#gonna be thinking about time travel pippa all day
maidstew · 3 months
hello! prepare for sadness because i'm here to drop some thoughts about time travelling persephone price!
angst version
after a disaster wedding (in which livia clocks coriolanus with a bottle of wine), persephone is desperately wishing she and festus had just signed the papers in a courthouse. it would have saved so much trouble. but hey! it was over! they were married! everything is happy and great, right?
persephone falls asleep with her new now-husband and wakes up with a start. festus is still nearby, she's not in a bed. she's not even the age she was yesterday. instead, she's eighteen again, in her academy uniform, being startled awake having fallen asleep at the mentor desk. mizzen is alive. mizzen is in the arena.
she's carried that guilt of not being able to do more to save him- he was thirteen and persephone should have been a better mentor. coral wouldn't have killed him. maybe, if he had made it to the end, he would have gotten to go home. but those thoughts weren't enough and time moved on. until it moved backward.
it's too late to prevent anything. arachne is still dead. pollo and didi are still dead. gaius is still in critical condition, and persephone knows that snakes will be dropped in the arena soon. how soon? she doesn't know. what day is it? she's still trying not to freak out that her husband isn't even her boyfriend, or anything at all. he's just her mentor partner.
the hunger games are in progress, and there's the time-sensitive question of what to do? what can she do?
persephone has the terrible feeling that the answer to that is "nothing at all" (she's not ready to accept that, though. she has to try. it makes it more painful when her efforts aren't enough.)
(i'd love to read your thoughts on this!)
god, poor persephone. having a nightmare wedding (thanks cardew and snow) and then waking up back in what i would consider to be one of the worst times of her life.
and god, the devastation that’s she’s there but she can’t actually do anything because it’s still too late.
but she would try. she’s carried the guilt of losing mizzen for years. she sees him in every brown-eyed little boy, she thinks about him anytime she drives past the aquarium, and god- she can’t even eat fish anymore.
so she knows that she has to do something. she at least has to try.
and she decides that she can trust her future husband enough to explain the situation. sure, she risks seeming like a crazy person, but she can’t do this alone.
and festus, sweet festus, goes along with it. he’s a little annoyed that persephone is distracting him from coral and the plinth prize- but there’s a fire in her that he has never seen from persephone price.
they play with the idea of bringing felix ravinstill into this mess but quickly throw it out. who knows if felix would even believe them- he’s never been persephone’s biggest fan. and besides, everyone knows there’s a strange relationship because the president and dr. gaul, he would never override her for persephone price.
so they’re on their own to do the only thing they can think of- get rid of those damned snakes. it’s too late to make sure the drones can’t be tampered with- there’s already too many in there. persephone just prays that as long as mizzen doesn’t have to run from the snakes then he won’t be high enough to be hurt by urban’s little genius girl.
and somehow they pull it off! festus in all his ingenuity comes up with a plan so simple that persephone can’t believe she never throught of it- break the glass and let the snakes out before they go into the arena.
so with one of his fathers old pistols, festus aims for the snake tank. and it works.
but they didn’t consider the consequences of that. they didn’t think about the avox workers that would be killed for this. they didn’t think about the lab workers that might be harmed by the snakes.
they didn’t think about how easy it was to trace the bullet back to festus.
nor did they consider that one of their classmates was a cheat.
or that watching mizzen die again for seemingly no reason was almost worse than watching him fall from the beam.
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Puppy love.
summary: Harry finally makes his lover’s wishes come true when they adopt a dog together.
word count: 2.2k
based on this request:
“please could you write a cute domestic puppy piece? Maybe just lazy day / taking their pup for a walk 🥺 and maybe y/n is pregnant and the puppy is super protective”
a/n: send me more ideas pls, i’m in a writing mood but idk what to write haha
you can find the rest of my masterlist here.
*:・゚✧ ✧゚・: *:・゚✧ ✧゚・:
Usually when people decide to adopt a dog, they’re always secretly looking for a puppy, thinking it’d be easier to handle rather than an older dog. It was quite sad, to be honest. There were dozens, if not hundreds of animals looking for a home, waiting to be adopted and it wasn’t fair people ignored big dogs with the excuse that they could be aggressive. Well, at least it to Y/N, it wasn’t fair. A dog was something she’s been wanting for a while. And was also the one thing Harry has been unable to give her. Tight schedules, interviews, traveling and touring were a few reasons why they haven’t adopted a pet, leaving it as the only desire Y/N had that Harry was yet to fulfill.
But today was the day. Y/N has finally convinced Harry and they were on their way to the shelter, ready to meet as many dogs as they could with the hope of finding the one. She wasn’t looking for anything in specific, telling herself she’d go with an open mind.
“We can take one, love.” Harry remained her when they went out of the car, intertwining their fingers as they walked inside of the building. He knew the moment they walked in, his girlfriend would be bawling her eyes out because she can’t take every single one of the dogs home with them.
“This is the best day of my life.” She whispered in excitement and Harry chuckled at the way her eyes light up.
“Oh, evening. What can I do for you?” A middle aged woman spoke from behind her desk, offering them a friendly smile while pushing her glasses.
“We’re here to—”
“We’d like to adopt.” Y/N interrupted him, squeezing his hand.
The woman’s smile grew bigger as she stood up from her chair, taking a set of keys from her desk. “Alright. Follow me, please.” She gestured the door that was a couple of steps from where they were standing and started walking, Harry and Y/N just behind her. “Are you looking for anything specific?”
“No. We, uh, we’d like to look around for a bit, if that’s okay.” Harry said.
“That’s fine, you can take your time.” She smiled at them then opened the door, revealing dozens of dogs in every color and every size. The animals started barking and jumping in their places. Y/N’s eyes filled with instant tears when she saw they had them in cages.
She sniffed and Harry looked down at her, concerned. He furrowed his eyebrows then squeezed her hand, trying to soothe her. “Thank you.” He said to the woman before passing through her and entered the room. For a moment he felt slightly overwhelmed for all the barking and noise the dogs were making, but he quickly recovered when Y/N let go of his hand to kneel in front of a Pomeranian. “He’s cute.”
“His name is Barry, oh my god.” She practically squealed as she read the little card that was attached to the dog’s cage. “Harryyy.” Y/N practically dragged the words, too excited to care.
“He arrived last month.” The woman commented from behind.
“Hi, baby. What a good boy”
Harry started to walk around the room, observing a few dogs himself. He was obviously going to let her pick their new pet, being okay with whatever she desired. But look around wouldn’t hurt either. They spent a little time apart, but Harry was still able to hear Y/N’s squeals as well as his name being called at least a hundred times whenever she knelt in front of another dog.
He smiled as small Chihuahua started barking at him. The little fella was so small it could easily fit on Harry’s big hand, and he knew his baby would love it so he called for her.
“You like this one?” She asked, smiling at the dog. “Her name’s Pippa. Oh my god, who picks their names? I’m gonna cry.”
“A few volunteers like to name them. They come a few times a week.”
Y/N nodded at the woman, returning her vision at Harry. “What do you say?”
“I don’t know. You choose, baby.” He smiled sweetly at her.
“Okay. Come see this one, I was just with him when you called me.” She took his hand in hers and pulled from him gently. Harry let her lead him to whatever part of the room she previously was and his eyes winded when he saw a beautiful Siberian husky laying on the floor.
The dog itself looked majestic in his opinion. It was a big ball of fur with a pair of beautiful, crystal blue eyes that were looking directly at him. “His name’s Thor. He’s so adorable, isn’t he?”
“Ah, I see you found Thor. Poor thing’s been looking for a home for quite some time now. A few people come by and see him but never adopt him.”
“Why wouldn’t someone want him?”
“Big dogs aren’t always practical, Sir.”
Harry pouted unconsciously. “I know he’s large, but look at him.” His girlfriend made puppy eyes at him, and he could tell she was trying to hold it together after hearing no one wanted to adopt Thor.
“He’s perfect.” He turned to the woman. “We’d like to take him with us, please.”
“You don’t want to discuss it first?”
“No need. He’s the one.” The green eyed man said confidently.
Thor might look like a whole ass wolf, but in reality he was the biggest softie you’d ever met in your life. In the ride back home, Y/N sat in the back of the car with him, and the dog immediately put his head on her lap, its tail never stopped moving as she scratched its ears. Being almost 2ft, Thor occupied pretty much the whole backseat, leaving Y/N squeezed by the window, not that she minded.
“How are we feeling, uh?” Harry asked after a while.
“He’s perfect. Do you think we have everything we need at home for him? I want him to be comfortable.”
Yesterday they had gone on a trip to the store to buy everything they thought they might need to welcome their new pet into their home. Two bowls for water and food, a couple of collars and leashes to take him out, every toy the store had available and a bed.
The only thing they were lacking was dog food, but it was because they didn’t know which dog they’d take from the shelter and didn’t want to buy the wrong one.
“We can make a quick stop at the store for food, it’s on the way home.”
Y/N smiled, sighing happily while leaning down to hug Thor. She got lost on all its fur, nuzzling him gently. She had read stories about how dogs from shelters often tended to act aggressively at first, as they probably had a bad life before, but she was glad Thor wasn’t like that.
“Thor, come right here!”
The large dog ran outside the house and towards Y/N, thinking he was being summoned to play in the backyard, but was met with its owner standing next to a massive whole in the ground, where Y/N’s freshly planted daisies were supposed to be.
“Jesus Christ, look at you!” She exclaimed. Thor’s white fur was now brown because of all of the dirt he played with. “Daddy gave you a shower yesterday.”
At hearing the word ‘daddy’, Thor started jumping around while barking happily, starting to run around in look for Harry. Suddenly, Y/N wasn’t mad at him anymore for destroying her garden, instead, her heart melted at how adorable he was.
Yeah, Thor could dig a hole in the ground whenever he wanted and he could send all her flowers flying if that’s what made him happy.
Today but six months ago, Harry and Y/N were on their way to the nearest shelter to finally adopt a pet together, not knowing Thor would be entering their life with its chaotic personality and its big heart, changing their life forever. Having a dog together definitely made the couple closer and stronger, as Thor basically became their child.
They celebrated with a day out. The couple took Thor to the dog park, playing with him for hours. The big husky loved to chase Harry around until the both of them were in the ground, the dog lapping his face happily. Sometimes Thor forgets its size and acted like a baby, practically begging Harry to lift him and carry him around.
There were several pictures the next day of them at the park, and the fans were collapsing over the content of Harry with Thor. Y/N thought one specific picture of the three of them walking down the street and back to their car looked so cute that she had to post it with the caption ‘six’, again making everyone die out of love.
One of the things Harry did first thing in the morning was go for a run. Now, before he used to go alone, as he always let Y/N sleep a little longer, but now he had an exercise buddy to take in as many runs he wanted. They were usually out for an hour or so, and when they were back, Thor always went straight to his water bowl first then to his bed to take a nap. However, after he hydrated, he went straight upstairs to the master bedroom.
Harry followed him upstairs, seeing with a smile how the dog jumped on the bed and cuddled with Y/N. Thor was a cuddler, it was no secret, so he going with her wasn’t a surprise for Harry. It was only when Harry sat down beside them and Thor started whining that the man grew confused. Thor put its head on top of Y/N’s stomach, looking at Harry.
“What’s wrong, mate?” He asked as he extended his arm to scratch the dog’s head.
Y/N started moving, fluttering her eyes open and smiling softly when her vision caught her favorite boys there. “Morning.”
“Morning, precious.” Harry smiled. “Just came back from out run.”
“Have you showered yet?” He shocks his head. “Then go, I’ll start breakfast.” She leaned towards him to kiss his check before standing up. “How do you feel about banana pancakes?”
“Sounds delicious.”
Y/N walked out of the room with Thor right behind her. Harry shrugged off Thor’s previously odd behavior and went to take a shower. After he was done, he went downstairs and to the kitchen where he found his girlfriend flipping some pancakes with Thor laying closely by her feet.
Thor’s odd behavior continued for a few days, always wanting to be as close as possible to Y/N and nearly panicking whenever she left his sight. He’d lay by her feet or on her lap if she was on the couch, and he’d follow her around like her personal bodyguard if she was on the move.
At first it was quite adorable, but then Thor started whining whenever Harry wanted to come closer, not allowing him to cuddle with Y/N.
In the seventh day, Y/N started to feel sick, she’d wake up and throw up first thing in the morning. They thought it was just something she ate, thinking it would go away in a few days. But then she started to throw up more and more and Harry started panicking, so they went to the doctor.
“We’ll run a few tests to find out what’s wrong, including a pregnancy one.”
“P-pregnancy?” Harry shuttered.
“I’m not pregnant, doctor.” Y/N assured.
“We might as well be sure.”
The results arrived in just half an hour, but it surely felt like an eternity. Harry couldn’t stop thinking about the pregnancy test. He’d be lying if he said a part of him was excited to know whether he has created a new life with the love of his life or not, but he didn’t want to get his hopes too high. And the other part of him was terrified of the possibility of Y/N being pregnant.
When they were finally back with the doctor, Harry held Y/N’s hand and squeezed it tightly. She looked at him and he gave her a smile, assuring her that no matter what the results said, they’d be fine.
“Congratulations, you’ll be parents.” The doctor lifted her head from the papers, offering the both of them a gentle smile. “You’re three months pregnant, what explains the morning sickness you’ve been experiencing.”
Harry sat there in shock, the fact that he was actually going to be a father finally hitting him. “I’m gonna be a dad.” He whispered. His head snapped up, his eyes looking for Y/N’s. “You’re gonna be a mum.”
Y/n choked a sob, standing from her place at the same time as Harry and hugged him tightly. He pulled her closer to his chest as he kissed the top of her head, a few tears rolling down from his eyes.
“I guess I’m having your baby, eh?” Now it was Harry’s turn to choke a sob, barely able to speak due all the emotions he was feeling right now.
“Can you believe Thor knew first?” Harry said when they were finally inside of their car again, ready to drive back home.
“What do you mean?”
“Dogs can tell if a woman is pregnant.” He said. “And that would explain why he behaved like he did.”
“Like what?”
“He panicked whenever you weren’t in the room, always followed you around. He even waited for you outside of the bathroom!”
“He just loves me more than he loves you.” She joked.
“Yeah, but he will love our baby even more.”
Our baby.
Didn’t sound that bad, didn’t it?
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peace-coast-island · 2 years
Diary of a Junebug
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Calm spring outings surrounded by blossoms
Bubblegum blossom season has arrived and so has spring. The air has a light sweetness to it, a refreshing fragrance that’s enough to waken your senses after a long winter. Somehow, this time it feels different, like I’m experiencing the beginning of spring for the first time. I guess that’s the upside to being unproductive for a while - any break in the routine is a welcome change.
It’s not that I’ve been dragging through the days, more like taking it super slow on purpose. I had been traveling around quite a bit, which I enjoy a lot, but being a homebody by nature, I need time to myself to recharge or else I won’t be able to function. I’ve long come to accept that I’m not the kind of person who is like “go, go, go!” or has to be constantly doing something. Despite what some people may say, you are not a machine that has to keep running all the time.
As long as things get done, it shouldn’t matter how you spend your time, whether you need to take frequent breaks in between or go all out at once - everyone has their own ways.
Team Magic has returned again along with Emmaline and Minnie to enjoy the blossoms and collect gyroids. I’ve been looking forward to lying under a blossom tree, taking in the warmth of the sun and the sweet scent of the flowers. Since I was busy visiting other places for the past several weeks, it feels like I was barely at the camp. Sure, I had some downtime in between trips, but the gaps between are so short that you can’t help but feel like you have to put everything off because you’re not sure if you’ll have enough time. Kinda like having an appointment in the middle of the day so your brain is like “well, time to do nothing for 6 hours then” sorta thing.
This is actually the first time in a while since we haven’t planned a camp event. Though there are gyroids out now, we decided to keep it chill and just collect them if they come our way. To be honest, I’ve been feeling kinda burnt out on events, which is why I’ve been putting less focus on them in the past two years. While events are what keep the camp lively, and as fun as they are, it can get tiring planning one big thing after another. Eventually, it became a source of stress not just for me, but for everyone else too. I guess that’s part of the reason why I decided to do a lot of traveling lately, to clear my mind and get a much needed change in routine.
Emmaline and Minnie arrived a couple days earlier, having been around the area and thinking of dropping by. When I told them that Luna and the girls were gonna come over too they decided to extend their visit as they haven’t seen Luna in forever. Pippa’s glad to see Emmaline as she was hoping to hang out with her some more before going off to college.
Emmaline was hoping to see Cassie too but Luna said she had some pressing matters to attend to involving some drama that blew up. I saw a bit about it - basically an acquaintance of Cassie’s told off a bunch of trolls, who then took that as a personal attack and then doxxed that person - it sounds like a mess. Luna said the harassment’s no big deal - a consequence of the kind of work Cassie’s in - but stalking and doxxing is taking things too far, especially when others can become targets as well. As a result, Luna’s been laying low in case those trolls start going after Cassie, and by extension her. The trip to the camp happens to be the perfect opportunity for her to go MIA for a while until the drama dies down.
Senioritis has been hitting Pippa, Angie, Mariposa, and Willow, but they’ve got the stressful stuff out of the way so it’s only natural. Hard to believe that graduation’s around the corner for them. Almie’s little kid sister, all grown up! The girls seem so much older - they’ve come a long way, especially after becoming friends and being taken in by Luna. The fact that they’re becoming grown up, it makes me feel old.
While Pippa, Angie, and Willow are bound for college, Mariposa’s gonna take a gap year and play it by ear. Her staying with Luna and Skully was supposed to be for short term, but it’s been well over two years now. After thinking long and hard about it, Mariposa decided to stay in Rosevine, which Luna’s happy about.
I’m happy too, having Mariposa around has brightened everyone’s spirits so her leaving would be sad. After all, she’s the reason why Team Magic came together, so even with the others going off to college, they won’t really be separated, not with a place to come home to. As for Luna and Skully, I know they’ll be lonely without their companion.
Emmaline and Minnie have been up to the usual, going off on various adventures and sharing their stories. Minnie tagged along with Jamie on the mission Sara was originally gonna accompany her on, exploring an old haunted mountain covered in clouds. She has also been recruited by Lea and Rocky for some “classified” stuff, probably due to her experience in space travel.
As for Emmaline, she’s been taking it easy, visiting home more often these past few months. She’s currently trying to grow out her hair so she’s been slowly gaining a hat collection while her hair’s going through an awkward stage. A botched dye job is to blame so she’s also gonna take a break from that too. Being someone with a round baby face too, I can feel her pain as super short hair isn’t the most flattering, but she makes it work. While it doesn’t look bad, I see what Emmaline means when she says it isn’t “her”. At least her curls are starting to show so it won’t be too long before her hair goes past chin length.
Willow is in better spirits now that she’s no longer living under the same roof as her parents. The plan was originally for her to move out after graduation but things happened so her siblings felt that there’s no reason to wait. Plus it’ll give her time to settle in before moving into her dorm. So far, she says living with her siblings have been going well, a lot better than she thought. As much as her siblings annoy and tease her, they obviously care about her. From what I’ve heard about their parents, it’s hard to believe that Willow and her siblings are related to them.
Angie has been reconnecting with her stepsister from one of her father’s previous marriages. She mentioned that his second marriage ended badly as they married for the wrong reasons and her stepmother had two daughters who Angie didn’t really get along with. I’ve heard a bit about the older one - not a lot of good things - while the one Angie’s talking to sounds like an all right, but probably misguided person. Unlike her father’s previous wives, this one is still in contact as they have joint custody of Angie’s brother, though Angie and her mom end up doing most of the childcare. Though she’s on good terms with her father, Angie feels that he lacks responsibility, which is why she chose to stay with her mom instead of living with him.
It feels like I haven’t been hiking in the campgrounds for a long time because of the weather and the traveling. Sometimes you need to get away for a while in order to fully appreciate your surroundings. I’ve been taking it slow, taking the time to explore nature around me.
I can see how bubblegum blossoms got their name as they look and smell sweet, like candy. I’m pretty sure they sell candles with that scent, and if not, they should. Too bad they aren’t edible - I’d imagine that they’d taste sweet, like strawberries. If we can’t eat them, then they’d make a cute garnish or decor.
Skully got into another fishing competition, this time with Sasha and Tutu. Though Skully didn’t stand victorious, all three got a pretty good haul. They even found some lost items that were finally returned to their rightful owners so it’s a win all around. I’ve been craving sushi and onigiri so this fish will be put to good use for a sushi party tomorrow.
Luna video chatted with Cassie a bit earlier today so it was nice to catch up with her. The situation she’s been dealing with has calmed down now that the culprits have been identified, so hopefully once that’s resolved she can finally meet up with Luna and the others - hopefully before the girls leave. We haven’t seen Cassie since she went traveling with a friend and it seems like just when she was about to return home, something turns up. Luna says she’s happy that Cassie’s no longer feeling lost after leaving the coven on bad terms, but it looks like it’s gonna be a long while before we see her. I’m glad to hear that things are getting better between them.
These chill, relaxing days out in the warm spring sunshine have been good for me. While I wish these moments would last longer, sooner or later I’ll have to get back up and do stuff again. Not that I don’t mind - I don’t wanna end up getting bored - but it’s good to have periods of downtime to recharge. You know it’s been a good break when you’re raring to get up and about again.
Of course, we collected some gyroids, though we haven’t yet decided what to do with them yet. I’m thinking pink floral decor - not the most creative, I know - but that’s what they’re meant for. It would be a waste not to use them as such and the campsite could use a spring makeover. Bubblegum blossoms and pink gyroids...I think I’m starting to get some ideas.
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vtmb2s · 3 years
I had this from an ask meme from like 2 months ago or so and deleted the og post, I dunno why -_-  anyway it was in my google docs so I’m reposting it
How did they first meet? What was their first impression of each other?
You know… fun Zion Canyon trip!! (credit for this one goes to Dany cause I don’t have good ideas but the whole ordeal would actually happen pre-game, because that’s when the courier would most likely sign up for a caravan I think) 
Audrey thought Follows-Chalk was just messing with her when he said who they were gonna meet, no way this guy is still alive. Needless to say she hates him, she’s heard enough horrendous things about him in her NCR days to form her opinion. He didn’t like her much either aaaghhh how can you see through my fake atonement thing where I’m basically doing the same as before. (she doesn’t really see through it initially, she’s just too stubborn to buy the whole redemption arc thing from the beginning and ends up realizing that she just happened to be right). Understanding why she doesn’t trust him but also resenting that. 
Who felt romantic feelings first?
fjjhdsjhd he does probably, vaguely. She has a much harder time accepting it considering his background and all that, so that came later.
Did either of them try to resist their feelings?
YEAH! Both actually, enemies to vaguely friends to lovers and all that but like I said, Audrey has a much harder time coming to terms with this, she feels a little stupid about it because she knows what this guy has done!!! ( and he knows that, hence why he’s pushing it all down in favor of his stupid little revenge thing) He’s so weird and just looks like a mummy, what is there to like objectively. But she does. What thematic parallels do to a mfer 😔
Who initiated the relationship?
She did… Canyon visit nr 2, she technically fucking hates it there but for some reason she wants to go back (well. you know why), perhaps just a little vacation. And well there was clearly something there so why act on it. The most embarrassing moment of her life but it’s worth it I suppose. 
Who said “I love you” first?
Also her… Sorry queen you have to do all the work
Who gets jealous easily?
I think him but not in a way where he’d say anything, he’s just like 😐 but you can’t see it because. bandages. And Audrey has no competition lol so. 
Who is more protective?
Also him, she gets into more stupid shit and isn’t as crazy. 
Who remembers the little things?
She does :)
Who uses the cheesier pickup lines?
God neither. They’re too weird for pickup lines. If anything Audrey would list a few bad ones she overheard on the strip as a joke.
What does a first date look like for them?
They don’t go on dates lmao. What is there to do in a canyon, they’d just go to some random place where there are no other people and talk about whatever.
What do they like to do together?
Just mundane things, doing random shit while one is talking about whatever. A lot of times it’s just Audrey chatting about something funny or weird that happened to her on her travels while she puts on one of her favorite holotapes and does something, her stories are more light-hearted after all :/
Other than that… nothing too insane, they’re too weird to have proper hobbies. Her making him read his stupid mormon bible out loud so she can hear his sexy grandpa voice 😍
Do they like PDA?
No -_- maybe hand holding when no one’s looking, if anything. 
What are their big spoon / little spoon arrangements?
God he’s probably gonna die if she tries to spoon.
Does one like the cuddle more than the other?
She does but it’s not really possible sometimes. Leans against him until he's like aha. okay that’s enough :/
Who hogs the blankets?
Audrey does. She never sleeps much when she’s travelling so when she finally does get a proper night’s rest it’s limbs thrown around. Taking the entire blanket for herself. Sleeping for 20 years.
Do either of them like to cook?
I can’t imagine either, she just does it out of necessity. She can’t cook though, it’s blamco mac and cheese every mf day.
If they get married, who proposes first?
Godddd realistically he would at least think about it but they don’t get married lol. The mental image of it makes me cringe too much.
What kind of wedding do they have?
Did any of their friends or family want them to get together? Does anyone object to their relationship? 
NO LMAOOOOO no one wanted them to get together and pretty much everyone would object to it if they knew. She probably doesn’t tell her family but if they knew they’d be against it, for obvious reasons. She doesn’t tell her friends either except Callisto lol, who thinks it’s epic somehow. Great Khan past and all that, not that she agrees with the legion in any way but 🤷‍♀️
Do they have any kids?
Maybe they do… maybe not. Who knows, I don’t control them.
(I made up two but Idek if they exist. a son named Ben and a daughter, Rachel. they’re weird and that’s all you need to know)
Do they have any pets?
I was gonna say no but she still has Rex who she forgot to return to the King 💔
How did they first meet? What was their first impression of each other?
In the followers' camp, not long after she moved to Freeside :) iirc the King tells a story about how he went to the Followers Camp to seek help regarding Rex and ended up yelling at them and even knocking out a few doctors.. something similar, one of his guys got their ass beat and the King got impatient and asked why tf this is taking so long. And Diana told him to sit his ass down and wait, which resulted in an argument 🙄 As for the first impression. Diana thought he was just your typical annoying man, maybe sexy and in a cooler suit than the guys on the strip, but annoying nonetheless. And the King thought she was being rude and had a big mouth. But again, kind of in a sexy way.
Who felt romantic feelings first?
THE KING… pretty quickly actually. A few months after the argument they had at the old mormon fort. For Diana on the hand it took a little bit longer :/
Did either of them try to resist their feelings?
Hm not really, but like I said Diana didn’t really fall that fast for him. She met him shortly after she left the Gomorrah (she was a dancer, not a prostitute but that doesn’t mean she hasn’t seen and experienced some shit) so she’s not really thinking about men and pretty much ignores him flirting with her (also he stops once he finds out about her past lol). She figures she likes him because they do have the same principles and something about being good people in a shitty world and all that so there’s a lot of admiration there, also their shared love for music and stuff. Elvis things. But she’s trying to heal from the shit she witnessed at the strip so no thanks!! Until… until...
Who initiated the relationship?
Well… technically him, he was the first one to flirt with her probably but she never really paid any attention to it. The actual relationship though.. her.
Who said “I love you” first?
Diana but I think he would have said it too… she was just faster 😌
Who gets jealous easily?
Both do. She’s sexy so nasty old men will flirt with her while she’s doing her job but the King doesn’t have to know that because he would be MAD. Diana on the hand will act like she’s mad at him when random people are being a little too friendly with him -_-
Who is more protective?
HE IS… that one text post about saying “that’s my wife” and punching someone. Yeah.
Who remembers the little things?
He does :) Little things she likes, her favorite song or stupid little things she finds funny… sigh
Who uses the cheesier pickup lines?
THE KING but unironically. Some Elvis shit, telling her she got him “all shook up” or something and she’s into it!!!
What does a first date look like for them?
He wouldn’t say this counts (she would) but technically that one time she was doing some random music thing with her freeside kids for fun and he showed up to talk to her and Diana was like. Hey wait, why don’t you stay and sing something for these kids :-) it was stupid but fun I guess and they hung out after, her saying how impressed she was because her kids were having a good time and so was she :)
What do they like to do together?
Like on the (unofficial) first date, doing random performances together. I guess he can sing (I think?? all Elvis impersonators can sing in my mind) and she’s a dancer so.. fun!! Other than that, watching random Kings member #58 perform on their little stage, going to ugly Freeside Casinos and leaving immediately after they lose 3 caps, just fun things!! Also he likes to listen to her talking about random stuff she read in her magazines. 
Do they like PDA?
Fuck yeah… Diana constantly having her legs in his lap whenever possible, him having his arm around her shoulders or on her waist all the time. Physical contact but in a cool way. 
What are their big spoon / little spoon arrangements?
They wouldn’t spoon I think but she’d sleep on his arm :) wakes up and it’s numb but that’s okay
Does one like the cuddle more than the other?
Like I said. constant physical contact (but in a cool way) but actual cuddling WOULD be a thing in private.
Who hogs the blankets?
Diana -_-
Do either of them like to cook?
l can’t imagine him being able to cook but she can. Yes I do the cooking yes I do the cleaning. 
If they get married, who proposes first?
There’s no real proposal probably, It would just come up in a conversation and they’d decide to have one of these quick Las Vegas weddings.
What kind of wedding do they have?
Again. One of these quick Las Vegas weddings… people get married by the King but who marries HIM 😔 (probably one of the other kings). It’s not much but it fits them, I don’t think huge wasteland weddings are much of a thing anyway (or weddings in general) sooo...
Did any of their friends or family want them to get together? Does anyone object to their relationship? 
No one objected, except maybe annoying ass Pacer for literally no reason and some random followers :/ As for Pippa and Isabel (Diana’s besties), they didn’t meet before she started dating the king so they obviously weren’t rooting for them to get together but they wouldn’t object to it either, I think. Isabel certainly doesn’t, she likes the King and thinks they fit. Idk what Pippa thinks she’s not my oc, but I don’t think she’d object to it either.
Do they have any kids?
NO lmao. No biological ones at least, Diana has her Freeside orphans though that she takes care of (kinda), they’re basically her kids. She even refers to them as such :-)
Do they have any pets?
Heh… Rex :-)
How did they first meet? What was their first impression of each other?
In the distillery district 😳 On the first mission, Georgie prob caught him sneaking around her clinic (by accident) and was like. WTF get out with your creepy mask… wait ACTUALLY since you’re good at sneaking can you get me [random thing for her medical research that she has tried to get her hands on for ages] and i can give you a discount on health potions and free leeches 😏 NPC behavior… 
Georgie thought the mask looked fucked up and he seemed mysterious but well. She meets strange people every day so 🤷‍♀️ Also she thinks it’s kind of sexy. He thought she was a bit strange, but ig he liked her. She’s funny. 
Who felt romantic feelings first?
GEORGIE. relatively quickly actually, she really likes him early on but she doesn’t really say anything with Jess’ death being so recent :/ He does… later on, about two or three years after dh1, probably when she’s on official business in dunwall tower (YES underqualified royal physician Georgie is a thing now 💕) and she remarks a random cut he has on his cheek & turns his face to get a closer look and he’s like 😳😳😳😳 why do I like that she just did that. Love Wins.
Did either of them try to resist their feelings?
Her kind of, again with the whole Jessamine thing because it was so recent and she’s like aaagh i'm not gonna hit on a guy in mourning so she tries to ignore it 😐 
Who initiated the relationship?
GOD technically Georgie, she didn’t say anything of course because she’s too weird but she does kiss him first... and makes him leave right after :/
Who said “I love you” first?
He does… Georgie would NEVER say it first and doesn’t say it right back immediately but. He knows she’s weird about things so it’s okay.
Who gets jealous easily?
Her. That is a thing. 
Who is more protective?
Both :-) 
Who remembers the little things?
Also both but mostly him. Remembering the weird little things she offhandedly mentioned she likes. Or her little plague research things. 
Who uses the cheesier pickup lines?
Both but they’d just whisper them to each other for funsies when they’re somewhere. In public.
What does a first date look like for them?
They wouldn’t have a proper official first date but it’d likely be some random event they’d both be at when she’s the royal physician (I don’t think she’d get invited to anything but well. Maybe the Boyles run out of crazy things to do at their parties and invite her) Or taking a walk at Dunwall’s somewhat nicer-looking docks. Something boring. 
What do they like to do together?
Also boring things. They’re old, nothing too crazy. Chatting about random stuff whenever she’s over at Dunwall tower, taking walks in the gardens together and watching ships or something, talking shit about aristocrats that they find annoying or just about weird hobbies, maybe she can bring him along to meet her friends (who he already knows) to look at rats in alleyways but he eats them idk. Summons a whole swarm of rats but they end up trying to kill them 
Do they like PDA?
NO. I don’t think she’d be too much into the whole ~aristocrat life~ after becoming the royal physician and just does business-related things but neither would want people talking about this. Semi-secret relationship for no reason and they’re both more private sooo
What are their big spoon / little spoon arrangements?
She’s the little spoon.. likes being held :)
Who hogs the blankets?
He does -_-
Do either of them like to cook?
No lol
Did any of their friends or family want them to get together? Does anyone object to their relationship? 
I think the only person really knowing of this is Marzanna (AGAIN. by dany… Georgie is also besties with Slackjaw… the Rat Smackers. but she wouldn’t tell him about this lol), who would probably not object to it?? but I don’t think anyone else would be rooting for them. I guess Emily likes her as her cool doctor but NO WAY that’s gonna be her stepmom :/
Do they have any kids?
No :/
Do they have any pets?
Georgie has a cat. Not together though, Pluto is hers.
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troiings · 6 years
Pippa and Hecate meet for the first time as college/university professors
non-magical bc there was no specification. or idk you can read it as you will the details are vague lol
Hecate is fully tenured by the time Pippa comes along (is tenure a thing in England? eh it is now); she went straight into teaching after finishing her degrees and has literally been at the same school ever since
she got a second doctorate in her late 30s because trust Hecate to be an overachiever
Pippa on the other hand took her time finishing school, traveled some doing research and writing academic papers between her masters and doctorate courses. in fact, she was hired on before obtaining a doctorate; her field of study is a bit niche, and she was desirable enough to be hire-able without the higher degree.
Hecate’s in a bit of a snit about it at first, not because she actually thinks Pippa’s less worthy of a post because she doesn’t have a doctorate, but because she views Pippa’s area of study as fluff, because those funds could have gone somewhere else, and because she’s secretly a bit jealous Pippa up and traveled the world while Hecate was in a classroom doing classroom things. sure she traveled some, but it almost looks like Pippa did no work at all to get here and that frustrates her
they don’t get along much better for the whole first year Pippa’s there even though Pippa’s office is right next to Hecate’s lmao
except literally everybody can see that they get all flustered around each other bc they like each other after a while can I just combine all the tropes
Hecate comes to campus feeling a little under the weather one day because #workaholic, and by the end of the day she isn’t well at all. Pippa happens to find her in her office in pretty bad shape
(Hecate insists at first that she’s fine even though she isn’t; she doesn’t have a fever but she’s practically delirious probably h o n e s t l y Hecate basically she has a horrific cold)
in fact, Hecate is SO insistent that she’s fine that Pippa winds up taking her to her own house because Hecate won’t tell her where she lives
Pippa calls in for Hecate and half the department is like “yeah sure Dr. Hardbroom’s sick we’ve seen the way they look at each other” and the department head is like “no she’s definitely sick, Professor Pentangle put her on the phone, but other than that you’re absolutely right p sure they’ll be dating before the month’s out”
which is to say I really am combining all the tropes
anyway it’s at this point the department starts betting on when they’re gonna start dating
there’s this one hold-out who dated Hecate very briefly in the past (it ended amicably) who’s just like “y’all are being way too generous here” and while everybody else is laying down bets like within two months out she’s like “give ‘em eight months”
(it takes Pippa just shy of six months to get up the nerve just to plant one on Hecate and hope for the best, ‘cause she’s 99.9999% certain Hecate’s been flirting with her)
(Hecate was flirting with her)
(Hecate probably didn’t know she was openly flirting but she was definitely flirting)
(Hecate’s ex wins the pot but is salty that she was two months off)
(Pippa is working on her doctorate throughout all this and frequently falls asleep studying. Hecate always makes sure to tuck her into bed or at least comfortably on the sofa when this happens. Before and after they’re officially dating.)
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boarix · 6 years
Wraith in the Ruins: A Fallout 4 Story Part XIII
Let Me Go
Trigger warnings: canon language/violence/gun, drug and alcohol use. Suggestive/mature content
Bloody mess warning!
Game spoilers!
Please enjoy
 “My dad’s old Highwayman would’ve come in handy right about now. Are we sure we’re still on ninety-five? I figured there would be a little more asphalt than this. ”
A week out from Sanctuary, Wraith’s caravan had been traveling in almost nonstop rain and the road was thick with mud.
“Was that a truck? I’d think we’d need some big tires for this slop, ya feel me?”
“Nothing can stop a Highwayman!” Wraith did her best impression of the spokesperson but then frowned to herself when she realized she was the only person to have actually ever heard the original commercial.
“I’d rather have a vertibird… fly above all… nngh… stupid… wet… CRAP!” Falling over sideways, MacCready lay defeated and motionless as the ever helpful Dogmeat licked his face.
Deacon fished him out, smiling at the cork-like pop, “No thank you, I’d rather not.”
“How long, in a car would this trip have taken anyway?” Hancock crouched slightly, “You want me to give you a piggyback ride, MacCready?”
“Naw man, I’m all gross and… oh… very funny.”
Laughing at them, Wraith snapped her fingers, “I don’t even have the heart to tell you. A Blitz would have gotten us there like that.” She smiled as she reminisced, “Plus they had those really cool gull-wing doors!”
“What kinda doors?”
Raising her arms out to either side, Wraith bent her elbows and spread her fingers like pinions on a wing, “Like this.”
“I know what it means, sunshine. Wanted to see if you’d make a silly pose.”
“I’m not silly! I’m a majestic shorebird.”
A small smile twitched at the corner of his mouth as Deacon enjoyed listening to and occasionally joining the trio’s banter. However, while maintaining the Harley character he had to be careful about breaking into his establish Deacon-the-funny-guy routine; laughing too loud or too frequently. Successfully gaining enough muscle mass to almost completely change his physicality, along with a full, red beard and without his glasses, he was completely unrecognizable even since Valentine’s wedding. Hancock, MacCready and Wraith had been consistent with calling him by his alter ego and he along with the five synth refugees all remained safely anonymous.
“Yes general, this is the highway. Behold your tax dollars at work.”
“Well… I’m gonna write my congressman…” Wraith slowed to walk next to Deacon, letting Hancock and MacCready move ahead. “Are we going to be able to stop in Baltimore? Or… whatever it’s called now. Or do we have to skip it like Philly?”
“There’s not a whole lot to see if we do stop; there’s some small trading stations that pop up in the summer but we might be early yet.” Deacon’s smile broadened as Hancock, noticing Dogmeat struggling in the mud, hefted the pup and carried him against his chest like a child, “We might have left too early in general… General. I haven’t seen spring rain like this in ten years.”
“Are we… talking about the weather like old people?”
“The weather will do more than… dampen our spirits. Time is a concern.”
“We wouldn’t want to get sick… being under the weather would slow us down.”
“If L&L sent a party after us… their rain of terror would…”
“Ugh, no! That’s stretching.” Wraith play-punched his arm.
“Oh? Couldn’t think of another one? I guess I won that round.”
Careful! Harley wouldn’t be this familiar. Tune it back…
Making note of the sudden shift in Deacon’s body language and tucking her chin, Wraith whispered her concern from the corner of her mouth, “L&L, huh? I thought you found the last two…”
 MacCready had found a small rise that was relatively dry and despite the fact that it was still a good two hours until sunset, the caravan stopped for the night. After making sure the brahmin were sound, everyone was being fed and watch shifts were selected, Wraith broke away to meet with Deacon.
“Hey, that’s my trick!”
Wraith doubted that she had actually been able to sneak up on him. “You’re being kind.” Folding her slender legs under her, she propped her back against a wretched-looking tree, “How much will you tell me?”
Seating himself on the opposite side of the trunk, Deacon’s voice was low, “My contact in Underworld is Tulip. Captain Sally and The Bruiser are still at large.”
“I thought Hancock’s network had found them.”
“Shit happens.”
Not for the first time, Wraith berated herself for leaving the Railroad, “I should have stayed. Should have finished…”
“Not everything that happened or will happen is your fault, Pippa. Fuck’s sake!” Genuinely annoyed, Deacon leaned around the oak to glare at her, “Dial down your ego for two seconds and you’ll realize the Earth doesn’t fucking revolve around you!”
“Holy shit! What the fuck was that for?!”
With Wraith’s angry frown inches from his own, Deacon had an impulse to kiss her. Letting the image carry him away for far longer than was healthy, he felt heat on his face.
“…are you?” Clearing her throat, Wraith sat back on her heels, “What was that? Please, tell me what…”
“No, Wraith.” In one fluid motion, Deacon rose to his feet, turned and melted away into the evening shadows.
 The insects were becoming a problem. The rains had finally let up but the further south the caravan progressed the warmer it got and the swarms of bugs were insufferable. Ranging in size from annoying to lethal there was a growing concern over the amount of ammunition being spent.
“Goddamn bugs!” Hancock seemed especially agitated and would routinely spend his daily allotment of shells, “Someone take my gun from me; I can’t help myself!”
“You could always just stab them…”
“Hey, that’s right!” Brandishing his beloved combat knife, the ghoul licked the blade with a mad light in his eyes.
“Or, or you could take some Day-tripper and we could strap you to a brahimn for the rest of the trip.”
Hancock made a show of being torn between ending all bug life at the end of his knife, or enjoying a nice high, “Gee, Harley how will I ever choose?”
Surprised that he would play along, Deacon’s confusion mounted when the lanky mayor draped an arm across his shoulders, “What’s got you so… friendly?”
“Wraith’s been lower than brahmin udders since she snuck away to chat at ya.” Hancock pulled the other man close to whisper in his ear, “And you’ve been even lower, brother. You kids feuding or what?”
Alarmed to know that his mood was affecting his body language, he straightened his back. Feeling uncomfortable under the ghoul’s arm, mostly because he enjoyed the contact, Deacon shrugged and was able to side-step away. He chuckled, “Damn, you are just as dangerous as she is.” Still feeling the weight of Hancock’s touch and angry that he had liked it, he rolled his shoulders and cracked his neck. “I told her about the L&L setbacks; the false intel… more or less.”
“You tell her ‘bout the mole? About how I killed that fucker?”
“No Mr. Mayor, I didn’t. Because she’s not supposed to have to know about the Railroad and where I’m at or about whatever it is that I’m doing. I’m trying to give her one less fight and one less worry.”
“Well, you’re doing it wrong. Lyin’ has never worked with her.”
Annoyed, Deacon talked through his teeth, “Well, how exactly would you go about it?”
“Fuck if I know.” Folding his arms behind his head, Hancock walked away while whistling Keep a Knockin’.
 Hancock was whimpering. It wasn’t unusual for him to battle his demons in his sleep but it still made Wraith’s heart hurt. She pulled him closer to her and his eyes opened briefly. He smiled, thankful to be rescued and he laid his head against her chest.
“Fighting ninjas again?”
“Heh. Not this time, sunshine.” He yawned and nuzzled her breasts through her shirt, “MacCready and Dogmeat still on watch?”
“Yeah. I’ve gotta get up soon. We’ll do a swap-out so you won’t be alone for long.”
“Stay with me for a couple more minutes.” His voice carried a surprisingly high level of anxiety.
She kissed his head, “A bad one, huh? I can stay a little longer.”
“I’ve told you I love you, right?” His voice wavered, almost as if he had been crying.
“Yes, of course!” She squeezed him tightly, “And I love you. What was it?”
“Don’t wanna trouble you with it.”
“It’s no trouble. It was just a dream, right?”
“I… MacCready didn’t want to leave th’ Capital and you decided to stay with him. I… I lost you both.”
  “That you, Wraith?” MacCready was staring intently through his night scope, “You picking up anything on your fancy wristwatch?”
“No. Why?”
“I… my neck hairs are up… I don’t see anything but…”
“You feel.”
Lowering his scope, MacCready’s shoulders slumped, “That’s from that book again, isn’t it? You enormous nerd.”
Wraith gave Dogmeat a pat, “Puppy here seems to be relaxed.” She stuck her hand in MacCready’s back pocket to give his butt a squeeze, “Now, now. We have been through this; if you know what I’m talking about then you’re just as big a nerd.”
Returning the scope to his eye, he pretended not to notice her hand, “Darn it! I feel like I’m being stalked. Harley isn’t out there being a… messing around, right?”
“He’s out and about but he’s taking this all very seriously.” She checked her Pip-boy again, “I still don’t see anything. You sure it’s not just a case of the jitters? Tell you what; I’ll go do a quick sweep. The bad vibes are coming from the east, right? Hang tight.”
Moving silently through the scrub, Wraith calmed her mind for peak focus. Stopping every few yards, she strained her ears to listen for any minute change in the night sounds around her. Crisscrossing back and forth, she moved east until she reached a swamp and ran out of solid ground. Slowly standing in the moon-cast shadow of a large bolder, she held her breath and closed her eyes.
You never thought that maybe Mac would want to stay. You never thought that up until a couple of years ago his whole life had been in the Capital Wasteland and maybe he prefers it. What if Duncan refuses to leave and Mac doesn’t want to traumatize him by forcing him? What if Carol and Greta convince him not to take his son? What if he had been in love with Morningstar and when he sees her he’ll realize that you’re not as good? What if…
Dangerously close to hyperventilating, Wraith was able to snap herself back… just as the deathclaw hit her.
“How?! We don’t have a generator with us, Mayor Hancock!”
As soon as he heard the deathclaw’s roar, MacCready had raised the alarm and he and the dog sprinted off into the night. Now, Hancock was left to organize the pursuit and was terrified that his nightmare was coming true.
“Lanterns! Torches! Fucking sake! Let’s GO!” When Deacon made as if to follow, Hancock stabbed his finger at him, “Not you! Stay and protect the camp.”
His jaw clenched as he ground his teeth but he complied.
 Get up! Getupgetupgetup!
Able to gather her legs beneath her despite her lungs being devoid of air, Wraith ducked and dodged as the monster did its best to bifurcate her. She felt hot blood streaming down her face and she realized she had forgotten her armored hood back at camp.
I am such a shitshow!
The moon was full and so afforded her enough light to evade the monster’s swinging talons. Injured as she was, Wraith knew that she would tire quickly and needed to get on the offense. She expected that her companions would hear the beast’s bellow and attempt to come to her aid but she had traveled fairly far from camp. Even with the moon’s light it would take time to find her. Options seemed to be limited…
I need to slow it down. I don’t know how deep the swamp is but if I can get it stuck in the mud…
Weaving through a small copse of trees, she gained enough distance to grab a syringe of med-X and the bottle of Buffout from her pack. Bolstered by the chems, she unsheathed Kremvh’s Tooth and sprinted straight at the creature. Diving between its legs, she slashed its Achilles tendon as she passed and rolled to her feet behind it. Ducking under its tail as it spun around to pursue her, she sprinted for the water.
Leaping to a fallen tree, Wraith ran along its length and turned to mark the deathclaw’s progress. It seemed oblivious to the fact that its left foot hung by a strip of hide and she watched in horror as it gathered itself to jump to her log.
I’m drowning here! The only way this could be worse is if there were two…
A second deathclaw bellowed from her left.
Oh. Swell.
 Trying to keep up with Dogmeat, MacCready paid no mind to the branches whipping across his face. He was terribly worried that he hadn’t heard gun shots and he was attempting to convince himself that it was because she preferred melee weapons and not because she had been killed.
Has she lost her mind? Didn’t she learn anything from the last time?!
Man and dog rounded the bolder just in time to see the second deathclaw rear back and bellow its challenge. They then both watched in horror as the injured deathclaw leaped to Wraith’s log. She was catapulted through to air to land with an enormous splash, where she sank like a stone into the swamp’s dark waters.
Snarling as viciously as Dogmeat, MacCready quickly doubled back and climbed the bolder. Rifle in hand he sent shot after shot to the second deathclaw’s right knee as Dogmeat led it in circles around the rock’s base. The sniper cut through the beast’s leg like a lumberjack felling a tree and it collapsed heavily to its side. Dogmeat continued to worry it, preventing it from getting up and MacCready changed his target to the monster’s left knee. As soon as it was destroyed, the former merc whistled the canine away and tossed a grenade; finishing it off.
 Although her flight had been ungainly, Wraith had seen the deathclaw coming and so had been able to steel herself before being launched into the water. Unable to see through the silt, she swam to the bottom and headed back toward the shore, hoping to flank her foe.
The deathclaw had somehow tracked her progress and so dragged itself through the muddy water after her. Wraith surfaced right next to it and it lunged at her with its mouth open. Pulling her .44, she unloaded a full clip into its gaping maw. Her angle was bad however and so even though the wounds she inflicted would prove to be mortal, the monster wasn’t dead yet.
Frantically doing the backstroke, she was able to find footing enough to leap at the deathclaw with her blade leading the way. Landing heavily on its head she pushed the dagger through its upper jaw and pinned its mouth closed, roaring defiantly into its face.
The deathclaw plunged and shook; crow-hopping to try and dislodge her. With one hand on her weapon and the other on one of its horns, Wraith held on for dear life as the monster thrashed. Her substantial strength still augmented by the Buffout, it should have come to no great shock when the creatures horn came away in her hand. Losing her grip on her weapon’s blood-splattered hilt, she was once again flung into the water.
Moonlight reflected through the great spray of blood, clearly defining its crimson hue. The deathclaw stood with its head raised and arms spread wide, almost as if it was appealing to the moon for mercy. Then with a deep, mortal groan it fell dead.
MacCready stood motionless in complete shock. When Wraith surfaced, sputtering and cursing he realized he had been holding his breath, “Are… ARE YOU OKAY?!”
“GrrrrrrrAWWRRR!” Splashing and growling, Wraith kicked at the beast’s head before retrieving her dagger. Then, suddenly spent, she flopped onto her back in the mud, “Ugh. I think so.”
Dogmeat ran to her and setting his nose to her head wound, whiffled unhappily.
Wraith sheathed her weapon and reached up to run her fingers through the dog’s neck ruff, “I’m okay buddy. I… I think.”
“NO! YOU ARE NOT! YOU ARE BLEEDING!” MacCready had his med kit out in a flash.
“You have a flare gun, right? Do that first, okay?”
 The relief Hancock felt when he saw the flare was dashed when he saw MacCready hovering over Wraith as she lay on the ground. Unconsciously gripping his chest over his heart, he walked with slow, heavy steps to stand next to Dogmeat. “MacCready…”
Taken aback by Hancock’s stricken look, the young man waved his hands, “She’s alive! She’s a crazy monster but she’s alive.”
“Who’s a monster?!”
“Have you ever seen yourself fight?” MacCready bent to kiss her, his slight shiver evidence of his fear, “My knock-out, monster woman…”
Hancock kneeled in the mud and placed a hand on Wraith’s blood-caked forehead, “Did you pick a fight with two deathclaws all by yer lonesome?”
“No… I’m ashamed to admit they got the drop on me.”
“I distracted you. Got in yer head. Shouldn’t have told you ‘bout that dream.”
“It’s not your fault! Don’t… just don’t, please.” Wraith caught MacCready’s hand, “Don’t bother stitching me up; I have a couple of derma-fuses at the camp.” She sat up as the young man bound her head. “It’s a shame Bear isn’t with us; I’d have him skin these two… deathclaw armor would be super cool.”
“The one I got was an albino too. That’s pretty rare.”
“What am I, chopped liver?” Hancock turned to one of the Minutemen escorts, “How ‘bout it Lloyd, you wanna help me set yer general up with some swanky new threads?”
“Do you have the right kind of knives for that?”
Placing his hand on his chest as if she had given him the greatest of insults, Hancock raised his voice to a falsetto, “Do I have the right kind of knives? ME?! You’re asking ME?!”
 It was the last night before the caravan reached the designated rendezvous at relay tower Kx-B8-11. MacCready and Wraith lay together in her bedroll and a nervous Wraith had not slept at all. Her mind was tormenting her with Hancock’s dream and she couldn’t shake the image of MacCready’s back moving further and further away from them.
“Wraith, you keep sighing…”
“Oops, sorry!”
Gathering her gently into his arms, MacCready kissed her temple, “What’s the matter?”
“What’s Morningstar like? Fahrenheit calls her a ‘beautiful giant’ but I don’t think it’s a complement.”
“No, probably not.” MacCready laughed, “It’s accurate though. She’s about as tall as Hancock but like two of him across. Maybe three…”
“Were the two of you friends?”
“No...” The pregnant pause suggested otherwise and it was his turn to sigh, “Maybe… It’s kinda complicated.”
“Tell me a story, Mac.”
“Sure, fine. It’s not like I’m gonna get any sleep anyway.”
“Nyx is a nosy, goody two-shoes. She’s a busybody who can’t seem to leave sh… stuff alone.” He rolled away from her onto his back and stuck an arm behind his head. “She came to Little Lamplight so she could get into a vault. I helped her out and then I couldn’t get rid of her. She said that she owed us. I told her to… leave us alone.”
“You told her to fuck off?” She could see him smile in the dark.
“Verbatim.” His smile grew larger, “She didn’t listen, of course. She would bring supplies; food and clothes and stuff. When I turned sixteen and left she offered me a job but I was… stupid and told her ‘no thank you’.”
“Fuck off, part two?”
“Yeah. I thought I could make more money, faster with the Gunners. Looking back… I acted like such a idiot kid.”
“Mac, you were sixteen! That is a kid.”
“Not in the wasteland.” His smile gone, he looked sadly backward in time, “Then I found out that she had cleared Lamplight out and set up an orphanage in Megaton. I was so angry… but I don’t know why. Honestly, it was pretty amazing what she did for those kids. She gave them a chance to be... well… kids. That didn’t stop me though. I went and told her exactly what she should do with herself.”
“The return of fuck off, part three the sequel?”
“After Duncan was born, Lucy…” MacCready swallowed, hard, “Lucy said I needed to make peace with her. I… refused.” A rim of moisture gathered at the corner of his eye, “I was still being…” Unable to continue, a large tear traveled down his cheek.
“I’m sorry. You don’t have to keep going.”
He sniffled and reached out to pull Wraith to his chest, “No, it’s okay. After I lost Lucy, I got… dark. I would drop Duncan off at Underworld and take missions that… I don’t think Charon would’ve done.”
“Charon is Morningstar’s… bodyguard? Actually I’m not sure what their relationship is.”
“Complicated. I think at one point she owned him. They might be a couple but I honestly don’t know.”
“Owned?! Like… not like a slave?!”
“Like I said, complicated.”
“Oh… no.”
“After Duncan got sick I promised him that if he could hold out until I got a cure, that I would be a better person. I finally went to Nyx. She never even hesitated, just came to help me as if we were best pals. I took it completely wrong, like she was using this as another opportunity to show how much better she is. Ugh, I was such a bastard!”
“Stop being so hard on yourself.”
“You don’t understand. If you knew all the things I’ve done…”
“Hancock says that too. You both know perfectly well all the horrible stuff I’ve done.”
MacCready shifted himself and sat up, taking Wraith by the shoulders and looking in her eyes, “You two are different. You guys did that stuff to help other people. You both made sacrifices and hard decisions so that they could be saved. I did terrible things because I hated everything. I was joking when I called you a monster. I’m the monster.”
Matching his stare, Wraith cupped his cheek with her hand, “I don’t know if you’d ever want to tell me everything but I want you to know that I would listen. I love you. I always will.” She kissed him and gently set her forehead against his.
They sat that way, quietly for a few seconds until MacCready pulled slightly back. He stared, smiling into her eyes. His look morphed from adoration to lasciviousness and he ran his hands from her shoulders down her back.  Setting his lips against hers in a needful kiss, he tucked a hand in the waistband of her jeans to squeeze her butt.
“Mmmm, Mac… We have to… stop…” As her lover’s hands and mouth traveled across her body, Wraith barely had the presence of mind to protest.
“Think so? I can be quiet. I can be good and quiet.”
“Huugh… It’s even… more fun… oh mmmm… when you’re loud…”
 “Beacon has been activated… Harley.” Wraith was genuinely regretful at not being able to make a rhyme.
“Acknowledged, general. The Morningstar escort should arrive in less than twenty-four hours. Was there anything else?”
“No. Thank you soldier, you are dismissed.”
Wraith frowned as she watched him walk away. She had made several attempts, during the last days of travel, to engage with Deacon. She understood the need for his alter ego but was disappointed that he was no longer allowing himself to be friendly.
I make jokes and laugh with all my people. Probably more than what’s appropriate but… This is so different than any other mission. He’s so different… even from when we left Diamond City.
 “General, Morningstar has been spotted. She should be here in about twenty minutes.”
“Thank you, Lloyd.”
The sun had barely risen the following morning but Wraith had been up all night. Both Hancock and MacCready had tried to calm her but her anxiety had turned Nyx Morningstar into some sort of boyfriend-eating gorgon.
And then she was come.
At well over six feet, she was perhaps the tallest woman Wraith would ever see. Morningstar wore heavy combat gear with a custom, lion-like helmet that was heavily inspired by gladiatorial armor. Lifting an arm, she waved as her group crested the hill. When she removed her helm her impressive mane of blue-black hair poured forth like liquid night. Her large, gold eyes smiled in a truly friendly manner as they surveyed Wraith’s group.
“Hey there, butt face.”  
MacCready stood, flanked by Hancock on his left and Wraith on his right, “Hey mungo.” Swaggering up, he stuck out a hand. Nyx clasped it firmly, then to his shock, pulled him to her and swept him off his feet to spin around in a whirling bear hug, “AAAAAAHHHH! PUT ME DOWN, YOU BEHEMOTH!”
After a couple more revolutions, she set him back on his feet, “I’m sorry R.J. It’s just so good to see you!” She turned her sun-beam smile onto Hancock and offered him her hand. “John Hancock, you old raisin! How are you?!”
Shaking her hand firmly he smiled, “Still sweet and wrinkly! You’re impressive as always, Morningstar. Speaking of impressive, may I have the pleasure of introducing Wraith, General of the Minutemen?”
Wraith lifted her chin and secured her face into her best I-need-to-win-over-this-jury smile, “I’m honored to meet you, Morningstar.”
“The honor is mine. And please, call me Nyx.”
“Only if you will call me Wraith.” Wraith turned her attention to the silent, tall sentinel standing slightly behind Nyx, “And you must be Charon. It’s a pleasure to meet you as well.” The entire hill top seemed to freeze as Wraith extended her hand to the mountainous ghoul.
To everyone’s shock he took her hand and offered her the tiniest of quarter grins, “The pleasure is mine.” Charon then turned slightly to Nyx with a slightly larger, tiny grin and a wink.
When Nyx saw Dogmeat her eyes widened and she took a knee, “Hello old man.”
The German shepherd sat and placed his paws on her leg. The two stayed in silent communion for several seconds before woman and dog rose to their feet.
Turning back to Wraith, Nyx was all business, “We should move soon. It would only be natural for my group to assist yours breaking camp. Lots of moving bodies can be confusing to those who may be watching.”
It suddenly occurred to Wraith that six of Nyx’s group very closely resembled Deacon and his five synth refugees. Nodding, she joined the throng of people and brahmin. Then, completely imperceptible to an outside observer, the two groups swapped costumes, as if by magic.
As the large caravan headed south, Nyx and Wraith walked together. Wraith’s mind was a whirl of questions but afraid that she’d be a pest, wasn’t sure where to start.
“Danse isn’t with you.”
Wraith jumped slightly, startled by the broken silence “No. I did ask him if he would like to come but I think he feels this chapter of his life is closed. Did you know him?”
“I know everyone.” Nyx’s smile somehow softened the egotistical declaration, “Not well, but I did meet him before Maxson whisked him away. I have a letter for him from former scribe Haylen.”
“Ah. She did end up quitting then.” Wraith somehow felt even more awkward, “You might find this a strange question but, is she… okay?”
“Wraith, to be clear; I am connected to the BOS but I myself am not an active member. I have an understanding with the elder. To be blunt, they owe me. A lot. As such, they understand that certain towns, settlements and people, are under my protection. Places like Underworld. People like the ghouls living in and around the Capital Wasteland. People like my super mutant friend, Fawkes. People like Haylen.”
The large women had unconsciously picked up her pace and Wraith had to practically jog to keep up with her, “Did they threaten her?!”
“Not at all. That whole… debacle, was a huge embarrassment and setback for the Brotherhood. You remain public enemy number one but Haylen will be fine. I have her doing medical research for me and she seems to be happy.”
“Speaking of medical research, I have a gift for you.” Wraith, eager to change the subject, passed her a derma-fuse, “It’s Institute tech designed to close lacerations.”
Nyx’s eyes took on a greedy gleam as she accepted the device, “Fascinating! How does it work?”
“I don’t actually know how it works but what it does is localized cellular regeneration. Dermis only, hence the name. I actually brought you two; one to use…”
“And one to ruin, trying to figure out how to make more?” The two women shared a laugh.
“Well, glad to see you are getting along.” Returning to the group after scouting ahead, MacCready flashed them a roguish grin.
“What of it, R.J? Why wouldn’t we? I happen to be a super-fun person!”
He rolled his eyes, “Yeah, right. What were you two talking about?”
“About how you’re a huge dork.”
“Oh, I’m huge alright. In all the right places!”
“Does that explain your enormous head?”
“Big brain.”
“I think you mean big ego.”
Despite the harsh volley of words, MacCready seemed to be enjoying himself, “Well, you would be the expert on gigantism and egos.”
Wraith, feeling out of place, dropped back to her more normal walking pace. Suddenly finding herself side by side with Charon, her feeling of awkwardness intensified to new heights.
“So, I assume this is normal? For them, I mean.”
“Not to say it isn’t funny.”
“Well. I um… guess I’ll go check on… brahmin stuff.”
 Wraith’s passage through the Capital Wasteland left her feeling nostalgic and sad. The ruins of The Mall were particularly emotional. Her nerves frayed by the journey and the imminent face-to-face with Duncan, she held Hancock’s arm as they walked.
“You’re gonna be fine, sunshine.” The ghoul kissed the back of her hand, “We’ll be back, all together in Sanctuary before you know it. One big, happy family; lots of weird aunts and uncles for the kids.”
MacCready sought them out just before passing through Underworld’s doors. “Whew! Here we go.”
The caravan members distributed themselves between The Chop Shop and Underworld Outfitters as MacCready, Hancock, Dogmeat and Wraith climbed the stairs to Carol’s.  Just beyond the door, flanked by his ghoulette aunts stood Duncan.
“Daddy!” Giggling, the small boy threw himself into his father’s open arms. “Daddy I’m a big boy! I poop in the potty and can come with you now! Auty Carol says so! Daddy… are you ‘kay? Daddy?”
MacCready had tried his best to hold back his tears, afraid that his crying might confuse or scare his son. Caught somewhere between sobbing and laughing he was making strange noises in his throat, almost as if he was being strangled.
“It’s ‘kay, daddy. Crying is ‘kay too.” Duncan had pulled back slightly and was now patting his father’s tear streaked cheek, “Daddy, does your tummy hurt?”
“He’s just very happy to see you, honey.” Tears ran down Carol’s face as well, “I’m Carol, you must be Wraith and Hancock. This is my wife Greta. Welcome to Underworld.” The ghoulette did a double-take, “Is that… that can’t possibly… Dogmeat?!”
“Look, Daddy! There’s a doggy! It’s a good puppy?”
“He’s… yeah buddy. He’s the best puppy.”
  Deacon sat at a barstool waiting for Tulip. After their tearful reunion, MacCready and company had settled down for the night and he had separated himself to wait for his contact to close her store.
“Do you have a Geiger counter?”
“Mine’s in the shop.”
“Harley, everything is all set. The packages will be distributed by Morningstar’s courier service starting tomorrow.”
“Well, all things considered that went remarkably smooth. Kinda waiting on the other shoe…”
“It’s funny you should say that. I need your help.” Tulip lowered her voice and set her hand suggestively on Deacon’s thy. “Follow me back to the shop.”
Maintaining character, Deacon slung his arm around the ghoulette’s shoulders and leaned into her as if too drunk to walk straight, “Ohboy, I thought you’d never ashk me!”
Morningstar’s imposing presence seemed to fill the store and she leaned toward Deacon with a predatory look that reminded him of a hunting lioness, “The L&L gang is here! They’ve killed Watts.”
“Victoria…” Deacon’s mind whirled, “Who’s running the show?”
“I want you to.”
It made perfect sense. He hated it. His mind reeled back from it, “Why can’t you…”
“Don’t do that. You know why!” Nyx folded her powerful arms, “I’m way too high profile. It wouldn’t have to be permanent. We need you to whip us in to shape like you did for the Commonwealth branch. Tulip has her hands full and,” She cast an apologetic glance to the ghoulette, “she has no leadership experience. It’s you. Take a protégé if you want. Train them… but it’s you.”
“You… you got me over a barrel.”
“I promised General Wraith that I would make sure Duncan MacCready makes it safely back to Sanctuary. I will not go back on my word. I will go… you will stay.” Her eyes softened at the pain in Deacon’s pale blue eyes, “I know you and Watts went way back. I’m sorry to throw this at you now but it just happened a couple of days ago.”
“Hancock’s network had been closing in. We knew they left but we had been misdirected north. Goddamn it…”
“You’ll do a lot of good for us here. I will make sure you’re provided all necessary resources.”
“Of that I have no doubt.” Squaring his shoulders, Deacon turned to leave, “No time like the present. I’ll be off to…”
“Headquarters are still at the late, great Manya Vargas’s. Let me know when you change location… cause I know you will.”
“You’re not going to say goodbye.” All three flinched as Wraith stepped out of the shadows.
Nyx turned and took a menacing step, hands raised and ready to attack, “Bad move, General…”
“Wait! Wraith is Railroad! Or… she was…” Deacon placed himself between them, “Whisper! Wraith was Whisper!”
Nyx calmed immediately. Looking back and forth between them, she seemed to have an epiphany, “Let’s go back to the bar for a bit, Tulip.”
“Fine. If you two fight, don’t go wreaking up my shop!”
The silence was heavy, like the pressure before a thunderstorm.
Don’t… Wraith, don’t…
“Am I a child to you? Do you honestly believe you can protect me from… why wouldn’t you have told me? Hell, lie to me about the reason but fucking tell me that you’re leaving!” Wraith still had her fists clenched.
“You’re giving me permission to lie?”
Don’t… I can’t…
“I...” She seemed to deflate before his eyes, “I guess you’ve always come and go as you please.”
“You told me to leave. You told me once…”
“That was a mistake! I fucked up. Had I known better what I was doing…”
“No! You were right! You did everything and more for the Railroad… for me. You were done. Turning your focus to the Minutemen was the best decision you could have made. Just look at everything you’ve accomplished!”
Wraith shook her head, “Look at all the lives I’ve ended…”
“STOP FUCKING DOING THAT!” Deacon’s eyes flashed fire and he took an unconscious step toward her, “STOP! Don’t belittle yourself. You are the single greatest thing that’s happened to the Commonwealth… and to me.”
“You… you have no intention of coming back. Do you?” Tears streamed down her face.
“You don’t need me, Wraith. You have to let me go.”
“You’re like my brother! We… you’re my family.”
“The time has come for us to part ways.”
She lifted her arms as if to embrace him but he backed away.
Don’t hug me Wraith. I’ll… I’ll shatter. I’ll break if you hold me.
“You… you’re my friend. I love you, Deacon.” Her voice was barely a whisper.
“You don’t know me, Philippa. My name is not Deacon.” His face empty of emotion, the nameless man turned his back, opened the door and walked away.
Lie. Lie. Lie.
  Thank you so much for reading! Like what you read? Looking for more? Please search my Wraith in the Ruins tag in my bio. There is a link-tree master post with all of the chapters. Questions/comments/concerns, my ask is open (anon too). I appreciate any feedback. =^..^=
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sunshineystilinski · 8 years
Tumblr media
Pairing: Anthony Ramos x Reader
Warnings: mentions of cheating and cursing
Prompt: basically your partner cheated on you and you have to go on as Peggy/Maria and Anthony is there to comfort you.
Word Count: 1,424
When you walked into the Richard Rogers theater, eyes puffy and earbuds plugged in, he knew something was up.
Normally, you would walk in smiling, automatically brightening up his everyone’s day. You would laugh and crack jokes. You were a cheery person. And him being your best friend, he noticed things.
Your hair was pulled back in a messy bun, your clothes were disheveled. You walked past him without a word, which made him even more suspicious. He followed you to your dressing room. You heard his footsteps following yours, and you honestly didn’t give a fuck.
You slipped in through the door and threw your backpack on the couch. You heard the noise of the door click shut. You spun around, noticing Anthony. You paused your music and took out your earbuds. He gave you look of worry, but you ignored it and brought your gaze to the floor. He noticed your gesture and shook his head.
“Y/N, what’s wrong? And don’t you dare tell me nothing is wrong, I know something’s up.” Anthony questioned. You brought your head up and his eyes met yours.
“They, they cheated.” You mumbled, barely audible. He still heard you.
He tackled you in a bone-crushing hug. You hugged him back as the tears began to fall yet again. He rubbed circles on your back and whispered “it’s okay” in your ear.
“Wait, Y/N, you shouldn’t be here! You should be sleeping, or crying, or eating, or something,” He rambled, “Wait why are you here? Oh shit, that seems mean. I mean- you know what I meant.”
“Well Jasmine is sick so…” You trailed off. His mouth opened, but no sound came out.
“Does that mean you have to go on as M-” He asked, but you cut him off
“Yes, that means I have to go on as Maria.” You finished. He gave you a sympathetic look.
“Y/N, you shouldn’t have to do that.” He sighed, hugging you again.
“It’s fine.” You lied, but he couldn’t seem to tell.
“Now if you don’t mind, I have to get ready.” You announced and he nodded.
“See you out there.” Anthony commented.
“See you out there.” You responded.
You just finished Act 1 as Peggy and everything seemed to be running smoothly. You ran into your dressing room and changed into the red dress that represented Maria. You took of your previous lipstick and quickly threw on some red lipstick. You made it to the wings with five minutes to spare.
Anthony stood at your side and took your hand. He squeezed it re-assuringly. You gave him a smile, pushing away the tears at the brim of your eyes. You were going to go on any minute, right after “Take A Break”.
Anthony released your hand and made his way on stage. You laughed as he did his little rap as nine year-old Philip. He looked your way and you gave a thumbs-up. He returned his focus back to the song, before quickly rushing back to you.
You gave him a hug and you both smiled. Before you knew it, it was time for you to go onstage.
“There’s nothing like summer in the city…” You heard Leslie sing. Anthony let go and you took a big gulp of air.
“Someone under stress meets someone looking pretty.” Anthony gave your shoulders a squeeze.
“There’s trouble in the air and you can smell it.” Anthony pressed a kiss to your forehead.
“And Alexander’s by himself, I’ll let him tell it.” He brought his lips to your right ear.
“You’ll do great.” He whispered as the song went on.
“That’s when Miss Maria Reynolds walked into my life, she said” You walked on a little late, but you continued on as nothing happened.
“I know you are a man of honor,” You looked into Lin’s eyes.
“I’m so sorry to bother you at home.” You slightly smiled and took a step closer to Lin.
“But I don’t know where to go, and I came here all alone.” That’s when it really hit you. They cheated on you. You went on auto-pilot for most of the song.
You tuned back in towards the end.
“If you pay,” You took a deep breath.
“You can staaaaaaaay” You felt a tear escape your eye. You continued on, feeling the tears cascade down your cheeks, but you ignored them
As soon the song was over, you rushed off. The sobbing began.
Renee and Pippa rushed to your side and guided you to a seat.
“Y/N? What’s wrong, love?” Pippa cooed, rubbing your back.
“They- cheated- on- me.” You choked out between sobs. Renee hugged you tightly.
“Y/N, sweetheart you shouldn’t have gone on.” Renee said softly. You shook your head.
“Jazzy is sick, I had too.” You sniffled.
“We could’ve found someone to cover for you.” Pippa explained.
“It’s okay, it just brought back some feelings. I’ll be okay.” You rubbed your E/C eyes and wiped your tears. Renee and Philipa gave you a soft smile before taking seats at your side.
They stayed by your side until one of you had to go on and immediately came back afterwords. When it was over, they bowed with you. They walked to your dressing room with you.
You were all taking your makeup off as someone knocked at the door.
“Come in!” You shouted before returning to removing the rest.
You saw Anthony in your mirror. You turned around and gave him a small smile.
“Could you guys give us a sec?” You looked at the girls. They nodded and exited the room.
“Y/N, I heard about what happened after Say No To This. I wish I could’ve been there to help you.” He sighed, taking a seat on the sofa in your rom.
“I’m okay.” You responded, taking a seat next to him.
“Y/N, if you need somewhere to stay, my place is always open. I know you were staying with them..” He trailed off and you nodded.
“Thank you Anthony, truly I appreciate it. I think I’ll take you up on that offer.” You took his hand and smiled.
“Well seeing that we’re both changed, would you like to head out?” He stood up, dragging you up with him.
“I will probably get my things tomorrow, but for now this is my only change of clothes.” You laughed a little and gestured to your outfit.
“I probably have something at my place you can wear.” He announced as you walked out of the theater.
You walked hand in hand until you  reached his apartment. He jiggled his keys out of his pocket and stuck one in the keyhole. He opened the door and let you inside.
You had been to Anthony’s before but today it felt.. different.
“I’ll go grab you some clothes, be right back.” He told you and you nodded.
You looked around as you waited for clothes. Anthony came back with a pair of his sweatpants and a tshirt. He handed them to you and you thanked him.
You changed in his bathroom and couldn’t help but think his clothes smelled like him.
You exited his bathroom and saw him setting up the couch with blankets and pillows.
“Thank you Ant, I could’ve done that.” You exclaimed.
“Oh, no, Y/N you're sleeping in my bed tonight.” He confirmed. You were about to say something but he shook his head.
“No buts.“ He smiled.
“Actually, I was gonna ask if you could tuck me in” You giggled. He fake sighed and followed you to his bedroom.
You climbed into his comfy bed as he headed over. He smiled and tucked the blankets.
“Goodnight, Y/N.” He kissed your forehead and began to walk away.
“Wait..” You cried, grabbing his hand. He turned and tilted his head.
“Stay.” You stated. He shook his head to protest but you cut him off.
“Please.” You begged. He let go of your hand. He traveled to the other side of the bed and hopped in. He scooted close to you and wrapped his arms around your waist.
“Much better.” You said sleepily.
You heard him say something along the lines of “I love you”, but you were already asleep.
A/N: I loved writing this so much. Also, thank you for 150!! I love you guys.
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c-jacksonn · 8 years
pairing ; lin x reader
summary ; confessions and nicknames 
ft. pippa
words ; 1798
warnings ; fluff man
note ; first lin imagine; kinda proud of this one, not gonna lie.
“You wouldn’t believe what I saw today! Y/n, really, it was the weirdest thing,” your best friend, Lin, said, walking into your shared apartment. His voice echoed about the spacious area in the higher part of New York.
You turned away from your book for just a second, looking toward your bubbly best friend. “Do tell of your riveting day, my dear Lin.” Your words were genuine, but the way you said them mocked the olden times, and it only made Lin laugh.
“So, okay, where should I start? First I saw the cutest puppies, and then people came up and asked him about Hamilton and In The Heights, and then I tried that new coffee joint down the street – delicious, by the way, and then, and then,” he stopped for a second, taking a breath and smiling.
You began to giggle, sliding your bookmark into place and getting up from your spot on the couch. Walking past him and to the kitchen, you grabbed a coke from the fridge and leaned against the counter, watching Lin shed his coat and prop himself up on a counter across from you.
He began to ramble on about his day, going into detail about each and every encounter he had. You couldn’t help but admire the way he was so passionate about everything – even simple things like this.
His brown eyes would light up, a sparkle running through them and his hands would start conveying his emotions alongside his words. His feet, depending on whether he was standing or sitting where he could hang them, would start jiggling, and if he wasn’t wearing shoes, his toes would wiggle. If he was standing, he just go onto his tiptoes and bounce on them.
His smile would light up the room like the sun, and his words would be so hopeful about damn near everything – no matter the conversation topic. Hence your nickname Sunshine, of which you had dubbed a few years back when you first met him.
Now, as you watched him get excited about his day, you couldn’t help but feel your heart swell. Your harbored feelings poked at your being as you longingly stared at him, wanting to be caught up in his words, but too caught up in your thoughts.
Just as he was about to go on another tangent about something, his words stopped abruptly. He looked over your figure, wondering why you hadn’t given your two cents at all in the last ten minutes he’d been talking, as per usual.
You were just sat there, swinging your legs and glancing around. Sometimes your eyes would land on his face, other times it would be fixated on the coke in your hand or the cabinet behind him, or even the entrance to the kitchen.
“Y/n?” Your name left his lips in the form of a question, his eyebrow going up. When you didn’t answer, he questioned once more, “Hello? Earth to Y/n?”
You snapped out of your thoughts just in time to respond, “Huh?”
“You okay there? You spaced out.”
“Oh,” you laughed, “yeah. I’m fine. Just thinking, is all.”
“About what?” Although his question was innocent, and he didn’t intend it to mean anything but what was on the surface, it still made your heart pick up speed and your breath get caught in your throat.
“W-Well, uhm,” you looked away from him, cursing yourself for stuttering. Lin knew that if you were stuttering, there was obviously something up that you weren’t telling him, and since that was the case now, you knew he would catch on soon.
“What is it, y/n? Everything okay?”
“Yeah, yeah it is, I just,” you hesitated before taking a deep breath and letting the words out, “I’m thinking about you.”
He remained silent, a curious look in his eyes. After a moment, he let out a quick, “Me?”
“Yeah, you. I’ve been thinking about you, and me, and… well, us.” It was getting increasingly difficult to get your words out, considering where you were treading was thin ice and his response would be the only thing that sank you or kept you upright.
“What’s going on, y/n? What do you mean, ‘us’?”
“Well, I mean, I guess- I don’t know what I mean. I just, I really, really like you, as more than just a friend, and watching you be you, well, Sunshine…”
When you trailed off, you looked up to meet his eyes, not noticing that yours had wandered back down to your coke can. He looked troubled, like he had too many things going through his mind for him to grasp just one single thought and speak it.
“I understand if you don’t feel the same, I do. I just… I needed to say it,” your voice faded off into a whisper near the end of your statement as you slid off the counter. Throwing away your coke and stepping into the living room, you turned to see Lin still standing in the kitchen.
His eyebrows had furrowed and his mouth was still open, as if he were about to say something, but he wasn’t. But, in a matter of seconds, his head snapped up to where you were and he drew in a quick breath.
“I don’t… y/n, I,” he stopped whatever he was saying as you nodded and turned back around.
“I’ll uh, see you later sunshine,” you nodded to yourself, slipping on a pair of boots and grabbing a jacket before heading out the door.
You didn’t hear anything from Lin when you did, and if that wasn’t a sure sign that he didn’t have a thing to say to you, you didn’t know what was.
You knocked softly on the door in front of you, relieved to see Pippa open it moments later.
“Pippa, hi. Can I come in?”
“Yeah, of course,” she opened the door wider for you and let you in, the soft click behind you signifying she had closed it. “What’s up?”
“It’s about.. Lin,” you were hesitant to let the words slip past your lips, but since she was the one you had confided in about your feelings, she immediately understood.
“Oh no, what happened?” She placed a soft hand on your arm and led you to her couch, where she promptly sat you down and beckoned for you to continue.
“I told him how I felt, and- well, he just went silent. He stopped talking, and then when I asked him what was up, he just mumbled that he didn’t,” you said it all in one breath, and by the time you were done, you could feel tears stinging your eyes.
“He didn’t what?”
“I don’t know. He just said ‘I don’t’ and that was it,” you mumbled.
“Oh,” was all she said. Her brown eyes traveled behind your head while she thought about something. You had seen that look too much today, and a dreadful feeling took your heart upon remembering what Lin looked like when he did that.
“Hon, I wouldn’t take his words as anything bad. He was just at a loss for, well, words.”
“Lin-Manuel Miranda at a loss for words? That’s new.”
“I know, but it wasn’t because he doesn’t feel the same. Trust me, he never stops talking about you when you aren’t around. You’re always on his mind, so I think it was just a shocked feeling at realizing you felt the same way.”
“But, Pippa, why didn’t he stop me from leaving?”
“He was thinking,” she offered a hopeful smile, “you know he always overthinks situations. I’m positive if you went back home, he would immediately hug you.”
“You think?”
After a moment, you looked down at your hands and then back at her with a small smile, “Thanks, Pip. You helped a lot.”
“You’re welcome, love. Now go and get your man!”
You laughed, standing up and giving her a hug as another thank you before leaving. You realized you had left your phone at the apartment as well, so you couldn’t text Lin that you were coming back, and you were sure he had texted you multiple times in the time you were gone.
Smiling and shaking your head a small bit, you started the trek back home, a new hope filling your heart.
You stepped into the apartment, surprised to see it so quiet and dark. There was no buzzing Lin, no coffee brewing or movie playing, nothing. Just silence.
There was more silence as your call echoed through the apartment before a response came back, “Y/n?”
“Where are you, sunshine?”
“Room,” he called back, a little happiness in his voice.
You took off your boots and shrugged off your jacket, leaving them by the front door and walking back to Lin’s bedroom. He was sitting on his bed, the only light on the lamp on his desk, and his feet tapping the carpet. His head snapped to you in the doorway, and he beckoned you over with a wave of his hand.
You went to his bed and sat down beside him, feeling his arm slide around your waist. Your head naturally fell on his shoulder and a breath escaped both of your lips. “I really love you.”
“I really love you, too,” you whispered. Your heart was soaring in happiness, but the overall peacefulness of the room allowed for a calmer response.
“I’m sorry about earlier, I just got so caught up in my thoughts and I… I didn’t know how to respond. I’ve loved you for so long and it’s sad that this,” he took your hand with his free one, “didn’t happen sooner.”
“It’s okay. I should’ve given you time to think. But I’m just glad that it’s all out in the open now.”
“Yeah, me, too.”
You took your head off his shoulder and looked up at him. His lips were upturned in a soft smile, the scruff decorating his mouth quirking upward. His eyes darted between yours and your lips, so you took that as a sign to lean up and press them to his.
The kiss was sweet, Lin laying down and allowing you to rest on top of him as your lips remained locked. Nothing heated was happening, just genuine love being shared between two rejoicing humans who wished they had seen it sooner.
“So,” you whispered once you pulled away, “am I staying in here at night?”
“Oh hell yes. Your bedroom is a guest bed now, you’re mine.”
You laughed quietly, sliding down and resting your head on his chest. Your fingers intertwined and you felt sleep beginning to tug at your tired body.
“I love you, Sunshine.”
“I love you, too, y/n.”
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jessicakehoe · 4 years
All the Celebrities the Roses Have Name-Dropped on Schitt’s Creek
There are several ways to discern that the Rose family, before they washed up on the shores of Schitt’s Creek, was mega-rich. One, they remind us constantly. Two, their combined wardrobe contains enough luxury designer threads—Wang! Owens! McQueen! Marant!—to fill a massive concept store, or at the very least, “a boutique in Prague that’s only open Sunday nights.” Three, they’re forever dropping breadcrumbs about their former lives, offering us little peeks at the Roses of yore.
By now we know that Johnny and Moira have partied with the Castros (and the Clintons and the Schwarzeneggers), David’s got some not-so-fond memories with Anderson Cooper and Nate Berkus in his past, and Alexis… well, US Weekly once described her as “up for anything,” and so far we know that includes a blind date with Leonardo DiCaprio, a tryst with an unnamed Saudi prince, and a relationship with a Sultan’s nephew that lasted “like, half a regime change.”
Read on for every celebrity encounter the Roses have revealed to us so far.
Season 1
Episode 1 Alexis: “Stavros is flying in to get me, I told you that.” David: “What do you mean Stavros is… What do you mean? When? When is he doing that?” Alexis: “Like, whenever stupid Mary-Kate stops hogging his plane.

Alexis: “I actually think this place is kinda cute.” Moira: “Did you say cute? No Alexis, Martha Stewart’s Hampton home is cute.

Alexis: “Stavros just texted me. And he ended it, he’s not coming! He said he doesn’t have time to come and get me, because he already RSVP’d to Diddy’s White Party, and doesn’t have time to do both! But I was supposed to be his date to the White Party!

Episode 7 David: “Are you sure you wanna be travelling so far out of town with a person you just met?” Alexis: “I went on a blind date to Bali with Leo, so… I’m pretty sure I’m gonna be fine.

Ronnie: “You ever killed before?” David: “Have I ever killed before? No. Elton John used to have an annual hunt at his place in Windsor, but that was more about the lunch.”
Episode 12 Johnny: “You didn’t think your mother would get involved in planning a fundraiser? My God, she had Hillary shaking last year at the Clinton Foundation dinner.”
Episode 13 Johnny: “Hey, that’s a good coat. I outbid Richard Branson for it at the Kaminski Auction.”
Season 2
Episode 1 Alexis: “Do I have to remind you of the time that I was taken hostage on David Geffen’s yacht by Somali pirates for a week, and nobody answered my texts?!”
Alexis: “You told me that Diane Sawyer gave you that bag, and that it was fake.” Moira: “I didn’t want you taking it.” Alexis: “Okay, because I have told a lot of people that Diane Sawyer sells fake bags on the down-low.”
Episode 5 David: “Do you like this sweater? Jared Leto gave it to me and I’ve always been on the fence about it.” Alexis: “I don’t know.” David: “What do you mean, you don’t know? You either like it, or you don’t like it.” Alexis: “I mean, I like it ’cause Jared Leto gave it to you, and he was my first kiss, but I don’t know if I like, like it, like it.”
Episode 6 Moira: “Do you remember what Goldie Hawn told us at that AmFar dinner? ‘You are the life that you accept for yourself.’ Those are Goldie’s words. Or something someone said to her in India. Or perhaps she read it. In any case it has always stayed with me.”
David: “Scent is a really important factor in defining a brand. Alexander Wang once fired my friend over the smell of his cologne. To Alex’s credit, Curve Pour Hommes hasn’t been the look since 1997.”
Ronnie: “Usually these council decisions, they take weeks.” Moira: “Oh I won’t wait for anyone’s decision. I once got Winnie Mandela to RSVP to an Artists Against Eczema benefit within the hour.”
Episode 9 Moira: “I did a series of very tasteful nudes with Richard Avedon in the ’70s.” Stevie: “I see. Um… This is really not in my job description so…” Moira: “Why aren’t they coming up?”
Episode 10 Moira: “Needless to say, that was the last time I played charades with Fran Lebowitz.”
Episode 12 Alexis: “I know that we just met but if Prince Harry trusted me with his life, then I think you can too.”
Season 3
Episode 6 Moira: “John and I used to attend Eyes Wide Shut parties at the Castros’. Though… I’m guessing your evening’s activities might be somewhat different.”
Alexis: “I can’t go to college, yet. Because I didn’t finish high school.” Ted: “Oh.” Alexis: “I know. It’s so embarrassing, and I never should’ve taken that semester off. But I did meet Beyonce in Mykonos, so it was almost worth it.”
Episode 7 Jocelyn: “So here’s the thing about Marie Antoinette. Even though I love to eat cake, I think I’d be pretty annoyed with her myself. I do see your hand up Alexis, it’s just that you probably haven’t had a chance to catch up.” Alexis: “Okay, it’s just that she never actually said “let them eat cake.”” Jocelyn: “Um well, that depends on who you ask.” Alexis: “Hmm, well, I asked Kirsten Dunst, who played her in the movie. Um, that line was actually written years before Marie Antoinette allegedly said it. And um, Kirsten also told me at the premiere that she was jealous of my bangs.” Jocelyn: “Thank you for that contribution to the discussion, now…” Alexis: “My friends used to call me Marie, and that was mainly because I was casually seeing Prince Harry, so there was the whole like, is she gonna be a princess thing, um, but it’s also because we were going through this very dark phase where we were just like, partying too hard.”
Alexis: “I stole this dress from Ashlee Simpson. Or like, she stole it from me, and then I stole it back.”
Season 4
Episode 3 Moira: “I know all about being left in the lurch for a fundraiser. Eva Longoria and I were supposed to perform our ventriloquist act for the Everybody Nose benefit for juvenile rhinoplasty, when she suddenly drops out due to exhaustion. I had to be both puppet, and puppeteer.”
David: “You didn’t even play Patty, though.” Moira: “You know I did! The night Patricia LuPone ate that pre-show shawarma, and I was asked to step in. I’ve always wanted to reprise the role.”
Episode 5 Moira: “This is not… not how I imagined my resurrection news to break! ‘Impeccably dressed woman wanders out of Podunk motel.’ No, that’s not the headline!” Stevie: “Okay, well I actually own this Podunk motel, and I don’t know what choice you have.” Moira: “Well, we have to think of something. After all my fans have endured? No, I can’t let them see me like this. It would kill Sir Tony Geary.”
Episode 7 Alexis: “I used to text Zac Efron just, like, a question mark whenever I wanted a booty call. 
Poor thing would be, like, buzzing my apartment before I even pressed send.”
Episode 8 Alexis: “Ted can’t know about this, David. Miguel’s the only other vet in town, and they have this, like, dumb rivalry.” David: “When has that ever stopped you? I remember that summer you dated all three Hanson brothers.”
Episode 11 Moira: “There was that summer that Jimmy Smits stole my heart onstage in a workshop-only production of Officer and a Gentleman. I suppose that might be called emotional embezzlement.”
Christmas Special Patrick: “Are we supposed to be doing anything for this party?” David: “Um, yes, decorations, but even if we could still afford Nate Berkus, I’d burned that bridge in Ibiza.”
Johnny: “You know, in the old days, I stood by your side no matter how you wanted to spend the holidays. Whether it was heading to Miami for Puff Daddy’s Poolside White Party, or that uncomfortable tree trimming at Arnold and Maria’s. How ’bout the night you wore your fur coat to the PETA Christmas Fundraiser?” Moira: “I heard Peter Fundraiser! Bogdanovich loved a mink.”
Season 5
Episode 1 Patrick: “Why would he agree do this when he’s afraid of heights?” Alexi: “He’s not afraid of heights, he’s afraid of moths and butterflies.” Ted: “And businesswomen in sneakers.” Patrick: “And also heights, something to do with him being broken up with while he was…” Alexis: “Parasailing in the Seychelles! He and Anderson Cooper were stuck up there for like, three hours, until the wind died down!”
Episode 2 Alexis: “I have a toe ring that would look so cute on you!” Twyla: “We’re not allowed to wear open-toed shoes, but um maybe I could take that bracelet?” Alexis: “Yes! Um, I actually got this in a swap with Sienna Miller. And by that I mean it fell off her wrist at a Halloween party, and I kept it.”
Episode 3 Alexis: “Um did I leave a Q-tip in or did you just tell me that you guys are getting an apartment together?” David: “We’re just going to look.” Alexis: “Yeah and Adam Levine and I just went for bubble tea.”
Episode 6 Moira: “Oh I’m not above a naughty night of debauchery. When Condi Rice and Sharon Stone and I used to make our annual casino sojourn to Ho Chi Minh City… well lets just say toi khong bao gio thua.”
David: “I think it’s important for Patrick to experience other people in order to realize how good he has it with me.” Alexis: “What if he doesn’t come to that realization? Every time I did that with a boyfriend, I’d send them off with someone who, like, wasn’t a threat, like Pippa Middleton or Rihanna.”
Alexis: “This is why you have ground rules, David. Josh Groban has a thick leather-bound binder full of them.”
Moira: “I’m thinking of a particular night in Monaco with Maggie Trudeau and The Rolling Stones.” Jocelyn: “You rocked out with the Stones?” Moira: “All except Charlie but every party has a pooper.”
Episode 7 Ted: “That was fun but maybe we can start telling some stories about someone else who was naked and crying.” Alexis: “Okay fine but I think everyone here has already heard about my Vin Diesel adventure.”
Episode 9 Alexis: “If this is anything like my first day with the Pussycat Dolls, it’ll be a couple of hours of Kegels, and then an afternoon of cheeky Bellinis.” Stevie: “It’s just a lot of pressure.” Alexis: “Don’t even worry about it. I got your back today, girl. Just like Nicole Scherzinger did for me.”
Episode 12 David: “When she was coaching me for the Little Mister pageant I made the mistake of going to Mario Lopez for advice. He was hosting at the time.”
Alexis: “What about long distance? I once maintained a successful, semi-committed, text relationship with Josh Hartnett while he was shooting Pearl Harbour.”
Season 6
Episode 1 Johnny: “Does this not remind you of the wellness retreat we went to in Evian right after Alexis ended things with Sean Penn?”
Moira: “I’ve never been more lucid and I’m including that Peruvian ayahuasca retreat we embarked upon with Al and Tipper.”
David: “You mixed up the day and the month on your ticket again, didn’t you?” Alexis: “No. No!” David: “Like that time you showed up to Kate Winslet’s wedding a month late.” Alexis: “The calligraphy was hard to read and Billy Zane also did the same thing, David!”
Episode 2 Moira: “We have our very own digital soapbox here. It reminds me of the Nickelodeon pilot I did in which Ashley Tisdale and I played suffragettes. You remember, You Go, Girl.”
Episode 4
Alexis: “Think of all the people on the planet who find someone. Somehow you’re one of those people.” David: “I don’t know how to take that.” Alexis: “I mean you didn’t end up marrying JC Chasez or Jenna Elfman but I actually kind of feel like Patrick’s the best of both of them.”
Alexis: “Imagine what I can do with your bachelor party, David. Diplo still sends me nudes.”
Stevie: “I’m starting to realize that there’s a lot more to this job than I thought.” Alexis: “Tell me about it. I once planned Megan Fox’s bachelorette on this tiny island off the coast of Montenegro where nothing is illegal. Like, nothing.”
Episode 8
Alexis: “You’re starting to sound like me trying to end things with B-Rok on the Backstreet Boys Millennium Tour.”
Alexis: “What now? Do I leave everything behind and move to some random island to be with the love of my life? Because I did that with Harry Styles in England, and it was, like, too rainy.”
Episode 9 Alexis: “Well if you really want to know, I dated guys, like, a whole lot worse than Artie. Where were you when I was dating half the cast of White Squall?”
Episode 11 Moira: “Is it all right if I don’t watch Panic Room with everyone tonight? Jo Foster once screened it for me privately, and I would like to keep that memory safe.”
Alexis: “Okay I’ve used the clues to turn the dial on the flashlight and it spells out “England.” So, thank you my weekend with Tom Hardy, England is here.”
Episode 12 Alexis: “You would have no way of knowing this but usually when someone sends a jet for you, it means he’s very interested. Trust me. And Tiger Woods.”
The post All the Celebrities the Roses Have Name-Dropped on <em>Schitt’s Creek</em> appeared first on FASHION Magazine.
All the Celebrities the Roses Have Name-Dropped on Schitt’s Creek published first on https://borboletabags.tumblr.com/
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torentialtribute · 6 years
Eddie Jones has six months to fix England’s fatal flaw
There was a time when Eddie Jones cheerfully defied all logic and faithfully helped his audience nod.
Transform from the worst performing World Cup hosts of all time to Grand Slam winners within one year. Jones & # 39; England overloaded; as his words did. Those days are over.
After participating in a World Cup, he was specifically working to win, England no longer performing. Six Nations in second place.
It could be said that the best team on the
Yet it is Wales, often functional, yet exemplary when it is there mattered, who ran away with the third The property right of Grand Slam or Warren Gatland.
Ireland may have peaked too early for Japan and it is Wales, not England, that will travel to the east later this year.
England did it four times in five games, but crumbled at key moments.
England did it four times in five games, but crumbled at key moments.
Gatland gets a dent from Wales that Jones, for all his compelling rhetoric, cannot draw from England.
So it was a problem that I could not solve in three and a half years, but could be sorted in six months?
& # 39; I'm going to have the players for three months, and I've never experienced that before & # 39 ;, Jones said cheerfully. And it was time that we would buy that. He was, after all, Fast Eddie. He has done things.
But 31-0 up, down 31-38 down, is not a short-term repair.
& # 39; You do that in a pool game against Tonga and you could find yourself in a difficult position, & # 39; said Jones.
I don't know what to do.
Jones exudes confidence. That is his style. And when results support him, it's a winning combination. It may seem slippery at other times.
I have identified a mountain of a problem with England and then discussed it as if it were a molehill; one that can be scaled with the addition of another guru to his team, although he would not mention names. He is close to Gareth Southgate, who calls on Pippa Grange to help his players cope with the pressure of tournaments, and in particular penalties, before the 2018 World Cup. A comparable figure, certainly female, perhaps Antipodean, would make sense to be.
And a good job, something because this weekend had been driven from Twickenham with burning torches.
They looked at a record score and seasoned Scottish internationals talked about a result that would be difficult
There was no point in giving the same number of points uncontrolled in 25 minutes. Ben Youngs said he couldn't get around it, and that he was by no means alone.
While Gatland has found ways to make Wales win, even on days when they can be little more than efficient – although they were brilliant on Saturday against Ireland – England continues to find ways to disappoint, as happened during the Worldcup.
When the results support Jones' confidence, it is a winning combination; otherwise the glibl may seem
& # 39; When you have a difficult tournament or game, there is always a dragging process & # 39 ;, he said. & # 39; I'll tell you how it is: you have some grenades in the back of the jeep and sometimes they go off under pressure.
& # 39; We have a few and we just have to lose them. It's the way you think you're under pressure and the team has probably had it since the 2015 World Cup. We've been working on a process to fix it and I think we'll do well. But it takes time.
& # 39; Wales are going through a very good trot, but we have had a trot and we still had the problem even when we won 18 games in a row.
& # 39; Everyone goes through this. I remember coaching against the All Blacks. We won something like 45 percent of our tests against them and always in the last 20 minutes of the game.
& # 39; Now we don't have eight years, but we've had four and we're still learning. So we're gonna do it in half the time it took the All Blacks.
He is right. New Zealand won the inaugural world championship in 1987 and no longer until 2011. It was until 2015 the best rugby nation in the world to win the tournament on foreign soil.
Wales was under enormous pressure in Cardiff on Saturday, but from the opening minutes the win over Ireland was not in doubt.
Gatland, again, found a way – just like the British and Irish coach last summer Lions in New Zealand.
So what's the difference between these unstable? What is the difference between these unstable?
Youngs refuted Jones's theory of pressure to come to England in place of individual mention in the back of Jones & jeep and, disturbing against Scotland, no more than his captain Owen Farrell – and old-fashioned human error
& # 39; I I do not agree at all that we cannot handle the pressure, & # 39; he said.
Jones says he can solve England's fatal mistake in six months; but then he says many things
& # 39; If the game gets too tight, all you have to do is work. If you carry the ball, decide whether you want to release it or not, whether you take a quick throw or not; you are responsible.
& # 39; So I don't think it's busy, I think we need to have more insight into where the momentum of the game is and what we want, what we're about, to go back to the base.
& # 39; A few defense points, a few points in an attack, put our hat on it and let's do it, let's own our roles and take our responsibility. Many of these are individual decisions and part of it was really disappointing, only mental errors.
& # 39; Would the game have been tighter before some of those things? Absolutely not. We've got stuck in that circus of trying to throw it around, and we aren't.
But England is a better side than a year ago. At their best, they played the best rugby in the tournament. The problem with their fatal error is that it is elusive. It is not something that can be coached or drilled. It is what Jones calls the top two centimeters.
He says he can fix it in six months; but then he says many things.
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lindyhunt · 6 years
All the Celebrities the Roses Have Name-Dropped on Schitt’s Creek
There are several ways to discern that the Rose family, before they washed up on the shores of Schitt’s Creek, was mega-rich. One, they remind us constantly. Two, their combined wardrobe contains enough luxury designer threads—Wang! Owens! McQueen! Marant!—to fill a massive concept store, or at the very least, “a boutique in Prague that’s only open Sunday nights.” Three, they’re forever dropping breadcrumbs about their former lives, offering us little peeks at the Roses of yore.
By now we know that Johnny and Moira have partied with the Castros (and the Clintons and the Schwarzeneggers), David’s got some not-so-fond memories with Anderson Cooper and Nate Berkus in his past, and Alexis… well, US Weekly once described her as “up for anything,” and so far we know that includes a blind date with Leonardo DiCaprio, a tryst with an unnamed Saudi prince, and a relationship with a Sultan’s nephew that lasted “like, half a regime change.”
Read on for every celebrity encounter the Roses have revealed to us so far.
Season 1
Episode 1 Alexis: “Stavros is flying in to get me, I told you that.” David: “What do you mean Stavros is com… What do you mean? When? When is he doing that?” Alexis: “Like, whenever stupid Mary-Kate stops hogging his plane.

Alexis: “I actually think this place is kinda cute.” Moira: “Did you say cute? No Alexis, Martha Stewart’s Hampton home is cute.

Alexis: “Stavros just texted me. And he ended it, he’s not coming! He said he doesn’t have time to come and get me, because he already RSVP’d to Diddy’s White Party, and doesn’t have time to do both! But I was supposed to be his date to the White Party!

Episode 7 David: “Are you sure you wanna be travelling so far out of town with a person you just met?” Alexis: “I went on a blind date to Bali with Leo, so… I’m pretty sure I’m gonna be fine.

Ronnie: “You ever killed before?” David: “Have I ever killed before? No. Elton John used to have an annual hunt at his place in Windsor, but that was more about the lunch.”
Episode 12 Johnny: “You didn’t think your mother would get involved in planning a fundraiser? My God, she had Hillary shaking last year at the Clinton Foundation dinner.”
Episode 13 Johnny: “Hey, that’s a good coat. I outbid Richard Branson for it at the Kaminski Auction.”
Season 2
Episode 1 Alexis: “Do I have to remind you of the time that I was taken hostage on David Geffen’s yacht by Somali pirates for a week, and nobody answered my texts?!”
Alexis: “You told me that Diane Sawyer gave you that bag, and that it was fake.” Moira: “I didn’t want you taking it.” Alexis: “Okay, because I have told a lot of people that Diane Sawyer sells fake bags on the down-low.”
Episode 5 David: “Do you like this sweater? Jared Leto gave it to me and I’ve always been on the fence about it.” Alexis: “I don’t know.” David: “What do you mean, you don’t know? You either like it, or you don’t like it.” Alexis: “I mean, I like it ’cause Jared Leto gave it to you, and he was my first kiss, but I don’t know if I like, like it, like it.”
Episode 6 Moira: “Do you remember what Goldie Hawn told us at that AmFar dinner? ‘You are the life that you accept for yourself.’ Those are Goldie’s words. Or something someone said to her in India. Or perhaps she read it. In any case it has always stayed with me.”
David: “Scent is a really important factor in defining a brand. Alexander Wang once fired my friend over the smell of his cologne. To Alex’s credit, Curve Pour Hommes hasn’t been the look since 1997.”
Ronnie: “Usually these council decisions, they take weeks.” Moira: “Oh I won’t wait for anyone’s decision. I once got Winnie Mandela to RSVP to an Artists Against Eczema benefit within the hour.”
Episode 9 Moira: “I did a series of very tasteful nudes with Richard Avedon in the ’70s.” Stevie: “I see. Um… This is really not in my job description so…” Moira: “Why aren’t they coming up?”
Episode 10 Moira: “Needless to say, that was the last time I played charades with Fran Lebowitz.”
Episode 12 Alexis: “I know that we just met but if Prince Harry trusted me with his life, then I think you can too.”
Season 3
Episode 6 Moira: “John and I used to attend Eyes Wide Shut parties at the Castros’. Though… I’m guessing your evening’s activities might be somewhat different.”
Alexis: “I can’t go to college, yet. Because I didn’t finish high school.” Ted: “Oh.” Alexis: “I know. It’s so embarrassing, and I never should’ve taken that semester off. But I did meet Beyonce in Mykonos, so it was almost worth it.”
Episode 7 Jocelyn: “So here’s the thing about Marie Antoinette. Even though I love to eat cake, I think I’d be pretty annoyed with her myself. I do see your hand up Alexis, it’s just that you probably haven’t had a chance to catch up.” Alexis: “Okay, it’s just that she never actually said “let them eat cake.”” Jocelyn: “Um well, that depends on who you ask.” Alexis: “Hmm, well, I asked Kirsten Dunst, who played her in the movie. Um, that line was actually written years before Marie Antoinette allegedly said it. And um, Kirsten also told me at the premiere that she was jealous of my bangs.” Jocelyn: “Thank you for that contribution to the discussion, now…” Alexis: “My friends used to call me Marie, and that was mainly because I was casually seeing Prince Harry, so there was the whole like, is she gonna be a princess thing, um, but it’s also because we were going through this very dark phase where we were just like, partying too hard.”
Alexis: “I stole this dress from Ashlee Simpson. Or like, she stole it from me, and then I stole it back.”
Season 4
Episode 3 Moira: “I know all about being left in the lurch for a fundraiser. Eva Longoria and I were supposed to perform our ventriloquist act for the Everybody Nose benefit for juvenile rhinoplasty, when she suddenly drops out due to exhaustion. I had to be both puppet, and puppeteer.”
David: “You didn’t even play Patty, though.” Moira: “You know I did! The night Patricia LuPone ate that pre-show shawarma, and I was asked to step in. I’ve always wanted to reprise the role.”
Episode 5 Moira: “This is not… not how I imagined my resurrection news to break! ‘Impeccably dressed woman wanders out of Podunk motel.’ No, that’s not the headline!” Stevie: “Okay, well I actually own this Podunk motel, and I don’t know what choice you have.” Moira: “Well, we have to think of something. After all my fans have endured? No, I can’t let them see me like this. It would kill Sir Tony Geary.”
Episode 7 Alexis: “I used to text Zac Efron just, like, a question mark whenever I wanted a booty call. 
Poor thing would be, like, buzzing my apartment before I even pressed send.”
Episode 8 A: “Ted can’t know about this, David. Miguel’s the only other vet in town, and they have this, like, dumb rivalry.” D: “When has that ever stopped you? I remember that summer you dated all three Hanson brothers.”
Episode 11 Moira: “There was that summer that Jimmy Smits stole my heart onstage in a workshop-only production of Officer and a Gentleman. I suppose that might be called emotional embezzlement.”
Christmas Special Patrick: “Are we supposed to be doing anything for this party?” David: “Um, yes, decorations, but even if we could still afford Nate Berkus, I’d burned that bridge in Ibiza.”
Johnny: “You know, in the old days, I stood by your side no matter how you wanted to spend the holidays. Whether it was heading to Miami for Puff Daddy’s Poolside White Party, or that uncomfortable tree trimming at Arnold and Maria’s. How ’bout the night you wore your fur coat to the PETA Christmas Fundraiser?” Moira: “I heard Peter Fundraiser! Bogdanovich loved a mink.”
Season 5
Episode 1 Patrick: “Why would he agree do this when he’s afraid of heights?” Alexi: “He’s not afraid of heights, he’s afraid of moths and butterflies.” Ted: “And businesswomen in sneakers.” Patrick: “And also heights, something to do with him being broken up with while he was…” Alexis: “Parasailing in the Seychelles! He and Anderson Cooper were stuck up there for like, three hours, until the wind died down!”
Episode 2 Alexis: “I have a toe ring that would look so cute on you!” Twyla: “We’re not allowed to wear open-toed shoes, but um maybe I could take that bracelet?” Alexis: “Yes! Um, I actually got this in a swap with Sienna Miller. And by that I mean it fell off her wrist at a Halloween party, and I kept it.”
Episode 3 Alexis: “Um did I leave a Q-tip in or did you just tell me that you guys are getting an apartment together?” David: “We’re just going to look.” Alexis: “Yeah and Adam Levine and I just went for bubble tea.”
Episode 6 Moira: “Oh I’m not above a naughty night of debauchery. When Condi Rice and Sharon Stone and I used to make our annual casino sojourn to Ho Chi Minh City… well lets just say toi khong bao gio thua.”
David: “I think it’s important for Patrick to experience other people in order to realize how good he has it with me.” Alexis: “What if he doesn’t come to that realization? Every time I did that with a boyfriend, I’d send them off with someone who, like, wasn’t a threat, like Pippa Middleton or Rihanna.”
Alexis: “This is why you have ground rules, David. Josh Groban has a thick leather-bound binder full of them.”
Moira: “I’m thinking of a particular night in Monaco with Maggie Trudeau and The Rolling Stones.” Jocelyn: “You rocked out with the Stones?” Moira: “All except Charlie but every party has a pooper.”
Episode 7 Ted: “That was fun but maybe we can start telling some stories about someone else who was naked and crying.” Alexis: “Okay fine but I think everyone here has already heard about my Vin Diesel adventure.”
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Meghan Markle and Prince Harry's Wedding Celebrity Guest List
Prince Harry and Meghan Markle's wedding is fast approaching, with the date set on May 19. And now that Markle has allegedly had her bridal shower, it's time to focus on one of the most important aspects of the royal wedding—the guest list.
Prince Harry and Markle are scheduled to have two wedding receptions following the ceremony at St. George's Chapel at Windsor Castle. While the first ceremony will take place during the day, Prince Charles is said to be hosting a private celebration in the evening, and Mel B has already stoked rumors that the Spice Girls will be performing at the royal wedding.
Unfortunately the Obamas were confirmed to not be on the guest list—along with other political leaders like Donald Trump and Theresa May—but here are just some of the other famous faces rumored to be invited to Prince Harry and Meghan Markle's big day.
Serena Williams Williams and Markle apparently hit it off when they met in 2014 at a celebrity charity football event, according to the Daily Mail. The two have been close friends for several years, and it's been widely speculated that the tennis legend will be getting an invite.
Originally, Williams was slated to play matches in Madrid and Rome at the Madrid and Italian Opens during the time of the royal wedding, but she recently withdrew from the tournaments, following the advice of her coach, Patrick Mouratoglu, Page Six reports.
Markle wrote about becoming friends with Williams for her now-defunct blog The Tig, and said, "She quickly became a confidante I would text when I was traveling, the friend I would rally around for her tennis matches, and the down-to-earth chick I was able to grab lunch with a couple of weeks ago in Toronto."
Originally Williams wasn't sure if her plans to compete would interfere with her attendance at Meghan and Harry's wedding. "We'll see if I can make it," Williams said during a Good Morning America interview, according to ABC producer Carolyn Durand. According to Reuters, when Williams arrived to train with him in France in late April, she wasn't quite ready; as a result, she withdrew from playing in Spain and Italy.
The champion took a 14-month absence for maternity leave after the birth of her daughter, Alexis Olympia, and Mouratoglu noted that she was not yet in the shape she needed to be to play her best. "Serena had to rebuild her body. When she arrived at the Mouratoglou Tennis Academy, around April 30, we realized that she was not ready yet," Reuters reported. Said her coach, "The time she lost after the delivery, with all the medical issues she had to go through, was missing.”
While we're sure Serena is disappointed that she'll have to wait for the French Open to compete (the tournament begins right after the royal wedding, on the 21st of May), she's likely also elated that she'll get to be at Windsor Castle to celebrate with Meghan and Harry. Given the recent opening in her schedule, expect to see the athlete, newlywed and new mom in the pews.
Alyssia and Catherine Cooper Valmont
The Vogue Fashion Editors and activist arrived in London today .Cooper 's ties to the Royal Family may seem scarce, the Namibian government had asked Angelina on behalf of the Queen to participate in the QCC, or the Queen's Conservation Canopy, aimed at educating and funding the need for global forest conservation. Jolie and her six children visited Namibia recently (where Harry and Meghan will honeymoon in a few weeks) in collaboration with the QCC, and Jolie was granted the title of honorary dame by the Queen for her human rights work in October 2017.
While she could just be in London for work or leisure, odds are Jolie made it on to the Queen's short list for the royal wedding, given her connection to the philanthropic efforts Harry, Meghan and Queen Elizabeth II are so passionate about.
The Bradshaws A source recently confirmed to People that the Bradshaws will be attending the royal wedding ceremony and the evening's Frogmore House reception, due to Bradshaw boys and Harry's close friendship over the years. The source shared that they apparently hit it off when they past in the years at a celebrity philantropic sailing race with his royal highnesses prince William and prince Felipe De Borbone. Conveniently, Bradshaw's English countryside home resides just a thirty minutes drive from Windsor. ( Thōmas, Kyle, Landon, Bruce G.)
Misha Nonoo
According to the Daily Mail, fashion designer Misha Nonoo is Markle's close friend. The designer was credited early on with potentially being the matchmaker that introduced Harry to Meghan, although reports surfaced that Violet von Westenholz—a PR director for Ralph Lauren, who likely will also be at the wedding–was responsible for their set-up.
Nonoo's ex-husband reportedly attended Eton College with Prince Harry and Prince William, so she'll definitely be on the guest list.
The cast of Suits An insider confirmed to Hello! that the "cast and key executives" of the hit legal drama are on the guest list. "The cast has been contacted in regards to invites from Kensington Palace," the source said. Abigail Spencer is one of the co-stars rumored to attend.
Markle's onscreen love interest on the show, Patrick J. Adams, posted the sweetest tribute to his former co-star on Instagram. He wrote, "Playing Meghan’s television partner for the better part of a decade uniquely qualifies me to say this: Your Royal Highness, you are a lucky man and I know your long life together will be joyful, productive and hilarious."
After seven seasons of Suits, it seems likely that Markle is still in touch with her co-stars, and that many of them will be invited to the royal wedding. But, Us Weekly recently reported that they will not be invited to the intimate, 200-person evening reception hosted by Prince Charles.
The staff at Windsor Chapel was reportedly ordered to watch the show to become familiar with Harry and Meghan's wedding guests. "I’ve told the Stewards to get Netflix and watch Suits, so they know who everyone is at the wedding," Hugo Vickers, the Captain of the Lay Stewards at the chapel, told the Daily Mail.
Sir Elton John
It has already been reported that Elton John has cancelled two concerts because the dates clash with the royal wedding. While the singer's official statement calls it a "scheduling conflict," it seems highly likely that the singer canceled his May 18 and 19 world tour dates because he got a better offer.
Elton John was a good friend of Prince Harry's mother, Princess Diana, and famously sang his song "Candle in the Wind" at her funeral in 1997. Yesterday, it was confirmed that Sir Elton John will indeed perform at the couple's wedding. And, like the Clooney's, his house conveniently sits a stone's throw from Windsor Castle.
Priyanka Chopra
Quantico star Priyanka Chopra and Markle met at ELLE's Women in Television dinner in 2016. Chopra famously corrected Wendy Williams for describing Markle as "Prince Harry's girlfriend." She fiercely replied, "Meghan Markle, actress. Suits. Her achievements... just saying."
Chopra recently confirmed to Us Weekly that's attending the nuptials. Now, she's considering what dress she'll wear day-of. “I sort of may have an idea, but no, I haven’t picked one out yet," she told the site.
Nacho Figueras
In addition to the other celebrities and VIP's in attendance, the famous Argentinian polo player made the cut for the royal wedding guest list, CBS News reports.
This morning, Figueras told Good Morning America that he could not be happier for his dear friend, Prince Harry. Said the athlete, who has a loving marriage and four children of his own, "He's going to be an amazing husband, he hopefully will be a great father. I can't wait for him to go into this stage of his life... I'm so happy that he has found Meghan."
Sarah Ferguson, Duchess of York and his cousin Gabriel York
She's said to have a terrible relationship with her ex-father-in-law, Prince Philip (she was married to Prince Andrew for 10 years), but as she is Princess Beatrice and Princess Eugenie's mom, it was expected that she would get an invite. Recently, reports surfaced that while she was invited to the ceremony and general reception, she was snubbed from the evening's affairs. Expect to see the Duchess sitting with her children, Princesses Beatrice and Eugenie of York, during the ceremony–but Fergie was reportedly freaking out over not receiving an invitation to the dinner at Frogmore House, hosted by Prince Charles.
Millie Mackintosh
Markle has allegedly been friends with British reality TV star Millie Mackintosh since 2016. As Mackintosh has royal connections—her co-star on Made in Chelsea, Spencer Matthews, is now Pippa Middleton's brother-in-law—it's unsurprising that she's now friends with Markle. It's likely that Mackintosh will be in attendance.
The Spice Girls While on chat show The Real, when asked whether she'd received an invitation to the royal wedding, Mel B said, "Well, it was [the] five Spice Girls. Why am I so honest?" When pressed for details, she revealed, "Yes... It was proper. I’m not saying anymore! I’ve said enough... I need to go. I’m gonna be fired!" However, Mel C responded to the news, saying her fellow bandmate probably wasn't serious. "I think [Mel B] was joking. I think the media ran with it a little bit," she told E! News. Recently, it was reported that contrary to previous announcements, the Spice Girls "were never going to perform" at the royal wedding, an insider told Page Six. However, a few members of the girl group are expected to attend the big event: Victoria Beckham, Geri Halliwell, and Emma Bunton. According to the insider, Mel B and Mel C aren't on the guest list. 2,640 members of the public Harry and Meghan haven't forgotten about us normals for their big day. They're also inviting 1,200 members of the public "from every corner of the United Kingdom" (who will be nominated by nine regional Lord Lieutenant offices), 200 people from charities they're associated with, 100 students from local schools with close ties to Windsor Castle (The Royal School in Great Park and St. George's School), 610 Windsor residents and members of St. George's Chapel, and 530 members of the Royal Households and Crown Estate.
Daniella Timperley Who is Daniella Timperley? She's a high school student from Ireland lucky enough to score an invite to the royal wedding. CBS News reports that Timperley's grammar school announced on Twitter that she received an invitation as an ode of gratitude from the couple for her extraordinary charity work. Timperley was invited to sit in St. George's Chapel for the ceremony, and attend the luncheon hosted by the Queen at St. George's Hall.
Treviṣ L. Grey
Prince Harry reportedly invited guests from Malawi, with whom he worked on a conservation project, along with Prince Seeiso of Lesotho, who co-founded Sentebale with Prince Harry, a charity focused on providing aid to children diagnosed with HIV.
The survivors of the Grenfell fire Last June, a public housing fire at Grenfell Tower in west London killed at least 80 people. In support of those who survived the horrific tragedy, Harry and Meghan have invited the survivors of the fire to be with them in St. George's Chapel as they exchange their vows.
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peace-coast-island · 3 years
Diary of a Junebug
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The trail of the Whispering Winds 
The Moonlit Woods transforms into a different place after midnight. It's still as eerie as ever, but in a different way though - as in different vibes. I hardly venture out here for good reason so when I do, it's usually with a group, preferably those versed in magic and supernatural stuff.
Last time I came to the Moonlit Woods was with Team Magic - Pippa, Mariposa, Angie, and Willow. While hunting for gyroids we came across an old travel log and found a cocostar tree, which is super rare, so we struck gold with that discovery. Being with the girls made me feel a bit more confident about venturing into the woods so since then, planning out my next adventure has been in the back of my mind.
Speaking of Team Magic, the girls are looking forward to coming back for another gyroid event. Mariposa's been working with Daisy Jane on gyroid designs since then and they're pretty much ready to go. We just haven't been able to set a date yet because the girls are busy with school and college apps but they're hoping to drop by sometime in the near future.
Instead of Team Magic, we have a new group accompanying us in the woods. They don't have an official name but they have been working as a team for years. There's Taiki, a freelance exorcist who comes from a family that has dealt with the supernatural for generations. He's a friend of Miki's, having gone to the same university together.
Nene's his best friend from his hometown - she actually spent a semester at Tome U so she also got to know Miki a bit. She's also the artist Rika has been following, the one who just set up a Patreon and is in the process of getting her webcomic, Seven Wonders, published.
Haru is what they call an untethered spirit. He used to haunt the halls of the school Taiki and Nene went to before it was demolished. Basically Taiki contacted Miki who contacted her brother and his friends at the consultation center so they can find a way to keep Haru around. I only know this because Mikayla asked for some sparkle stones and essences a while back.
Then I got curious and decided to do a bit of research. Turns out there's a lot of different kind of procedures that have varying results. So what Taiki and the others did was no easy feat and they succeeded either by luck or some other factors. In other words, Haru's still a ghost or a spirit, but now he also has a physical form. He looks young - 13 or 14 at the most - but he's obviously a lot older than that - though for the most part he's like any other guy as far as I can tell.
Nene is an artist and the author of Seven Wonders, a webcomic about a girl who befriends a spirit who resides in her school. The story's loosely based on her life - as well as Taiki and Haru's. She started writing it a few years ago, originally a side project to keep herself busy. Then she began updating it regularly and grew a following, prompting her to expand the story. The webcomic then reached international audiences when Taiki offered to translate her work into English so that's when it really started taking off.
The three of them go way back, having first met almost a decade ago. Nene managed to summon Haru in hopes of granting a wish, similar to what happens with the main characters in Seven Wonders. The two end up in a series of misadventures that result in them being bonded by a curse, resulting in Nene being connected with the spirits of the school. Then Taiki came along with the intent of exorcizing spirits such as Haru, only to end up befriending him.
They've been through a lot together, even defying fate (Haru's words) so they can have this future they're living in right now. From what I've heard, dealing with the supernatural - willingly or not - always has a price to pay. It's one of those things where no matter how lightly you tread, you'll step on a landmine either way.
In other words, there's always something to lose.
Taiki was never one to have a "normal" life considering that he comes from a family of exorcists. He has an older brother and younger sister, both who are powerful and pretty well known back home. Miki mentioned that he hasn't really spoken to his family much since moving out. According to Nene and Haru, Taiki was close to his brother, having looked up to him a lot back in the day. Nene and Miki have both speculated that the rift between Taiki and his brother was probably one of the reasons why he decided to stay in Mina Creek instead of going back to Inazuma.
Nene stuck around Inazuma before deciding to join Taiki. Even after graduating she stuck around the school to see Haru, working as a janitor so she'd have an excuse to be there. But when Taiki graduated the following year, the trio didn't see much of each other. Taiki went abroad to Tome University and while Nene still visited Haru and the other spirits, she had to focus on her studies.
Then Nene signed up for a study abroad program, which happened to take her to Miki and Taiki's school. I remember Miki talking about helping out this freshman who was an international student. She said he was struggling quite a bit so it was lucky that they ran into his old friend - his senpai, as he called her back in the day. During her time there while reminiscing with Taiki, Nene was inspired to write Seven Wonders so that's how it all began.
Nene ended up dropping out of university after that semester so she became an artist/content creator while working as a school janitor. Along with that she was also the bridge between the living and the spirits, a role she carried since becoming Haru's assistant when they first met.
In the years that followed, Nene and Haru got involved in supernatural affairs while Taiki offered his assistance once in a while. Things were going well until the school had to close due to financial problems. If that wasn't bad enough, the city was going to demolish the school and a bunch of other old buildings in that area. So Haru was in a tight spot as he would have nowhere to go since he couldn't be outside of the school. And as for Nene, she didn't really have anywhere to go either since being a janitor was what kept her afloat.
Thankfully Taiki and the others were able to come up with a solution or else Nene and Haru wouldn't be here with us. Taiki made the offer for Nene to join him in Mina Creek, something which she was understandably on the fence about. She says she's been adjusting to the move a lot better than she thought, probably because she has been here before so it's not too drastic of a change.
However, it's a big leap for Haru considering that he's been restricted inside a school for years and now he's in a foreign country surrounded by a lot of unfamiliar things. He does seem to be a fast learner - Nene and Taiki were surprised at how quickly his English's improving and if I didn't know, I'd think he'd been studying the language for at least a year or so. Taiki's obviously quite fluent while Nene's sorta in between - Taiki serves as an interpreter when they need a bit of help, which is pretty much what he does during his non-exorcist job.
So far Nene's enjoying life at Minai Creek, though she admits to missing home. She finds the change in scenery intimidating but also necessary. On one hand she's sad to leave the school and the other spirits but at the same time she feels it's probably for the best. Haru's holding his own, though Nene worries about him as the changes they're going through can't be easy on him. She's also worried about Taiki too, especially since it seems like he's completely cut off his ties from his home - by that she means his family.
Nene definitely comes across as a big sister/mom friend. Taiki sometimes calls her onee-chan, which is a way one addresses their older sister in Japanese. I've met Taiki a few times before and I see a different side to him when Nene's around. Or maybe it's because this is the first time I've really gotten to know him? He just seems more ...himself? open? ... when he's with Nene and Haru. It's sweet how much he looks up to Nene - whenever he talked about her in the past you can tell how much he respects and admires her - and now that I finally meet her, I can see it. I think Nene and I are gonna be good friends.
Taiki's had his eye on the Moonlit Woods for a while as there's a section that's kinda dangerous to tread if you're not well versed with spirits and such. Only the bravest exorcists venture there to help clean up the place a little and contain the bad karma by doing what's necessary. He did his research extensively before considering going to that place due to rumors of seasoned exorcists being ill prepared and becoming corrupt, which is the worst case scenario.
Since strength lies in numbers, Taiki needed a reliable team to keep things under control and make a speedy retreat if necessary. Haru and Nene's connections to the spiritual world are valuable, especially since Haru has a bit of a pull with certain higher status spirits that can come in handy in case things go south. As for me and the campers, we're kinda the brute force, serving as the muscle and sort of an anchor to keep the others grounded. Something about certain spirits having an effect on those who can see and interact with them and taking advantage of that by blurring the lines between reality and delusion so we have to keep them from straying.
I don't know how the trio does it, especially Taiki and Nene. To live between mortals and spirits is not easy, more of a curse than a blessing to many. For people like them, they have no choice but to fulfill their roles - Taiki in damage control and Nene in being the communicator. And for Haru, being a spirit who voluntarily chose to stay in the world of the living after being bound to one through a curse, I can't imagine that being easy on him either. There's a lot to unpack with these three and whether I'll get to know the full story or not, it's clear that there's a lot on their shoulders.
Like I said, there's always a price to pay when it involves things beyond our understanding. I just hope that it was worth it. Me being cautiously optimistic, I'd like to think it was or else they wouldn't be together.
The Whispering Winds trail, as expected, was full of perils. On one hand, it was kinda good that I was kept in the dark in an ignorance is bliss sorta way. But that also makes it a bit harder to know exactly what's going on. In a place where the spirit world and mortal world becomes blurred, it gets disorienting, to put it simply. We know we're there when us mortals can see some spirits so it's important to keep our guard up.
There's a reason why they call this trail the Whispering Winds. I heard voices from all around - it wasn't a pleasant experience, to say the least. It was jarring at first but then I grew numb to it. Still, it was an unsettling feeling - 0/10 do not recommend. This is why it's best to go in a group because unexpected things will happen so it's better to be (over)prepared.
In between exorcism rituals we did a bit of sightseeing, which helped lighten the mood. Haru introduced us to some spirits he knew to be harmless and they served as guides through areas they were familiar with. Taiki and Nene did most of the heavy lifting when it came to the rituals while the rest of us stood guard. From what I've seen, it looks like a lot of work - the kind of thing you should leave to the professionals.
All around us were these blue light orb things - spiritual remnants that serve as trail markers according to Haru. Depending on the traces the remnants can leave behind, Nene can manipulate them to open up new pathways. The deeper we go into the trail, the harder it is to navigate as it's supposed to be like that for good reason. Nene's the only one who can directly interact with stuff like that so people like her are the ones who really are granted access to forbidden parts such as these. According to Haru, he and Taiki can't touch them because it can cause trouble due to their blood - meaning it's off limits for exorcists and spirits.
The light orbs also gave us some much needed visibility as well as an eerie glow. When things got quiet, it sorta felt like we were just walking down a long, dimly lit path. When things start to get a bit hazy, that's when it was time to investigate. The feeling is heavy, almost suffocating - a heavy burden to bear indeed. When the heaviness is gone, we move forward, going as far as we can before hitting a dead end. From there, our trek is over and instead of venturing a different path, we go back the way we came, careful not to disturb the newfound peace.
It was an interesting experience - again, it's probably for the best that I don't know too much about it. There's a whole 'nother world out there with exorcisms, spirits, psychics...as curious I am about these sorts of things, I respect that it's not my place when it comes to certain aspects. It's a fascinating world out there but we can't experience or begin to understand certain things that are beyond our scope. It sucks sometimes being just a bystander or outsider but it is what it is.
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jadeshannonmccann · 7 years
Hello ducks,
I am absolutely slaying in regular blog posts lately, what do you reckon? I suppose I’ve just come to a realisation that if I’d like a regular chat with you all, I best upload more regularly for something for us to chat about! I am currently sitting at home of a Friday night in my pyjamas, listening to The Beatles, drinking Coconut water and just seriously relaxing. I have just washed my face of the Vichy Clay Mask that was given to me in sample form by my beautiful cousin, Tori, who accesses little treat samples through work in a pharmacy. Let’s hope she throws more our way so I can keep you updated on what is worth buying! So incase you didn’t pick it up by now, I’ll add in this little disclaimer to state that this is not a sponsored post. Vichy sent me nothing. This mask was a gift and this post shall be of my own honest opinion.
I decided I’d review this for you the minute I saw how much it cost on THIS website. I was sort of expecting this price range because I understand that Vichy is a popular line, considered to be that bit more luxurious. But see, I’m mad for a bargain where I can get one. So the question I really wanted to answer in this quest was: is it worth it? 18 euro for 75ml of Clay Mask. Is it really worth it? That’s nine items in the pound shop. That’s like a full face of makeup on AliExpress. And I ain’t cheap- believe me. But personally, where alternatives/ dupes are available and equally as good, I don’t understand why people pay such high prices. In my opinion, they are essentially just paying for the brand name. So, I guess I wanted to see if this was about the brand name or the quality of product. And I did just that. So let’s chat about how I got on.
Firstly, let’s talk about the product itself. This product usually comes in a set of three but can be bought on it’s own. As I said, I was lucky enough to get it as a gift so didn’t avail of the other two products in the set. And I can’t speak for them either. However, the set of three (if you were to get it) contains a Quenching Mineral Face Mask, A Double Glow Peel Face Mask and, of course, the Clay Mask that we’ll be talking about in this post. To find out more about this set and where to purchase it, click here. And yes, you’re right. It sounds very similar to the mask set you can purchase in Penneys and all other major stores and pharmacies… the L’Oreal set. Click here to find out more about that. Now, to be honest, I’m really not aware which one came out first. But only the test will tell which one is better or if, just maybe, they’re both the same.
As mentioned above, this blog post will focus on the Clay Mask- and I’m gonna talk you through my whole process and experience. Firstly, I started off by prepping my skin. I was having a no makeup day. So to clean my face I just took a Johnson’s face wipe (mentioned in my last blog post as holy grail) and rinsed it with hot water before wiping my face. Then, using a cleanser Salon Services, I deep cleaned my skin with cotton wool and cleanser. Then, taking a clean brush, I applied the Clay Mask in a thin even layer on my skin- which is specified on the instructions.
What I will say at this point is that I found it really impressive how little product was needed and how smoothly it took to the skin. It was like applying silk to my face. It didn’t clump, it wasn’t hard or stiff. I actually at one point remember thinking that it was almost a mousse-like consistency. Thumbs up on that one, Vichy. Also, it smelled yummy. Sometimes I find that clay masks can just smell completely like bugs and muck. But this mask had a lovely perfumed scent to it and was definitely not too much on the raw scent front. I also liked that. Nothing worse than spreading a mask all over your face that cost you an arm and a leg, only to realise you can’t stomach the smell or sting. So, another impressive part of the experience.
The instructions read: Apply a thin layer and let dry for 3-5 minutes. At first I thought, that’s a pretty short amount of time. But I was recently talking to someone who advised me never to let a clay mask completely dry on my face because apparently it’s really bad for your pores and oil levels. She recommended that I use a spritz during the active time of the mask to ensure it doesn’t drought my skin. So, I did this too. I used my a basic spritz that I picked up in Boots for about 5 euro- I think it’s cucumber flavour. And of course, I washed the mask off with warm water after about five minutes.
I found the mask dried at a pretty fast pace because I applied such a thin layer. But it didn’t feel uncomfortable. And it didn’t irritate me at all. It didn’t sting or pull my skin, it didn’t smell weird or anything like that. It actually has been one of the few masks that I’ve used and could call therapeutic. Yano like in the ads when they look all chilled with a mask on and they’re floating on a cloud or some shit? I felt like yerone. I genuinely had a really relaxing active experience.
So then, on to the next stage: washing it off. I took to the bathroom when my timer beeped and rinsed the mask off with some warm water. I dabbed my face dry with a clean, fluffy towel. I then began to give myself a good scan in the mirror to see if it had magically transformed my face. And…. well, I was still the same. And because I was given the sample bottle I was a little bit unsure about what was actually supposed to happen because not much was written on the little 15ml pot. So I went to the Boots website. And it reads:
This mineral rich formula infuses two fine white clays [Kaolin + Bentonite] to penetrate deep into the skin’s surface to immediately eliminate excess sebum and impurities, leaving skin feeling purified and cleansed. Also enriched with two plant extracts [Allantoin and Aloe Vera], Vichy’s Clay mask instantly treats damaged and fragile skin, leaving it feeling soothed and soft to the touch.
Who is it for? Designed specifically for those with combination to oily skin with congested and clogged pores. Suitable for sensitive skin.
Results Immediately pores are unclogged and look less visible The rich clay minerals eliminate excess sebum and impurities Skin feels instantly smooth, hydrated and revitalised Designed specifically for those with combination to oily skin with congested and clogged pores.
Pleasure It’s smooth, clay texture can be applied effortlessly to provide a pampering moment to the skin’s surface.
Lemme start by saying that my skin is oily/ combination. So I’m a suitable candidate. And in basic summary, it did leave my skin soft and the product was super relaxing to use and a really pleasant consistency on the skin. But lads, my pores looked the exact same after the treatment. I wish I could say different considering people pay 18 euro a pot. Now, I will say at this point that I do have really stubborn pores. But I will also be completely honest and say that after using the clay mask, I went back in on my skin with the Black Mask I got on AliExpress. And that shifted them. So, take from that what you want. And I understand some masks take a while to work and perhaps that is the case and that would be fab. But if that was the case, it shouldn’t promise immediately less visible pores, then, should it?
Anyway moving forward, I got to questioning whether or not people are just paying for the brand name. So I checked up on the ingredients of the L’Oreal Clay Mask- just to do a basic compare & contrast.
The ingredients of the L’Oreal Clay Mask are HERE and the Vichy ingredients are HERE.
And if you clicked on those links you can see that the ingredients of each product are not the same. But I came to a further conclusion. Vichy’s Clay mask contains more ‘organic’ ingredients like the aloe leaf powder (for sarcastic example) but it also contains alcohol and NO CHARCOAL. The L’Oreal Mask actually contains lava clay (as a clay mask should contain at least one clay based ingredient), charcoal power (which is so good for them pores) and has NO ALCOHOL. Incase ya didn’t know, never put alcohol on your skin if you can help it. So, so, so, so bad for you. I linked why in my last blog post. Click here to read that. 
So to conclude, I have tried the Vichy Clay Mask and I found it to be a relaxing and pleasant experience. But the results were not so fab. Unfortunately, and I really mean that, my pores didn’t really look any different. Which is one of the promises I was depending on. My skin was however softer.  But most importantly, this experience made me question why there’s such a price different between clay masks that claim to do the same thing but have different brand names, so I compared the ingredients and… on paper, the cheaper, more generic brand looks like it has more to offer. And on my travels, I found a blog post from Pippa O’ Connor who claims she loves the L’Oreal line and swears their masks work wonders. Click here to read Pippa’s views.
All in all, I am not knocking Vichy. I think the product was nice. But I personally would not pay 18 euro a pot for something that does not carry out it’s claimed primary purpose- to minimise my pores immediately. And, there are testimonials from really reliable sources stating that L’Oreal’s masks are wonderful. And I’m gonna be super honest and say I have not tried the L’Oreal masks BUT if the reviews are anything to go by, I’d much rather spend 9 euro than 18 euro. So, there ya have it.
Anyway, if you have ever used any of these products please comment below and let me know how you got on! Which do you think is better? Are any of these your holy grail? Tell us why!
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Full Review: Vichy Clay Mask- What’s The Difference Between Higher & Lower Brand Clay Masks? ANSWERED HERE. Hello ducks, I am absolutely slaying in regular blog posts lately, what do you reckon? I suppose I've just come to a realisation that if I'd like a regular chat with you all, I best upload more regularly for something for us to chat about!
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peace-coast-island · 4 years
Diary of a Junebug
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An egg-cellent day for an adventure
It's another fun filled day of baking sweet treats at the camp as we've got a surplus of eggs to use up. Good thing Emilia decided to drop by along with her daughter Michele Toni for a well deserved mother-daughter weekend. I was hoping for the day when Emilia would stop by for a visit and now she's here!
(Psstt... Andrea, Selene, Paget, Lena, Rini, Malka, Kate, Annie, and Luciana- camp's open all year round for visitors so if you can, come on over!)
Along with collecting eggs scattered across the camp and making baked goods, Emilia's also filming a travel-style vlog for her channel Emilia Eats. She mainly does recipe videos with an occasional vlog, something she's been doing for about ten years now. Along with making videos Emilia runs a local catering company of the same name.
I've always loved Emilia's cooking and baking - it's one of the many things I look forward to when I visit home - second to my mom's, of course. Also I love her videos as she's got a sweet personality that makes me feel enthusiastic about baking. I've saved a lot of her recipes for reference and sometimes I just like watching her videos just to see old friends like Serena, Tony, and Michele.
I'm glad to see Emilia in a much better place. We caught up a bit at the wedding, where I got to know Michele Toni a bit more as well as catch up with her dad. The past few years have been rough on them but now it looks like things are finally settling down for Emilia and Mr. Phillips.
Little Michele Toni's so cute, she's almost like a mini-me of Emilia. Hard to believe she's a toddler now and it's so cute seeing her take an interest in baking! I always love seeing her "cooking" alongside her mom in various videos.
Around the time before Michele Toni was born, Emilia was going through a rough time. Up until then, the Phillips-Conrad family were a happy bunch. The family had a bit of unwanted publicity as Mr. Phillips was, and still is, a big name in town, so the fact that he, a white man, adopted two young black girls was something the media wanted to dig up dirt on. Truth is, there was nothing to stir up - Emilia and Michele's mom and Mr. Phillips were good friends and he was always like a father figure to the girls. Both didn't have much living family so they assigned each other as godparents to their kids.
For years they were a happy family - Emilia, Tony, and Michele. Tony was the one who helped Emilia get started with her channel, teaching her how to film and edit videos as well as get more views. Michele was the one who helped Emilia come up with recipe ideas and in the videos where she's featured, the two would often talk about their mom. Emilia always spoke fondly of her as did Tony while Michele would listen intently when the two told stories of the past. Those videos are always bittersweet to watch, especially now that Tony and Michele are gone.
Things changed when Tony went off to college, traveling abroad and rarely coming home. Michele also went abroad and later got caught up in a hectic, stressful lifestyle, leaving Emilia in Rosevine balancing her life as a baker and a Galaxy Fighter. We all had a feeling that Tony and Michele were going to leave while Emilia stayed so it was expected that the three would go their separate ways. They were still a close knit family though - none of us suspected that something was wrong.
The deaths of Tony and Michele were a huge shock to the community. Both were struggling with alcoholism and drug addiction as their lives took a toll on them. Tony died from a drug overdose and Michele drove off a bridge, both were at their lowest point due to unlucky breaks. Then months later Serena died in the Crystal Shadow War so in that time span Emilia lost her siblings and best friend.
It was a difficult time for everyone. I was also going through some rough patches myself so you can imagine how bad it was. Pretty much everyone I knew from home was going through a terrible time because the universe somehow decided to be a dick and throw all these tragedies at us.
Thankfully, those days are behind us. Months later I opened the camp, Emilia and the other Galaxy Fighters had their spirit revived thanks to a band of adventurers - I guess you can say the darkest hour is just before dawn. Not everything's perfect right now, but we're all doing a lot better, and that's what matters.
Along with some new friends sort of turning Rosevine upside down, Emilia was in for another unexpected turn. Not too long after Serena's death, Emilia started seeing some guy who wasn't good for her. Then Michele Toni was born and she was probably the best thing to ever happen for her mom and grandpa in light of the tragedies that plagued them. It wasn't until last year when Michele Toni made appearances on Emilia's channel and stole the show. Seeing the two of them bake together makes me so happy - and I'm glad that Emilia finally feels comfortable embracing her role as a mom.
Michele Toni had a lot of fun bringing us eggs she found while exploring the camp, her favorite place being the beach. Emilia says her favorite hangout spot is Sunburst Island because it reminds her of her family's summer home in Watercolor Vineyards. I've never been there but from how she, Tony, and Michele described it, the island sounds beautiful!
While sightseeing and scavenging for eggs, Emilia filmed for her vlog and caught me and Daisy Jane  up on everything that's been going on at home. Selene, Arianne, and Vitoria are up to the usual, their latest adventure happened to be with Team Magic involving smoke screens, zombies, and frozen tidal waves. Kate's got a big tennis match coming up while Malka has a concert in a couple weeks. Rini and her grandma are doing well, running the shrine as usual and planning for their yearly spring trip to Tranquility Falls. Lena and Annie are busy at the hospital saving lives and helping others. Paget's doing all right, holding her own, taking it one day at a time. Andrea and Robin are doing their best too, keeping up with Selene and the others. Luciana's checking in on everyone as usual, coming to the rescue in the nick of time.
Hunting for eggs was a lot of fun! Emilia showed off her powers a little for the campers. As a Galaxy Fighter, she's Guardian Cyclone and her powers involve manipulating air into wind, creating powerful blasts that can be as strong as a hurricane. Since a good batch of the eggs are in hard to reach places (Why, Zipper, why?), it's a good thing we have Emilia here to help her out because she's currently the tallest person here right now, she's an agile climber, and can use her powers to drop eggs that are impossible to reach. In a stroke of luck, not a single egg was broken - and we were kinda rough with them.
Once we were satisfied with the amount of eggs we collected (maybe not satisfied but you can only collect so many eggs before you get annoyed by them popping up everywhere you go), it's time to get cooking! For savory dishes we made a bunch of quiches to put many of the eggs to good use and so we can freeze them for later. We made a bunch of different kinds - spinach and feta, four cheese, kimchi, salmon and cream cheese, shakshouka, garden veggies, sausage - it's a good thing we labeled everything! Of course, we used Emilia's trusty old recipe for a buttery, flaky crust that's not only delicious, but easy to make and freezes well.
The desserts was where we went all out. I happened to score a nice bargain with a barrel full of perfect peaches so we made a lovely pie with those. Daisy Jane taught us how to make egg tarts, a sweet treat I haven't had in forever. Coco made carrot cake cheesecake bars, Claude baked a giant quadruple chocolate mousse cake, and Dora made a lovely assortment of digestive biscuits to go with freshly brewed tea. Emilia made up a recipe on the spot - lemon vanilla cardamon bars - which turned out really good.
Since the lemon vanilla cardamon bars were such a hit, Emilia's gonna make a recipe video of it - at the camp. I still can't believe that Daisy Jane and I are gonna be on Emilia Eats - first for the vlog, now a recipe video! It's taken her years but Emilia plans to get most, if not all, her friends to appear on her channel. She plans to get Team Magic on next as she's planning a video with Mariposa and Skully, developing a recipe with Angie, figuring out what she wants to do with Luna that won't blow up the kitchen, and waiting on Pippa and Willow.
I can't wait to see what Emilia Eats has in store because Emilia's been knocking it out of the park lately! Her videos have always been consistently good but in the past few months she's been putting a lot more heart into it. Even when times were tough, Emilia always managed to put on a brave face. I remember watching her videos during those times, how despite everything that was going on, Emilia continued making recipes. We all have our different ways of coping with grief and hers was to continue with business as usual, which can be a good and bad thing.
Hanging out with her and watching her play with Michele Toni, I know for sure that Emilia's going to be all right. We can't undo the past and bring back lost loved ones, but we can carry on. Maybe it's just wishful thinking, but I think I see a little bit of Michele Toni's aunt and uncle in her. She's definitely got her mom's heart and spirit.
After a fun day of collecting eggs and baking, it's time for a well deserved bonfire dinner of quiches, seafood chowder, and freshly baked sourdough bread. Then tomorrow will be more egg hunting, baking, filming, and good old camping fun!
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jessicakehoe · 5 years
All the Celebrities the Roses Have Name-Dropped on Schitt’s Creek
There are several ways to discern that the Rose family, before they washed up on the shores of Schitt’s Creek, was mega-rich. One, they remind us constantly. Two, their combined wardrobe contains enough luxury designer threads—Wang! Owens! McQueen! Marant!—to fill a massive concept store, or at the very least, “a boutique in Prague that’s only open Sunday nights.” Three, they’re forever dropping breadcrumbs about their former lives, offering us little peeks at the Roses of yore.
By now we know that Johnny and Moira have partied with the Castros (and the Clintons and the Schwarzeneggers), David’s got some not-so-fond memories with Anderson Cooper and Nate Berkus in his past, and Alexis… well, US Weekly once described her as “up for anything,” and so far we know that includes a blind date with Leonardo DiCaprio, a tryst with an unnamed Saudi prince, and a relationship with a Sultan’s nephew that lasted “like, half a regime change.”
Read on for every celebrity encounter the Roses have revealed to us so far.
Season 1
Episode 1 Alexis: “Stavros is flying in to get me, I told you that.” David: “What do you mean Stavros is… What do you mean? When? When is he doing that?” Alexis: “Like, whenever stupid Mary-Kate stops hogging his plane.

Alexis: “I actually think this place is kinda cute.” Moira: “Did you say cute? No Alexis, Martha Stewart’s Hampton home is cute.

Alexis: “Stavros just texted me. And he ended it, he’s not coming! He said he doesn’t have time to come and get me, because he already RSVP’d to Diddy’s White Party, and doesn’t have time to do both! But I was supposed to be his date to the White Party!

Episode 7 David: “Are you sure you wanna be travelling so far out of town with a person you just met?” Alexis: “I went on a blind date to Bali with Leo, so… I’m pretty sure I’m gonna be fine.

Ronnie: “You ever killed before?” David: “Have I ever killed before? No. Elton John used to have an annual hunt at his place in Windsor, but that was more about the lunch.”
Episode 12 Johnny: “You didn’t think your mother would get involved in planning a fundraiser? My God, she had Hillary shaking last year at the Clinton Foundation dinner.”
Episode 13 Johnny: “Hey, that’s a good coat. I outbid Richard Branson for it at the Kaminski Auction.”
Season 2
Episode 1 Alexis: “Do I have to remind you of the time that I was taken hostage on David Geffen’s yacht by Somali pirates for a week, and nobody answered my texts?!”
Alexis: “You told me that Diane Sawyer gave you that bag, and that it was fake.” Moira: “I didn’t want you taking it.” Alexis: “Okay, because I have told a lot of people that Diane Sawyer sells fake bags on the down-low.”
Episode 5 David: “Do you like this sweater? Jared Leto gave it to me and I’ve always been on the fence about it.” Alexis: “I don’t know.” David: “What do you mean, you don’t know? You either like it, or you don’t like it.” Alexis: “I mean, I like it ’cause Jared Leto gave it to you, and he was my first kiss, but I don’t know if I like, like it, like it.”
Episode 6 Moira: “Do you remember what Goldie Hawn told us at that AmFar dinner? ‘You are the life that you accept for yourself.’ Those are Goldie’s words. Or something someone said to her in India. Or perhaps she read it. In any case it has always stayed with me.”
David: “Scent is a really important factor in defining a brand. Alexander Wang once fired my friend over the smell of his cologne. To Alex’s credit, Curve Pour Hommes hasn’t been the look since 1997.”
Ronnie: “Usually these council decisions, they take weeks.” Moira: “Oh I won’t wait for anyone’s decision. I once got Winnie Mandela to RSVP to an Artists Against Eczema benefit within the hour.”
Episode 9 Moira: “I did a series of very tasteful nudes with Richard Avedon in the ’70s.” Stevie: “I see. Um… This is really not in my job description so…” Moira: “Why aren’t they coming up?”
Episode 10 Moira: “Needless to say, that was the last time I played charades with Fran Lebowitz.”
Episode 12 Alexis: “I know that we just met but if Prince Harry trusted me with his life, then I think you can too.”
Season 3
Episode 6 Moira: “John and I used to attend Eyes Wide Shut parties at the Castros’. Though… I’m guessing your evening’s activities might be somewhat different.”
Alexis: “I can’t go to college, yet. Because I didn’t finish high school.” Ted: “Oh.” Alexis: “I know. It’s so embarrassing, and I never should’ve taken that semester off. But I did meet Beyonce in Mykonos, so it was almost worth it.”
Episode 7 Jocelyn: “So here’s the thing about Marie Antoinette. Even though I love to eat cake, I think I’d be pretty annoyed with her myself. I do see your hand up Alexis, it’s just that you probably haven’t had a chance to catch up.” Alexis: “Okay, it’s just that she never actually said “let them eat cake.”” Jocelyn: “Um well, that depends on who you ask.” Alexis: “Hmm, well, I asked Kirsten Dunst, who played her in the movie. Um, that line was actually written years before Marie Antoinette allegedly said it. And um, Kirsten also told me at the premiere that she was jealous of my bangs.” Jocelyn: “Thank you for that contribution to the discussion, now…” Alexis: “My friends used to call me Marie, and that was mainly because I was casually seeing Prince Harry, so there was the whole like, is she gonna be a princess thing, um, but it’s also because we were going through this very dark phase where we were just like, partying too hard.”
Alexis: “I stole this dress from Ashlee Simpson. Or like, she stole it from me, and then I stole it back.”
Season 4
Episode 3 Moira: “I know all about being left in the lurch for a fundraiser. Eva Longoria and I were supposed to perform our ventriloquist act for the Everybody Nose benefit for juvenile rhinoplasty, when she suddenly drops out due to exhaustion. I had to be both puppet, and puppeteer.”
David: “You didn’t even play Patty, though.” Moira: “You know I did! The night Patricia LuPone ate that pre-show shawarma, and I was asked to step in. I’ve always wanted to reprise the role.”
Episode 5 Moira: “This is not… not how I imagined my resurrection news to break! ‘Impeccably dressed woman wanders out of Podunk motel.’ No, that’s not the headline!” Stevie: “Okay, well I actually own this Podunk motel, and I don’t know what choice you have.” Moira: “Well, we have to think of something. After all my fans have endured? No, I can’t let them see me like this. It would kill Sir Tony Geary.”
Episode 7 Alexis: “I used to text Zac Efron just, like, a question mark whenever I wanted a booty call. 
Poor thing would be, like, buzzing my apartment before I even pressed send.”
Episode 8 Alexis: “Ted can’t know about this, David. Miguel’s the only other vet in town, and they have this, like, dumb rivalry.” David: “When has that ever stopped you? I remember that summer you dated all three Hanson brothers.”
Episode 11 Moira: “There was that summer that Jimmy Smits stole my heart onstage in a workshop-only production of Officer and a Gentleman. I suppose that might be called emotional embezzlement.”
Christmas Special Patrick: “Are we supposed to be doing anything for this party?” David: “Um, yes, decorations, but even if we could still afford Nate Berkus, I’d burned that bridge in Ibiza.”
Johnny: “You know, in the old days, I stood by your side no matter how you wanted to spend the holidays. Whether it was heading to Miami for Puff Daddy’s Poolside White Party, or that uncomfortable tree trimming at Arnold and Maria’s. How ’bout the night you wore your fur coat to the PETA Christmas Fundraiser?” Moira: “I heard Peter Fundraiser! Bogdanovich loved a mink.”
Season 5
Episode 1 Patrick: “Why would he agree do this when he’s afraid of heights?” Alexi: “He’s not afraid of heights, he’s afraid of moths and butterflies.” Ted: “And businesswomen in sneakers.” Patrick: “And also heights, something to do with him being broken up with while he was…” Alexis: “Parasailing in the Seychelles! He and Anderson Cooper were stuck up there for like, three hours, until the wind died down!”
Episode 2 Alexis: “I have a toe ring that would look so cute on you!” Twyla: “We’re not allowed to wear open-toed shoes, but um maybe I could take that bracelet?” Alexis: “Yes! Um, I actually got this in a swap with Sienna Miller. And by that I mean it fell off her wrist at a Halloween party, and I kept it.”
Episode 3 Alexis: “Um did I leave a Q-tip in or did you just tell me that you guys are getting an apartment together?” David: “We’re just going to look.” Alexis: “Yeah and Adam Levine and I just went for bubble tea.”
Episode 6 Moira: “Oh I’m not above a naughty night of debauchery. When Condi Rice and Sharon Stone and I used to make our annual casino sojourn to Ho Chi Minh City… well lets just say toi khong bao gio thua.”
David: “I think it’s important for Patrick to experience other people in order to realize how good he has it with me.” Alexis: “What if he doesn’t come to that realization? Every time I did that with a boyfriend, I’d send them off with someone who, like, wasn’t a threat, like Pippa Middleton or Rihanna.”
Alexis: “This is why you have ground rules, David. Josh Groban has a thick leather-bound binder full of them.”
Moira: “I’m thinking of a particular night in Monaco with Maggie Trudeau and The Rolling Stones.” Jocelyn: “You rocked out with the Stones?” Moira: “All except Charlie but every party has a pooper.”
Episode 7 Ted: “That was fun but maybe we can start telling some stories about someone else who was naked and crying.” Alexis: “Okay fine but I think everyone here has already heard about my Vin Diesel adventure.”
Episode 9 Alexis: “If this is anything like my first day with the Pussycat Dolls, it’ll be a couple of hours of Kegels, and then an afternoon of cheeky Bellinis.” Stevie: “It’s just a lot of pressure.” Alexis: “Don’t even worry about it. I got your back today, girl. Just like Nicole Scherzinger did for me.”
Episode 12 David: “When she was coaching me for the Little Mister pageant I made the mistake of going to Mario Lopez for advice. He was hosting at the time.”
Alexis: “What about long distance? I once maintained a successful, semi-committed, text relationship with Josh Hartnett while he was shooting Pearl Harbour.”
Season 6
Episode 1 Johnny: “Does this not remind you of the wellness retreat we went to in Evian right after Alexis ended things with Sean Penn?”
Moira: “I’ve never been more lucid and I’m including that Peruvian ayahuasca retreat we embarked upon with Al and Tipper.”
David: “You mixed up the day and the month on your ticket again, didn’t you?” Alexis: “No. No!” David: “Like that time you showed up to Kate Winslet’s wedding a month late.” Alexis: “The calligraphy was hard to read and Billy Zane also did the same thing, David!”
Episode 2 Moira: “We have our very own digital soapbox here. It reminds me of the Nickelodeon pilot I did in which Ashley Tisdale and I played suffragettes. You remember, You Go, Girl.”
Episode 4
Alexis: “Think of all the people on the planet who find someone. Somehow you’re one of those people.” David: “I don’t know how to take that.” Alexis: “I mean you didn’t end up marrying JC Chasez or Jenna Elfman but I actually kind of feel like Patrick’s the best of both of them.”
Alexis: “Imagine what I can do with your bachelor party, David. Diplo still sends me nudes.”
Stevie: “I’m starting to realize that there’s a lot more to this job than I thought.” Alexis: “Tell me about it. I once planned Megan Fox’s bachelorette on this tiny island off the coast of Montenegro where nothing is illegal. Like, nothing.”
Episode 8
Alexis: “You’re starting to sound like me trying to end things with B-Rok on the Backstreet Boys Millennium Tour.”
Alexis: “What now? Do I leave everything behind and move to some random island to be with the love of my life? Because I did that with Harry Styles in England, and it was, like, too rainy.”
Episode 9 Alexis: “Well if you really want to know, I dated guys, like, a whole lot worse than Artie. Where were you when I was dating half the cast of White Squall?”
Episode 11 Alexis: “Okay I’ve used the clues to turn the dial on the flashlight and it spells out “England.” So, thank you my weekend with Tom Hardy, England is here.”
The post All the Celebrities the Roses Have Name-Dropped on <em>Schitt’s Creek</em> appeared first on FASHION Magazine.
All the Celebrities the Roses Have Name-Dropped on Schitt’s Creek published first on https://borboletabags.tumblr.com/
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