#gonna have a huge bed where they all sit around me and watch me play epic guitar solos in my pink satin bath robe and fez cap
thorihpes · 1 year
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itsmarsss · 1 month
hunchback of notre-dame [Wade Wilson/Deadpool x Reader] (Marvel)
You get this ridiculous idea that you just need to mark a huge heart into his back.
Word count: 1,945
Warnings: sexual innuendos and jokes all around, mention of logan being a 'free pass' in your relationship lol, wade having a hard time grasping intimacy that isn't of a sexual nature, wade feeling self-conscious and speaking badly of his own appearance. established relationship. so many ridiculous and over-the-top pet names.
kiiinda loosely based off this ask- "Deadpool with s/o who keeps biting him? Not sexually (mostly) but I need to CHOMP this man."
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“Please? Please please please please please please? Come onnnn sweetie-pie. Darling-dear. Baby boy. Baby.”
“Oh my God never call me ‘darling-dear’ again, what is this, medieval england?”
“Don’t change the subject!”
“Geez Louise why do you wanna do that so bad? Is it like a biting kink or something?”
“It could be.” You shrug.
“I’m listening.”
You roll your eyes at his reply. “‘Course now you are. I just wanna see how it looks!”
“It’s gonna heal in like two seconds, you know that, right?. I’m not sure it’ll even show.”
“Yeah but get this- what if you tried really really hard to stop it from healing?”
“I… don’t think that’s how it works, pookie-bear,” he tells you, booping your nose along with the ridiculous pet name.
You ignore it. “You don’t know that!”
He stops to think for a couple seconds before letting out an exaggerated sigh. “Fine. This once.”
“Yes! Take your shirt off. And throw it in the wash, how many days have you been wearing it for?”
“Oh, too many to count, sweetheart.” 
“That’s gross, Wade.”
“Hey now, I’m gonna revoke your biting privileges!” He threatens, but proceeds to take the shirt off as and throw it in the hamper anyway.
“Nuh-uh, no take-backsies.”
“Then stop insulting my habits!” He sits down on the bed and you sit yourself on your legs right behind him. 
“What? When have I ever done that?” You feign confusion, kissing his shoulder.
“Now that’s just gaslighting. You’re a gaslighter. A mean, evil, toxic gaslighter and you’re gaslighting me.”
You laugh. “Oh whatever, grown man who needs to be reminded to do his laundry. You ready?”
“Why do you even care so much? You get, like, stabbed on the daily.”
“Yeah but this isn’t… stabbing. Stabbing I’m used to.”
“I can stab you if you want me to.”
“Can you really?” 
“If you’re into that,” you play along.
“Oh you know I am, baby. No but that’s not what I meant.”
You kiss his lower back without a warning, and you can’t contain a smile at the way he shivers. “What do you mean, then?”
“This is… different.” He fidgets with his own hands as he talks, eyes trained on them over his own lap.
“What, not every person you’ve ever dated that’s asked to bite a heart into your back?” You continue kissing your way up his back, up until where you want said heart to start.
“Oh no, everyone asks me for that on the reg actually. I’m actually super mega lucky that I heal so fast, otherwise I’d just have to come home with all those hearts on my back all the time and you would not be happy with that would you?”
You punch his shoulder lightly and he smiles. “You bet I wouldn’t! Only I get to do this, you hear me?” You exclaim, feigning offense.
“Wolvie carved a heart into my thigh once. Hottest thing to ever happen to me. No offense.”
“None taken.” You bite the skin of his back right where you’d just kissed before. Not so hard that it’s meant to hurt, it’s not that kind of night, but not as if he’d break either, since, well, he kind of can’t. You suck lightly on the skin to make sure to leave a tiny mark and it’s a little funny to be doing this with no ulterior motives. “Especially since that for sure never happened.”
“It could have.” 
“If Logan ever carves a fucking heart into your thigh and I’m not there to witness it I will be so mad.” 
“Hey I thought we had a free pass with him!”
“Not if I’m not involved! Or at least get to watch.”
“Aye, aye, captain. Anything else you wanna witness between us, sweetcheeks?”
“I’ll tell you when I’m done, how about that?” You grin before resuming your work, biting and sucking on the scarred skin until you can see the aligned marks almost forming the shape you want them to. 
It’s a shock that it gets him to shut up for even just a few seconds, so it’s no surprise that the silence doesn’t last all that long. “This is…  It’s different… It’s… It’s really intimate isn’t it? Like overwhelmingly so. Is it hot in here, are you hot?”
You stop immediately. “Hey. Don’t freak out on me. I know I insisted a little but I didn’t think you were hesitating ‘cause you were uncomfortable. I wouldn’t have-” 
“No- no no no no no, it’s fine. It’s… Nice. It’s silly, but it’s nice. Just different.”
You stare at him until he manages to get himself to look up at you and nod, easing your worries and letting yourself believe him. “Okay. But only if you’re sure. And don’t call me silly!”
“You’re making it really hard, sugartits.”
“Hey!” You flick the back of his head.
“Ow! What was that for? It’s obvious that by ‘it’ I meant my dick. I was dirty talking. Clearly.”
“You’re ridiculous.” You bite into his skin again. He stays still and weirdly quiet once again, eyes closed and still shivering occasionally as you trace kisses along his back before following them with bites and, finally, the main goal- the hickeys. 
“You done?”
“Almost. Missing three.”
“They all still there?”
“They’re fading, but they’re still there. You trying to keep them?”
He shrugs, very obviously trying his hardest to pretend he doesn’t care. “Well you wanted me to, didn’t you?” 
You smile, cupping his jaw with one of your hands and turning his face to the side so you can give him a quick kiss. 
“Almost done,” you promise.
“Do it harder.”
“Bite harder.”
“What, is this you saying you have some sort of biting kink?”
“First of all, you should have guessed that. Second of all, no, I just don’t want them to fade so fast.” 
“So someone’s enjoying the idea now.”
“Enjoying is pushing it. Curious is a better-fitting word.”
“Yeah, yeah, sure.” Making the last of the marks, you lean back to admire the work. “Done,” you announce, tracing the shape with the tips of your fingers. 
“Well, can I see it?”
“Yeah.” You pull him to his feet and lead him to the full body mirror in the corner of the room. Turning himself around so his back is facing the mirror, he looks over his shoulder so he can see it too.
“You don’t like it?”
“I thought it would… you can barely see it with the… you know. The scars.”
“Of course you can see it! Look!” You trace the shape on his skin with your pointer finger for him to see in the reflection.
“You know what I meant.” 
“I- didn’t want it to make you feel bad. It was really silly anyway. You can let it heal if you want to.”
“It’s not- it’s not that. Fuck, I know this was supposed to be this whole funny haha silly cutesy little thing but I just- I don’t even know why you do it.”
“Do what?”
“Put up with it.”
“What exactly?”
“This. It’s not really the best view in town, is it?” There he goes, unable to look you in the eye again.
“Like why would you even want to see this? You just spent like ten minutes staring at my back, which frankly looks like I single-handedly brought leprosy back to fashion and then you- just- like even just my face is enough for people to, like, projectile vomit. Why’d you make yourself do this right now?”
“I didn’t make myself do anything. I had to convince you to let me do it´.”
“‘Cause you wanna prove something.”
“What would I wanna prove with something so dumb?”
“I don’t know. That you don’t see me as a monster or something.” 
“I don’t see you as a monster. But I wasn’t trying to prove anything.”
Letting his face fall into his hands, he lets out a frustrated sigh, as if he hadn’t meant for the conversation to come to this. And he probably hadn’t, really, but he already did so much of pretending to be fine all the time. It sucked to see him like this, but at least he was letting himself be real, be honest with you about the way he was feeling. 
You’ve come a long way to gain this kind of trust. 
“Sorry. Ruined the moment. Way to go, Wade!” He apologizes.
“You don’t have to say sorry, you know that by now.” 
He glances at the mirror again and sees all the marks have gone away already, his mind going elsewhere and interrupting the focus he’d been putting into trying to put off the healing of them. He finally turns around to actually face you. “See? Can’t even have this one fucking silly little thing you wanted. It’s gone already cause, guess what, I’m a fucking freak of nature now. Like The Hunchback of Notre-Dame or something. I don’t know, I didn’t watch the movie.” 
You laugh. “Well I’ll just be Esmeralda then.”
“Who the fuck is that?”
“Oh you’d find her so hot, dude. But doesn’t matter.” You walk up to him, kissing him gently from his ear to his jaw to his neck to his lips. “Don’t fucking question why I love you ever again, that’s, like, so rude.”
“Oh that was just so sappy, even for you babe, massive sap vibes all over.”
“Oh shut up you big baby.” You place a last gentle kiss on the palm of his hand. “I have an idea.” You pull yourself away from him, disappearing into the bathroom.
“Yeah? Does it involve pity sex? Cause I’m feeling down and I am ready to pounce if you are and-“ He raises an eyebrow in question when you come back holding up something. “That some new vibrator or something?” 
“Can you wait like ten seconds?” 
“Ten seconds? Babe, you know that’s asking too much of me when I’m this horny. They don’t call me The Flash for nothing.” 
“Who is ‘they’? And what does that even mean?”
“Sorry, wrong franchise. You wouldn’t get it.”
“Back to the vibrator.”
“It’s lipstick.” You turn to face the mirror, taking your time applying the dark red color to your lips. “Kay, turn around, pretty boy.”
“Oooh, kinky! You gonna gimme a rimjob with that lipstick on?  Wait is that another kink? We are full of surprises today.” He quips, turning around as asked. 
“Wade please shut up.” 
“You know I can’t do th- aaahh what are you doing?” He flinches, taken by surprise by the kiss you place on his back, right where the heart you’d marked on him had been.
“Well you can keep these ones a little longer.” This time, he keeps quiet the entire time you take to mark the heart on his back once again, with the lipstick this time, reapplying it before every other kiss so the marks truly showed. 
“Fuuuckkk I’m never washing my back again,” he comments as he admires the reflection in the mirror.
“Don’t even start.” 
“I’m staying dirty forever and it’s gonna be your fault, sweetheart,” he declares as he turns around to face you, and it pleases you to see his mood seems better. 
“We are taking a shower in a couple hours and there’s nothing you can do about it.”
“We?” He raises his eyebrows suggestively at the implication.
“If that gets you to actually shower for once.”
“Hey, I shower all the time!”
“Then you can shower without me like a big boy.” 
“Actually I don’t take showers I don’t know how.” 
“Yeah, yeah I figured.”
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A/N: hey send me stuff for deadpool i actually enjoyed writing this lol it was v fun and cute!! i hope it isn't much too ooc lol i still gotta get the hang of writing wade
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satorusluver · 11 months
Wanna Bet?
Satosugu x female reader
Minors DNI
Tags/Warnings: smut, threesome sort of, slight breast play, alcohol mention (they're sober tho), princess as a nickname because it's my weakness lol
Word count: 800 ish
A/N: Idek what this is, it was just a scene in my head that's been sitting in my drafts so *throws it at you and runs*
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You stare down at the panting mess of your friend Satoru under you. He's sprawled out on the bed, white hair blending in with the pillowcase. His hands are gripping your thighs and his fingertips lightly dig into the soft flesh as you grind back and forth on him, the outer lips of your pussy sliding up and down the length of his hard dick. You've been doing this for a couple of minutes now, never working up the courage to actually put it in. It's clearly getting to Satoru, who looks like he'd be about ready to start begging if his pride would let him, which it won't. But now he's chewing on his lower lip almost hard enough to break the skin, and his icy blue eyes keep rolling back as he gently grinds up against you. The stimulation feels good, but never quite enough.
"I don't know what you're so afraid of, it's not like you're a virgin." You hear the deep voice of Suguru from behind you and feel his large hands ghost over the curve of your waist.
"I-I know...but look at him, he's huge," you stammer, looking to where the fat head of Satoru's cock is peeking out from between your pussy lips.
"He's no bigger than me," Suguru replies smugly, his hands still trailing up your waist until he cups your breasts, and although you can't see his face, you can hear the grin in his voice. "Don't tell me you're too much of a baby to sit on a dick?"
"If you keep talking shit, I'm not gonna let you fuck me after him," you hiss, your hips still slowly moving back and forth on Satoru's length, the friction against your clit causing you to stifle a moan as you try to sound firm.
"You're the one who got drunk the other night and admitted you've always wanted to know what both of our dicks felt like." As he speaks, the pads of Suguru's thumbs tease your nipples until they stiffen under his touch.
God, that was embarrassing of you. But really, who could blame you when you had two of the most attractive men you'd ever seen as your closest friends? It's honestly a miracle it took so many years for you to let your attraction to them slip.
"Well, you guys are the ones who said you wanted to actually let me do it!"
"We did. So why don't you go ahead and actually put it in?" Satoru finally speaks, bucking his hips impatiently. He's trying to keep his cool, but a hint of desperation is creeping into his usually cocky voice.
"He's right, haven't you tortured poor Toru enough? Come on, lift your hips a little. I'll help you since you apparently need it..."
You do as Suguru says, lifting your hips up, and you watch as his hand curls around the base of Satoru's dick so casually you're a little thrown off by it. The lack of any and all hesitation has you silently wondering if he'd done it before, but you don't have much time to think about it before Suguru is lining up the head of Satoru's cock with your entrance, gently moving it back and forth against your slit to get it wet enough to go in with ease.
"Go on then, princess. Or do you need me to hold your hand, too?" Suguru's making fun of you, but he actually does interlace the fingers of his free hand with yours, and his lips brush against your own affectionately.
You groan into Suguru's mouth the moment you finally sink down onto Satoru's cock, and you can feel his lips turn up in a smirk at the sound you make. You take in a sharp breath at the stinging feeling the stretch causes once you feel him bottom out. For a moment, you're silently cursing yourself for ever admitting you wanted to try this, but then your walls begin to adjust to his size and the pain begins to melt away until all that's left is the feeling of being deliciously and utterly full in a way you've never felt before.
"Fuck," Satoru curses, "she's so fuckin' tight."
"Yeahhh?" Suguru drawls, his voice somehow sounding even lower than usual. "You look like you're trying not to blow your load already," he chuckles. Well, at least you're not the only one he's poking fun at.
"I'll last longer than you," Satoru insists, although his teeth are gritted slightly as though he's already struggling with his self-control.
"You wanna bet? We got all night after all, don't we, princess?" You feel Suguru's hot breath just below your ear before he playfully nips at the sensitive skin there, and you brace yourself for what is about to be a very long night.
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cy6err · 7 months
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Kisses — W.S.
Pairings: Walker Scobell x Fem!Reader
Warnings: Kissing… other than that, fluff !! :) not proofread
Summary: You convince Walker to do the “lipstick trend” on tiktok. (Established relationship)
A/N: tysm for 20+ followers and all the love !! 🤍 Also, I’m still trying to find out a plot for part 3 of first look, so have this little blurb :)
╔═*.·:·.✧ ✦ ✧.·:·.*═╗
Walker was at your house for the weekend, wanting to spend time with his “lovely girlfriend” before needing to go back to filming. His head was on your shoulder while he scrolled through TikTok, showing you videos from here and there saying “hey babe, look at this!” Or “omg check this out.”
He was a huge cuddler and would always cling to you every chance he gets, because he found your presence comforting. You were also on TikTok, switching between different social media platforms because you were bored out of your mind.
Your finger drags along the screen until you came across one tiktok of a girl applying lipstick and “accidentally” messing it up. A hand pops up on the screen to wipe the smear off her bottom lip and the camera pans over to the boy with lipstick kisses all over their face.
Biting your lip in thought, you turn to look at Walker and smile. “Walker?” You call out softly, causing him to look up in curiosity. “Yeah?”
“Wanna do a TikTok with me?” You say, turning your phone off, followed by a click sound. “Like, a regular one where we’re dancing? Sure.”
You chuckle and shake your head, “No. like, um… here I’ll show you.” You turn your phone back on and unlock it, opening the app and tapping the video to show him. Walker watched intently and raised his eyebrows, “You wanna do that?”
You only nod in response, turning your phone off again. “It’s cute.”
“It’s kind of… I don’t know. Cringe?” He says, smiling as his face turns pink. You playfully hit his shoulder, “It’s not cringe! It’s sweet.”
“Im not gonna do it.” He replies, shaking his head and going back to his phone. You roll your eyes at him and huff, “Please, Walker? I’ll do anything.”
He looks at you again, smirking. “Anything?”
Giving him a weird look, you slowly nod. “Yeah… anything. Just do this trend with me?” Walker thought about it for a moment and his smirk turns into a smile, sitting up on the bed. “Okay.”
You squeal excitedly and hop out of your bed, going over to your vanity to get out a lipstick color. Rummaging around for quite some time, you finally found a color you liked and walk back to the bed.
Sitting on it, you open the lipstick cap and curse to yourself for not applying the lipstick on before when you were just in front of the mirror. “Walker can I use your camera real quick?” He nods and takes his phone out, swiping to the left and opening the camera app.
You use the camera and carefully apply the lipstick. As you were busy with it, Walker watched you with adoration and longing until you looked up. “Okay I have to do the kisses before it dries out.”
“Okay,” he obliged as you leaned forward to grab his face, placing a kiss to his cheek. Pulling back, you see the mark and smile, starting to pepper kisses all over his face causing him to smile and chuckle a bit.
After finishing up, you pull away again and see his beet-red face. “Ready?” You ask, sitting by him and unlocking your phone again. You open the TikTok app and tap the plus button on the bottom middle of the screen and choosing the sound.
As the song played, you apply the lipstick on again and smear it under your lip. Walker brought his thumb up to wipe it away and you turn your camera to him, showing his embarrassed and awkward smile. The video ends and you watch it, a huge smile across your face as well as blush.
“Thank you Walker, you’re the best.” You chuckle, uploading the TikTok with the caption saying: “had to convince him to do this (was totally worth it)”
Walker grins and nods, “Of course. Give me a kiss.” He leans in to which you lean back, “but I have lipstick on?”
You roll your eyes and kiss him, staining his lips with the red color, a smile of content playing on his lips. “So… what did you want me to do for our bargain?” You ask, your eyes not leaving his.
“We’re not longer gonna be Raven and Beast boy for Halloween. You’re being robin while I’m Batman.” He says proudly.
“What? No way.” You protest. “Yes way. Or I’m deleting that video.”
╚═*.·:·.✧ ✦ ✧.·:·.*═╝
Yaya hope you liked it! Feel free to send requests :)
Tag list: @cupidsdaugther @idkwhosnyla @ilovemen2much
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bianquitasworld · 1 year
Can we have Dave as a total nerd who gets invited to his first highschool rager where he meets reader who's interested in him?
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Parings: Dave Lizewski x Reader ₊ ⊹
A/N: Sorry for being gone I had no inspiration. I would make this a story but i’m scared to I trust myself doing little head-canons better :( also! Did y’all see the brawl in alabama !? 🪑
Warnings: Underage drinking, I pictured the characters around being 17-18 since they are in high school!! Dave is 18 reader is 18!!
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• Well first of all we all know Dave is a huge nerd and kind of a loser, So how he even got invited to a rager is unknown.
• He decide to go, figured it would be better than spending his time away at home reading comics. Poor boy was lost and confused he did not know what to wear, he was stressed!
• He spent so much time trying to find an outfit at the end of it clothes was all over his bed and floor hangers were everywhere. All this mess just for him to go with the first outfit he had originally put on.
• Dave was so stressed out about absolutely everything he wanted to turn back and go home and read his comic books in the safety of his room.
• The music was far too loud teenagers were everywhere indulging in underage-drinking and dancing, some making out and practically having sex, gross.
• Dave was scared he couldn’t find the person who invited him so he just walked around, he grabbed a cup just to try and fit amongst everyone else at the party.
• Dave recognized some of the people from his school and decided to keep his head down to not embarrass himself in front of them. He noticed many jocks playing beer pong and cheering each other on.
• As he walked around he found comfort in a dark corner away from everyone. Dave would definitely just sit in the corner by himself and people watch, which is exactly what he did until some shirtless drunk dude accidentally slammed in to him, making him spill his beer all over his shirt.
• Dave tried to find a bathroom to clean off his shirt but all the bathrooms downstairs were occupied, so he went upstairs he tried finding the bathroom but instead walked in on a couple about to have sex. He was mortified, the girl threw her shoe and screamed at him to get out.
• once he found the bathroom he opened it without knocking (he didn’t learn his lesson) and walked in on you adjusting your dress,
“Dude what the fuck? Didn’t anyone teach you to knock?”
he was a stuttering mess while he apologized.
“Sorry-sorry i was just trying to-nothing never mind”
• when he was about to leave you stopped him telling him it was fine and you were done anyways. He couldn’t make eye contact with you he was so nervous he thought you were so pretty and his nostrils were overwhelmed by your sweet perfume. Was he drooling? probably.
• Before he could leave you stopped him.
“No, Sorry it’s fine I was done anyways. You okay? You seem like..uncomfortable?”
He was blushing and nervous, he grabbed some toilet paper and tried to clean the now almost dry beer off his shirt.
“Y-yeah? I’m fine-i’m cool just never been to one of these things before-and and…you’re really p-pretty and you smell really good..”
His smile and was cute and his glasses only added to how adorable he looked.
• When he heard your laugh he was done for! That man would’ve done anything you asked and he’d only spoken two sentences to you.
• “well..thanks uh —?”
“Dave my name-it’s uh Dave w-whats yours??”
“I’m —“
• You guys would probably spend 30 minutes talking in the bathroom and laughing, you can definitely tell this is not his scene like at all.
• “So Dave..do you want to give me your number? Or are you just gonna stare at me?”
his loser ass is so embarrassed!! He gives you his number and you guys text all night and morning.
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sxcret-garden · 7 months
Wooyoung ღ NSFW Alphabet [M]
ღ Ateez - NSFW Alphabets ღ Ateez Wooyoung x gn!reader ღ words: ~2.6k ღ genre: smut ღ warnings: heavy power dynamics in some parts (especially with sub!Woo)
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A = Aftercare (what he’s like after sex)
This hugely depends on what kind of sex you had. Overall he’s definitely caring, looks after you, asks if you feel okay and how you liked it. If he took on the more dominant role he’s definitely gonna rub your back, cuddle with you, get you some water, help you clean up,... there’s literally nothing he doesn’t think of. Will be ESPECIALLY cuddly if he teased you a lot during. But if it’s the other way around and you took on the more dominant role he’s gonna snuggle up to you like a cat. He will still take care of you eventually, but he needs to hear what a good boy he was first.
B = Body part (his favorite body part of his partner)
I really think he’s a boobs type of guy and also a bit of a perv, so I can’t not say your chest. Like… if you have breasts he loooves playing with them, squeezing them in his hands, just the feel of them, y’know? Huge fan of nipple play too, so you can expect him to give them a lot of attention. And if you don’t have breasts then I think the answer is still chest!! Idk, there’s just something about him marking up that part of you or resting his hand there as he makes out with you that feels so good to him. Plus, what better place to rest his head than your chest where he can feel your slowly calming heartbeat afterwards?
C = Cum (anything to do with cum)
He loves your taste and loves having you watch as he licks your juices off his lips after giving you head. Definitely the type to kiss you as the taste is still present on his tongue. As for where he prefers to cum… he’s not too picky about that. However, he finds it insanely hot if you get on top of him, maybe pinning him against the bed or a wall, and you tease him so good that he can’t but help cum right then and there in his pants. Will definitely blush a little at his failure to keep his composure, and if you tease him about it (or maybe even humiliate him 👀) you can be sure this guy will submit to you immediately and be hard again in no time.
D = Dirty secret (a dirty secret or secret desire of his)
Secretly he wants to try being under your command for a day or maybe even longer. Of course that includes any sexual acts you might wish for, whenever you tell him to, but it’s not just about sex for him. Wants to be ordered around by you and please you, do anything you ask of him, and afterwards receive praise or a punishment - whichever you see fit. And in between he’s going to be your little toy who’ll do anything you want.
E = Experience (how experienced is he?)
I think he certainly has some experience, maybe more, maybe less than what you’d think. But what I’m sure of is that he knows himself very well, and even if he has less experience, communication won’t be a problem for him, so it’s easy to figure out what works for the both of you either way.
F = Favorite position 
You on top of him, preferably with you being in control. Don’t get me wrong, I think he’s a total switch, but the thing he’ll keep wanting to come back to is simply you sitting on top of him, deciding on what pace you’re going at and controlling when he cums. He’ll go crazy if you keep edging him again and again until it gets painful, but even then all he’s going to do is hiss curses through gritted teeth and beg and at the same time he’ll enjoy you making him your little toy so much that most of the time he isn’t even going to think about taking matters into his own hands and finally getting that release he so desperately craves. Though such times do exist, and then he surely is ready to fight you for dominance no matter what…
G = Goofy (is he more serious in the moment? is he humorous?)
Sex with Wooyoung is definitely going to include laughter. It’d feel off to him to always stay completely serious throughout. Whether he’s chuckling to himself as he teases you, or laughs because one of you was being clumsy or something that you two imagined to feel good didn’t quite work out as well as it did in your heads - he knows how to lighten the mood and sometimes appreciates you doing it as well!
H = Headspace (how much does he think about it/you during the day? how elaborate are his fantasies?)
I think he has sexual thoughts less often than you’d expect him to. But when he does they’re usually deliberate, when he really has the time to make up elaborate scenarios. The type of guy who knows it’ll feel even better when he thinks about it until he really is painfully horny, and gets off to whatever thoughts are up in his head only when he can’t take it anymore. If he has a partner they’re definitely going to be the nr 1 person to appear in his fantasies, though from time to time he might think about someone else too.
I = Intimacy (how passionate or romantic is he?)
Very passionate at all times!! Can be very romantic too if it fits the mood, and won’t find it too cheesy at all to prepare the bedroom with candles and rose petals and all that stuff 🥺 though this won’t be the standard, but from the way he always looks at you with adoration in his eyes no matter what you’re doing, I’d say he is fairly romantic!! 
J = Jack off (how does he masturbate and how often?)
Pretty much every day, mostly out of habit and to briefly destress in the shower after a long day. Though sometimes, when he has the time, he’ll spend quite a while masturbating in his room (oftentimes while fantasizing, as described above 👀)
K = Kink (one of his kinks)
How could I not talk about his very apparent degradation kink here!! (Very uncreative, I know lol but come on!!) It does things to him to say the least when he gets pushed around a bit. I’d even go as far as to say he’s into being humiliated, like you making fun of him for cumming so fast, or teasing him about what a little obedient slut he is when it takes you no time at all to make him submit to you. Might start giggling and blushing right then and there, and will enjoy it even more if you punish him for that reaction. He’ll be painfully hard in no time, and at the same time he just can’t stop pushing your limits, until you start to manhandle him. (And even if he’s a lot stronger than you, this guy will simply play along and let you do to him whatever you want.)
L = Location (favorite places to do it)
Pretty much anywhere if y’all are horny enough djbdndndd he won’t shy away from semi-public sex, though he probably wouldn’t try to sneakily get you off with other people in the room (he’d certainly still tease you though). The bed, the couch, someone else’s bed, against a wall, the kitchen counter, a public bathroom,... anything goes so long as he gets to fuck you.
M = Motivation (what turns him on, gets him going)
Your reactions, your voice, your praises, even you pushing him around a bit… any affirmation is enough for him to keep going, and once he’s caught a glimpse of what he can do to you, he’ll get even more curious and want to find out even more about you! And even if the day comes where he’s seen everything, he’ll just want it all over again, so really it’s very easy to get him going and to keep him going.
N = No (something he wouldn’t do, turn offs)
Really he’s open to most things, but one thing he certainly won’t do is using sex as a distraction or as a way to fuck out your feelings before having talked about it. He wants you two to always be transparent with each other, as he would never judge you for anything and he wants a partner where he feels that they won’t either. Angry sex or anything similar is totally okay with him, so long as both parties know what’s going on emotionally!!
O = Oral (preference in giving or receiving, skill, etc.)
Loves giving and receiving equally, so he’s definitely going to suggest 69 sometimes! Is a big fan of turning it into a game of who can make the other cum fastest, or of who can make the other feel so good that they lose focus and have to stop pleasuring the other. However, he also enjoys simply taking turns, because he loves watching your reactions and hearing you praising him about how well he’s doing. Plus, sometimes he really just wants to lean back and enjoy as you suck him off too.
P = Pace (is he fast and rough? slow and sensual? etc.)
He’s more on the fast and rough side, but can do slow and sensual too. Especially when y’all are just having sweet vanilla sex he’ll be so soft and caring with you 🥺 and yet he’ll keep a slow pace until you start begging him for more, focusing entirely on your pleasure as he makes sure to help you build up your orgasm slowly, so he could make sure your high shakes your whole body when it finally does come crashing down on you.
Q = Quickie (his opinions on quickies?)
A big fan tbh! Though it’s not a rare occurrence for something that was supposed to be only a quickie to turn into well over an hour of sex so cjbdndbdnxnx
R = Risk (does he like to experiment or take risks?)
He’s open to trying out pretty much anything, especially if it’s something you bring up to him. Will usually not find it weird, even when it’s something that would seem weird to others or that a lot of people shy away from. Sure, there are some things he won’t be into, but most of the time he’ll be open to at least try! As for risk taking - as I said, semi-public is definitely something he’d be open to, but he will make damn sure you two don’t get caught.
S = Stamina (how long does he last?)
Not as long as he’d like lol. However, when he really feels himself running out of energy but both of you still want to keep going, he’ll simply suggest taking a bit of a rest with some cuddles, and then eventually you’re gonna start lazily getting each other off again. You’ll either keep going for another round or two, or you’ll agree that you really are all out of energy and you can just keep cuddling!
T = Toys (does he own toys? does he use them? on a partner or himself?)
I think he’d like the idea of using toys while having sex with you! A vibrator, a cockring, or maybe even handcuffs - if it enhances the pleasure for you, him, or both of you, he’s all for it!
U = Unfair (how much he likes to tease)
Teases A LOT. I don’t think I need to say much here. He’s a tease in- and outside of the bedroom, he just can’t help himself :’)
V = Volume (how loud or vocal is he? what does he sound like?)
He’s pretty vocal I’d say!! Definitely talks a lot and is super into dirty talk especially - but if you’re only just starting to have sex and getting to know each other’s bodies, or if he’s with someone inexperienced, he’ll definitely communicate a lot too and ask what feels good and what doesn’t, nudges you in the right direction, etcetc. Lots of moans and groans and other noises that tell you he likes what you’re doing especially when you’re pleasuring him, or when he’s coming close. And don’t get me started on the fucked out and exhausted but at the same time sweet tone in his voice afterwards, as he tells you how amazing you were.
W = Wild card (a random headcanon)
“Ahh…” Wooyoung lets out a pained noise, almost a whine, as you push him into the mattress with his hands pinned above his head. You can see his muscles dancing under his skin, yet he doesn’t put any strength at all into a rather pathetic attempt to free himself. You’ve ceased your movements on top of him, edging him for the third time now, and you can tell he’s slowly losing his composure, a drop of sweat on his forehead, and his eyes shut tightly in a desperate expression. Still, he doesn’t do anything to resist. He doesn’t free himself - which he undoubtedly could - and he doesn’t flip your positions around to take over control. He barely even begs. Of course he does, but what falls from his lips the most are praises about how good you make him feel, how beautiful you are, and sometimes a “can’t take it anymore”. And that’s your cue to stop, to let him rest while his chest rises and sinks as he breathes heavily, waiting until you can start riding him again, not yet knowing yourself whether you’ll let him cum this time, or if you want to keep playing with him. 
“Woo…” you breathe out, leaning in to scatter a trail of sloppy kisses up his sternum. “Such a good boy for me…” The way he looks at you when he opens his eyes makes your heart swell. There’s still so much warmth in his gaze, and so much desire too. He doesn’t care if you keep teasing him like this or if you finally grant him that release he so desperately needs - all he cares about is you making him feel good, one way or the other. And so you press a kiss to his lips, before slowly starting to roll your hips again.
X = (X) as a mark (does he like marking you/being marked? where?)
He enjoys marking his partner, but loves being marked up even more! If you set any rules like no marks where it’s hard to cover, he will absolutely annoy you by pretending as if he was trying to give you a hickey there, but he’ll never do it for real (unless maybe he’s drunk and goes a little overboard kalsjdfks). Instead he loves marking your chest especially, but the inside of your thighs and your hips are close seconds! As for him, he really doesn’t mind where you put your mark on him. Couldn’t care less if it’s somewhere that’s hard to cover - quite the opposite actually. He loves the thrill of knowing he’ll be in trouble the next day because of you sucking a mark into the skin on the side of his throat. He does see it as a way to mark you as his and vice versa, but it’s not among the most important parts about sex with you for him.
Y = Yearning (how high is his sex drive?)
Average I’d say? He doesn’t need sex every day, though he wouldn’t mind! He certainly won’t say no if it’s something you want, but for him he’d be perfectly satisfied with only a few times a week, when you two really have the capacity to take your time with it.
Z = Zzz (how quickly he falls asleep afterwards)
Tbh he can fall asleep fairly quickly afterwards. However, he will always make sure to stay awake for a good amount of aftercare and some cuddles. Even when he’s spent and tired he doesn’t want to fall asleep on you immediately.
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sturniholo · 7 months
always you - nate doe
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in which one night your relationship with nate changes completely after a big realization
nate x sturniolo triplets younger sister !
┊ ✫ ┊ ┊ ☾⋆ ┊ ⊹ ┊ ✯ ⋆ ┊
Loud music blared through your headphones as you lay in bed. All week you’ve been feeling down, spending most of your time in your room. You had been feeling weird lately. Like you were incapable of love. Usually, you wouldn’t think about stuff like that, but this week had been different.
Although you were usually open about your emotions, you kept this to yourself. You hadn’t mentioned this to your brothers, as you thought it was too embarrassing to talk about. They had tried to ask you what was wrong, but you had pushed them away.
So when you heard a knock at your door, you let out a deep sigh. You took your headphones out and got out of bed. You opened the door, revealing Nate standing in the hallway.
Nate was one of your closest friends. Ever since you were in elementary school, Nate has been in your life. He met your brothers while playing hockey, and ever since then, he was always around. You had become quite close with him, as you were the same age and kind of had no choice.
“What are you doing here?” you asked as you leaned against the door.
“Nick told me you were feeling down, so I figured I would check on you,” he said as he shrugged his shoulders.
“Well, thanks Nate, but I’m fine. I promise.”
“I know you’re not, Y/n.” He gave you a look of concern. “I want you to come somewhere with me.” He held out his hand, waiting for you to take it. You grabbed onto his hand, hesitant to follow him.
“So, where are you taking me?” you asked as the two of you walked down the street. You turned to look at him. He was already looking at you, his signature grin on his face.
“You’ll see.” He stayed silent for a moment, continuing to walk. “You gonna tell me what’s wrong?”
You let out a quiet huff. “It’s embarrassing,” you muttered.
“It can’t be embarrassing if it makes you upset.” Those words made you smile to yourself. Nate had always been sweet to you, even if you weren’t being the nicest.
After a few more minutes of walking, you had made it to your destination. The park. It was the same park you, Nate, and your brothers would play at in elementary school.
“You brought me to the park,” you said with a laugh.
“Yeah, why not?” You looked at him with your eyebrows slightly raised, letting out a laugh. “The last one to the top is a loser.” He began to run towards the playground, giving you no time to process what he said.
By the time you made your way to the playground, he was already sitting at the top. He looked down at you with a smug look, making you scoff. “That wasn’t fair! I didn’t even have time to make it here.” He laughed as you climbed up the ladder, taking a seat beside him.
“Man, this is way smaller than I remember.” You were sitting beside him, shoulder to shoulder. He was right. The playground that once felt huge to you was now squishing you in with Nate. “So,” he said turning to face you, “talk to me.”
“Promise you won’t laugh?”
“Promise,” he said holding out his pinky.
“I guess I’ve just been feeling,” you paused, “insecure? I don’t know.” You turned to look at him. His eyes were on you, watching as you spoke. “I guess after the last guy, I haven’t had any luck with love.”
He thought for a moment. “Yeah, I get that.” You smiled at him. “But there’s nothing to be insecure about, Y/n. It’s a normal feeling. And I promise you, there is someone out there for you.”
“How do you know?”
“Well, you’re super smart, you’re a nice girl, you have the prettiest smile, and you make me laugh like no one else does,” he said with a smile.
His words sunk into your brain, making you grin. “Thanks, Nate.” Your eyes met his, which of course were already staring into yours. However, this time it was a different look. It was a look of admiration. His eyes twinkled as he looked at you, making you blush.
You felt his hand grab onto yours, making your eyes flicker down. You looked back up at him, your eyes locking on his. Before you can speak again, Nate leans in, capturing your lips in a kiss.
He pulls away after a second, a look of shock on his face. Before he can open his mouth to apologize, you lean back in, placing your lips on his. Your hand finds his jaw, gently caressing his skin. His hand finds your waist, pulling you closer to him.
As the kiss continues, you feel him smile. You pull away, slightly out of breath. His lips are slightly swollen, making you chuckle to yourself. He takes your hand in his, rubbing delicate circles with his thumb. “Y/n,” he begins, “I really like you.”
You feel the blood rush to your cheeks at his words. Everything was starting to make sense to you. Nate had always been the one for you. The long glances from across the room, the frequent checkups; it all made sense.
“And I want you to be my girl.” You couldn’t help yourself from grinning, making him smile at you.
“I would love to be your girl, Nate.” You lean in, pressing a kiss to his cheek.
Safe to say the minute you got home you were bombarded with questions. Nate had been planning this for a while, and of course, asked your brothers for some guidance. But Nate was finally yours, and you were his.
┊ ✫ ┊ ┊ ☾⋆ ┊ ⊹ ┊ ✯ ⋆ ┊
a/n: something short and sweet bc nate is the cutest !!
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sh4wty18 · 2 months
hii could i request reader x johnnie fluff where reader is best friends with him jake and carrington, both johnnie and reader are crushing on each other and yapping to jake and carrington about the other and jake gets to be cupid for his best friends
sorry if bad grammar, english is my second language
playing cupid.
pairing: johnnie guilbert x reader (featuring jake!)
summary: same as request
cw: fluff, dual perspective, language, mentions of vomiting/being hungover
word count: 1.7k + not edited (this was off the dome lol)
Jake’s POV:
Some people liked to assume that Jake was not an observant person, but he disagreed. Just because he was slightly aloof in attitude did not mean he wasn’t acutely aware of everything that went on around him, especially regarding his best friends. And Y/n, Johnnie, and Carrington were not only his roommates, but also his very close friends. 
For the last several months, Jake had been– well, he didn’t want to use the word ‘lurking’ – but watching Johnnie and Y/n’s interactions. He knew Y/n was always closest to Johnnie, of the three men, you would have to be an idiot not to notice that, he figured. But what he’d noticed more recently was their slight changes in behavior around each other. The way Johnnie would go out of his way to do little things for Y/n, like fill her water glass when it was empty, or bring her bedroom a fresh box of tissues when he noticed she was running low. Jake noticed the way Y/n purposely told the punchlines of her jokes in a way she knew Johnnie would laugh at, and the way her ears got two shades redder when he did. Jake noticed the stolen glances they gave each other when the other wasn’t looking, and the way their fingers would brush together when they wanted to get each other’s attention. Jake had noticed all of these quirks that Y/n and Johnnie had, and yet he hadn’t said a single thing to either of them.
No, Jake knew that a good best friend wouldn’t try to pry the information out of them, he would wait until one of them came to him. Or, bring it up in conversation with them individually when the time was right. 
As it turns out, tonight would be the night when the time was right. It was around 1 am, and Jake was sitting in his room, sifting through his hours and hours of stream content, deciding what he wanted to cut and edit for his live channel on youtube. Suddenly, his bedroom door slammed open, and a very drunk Johnnie stumbled in. He had just got back from hosting a local Emo Night with Y/n. 
“Dude I dunno whatta do…” he slurred, and Jake laughed. This did not please Johnnie, as he started making angry pouty faces at Jake.
Jake cleared his throat and played off the laugh, “What happened, man?” 
“I kissed ‘er. Y/n. I… I–” He collapsed on Jake’s bed, slamming his hands over his face to try and mask his embarrassment. “She’s gonna hate me.”
Jake cut him off, “Woah, Johnnie. She’s not gonna hate you. Why would she hate you?”
“I think she just wantsta be friends ‘n I messed it up!”
“Did she tell you she just wanted to be friends?”
“No but–”
“And do you feel like you have real feelings for her?” Jake interrupted, so as to not allow him to overthink, even in his drunken state.
“Exactly. And by the looks of things, I think she has feelings for you too, dude.”
Johnnie moved his hands away from his face slightly, and turned to look at Jake, “Really?”
“Yes, Johnnie! Now go chug a huge glass of water and go to bed.” He got up and pulled Johnnie to his feet. Then he dragged him to the kitchen and got him a big glass of water, before walking him back to his own bedroom and tucking him into bed. “Goodnight.”
“Night, Jake.”
The next morning Jake sat at the kitchen table, bowl of cereal in hand, when Johnnie slowly trudged into the kitchen. Y/n was not yet awake. 
Jake giggled at Johnnie’s disheveled state, “Morning, sunshine.”
“Fuck off,” Johnnie mumbled, his voice still laced with sleep. 
“How you feeling?” Jake asked.
“Well, I’m hungover as fuck if that’s what you mean.”
“You know that’s not what I mean.”
Johnnie hesitated, “I don’t know, dude. I’m surprised I even remember our conversation if I’m being honest. I still kind of think I’m fucked… Thank God she’s not awake yet. I needed more time to contemplate all my shitty decisions.”
“Dude… I promise you’re not fucked. Like, I promise.” 
“Did she tell you something?”
“No but… a best friend’s instinct is never wrong…” he wiggled his fingers goofily in Johnnie’s direction.
“Are you forty? Like, what is that?” Johnnie asked sarcastically, but with his classic Johnnie laugh.
“Just trust me, Johnnie,” he put on a southern accent and clasped a hand over his heart, “Mother knows best.” 
“Yeah, okay man,” Johnnie laughed. 
Y/n POV:
You woke up with the throbbing headache and the sudden urge to vomit. As you ran to your bathroom and keeled over the toilet, you thought about the events of last night. No level of hungover could make you forget the fact that Johnnie had kissed you last night. You wanted it to mean something more than anything. 
You cleaned yourself up, brushed your teeth, washed your face, and got dressed for the day before heading downstairs to greet Jake. 
“Good morning,” he said with a grin, slurping up the last of his cereal milk.
“Morning,” you replied, grabbing a mug and pouring yourself a black cup of coffee, as well as popping a bagel in the toaster. “Where’s Johnnie?”
“He went back to bed. Claimed he was quote ‘too hungover for this shit’. How was your night?” Jake asked, a hint of a smile in his voice.
You turned around and were met with an expectant Jake leaning against the island behind you, arms crossed.
“Oh you know, I heard some rumors through the grapevine, the usual.”
“Did he tell you what happened?” you asked.
“Jesus, that man cannot keep his mouth shut to save his life.” You chuckled at the thought of Johnnie stumbling into Jake’s room to tell him what he’d done as soon as he made sure you were in bed, and a smile formed on your lips. “Well yeah. He kissed me. I don’t know if we’re gonna talk about it, or if it was a mistake, or what. But Jake, I need to get this off my chest. I’m like… in love with him. I have been for a while, and I don’t know what to do. I don’t wanna ruin the friendship.”
“Interesting, interesting.” Jake said, rubbing his chin with his thumb and pointer finger, as if this was news to him. 
“You knew?” 
“I had my suspicions! I’m more observant than you guys give me credit for!” Jake said proudly. “But trust me, Y/n, you have nothing to be scared of.”
“Did he… did he tell you something?” you asked, and Jake hesitated.
“No. I just have very good observational skills, can’t you just say you’re proud of me, damn!” he jokes.
You laughed, “Okay, Jakey.”
You’re getting ready to follow Johnnie’s lead and head back to bed (fuck the bagel), just because you felt so sick. But before you could leave, Jake grabs your arm.
“Seriously, Y/n. I think you should tell him how you feel. Chances are, he probably feels the same.”
“For real?” 
“Yes. And if I’m wrong… I’ll do all your chores around the house for a week.”
“Two weeks,” you add slyly.
“Deal!” he stuck out his hand and you shake on it. For Jake, a deal is a deal– no bullshit.
You head upstairs to fulfill your end of the deal. Even though you know that Johnnie would still want to be your friend, regardless of if he reciprocates your feelings, the nerves are still ever present in your stomach. 
You knocked on his door lightly, and heard a quiet, “Come in” from inside. 
You opened the door and crept into Johnnie’s pitch black room, you knew the layout of his bedroom by heart at this point. You could navigate his space with your eyes closed, so the lack of light made no difference. You mentally thanked Johnnie for inviting you to have so many movie nights in his room. Finally, you reached the bed and sat down on the edge, facing where you could only assume was his head.
“Hi,” Johnnie said, and you could hear the nerves in his voice.
“We need to talk about last night,” you say.
“You’re right,” Johnnie started, and you felt his weight shift in bed as he sat up to face you, even in the darkness. “I’m so sorry, Y/n. I don’t know why I kissed you last night. It was reckless and dumb, and I understand if you need space from me for a while. But… I can’t say it was a mistake. It wasn’t. Not for me.”
Your heart fluttered in your chest, and even though you knew he couldn’t see you, you were still embarrassed that your cheeks were burning up at his words. 
“That’s exactly what I came in here to say,” you smiled.
“Wait… really?” he asked.
“Yes, Johnnie. I don’t want to be just friends with you anymore. Do you think, could we ever…?” You trailed off, waiting for him to finish your thoughts, since you were too scared to vocalize them.
“Yes.” Johnnie said, this time there was zero hesitation or fear in his voice. “I want to be with you, Y/n. You’ll always be my friend, but we can be friends and?” 
“Yeah,” you giggled, “Friends and.” 
You reached out to feel for his face in the darkness, and your fingers brushed against the stubble on his cheek. You drew his face closer to yours, until your noses brushed together. His hands found your chest and moved up your neck to wrap around the back of your head, and he pulled your face impossibly closer to his. He pressed your foreheads together, and you breathed deeply, letting go of all your fear. You’d done it. 
You finally closed the gap between the two of you, and his lips were softer than you’d remembered them being last night. After a minute of getting used to the feeling of each other's mouths, for real this time, Johnnie smiled against your lips, and you can’t help but return the gesture.
“What?” you asked, still grinning.
“Nothing, it’s just… Jake was right. As usual.”
“Wait. Jake talked to you about this?”
“Yeah,” Johnnie responded, “He’s the one who told me to tell you my feelings.”
“No way, he told me the same thing!” you laughed, “That little fucking schemer!” 
Johnnie kissed you softly, and you felt him grin against your mouth again, “He’s like our cupid.”
 “Yeah, he really is,” you whispered, before leaning in to kiss Johnnie again. 
And now that you had him, you didn’t want to stop. 
guys please... idk how many more johnnie fics i can write PLS request jake or tara or literally anyone else once i reopen requests lolll
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kissforyouu · 6 months
Would you ever write a little drabble or something of oc having a huge reaction & going off at jk & how he responds? Or how he just crumbles lmao like you said he would 😭😂
"but then it didn't make sense, noh? i asked rhea about the theme and it was beach. the clothes they've provided us with are nowhere near beach? i don't know how we're gonna come up with a beachy look with those. i mean, kook, it's literally a long dress. even worse, it's fucking formal! who wears formal to the beach? nobody! but you know what the worst part is? they said we weren't allowed to use the given clothes to make new ones. like, what? that doesn't make sense at all", you continued with your rant, "it's unfair, to be honest. it was just our time and like 2 more out of the entire competition who got these non beachy looking clothes. it doesn't make sense. but we're all thinking of making a complaint. i have to win, you know." you nod, body slanted against the table.
"what do you think—" pause.
"you're not even listening are you?" you glare at your boyfriend, who's been glued to his phone for the past 20 minutes. he's watching some football match. a fucking football match.
he mindlessly nods, pretending to listen. he doesn't even know what you're saying!
"you're not listening to me."
once he just nods again, you groan and then just slap his arm. jungkook jolts at the sudden hit from you, looking up from his phone.
"you're not listening to me." you whine.
"hm, no, i was." liar.
"quit lying, jungkook."
"nah, nah, i was." he looks back at his phone again. you hate when he acted like this. makes you feel ignored.
"see! again! you're not listening to me!" you shout, throwing your hands in the air.
jungkook groans, rolling his eyes at you. you gasp, looking at your boyfriend with pure shock. did he just roll his eyes at you? oh no, he didn't!
"my bad."
the short careless responds were annoying you to the core.
"okay." your voice is stern. you get up, stomping your way around his room. he still doesn't bother to look at you or anything, eagerly watching his match. and just because you're such a dramatic spoiled bitch, you grab your bag and put on your shoes. your boyfriend, who was playing with his lower lip, drifts his eyes away from his stupid football match for a moment. and suddenly, he starts panicking.
nah, you were gonna leave. oh he messed up.
"baby, where you going?" his lazy ass finally gets up from his bed, brushing his hands on his sweats as he walked towards you.
you scoff, looking away dramatically.
"nah, come on, stay." he grips onto your arm tightly.
"no. because my boyfriend who invited ME over isn't paying me any attention because of some stupid fucking football game!"
"baby, i'm so sorry, okay? i didn't realise. now come on, don't go."
you squint your eyes and look at your boyfriend with a glare. and because you love the game, you decline again.
"y/n, i'll be better, come onnn. you can't just leave. i'm sorry i was being an ass to you earlier. please stay. let's cuddle and watch a movie or something. i'll rub your feet and give you a massage too." you try not to break into a laugh at the rubbing your feet part and somehow manage to keep an expressionless face.
"you need to be put on timeout."
"okay, say less."
jungkook walks back to his bed, sits on and faces his wall. he stares at it blankly as if he was a toddler who had just gotten scolded by their parent. the sight was hilarious. god, the things he does because of you. i mean, you didn't mean it literally, but he just accepted it.
"am i good now?" your boyfriend peaks at you slowly. you scowl. he slightly finds it funny and cute at the same time. everything you do is cute for him.
"come on, sweetheart. don't look at me like that." you kiss your teeth at his slightly flirty comment.
"okay. i'll stay." jungkook releases a loud sigh, falling back onto the bed.
"you're so dramatic sometimes."
(okay ik this isn't a major argument but i js thought this would be cute😭😭)
@fungie2332 @wintertxt @wheexine @hyunjinswifeee @ohsweetmimosa @canyon-txt @kooreo @rrosiitas @goldenjeonkoo
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tangerinesilk · 1 year
domestic!tangerine headcanons ♡
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rating ✷ all ages!
tropes ✷ major fluff and only fluff, established relationship, mean to everyone else but you, golden retriever!gf x black cat!bf
warnings ✷ not many -- just trying to be tooth-rotting adorable! if anything bullet train deserved more soft!tangerine okay so let me fill that void.
word count ✷ 500+ (very short)
a/n ✷ i wanna say thank you to the huge attention my fic gained. i was really nervous it was gonna flop since it was my first for tangerine / just a different fandom. so i hope to write some more <3 once again, feedback is always welcomed and send any ideas!
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❥ tangerine is a sucker for hugs from behind him. you wrap your arms around his torso and lay your head against his back. his heartbeat is the only thing you can hear & you feel so close to each other and safe- especially after he's been away for a long time.
❥ calling you love, darling, babe. any cute pet name just rolls off the tongue with his accent. he'll say, "c'mhere, love." or "darling, what's goin' on?" and comfort you with open arms.
❥ sometimes, he'll lay his head on your lap and you'll run your fingers through his soft curls. tangerine would never admit how good it actually feels, but it's also comforting after a long, hard day.
❥ when the two of you cuddle in bed, he actually likes being the small spoon. you'll run your fingers through his soft curls, his head on your chest, and you'll massage his scale. you trace your hand down his toned back and it makes him fall into a deep sleep.
❥ he'll put on music while he's cooking a meal. you giggle at how he sways his hips, moving around the kitchen in rhythm. you'll sit at the counter or table and enjoy the little show he puts on in his west ham t-shirt and grey sweatpants.
❥ tangerine remembers how you take your coffee/tea. of course, he does with other food and drinks, but you know you need to start off your day with your specific morning beverage of choice and he never fails at the measurements.
❥ you have matching rings. they're gold and not too chunky. they have either your initials or dates of significance on them. both of you wear them often but the two of you either play with them or are more aware of them when he's away.
❥ he just has a sense of if you're having a rough day. you'll be talking over the phone on the way home, and he can sense your tone. next thing when you walk through the door, your favorite meal or snacks will be displayed on the kitchen counter.
❥ tangerine looks at you like the first time he fell in love with you. his blue eyes gloss over, shimmering in awe, at you whether you're wearing a nice fitted cocktail dress or the same pajamas you wore two days ago. he thinks the world of you.
❥ he pulls you over when there's space between you on the couch. he can be silly, just tickling at your ankles and calves before pulling you over. you play his game and either straddle his hips or lay your legs over his lap while you watch tv.
❥ after a mission/heist, tangerine will show you the 'vacation pictures' he manages to take on his free time. some will be with him alone, others with lemon that they take in front of historical sites or cafes they enjoy. goofballs they are.
❥ bonus: his heart swells when you tell him to 'be careful'. with his occupation of choice, it's easy for your mind to wander so doesn't matter where he is, you'll always say it to him and he reassures you with a smile that he knows
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miasmaghoul · 11 months
Kinktober Day 1 - High Sex
Wow, I can't believe it's already October 1st! I can't WAIT to see what normal things this month holds. I certainly hope Swiss doesn't go absolutely insane in Australia and destroy us all!
(Look, just be thankful I'm trying. Huge shoutout to @kroas-adtam for putting together this year's prompts!)
Green is the Warmest Color
Rating: E Pairing: Aeon/Swiss Word Count: 2.2k Contains: stoned, sappy ghouls, shotgunning, cock warming, lazy sex, banter, body worship, the boys being Real Fucked Up and absolutely loving it
“You’re staring,” Swiss lilts, eyes crinkling as he brings the smoldering end of their joint to his lips.
Aeon's sure he's right, but in fairness, how couldn’t he? Swiss is a vision, sitting pretty in his lap in a wide straddle with a hand planted on Aeon’s stomach. The setting sun throws every inch of the other ghoul into such sharp relief; everything from the chips in his curved horns and the strong line of his jaw, to the breadth of his shoulders and the slight softness of his stomach. From the swollen, stiff peaks of the nipples Aeon had spent ages teasing once they’d finally fallen back into bed, to the flushed length of Swiss’ cock where it sits heavy against Aeon’s pale belly. Dribbling sticky fluid into his happy trail with the occasional languid rock of those incredible hips. 
"'Course I am," he replies, loose and relaxed, "you're real nice to look at."
Read below, or on AO3!
That’s how Aeon would say his day with Swiss has been. Lazy, but in the best way. 
He’d woken late, drenched in the early summer sunlight pouring through Swiss’ windows. Wrapped in a tangle of limbs and blankets that he hadn’t found himself particularly eager to escape. Swiss seemed to agree, when he eventually cracked an eye open to find Aeon staring at him with a sleepy, besotted smile on his face.
“Finally, jeez,” he’d teased, planting a kiss on Swiss’ bare shoulder and flashing him some fang. “Thought I was gonna have to watch you drool forever.”
“You love when I drool,” Swiss had countered, raspy and thick but still playful as ever. He’d threaded heavy fingers into Aeon’s mop of messy waves, scratching at the spot behind his ear that always makes his leg twitch.
“Maybe,” he’d purred, tipping his head into the touch, “but I think there’s better things for that mouth to be doing.”
Swiss hadn’t argued that point, a slow grin splitting his face as he hooked a finger under Aeon’s sharp chin. As he knocked their horns together and nuzzled his cheek. Brushing their lips together in the barest hint of what Aeon was asking for.
“You have eye boogers,” Swiss had informed him then, thumbing along his lashline with a crinkled nose, and Aeon hadn’t been able to hold back his laugh.
“And you have morning breath,” he’d chuckled, looping a long arm around Swiss’ shoulders. “Kiss me anyway.”
Swiss had, happily so, and to Aeon’s delight there was no urgency behind it. No rush, no invasive tongue, no gasping for breath. Just the scratch of Swiss’ stubble, the tickle of his mustache and the warmth of his mouth. A kiss they had both gotten lost in, drifting on nothing but the feel and taste of one another.
The rest of their day had been equally indulgent; a long, hot bath filled with more of those decadent kisses and wandering hands. Hours spent in their pajamas on the common room sofa, Aeon sitting between Swiss’ knees so the other ghoul could play with his hair. A late lunch at the lakeside, Swiss occasionally tossing a grape into Aeon’s mouth from the other side of the blanket they shared. An early evening stroll to the greenhouse spent talking about everything and nothing, their tails idly curling together along the way.
Aeon had busied himself visiting his favorite plants once they arrived, chatting with one of the lesser ghouls tending to the table of orchids. Admiring petals in all shades of purple, caressing stems and verdant leaves with gentle fingers while Swiss hunted down Mountain. It hadn’t taken him long - Swiss creeping up behind him a few minutes later, looping his arms around Aeon’s waist to nose behind his ear, asking if he was ready to head back. Aeon had hummed, but hadn’t made an effort to move. He’d leaned back into Swiss instead, fingers dancing along a bud that had yet to bloom. In no particular hurry to abandon the beauty laid out before him.
Then Swiss had held up a baggie of prerolls, had kissed his neck, and Aeon decided that stopping to smell the flowers could wait until tomorrow.
Besides, his current view is infinitely more enticing.
“You’re staring,” Swiss lilts, eyes crinkling as he brings the smoldering end of their joint to his lips.
Aeon's sure he's right, but in fairness, how couldn’t he? Swiss is a vision, sitting pretty in his lap in a wide straddle with a hand planted on Aeon’s stomach. The setting sun throws every inch of the other ghoul into such sharp relief; everything from the chips in his curved horns and the strong line of his jaw, to the breadth of his shoulders and the slight softness of his stomach. From the swollen, stiff peaks of the nipples Aeon had spent ages teasing once they’d finally fallen back into bed, to the flushed length of Swiss’ cock where it sits heavy against Aeon’s pale belly. Dribbling sticky fluid into his happy trail with the occasional languid rock of those incredible hips. 
"'Course I am," he replies, loose and relaxed, "you're real nice to look at."
Swiss smiles down at him, washed in warm light that perfectly matches his golden eyes. Eyes that are both blown dark and red rimmed, heavy in a way that makes Aeon throb. He knows Swiss feels it deep inside, can tell by the way his breath stutters and his lids droop. 
Aeon can't stop touching him, talented hands drifting from Swiss' knees to his chest and everywhere in between. Right now he has one on a strong thigh, thumb tracing ticklish half circles that make the muscle there jump. The other sits on Swiss' stomach, kneading gently at the little bit of pudge Swiss holds there. Aeon's obsessed with it always, but high as he is, the feel of it right now is simply exquisite.
"Easy there, kitten," Swiss sighs, his own hand gliding from Aeon's belly up towards his narrow chest. "Don't go bruising the goods." He rubs over a tight pink nipple with a slow thumb and Aeon groans.
"Can't help it," he replies, offering up a stoned smirk. "You're just so…"
Aeon trails off into a sound of faux frustration, grabbing at Swiss' tummy with both hands, digging bony fingers into soft flesh. Swiss laughs, a rich, warm sound that melts into a pleasured moan when Aeon twitches inside him. Swiss moves his hips in a slow circle and they both hiss with it. 
"Fuck, you feel so good," Aeon murmurs, tongue flicking out wet his lips, and Swiss’ only response is a rusty purr.
He’s been sitting like this for a while now, keeping Aeon’s dick nice and warm while they finish off their treat from Mountain. A comforting weight that perfectly complements the fuzziness in his skull and the floatiness of his limbs. Aeon has no complaints about the fact that Swiss hasn't so much as bounced on him, neither of them in any rush to do more than enjoy the slow, luxurious grind. 
Aeon somehow manages to pry his hands from Swiss' belly, settling them on his hips instead and encouraging him to circle them again. Swiss clamps down around him and it sends a wave of warmth through his pelvis so intense that Aeon shudders. Swiss hums his amusement around the joint, sucking down the last of it in one long pull. It's far too much at once, his broad chest puffed up to full capacity by the time he's done, but then Swiss is looking at him with a glimmer on those gorgeous eyes and Aeon really can’t be bothered to worry.
Smoke's already curling from his nostrils when Swiss leans down, dropping the roach into his ashtray before getting both hands on Aeon's shoulders. Settling his weight onto his slight chest and pressing their foreheads together. Aeon's arms snake around him in an instant, and then Swiss' mouth is on his and Aeon's world becomes nothing but scratchy stubble, soft lips and herbal smoke.
He drinks down all he can, licking it from Swiss' mouth and filling his lungs with the sweetest kind of poison. Swiss' tongue against his is heavenly, warm and wet and perfect to suck on when he's too out of breath to continue the kiss. Aeon exhales slowly through his nose while they soak in it, Swiss' nose rubbing against his and his velvety walls quivering in the most delicious way. 
It's a challenge to convince his eyes to open once he's done, but somehow Aeon manages. Cracks lavender eyes no doubt redder than his flushed cheeks. Cheeks that go two shades darker when Aeon finds the other ghoul already watching him with a gentle warmth in his gaze. 
"Now who's starin'?" Aeon teases, voice honey thick, claws trailing over Swiss' back in nonsense patterns. Oh he is very fucked up.
"Is it me?" 
Well, at least Swiss is too.
"'S okay," Aeon assures him, as though Swiss would ever think staring was a problem. "I like when you look at me like that."
"Hmm?" Swiss cocks his head, squeezing at his shoulders. "Like what, starshine?" 
Aeon's lips curl into a smile, one he offers up in a quick peck to Swiss' cheek.
"Like you love me." 
He says it with such ease that it can't be anything but the truth, and despite the glazed look in his eye Aeon can tell that Swiss hears it too. He feels Swiss' cock throb where it's trapped between them, and Aeon hopes that the sticky spot on his stomach has grown larger. 
"Maybe I do." Swiss sounds so goofy, so pleased. "What're you gonna do about it?"
Aeon offers a shrug, looping one arm around Swiss' waist while the other travels south. Coasts over the curve of the other ghoul's ass - Aeon grabs a nice handful, tugs at Swiss' hole a little just to hear him gasp - before slipping over his hip. Fingertips wiggling into the space between their overwarm bodies. 
"Dunno," he answers, his casual tone a stark contrast to the way his greedy fingers worm their way closer to their prIze. "Could make you cum, I guess." 
Aeon finds the slick head of Swiss' cock and sneaks two fingers between it and his own stomach. Massages the frenulum the way he knows Swiss' likes best. He's rewarded with a deep, dark moan, one that sinks into his skin like a tangible thing. 
"Guess so," Swiss says, just a touch more breathless than he was a minute ago. "If you wanted."
Oh, Aeon definitely wants. Stoned as he is, that much is still obvious. He hums, catching the larger ghoul in a kiss that leaves him breathing heavier too.
"Sit up for me," he speaks against Swiss' lips, half into his mustache. "Wanna see you."
Swiss complies with absolutely no urgency, unhurried in the way he pushes himself upright. Relinquishes his grip on Aeon's shoulders to stretch those long arms over his head with a low groan. Aeon could watch him do this for days - could study every line and curve of the other ghoul's body for the rest of his existence and still want more. His admiring gaze travels from the tips of Swiss' fingers, down his arms, his chest, his stomach. When it settles on the swollen length of his cock, flushed dark where it's caged in pale fingers, Aeon can't help the way his own pulses.
Swiss must be so slick inside by now. Aeon can’t help but wonder, if he pulled out right now, if the mess of pre he’s been leaking for the better part of the past half hour would drip right down Swiss’ balls.
Swiss finishes his stretch with a show, running his own large hands down his torso with another roll of his hips, and Aeon sucks air through his teeth. Swiss gives him a devilish grin, hands coming to rest on Aeon's pecs, rosy little nipples pebbled under rough palms. Swiss kneads at him then, but Aeon's the one that purrs. 
"Didn’t you say no bruisin' the goods?" Aeon barely recognizes his own voice for how slurred it is.
"I'm exempt," Swiss tells him, happily pawing at him while his cock throbs in Aeon's grip. Aeon snorts, free hand moving to stroke Swiss' thigh.
"'S'at so?"
"Uh huh," Swiss confirms, catching Aeon's nipples between his thumbs and forefingers. He gives them a nice tweak and Aeon yips, an embarrassing little sound that sends a flash of heat through him.
"What a surprise," he tries to deadpan, but the giddiness supplied by the weed makes it come out a bit silly. Swiss sticks out his tongue, and Aeon bites at the air as though he could reach it. 
"What wa'zat about makin' me cum?" 
Lucifer, Swiss sounds good when he's high. Aeon hums like he’s considering the concept, adjusting his hold on Swiss' twitching length. Less of a grip, more of a flat palm pressing it to the finely muscled plane of his stomach. Swiss gasps when he does, rutting forward on instinct and spitting another blurt of pre by Aeon's navel.
"Think you have everything you need to make that happen," Aeon croons, tongue poking out between his fangs. "Go ahead, I'm not stoppin' you."
Swiss groans deep in his chest when his brain processes the words, and then he's grinding again. Hips working in achingly slow rocks and rounds, each one designed to put Aeon's cock exactly where he wants it. Aeon adores the way Swiss' brow creases every time he hits an extra good spot, a beautiful sight that goes straight to his balls. 
"Gonna take a while like this," Swiss huffs, despite the way Aeon can already feel him starting to flutter inside. Not that that’s a problem, there’s already heat starting to coil low in his gut with every move Swiss makes.  
"'S'okay," he coos, the hand on Swiss’ thigh wandering up to nestle in his chest hair. “Jus’ promise you won’t stop if I blow first."
Swiss gurgles, spurts more pre, and Aeon’s content to lose himself in the wet sound of Swiss taking what he needs. There’s nothing he’d rather hear.
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daydreamingyuta · 11 months
My Rockstar | Yuta
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summary: fluff, being a supportive girlfriend to your aspiring rockstar boyfriend, Yuta, was fun. But when his band starts to gain a following, you're unexpectedly hit with jealousy from him suddenly having girls all over him. word count: 2,493 a/n: Happy Yuta Day!!! 💚
Sitting on a plastic fold out chair in a garage, listening to your boyfriend Yuta and the rest of his band play a song that he wrote for you, was always something you looked forward to. Today, there are two other girls there, the girlfriends of Johnny and Jaehyun you assumed. You take the time to say hi and offer them some water, but you don’t remember their names because you know they’ll be replaced next week by some other girls, so there’s no point.
That’s what’s so different about Yuta, he only wanted you. Being the lead singer and guitarist, there were occasionally girls who would throw themselves at him, but you had his heart and that was one thing you loved so much about him. 
Another thing you loved was his passion and drive. His band hasn't taken off yet, playing small gigs here and there, but that doesn't stop him from believing that his band will be huge one day. He often shares these dreams with you and every time, you can’t help but fall for him all over again. He was going to become a rockstar, he knew it, and so did you. 
Sitting down on Yuta's living room couch, you watch him pace back and forth in the kitchen while he’s on the phone with someone. You can’t hear the conversation but you can tell he’s upset about something. You watch him hang the phone up and you decide to get up and walk into the kitchen. 
You plant yourself right in front of him and run your hands through his hair. “Yuyu, what’s wrong?”
“The ‘Lone Palm Bar’ canceled on us again.”
“They’re not gonna let you play?” You watch as he shakes his head, his eyes looking tired from practicing hard for the gig that now wasn’t going to happen. You raise your hands up to his face to cup his cheeks into your hands, “Hey, don’t worry. They’ll be venues begging you to play one day.”
He nods his head at you as you watch a smile creep onto his lips. You adored the fact that you could make him feel better. He snakes his arms around your waist, backing you up so that you’re leaning against the kitchen island, “One day soon, baby.”
You nod your head as you bring your lips to his cheeks and press two kisses on them. “You’ve been practicing so much lately, I think you need to catch up on some sleep.” He rests his forehead on your shoulder and nods, pulling you closer into a tight hug, “You’ll stay the night with me?”
You hadn’t planned to stay the night, but you knew Yuta slept the best with his girl by his side. Plus, in the beginning of your relationship he had insisted on keeping the essentials at each other's places, so you had all that you needed. “I’ll stay if you let me wear my favorite shirt.”
He lifts his head up and motions it towards his room, “You know where it is.”
You practically skip to his room, and once inside, you beeline to his closet. You skim his clothes before you finally find it, his old ‘One Ok Rock’ shirt which was easily the most comfy t-shirt you’ve ever worn. Yuta has had it since he first started liking the band and he told you that his heart melted a little every time he saw you in the shirt, so of course it quickly became your favorite shirt to wear when you slept over. 
You do the rest of your nightly routine in the bathroom as Yuta waits in the bed for you. You expected him to already be asleep by the time you were finished, but when you walk out of his bathroom, he’s propped up on the bed with his hands behind his head. You tilt your head to question him but all he does is a twirling motion with his finger, signaling to you to do a spin for him. You do as you're told, letting him get a good view of the cozy outfit you both loved so much. 
Once he looked satisfied, you crawl into bed with him, “Ok we have to go to sleep now, Yuta.” You say, sternly because the both of you had a habit of talking until the sun came up.
“Hmm, come here then.” He says, welcoming you to cuddle into him, resting your head on his chest.
You’re both woken up by the buzzing sound of Yuta’s phone ringing against the nightstand. Yuta answers it, half-asleep, but as soon as the person on the phone told him who they were, he was wide awake. You could only hear Yuta’s side of the conversation, but his expression tells you that it’s something very exciting. The conversation comes to an end and as soon as Yuta hangs up the phone, he turns to you.
“Baby, we have a gig at Boulevard Hall!” He says, beaming at you, not able to hide his excitement. 
“Boulevard Hall? That’s bigger than any gig you’ve ever had, Yuta!”
“I know and they. asked. us.” He says, emphasizing every word. “Can you believe that?” You watch as Yuta gets up and starts getting dressed. “They had an artist cancel on them at the last minute and one of the guys working there has been listening to our music lately so they decided to ask us. I have to go tell the guys.” He says as he pulls his shirt over his head and walks over to you to give you a kiss. 
“This is going to be so big for you guys, I’m so proud of you Yuta.” You say, truly meaning it, the proudness you feel in your heart right now is more than you’ve ever felt before. Yuta showers you with a few kisses before he leaves, since the call was so last minute they’ll have to practice day and night to be fully prepared. 
Yuta had a few pre-show rituals he always did before going out on stage. One of them was always having hot tea to soothe his throat so he can sing the best he can. Another, was always making sure he wears the earrings you got him for the first birthday you two shared together. However, your favorite pre-show ritual of his was when you got to sit on his lap and do his eyeliner. 
You arrive backstage a little before the show starts. Your eyes scan the room for Yuta and when you see him he already has his earrings on and some tea in hand. You stride over to him making sure to say a quick hello to Taeyong and Mark on the way. This was their biggest show yet, so they were all visibly nervous. Even Yuta was a bit on edge, you can tell by the way his hands were fidgeting but as soon as you slide onto his lap, his tense demeanor was replaced by calm. “Hi, baby. Ready for your eyeliner?” You ask, pulling out the makeup from your bag. He nods his head and you get to work, deciding to go for a bit of a smoky look.
“You know, I looked out at the crowd before I came in.”
“How many people are out there?”
You pause for a moment so that you can really see his reaction when you tell him. “Baby… there's like at least four hundred people.”
“Four hundred?” Yuta almost drops you off his lap from shock but his firm grip on you stopped that from happening. Once you get comfortable again he kisses you like you were the reason why so many people came. You knew he was really in shock when he let you finish his eyeliner as he just sat there in amazement.
You thought he was going to say something else about the crowd but he surprised you. “You look so pretty tonight angel, trying to distract me while I'm on stage?”
His sweet words always made you blush, but that didn’t stop your mind from thinking about all the girls you saw out there in the crowd. “I don’t know if i’ll be distracting you, there are so many pretty girls out there tonight.”
You had finished his eyeliner so you were about to get off his lap but he stopped you. “Hey, don’t say things like that.” His demeanor very serious. 
“I wasn’t saying anything Yuta, the girls out there are gorgeous.” You respond, matter-of-factly but not looking into his eyes. 
“I’m sure that’s true but they won’t be the one distracting me y/n. I only have eyes for you, you know that.” 
Of course you know this to be true. Sometimes your mind just went to the worst especially since it’s the norm for musicians to get with fans. You nod your head and Yuta smiles, pressing his lips on your forehead. 
You slide off his lap when their manager announces that they go on stage in ten. “Ok, I should get out there.” You say as you notice the other girlfriends start to leave. You grab your bag and wrap your arms around Yuta’s neck, standing on your tippy toes to give him a few kisses. “Good luck, baby. You’ll be amazing, like always.” 
He pulls you into a tight hug and presses his lips onto yours one last time. “Thank you, baby. I’ll look at you if I need encouragement, ok?” He says, loving the fact that he always has his girl cheering him on in the crowd. 
You nod your head and head out the room to get into the crowd, ecstatic for the show to start. 
The show was absolutely perfect. You had been to every one of their shows prior and this was definitely their best yet. As soon as you enter backstage, Yuta engulfs you into a hug that was a bit sweaty but you couldn’t care less. “You were amazing, baby.” You say, your voice slightly muffled from speaking into his chest. 
“I felt it, y/n. It was like-” Yuta’s sentence was cut off by his manager telling him that there were people waiting to get pictures with him and the rest of the band. Yuta flashes you a shocked expression before turning around cooly to meet his fans who had stayed after the show. 
You watch from afar, with a proud smile on your face. The band’s never gotten this type of attention before and you knew they were all basking in it. You were relishing the moment too until you noticed how close all the girls are to Yuta, and how pretty they are, and how they’re finding any excuse to touch him. You really were trying to not think this way, but as soon as one of the fans motions to her cheek and Yuta presses a quick kiss on it, you are fully taken aback. 
You didn’t want to make a scene so you just decided to try and leave. The only issue was that you didn’t exactly know where the exit was and in the state of mind you were currently in, you found yourself lost. You were opening doors at random until your tears began to fall and you decided to hide yourself in a storage room until they stopped. 
You tried to calm yourself down, but the tightness in your throat just constricted even more. Your tears were less about a stupid kiss on the cheek and more about the fact that if a kiss on the cheek wasn’t crossing the line, what was? You really didn’t want to doubt Yuta’s words of devotion to you, but you couldn’t stop thinking about the worst happening in the future. Ten minutes went by before you heard a light knock on the storage room door. “Baby? I was looking for you and someone said they saw you come in here. Are you ok?”
You open the door and it’s obvious you have been crying. You try to deny that anything is wrong but obviously Yuta knows you better than to believe that. “Baby, I can tell something’s bothering you. What’s wrong?”
You don’t dare look into his eyes, knowing that your tears were bound to fall again if you did. You really weren’t going to say anything but the words slipped out before you could stop them, “I feel like it’s just only a matter of time Yuta.”
“A matter of time before what?”
“Before you actually give in to one of those girls throwing themselves at you.”
“Is that what you think? Y/n…Is this about me kissing that fan on the cheek? I should have asked you if you would be ok with it-”
“No, it’s not really about that. I just didn’t think that it would be this hard seeing you get this kind of attention and I know that that’s selfish of me because this is your dream but-”
“Y/n, it’s not selfish. Honestly if it was the other way around I would have a hard time with guys showering you with love too. but you know how I feel about you. If that was crossing the line tonight, then I’ll never do it again.” He steps closer to you, regret in his eyes. “But I promise you, I mean it with my whole heart when I tell you that you’re the only one for me. I mean, who was with me every step of the way?”
You didn’t say anything at first, but you could tell that this wasn’t a rhetorical question Yuta was asking you. “I was.” You say, meekly. 
“You were, y/n. And who was the only one cheering me on when no one else would?”
Again, you felt silly answering his question, but he wanted you to answer again.“I was, Yuta.”
“Then how could anyone ever compare to you, baby?” Yuta cups your face into his hands and kisses you gently. “You’re mine. You have my heart. Nobody else. I've written you a million songs telling you exactly that, and I'll write a million more if that's what it takes for you to believe me."
"I believe you, Yuta."
He flashes you his smile that always makes your heart skip a beat, "That's my girl." He says, giving you another tender kiss that makes your head feel slightly dizzy. “Let’s go home, ok?”
“Wait, aren’t the other boys still meeting fans?” You say, stopping him. 
“They are, but I have the only fan I need.” You cringe at him, but you can’t deny that his words make your heart immeasurably happy. You knew Yuta was only going to get more famous and he was only going to get more attention, but you found comfort in the fact that if you ever felt unsure about his feelings towards you again, he would always be there to remind you.
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lainiespicewrites · 7 months
Electric Summer Ch 4
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I’m sorry this took me so long! But I finally finished my math class and had the time to write!
Summary Big day with the campers big day for Sy and Lainie, and a hurt camper 😭
Let me know what you think comments and reblogs always welcome!!
My morning starts with a shake. I open my eyes slowly to find Emma standing next to my bunk. Her little hand gently rocked my shoulder. “Emma? You okay?” my voice groggy as I leaned up on my elbows. She nodded
“Yeah, sorry,” she whispered. “ I just wanted to tell you I’m heading to the showers in case you woke up and I was gone. I didn’t want you to worry.” I nodded fully sitting up in my bunk reaching to check my phone. It was 6:27 my alarm would be going off soon anyway.
“Go ahead,” I told her. “I’ll be heading that way myself soon. Thank you for telling me.” I kept my voice quiet. I wouldn’t start to get everyone else up until I got back. She smiled and left the cabin walking off toward the bathrooms. I’m so glad that I was with the older kids. I wouldn’t have any issue escorting them around or making sure everyone had a buddy to go with. But it was nicer just having an honor system and giving them their freedom.
Standing from the bunk I stretched pulling my bag from the Bunk above me. None of the girls decided to sleep up there so I used it for storage. I grabbed my shower bag. I grabbed another pair of shorts. It was going to be a chilly morning because of the rain so I searched for a sweatshirt and found an old highschool sports hoodie. There was a light earthy smell outside of the cabin. The storm last night made everything damp. The sky was just becoming light. To the west it was a dusty blue and to the east where the sun was rising there were beautiful orange hues. There were a few showers running creating a soft white noise to the background of my morning. I let the water wake me and gave myself a fresh start for the day ahead. When I got back to the cabin 2 more of the girls were starting to get themselves around. Taylor was just heading out as I was coming in and Ryleigh was just standing out of her bunk.
“Good morning,” I spoke softly and smiled. My towl was still wrapped around my head. She gave me a tired smiled and mumbled back a sleepy
“Morning,” I watched her for a moment as she rooted through her bag finding what she was looking for. I straightened up my bed quickly before I sat down criss-cross, towel drying my hair and brushing it out.
“There’s plenty of showers open if you’re headed that way!” I told her. She nodded.
“I was gonna go for a walk first if that’s okay? She asked.
I checked my phone, it was 6:45 “Breakfast is in a little over an hour, so just be back before then okay?” I smiled. She nodded and thanked me before throwing on a sweatshirt and some sneakers. She walked past me and I heard the cabin door slam.
I smiled to myself as I pulled out my notebook looking over our schedule for the day. Today was going to be really fun! The “Leaders” groups, Aka the high school aged kids, had a huge scavenger hunt set up all across camp. During the storm last night while Sy and I were talking with some of our fellow counselors we decided to make it a battle between all the individual cabins instead of our “family” cabins. Which meant we were in competition with the boys. Anything that ended up being a battle of the sexes was always a blast! We always seemed to play harder, but there were never any hard feelings. Although the boys were much more likely to be sore losers. And far more likely to rub it in if they won. We hadn’t told our campers yet. But they were going to love this.
I had the inside door slightly propped open and the windows were up so there was a slight breeze coming in through the screens. Off in the distance I heard a voice that was unmistakably Sy.
“Come on Ethan don’t give up on me already man!” He called. I had no idea what they were doing, surely they weren’t already up to no good before 7am. I let some more time pass as a the rest of the girls got up and got ready for the day. Well almost all of them.
“Nicole.” I said softly shaking her arm, standing on my toes to reach the top bunk. She groaned.
“5 more minutes.” She grumbled. I chuckled to myself. This was the third time I’d tried to wake her.
“Come on sweetheart, you told me yesterday you wanted to be up by 7 its 7:25,” I said gently. I wasn’t necessarily a morning person myself. I understood where she was coming from.
“Well why did it have to come so early,” she sighed throwing her pillow over her head.
“It’s just the way the world works girly. Trust me when I was a camper I hated it too.” I giggled. “But I promise if you get up and get ready there will be coffee at breakfast.” I smiled. That got her attention. She sat up slowly. Her messy hair falling into her eyes.
“Ugh fine,” she said. “But none of the boys better say anything stupid, I’m not responsible for anything that comes out of my mouth before at least 9am!” I chuckled softly.
“Understood.” I said. And left her to get ready for the day. A few minutes before we needed to head over I had the girls meet me outside just to make sure everyone was accounted for. Of course Nicole was my last one out. I smiled to myself. When I saw the boys walking over to join us. A couple of the boys hunched over walking slowly with their hands holding their sides. When they stopped in front of our cabin Ethan dramatically “fell” and laid on the grass
“Morning ladies!” Sy smiled.
“Good morning!” I smiled back. And a few of the girls greeted them as well. “What’d you do to those poor boys?” I laughed.
“Nothing they didn’t ask for.” He chuckled.
“It was torture!” Ethan groaned lifting his head up to look at me from the ground. Beckett looked down at him shaking his head.
“Bro we just went on a run.” Beckett smirked.
“Exactly torture!” he groaned. Sy shook his head.
“You didn’t have to go bud, you coulda slept in,” he chuckled. Ethan sighed dramatically and took the hand Beckett offered him to help him stand.
“Can we go to breakfast now? We get it Ethan you don’t run, I want coffee!” Nicole said playfully pushing past him and walking toward the cafeteria.
“Good morning Nikki,” He called after her a little smirk playing on his lips.
“Shut up,” She bit back without turning around. To be fair she had warned me. I just shook my head holding in a laugh. Sy raised an eye brow and I just smiled as we all started to head in that direction.
“She’s…not a morning person.” I said answering the question hadn’t asked.
“I see that,” He chuckled “Everything go okay for you girls after the storm last night? I uh, I kept thinking about ya,” He smiled. I felt a blush creep up my cheeks. Truth be told he was all I was thinking about every second my brain had the free time to wander. I tossed and turned for a while last night trying to shake the giddiness so I could just fall asleep. Being here with him. The way he’d kissed me last night. I felt like I was a teenager again. But with the girls around I had to play it cool. I had to be the remember I was the adult here. Whatever that was supposed to mean.
Finally I nodded.
“Yeah the girls were fine, I think I was more shaken up then they were. Everything went pretty smooth this morning!” I said. “I didn’t know you were taking the boys on a run, how’d that go?” I asked. He laughed, keeping an eye on the campers that were now all ahead of us.
“It was good, I like to go for a morning run, so I asked the boys if they wanted to come with, I told them they could tell whoever they wanted to come with us. Couple boys from Tanners cabin showed up. They mostly enjoyed it. Ethan… just likes the attention he gets from putting on a show. Seems to be a good kid though.” He smiled. We walked in silence the rest of the short walk to the building where they served breakfast. There was a deck that came off the back of the building and overlooked the playground. I felt Sy’s hand on my back as we started walking up the steps. I bit my lip softly, embarrassed that such a little touch made me feel so much.
It was something he always did. He wanted to make sure I didn’t fall. Because I did once. When we were younger. It had rained that moring and the steps were slippery. I fell up the steps in front of everyone. My face had gotten so red. I remember being so embarrassed about it. Logan immediately ran over and helped me up. He said something to make me laugh to make me forget about it.
And ever since then he always did the small gesture as support. I didn’t think he’d remembered. But they do say old habits die hard. We caught up with our campers and joined them at our table. Nicole had already managed to get some coffee.
“Aw it’s our first breakfast as a family,” Emma said smiling at the two of us as we sat with them.
“Em don’t make breakfast weird!” Her brother called from across table.
“I’m not the cabins are literally called family groups! You’re the one that makes everything weird!” She argued. These two were hilarious. I found out very quickly, even just having been here a day, it’s best to just let them have their little twin spats. It’s usually over pretty quick.
“How was you’re walk this morning Ryleigh?” I heard Beckett ask as he slid into the seat across from her setting his plate down. She startled a moment not expecting someone to be infront of her and then realized what he’d said.
“Oh, it was good thanks,” She smiled shyly. “How, uh how was your run?” she asked him.
“It was nothing, I’m used to way more than that with football practice.” He shrugged. “You should come run with us next time,” He smiled. She blushed looking down at her pancakes.
“I don’t really run,” she responded.
I looked over at Logan who was grinning at me. He’d heard them too. I raised an eyebrow.
“Did I miss something?” I asked him. He just shook his head and chuckled.
After breakfast the kids had a bit of time to themselves before we started any activities. All of the cabins were supposed to meet on the field next to the park in about an hour or so. A few of the girls went back to the cabin to get the supplies to make friendship bracelets. And some of the other campers had a game of four square going.
Since most of ours were spread out around the park playing games, sitting on the grass talking, or making crafts I decided to sit on the old swings and journal. I didn’t have to watch so closely but I felt better keeping an eye on them. Ryleigh has still been pretty quiet and a couple of my other girls have taken some time to warm up and come out of their shell. I wanted to be close incase they wanted someone to talk to or just to sit with.
The last time I’d looked up Logan had joined the four square game and had worked his way up to the king square. I watched for a minute before I started writing. It wasn’t long before I got lost in my writing and everything in the background turned into white noise. Some time had passed I’m not sure how much but when I looked up again Sy was walking in my direction with a soft smile on his face.
“Hey darlin,” He said as he sat next to me.
“Hi!” I said cheerfully. “They finally kicked you out for being too old?” I teased. He gave me a slight pout before he snickered.
“No, I left the game because I kept winning.” He grinned proudly.
“Mhmm,” I mused. We sat like that for a moment sy had one arm on the back of the swing and he was rocking us slowly rolling his heel.
“Dad!” one of his boys called from across the lawn. Sy perked up and chuckled at the name before he responded.
“What’s up Zach?” He asked.
“When do we have to meet for the scavenger hunt thing?” He asked, still calling from across the park.
“11!” Sy called back checking his watch “You got a little over an hour,” He told him. Zach gave him a thumbs up and it was clear they were starting another game.
I couldn’t help the laugh that came out,
“Dad,huh? When did that start?” I raised an eyebrow. His chest shook with laughter.
“Last night when I got ‘em all corralled back into the cabin, I think Ethan started it and now they’re all doin’ it.” He shook his head. I giggled softly and we fell back into a comfortable silence. It was cute the boys seeing him as a father figure. I’m surprised the girls haven’t started calling me mom yet. I remember doing it when we were here too. It’s what gave this place that sense of home away from home. I liked that Idea. The kids calling us Mom and Dad. Like Sy and I were husband and wife…I blushed. I felt Sy’s eyes on me and my blush deepened. “You wanna go for a little walk with me? Get away for a second?” He asked.
I looked over at all of our campers. They were all preoccupied. All of them intermingled with kids from other cabins. Another group's counselors were sitting in old rocking chairs on the deck chatting. It’s not like we had to be watching over them at every second. They were old enough to know to come get us if something was urgent. Finally I looked back at him and nodded. “Okay,” I answered. I put my journal back in my backpack and slid it on as we started to walk.
“Ethan!” Sy called as we walked past. The boy's head snapped in our direction hearing his name, eyes wide like he was afraid he was in trouble. Sy chuckled and I watched Ethans shoulders relax a little. “Lainie and I are gonna be walking the trail, if you guys need anything you can come find us! I’m trusting you to let the others know .. that includes the girls.” He told him. Ethan nodded and gave him a big smile.
“You got it Dad! I won’t let you down!” He said. I shook my head as we kept walking.
“They adore you!” I laughed.
“Yeah well, I know how to have a good time!,” He smirked. Playfully nudging my shoulder with his. I blushed and pulled my sunglasses down to hide my eyes.
“Don’t I know it!” I replied, trying to keep up. This man was going to be the death of me. He looked over at me for a moment as we crossed the lawn between the cabins and kept going past them. That smirk still plastered on his face.
“You don’t yet Darlin, but you will,” he answered. I didn’t think my face could get any hotter. I looked around to make sure no one had heard our conversation.
“Good lord Logan, you trying to get us into trouble?” I whispered and smacked him playfully on the arm.
“I’m teasin’ baby,” He chuckled. “But we sure as hell wouldn’t be the first ones around here to sneak off and have a little fun.” He wiggled his eyebrows and I snorted.
“Yeah I know! You don’t have to remind me about the Cait and Josh situation. I can’t believe you helped him with that!” Back when we were campers Cait and Josh were friends of ours. They dated over the summer. They’d “break up” and then get back together every summer. It was such a mess. Josh was such a player and Cait knew it but she didn’t care.
One afternoon we were all off on our own. I was hanging out at the park and noticed Logan and one of their other bunkmates “Standing guard in front of the entrance underneath the big pirate ship on the playground. I was super confused because the guys were usually off playing some sort of sport or something. Sy caught my eye and I raised an eyebrow. He just shook his head with that signature smirk on his lips. But then they moved and Cait came crawling out, her hair was a mess. At first I was more confused, then Josh came crawling out behind her. That stupid satisfied grin on his face. I rolled my eyes and shook my head at them. And then ignored Logan the rest of the day. Just because. Of course we made up the next day, but I was annoyed with him for doing it.
Logan chuckled, pulling me back from the memory. “I was stupid teenage boy back then, you can’t hold that against me. When my buddy had an opportunity to get some, I wasn’t gonna stand in his way!” He stated. I rolled my eyes.
“You boys can be real pigs sometimes, you know it?” I said. We finally made it to the trail walking in the woods. The sun peeking down through the trees. It was so pretty but perfectly secluded when you needed it to be.
“I know, but I’ve never been anything short of a gentleman with you Darlin.” He argued.
“Oh so you throwing me in the lake the other day was an act of chivalry?” I questioned.
“You looked hot, thought you might wanna cool off.” He smirked.
“I think you were just being a dick.” I retorted.
“Mmm” He hummed still smirking and grabbed my hand leading me off the trail. “You're a lot feistier than I remember,” he challenged. He stopped and slowly walked me backwards until my back was pressed against the nearest tree. I bit my lip softly trying to keep my composure. I wasn’t going to let him win so easily.
“Yeah, What's so wrong with that?” I raised an eyebrow. He shook his head staring down at me, his eyes flickering to my lips before meeting mine again.
“Ain’t nothing wrong with it baby, just making it even harder for me to keep my hands off you.” I let out a shaky breath. Okay so maybe I would fold that easy. Shit that was smoothe. “The way you kissed me last night Darlin’” He paused, eyeing me hungrily. “I’m not so convinced you want me to.” He drawled. My breath hitched. I felt jittery all over. He had one hand next to my head leaning against the tree pinning me in place without even touching me. I swallowed hard.
“We should get back, the campers might…need us.” I said nervously. It was a lame excuse. Especially because I’d just convinced myself they’d be fine. But suddenly all the attention he was giving me felt like too much. His eyes softened and his smirk faded into a gentle smile. He brought his hand up caressing my cheek with his thumb.
“They’re big kids honey, they’re okay, tell me what’s really on your mind.” he cooed.
I took in a deep breath taking a small step away from the tree and resting my forehead against his broad chest.
“I’m scared.” I admitted. That’s the one thing I hated most about myself. People told me all the time I was confident and so brave. But I didn’t see how. I was so afraid all the time. So scared of everything. Scared of the dark, scared of falling, of getting hurt, of falling in love with a man just for him to leave. A lot of people have left. I guess that’s life, we grow up and we grow apart. But I don’t want to be left stranded with a broken heart. I’m scared that he’ll get hurt. What if I disappoint him and after all this time I’m not the girl he waited 7 years just to kiss. I don’t want to feel so damn scared. The thing is back then, when I was with Sy, all of that fear went away. And he’s proved all over again that he still knows how to fight my fears with me. But right now being with him is causing them just as much as it is fighting them. I feel like I’m stuck on an upside down roller coaster and there’s no ride operator to stop this thing.
“What for,” he asked, his fingers brushing through my hair, pulling me back from my emotional spiral.
I stood up straight and looked into his eyes. “Because I want to be with you so bad it physically hurts. In two days you’ve managed to make me feel more for you than I did all those years ago. But what happens after this? It’s no different than back then. What happens when summer’s over and we go our separate ways? I can’t do just another summer fling with you Logan. I fully intended to move on this whole time but against my own will I still waited for you! Like somehow I knew we’d come back to each other. But I can’t accept fate if you’re just gonna let me fall again.” I hiccupped through a silent sob.
Sy grabbed my face in both hands staring down at me intently.
“I never knew I hurt you so bad baby,” He said softly, swiping away my tears with his thumb. There he was using that word again. Claiming me as his before I have the chance to run myself.
“Y-you didn’t…it’s just…” I trailed off, my eyes shifting to the ground.
“Lainie Look at me,” hearing him say my name with such intensity broke my heart. I met his eyes again and I could see how much it had hurt him to know that I had been so sad all this time. “There isn’t a demon in hell that could keep me away from you. I’m not leavin’ you. I don’t know what I'm gonna be doin’ at the end of this summer, but I do know wherever I go it won’t be far from you. I’m not asking you to give yourself to me Darlin’ not if you ain’t ready. But just let me show you I never stopped wanting you.” His eyes were pleading and I would do anything I could to heal the hurt in his eyes right now. I nodded. Still holding my face he leaned down and crushed his lips to mine. I let out an involuntary whimper as I clutched his t-shirt pulling him closer.
The force of his kiss pushed me back against the tree. I felt his tongue push against my bottom lip and let him in lazily swiping my tongue against his. The taste so undeniably Sy. He let go of my face and held my waist against the tree and then pulled my bottom lip between his teeth. He groaned into my mouth as I ran my hands down his chest. And under his shirt desperate to feel his skin. I loved the way the soft hairs of his stomach and his chest felt under my fingertips. He pulled back from my lips and started trailing kisses across my jaw and down my neck. I moaned softly as I felt his teeth graze my neck soothing it with his tongue. If it weren’t for Sy holding me up I’d have melted into the ground by now. I needed to feel his lips on mine again. I took his face in my hands pulling him back to me. Meeting him in another heated kiss. I whined when he abruptly pulled away pouting softly. He chuckled but put a finger to his lips keeping me quiet.
In the distance down the trail I could faintly hear voices.
“Easy Darlin,” He smiled. “Sounds like one of our kiddos,” He spoke in a soft whisper. I strained to listen and he was right. It was very obviously Nicole… and
“Man I hope they aren’t far,” Ethan’s voice said from a few feet down the trail.
I looked up at Sy and he nodded grabbing my hand leading me back onto the trail.. We both came to the same conclusion, they were looking or us. And it sounded like they need help.
“Hey you two,” Sy said softly as we met up with them around a bend in the trees. Nicole’s eye’s went wide and she let out and exasperated breath.
“Ryleigh’s hurt!” she blurted out without explanation.
“What happened?” I asked them quickly.
“She and beckett were playing football and he was like teaching her how to throw and stuff and she tripped running to catch the ball.” Ethan answered.
“I think her ankle’s broken it’s like really bad!” Nicole added panicked. Sy took the lead running back on the trail having Ethan lead him back to Ryleigh and the others and Nicole and I jogged behind. She started to tear up a bit. “I’m sorry Lainie,” she sniffled. “I swear we were being good while you guys were gone we all wanted to give you two time together and.. We messed up,” I stopped her there. I laid my hand on her shoulder giving her a gentle squeeze.
“Nicole it’s okay, This is what we’re here for, you did the right thing coming to get us sweetheart.” she assured her.
“Is Ryleigh gonna be okay?” She asked. I nodded and gave her a gentle smile.
“We’ll make sure of it! Come on!” Nicole and I joined the others and Sy was already kneeling next to Ryleigh’s assessing the injury. Becca was there too, She must’ve been close by when it happened. I could see the tears streaming down Ryleigh’s face. The poor girl was in a lot of pain.
“It’s not your fault man,” I heard Logan say, Beckett was sitting in the grass next to her his hand on her shoulder the other nervously raking through his hair. Becca looked up at me when I approached.
“Do you think you two can get her too the nurse? I’ll stay here with your campers, and check in with everyone.” We both nodded.
“Can I come with?” Beckett asked. “I feel so bad,” He admitted. We looked to rebecca and she gave us a nod.
“It’s not your fault Beck” Ryleigh sniffled.Sy stood assessing the situation for a moment.
“Can you stand at all Darlin?” He asked her. She tried but immediately let out a whimper holding in her cry of pain.
“It’s okay hun,” I told her
“I’m gonna carry you, is that okay?” Logan asked. She nodded and he scooped her up off the ground and the three of us quickly started to walk to the nurses station. It was likely she would have to go to the hospital but we’d have to let the nurse asses it first.
“It’s nice of you to come keep her company.” I said giving Beckett a reassuring smile. He looked at me nervously and nodded. “Beckett,” I said softly. “It was an accident, you play football right, you see this stuff happen on the field all the time. She’s gonna be alright. She might hurt for a little bit but she’ll heal!” I said. He smiled a little and nodded.
“Thanks Lainie.”
At the nurses station they told us exactly what we had expected. They didn’t have an xray machine or anything so best they could tell was it was severely sprained and she’d need to go to the hospital to get it x-rayed to see if anything was broken. We called it in over our radio to Becca. She had to call Ryleigh’s parents to let them know and then she’d be there to wait for the ambulance to come take her. We checked with her to make sure if it was alright that we left her and Beckett alone to wait. She agreed that it’d be fine. Once we assured them again just to sit tight and everything would be okay we headed back to the rest of our campers.
“You okay?” Sy asked as we walked back. I let out a shaky breath.
“A little shaken up but I’ll be alright. You were great back there! I Couldn’t have done it without you,” I smiled. He put his hand on my my shoulder giving it a gentle squeeze and kissed my forehead.
“You did just fine darlin.” he smiled.
When we got back to the kids I noticed all the other family groups gathering on the field. The scavenger hunt I’d almost forgotten. We called all our kids together and had a group meeting.
“Okay, I know today has been kind of hectic,” I started. “But we’re gonna keep moving forward. And have a fun day!”
“Boys,” Sy said. “Todays all about competition and we’re gonna take the girls down!”
“Ladies, Sy’s an idiot and has no idea what he’s talking about! We’ve got this!”
It was time after our crazy chaotic stressful moring it was finally time for the fun to begin.
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sinnercore · 1 year
Boyfriend Sampo headcanons please!
ᓚᘏᗢ author note : omg you know for a fact I’m gonna do this without hesitation!!! he’s my boyf irl 🤭 hope this was okay, I was writing this in between playing games and didn’t bother proofreading ;-; but thank u for requesting especially for Honkai <33
ᓚᘏᗢ content warnings : fem!reader implied, cunnilingus, mentions of cum, breeding, slight dubcon if you squint, NOT PROOFREAD
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he’s completely and utterly OBSESSED with you, he’s the type of guy to be showing you off to everyone he knows !! using his phone during a random business ‘meeting’? “hey, isn’t my soulmate amazing? look, look at the picture! aren’t we cute?”
he’s that type of partner to buy everything you touch ! you ever mention something off-handed? he’s gonna be searching for it on his phone that night and buying it w/ next-day delivery — he’s basically gonna be ur sugar daddy the entire time and even when you don’t want him to buy you something he’s gonna anyway because that’s one way he shows his love <33
ALWAYS ALWAYS ALWAYS holds ur hand !! or has his arm around you, he wants everyone to know that your his and he absolutely needs to be touching you like 100% of the time, he’s so touch-starved :(( such a clingy baby omg
sampo always takes you on dates ! he always wants to treat you, always telling you “well what else am I gonna spend my money on?” obviously he’s lying but loves to say that you’re the only reason he makes money, because he wants to shower you with treats and goodies
HE’S A SNUGGLE BUG !!! lazy days are his absolute favourite, never lets you leave the bed and if you try he’ll pout and hit you with the “why do you hate me so much?” — also, he’s not afraid to admit that he LOVES being the little spoon, ofc he’ll be thing big spoon but he wants to be cuddled every now and again, too
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this man has the BIGGEST size kink (pun intended), he goes out of his way to always make himself bigger than you!! doesn’t matter if it’s pinning you down to the bed or against a wall, just know he wants to completely overtake you in every way possible
pussy eating god !!! ain’t nothing he loves more than having his head between ur legs, overstimulating you till you’ve got tears in your eyes and you’re trying to push his head away. obviously he doesn’t let you do that bc he can’t get enough of you <33 ALSO WHEN HE SAYS SIT ON HIS FACE HE MEANS SIT ON HIM FULLY !!!! he ain’t believe in the hover tactic, he wants you to smother him !! he’ll breathe through his ears if he needs to, just sit on this man’s face and he’ll fall in love w you on the spot
has an absolutely huge cock and loves watching you struggle to take all of him <33 but he will spend hours on foreplay if he needs to, just to prepare your tight little hole to take him + it means more fun for him. If he’s ever away on business he tells you to keep ur cunt trained and use toys ( and ofc send him pics ;) )
doesn’t believe in masturbating because he thinks that his cum shouldn’t be wasted, it’s either gotta be on you or in you, or both !! absolute biggest breeding kink, doesn’t matter where he cums, he just needs it to fill you
is 100% the type of man that whimpers, moans, and cusses under his breath while fucking you — he doesn’t try to hide it at all !!! the more sound the better in his opinion, that includes all the sounds you make — he’s just a vocal king
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minimomoe · 5 months
Love Bites pt. 10
No luck needed.
Baker Fem Reader x Toji Fushiguro (mafia au)
word ct: 15.1k, 11 Chapters
Chapters: I. II. III. IV. V. VI. VII. VIII. IX. X. XI.
Preview: Toji ruffles Megumi's hair. His son gave him the confidence boost that he needs. “Tonight. I’m doing it tonight. Wish me luck?”
“She’s gonna say yes either way. Good luck,” he mumbles, the sleep pulling him back under. Toji leans down to kiss the top of his head and walks back to the living room where you were waiting for him... 
Chapter Ten: Yes
Toji watches in the corner as you talk to your brother the whole evening. You try to beckon him over, calling him to sit next to you but he told you that he’s fine where he’s at. Your eyes would dim, just for a second, but your brother and Megumi would pull you back into the conversation so you wouldn’t stay sad for long. The ring box felt like a brick in his pocket. He has no idea when would be the proper time to give it to you, and it didn’t help that his son glares at him whenever you aren’t looking. 
You are just so beautiful. He didn’t want to interrupt anything that you were doing, no matter how insignificant the task may seem… but that means he has been sitting on this ring for weeks now.
Toji first tried to subtly bring up the idea of marrying you to Sukuna first. First mistake was talking about it to Sukuna. The other man bore a shit eating grin that made Toji want to shove his face into the window while he was driving them back home from a mission.
“I knew it. I fucking knew it! This is good, man. You’re finally ready to settle down and be the perfect househusband I always knew you could be. Did you already get a ring? If so, Gojo owes me $200.”
“Why the fuck would Gojo owe you $200?”
“I said that you would buy a ring and propose by Christmas. Gojo said that you’re slow as hell and it would happen next year,” Sukuna boasted. 
“So y’all bet on me instead of doing your work?” Toji shot a glance at the other man but Sukuna just waved him off. 
“Oh come on. Your eyes grow huge around her and you follow her around like a goddamn puppy. Not that it’s a bad thing, but any idiot could tell that you were gonna marry her.”
Toji shook his head. “It hasn’t happened yet. She hasn’t said yes.”
“There’s no way she wouldn’t say yes. She’s just as in love as you are. And I better be your best man.” 
The same sentiments were shared by others in the group. Nanami wanted to be the one to help Toji with his suit and the others, and had a few bridal boutiques in mind for you. Gojo wanted to help choose the venue. Suguru and Choso gladly volunteered to help with any and all other wedding details. Nobody seemed surprised when Toji said that he had plans on making you his wife. In fact, in most cases, they were telling him to hurry up. They have already accepted you and the kids love you just as much. You are family in their eyes. 
So why couldn’t Toji just pop the question? Well he thought that maybe it was because he didn’t have any of your folks to ask. Toji figures that it was customary, even though he usually doesn’t give a shit about tradition. Even then, it was like the universe gave him a big flashing sign to get on with it because the third time he visited Ezra on his own he woke up and gave his blessing. It couldn’t have been more obvious. 
So Toji sits and waits. And waits, and waits, and waits as you reunite with your brother and play with Megumi until he falls asleep in a heap on the couch. He gathers Megumi up, the little kid flailing around like noodles in his arms while he takes him to bed. You try to take Megumi yourself but Toji tells you not to worry about it, instead telling you to get your shoes and jacket ready when he comes back. You give him a surprised look but agree, and on your behind you Ezra gives Toji an enthusiastic thumbs up. 
When Toji places Megumi in bed he feels an arm tugging him back before he leaves.
“Have you asked her yet?” The boy is hardly awake. His eyes aren’t open yet his eyebrows are scrunched together. Toji sighs and rubs his face down. 
“I’m working on it.”
“Stop being a scaredy-cat.“
“That’s real easy for you to say, kid,” Toji chuckles. 
“She likes you. A lot. And I like her too.” 
“I know.” 
“…I accidentally called her mom and she smiled,” Megumi confesses. “A few days ago. I think she liked it.” 
“You want her to be your mom?” Of course Megumi sees you like his mom. You’ve been there for him since you came into their lives, and you fret over Megumi even when he’s not around. Caring for Megumi came to you easily, from helping him with homework to packing his lunch, or taking him with you when you had errands to do. That tender love also extends to Yuji and Nobara, who flourish under your care. Everyone did. 
“Yeah. I think she'd be a pretty cool mom to have.”
Toji ruffles Megumi's hair. His son gave him the confidence boost that he needs. “Tonight. I’m doing it tonight. Wish me luck?”
“She’s gonna say yes either way. Good luck,” he mumbles, the sleep pulling him back under. Toji leans down to kiss the top of his head and walks back to the living room where you were waiting for him. 
“Ezra, do you think you can watch Megumi for a little while? I still have a present to give her,” Toji asks Ezra and he nods vigorously.
“Go ahead. I’ll be fine here.”
“Really? Are you sure?” You ask. You are all bundled up with the same scarf and gloves Toji gifted you on your birthday all those months ago and fixing the laces on your boots.
“I’ll be fine. I’m sure you’ll be back soon,” Ezra grins. 
“Okay. Thanks,” you say, grabbing Toji's outstretched hand and walking back outside. You had no idea what your gift could be, or why it had to be outside. You hadn’t even noticed that you technically weren’t given a gift by him yet merely for the fact that you felt like you have been given so many by everyone else. Spending this holiday with so many people is a million times better than last year. Ezra wasn’t in a coma yet, but he wasn’t around either. He had his own busy life on the other side of the world and coming back home after your parents’ untimely death was too much to bear. You didn’t blame him, but you couldn’t deny the fact that it was very lonely. Now you had a belly filled with a loving meal, belting out to Christmas carols with the radio while Toji drove you to wherever he was driving, even getting him to sing along with you. 
You notice that the road he took is the same road that your bakery stays. You haven’t been there the whole week, one part because it’s Christmas, other parts because Toji asked you to take the entire week off. Usually you only did three, Christmas Eve, Christmas, and the day right after, but he wanted more time with you and you couldn’t say no. Not when he was looking up at you from laying on your chest and his eyebrows tilted up like he was pouting. You were sure that your customers would understand. 
“Watch your step,” Toji says, holding open your door and taking your hand again. He did take you to the bakery, and it only added to your confusion. He ushers you inside to get out of the freezing cold before you could say anything and you stand in the dark of one of your favorite places in the world, second to only wherever Toji was. 
When Toji turns on the light it becomes apparent why he brought you to your store. The place was completely renovated to the layout of your dreams. You always complained how tight the space felt despite having the space to be better, it’s just that you didn’t have the money to fix it. You look back at Toji who nods at you to keep exploring. 
It wasn’t the type of modernization that sucks the life out of the space it’s in with a grey and white color palette. Your store still has character, accents of red and black dancing on the walls and tiles on the floor, now wavy counters, a deep walnut with their rough edges smoothed out but still bumpy to the touch, giving it a unique texture. The two tables you had in the front near the windows were the same. You didn’t notice when you first walked in but even the wording on the windows had changed. It matched the curled logo you have printed out on your boxes finally on the windows. 
You turn to Toji with tears in your eyes and your hands over your mouth. Emotions swirl in your chest. You didn’t know if you wanted to jump into his arms or break down crying. 
“Wh-when did you… how did you—“
“You’ve talked about all the changes you wanted to make since I met you. All I had to do was listen,” he says, gently holding your shoulder to pull you closer. 
“This is insane, Toji. I mean it was only a week.”
“We’re lucky that Christmas lands on a Saturday this year,” he shrugs. You look up at him in awe and let out a breathy laugh. 
“I still can’t believe it.” 
“You wanted this, right? There’s still some things they said need to be cleaned up but it’s safe for you to be here. Do you want to change anything?”
“No! No, this is perfect. I mean, I can’t believe that you did all this for me. I was fully expecting to hold out for a couple more years to save up or try to find a new store. This is… Thank you, Toji.”
You stand on your tiptoes to place a soft kiss on his lips. His eyes flutter close and his arm tightens around your body. You pull away and his eyes are still closed, his lashes fan over his cheeks and you hold his face in your hands. “I love you. This is the best Christmas I have ever had. Not just because of the bakery but because I have you and Megumi and everybody else to share it with.” Tears prick your eyes again and Toji finally opens his eyes again. 
“Can I make it better?” He asks in a low voice, cautiously. A bewildered expression sweeps over your face. How could he possibly top a renovated shop? You give a slow nod since he looks nervous and he kisses the round of your nose, laces his fingers in your hand, then kisses the pads of your fingertips. You giggle in response, still unsure on what “better” could be until he puts his other hand in his pocket and slips out a golden ring. Your eyes bounce back and forth from the ring to Toji’s face, blood rushing in your ears and your heart pounding. 
“I would do anything for you,” he starts, holding the ring up between the both of you. “I’ll spend the rest of my life proving that.” 
You begin to cry. It was long overdue. You’ve  been holding your tears back since you walked in but they could no longer be kept at bay. Toji gathers a heavy drop on your lash line and cups your face. “You don’t have to prove anything,” you choke out. “I want you with me. Forever.”
“Forever?” He smiles. You nod vigorously, whispering yes a thousand times over, and he slips the ring on your finger. The blood red jewel glistens in the new bright lights and more sobs escape your mouth. You smash your lips on his again, throwing yourself on his body and he welcomed it. He grins into your kiss and returns your enthusiasm, lifting you off of the floor as you get lost in each other’s affection. 
“I’ve been wanting to marry you for a while now,” Toji says when he finally puts you back on the ground. Your head spins with giddiness. He kisses you again, and again, and one more time for good luck only for you to drag him back down to deepen it. 
“I would’ve said yes,” you laugh. “Definitely would’ve said yes.”
“Megumi was right,” Toji shakes his head. 
“I can’t believe we’re going to get married. I’m going to be your wife !” You squeal and shake your hand in the air.
Toji couldn’t believe there was ever a doubt in his mind that you would say no. You have always been open and honest with him, and accepted him and everything that he was. It was hard to believe that you came to love him and Megumi as easily as you did. There were only a few vibrant moments before he met you, and there is a clear difference in his time line where you existed versus when you didn’t. He wanted to hold onto that vibrance, that warmth that you brought with you everywhere you went and never let go. He kissed you again, slowly and deep, relishing the feeling of your lips, your body touching his and then rested his forehead on yours. 
“I love you.”
“I’m going to cry again.” 
“My little crybaby.”
“Is my husband making fun of me?” You gasp dramatically, but your arms wrap around the back of his neck and you giggle into his neck. 
“Your husband still has to finish the tour. The kitchen is updated too. No more dented ovens.” 
You grasp Toji’s hand with your newly decorated hand into the back of the bakery laughing. 
Chapters: I. II. III. IV. V. VI. VII. VIII. IX. X. XI.
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jobean12-blog · 1 year
The Right Technique
Pairing: Joel Miller x reader
Word Count: 1,522
Summary: Joel gives you guitar lessons, Ellie gives you a fun surprise and in the end you get everything. 
Author’s Note: Thank you to my lovely friend @justkinsey 💕for sharing this fun idea with me! It’s so fun and I had to throw the guitar lessons in there because yes please! Hope you enjoy! Thank you all so much for reading! Much love always! ❤️❤️❤️Both dividers used are from my lovely @firefly-graphics thank you sweet Daisy! ��� 
Warnings: fun, flirty fluffiness and silliness 
GIF NOT MINE: Credit goes to @joelmjller thank you darling💕
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Joel Miller Masterlist
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“Alright darlin’ that should do it.”
Joel strums his fingers down the strings before gently placing the tuned guitar in your lap. You adjust it and try to get the same melodic sound but it doesn’t come out as smooth.
With a wince you try again, randomly plucking at the strings and trying to compose something that doesn’t sound awful.
Joel is standing over you, his hands on his hips and a smile tugging at the corner of his mouth.
“You’re just gonna stand there and watch me suffer, aren’t you?”
You don’t look up as you speak but you see his feet shift as he moves closer. He leans down and takes your fingers between his, fixing their placement.
“Try that.”
You strum again and it sounds much better.
“Wow, that was easy,” you giggle and move your fingers to try a different chord.
Your fingers are unsure, stumbling over the strings, and you let out a huff of annoyance.
“Never mind,” you grumble.
“Get up,” Joel says.
“What?” you ask finally meeting his eyes.
“Get up,” he says again.
You shoot him a scowl and stand from the couch. He sits in the same spot you were in and moves back then spreads his legs and pats the spot between them.
For a moment you’re frozen and hesitant, worry at how you’ll react to being so close to him filling your head, but when he rests his hand on his thigh and gives you a soft look you sit down. He presses his chest to your back and rests the guitar on your legs, circling his arms around your waist so he can hold his hands over yours.
“This ok?” he whispers.
You can feel the rough hairs of his beard tickle your neck as his lips brush your earlobe and it’s hard to contain your slight tremble as you shift to get comfortable.  
“Yeah, it’s ok,” you breathe out.
Joel clears his throat and you can feel his chest expand with his inhale.
“Ok. I’m going to teach you a little tune that helped me when I was learning,” he explains.
His fingers are warm and strong, their movement sure as he plucks the strings and guides your hands.  
“My fingertips hurt and my hands are tired,” you tell him, trying not to sound whiney.
“You need to get some callouses,” he teases, showing you his. “And the more you play the stronger your fingers will get.”
You press your finger to the tip of his, brushing it over the rough skin.
“So it doesn’t hurt when you play?” you ask.
“Nah,” he answers. “But I’m not soft like you.”
You can feel his eyes studying your profile and you swallow hard, thankful he can’t see your face.
“Guess I’ll have to keep at it then.”
You hear the door open and Ellie appears before you with a huge grin on her face. She looks directly at you and says, “I have something to show you.”
“Now?” you ask, not wanting to leave the warmth of Joel.
“Right now,” she smiles, mischief dancing in her eyes.
“Can we practice more later?” you ask as you turn your head to look at Joel.
“Sure darlin’,” he says quietly, his gaze skeptical when he swings it back to Ellie.
You give Joel the guitar and kiss his cheek then follow Ellie up the stairs to her room.
“You have to see what I found,” she says excitedly.
You sit on the floor and lean against her bed, watching as she opens her book bag and pulls something out. She drops the magazine at your feet with a smirk.
“Ellie!” you screech when you see the cover. “Where did you get this?”
“I found it in Bill’s old truck…” she starts as she plops down next to you. “Some of the pages are uhhhh…sticky or something.”
Your eyes widen and you try not to laugh.
“Oh my,” you exclaim when you flip it open to a page.
She giggles and covers her mouth before taking the magazine from your hand and thumbing through it.
“Look at this one,” she says as she turns it on its side and lets the page unfold into a poster.
“Wow,” you say quietly. “I mean…”
“I KNOW,” she agrees as she continues to turn the pages. “Light on the reading though.”
You both burst into a fit of laughter, getting louder with every page you turn.
“Do they really look like that?” she asks you.
You drop your head between your knees and shake with laughter before answering.
“Well, uh…”
You never get the chance to finish your answer because the door to Ellie’s room opens and Joel’s broad shoulders fill the doorway.
“What the hell is goin’ on up here?” he asks.
“Nothing!” Ellie answers as she quickly closes the magazine and shoves it under her bed.
“What was that?” Joel asks, his eyes narrowed suspiciously.
“Just an old magazine,” you reply, discreetly bumping Ellie with your shoulder. “We were just having a bit of fun.”
Joel reaches the bed in two long strides and swipes for the magazine. Neither you nor Ellie can stop him and in the next second he has you both pinned with a glare.
“This is not for kids,” he says, his voice low.
“She’s not a kid,” Ellie says when she points a thumb at you.
“It’s mine Joel,” you state, plucking it from his hands. “Ellie found it and just had some…questions.”
“Yeah…I mean how do they even walk around with those things?” Ellie adds.
Joel’s teeth grind with the hard clench of his jaw and he turns to you, hands still planted firmly on his hips. “Get rid of it.”
“I just wanted to see what all the fuss is about,” Ellie says defensively.
You stand and tuck the magazine under your arm, smiling at Ellie.
“Don’t get rid of that,” Ellie says quietly before she gives you a wink and brushes past Joel with a mockingly reassuring pat on his shoulder.
“We just love fucking with ya’,” Ellie says as her parting shot while she walks out of the room.
“Give it,” Joel says with his hand held out.
“What?” you ask, tone incredulous.
He waits, holding your stare.
“No way! I’m an adult. It’s mine.”
He takes a step closer to you.
“What do you need it for then? Don’t you know what all the fuss is about?”
You press your lips together and don’t grace him with an answer, instead trying to step around his body. He doesn’t move out of your way.
“Where are you going?” he asks.
You blink at him in surprise.
“Back to my place…with my magazine.”
“What about more guitar lessons?” he asks, still blocking your path.
“I want to be alone.”
“To do what?”
He cocks his head, his eyes sparkling.
You glare at him, your eyes flaring. “What are you suggesting Joel?”
When he doesn’t answer you step closer to him. “That I’m going home to relieve some tension?”
“I think that’s exactly what you’re gonna go do darlin’,” he states.
You step to the side, your teeth gritted to stop another sassy retort, and try to get around him but he grabs your arm.
“You’re not denying it,” he says with a smirk.
He spins you around and slams the door shut, backing you against it, resting his hands on either side of your head.
“And?” you snap. “I’m a woman and I have needs.”
“And you think this magazine is going to satisfy ‘em?”
He flicks his finger over the paper that sticks out from under your arm, his eyebrows raised in question.
“Let me go,” you tell him, the words coming out as a breathy whisper and with much less force than you had hoped.
“It’s not good enough,” he murmurs, tilting his head closer.
“It’s all I have,” you answer.
One hand moves from the wall and curls around the back of your neck, his thumb tucking under your chin before brushing along your jaw, as his eyes drop to your lips and his fingers slide down your throat.
“It’s not,” he whispers.
“Joel,” you whimper.
“Tell me to stop,” he croons, his lips hovering just above yours. “Tell me to go…”
“How about you just shut the fuck up and kiss me.”
He stares, surprise flashing in his eyes before it’s replaced with a blazing heat, one that threatens to devour you but he remains still.  
“Or maybe you don’t think you can do better than the magazines,” you counter in challenge, your lips lifting into a smirk.
“Oh darlin’ I know I can do better,” he murmurs before he slowly lowers his lips to yours, his other hand that still rests on the wall coming to settle on your waist so his fingers can explore more of your skin.
The magazine falls to the floor when you press yourself against him and thread your fingers through his hair, every other thought fleeing your mind until all you can feel is the touch of his hands and the softness of his lips.
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@blackwidownat2814​ @flordeamatista​
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