#gonna get lyney and lynette in trouble
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balemouns · 10 months ago
you have any room to adopt more children, father?
eyes narrow sharply. 'father'... from a stranger? perhaps the children had been a tad too forthcoming with sharing the title for who they answer to lately. would have to deal with that later...
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"my apologies -- do I know you? young adults such as yourself should know better than to ask people they have just met such personal questions."
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verxsyon · 2 years ago
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alright, y’all. it’s that time of year again. genshin dropped a surprise which features the cast that seem to be important to the fontaine archon quest. curious of who you’re gonna pull for!
order (left to right, who appeared first in the trailer): freminet, lyney, lynette, navia, wriothesley, siegwinne, neuvillete, clorinde, and furina aka focalors the hydro archon.
not featured: egeria aka the narrator who didn’t show up in the trailer, charlotte, and arlecchino. we already know the latter two!
i’m planning to pull for wriothesley, neuvillette, clorinde, furina, and arlecchino (please be playable i’m gonna flip). also planning to get lyney and lynette but will get lyney in his rerun and lynette whenever.
THEORIES & PREDICTIONS (contains leaks utc!)
themes: (in)justice, illusion, deceit - both lyney and arlecchino agree on the idea that everything’s not real and it’s all for show. arle’s the “director”, in charge of the “actors” placements with the use of a “script”. arle made a deal with furina, her targeted audience, to put on a “show” for her since the hydro archon loves drama in order to get her gnosis. even newspapers and photos can be illusions, and deceitful. they don’t contain the full picture of events. they say seeing is believing, but there are more than meets the eye.
lyney and lynette (and to an extent, freminet) will deceive us at some point during the story - the reps of each nation helped us out so far. lyney and lynette are magicians, who aim to create experiences for their audiences that seem impossible or inexplicable (e.g., sleight of hand and escape stunts). they say that a true magician never reveals their secrets, but everyone will find out eventually. magicians and keen observers have exposed other magicians before. we, the traveler and paimon, may act as keen observers and expose what lyney and lynette are hiding from us. i heard that those two and freminet are from the house of hearth, and work for arle, which does make sense when arlecchino said that they’re all actors.
gameplay: mix of ace attorney and tears of themis, but leaning toward tot - traveler and paimon always get in trouble with the law in the most inconvient way. the whole plot of the archon quest could be traveler and paimon accused of committing a serious crime, and the goal was to prove their innocence by acting as their own attorney. the aa part is acting as your own “lawyer” and the tot part is connecting and analyzing evidence, the same as sumeru act ii when nahida told us about the samsara.
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gachastranjr · 2 years ago
SPOILERS Genshin 4.0 Fontaine and Archon Quest
Warning: Spoilers, just in case you didn't see the first word. Also, bad bad words. Long loong rant
First of all, pretty region. Like really beautiful. Visually pleasing and a good time out from the desert which is not yet complete at all. Blue looks good with traveler ngl. I like it a lot. Although the aquabus is really slow, it's nice to be able to sightsee the area without monsters wanting a fight. Its a good way to introduce the region ngl.
Lyney and Lynette are lovely characters. Their designs have definitely upgraded from the first peek at them and I would be attempting to pull for Lyney. Also Freminet would be nice to have too. And same goes for the rest of other characters I don't have yet. I love the backstory. Dark and good set up ngl. Also I kinda want to see subtle parallels between the traveler twins and the Fontaine twins. Like talking about a "what if my twin sister got taken from me" moment on the aquabus. I see you.
Mr. Childe Ed Sheeran Tartaglia. Is it just me or is he talking just a bit faster? It's been a while since I last encountered this man so I don't even remember lol. This guy tho. Trouble. Thats all. Also yay, character lore but in dialogue. I lowkey missed him.
As someone who can't with awkward scenes despite being sort of awkward irl, that entire scene with meeting Neuvillette killed me. I thought the silence was just it but the following scenes is staight up stabbing me more than is necessary. Wth was that Paimon lol. Not Traveler asking Paimon to chat for him. Also I feel like Traveler's journey is mainly him becoming more expressive with his face. Forget abt the overarching story and the new things, I check out updates to see what new emotion Traveler has now.
I love Navia! She caught my eye the first time with her design and her personality+story is everything to me. I can't see me using her much gameplay wise. I'm not that fond playing with geo characters and I've already got a good enough Itto but I would still love to have her.
The archon is killing me like I'm not gonna lie she gets in my nerves although she is entertaining. She's funny and I like that she actually appears to her citizens and have a sort of connection with them unlike the other archons so far lol. Like fr, hiding from citizens for the first two, Ei was a tyrant at one point and Nahida was kept away because of her own ppl.
Furina I feel is like acting like a teen in highschool sort of which kind of matches if I'm correct that she is second youngest among the Archons. Like Nahida is curious like the youngest, Zhongli giving old man vibes fr, Venti is the always drunk adult, and Ei being like almost middle child energy or the one that enjoys holing up in their room. Well that is with what we have among the archons. Dont know much with Tsaritsa tbh and I don't even remember Natlan's yet.
I kind of enjoy how Neuvillette gets to call the shots and is sort of babysitting the archon then again Diluc has to deal with Venti and we have Yae pushing Ei to socialize. Nahida is fine, in fact, she's the one babysitting Wanderer. Anyway, Neuvillette, he is great. He reels in his archon instead of blindly following and actually is sane. Like I like him a lot.
I love Fontaine so far. I can switch between that and Sumeru desert. They're opposites and I can deal with desert much better like this lol.
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janyxbeloved · 1 year ago
I was rethinking of a few things. And I though of my interactions of my friends as incorrect quotes-
GaMing: I should've jumped from the third floor when I had the chance.
Xinyan: Please don't.
GaMing: I said "had" not "while I still had the chance".
Freminet: I sometimes wonder why I'm not mentally stable.
*Horrid flashbacks*
Freminet: Huh-
Lynette: *Shows a video of two kids fighting*
Lyney: Bitches boutta get into trouble with Mr. Pierro.
Lynette: Lol
Freminet: Bitches ain't gonna graduate with a good record.
Venti: Are you okay, Furina?
Furina: Mentally, physically or emotiona-
Venti: The fact you had to specify concerns me.
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barbatos-boon · 1 year ago
I can't help but think about a younger Freminet crawling into Lynette's bed because he's so terrified of how much trouble he's gonna be in when their father discovers he wet the bed again and Lynette just hugs him tight and promises it'll be ok but he's still fussy so she gives him a quick kiss on his lips.
Which of course Lyney walks in on because he usually waits for Father to fall asleep before climbing into Lynette's bed. (Their father states he's too codependent and needs to sleep in his own bed. Not nicely either).
Freminet thinks he'll be mad but Lyney is more interested in getting both his siblings in one night. Cause there is in fact another reason that Lyney crawls into Lynette's bed late at night....
Big brother can be so handsy.
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queen-ofsunflowers · 1 year ago
"You're Magic Now" WIP Preview: Chapters 6 - 10
Since these are still works-in-progress, it is likely that the following excerpts will change between now and the final draft! Please keep that in mind while reading.
Chapter 6: Mission to Torrenuvola
(A bit outside of Torrenuvola. The three members of the Fatui have gathered together to try and extract the power of the Holy Lyre to use for their own purpose but fail. An explosion erupts around the three of them, knocking them onto the floor.)
Scaramouche: Are you kidding me?!
Tartaglia: I think that last one sent something up my nose…
Scaramouche: That was the fourteenth spell we tried. Why is nothing working!?
Signora: Calm yourself.
Scaramouche: Are you telling me to calm down? You of all people…
Signora: The Holy Lyre is powerful, but it’s not strong enough to hold the lost power of the Lunar Drive.
Scaramouche: After all we went through to get this damn thing… I had to pretend to be that goody two shoes little princess! (He snatches the Lyre and throws it as hard and as far as he can into a lost part of Torrenuvola. There’s the faint shattering of glass.) FOR NOTHING!!
Tartaglia: Wow.
Signora: You better hope that no one saw that.
Scaramouche: …I am going back to Alfea and back to bed. This is pointless!
Signora: Our efforts will not be in waste. We will find the Lunar Drive. After that, we’ll be able to track down the Solar Drive’s location. The power of the Celestial Forces will be within our hands. Make no mistake about that.
Tartaglia: …are you sure that no one heard that explosion?
Signora: If they did, I’ll be shocked.
Tartaglia: What’s the plan for the Lyre? It might not be useful, but it’s still pretty powerful.
Signora: I’ll retrieve it and hand it over to Her Majesty. Return to Fonterossa before anyone notices you’re gone.
Tartaglia: I’m not a student. I’m not gonna get in that much trouble. (She glares at him.) Fine, fine. I’m going. Have fun on your Lyre hunt. (He disappears.)
(Signora needs new coworkers.)
Chapter 7: Friends in Need
(Lyney stands, slamming his hands on the table when he notices how uncomfortable Lynette has gotten.)
Lynette: Lyney—
Lyney: What is your problem?! (The witch who had just spoken turns to Lyney with a disinterested look on their face.) Fairies aren’t our enemies! That way of thinking is centuries out of date, and you know that!
Witch: And who dared to just talk back to me?
Lyney: All I’m saying is that even if you don’t like them, at least try to get along with them. (One of the witch’s friends starts laughing.)
“Of course, you want to be friends with fairies! Maybe be just like your daddy and get a little too friendly with them!” (Lynette can see her brother’s ire steadily starting to grow as their mocking laughter continues.) Next thing you know, you’ll be wanting to use fairy dust in your potions and a pair of wings to fly.” (The laughter continues, and a few of the teachers start to notice.)
“Why don’t you keep your mouth shut, half-and-half?” (The witch snaps his fingers, and a dark blob sticks itself over Lyney’s mouth to begin to suffocate him. Lynette rushes over to her brother’s aid, trying to get it off. The other table starts laughing harder and that’s enough. With a snap of Yae Miko’s fingers, the blob disappears and Lyney gasps for breath.)
Yae Miko: That’s enough. (The laughter stops when the headmistress stands.) While I enjoy a good prank as much as the next witch, it should never come at the cost of someone’s life. Am I clear?
“Y-Yes, ma’am.”
Yae Miko: Rosaria, be a dear and escort these three to my office, will you? I’d like to have a talk with them as soon as I’m finished with my meal. (Rosaria nods and heads over to the table where the three witches are sitting.)
Yae Miko: Are you okay, Lyney?
Lyney: Yeah… Thank you, Ma’am.
Yae Miko: Don’t worry about it. I don’t condone such behavior in my school. If it happens again, let me know. (Lyney nods.) The same goes for you, Lynette. (Lynette nods and the two twins take a breath as their headmistress leaves them. (It seemed like no matter where they went, they had trouble finding where they belonged. That’s how it felt for Lynette, at least. No matter how much she tried, fitting in at Torrenuvola seemed like a pipe dream. She felt more comfortable with the fairies at Alfea, something she was loath to admit.)
Chapter 8: The Rose Festival
(Lumine holds out her hand, and in a panic, casts a spell that hits the side of Xiao’s helmet. Xiao slows down, much to Lumine’s surprise and the pair of them collide. Lumine is sent flying back across the track into the crowd white Xiao loses control of his bike and crashes, skidding across the road. Lumine immediately gets back up and darts towards him to try and catch him. However, a water construct catches him before he can hit the ground. It seemed like while Lumine was chasing Xiao, everyone else was chasing her.)
(The rest of the riders arrive as Childe pushes himself onto the track, citing himself as Xiao’s guardian in order to get onto the track. Childe helps Xiao off the water construct before dissipating it entirely.)
Kazuha: What happened?!
Lumine: I-It was an accident! I didn’t mean to—! (Childe kneels next to Xiao as a few medics on standby tend to him.)
Xiao: I’m… I’m fine. (Childe sighs.)
Childe: You sure?
Xiao: Yes.
Childe: Xiao—
Lumine: Xiao! (Lumine flies up to the two.) Xiao, I’m so sorry! I didn’t mean to—!
Childe: Hey, hey! Calm down for a sec. (Kazuha and Barbara step in, pulling Lumine back.)
Lumine: I didn’t mean to hit you!
Xiao: Lair. I saw you behind me, and you said before that you wanted me to crash!
Lumine: I didn’t mean it, Xiao. I was just upset and— (The dark magic inside of him is flaring up again, leaving a faint aura around him that only Lumine seems to sense at all. Xiao stands, glaring at Lumine with rage in his eyes.)
Childe: Xiao— (He puts his hands on his shoulders, which doesn’t do anything to calm the boy down.)
Lumine: You have to believe me, it was an accident! I didn’t mean to do anything! (She flashes out of her fairy form to help prove it.) I was going to apologize to you after the race, but then I felt this weird dark thing and—
Xiao: If this is an excuse, it’s a bad one.
Childe: Xiao.
Lumine: It’s the truth! I swear!
Kazuha: Let’s all calm down for a minute and think. Maybe Lumine is right, and if she is, there has to be an explanation for—
Xiao: So you’re taking her side?!
Kazuha: I’m only trying to understand what happened. (The aura gets a bit worse.)
Xiao: I’ve had it with all of you. I’m—! (Childe covers his mouth.)
Childe: Alright, that’s enough. (Xiao is clearly fuming.) Let’s go. I’ll talk to you guys later. (He leads Xiao away from the group.)
Lumine: It was an accident, I didn’t mean to do anything! (Xiao glares at her from over his shoulder and any hope of apologizing or mending what little relationship they had is gone.)
Chapter 9: In Danger
Keqing: I didn’t mean anything by it. I thought that I was making an innocent remark, that’s all.
Ayaka: Redefine ‘innocent’. (Keqing groans, dropping down on the sofa.)
Keqing: Don’t start. All I meant was that because Lumine grew up on Earth, she is further behind than us in terms of development and mastery over her powers. She has been staying up late studying from it and with this on top of that, she’s going to burn out.
Ayaka: I think it would be best for us all to take a break.
Keqing: That isn’t possible. Autumn break isn’t until after our midterms. (Ayaka sighs, looking to Barbara for help. Keqing sighs.) Perhaps I should just apologize to Lumine and go back to studying myself-- (She reaches for a book but Barbara snatches it out of her reach.)
Barbara: You were just talking about Lumine burning herself out from doing too much and then you yourself were about to go back to studying.
Keqing: I’m not trying to deal with weird dreams on top of midterms. (Barbara sighs before handing Keqing’s book back to her.) Look, I’ll talk to Lumine when she gets back. She can’t stay mad at me forever. It’s physically impossible.
Ayaka: Keqing, are you okay?
Keqing: I’m fine, why do you ask? (Barbara and Ayaka exchange a look with each other. Keqing has one hand to her mouth, chewing on her nails.)
Ayaka: You know that you have a bad habit of chewing on your nails when stressed? (Keqing pauses, carefully pulling her hand away from her mouth.) I’m sorry, it’s just something that I’ve noticed you doing whenever you’re upset or on edge. (Keqing’s brow furrows. Does she do that? …oh crap, she does.)
Keqing: I don’t know if you two have noticed, but I am… bad at socializing with my peers. (Ayaka and Barbara exchange a look with each other. They already figured that out, but hearing Keqing say it out loud is another thing entirely.) I’m more used to talking with my grandfather.
Ayaka: We’ve noticed. (Keqing pouts, giving her a look.) Apologies…
Barbara: …I have an idea! I say that we all need a break, and the best thing I can think of to do is to take the rest of the day off from studying and go to Magix!
Keqing: …what?
Barbara: It’ll help you with your socializing issue, too. Oh! We can get our nails done. (taking out her phone and quickly tapping on its screen) There should be somewhere in Magix we could go. I think getting a manicure was a good way to help you relax… and stop biting your nails.
Keqing: It’s a bad habit, I know. I’m working on it.
Barbara: What do you say?
Ayaka: I don’t think I’ve ever done something like that before.
Barbara: It’s fun! My sister and I used to do each other’s all the time when we had little sleepovers. There’s something different about going to a salon, though. What do you say? I have an address for a pretty good place!
Ayaka: Alright. I’ll go with you. (Barbara grins, jumping on her toes with joy. It’s hard to believe that she’s a princess when she acts like this.)
Chapter 10: The Celestial Forces
(Fatui's meeting space. Tartaglia, Signora and Scaramouche are gathered around a crystal sphere that replays Lumine’s magical explosion during their fight with Xiao from Tartaglia’s perspective.)
Tartaglia: It’s like I told you. That fairy has incredible power that I’m not even sure she realizes she possesses.
Scaramouche: She’s definitely not normal, that’s for sure.
Signora: That power is far too strong for a typical first year fairy, much less one from Earth. If Tartaglia is right, then her power is equal to that of the Celestial Forces.
Scaramouche: Are you serious?
Signora: Why would I joke about this?
Tartaglia: I know that I’m right about her. I thought that she looked a little familiar at first, but I didn’t realize why until now. (He takes out a history book.)
Scaramouche: Sweet Celestia, he’s reading-- (Tartaglia glares at him before finding what he was looking for.)
Tartaglia: I pilfered this from one of the vaults in Fonterossa. It’s one of the surviving accounts of Khaenri’ah’s royal family. Including this. (He shows them what he was looking for. It’s a portrait of the last ruling family.) King Irmin, Queen Ourania, Prince Aether -- the last known fairy to possess the Solar Drive… and finally the princess, who likewise was the keeper of the Lunar Drive. Look familiar to you at all?
Scaramouche: …you have got to be kidding me.
Tartaglia: I’m not. Either she’s descended directly from that girl, or she is that girl.
Scaramouche: Khaenri’ah was destroyed five hundred years ago, idiot. How could she be the princess?
Tartaglia: Aside from the fact that the name’s the same? That she looks identical? There was a rumor that one of the guards possessed the ability to manipulate time and space itself. Imagine if she feld Khaenri’ah’s destruction with that guard. I don’t think it's a coincidence that the Lunar Drive couldn’t be found for five hundred years.
Signora: Because it wasn’t present at all.
Scaramouche: In five hundred years, no one’s figured that out?! (Her brow furrows as she thinks about this. If Tartaglia was right, then they needed to put his theory to the test.) Whatever. I still don’t understand why Her Majesty wants the Celestial Forces so badly.
Signora: You don’t think. You only do. Once we get our hands on the Lunar Drive, the Solar Drive won’t be far behind. Before that… we will bring them all to their knees and remind them what the Fatui are capable of.
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