askthecybersquad · 25 days
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The Cybersquad: Live and unsupervised from a real spaceship.
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askthecybersquad · 25 days
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You just had to ask.
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askthecybersquad · 26 days
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Our whole lives are back on Earth! It seems pretty mundane compared to Cyberspace, but hey! Home’s where you should be the most comfortable, right?
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askthecybersquad · 26 days
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We noticed he was more insistent than usual about sitting in the middle for this ask…
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askthecybersquad · 26 days
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askthecybersquad · 27 days
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askthecybersquad · 27 days
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Smartphones win. We are but funny little creatures. :’)
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askthecybersquad · 27 days
Would you ever make a peace treaty with a villain like Hacker, Wicked, or Zusk if the other party seemed sincere? 
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"Nuh-uh. No way. Never," Matt says while shaking his head and emphasizing with his hands.
"Technically we have had a truce with both Wicked and Hacker," Inez points out.
"Whole lotta good those have done us."
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"Well, if Wicked wanted a peace treaty, I'd probably sign it," Inez states. "I think we've dealt with her enough times to be able to tell when she's being sincere or disingenuous."
"Diss in wha?"
"Insincere," Jackie guesses.
"Right," Inez huffs. "Hacker I'd probably have to think on. But Zusk? I dunno, yet. I haven't gotten a good grasp on that guy, personally."
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"Me either. I'm with you on Wicked, though. One week she wants all the power in Cyberspace, just like Hacker. But the next? Girl just wants a nice sun hat." Jackie gives a little shrug. "Honestly, I'd give Hacker and Zusk a chance, too. If they seemed sincere."
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"You guys are both crazy," Matt says. "Well, I guess clearly I'd be outnumbered in this situation. Unless Digit or Motherboard back me up. But if not... and they seemed really sincere... I guess I'd sign it too."
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askthecybersquad · 28 days
How long have you been in cyberspace for?
"Man, this is a hard question," Jackie bemoans. "Time works all weird in Cyberspace."
"Makes it's really convenient for when we get back home and only seconds have gone by," Inez says with a shrug.
Scratching his head, Matt begins counting on his fingers, "Let's see we usually spend like a day here, at most, like, three days. We've been on at least five missions the past Earth Week..."
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"Matt, no."
"What?? I'm curious now, too!!"
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askthecybersquad · 28 days
Who's your go to Cyberspace friend you call that you know you'll have fun with?
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"... Creech."
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askthecybersquad · 28 days
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Happy Pride 2024, you guys!!! ❤️🧡💛💚💙💜
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askthecybersquad · 1 month
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Happy Pride 2024, you guys!!! ❤️🧡💛💚💙💜
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askthecybersquad · 1 month
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Happy Pride 2024, you guys!!! ❤️🧡💛💚💙💜
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askthecybersquad · 2 months
it's wonderful that this askblog is still going since 2019, what does the mod(s????) think of the newer episodes?
[Just barely!
Sorry for the late reply, I was hoping I'd have the energy to do little asks here and there without a fuss, but, well. Life is life. Everyone knows that.
It's just me! And the newer episodes are certainly a mixed bag for me. There's a lot about them I enjoy, but I more or less share everyone else's critique. It's not quite as adventurous, sometimes the designs leave a lot to be desired, characterizations aren't really the same, etc, etc.
Maybe I'm trying to be optimistic, but I think that Cyberspace's goal is still from a place of heart. They want to teach kids with public edutainment.
And like I said, there's definitely stuff I like about it. Some character designs are honestly fantastic. There are a few episodes I would say feel similar to Ye Olden days before season 6. And we've gotten to see the trio's family!! They're incredibly diverse, and it feels like care was put into them. I've had mutuals and followers even tell me that they're really happy that these characters canonically share traits with them.
It's rare, but you can even find some behind the scenes stuff for the newer episodes. They have some fantastic artists working on them.
I could ramble some more maybe, but I think this is a long enough post!!
Thank you very much for the ask!]
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askthecybersquad · 2 months
[I meant to queue those, oops.]
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askthecybersquad · 2 months
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Happy Mother's Day to Matt's three four moms!
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askthecybersquad · 2 months
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Matt Angst! Don't forget to pick up your kids.
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