I know he hasn't brushed it once, I couldn't help but laugh, it was kinda adorable to see him this way.
"Hi germy" I giggled shutting his bedroom door behind me 
He groaned a little holding his throat before he spoke his voice sounded harsh and broken like he had been gargling sand and razor blades yet sickly still almost as if you could hear the mucus in his nose and throat with each word "oohh fuck off y/n"
"Fine I'll go" I laughed faking being offended
"No… I'm sorry y/n" he answered "don't go"
"How are you doing sickie?" I laughed sitting beside him on the sofa 
"Still sick, I wouldn't get too close y/n maybe I'm infectious?" 
"You’re not infectious Thomas you have a cold" I laughed
"I have the flu" he corrected 
"You have man flu" I laughed 
"what's the difference?"
"The dramatics" 
"I have the flu y/n" he complained
"You might but you're not dying," I laughed as I got my bag "medicine… take it" I warn handing him the tablets I got him at the pharmacy he grimaced and put them to the side with his tissues "Thomas" I warn "don't you wanna get better?"
"Not really no…"
"Why not?"
"I get to do my work at home which suits me better, I get to spend all day in my lazy clothes, I can spend all day in bed if I want, and I get you visiting me everyday, everyday and giving me cuddles" he smiled nuzzling into my shoulder "why would I wanna get better?" 
"Take them, before I force them in you" I warn 
"No, I'll keep my mouth shut you can't force my mouth open to take them" he argues 
"I didn't mean your mouth" I warn 
"Where else could you- ooh…" he said realizing what I mean and instantly getting himself a tablet and downing it with his water 
"Good boy" I smiled, giving his cheek a kiss which made him blush "ohh your mum wanted me to ask do you want pie?"
"Not really, I'm not hungry," he shrugs 
"Here's your homework, and today's notes" I smiled handing him all the stuff from today 
"Where would I be without you" he smiled nuzzling closer to my shoulder but he soon moved away to cough and use another five tissues, 
"You need to get to bed Mr" I laughed almost picking him up from the sofa unwrapping him from his blankets even if he shivered before tucking him in his bed with his blankets and pillows "get some rest, okay, so you can get better" I smiled 
"Y/n? Can I ask you something?" He groans almost coughing again
"Go on" I laughed
"Can a dying man have a last request?"
"You're not dying Thomas…" 
"Will you go to the Halloween dance with me? And… kiss me on the wall home, surrounded by the orange leaves in the beautiful moonlight?"
"You're not dying Thomas…" I repeat
"Would you anyway?"
"I'll think about it okay" I smiled "and if you want a kiss you only have to ask"
"Not now… I don't wanna make you sick" he sighed "thank you for visiting y/n"
"It's fine Thomas" I laughed kissing his cheek "I'll see you tomorrow" 
I smiled as rose across town as the sun began to set, the skirt of my dress fluttering in the breeze as I hurried along the road till I got to Thomas’ house just as his parents were leaving “Ohh go on y/n I was just about to lock up” his mum smiled so I chained up my bike and headed in her locking the door behind me so I ran up to Thomas’ room it was as messy as last I saw it but Thomas was nowhere to be found 
“Hu? Where are you?” I laughed “Thomas…”
“Hi Y/n!” he yelled from the bathroom the door open enough to see the light on 
“What’s going on?” 
“I’m having a bath” 
“Ohh… should I go?”
“No, it’s fine I can still talk to you”
“You sound less sniffly today” I smiled leaning on the doorframe but as I did “whoa! What the hell smells like Lavender lemon and honey? God damn it smells like what  imagine whine the phoo smelt like” I complained
“Awww yeah…. I was sick of being snuffly so I googled Herbal cures for the flu that I could bathe in and I uhhh I may have put way to much in”
“how much did you put in?”
“Well… I filled the bath, Then I put a couple lavender bath bombs in, then a packet of lemon bath salts”
“A packet! Thomas you're meant to put like a handful not the whole pack!”
“Oooh… that may explain why the sourness is in the air…” he sighed “then I put a quarter of a bottle of honey in…”
“A Quarter! How big was the bottle?”
“Uhh one of those ones that looks like a bear” 
I pushed the door open 
“Hi” he waves from his bath I grabbed the poor little bottle of honey 
“Noooo... you killed the honeybear?”
“I needed it”
“What did the instructions online say?” I asked
“It said a tablespoon per five hhundred mill so I thought that added up right”
“Thomas… thats for tea” I sighed
“So your bathing in a cup of tea” 
“Well… I’m not sick anymore” He shrugs “However I am sticky” 
“That will be you know half the poor honeybear” I argue as I sat on the closed toilet lid holding the poor honey bear bottle “If you were a girl I’d say you were gonna get a yeast infection, can you get your dick infected?”
“Ahhhh no no stop! I don’t wanna think about if that's possible!” 
I laughed looking up to him as I hadn’t really focused on him to busy with the bear and I noticed something else in is bath
“Are you eating chinese food?”
“It floats” He shrugs 
“You made a tea bath? And you're eating chinese food because you can float it in your bath?”
“What you got?”
“Noodles… and chicken balls, Want some?”
“I do want the chinese food… but I don’t know if I want chinese food that's been floating around your bath?” I said “You know the place you are naked?”
“When has me being naked ever stopped you from doing anything?” he asks “case and point” 
“You sat with me while I’m in the bath?” He laughs “Your not even my girlfriend” he says eating his food 
“Who says I’m not?”
“Wait what?” he asked in shock 
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docjamie · 5 years ago
St/erek, sick!Stiles
You know what I love? Sick!fics where the sickie is sick enough to feel bad, but not bad enough to miss work/school. Love that shit. (AU, all characters are adults)
Stiles flinched from his daze as he heard someone snap their fingers in his face. He sighed, gearing himself up to put on a pleasant smile for the customer, but was surprised to see none other than his boyfriend across the counter giving him a very unimpressed stare.
"Derek?" Stiles shifted his eyes around to make sure he wasn't actually delirious and turned back to the man standing in front of him. "What are you doing here?"
"Making sure my idiot isn't at work, choking on his own body fluids. And to bring you this." Derek huffed, holding up a cup holder with two styrofoam Starbucks cups in them. Stiles gave a mushy grin and rested his elbow on the counter to lean against his hand.
"You loooove me." Stiles cooed and reached for one of the cups, relishing in the warmth. He tried to sniff the contents, but his clogged nose failed him completely. "I can't smell this, but I hope its what I think it is." Stiles took a small sip of the drink and relished in the taste of sweet apples and cinnamon. He hummed gratefully, cradling the cup close.
Derek chuckled and grabbed his own slightly sweetened coffee before reaching over to press the back of his hand on Stiles' forehead. Fortunately, he didn't feel a fever, but Stiles was still at work with a cold.
"How has work been today?" Derek asked, looking at the semi-busy bookstore. Stiles groaned and set his cup down.
"I feel like its been worse because I'm sick but jesus christ, babe. I almost lost it with some woman let her wild kid knock over an entire display of the teen fictions. And then another person got pissed that their expired coupon didn't work. Like, I'm sorry for doing my job??" The small rant made Stiles out of breath and he coughed hoarsely into his arm. Derek wouldn't be surprised if his voice was gone tomorrow.
"I wish I could take you home." Derek sighed, taking in the sight of his boyfriend worriedly.
"Good! You can take him!" They both jumped at a stern female voice and looked over to see a petite, biracial woman with dark coily hair and large glasses. She had just sat a stack of books down on the counter and put her hands on her hips, glaring at Stiles.
"Ms. Morgan, I'm okay...hih!-" Stiles quickly statched a tissue from a box next to his cup and ducked under the counter. Derek blinked and gave a confused look to Stiles' manager, who looked exasperated.
"Nn'tishh! HN-TISssh!!" Derek bent over the counter to see his boyfriend on one knee, rubbing his rosy nose into the tissues.
"He's been doing that all day. Please get him out of here before he infects the entire store." Morgan said as Stiles stood up with a wobble.
"You've been hiding every time you sneeze?" Derek asked, incredulously. Stiles sniffled, looking slightly embarrassed.
"It's a book store. I didn't want to disturb anyone." He said and narrowed his eyes at Derek's lips twitching into a smile. "I see you. Don't laugh at me, it's not funny!" Stiles said crankily.
"It's a little funny." Derek teased, grinning when Stiles turned from him in a huff, picking up his drink as he did so. "Don't worry, I came to check on him but I'll take him home." Derek said, turning his attention to the manager.
"Great. Its nice to know that there's someone who has common sense in your relationship." Morgan was used to Derek frequenting the store whenever Stiles was on shift; needless to say, she was relieved when she saw the taller man walk in. She beckoned Derek around the cashier counter.
Stiles was about to protest when his nose tingled again. He pinched his nose and rushed to the "Employees Only" room and Derek could hear Stiles go into another sneezing fit. Derek grabbed the tissue box and both he and the manager trekked to the room to see Stiles coughing into the damp tissues, leaning against the wall.
"Oh, honey. You really don't sound too good." Morgan walked over and rubbed Stiles' back with one hand and felt Stiles' forehead with the other. Stiles sighed at the handling, his manager was known to be motherly and there was no point in fighting her if she was concerned.
"It's fine, it's just a cold." Stiles waved her off, but still leaned into Derek who had put his arm around Stiles' waist. Ms. Morgan tsked at how stuffy her employee sounded and turned to Derek.
"You take him home and make him rest, you hear? And keep him home until he's better, not before. Ah-!" She raised a hand when Stiles opened his mouth. "You may not have a fever, but you can easily get one if you don't let your body heal. Now get out of my store, I'll clock you out." Stiles pouted and crossed his arms, making Derek chuckle and press a kiss to the side of his head.
"Yes ma'am. You," Derek patted Stiles' butt. "Go get your coat, its cold out." He said, giving Stiles a little push. Stiles looked from his boyfriend to his manager and realized he wasn't getting his way. He snatched the box of tissues from Derek and walked to the office, grumbling the entire way. Derek and Morgan both shook their heads.
"Thank you for letting me take him home early." Derek said, turning to the short woman.
"Of course! I was almost about to call you, that poor boy was exhausted all day." Morgan rested her cheek in her hand, rolling her eyes. They paused when they heard Stiles wind up again.
"NN'SHIIH! NN'TISH!" Since there were no customers to disturb, Stiles didn't hold anything back. Derek cringed at the gurgling nose blow that followed. Stiles really didn't sound well. His boyfriend walked back out of the office, hat and coat on and buttoned up.
"Ready to go?" Derek asked. Stiles rubbed his eyes. Now that all of the fight was out of him, he was crashing.
"Y-Yeah-" Stiles choked out before coughing roughly. Derek untied his own scarf and looped it around Stiles' neck, making sure to cover up his mouth and nose. He also tugged Stiles' beanie down until it covered his ears, leaving only his boyfriend's unamused eyes staring at him. Ms. Morgan tittered at the display.
"Looks likes you'll be in good hands. Have a good night, you two!" She said and left the room to return to the counter. Derek returned his arm around Stiles' waist and led him out of the store and too the parked Camaro. Stiles wasn't even surprised that Derek planned ahead so he wouldn't have to take the subway home.
"You were planning to stay until I actually left, were you?" Stiles' voice was muffled behind the scarf and wall of congestion. Derek shrugged, opened the door for his boyfriend and closed it behind him. When he got into the car himself, he cranked up, turned the heat on and shifted the vents onto his shivering boyfriend.
"Hey, someone has to have common sense in this relationship." Derek said, echoing Stiles' manager's words. Stiles gave him the side eye and gave Derek's shoulder a shove, making the older man chuckle.
"Just for that, I'm totally gonna rub my snot on your scarf." Stiles gave a pointed liquid sniffle to prove himself. Derek smirked at the attempted taunt and pulled out of the parking lot to begin the drive back to their apartment.
"Washing machines exist for a reason, sweetheart."
"Sweetheart, wake up." Derek said, patting and shaking Stiles' thigh. He had just pulled into the parking lot of their apartment and just as he predicted, his boyfriend conked out just 10 minutes into the drive. From what he could see that wasn't hidden by the beanie and scarf, Derek could tell that Stiles was screwing his face up in protest. Derek heard a low, muffled whine come from the younger man, causing him to chuckle.
"I know, I'm the absolute worst. But the quicker you wake up, the quicker you'll be in bed. Come on..." Derek gently tugged on Stiles' arm. Stiles finally opened his eyes into narrow slits and whined louder.
"Y'r so meeean..." Stiles garbled, but slowly lifted himself from the car. A gust of cold wind started up and Stiles latched onto Derek, shivering madly. Derek closed the car door, activating the lock on his keypad and shuffled them to the apartment building. They both sighed in relief at the toasty warmth of the lobby. The warmth also made Stiles' nose run something fierce and he sniffled wetly a coupld of times. Even though he did technically say he would mess up his boyfriend's scarf, it was a completely  empty threat and he quickly lowered the fabric from his runny nose.
"Babe, I'm kinda leaking here." Stiles croaked, sniffling loudly again. Derek looked down and cringed at the shiny trail escaping his boyfriend's reddened nostrils. He scanned the lobby and found a tissue box sitting on the side table under a corkboard. He walked over, pinched the box without a second thought and headed back to Stiles, who was waiting at the elevator, button already pressed. Stiles made a pleased sound at Derek's theft and plucked a few sheets before raising the wad to his nose, blowing noisily into them.
The elevator door finally creaked open and Derek steered Stiles in. Once he had selected a floor, he leaned back against the wall, pulling his sick boyfriend with him. Stiles went to relax against Derek's broad chest, but he suddenly froze and flinched away.
"Hn-TISSH! Ekt-SHIH!" The noise Stiles made was of pure misery and he leaned his pounding head on Derek's shoulder, tissues clutched desperately at his nose. "God, I feel like garbage." He whined and pinched the tissues harder. "NN'SHIIH! NN'TISH!...ugh, ow..."
Derek sighed and rested his chin on Stiles' head. He hated that Stiles felt so bad and he really couldn't do much about it.
"Do you think you need to go to the doctor? You've been sick since early this week." Derek asked, fully expecting a wave of protests but he was shocked at Stiles' hesitation.
"I mean...I don't think so? Colds usually last like a week, but I'm just so tired." Stiles proved this by yawning widely. The elevator dinged to signal their stop and they made their way out when the doors opened.
By the time they had made it inside their apartment, Derek had come to a decision.
"How about this. You take some meds tonight, sleep in tomorrow and if you're still feeling really bad by then, I'll set up an appointment for you. Deal?" Derek asked, removing his coat and shoes. Stiles rubbed his eyes and nodded in agreement. "Alright. Go get ready for bed, I'll meet you in a few." Derek pressed a quick kiss to Stiles' ruddy cheek and nudged him to the direction of the hallway. Once he saw Stiles shuffle in their bedroom, he made his way to the kitchen and search through their impromptu medicine cabinet. He managed to locate some cold and flu tablets, but he also found something for sinus pressure and chest congestion. He scanned the symptoms list on all three items before deciding that the tablets were his best bet since they had the night-time version which would help Stiles get some much needed rest.
Derek popped a couple out of the blister pack and opened the fridge to grab a bottle of water. Since Stiles already took the tissues with him, he grabbed the pills and made his way to the bedroom. He found Stiles in sweatpants and one of his own Henleys.
"Contaminating my clothes, I see." Derek teased. Stiles, who was flopped on his back and spread on the bed, raised his middle finger lazily in response. Derek chuckled and walked over to the bed.
"Sit up and take these." He said, holding out the pills and water. Stiles struggled into a sitting position and held his hand out for Derek to drop the 2 pills in his hand. He peered at them and made a face at the familiar dark purple color.
"Night-time? These make me woozy and shit." Stiles grumbled, but popped them in his mouth and took the bottle from Derek to wash them down.
"Well, don't fight the drugs like a dumbass, and we won't have a repeat of you locking yourself in the bathroom." Derek said, recalling a certain amusing and frustrating memory. Stiles waved him off and curled himself under the covers.
"That was one time..." he mumbled. Derek snorted and brushed Stiles' fringe from his eyes.
"Sleep. I'll be joining you in a little while, okay?" Derek mused, bending down to kiss Stiles' temple. Stiles hummed and turned his head to give him a chaste smack on the lips.
"Mhm, sounds good. Love you." Stiles was already dozing off. Derek ran his fingers through Stiles hair again and went to turn the bedroom light off before leaving, keeping the door cracked just in case.
Several hours had gone by. Derek was sleeping on his own side of the bed, when a sudden whack on his face jolted him out of his sleep. Derek groaned and reached up to feel it was Stiles' hand that was now resting on his cheek. Derek lifted the offending limb away and sat up, rubbing his eyes. His vision was limited in the moonlight, but he could see that Stiles was not in a restful sleep. Derek reached over and flicked his lamp on, bathing the room in a soft yellow light. He looked back to his boyfriend, who was once again sprawled out on his back. Stiles' mouth was hanging open, snores thick and wheezy as he struggled to take in air. Derek could see the sweat beading on Stiles' forehead and cursed.
"Stiles? Stiles, baby, wake up." Derek shook his boyfriend's shoulder. Stiles closed his mouth and swallowed, but Derek could see him wince at the pain, even in sleep. He shook him again. "Come on, I think you have a fever." Stiles whimpered quietly and barely opened his eyes, squinting in the light.
"Der...? Wha's goin'...wha-?" Stiles shifted around, breath suddenly catching in his throat. He coughed wetly, throat crackling with phlegm. Derek helped his boyfriend sit up and patted his back. When the fit died down, Stiles sat there, gasping for air. Derek thumbed the tears away with one hand and pressed the back of his hand on Stiles' forehead with the other. Sure enough, he felt a damp heat there.
"Wait here, okay? I'll be right back." Derek said and got out of the bed before heading to the bathroom. It didn't take him long to find the thermometer, but Stiles was pretty much drifting off when he got back anyway. Stiles jerked awake when Derek sat back on the bed. He eyed the thermometer and looked up at Derek with a pitiful gaze.
"I cad't breath through mby ndose." Going by Stiles' voice and the tiny 'knnk!' sound as he tried to sniffle, Derek could assume that Stiles was totally blocked up. Derek nodded and helped his boyfriend remove a sleeve from the baggy shirt and placed the thermometer under Stiles' arm.
"I'll call the doctor as soon as they open, alright? I really want to get you checked out." Derek palmed Stiles' flushed cheek, the corners of his mouth slightly lifting when Stiles leaned into his hand.
"Ogkay." Stiles whispered, just wanting to go back to sleep. The thermometer finally beeped and Derek removed the device. He frowned at the '100.1' display. He set the thermometer on the nightstand to wash later and helped his boyfriend back into the shirt sleeve. Derek was just pulling the shirt down in place when Stiles lifted his hands to his face, inhaling shakily.
"Hh...H'DSSHH! HD'SHHOO!" Stiles slowly straightened from where he bent at the waist, but kept his nose and mouth covered. "Babe, I just fugckig...exploded. Help." Stiles whined.
"Eww. You're a mess." Derek teased, grinning at Stiles' glare. He took pity on his boyfriend and handed Stiles the tissue box. Stiles snatched a bunch and turned to the side, giving a gurgling, thick nose blow.
"Once you're done with...that, try and get some more sleep. We still have a few hours until the doctor's office opens." Derek said, grabbing his phone to set an alarm. Stiles sniffled and nodded, moving on to tissue was #2.
When Stiles was as empty as he could get, he collapsed onto Derek's chest, shivering slightly. Derek pulled the blanket over Stiles and wrapped him up tightly. They both drifted off again, trying to get more rest before the sun came up.
While Stiles managed to drift back off to sleep, Derek stayed awake, mindlessly scrolling through his phone. Logically, he knew that his boyfriend would be okay, if not miserable; yet, he still couldn't help but worry. Derek continued to run his fingers through Stiles' hair as sunlight slowly crept into the room, giving it a muted blue illumination. He looked over to check the clock, neck protesting as he did so.
8:47 A.M. Which means the doctor's office opened about 15 minutes ago. Derek ceased his hair petting and carefully removed himself from the heated mass that was his boyfriend. When he was free, he raised his arms over his head to give a full-body stretch, joints popping as he did so. He contemplated waking Stiles up, but upon looking how rough the sick man looked, Derek decided to leave him be while he got ready.
Derek wandered out into the living/dining area, rubbing at his tired eyes. He found Stiles' bookbag on the couch and rummaged through it until he found the planner Stiles carefully kept up with. It didn't take him long to find the list of important phone numbers, his doctor being one of them. Derek pulled out his cellphone from his pocket and dialed the number, tapping his finger as he waited.
"Hello, Morningside Clinic, how can I help you?" A chipper, feminine voice bubbled through. Derek envied the speaker's energy level this early in the morning.
"Hi, I need to make an appointment..."
Derek decided that since he was taking time off work today, he left on his sweatpants and put a decent sweater over top his t-shirt to look somewhat presentable. After he put his boots on, he decided it was time to wake Stiles up. Derek trekked back over to the bed where Stiles was still in the same position that he left him in.
"Stiles. Come on, wake up." Derek said, patting Stiles' chest. Stiles groaned and stretched a bit, turning his head towards Derek. Derek watched as Stiles slowly woke himself up, rubbing at his face and sniffling.
"Timbe z'it?" Stiles mumbled, yawning and sniffling again.
"A little after 9. Your appointment is at 9:45, so you have time to get food if you want anything." Derek suggested. Stiles coughed into a closed fist and shook his head.
"Ndo, ndot that hu'gry, babe." Stiles croaked, reaching for his box of tissues. He blew his nose weakly, wincing at the pain pulsing in his head. "Why did I take ndose breathi'g for grandted." Stiles complained, his voice garbled with congestion. Derek chuckled and walked over to the closet to grab Stiles' own winter boots.
"Don't we all until our noses stop working?" Derek couldn't help but humor his boyfriend's dramatics. Stiles groaned in response, massaging the bridge of his nose. Derek placed the boots down on the floor at Stiles' feet, and the sick man bent down to put them on. However, he sat back up, eyes squeezed shut tight.
"Whoa...ugh...dizzy." Stiles mumbled, resting his head in his hand. Derek didn't hesitate before kneeling down and helping his boyfriend into the boots and tied them up.
"Can't believe you tried to play off how bad you were feeling last night." Derek muttered. Just because he was supportive, didn't mean he would exclude any well-deserved snark. Stiles made a noise of protest.
"Yeah, well..." Stiles trailed off, realizing he didn't really have an argument. Derek stood up, smirking at his boyfriend. "Whatever. Fugck off."
"Very mature. Can you stand?" Derek asked, holding a hand out. Stiles smacked it away and rose from the bed, with only a wobble or two. The sludge in his head shifted again, causing him to list forward into a prepared Derek. "That answers my question." Stiles only response this time was to lift his shirt collar to cover his mouth.
"Hn-TISSH!! Hnkt-SHEEH!!" Stiles coughed a few times before sniffling and scrunching his nose.
"Bless you. Doing okay?" Derek asked, genuine concern in his tone. Stiles nodded and slowly pushed off of the taller man when he felt stable on his feet to start his wobbly trek to the bathroom. As Stiles tended to his business, Derek made his way back out to the living room to wait on his boyfriend, keys and phone in hand. Soon, Stiles shuffled out, his nose noticeably a lot more irritated.
"I just spent so much time blowing my nose, I almost passed out." While Stiles still sounded hoarse, his voice wasn't as low and thick from congestion. Derek waited for his boyfriend to put on his coat before escorting him to the front door.
"If you want, I can buy some softer tissues or something." Derek suggested as they made their way to the elevator. Stiles grinned and leaned into the taller man.
"Aw, you like-like me." He teased, laughing at Derek's eye roll before choking into a coughing fit. Derek could only squeeze Stiles' shoulder in concern as they exited the elevator into the lobby.
A few hours later found the two men leaving the doctor's office and on the way to the pharmacy, both annoyed with one another.
"Derek, she said it was just a cold."
"She also said that you're exhausted and on the verge of bronchitis. I wouldn't have a prescription for antibiotics if you didn't need them." Derek argued back. They have been going back and forth since Derek banned Stiles to bedrest for the rest of the week. Derek pulled into a parking space and turned the car off before sighing. "I don't understand why you fight me all the time when you're sick. You were miserable last night."
"I'mb ndot fighting you, I'mb just disagreeing with your hostage situationd." Stiles said petulantly, congestion back with a full force. Derek opened his mouth to protest the ridiculous claim when Stiles's mouth hung open slightly. His breath hitched, then again a bit louder before he turned his head and squelched a trio of sneezes into his elbow.
"Hh...hh-! Ht-SHEHH! HD'DSHOO! Hih...Hih-NSHH!"
"Well. Didn't want to have to do this." Derek said and Stiles bristled at the ominous tone. He turned back, elbow still covering his mouth.
"What? What are you doi'g?" Stiles narrowed his watering eyes. Derek ignored him and pulled out his cellphone and unlocked it. Stiles watched in horror as Derek brought up the dial pad and pressed '3' and put the phone on speaker. "Derek! Ndo!"
The phone rang twice before the Sheriff's voice filled the car.
"Derek? You need something, son?" Derek locked eyes with Stiles' glare.
"I'm doing just fine, John. However, Stiles-"
"Is perfectly finde, thangk you!" Stiles interrupted loudly.
"Stiles? Are you okay? You don't sound too good, bud." Concern laced the Sheriff's question and Stiles slumped, forgetting about his dad's hound hearing. He lowered his arm, only to quickly raise it up again.
"H'DSSHH!! NN'TSSHH!" Stiles groaned and sniffled into his arm.
"As I was saying. Your son is clearly under the weather and not listening to me. I thought you'd be able to put some sense into him." Derek didn't give a rat's ass about his pettiness. He could tattle if he wanted to tattle.
"Stiles..." the Sheriff began.
"The doctor said it was a cold!" Stiles whined at his dad. The Sheriff's sigh crackled over the speaker.
"But you felt bad enough to go to the doctor. Didn't you?" His dad asked. Stiles' mouth clicked as it snapped shut.
"We're at the pharmacy now. The flu test came back negative, but he is edging into bronchitis." Derek reported. Stiles had fully given up at this point and leaned into Derek over the car console, head pulsing in pain.
"Good man, Derek. I'll be over after my shift to check up on him. Stiles? Please behave, son." There was no stopping the Sheriff when it came to his son's well-being.
"Yeah, yeah..." Stiles mumbled, rubbing his eyes. Derek exchanged goodbyes with John and ended the call. Stiles sniffled thickly again and groaned.
"Ugh. Asshole. I hate you so mbuch right ndow." Stiles grumbled quietly. Derek brought his hand up and rubbed his thumb across Stiles' cheek.
"I love you too."
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punkscowardschampions · 5 years ago
Jimmy & Janis
Jimmy: I'm not at work Jimmy: if you were gonna come in and be #goals Janis: weren't Janis: but tah for heads-up Jimmy: 👍 Janis: do you know 'bout my fave barista or should I roll the dice Jimmy: he's covering for me Janis: oh good Janis: 💕 Jimmy: can't say I never do owt for you, mate Janis: don't cash the IOU yet Jimmy: why? Jimmy: I get it, you look as rough as I feel but Pete ain't that shallow 💕 Janis: fuck off Janis: I'm great Jimmy: bollocks Janis: am too Janis: been for my run and everything Janis: I can handle mine, like Jimmy: fake it for the 'gram, my dear, I don't need to hear it, like Janis: later then skiver Jimmy: piss off Jimmy: I've got two kids hanging round my neck, what are you doing? Janis: no concern of yours Janis: check the socials if you're so interested Jimmy: you'll be grooming your horse or counting your cash, no need Jimmy: and now making yourself look #🔥 for the CG Janis: wow, you know me so well Janis: #flex when it counts Jimmy: [does like a cringey tweet for her or something] Jimmy: there Janis: 👏 Janis: sound cover it for today Jimmy: 👌 Janis: if you see a purse can you chuck it back to me Jimmy: after I've taken all the cash out, yeah Janis: 👑 don't carry cash Janis: it's got my gym card in it though so, if you do find it Jimmy: guess I'm working out today too then 💪🏆 tah Janis: welcome Jimmy: [a moment cos he's looking for it genuinely] Jimmy: where do you want me to bring it? Janis: oh good Janis: you at work tomorrow Jimmy: Can't pull a sickie every day, can I? Jimmy: not cancer riddled yet Janis: cheery Janis: don't bother getting out your sickbed Janis: just give it to grace Jimmy: how's that gonna look? Jimmy: you're already not babysitting with me right now 💔 Janis: 🙄 Janis: fine I'll come get it tomorrow then Jimmy: or meet me at the park by mine, get it, pose a bit and pretend you're with me today Janis: not really in the mood Janis: hungover or nah Jimmy: fake it Janis: that's precisely what I'm not in the mood for Janis: I ain't at home, just say I'm there Jimmy: hang on, I'll just photoshop you in Jimmy: won't be suss Janis: we don't need to be together 24/7 Janis: only that lot are that highkey Jimmy: you wanted highkey, mate Jimmy: and I just put my hand down the back of a fucking minging sofa for you, top that Janis: nah, that was definitely you Janis: 💕 Jimmy: leave it out Jimmy: on it with your lies this morning, you Jimmy: just what I look for in a lass that 😍😍 Janis: bitch what lie, where Janis: highkey for highkey was 100% your line Jimmy: you said some shit about appealing to our audience first Jimmy: and that you didn't wanna scale it back so there's your lie, Jenna Janis: whatever Janis: I'm busy right now Janis: maybe I'll come by later Jimmy: I won't be walking the dog later, I'll be walking her in a bit Jimmy: gonna knock and run instead though Jimmy: 🙄 Janis: fuck sake Janis: be there then Janis: not hanging about Jimmy: and I am? the shit you've gotta do ain't more important than mine, girl Janis: how'd you know Janis: not a competition anyway Jimmy: that'd be a first Janis: ha ha Janis: stop mucking about Janis: can you be there in 20? Jimmy: can you? Janis: obviously Jimmy: 👍 Janis: try and look like you're not dying Jimmy: late nights are #goals Jimmy: keep up Janis: if you leave out all actual details Janis: sure Jimmy: weren't gonna tweet 'em all out Janis: have you checked what you did put out Janis: always got to take back the bootycalls and texts to your ex before the PM Jimmy: I deleted my ex's number ages ago, we're all set Jimmy: only got the 1 Janis: 👍 Jimmy: in a bit then Janis: toodles my love Jimmy: 🤢 Janis: it's alright Janis: not gonna tell your manager on you when I'm there Jimmy: You'd have to run into him first Jimmy: even for an athlete like you, that's a challenge too far Janis: #officebants Janis: save it for Pete Jimmy: giving you a freebie to woo him with Jimmy: welcome Janis: if you knew how, you would've already Jimmy: might've done, how would you know? Jimmy: gotta keep it off the socials for your sake Janis: 😂 Janis: you think you'd be better at faking it by now Jimmy: oh you've got complaints, eh? Jimmy: go on Janis: don't you have an official procedure to follow Janis: another question to ask Jimmy: not on the clock, babe Janis: 'course Janis: so sick Janis: poor boy Jimmy: 🎻🎻🎻 Jimmy: I'll live Janis: wow, way to ruin my day Janis: 💔 Jimmy: too soon to start posting vent statuses probably Jimmy: poor little rich girl Janis: I'll deal with getting consoled on the low, like Jimmy: 👍 Janis: you gotta bring the kids or Jimmy: or what, lock 'em in? Janis: I dunno, your sister ain't that young is she Jimmy: she's not coming Janis: okay Janis: well I won't keep you Jimmy: I'm on the dog's 💩 schedule not yours Janis: yeah but you know what I mean Jimmy: you're busy, you don't need to kill your horse to flog it, Jasmine Jimmy: point made Janis: if you like Jimmy: how? Janis: how? Jimmy: how are my likes owt to do with it? Janis: well that ain't what I meant so it must suit you at the very least Jimmy: what did you mean? Janis: that I ain't gonna hang 'round and cause drama Janis: I remember waking him up last night, like Jimmy: he's got swings and a slide and climbing frame, on top of a puppy to chase, he's not gonna give a shit about me or you Jimmy: my sister's the one being dramatic and as I said, she ain't coming Janis: well either way Janis: I shouldn't have come back, like so Jimmy: you didn't stay, it don't matter Janis: I know that ain't how it works Janis: got enough inconsiderate older brothers and sisters, like Jimmy: how it works is I was back later than I said Jimmy: nowt to do with you Janis: literally untrue Jimmy: you were there, don't mean you get it Jimmy: no need to unlock my family dynamics Janis: ain't trying or planning to Janis: I kept you out late and I'm trying to say soz so take it Jimmy: like you forced me, piss off Janis: didn't mean to get you in trouble with your boss, like Jimmy: you didn't Janis: sounds like it Jimmy: where you getting that from? Janis: she's giving you the 🥶 out Jimmy: she's giving me the 🖕 Jimmy: used to that Janis: 🎻 Janis: alright then, I'm here early Janis: gonna do some laps, text when you're here or something Jimmy: [appears not long after like oh hey but not texting cos can't be tamed] Janis: [when you're shook again but hide it like boy, putting your hand out like purse please] Jimmy: [chucks it at her obvs which makes Twix a little bit wild] Janis: [meet cute with the dog lmao, also saying hello to Bobby 'cos you aren't that rude] Jimmy: [when Bobby ain't saying hello back cos shy egg but Twix is friendly enough for everyone] Janis: [not gonna take it personal, like, even if this is so awks now, takes a few snaps of Twix and turns to him like yay or nay?] Jimmy: [takes some pics of her and Twix in response cos nothing fake about that love or cuteness and it's a good delaying tactic before you have to pose with the bae yourself] Janis: [takes him his messy self and is 😏 but can't be properly smug 'cos feeling it too] Janis: in* Jimmy: [he's literally 😎 but grumpier lol then he has to let Bobby take some pics cos the boy wanna do whatever he does like bear with bae] Janis: [when that's shamelessly cute so you just chill on a bench nearby, giving love to Twix when she comes 'round Jimmy: [when you go sit on a swing so your brother will but you gotta beckon her over to sit on it with you for the pics and it's gonna be so awks bye] Janis: [when you just have to commit to it 'cos overcompensate always] Jimmy: [taking so many pics and vids for the different angles honey] Janis: [when you're still looking #goals oh lads, as if you're not dying at having to be sat on him rn] Jimmy: [when he's likewise dying at her being on his lap though #don'tletherseedon'tletherknow] Janis: [you do not need this many pictures, hop off] Jimmy: [when you then spend 3x as long as it takes to go through 'em deleting etc cos the awks] Janis: send me any decent ones Jimmy: [does] Janis: tah Jimmy: 💕 Janis: have fun Jimmy: without you, never, baby 😘 Janis: [does lil lol as she's slowly walking away like okay then, but Twix keeps following so it's taking a while] Janis: come get your dog Jimmy: take it with you Janis: don't be mean Janis: it's adorable Jimmy: have it then Janis: the kid don't hate me yet, don't throw me under the bus as a 🐶napper Jimmy: he ain't noticed, on you go Janis: he will do Janis: you just want me to walk it, yeah Jimmy: Keep it Jimmy: what could be more #goals? Janis: we need to buy one together and have a custody battle Jimmy: alright Jimmy: let's go adopt a new 🐶 Janis: what breed Jimmy: what's #trending? Jimmy: leave this one tied to the roundabout, hang on Janis: not with your brother Janis: get rspca and social on you Jimmy: I'll send him home Jimmy: note pinned to his coat, like Janis: actually 💔 Jimmy: don't cry, you'll get a headache Janis: so comforting Janis: #baeoftheyear Jimmy: 🥇 or nowt darling Janis: I've had my vitamin c already Janis: but we can pretend you hit me with a smoothie of 💕 Janis: ew Jimmy: do you genuinely have a vomit kink or what? Jimmy: getting me close, girl 🤢🤢🤢 Jimmy: trying to put me off my 🍕 before I've ordered it Jimmy: Mia would be proud Janis: hot Janis: 😬 I didn't think that sentence through leave me alone Janis: I'm not on top form rn Jimmy: 😂 Jimmy: knew you were wrecked too Janis: not as much as you, boy Jimmy: I drank more than you, lightweight Janis: yeah, 'cos you stole it Janis: wanker Jimmy: you stole my jacket, I didn't wanna freeze to death Janis: I did not Janis: you wouldn't take it back Jimmy: don't sound like me, that Janis: I remember being gutted it WAS you, trust me Jimmy: 💔💔💔 Janis: I know Janis: heartless, me Jimmy: You wanna fill that hole with pizza or keep flirting with me? Janis: 'scuse me Jimmy: it's an easy question Jimmy: how many braincells did you 💀💀💀 last night, pisshead? Janis: sounded sordid Janis: I was just wondering if #kinkunlocked Jimmy: Are you hungry or not? You know I'm a feeder Janis: Yeah, I could eat Jimmy: so come on back to the house of fun Janis: sure Jimmy: [rounding up dogs and kids like but Bobby's in a mood cos he wanna stay so Jimmy's like FINE I'll get it delivered to the park ffs so then he gotta text Cass to get her to come over lol] Janis: [moves closer to 'em again, sits on said roundabout Jimmy: [sits with her obvs when you lowkey lying there cos you feel crap] Janis: [popping out some painkillers like here boy] Jimmy: [when you dry swallow cos you ain't got a drink & then stick your tongue out to show her they gone cos you a nerd] Janis: [pat his head like he's a dog] Jimmy: [letting it happen] Janis: [pushing back his fringe 'cos sweaty forehead] Jimmy: [thank god he's got his shades on so he can look at her & she doesn't need to know that he isn't a grumpy boy in that moment] Janis: [when Bobby wants to be pushed so she's like is it okay if I do it 'cos Jimmy is in no fit state lol and Bobby is like okay 'cos just wants to be pushed and she ain't up in his face] Jimmy: [you know he's gonna be snapping sneaky pics of them cos cute. Also I like to imagine Twix annoying him as he's tryna chill lol] Janis: [just loling to herself 'cos also cute] Janis: probably go sleep on something that doesn't spin 'round and 'round, babe Jimmy: I'm not going to sleep, I'm 💀💀💀ing tah very much Jimmy: show some respect all of you Janis: 😂 Janis: I'll save the kind words and tears for when you gone Janis: gotta fake it 'til the end Jimmy: 😍😍😍 Jimmy: what do you wanna eat? pizza faves weren't on our couples questionnaire Janis: anything hot, anything with meat on Janis: I'm easy tbh Jimmy: 😏 Janis: Oh, shut up Jimmy: or what? Janis: or I'll come give you a push Jimmy: so fierce you 🐅 Janis: better hope you never find out, boy Janis: 👊 Jimmy: 😱😱😱 Jimmy: [a wild Cass appears and ignores everyone but Twix cos mad about last night still] Jimmy: you've got competition now, mate Janis: nah, you're on your own Janis: 🤷 soz Jimmy: 💔💔 Janis: got enough sisters of my own to deal with without taking on yours Janis: you'll need to fake marry a bitch for that level of service Jimmy: swap you Gracie, she likes me Jimmy: [goes to talk to Cass and she shouts at him as is their standard, really helping that headache] Janis: happily Janis: beats crying Jimmy: 👍 Janis: [Keeping Bobby busy running 'round the park like a crazy person] Jimmy: [if this weren't awks before thanks Cass just don't smack him his fake gf don't need to see that before she's even met you] Janis: she'll cheer up when pizza gets here Janis: all been hangry Jimmy: subtle hint that, Judith Janis: I'm being lovely, fuck off Jimmy: not to me Janis: you really gonna push a child off the swing to have a go Janis: not #goals mate, not #goals at all Jimmy: you really gonna let my sister think my girlfriend don't like me Jimmy: #savage Janis: Yeah, what she needs right now is some PDA Janis: love me for that, like Jimmy: you leapt to that, mate Jimmy: lads and lasses can talk you know Janis: You know I don't talk Janis: we been over this Janis: #specialsnowflakesyouandme Jimmy: we've been over this, you have to fake it Jimmy: I get that you really wanna kiss me but everything else Janis: 😒 Janis: you really want another woman in your face rn, fine Janis: [comes over like hey] Jimmy: [drags her far enough away that they can 🚬 without being around kids or dogs] Janis: [grateful for the break but also more awks 'cos just them again] Jimmy: [smoking in awkward silence such fun lads] Janis: [taps his head, not roughly, like, how're you doing now?] Jimmy: [shrugs because v helpful always] Janis: ['good talk' like ain't that what we're meant to be doing lmao] Jimmy: ['you don't wanna' like here's your out for a sec, take it] Janis: [goes to shake head but turns it into a shrug] Jimmy: [on his phone like an antisocial bitch] Janis: [when you're bouncing your legs up and down 'cos can't sit still at the best of times, just keeping an eye out for the pizza hardcore] Jimmy: [meanwhile you just straight up sit on the floor cos you realise you don't need to be standing rn] Janis: [Twix gonna jump you boy] Jimmy: [when you're like come here cos you don't want the dog in your grill so the bae MUST sit on you instead, that's just logical and nbd] Janis: [when you look at him like really?] Jimmy: [ just lifting your shades so you can look at her like come on] Janis: [does and gives him a look like 'I hate you so much' but when it's also a LOOK] Jimmy: [is 😏 but when she's sitting with her he's just touching her in the SOFTEST ways like playing with her hair & so lightly tracing her skin with a fingertip that you might think it's a bug or something lol cos tired af since he barely slept and is the softest boy] Janis: [when there's no faking that you ain't about it 'cos you have never felt anything on this level of soft so you don't know how you're meant to be so you're like help] Jimmy: [when you're then just leaning on her so its lowkey snuggling] Janis: [when you literally say 'what the fuck' but quietly and with feeling] Jimmy: [when you don't say anything cos what can you tbh] Janis: [gotta have that pizza show up to cockblock] Jimmy: [just casually gonna go eat pizza with the fam like that didn't happen okay boy] Janis: [when you're just there like do I stay or do I go] Jimmy: [when you literally handhold her over to the fam like eat your pizza but obvs its so fake bye] Janis: [palm a couple of slices and yeet babe like g2g bye] Jimmy: [Twix is 💔 we're all 💔] Janis: [give her some sneaky pizza kids] Jimmy: [nomming the crusts like a Roo] Janis: [getting tooty] Jimmy: [well that was awkward, thanks so much Jimothy] Janis: [later like early PM] Janis: I need a favour Jimmy: ? Janis: doesn't matter if I can't come over/you can't come out but just meet me for obligatory selfies to prove we're together Jimmy: where? Janis: doesn't matter, can be a #datenight or #cosynightinwithbae but gimme fake plans to get me out of real & unwanted ones Jimmy: alright Jimmy: come here then Janis: you home now? Jimmy: I'm not gonna send you somewhere I ain't, am I? Janis: alright smartarse Janis: was being courteous Janis: be there in fucking forever 'cos gotta get the bus in Jimmy: I just got out the shower if you need details, like Jimmy: you want me to meet you somewhere else? Janis: I did not need to know but I'll get the 😍 on then, tah Janis: nah, it's fine, got to get out this house anyway, wherever I'm going Jimmy: 👌 Jimmy: Tell Mia I missed her today before you go if she's there #obvs Janis: how did you know Janis: but get to fuck Janis: she's being avoided #obvs Jimmy: 💔💔 Jimmy: How did I recognise an #obvs SOS or the #obvs cause when I heard it? Janis: yeah well it's all your fault so you should be more ready to help Janis: #letdown tbh Jimmy: what have I done? Janis: they wouldn't be strongarming me into a sleepover if you weren't a thing Janis: but you can be my excuse too so do me a solid and make it good Jimmy: 🎻🎻🎻 Jimmy: you're v loved babe and you were before I took the job on Janis: oh yeah, so loved Janis: no doubt end up getting waterboarded for info Janis: #justgirlythings Jimmy: 😂 Janis: it is not funny 😡 Jimmy: a bit Janis: 😑 Janis: swap places with me then Janis: sure they'd welcome that just as much Jimmy: if I wanted an orgy with 'em it'd have happened before now Janis: 🤢 Janis: literally shut up Jimmy: you should've got me to pick you up Janis: in what Janis: your sportscar Jimmy: 🖕 Janis: I've got the 🐎 don't I Jimmy: might've turned it to glue Jimmy: party animal you are Janis: is that what you're thinking then Janis: party? Jimmy: what are you wearing? Janis: 😏 the creep makes a return Janis: wys I should be wearing Janis: bus ain't even here yet so Jimmy: Look down, girl, are you night in ready or night out ready? Janis: I dunno, obviously I've not rolled out club-ready like a nutter Jimmy: stop pissing about and send me a picture 🙄 Janis: ffs alright! Jimmy: ⏲ Janis: [snap] Jimmy: fuck it, let's go out Janis: yeah? Janis: okay Jimmy: a knobhead from work is having people round, I weren't gonna bother but Ian's just got in Jimmy: don't wanna double with him and his missus Janis: definitely not Janis: nothing goals in that Janis: works for me Janis: not such a knobhead he'll have a dresscode, yeah? Jimmy: hot girls get to ignore dresscodes, how don't you know that? Janis: I would've probably put jeans on still Janis: what happens when you're forced from your own home without warning Jimmy: he wears shorts all year round, don't worry, like Janis: not got the legs for it Janis: I understand Jimmy: I'll dress the same as you mate, make it a #mood Jimmy: we're just one of them couples Janis: ha, if I use the # twinning not in reference to her, gracie will deffo cry Janis: worth it just for that Jimmy: there you go then Janis: 💕 Jimmy: I'm going shop so we ain't empty handed, what do you want? Janis: can't be THAT couple Janis: you want me to tell you I'm easy again 'cos Janis: not fussed Jimmy: my mum would cry, didn't drag me up like that 🙄 Jimmy: 😏😏😏 Janis: such a 💔breaker you Janis: but really, just get more of whatever you want and that'll be fine, I'll get you back when I get there Jimmy: yeah yeah Jimmy: no need to flex rich girl Jimmy: you're a cheap date Jimmy: didn't even stay for icecream or owt earlier Janis: so I'm cheap and easy Janis: yeah, keep digging, like 😏 Jimmy: 😍😍😍🤤🤤🤤 Jimmy: have you not got a jacket or were you just #posing 'cause you're a massive flirt? Janis: why would I need a jacket when you're handing yours away like a philanthropic chippendale Janis: how dare you imply I was implying anything, also Jimmy: I can't even read them words Jimmy: too northern for that shit tah Jimmy: I'll just grab you one #OMG #soannoying Jimmy: how dare you flirt with me so openly, anyone'd reckon that's what snapchat was invented for or something Janis: Chippendales are SO northern, shut up Janis: I've done my research, I take this seriously, tah Janis: you know, too much nip for Insta, could post it on twitter if you're feeling too special rn Jimmy: I didn't get that far the word before it was well big and tripped me over Jimmy: as for my research the 🐶 ate it, soz Janis: Cute but disappointing Janis: if I was to give you a yelp review Jimmy: she is Jimmy: get used to that Janis: omg Janis: so mean Jimmy: 🐶💔 Janis: We're gonna make a club Janis: get jackets that ain't yours Jimmy: you're so fake Jimmy: couldn't do one fast enough from her before Janis: oh yeah, that's deffo what that was Jimmy: ain't stopped crying 'bout it, the poor pup Jimmy: 🎻🎻 Janis: again, your fault Janis: and you ain't even sorry Janis: poor, poor pup Jimmy: I only take the blame for shit I ain't done for my real girlfriends Janis: plural now Jimmy: past and future, duh Janis: duh indeed Janis: hopeful Janis: it's cute Jimmy: say what you really think, Janet Janis: always do Jimmy: [sends her pic of his outfit] Jimmy: Go on then Janis: I mean Janis: not as good as me but you'll do Jimmy: 💕 Janis: 🍻🤞 Jimmy: don't let me get as wrecked Jimmy: If I have to call in sick tomorrow an' all, you'll have to pay me Janis: So I'm babysitter Janis: alright Janis: easy Jimmy: I've done it all day, swapsies Janis: not me Jimmy: could've if you'd been here Janis: you reckon Janis: last I remember you was about half 💀💀💀 Jimmy: you're calling yourself high maintenance now? Jimmy: easy a bit ago Janis: just saying Janis: you needed looking after more than me Jimmy: leave it out Janis: why Jimmy: why not be a massive dickhead? Jimmy: up to you that Janis: you wanna play nice? Janis: n'awh Jimmy: you're the one asking me for a favour Jimmy: so you do Janis: nah Janis: I asked for a photo, that's all Jimmy: stop being a twat Janis: charming Jimmy: you just said you don't want that Janis: you're very, very annoying Jimmy: 💔💔💔 Janis: but I'm on the bus Jimmy: congrats, mate Jimmy: I know it's beneath you 👑 Janis: piss off Janis: I spend half my life on this fucking bus Jimmy: shouldn't have done your 🐎 in Janis: s'what happens when I'm done w you Jimmy: 🎻🎻🎻 Janis: got my headphones but thank you Janis: efforts are always appreciated, boy Jimmy: 😘 don't mention it, babe Jimmy: anything for you obvs Janis: too kind Jimmy: 💕 Jimmy: let me know when you're about then Janis: yeah 'course Janis: it's about half an hour so Jimmy: 👍 Janis: damn Janis: how haven't I asked Janis: is my fave barista gonna be there or what Jimmy: ??? Jimmy: man of mystery him Janis: how irritating yet attractive of him Jimmy: I keep telling you, slide into his DMs, girl Jimmy: sort it out Janis: not right now Janis: biding my time Jimmy: probably got a gig anyway 🤩🤩 Janis: exactly Jimmy: if I had anywhere else better to be Janis: what you gonna do eh Jimmy: 🎻💔 Janis: gutted Jimmy: give us a chance to get in the door before you leave your review Jimmy: bit rude shouting it from a bus window Janis: that's me Janis: got money but no manners Jimmy: #kinkunlocked Janis: 😏 what mine or yours Janis: #transparent Jimmy: weren't speaking for you Jimmy: we ain't that couple Janis: 😶😶 Janis: that couple Jimmy: 😂 Janis: Jimmy Jimmy: What? Janis: how much of last night do you remember Janis: 'cos my memory is a bit fucked Jimmy: after I lifted that bottle, I dunno, why? Jimmy: Does it matter? Janis: probably not, no Janis: just Janis: idk Jimmy: Just? Janis: It ain't my usual thing Janis: losing massive chunks of time like that Jimmy: doing shots ain't my usual thing, is it yours? Janis: no Jimmy: none tonight then Janis: not for you, anyway Janis: I don't need to work 💰💸🍀 Jimmy: you ain't doing 'em without me, you dickhead Janis: 😂 Janis: fine Janis: be doubly entertaining then Jimmy: 1. full time job holding all that hair back tah and I'm on the clock enough Jimmy: 2. piss off I'm the CG's top employee so goes without saying life and soul of this party Janis: 1. I could put it up, IF I was going to vom but that's so unlikely it's almost an impossibility so Janis: 2. I don't work there so your shop bants will have no effect on me and I'm the one you're trying to please here Jimmy: 1. your kink is so blatant shut up oh my god Jimmy: 2. you'll be pleased by all the drinks I just bought #easy Janis: 1. 😑 Janis: 2. 😑 Janis: do you wanna get me drunk or nah, make up your mind, lad Jimmy: Baby, don't be expressionless, it's 💔 Janis: [pulls stupid face to send him] Janis: ❤🔫 Jimmy: my heart has grown back! and loads of sizes 😍 Janis: #humblebrag Jimmy: send that tweet Janis: ❤ or 🍆 lads, you decide Janis: I'll start a poll Jimmy: 👍 Jimmy: Why did you fuck off last night, is that in the black hole or what? Janis: I can't remember exactly Janis: just weird fragments that don't quite fit together like I've got it secondhand or something Jimmy: go on Janis: it don't make any sense Janis: but like you said, doubt it matters Jimmy: probably not Janis: I am p sure it weren't 'cos we woke any of your fam up or something so Janis: so don't need to worry Jimmy: that was before and only our kid Jimmy: he always wakes up when I come back Jimmy: if he was even asleep Janis: yeah, I remember that too Janis: did you get him to sleep in the end Jimmy: 🤔🤔 Janis: what? Jimmy: did I get water? If he let me do that I must've Janis: Yeah Janis: 'cos you scared the shit out of me Jimmy: Did I? 😂 Janis: I thought that was earlier but no, yeah Janis: definitely on the sofa Janis: softer than the park Jimmy: You scared me earlier Jimmy: that's why Janis: did I? Jimmy: I was walking and you showed up like 👻🔪🔪 Janis: how mean Janis: sounds legit, I believe you Jimmy: well creepy that was Jimmy: tah Janis: you're the creeper Jimmy: leave that right out Janis: didn't say I hated it Jimmy: didn't say you liked it Janis: what's it to you Jimmy: nowt Janis: 😏 Janis: there we go then Jimmy: what kind of picture do you need? Janis: just one to prove we're somewhere doing something Janis: I was purposely vague about our plans in case you were already out or something Jimmy: 👌 Janis: no way I was sleeping in a room with Mia in Janis: actually end up 👻 Jimmy: you can stay at mine if you want, she'll probably use your pillow for black magic Jimmy: or spooning Jimmy: bit rude of us not to lend her a sharpie so she could draw your face on Jimmy: turn the bus around like Janis: 😂 Janis: don't, it's too real and it makes me feel uncomfortable Janis: defs looking for hair and fingernails as we speak Jimmy: How haven't I drawn you and sold it to her for 💰💰💰💰 Jimmy: going soft me Janis: always on the clock, babe Janis: it'll kill your creativity/soul Janis: 💁 Jimmy: I bet you real cash she'd eat it 🐍 Jimmy: what are the calories of paper and pencil? Janis: anything over negative is too high, but she'd get the pleasure of puking me up that way so Janis: it's a must Jimmy: can't compete with such romance, fuck me 💕 Janis: well she gets to fuck everyone so only fair Jimmy: not me Jimmy: or you Janis: ❄❄ Jimmy: your sister 100% Janis: 🤢 Janis: disgusting Jimmy: trying to get you to vom 'cause you're so into it and I'm that kind of boyfriend 🤞 Janis: 😍😍😍 Janis: easier ways, I'm sure Janis: but know you're an 🎨 Jimmy: alright, challenge accepted Jimmy: 💘 Janis: no shots, remember Jimmy: nowts a shot unless it's in a shot glass Janis: yeah, that's how that works Janis: 😏 Jimmy: means I have everything to play with and more space to mix it Janis: oh god Jimmy: bigger measures for you to down too Janis: I'm babysitting you, remember Jimmy: You just might die trying though, Juliet Janis: behave Jimmy: or what? Janis: find out Jimmy: alright Janis: alright Jimmy: is your bus anywhere near yet, it's fucking miserable out here Janis: you don't wanna wait inside Jimmy: weren't given the nod for that one Jimmy: Ian threw his weight about and me out Jimmy: earnt himself some 😍😍���� Janis: Gross Janis: wtf Jimmy: 🎻 and 🤢 Janis: well, we ain't that far Janis: you should get a head start on the drinks if you ain't Jimmy: 👍 Janis: is he gonna let you back in later Janis: you could come back to mine but you would have to pretend to have crazy hot sex with me if the coven is still lurking so Jimmy: 😂 Jimmy: Cass'll post a key through Janis: 👍 Janis: gotta stick together vs the 'rents Jimmy: we can't be as late back though Janis: yeah Janis: whenever's fine Jimmy: you're easy, I get it Janis: shut up 😏 Janis: the favour is the alibi, anything else is just extra Jimmy: most of my wage is tips, I'm gonna keep you out all night now Jimmy: habit Janis: so above and beyond, babe 💕 Jimmy: 💰🐮💕 Jimmy: can you remember what we drew? should go check out the finished masterpiece #🎨 Jimmy: got a mental image of you sucking on the end of my sharpie there but otherwise nowt much Janis: Filth Janis: 😂 Janis: when we find out it's as intelligible as smeared shit on the walls, like but seemed like a masterpiece at the time Jimmy: when you reckon its 🥇 but it ain't even 🥉 Jimmy: #tragic Janis: hopefully we didn't sign it 😱 Jimmy: shit I probably did do! Jimmy: cut my hand off instead of my ear so I can't be that dickhead Jimmy: still post it to you though 💌 Janis: this country ain't quite THAT religious Janis: but romantic Janis: I'll keep it in a jar Jimmy: I won't tell you I'm ambidextrous and it's another scam, that'll take the shine right off the gesture Jimmy: and that's witchcraft in the north if it ain't here Jimmy: gotta take the secret to my grave naturally Janis: you are SUCH a show-off Janis: but I'm left-handed so we can get burnt together Jimmy: don't be a HATER when I'm trusting you with my secrets Jimmy: obvs you are #evil twin Jimmy: so romantic though #datenight 🔥💕 Janis: it's just REALLY obvious you want me to ask what them hands do Jimmy: if you need to ask I'm not fake dating you hard enough Jimmy: the answer is obviously 🚬 and ✎ Janis: yeah yeah, I'll study when I need to Janis: you're easy too Jimmy: piss off Jimmy: I'm well hard 💪 Janis: 😏 Janis: mhmm Janis: if anyone asks Jimmy: you ran away from them questions mate Jimmy: 💀👑 will be in my DMs asking herself Janis: well excuse me for not sticking around to stroke your ego and quench their thirst Janis: not interested in either soz Jimmy: 💔💔 Janis: what better review than I gotta run to you soon as your mentioned? Janis: think on, boy Jimmy: 😏 Jimmy: I never said you were bad at this Janis: not directly anyway Janis: you can say I'm good, go on Jimmy: You're SO good baby 💕😍💘 Janis: 😂 Janis: 😩💦 Jimmy: 🤤🤤🤤 Janis: so in the party mood now Janis: and not a moment too soon, just pulling up, like Jimmy: [waves cos let's say he went there cos sick of sitting on his doorstep] Janis: [snaps a pic 'cos #goals and gets off the bus like 😏 'don't have to convince the driver how in love we are do we, 'cos I can run at you if you're feeling it?'] Jimmy: [throws a jacket at her cos always and a distraction from how much he'd love that] Janis: [when you appraise it like you've been really fashion and you're not sure but obvs you put it on with a grin and a 'tah'] Jimmy: [🙄 but a playful one so also 😏] Janis: ['can you lead the way this time or am I your personal satnav again?] Jimmy: [playfully dragging her off by the arm cos actually does know where he's going but gotta take her to the pub or something first anyway cos you can't show up this early] Janis: [lowkey happy nerds always] Jimmy: [throws her snacks he bought for her when he bought the drinks cos she didn't stay for much pizza and he don't know if she got to eat at hers before she ran away #considerate] Janis: ['#feeder' but nudges him like thanks and noms] Jimmy: [nudges her back and gives her his phone so she can reply to Mia again cos fave] Janis: [when you 🙄 but not playfully at her lack of shame lmao] Jimmy: [give it up gurl Grace fancied him anyways so #girlcode] Janis: [always hitting her with those exclusive selfies lol] Jimmy: [love that, going harder than you need to always] Janis: [shudders 'if you ever go there, actually got no respect for you' Jimmy: ['if I ever go there, kill me. Tah. Don't wanna live without my dick when it shrivels and falls off'] Janis: [lols and does a 💔 with her hands like poor baby 'I'll put you out of your misery, mate; what are friends for, after-all'] Jimmy: [nods his thanks and offers her a 🚬] Janis: [shakes her head but takes it okay gurl] Jimmy: [lights it for her as per before his own even cos pecking order] Janis: [tips her imaginary hat to him] Jimmy: [walking and smoking as standard] Janis: ['So, on a scale of manager to Pete, where does this one fall? Need to know how small to make my talk, like'] Jimmy: ['if manager Dave is 0, this lad is like a 2' does the 💔 with his hands like unlucky] Janis: [makes ott disappointed face 'damn, weather and sports it is, okay'] Jimmy: [makes an OTT pouty face to hide the fact he's actually jealous because in my head this lad is 'cute' but in like a really basic way haha] Janis: [pinches his cheeks like a grandmother] Jimmy: [playfight moment] Janis: [always a moment, don't mind them] Jimmy: [let her win though cos we know its real] Janis: [irl 💪] Jimmy: [dramatic bow down cos he's a nerd] Janis: ['you're welcome' 😏] Jimmy: [gives her a bottle of whatever like shhh] Janis: ['Slainte' and knocking it back 'cos start as you mean to go on] Jimmy: [giving her like a steady on kinda look but is 😏 for #bants not concern vibe cos can't say anything actually cos he's as bad we know] Janis: ['don't worry, I'll keep it from you' and not passing it and another swig with a grin 'cos best babysitter ever] Jimmy: [takes it cos gotta prove you're still 💪 and takes a swig with a cheeky wink and it's hotter than it needs to be thank you boy] Janis: [when you can't even be mad but you have a go at pretending still 'cos otherwise] Jimmy: [pass it back like love me again] Janis: [just having a time, don't mind them] Jimmy: [realistically how far can this pub be so enjoy yourselves in these streets while you can lads] Janis: [also where you putting these bottles lads] Jimmy: [let's hope he has some kind of bag with him for the unopened ones at least cos can't show up empty handed] Janis: [my boo is horrified lmao] Jimmy: [he had snacks too so he weren't carrying all that #justsayin] Janis: [you silly, also get a round in girl] Jimmy: [when this bit will probs be better than the party lbr] Janis: [ahh shit house parties, perfect bonding ground 😈] Jimmy: [we know you can make it look fun for the socials kids] Janis: [when she defs would've got him something and coke so she could pretend it was just coke for a hot sec lmao] Jimmy: [such a cute nerd move he'd have to lol] Janis: [when he's shamelessly got a cute laugh bye] Jimmy: [when you make her play darts or pool or whatever cos you lost the playfight and you wanna win] Janis: [always down for a competition] Jimmy: [but she should win again so he's a sulky bitch] Janis: come on, be my mate Janis: [kicking, but gently lol, under the table] Jimmy: [is 😒 and ignoring like hmmm just gonna drank and play with this beermat] Janis: [kicks a bit harder like oi] Janis: you're rude Jimmy: [gives her a look like what?] Jimmy: 🎻🎻 Janis: 😑 Janis: another one or Jimmy: 🍻 Janis: missed the please Janis: work on the thank you for when I'm back 👍 Janis: [goes] Jimmy: soz mum Janis: don't make it weird Jimmy: like she were in the room there then Jimmy: it was weird Janis: 😒 Janis: shut up Jimmy: it was rude a bit ago when I tried that Jimmy: make your mind up Janis: don't have to Janis: if I'm a mum I'm always right 'cos I say so Jimmy: if you're impersonating mine you ain't Janis: I'm not going method Janis: and if that's a #kinkunlocked I gotta go like Jimmy: piss off Jimmy: you're making it weirder than I went for Janis: then shh Jimmy: I get it, telling me what to do is one of yours Jimmy: I wouldn't have reckoned on you as that predictable but alright Janis: piss off Janis: I don't wanna be your mommy Jimmy: 👍 Janis: [come back with that drink huffily and just be on your phone] Jimmy: [down it cos that's the mood] Janis: [awks again] Jimmy: [gdi Jimothy you're always making the vibe off] Jimmy: [just on socials putting in that werk like you're love's young dream for her though cos as close to a sorry as we're getting rn is when its working and the fans are loving your efforts so bae's getting all the notifications] Janis: nice work Jimmy: [shrugs and goes to get more drinks like here's a real peace offering] Janis: [nods head like tah and does small smile but genuine] Jimmy: [when you can't help smiling back cos she's so cute bye] Janis: [just showing him all the highkey responses and loling] Jimmy: [take a moment to bond over how ridiculous everyone is like] Janis: [just like why do they care so much] Jimmy: [we know its cos you two walking around looking like models] Janis: [#hotcouplealert] Jimmy: [gotta do the jj love heart doodle everywhere they go soz to the tabletop but not] Janis: [snap that honey] Jimmy: [also take a moment to text Cass and make sure she's alright boy] Jimmy: [okay but Cass sending him a pic he drew of jj on the swing together cos she's like why are you gross but you upload that art to your insta because #fans] Jimmy: {Bobby drew it not Jimmy lol] Janis: ['He's so cute'] Jimmy: ['And talented. Made you look cute an' all' boy stop playing you think she's hot af] Janis: [makes 'oh please' noise, 'gives you a run for your money, deffo'] Jimmy: [kicks her like she did to him earlier but is 😏 not 😒] Janis: [squeezes his arm in a pisstakey supportive way like 'it'll be okay, babe'] Jimmy: [flicks some drink at her face like you did to me the other day] Janis: ['you want this whole drink on your head or what? but not actually mad 'cos always here for the flirty bants over awks any day] Jimmy: ['or what' because always gonna say that, giving her such a LOOK excuse you Jimothy you're too sober for this] Janis: [just a LOOK back] Jimmy: [when he just leans across the table and it's such a kiss moment but instead he wipes her face for her with the sleeve of whatever hoodie he has on but that's even more intimate so how dare you tbh] Janis: [when you're so 😳 you're like gotta go loo bye] Jimmy: [just shamelessly watch her go we all know it] Jimmy: get on a move on, we're going after Janis: alright, piss police Janis: I'm coming Jimmy: not a kink before you say it tah Janis: yeah, how defensive you were dead sold that one, mate 👍 Jimmy: 🖕 Jimmy: it's a bit of a fucking walk and you're the only one getting a boner for exercise round here, Julie Janis: I already knew you couldn't keep up, babe Janis: didn't need to admit it Janis: I'll go slow for you 💕 Janis: [comes out like ready] Jimmy: stay here and take it slow with the barman if you're gonna be a dickhead Jimmy: [is walking ahead like excuse you I'm so 💪] Janis: [hangs back like she's pondering but then shrugs and follows being loud like 'He's not my type so shoot your shot if you're feeling it'] Jimmy: [mimes a 🎻] Janis: ['Don't be sad, with no competition from me, you stand a chance now' encouraging 👍 up] Jimmy: [ignoring cos so mature] Janis: [walking annoyingly close to him like speeding up when he does and slowing down when he do like you can't ignore me boy] Jimmy: [🚬 without offering her one like yeah I can] Janis: [just a look and noise like wow, it be like that, yeah?] Jimmy: [does the dramatic look around like oh did I hear something cos nerd] Janis: ['I friggin' hate you, you know'] Jimmy: [gives her a bemused look cos no you don't] Janis: [snatches that 🚬 so rudely] Jimmy: [lights another for himself with an OTT sigh] Janis: ['what you being a dickhead for?'] Jimmy: ['what are you always trying to pimp me out for?'] Janis: ['you what?'] Jimmy: [I said, what are you always trying to pimp me out to the locals for? If I was #dtf I wouldn't be fake dating you, would I?'] Janis: ['Erm, obviously, it was a joke; if you needed or wanted a wingman, I ain't interested, trust'] Jimmy: ['so hilarious you'] Janis: ['Jesus, sorry, forget I said anything'] Jimmy: [shugs like consider my memory erased] Janis: [when you start walking ahead but only a bit 'cos you don't know where you're going so can't fully walk off, like] Jimmy: [when you obvs catch her up and are walking in step like you can't ignore me either this goes both ways] Janis: [the most exasperated look] Jimmy: ['what?' cos I must] Janis: ['Don't even'] Jimmy: [don't even what?' he's so annoying omg] Janis: ['Stop it, I swear to GOD'] Jimmy: [gives her a look that's stop what? cos not gonna say it but such a twat still] Janis: ['fuck this' under her breath and actual walking off] Jimmy: [not gonna let her so following 'what was it you said? be my mate, come on'] Janis: ['you don't wanna be mates' and looking ahead keeping walking] Jimmy: ['for someone who don't wanna be my mum you're about as determined to fuck off'] Janis: [just turning around like what but not actually saying it] Jimmy: ['you don't wanna go home and neither do I, so let's just go to the party, yeah?'] Janis: [shrugs 'whatever'] Jimmy: [drags her back in the right direction but really gently] Janis: ['this don't mean we're friends'] Jimmy: ['I don't wanna be friends with you' cos ain't that the truth] Janis: [just trying not to look so hurt] Jimmy: ['And I am a dickhead, there's your answer for why I was being one'] Janis: ['I don't care'] Jimmy: ['why'd you ask then?'] Janis: ['Didn't say I didn't at the time, it's irrelevant now'] Jimmy: [hits her with a shrug of his own] Janis: [nods like exactly] Jimmy: [gives her a look like wtf is that meant to mean as if he don't know] Janis: ['how much further?] Jimmy: [tells her, let's pretend not that far but far enough they gotta walk awkwardly for a bit longer] Janis: [picks up pace] Jimmy: [does a bit but not that much cos unfit af] Janis: ['gimme the bag'] Jimmy: [gives her a look like um no] Janis: [gives him a ffs look back 'give it here or hurry up, like'] Jimmy: [goes slower cos that bitch aka me] Janis: ['I might not wanna go home but I can still think of better things to do, seriously'] Jimmy: ['Go and do 'em then'] Janis: ['I tried to but you stopped me and I gave you a second chance for some fucking reason but fuck this now'] Jimmy: ['We're pissing distance from this lad's back garden, stop being a knobhead'] Janis: ['You ain't thinking this through, why the hell would we wanna be somewhere we've gotta fake all of this a moment longer?'] Jimmy: ['why do we have to fake owt? You wanted one pic, we've uploaded shitloads'] Janis: ['Um, because it'll look fucking weird if we ain't couply when everyone at this party knows we're meant to be'] Jimmy: ['Mia treats 'em like staff they ain't gonna gossip with her like besties'] Janis: ['You go in and do what you like then, I've got no reason to be here'] Jimmy: ['there's reasons'] Janis: ['yeah' purposefully sounding ambiguous to as if that was a question or nah] Jimmy: ['Are you gonna make me say 'em or what?'] Janis: [when you're just like 'ha' 'cos clearly not happening and just start walking with again like alright] Jimmy: [give her an I hate you look that so isn't] Janis: ['I got it, yeah, now can you fucking light up, I need to smoke before going in there'] Jimmy: [does because it's his job 5ever] Janis: [just smoking your feelings lol] Jimmy: [#mood] Janis: ['why don't you wanna be my friend?'] Jimmy: ['why do you wanna be my friend?'] Janis: ['why are you incapable of answering a question straight?'] Jimmy: ['for someone who don't care why do you care so fucking much?'] Janis: ['if I ask a question, I want an answer, simple'] Jimmy: ['what if it's not?' fucked yourself then, ain't you, mate'] Janis: ['that ain't the point, I'm asking what you think, what you know, whatever the fuck the context is, I don't ask you so you can turn it around on me like I don't know all that about me already'] Jimmy: ['the point is, rich girl, this ain't your world, your parents just paid for a bigger house on a nicer bit of it, and I don't properly work for you sweetheart, so I can do owt I like. Better yet speech is free and I can say whatever the fuck I wanna an' all.'] Janis: ['yeah? and what are you saying then, Jimmy? fuck all. so if you'll excuse me-' and bowling inside like you know this lad personally but you know he ain't gonna mind] Jimmy: [staying outside as if that makes a bit of difference or any real deliberate point other than you can't be around the bae] Jimmy: Alright, what I'm saying is I don't wanna do this anymore Jimmy: deal's off Janis: Alright Janis: fine Janis: thanks for telling me Jimmy: 👍 Janis: any reason why beyond the obvious or Jimmy: why are the reasons any of your business? Jimmy: in the fine print was it, that Janis: because I was in it too and I'd tell you if I just switched out of nowhere with no warning Jimmy: figure it out Janis: 👍 Jimmy: I just want out, we can do it however you like Jimmy: take the night and sort it Janis: wow generous Jimmy: that's me Janis: I don't need time, it's easy Janis: I'll get with this lad, you can 'find' out Jimmy: I'm not making you look bad that's not part of it Janis: How do you reckon on making me look good Jimmy: He's a fucking 2, we can do more than that for you, like Janis: You wanna vet the lad I fake cheat with Janis: that's not mental at all Jimmy: 'cause all of this has been dead sane Janis: yeah, and you want out so you can quit acting like you remotely give a shit Jimmy: calm it down Jimmy: it don't look great for me if you fake fuck my ugly co-workers Janis: welll I DON'T care Janis: you said I can do it however I like Jimmy: I reckoned on you being smart when I said that is why Janis: nah you reckoned on me caring to make you look good too, why should I Jimmy: it was the deal if nowt else Janis: the deal is off, by your request Jimmy: you're such a massive dickhead Janis: you Jimmy: you don't get it Janis: what don't I get Jimmy: what do you get? Janis: piss off if you're starting that again Janis: came in here to get away from that Jimmy: you can't answer it 'cause the answer is nowt Jimmy: but you think we can be mates Janis: and you do? alright Janis: you don't answer anything so glass houses Janis: pot kettle, whatever else Jimmy: 👌 Janis: bye Jimmy: what are you gonna do? Janis: wanna be more specific Jimmy: Do I need to? Janis: yep Jimmy: 🙄 Jimmy: Are you gonna drag that twat into it or what? Janis: not that I owe you shit Janis: but I'll pick someone you don't work with Jimmy: or think of a better idea Janis: it's a great idea Jimmy: How? Janis: you get the sympathy vote and to be mr good guy and I get to show I don't give a shit so they can miss me with the told you it wouldn't lasts and whatever else they're dying to Janis: win win Jimmy: if I wanted a popularity 🏆 instead of being left alone Janis: your personality will put 'em off give it 5 minutes Jimmy: piss off Janis: you know I'm right Jimmy: I know you're fuming Janis: about what, exactly Janis: being stupid enough to ever agree to this, yeah, I am actually Jimmy: 💔🎻💔 Janis: whatever Jimmy: [i'm using the weather and saying it's just started to rain heavy so he has to come inside or else he never will] Janis: [chatting to some rando and trying not to look his way even though of course you notice] Jimmy: [when you go up to her to give her a drink cos you're jealous af and you want said random to fuck off] Janis: [when you look at it like you've never seen a drink before in your life 'you trying to poison me now?' whoever this lad is should run 'cos no need to be involved in this drama] Jimmy: [lowkey force her to take it so rude 'drown your sorrows, girl'] Janis: [that's deffo getting thrown at you like I'm sorry boy] Jimmy: ['when you have to go find a towel now if you didn't before RIP to the bathroom with you] Janis: [when you have to either go outside or find somewhere in this gaff to be alone 'cos people love drama and would be being so annoying] Jimmy: [100% gonna look for her when he's done though cos king of the mixed message if she's outside I'm gonna lol cos you're getting wet again boy] Janis: [probably 'cos realistically how big is this house that there's a room no other fucker is in lmao] Jimmy: [unlucky dickhead] Janis: [wherever the nearest available shelter is, whether that's a tree or a bus stop, whatever] Jimmy: [either way #mood and he's finding her there, popping up v unwanted] Janis: [when you see him coming and it's like literally wtf boy 'I swear down, Jimmy, do not'] Jimmy: [when you just kiss her as hard as you fucking can because this is over and wtf do you have to lose and you're thinking you'll just walk away after okay boy well done truly you messy slag] Janis: [when you go for it even though you reckon you definitely shouldn't now because you feel something so got to chase it 'til you can't no more] Jimmy: [the most ridiculously intense make out of all time casually happening until he breaks it off cos when there's too much drama at school you gotta walk awaaaaaaaaaaay] Janis: Pussy Jimmy: 💀💀💔💀💔 Jimmy: brutal Janis: fuck you Jimmy: you wanted an answer so bad, there it is Jimmy: take it Janis: no, as per with you it was just more questions Jimmy: might've been able to find some answers in the bottom of that bottle you chucked at me Jimmy: so hasty you Janis: should've kept it then Janis: you need it more than me Jimmy: I've got others Janis: I'm so pleased for you Jimmy: 💕 Janis: Stop talking to me Jimmy: stop talking to me Janis: gladly Jimmy: 👍
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princelyluck-a · 6 years ago
gonna do replies tomorrow bc im getting sicky n the brazilian gastroabominations pulled me out of orbit kdslkpoaa
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scaryscarecrows · 6 years ago
Garden of Stone
He doesn’t sleep, he doesn’t sleep because he’s still hearing that gunshot and seeing that dog only sometimes it’s not the dog, it’s Kitty (what’s left of her) and-
Yeah. There’s a reason he’s sitting on his bed, shivering in the cool night breeze and watching the clouds vie for coverage of the moon.
Granny took something for her aches and pains-some bitter concoction the doctor makes for her-that’ll keep her asleep tonight. He takes advantage of this to get dressed and go outside for a walk.
It’s heavy outside. The breeze is pushing the clouds around, but there’s a weight to it. Rain’s coming again, he can feel it in the air.
He takes a path more on muscle memory than any real intention, and ends up at the old cemetery. The gate hangs on rusty hinges, more for show than anything, and he lets himself in and heads to the back, to the Grey Lady.
The Grey Lady probably used to be The White Lady, but she’s been here longer’n anything else, since before the civil war. He likes her. She’s quiet. Friendly, almost, for a grave marker.
He settles cross-legged at the base of her skirts and leans his head against the cold stone. She’s lifelike, apart from the blank gaze-it’s always a little surprising those skirts aren’t soft.
The moon manages to make itself visible, at least for a moment, and the crosses and tombstones gleam under its weak light. A barn owl, silent as a ghost, makes a sudden dive. There’s a squeak, and then it rises with a gently-swaying tail dangling from its talons.
Crunch, crunch.
Crunch, crunch.
Yep, footsteps. And whistling, which is surprisingly creepy this late at night.
What is…wait. He knows that tune…what is that…kookaburra. Weird.
Crunch, crunch.
He scrambles behind the Lady and waits. Probably just someone out for a late-night walk, or maybe a tramp passing through. They get those sometimes, but it’s awfully late…
He pokes his head around the Lady. The moon’s still out, illuminating the path with surprising clarity. And, more importantly, the walker.
He doesn’t know that silhouette, which is strange in and of itself. Maybe it’ll come to him…nope. He has no idea who that is.
Whoever it is opens the cemetery gate and now he’s starting to get a little nervous. Late-night walkers he can understand, but he’s never seen anyone else here this late at night.
Crunch, crunch.
And no one ever comes this far back, ever.
The moon seems brighter than ever and he presses up against the Grey Lady, clinging to some childish fancy that she’ll protect him. Which is silly, there’s nothing to be protected from-
“I know you’re here.”
He catches his breath, pinching his lips shut to keep from making any sound. That voice is unfamiliar to him. It’s a genderless voice, not from around here.
“Come out. I want to talk to you about earlier.”
There’s nothing he can use for a weapon. He’s going to have to run for it and hope whoever this is doesn’t have a gun.
“About what you saw.”
He didn’t see anything.
“Don’t be frightened.”
He’s not.
He takes a deep breath and mentally gauges the distance between him and the gate, factor in clusters of tombstones to avoid, add in potential gun…
“Don’t run.”
Joke’s on them! Ask anyone-good luck catching Jonathan Crane if he’s really decided to ditch you. Call it a side effect of ‘I don’t want to be thrown in the pond again’, whatever.
He dashes out from behind the Lady, dodges a cross, and promptly flings himself behind a tombstone when a shot rings out.
This isn’t the same thing as ‘get off my lawn’ or even ‘the book or you, Scarecrow?’ This isn’t even close. His heart’s going a million miles an hour and he doesn’t remember seeing anything with this much clarity-every little crack on the stones, every speck of dust, it’s all so vivid.
He doesn’t want to die. Not like this.
Like hell like this. He wants out of this goddamn town, and not in a pine box. He wants to get out and see the ocean and go to university and-
Crunch, crunch.
He’s going to have to risk it. It’s dark-the moon’s ducking back behind a cloud already.
He bolts for the gate, trying to keep low and not run in a straight line, and there’s another shot that whizzes too close for comfort.
The gate looms up, still partly open, and he squeezes through the gap and takes off down the road.
There’s another shot and he veers off-path, hoping they’re not familiar with the area. Okay…turn here, mind the tree root…
They’re not familiar with the area-the crunching has slowed. He can’t see them anymore, but that’s all right, he can hear them trying to feel their way.
Why does this tree have to shed so many leaves? Doesn’t it realize that the noise it’s causing could get him killed?
He inches back towards the main road, freezing every half-step, until he feels plain dirt under his shoes at last.
A nervous grin flits across his face. They’ve found the tree root, sounds like.
He backs away until he’s pretty sure they haven’t seen him, then turns around and runs for home.
* * *
Kitty’s not at school.
He doesn’t notice until second period, because they don't share a first and he presumed she was running late. But no, she’s not here and there’s a sinking feeling that says something’s wrong.
Nothing’s wrong. That’s ridiculous. She’s probably sick or something, that’s all. This has nothing to do with…whatever they’ve stumbled into. Nothing.
So he collects her homework assignments and pretends he’s not relieved when she answers the door that afternoon.
“Hey.” He’s never seen her this pale, or in pajamas, and it’s weird. “You can come in.”
He shakes his head.
“I-I brought your homework.”
She grimaces but takes the folder.
“What’s wrong?”
“Stomach flu.” She lowers her voice. “I needed a day, but Mum thinks it’s a bug. Y’know.”
“Did you tell her what happened?”
“She’d never let me out again!” That would be ideal. “M’fine. Just…this never happened at home.”
“Don’t…just…be careful.” Mrs. Richardson’s not around, is she? He doesn’t hear her… “I ran into someone last night, I don’t know what they were doing, but they, ah…they thought I’d seen more than I did. I guess. I don’t know.”
“What are you on about?”
“They shot at me and chased me down the road. I’m fine.”
She hugs him and oh god what does he do? Hug back? Stand still? Pat her head?
“I’m so sorry, I didn’t know-”
Yeah, well, too late now.
He hugs her back, stiffly, and wonders if she’s going to let go. She doesn’t seem so inclined.
“Sorry.” She steps back. “I didn’t…there wasn’t much to see.”
“They thought otherwise. So just…just be careful.”
“What’s going on?”
He shrugs.
“I don’t know. Anyway. Um. There’s a test on Friday in math, just so’s you know.”
“It’ll be fine. Math is easy.”
“Maths is a fucking nightmare!”
“Watch your mouth!” Mrs. Richardson warns and Jonathan jumps. How much has she heard? When did she get here? “Hello, Jonathan.”
“Hello, Ma’am.” She frowns. What? It’s been ingrained, he can’t just turn it off! “I was just dropping off Kitty’s homework.”
“Thank you.”
“Thanks a lot.” Kitty grumbles. “I’m dying and you bring me work.”
“Go back to bed, sickie.”
“Don’t you take that tone.”
She pulls a face.
“See you tomorrow.”
“Feel better?”
“Can I get you anything, dear?”
“No, I need to be getting home. Good-bye, Ma’am.”
He tries a smile and turns around before she can try to make him say it.
* * *
He’s not nosey. That trait is reserved for his less enlightened neighbors. He is, however, annoyed that someone felt the need to shoot at him. He takes offence to that sort of thing. That’s a reasonable feeling, in his opinion.
So it’s for that reason alone that he’s sitting at his desk with a piece of paper and a pencil, drawing up a list of everyone in town.
He knows the person last night wasn’t a local, but there’s something about that property they’re interested in. A little too interested in-shooting at trespassers, okay. Hell, he can see some asshole losing their temper with the dog, even. (Griggs once chased a stray cat with a razor blade, boasting that he was gonna skin it alive. Jonathan has no idea how a black widow found its way into his backpack. None at all.)
But tracking him down? That’s weird. If he’s going to be shot at, there’d better be a good reason. Or at least a reason he can understand.
He jots down Wicker’s name, pauses, and makes a note that Wicker’s probably dead. Or at the very least incapacitated. He certainly wasn’t the one chasing him last night. He doesn’t love his property that much.
Who else…that’s everyone.
Why did he bother? He made a list. Wow. So productive. He already knows it wasn’t anyone from town, what good does this do?
He scrunches the paper up and slumps down in his chair. This is pointless. This is pointless and he’s just going to give up and when he sees Kitty tomorrow, he’s going to tell her to do the same. Hell, she’s probably going to drop it without his input. She was rattled this afternoon.
It’s bugging him, though. Nobody cares about Wicker-for all he knows, the guy’s been dead for months. So why the paranoia? What’s out there to find?
He frowns, un-scrunches his paper, and flips it over. The house had looked how he imagined it always had-bed, table, trunk. Nothing of value. If someone killed the old man for money, they probably weren’t getting much.
He sketches out a little diagram anyway, trying to remember if he saw anything else. Kitty might’ve-she’d said there was someone inside, had gotten a look through the window.
There’s a low rumble outside and he glances up. The sky’s black-rain. Rain is here. He’s not going out tonight, that’s for sure.
Well…maybe those rumors about gold are true. Why the place looks as bad as it does remains a mystery, but that might explain…
Forget it. He doesn’t want to know.
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crawdaddyclub · 5 years ago
thinkin about how when i pull a sickie to get out of work tomorrow night i’m gonna have to say i have food poisoning so that i dont cause a corona virus panic.........
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awesome-llama01 · 6 years ago
sup bitches
i’m low-key panicking but ya know that’s not unusual for me
i’ve never pulled a sickie for anything ever, and there’s something going on tomorrow that i really really don’t wanna do, but it’s a charity thing and i’ve done a lot of stuff for that charity previously and my parents are gonna jussie the fuck out of me for not doing this, i’m still gonna donate money, they care more about my money than my time i think, is £30 enough??? i don’t get paid till friday, but i’m panicking in case school finds out that i pulled a sickie for this event that i Wholeheartedly Do Not Wanna Do, ive fine this event twice before and my mental health is playing up today and it makes me really not wanna do it even more.
there’s no real consequences other me hating myself for it and maybe a disconcerting look from my tutor and my parents being even more disappointed in me but frankly the last one is inevitable and i may as well start the trend early, cus i ain’t gonna get into uni cus i’m dumber than a fucking spoon
i know, no one is gonna read this but i’ve lost most of my day to day routine and it’s fucking with me quite a bit, my brain is going off, i don’t wanna meet up with anybody, i don’t wanna leave my house or my bed, im waking up at really odd times, i’m lonely (again nothing new) and i just don’t wanna interact with anybody and close myself off and crawl inside myself and wait for death to kick in
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