#gonna go draw cute things now... bye...
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queenoftsage · 5 months ago
... This may not seem like it to some of you...
But I ask you this serious question, 'Beyond Evil' fandom.
How would Lee DongSik and Han JooWon react to Michael Myers, if for some reason they ended up in its way? [I say 'its' because that thing ain't human. We all know that. Unless you haven't watched 'Halloween, which is possible, given it's a very U.S. specific thing.]
Listen... I know geographically speaking the two are extremely safe from ever running into that demon. But... What do you think would be their way of defeating it? Who do you think would be more determined to bring it down? Would it be JooWon? DongSik? Or both of them together?
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... just wondering cause... The Halloween feels got me. And one of my electro swing mixes has the theme and that just came up [in my head]. lol. *shrugs*
P.S. Who would be more afraid of it? JooWon or DongSik? Or both? Or would they be afraid of it ?
P.P.S. AT this point, I'm even wondering how they would react to 'Pennywise The Dancing Clown'. I think I'm going way off into very fictional, but I think realistically, they'd have to get over the shock of them trying to kill Myers once, and the fucker getting up again. I've always found that to be the most amazing to see actors in the West react to. Like... Fucker ain't going down that easily. How would DongSik and JooWon react to that?
Would it send them into a mind-is-fucked thank you moment? Or would it? I for some reason think DongSik would be initially rattled, but then would be like scoffing and trying to figure out exactly what the hell Michael Myers 'is' .
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todayisafridaynight · 1 year ago
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daigo-gets-trolled kinda fuckin panel
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rogueddie · 1 year ago
It takes Steve an embarassingly long moment to realise that the spray isn't doing anything. He tries shaking it… nothing. He even checks by spraying it on his hand, shaking it again. Nothing.
He tries listening as he shakes it again and, though he's sure there's some product still left inside, nothing will come out.
He reluctantly throws it in the little trash can, just next to the toilet door. He doesn't bother rooting through the draws or cabinets either; he'd used the last of his emergency powder kit yesterday. There's nothing left.
He huffs, folding his arms, glaring at his reflection. Specifically at the very overgrown, bright blond roots of his hair.
It brings up the same anxiety he's been having for the past month. It's taken him a long time to save up for his usual hairdressers. He hadn't thought it would take so long but, with the kids and now Robin and Eddie, it shouldn't be that surprising.
Robin often pays a good chunk for things too, often paying him gas money, but it's usually him paying for everything. And now that he's paying rent in his own little appartment? He's not often left with that much at the end of the month.
He's starting to think it's not worth the trip. But he isn't going to start using box dye or anything cheap. He's spent a long time taking care of his hair, spent just as long struggling to find the right products too.
He doesn't even care that the kids and Robin mock him for it, he has great hair and, screw it, he's proud. He's not going to damage it by getting bad hair dye.
He's already booked his next hairdresser appointment for the next day, already saved up gas money too. He might as well ask for bleach instead, go back to his natural color and save himself from anymore days with overgrown roots.
He almost regrets the idea when he gets to work.
"Holy shit, you're a natural blond?" Robins grin looks almost painful with how wide it is. She's a little too excited for his comfort. "I don't know how I didn't guess before. This explains so much. How have you kept this hidden for so long? It's so light!"
"Don't you have work to do?" He bats her hand away when she, again, reaches for his hair.
"Not anymore. Why do you dye it? How did it grow out so much? When did you start hiding it? Did someone pressure you into it? They didn't make fun of you, did they? Because I will hunt them down and-"
"No one made me dye it or bullied me into it," he huffs. He can feel his attempt at a cool demeaner soften with how quickly she jumps to his defense. "I just... I never liked it. I don't think it suits me. Brunettes are cute."
"Are you dyeing it again?"
"Probably not. The hairdresser I go to isn't exactly cheap."
"You can get box dye at-"
"I'm not using box dye."
"It's not that bad, and if you really hate the blond-"
Steve swats at her when she reaches for his hair again. With a heavy sigh, he braces himself for the shift full of questions and jokes of 'betrayal'.
Like he suspected, they don't get much work done.
When Eddie comes in, towards the end of their shift, Steve is almost relieved.
"Stop bullying him without me," Eddie complains.
"Thank you," Steve says, whilst Robin boos. "What is it tonight? Movie night with Wayne or some of the kids?"
But Eddie is frozen, staring at his hair.
"I think he's broken," Robin says after a pause.
"You're blond?" Eddie blinks. "When did you go blond?"
"Always have been," Steve shrugs. "Just... not dyeing it anymore."
Steve and Robin stare at him. They share a glance after a moment.
"You here for a movie?" Steve asks.
"What? Me? No, I- just stopping by. And you're... yeah. I'm gonna- I've got to go. Wayne is waiting and... you know. Bye."
He turns around and practically runs out the store. His wheels squeal a little as he drives out, most likely breaking the speed limit.
"Did he just..." Robin starts, trailing off with a frown.
"Unbelievable," Steve shakes his head. "Just when I give up, he realizes that he likes me too! What the hell, Bob. Is he only into blonds or something?"
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girliism · 6 months ago
girl dad!art who has to accept the fact that his little girl is now a teenager.
“mickey mouse pancakes again?” you walked into the kitchen dropping a kiss on art’s shoulder. “she likes them.” art mumbled. it was saturday, so art spent all morning making pancakes, eggs, sausages everything so you all could sit down and eat together.
“hi family, bye family.” your daughter walked pasted the two of you heading for the door, beach bag in hand. “um, where do think you’re going.” art turned around, hand resting on his cocked hip. “to the beach with katie, don’t worry about breakfast we’re gonna stop and get ihop.” your daughter explained going to reach for the doorknob. “wait, and who okayed this?” your daughter sighed closing the door turing to face the two of you. “mom did, she didn’t tell you?” art and your daughter turn to look at you matching blue eyes focused on you. your eyes flick between them. “i totally forgot that was this saturday love.” your daughter pouted a little. “i can still go right?” you gave her nod. your daughter made a sound of of excitement. “thanks! i’ll text you when we get there bye mom, see ya dad.” and with that she was out the door.
your turn in your chair to face art, he’s still staring at the front door. “see ya dad.” art scoffed “when did i become just dad, and saturdays are supposed be family day.” you got up from your chair to wrap your arms around him. “honey, most fifteen year old girls don’t always wanna spend saturday with their parents, she’s a teenager now, we’re kinda the last thing on her list at the moment.” you gave him pat on the chest for reassurance.
art was hearing none of it, he knew you were growing up but that doesn’t mean the two of you weren’t still close, in his eyes.
it was another saturday and art had the whole day planned out. “bean, if you would please hang up the phone.” art stood in the door way of his daughters room, the walls the that used to to be covered in butterfly stickers and stick figure drawings now replaced with posters of her favorite movies and artists. “yeah, it’s my dad, uh huh i’ll call you back.” she hung the phone asking what was it that he needed. “wanna spend the day with you today, you know daddy daughter outing.” your daughter made a face. “oh, i kinda had plans today.” she didn’t have plans, but laying in her bed sending tiktok’s back and forth with her friends sounded better than hanging out with her dad all day. “oh come on, humor me, at least for two hours.” she reluctantly agreed walking out the door behind art silently begging you to save her.
the car ride started off painful quite before art cleared his throat. “so, what’s going on in your life, any cute boys or you know girls you like.” she wanted to jump out the car. “oh god.” your daughter whispers, covering her face trying to hide from this conversation. “what, i wanna know what’s going on in life you know, make sure you’re being safe. guys, they…. they can be very convincing.” she immediately starts shaking her head. “no no no, dad stop please ok i’m not doing that with anyone and moms already given me the rundown.” art nods his head slowly. “good that’s good, you’re too young anyway.” the rest of the car ride after that was pleasant, she spent it telling him about the project she’s working on and how she’s thinking about joining cheer with lily.
“oh my god.” your daughter laughs a little getting out of the car seeing where art had brought them. “and you almost passed up on this.” art shook his head. he had brought them to the broad walk, a place she use to love and come to all the time. the sight of all the rides and deep fried food stands brings back memories of when art would take her here, carrying her on his shoulders as she placed her sticky hands in his hair. “oh, dad you have to go on the drop with me first.” what was supposed to be two hours turned into four as art got dragged around the broad walk. they went on every ride, ate from all the food stands (art may or may not have thrown up behind the porta potties.) before they ended the night on a bench eating cotton candy.
art watched his daughter cross from him, her features no longer covered by baby fat. “hey, bean thanks for spending the day with me.” his daughter just shrugged and smiled. “ehh, wasn’t that bad, you’re kinda fun to hang out with.” art chuckled. “it’s just, i know you’re growing up and i get you’re not always gonna want to come do things like this, so thanks for letting me pretend you’re still my little girl.” your daughter got up from her side of the table and sat next to art throwing her arm around his shoulder. “daddy, you don’t have to pretend, i’m always gonna be your little girl i’m just not a little girl, and yeah i’d much rather spend time with my friends but i guess i put you on the my schedule.” art sighs dramatically, kissing the side of her head. “where did all the time go? tell me you still like mickey mouse pancakes at least.” your daughter gasped as if the question offended her. “of course i still like them, are you crazy?”
the ride home was much better than the ride there. no awkward conversation just laughs and trading of the aux cord. “so, since we have established that i still love you how ‘bout we talk about what car i’m getting for my sixteenth.” your daughter gave art her sweetest smile. “ha! funny, how about you pass first then we’ll talk.” art said back knowing she had already failed twice
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otherone12 · 8 months ago
I Can Help You With That...
Gerard way x Reader
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A/N: Hey!! Sooo i was bored and wanted to "practice" my english. I've never posted something like this and i wrote this instead of sleep... Let me know if you like it (:
- Word count : 1.195
Summary - You are his daughter best friend since ever, and always go to their house. One day, Gerard finds out that you are a comic writter, but you are also in some kind of art block. He says that he could help you if you wanted to and, well... this end up a bit different than you both expected.
- Warnings: NOT SMUT, Big age gap
- Ps: You and his doughter (i will not use her name 'cause i think it's weird) are 20 years old or something, and he's 47 (current era?).
- Ps2: I'll not use y/n...
- Ps3: I'm brazilian, so english is not my first language ... sorry if i wrote something wrong.
3rd Person POV
   You were walking down the street to your best friend's house. You knock on the door and she comes with a usually smile on her face.
   - Hey! I missed you! - She said as she opened the door.
   - But we saw each other yesterday! - You laugh, hugging her and entering the Way's house.
   The place was absolutely pretty, you feel like you're never gonna get used to that. You've been going there every week since you were 12, but always get impressed with all that stuff.
   She led you to her room and there you two watched a movie and talked about how much better it would be if you were the directors, actors or whatever.
   When the movie ends, you two went down stairs to the kitchen to take something to eat. You saw a familiar face, long brown hair, the cutest nose ever and, of course, THOSE hazel eyes. Gerard was there. You would never admit it to anyone, but you find him really attractive.
   No. You can't think about your best friend's dad like that.
   He looked up the newspaper he was reading and smiled at you. You smile back as he picks a mug with coffee and takes a sip.
   - I didn't ask you about your comic! How is it going? - Your friend gives you a cup of coffe while you two are sitting at the table with Gerard.
   In the moment your bestie asked, Gerard looked at you surprised and curious.
   - I dunno... i'm in a fucking art block since the last time i show you the sketches. - you took a sip of your coffee and continued - I mean, i know all the story, but i can't find the way to put this together.
   - I can help you with that... if you want me to - He looks really excited, and even if you thought it was a bad idea, couldn't say 'no' to him. - I've worked at DC Comics, and also my comic turned into a Netflix series so...
1st person POV
   I really don't know how to feel about this. I mean, he's an amazing comic writer, and also he's so cute, and lovely, and- NO! STOP IT RIGHT NOW! It's so fucking wrong think about him this way.
   Well, he's cool, but I think spending time with him could make me fall for him for REAL.
   But i really need help. So i didn't think too much about it and just dropped the first thing that comes in my mind.
   - Sure! It will be awesome!
   - That's right, you're up for it tomorrow?
   - Yeah! After my shift, I'll bring my notes and sketches, then we can talk about the whole thing.
   I just get excited... sue me.
*** time skip ***
   With all my notes, drawings and stuff i'm in front of Way's house, waiting to someone to open the door.
   - Sup? -She looks hurried when open up the door and leaves the house. - I'm going out to my mom's place right now. So... if you need something, text me. - Since her parents divorced, my she keep 'froggin' between the both houses, and i never know where she will be until she say it.
   - So now you're leaving me? - I said, overreacting sadly - I thought you'd help me!
   - i'm not leaving you, and i never said i would help you... i'm not a professional. But I'm sure dad will help you. Now i gotta go. Bye!
   She gave me a fast hug and ran to the taxi cab as i got in the house.
   Gerard was in the living room, seated on the couch. He was wearing his 'Mercyful Fate' sweatshirt, and black jeans, pretty as alway.
   He stood up and greeted me, like usual.
   - So... what did you got in there? - He smirks and points to my bag.
   I started to unpack my notebooks, pens and some drawings I've done.
   - Well... The whole story I think. I know it's not perfect but i guess i-
   - lemme see - he took the script and read it carefully every detail. I'll not lie, i feel really judged and the only thing across my mind was "please like it". After the most slow ten minutes i have ever lived, he finally break the silence.
   - This is awesome. The main character has a good backstory. I also loved your art style.
I felt my face burn while I looked him in the eyes.
   - T-thanks - it was awkward, but i think he didn't notice.
   We spent the whole afternoon working together and everything was perfect, but when I was finishing the last draft of the day, he got closer to see how it was going, and I felt his hand on my leg. My heart started to race as I heard  his breath on my ear. I tried to keep doing my work, but I was melting on that chair and could barely hold the pencil.
   - Damn, this is beautiful. - He said practically whispering in my ear.
   I just smiled as he pulled back, so i started to pack my things to go back home. I stand up and looked at him.
   - Thanks for helping me... I was really confused about what to do with this.
   - That's fine, I mean, it's good to see young artists who are into comics and stuff. Thanks for letting me help, by the way.
   I hugged him. I don't know why, but I did, and damn it feels so good... He smelled like coffee. He was warm and I could easily sleep in his arms.
As I pulled away, he keeped his hands on my hips, I looked up to see his eyes and he moved his hand to my cheek. I pull my arms around his neck and we kiss. A passionate kiss, it feels like he wanted this for a long time.
I pulled away as I remembered that this was wrong. I mean, it feels great, but I was wrong. I'm his kid's best friend, there's no way this was right.
- I- I'm sorry! I didn't mean to kiss you. I mean, i wanted to but... this was so fucking- i started
  - That's fine... it's not like I didn't want to. But you're right... we're not supposed to do that. - the look on his face was nothing like regret. Was obvious that he didn't wanted to stop it. - I'm sorry... it was... unprofessional or whatever...
   Okay, it's oficial, he wanted me as much as I wanted him. That's a green flag to try something....
   - That's fine. I totally could do this again... if you wanted to...
   His smile grows as he pulled me closer and kiss me again, a needy kiss. This time shyless, and I felt his tongue explore my mouth, as I runned my fingers through his hair.  
  I was trying to focus just on the way he kissed me, but flashes of conscience passed through my mind, and I started to think about how wrong kissing his soft lips was.
   We stopped the kiss and just looked at each other for a moment. Maybe it wasn't that wrong.
- I gotta go home now...
- Yeah, I think so... maybe we can keep working at your comic next week.
- I would love to.
> Pt2
That's it... requests are open btw ;)
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aritamargarita · 1 year ago
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I feel very motivated. Yes it’s 5 am
It’s December now……..originally wasn’t gonna consider this canon but it is. We’re cooking again. WE DRAW CLOSER TO 2002!!!!!!! its december 24th 2001 in story!!!
this one’s a quick one since it’s just a one off chrystler chapter.
hopefully it’ll hold u guys for just a LIITTLEEE longer while i work on other things too. by the way when i rewatched the eggnog match, it was so fast it actually made me mad LMAO, well not much you can do there anyway so i tried improvising..?
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‘TWAS THE RAW before Christmas and you’re sure there’s a lot of holiday cheer. You’re excited. What’s the night got in store?
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You received a blue and red envelope in your locker today.
It’s painfully obvious they were invited to Smackdown and Raw’s Christmas parties, but you think it’s only because they want you to see what each brand had in store. They hadn’t started the draft yet, but you’re sure both General Managers had their eyes on a few picks…including you.
All you can hope is that the fans don’t get tired of you. It’s probably the only way you’d be allowed to be a free agent.
Before you can leave, your phone rings. You’re a little concerned, given that you’re at work and have never ever gotten a call. You’re about to enter the room, but you take a step back to quickly answer. “Hello?”
‘Hello, sweetie! How are you? Are you working?’
It’s your mother, and when hearing her voice, you sigh. “Hey, yes. I’m working. Is something wrong?”
‘No, no at all.’ It makes you sigh again, but this time in relief. ‘I watched one of your shows. That Jeff boy seems very nice. I’d like if you bring him home for Christmas!’
Oh, that’s not…
It takes you a moment to respond. “What? Why?”
‘He just seems sweet! That is a pure-hearted boy, and you seem to care for him enough. I’ll be expecting you two love birds.’ She says. ‘That is if you’re able to come home.’
“I’m not sure. I think I might, but only for a day. The next Raw doesn’t get taped until…well, next year. In January. I forgot when Smackdown was.”
‘I hope you do. We miss you very much. Give what I said some thought! I won’t bother you anymore. I love you!’
“Love you too. Bye bye.” And you hang up. You don’t think you’ll ever tell anyone what she said. You probably wouldn’t hear the end of it!
You take a deep breath and shake it off. As you walk through the door, you’re greeted by a camera and…Pat Patterson and Gerald Brisco in elf outfits.
Wow, what a party Mr. McMahon has hosted…
Speaking of him, he was already at the door once he opened it. “I totally wasn’t listening to your conversation,” He clarified. You roll your eyes. But your boss is thrilled to see you, outstretching his arms.
“You’re the star of the night! I assure you, you’ve chosen the right party. You’re going to love it here.”
He tries going in for a hug, but you don’t react. Instead, he awkwardly reaches his hand out, and you shake it hesitantly. This is still your boss, after all.
“Everybody give a warm welcome to [Name]!” Vince announced. Great, now everyone’s staring.
You give a small wave as everyone in the room soundly greets you. Some of these people look familiar. Billy and Chuck, Terri, Christian, The Dudley Boyz….
And then there’s Stacy. Your eyes brighten once you see her in the room. She’s the only one you know well. She’s also excited to see you, hopping off of (who you can assume is) Bubba’s lap.
“[Name]! You came!”
“Hi.” You wave. “You look nice.”
Your voice is dry, which makes Stacy pout in return. However, your compliment puts her at ease. “Thanks!”
She then takes her hand and pulls on your shirt. “What’s with this? I thought you’d be all dressed up! It’s about to be Christmas! You dressed up when we were in WCW, remember?”
You do. It’s not because you wanted to, either. You didn’t really have a choice. Management wanted all the girls to come out in their little cute Santa’s helper costumes, and the moment you complained about it, you were told that you could just go for the day…and not be on TV.
You shake your head. “I’d rather just wear my regular clothes. Now, you may ask why again. The answer…is because I can. “To you, that reason was as good as any.
“Ugh, come on.” She whines. “I wanted to see you in something nice. I think the crowd would love it, too!”
There lies the problem. You scoff. “As if I’m showing any kind of skin in this landfill of a place called Miami. Of all the states we have to be in, it’s Florida?! Gross..” Your words incite booing from the crowd, but it’s not like you can hear them anyway. “This place sucks. I saw a man wrestling an alligator outside.”
“You’re silly. You should take a load off.” Stacy grins. Little did she know, you were dead serious. And the man was WINNING! Incredible.
You figured there was no convincing Stacy. She must’ve thought you were crazy.....if she doesn’t already.
She takes her hand and pats your shoulder. “It’s okay, [Name]. Maybe you’re just a little hazy from excitement. You should have some fun with us!”
“I don’t think I can.” You decline. “I’ve got a segment soon. So, not for long. Whatever’s going on here, I’m happy to see we’re all getting along.”
“I’m taking that you like it here?” Vince cuts in, then motions towards the other wrestlers. “See all the star power in here. That could be you. You can be involved. You sign with SmackDown, I promise you you’ll see that and more.”
You will consider. You’re not entirely sure whether or not you want to be with either brand because they have pros and cons. The problem is, which one would you rather deal with?
“Right, um..” You hesitate for a second, and Vince immediately jumps on his chance.
“Well, why don’t you come over and drink some punch? If that’s not your thing, we’ve got a lot of options.” He holds up a bottle of sparkling cider.
Man, he’s really trying hard, huh?
The arrival of Booker T grabs his attention, and you slink away to Christian instead. “Hey! Been a while.”
Christian looks around before looking at you with a grin. (Something you know he did on purpose) “If it isn’t my favorite fan! How’s it going, tiny?”
It’s been a while since he’s even called you that nickname, and it still does NOT hold true. You swear to god it’s not true. “I have definitely been fine! Just hanging in there.”
“I dunno, what you did at Vengeance was completely nuts. Are you sure you’re just hanging in there? Not gonna do the same to me, are you?” He asks.
“No. I just want to relax today! I really do.” You admit. You’re tired, and you want some time to think. This party does nothing for your racing thoughts, but the least you could do was try and enjoy it before leaving.
Which was probably soon.
“I don’t mean to butt in at all,” Terri comes over to you and rubs your shoulder. “But are you doing alright? The last time I saw you was when you mistook me for Torrie. And you had a bit of a meltdown during Vengeance.”
Wow, you really did leave a mark. Everyone must know about your little stunt. You fight a smile. “I’m just fine. I got my anger out and everything. I’m totally not mad.”
That was a lie. You are still mad and are unsure how long it’ll last, but you are still upset at Torrie. You’re still upset at Jeff and Raven as well, but the difference is that you don’t think you’ll ever forgive her for what she’s done so far.
Terri was going to speak again, but Vince loudly called everyone to attention. “You guys! Listen up, I got a surprise.” The door opens, and you don’t believe your eyes. “Courtesy of Santa himself, Santa’s little helpers!”
….Wait a second, these aren’t elves. They’re women! Did he seriously invite strippers?
They’re fully clothed, but their dresses were so short you might as well consider it next to nothing. It’s not like you’re complaining per se, but jeez. Wasn’t this supposed to be a kid-friendly show?
Haha, as if. You chuckle to yourself a bit.
Vince is introducing them as Santa’s helpers indeed. He takes “Vixen’s” hand to lead her onto a table.
“Alright,” You don’t want to stay around for this. “You guys have a good night, okay? I think I’m cutting it close. I need to get out in the ring.”
“But I’ve got a lot to show you, [Name]. You can’t just leave yet!” Vince tried to convince you, but you shook your head.
“Really can’t. But I promise I’ll consider Smackdown.”
You have to quickly exit before he can say anymore, but you can’t deny that you’re excited to talk in the ring.
Did you expect anything less from Vince McMahon? No. Hopefully, Raw would fare better.
Well, you’ll see soon enough.
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It’s your turn to go out there, and you were pretty amped up about it. Sure, it’s another show of Raw, but it’s Christmas Eve, and Santa should be out and about now!
You want to show the crowd and everyone at home how excited you are for Christmas. Today’s another episode of Time Out with [Name]!
Once your entrance music plays, you push back the curtains and head down the ramp. Thanks to your stunt at Vengeance, you got a lot of mixed reactions from the crowd. 
Jerry is the first to point it out. ‘Well, she seems to be in a good mood, JR!’
‘She sure is. I’m not sure if we should be on guard or not. That woman is a ticking time bomb just waiting to explode.’
Thankfully, they had given you a mic before going out there. The moment you slid into the ring and were faced to face with thousands of people, you couldn’t help but fall into a laugh.
“Okay, I know what you guys are thinking,” You begin. “Vengeance may have gotten a little out of hand! I get it. But if you were in my shoes, you’d understand! Anyway, that’s not why I came here tonight.”
JR can only shake his head. ‘Well, I’m sure we’d all like to hear what’s going on in that mind of hers.’
“I have an extraordinary guest today..” You trail off. “In fact, you all know him very well! He sees you when you’re sleeping, he knows when you’re awake! It’s Santa—“
The Rock’s music plays instead. He quickly storms down to the ring, and you’re actually shocked that he interrupted you like that. The crowd cheers so loudly that you can’t even hear your thoughts. You figured it was a given. You’re in Miami, after all.
You start to talk as soon as he starts climbing into the ring. “Um, excuse me? Rocky?” The little pet name you call him makes him raise that iconic eyebrow toward you. “I-I didn’t call for you. I was waiting for Santa. But you’re more than welcome to wait for him with me.”
He stares at you momentarily, then reaches over the ring for a mic. There’s still more silence, and as you await your response, you look at him expectantly.
“..No.” He finally says. “The Rock came here to share a very important message with the MILLIONS—and MILLIONS—of Rock’s fans.”
“I get that.” You say. “I’m all for it, but this is my show. Like, jeez, if you’re gonna interrupt Santa, at least let me ask you some questions.”
“You think Santa’s coming here?! Miami is hot as hell, the guy’s gonna melt!” He’s got a fair point. But it’s Christmas! Santa would make a way to get here one way or another. “[Name], The Rock came out here because he has a few questions for you. You’re going to want to hear this, sweetheart.”
You’d be almost flattered at the pet name if it wasn’t for the slight derisive tone behind it. You can’t deny your curiosity, though. “Oh, pray tell!”
“You and The Rock both hate Chris Jericho. You and The Rock also hate….Stephanie McMahon.” He says. It’s true. Very true! You hate both of them. “And because we share the same hatred, The Rock has gotten you a gift. Consider it a peace offering.”
How sweet! Can’t refuse presents. Maybe Santa could wait for a minute. Hopefully, Austin won’t get too angry that you’ve accepted this.
He reaches over the ropes to one of the stagehands, and he’s handed a neatly wrapped gift. It is handed off to you, and you’re already excited, ripping it open as fast as possible.
The camera zooms in on your gift, and it’s…
…a book with a red bull on the cover. You look at him in confusion before repeating the title for the crowd. “The Rock’s night before Christmas? Did you really just give me a book??”
The Rock ignores your comment, and the crowd laughs as he takes the book away from you.
“You sure are. Here, let The Rock help you,” He flips open the book to one of the pages. “Twas the night before Christmas, and all through the house, not a creature was stirring, not even….a mouse.” He pauses for a moment. “The weather was warm, not a trace of snow, just as The Rock got ready to whoop Chris Jericho.”
You nod your head. The only reason why you’re playing along is because of the Jericho line.
But he teases you anyway. “…See, there you go. That’s how you read a book. Go on, try it.” He hands it back to you.
You clear your throat. Guess that’ll be a way to pass the time waiting for Santa. “Jericho claims to be the best. The Rock has found this quite brutal. Clearly, Chris Jericho is a man who has no strudel.”
Whatever that means. The crowd goes crazy, though.
You look over to The Rock, and he nods in approval. He makes a motion with his hands for you to keep going. “I am a living legend! Y2J would sing, trembling with fear as he heads into the peoples ring…and faster, faster than Scrooge, saw the ghost of Christmas past—“
The Rock cuts you off, finishing the rhyme once and for all. “The Rock hit the people’s ring and WHOOPED Y2J’S ASS!”
Wow! What a wonderful Christmas gift. Not.
You thought it was something useful. For all you care, he could’ve gifted you a chair. A brand new kendo stick. Maybe even a steel pole. Hell, you’d even take a pair of socks over this book.
“Not to sound ungrateful, but this is my gift? No joke?”
The Rock nodded. “Well?? Do you like it?”
Your silence told a million words. The moment you’re about to speak, you can’t help but laugh once more. It takes you a minute to pull it together.
“As much as I would love to rag on Jericho, and believe me, I would LOVE to rag on him, that’s not what I expected. It’s Santa. And in the spirit of Christmas, it just so happens I have a gift for the crowd, too.”
The crowd cheers, but you already know what they’re thinking. You point a finger upward. “No, it has nothing to do with me taking my clothes off!”
And just like that, the crowd begins to boo. Aw.
Just as you’re about to spill the deets about your Christmas gift, the familiar tune of Kurt Angle’s music plays. For the love of god, you just want Santa Claus!!
“Sorry, guys..” Kurt insincerely apologizes from the top of the ramp. “All this talk about Christmas makes me think about something. What is it that you said about Santa Claus? He sees you when you’re sleeping..he knows when you’re awake?”
You scoff at the mimicking of what you said earlier, but he continues. “Well, if you ask me, Saint Nick is a pervert! I’ll tell ya what, I hope Santa isn’t watching tonight because I plan on being very naughty.”
How dare he drag Santa’s name through the dirt like that? “You can’t say those things about Santa. Most importantly, you can’t just say you’ll be naughty! You’re the pervert!” You accuse.
“You’re the only one thinking that way, [Name]!” Kurt accused back. “And boy, I am glad you’re not stripping out here tonight. Now that’s a relief. This is supposed to be a kid-friendly show!” Yeah right.
“Are you sure about that?” You question. “Earlier, there was—“
He quickly cuts you off. “As a matter of fact, you or anyone else shouldn’t be idolizing Santa. There is someone far more powerful than he is, and it’s Vince McMahon. In fact, he got your Olympic hero a very special Christmas present.”
“Vince makes little kids cry at that sight of him!” You accuse. “You think they’d idolize him??”
You’re unsure if it is true, but he’s scary. You remember when he ran towards you and Trish during that one match. A literal nightmare. “What did you get? I bet it’s not better than mine!”
“Don’t you know?” As Kurt is speaking, you can hear the crowd chanting ‘asshole’ around you. It makes you giggle. “It’s—“
“Woah, woah, woah!” The Rock interrupts. “Please let them finish calling you an asshole!”
You seem exasperated that your show has been hijacked yet again, on Christmas Eve nonetheless. “Guys, there’s gotta be a way we can settle this. You know, somewhere else?”
“No, no, you’re gonna wanna hear this,” Kurt says. Both of them have said that, so that means that you won’t like it as much..
“That present is a shot at the undisputed title. That’s right, tonight is going to be a triple-threat match. The Rock versus Chris Jericho versus Kurt Angle. Ho, ho, ho, it’s true!”
You had brushed it off when she said it in passing, but Trish really had a point when she said that the men ruin everything. This was already cutting into your time.
Kurt seems to be confident, though. “And I tell you what, Rock, your chances at winning the title in front of these sleazy hometown losers just went slim to none!”
“Let me just say,” You decide to add. “That Stone Cold Steve Austin would wipe you two off the map! Uh, no offense, Rocky.” You say, gently setting a hand onto his bicep. “If Vince McMahon had any good in him, which I doubt, he would let Austin into that triple threat and make it a fatal four-way!”
The jeering quickly turns into cheers, and you bow to your fantastic suggestion.
“Oh, absolutely not!” Kurt yells. He decides to make his way down the ramp, and you start to feel like this isn’t ending well. “I got this fair and square. Stone Cold doesn’t deserve this as much as I do. There’s a reason why Vince put the Olympic Gold Medalist into action and not some trailer park trash.”
Ouch. You wince.
“Seeing as you came out here and interrupted [Name] ’s little show..” Finally, the recognition you deserve. “Just let The Rock finish his Christmas message and he’ll tell you exactly how he feels about this whole thing—“
The sound of holiday bells fills the arena, and you immediately shush The Rock, albeit ruder than you intended to be. “SHUT UP, SHUT UP!” You yell. “IT’S SANTA!”
Lo and behold, it’s Jolly Old Saint Nick himself. Santa’s holding a red sack, which is likely full of presents.
More than likely, it was merchandise, and Santa reached in and began tossing things into the crowd. You’re giving him a standing ovation.
The Rock looks at you as if you’re insane. Even Kurt, who had just begun climbing the ropes into the ring, shoots you a look as well.
“Look! It’s Santa!” You exclaim, pointing right at him. “He’s right there! I told you guys he was coming!”
After a minute of throwing things out into the crowd, Santa chucks his bag into the ring and clambers in. You immediately hold out your mic for him to take. You’ll grab another one, you don’t even care.
“Ho, ho, ho!” Santa bellowed. This is really happening in real time. You skip over to the ropes and reach for a new mic as he continues talking. “Have you wrestlers been good this year?!”
You make haste to grab a new microphone. “I have!” There’s a giggle in your voice. “I don’t know about them, but I’ve been the nicest!”
Kurt shakes his head. “I don’t think so! You beat up poor Stephanie McMahon just a few weeks ago!” He calls back to your handicap match, but in your defense, she started it.
“That wasn’t my fault. Stephanie was trying to interfere! She even interrupted my show!” You shoot back. “You know, like you two interrupted mine?!”
He’s still not swayed. “She’s a potential business partner! You can’t just do that to a potential business partner!” Kurt then gives you a sardonic grin. “Personally, I’m just making it better.”
“A potential business partner? HA! Maybe on the street!” You laugh. “I swear to god, I will—“
Santa immediately puts a stop to your petty bickering. “Friends! There’s no need to argue. I can see how good you are in your hearts!”
That was so real. You smile, but The Rock is shaking his head. He points a finger toward him. “So, Santa, you came to The Rock’s hometown of Miami…..all the way from the North Pole? The Rock isn’t sure if he believes that.”
“What do you mean you don’t believe it?! He’s Santa!” You motion towards him.
Kurt doesn’t believe it either. “Yeah, right. I hate to agree with him, but look at him!”
All three of you turn to look at Santa at the same time. You personally see nothing wrong with him. “What’s the deal? This is definitely Santa.”
“…Well, [Name], whatd’ya want for Christmas?” Santa asks.
“See! How else would he know my name if he wasn’t Santa?” You question. You take a second to think about what you want, then bring the mic up so you can talk.
As soon as you’re about to speak, Santa Claus stands up and cuts you off. “Aht, aht, aht!” He waves a finger. “That was a test. Never tell your wish! Fret not, Santa knows all. Perhaps you’ll get what you want this year!”
You’re convinced and happy. That’s all that matters.
“Listen, ‘SANTA,’ Kurt sarcastically begins. “If you’re the real deal, I want to win the Undisputed Championship tonight. Can ya’ do that for me?!”
“I apologize, Kurt, but…. you’ve told me your wish; I don’t believe I can grant it.”
“HA!” You laugh. He’s not getting the Undisputed title for sure now. That’s one less thing for you to worry about.
“You can’t grant my wish...” Kurt repeats, nodding his head a bit. “Okay.” He shrugs it off momentarily, giving the impression that he’s about to leave, but he swoops Santa off his feet and into an Olympic Slam. As soon as Poor Santa hits the ground, Kurt angrily yells at him. “YOU’RE GONNA GIVE ME MY WISH, SANTA!”
“Wait!!” You yell. But it’s too late. “NOO! What’re you doing?! I can’t believe you!!!” You’re so distraught that your words are coming out way too fast. Kurt Angle just gave Santa an Olympic Slam!
To make things worse, Kurt pulls him right into the Ankle Lock. You’re yelling, but The Rock just stands there. That is until he decides to yank Kurt back and exchange blows with him instead.
As of right now, pain is all you feel. You kneel down to the fallen Santa, trying your best to help him up.
There’s one thing for sure. This Raw would be memorable…for all the wrong reasons.
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Today’s matches are as follows…
You double take once you see your name alongside Stacy and Torrie.
Who put you in the eggnog match? You’re going to kill someone. This is probably one of the first gimmick matches you’ve had here, and it makes you reconsider shunning a bra and panties match…
….Nah, nothing would ever make you reconsider that. By some stroke of luck, you haven’t been signed up for one. However, you’d much rather have an actual match tonight!
Now you’ve got a bone to pick with Raw’s new owner. More than likely, he had something to do with this, so you can’t blame Vince THIS TIME. You may just start blaming him for shits and giggles, though.
You look behind you to see RVD storming down the hall. He doesn’t seem in the greatest of moods, but you still try and be friendly. “Hey there! What’s up?”
It’s a bit off-putting to see him so irritated. He seems so laid back. The moment he grabs your shoulders is when you realize that it may be serious. “Have you seen Chris Jericho? This is important.”
Seems like everyone’s looking for him. He is always causing trouble. You think it’ll only get worse now that he’s the Undisputed champion, but you can only hope someone else can beat him.
If that doesn’t happen, perhaps you’ll have to intervene.
He rubs his temple. “He attacked me on Heat before Vengeance. I know he’s performing tonight, but I don’t care. Lance Storm had a lot to say about it, so now I’ve gotta kick his ass.”
“I’m sure you’ll get it. My advice is to try the locker room. He’s vain enough to stay in there for days if he could. I’m sure he loves checking himself out.” You recommend.
RVD seems to relax a bit. He doesn’t think he can be mad around you, at least not for long. He lets go of your shoulders. “Alright, Miss Nitro. I’ll try.”
That’s like the second nickname someone’s given you. Can’t complain about it, though. It’s kinda cute!
Though you feel bad that you can only catch him in the halls, you smile anyway. “I’ll catch up with you later. I’ve gotta hit up the party. We’ve gotta hang out sometime. I really enjoyed it when we were a team.”
“Ditto.” He agrees. “Well, when you need a partner, come find me.”
You wave at him, he returns it, and you two go your separate ways. The main objective was to get to Raw’s party. Talking to Ric Flair was really important.
You could hear a distant “woo!!” from down the hallway. Yeah, he’s definitely in there.
You pick up the pace a bit to reach the door, and you quickly open it. Upon entry, you can see more people that you know. Trish, Jacqueline, Big Show, Hurricane, Tajiri, Torrie…
Seeing her sitting in Santa Tajiri’s lap, you can’t help but stare in awe. She seems surprised, too, not expecting you to be at the party. There’s a camera here, so it follows you to where you stand. You cross your arms.
They did an awful job of telling you these things.
You glance around again and notice that Edge is here, too. God damn it.
Once you and Torrie locked eyes, the room fell silent. Some of your coworkers are starting to get an idea of how unstable you are.
They just hoped you wouldn’t go ballistic on her right now. It’s a party! You’re supposed to be having fun! You get the gist, so you decide to clear the air. “I just want to talk to Ric Flair. I'm not here to fight or anything.”
Nevermind the fact you got an invitation..
Everyone seems to let out a sigh of relief, continuing their miscellaneous conversations. Were they really that concerned..?
The Nature Boy makes his way over to you. “You called for me?!” You flinch at his tone of voice. He’s so loud.
“Yeah, why’d you schedule me in that eggnog match?” You question. “I don’t want to be in it. In fact, there’s no reason for me to be in it.”
He grabs a drink from the table and raises it up toward you in offering. “I thought it would be a good opportunity, I wanna see you wrestle!”
You wave your hand at him. “You did! Remember that one match with The Rock? You fixed the match!”
“Not good enough! I wanna see some hair pullin’, eye scratchin’, clothes rippin’! Woo!” Ric chants. “You’re the only person that can deliver it! I've seen you go at it when you were in WCW!”
You can’t even get a word out before he’s yelling even more. “MERRY CHRISTMAS, FROM THE NATURE BOY!! WE ARE PARTYING DOWN TONIGHT, WE ARE LOOKIN’ GOOD!”
You really fight the urge to say: “Take your pills, old man,” but you instead decide to zip it for now. Guess you’ll have to participate.
Meanwhile, Edge makes his way over to you. He’s got garland wrapped around his neck like a scarf, and you know he’s still goofy as ever.
“Hey there, you.” He greets.
You wave. “Hi.” This is too awkward for you, so you cut to the chase. “We’re fine now, right? I saw you catch my kiss. I blew you.”
“Hah, blew me.” Edge chuckled. Ha, ha. You almost laughed, he’s sooo hilarious. “I don’t know why you came out there, but I kind of liked it.”
You’re happy. At least he didn’t seem to be mad at you anymore. He totally took things out of context. You wanted to map out a few things to say to him in your head, but it’s tough when Torrie talks so loudly in her squeaky voice.
It’s like she was doing it on purpose. Like she’s raising her voice so that you could hear. If that’s what she wants, so be it. You turn around to look.
“Wooow!!” She chirps, unwrapping a lingerie set from the box. “You want me to be naughty, don’t you?! It’s beautiful, I love it!”
God, you hate her. You swiftly turn around to leave but are stopped by Debra coming in with a tray of neatly placed cookies.
“Hey, sweetie!” She greets you with a big smile. “I’m glad you could make it! It’s not a party without my famous cookies!”
You’re gonna be honest. Those look like the sugar cookies from the store, but you’ll still eat them.
She hands over the tray to Ric. “Oh! Steve will be here any minute!” He’s coming too?! Cool! It is a little surprising to hear he’s actually gonna show up. Everyone in the room starts to cheer, including the crowd.
Alright, perhaps the night can turn itself around after all.
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Eggnog shouldn’t be that bad. It's not your favorite drink, but it’s better than gravy. You bet poor Trish had to take so many showers.
It honestly reminds you of when Kurt hosed the Alliance down with milk. You won’t ever forget that night. You shiver just thinking about it.
The ladies of the night have already made their entrance. You’re the last one to come out. You don’t even bother dressing up all festive, as your gear will probably be drenched anyway.
Your music hits. Now’s the time to go out there and get this match done as quick as you can.
“And finally, introducing [Name]!”
For a moment, you stop midway on the ramp to look at the girls and the pool of eggnog.
If they said this was for a WCW taping, you would’ve believed them.
You finally reach the end of the ramp, looking over and shaking your head. You can’t believe you’re doing this. All the while, Torrie’s tossing candy canes into the crowd while you walk over toward the side. At least someone’s enjoying this.
As soon as you get down there, she turns toward you and coyly passes you a candy cane, but you slap it out of her hand. You don’t want that shit.
Stacy quickly takes advantage, yanking her over by the shoulder and slapping her. Stacy yells over to you, “Let’s throw her in!”
Absolutely. You give her a nod, and the two of you back over to Torrie. The both of you pick her up, adjusting so she doesn’t get hurt too bad when you toss her.
“One, two….” You begin to count, the two of you rocking back and forth. “Three!” And there she goes, right into the pool of eggnog. Some of it splashes on you, but you don’t care.
Cameras around you flashed and it almost blinded you for a moment, causing you to squint for a moment before rubbing your eyes.
Once you come to, you see Stacy raising her hand for a high five. You smile and give her one, but as soon as she turns her back on you to laugh at Torrie, you shove her into the pool.
What an idiot! It’s every woman for themselves tonight. While you actually start to find this fun, you foresee a messy shower in the future. Carefully, you step right into the pool. You didn’t want to slip and hurt yourself.
Of course, the first thing you do is to try and drown Torrie. Just to shut her up for a bit. You grab her hair, submerge her under the eggnog for a minute or two, and then pull her back up. She’s coughing and sputtering.
Stacy’s doing her best to regain some balance, even trying to grab on the referee for some leverage. You’re too focused on Torrie, though.
The smell of eggnog was starting to make you sick. You don’t think you ever want to see eggnog ever again.
You try to adjust to pull Torrie onto a very slippery STF, but you keep losing your grip every few seconds. You did your best to keep it on, though.
Torrie reaches her hand out, but there’s no rope to save her now. You think she’s just about to tap!….until Stacy got her head back in the game and broke up the submission.
Now, you’ll have to focus on her for a minute. There’s not much you can do in the pool, which is one of the reasons why you hated this match so much.
She drags you off of Torrie and starts slapping you around a bit. Seems like she doesn’t know what to do either.
That damn Ric Flair. What did you even get out of this? Definitely not a title match that’s for sure.
Either you do a roll up pin or you force them to tap. You’re leaning on the latter. You don’t know your time limit, so you’re gonna have to make do. You scoop Stacy up and slam her back into the pool, eggnog splashing everywhere.
Poor Torrie’s little Santa outfit was almost halfway off of her. Stacy was in the same state. You were smart enough NOT to dress in anything like that. The crowd can have them, but not you!
“You girls have five more minutes!” The referee whisper-shouted.
Five minutes, okay. That’s not bad. Five minutes…
Wait, FIVE MINUTES?! Not good. You start to panic inwardly, and Torrie is the first to catch on.
She comes out of character to check in on you for a second. That is, after she coughs out more eggnog.
“Are you okay?”
“Fine, but five minutes!” You exclaim, nearly losing your own footing, trying to adjust yourself.
You all need to start wrapping it up then. You’re almost disappointed it’s already almost over. Almost.
“Stacy!” You whisper-shout. “You’re gonna have to tap!” When you finish your sentence, you’re already moving to sweep her off her feet.
You really wish it was Torrie, but she’s too busy trying to get herself together. Man, if she threw up, there’s gonna be a problem.
Stacy desperately tries to claw at your arm to escape, to no avail. The referee circles around you two, and before you know it, she is tapping, causing eggnog to splash everywhere.
You let her go and shove her away, and the referee helps you up to raise your arm. You’re just ready to get the fuck out of dodge. You actually think that was the most embarrassing match you’ve been in.
“The winner of the eggnog match, [Name]!”
You snatch your arm from the referee and turn away to walk begrudgingly up the ramp, but don’t forget to bat your hand at the girls and the pool.
Your music blares in your ears, but it all sounds dull. All you care about is hitting the showers.
You’ve won, but at what cost? Sometimes, you really can’t help but hate your job.
As soon as you hit that curtain, Ric Flair gives you a round of applause with a smile. “Bravo!” Shockingly enough, he’s not being annoyingly loud. “Woooo! That was a show!”
“Good enough for you?” You ask sardonically. One of the stagehands passes you a towel, and you thank them. You use it to dry your face and hair. It’s gonna have to do for now.
God, you think you may have gotten eggnog in your ear…
“Hope you’re satisfied.” You have to hit your palm against your ear.
He just laughs, making you narrow your eyes.
“Listen, listen, I just have a deal for you. Because you did the favor of participating in this match, I’ve thought…how would you like to participate in the Royal Rumble?”
“What?!” You exclaim, nearly dropping your towel. “Are you serious?”
“Sure am. You see, I would like to surprise Vince. To keep him on his toes, I’m a bigger threat than he’ll ever know.” Ric explains. “There’s only 30 spots; I’m sure he will fill them quickly. So, you may want to talk to your fellow wrestlers. Maybe they’ll give up a spot.”
That’ll be hard to do. You know for a fact no man is willing to give up a spot like that. You’ll have to drive a hard bargain…
It takes a moment for you to respond. “..Well, I would love to, really! But I wouldn’t know how to get anyone to give up their spot. And I would have to just. I don’t know. I’m not sure.”
It was sprung onto you so suddenly that you weren’t sure what to do. Ric understands, luckily.
“Well, how about this? You take the rest of the night off. Go get cleaned up and think about it. Trust me, both of us are the winners.”
Now, that is an offer you cannot refuse. You’ll have to join the party next time.
For now, you just need to think.
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oldangryslytherin · 1 month ago
Tagged by: @vaserlord :3 thank you my beloved!
This is so fun because I love sharing facts no one asks! I'm gonna get deep into it btw. Prepare yourself to scroll
Last song: currently listening to Charybdis
Love the vengeance saga haha
While filling this I started listening to dangerous
Fun fact I know every single like the back of my hand and I can play all the characters now ok bye
Favorite color:
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Sorry I can't choose this is my top three. Emerald (palette), violet (pallette), Prussian blue LOOK AT IT ITS SO PRETTY
Last movie: last movie I watched was a rewatch of but I'm a cheerleader:) I know that movie straight (haha) and backwards. The last movie I watched for the first time was actually Christiane F. Finally watched it after avoiding it for a long time. It was... I'm speechless it's def s necessary movie.
Last tv show: rewatch of crazy ex girlfriend im a sucker for musicals and complicated characters. Last series I watched for the first time was baby reindeer months ago. Besides it I have rewatched stuff or just left the series without finishing so I can't even remember
Sweet/savory/spicy: never learnt to eta spicy food :( my mom disliked it so I tried it as an adult and it hurts too much to start liking it. I prefer savory, I try to avoid sweets because I tend to binge as soon as I have sugar haha
Relationships: NONE. I'm to much of a coward to admit I like someone. Had like one relationship when I was 15 with a guy who kept asking and I ended it after 4 days because ew the fuck you mean you wanna kiss me also don't talk shit about Undertale >:( (I really liked the game). Besides he said Homestuck was stupid, so I told him he was stupid. After that I just went hm I'm definitely asexual. And that lasted till not too long ago when I realized that not everyone thinks about women like oh wow they're so beautiful and smart and omg I would love to marry one and we can have a cute house and travel and kiss. That was literally my train of thoughts lmao so yeah. I have 0 bitches.
Last thing I googled: who were the cows oddyseus crew killed. And I went wait that's not Apollo. Then asked Helios god. Then I went difference between Apollo and Helios. Then went Icarus. Then went back to Apollo because he's really cool.
Latest obsession: currently epic the musical. I've listened to the entire soundtrack multiple times a day. I can know what song is playing in the first second. That's how bad it's gotten. My permanent obsession is tomarry duh. And before epic my obsession was The Magnus Archives
Looking forward to: honestly? GETTING AN ACTUAL JOB SO I CAN TRAVEL. I want to go to so many places. Plus I wanna learn to draw, I want to get back to it, i was studying it then ran out of money and when I have free time I write instead of study art. I also want to one day publish an actual book even if no one reads it, I just want it. Also learn more than what I know? I can speak Spanish and English (barely) plus have basics of Italian and Portuguese but not enough to talk I can read it tho. I want to study German again (barely A2 level after years of self study), plus now because of epic I want to learn Greek and that would be impossible I'm sure.
Tagging: @nonsensicalnonsense00 @riverxsong-ao3 @tommarvoloriddlesdiary @a-bored-idiot @eidelvyd @screamingpotatoes @catjar91 @kashlyn I want to tag more of you but I don't know if you like these things :( if you wanna do it but are not tagged do it and tag me :3 also if I tagged you but you don't want to it's completely fine. Bye!
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wielderofthechainsaw · 1 year ago
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7. TRAUMA🫶🫶🫶🫶🫶
10. No seriously listen to it its called “a million gruesome ways to die” its on Spotify an dyoutube
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^ fullscreen to see what i mean
22. HERES A DRAWING OF HIM I MADE TO SHOW HOW BESUTIFUL HE IS (his face is right side up on purpose btw)
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Tell me why two barnaby rp accounts liked this post
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@an-theduckin i remember you saying you wnated me to tag you in my rambles so here you go
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13tinysocks · 5 months ago
Just finished re reading ycyd once again. a wonderful read,
the last time I read it, was in Turkey and I got ghosted by a really hot punk guy and I was so violently depressed. BUT The idea of getting fucked by Toby unimaginably soothed my aching soul, I felt like a newborn fawn standing for the first time, perceiving an unseen world, and it’s vast beauty. More importantly, I may currently be frantically drawing all of the sex scenes with Toby for my own personal perverted enjoyment , so hypothetically do you know where that reference photo of the loft is?? for science of course.
Also partially blaming you guys for the period where I only went out with guys that looked like Brian and Tim, because y’all injected an uncontrollable lust in me, Alas, not sustainable in the long run; trying to get your man to wear a masky cosplay 24/7.
Anyways, you guys reignited Toby being my muse, and please if you do respond drop all of your art of Toby this is a stick up and I need it
So now I’m gonna go read spill your guts again bye!!!!!
This was my spill your guts Toby I drew last year and some ycyd tob which i’ve drawn eating him out alot artistic reverence, yada yada yada
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1. Show me his cock.
2. I've always been very boring and Ill traveled so I've only ever really dated Abby (my beloved I love being boring) How are you pulling this many people? I want to study you under a microscope actually. (I am NAUGHT slut shaming I love sluts)
3. I once knew a Brian doppelganger. He was my sister's shitty boyfriend. Good riddance but I mean the resemblance was uncanny.
4. I love your art and I follow you from my main. If Toby had the means he would be like a freak Strade/Mason hybrid. Already kinda is but you get me.
5. I haven't drawn Toby much in the last year or so but I've got a few things for ya.
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This mornings warm up and a shitty drawing of the loft. I always imagined it as kinda shallow with indented shelves.
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Stuff from my Insta of Toby. Left is from last year. Right is part of a wider print well be selling with interruptions of the manor fellas but make it ho1c teehee.
That's all Ive got for Toby. I'm sorry beloved mutual. I wish I had the energy to draw him as much and as cute as you do.
However. I've been working on pinup prints you see. Tim and Brian double slutted up you see.
Brian's done but Tim's still in the works and very bald and has triangle nipples.
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Toby is genuinely the reason we started SYG in the first place. It was his birthday and I wanted to widdle COVID times away by writing. We all know where that rabbit hole went.
I also have a piece of YCYD's novelization Toby art. Since I can't use the real thing I wanted to keep him close but not too to Toby in looks and personality. So here's that
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Erm ☝️🤓 thank you for reading. I really do love your stuff teehee kicking my feet.
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wigglebox · 2 years ago
art blog update! - i should like, actually label these lol as i’m trying to venture into making art for a living 
anyway, i guess, NEW entry ? 
but also this is housekeeping
but i will be trying to transition back a little into how i used to draw back in like, 2021 in terms of basic shapes and shadows, where the figures were a little smaller, less detailed, and more about the mood and all that. 
when looking at my art now with the lineart and the lighting, i feel like i’m losing myself a little too much, and for a while i’ve been growing a little frustrated that the heads didn’t seem to be matching the bodies, you know? Like, the way i drew their faces is a really stylized way but then the bodies were just... there. 
And the lineart is fun but also really annoying and i feel like it takes away something special from the mood i’m trying to convey and it makes things feel more stiff and more...idk, trapped? Idk how to describe it. It’s not to say I don’t like the recent stuff i’ve done with lineart and i may still do lineart in some way shape or form, but it feels like my art is trying to be something it’s not and aiming for a goal that doesn’t benefit it. 
and this past Sunday i felt really sad about my art which is is partially bc i’m entering ‘the red zone’ [the week before my period hits where i’m a little more down on myself] but also i know that when i’m sad and frustrated over my art, it means i need to think about switching something up or learning something new. 
so i’m going back to something like this BUT, with better understanding of my brushes, lighting, composition, and colors lol. 
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Because this is when it felt like my art was hitting the mood and tones that i wanted. 
I’m gonna try and move back to making their faces not as bulbous and their eyes a little further apart and work on shapes and composition over clean lineart and all that. 
this is an effort to try and get my brain back into the emotions of my art. 
*there are still some bang pieces and other works that i have right now that will not be like this, and so when you see them posted just know that it was created before i’ve made this decision to retrace my art journey a little bit lol. 
** i truly can’t wait for the bang pieces to be done lol because the stories i have are really cute ;_; 
okay ... mini blog entry is done bye bye have a good week! lol
<3 wigglebox
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doyoujustnotwantto · 1 year ago
Your Annoying Tumblr Mutual strikes yet again !!
I'm gonna ask you a few questions :> (these are all so random lmao) (as always, feel free to ignore ^^^)
✰ how long have you been on tumblr?
✰ how did you come up with your url/username?
✰ what’s your phone’s lock screen?
✰ do you have any piercings//tattoos? (any you’d like to get?)
✰ do you wear glasses//contacts?
✰ has anyone ever told you you have a "celebrity look-alike"? if yes, who?
✰ best compliment you’ve ever gotten?
✰ are you a collector of anything in particular? If yes, what?
OMG thank you for asking!!!! I can tell you're the sweetest and the most caring person just by going through your blogs <3 You could never be annoying!
♡I've been on tumblr for around 2 years now (but i wasn't active at all)
♡it's a lyric from renegade by taylor. i love the song:')
♡a drawing of gold stars and moon with the completely black background that i found on Pinterest
♡no i don't! I'm in Japan, and tattoos are still strongly associated with gangsters here sadly. So no one around me would agree with me getting one but I'd love to someday actually😬(i wanna leave the country so I will when that happens:)) I'm definitely getting my ears pierced as soon as i graduate from high school!! Does it hurt??
♡Kim Chae-won from LE SSERAFIM! so many people say i look just like her haha and now i kind of think so too hehe
♡friendly and caring?! i try to be friendly so i was happy when someone acknowledged that. Cause that means it's working lol
♡i buy random small snacks with cute packaging to decorate my shelf;) oh and I'm on my journey to collect all of Taylor's cds! I've been a fan since forever but i was little and my parents had no interest lol so i was simply loving Taylor by watching mvs and listening to popular songs thinking those were the only information available about her. I spent half a decade without knowing all the drama or hate she got. It's kind of crazy to think now that i know a lot haha on the other side of the world there were crazy things happening:)
sorry, the answer got unnecessary long! I loved doing this<333 It reminded me of the things i didn't know about myself lol You too! Have a great day, night and December is almost there!!!! luv u!
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supa101 · 1 year ago
The Amazing Story ( Chapter 16 )
Person : are you gonna answer my question?
Supa : no
*Person starts poking supa*
Supa : Stop poking me.
Person : answer my question
Supa : grr fine >:(
*supa starts drawing a map*
Person : answer the question!
Supa : no
*Supa starts drawing a himself at the teleportation walkway*
Person : you can teleport by the way.
Supa : mhm sure. even if you stop my teleportation. Cya
*Supa teleports to the teleportation walkway*
Person : god damn it. why won't he fucking answer my question?
*Blue shrugs*
Supa : they are not here... maybe if I do this.
*Supa draws creator*
Hi supa! what is happening?
Supa : So we get this clear no relation ships with us okay?
Never was planning on being with you. Though It is always safe to make sure some stuff does not happen.
Supa : Yup you know a lot don't you?
Yeah... I don't have anyone Fine with that by the way. relationships are not on my mind at the moment I have other idea's at the moment
Supa : True What things do you dislike or something.
don't wanna talk about it.
Supa : Okay... Yknow ships are stupid. Its like forcing fictional characters together. or popular people. Or people who are well known.
I will always be here for you. If you are mad and sad or grumpy or depressed. You can kill me if you are mad or bored I'll always come back
Supa : you always come back. sounds like that stupid william guy.
No fuck him. yknow you can see people without camera's speaking with some people are sometimes glitched and its stupid.
Supa : So what you can use this?
*supa makes a glitched screen*
Yup. I feel like trolling william. want to kill him? it would be 100% funny. Also you are drunk.
Supa : yeahhh makes sense
So how do you want him to die? fire? wait no. SHIT HE DOES NOT DIE! well lets just torture him.
Supa : I think it would be funny to just teleport him into the sky for some reason.
Well write it down!
*supa gets rid of the glitched screen*
Yeah ... I want to plant a rose right here.
Supa : So you can have someone to talk to when I am gone?
supa you already know that
*they plant a rose in the ground*
Well that is that.
Supa : Did you hear that?
Hey wants that In the distance?
Supa : looks like a dumpster
*its a raccoon in a dumpter*
No that makes sense.
Supa : Also how do you talk? you don't have a face eyes nose ears And no mouth!
Its inside my head I just want to get my mouth because I have nothing else
*They grab a mouth out of his head and puts it on there face*
That's a bit better
Supa : So what now?
*they kiss supa on his head*
You remind me of a cat.
Supa : Well that was... something?
I can do a trick with these cat ears and I don't even need the paper. You can do this with the paper anyways
Supa : show me
*they spawn a test doll and puts the cat ears on it*
Supa : that's it?
*they pat the test doll's head and it becomes a cat*
Hey I want to do that to you.
*they puts the cat ears on supa's head and pats him*
Supa : will it take just a moment?
Yeah it takes longer with humans or just living people
*Supa turns into a cat*
Supa : Is it fine?
Supa : I want you to take a picture of me and I'll turn myself to normal. Then I can draw it and I can have cat me. But it won't talk like me but It would be so cute!
*they take a picture of supa as a cat and he turns normal*
Supa : I gotta go home cya tommarow!
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Thoughts on each TDI Reboot episode, double digits with 10. SPOILERS UNDER THE READMORE.
Down to four episodes left oof.
I kinda like how the main "couple" of the season is actually a friendship. Or the closest thing to a friendship.
Grabby hands
Another food episode?
Or pole balancing. Idk how that's gonna be interesting to watch for 15 minutes.
Chase stfu
Why throw the food in the water?? That's a waste. Could've tortured them more by eating it in front of them. Smh Chris is losing his touch.
Priyah please go off on Millie. Besties need to put each other in their place when they fucked up.
Emma and Chase both have shirts under their sweater and hoodie, why don't they just take those off and use them as shade?
Ohhh MK stolen phone was a Chekov's Gun.
Angy Emma is a fun Emma.
Or water hallucinations, that's fine too I guess.
Priya needs a hospital.
Awww Bowie found Raj's cute confessionals.
Chase continues to be the worst person, not just in this season, but in the entire series.
Emma secret dance is adorable.
More 3D that doesn't look 3D bc it blends in so well. Genuinely so impressed with the artists and animators who worked on the show.
Emma and Chase are gonna fall at the same time aren't they 😐
Or Chase can take everyone but Emma out.
How has that phone's last 12 percent lasted several hours? Mine goes down 90% in ten minutes when I use it to watch videos.
Ohh no Millie gonna get exposed next.
Please tell me Chase is gone now pleaseeee
Kind of a boring episode. Not many ways to make standing around interesting tbh. The Big Sleep was more entertaining than this.
But I'm so happy Chase is finally gone!! He's the only character I can genuinely say I don't like and can't find any redeeming qualities for. His relationship with Emma is not at all deserved. Bowie was right, het couples ick. What a waste of a nice character design, I think I would've preferred a Mike 2.0 ripoff that most everyone thought he might be before we got the show.
They dialed back on the Julia torture, which imo was kinda needed. Keep tension and conflict interesting and draw it out in a smart way without being needlessly cruel to the villain. Even if they do deserve it.
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fr3akinthecorner · 1 year ago
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Hey do u usually lose at monopoly? God damn her ass is big! Why yes I do win at that game and it's one of my favorite party games I've never partied to monopoly or partied much u must get that compliment all the time but unlike daddy cypress I like your sword thank u! People tell me all kinds of crazy things that's why I have the sword in the first place I think it's bc u play monopoly at parties I'd rather just talk and drink well to each their own! Stimulation is really good for me and does your daddy cypress play monopoly? When I play I play and I was talking about my daughter of loves ass it's huge im getting my sword daddy cypress why dear? Well because I want to take a picture like hers dear god the cum is pouring out of my dick like s water hose hahaha hey so other than monopoly can u say that sword fighting over board games is stupid? That is quite stupid and rarely would I ever use my sword for that reason it's daddy cypress I want you in an anime drawing with a big ass what do I have to do? Direct message me on Twitter god fucking damn it daughter of love I can and have found u im being serious what do u want? More love letters & phone sex im gonna cum im drawing it myself you with a big ass like it is do u like playing anime games with daddy? Yes it's fun daddy cypress you two are so cute! This sword is not being used tonight my own daddy likes u see I told u darling daughter! I will protect u! Don't give surf the drawing daddy cypress why not? Because it would be funny lol I'm going back to Egypt hey?! He's egyptian... let me say something thay I am cute and friendly but willing to use my sword! So what bitch? I'm not gonna do anything to u good so we like party games? What about knife fights? Yea they're cool but what about them? My big ass could get me into a knife fight but good thing your daddy cypress is just using u as his muse my body has gotten me into many knife fights and I always win! They stand no chance.. but when it's at parties I get confused why? Because of monopoly I always win so why would my body start the knife fight? It's supposed to stop it maybe it's your big ass hahaha what to put you in... so let me get this straight I asked you the tight questions? Yes dear it's daddy cypress you're a fucking goddess hey I don't mean to be rude but if we don't start playing monopoly right now there's gonna be a twerking competition after monopoly can we start? In no way would I go anywhere with you but thr sentiment is nice hahaha it's daddy cypress go to the pary please daddy cypress is always so fun why is that? You play along with my stupid narrative I love your narrative now go twerk hey girlie im gonna dip but u keep winning at monopoly! Ok girl bye it's surf you're not leaving without us just stay a little longer please om? What's up? Would you have a competition with her to see who's ass js bigger? It's daddy cypress only if u and surf were there omfg she's right that's true well it would be fun darling would u drink alcohol with her? If u still drank? Yes she seems like a nice girl and fun to party with were gonna party with u tonight with ur anime games it's surf would u watch her fuck? It's daddy cypress no I would never watch any woman fuck perfect! Your ass is bigger than hers by the way I can't wait to draw you you're so fun and perfect darling I always have the best time with u and don't bother playing monopoly you won't think it's fun I used to well... this game is funner ask your friend what she smokes? Hey girl do you smoke meth or weed? I'm a weed smoker meth is for lovers oh ok! Don't talk to our daugther that way im sorry I didn't know she's higher than u well daughter of love daddy cypress says it's time to type him a love letter on your phone so say goodbye to your bestie.. goodbye and goodnight goodbye! See u later! We'll have to twerk sometime soon hahaha
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notedchampagne · 6 years ago
im tempted to take as many “what homestuck character are you” quizzes and tally up my answers to discover my Ultimate Homestuck Assigned Kin
#itd be all cool and technical#like id have a spreadsheet and everything and make a whole af bar graph with different characters#calculate my average percentages of [character] this and [character]that#lmao lets even throw a pie graph in the mix because pie graphs are bombing#okay that sounds fallaciously nerdy ive spent enough time with excel (3 hours) to come to the conclusion that i detest graphs#i just really wanna do this because theres an absurdly childish part of me that likes taking aimless quizzes#i wanna know what type of BEETROOT i am is that so much to ask#BUT. once again pie graphs are bombing theyre circular and round and shaped like a friend#a multicolored business graph covered in a veil of kirby-vibed cuteness yeah thats basically the essence of pie graphs but ANYWAY#im tempted to is the thing. spring breaks coming up and as long as life doesnt throw any more uh#fantastical obstacles my way im gonna have some hella free time#idk what ill do with this abundance except sleep fester and draw so might as well waste it on something aimless amiright eyyyyyy#anyway speaking of wasting time i have a quiz to get back on ''studying'' on and a fanfic to finish so here we go bye bye#aimless articulation#i dont like this tag its cheesy idk what 14 yo me was thinking but its TEDIOUS seeing that tag#and thinking it was fun and quirky i shouldve simplified everything everytime i type this i feel a part of my soul disintegrate into a spect#a spectrum of glitter but once again its too tedious to mass tag everything#especially considering that i what lmao talk too much? yeah im not willing to do all that but i have other things to focus on right now#if youve made it this far thanks for listening lmao im surprised youve made it this far im not the most interesting person to talk to
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humanfleshbutcher · 2 years ago
Hiii! Can you make a platonic x reader with puss in boots (the last wish version) where the reader is a kitten and keeps calling him papá. I just thought it would be a super cute idea but you don’t have to do it if you don’t want to!
Puss in boots+ Reader 'Papa?'
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Summary: After Puss in boots saved you, you saw him more than a legend, but a father.
You don't know where you are. One minute, you're just traversing the forest alone, and the next you're in someones hands as they carry you deeper into the forest. You meow frantically, not knowing what to do.
They continue to carry you, the dark forest making things unnecessarily more menacing, especially to a young kitten like you. Your ears were down, your tail was swishing rapidly.
"Stop it!" One of the people whispered to the one who was carrying you.
"What am I supposed to do? I'm not the one meowing!" She whisper yelled to the other girl.
"Idk just shush it! If he hears us it'll be your fault!" The girl with blonde hair esponded angrily. The girl that was carrying you picked you up to eye level, then poked your head.
"Be quiet!" She mumbled to you, going to poke you once again.
"Hey!" Someone yelled out from behind the girl, they all instantly turned around, turning to face the owner of the voice.
"Drop the kitten." He said in a dark tone. A blade was pointed at both of the girls, the one holding it being a ginger cat. He was wearing boots and a hat with a belt around his waist.
"Ah, Puss in boots. Just who we were looking for." The black haired girl said, pulling out a poster.
'Wanted, dead or alive.'
There was a picture on the poster, perfectly drawing out your savior, Puss in boots.
The Cat tilted his head to the side a bit. "So in order to get me here, you've decided to kidnap a kitten from a shelter and drag it to the centre of the woods?"
The girls stayed silent for a second, all of them looking at you.
"Uh- YEah! And it worked, as you can see!" One of them answered, pulling out her sword... well more like a blade. Puss eyed it, before smirking.
With a flick of the wrist, he knocked the blade out of the girls hands. After a second, she regained her posture and pulled out a second one.
Puss knocked it out again, his smirk still on his face.
"It's gonna take more than a blade to get the Legendary Puss in boots!" He taunted. The girls looked at each other for a moment, before dropping you to the ground and landing on your feet.
"On the other hand, we don't know why we came here. Bye!"
And with that they ran away. Puss retracted his sword and fixed his hat.
"Hm, amateurs." He scoffed, before kneeling down in front of you.
"Not to worry little kitten, you're safe now." He stretched out his hand, and petted you. You leaned into his hand and started purring.
Puss smiled.
His eyes widened. You were staring at him with a smile. Puss let out a nervous chuckle.
"Heh, um no i'm not your papa-"
... He honestly doesn't know what to do. He just stared at you as you rubbed your head into his hand, purring ever so slightly.
He was just thinking. This never ever happened to him before. What does one even do in this scenario??? He just watched as you sat down in front of him and meowed.
After 10 seconds of silence, puss let out a defeated breath.
"Well, I don't see why you can't hang around with me a little more... But then, I will bring you back to the shelter where it is safe." He stated, picking you up.
"Papa!" You once again said, earning a chuckle from him.
Bonus scene:
"Ah, so thats how that happened." Kitty softpaws said, turning to you watching at perrito with curious eyes as he rambled on about how cute you were.
"Yeah, but Y/N is an entertaining one." Puss responded, drink some of his leche.
"Woah, woah, woah! You already named them?" She asked, honestly surprised. He just nodded, looking unbothered to the slightest.
Kitty swished her leche around in her cup, before coming up with another question.
"How long have you had them now?"
"2 months."
"2 MONTHS?!"
(Yeah he felt to guilty to bring you back to the shelter, you're too adorable)
Sorry this took a while to write and if it looks rushed! I only saw it this morning and tried to write it as fast as possible, it's a little shorter than the others but I hoped you enjoyed it!
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