#gomal university
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nawabdera · 8 months ago
‏اَللّٰھُمَّ صَلِّ عَلٰی مُحَمَّدٍ وَعَلٰی آلِ مُحَمَّدٍ کَماصَلَّيتَ عَلٰی اِبْراھِيمَ وَعَلٰی آلِ اِبْراھِيمَ اِنَّكَ حَمِيدُ مَّجِيدُُ اَللَّھُمَّ بَارِك عَلٰی مُحَمَّدٍوَّعَلٰی آلِ مُحَمَّدٍ کَمَا بَارکتَ عَلٰی اِبراھِيمَ وَعَلٰی آلِ اِبراھيمَ اِنَّكَ حَمِيدُ مَّجِيدُ
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nawabdera1 · 7 months ago
Artificial intelligence tools to be controlled before they get out of control
flipboard.com/@nawabdera/artificial-intelligence-6uohdmrvz ﷽ Though Ai is a nice tool yet its use by the criminals is very dangerous Many Ai tools have been used to attack social media users to limit them I would recommend the World Intellectual Property Organization to take prompt actions against such people and sites This is very important for the humanity
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nawabdera · 7 months ago
بِسمِ اللَّهِ الرَّحمٰنِ الرَّحيمِ الحَمدُ لِلَّهِ رَبِّ العٰلَمينَ الرَّحمٰنِ الرَّحيمِ مٰلِكِ يَومِ الدّينِ إِيّاكَ نَعبُدُ وَإِيّاكَ نَستَعينُ اهدِنَا الصِّرٰطَ المُستَقيمَ ��ِرٰطَ الَّذينَ أَنعَمتَ عَلَيهِم غَيرِ المَغضوبِ عَلَيهِم وَلَا الضّالّينَ
‏اَللّٰھُمَّ صَلِّ عَلٰی مُحَمَّدٍ وَعَلٰی آلِ مُحَمَّدٍ کَماصَلَّيتَ عَلٰی اِبْراھِيمَ وَعَلٰی آلِ اِبْراھِيمَ اِنَّكَ حَمِيدُ مَّجِيدُُ اَللَّھُمَّ بَارِك عَلٰی مُحَمَّدٍوَّعَلٰی آلِ مُحَمَّدٍ کَمَا بَارکتَ عَلٰی اِبراھِيمَ وَعَلٰی آلِ اِبراھيمَ اِنَّكَ حَمِيدُ مَّجِيدُ
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qaumisafeer · 5 years ago
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گومل یونیورسٹی کے طلبہ پر پولیس کا تشدد، چیئرمین بلاول بھٹو زرداری کی حمایت رکن قومی اسمبلی اور پشتون تحفظ موومنٹ (پی ٹی ایم) کے رہنما محسن داوڑ نے خیبر پختونخوا کے ضلع ڈیرہ اسمٰعیل خان کی گومل یونیورسٹی میں انتظامیہ کے خلاف احتجاجی مظاہرہ کرنے والے طلبہ پر پولیس کے تشدد اور ان کی گرفتاری کی مذمت کی ہے۔
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risingpakistan · 12 years ago
Atta-ur-Rahman, FRS, D.Phil., TI, SI HI, NI, is a leading scientist and scholar in the field of organic chemistry from Pakistan, especially renowned for his research in the various areas relating to natural product chemistry. With over 850 publications in the field of his expertise, he is also credited for reviving the higher education and research practices in Pakistan. 
Atta-ur-Rahman has had a prominent record in Cambridge Overseas School Certificate in 1958, and 'A' Levels in 1960 from the Karachi Grammar School. In 1963, he received B.Sc (Hons.) in Chemistry, followed by M.Sc in Organic Chemistry from Karachi University. He received Commonwealth Scholarship in 1965 to study for Ph.D in Organic Chemistry under supervision of Dr. J. Harley Mason and received Ph.D at Kings College, Cambridge in 1968.
He was subsequently awarded a Doctorate of Science by University of Cambridge in 1987, a Doctorate of Education by Coventry University in 2007, a Doctorate of Science by Bradford University in 2010, a Doctor of Philosophy by Asian Institute of Technology, Thailand in 2010 and honorary Doctor of Scıence by University of Technology MARA. Malaysıa. A number of other universities have also granted honorary doctorate degrees to Atta-ur-Rahman including University of Karachi, Sir Syed University and Gomal University.
Academic career
Atta ur Rahman started his career in 1964 as a Lecturer at University of Karachi. He remained Fellow at Kings College, Cambridge between 1969 to 1973, and is presently Honorary Life Fellow at Kings College, University of Cambridge, UK. In 1977, he became Co-Director of Husein Ebrahim Jamal Research Institute of Chemistry at University of Karachi to become Director in 1990. He has over 864 international publications in several fields of organic chemistry including 670 research publications, 20 patents, 115 books and 59 chapters in books published by major U.S. and European presses. Seventy sıx students have completed their Ph.D. degrees under his supervision.
HAARP Research
In 2010 Atta ur-Rahman, published his views that the United States government was financing a science research project in Alaska which could affect weather. This sparked off a public debate with other scientists, when Pervez Hoodbhoy lamented the decline of academic standards in Pakistan. The views of Pervez Hoodbhoy have been strongly refuted by neutral international authorities, Fred Hayward (US consultant to USAID), Wolfgang Voelter (Tübingen University) and Michael Rode (Innsbruck University, Chairman of UN Commission on Science, Technology & Development) [9] who have praised the remarkable transformation of the higher education sector in Pakistan under the leadership of Atta-ur-Rahman. A number of major international prizes and awards have also been won by Atta-ur-Rahman in recognition of these contributions Prof. Atta-ur-Rahman has subsequently clarified that he did not state that HAARP could cause earthquakes but he did refer to the European Union resolution that condemned the US funded research on HAARP which could potentially alter weather patterns and on which 12 US patents had been obtained.
Positions held 
Fellow, Kings College, Cambridge University (1969–1973) 
Professor at H.E.J. Research Institute of Chemistry at Karachi University 
Coordinator General of COMSTECH(1996–present) 
Federal Minister of Science & Technology (2000–2002) 
Federal Minister of Education (2002) 
Former Federal Minister/Chairman, Higher Education Commission, Pakistan (resigned due to govt issues)(2002–2008) 
Advisor to the Prime Minister of Pakistan on Science and Technology(2002–2008) 
Honorary Life Fellow, Kings College, Cambridge University (2007–present) 
Member UNESCO High Level Panel on Science & Technology for Development (2011–present) 
Member Board of Governors, Commonwealth of Learning, Vancouver, Canada (2010–present) 
Distinguished National Professor International Center for Chemical and Biological Sciences at Karachi University (2011–for Life) 
Professor Emeritus, University of Karachi (2011- for Life) 
Patron-in-Chief International Center for Chemical and Biological Sciences at Karachi University (2009–present) 
Presıdent Pakıstan Academy of Scıences (2003-2006)(2011–present) 
President Network of Academies of Sciences of Islamic Countries (NASIC) (2007–present) 
Vice President Academy of Sciences of Developing Countries (TWAS) (2008–present) 
Prizes, honours and awards
Prof Rahman is the most decorated scientist of Pakistan having won four civil awards by successive governments including the highest national Civil Award of Nishan-i-Imtiaz.Prof. Rahman was elected as Fellow of Royal Society (London) in July 2006 thereby becoming one of the 4 scientists from the Muslim world to have ever won this honor in the last 350 years when the Royal Society was established, and the only scıentıst to be so recognısed for researches carrıed out wıthın a Islamıc country. He is also the only scientist from the Muslim world to have been conferred the UNESCO Science Prize in 1999.
He has been conferred honorary doctorate degrees by many universities including the degree of Doctor of Science (Sc.D.) by the Cambridge University (UK) (1987) and an Honorary degree of Doctor of Education by Coventry University UK in November 2007. He was elected Honorary Life Fellow of Kings College, Cambridge University, UK in 2007. Prof. Atta-ur-Rahman was conferred the TWAS Prize for Institution Building in Durban, South Africa in October 2009 in recognition of his contributions for bringing about revolutionary changes in the higher education sector in Pakistan.He was awarded the Engro Excellence Award in Science & Technology 2011 with a prize of Rs. 5 million (US $ 59,000) for meritorious contributions. He then proceeded to use the money in addition to funds from his private finances to establish a research center on Genomics in Karachi University named after his father Jamil-ur-Rahman, and to start a TWAS Prize in Chemistry for deserving young researchers from developing countries that has been instituted by TWAS Academy of Science for Developing World, Trieste, Italy. 
He is President of Network of Academies of Sciences of Islamic Countries (NASIC) and the Vice-President (Central & South Asia) of the Academy of Sciences for the Developing World (TWAS) Council, and Foreign Fellow of Korean Academy of Sciences. Prof. Atta-ur-Rahman was the President of the Pakistan Academy of Sciences (2003–06), and was again elected President of Pakistan Academy of Sciences in January 2011.
He was the Federal Minister for Science and Technology (14 March 2000 – 20 November 2002), Federal Minister of Education (2002) and Chairman of the Higher Education Commission with the status of a Federal Minister from 2002-2008. The Austrian government also honoured him with its highest civil award ("Das Große Goldene Ehrenzeichen am Bande", 2007) in recognition of his eminent contributions.
Prof. Atta-ur-Rahman was the Coordinator General of COMSTECH, an OIC Ministerial Committee comprising the 57 Ministers of Science & Technology from 57 OIC member countries during 1996-2012. He is also the Patron of International Centre of Chemical and Biological Sciences (which comprises a number of institutes, including the Hussain Ebrahim Jamal Research Institute of Chemistry and the Dr. Panjwani Center of Molecular Medicine and Drug Development) at Karachi University. 
In recognition of the eminent contributions of Prof. Atta-ur-Rahman, a number of institutions have been named after him within and outside Paksitan. These include a natural product chemistry institute at the University of Technology Mara in Malaysia, National University of Science & Technology in Islamabad, and University of Karachi. 
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forgottengenius · 11 years ago
Dr. Atta-ur-Rahman
Atta-ur-Rahman, FRS, D.Phil., TI, SI HI, NI, is a leading scientist and scholar in the field of organic chemistry from Pakistan, especially renowned for his research in the various areas relating to natural product chemistry. With over 909 publications in the field of his expertise including 116 books largely published by leading publishers in Europe and USA and 27 patents, he is also credited for reviving the higher education and research practices in Pakistan
Atta-ur-Rahman has had a prominent record in Cambridge Overseas School Certificate in 1958, and 'A' Levels in 1960 from the Karachi Grammar School. In 1963, he received B.Sc (Hons.) in Chemistry, followed by M.Sc in Organic Chemistry from Karachi University. He received Commonwealth Scholarship in 1965 to study for Ph.D in Organic Chemistry under supervision of Dr. J. Harley Mason and received Ph.D at Kings College, Cambridge in 1968. With more than 900 international publications, including 116 books and 25 international patents, he has the distinction of being the only scientist to be elected Fellow of Royal Society (London) in 2006 in recognition of research contributions carried out within a country in the Islamic world. He is also the only scientist from the Muslim world to have been awarded the UNESCO Science Prize (1999).
 He was awarded an Honorary Life Fellowship by Kings College, University of Cambridge in 2007, an honorary Doctorate of Science by University of Cambridge in 1987, a Doctorate of Education by Coventry University in 2007,[2] a Doctorate of Science by Bradford University in 2010, a Doctor of Philosophy by Asian Institute of Technology, Thailand in 2010 and honorary Doctor of Scıence by University of Technology MARA. Malaysıa.[3] A number of other universities have also granted honorary doctorate degrees to Atta-ur-Rahman including University of Karachi, Sir Syed University and Gomal University.
Academic career
Atta ur Rahman started his career in 1964 as a Lecturer at University of Karachi. He remained Fellow at Kings College, Cambridge between 1969 to 1973, and is presently Honorary Life Fellow at Kings College, University of Cambridge, UK. In 1977, he became Co-Director of Husein Ebrahim Jamal Research Institute of Chemistry at University of Karachi to become Director in 1990. He has over 909 international publications in several fields of organic chemistry including 701 research publications, 27 patents, 116 books and 65 chapters in books published by major U.S. and European presses. Seventy-six students have completed their Ph.D. degrees under his supervision.
HAARP Research
In 2010 Atta ur-Rahman, published his views that the United States government had financed a science research project in Alaska which could affect weather.[4][5] This sparked off a debate when Pervez Hoodbhoy lamented the decline of academic standards in Pakistan.[5][6] The views of Pervez Hoodbhoy have been strongly refuted by neutral international authorities, Fred Hayward (US consultant to USAID),[7] Wolfgang Voelter (Tübingen University)[8] and Michael Rode (Innsbruck University, Chairman of UN Commission on Science, Technology & Development) [9] who have praised the remarkable transformation of the higher education sector in Pakistan under the leadership of Atta-ur-Rahman.[10] A number of major international prizes and awards have also been won by Atta-ur-Rahman in recognition of these contributions [10] Prof. Atta-ur-Rahman has subsequently clarified that he did not state that HAARP could cause earthquakes but he did refer to the European Union resolution that condemned the US funded research on HAARP which could potentially alter weather patterns and on which 12 US patents had been obtained [4]
Positions held
Fellow, Kings College, Cambridge University (1969–1973, 2007- for Life)
Professor at H.E.J. Research Institute of Chemistry at Karachi University
Coordinator General of COMSTECH(1996–2012)
Federal Minister of Science & Technology (2000–2002)
Federal Minister of Education (2002)
Former Federal Minister/Chairman, Higher Education Commission, Pakistan (resigned due to govt issues)(2002–2008)
Advisor to the Prime Minister of Pakistan on Science and Technology(2002–2008)
Honorary Life Fellow, Kings College, Cambridge University (2007–present)
Member UNESCO High Level Panel on Science & Technology for Development (2011–present)
Member Board of Governors, Commonwealth of Learning, Vancouver, Canada (2010–present)
Distinguished National Professor International Center for Chemical and Biological Sciences at Karachi University (2011–for Life)
Professor Emeritus, University of Karachi (2011- for Life)
Patron-in-Chief International Center for Chemical and Biological Sciences at Karachi University (2009–present)
Presıdent Pakıstan Academy of Scıences (2003-2006)(2011–present)
President Network of Academies of Sciences of Islamic Countries (NASIC) (2007–present)
Vice President Academy of Sciences of Developing Countries (TWAS) (2008–present)
Prizes, honours and awards
Prof Rahman is the most decorated scientist of Pakistan having won four civil awards by successive governments including the highest national Civil Award of Nishan-i-Imtiaz.Prof. Rahman was elected as Fellow of Royal Society (London) in July 2006 thereby becoming one of the 4 scientists from the Muslim world to have ever won this honor in the last 350 years when the Royal Society was established, and the only scıentıst to be so recognısed for researches carrıed out wıthın a Islamıc country. He is also the only scientist from the Muslim world to have been conferred the UNESCO Science Prize in 1999.[11] He has been conferred honorary doctorate degrees by many universities including the degree of Doctor of Science (Sc.D.) by the Cambridge University (UK) (1987) and an Honorary degree of Doctor of Education by Coventry University UK in November 2007.
 He was elected Honorary Life Fellow of Kings College, Cambridge University, UK in 2007. Prof. Atta-ur-Rahman was conferred the TWAS Prize for Institution Building in Durban, South Africa in October 2009 in recognition of his contributions for bringing about revolutionary changes in the higher education sector in Pakistan.He was awarded the Engro Excellence Award in Science & Technology 2011 with a prize of Rs. 5 million (US $ 59,000) for meritorious contributions. He then proceeded to use the money in addition to funds from his private finances to establish a research center on Genomics in Karachi University named after his father Jamil-ur-Rahman, and to start a TWAS Prize in Chemistry for deserving young researchers from developing countries that has been instituted by TWAS Academy of Science for Developing World, Trieste, Italy.[12]
 He is President of Network of Academies of Sciences of Islamic Countries (NASIC) and the Vice-President (Central & South Asia) of the Academy of Sciences for the Developing World (TWAS) Council, and Foreign Fellow of Korean Academy of Sciences. Prof. Atta-ur-Rahman was the President of the Pakistan Academy of Sciences (2003–06), and was again elected President of Pakistan Academy of Sciences in January 2011. He was the Federal Minister for Science and Technology (14 March 2000 – 20 November 2002), Federal Minister of Education (2002) and Chairman of the Higher Education Commission with the status of a Federal Minister from 2002-2008. The Austrian government also honoured him with its highest civil award ("Das Große Goldene Ehrenzeichen am Bande", 2007) in recognition of his eminent contributions.
 Prof. Atta-ur-Rahman was the Coordinator General of COMSTECH, an OIC Ministerial Committee comprising the 57 Ministers of Science & Technology from 57 OIC member countries during 1996-2012. He is also the Patron of International Centre of Chemical and Biological Sciences (which comprises a number of institutes, including the Hussain Ebrahim Jamal Research Institute of Chemistry and the Dr. Panjwani Center of Molecular Medicine and Drug Development) at Karachi University.[13]In recognition of the eminent contributions of Prof. Atta-ur-Rahman, a number of institutions have been named after him within and outside Pakistan. These include a natural product chemistry institute (Atta-ur-Rahman Research Institute of Natural Product Discovery, RiND) at the University of Technology Mara in Malaysia,[14] Atta-ur-Rahman School of Applied Biosciences at National University of Science & Technology in Islamabad,[15] and Dr. Atta-ur-Rahman Building at the International Centre for Chemical and Biological Sciences, University of Karachi [16] The Academy of Sciences in the Developing World (TWAS) based in Trieste, Italy has introduced a Dr. Atta-ur-Rahman Prize in Chemistry to a scientist from the developing world each year. The Prize carries a cash award of $ 5,000 and a Certificate.[17][1]
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nawabdera · 8 months ago
قَالَ رَبِّ لِمَ حَشَرْتَنِي أَعْمَىٰ وَقَدْ كُنتُ بَصِيرًا Sahih International He will say, “My Lord, why have you raised me blind while I was [once] seeing?�� Urdu وہ کہے گا میرے پروردگار تو نے مجھے اندھا کرکے کیوں اٹھایا میں تو دیکھتا بھالتا تھا 20:126 to top 20:126 قَالَ كَذَٰلِكَ أَتَتْكَ آيَاتُنَا فَنَسِيتَهَا ۖ وَكَذَٰلِكَ الْيَوْمَ تُنسَىٰ Sahih International [ Allah ] will say, “Thus did Our signs come to you, and you forgot them; and thus will you this Day be forgotten.” Urdu خدا فرمائے گا کہ ایسا ہی (چاہیئے تھا) تیرے پاس میری آیتیں آئیں تو تونے ان کو بھلا دیا۔ اسی طرح آج ہم تجھ کو بھلا دیں گے
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أما أنا يا رب أحبّك،
وأنت تدري،
لا تُغيرني
ظنون الناس مرّة
إن عصيتك: لم أنمْ
ويضيق صدري
وإن أطعتك:
لا أنام من المسرّه
أنظـر إليّ الآن
بنظرتك الماء
وهذا القلب يا رباه جمرة
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studiespk · 3 years ago
Gomal University Merit List 2021 1st, 2nd, 3rd, DVM, Pharmacy, Hostel and undergraduates can be checked online from this page.
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nawabdera · 6 months ago
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nawabdera1 · 2 years ago
INSHA ALLAH Safety for the Linemen in WAPDA And globally
What are you passionate about? INSHA ALLAH focusing upon inventions on Safety in Electrical Engineering بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم السلام علیکم IN SHA ALLAH I am pleased to thank you by the MERCY OF ALLAH Regards Nawab Ikramullah Khan لا اله الا الله محمد رسول الله
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nawabdera · 7 months ago
Free Palestine
Please, you are my hope to save my family from hunger and death
I hope that my message reaches all the free people in the world and those with compassionate hearts. I ask you to save my family, because they are in danger.
Every day we face death. the situation is dangerous. There are no necessities of life. No food, no milk, no diapers, no medicine. All goods are at ridiculous prices. My little daughter has hepatitis C, and she suffers from a high temperature and lethargy in her body. The fear of losing her became very terrifying for me.
Living in Gaza is very stressful. This war kills without mercy. We are in very great danger. Bombs are over our heads
Every minute poses a threat to my life and the lives of my family, so I ask you to help me quickly. Your contribution, no matter how small, can make a big difference in their lives. Or share this link with your network.
Thank you for your kindness and support of my story
Here our donation link 🔗 :
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jobshutpk · 4 years ago
Gomal Medical College And Medical Teaching Institution Jobs In D I Khan 2021
Gomal Medical College and Medical Teaching Institution has announced full-time career opportunities for the post/posts of Assistant Professor, Lecturer, Professor, Bio Medical Engineer, Demonstrator, Clinical Psychologist, Senior Librarian, Statistician in Dera Ismail Khan city, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, Pakistan for the candidates on Permanent basis. The Posted date of this post is 24-09-2021 and the Last date is 2021-10-09. If you are eligible for this post apply.
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studentloungefcc · 3 years ago
News Feature: Student Community
When it comes to a third world country like ours, problems pertaining to students are more often than not either overlooked entirely or set on the back burner to deal with later with the intention of catering to the mountain of political and social problems first, even though aforementioned problems don’t get solved as well but that is a different debate altogether. In a country where students are kept ignorant on purpose, are encouraged to avoid critical thinking and motivated towards rot learning all of their poorly made curriculum, pupils are bound to face uncountable problems in their day to day student life.
For instance, students in Pakistan have to face several issues in regards to their educational requirements such as directionless education system, unqualified teaching staff, inadequate curricula, financial issues, harassment issues, less budget and sudden fee hikes. These problems have been discounted for so long that eventually, people have now stopped fighting against them since we are not able to see any apparent change in the past two decades. The cycle of poor education, unaffordable fee structure, lack of critical thinking and one-dimensional mindset keeps repeating in order to benefit those in power. Moreover, when the education system itself is at the edge of its devastation, how can we expect to find decent teachers for teaching? The teachers themselves are a product of this deplorable education system worth mere pennies whereas the Government refuses to do its job.
Apart from Government and the Establishment negating everything related to better education system and opportunities for students, our educational institutes as well strive to make every student’s life as miserable as possible with sudden fee hikes every few months and unnecessary fines on the most irrelevant of issues such as dress code, listening to loud music and whatnot. On public outrage over enforcing a fine on students over listening to music loudly, Gomal University’s Vice-Chancellor Professor Dr Iftikhar Ahmed, while confirming the incident, said that “music that disturbs the educational environment” is banned in the university. And the alarming bit is that this is not an isolated event, these kinds of fines are imposed on the students every day without being granted any window for negotiation. These fines break the spines of already financially struggling students and make them stray further away from this crumpling education system.
In addition to this, our beloved institutes refuse to fire teachers involved in harassment, instead they choose to silence the victims in order to save their measly reputation and back up the culprit. Due to this, the harassment cases in educational institutes are increasing by the minute as the offenders find reassurance in institute’s lack of appropriate action.
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But in the past couple of years, we have been able to see a slight silver lining. Students in Pakistan have come out and raised their voices against the injustice they face at the hand of the government as well as their educational institutes such as student solidarity march which is held every year or students belonging to Islamia College University Peshawar marching against sexual harassment by teachers.
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Albeit these marches and protests have not been able to bring a major alteration concerning the problems Pakistani students face, however this seems to light a little bit of hope that this pitiable education system has still failed to diminish the will of many students. These students have shown courage in challenging the existing system of educational and student oppression, they display enthusiasm in building a better and brighter future for themselves and the future generation which had remained bleak for such an extensive period of time.
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To conclude, students of this country for the longest time have been dealing with pathetic and enraging problems at the hands of not only our Government but also the educational institutes. It’s about time that we change this unfair and intolerable mistreatment and join hands to raise our voices against it as one man can bring change in his surroundings but a few can bring a revolution.
Maida Abbas
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nawabdera · 4 years ago
When you are called by your father and you turn deaf ears
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Bookish Charts
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gssrjournal · 4 years ago
The University Environment's Contributions to the Teachers' Performance
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Abstract:The current investigation is a struggle to find the University’s environment’s contributions to the teachers’ performance in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa. The overall population under this study was 4000 teachers and 79000 students enrolled in 19 universities of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa. Different sampling techniques were used at different levels (Multistage). At the first stage out of 19 public sectors HEC recognized general universities, only six universities were selected through simple random sample technique. At second stage a stratified random sample of 270 students of six universities was taken for this study. Two questionnaire one for performance of teachers and second for internal environment was used. The ANOVA, t-statistic and Regression were used. The result shows the significant contributions of environment in the teachers’ performanceAuthors:1-Qamar Uz ZamanPh.D. Scholar, Department of Education,Qurtuba University of Science and Technology, Dera Ismail Khan, KP, Pakistan.2-Liaquat Liaquat ShahAssistant Professor,Institute of Education and Research, Gomal University, Dera Ismail Khan, KP, Pakistan.3-Asif JamilProfessor, Department of Education, Qurtuba University of Science and Technology, Dera Ismail Khan, KP, Pakistan.Keywords:Impact, Environment of University, Performance of Teachers,Higher LevelDOI Number:10.31703/gssr.2019(IV-IV).37DOI Link:http://dx.doi.org/10.31703/gssr.2019(IV-IV).37Page Nos:286-294Volume & Issue:IV - IV
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arsa-malik · 4 years ago
Good Chance and Update about University Students
MA MSc Two Year program Last Chance admission in different University 100% Grantee about admission and result. HEC recognized University Admission last date just in few days. Last Good chance to appear and get a two-year degree just in a few months.
For more detail and Apply here or contact us directly from anywhere in Pakistan.
There are following university admission we offering and reminded you that Last date chance and last date only a few days.
Lucky Marwat University Admission 2021.
Sargodha University Admission 2021
Punjab University Admission 2021
UST Bannu Admission 2021
Gomal University Admission 2021
D.I. Khan Admission 2021
University of Peshawar Admission 2021
KUST Kohat
Hazara University
Malakand University Chakdara
Abdul Wali Khan University Mardan
Shaheed Benazir Bhutto University Sheringal
Khushal Khan Khattak University Karak
Bacha Khan University Charsada Admission
University of Swat
The University of Abbottabad
FATA University Dera Adam Khel
How to apply two Year MA MSc Admission 2021
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