#gonna continue to gif my favorite whumps i think
aceofwhump · 1 year
I started making gifsets for my favorite episode of the A-Team just because (it's 5x13 when Face is shot while held hostage with Murdock) and it's quickly gotten out of hand 🤣 How have I ended up with almost 50 individual gifs!? You guys are gonna get multiple gifsets of things that I'm pretty sure only I care about but I can't bring myself to eliminate anything 😂 It's all so good. So any great small whumpy moments. Dirk Benedict did such a good job. The hand moments, the groaning and heavy breathing, how he cries out when they move him or press down on the wound, the tiny moment when he reaches out for Murdock when he has to leave his side, the weaker he gets, the way he shivers as shock sets in and then he lays on the ground weak and sweaty. And Dwight Schultz is amazing too! Both of them make this episode amazing.
I mean look at this:
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The look of pain on Face's face (heh that's fun to say) and the soft way Frankie lays his hand on his face? Beautiful
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This? ☝️ Beautiful. You should hear the sounds he makes right here. It's lovely.
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I love it. Sweaty, in shock from blood loss. Perfection.
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Look at how he reaches out for Murdock. I'm dying.
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The shivering!! 😍😍😍
God I fucking love this episode.
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