sins-of-the-sea · 2 years
Dramatic writing:
Giovanni drags Phoebus by the collar across the deck, with Phoebus crying out and flailing before he is tossed like a ragdoll with great force onto the wooden floorboards.
Comedic writing:
Giovanni yeets Phoebus across the deck.
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flawedoriginal-blog · 7 years
the reflection of opalescent pink lip gloss caught for a second in a shattered mirror. ravens, their cawing, and the unsettling feeling that they know something you don’t. bubblegum on the verge of popping.
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goldformed replied to your post: I’ve arrived.
Hiii Fioled.
Thaaat’s me. How’s it going?
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rosewilled · 8 years
❣ do it for arabella yuo coward
✦✦✦✦✦✧✧✧✧✧ | sexual attraction✦✦✦✦✦✦✧✧✧✧ | romantic attraction✦✦✦✦✦✦✦✦✦✧ | crushing✦✦✦✦✦✦✦✦✦✦ | squishing✦✦✦✧✧✧✧✧✧✧ | sensual attraction✦✦✦✦✦✦✦✦✦✦ | aesthetic attraction
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astrostride-blog · 8 years
✏ ✉ ♡
✏ : What are their creative outlets?
rey loves to design clothes/outfits and has sketchbooks and folders Filled w them, as well as putting together outfits for Himself
✉ : Do they tend to rely on words or actions more?
definitely words!! nearly everything they say is calculated and constructed to uphold their image of being cool and in control 
♡ : Is there a certain scent that brings about nostalgia? If so, describe a memory this scent brings back.
coconut (lotion/oil specifically) has always been a very comforting scent for rey and brings them back to when they were younger and their mother would place them in her lap and stroke their hair, often accompanied by a soft lullaby. this was usually done after either one of them had a particularly Long Day
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equilaurum-blog · 8 years
goldformed replied to your post: I’ve been on this website for five minutes and...
Content is entirely determined by who you follow. Follow better people.
In my defense, all of you have followed me first, and therefore I feel fully obligated to follow you back. 
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little bit of a complex in a complicated way? mostly because he views it as I Can Hurt Someone? I Am Bigger....Than My Own Body
he carries a box cutter on him at all times, that’s his pathetic excuse for a defense weapon. sometimes he just likes having it out to scare other people
disassociates so hard sometimes that a literal day could go by and he wouldn’t really notice
goes for days with sleeping honestly, it’s kinda 
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lakealo-blog · 8 years
goldformed replied to your post: *me after realizing my body is not an image of...
We really are out here.
we out here. disenchanted w/ the human experience. 
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roseptls-blog · 8 years
☎ ☛ ☢
☎ : List three or more people they would call out for during an emergency.
...unfortunately, dmitry
☛ : What is their typical response to being given orders?
depends on the person? if it’s someone she really respects/likes, she’ll follow through as long as said orders don’t Actively work against her morals n shit. however, if she doesn’t like you, you’ll get a straight up “no.”
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gadkiy-blog1 · 8 years
❤ ❥ ✗
❤ : Describe a physical action that shows complete trust.sleeping with them, not like sexually but just sleeping
❥ : Describe a verbal way they would express complete trust.anyone she tells about her past can assume she absolutely trusts them
✗ : Explain how they portray feelings of hostility or dislike.SHE MAKES IT.. PRETTY OBVIOUS TBH. she is not subtle and doesn’t have the patience to play games. mostly she just ignores people, but she does that even to people she feels neutral about. if she REALLY dislikes someone she’ll take advantage of every opportunity to make their life difficult
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sins-of-the-sea · 11 months
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"You know what? I'll bet Gio can punch that massive monster truck back to the ocean in goldform."
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Cracks his knuckles.
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flawedoriginal-blog · 7 years
goldformed replied to your post: i love watching all the vampire drama on here it’s...
All of the drama on here is, I promise.
o no trust me i know this just feels so seperated from reality for me
im just imaginign fucking dracula making aa callout 
it’ll happen one day,
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goldformed replied to your post: I’m scared. Think Arabella might actually be...
Ate too much frozen mango. On death’s doorstep. Send help or I,
I’m on my way. Hang in there.
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968-blog1 · 8 years
goldformed replied to your post “being health goth is punching a bag to the beat of tainted love”
I don't understand ur lifestyle but I support it.
we all have our own aesthetics to suffer for!
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astrostride-blog · 8 years
goldformed replied to your post “£”
all of you are evil and i want u to know that i see you, i see you and ur ships, and im watching. all of the time
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optimus-x97 · 3 years
La primera generación de goldformers
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