gollywoodland · 2 years
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vikenticomeshome · 2 months
Anyone for a game of Gollywood Squares?
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Yes, this was an official Cyberchase board game. It was released as a printable activity sometime in early 2005 as part of the "Know Your Dough" promotion. The promotion was all about teaching kids the value of saving their money. This was a few months after "The Snelfu Snafu" had aired. However, Cyberchase had a two-hour marathon, also called "Know Your Dough", containing four episodes that had to do with earning, saving, and spending money. They put live-action segments in between them, featuring Bianca and Harry hosting the show while goofing off at an arcade. I really should make a post about that.
The game looks like Monopoly on the surface, You roll a die and move around the board. Some squares force you to pay money, while others give you money. However, there are also temptation squares, where you can choose to pay money to move a certain number of squares. There is a "Get a Job!" square that allows you to get a job card and get paid for your work.
The goal is to earn enough money to buy autographs from each of the four Cybersquad members. The first player to get one from each member wins.
In addition to the spots that can directly buy the autographs, you can also end up on the U-Want U-Bid square. If one player lands on it, all players make their secret bids, and the person who bid the highest buys the autograph at that price.
Here's the sort of jobs they had in mind. I know some of this artwork has been reused, but some of it is unfamiliar to me.
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I don't recall ever seeing Matt in green overalls, even though it makes alot of sense.
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Inez is much more excited about walking the large creature here than she was in the episode.
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I also don't remember that we've ever seen the inside of Hacker's closet. I really wish this picture was higher-resolution, as we so rarely see him in other outfits.
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And here we have delete dressed as a waiter for a fancy restaurant.
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Have you paid your Cyberchase Fan Club dues for the month?
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Do the kids get some sort of allowance or stipend from Motherboard for saving the world every week?
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I need it.
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We get to see the Cybersquad's autographs.
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I feel like Jackie put the most effort in here. She wrote in cursive and dotted the i with a flower. Digit's autograph is interesting though.
Here's the play money.
1 Snelfu denomination
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5 Snelfu Denomination
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10 Snelfu denomination
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20 snelfu denomination
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If you want to print the game out for yourself to play it, go to this Internet Archive link to get it.
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askthecybersquad · 1 year
mirroring the "scariest" question... what's the funniest thing you've seen in cyberspace? for literally any reason at all
Matt smiles, already laughing at the thought. "Dracula with braces."
"Matt! That's so mean!" Jackie cries out. "Drac's not a bad guy."
"Aw, come on! Okay, what's the funniest thing you guys have seen?"
"Okay, one time at Gollywood I saw the cutest dog!" She says, seeing she wasn't impressing the boy. "BUT instead of legs, he had... a spring! He was hopping down the sidewalk like Boingy, Boingy, Boingy!"
"Ch," he snorts.
"Well, I've seen this bird..." Inez begins, leaning towards the camera. "With shoes...!"
"... Did he have a hat too?" Matt grins.
"And a handsome little bow tie?" Jackie giggles.
"That's the one!"
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emi1y · 1 year
THREE OH THREEEEEEE WHY DID I STOP LISTENINGING TO YOY BABIES IM SOOO SORRY 😭😭😭😭 imsorry i started listening to gollywood undead more than yoy im sorry i changed my profile picture.. inmy defense their lyrics are a lot more explicit which is more fun i think... they don't produce their own music though theyre literally just a boyband they will never be 3oh!3................
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"This place is better than Gollywood," the borg cackled as his convertible sped the streets of Hell. He pulled up along the edge of the curb and tossed his keys to a valet imp. As he got out of the vehicle, he felt something warm and squishy under his feet.
Hacker gagged and leapt up as he realized he'd trod on something. "Is the sanitation department on strike?" he cried. He guesssd the dead didn't have much need for cleanliness. He grumbled a bit to himself before scraping whatever it was off on the edge of the curb and heading inside.
He'd always loved the glamour of ritzy nightclubs and Hell seemed to have an ample supply of such. The grand chandelier that greeted him at the entrance sparkling like moonlight as he walked under it towards the main dining room. Although he wasn't a native, the variety in Hell's denizens made him quite at home.
"I should have taken ol’ Luci up on his invite sooner."
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sliding-into-space · 2 years
They're gay and very much in love your honor. Savannah (left) and Betty (right) are married and live as rich wine aunts to Slider, traveling Cyberspace and popping in to annoy Coop every now and again. Betty runs a very successful hair salon on Gollywood which Savannah helps out at as a Secretary.
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ilovefolkart · 3 months
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Just finished making another new friend. This is Jucille Ball. Jucy is an orange comediorite from Gollywood. He has his own TV show called "I Love Jucy." Comies are well known for their persistent efforts to create equality and consume mass quantities of carbonated soda. 12"x8" paper mache, acrylic paint, repurposed doll parts, & found objects.
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spinda-draws · 2 years
The Borg of Both Worlds Ch. 12
Synopsis || After being defeated once and for all, Hacker decides the only thing for him to do is go to the real world and give the Earth brats a bit of grief. Jackie ends up being the main target for his new spree of mischief, but could there be more to the borg than meets the eye?“
Fourteen Cyberspaces. An impressive resume,” Hacker remarked as he followed the other down the long stretch of catwalk, towards the lobby. “And there’s a me, and a Motherboard in every one? Not the most original, but as they say in Gollywood, ‘when you have a winning formula’.”
“Ostensibly. Though I wouldn’t say any of them were the same,” the other remarked with a chuckle. “They might have looked like us, but when it came to inimitable grit, they might as well have been strangers. One of them was blue. I recall in Universe-6, we actually called ourselves the Fixer. Apparently, Hacker was bad for his goodie two-shoes PR. Can you believe it?”
After punching in the security code (Hacker didn’t bother to ask how the interdimensional travelers had obtained it) the sealed doors to Control Central slid open. Parked outside and big enough to obscure the skyline, was a ship who’s size dwarfed the Grim Wreaker to a considerable degree. 
The white and blue structure was saucer shaped in part with a more flat and rectangular tail, giving it the overall look of a stingray. On the underbelly of the saucer was what appeared to be a transparent dome, tinted on the outside so what was beyond the glass was obscured. This was undoubtedly traveling in style. 
“Say, whatever happened to Marbles?” Hacker asked. “Does every universe have one of him?”
“The ones I’ve been to.” The other gestured for him to come closer before holding out his palm in the air. A beam of blue light rained down from an opening on the underside of the vessel, seeming to scan the open hand before enveloping them and lifting them up towards the ship. They rose high up above Control Central before being pulled inside of the ship, the opening shutting behind them, dropping them once again onto solid ground. 
“At least yours has to be a lot more interesting than the stick in the mud we have here. Assuming, he was the one who designed all this.” Hacker gave the shoulder plate of the other’s armor a hard thud, prompting his hand to be quickly swatted away. This didn’t seem to deter the borg who picked up the other’s hand to admire the buttons on his gauntlet. “I never would have thought old bubble brain had it in him. Or any one of him. Where’s he holed up now?”
“Back at Command,” the other said. “Motherboard leaves him in charge of administering to the worlds she’s liberated. Someone to keep all the admins in line while she’s away.”
Hacker raised a slight brow at this. It seemed to him that he, or rather the other he, did most of the, to parrot his language, liberating. But he was still new to this chummy mother-son dynamic and that was neither here nor there. 
“We need to think of a new name for you, my friend,” he declared, slinging an arm around the other’s shoulder. “Having Motherboard call for the Hacker and Hacker every time would wear it out for both of us.”
The dimension hopping borg let out a soft groan. “Something tells me I can only regret asking— what do you suggest?”
It took Hacker a moment of silence to ponder. The difficulty was that his name was already perfect. So the only way to avoid discrediting himself would be to think of another just as fitting, but at the same time was intuitive enough to recall in a pinch. 
“But it’s perfect! Technically you’ll still be Hacker, just… Junior.” 
“And you’d be what? Senior?”
Hacker blinked. Clearly the idea was a wash out if he was going to respond with ridiculous statements like that. “Okay, let’s put a pin in that for now.”
The idea of calling him Senior. With his baby face? People would laugh. He was barely middle-aged. In the absolute prime of life! Clearly too much exposure to a Motherboard had given Junior a bit of a prickly disposition. Well, he could hardly be blamed for that. He could only hope some of his own radiant sunniness would eventually rub off. 
The two borgs proceeded along the tail of the ship until they reached the saucered section which on the inside was one enormous control room. The space was large enough to host a moderate sized crew. Through the transparent floor, Hacker could see the tinted dome which had been visible from the outside, and beyond that, the vastness of space. 
Hacker stopped in front of a wall of dormant monitors, taking a moment to admire the reflection of himself in his new attire. With his looks, he’d be stunning in practically anything and what he’d been given definitely showed no sign of spared expense. It fit his form impeccably, and was a pleasant shade of purple to compliment his healthy lime complexion. Still, there was a quiet regalness to the design that almost seemed dull despite the undeniable quality of the silks. 
It needed… a dash of style. The Hacker’s touch. He reached underneath the cape for the shirt underneath, popping the collar and pulling the sides up through the top. Now that was putting the rogue back in roguish. Still not perfect, but better. 
Glancing across the room, he spotted Junior at the controls, preparing their ship for take off. Despite its outward appearance, some part of Hacker had assumed this ship had to have been an alternate version of the Wreaker. That there would be some familiarity to the control scheme, but that didn’t seem to be the case. In fact, the ship itself leaned more towards Marbles’s design sensibilities, right down to being inspired by Earth biology. 
Trying to sort out what did what without having it explained would be to read another man’s mind. And even being his creator with largely shared specs, the thoughts of he and Marbles rarely converged.
“What site would be ideal for two malignant marauders to tackle first?” he asked, taking a seat in the co-pilot’s chair. For now his aim was just to observe. There would be a time later for him to take center stage. 
Junior shrugged before taking the empty seat beside him. “Funnily enough, sites haven’t been the most consistent across universes. Once in a while we’ll run into some that are familiar but after a while they all start blending together. As the native, you’d be the expert.” He raised one of his armored limbs which abruptly took the form of a cannon-like device. 
Hacker let out a shrill shriek, his eyes lighting up at the sight of the weapon. Any Marbles capable of designing something like that was a borg he wanted to meet. Such a shame he’d been designated to housesitter. 
One of Junior’s eyebrows jutted upward. “You’ve never seen one of these? They really have been depriving you of fun.”
“Spare me the lip, bud. What does it do?”
“This my friend, is a state of the art electromagnetic pulse emitter. An EMP if you will. There’s enough juice inside to disable every borg in a 25 cybermile radius.” 
At this, Hacker failed to hold back a snigger from between his teeth. “So your plan is to put everyone to sleep? Is this a fresh scheme or the same one you’ve used twelve other times?”
“It’s worked twelve other times.”
“Yeah, yeah, snore! Where’s the drama? Where’s the fun when you can’t revel in their fear?” 
The melodrama of the situation was enough to get him to rise from his seat and start gesturing. Likely intentionally, Junior chose that moment to shift the ship into gear and take off. The contradicting force caused Hacker to topple back into his seat.
“You’re just saying that because you don’t have an arm cannon,” their pilot retorted, the effects of gravity causing a snigger out of him. 
Hacker strapped himself into his seat, pointing his chin up in a rehearsed act of imperious dominance. “Alright, wise guy. Let’s see. This is my Cyberspace, you’ll follow my lead. So put away the heavy artillery, and let the Hacker show you how it’s done.” 
With an indulgent and amused smile, Junior acquiesced, directing Hacker to the navigator so he could punch in the site coordinates. Once they’d been entered, the ship did a single lap around Control Central before hyperdrive launched them deep into Cyberspace. 
Sites seemed to pass them in a blur of motion before slowing to a crawl, elongating like centipedes before vanishing in the blink of an eye. Their stop came suddenly, the various swirling forces and pressures that caused Hacker’s ears to pop finally abating. Looking down through the glass floor he could see the jagged peaks of Radopolis, surrounding the bright lights of its skate parks.
One great irony about the existence of Radsters were that as active as they tended to be, in almost every respect that didn’t relate to rollersports, they were among the most passive citizenry in all of Cyberspace. Their greatest controversies involved who got to use the big skate ramp right before the annual X-treme Skate-Off Championships. It was the ideal site to demonstrate his skills as an autocrat for Junior’s benefit. 
Glancing up, he saw the other borg had also risen from his seat and was gesturing towards the exit of the ship, indicating he was to take the lead. Hacker needed no other invitation. As soon as the ramp came down, he was galavanting down it, chin held high and chest puffed out like the good old days. 
“Greetings, dudes!” he hollered, an air of mocking in his flippant demeanor. The sound of his voice caused every skater in sight to suddenly halt in their tracks, some mid-flip kick. Seeing a ship other than the Wreaker land, the last person any of them had expected to be on board was the green borg. 
A kind of shocked silence had come over the crowd. Perfect. There was nothing he loved more than an attentive audience.
“Some of you might have thought you’d seen the last of the Hacker,” he said, with a flourish resting the tips of his fingers over his chest. “Today I’m here to put those fears to rest. From this day forward, you will answer to no one but me.” 
The borg stalked through the town square, hands tucked behind his back, his pace tempoed and methodical. His eyes made a sweep over the crowd of his new subjects who all seemed to avert their gaze the instant before his stare fell on them. 
Approaching the scaffold that was the seat of the King of Radopolis, the borg diverted his attention up. Dudacus had already gotten out of his chair. Unlike his fellow skaters, he hadn’t looked away, continuing to look down at the borg as if he was something that had crawled out of the crypt. Hacker raised a finger, patronizingly beckoning towards him. 
“Oh, Kingie? Down.”
“Like, I don’t think so, Hacker. The last time you tried to ban skating and that’s no bueno to us, dude.” 
“Got suggestions? I’ll put up a box.” He spoke with sweeping and dominant gestures as he marched up the stage. Once he was face to face with the Dudacus, or rather, looming about a foot over him, he stuck out his hands, grabbing him up by the shirt collar. “Now move it.”
Hacker shoved the skater towards the edge of the stage, using enough force so that he stumbled as he was let go and barely managed to save himself from falling onto the stone pathway below. The interaction caused his crown to fall, which Hacker was quick to scoop up and place atop his own head.
“You won’t get away with this Hacker.”
“I already have. Motherboard and her little Earth brats have rescued you for the last time.” He loudly snapped his fingers before gesturing back towards the entrance of the ship. “I have a friend I’d like to introduce to you. I think most of you will find his face familiar.”
There was a collective gasp as Junior descended the ramp, his footsteps generating loud metallic clunks with each step he took. Hacker waved the borg over, gesturing for him to take a seat at the throne. 
“What is the point of this again?” the borg muttered as he climbed up onto the platform. His presence caused Dudacus to jump down from the stage to safety. “We could be done now if we did it my way.”
Hacker rolled his eyes. “Patience, my friend. Just look menacing and leave the rest to me.” He pushed Junior onto the throne, before turning back to face the crowd. One of the Radsters had approached the stage and had tentatively raised a finger in an attempt to get the attention of their new rulers. 
“Um, so dude. Are we still allowed to skate?”
“Of course you are, my dear.” The borg tone was gushing with genility, each syllable enunciated to an almost absurd degree. “But if you get hurt, you’ll have to pay for it yourselves. For too long, Radopolis has simply hemorrhaged funds. Think of the poor mechanics who have to see you upwards of five times a week because you just had to do another upside-down spiral reverse— whatever.”
“But what if we can’t pay?”
“Then your warranty just got shorter,” he said, leaning over so that his face and the Radster’s were mere inches apart. “Fear not, your money will be going to a good cause. I will of course allow our dear mechanics the lion’s share, but a small portion will go to the Hacker, me, funds dedicated to making sure nothing unpleasant befalls any of my dear friends on Radopolis.” 
He spun on his heels and returned to Junior’s side, leaving the skaters to muse on his new decree. “Genius concept isn’t it? I picked it up while on Earth. Did you know Earthlies actually prefer paying absurd sums of money for things?” Junior, having yet to pay the place a visit, simply blinked and shook his head. “Wonderful place. Wait until you hear about nontaxable income.”
“Let me see if I understand this,” the borg on the throne murmured. “You’re making them pay to live, so you can take their money and give it to the mechanics.”
“—who have access to the materials and the know-how to build ships,” Hacker said, melodically. 
“Gaining you the loyalty of those who are most capable of opposing you.”
“Bingo. They don’t call us geniuses for nothing.” He rested an arm around Junior’s shoulder as they looked out into the sea of concerned Radsters, waiting to see what their rulers would have in store for them next. “Well? The universe is now your oyster. It’s time to start savoring it.”
“So what are you kids planning to do once we get to… what did you call it? Radopolis?” Aaliyah said from the pilot seat of the coupe. The four of them had left Control Central behind, although Jackie didn’t feel at ease taking her eyes off the back window until the site was little more than a speck in the distance. 
“Get help,” she said, finally relaxing. Inez had taken the passenger seat beside her mother leaving her and Matt together in the back. “Radopolis has the best ships in Cyberspace, once we have enough numbers, we go back to Control Central and free Dr. Marbles. He’ll be able to tell us what we need to do to get Mother B back. The real Mother B.”
Her mother let out a heavy sigh. “How exactly did you kids get involved in all this stuff?”
“Well… it’s a long story,” Inez chuckled uncomfortably. “We were all in the library together and then—” She glanced back at her friends, as if pleading for one of them to finish the story coherently. 
“We accidentally caused a glitch which allowed Hacker to launch a virus that got through Motherboard’s servers and infected her.” 
“Wait, so you mean to tell me you kids activated some kind of backdoor to this place in the real world?”
“Hey, that’s exactly the word Motherboard used to describe it,” Matt said. “The map at the library was a backdoor.”
“A map?” For a second, Aaliyah’s mind seemed to draw a blank. “Oh, the one with the touch screen.” She seemed to muse on the idea for a few silent moments. “Then this world and ours has to be connected somehow. It’s like a moon orbiting in the gravitation field of a planet. Amazing.”
“Er… translation? I always thought Cyberspace was… well Cyberspace.”
“The internet isn’t a place, Matthew. It’s a network of computers all communicating with one another. If I were to make a wild guess, this is more like a physical manifestation of the metaspace. Using the internet in our world is like scraping at the outer layer of an onion.” 
“Maybe we save the technicals for another time,” Inez interjected, looking equally befuddled by the explanation. “Anyone have any ideas on how we’re going to deal with meaner and greener?”
Jackie glanced up. She had fallen silent without meaning to while her friends and mother were talking. She had already begun thinking about what they were going to do when they had their inevitable next confrontation with Hacker. Instead of a solid plan, all that seemed to float around her head was guilt and a lot of what ifs. 
“Are you okay Jaxs?”
She slouched back in her seat and crossed her arms, doing her best to look level headed though she longer to stand up and start tearing her hair out and screaming. “Yeah, I just— you were right. We should have brought Hacker back to Motherboard when we had the chance,” she murmured, head bowed. “And I think I knew that, but part of me just wanted to think— argh! I can’t believe how stupid I was!”
Jackie flung her hands up to her face, pinching at her temples and letting out silence screams loud enough to drown the rest of her thoughts. She was brought back to reality by Matt’s hand on her shoulder. 
“I-I don’t think you’re stupid.” There was a slight stutter in his voice as he spoke. “You’re compassionate and empathetic. Those are good things. I was hard on you the other day because I was frustrated, but I still should have tried to listen. But… I really meant what I said, if something’s bugging you, I’m here for you Jaxs. And if not me, Nezzie. I know sometimes I’m—” 
He was stunned into silence as Jackie threw her arms around his neck, her face buried itself into his shoulder. Tears wet her eyes, but the droplets wouldn’t fall. Jackie’s breath slowed, comforted by the warmth of another person beside her. She loved him and at that moment she wanted nothing else but to hang onto him forever.
“Do you know the worst part?” she whispered, her mouth barely an inch from his ear. “Despite that, I still can’t shake a nagging feeling that not everything he said was a lie.”
“What do you mean?” he whispered back, his voice soft and without a hint of judgment. “Did he say something to you?”
Jackie nodded, resting her chin in the corner between his neck and shoulder. “That he actually cared about her once. Until—”
“Until what?”
“He never said.” She frowned a smile that no one saw. “Maybe he just ran out of lies to tell.”
As Jackie slowly drew herself away as she felt herself start to calm again. She could feel Matt’s gaze continue to rest on her, evidently still concerned from her display of grief. It was the last thing she’d wanted, what had convinced her to keep everything shut away in the first place. But instead of the embarrassment she’d expected to feel from causing such a fuss to be made about her yet again, there was only a sense of peace. As well as a realization of her feelings towards the person sitting beside her.
“Sometimes I wish I were smarter,” she mumbled, lowering her voice so her mother wouldn’t hear. “There’s so much I wish I could go back and do. But you never realize when it’s happening, how much you’ll regret things later on.”
“Are you talking about your dad?” the boy asked, leaning in towards her so their shoulders touched. 
“When I try to think about all the times he came home, all I can think about is acting like a dumb, fussy kid. One time he bought me ice cream and dropped the scoop over my shirt. I got so mad at him for it. I don’t even remember what that fashion train wreck looked like.” She laughed hollowly, resting the side of her face on his shoulder. “It was so pointless. I wish I could have done more for him.”
She shut her eyes, focusing on the gentle rocking back and forth of her body as the coupe continued to soar through space towards its destination. As Matt rested his hand atop her’s, his fingers weaving between her own and squeezing gently, she couldn’t help but feel utterly content.
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omgmalleyverse · 2 years
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As the official first issue of They Call Him: Marvelous (regular series) getting closer to completion. Here’s some bio of the confirmed characters of the series.
MARVELOUS: Malcolm Joseph Garfield is a foundling from Nigeria who was adopted and raised by a Samoan American family in California’s North Gollywood (my version of North Hollywood) with his adoptive father Michael, Sr., his adoptive mother Lagi, his adoptive older sister Glinda aka “Tequila”, and his adoptive older brothers Akamu and Michael, Jr. (Tequila’s twin brother) along with his biological grandmother Jaqueline “Jackie” Zimbulu and his biological uncle Shaka for a time. After finishing his education and serving in the United States Military in the Army Rangers division, Malcolm joined the Golden Bay Police Department for a few years until he suffered a life changing accident during a swat raid gone horribly wrong courtesy of Crimson Mask’s three enforcers Maurice “Classy” Clyde Steiner, Jameison Schouest, and Mr. Clarence “Grizz” Hudson (Marvelous’ biological older first cousin). After forcing the three enforcers to make a hasty retreat due to his newfound abilities, Malcolm took his partner suggestion and get tested out by a scientific specialist and discover that his body is pumped with a Precision X a experimental analeptic that amplified a person’s natural ability by thirtyfold. The very next day his partner Bob suggested he should become a superhero but the catch is that the now genetically enhanced officer have to resigned from the force. Understanding the circumstances of the situation, Malcolm consequently resigned from the force and becomes a private detective and with a new costume made by Tequila. Malcolm Garfield embark on his new adventure as the genetically enhanced but audacious masked avenger known only as Marvelous or Marv for short.
SGT. BOB BUCHANAN: Robert Kurtis Buchanan or simply Bob is a gruff, tough, and caring Scottish-Irish American police sergeant in the Golden Bay Police Department. He was once Malcolm’s veteran partner until he became his superhero persona’s contact following the latter’s life changing accident. He’s a 10 year veteran on the force and also a war veteran during his time at Operation: Sandstorm as a medic. Bob can be caring, helpful, supportive, and sometimes down to earth towards his friends and loved ones but can be stern, serious, and hard boiled when the situation calls for it. Despite his chubby appearance, Bob is a competent and well rounded policeman who can hold his own in almost any scenario. For better or worse Bob is very supportive of Marvelous’ crusade against crime and corruption and defends his action any chance he get.
Art by ShrubPhace
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neekrobite · 2 years
why does everything keep saying things like “bollywood” or “gollywood” for memes like is hollywood the word fucking copyrighted or some shit?
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gollywoodland · 2 years
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vikenticomeshome · 3 months
Cyberchase - "Who's New?" Promotion
Cast your mind back to the Spring/Summer of 2004. Cyberchase was just starting its third season. This was an important time for the show, as they were about to introduce several new characters.
Nero the Animal Hero (debuted in Season 3 Episode 1 "Ecohaven CSE")
Slider (debuted in Season 3 Episode 2 "Borg of the Ring")
Mister-Z (debuted in Season 3 Episode 3 "A World Without Zero")
Sheldon and Roxy (debuted in Season 3 Episode 4 "A Piece of the Action")
Creech (debuted in Season 3 Episode 5 "The Creech Who Would be Crowned" )
At the time, the Cyberchase was updated with a promotion called "Who's New?", which served to introduce the characters. You can see it promoted on the website in this capture from June 9th, 2004. I believe the promotion started sooner than this, as all of those episodes aired in May. However, the Internet Archive has a gap between February and and June of 2004.
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We start with a title page.
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Five new episodes of Cyberchase will be on TV in May!
Check your local listings for the exact dates.
In their latest adventures, Matt, Jackie and Inez make new friends and explore new cybersites like the jungle of Ecohaven. And the CyberSquad returns to one of their favorite places, the skateboarding cybersite Radopolis.
Figure out their names and you'll get a printable "puzzle poster."
We get this panel, which looks like a title card for a 70s cartoon. We also get Matt trying to be mysterious.
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Here's the main panel, showing the upcoming characters.
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We get riddles to solve to get each letter of the character's name.
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Here's some fun facts about Slider.
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Lives in Radopolis
Loves to skateboard and is really good at it.
Can fix anything.
Here are some fun facts about Creech.
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Lives in tropical Tikiville.
Really fun and spunky.
Her family used to rule Tikiville until they lost the crown in a race.
Here are some fun facts about Nero the Animal Hero.
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Travels all over Cyberspace, but especially loves the jungles of EcoHaven
Has his own cybertv show 'Nero the Animal Hero.'
Can soothe savage beats by singing to them in Spanish.
Here are some fun facts about Mister-Z.
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Live in glamorous Gollywood.
Occupies a very important place.
Has a special value not everyone sees.
Here are some fun facts about Roxy.
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She's a Scritter.
Lives underground in Eureeka.
A very loyal friend.
And here's some fun facts about Sheldon.
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He's a Scritter.
Lives underground in Eureeka.
Loves to jump.
Sure enough, you get a printable puzzle piece for each of these six characters.
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I used GIMP to cut out the pieces and put them together into one image.
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If anyone here wants to actually print this out and assemble it, here's an Internet Archive upload of the six pages extracted in full quality. it also contains a bunch of other goodies from archives of the old website.
The game itself has been submitted for inclusion into the Flashpoint Archive project.
So, we get an interesting selection of characters here. Of course, Creech and Slider show up on the show all the time. However, as far as I am aware, Mister-Z, Nero, Roxy, and Sheldon have not appeared since their debut episodes.
I didn't know that the Scritters lived underground, and I had forgotten that "A Piece of the Action" took place on the cybersite Eureeka.
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princecoolkid · 4 years
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Where the streets are paved with gold! Where the Zero’s never grow old! In Gollywood!
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nmcktkailashee1975 · 3 years
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#bollywood #tollywood #dollywood #actor #actress #starcast #newsline #magzine #faision #lifestyle #kollywood #model #molls #mollywood #sandlewood #gollywood #love #lovewords #lovers #today #style #look #newsroom #public #mumbai #cinema #producer #director #authorsofinstagram #writersofinstagram https://www.instagram.com/p/CLgz324LN4Z/?igshid=13qihzrg35szj
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princessaurorabasil · 4 years
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I want to say a big thank you to everyone who supported me on my quest, it has not been easy but we emerged No Makeup Queen Tourism. I love 💗 you all #nomakeupchallenge2020 #nomakeupchallange #nomakeupqueen #nomakeupqueentourism #nomakeupqueentourism2020 #nature #weddings #nigerianpageant #nigeriawedding #nigeria #hollywood #nollywood #bollywood #gollywood #zeeworld #zeeworldafrica https://www.instagram.com/p/CIeBpA1AUte/?igshid=1scevgbtc1pzi
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filmien · 5 years
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The Burial of Kojo (Sam Blitz Bazawule, 2018)
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