#gonna need them coffee beans on hand to survive
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tomatoswup · 2 years ago
Trigun and Perfume: A Headcanon 🥸
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summary: Roulette through the Macy's Perfume Aisle! What's YOUR favorite character's perfume smell?
characters: vash the stampede, nicholas d. wolfwood, meryl stryfe, milly thompson
A/N: i said i was gonna make a headcanon post about trigun and perfumes didn't i 🥸 i had fun actually putting my frequent times smelling the perfumes at the Macy's perfume section to wORRKKKKKKK,,, have i smelled all of the perfumes listed before? yes, my friends and I are fiends for perfumes hehehe so we usually gift them out for birthdays or holidays. maybe i'll make another post that includes knives, roberto, zazie, etc. but I'll have to go perfume smelling for them. Enjoy!~
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Vash The Stampede
Dior Sauvage Elixir
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top notes: Cinnamon, Nutmeg, Cardamom, Grapefruit
-Vash would totally wear this perfume my top headcanon
-I can see Vash not being a fan of overall too sweet scents, but just a tad bit.
-This is his main perfume to any occasion,,,,loves that people can recognize he was there by just his smell heellloooooooooo? o//o
-He runs through this like crazy, but he does have the mini version!
My notes: This perfume starts off with a woody, musky and earthy scent at the first spray but as it settles, it leaves a very honey-like faint after-smell that makes the knees jelly. How wonderful for the Humanoid Typhoon! pheromones whoooooo :P
Nicholas D. Wolfwood
Versace Man Eau Fraîche
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top notes: White Lemon, Rose Wood, Carambola
base notes: musk, amber, sycamore wood
-I can see Wolfwood lean more towards the woody yet aromatic/clean scents.
-Settles in well with his skin, giving the perfume a better twist with his own smoky/natural musk scent and the clean/fresh scent of the toilette mixing.
-Sprays once in a while, he's kinda broke :/ but it's okay! The bottle is a pretty nice size so it lasts a pretty long time!
-I didn't give him any deep musk scent bc mf already kinda has that smoker scent he's on his 100th pack atp
My notes: This scent delivers a faint musk smell but honestly it kinda reminds me of what the woods would smell like but amplified 2x if they were by a waterfall.
So moreover, if water smelled like a man. But honestly, I like this scent, it doesn't burn the nose like other man colognes/perfumes. Touché Undertaker!
Meryl Stryfe
Giorgio Armani Acqua Di Giolia
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top notes: Lemon, Jasmine, Cedarwood
-Meryl is more of a fresh scent kinda person and this is that scent.
-It smells like peace tbh, and Meryl finds the fresh airy scent to it very comforting in the sudden chaos and trouble that always surrounds Milly and her.
-gets the smell of gun powder out of her nose palette.
my notes: if you're into very fresh scents that remind you of the nice scent of the sandy beaches or honestly like summer you'll like this one! Personally, this kinda reminds me of a freshly cut green cantaloupe(very specific hehe)
The tint of jasmine and lemon touches when you smell it give the calming effect it focuses on. Very Nice! Has to constantly rebuy bc she loses the bottle often
Milly Thompson
YSL Black Opium The Original
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top notes: Black Coffee, White Flowers, Vanilla
-It's a very warm and sweet mix that I think she'll love smelling on her clothes and just generally the tint of vanilla in it.
-Honestly smells like flan,, or caramelized sugar :)
-tbh its my next perfume purchase They say it has coffee in it but it doesn't smell like it.
-I was torn between this perfume and the pink or green Burberry Her for Milly (the pink one smells like sweet strawberry yogurt and the green one smells like those lil containers of jellies that had little fruit pieces in them if you know you know) yes i have both of them
-But i found this to be a more fitting smell for her!
-Steal her jacket and it smells like Vanilla extract in the best way
My Notes: With a very caramel and vanilla smooth smell, this perfume leaves behind quite the scent of sugar and spice! A very sensual yet playfully smell of autumn! Nice taste Milly!
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shadow-coolness · 3 months ago
Before the Year of Shadow im gonna drop my headcannon Boom Shadow origin:
Shadow was created by a group of Ancients as a The Ultimate Lifeform granted the power to control chaos energy from the chaos crystals to bring peace to the world but when Lyric went rogue he had to use that power to aid the ensuing war and for a long time all Shadow knew was battle turning him into a hardened warrior that shows no mercy towards his enemies, Now during this war Shadow was in an serious battle that resulted in him being put in stasis to heal and he was also hidden by the last surviving ancients so that Lyric couldn’t get his scaly robo hands on him and he was in stasis for years and years until he was finally freed by an elderly scientist called Gerald Robotnik and his granddaughter Maria though the Hedgehog had lost his memory only knowing his name of Shadow. Gerald wanted to discover what exactly Shadow is and why he was so powerful but Shadow himself was annoyed by these 2…“creatures” but since he had nowhere else to go he was stuck for them for the time being at least until he discovered his past, Shadow had to live in a science facility having to go through numerous tests everyday and when he wasn’t doing that he had to hang around Maria and do things like watch “Television”,play “games” and do craftsmanship which Maria was terrible at but Gerald still used the stuff she made anyway and therefore so did Shadow(he’d had coffee spill on him so many times he just started eating the beans) and his relationship with the other humans working at the facility was worse because unlike Gerald and Maria they didnt see him as his own person and Shadow would react to this in…less then peaceful ways and often needed to be stopped by Gerald or Maria. One of the tests Shadow had to go through were tests testing his physical capabilities and ability to control chaos and during these tests Shadow would get flashes of what seemed to battles that he took part in and he was also starting to realize just how powerful he truly was far too powerful to be confined to some facility, as time went on Shadow began to get impatient with Gerald’s lack of progress of finding out who Shadow was and where he came from so he went out on his own to an Ancient ruin where he found some writings in the ancients language that he could for some reason understand and he could make out the words “Ultimate Lifeform” and the conclusion he came to was that HE was this Ultimate Lifeform which would explain his abilities and this combined with his memories of battle could only mean he was made to fight and this was the turning point for him as now that he knew who he was he had no need for those humans anymore so he planned to strike out on his own but he was confronted by Maria who tried to convince him that there was more to him then some war machine but Shadow was done with her,her grandfather and humans as a whole and went off his own doing what he wanted,whenever he wanted, not letting anyone stand in his way especially not some Blue Hedgehog that relies on things like “The Power Of Friendship” and lame stuff like that.
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danigrayextendeduniverse · 3 months ago
New Year's Kiss
Word count: 1,633
Summary: Daniel rings in the new year with his friends and family.
Cameron had asked Daniel if they could spend New Year's with his family, and like an idiot Daniel said yes. Now he had to make sure the house was magic proof.
“Why do you need to magic proof the house?” Vincent asked in amusement as Daniel opened every cupboard and cabinet in the kitchen.
“Cameron doesn't know that we're Sorcerers, so I have to make sure they don't find out. You and Indrid are always using magic around the house, so I have to make sure you don't do any magic in front of them and blow our cover.”
“I do not use magic all the time,” Vincent scoffed, closing all of the cabinet and cupboard doors with a wave of his hand. “That doesn't count.
“Look, if you’re worried, we'll just make sure to lock up the office with all of our Pseudosphere artifacts. Indrid and I can survive one night without using magic.” Vincent frowned when Daniel rolled his eyes. “What's that supposed to mean?”
“You literally used magic to make coffee this morning.”
“It's called multitasking.” Vincent tapped Daniel on his head. “We'll be fine. We haven't used magic in front of Diana yet, and you've known her for years. Cameron's only coming over for a night, nothing's gonna happen.” Vincent furrowed his brows when Daniel fumbled with his shirt. “What's going on?”
They sat at the dining table.
“I like Cameron,” Daniel admitted.
“Oh, Daniel… There’s no need to be ashamed. It's normal to develop crushes at your age.”
“I'm not worried about the crush,” Daniel explained. “And I wasn't worried about coming out to you as gay. Or bi- That’s not the point. The point is… magic is influenced by emotions.”
“Yes,” Vincent confirmed. “And you've been doing a great job keeping your emotions in control so your magic doesn't act up. You've been training since you were five, Daniel, you know how to control your emotions.”
“But it's hard when it comes to love, or stronger emotions,” Daniel reminded him. “And it's been different with Cameron. They make me feel ways I've never felt before, and I don't know how to control these new things I'm feeling… Whenever I'm with them, I've noticed the room gets hotter. I thought it was just me at first, but other people have complained about the A/C being out of order.”
Vincent considered this. Usually around this age, when adolescent Sorcerers began developing crushes on their peers, the most common magical side effects were temperature change and telekinesis of small items.
“What do you think might help you?” Vincent asked. “We can get a Muse shard, maybe from Bea. Muse shards are known to help young Sorcerers control their emotions.”
“That might help,” Daniel agreed. “And I don't think I should be left alone with Cameron tonight. I just don't want to risk my emotions getting out of control.”
“Were you going to invite Diana?”
“Duh,” Daniel replied with a roll of his eyes, wincing apologetically when Vincent gave him a stern look. “I thought that was a given. You know she's bringing her mom's cookies.”
“Diana's gonna hover around you anyway, you'll be fine.”
Daniel sighed with relief. He was right, plus Diana always wanted to play games to pass the time faster, so he was sure there weren't going to be too many chances of him being alone with Cameron.
“Indrid should be getting off work soon,” Vincent noted, checking his watch. “I'll ask him to swing by Cool Beans on his way to grab apple cider. Hopefully Bea's still there.”
“When's Bea not there?” Daniel asked with an affectionate roll of his eyes. Bea was still working on starting up her own beauty salon, but he remembered getting his first haircut at Cool Beans. It wasn't the most sanitary thing to do, but at least they didn't do it in the kitchen.
When Indrid returned, he handed Daniel the Muse shard right away. The pink shard glowed as it was placed over Daniel's head, dangling next to his Visage shard. He tucked both away under his shirt so they weren’t visible.
Fortunately, Diana and Cameron arrived at the same time. Diana must have been walking over from La Breadtory when she bumped into Cameron. Diana knew sign language, but it was hard for her to sign back with her hands full. Fortunately for her, Cameron also knew how to read lips.
“What are we playing tonight?” Diana asked when she met Daniel at the door. “You know I love Battleship, but that's more of a one-on-one game. How about Monopoly?”
“We’re gonna miss the countdown,” Daniel chuckled. He took the plate of wrapped cookies from Diana to set them on the dining room table.
“Do you have any suggestions, Cam?” Daniel asked. “Our games are in the living room if you want to take a look.
Uno, Cameron signed. Unless there are any Uno naysayers.
“Regular Uno's usually not as competitive as the other versions,” Daniel recalled, grabbing the game from the entertainment center. “We can also play Mario Kart.”
I suck at Mario Kart, Cameron pouted.
“I don't!” Diana chirped, grinning when Cameron thunked the back of her head with a flick of their fingers. “It's not like we're playing for anything other than bragging rights.”
I like to win, though.
“Who said you'd be winning Uno?”
It was amazing how fast Daniel and Diana had both learned sign language. Well, it probably helped that they had Cameron to practice with all school year. They had created a few home signs and picked up a few that Cameron had learned from their grandparents, but for the most part their sign language was standard.
At some point, after a few rounds of Uno, they did decide to move onto a calm round of Monopoly. Adam, Indrid, and Vincent were all sipping wine while they waited for midnight to pop open the champagne, and they decided to play as one player to make the game go by faster. It worked in their favor when Indrid fell asleep.
“We'll wake him up before midnight,” Adam chuckled, making sure Indrid was away from the wine glasses.
Your dad's like a preschooler. Always ready for naptime, Cameron teased.
And your grandpa's like a baby with his special milk, Daniel shot back, referring to the formula Cameron's grandfather had to drink for his health. He smiled sheepishly when Cameron laughed.
You're going bankrupt for that one.
You and your three properties? Get real. Diana's probably gonna win this round.
Not if she keeps spending money as fast as she is.
“You know, I know sign language, too,” Diana muttered as she counted her moneybucks.
It was right before Diana was going to go bankrupt when Adam got their attention. “Hey kids, time to clean up. It's ten til.” He gently shook Indrid to wake him up, helping him wipe the drool from his chin.
“I gotta go to the bathroom,” Daniel announced after they folded up the board.
“You're gonna miss the countdown!”
“I'm taking a piss, not a shi-” Daniel corrected himself after catching Vincent's stern gaze, “not a dump, Diana.” He excused himself to the bathroom while they packed up the rest of the game.
When Daniel emerged from the bathroom with slightly damp hands, he nearly bumped into Cameron.
“Oh! Cameron, I'm so sorry,” he said while also signing an apology. He stepped aside to let Cameron into the bathroom.
I'm not here for the bathroom, Cameron explained, quickly looking over their shoulder. Daniel could hear the glasses clinking together as Adam prepared them.
Do your parents know about us? Cameron asked.
Daniel blinked. About us?
About us dating.
Daniel could feel the Muse shard rise under his shirt. He placed his hand on his chest to keep it in place.
Cameron, I didn’t even know about us dating.
Cameron looked hurt, then confused. But you're the one who asked me out?
When we first met. You don't remember?
I don't. But that's not important. Daniel reached out to take Cameron's hand before they could storm off if they were planning to. I do like you, Cam. I just didn't know you liked me back.
You learned sign language just to talk to me. If that's not boyfriend material, I don't know what is.
Daniel smiled. Well, to me that feels like common courtesy material, but I guess most people wouldn't learn a whole other language just to talk to someone they didn’t like.
Cameron stepped closer to Daniel and farther from the hallway light. Well, now that we're alone… I was hoping for a New Year's kiss.
Daniel made sure to keep his hand over his chest. Are you sure?
I'm sure. I've wanted to kiss you forever now. I just didn't know when the right time was.
Daniel swallowed, and he was sure Cameron could see the lump in his throat bob. I've never kissed someone before.
Didn't you and Diana date in middle school?
We didn’t kiss, though. Besides, we didn’t even like each other like that, we only dated because everyone pressured us to. But this is different. I actually like you.
Cameron played with the curls by their ear, and Daniel could tell they were blushing.
I feel like I'm making this awkward.
I wouldn’t like you if you weren't awkward, Daniel.
Daniel looked up when he heard Indrid and Diana calling for him, and Cameron took the moment to kiss him. It was a brief kiss, but Daniel still felt his hair rise.
I can get better at kissing.
Cameron chuckled and shook their head. You don't always have to improve yourself for my sake. They squeezed Daniel's hand. Should we tell them?
Daniel squeezed their hand back. Yeah, let's tell them.
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solarswonderland · 1 year ago
rebellious insomniac beans
genre: fluff, attempt at crack (i apologize in advance)
pairing: bf!jisung x gn!reader
warnings: coffee, burning, mentions of dying (as a joke), cursing,
wc: 0.4k
summary: jisung forgets to blow on his coffee
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“you’re being dramatic…” 
“i am NOT being dramatic. i’m being practical.” he huffed while aggressively washing his mouth with water. 
it was 2 in the morning when jisung decided he absolutely had to have coffee. the worst part being — he woke you up to make it for him. after arguing with him for 15 minutes and miserably losing a game of rock-paper-scissors, you make him the coffee while mumbling incoherent curses you hope he doesn't hear.
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“I’M GONNA DIE I’M GONNA DIE” he screamed as soon as the hot coffee made contact with his tongue. he ran around the kitchen flailing his arms in the air like a caffeinated octopus.
"i told you to blow on it first," you said, watching him with amusement.
“no shit.” he rolled his eyes, his head dramatically hitting the wall. “is this what death feels like?”
rolling your eyes, you handed him a glass of cold water. "here, drink this and calm down. it is 2 in the morning and you're not dying."
jisung took the glass and chugged the water down. after a dramatic sigh and a few exaggerated gasps, he looked at you with wide eyes.
"i think i need an ice pack. or maybe a tongue transplant. do they do that? can you google if they do tongue transplants?" he asked, breathing so fast you’d think he ran a marathon. 
“you don’t need a tongue transplant you idiot..” you said, stifling a laugh. 
“are you sure? okay, i believe you. wait, can you kiss it better?” 
“i am not kissing your burnt tongue. you're on your own for this one," you said, trying your best not to laugh at the miserable child boy in front of you.
"i thought love was supposed to conquer all!” he said, feigning betrayal. 
"you're the one who woke me up at 2 in the morning for a cup of coffee. love has its limits, my friend," you retorted, shaking your head.
jisung sighed dramatically "i guess i'll just have to suffer in silence then."
"oh, the horror," you deadpanned.
he shot you an offended look "i have been through a traumatic experience and this is how you treat me? how cruel can a person be?” 
"maybe next time, you should consider decaf, and microwave it. that's less dramatic and doesn't wake up the entire neighborhood," you suggested.
he gasped dramatically "i would rather risk third-degree tongue burns than microwave coffee, and decaf? that's like asking for a hug and getting a handshake. no, thank you."
you laughed, "fair enough. but something tells me that the next time you scream 'i'm gonna die,' the coffee beans might stage a protest and refuse to brew."
jisung pulled up the sleeves of his shirt. "let them try. i've survived your attempts at coffee. i can handle rebellious insomniac beans."
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© solarswonderland 2023
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coldmilkcreamery · 4 years ago
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awkward liaisons
𝗽𝗮𝗶𝗿𝗶𝗻𝗴: osaki shotaro x male reader 🌹💋
𝘄𝗼𝗿𝗱 𝗰𝗼𝘂𝗻𝘁: 1290
𝗱𝗲𝘀𝗰𝗿𝗶𝗽𝘁𝗶𝗼𝗻: both shotaro and y/n are set to debut soon, but neither of them speak korean. they decide to help each other learn korean—and things get spicy.
𝘄𝗮𝗿𝗻𝗶𝗻𝗴/𝘀: none
𝘄𝗿𝗶𝘁𝘁𝗲𝗻 𝗯𝘆 🌙
𝗮/𝗻: omg first of all, even before you start the fic i am warning u that it’s CRINGY !! that’s why it’s called awkward liaisons LMAO and also,,, hibiscus is korea’s national flower 😋 you’ll see why 👀 also i’m so fucking sorry this took so long, day by day i’m just losing motivation. i am so so so so so sorry and will make it up to all of you !! thank you for requesting anon!
> 𝗺𝗮𝘀𝘁𝗲𝗿𝗹𝗶𝘀𝘁 <
Being a trainee in SM is tough.
Being a foreigner in SM is tough.
Being able to only speak a morsel of Korean is tough.
But being a foreign trainee in SM, almost unable to speak Korean is even tougher than anything imaginable.
So, when Y/N, 19, a trainee of SM entertainment—fluent in English but illiterate in Korean—is set to join NCT in a few months’ time, all hell breaks loose. In his mind, at least.
“So…” Jaehyun says, confused, “you’ve been training for 2 years but can't speak Korean?”
“And you're set to debut as a new member of NCT in a few months.” Jaehyun continues, cutting him off. “Sorry man, but who in SM actually thought you were ready enough to debut?”
Admittedly, Y/N was a little bruised by the words hurled at him. And admittedly, Jaehyun was right. And with that in mind, all Y/N could do was drill holes on the floor.
Jaehyun scoffs as he makes a 180° and turns his back from the mess that is Y/N.
Unable to walk away, speak even, Y/N leans on the wall, slowly sliding down with his hands on his face, groaning. He feels like shit, and being the naive trainee he is, he believes that he does deserve what he’s feeling.
“Hey,” Y/N looks up, feeling a warm hand on his shoulder, “are you okay?” Y/N is met with one of the most beautiful faces he’s ever been graced with, and much like when Jaehyun broke him down just a few minutes ago, he froze.
“I— uh” The mystery boy says, stammering, “I’m a trainee too and uh, I think—wait, you’re Y/N right? If you are then uh, I think we’re gonna be NCT’s new members… Along with Sungchan of course!”
Y/N doesn’t even know this boy’s name and he’s already met with yet another name, Sungchan. His memory is terrible. Which is also probably why he hasn’t learned Korean yet.
Breaking free from his icy restraints, he speaks up. “I— yeah, I’m Y/N, nice to meet you..?” He questions, raising his palm for the boy to grab.
“Shotaro.” Y/N nods, shaking his hand, “Osaki Shotaro.”
The sound of machines whirring and stirring filled the café’s cold air, only adding to the shop’s aesthetique. The smell of coffee beans lingered and entered Y/N’s nostrils as he heard a name being called. “Two Pumpkin Spice Lattes for Shotaro!” The barista says in Korean, Y/N only catching the word ‘Shotaro’. He mutters a ‘thank you’ in Korean as he holds the beverage carrier tightly, walking out the retro shop, careful not to spill them.
“Pumpkin Spice Lattes? Seriously?” Shotaro asks, more amused than disappointed.
“What?” Y/N says, not looking at the boy as he sets both cups on the table, laying the tray on the wooden bench beside him. “It’s fall! You gotta have one of these.”
“You sound like a white girl.” Shotaro chuckles, earning a scoff back. A swift gust of wind blows the tissue paper away from the top of their to-go-cups, landing the thin sheets on the floor, which, Shotaro stoops over to retrieve.
“Well this white girl has you bending over.”
“Wait… what?” Shotaro says, fluttered.
“Cuz you…” Y/N says, surprised at himself, “The tissue… and… oh my god never mind, I’m sorry”
Sitting in silence, the awkwardness in the air is so suffocating to the point that Shotaro actually starts coughing, Y/N still cringing, thinking to himself that nothing could get even more awkward than this.
Boy, was he wrong.
“Well…” Shotaro says, a tiny idea popping into his mind, slowly manifesting into a plan, “Why don’t we… help each other?”
“Excuse me?” Y/N says, looking around the empty bedroom, then back at Shotaro, who, didn’t immediately notice the sexual innuendo he came up with.
Upon realizing, he stutters. “Oh. Oh! Oh my god, no.” Shotaro says, burying his face in his hands. “I meant,” He continues, voice muffled from his sweater paws, “You said a while ago that you needed help learning Korean… and so do I.” He unburies his face and locks eyes with Y/N once again, “So… I thought we could help each other.” He says, not forgetting the key word, “Learn. Of course.”
“I- uh, yeah, sure, I guess.”
With only a week or two left before their debut, both Shotaro and Y/N have been working diligently trying to learn Korean. There have been ups and downs, some waves of laziness hitting them here and there, but just like Gloria Gaynor said in 1978, they would survive.
“Wait… so 입술 means nose… right?” Shotaro asks, confused.
“No, you dummy.” Y/N says, lightly smacking the other with the thin language book, “It means lips.”
“Oh. Well, 너의 입술 너무 예뻐.” Shotaro says, boldly.
“Dude.” Y/N half chuckles, half blushes, “My lips are not pretty.”
“They are.” Shotaro replies, nonchalantly.
“Prove it then. Kiss me.”
“What?” he replies, chalantly this time.
Y/N chuckles. “That’s what I thought.” He says, turning away from him and facing the creme-colored pages of the Korean book he held. “So, 입술 means lips but the root word ‘입’ means mouth. So when we p—“
His words get cut off as he feels the older’s hand snake up his shoulder, elevating itself until it grazes his cheek. Y/N, surprised, looks to his side as Shotaro leans in and plants him a kiss, right on his lips. Startled, Y/N stays frozen for a second or two before his brain finally registers the fact that Shotaro was kissing him.
Osaki Shotaro was fucking kissing him.
Shotaro’s lips were ecstasy. It tasted sweet, like pure, thick nectar oozing from his mouth—couldn’t get enough. As they made out, it felt as if the gods above have answered their prayers, as if Venus shone her light on them. And as Shotaro pulled away, Y/N found himself leaning towards him too, indirectly indicating that he wanted more.
Both of them sat there, staring at each other, the feeling of blankets and comforters wrapped around their legs. Y/N felt like he was sinking, being sucked in the bed frame, the soft mattress pulling him in.
“I…” Y/N says, slowly, “didn’t… expect you to actually…”
“I’ve been wanting to do that for a while now.”
Y/N locks eyes with him, frozen, his mouth slightly agape once again. “Then…” He says, the syrupy taste of Shotaro’s saliva on his lips, “Do it again.”
The feeling of sugar glacé hit his lips once again, Shotaro closing the gap between them. His lips were addicting, like a dirty sin he couldn’t stop himself from committing, like he was Eve and Shotaro’s lips were the apple from the Garden. It was inevitable.
And with the sounds of wet kisses filling the quiet room, both of them wondered if they would ever even debut properly, not being able to fluently speak Korean. But they weren’t even studying it. Rather, they were studying each other’s lips. And to be honest, it excited both of them even more so.
But they did. They ended up debuting, along with Sungchan. Of course, their Korean wasn’t as great as the latter. There, but very weak. There were even times in their careers when they questioned if they would’ve learned Korean faster if they weren’t distracted during their study sessions.
When they first started helping each other out, they thought they had planted just one, single hibiscus seed, which bloomed, giving them the ability to learn Korean.
But maybe that wasn’t the only thing that blossomed. Maybe something else had sprouted from their awkward liasons.
𝙨𝙩𝙖𝙧𝙩𝙚𝙙: 01.23.21
𝙛𝙞𝙣𝙞𝙨𝙝𝙚𝙙: 02.04.21
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animatorweirdo · 4 years ago
Frozen heart: Music in the dark
You fall into middle-earth with your best friend and start a new life. 
Warning: Swearing and scary themes.
This chapter is a bit long but it might be interesting to read. 
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"Run! Run! Run!" You yelled.
The ghouls screeched behind you and your friend. You two ran like crazy through the forest. The ghouls jumped from tree to tree as they pursued you two. You could hear their haunting screaming above the ground. You could also hear them from far away on the ground too. They were trying to surround you two.
You and your friend hopped over a fallen log. One of the ghouls managed to jump at you. You quickly pulled your friend over the log. The ghoul crashed into the log, breaking it in half. The ghoul would have gotten your friend if you didn't pull her away. You two didn't waste time and quickly ran away. Another ghoul appeared in front of you, blocking your way. You two screamed and ran in another direction. The ghouls were literally everywhere. You started to doubt that you two will escape alive.
"Jump!" Your friend pulled you with her and you two, then stumbled down a rocky hill. You grunted and gasped as your body rolled down the hill. Rocks and sticks under the snow hitting you and scraping your skin. You two finally managed to get to the down of the hill. The violent spinning stopped. You laid on the snowy ground, breathing heavily. Everything was stinging.
"Camilla!" You called for your friend. She appeared in front of your line of vision and quickly helped you up. You groaned when your ribs started to ache. There was a chance of broken ribs. You ignored your pain and checked if Camilla had injuries. "Come on; we need to keep moving," She said, pulling you gently. You heard hollow screaming in the distance. They were coming. You two quickly moved, and to your surprise, you two managed to find a cliff and a waterfall. There was a long drop over the cliff. The place was pretty sweet, but there was literally nowhere to go to. You two were trapped. "Are you freaking kidding me?!" Camilla yelled.
You two gasped when something dropped behind you. You two turned around and were faced with a giant ghoul. It was bigger than the other ones, and it had blood-red eyes than rotten yellow. You smelled a foul smell of death. The ghoul growled at you two, licking its sharp teeth. It was ready to devour you two. You looked around in panic. There were no more escape routes, except the waterfall if you jumped, and hope the fall won't kill you. There was a tiny chance that you two will survive, but it was better than getting eaten by a giant blood-thirsty monster.
"Hey, this might get us killed, but would you rather be food than jump off a cliff?" You asked. "Are you crazy?" Camilla asked. "Maybe, but there is a tiny chance of survival," You said. Camilla stared at you like you grew another head. She turned her attention back to the giant ghoul. It started approaching you two with hunger in its eyes. She glanced at the cliff, then at the ghoul. "Fuck it!" She yelled. She grabbed your arm and jumped over the cliff with you. You two screamed as you fell toward the bottom. You fell through a cold mist before being engulfed by cold water. You screamed from the shock the cold water gave you. Your screams were muffled by the water, and the air in your lungs turned into bubbles. It was so cold. It was like thousands of cold needles were stabbing you from every corner.
Someone suddenly grabbed your jacket and pulled you up. You gasped as you burst through the surface. The cold air struck you like a brick. Camilla pulled you out of the deep water. You stood up after your foot hit the bottom. You hugged Camilla's arm as your legs felt like jello. "Fuck, it's cold," Your teeth clattered. You turned toward Camilla. "Are you okay?" You asked. She was shaking as well. You both were dripping wet from the cold water. "Uhm... look over there," Camilla suddenly pointed out. You followed her gaze, confused, then froze when you saw people. They were wearing strange medieval clothes and were staring at you two with shocked and frightful expressions. Why were they wearing medieval clothes? You then noticed a slight change in the environment. The waterfall was gone, and it was morning. If you recalled correctly. It was still nighttime before you two jumped over the cliff. You also didn't hear the ghouls anymore. Where in the hell you two ended up to?
"Camilla... where the fuck are we?" You asked.
And that's how you two came to this world. Middle-earth, the land of humans, dwarves, elves, and orcs. There are even people called Valars and Maiars, who are like gods of this world. You and Camilla were completely dumbstruck when you heard that from the village people you met at the lake. However, you two needed to do a lot of convincing to make them believe that you were not the dark lord's servants. This dark lord guy, Morgoth was a big deal and something to be afraid of. You and Camilla, however, didn't think about it much and started traveling in this new world. It was fairly exciting, but sometimes you two got really homesick, which led you two to settle down in a nice village near the mountains of Himring and the place called Maglor's Gap. Weird names, but this was another world, so it made sense.
"Cami! I'm home!" You came through the door. The door slamming against the wall with a loud sound after you kicked it. "Can you like not break the damm door?!"Camilla yelled from the table. She had a bowl in her hands, and there was an open book on the table. You frowned in curiosity after you smelled a mild scent of coffee. "Are you still trying to make coffee out of those beans?" You asked, walking over to the table. "So what?" She asked back. "You don't know how to make coffee, and those beans aren't really coffee beans," You pointed at the bowl of green beans. "Well! It's better than nothing," Camilla continued what she was doing. You shook your head then approached the kitchen cabinets. Camilla and her caffeine addiction. It's been five months since you two came here, and she started to miss her morning coffees desperately. After you two moved into this village, she has been trying to come up with a recipe to make coffee out of the beans that closely resembled the brown coffee beans. She has tried at least five times, and every time it failed. You two ended up drinking something worse than expired milk.
You opened the cabinet, then saw something very bad. You two were out of food. Again. "Cami! There's nothing to eat!" You turned toward your best friend. "What?" She turned toward you then saw the inside of the cabinet. She groaned, knowing what an empty cabinet meant. "For fuck sake," She stated.
You two walked through the thick forest, holding baskets. It was spring, so finding food was easy since you two mostly fed of from berries and mushrooms. You two occasionally buy food from the village, but money was difficult to get in this world. Technically, you two were broke, really broke. You two sometimes do volunteer works to earn some money, but the money was not enough to feed both of you, so it was off into the forest every time the cabinet was empty. Berries and mushrooms were free.
You crouched down to pick up a batch of brown ceps. Too bad you disliked mushrooms, but it was literally one of the only things you can eat. You fell on your knees after they grew tired of crouching down too long. "You know something, a supermarket would be a really cool place right now," You said and stared at the sky. "I know, too bad credit cards are completely useless around here," Camilla answered. She sighed and stretched her legs. "We could have at least fall into a world where we can at least use our world's currency," She explained. "This world sucks. I wanna go home," You stated. Your thoughts ran back to the memory you saw the giant ghoul for the last time. You actually didn't mind getting eaten by a ghoul right now. Sounds a lot better than walking around in this world, eating berries and mushrooms. "Okay, come on, the cabinet is not gonna fill itself. We need to be back before the nightfall," Camilla stated. You mentally whined. You really didn't want to go through a forest. You wanted to go back to the house and take a nap.
After three hours of suffering and looking through a stupid forest. You two managed to fill your baskets with delicious berries and edible mushrooms. You two were currently in a large meadow. You took a big yawn and looked around the meadow. You stood under a large tree. It gave perfectly shaded from the sun. You set your basket down then sat down, leaning against the tree. "(Name)! I'm gonna go back to the village to buy some meat!" Camilla called. "Okay, I'm gonna stay here and relax a bit," You answered. "Okay, but come back before the sunset or I make dinner for myself!" She called. "Alright!" You answered. You then saw her pick up her basket and disappeared into the forest you two came from. You took a deep sigh and leaned against the tree. You then glanced at the scenery you saw in the distance. Mountains, wide-open land, and forest. It felt so same and unknown at the same time. You didn't really know what to think about it. You and Camilla encountered many types of people. You once met dwarves and that was an exciting experience. Dwarves were quite friendly folk, despite what things have been said about them. Elves and orcs were the only ones you two haven't seen. Elves could be nice to meet, but maybe not orcs. They are said to be the dark lord's servants and the most violent creatures on the earth. It's for the best that you two won't even think about them. You got more serious things to worry about, like getting some decent food on the table.
Your head laid against the bark of the tree. You yawned, and your eyes started drooping. It was peaceful. You don't even remember the last time you found peace. Your eyelids started to close slowly and it was hard to keep them open. Maybe a little nap won't hurt. You were about to close your eyes, but then you remembered something that motivated your eyes to stay open. You never slept well because of the nightmares. Every time you go to sleep, nightmares always bother you, making you wake up in the middle of the night. You were technically an insomniac. That's why you are always tired. You stared into nothingness as you tried to keep your eyes open, but they wanted to close so badly. You yawned. It's been ages since you had a good sleep. The whole thing almost sounds foreign to you,
Birds singing caught your ears. The song of the birds made the situation worse. Your eyes were harder to keep open. A yawn broke out of your mouth. Maybe a short nap won't bother. There was a tiny chance that you will catch a nightmare in such a short time.
You wake up to a sudden sound of a gust of cold wind. Your heart started beating up after you noticed there was snow everywhere. You stood up in a panic. What happened? Why it was winter out of a sudden? You looked up to the sky and saw that it was dark. You weren't sure if it was a night. The moon and the stars were missing. It was just pitch-black darkness. You gasped when you heard a deep rumbling sound from the forest. You stared at the forest where the sound came from. No, it coulnd't be. You backed away with a beating heart. You almost fell on the ground from the startle when you heard the same sound behind you. Your whole body started to shake from a familiar feeling of fear. You stared at the forest in front of you. There was nothing but darkness, but you knew. You knew what lurked in there. Stalking you. Ready to devour your whole existence.
You backed away, not breaking eye contact with the dark forest. Your back hit against the tree. Burning tears started to come out of your eyes. "Please... don't..." You fell against the tree. A familiar feeling touched your bare hands. You saw frost covering your hands under its white layer. Heavy breaths escaped your mouth. The warm air turning into a visible mist from every breath you took. You hugged yourself to protect the last bits of warmth you had. "Go away, Go away..." You begged. The tears running freely across your cheeks. You heard heavy steps coming toward you, but you didn't dare to look up to see what it was. You knew what it was, and you didn't want to look into its eyes. "Go away, please..." You were whimpering at this point.
The silence and the wind were replaced with gentle and beautiful music. You stopped shaking as the fear you felt disappeared. The beautiful music was accompanied by soft humming. Was somebody... singing? Everything suddenly became dark.
You opened your eyes and stared at the green grass in front of you. It was warm, and there was no snow. The sky was blue, and the birds flew across it with freedom. You looked at the forest. There was nothing. You dried up the tears that managed to dry up against your skin. It was just another nightmare. You almost laughed for even thinking a short nap would spare you from nightmares.
Your attention was caught by familiar music you heard in your nightmare.  You looked around the tree and saw a person playing harp. The person was obviously a male, telling from the deepness of his voice. He was quite tall and had long dark hair covering his back. What really caught your attention was his ears. They were pointy. Was he an elf?
You stood quiet and listened to his music. He was a pretty good musician. The dreadful feeling of fear you felt before was gone. You felt calm and relaxed like there was nothing to be afraid of. His humming was also very calming. You can only imagine what his voice sounded like. You were gonna take a bet that his voice was angel-like.
The music ended shortly, and the silence took over the meadow. The birds started singing, and the crickets went on with their business. You almost didn't notice how quiet it was when the elf stopped playing. It was like animals stood quiet for him to play his harp. You heard the elves had a special bond with nature, but this was the first time you got to witness that happen. The silence between you and him started to bug you. You were still literally staring at him while he didn't even know you were there. To avoid future awkwardness, it's better to say something now than nothing.
"Nice song," You said.
You almost crapped yourself when he suddenly snapped his attention toward you. His eyes were steel grey and almost sent shivers to your spine from their coldness. He was quite handsome, though, but you still better be careful with your words. He looked like he was having a bad day. "Who are you?" He demanded. Bingo, he had a great voice. You quickly regained yourself. "Sorry if I scared you, but in my defense, I was already here taking a nap before you started playing," You explained. He stared at you for a moment like he was trying to figure out if you were lying. You shifted uncomfortably, wanting to look away from his intense stare. Oh no, you managed to make this awkward, didn't you?
His expression became softer after he saw your basket and not any traces of suspicion. "I see. I apologize for my attitude. I'm having kind of a bad day," He explained. Hah, you knew it. "No worries, not every day is a good day," You said. He chuckled, which sounded like a scoff. "Unless every day is a bad day," He muttered under his breath. You frowned when you heard that. He was probably having more than just a bad day. You could offer some comfort, but you didn't know him at all, so it's better to stay out of his personal business. Silence took over the atmosphere for a while.
"So... do you live around here? I heard you don't meet elves around these parts often," You asked. He looked at you, then chuckled. "Bold words from someone who lives in elven lands," He said with an amused tone. Was he making fun out of you? "Hey! I recently moved to a village around here. I haven't gotten time to learn anything," You defended yourself. "Oh really?" He questioned with a challenging look. "Yes," You answered. He stared at you for a moment before chuckling with a tiny smile. You crossed your arms and smiled along. His mood seemed to turn positive, which was a good sign.
"What's your name?" You asked, wanting to know. "How about you tell me your name first since I was the first one to ask," He said back. You rolled your eyes. "Okay. My name is (Name). May I ask what's your name?" You answered. He chuckled. "I don't think you want to know," He said. "And why is that?" You asked. This intrigues your curiosity. "Because when I tell my name, people tend to avoid having anything to do with me," He explained. That sounded a bit dark. Telling from the tone of his voice.
"Try me," You said. He glanced at you curiously. You got guts. "My name is Maglor from the house of Feanor," He waited for your reaction. "Cool," You casually said. Okay, not what he was expecting. He stared at you curiously.
You glanced at the sky and saw the sun descending on the horizon. "I need to go," You got up then picked up your basket. "I need to be back at home before my friend starts making dinner without me," You explained. "See you around, Maglor from the house of Feanor," You waved your goodbye then walked into the forest. Maglor watched as your figure disappeared into the forest. You were... interesting for a human. He glanced at the sunset, then sighed. He got up, holding his harp against his chest. He better go back too. He glanced at the forest you disappeared into. There was a very tiny chance you two would meet again, but for some reason, he had a tingle of hope that you would meet again. He was not sure why. Maybe because he had a normal conversation with someone that didn't include the drama of his family and the damn oath. He started to walk back to his brother's fortress. The sun finally settled down, making room for the moon and allowing Varda's starts to give light to the middle-earth.
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flyingupward · 4 years ago
critical role - vox machina chapter 4 - attack of the conclave
all sentences taken from episodes 39-56 of the first campaign of critical role. feel free to change pronouns, phrasing etc. to fit your needs!
“All this time, you’ve been trying to kick my teeth in and your true enemy was right over there.”
“That’s good. Moving is not my forte.”
“We’re in a hentai. Make it go away.”
“Not all short people look alike.”
“God, I wish I was not made of farts.”
“We live in a cold, cold world. No one deserves anything.”
“You chose so poorly. It is truly impressive how poorly you chose.”
“Stay away from all men. Forever.”
“I’m glad I came in handy for that field trip.”
“I hate your friends!”
“Little do they know I shop for everything at Home Goods so joke’s on them.”
“It’s just radioactive material in the basement. It’s fine.”
“Somehow the coffee has not been poured on your head. That’s the greatest magic trick I’ve seen all morning.”
“Everything else was dragons. Why wouldn’t it be dragons?”
“Sorry, I was so caught up in the fact that I’m literally going up against death incarnate.”
“You’re a magnificent handsome bastard. Don’t die.”
“Do not go far from me.”
“He’s just a sociopath, that’s all.”
“There are dragons outside and we’re playing rugby with a fucking skull!”
“A simple mind is looking for a simple solution to a complex problem.”
“I’m a firm believer that there’s always a way to victory if we’re smart about it and we’re quick about it.”
“We either stand now or we might as well be dead.”
“We try, we mostly fail, but occasionally we get it right.”
“It was such a bad deal I said no. Can you imagine how bad of a deal it must have been?”
“No offense darling, but you look like shit.”
“If we’re going to be roaming about the streets, I’d like you to not fall open like a can of baked beans if you don’t mind.”
“Let’s not get overexcited about the sudden realization that some of us can be a bit iffy.”
“Thank you for that smattering of applause.”
“I have one of those terrible ideas I get on occasion.”
“This is politics. You’re not supposed to like them.”
“You can talk my fucking ear off in a moment. Shut up for a second.”
“If the parasite hasn’t a host to feed on, the parasite dies.”
“I never forget that when I rule, I rule these people as well.”
“One day, you’re going to stop being afraid of me and I hope that day comes soon.”
“There’s no swinging by, that’s a caper.”
“It will be built back better than before. That’s what we do.”
“We have a lot of Pop Tarts, but not very many gold pieces.”
“This is where I live. What are you doing here?”
“I’m cold and I still haven’t been paid.”
“We’re not trying to score points. We are trying to do right.”
“This is fucking happy fun bunch over here. They bring death with them everywhere they go.”
“And to think I might have briefly missed you.”
“You have to find the no name guy who’s going to help you find the stuff that’s hidden that nobody knows where it is or what it is.”
“What do you want to do? Do you want to stay here while the world burns?”
“World’s always ending, baby.”
“It would be wondrous, after we complete this transaction, that we never meet again.”
“Oh my God, I just buy healing to save my life, what a waste.”
“I’m going to stand over here and fail to stay in character, okay?”
“Let’s all have a toast to the inevitability of the universe.”
“My God, I love other people’s problems.”
“Are we sober yet?”
“I think her foolish impulses are exactly what we’re looking for.”
“Better to die a fool for something than live in regret for doing nothing.”
“I think we want her to do her stupidest.”
“You’re… brooding.”
“I tend to glaze over when he’s talking.”
“Lead the way, shitkicker.”
“A lot of your friends are very weird.”
“I would just like to point out that I’m mostly sober.”
“That’s okay because remember, I’m me.”
“I’d like to stand up, please.”
“I’m scared to death which is why the math is so bad.”
“I’ve met few as unremarkable as you in my travels.”
“Well then, we’re in trouble. I have an attitude about everything.”
“Yeah, there’s like 37 things we have to do before tomorrow so… ”
“She’s not really gonna care about court so much as ripping the bones from your back.”
“I thought you were gonna tell me a dirty joke or something. When you say, ‘Come here,’ that’s usually what that means.”
“It doesn’t matter if it’s going to be daylight if we’re underground.”
“I’m really hoping that it’s the worst decision we make because then everything’s uphill.”
“I like who we are together and I think that that’s important.”
“Dying in slow motion over here.”
“Oh good, more darkness.”
“Oh my God, you’re going into a special section of your book. That’s never good.”
“I’m very aware that my greed killed me.”
“Oh, I must have missed it because I was dead. That’s right.”
“Do you have feelings and did that hurt them?”
“I’m pretty tired after dying.”
“I think I love you too. I’m just terrified to allow myself to.”
“We are a city of seasonal affective disorder.”
“So I heard a rumor that you sort of saved my life in a really creepy sort of way.”
“By the power vested in me, I now pronounce you my Pokemon.”
“Your secret is safe with my indifference.”
“I always fucking hear you in my mind. It’s very quiet in there these days.”
“If it becomes a problem, just raise your hand and scream.”
“Our lives are so bizarre now.”
“Why is my brain tingling? Is someone noodling around up there?”
“You know what? It’s just fire. I will be on fire.”
“Did someone lose an orb?”
“Are we really about to pretend to do CrossFit?”
“Not enough spit takes in the world for this moment in time.”
“Beyond it being an engineering issue, it might be a greed issue first.”
"She's an adult. Deep levels of arrested development, but an adult nonetheless."
“Retroactively, you’ve never been seen in your entire lives.”
“You take everything good away from all of us.”
“It’s not one problem, it’s a very large problem and a massive problem.”
“Those that give a fuck, speak up.”
“We’ve lived half our life in the shadows. You’ve made them your home.”
“I love my reckless brother as much as he hurts my heart.”
“Duck hunt’s a bitch.”
“This is so dumb. Why am I doing this?”
“Congratulations, you’re creepy as fuck.”
“Give me this you fucking hoarder. What’s the matter with you?”
“I will smite you.”
“I was born to shove things in holes.”
“Knowledge is power, for reals!”
“Are we time bandits now? Is that what’s happening?”
“I hate time travel. I hate time travel so much.”
“No worries. I didn’t need to live anyway.”
“Perhaps it’s time to be a better badass.”
“It’s been a traumatic five minutes.”
“Like any good plan, everything will go wrong.”
“Oh well, I’m fucked then.”
“Oh, tiny dancer, you are fucked.”
“He died as he lived: Deeply unimpressed.”
“Don’t you dare die happy.”
“I like that we managed to make solving problems with violence into an ABC afternoon special.”
“I don’t think I’ve ever heard anyone say, ‘At dawn, we plan.’”
“I genuinely don’t understand the place you come from.”
“That is the weirdest coping mechanism I’ve ever heard of.”
“Maybe we should just sleep together and see what happens.”
“Thank you for telling me the truth after you sort of lied to me.”
“Yeah keep twitching, twitchy.”
“We totally planned at dawn!”
“Everything is terrible. Our lives are terrible. They are way worse than they were six months ago.”
“You are a fucking madman, but I’m glad you’re here.”
“I’m fucked. I understand I’m fucked. It’s fine.”
“This was all part of the plan, the hastily smushed together plan.”
“He’s a liar and a bringer of death and he’s smiling at you while he does it.”
“Bravery means nothing. Survival and victory mean everything.”
“Oh shut up, you flying suitcase.”
“You don’t need inspiration, you’re fine!”
“If I move, he’ll kill me. So I won’t.”
“Cursed Lizard! We’re going to give all your gold to the poor!”
“Don’t be so glum you old fool! This is a day of glory!”
“We will all die. It just depends on cost.”
“Oh, wow. You just said a lot of things in a very short amount of time.”
“You are the worst of us.”
“If there’s a dare involved, that’s completely different.”
“I don’t like wanting things.”
“Is it the people or is it the fact that you have finally realized how pointless it all is?”
“I feel like I’ve been lied to my entire goddam life and it’s all crashing down upon me right now.”
“The thing is you’re not wrong and you’re not crazy, but it’s not hopeless either.”
“Even surrounded by friends, I often feel so alone.”
“Thank you for being a friend even though we just met.”
“The terrible woman may have a point.”
“Woo! Good leadership!”
“The awkward woman makes a fine point.”
“It is not about idolizing ourselves, it is about a very long story which we are a very small part of.”
“I’m doing something very stupid now with my friends. We’re going to try to save the world.”
“I admire everyone in our band of misfit toys, but you most of all.”
“You are all kinds of fucked up all the time and that’s why we love you.”
“We’re all all kinds of fucked up and that’s why we all are together.”
“That’s all we can be is ish.”
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cosmicclownboy · 5 years ago
Me finishing something I struggled to write....wow it was actually likely :)
When his father is alive the idea of going to therapy is suffocating. It continues to be throughout his years in the air force until the day it's mandated because by that point everything was suffocating. Waking up. Doing his physio. Simple tasks.Hard tasks. He had survived against all the odds but a part of him felt dead. So a part of him was in this limbo where he always felt like he was dying. The first session he stares at the clock inching the minutes until the clock hand rests on the hour change. The second he stares at the glass of water. By the third session he's exhausted he hasn't slept he still hears the screams and the blast in his mind so he slowly lets the man in not to everything. Not to his dad but to the blast. He was diagnosed with Complex PTSD and he was offered many ways to help with it. He goes to his sessions. He does his physio. Alex slowly builds himself up then he goes back to work.
It goes well for the most part until someone slams a door shut and he has to spend an hour in the bathroom trying to eradicate the weight on his chest and how to stop feeling cold. His therapist offers anti-anxiety medication and whilst he nods his head eyes cloudy he hears his father's words.
"Manes men don't cry it's a sign of weakness. We are soldiers, not Sally's"
He tries different antidepressants settling on one that helps his thoughts slower and that helps him sleep. None of his friends knows it when he heads back to Roswell except Kyle after he's let in on the alien secret and he makes him his doctor in case of shenanigans.
His father dies and he thinks maybe things can be different better in a way he never thought possible. The statue gets put up and he has a panic attack so bad he spends the next two days in bed. It takes him two weeks to think about it really think about it. To face the battle he has to jump right in and the idea of therapy doesn't seem so suffocating any more he's no longer afraid just determined to make strides. With Kyle's help, he finds one that specialises in childhood domestic abuse as well as having experience with veterans. She helps him in ways he didn't think was possible and maybe a year ago the idea of the traffic light method would have had him rolling his eyes or silently repressing whatever emotions he had. But maybe this could be a good thing.
Michael is the first to notice they are on a recon mission together and he's passing across the really good coffee from Bean me up he raises his eyebrows at the sight of an orange bracelet.
"Didn't think you liked orange? expanding the airforce's colour scheme?"
He huffs at that. Who said he didn't like orange?
"My therapist said because of my upbringing and complex PTSD I have a hard time vocalising or communicating my feelings so she suggested a traffic light method. Green is a good day when my emotions are in check. Orange is okay I can manage the day. Red is when-
"everything too much"
"Yeah. On red days I write down everything as to why it's red including my triggers and talk them over with her. It also helps people around me recognise when I'm in that headspace"
Michael shuts his door purses his lips and blows into his own coffee cup.
"I'm glad you're talking to someone"
"Me too. Now, are we gonna recreate a buddy cop movie extraterrestrial style or what? Come on, Guerin don't tell me you don't want to unleash your nerd. This is a safe place"
Michael takes a swig of his own coffee shaking his head before chuckling and taking the wheel. Maybe they share a lot more longing looks then friends would normally. They've just always had a connection under the surface beating and bubbling all on its own.Unspoken and beautiful.
More often then not he wears the orange one. The first time the green bracelet graces his wrist is the day the homeless dog he found slowly offers her belly to be rubbed. Yeah, that day was worthy of a green one. The day Nova finds him and the days that follow which end in his house having a dog bed in pretty much every corner. He might end up replacing his leather couch but who cares it's just a couch. It has nothing on her.
It's only when the days veer closer to the fourth anniversary of that day he truly struggles. Phantom pain comes in waves and he grips every surface he comes in contact with. The days slowly blur together it's a cocktail of depression, sleep deprivation and nightmares that has him on the Tuesday reach for the red bracelet. He finds the Crashdown is a minute from where he is and he's in desperate need for coffee.
Communicating hasn't always been easy for him and Michael especially their fight and flight being fight or fuck over the past decade but they've been trying their hardest to strive to be better to build a foundation. The bracelets were always something Michael immediately sought out every time they were in each other's vicinity. He saunters into the Crashdown buckle first and smooshes himself into the booth without a second thought grabbing one of the menus and seeing what new alien pun food Isobel helped conjure. It isn't until he finishes his order smiling at Liz that he finally looks up to Alex who's completely dissociated. His eyes are dark and sunken his milkshake untouched and he just looks lost. Michael's eyes drift to Alex's fingers noting the tremors before his eyes peer up further and he sees the red bracelet. Michael has a choice at this moment he could leave Alex to it but something in his heart tells him that the days of leaving are behind them. So he slowly reaches for the right hand that tremors and lightly laces the fingers between them. By the time he's halfway through his fries, Alex is more self-aware. He looks to their joined fingers and Michael's mouth completely stuffed with fries and looks softly at him. He doesn't unlace them.
"Want to get out of here?"
They end up in their spot the desert vast and unnerving.
"Did I do the right thing driving us here does it bring up anything we can go back if you want? You never really told any of us what to do on a code red day".
He's right he didn't say to any of them what to do. Truth is anytime Alex usually has one of these days he locks himself in a room and allows every ugly emotion to override him until his body tells him otherwise. Today was a new one in that he wanted connection. He wanted to be with Michael and despite the fear of the unknown he confesses this to Michael.
"It'll be four years Sunday"
"Since your leg?"
Alex nods he doesn't really know how to delve into it the only people who know what happened are the people at the airforce. People don't ask they don't want to know and the people who do aren't worthy of the conversation. Not to mention a lot of his job is classified he can only offer what he can.
"It was meant to be a simple job. Twenty of us in and out.Forty minutes on the dot. I was meant to hack a server. We got to the room we swept the entire place we didn't realise there was a pressure-sensitive bomb until Avril took his foot off. He was the youngest".
Recalling it makes his body shiver his hands shake but he needs to do this.
"Only eight of us made it out. Everyone else had spouses and kids. I had a dad who when I woke up from a two-week coma said I couldn't get blown up right. I didn't understand it. I'm good at compartmentalising stuff it's what he taught me to do my whole life but that day...I felt everything then nothing."
They lay there for a while staring at the stars tracing them with their fingers with one hand lacing the other. There's a light breeze softly swaying in the air Alex softly turns his body to Michael's until they are laying on the side facing one another. 
"I get that feeling"
The confession Michael makes his heart ache and tighten he ushers the cowboy closer his fingers searching for his curls to slowly run his fingers through. Michael ends up the little spoon and judging by the little hum he makes he thinks he doesn't mind a little bit. Michael had the essence of a cat it's one of the many reasons he loves him.
"I know you do"
He pulls Michael tighter resting his head on his curls lightly pecking the crevice of his head.
"I think it's probably why we push each other away so much. I don't want the painful stuff I've been through to trigger or touch your stuff and neither do you so we pick a reason to walk away thinking the other one will be better off. I haven't been better off have you?"
Michael removes himself from his hold much to his disappointment and sitting up because he needs this conversation to be that of what it is a conversation.
"There hasn't been a day you've been gone where I thought that Alex. I'm just sorry for so many things"
"me too"
By the time he makes it to his house Alex is wiped he needs to feed Nova before she barks the house down. He also should really clean his prosthetic liner doesn't want to wind up getting sick. Not to mention taking his pain meds. Trust Michael to recognise all of this and tells him he'll feed her. He wants to argue but his eyes are drifting.
When he wakes up there's a glass of water his pain and anxiety meds on the bedside table and he's trying to remember how the hell he made it to his bed. Last time he checked he KO'd on the sofa as Nova was yipping at Michael's feet.
Alex fumbles for his crutch and heads for the living room maybe he shouldn't make a presumption but he's pretty sure he knows his alien from the back of his hand and sure enough, he comes across to Michael and his Nova sharing the couch or Nova dominating both these things as if they are her own. It's the first time in a long time he's slept and he's hoping it's the first of many times he wakes up to Michael in his house. By the time he makes it back to the bedroom, he's staring at the red bracelet on his wrist and the notebook Michael also placed by the pill bottles sticky note on the top with a drawing of a lopsided penny. He spends twenty minutes writing it all down his triggers that day the way he felt all to make sure for his next session he can talk about it continue to make progress. By the time he's put the pen down and taken his anti-anxiety pill, he's greeted by his girl in the zoomies frame of mind.
"Hey, girl. Do you want to play? Give me a minute to put the leg on sweetie and I'll take you to the garden"
He stares at the three bracelets all meaning different things. Today isn't a red bracelet day so he turns to the orange one. It makes the most sense, doesn't it? Today he can manage yet there's something calling him to the green one. Can he go from red to green from a couple of hours? He'll make sure to ask in his next sessions but Nova excitedly barking wanting to play is reason enough for him to tie the green braids to his wrist.
"Do you always feel the need to dramatically lean against doorways".
His Michael senses are tingling he can't decide if it's a loving Michael thing or maybe the whole cosmic alien soulmate thing.
"You're wearing green today".
"Observant too"
He takes the coffee on offer delighting in the way the black bitterness soothes his soul.
"I think today could be a good day. Nova's happy. Plus you and I had an actual conversation which didn't end in tears, fucking or brokeback mountain angst"
Michael's not wearing his hat or his belt he's just leaning against the door frame with bedhead of the ages curls veering in every destination. He wants to run his hands through them and hold him. Fuck it who says he can't. He curls his head into his shoulder much to his surprise and tucks his arm to hold his waist. He feels the chuckle rumble against his ears
"We've had what ten years of it angst is overrated. You know what's underrated?"
"Having breakfast. Holding hands. Watching a movie. Being boyfriends"
Alex feels a kiss against his head and peaks up to Michael softly cupping his cheeks he makes sure Alex's eyes are on his not looking away.
"I love you. If you aren't there yet that's okay. I don't want to mess with your recovery. If you don't want to be with me after everything that's okay too. I just want you to know I'm here and I'm not going anywhere"
Alex puts the cup of coffee down and brings his head up so their foreheads touch.
"I love you too".
Alex knows love won't cure everything and being with Michael doesn't mean it's automatically going to be green bracelets all the time. The red bracelet won't cease to exist. He still gets red days. But he does know this. Whatever the day and whatever colour he wears Michael will rub circles into his hand and hold it just the same. Some days he has a depressive episode or an anxiety attack and between his therapist and the people he loves they help him recognise it's okay. It's okay to be loved. It's okay to need and want people. His father's words can stay in the ground with him. Alex is finally content.
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abalonetea · 4 years ago
Just Keep Breathing: Chapter Three
I was partnered with @the-dot for the @originalfictionbigbang​! Thank you for working with me, Dot!
Here is the first chapter! I’ve split the first 10k words between four chapters, and will be posting them all in a masterpost in just a moment!
Summary: It’s the height of storm season and everyone in Hi-Banks, Florida is getting ready for the bad weather. It should be a year like any other - but on the tails of a national pandemic, a new disaster strikes. More than one new disasters. So many disasters that Eddie Carver would like to put some of them back, thanks. He’s just a down on his luck guy living in the local trailer park with his boyfriend. He’s not interested in dealing with the revival of an old murder case - which he knows nothing about, thanks -, the storm season of the century, or…zombies?
Yeah. Absolutely not interested in the zombies.
This black-comedy follows the inner workings of a small town as they band together to survive, and the young man - reckless, mean, angry, written off b the big city folk come to look into a cold case - that might hold all of societies survival in his hands.
Forget about society.Eddie’s only interested in keeping his friends alive.
Chapter Three – The Troubles Begin
“ - the riot appears to have originated inside of an office building in Toledo, where the CEO of Marino Corps was evidently thrown from the top floor window. The cause of the riot is unknown, but it has grown both in number and in scale of violence. The hospitals in the area are overflowing with victims, many of whom are suffering from bite wounds - “
“ - and if the tropical storm continues on this path, it will run directly in front of Hurricane Beth. The resulting storm will make land fall with Florida - “
“ - is the streak of violence we’re currently seeing in large cities a result of drugs, a side affect of the vaccine, or something else entirely? Today on The Sooty Orange we’re going to discuss - “
Carson groans. “Everything sucks. Just hit the radio.”
Eddie stretches over and clicks on the radio instead, oldies crooning into the quiet trailer park. “Man, why is it so hard to just find something fun to watch, huh? What happened to playing movies and stuff?”
“Dunno. It’s a real drag first thing in the morning, though,” says Carson. They’ve got a spread of coffee in mismatched cracked mugs on the little table in front of them, along with a few microwaved breakfast burritos and an open bag of sweet chili pepper flavored chips. “You work today?”
“Yeah, I’ve got to hit up the garage this evening.”
“Ugh. So we still aren’t going to get the truck up?”
“Part might be in today. I’ll check on it,” says Eddie.
They aren’t talking about the news and they aren’t talking about the agents, and that’s just facts. They didn’t need to speak about it. They just both sort of came to that conclusion. No point in discussing something that can’t be changed, and Eddie won’t say a word on the Mulborne case, not even to Carson.
They eat and change and head off on their own separate ways, passing Bonnie Barker and her dog Poncho on the way out of the trailer park. She waves at them and the dog goes nuts barking. It’s cloudy and gross out, and Eddie has a really bad feeling that it’s just going to be a bad damn day.
* * *
The little black car is parked outside of the mechanic shop, and the moment that Eddie gets close to it none other than Agent Russo steps out. He’s got this awful slicked back hair and a stupidly expensive looking suit. The other agent isn’t there.
“Ugh. You again?” Eddie squints at him and sucks on his front teeth. “I told you, man, I don’t know anything about the Mulborne case.”
“Something tells me that’s not the truth. I’ve looked into you, Eddie Burke. In and out of trouble for years. You’ve got a record a mile long, and you were the last recorded person seen speaking to those missing tourists,” says Russo. “I think that the two of us need to have a little talk.”
“Yeah, well, I don’t.” Eddie makes to walk in past him but the agent grabs him by the elbow, wrenching him to the side. “Hey! Get the Hell off of me, man!”
“I don’t know how you people do it out here, but let me tell you this,” says Russo. “When I say we need to have a talk, it’s not something that’s up for debate.”
A sharp whistle splits through the air. “Alright, boys. That’s enough. You want to talk to him, you get here with a warrant or you do it off my property,” says Penny. “That’s how it works around here, boy. And you, Eddie, you get to work. I got a car that needs the tires changed out, pronto.”
Eddie jerks his arm out of Russo’s grip, flips him off, and scurries into the garage. There’s not actually a car needing the tires changed so he mostly just loiters around until Penny comes inside, shaking her head.
“This is a whole lot of bad business that we don’t need to be dealing with right now,” says Penny, clucking her tongue. “I don’t like that man poking around none. You think someone needs to go out and give Benny a heads up?”
Eddie hops up onto one of the counters. “No way. Benny’s on his own.”
Penny purses her lips. “Neighborly.”
“Hey, I ain’t neighbors with him,” says Eddie. “You want to hike all the way out there for this, you be my guest. I’ve got enough that I’m dealing with. You been keeping track of this storm?”
“Yeah,” says Penny. “We’ll have to close up shop if it gets too much closer.”
“Red’s still planning on going out to his cabin. That dumbass.”
“Really? I don’t think I’d want to go out in this kind of weather.”
“You’re telling me,” mutters Eddie. “Hey, do you actually have work for me today?”
Penny gives him another pinched smile. “Yep. You’re gonna work on my boat motor. Put those skinny fingers of yours to good use for a change.”
Eddie groans. He hates working on boats but – cash is cash, he supposes.
* * *
Eddie swings by the gas station on the way home from work to buy a six pack. TJ’s working and Rat’s hanging off him out at the front counter, the door to the beak room blocked open with a tire iron and the grainy box screen style TV showing off the national news; the riots are spreading across the country, hitting every major city. There’s talk of it possibly being related to the vaccine or even a new street drug that’s being passed around, something similar to a hyped up bath salt.
“That’s stupid,” says Rat. “I’ve done those before, and no one out in some big city pent house is going to snort bath salts.”
“Coke,” says TJ.
Rat squints at him. “Coke doesn’t make you bite people.”
“Nah,” says TJ. He lights a cigarette. “But that’s what they do, you know. At those fancy parts. Snort coke.”
“Gimme one of those.” Eddie wiggles his fingers at the pack.
Rat pipes in, “oh, if he’s having one, I want one too!”
TJ grouses and grumbles but passes them each a smoke. “You owe me for that.”
Rat sticks out his tongue. “Join the club. I owe everyone.”
“Man, after the day I had, I deserve one of these. You all seen those feds running around?” Eddie asks. “Can you believe they’re out here about Benny?”
Rat perks up. He’s actually pretty good friends with Benny, even despite everything that’s happened. “What, really?”
The bell above the door chimes and they glance over almost as a group, only for Smith to come walking in. She heads for the back of the store, grabbing a few things from the little center rack where all the pre packaged and over priced sandwiches only tourists buy are at.
And sure, maybe the smart thing to do would be to just shut up, and stay quiet, and let the whole thing blow over, but Eddie’s never been particularly smart. He’s sharp and mean and good with his fists, and he scuttles across the gas station, still clutching his bummed cigarette, just so he can get right up in Smith’s face and tell her, “you need to make that little attack dog of yours back the Hell off. I didn’t do shit, you hear me?”
Smith, clutching a plastic wrapped chunk of carrot cake pulls back. “Excuse me?”
“I said that you need to back off. I don’t care who the Hell you people are. If that asshole shows up at my work again, I’m gonna clock him,” says Eddie, all teeth, and from the other side of the gas station Rat crows with laughter.
“Shit! Did you have the feds sicced on you?” Rat jams his cigarette out against the top of the counter. “That’s a trip!”
“I – have no idea what you’re talking about,” says Smith.
“Yeah, I totally believe that.” Eddie takes a step back, takes a drag off his cigarette. “You people come tearing in here and start shit, but you know what? No one around here is gonna put up with that. We got enough troubles happening. We don’t need you dragging up old ghosts that are already put in the ground.”
“What? No, that’s not – we already discussed that,” says Smith, shaking her head. “I didn’t realize that he was going to try and follow up on a dead lead. I’m very sorry. If there was an issue with your work place because of this, I can – I’ll happily speak with them tomorrow.”
The apology is so out of the blue that it takes Eddie off guard. He freezes, glances over at the counter. TJ shrugs his shoulders.
Smith continues, “we’re not looking to cause issues for anyone. We’re just doing our job, same as anyone else. I’ll speak with Russo. It won’t happen again.”
She steps around Eddie, all neat as can be, pays for her wares, and leaves. Just like that. As if it’s all nothing.
In the wake of it, Eddie sidles back up to the counter and puts out his cigarette in the little fish shaped ash tray. “I’m outta here. Just ring me up for the beer.”
TJ does, the chime of the register, and says, “I don’t know. I think I would’ve spilled the beans already.”
“You say anything to those agents, I’ll break your face,” warns Eddie, the words a sort of harshness that only comes from fear. “You got that?”
Rat cheerfully chimes in, “I’ll totally help.”
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writingkeepsmewhole · 5 years ago
I Need You
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This is part 11 of The Cowboy and the Girl. It’s been forever I know. This fic is kinda hard to write. Gotta be in the right head space haha. Anyway here it is hope you like it.
Fic Summary: Trish remembers a dark part of her past.
Joel Miller x OC Trish
Warnings: Language, attempt at suicide, talk of murder,
I would love tag you: @amandamaesweetheart @jodiereedus22 @el-dibidibidorado1 @yourgirltaz​ @lemondropirwin​ @iovemoon​ @lookinsidemyhead​ @my-awakened-ghost​ @avengerssstuff​
Part 1  Part 10
I woke up to my mouth dry, that plus the thumping in my head told me I was most likely dehydrated.
Joel was nowhere to be seen but Ellie was putting her blanket inside her backpack.
“Where’s Joel?” I ask as I push myself up from the floor falling off the bean bag chair at some point in the night.
“No good morning?” She asks, smiling at me.
“Sorry, good morning.” I say getting my own bag to pack up.
“Joel went to go get Bill, guess he’s in a hurry to get rid of me.” She says shrugging, her eyes downcast.
“Don’t take it personally he’s in a hurry to get rid of me too.” I say despite what happened last night.
“Why do you say that? I got the feeling he likes you.” She says making my heart pick up a bit.
“He tolerates me. I make him like me.”
“So is that what I should do?”
“I think you should just be yourself, because you're awesome.”
“Your right I am pretty cool.” She says grinning.
“What are you two amaering about?” Joel asks walking into the room holding all of our cantens.
“You.” I say honestly watching him left an eyebrow in my direction.
“What about me?” He asks, handing me my canten it full of fresh water.
I quickly open it and take a drink so I don’t have to answer.
“Are you ready to go? I have other crap to do besides help you idiots.” Bill says stomping into the room.
‘How can someone be mad this early in the morning?’ I think as I put my backpack on.
“We’re ready.” Joel says jerking his head towards the door as if to tell us to get going.
I do as he said ready for whatever the day is gonna bring.
That was the thing about the end of the world. You didn’t get to wake up whenever you wanted, have a nice cup of coffee, watch some TV or browse the web. You hit the ground running and you made every little thing count.
It was hard and fast but it was the only way to stay alive.
Maybe that’s why I stuck close to Joel. Him never seeming to crack. He could go for what felt like months without sleep. He was strong and resurfull. They taught us in school that a female picks her mate, whoever is the strongest. In this world, I understood that.
Joel knew exactly how to lead us through anything.
He walked through a yard full of clickers like he was taking a stroke through the park. My heart was beating out of my chest the whole time but Joel knew when to stop and when to go.
I watched as he would use a bottle or a brick to distract them. Him using the bow we found yesterday to take out the runners.
I would sometimes get lost watching him. I knew it was stupid and pointless but I couldn’t stop the pull I had towards him.
I hated it truthfully. I knew getting attached to someone always ended in pain. The still fresh loss of Tess proved that.
Joel was cold but he was colder since it happened. I think we all were. None of us spoke as we snuck around the infected town trying not to get eaten alive.
But there was just something different about today. Something in my gut that I couldn’t shake. It hit me like a ton of bricks as we walked through a house a dead guy hanging from the ceiling. This could all be over in a split second.
“He killed himself?” Ellie asks but it sounds more like she was shocked.
“Yeah come on you don’t need to see this.” I say grabbing her wrist gently, pulling her back outside.
“I’ve seen worse.” She says making my heart clench.
“Well that doesn't mean you should see more horrible things.” I say take a breath.
“Are you okay?” She asks looking at me as I lean on the side of the house.
“Yeah, I just know what it’s like to be in that headspace. It’s not the best place to be.” I say memories filling my mind.
I sat on the wet ground, my hands numb, my breath puffing out in a cloud. Rain poured down on me but I didn’t move. I stayed on my knees, it was how I fell after I took another life.
I was surrounded by corpses. Not the infected kind but the very human kind. Most people would claim they had to. There was no other choice. But that’s not true. I could have talked, told them what they wanted.
That would have stopped them, or at least kept them from using me the way they wanted. I guess that didn’t matter now. It was too late.
I was covered in their blood in the literal sense. My clothes were torn and ripped. I could feel my muscles twitch the adrinial still pumping thru my veins. My heart, fighting to keep me alive in the condition I was in.
But I didn’t care, I felt numb. But why wouldn’t I be? I was a killer. The lifeless child in front of me was proof of that. Him killed by me before I even thought about it.
His father was the first to go, him leaving me laying the mud after he forced himself on me. Him not realizing he left a knife behind.
It's funny how fast you can kill someone with a blade. Your brain just cuts everything off, you black out and wake up to carrange.
It is most likely why Joel left me behind. Him seeing me black out like this one too many times. Waking up alone then being ambushed and taken away for days makes you care less about the people around you and care more about how to get out alive.
I jump when hands grab my shoulders. With the survival knife still in my hand I lift it ready to kill again before I even think about it.
“Trish it’s me.” Says a hoarse voice.
I blink away the rain looking up into the bruised face of Joel Miller.
“What happened?” He asks, pulling off his flannel and laying it over my shoulders.
It made me realize how bad I was shaking.
I drop the knife falling backwards, the mub slapping around me.
“I-I killed him.” I say looking at the kid.
“What happened?” Joel asks again, moving to help me to my feet. Them asleep, sharp tingles shooting through them.
My knees buckle under me, Joel catches me before I fall him letting out a grunt as he does. I look at him seeing a bleeding wound on his shoulder and maybe his side. All I could see was blood coming through his soaking wet white T-shirt.
“They took me.. I..” I don’t finish my sentence as Joel helps me walk to the nearest run down house.
Us in an abandoned trailer park. It growed up with weeds, and trees.
“They took me too. I thought they might have killed you. You had me worried.” He helps me into the house.
It wasn’t much warmer than it was outside but at least I wasn’t getting rained on. 
“You didn’t leave?” I ask looking up at him, surprised and relief filling my voice.
“Why would I leave? We make a good team, even if you are annoying.” He says setting me on the bed in one of the bedrooms.
“I’m a killer.” I say that explaining why anyone would leave.
“You and me both sweetheart.” He says turning away from me to dig through the dresser.
“They had me locked in here, trying to beat information out of me. I kept telling them they had the wrong guy.” He says sitting next to me with first aid supplies.
“I killed that kid.” I say looking at him feeling tears fill my eyes.
“You didn’t mean to.” He says gently pushing his flannel off me.
“How do you know?” I ask softly.
“You love kids. He surprised you I’m guessing.”
I nod the memory of it fresh in my mind.
“It’s okay, just try to forget about it.” He says looking me over for wounds.
Besides the busted lip and black eye I got while killing them I was wound free. Them preferring to use rape instead of there fist or wepons on me.
“You need to rest. I’ll leave you alone.” Joel says but it sounds far away.
I nod barely noticing him leaving and closing the door behind him.
I sit there staring at the wall. Replaying the events from today over and over in my head. I sat there even after it got dark.
I realized that it didn’t bother me as I sliced through those people. It was like second nature almost. I remember when I killed for the first time it bothered me for weeks and now I didn’t even think about it.
It was so easy to me I killed a child without thinking about it. Without pausing to see what I was doing.
I was a horrible person. I’ve become like the men inside that storage container. Something I swore never to do. I didn’t deserve to live.
As the thought whispered through my mind I knew it was true. I knew I had to do something. I couldn’t go on like this. The world didn’t need another mindless killer like I was becoming.
I looked around the room seeing a pistol on the dresser I stood up and grabbed it. It was cold and harsh in my hands. Like I never held one before. The weight almost seemed like too much as I lifted it to my head.
One bullet and the world would be a better place. It would be better off. Joel would be better off. I was annoying, I slowed him down. I was a monster.
Placing my finger on the trigger I could feel my hand shaking. My mind is having a war with itself. But the image of that child laying in the mud kept coming to the front. Telling me what I really was. What had to be done.
I didn’t flinch or make a sound when the door opened. Joel stood there with a lantern.
“What the hell are you doing?” He asks his voice thick and angry.
As if the weight of the gun became too much it fell from my hands just as I fell to my knees. Hot fat tears rush down my cheeks.
“I’m sorry.” I mumble looking up at him.
He sighs, placing the light down he moves to sit next to me.
“You’re a fucking idiot. What do you think you were gonna accomplish doing that?” He surprised me by wrapping his arms around me.
“I became a horrible person. I-.”
“Shhs with all that. You ain’t no worse than me.”
I don’t say anything, not knowing what to say. How do you explain the feelings I was feeling?
“Don’t ever try to do something like that again.” He says lifting my head makes me look at him.
His face shadowed by the dim light in the room but despite that I thought I saw tears in his eyes.
“I need you so you can’t be killing yourself.” He says letting go of me and moving to stand up.
I quickly reach out grabbing his wrist making him stop.
“P-please, don’t go.” I whisper my voice cracking.
He nods offering his other hand.
“Come on you need to sleep.” He says softly.
I place my hand in his letting him pull me to my feet. He leads me to the bed and pulls the covers back.
I climbed into the bed, Joel joining me on the other side after he turned off the light. I shiver the room seeming so much colder now.
I wasn’t numb or full of adrenaline so I was suddenly feeling everything again. I move closer to Joel without thinking, jumping when a jolt goes through me the moment my hand bumps his. His touch shocked me. Him grabbing my hand tightly.
Joel was lying on his back, his other hand tucked under his head. I was laying on my side facing him. My mind was fried from the past few days but I couldn’t sleep. The memories of what I did, of what happened to me not letting me rest.
I couldn’t tell if Joel was asleep. His eyes closed but that was it.
“Are you awake?” I softly ask if I woke him up but I was scared of what I would do if I laid there alone with my thoughts.
“Yeah, what is it?” He says roughly.
I chew my lip not having anything particular I wanted to talk about. I just needed a distraction.
“Did you mean it? That you need me?”
“I said it didn’t I?” He says harshly.
“Yeah, I just didn’t know if you meant it.”
“I wouldn’t have said it. Now I need you to go to sleep.” He says turning over to face me, his hand leaving mine.
“I can’t.” I whisper softly.
“I know. But you need to.” He says softly.
He places his hand on my face gently stroking my cheek.
“Just close your eyes and think happy thoughts.”
I nod my head doing what he says praying it works. The soft caress of his hand helped me to drift off into much needed sleep.
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glowinggator · 5 years ago
Dutchies - Donatello Imagine
New York was one of the weirdest places you’ve ever lived. The rainy weather, the high prices, the cramped subways, everything: it was all very strange. Everyone had always said that New York was big, but perhaps you had underestimated the sheer size of the city. Honestly, you had never seen so many people in one place, much less work together. The pounding of feet on pavement was once a sound that would have sent shocks through your soul; however, you had grown used to the hustle and bustle of the city. Your eyes traced the picture of the coffee cup, committing it to memory. Painted wings stretched themselves out along the cup, depicting a bird in flight. A goose, perhaps? You could never tell, and you never bothered to ask. Regardless, it was a sight that had become familiar to you. Routine, even. Get dressed, pull on your shoes, buy your morning coffee, and crawl down into the sewers.
Perhaps that routine was weirder than you gave it credit for; although, the turtles you had grown to love were far more hospitable than your average New Yorker.
You looked up from your spot on the bean bag, zapping yourself back into reality. A smile worked its way across your face as you took in your surroundings once more. The frantic mashing of buttons echoed throughout the room, Mikey and Leo shouting out incoherent obscenities to one another. You flipped your Wiimote loosely in your hand, refocusing your attention on the game at hand. You had no idea what person in their right mind would ever throw away a video game, much less Mario Party 8, but hey! You guys aren’t complaining.
“This game is rigged!” Leo groaned, throwing his head back. He went limp as though feigning death. Which all things considered, is a perfectly valid response to losing a minigame. Mikey cheered in response before sticking his tongue out at Leo. Also a valid response, in your opinion. You chuckled at their antics before jamming your heel into the eccentric turtle's side. He lurched forward, trying to kick you back before failing miserably. He slid off the couch, claiming that 'it was just comfier down there,' and that 'he totally meant to do that.' Donatello got up from the other end of the couch, moving to steal Michelangelo's seat before anyone else could. You rolled your eyes, giving a toothy grin.  
“Hit A, we need to get past this screen so I can kick your ass,” you joked. You set your coffee down, fully prepared to roll the highest possible number on the die. You’re getting that star, damn it. Mikey smiled cheekily before responding with the typical, “yeah, right.”
You played for hours, hardly ever touching your coffee. Mikey won, of course. He always does! Donnie thinks he sold his soul in exchange for RNG luck. You think he’s a sore loser, but hey, he’s not wrong. You hummed, amused, as the two youngest turtles bickered. You picked up your forgotten coffee cup, swirling the remaining fluid. You make quick eye contact with Donnie, offering the remains in a practiced silence. He reaches over to grab it, nodding appreciatively.
“I don’t get why you always buy these, you never finish them,” he murmurs. You pause, confused at your own actions as well. Shrugging, you respond gently: “I don’t know either, honestly. I just haven’t made it around to trying other coffee shops yet.” He raises an eyebrow, perplexed. You half expect him to pull out a notebook for a “social experiment,” as he calls it. Yet, he stays planted on the couch, tilting the cardboard cup at you encouragingly. He takes a sip, and you’re momentarily distracted by the serenity emanating from him. Maybe that’s just you though. Mildly flustered, you continue: “Nothing will ever be as good as Dutchies.”
You talk for a while more, the rest of his family causing chaos in the background. You talk about your home back west, recalling your favourite coffee orders. He seemed particularly interested in the 911 and Iced Double Torture. You didn’t know if it was the names or the espresso that caught his attention, but you made a mental note of it.
‘I’ll have to send him snaps of the menu when I go home for Christmas,’ you thought. ‘If he’s gonna send me photos of cute dogs I can’t have, I’ll have to send him photos of coffee he can’t have.” You huffed, laughing under your breath.
“Is it really called Dutchies?” he asked, “like the furry?” You couldn’t help the laughter that bubbled from you. You kicked him lightly: “Of course you’d think it was a furry thing.” He kicked you back as you continued, “but no, it’s full name is Dutch Bros. We just call it Dutchies ‘cause it sounds better.” You reflexively went to grab your coffee cup, only to realize that you had already given it to Donnie. Maybe you had a caffeine problem. He snickered, taking a sip from the cup. “I can see why,” he mused, “I wouldn’t be caught dead saying ‘bro’ for any reason other than ironic memes.”
 And thus, your routine resumed. Get dressed, get your mediocre coffee, crawl into the sewers, go to school. Boring, save for your time with the turtles; and yet, your routine persisted. Until two weeks later.
 A loud vibration echoed throughout the room. Reflexively, you got out of bed to shut off your alarm clock. Realizing that it wasn’t the object making the noise, you spun around the room in your half-awake daze. You stumbled towards the light of your phone, swiping right and holding it up to your ear.
“Hello?” You didn’t have the energy for a proper greeting.
“Hey, (Y/N). Did I wake you?” Donatello's voice spoke from the other side of the line. You shrugged, before realizing that he couldn’t see your movements.
“Don’t worry about it,” you responded. “What’s up?”
“Okay, so when you leave, come straight here. Don’t stop anywhere, I have something I need to show you,” he said. The glee in his voice was obvious. You could almost imagine him running around the lab, energy forcing him to move. It wouldn’t be the first time. You laughed gently, agreeing to the command. You could practically see the smile on the other side of the line as he hung up. His final words of “see you at 8:30” rang in your head as you moved to get dressed for the day.
You held tightly onto the ladder as you descended into the sewer. ‘This is a lot easier without a coffee in hand,” you thought. Although you had to admit, it sucked not having your daily dose of caffeine to guide you. 8:30 just wasn’t going to be enough time to get you to both the coffee shop and the turtles. “Oh well,” you thought. “One day won’t kill me.” You gave a gentle wave to Raph as you entered the lair. He was sprawled out under the heat lamps, basking in its comforting warmth. ‘They’re so human, it’s easy to forget that they’re just turtles,’ you thought. You absently wondered how they survive in the winter before coming to the conclusion of “more heat lamps.” Looking around, you sent Donnie a text asking where he was. His phone pinged in the kitchen, his arm reaching out to wave to you seconds later. Perplexed, you wandered towards the kitchen. And the sight you came upon was not one you were expecting.
Donatello was sitting at the table, two coffees in hand. You sat down next to him, raising an eyebrow in question.
“Okay, so remember a few weeks ago when you were talking about being homesick and stuff? And you mentioned Dutchies, and how you really missed it?” He waved his hand around as he spoke, waiting eagerly for your response.
“Yeah, why?”
“Alright so, we’ve been wanting to get an espresso machine for a while anyway, so I ended up looking up the recipes for the stuff you were talking about and I decided to make you a cup.” He spoke nonchalantly, eyes looking past you. He hunched his shoulders lightly before moving his hands under the table. Wait, was he embarrassed? You smiled, a faint blush working its way to the tips of your ears. He planned this. He made this for you. You couldn’t help but feel a little giddy at the sweet gesture.
“Thank you, Donnie, that’s super sweet of you,” you smiled. He smiled back at you, tension fading from his shoulders. He sighed gently before responding:
“Yeah, no problem.”
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xmalereader · 5 years ago
The Mandalorian X Male Reader
|| Masterlist ||
Summary: Reader finds the Mandalorian and takes him in to fix his wounds. The two suddenly get along.
Warnings: Language, sass, nexu, fluff, animal training, backstory, fears, slight angst.
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He remembers waking up in cot with half of armor missing, his body was bandaged you and his wounds were cleaned as well. Once he woke up he rose in panic, not seeing the kid anywhere in sight. He tried his best to sit up without reopening his own wounds, he puts the baskar back on and moved around the small home that he suddenly found himself in, gripping his blaster he makes his way around the place.
He hasn’t spotted anyone yet. He was making his way outside to see if the kid was out least outside, he couldn’t lose the child not like this. One minute his was fighting with all of his strength to get the kid back only to wake up without him by his side. He knows that he’s grown a soft spot for the kid.
Hearing a loud roar he turns to his left to see a large fence with a nexu pacing around the fence, eyeing the small green child that stood on the opposite side with a small smile on its face.
The mandalorians face paled once he noticed how close the nexu was to the child, he’s heard stories of these creatures and how dangerous they are, their species was going extinct. Which made him wonder as to why their is one in the middle of no where.
Dyn began to run towards the child, watching as it reached its small hand out and moving it between the fence, reaching to touch the creature. “Get away from it!” He shouts as he points his blaster at the creature.
The Nexu took notice of the Mandalorian and hissed in anger, jumping onto the medal fence with its claws and roaring at the stranger. Dyn kept his blaster pointed at the nexu and moves to take the kid in his arms. Before he could to anything else he hears shouting on the other side of the fence. “No! Don’t shoot!” The Mandalorian glanced over to see a young man standing close to the nexu. “Please lower your blaster, it scares her!”
“How do I know you won’t let that thing kill us?” Dyn questions, glaring under the helmet.
“Because I raised her! Female nexus tend to get protective when they are around smaller children. She was just watching out for the kid, nothing else, so please lower your blaster.” The other begs as he tried to calm the nexu down by gently caressing its fur. “It’s okay, he’s not gonna hurt you.” He whispered, calming down the large creature as it sends one last hiss towards the Mandalorian and leaving back to its small den.
The other male quickly gets out of the large cage and locks the doors. “She won’t harm anyone so you can relax.” He says again and eyes the Mandalorian. “I see that you’ve gotten better, good thing the medicine is working.” He mumbled.
The child cooed, walking over to the fence his ears drop once he doesn’t spot the nexu.
The Mandalorian watched the child before turning back to the other. “Why the hell do you have a nexu here?”
“Wow, a thank you would’ve been nice from saving your ass. You and the kid were in a tough situation and heavily wounded, lucky that I was around to help but no—questions about the nexu first.” The other rambles out with his hands on his hips, giving the Mandalorian a small glare. “First, lets get inside and check your wounds, then you eat something. Later, I’ll answer your question.” He began to head back to the small house that he had, getting inside as he waits for the Mandalorian.
Dyn picks up the kid and walks back inside, he’s been through hell already and doesn’t seem to have the time to wonder if he should trust this man or not.
“What’s your name?” He asks, watching the other move around the small kitchen he had and was preparing some tea and pouring the two of them some soup. “Y/n, but everyone in the village calls me crazy.” He answers, turning around to set down the tray of food and drinks on the coffee table. “Been awhile since I’ve last seen a Mandalorian.” He blurts out, handing the child a bowl of soup with a smile.
The Mandalorian sits down slowly, wincing in pain as he sat. “You knew a Mandalorian?” He watched the kid eat, already knowing that he was going to eat later. “Yeah, they were nice and taught me how to fight and all. They were actually the ones that helped me raise the nexu.” He takes a sip from his own tea, leaning back in some soft cushions. “I didn’t take off your helmet, in case your wondering.”
Dyn was curious, waking up without his baskar and his wounds all healed up. “I know that it’s an important culture of yours to keep the helmet on. Didn’t want to do something that you’ll like so all I did was tend to your wounds, you’ve been asleep for almost two days. Little guy wouldn’t leave your side until the second day, he followed me around everywhere.” Y/n continued to talk, knowing the Mandalorian would ask questions about this stuff so he might as well and just say what he needs to say.
“Nexu took a liking to the kid, she got protective of him when I tried to put the kid to sleep. But I couldn’t take him away from her since she got all pissed so I let him sleep with her, he didn’t get hurt or anything. Nexu is a gentle creature.”
“It’s deadly—“
“Gentle but deadly.” Y/n corrects the Mando, once he finished his tea.
The room became silent, the only thing heard was the sound of the child slurping his own soup as he looks at the Mandalorian and then to y/n before going back to the mando.
“Why do you have that thing here?” Dyn was curious as to why a nexu was here, he knows that another Mandalorian helped him raise it but he wants to know why it’s here and not on its rightful planet.
“Like I said, I raised her. She grew up around different species and didn’t grow the knowledge to know how to hunt or act like an actual wild nexu.” Y/n sighs out and pushed his cup away. “She helps me...protects me at night in case anyone decides to do anything.” He shrugs. The Mandalorian watched as the other focused its gaze on the outdoors.
The Mandalorian lets a sigh slip from his lips before saying. “Thank you, for helping us out and for taking care of the kid while I was out.” This earns him a chuckle and smile from y/n, “don’t mention it, I was actually this close to trading you for food and supplies but somehow the little guy convinced me not too.” He confesses to the Mandalorian before standing up to clean up his mess and heading back to the kitchen.
The Mandalorian has been staying with y/n for the last couple of weeks, he was still recovering and he needs to find his razor crest before he can do anything else, he’s also been focusing his attention on the kid. Keeping a close eye on him since he doesn’t want him to be approaching the nexu without his consent.
Everyday he would watch y/n come in and out of that large cage, either to feed the creature or just clean up the place. Their were times when he would actually sleep inside the den with that creature during the night, making dyn asleep inside the small warm house that he had. He was still curious about the guy, he’s wanted so many times to ask him about the village and to why they call him ‘crazy’ or think of him as ‘crazy’.
One morning the Mandalorian was leaning against a small bench with the kid sitting on his lap. He watched as y/n pushes the gates open to allow the nexu to walk around freely which only frightened the Mandalorian, standing up with his arms wrapped around the child he watched as the nexu carefully steps out of its den. Y/n closes the doors behind it once the creature was fully out, he makes his way towards it and pats the side of its neck earning a purr in return. “Good girl.” He speaks to it and held out a small piece of meat, feeding it to her. “Today is your night, go fetch something interesting and return back by dawn. Understand?” The nexu purrs in understanding before y/n pats it’s side, allowing the large creature to run off into the forest.
“You didn’t send it off to kill someone for you did you?” Y/n laughs at the mandalorians concern. “No, why would I do that?” Dyn opens his mouth to reply but quickly shuts it. Not coming up with a good answer. “A nexu needs time on its own, they need to run free sometimes and I allow her to do that. She doesn’t hurt anybody and usually scavenger hunts for me. Brings me pieces to trade off for credits and with those credits I buy ourselves something to eat.” He explains, making his way towards the Mandalorian and stealing the child away from him as he cooed at the small green bean.
Dyn allows it since he’s gotten used to the other snatching the child away from him. “I’ve been meaning to ask—“ the Mandalorian tilts his head to the side. “I’ve noticed that you’ve been spending nights with the nexu, doesn’t it scare you a bit?” He asks. He noticed how y/n’s gaze shifts to the ground, the child on his hip as he sighs. “I—“ he began to say. “I’m—I’m afraid of the dark...” he finally says as his face heats up in embarrassment and tries to distract himself with the child.
Dyn raised his brows in shock. “Really?” Y/n bites his lip and glared. “Mock me all you want mando, everyone is afraid of something so don’t start judging me.” He blurts out in anger. Watching as the kid waddles around the place, trying to catch seem flies that were swarming around him. The mandalorian stays silent, he wasnt judging Y/n about his fear he was just wondering as too why he had the gut to sleep with a nexu. “I’m not, just got curious about it, not many people have the guts to sleep in a nexu’s den.” Y/n chuckles softly and shakes his head, looking out into that distance as he lets a sigh out. “My parents were killed when I was just a kid, I was on my own and survived on my own too.” He mumbles out. “So, when I bumped into a mandalorian she sort of took me in, taught me your culture and how you guys work things out but I didn’t want that, it was just too hard for me you know?” He tilts his head to look up at that mandalorian in questioning, wondering gif it was difficult for the mando to wreak a helmet that meant a lot to his people. “She found a litter of Nexu’s, the mother was killed by some troopers and half of the little didn’t make it expect for The one that I have now. She brought it too me, thinking that I can raise it on my own and surprise, surpise, I’ve raised a nexu all on my own. Training it to hunt, behave, and too kill.”
Dyn was impressed by Y/n’s past, he was just kid when it all happened and was able to do so much for himself, he sort of saw himself in Y/n. “At least you know how to control the beast.” He grins under his helmet as the other pouts at him, picking up the kid and handing him to the mandalorian. Dyn takes the baby into his arms and noticed a smirk on Y/n’s face, “Lets see If this kid can control the beast that he calls dad.” He teases.
Dyn looks down at the kid who coos happily and giggles, waving his tiny arms around before placing one on the mandos helmet. Dyn smiles at this and sighs, “Will see if he can.” He says, admitting of being the kids dad now.
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writingforyourpleasure · 5 years ago
Characters: GERARD WAY x Reader 
 Link to chapter four :   https://writingforyourpleasure.tumblr.com/post/616411340391759872/on-the-road-again
Warnings : None 
 Author’s note: Hello ! Hope you’re all doing okay during those strange times ? Sorry for not posting but I had my en-of-the-year exam, but it’s now done and , I only got a few homework to hand-over now and my second year in college’ll be done !Here you go thank you to keep reading .
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5.      “ Pun-master “
  You woke up, feeling something or someone moving in front of you . You started to groan at the uncomfortable feeling not wanting to get up just yet.
“And what owe me the pleasure to be assisted by your presence tonight sir Way?” You said while looking for plates.
The mass finally moved away , listening to your complains .
You woke up what felt just five minutes later but probably was in reality hours after it. Your eyes fluttered slowly as if they were disconnected from your brain. A light shine from the outside was peeking through your tinted window as soon as you truly started to wake up , you realized that Gerard wasn’t here anymore.
“Right…” You breathed out to yourself. Honestly you didn’t want to wake up. You were scared , scared of overthinking this , and because of that you actually was overthinking it . Your brain wasn’t playing on your favor . You didn’t knew how you were gonna survive today. The worst was, you didn’t knew how to act with Gerard , what happened yesterday night wasn’t that big of a deal, really , but again ; you were overthinking it . You just wanted to act normal with him , and was prying your brain to not let you down once you’ll see him. You felt so stupid for having a crush on one of your coworker and friends. You got up and hoped for the best.
You got out of your nest , only to find that you were alone in the bus and that you already had arrived into the next parking’s venue . You went directly to the kitchenette and groaned realized that you guys were short on coffee. You finally resigned yourself and went for the shower.
You got out of the bus a dozen of minutes later to find the parking lot empty except for the security that was already keeping everything on check. You checked your phone to see that it was 3pm . You had enough time, to get yourself a coffee somewhere and not stressing about when to comeback since you didn’t had to repeat with Dex or anything. You put back in your , old black Green Day’s hoodie, pocket your phone . You’ve dressed yourself as unfashionable as it is socially allowed , your laziness was clearly reflecting itself through most of your actions today. You put your headphones on , listening to the last Fever 333’s album and searched on google maps for the nearest Starbucks, once again a reflect of your laziness you figured.
You arrived to the welcoming smell of dirty beans being ground and hot milk.
Once you got your order you looked around for a seat since the place was pretty full, luckily you got one in front of the glass and on both sides what appeared to be two couples . Great. You hope that you’ll be lucky and won’t have to witness the same amount of smooshing in both of them. The teenage one , on your right , were the ones all over each other, with the boy groping at every part accessible of his what-you-presumed-to-be his girlfriend. The one on your left were two men in suits holding each other hands while talking , you sat facing the widow and the other empty seat. You got out of your backpack your sketch book and a pencil starting to draw people passing by while music took you in other world. A tap on your shoulder took you of guard , you got off your headphones .
“Yes ?” you turned around your head to see who was trying to get your attention.
“Hey, is this seat taken ?” Dex was smiling down at you with a big smile.
You said nothing instead kicking the seat in front of you, back to the glass for them to seat.
“I feel like it’s been a while since we talked .” Dex said sitting and looking expectantly at you.
“What are you talking ‘bout we talked just yesterday.” You said not looking up from your sketch book.
“Don’t play dumb y/n , you know what I mean. Like just the two of us ?” Dex sighed , seeing that you decided to not play cooperative . This time you did look up to your friend with a blank expression . Watching their eyebrows furrowed in confusion. It’s true , lately you tried to somewhat distance yourself since you were trying to figure out what the hell was happening with Gerard and you knew that being close to Dex would not help one second . Your friend knew how to read you even when you tried to hide something as well as you could. You had thinked that if Dex was about to ask questions it would make it weird since you were all working together . If you fucked up at any moments , you’ll have nowhere to hide and sometimes it can be a great deal of pain . But apparently you didn’t succeed not to make it awkward since your friend was not so happy that you act a little colder than usual . You were already fucking cold to any strangers , so to be cold to them was shitty. You sighed and run a hand through your now greasy hair . You needed to take a shower quickly , maybe it could wait after the show .
“Hey earth to y/n, hellooo?”
“Huh yeah sorry I was gone for a few…”
“Yeah no shit .”
“Sorry… like for all of it it’s true I’ve been kinda avoiding you guys.”
“Meh it happens , I mean it’s okay we all got our own problems.”
Dex tried to stay warm inside of the Starbucks but you could sense that being against a cold ass window wasn’t helped them to get the warmth that provided the Starbucks.
“I’m so cold….” They whispered as they took a gulp from their drink.
“Well….then stand in a corner .” You replied taking a large gulp of your hot drink too.
“What-Why ?”
“No….. please tell me it’s not because of what I think dude.”
“Coz’ corners are 90 degrees.” You said with a smug smile.
“Ho god …. Ok you know what maybe it’s for the best to be socially distant haha. It is so bad please do not do that again?”
“You’re asking way to much to the pun master .”
“More like the master of fucking nothing y’mean .”
“What did you said peasant , I think I didn’t quite hear that ?”
“Ho nothing .” said your friend smiling like a fool.
“Y/N I’m still fucking cold !” Said your friend trying to warm themselves up by rubbing strongly their arms.
“And how is that my problem , my dear?”
“Someday I really am going to kill you , y’know?” Told Dex between their teeth, with a little grunt along the way.  
“Y/N , Can I borrow your scarf? I’m seriously freezing. ”
“Well I can’t turn into a heater for you now can I? So do you want me to set you on fire? Because, I mean it’s still an option? Like I have my lighter right here so….?” You joked while giving them your scarf.
They gave you a warning glance as if they believed you . Then on a very exasperate note they sighed and said :
“Why are you like this?”              
You both laughed at that getting some curious looks from other clients. Once both of calmed down you try to get serious talking about the elephant in the room .
“Hey , can I ask your advice on something?”
“Absolutely , but I only advise communication, homosexuality, or murder.” Answered your friend earning a smug know-it-all smile out of you.
You were about to start to get off of your chest the whole “Hey I think I may or may not like the lead singer of the band for which we’re working for.” They cut you off.
“Yeah ?”
“Are you absolutely positive this isn’t dangerous or something?” They looked very serious about this , which had the reflex to make you roll your eyes deep inside your skull.
“I’m 95% sure, but yeah, I’ve failed fourth grade math so…” You decided to answer her stupid question with a stupid answer.
“Ho okay then we’re good I failed second grade! So just before we start , how long will this take ? I got to pick up my dog at the salon. «You both laughed at that. «No but like seriously we’ll have to go back to the bus eventually . Maybe tell me along the way back?”
“Alright , alright” You both got up from your seats and finally got out of the Starbucks.
“So huh, you remember when we got the 1 week break , alright?”
“Right. “
“Well huh, me and Gerard started talking by text pretty often during this time.”
“Ho. Did you now ?” They said waving their eyebrows in a suggestive way.
“No not like that calm down, you demon fuck .”
“Always a pleasure to fill my responsibilities.”
“You weirdo….” You whispered under your breath.
“Ho do not act if you aren’t even weirder man ! “
“Anyway, I just , I don’t know . I think, I think I may like him y’know?”
“Well it’s pretty comprehensible , I mean he’s hot .”
“I’m not talking about this you twat!”
“Ho c’mon you can’t say he isn’t !”
“Haha ,He is , I ‘ve sight too I’d let you know. It’s just not the point here .”
“You do? Sorry it’s hard to tell when you dress yourself like that .
“You bitch!” You choked on your drink , coughing violently.
“I’m just kind of dreading to really assuming the whole ‘hey by the way I’m hitting on you’ I don’t want to make it weird during the tour , when we’re not even at the half of it. And I don’t wish for everyone to see that I am hitting on him. I’m not ready.” You explained to Dex , not really wanting to expose everything you and Gerard said or do , foremost because there’s not that much to say
“Maybe not hitting on him is a good call since if you do I’m pretty sure he’s gonna freak out hearing your lame puns.”
“May I recall to you that I’m the pun-master AND the master of pickup lines ?”
“You completely suck at pickup lines, bro.”
“No I don’t !”
“The last time you tried one of you’re pickup lines was on this poor cute girl in Louisiana when you said ‘Are you Google –“
“Yeah no wonder it didn’t worked !”
“I’m a genius , you’ll miss me when I’m gone.”
“You wish . So why are you’re feeling attracted to the guy ?”
“Well you see my kink is when people actually care about my feelings and what I have to say. And Since I know him he seems to correspond to this criteria , so I find it pretty attractive and hot since it’s my main kink.”
“Yeah , too unrealistic. Settle for bondage like the rest of us.”
“Where you ever nice Dex ?”
“2012, worst year of my life.” You laughed at what your friend said . “No but more seriously y/n, just let it happen y’know? And when you have the feeling that both of you are having a moment then maybe hit on him but stay subtle y’know?”
“I just want him to take me out…”
“Like, on a date or with a sniper ?”
“He’ll have to surprise me .” You both laughed before changing the subject to the little surprise you’ve both had planned for Max, since he was spending all of his nights and days working on your band , you wanted to do something nice for him. You bought a cookbook a few weeks ago for him as a present for the occasion, he often baked pastries as a distressful way to exhale from work time. Even though the bus condition made it hard to cook anything big it already was a good start. And you bought some bottle of Irish hard cider, since he had said it was the best thing he ever tasted when you all took a vacation to Dex family house there. After getting back to the bus everything went pretty fast , but the talk with Dex about Gerard was still playing in your mind. Ames saw that you were lost in your thoughts most of the time and ask you several times if everything was okay, you tried to act like you didn’t knew what he was talking about and you all moved on with your day . Mikey, Frank , Gerard and Ray were already in your bus when you had come back from your coffee session, and they yelled at you for not texting them and taking them with you. You brushed it off saying that next time you would. Gerard had tried to share looks with you during the day but you were too much caught up into your head to notice.
The show this night was nice and almost too short even if you guys took a ten minutes on My chemical romance planning since you played a special song. Once you were backstage Ames and Billy started their routines taking everything off stage to let place for the boys. To go faster Max offered to help them. It gave you and Dex a chance to run to the bus to prepare your little plan. You took any cushions , pillow and anything fluffy you could find , when you were done the bunks were quite a mess but you didn’t want to think of it since you still had to prepare the hard cider and the cake you brought from the Mark & Spencer’s not having too much time to find anything else. By the time everything was served , you knew that My chem was done with their show too , so you decided to prepare them a part too , you made a point to serve a apple juice instead of the cider for Gerard , not wanting him to feel excluded or anything. Max had been held backstage by Billy and Ames who were your dearest allies as ever.
You installed yourself with every plates and drinks giggling between the two of you alone in the bus to stupid jokes.
A knock made itself hear through the bus and Billy appeared into the kitchenette area before being followed by Ames and Max , who where looking at you with huge smiles spread across their face and a snort from the three of them.
“What the fuck did you do with our beds ?” Asked Max between a laugh.
“Well we did a pillow fort !” Answered Dex.
“Isn’t that a little childish ? “
“Does it means you don’t want to join us ?” You asked Max.
A silence swept through the bus.
“…Move over .” Said Max entering your huge pillow fort and already going for the cake and drink.
“Wait there’s a party and you guys didn’t told us about?! “Said Frank entering your bus.
You handed a plate in his direction , earning a smile from him before he arrived by your side as well as everyone else too.
Frank was on your right while Gerard was on your right and all of you were in a cercle eating and joking about stupid stuff.
“Hey you look better than this morning it’s good to see.” Whispered at your side Gerard offering a sweet smile before readjusting a few locks behind his ear.
“Well It’s because in the end we migrate towards comfort , and I realized that I am most comfortable around you , all of you.” You said returning a bright smile to the man.The night went along before Frank spoke up .
“Guys how are you gonna clean this mess to sleep tonight ?” Painful groans made themselves heard from all of you.
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1-1snailxd-art · 5 years ago
Sanders Sides oneshot fic - Magic Beans
Type: Magic au (kinda...like my own magic universe)
Characters: Logan Sanders, Remy/Sleep, Virgil (Patton and Roman are mentioned)
Relationships: I’m tagging losleep put it’s mostly platonic cause they’re roommates (oh my god they were roommates) and analogical because that’s the bit, implied royality.
Warnings: Remy swears...he said b**ch.
Words: 2032
Summary: Remy steps in when his sleep deprived roommate wants to quit magic school before even attempting to learn magic. A visit to his favourite coffee shop seems like the best way to snap Logan out of the funk he’s in.
Authors note: Look, I was sad, I watched @blinksinbewilderment stream on instagram and they mentioned a losleep/analogical magic coffee shop au (no angst) and I tried something. 
General Taglist (let me know if you want on or off): @thequeensphinx @ollyollyoxinfree @celeste-tyrrell @pumpkinminette
Bonus: @aowrot did some art of Remy (click to see). I approve of his style and floating hat. Honoured to have fanart done for this little tale. 
“Girl, you know there is a bed right there for a reason.”
Logan sat up stiffly when the sound of Remy’s voice filled his tired ears, along with the crinkling of paper as he moved.
“I am…aware.” He said, squinting up at the man highlighted by his desk lamp. “I did not intend to sleep here.”
“Well, you did, and if that schedule is correct, you have class in an hour.”
Normally that comment would have caused Logan to bolt upright, but instead he slammed his head against the desk and groaned in frustration. If Remy’s statement on time was correct, he’d probably managed a maximum of 2 hours of uncomfortable sleep and was nowhere near ready to give his presentation on wand construction.
“You learning through osmosis now?”
“If it were possible, I would.” Logan mumbled into the paper before sitting up to rub his forehead. “I shouldn’t even bother. This whole thing is pointless. I’m not going to get into the magic course anyway, so I might as well give up and go to sleep.”
“Right, bitch, we’re out!”
Logan gasped and fumbled over his words as Remy suddenly pulled his chair back and pulled him up by his arm.
“Wha-where are we going?”
“We need a magic elixir to find my annoying, magic obsessed, roommate because that ain’t you right now.”
“That is ridiculous.” Logan huffed, unable to pull out of their friends firm grip. “Even if some personality changing elixir did exist, you wouldn’t be able to afford it.”
“True, but you don’t gotta bring it up.”
Remy was kind enough to at least grab Logan’s satchel as they left their tiny dwelling and headed into the town centre; leading the conversation so Logan could walk in reasonable silence. When the pair had first moved in together, they had hardly interacted beyond cleaning and rent day. Remy was either working or out at someone’s party until the early hours, while Logan filled his daily schedule with work, class and study. At one point, Remy questioned if the man ever slept or understood the meaning of free time. However, over the past month, Remy noticed a shift in Logan’s behaviour that he couldn’t ignore. Dishes were left piled into the sink more often, curse words penetrated the thin walls at all hours and he found an empty jam jar left on the count with a spoon in it. The jam was the final straw for Remy because it was too weird to be considered normal for his formally perfect roommate.
 “May I ask where exactly we are going?”
The further they walked into the busy centre, the more Logan wanted to return to his room and forget the real world existed.
“I told you. To get an elixir.”
“That was a joke, so what is the truth.”
A sideways glance with a raised eyebrow was the only response Logan received as Remy took his hand and quicken their pace down the street. Rounding the corner Logan groaned as he saw the painted sign for ‘The Magic Beans’ and understood what his black jacket clad mate had meant by elixir.
“Coffee? Seriously?”
“Serious as a heart attack, babes.” Remy said, holding the door open for Logan to walk inside. “Trust me, this will perk you right up.”
“You’ve been partying with Patton again haven’t you?”
“I will not apologise for appreciating Roman’s poppin’ parties with that puffball dancing around. That kid has more energy than 100 shots of espresso.”
Shuffling awkwardly around the couch in the stores centre, Logan watched as empty cups levitated their way into the kitchen and laughter echoed from full tables and booths. Jealousy gripped his gut as he watched how effortless some of the workers made magic seem. Clearly, they had been blessed with strong magic in their families, unlike him. Remy may have been perfectly content with a magic-less existence, but Logan wasn’t. He wanted nothing more than to point his finger at a book to guide it to him, or even just be able to use a wand. Anything that would make him more than what he was.
“This way bookworm,” Remy guided Logan to a secluded booth in the far corner of the store and ushered him into the seat. “Let me introduce you to my magic elixir of life.”
“I don’t understand the allure of a beverage brewed from bitter tasting beans.”
“You’ll understand soon enough,” Remy beamed, hiding his face behind a menu.
“Doubtful. I’ve tasted coffee before and it was far from an enjoyable experience.”
“Haven’t tried magic beans then, have you?”
Suddenly Logan understood why Remy was hiding his face, because he was sure he was trying to compose himself right now. The voice belonged to a man that made Logan’s brain come to a sudden halt; eyes lined black, purple highlights peeked through black hair, and glossed lips were pulled into a half smile that Logan couldn’t take his eyes off.
“He hasn’t.” Remy cooed, lowering the menu and leaning back now he could maintain a cool expression. “Logan is a hard one to coax away from study hall and your parents don’t allow take away.”
The worker chuckled and rubbed the back of his neck, giving Logan a peek of his hip as the black uniform lifted behind his apron.
“Yeah, they are very protective of our recipes. Better safe than sorry though. You just want the usual, Rem?”
“Cheers, babes. You know how I like it.”
“Sure thing. And what can I get - ah, Logan, was it?”
Worry danced across the server’s eyes when he was met with only a stare in response. Upon releasing he had been asked a question, Logan cleared his throat and forced his mind to function enough to grab a menu without showing just how shaky his hands were.
“Ah-um-yes. Logan is, well, me.” Cheeks burning, Logan cursed his sleep deprived brain for being unable to form coherent sentences and tried to read the jumble of letters in front of him. “I’ll have a…um…”
With a sigh of defeat, Logan dropped the menu on the table and hopped he didn’t look too ridiculous smiling up at the other man.
“I don’t know what to have. I’m sorry. This isn’t really my…”
“Cup of tea?” He offered, seeming to immediately regret the comment as Logan blinked back.
“…ironically, I’m not a tea fan either, um…my apologies, I didn’t catch your name.”
“Oh, sorry. Virgil.” Quickly scrapping his hand down his pants to dry it, Logan shook the hand Virgil had extended. “So, you’re a real newbie to this scene then. How have you survived studying?”
“He isn’t surviving, which is why I’ve brought him here.” Remy offered before he had to watch another awkward pause.
“Right.” Virgil let out an awkward chuckle and ran a hand through his fringe as he thought out loud. “So, coffee noob, not a tea fan, study-aholic. Do you prefer sweet or savoury flavours?”
“Oh, Logan is very salty.” Logan’s head snapped round and glared at his friend opposite him. “Girl, that look only cements my point. What do you recommend, Virge?”
“I think I’ve got an idea. I’ll be back.”
“Take your time,” Logan called after him as he watched Virgil walk back towards the counter.
 “You’re so gay-ow!”
Logan kicked Remy under the table and spoke in a hushed tone.
“What the heck was that?”
“You’re smitten, kitten, that’s what.” Remy said, rubbing his shin under the table. “Thank Mama Remy when you get his number.”
“Falsehood. I’m going to kill Mama Remy while he sleeps.”
“Good luck with that, you’ll be too preoccupied to even think about me. So, what’s the most powerful wand core?”
“Phoenix feather strands with northern tree sap.” Logan replied without thought; resting his elbow on the table so he could comfortably massage his left temple. “What exactly is your plan here?”
“To find the nerd that wants to put magic into the Sanders name despite what his parents say. Should I buy a wand or make my own?”
“I seriously doubt I will ever be able to learn magic at this rate… and if you’re born with magic, and the wand is just for show, buy it; but you’ll need to make it if you’re not.”
“I think you’re gonna blow them away when you pass this course and get to make a wand. I can see you now;” pushing his glasses up onto his head, Remy gestured an invisible wand out to the side. “Wielding a wand crafted from a fallen elm.”
“Based on previous encounters, I’d say that is more likely Roman’s style. Given my birth is in the later part of the year, and my reduced sight, oak would be a much better fit.” Yawning, Logan fiddled with the corner of the menu until he froze at Remy’s laugh. “What?”
“Girl, you are going to ace that test.”
“Falsehood.” He said with more force than earlier. “With an infinitesimal amount of sleep and limited knowledge, it will be impossible for me to achieve a passing grade.”
Leaning onto folded arms, Remy locked eyes with his friend and smiled. “You just answered 3 key wand questions without batting an eye. I think you’ll be fine.”
Logan raised a pointed finger to rebut the statement, before realising what Remy had done.
“You are one bad elixir away from an evil genius.”
“I was born without magic because I would have been too much for this world to handle.”
“I will concede to you this time, but even if I do go to school, I will still need to stay awake for the test and practical examination. I don’t think I can function for another 3hours.”
“I’ve got you covered,” Virgil beamed, placing a tall dark mug in front of Remy and holding another out for Logan. “Chilled to help you wake up. Mild bean blend with a salted caramel mix; extra salt to balance out the sweet. All the buzz of Remy’s coffee, without the bitter bite and some cream on top just for show.”
“That hasn’t been on the menu,” Remy grumbled as he reviewed it one more time just in case he’d missed a new addition.
“I know.” Logan noticed Virgil shift nervously on his feet after placing the beverage down before him. “Thought I would make something special for the beginner.”
“You never did that for me!”
“Don’t act so offended. You were already a veteran drinker when you first came here.”
Tuning out the other voices, Logan glanced sadly between the clock on the wall and the personalised drink in front of him. He considered what Remy had just demonstrated and made a decision before speaking again.
“Thank you, Virgil, but unfortunately I can’t stay.” Two sets of eyes snapped to Logan as he carefully shuffled out of the booth. “Remy believes I can pass this test, but if I don’t leave now, I might not be able to even take it in the first place. I’m sorry.”
A smile crept back onto Remy’s face as Virgil grabbed Logan’s hand when he turned to leave.
“Wait…you said you needed something to help get you through the exam, though.”
“I-I-I’ll just have to…push through it I guess.”
“No. Here.” Grabbing the cup from the table, Virgil held it out for the other. “Take it with you.”
“But… you don’t do take away, here. What about your family recipes?”
“Yeah, well…this is my recipe a-a-and I want you to take it.” Cautiously, Logan took the cup and Virgil released his other hand. “Besides, when you return the cup…I’ll get to see you again.”
Logan almost let the beverage slip through his fingers in shock but nodded and hurried out of the store. Remy chuckled before carefully taking a sip of his own drink.
“The only thing that would have made that gayer, would have been if Pat and Roman were here sharing a rainbow unicorn.”
“You planned that whole thing, didn’t you?” Virgil breathed, not taking his eyes away from when he last saw Logan.
“Not entirely,” he sighed and dug into his back pocket. “I thought for sure the bitch would have paid.”
What else have I done?
Writing masterlist / master post thingy
Check out my main blog @snail-giggles for random fandom reblogs and stuff
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wolfyduskk · 5 years ago
Bonds of the Heart/Ties That Bind
@khoc-week this one is gonna be a long one sorry bout that!
I’m going to try it kinda like most to least? but leave out some characters she does get close with for the sake of time >~> ANYHOW
#1 being Cleo Maiyu: Her Mama
“Tell them to sort it into this months invoices then mail out th-“
*...* “No I promised starlight i’d spend the day with her & you already took up all of our morning.”
*click* “Where to next Audri?”
“Book house mama!”
“It’s a store but you were close..”
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•Cleo, even though it’s not her ideal career, worked at a desk job that payed well in order to support the little family they formed. Not saying that’s all she did for Audri, not at all! If she was needed by Audri, Cleo would drop everything to tend to her. She would accept every gift and proudly wear it or hang it up for everyone to see, giving her gifts & praise to try to make sure she knows she’s loved very much.
Audri’s health & safety is her top priority & willing to do anything to ensure it, wither it be a stern talk or a fist fight. That being said when Audri is sick even if it’s not major, won’t be allowed to lift even a finger in fear of making it worse & losing her.
While growing up Audri understood that work was important & usally left her to work when she worked from home but would stop in to drop off small gifts she made, coffee, or even a peaceful rest with the help of her colourful friends before their home fell & Audri vanished.
#2- Zeke Maiyu: Her Uncle ZeZe
“You sure you want to use this polish Dri? There’s prettier colours-“
“SHh NU! You love love green so its one of the prettiest colours too!!”
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In the early years Audri was home schooled due to all the possible illnesses she could get in public schools & private school being to expensive. So since he worked completely from home, Zeke became her teacher during the weekdays & taught her things benifeical to her like reading, writing, cooking, health, as well as things that interested her like astrology & flowers.
They would have days where they would leave home to learn outside or just to play. Audri would alway wonder out of eyesight, (which was easy with technically one eye on you)(sorry not sorry) but never to hard to find again if you followed her giggles or her friends.
(Note:Zeke & Cleo are not mine, they belong to a close friend of mine)
“I-Isa! Lea took off with Prof.Hoots again!”
“Don’t worry Audri, I’ll bring the Professer back & try to knock some sense into that dummy before your mother does..”
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•The days she was allowed outside, she’d either go to the castle or look for her older friends who honestly play more of an older sibling role in Audri’s life, with Isa taking a more caring & mature sibling place, while Lea takes a teasing/bully but still fun & kind sibling role.
She bonded with Isa the quickest due to their love of the night, as well as to her, He was more comforting to be around since his personality is something she’s grown up with compared to her other ‘big brother’ Lea, who is much louder & competive. Not to say she dislikes his loud personality, just odd when it’s not her being the only extrovert anymore.
•Months after the fall Saïx would be the one to find her at the doors of Castle Oblivion with a large scar over her front & her once sparkling eyes dulled. Her body somehow survived & became a nobody.
She’d be seen at the start clinging to the back his coat as he was the first she saw & most familiar to her memory wise at the time. Although not an official member, she was given a new name, Aidrux & once more independent, missions.
Even though he became colder over time, he still took his brotherly role seriously with what little hearts he had over the years, just as she once more memories came back would care & help him as much as she was able. She’d stay by his side more once Axel started to stray away from them for Roxas & Xion.
Ahh the extrovert adopts the introvert~ good quality content with that right there ANyway
“-And then we can make a super big flower like the book with the bean stalk and we’ll touch the stars!”
“...that’s not scientifically plausible Dri”
“Anything is possible when it’s you & me!!”
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“..Still think we could make that gaint flower?”
“Thought it ‘wasn’t plausible’. Remember?”
“With you? ‘Anything is possible’ Dear”
•With the tendency to explore unsupervised, it would’ve been only a matter of time before these two would meet. despite the tough shell Ienzo had, instead of breaking it with trying to make him talk, she waited for him to hatch on his own accord, by bringing small books or art supplies to work on silently with a few comments here & there. She knew forcing him to talk would only make it harder.
In time he did start talking although not by much, but enough to hold a conversation which made Audri practically shine when she heard him talk. The small talks the had honestly funny if you were able to hear them, from plans of the future to multi-coloured animals, they’ve talked about it all almost.
•Zexion was a big change to Aidrux once she remembered, but that didn’t mean she didn’t try over the years. Whether it be old books or the small remark there, she tried & forunatly so did he. With illusions of flower fields & cheeky statements, they became close again, well as close as you could get with no hearts anyway.
•Once whole again they weren’t really sure what to do with the sudden massive rush of emotions that filled them when they met up again, it scared both of them to the point they avoided one another for a while till that feeling became unbearable.
They can’t think of the right word to label their relationship but they know they care about eachother differently compared to the others, but not quite love..
But maybe in time it will.
•Oddly enough? He felt kinda safe to her even after she remembered he was the reason she was nobody. He didn’t mind her presence really, she was useful & benifited the Orginzation.
But, something remembered her, and not from when he was an apprentice no. Something before that, but what?
As for people she dislikes/hates/uncomfortable with?
•As a child she never felt completely comfortable with Braig, there were the rare times she felt okay but never completely. To this day she still isn’t sure why, but she’ll get an idea why soon.
•During KH2 hands down for a time, H A T E D Sora, as far as she knew, he was trying to stop them from getting their hearts back, stopping her from being with her family. (Id be mad to if banana shoes over here started basically destroying years of planning/ work) She knows the truth now, but being near him all alone still sparks some negative feelings.
•As childish as it is, any man with yellow eyes. She doesn’t remember completely how she got to RG but knows that a male with those eyes took her there & feeling scared.
that’s all I can think of atm but pretty proud of how much I did today! See y’all tomorrow
I have to admit tho out of Lea & Isa, I’ve always liked Lea more so its a little funny how little he’s mentioned lol.
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bumblebaby · 5 years ago
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coffee bean kiss
hi i finished this a little bit late but that is okay because i’m actually kind of proud of it lol. this is my gift for @s-onora for the secret santa hosted by @itfandomprompts! hope you enjoy it hehe
reddie / 2.6k words / good ol fluff / no warnings apply
Evidently, nothing about them has changed since old times. Not the humor, not the bickering, and… definitely not Eddie’s feelings. It shows in how they continue to bounce banter off of each other the entire way there, and it shows in how Richie holds the cafe door open for Eddie, giving him a bow and a “M'lady” that prompts the classic-Eddie response of rolling his eyes and suppressing a smile, and it shows in how the small action that was meant to be taken platonically still makes Eddie’s heart skip a couple of beats. 
read it on ao3
✧・゚: *✧・゚:* 
The winter months are overall bittersweet if Eddie had to describe them in one word. Finals have been clawing at his mental state (and admittedly his physical state; the constant greasy takeout gives him the worst stomachaches) to the point where he’ll often pass out at 2 AM with a face-full of textbook. But the enjoyable parts of winter have mostly made up for it. He likes spending time with his friends, he likes the new Starbucks hot drinks, he likes giving gifts, and he likes receiving gifts – call him greedy for that, but the mini vacuum his mom got him last year that is perfectly dorm-sized has brought so much joy into his life it’s almost embarrassing.
The ’whirr’ of that vacuum makes its way around his earbuds and Freddie Mercury’s high notes as Eddie tries to clean up the mess that has begun to build up from a lack of care on both his and his roommate’s part. For how long Eddie has been cooped up in this room, he sure hasn’t been taking care of it. He never learned to juggle, and that was especially true of having to juggle his grades, his health, and his tidiness. But it’s whatever. He’s on break now. A twenty-minute break, but a break nonetheless.
He doesn’t hear the knock at the door, despite how loud and repetitive it is, and “Bohemian Rhapsody” continues to play on while Eddie stays distracted from the original vacuuming task and gently bounces on his toes and mouths the lyrics. It’s not until he notices the movement out of the corner of his eye that he turns around and flinches at the sight of Richie standing in the doorway.
Eddie plucks an earbud out and furrows his brow. “How’d you get in?”
The vacuum is still going. Eddie turns it off and repeats his question.
“Your door isn’t locked,” Richie answers.
Dammit. Eddie props the vacuum against the wall and tosses his phone onto the desk. “I don’t have money to go grab lunch today. I’m on a crunch this week.”
“I wasn’t gonna ask to get food, actually,” Richie says, giving Eddie a tight-lipped smile and raises an eyebrow. “Am I not allowed to just want to hang out?”
“I dunno, man.” Eddie huffs and drapes himself over his desk chair. “Sometimes I wonder if you just use me for lunch money. Like a glorified high school bully.” Richie takes a seat on Eddie’s bed and the first thing Eddie notices is the mud all over Richie’s sneakers and how much he brought into the room. So much for vacuuming.
Richie chuckles at Eddie’s remark. “You say that like I didn’t try to crack Henry Bower’s kneecaps with Stan’s baseball bat senior year.”
“Keyword is ‘tried’.”
“Whatever.” Richie sighs and flops back onto the squeaky mattress. “There’s actually a new cafe a little ways downtown-”
“Did you forget the entirety of what I just said?”
Richie raises his hand. “I’ll pay, relax.” He strains his neck to look up at Eddie. “Maybe the nice, warm coffee will loosen up that stick in your ass.” Eddie scrunches his face at that. “It’s a short walk.”
“I have to study,” Eddie argues.
“Didn’t look like you were when I came in. You can spare an extra twenty minutes.”
“Okay, well, it’s freezing cold outside and I don’t feel like walking anywhere today.”
“…I’ve got to go awayyy-”
“Please don’t start singing.”
“I can be the Idina Menzel to your Michael Buble.” Richie stands up and takes Eddie’s hands, pulling him up from the chair. “I’ll hold your hands-”
“They’re just like ice-”
“That should be my line,” Eddie finally laughs, letting his hands go limp in Richie’s.
Richie grins. “You sing it then.”
Eddie’s stomach flutters as he stares up at him. Glasses smudged with fingerprints, a couple of crooked teeth, light scruff spread across his jaw.
Richie continues: “I ought to say no, no, no-”
Eddie giggles again and pushes against Richie’s shoulders, but the other pulls Eddie into his chest. “You are intolerable,” Eddie mutters against his jacket.
“We either stay here and sing a duet together or you can come grab coffee with me.”
Eddie squints at him, but there’s a faint smile stretched on his lips. “This a date, Tozier?” It’s joking, but… he wouldn’t be opposed to it-
“There’s only enough room in my heart for one Kaspbrak, and, I hate to break it to ya, it’s not you, babe.” Eddie gives a disgusted groan. “Come on,” Richie says, finally releasing Eddie and walking over to the door. “You still need a jacket?”
Eddie knows for a fact he has one of his own. “Sure,” he says.
It had been snowing all week up on campus. The few inches of what was leftover from last night’s storm crunch beneath both Eddie and Richie feet as they walk down the street, passing through the part of town with all of the small businesses. Eddie’s never been particularly fond of snow; it’s wet and it’s cold and his fingers go numb and having to warm back up is such an inconvenience. But he does have a lot of fond memories involving it. He remembers seeing the losers running up his porch steps after school was canceled for the day, and getting bundled up and going out to build a snowman after ignoring his mother’s protests about how he’ll get sick and to come back in as soon as his nose starts to run. His nose is running a bit now. He doesn’t give it a second thought.
Also, Richie’s sweatshirt is, unsurprisingly, too long. Like, way too long. The sleeves are a good couple of inches past his fingertips and the bottom hem is halfway down his thighs. It’s funny because Richie is ridiculously skinny, just ridiculously long. Eddie can hear the dick joke in his head. He’s glad he didn’t say anything out loud.
“Cold?” Richie asks him, his voice followed by a cloud that Eddie isn’t quite sure whether it’s from his breath or the cigarette dangling from Richie’s lips. Probably both.
“Duh,” Eddie replies, shuddering. He lifts a hand to take the cigarette and drop it into the snow, seeing Richie shaking his head out of the corner of his eye. “You told me you were quitting.”
“I said I was working on it,” Richie grumbles, stuffing his hands in his pockets.
Eddie bumps Richie with his shoulder. “Don’t get cranky with me. I’m looking out for you.”
Richie bumps him back. “The whole point of college is to be able to do whatever you want.”
“Not with me here.”
“Well, maybe I should’ve gone to California.”
“Pfft. You wouldn’t survive without me.”
Richie wraps an arm around Eddie’s shoulder and pulls him into his side. The extra warmth is graciously comforting. “You give yourself too much credit, Eds. I’m a big boy.”
“Yeah, right.”
“In more ways than one.”
There’s the long-awaited dick joke. Eddie smacks the hand dangling over his shoulder and Richie yelps in response.
Evidently, nothing about them has changed since old times. Not the humor, not the bickering, and… definitely not Eddie’s feelings. It shows in how they continue to bounce banter off of each other the entire way there, and it shows in how Richie holds the cafe door open for Eddie, giving him a bow and a “M'lady” that prompts the classic-Eddie response of rolling his eyes and suppressing a smile, and it shows in how the small action that was meant to be taken platonically still makes Eddie’s heart skip a couple of beats.
They take their seats at a small booth by the big windows at the front of the cafe. There’s a good amount of people strolling through the streets, and Eddie notices a few couples, holding hands as they walk together. He has to pry his eyes off of them.
Richie sits with his back against the window and his legs sprawled across the entirety of the booth seat, propping the menu on a raised knee. Eddie gives him a funny look for it and only gets a shrug from the other in response.
“Whatcha gonna get?” Richie asks him.
Eddie skims over the options. He’s not really the type to branch out coffee-wise. “Mmm… the cinnamon latte looks good,” he answers.
“Lame.” Richie closes his menu and slaps it down on the table. “I’m getting a strawberry milkshake.”
“…It’s 9 in the morning and the middle of winter.”
Richie gives him a blank look. “And?”
Eddie lets out a long breath and places his menu on top of the other. “By 'big boy’ you meant twelve years old and not an adult man.”
“Yeah, yeah, whatever you say.” Richie sits up normally and leans on an elbow. “So how’s that studying you mentioned earlier going?”
Eddie shrugs, sinking into his seat. “Hard, I guess.”
“You always do just fine.” Richie reaches over the table to pat his shoulder, and the touch buzzes through Eddie’s skin. “Fuckin’… smart cookie.”
“Thanks,” Eddie says with a forced smile.
The waitress takes their orders and then sets down their drinks after a couple of minutes of waiting. Richie asks for another straw for the milkshake, and the waitress initially gives a confused look but pulls one out of the apron pocket and slides it in Eddie’s direction before walking off.
“I didn’t want any,” Eddie tells Richie, pulling his mug towards him.
“Just in case.” Richie doesn’t bother with the straws at first and instead takes a sip from the rim of the glass, leaving a stripe of bright pink across his upper lip. “Can’t have you drinking from my straw. Too many germs.”
“Well, your mouth just touched it so you’ve technically already contaminated it.”
Richie wipes his mouth with his sleeve, but there’s still a bit stuck to the pitiful excuse of a mustache he has growing there. “That’s unfortunate.” He unwraps both straws and puts them in the drink. “It’s good, you should try it.”
Eddie shakes his head. “I’ll pass. You could be sick and that is the last thing I need right now.”
“I don’t feel sick,” Richie says.
“Yeah, well,” Eddie replies as he lifts his cup from its saucer and stares down into the foam, “You can still carry bacteria or viruses, or both, even without showing symptoms.”
“Thank you, Dr. K. They teach you this in med school?”
“You would not understand a word of what I learn in med school,” Eddie giggles, sipping from his drink.
“I don’t understand a word of what you tell me already,” Richie says. Eddie looks up at him from his coffee and he’s staring at Eddie with this… look, with a faint smile and raised eyebrows.
“What?” Eddie questions.
“Why are you looking at me like that?”
“Cus you’re too smart for me, Eds.” Richie breaks the eye contact and stirs the whipped cream into his shake with one of the straws. “You’re gonna… go and be a doctor and do some great damn things. I mean, who knows what I’ll end up doing.”
“Rich,” Eddie murmurs, setting his mug down and giving Richie a gentle look. “You know you’re smart too, right?”
Richie shrugs. “Yeah, but… not in, like, a useful way.”
“Define a 'useful way’.”
The other lets out a strong exhale. “I’m not gonna be a doctor, or a lawyer, or any of that shit. I’ll probably end up a fuckin’ starving artist while the rest of you are out making six figures.” When there’s a pause of silence, Richie just shrugs again and leans back into the seat. “Whatever. Sorry to kill the mood.”
“You don’t have to have it all figured out right now,” Eddie tells him. “And I’ll be here every step of the way while you do figure it out.”
Richie looks up and warmly smiles. “See? You’re too smart and too wise for me. You got a coffee in winter and I got a god damn strawberry milkshake.”
Eddie laughs, reaching for shake’s glass. “You know what, maybe I will try it just to make you feel better.”
“That’s the spirit.”
They finish their drinks and begin the walk back to Eddie’s dorm. Eddie got a cheesecake slice to take with, since he thoroughly believes he deserves it after how hard he’s been working.
As they’re making their way up the sidewalk that leads to to the building, Eddie secretly prays that Richie doesn’t ask about the sweatshirt, as he’s realized through the thirty minutes of wearing it how comfy it is. It smells a little bit like weed if Eddie buries his nose far enough into the collar, but the faint scent of the cheap body wash and deodorant Richie uses is pleasant, Eddie guiltily admits to himself.
Eddie leads them up the steps and turns to Richie with a smile. “That was actually fun. Thank you for taking me,” he says.
Richie shrugs and returns a smile of his own. “Would’ve brought the others with, but they were either busy or asleep.”
Eddie chuckles, but he knows deep down how much he appreciated getting to hang out with Richie outside of a group setting.
There are a few seconds of silence alongside eye contact that Eddie knows holds something with meaning from how heavy it is. He can feel himself subconsciously start to lean towards the other.
“Are you gonna kiss me?”
Eddie immediately recoils and he can feel his stomach lurch. “What?”
Richie’s shoulders visually stiffen. “Are you- are you gonna kiss me?”
“Why would I try to-”
“B-because like if you’re gonna kiss me I just-”
“-kiss you?”
“-wanted to warn you that I, um, I probably have cigarette breath and-”
“-I have mints on me, if you… if you want to kiss me. If you want to.”
They’re staring at each other again. Eddie has a deeply knitted brow and the panic in Richie’s fair is clear as day.
Richie clears his throat after a few moments and begins to turn away. “I should, uh, probably… go.”
No, no, no, don’t leave right now!
The adrenaline spike is almost painful.
“Do you want me to kiss you?” Eddie chokes out.
Richie turns his body back towards Eddie, giving him a worried expression. “…More than anything,” he says.
There’s another pause. Richie blinks at him. Eddie takes a shaky step forward and places his hand on Richie’s cheek, the skin warm underneath his numbingly cold fingertips.
“More than anything?” Eddie echoes, looking up into Richie’s deep brown eyes.
Richie nods, and Eddie connects their lips.
The air is fucking freezing, and Eddie is dying to get inside. Regardless, he wraps his other arm around Richie’s shoulders. There’s a hand on his waist and another on the back of his neck, and when Richie pulls back a mere inch, his breath is hot against Eddie’s face.
“Your mouth really does taste like cigarettes,” Eddie quietly tells him. Richie tilts his head back and lets out a loud bout of laughter. Eddie giggles himself before peppering kisses along Richie’s jaw while Richie reaches into his jacket pocket and pulls out a little box of Tic Tacs, opening the lid and pouring way too many into his mouth.  
“Can we go inside?” Eddie asks, snaking his arms around Richie’s waist. Richie waggles his brows in a suggestive manner, and Eddie punches his arm. “Not like that, stupid. I’m cold.”
“Can we kiss inside?”
Eddie rolls his eyes with a grin. “Yes, we can kiss inside.”
And so they do.
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