#golden snowball recoveries
mugman64 · 1 year
Percy Jackson Headcanons
(A lot of these are inspired by other people’s ideas)
-Percy has Tattoos
Lots of little ones to symbolize his friends both dead and alive, obviously a tattoo devoted to Sally. But he also has forearm tattoos of the symbols of the gods and goddesses he respects, it’s only a rainbow, a firepoker in a hearth, and a silver arrow on his forearms.
-Percy introduces all his godly cousins by stupid names
Sally honestly wasn’t surprised when a god showed up at the door, she was surprised when Percy called him “cousin snake man and his two pocket snakes” (who he promptly fed rats).
-Percy has a New York accent It only comes out when he’s really angry, tired, or horny. Annabeth hears it more than others.
-Percy has long hair
It grew out past shoulder length while he was missing and he hasn’t cut it since. Both Annabeth and Sally like it, but when he grows a beard he looks like the Poseidon of myth.
-Percy can Cook
He learned from his mom and has never stopped. Baking, grilling, cooking, smoking. if it’s a type of cooking, he does it, and he does it well. Nico avoided Percy for two months after losing a pasta competition to him and even that wasn’t long enough to avoid the shame.
-Percy, Lee, Beckendorf, Silena, and Clarrise where all really close friends
It started when Percy wanted to learn to make stuff in the forge, which snowballed into Beckendorf basically adopting Percy and introducing him to his crew. It took a couple years but eventually Clarrise warmed up to him, they were a crucial part of each others mental recovery after the Titan war.
-Percy is a stoner
Just enough to keep the edge off but he refuses to touch alcohol due to Gabe. Beckendorf and Lee spent like 2 months researching demigods, filing a report, submitting it to Athena, and gaining her seal of approval on the “Study of Drugs on Demigod Physiology” (It basically says demigod minds and bodies are durable enough to nullify addictive chemicals and the negative effects of some drugs). The group celebrated the approval of such a study by smoking and watching the live action Alvin and the Chipmunks.
-Percy loves SpongeBob
Percy is currently giving Poseidon the silent treatment because he refused a burger cooking contest with him despite Percy pulling the golden spatula from the grease in front of him. Also, yes, Poseidon does look similar to early SpongeBob Neptune, and no he has no clue how Percy managed to smuggle a bucket of grease and a golden spatula into Atlantis.
-Percy is a pirate
After his third quest Percy went ape shit trying to fight the war and end it before it took anymore lives. It culminated in him carrying a gun at all times and rebuilding an old sunken ship to its former glory. He didn’t get to use it until the summer leading into the titan war where he sunk 4 ships transporting monsters and 2 ships that were moving illegal objects
-Percy doesn’t fight for Olympus
Percy has never cared about the gods beyond making sure they don’t hurt the people he loves. His speech during the battle of Manhattan was a call to the demigods to fight to protect each other, to protect their family, and to fight this war so the next generation of demigods might not have to. Him and every other counselor sees their jobs as protecting the youngest and newest demigods above all else.
-Percy is musical
Whether it’s because he has the sea coursing through his veins or something else he’s good at singing, guitar, and most instruments. He occasionally used to play as a joke for kids at camp. Now it’s mostly a coping mechanism for the wars and Tartarus, anyone that needs music to relate to is free to listen.
Most of the counselors and elder hunters have a shared memory of the night before the last day of the Titan war. None of them could sleep out of fear of the unavoidable casualties tomorrow would bring, so they gathered in the most secluded room and sat and mourned. Eventually, Percy broke out a bag of weed to help everyone relax since they couldn’t sleep while Percy and Grover performed a heart-stopping rendition of Peace Train by Cat Stevens.
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loosesodamarble · 2 months
Welcome to the Black Bird Part 4: Wesley the Chilling
Summary: Introducing Nozel as Wesley, the dashing but ice-cold butler from the Black Bird. Genre: general Word count: ~850 A/N: @cringeyvanillamilk is again the artist for this fic's art.
Silver hair spread out around the head like a crown, or perhaps a halo. No, not a halo, as they belonged to spirits that passed on, not this person. Eyes closed as if in sleep. Yes, merely sleep. Arms laid on either side, impossibly still but with a steady pulse felt through warm skin.
Acier Silva slept soundly. As she had been for nearly two years.
Nozel reached out and brushed Acier’s bangs aside. After tucking the strands back, Nozel paused and lamented that it used to be the other way around. Acier had done this very thing for him all his childhood. And now…
“Don’t worry, Mother. It’s my turn to take care of you,” Nozel whispered to her.
Acier didn’t answer of course. She couldn’t but Nozel still spoke to her regularly on the doctor’s suggestion. Outside stimuli was recommended for Acier’s brain activity. The doctor’s also said that it would give Nozel an outlet for his feelings. Even if Nozel’s visits to the hospital helped his mother’s recovery, it didn’t do anything about what caused Acier to fall into her present state. He needed to find out the truth…
Once he left the hospital, Nozel checked his phone and saw a message notification from Dorothy: [update for uuuu~ ( ^ω^ )]
Nozel immediately replied, [What news do you have for me?]
[i found u a job that u might not botch~ ( ✌︎'ω')✌︎] It may have been a text but Nozel could hear Dorothy’s playful voice in his mind.
[You make me sound incompetent and like I’ve never worked a job before.]
[im not totally wrong tho ( ̄▽ ̄) u never worked a normie job (*^▽^*)]
Nozel’s eye twitched. Why did his dear friend also have to be a theatrical tease? Still, he replied, [Never mind my job history. What’s the position you found for me?]
[o(^▽^)o ur gonna luv it~]
Coming from Dorothy, the statement wasn’t as comforting to Nozel as it should’ve been.
“One order of the Fairy Spring Tea Set, my lady,” Nozel stated while setting down a three-tiered tray on a table where a single woman with long, chestnut-colored hair. “Do call upon me once you’ve completed your meal.”
“What?” The chestnut-haired woman tucked her hair behind her ears and gave a sharp smile. “You won’t encourage me to enjoy the food? How cold of you, Wesley.”
“I see no reason to doubt the kitchen staff’s work. It’s guaranteed that you’ll enjoy it.”
With that, Nozel turned away. The woman hummed with amusement behind him. Nozel then approached the other table he was attending to. Seated were three women: one with sun-kissed skin and golden hair, one with similarly dark skin but earthy brown locks, and one with silvery-white hair that matched her fair complexion.
“Esteemed mistresses,” Nozel greeted. “I’m Wesley, your attendant for this day.”
“Hiya Wesley,” the blonde tittered with a wide grin. She leaned over to the brunette. “See, I told you he was regal!”
“He certainly has a princely vibe, even as a butler,” the brunette replied, laughing as well.
“To compare to a higher station seems rather inappropriate.” Nozel’s tone was clipped, as he needed to emphasize his coldness. “Regardless, what drinks shall I start you with?”
“Do you perhaps have any recommendations?” the pale-haired woman inquired with a smile that was petite but radiating kindness.
The trio of women were all endeared to Nozel it seemed. And it perplexed him how customers could be entertained by such an attitude. It made more sense than his previous work persona at least. How anyone liked his previous performance, as it was, was beyond him.
Shivering Citrus Delight. A lemon-lime sorbet topped with a crisp waffle cookie.
Nozel understood how the dish, being frozen and having an off-white color which made it appear like a snowball, worked well with his work persona and appearance. The invoking of winter was clear in both Nozel and the dish. However, the bright, citrus flavor of the sorbet brought to mind summertime. Something which Nozel failed to see in himself.
Nozel couldn’t easily share his smile with others. His heart was too heavy with thoughts of Acier’s condition and his mind, too frenzied trying to investigate to be carefree. And instead of being an inviting presence, Nozel distanced himself from his family. He wouldn’t allow his younger siblings to be dragged down by responsibilities and burdens meant for him alone.
Winter and summer in one. An ideal that Nozel saw as illogical. Or rather, unattainable…
There was no summer in Nozel to thaw him from the winter he isolated his heart in. And there likely were no answers awaiting him, despite his bided time.
A sour, perhaps even bitter, feeling welled up in Nozel’s mind.
Has this all been a waste? Have I wasted myself? Nozel bit his cheek and kept his face neutral despite feeling the need to scowl.
Nozel set down his serving tray. When he did, the cookie that came with the Citrus Delight tipped and fell onto the tray, crumbling. He muttered an apology to his customers.
Nozel was frustrated. He, too, felt close to crumbling.
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hetaphilia · 2 years
England & Canada Fic Recs
my fellow royal red bros fans I am here hot and fresh with some fics about the two or majorly involving their dynamic that I enjoy, mostly from ff.net and ao3 (some are probably crossposted)
Golden Child - drunk England going on about how great little America was to Canada’s silent hurt... except maybe he’s not talking about America at all. Oneshot, ending gives me a nice warm feeling.
Industry and Grandeur - 1800s, France invites England and a colonial Canada to his country for an exposition, lots of lovely interactions between the duo. Just wonderfully written, some great historical Hetalia.
Gift of God - England and Canada head to a restaurant after a meeting to chat when they overhear the plight of a human couple tables away. Canada makes a selfless choice. Very sweet, really like how the author writes them.
The Cold We Hate - ACE family overall, but royal red bros too for sure. Details the North American ice storm of 1998 and how the weather affects America and Canada, staying over at England’s house so he can take care of them.
Teatime questioning - little Matthew asks England how to get a girl to like him, except it might not actually be about liking him, nor how to get a girl to in the first place. Toothrottingly cute, love to think this is how Canada gets into tea.
On Love and Loyalty - a look at Canada’s and England’s relationship throughout Canadian history. Just good sold stuff with a sweet ending.
The Frozen Friend - winter in Canada in the early days after England’s acquired him as a colony. Canada apparently has a strange man as an old friend, but England feels wary for some reason. Then he learns who he really is and oh shit. Slightly spooky and has protective Kumajiro, one of my faves lore wise.
Haunting Echoes - snippet of WW1 with kinda snapped Canada and worried England. Short but dark. Poor Canada.
Feverish - might be if not my fave Het fic, then among my top. FACE family centric, but lots of royal red bros throughout. Canada falls ill, tries to persevere through a world meeting, and things snowball from there as America, England, and France are pulled in to care for their brother that seems to keep getting worse after brief bouts of recovery. And Russia’s there too...? Canada’s failing health may be linked to something more subtle but nefarious than any of them initially thought. Great pacing, characterization, lots of character dynamics, knows when to amp up the tension and when to give it a break. Sadly, this fic remains unfinished and is unlikely to ever be completed, but the 20 chapters we do get are wonderful. I recommend it even if just to enjoy the ride.
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hotgirlmythology · 1 year
Morana, the strangely nice death goddess
Morana is one of the older usurper gods, having taken up the mantle of death goddess fairly early on and surviving so long through staying mostly out of the population centres and petty divine feuds that have a very fast turnover of new gods
She has increasingly tended towards becoming a traveller's goddess, given that death on the road is quite a real possibility, and her shrines appear with increasing frequency in lands with more unsafe roads. Those who maintain her shrines, her priestesses and priests, tend to be more comfortable with the idea of dying than most, and so the idea of building these in unsafe regions is quite alright to them. After all, they know that Morana will make their last moments wonderful in recompense.
Morana came about shortly after the huge boom of usurping gods and goddesses. Once the first person realised that worshipping someone allowed you to impart magic to them and set themselves up as a deity it all kind of snowballed from there. However, the initial usurper deities were all very general. Clouds, the sun, lightning, growing things, and death. This death one was of particular interest, because he wasn't the most sympathetic of gods. His portfolio was essentially "Worship me and in return I will help you live longer". The resonance of those who worshipped him meant that by using this power he would never die either; he parasitised his worshippers to maintain himself. This was where Morana came in, as she was the first to provide an indirect challenge to his position rather than trying to simply kill him as was more common in divine arguments.
Morana brought a different perspective on death, that being that it was inevitable you would die and it was better to make sure you died happy. A lot of people liked the idea of this more than the near-desperation of the withered proponents of the first death god, and prayed to her instead. This was her peak of popularity, her golden age, and her great temples were flowing with worshippers, those who has lost someone, those who were afraid of dying themselves, and those who were afraid something would stop them from dying satisfied. Black rock sunk the interior into an intimate night, and the curling incense that veiled the room left even the most stressed with a mind foggy with vague optimism and pleasure. As the usurper deities became more in tune with the desires of their worshippers, however, more widely loved deities, mostly those who governed farming and fertility, encroached on Morana's idea of "The lovely death" and forced her out of the places she had once held sway.
Now in the modern day she is a far less forceful presence in many ways, though in others she is a terror. She is far less of a people's goddess now, and is worshipped only by her dedicated sects and travellers. Some insular cultures, though perhaps with a different name, still dedicate the last rites of the deceased to her. Her shrines of black stone still line the roads, the deathly allure of her acolytes is hardly dimmed, and the dead are still occasionally discovered bearing a deep red rose and a beatific smile. Murderers occasionally get the fright of their lives when one of Her acolytes steps out of a shadowy corner to usher them away and ensure the dying meet their end in pleasure rather than pain. She has also picked up another duty in this time - that of putting down people who really ought to be dead.
Dying is fairly difficult in this world, due to the fact that magic can rebuild a body if done sharpish. Some people who have unfinished business, or who devise methods to maintain their bodies, can physically keep their consciousness and even body animated through will alone, at least until they repair whatever is killing them at the time. This can happen almost imperceptibly - a miraculous recovery from an arrow wound, a chest stoved in by an angry bull and getting up afterwards. Morana does not take issue with these. It's when you get Revenants (physically dead but pushed on by the remnants of a single-minded consciousness) or Liches (essentially immortal, a powerful magician who is able to maintain their body all on their own) that problems can occur. Morana has taken it upon herself to be the one to bring these wayward souls into her arms and give them an end to their lives worthy of the effort they have put in to try and prolong it. Those with unfinished business with the living sometimes have the relevant people informed of the problem by Morana before they die.
She does still have temples of sorts, but they are a far cry from the monoliths of the past. Perhaps a low sanctum surrounded by a garden of fragrant flowers, or something as simple as an altar situated in the middle of the woods. The shrines usually host one or two people looking after them, and the "Temples" host around five. The other acolytes are travellers who move between settlements and deal with last rites and putting down Revenants and Liches. Morana does need a martial arm of her order, as they are occasionally attacked by liches or those who think Morana actually tries to kill people, and these are usually the shrine keepers, who are widespread enough to be the most likely to get assaulted.
As unrest creeps back across the world, so does Morana's worship, and there are whispers of the Death Mother abroad in the common realm again. Seen in the night, silhouetted by the light of the moon and veiled by black silk and lace, one could mistake it for the drunken haze of a desirous traveller if it wasn't for the fact it was mostly soldiers who said as such. Some she had beckoned to her, and they had torn their souls away from her impossible seductions to escape, clutching their wounds. Some told of watching her bury their dead friends and leaving without a word. The most, however, only talked of glimpses caught of her watching over a bloody battle from the corner of their eyes.
She has become somewhat more of an intimidating figure, but when it comes time for her to take someone away, her enchantments are able to take away the fear just as well as they ever were.
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tigersaublog · 1 year
From Rogue To Reformed
By Linda Park-West
Leonard and Lisa Snart, perhaps better known as Captain Cold and Golden Glider, celebrate the official opening of their company Golden Snowball Recovery- described by the siblings as bounty hunters meets private investigation.
“It was a long road getting here,” said Leonard when the pair sat down with me to discuss their plans moving forward. “We’ve got a lot to prove. Not just to the public, but to other former criminals who want to make a change.”
Initially, the company was intended to have a focus on recovering lost or stolen items, using their unique experience in the criminal underworld to their advantage. But things swiftly changed when they were approached to help with the so-called Porcupine Man sightings that recently gripped rural Kansas. These sightings turned out to be one of the Gems’ own Flashes suffering from a hiccup with his powers. While working this job, the Snarts also rescued a group of school children who had gotten lost trying to find the ‘creature’ for themselves.
With that success under their belts, and glowing support from Central City’s Scarlet Speedster, I’m sure that this brother and sister team are going to do great things.
Check out our sit-down interview on our website at channel4news.com/lpwreports for more in-depth discussion, including Leonard and I getting into a heated (or is that chilled?) debate over the Combines’ starting line-up.
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earth489 · 1 year
Earth 489: Legends of Tomorrow
The Vanishing Point, a place entirely disconnected from time and space. It is here that Rip Hunter is stationed, protecting the timeline and ensuring life as everyone knows it continues its course. But when a mysterious entity begins creating time anomalies that he alone cannot fix, he must build an unlikely team with the help of his life long artifical companion, Gideon, and his timeship, the Waveider. Just don't call them heroes, because they're not. They're Legends. (Who writes this crap?)
Rip Hunter
The leader of a group known as The Time Masters (which includes members such as Gold Beetle and Ava Sharpe), Rip Hunter is the leader of the Legends. As a native of the Vanishing Point, Rip is immune to changes in time, making him the perfect candidate to fix time should anybody alter it. Together with his trusty laser revolver and his friend Gideon, Rip is determined to protect the timeline at all costs.
Sara Lance
The daughter of the original Black Canary, and younger sister of the second, Sara Lance's rebellious, carefree attitude lead to disaster when she ended up in a shipwreck which left her at the mercy of the League of Assassins. After being rescued and trained by its members, it took a long time for her to earn her freedom (an ordeal which resulted in her temporary death), but now she's back and more ready then ever to make up for her past and move past her trauma. Taking the name of White Canary in honor of her mother and sister, she acts as Rip's second in command on the Waverider.
Leonard Snart
The leader of The Rogue of Central City, Leonard Snart went straight after Barry Allen's death, giving up his life of crime to pursue a legitimate career with his sister Lisa, creating a stolen item recovery firm known as Golden Snowball Recoveries. Unfortunately Lisa's return to a life of crime, followed by her supposed death, hardened Leonard's heart and he too made a return, taking up his once abandoned name of Captain Cold. In the years since then, with the return of his sister, and a genuine friendship with Wally West, Leonard's heart has softened up again, and he’s looking to take up another career path as protector of the timeline. Of course, that doesn't mean he's totally reformed. There's a whole timeline out there, filled with artifacts and money to steal, after all.
Mick Rory
Leonard's lifelong friend and opposite in many ways, Mick Rory is a simple man with simple goals: he just wants to kill people and steal stuff. How he goes about it doesn't matter much, just as long as his friend is there by his side. So if that means he more often then not ends up doing some good on this timeship? Well, he'll tolerate it for now.
Ted Kord
When Ted Kord was shot in the head by Maxwell Lord, he was presumed dead to the world. In reality, Rip Hunter had gone to the moment of his death and used the Waverider's advanced technology to save his life. Ted's technological experience makes for a great asset on the ship, but he does miss his friends on the Justice League, particularly Booster Gold. Oddly enough, however, this Rip Hunter fellow reminds Ted of him.
Sara Butters
Pulled from a time period after Ted's assumed death, Sara was an entrepreneur who idolized him and his work. When she discovered he was the second Blue Beetle, Sara used her own equipment to imitate his own and donned a similar costume to him, only in red rather then blue. After a failed audition for the Justice League, she became a short lived member of the Justice Society, until she discovered Ted was alive again. Taking this opportunity to learn from her inspiration, she joined the Waverider crew. Although things are a little awkward now, thanks to there being two Sara's.
Rex Stewart
In this timeline, John Stewart and Shiera Saunders married Mari McCabe and Carter Hall, respectively. But in another, they were a couple, getting together and having a single son by the name of Rex. A member of his timeline's Justice League by the name of Warhawk, Rex was pulled from his own timeline by Rip, as the time master had determined that Rex's presence on the main timeline would result in a better timeline for all, and that Rex's native timeline was about to be erased. It took some getting used to, being on a world where his parents never got together, but Rex is still a hero and will still do what he can to protect his new world.
Jenni Ognats
Another hero from another erased timeline, Jenni Ogants is the granddaughter of Barry Allen and Iris West. Hailing from the same Reach controlled timeline as Bart Allen, Jenni was rescued by Rip and recruited into the Legends. While thankful for his intervention, Jenni doesn't feel like she belongs on the ship and is looking for a place to call her own. She might just find it in the 31st century.
Buddy Standler
Possibly the least expected recruit anybody could imagine, Mitchell Bernard "Buddy" Standler is The Condiment King, a former enemy of Batman. After his attempt to go legit by opening a restaurant ended in him beating a would be robber with a ketchup bottle, Buddy slipped back into his villainous persona and was ready to try to rob a bank when Rip recruited him onto the team. Why he chose somebody like this is a complete mystery, but if nothing else, he makes for a good distraction, and a great cook.
Legends of Tomorrow is my favorite Arrowverse show, despite its weak first two seasons. It really found its footing in Season 3, the direct opposite of its sister shows, Arrow and Flash. So, I just had to add the team to this AU. I changed a lot of the members though. Rip, Sara, Snart, and Rory from the first season are still around, and there's some shades of some canon members to be found with other members on this team (Warhawk in place of Carter or Kendra, Ted Kord in place of Ray, etc). Other members were complete asspulls, like Condiment King and Red Beetle.
The team changed quite a lot during production, mainly because I couldn't make up my mind on who all I wanted. Examples of cut members include alternate timeline vigilante dopplegangers of Thomas and Martha Wayne, Cassie Sandsmark, a female Barry Allen from this Earth's equivalent of Earth 11 (which I have recently began calling Earth 541), and Eugene Choi. I'm fairly satisfied with this final roster, but this isn't everyone who's going to be on the team. Treat these guys like they're the equivalent of the canon Legends Season 1 roster. Some will die, some will leave the team of their own accord, and some will stick around until the very end.
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thedcdunce · 5 years
Captain Cold
“I don't believe in "evil." Different shades of gray is all.” - Captain Cold
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Real Name: Leonard “Len” Snart
Citizen Cold
Gender: Male
Height: 6′ 2″
Weight: 196 lbs (89 kg)
Eyes: Brown
Hair: Brown
Tactical Analysis
Captain Cold's Snow Goggles
Captain Cold's Cold Gun
New Earth
Base of Operations: Central City 
Citizenship: American
Parents: Lawrence Snart; father
Marital Status: Single
Occupation: Professional Criminal
First Appearance: Showcase #8 (June, 1957)
Last Appearance: Brightest Day #18 (March, 2011)
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Leadership: He is a natural leader and has lead the Rogues through countless years of criminality. He also led a splinter group of villains during a hellish event.
Marksmanship: In addition, Leonard Snart is a very skilled marksman, though not on the same level as people like Deadshot and Deathstroke.
Tactical Analysis: He also has a very tactical mind, and his own personal sense of honor.
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Captain Cold's Snow Goggles: Minimize the flashes of energy given off by his guns within his field of vision.
Captain Cold's Cold Gun: Cold created his own freeze guns off of machine parts from a custom-made ice vehicle. They can create ice slicks, shatter metal or entomb victims in suspended animation in blocks of ice.
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Leonard Snart grew up with an abusive, hard-drinking father. Through his beatings, Leonard's father taught him that emotion was a weakness, and that a cold heart would take him further in life. Leonard's grandfather protected him and whisked him away to his ice cream truck. It was cold, but one of the only places Leonard felt safe. Only when he was older did he eventually run away from home. Through a life of crime, he was eventually caught and placed in jail by the Flash. Seeking to counter the Flash, Snart researched an article that theorized that the emissions of a cyclotron could interfere with the Flash's speed. Using a stolen cyclotron, Snart constructed a gun which shot ice that reduced temperatures to absolute zero, and began calling himself Captain Cold. Most of his crimes were in attempt to win the heart of a lady. Often he would team up with Heat Wave or his sister, Golden Glider.
Cold escaped from prison when he learned that the Picture News was planning to raise $100,000 at a charity event, which he planned to steal. However, Trickster had done the same thing. At first competing for the money, they decided to join forces when they were pursued but not only one, but two Flashes, as Jay Garrick had briefly come out of retirement. The pair successfully made their getaway, but were later captured when the two speedsters lured them into a trap by claiming that a recently discovered meteorite contained a fortune in diamonds.
After Captain Cold was released from prison, his fellow Rogues held a party for him, which turned into a riot.
Cold supposedly reformed from his criminal ways, even making a guest appearance on the Guillermo show announcing his new way of life. With his sister, Golden Glider, Snart, established Golden Snowball Recoveries, 1-800-GET-COLD, a company which recovers lost or stolen items or your money back.
The Rogues were later hired by the city council of Swainsville, New Mexico, to find the Porcupine Man and his victims. They battled with the Porcupine Man, who turned out to be Wally West. However, West evaded them and quickly got away. Three boys had been trapped in a nearby cave, and were have thought to have been the victims of the Porcupine Man. They were not, and it was even Wally who saved them. West later split the reward money with Golden Snowball.
During this time, he flew to Los Angeles and killed former prison mate Brad Brickley, resulting in a murder investigation that remained unsolved, eventually becoming a project to challenge cadets at the LA Police Academy. It was finally solved five years later by Bart Allen.
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Underworld Unleashed
The Rogues undertake a strange mission under the urging of Abra Kadabra. Given little explanation, they agree to strike at five specific though seemingly unremarkable locations across the United States. Each attack is committed simultaneously yielding explosive results far beyond their expectations. Each of the Rogues is consumed by raging green fire as their respective target sites go up in flames. These explosions formed a pentagram and unleashed the lord of hell, Neron.
Pretty soon after, the soulless husks of Captain Cold and the other Rogues were sent to terrorize Earth by Neron. Wally West and Linda Park were able to negotiate with the demon and got the Rogues' souls back in exchange for their love.
Afterwards, Snart remained as a low profile citizen in Keystone City and he was occasionally spotted watching hockey games. One time, a new monster appeared and tried to steal the hockey trophy during a game. Flash arrived in time to confront the creature known as Tar Pit and Snart decided to help Flash. In the struggle, Snart was attacked by Tar Pit and Flash had to deal with the monster alone. As he got the situation under control, Snart managed to sneak away unnoticed by the police and Flash.
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The Flash: The Fastest Man Alive
Inertia reunited Cold and the rest of the Rogues, claiming that he could build a device that could stop time, allowing them to do whatever they wanted. However, the machine's actual use was to transfer the Speed Force from the new Flash to himself. When the Flash arrived to stop them, the machine rendered him powerless. However, the Rogues soon realized that someone was helping the speedster, and it was possible that his powers could be returned. Not wanting this to happen, Cold, along with Heat Wave and Weather Wizard, shot the powerless Flash in the back, resulting in his death.
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Final Crisis
After being hunted remorselessly by heroes, and a year of chaos and trouble, including deportation to the Hell Planet during the events of Salvation Run, the Rogues' decided to quit the business, but not before they strike back against Inertia during the events of Final Crisis: Rogues' Revenge.
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Secret Society of Super-Villains
Captain Cold, along with the rest of the Rogues, has met with constant trouble from Libra and his new Secret Society of Super-Villains, attempting to press them into their ranks as a safety precaution against Speedsters. Cold, however, angrily rejected Libra's invitation, saying that the villain community had done nothing to help the Rogues following the murder of Bart. As of yet, Cold and the Rogues have completely outright refused membership, despite numerous threats made to their families. The New Rogues were sent to enlist them by holding Captain Cold's father hostage, but after Cold had the rest of the Rogues slaughter the new group, he had Heat Wave murder his father.
Following the murders of the New Rogues, Cold and the other Rogues resumed their plan to kill Inertia. However, they had trouble from Inertia's new mentor, Zoom. They were also still stalked by Libra, who had Weather Wizard's infant son. Inertia killed the boy and took on the mantle of "Kid Zoom", vowing to cause tragedy to the Rogues. Paying him back for all the trouble he had caused them, the Rogues broke their unspoken pact against killing speedsters for a second time. Pleased, Libra revealed why he so desperately wanted the Rogues in the Secret Society: Barry Allen had returned from the dead, and the Rogues were the only ones who knew him well enough to stop him and allow evil to triumph. Though shocked at the news of return of Barry Barry, Cold still rejected Libra's request for membership, saying he did not believe in evil. Inertia's body was left in front of the Keystone City Police Department, next to the written words "Tell the Flash we're even - The Rogues". Following these events, Cold announced that he was not going to retire, both to not appear as a quitter to Barry Allen, and because he knew that Barry would not just let him walk away.
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Fun Facts
Snart went straight around the same time as the Trickster who was working as a technical adviser for the Institute for Hyper-Normal Conflict Studies. Snart visited as a guest lecturer, which he claimed was as lucrative as a life of crime. Jesse wanted the gig for himself and secretly manipulated Snart into breaking into a radiation lab. The framed Snart was arrested while Jesse took his lecture circuit.
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gorogues · 2 years
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Spoilers for the Flash 2022 Annual!
You can see a few preview pages here.
Linda's been working on a novel throughout Jeremy Adams' Flash run, and in this issue we finally get a look at it alongside Wally (who's reading it for the first time).  It's fiction with a lot of autobiographical elements, and gives us a hint of how she got into the news business -- most of the other details are taken directly from her own life, including the poor first marriage, some of the people she met through Wally, and particularly the villains, so her account of her early job is probably reasonably accurate.  
Linda does spice up her story with a Star Trek pastiche as well, and it seems that she's officially made herself a Mary Sue.  The term's been overused and sometimes offensively so over the years, but it originated from Star Trek self-insert fics and fits her book quite well, since she saves the day and figures out Kadabra's evil plan before anyone else does.  Well, we've all gotta have hobbies, and a self-insertion romance novel never hurt anyone.  More power to Linda.
And of course, the other autobiographical references: her good friend Hartley, Len, who was a frenemy to Wally during the time she first met him, a blonde rival named Connie, Golden Snowball Recovery, the Porcupine Man, Kilg%re, and Kadabra.  Kadabra's a special inclusion as the big bad, because he's been a particular thorn in Linda's side for as long as she's known Wally, so it makes sense that he'd be the driving force of evil she has to defeat...it was probably cathartic for her to write it, and that's honestly the most satisfying aspect of writing fiction with personal elements infused into the work.  It may seem like I'm poking fun at her book in this review, but while there are some corny aspects in it, there's also a lot of self-empowerment which is good to see.  Kadabra must be a significant source of trauma for her -- as tough as she is -- so tearing him down on the page probably helps her cope and move forward with confidence.
The issue ends on a cliffhanger of the real-world Wally and Linda wondering if she's pregnant, since she's craving the same food she'd sought while pregnant with the twins.  So that will obviously have to be addressed sooner rather than later, and we know that the Warden Wolfe election storyline will continue, possibly as a slow burn in the background of the book.  There are lots of interesting things coming up in the post-Dark Crisis era, and it feels like this title's humming along well.
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multiverseforger · 3 years
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Leonard Snart was raised by an abusive father and took refuge with his grandfather, who worked in an ice truck. When his grandfather died, Snart grew tired of his father's abuse and set out to start a criminal career. Snart joined up with a group of small-time thieves and in planning out a robbery, each was issued a gun and a visor to protect their eyes against the flashes of gunfire. This visor design would later be adapted by Snart into his trademark costume. In recent years he has added a radio receiver to them which picks up the police band to monitor local law enforcement. Snart and the other thugs were captured by the Flash and imprisoned. Snart decided to go solo, but knew he had to do something about the local hero, the Flash.[4]
Snart read an article that theorized that the energy emissions of a cyclotron could interfere with the Flash's speed. He designed a weapon to harness that power and broke into a cyclotron lab, intending to use the device to charge up his experimental gun. As he was finishing his experiment, a security guard surprised Snart. Intending to use his gun only to scare the guard, he inadvertently pulled the trigger and discovered that his weapon had been altered in a way he had never imagined. The moisture in the air around the guard froze. Intrigued by this twist of fate, Snart donned a parka and the aforementioned visor and declared himself to be Captain Cold - the man who mastered absolute zero.[7]
Snart then committed a series of non-lethal crimes, on one occasion placing the city in suspended animation in an attempt to force Iris West to marry him as he had fallen in love with her when he saw her in the prison, but the Flash got through a wall of ice and was able to reverse the process. He later fell in love with a newscaster, and competed with Heat Wave (in his first appearance) over her in a crime spree, but they were both beaten by the Flash. But after Barry Allen's death, during the Crisis on Infinite Earths, Captain Cold became a bounty hunter with his sister Lisa, the Golden Glider.[4]
During the events of Underworld Unleashed, Captain Cold lost his soul to Neron but Wally West brought it back to the land of the living. He soon returned to crime, this time a member of Wally's Rogues Gallery. The Rogues had first been assembled when another Flash foe, the super-intelligent Gorilla Grodd had broken them out of jail to distract the Flash. The Golden Glider had abandoned her bounty hunter career and had started partnering with a series of thugs who she dressed in a costume, armed with a copy of Captain Cold's signature Cold Gun, and called Chillblaine. Already distraught over the death of her lover, the Top, it seemed that the supposed death of her brother pushed her over the edge. But the last Chillblaine was a little smarter and more vicious. He murdered the Golden Glider, prompting Captain Cold to hunt him down, torture him and kill him by freezing his outer layer of skin and then pushing him off a high rise building. Not long after that, Snart was framed by a new incarnation of Mister Element. He used his Element Gun to simulate Cold's gun, using ice and cold to murder several police officers before Captain Cold and the Flash discovered who was actually responsible. With the death of his sister, and having killed Chillblaine and Mr. Element in vengeance, Cold has again become an unrepentant criminal. However, during a confrontation with Brother Grimm, Cold actually worked with Wally West to defeat the powerful magic user, although this was mainly because he and Mirror Master had been betrayed by Grimm and wanted revenge.[4]
Captain Cold was declared the leader of the Flash's Rogues Gallery. His skill and experience have made him a strong leader to the likes of the Weather Wizard, the new Trickster, the new Mirror Master, and the new Captain Boomerang. Len seems to have taken the young Captain Boomerang under his wing, after the elder Boomerang was recently killed. Tabloids rumoured that Captain Cold's sister, the Golden Glider, was Boomerang's mother, making him Captain Cold's nephew. This turned out to be false, however, as the new Boomerang's mother has been revealed to be Meloni Thawne, who is also the mother of Bart Allen. Despite his more ruthless nature as of late, Captain Cold's heart is not completely frozen, evidenced by having sent flowers to honor Sue Dibny, murdered wife of the Elongated Man.[volume & issue needed]
Traditionally, Captain Cold is driven by three things: money, women, and the desire to beat Barry Allen. Although not the lecher that Captain Boomerang was, Len Snart has an eye for the ladies, particularly models. When Barry Allen died, Captain Cold drifted for a while, jumping back and forth over the lines of crime and justice. He was captured by the Manhunter and served time in the Suicide Squad, worked with his sister as a bounty hunter (Golden Snowball Recoveries), and, with his longtime friend and sometimes nemesis Heat Wave, encountered Fire and Ice of the Justice League. He has teamed up with various villains over the years other than the many Rogues. These include Catwoman and the Secret Society of Super Villains. His favorite baseball team is the Houston Astros.[volume & issue needed]
"One Year Later"Edit
In the 2006 "One Year Later" storyline, he and several other Rogues are approached by Inertia with a plan to kill the Flash (then Barry Allen). Though Inertia was defeated, Captain Cold, Weather Wizard, Heat Wave, Mirror Master and Abra Kadabra killed Bart with a combined barrage of their elemental weapons. He, Heat Wave, and Weather Wizard seemed to express guilt, however, after learning the identity of the Flash and how young he was.
Salvation RunEdit
Captain Cold is one of the exiled villains featured in the 2007-08 miniseries Salvation Run along with his fellow Rogues: Heat Wave, Weather Wizard, Mirror Master, and Abra Kadabra.
New RoguesEdit
The New Rogues version of Captain Cold is Chill, a unknown man who possesses a Cold Gun.
Final Crisis: Rogues' RevengeEdit
In the 2008 miniseries Final Crisis: Rogues' Revenge, Captain Cold and the Rogues briefly joined Libra's Secret Society of Super Villains. In Final Crisis: Rogues' Revenge story, however, Cold and the rest of the Rogues reject Libra's offer, wanting to stay out of the game. Before they can retire, they hear of Inertia escaping and decide to stick around long enough to get revenge for being used.[8] Cold and his group are challenged by a new set of Rogues, formed by Libra to be their replacements. The new group, having kidnapped Cold's father, challenge the Rogues, and are defeated and killed. Cold goes to his father, talking to him about the abuse he suffered, and the fate of his sister. After the elder Snart insults him and his mother, calling them weak, Cold punches him, but finds himself unable to kill him, instead getting Heat Wave to do it.[9] The Rogues have their confrontation with Inertia, despite interference by Zoom and Libra, and kill Inertia. Libra then reveals that he needs the Rogues because Barry Allen has returned from the dead, and the Flashes are potential threats to him and Darkseid. Though shocked by the news that Allen is alive, Cold still rejects his offer of membership. After regrouping, Cold and the other Rogues agree not to retire, claiming that the game is back on.[10] In "Final Crisis" #7, someone that looks like Captain Cold appears as a Justifier and is seen fighting the Female Furies alongside the other Justifiers under Lex Luthor's control.
The Flash: RebirthEdit
In the 2009 The Flash: Rebirth miniseries, Captain Cold is seen with the other Rogues, reading about Barry Allen's return and claiming that they would need more of the Rogues.[11] The Rogues are still debating Allen's return, with Cold saying it's time to pull out their contingency plan that Scudder came up with, stating "In case The Flash returns, break glass."[12]
"Blackest Night"Edit
In the 2009–2010 "Blackest Night" storyline, the Rogues realize that the bodies of various dead Rogues are missing and prepare to fight them. Captain Cold knows that his sister, the Golden Glider, is among the reanimated Black Lanterns but is still ready to lead the Rogues against the zombies.[13] He is confronted by the Black Lantern Glider, who attempts to use his feelings of love for her against him. However, Captain Cold manages to suppress these feelings long enough for him to fight back, freezing her within a block of ice.[14] He subsequently kills Owen Mercer by throwing him into a pit with his Black Lantern father when he learns that Owen has been feeding people to his father in the belief that consuming flesh will restore him to life, informing Owen that Rogues do not kill women and children.[15]
The Flash (Vol. 3)Edit
In The Flash (Vol. 3), Captain Cold and the Rogues visit Sam Scudder's old hideout and unveil a giant mirror with the words In Case of Flash: Break Glass written on it and release beings from a Mirror World upon breaking it.[16] However, Captain Cold is told by Mirror Master he had discovered that the giant mirror is actually a slow acting poison.[17]
The New 52Edit
In the timeline of the 2011 company-wide reboot of all its superhero titles, The New 52, Captain Cold is reintroduced as a younger man than in the previous timeline and now with his Rogues lives with a code to never kill. His origin remains the same, however, his sister Lisa has not been the Golden Glider, and is instead dying of cancer. Upon learning that the hospital does not have enough energy to power a laser that could save her life, because of an EMP seemingly caused by the Flash, Cold blames him for everything that has happened to him, including a falling out with the Rogues, and decides to break the rules of their "game" and kill the Flash. Captain Cold has undergone experiments that have given him ice-based metahuman powers, including the ability to slow down the molecules around him, creating a field of inertia that reduces the Flash's speed to human level, allowing Captain Cold to touch him and effortlessly beat him.[18] He and the Rogues are set to return,[19] but later defeated them with help from Flash, and the Pied Piper.[20]
After freeing the Trickster and attending the meeting at the Justice League Watchtower, the Rogues return to Central and Keystone City, only to see that both have been destroyed by Gorilla Grodd. Grodd returns to Central City during the eclipse, while a ceremony commemorating Flash between the humans and gorillas is occurring. Grodd proceeds to take control of Central City as its king and renames it Gorilla City. Captain Cold sees the city's cops tied up from Grodd, and proceeds to free them. He then asks Mirror Master to help him get to the hospital where his sister is being held in order to check on her. While there, the Crime Syndicate send Black Bison, Hyena, Multiplex, Plastique and Typhoon to finish Grodd's work and destroy the hospital. The Rogues are able to hold them off, only to be interrupted by Deathstorm and Power Ring, who were sent by Ultraman to deal with the Rogues for resisting the Crime Syndicate's offer to join them. After battling Deathstorm and Power Ring, Deathstorm attacks Captain Cold and is able to extract his freezing powers from his DNA. Mirror Master attempts to get the Rogues out through the Mirror World, but Power Ring destroys the mirror causing the Rogues to be separated. Captain Cold ends up at Luthor and his Kryptonian clone's location where they are also joined by Black Manta, who has retrieved Black Adam from the ocean.[21] Luthor realizes that, with the help of his clone, Black Adam, Black Manta, and Captain Cold, he may be able to stop the Crime Syndicate. Captain Cold and the rest of the squad, now joined by Batman, Catwoman, Sinestro and Deathstroke, infiltrate the fallen Watchtower, where Black Manta kills the Outsider and Cold proceeds to shatter Johnny Quick's right leg after having frozen the molecules in it with his cold gun. He then unmasks the hooded prisoner brought over from Earth-3, revealing it to be Alexander Luthor, who is their version of Shazam, Mazahs, who states he will kill them all.[22][volume & issue needed] After defeating the crime syndicate, Captain Cold is pardoned by the U.S government, and becomes a member of the Justice League, along with Luthor.
DC RebirthEdit
Snart and the Rogues first made a cameo appearance in the DC Rebirth's storylines; they are fleetingly watching a news report about the many newly created speedsters appearing throughout the city in The Flash #3. Snart quips that it is time for the Rogues to leave Central City for a while. Visually the Rogues still seem to be based upon their New 52 appearances in this cameo, though when Snart later appears in one of Flash's memory flashbacks he has resorted to an even older look. He and the other Rogues retain these costumes in their later appearances.
Snart and the Rogues make their first full-length appearance in The Flash #15, where they are attempting to steal a valuable golden statue of the god Mercury from the small island nation of Corto Maltese. The Flash arrives to stop them, but they turn out to be constructs of Mirror Master laid so that the Rogues can commit a crime spree in Central City. Captain Cold reveals what he had been working on in his absence from the city—a "black ice gun" that uses the anti-Speed Force weaponry of the terrorist group Black Hole combined with his regular freeze gun. After a fight, the Golden Glider had a chance to kill the Flash, but was talked out of it by her fellow Rogues. Despite this setback, Flash manages to finally beat Snart and the rest of the Rogues without killing them. By the end of The Flash #17, Snart appears to be ready to take over Iron Heights from the more neophyte villains, including Papercut.
In the Watchmen sequel Doomsday Clock, Captain Cold and his fellow Rogues are among the villains that attend the underground meeting held by Riddler that talks about the Superman Theory.[23]
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keelywolfe · 5 years
FIC: Nicely Done (baon, 12 days of Cheer)
Note:  For the 12 Days of Cheer!
Day #1: Ugly Sweaters | Day #2 Family | Day #3 Ice Skating | Day #4 Santa
Day #5 Decorations | Day #6 Cocoa | Day  #7 Toys  | Day #8: Mistletoe  | Day #9: Cookies | Day #10: Snowball 
Day #11: Naughty or Nice
Note: Sorry for the lack of real updates, I’m still in recovery mode from bronchitis. 😥
Tags: Spicyhoney, Domestic, Established Relationship, Soft Fluff, Slightly Naughty 
Read it on AO3
Read it here!
In the fireplace, flames were dancing brightly, their shine burnishing the entire room in golden light. Wine glowed a deep burgundy in long-stem glasses on the coffee table, and the soft strains of instrumental holiday music filled the air.
The playlist was one Edge made from memory of one of the old cassettes he’d once owned in Underfell. The first time he’d heard it, he hadn’t even known what Gyftmas was; he’d listened to it on a badly taped-up Walkman with broken headphones, the sound snowy with static that did nothing to dull his wonder. A rare fond memory that he could share with Stretch, but one that would have to wait.
For now, his mouth was caught up in something more indulgent than mere words, kissing his husband with deep, luxurious strokes of tongue and teeth. Stretch tasted of wine, of the candy cane he’d been eating, of his own natural sweetness, and the tiny, soft sounds caught in his throat were a wordless plea that left Edge helpless, bound only by the limitations of body for what he would do to hear those sounds again.
Stretch was more in his lap than not, his long legs draped overtop Edge’s. The blanket slung over his shoulders was sagging halfway to the floor and beneath it, Stretch was only wearing pajamas, a pair of Edge’s own, soft plaid flannel that clung warmly to his bones and by all the heavenly stars, Stretch was beautiful.
“you always think i’m beautiful,” Stretch whispered between their mouths, teasingly sly and his eye lights were soft, clouded with desire.
“You always are,” Edge told him hoarsely.
“you need to take a glance at yourself from time to time—oh!”
He broke off as Edge shifted to tip him backwards onto the sofa, rearranging them both until Stretch was on his back and Edge could settle on top of him, pressing him into the plush cushions. The temptation of his pretty bones was maddening, but Edge did not loosen his hold on his control, not yet. Only flicked open the top button on the shirt, exposing a wider glimpse of those slender, pale bones.
“oh,” Stretch shivered as Edge lapped softly at his clavicles. He squirmed against Edge’s confining weight, blunt fingertips digging lightly into his scapulas and their femurs sliding together through two layers of cloth. “think santa won’t bring us any presents if we’re naughty?”
“This isn’t naughty,” Edge murmured. He let his teeth scrape very carefully against that delicate bone, dragging out a soft gasp, “this is very, very nice.”
“very nice,” Stretch agreed, his voice breaking on a whimper. His hands scrabbled at the front of Edge’s shirt, fisting in the soft material to haul him back up, his mouth wildly urgent against Edge’s.
Beneath that tangled blanket there was only them, the world outside banked away behind the strains of music, the crackle of the fire, the decadent warmth between them. A gift without price, and if he never had another, Edge would call this one worth it.
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multiloquently · 5 years
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after the failure of the STAR Labs particle accelerator and the emergence of meta-humans, Central City of Earth-2 is declared too dangerous for human habitation, most of its population moving across the river to what was once a small farming community, now Keystone City. 
Keystone is protected by one of the metas made in Central, the Flash, whose identity is widely known as Wally West. Wally fights crime in Keystone with the help of fellow vigilante the Pied Piper and criminal profiler Hunter Zolomon of the Keystone City PD, going up against threats both human and meta-human, including the dark speedster known only as Zoom.
ripped away from the home he’s always loved, Leonard Snart has left behind his days as a career thief to become a bounty hunter with his sister Lisa, under the name of Golden Snowball Recoveries.
on the run from the government agency that recruited him, assassin Evan Macculloch creates technology that allows interdimensional travel between reflective surfaces, dubbing himself the Mirror Master and taking his tricks to Keystone.
despite the chaos, life is good in Keystone - until a breach opens in space and time, and the Flash goes missing.
aka i’m not an a.rrowverse blog but if i am playing in the a.rrowverse it will be my flash s2 rewrite verse
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gizedcom · 4 years
All World football: Recruiters didn’t miss B.T. Washington standout Keuan Parker | OK Preps Extra
Keuan Parker was almost too good for his own good last football season.
It was hard for the Booker T. Washington cornerback to showcase his abilities because opposing quarterbacks threw the ball so infrequently to his side of the field.
“It was frustrating that they didn’t throw at me more,” he said. “Before every single play, I was praying they would.”
Opponents are shy about challenging the kind of elite athlete Parker has made of himself through hard work and devotion to his craft.
“He just has a tremendously high work ethic — all business, all the time,” said Hornets assistant Mike Blitch, Parker’s position coach for three years and who now takes over as the team’s defensive coordinator.
Parker’s statistics last season — 45 tackles, two interceptions and 14 pass breakups — were good but hardly earth-shattering. It’s a good thing the college recruiters had already seen what he could do with his stellar play on the summer circuit.
In Owasso’s 7-on-7 tournament, Parker confronted quality receivers for two days and didn’t allow a reception. He also starred in showcase Texas tournaments for Sooner7, an elite travel squad coached by Dwight Dobbins, Marcus Pugh and Derek Rasmussen.
The recruiters were impressed, new B.T. Washington head coach Jonathan Brown said.
“They started coming up here at the start of the 2019 season. They said, ‘I hear about him testing good’ and ‘I hear he’s gonna be your guys’ next great corner,’” Brown said.
The Hornets’ recent lineage includes five-star free safety Dax Hill and cornerback D.J. Jones, who helped lead the 2017 championship team and will be second-year players at Michigan and Oklahoma State, respectively, in the fall.
“He started getting these offers — Oregon, Arkansas, Baylor, among others,” Brown said. “He started getting a lot of momentum and things kind of snowballed. And the next thing you know, he’s one of the best players in Oklahoma going into his senior year.”
Parker committed to the University of Arkansas in May, choosing from a group of finalists that included Michigan State, Nebraska, SMU, Kansas and Baylor.
“I just feel really comfortable whenever I go to (the Arkansas campus) and I have a good relationship with (first-year Razorbacks coach Sam Pittman and his staff),” Parker said. “I can see myself there for the next three or four years.”
Today, Parker is rated a three-star prospect by Rivals, the No. 42 cornerback in the 2021 national recruiting class and No. 7 overall in the state of Oklahoma.
He’s also a candidate in the defensive backs category in the 2020 All World preseason football contest presented by Bill Knight Automotive. The contest allows readers to vote for their favorite players in each of 10 categories.
Candidates were chosen on the basis of past performance, projected 2020 accomplishments and college potential. Players from all grades are eligible and may only be selected at one position.
Readers may vote once per day per device. Voting will run through 3 p.m. Aug. 13, and the winners will be announced in the Tulsa World and at OKPrepsExtra.com in late August. Go to OKPrepsExtra.com for weekly updates on who is in the lead.
What makes Parker so good? Start with his blistering 4.4-second speed in the 40-yard dash. That puts him among the metro area’s fastest players, with guys like Union’s AJ Green, Bixby’s Braylin Presley and Parker’s teammate, Gentry Williams.
Next is his physicality. At 5-foot-11, he’s added muscle and 10 pounds since last season and will play at 185 as a senior.
“He’s really good in press coverage where he can get his hands on receivers and he’ll stick his nose in there and make a hit,” Brown said.
To mix things up last season, the Hornets would move Parker to strong safety, requiring him to take on tight ends and be more active in the running game.
“The knock on corners is that they don’t like to hit, but he is the direct opposite. He loves contact. He has the mentality of a linebacker,” Brown said.
Parker was “humbled” by the attention he received and will do everything it takes to prepare himself for the next level, Brown said.
“He understands the responsibility he’s undertaken, but he’s ready,” Brown said. “He loves the gym, he loves running and working out and trying to make himself better.”
Vote Now: Here are the 2020 All World defensive backs. You pick the best.
1. Kendal Daniels
Beggs ¦ 6-4 ¦ 185 ¦ Sr.
A 2019 All World first-team selection and World All-State second-team selection. Has more than 20 major-college offers and his finalists are OU, LSU, Clemson and Texas A&M. Was No. 3 in last summer’s rankings. Last year, had 125 tackles and scored on three of his six interceptions to help the Golden Demons reach the Class 2A semifinals. Caught 38 passes for 462 yards and five TDs. In 2018, had 85 tackles, five interceptions and forced two fumbles as Beggs reached the 2A state final.
Click here to vote for Kendal
Photo by JOEY JOHNSON/for the Tulsa World
3. Ty Williams
Muskogee ¦ 6-1 ¦ 190 ¦ Sr.
Oklahoma State commit has intercepted 14 passes over the past two seasons, including last year. Also had 62 tackles in 2019. Completed 103-of-171 passes for 1,455 yards and 14 touchdowns last season. Also rushed for 780 yards and eight TDs. Has accounted for 4,428 yards and 42 TDs as a two-year starting quarterback. Produced 302 yards and three TDs against 6AII champion Bixby last year.
Click here to vote for Ty
4. Tevin Williams
Stillwater ¦ 6-0 ¦ 172 ¦ Sr.
Committed to Baylor. Had 38 tackles with two interceptions last year to help the Pioneers reach the 6AII state final for the second consecutive year. Also caught a 10-yard TD pass against Sapulpa in a playoff opener. In 2018, had 31 tackles and an interception.
Click here to vote for Tevin
5. Gage Laney
Owasso ¦ 5-11 ¦ 175 ¦ Sr.
Free safety had five interceptions last season, including two returned for TDs against Fayetteville (Arkansas), to help the Rams win the 6AI state title. Had 34 tackles overall, including 20 solos and three for losses. Recorded a season-high six tackles in a 24-10 win over Mustang. In 2018, had 43 tackles, with 27 solos and three interceptions.
Click here to vote for Gage
6. Marc Gouldsby
Holland Hall ¦ 5-11 ¦ 165 ¦ Sr.
Makes an impact in all three phases. Had 47 tackles with two interceptions at cornerback last year. On offense, had 27 catches for 673 yards and 10 touchdowns to help the Dutch post a 9-3 record. Also scored TDs on both of his carries and scored on three punt returns. Has career totals of 103 tackles and four interceptions.
Click here to vote for Marc
7. Grant Lohr
Jenks ¦ 6-0 ¦ 186 ¦ Sr.
Safety had 63 tackles last season and two playoff interceptions, including one returned for a 52-yard TD against Mustang in the 6AI quarterfinals. Had an interception that helped set the tone in a win over Norman. Also had a 15-yard TD run against Norman and has the potential for a breakout year at running back — similar to two-way standout Will Cox last year. Son of Jason Lohr, who was the World’s 1997 All-Metro co-player of the year.
Click here to vote for Grant
8. Jayden Patrick
Jenks ¦ 5-10 ¦ 180 ¦ Sr.
An aggressive, physical cornerback, he had 48 tackles last year. Scored on a 79-yard punt return against Enid. Had a 46-yard kickoff return against Norman and a 32-yarder against Owasso in the 6AI state final. Had a season-high nine tackles, including six solos, against Norman and seven against Owasso.
Click here to vote for Jayden
9. Eli Benham
Sperry ¦ 5-7 ¦ 150 ¦ Sr.
For Collinsville last year, had 72 tackles, four fumble recoveries and an interception. Also excelled on special teams as he scored on a kickoff return and punt return. Averaged 14.5 yards on 11 punt returns. After moving to Sperry, he won the 3A wrestling title at 132 pounds in February. 
Click here to vote for Eli
10. Chance Wilson
Rejoice Christian ¦ 6-2 ¦ 170 ¦ So.
As a freshman last year for the 13-1 Eagles, scored touchdowns as a rusher, punt and kickoff returner, and defensive back. He also threw for five TDs in 28 passes as a quarterback. In the secondary, scored on three of his six interceptions. Had 189 yards on four kickoff returns against Haskell.
Click here to vote for Chance
Click here to vote on the best running back
The 2020 All-World Preseason Football Contest presented by Bill Knight Automotive is underway, giving readers the chance throughout the summer…
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briangoodwinca · 6 years
3 Healthy Holiday Treats
3 Healthy Holiday Treats
During the holiday season, we tend to relax our eating habits and enjoy some of the plentiful, delicious treats at celebrations and parties. While it is important to have fun with traditions and festivities, you also need to consider how your dietary choices are affecting your overall health.
The truth is that you can “have your cake and eat it too.” Finding the right holiday treat recipes will allow you to indulge without worrying about the impact on your waistline. You can make these healthy recipes at home to bring to your holiday gatherings, giving everyone a healthier alternative to the overabundance of refined sugar and fat. Here are three fun recipes to try this month:
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Chocolate Dipped Snowballs
These coconut bites are sweetened with maple syrup and dipped in dark chocolate to help you cut back on refined sugar. It’s like biting into a sweet snowball without the guilt that comes from traditional holiday chocolates.
   2 cups shredded coconut, unsweetened
   5 tablespoons unrefined coconut oil
   4 tablespoons maple syrup
   1 teaspoon real vanilla extract
   Melted dark chocolate for dipping
Put the coconut in a food processor or blender and pulse to create a flour texture. Place the processed coconut in a bowl. Then add the coconut oil, maple syrup, and vanilla extract. Stir until combined. Shape the paste into small balls by gently squeezing in the palm of your hand. Put the shaped coconut balls in the fridge for one hour.
Melt the dark chocolate. Dip the coconut balls in the chocolate using a fork. Allow the extra chocolate to drip off the fork before placing each ball on a cookie sheet or plate lined with wax paper. Store in the refrigerator at least 4 hours or until you are ready to serve these treats.
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Healthy Apple Crisp Bake
Whole grains and plenty of fibre in the fruit make this apple crisp an amazingly healthy dessert.
   5 or 6 apples, cored, peeled and sliced
   1/3 cup real maple syrup
   1 teaspoon cinnamon, plus ¼ teaspoon cinnamon
   ¼ teaspoon nutmeg
   1 teaspoon vanilla extract
   1/3 cup whole wheat pastry flour
   ½ cup old fashioned oats
   1/3 cup coconut sugar
   ½ cup pecans, chopped
   ¼ teaspoon real salt
   ¼ cup coconut oil
Preheat the oven to 350 degrees Fahrenheit. Prepare an 8x8 baking pan by greasing with coconut oil or non-stick cooking spray. Make the apple crisp topping by pulsing the flour, oats, coconut sugar, ¼ teaspoon cinnamon, pecans, and coconut oil in a food processor. Set the topping aside.
Prepare the apples for the filling by combining the apple slices with 1 teaspoon cinnamon, as well as the maple syrup, nutmeg, and vanilla. Put the apples in the prepared baking pan. Top with the flour mixture. Bake for 50 to 55 minutes. The crisp is done with the filling is bubbling and the topping has a nice golden-brown colour. Allow the crisp to cool 10 minutes before serving.
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Easy Flourless Brownies
This brownie recipe is simple to make since it only requires three ingredients. Enjoy a chocolatey treat while supporting your health.
   3 bananas, overripe
   ½ cup creamy nut butter (almond butter is best)
   2 – 4 tablespoons cocoa powder to taste
Preheat the oven to 350 degrees. Prepare a loaf pan by greasing with non-stick cooking spray or coconut oil. Melt the nut butter in a small saucepan on the stovetop. In a mixing bowl, combine the nut butter, banana, and cocoa powder. For a rich, chocolate taste, use up to 4 tablespoons of cocoa powder. Mix well.
Put the mixture into the pan and bake for 20 minutes. Cool completely. Cut into brownies and serve. Store in the refrigerator.
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Aurora Recovery Centre’s philosophies are consistently reflected in the way we value our members and staff. Everything we do is in the interest of our members’ recovery for life.
Why Aurora
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Aurora’s treatment process is built upon a member-first culture and stands on three pillars that reflect our philosophy toward our members’ recovery: Heal, Connect and Recover.
Treatment Process
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Our modern world-class facilities are located on the serene western shore of Lake Winnipeg, accompanied by miles of wooded trails and breathtaking sunrises, with amenities that support healing.
from Aurora Recovery Centre https://www.aurorarecoverycentre.com/uncategorized/3-healthy-holiday-treats/ source https://aurorarecoverycentre1.tumblr.com/post/181057038024
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chanelpriceca · 6 years
3 Healthy Holiday Treats
3 Healthy Holiday Treats
During the holiday season, we tend to relax our eating habits and enjoy some of the plentiful, delicious treats at celebrations and parties. While it is important to have fun with traditions and festivities, you also need to consider how your dietary choices are affecting your overall health.
The truth is that you can “have your cake and eat it too.” Finding the right holiday treat recipes will allow you to indulge without worrying about the impact on your waistline. You can make these healthy recipes at home to bring to your holiday gatherings, giving everyone a healthier alternative to the overabundance of refined sugar and fat. Here are three fun recipes to try this month:
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Chocolate Dipped Snowballs
These coconut bites are sweetened with maple syrup and dipped in dark chocolate to help you cut back on refined sugar. It’s like biting into a sweet snowball without the guilt that comes from traditional holiday chocolates.
   2 cups shredded coconut, unsweetened
   5 tablespoons unrefined coconut oil
   4 tablespoons maple syrup
   1 teaspoon real vanilla extract
   Melted dark chocolate for dipping
Put the coconut in a food processor or blender and pulse to create a flour texture. Place the processed coconut in a bowl. Then add the coconut oil, maple syrup, and vanilla extract. Stir until combined. Shape the paste into small balls by gently squeezing in the palm of your hand. Put the shaped coconut balls in the fridge for one hour.
Melt the dark chocolate. Dip the coconut balls in the chocolate using a fork. Allow the extra chocolate to drip off the fork before placing each ball on a cookie sheet or plate lined with wax paper. Store in the refrigerator at least 4 hours or until you are ready to serve these treats.
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Healthy Apple Crisp Bake
Whole grains and plenty of fibre in the fruit make this apple crisp an amazingly healthy dessert.
   5 or 6 apples, cored, peeled and sliced
   1/3 cup real maple syrup
   1 teaspoon cinnamon, plus 1/4 teaspoon cinnamon
   1/4 teaspoon nutmeg
   1 teaspoon vanilla extract
   1/3 cup whole wheat pastry flour
   1/2 cup old fashioned oats
   1/3 cup coconut sugar
   1/2 cup pecans, chopped
   1/4 teaspoon real salt
   1/4 cup coconut oil
Preheat the oven to 350 degrees Fahrenheit. Prepare an 8x8 baking pan by greasing with coconut oil or non-stick cooking spray. Make the apple crisp topping by pulsing the flour, oats, coconut sugar, 1/4 teaspoon cinnamon, pecans, and coconut oil in a food processor. Set the topping aside.
Prepare the apples for the filling by combining the apple slices with 1 teaspoon cinnamon, as well as the maple syrup, nutmeg, and vanilla. Put the apples in the prepared baking pan. Top with the flour mixture. Bake for 50 to 55 minutes. The crisp is done with the filling is bubbling and the topping has a nice golden-brown colour. Allow the crisp to cool 10 minutes before serving.
Related Articles:
5 Best Holiday Mocktails for a Sober Holiday Party
Effective Goal Setting for Recovery
10 Health and Wellness Tips for Colder Weather
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Easy Flourless Brownies
This brownie recipe is simple to make since it only requires three ingredients. Enjoy a chocolatey treat while supporting your health.
   3 bananas, overripe
   1/2 cup creamy nut butter (almond butter is best)
   2 – 4 tablespoons cocoa powder to taste
Preheat the oven to 350 degrees. Prepare a loaf pan by greasing with non-stick cooking spray or coconut oil. Melt the nut butter in a small saucepan on the stovetop. In a mixing bowl, combine the nut butter, banana, and cocoa powder. For a rich, chocolate taste, use up to 4 tablespoons of cocoa powder. Mix well.
Put the mixture into the pan and bake for 20 minutes. Cool completely. Cut into brownies and serve. Store in the refrigerator.
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Aurora Recovery Centre’s philosophies are consistently reflected in the way we value our members and staff. Everything we do is in the interest of our members’ recovery for life.
Why Aurora
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Aurora’s treatment process is built upon a member-first culture and stands on three pillars that reflect our philosophy toward our members’ recovery: Heal, Connect and Recover.
Treatment Process
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Our modern world-class facilities are located on the serene western shore of Lake Winnipeg, accompanied by miles of wooded trails and breathtaking sunrises, with amenities that support healing.
from https://www.aurorarecoverycentre.com/uncategorized/3-healthy-holiday-treats/
source http://aurorarecoverycentre1.weebly.com/blog/3-healthy-holiday-treats
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elizabethbgrimes · 6 years
“That Girl” (Becoming the Girl You Always Want to Be)
Day 1-Blog-“That Girl”
Have you ever wanted to be “that girl?”—That girl who has it all “together?”
Or perhaps, have you ever feel like your body is working against you? 
You think: “If only I _____” then I’d be happy?
If only I weighed 10 pounds less or more
If only I didn’t have love handles or cellulite
If only I was fitter, stronger, faster, or better
If only I didn’t feel so bloated or constipated all the time
We all have that nagging thing—I call it our “Achille’s heel” or “dangling carrot.” That thing that holds us back or keeps us striving forward, telling ourselves, “If” or “When” we are “THAT girl” ALL will be well. 
I get it…big time. 
My Back Story: Wanting to Be “That Girl”
For MOST of my life, I’ve wanted to be “THAT GIRL.”
You know: A mix between Blake Lively, meets Mary Kate & Ashley Olson, meets Carey Underwood, meets “Tone it Up,” meets CrossFit badass, meets ____ —any other beautiful girl that comes to mind.
In fact, for the latter first half of my life, I struggled with a severe eating disorder that left me constantly in pursuit of the ideal: Wanting to be “that girl.” (Check it out here) 
It Begins: 9 Years Old
Wanting to be “that girl” all started around the time I was 9-years-old. What began as an “innocent diet,” however, quickly snowballed into a full blown eating disorder, in pursuit of becoming “that girl.”
Although I found recovery (over 15 years later), in the aftermath, I found myself struggling with ANOTHER health battle I NEVER saw coming—and that ironically, STILL, left me striving to be “that girl.” 
I call it “Post Recovery Recovery”—what happens to your body AFTER spending MANY YEARS dieting and abusing it.
Post Recovery Recovery
In short: for the past 5-6 years, I’ve still found myself wrestling with my body at times.
Hating on it or telling it, “You’re too thin,” “You’re not pretty enough,” “You’re not healthy enough”…
To say the least, over the past 5-6 years, as my body has continued to heal from more than 20 years of damage (from both my eating disorder and my childhood processed foods diet), I’ve also dealt with my fair share of side effects from those years including:
Metabolic Dysfunction & Insulin Resistance
Autoimmune Diseases
Hormone Imbalances (“adrenal fatigue”)
IBS, SIBO (small intestinal bacterial overgrowth), Dysbiosis (gut bacteria imbalances)
Thyroid Problems
Rude and hurtful comments and whispers from others who cut me down because of what I look like
—All of which have left me feeling frustrated with my body and, more than anything, wanting to be “That Girl.”
My Wakeup Call
While it’s not bad to want to look good and feel good, these frustrations with my body continued until the past 6 months when I had a BIG wakeup call that I actually am THAT GIRL, and she’s been inside me all along. 
What do I mean? 
If you’ve every wanted to be “That Girl,” read on to find out. This one is for you…
That Girl
How “That Girl” Looks
She’s got a defined waist, toned legs, flat abs. Perfect hair, not one out of place, even after the wind blows. 
She looks good in jeans and a t-shirt, Lululemon yoga pants or a little black dress—no matter what she’s wearing, she’s always dressed to kill.
At the lake, or at the beach, she can rock any swimsuit she so chooses—be it a frumpy one-piece that she turns into a ‘classy’ Jackie-O style, a sportswear Speedo—donning her femininely buff arms and legs, or a string bikini—who no one else on this planet could wear but her.
She can even make a brown paper sack look good. 
How “That Girl” Moves
That Girl moves ever so gracefully in high heel pumps—as if they were Nike tenni-shoes, and any time she enters a room, heads always turns to see that woman who just walked through the door. 
She’s fabulous, confident, and completely 100% at peace in her own skin—never a flinch of distaste for herself, but not conceited either. 
She just is—she does her thing, nothing seemingly standing in her way.
She’s into CrossFit, Barre, yoga, spin or running—something she totally loves and moves, not out of hate for her body, but out of love—doing things that enliven her and give her energy. And when she’s working, she doesn’t sweat. She glows.
How “That Girl” Eats
She’s totally paleo, or into green juice, or vegan—something that makes her feel connected with nourishing her body and sustainability. She probably doesn’t feel pulled or tugged to or sneak a date with Ben & Jerry’s on her couch late at night.
How “That Girl” Hangs
That Girl has a long line of suitors who would kill to date her, or raise her children. She always has. And she doesn’t settle for anyone or neeeeed a man to define her. Whoever is by her side is special—someone that is able to hang with That Girl and doing big things in this world too—captain of the football team, president of his fraternity, hot musician, soccer stud, CrossFit badass, an investor, a Harvard-educated lawyer, a retired pro baseball player, an entrepreneur—of, now, multi-million dollar companies. 
She also has a select handful of really amazing friends—Girls who are doing things in their lives. Growing non-profits, changing lives, starting something great. She moves and grooves with other movers and shakers.
That Girl’s Instagram has thousands upon thousands of likes, whether she posts a picture of her Acai Bowl at her favorite café, the scenery of her awesome vacay to the West Coast, kicking butt in spin class, rocking her bikini laughing with her friends on a Labor Day boat ride, or side-by-side with her fam on a visit home—people love to see what she’s up to.
How “That Girl” Does It All
That Girl has a lot on her plate—just like we all do—and then some, but for some reason, she seems to pull it off without flinching.
 “I don’t know how she does it” other says. 
She’s a med student, a pediatrician, a finance and accounting double major. She’s going to be the next Erin Andrews on ESPN, or talk show personality on the Today Show. She’s an accomplished blogger, jewelry designer, fashion merchandiser. She has her own business—or is looking into starting her own. She’s an active member of her sorority, or the Junior League; cheer squad or inspiring personal trainer; three kids or super nanny; Honors Society or booming medical or law practice in town; chair of the Booster Club, PTA or chair of the community service organization; a leader in student government or a social do-good non-profit movement.
That Girl doesn’t waste time. You won’t find her spending hours upon hours, sitting on a couch, watching re-runs of the Gilmore Girls, or staying up on her computer until the wee hours of the night Facebook stalking, or look up at the end of the day and think, “What did I do today?”
She’s engaged in living her life—not watching it pass her by. 
That Girl totally, fully, completely has it ALL together, and we all, at one time or another, have wanted to be That Girl. 
And try as we might…That Girl is always there, in the back of our minds.
How “That Girl” Has ALWAYS Been There (in the Back of Our Minds)
In middle school and high-school That Girl’s accomplishments and accolades looked different—but she still had it all together. And that’s what we wanted too. Come college and her 20-somethings, then on to 30’s and kid rearing, and even in her post-menopausal and golden years, That Girl is the Girl we always want to be—but never can seemingly live up to. 
And we can’t help but think: How does she have it all—and have it all together—and I never do? Or, I am not good enough plays on repeat in the back of our minds. 
In our efforts to be That Girl we’ve hired personal trainers and committed to 30 day bikini BODY tone ups. 
We’ve gone on juice cleanses, tried the paleo diet, sworn off meat, downloaded My Fitness Pal to carefully calculate every calorie we consumed. We’ve restricted, then binged, then purged through exercise, fasting or with our head in a toilet. 
We look in the mirror every time we pass by—to check to see if we look any better than the last time we looked. We’ve gone blonde, brunette, ombre—something in between.
 We’ve plastered on fake lashes, laid in contraptions with harsh lights to get tan or been sprayed down while standing completely naked in a foreign shower to look more bronzed. 
We’ve dragged our butts out of bed to go to the gym and slaved away not at just one cardio kickboxing class, but stayed around for Pump or Core right after to get our double dose of body chiseling. 
We’ve run another mile in the name of justifying that muffin we ate for breakfast or that sushi roll we are thinking of eating for lunch. We’ve Google searched until late into the night—looking for the answers to our bloating, stubborn weight gain, metabolism or fast ways to get lean. 
All to be That Girl.
How “That Girl” is Not Reality
It’s easy to believe that everyone else is much better than you. 
Comparison is the thief of all joy and like a dangling carrot in front of our noses, That Girl is something we’ve constantly chased, but never seemed to catch. 
The reality? 
You are not alone. Everyone else, just like you, has wanted to be That Girl (and it’s not just something that goes away after middle school).
The reality?
“That Girl” doesn’t really exist—At least she doesn’t exist the way you think she does. 
Because That Girl also has a “That Girl” that she wants to be too.  
And That Girl really only exists when she first believes that she can actually be That Girl herself—That Girl who glows, has confidence, knows her worth and isn’t worried about being like the next person. That Girl who is present and fully committed to living her own life—not someone else’s. That Girl who realizes all she has (and wants) to be is the best version of herself.
How You Can Be “That Girl”
YOU can be That Girl when you stop striving and comparing. 
When you make up your mind to STOP hating so much on yourself…or loathing your weight…or your style (or lack thereof)…or your frumpy hair.
When you stop fingerpointing all of your flaws, and instead, decide to genuinely, truly love yourself as you are—flaws, blemishes, quirks and all.
Just do you and when becoming “THAT GIRL” is made possible.
The post “That Girl” (Becoming the Girl You Always Want to Be) appeared first on Meet Dr. Lauryn.
Source/Repost=> https://drlauryn.com/mindset-body-love/that-girl-becoming-the-girl-you-always-want-to-be/ ** Dr. Lauryn Lax __Nutrition. Therapy. Functional Medicine ** https://drlauryn.com/ “That Girl” (Becoming the Girl You Always Want to Be) via https://drlaurynlax.blogspot.com/
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multiverseforger · 4 years
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Leonard Snart was raised by an abusive father and took refuge with his grandfather, who worked in an ice truck. When his grandfather died, Snart grew tired of his father's abuse and set out to start a criminal career. Snart joined up with a group of small-time thieves and in planning out a robbery, each was issued a gun and a visor to protect their eyes against the flashes of gunfire. This visor design would later be adapted by Snart into his trademark costume. In recent years he has added a radio receiver to them which picks up the police band to monitor local law enforcement. Snart and the other thugs were captured by the Flash and imprisoned. Snart decided to go solo, but knew he had to do something about the local hero, the Flash.[4]
Snart read an article that theorized that the energy emissions of a cyclotron could interfere with the Flash's speed. He designed a weapon to harness that power and broke into a cyclotron lab, intending to use the device to charge up his experimental gun. As he was finishing his experiment, a security guard surprised Snart. Intending to use his gun only to scare the guard, he inadvertently pulled the trigger and discovered that his weapon had been altered in a way he had never imagined. The moisture in the air around the guard froze. Intrigued by this twist of fate, Snart donned a parka and the aforementioned visor and declared himself to be Captain Cold - the man who mastered absolute zero.[7]
Snart then committed a series of non-lethal crimes, on one occasion placing the city in suspended animation in an attempt to force Iris West to marry him as he had fallen in love with her when he saw her in the prison, but the Flash got through a wall of ice and was able to reverse the process. He later fell in love with a newscaster, and competed with Heat Wave (in his first appearance) over her in a crime spree, but they were both beaten by the Flash. But after Barry Allen's death, during the Crisis on Infinite Earths, Captain Cold became a bounty hunter with his sister Lisa, the Golden Glider.[4]
During the events of Underworld Unleashed, Captain Cold lost his soul to Neron but Wally West brought it back to the land of the living. He soon returned to crime, this time a member of Wally's Rogues Gallery. The Rogues had first been assembled when another Flash foe, the super-intelligent Gorilla Grodd had broken them out of jail to distract the Flash. The Golden Glider had abandoned her bounty hunter career and had started partnering with a series of thugs who she dressed in a costume, armed with a copy of Captain Cold's signature Cold Gun, and called Chillblaine. Already distraught over the death of her lover, the Top, it seemed that the supposed death of her brother pushed her over the edge. But the last Chillblaine was a little smarter and more vicious. He murdered the Golden Glider, prompting Captain Cold to hunt him down, torture him and kill him by freezing his outer layer of skin and then pushing him off a high rise building. Not long after that, Snart was framed by a new incarnation of Mister Element. He used his Element Gun to simulate Cold's gun, using ice and cold to murder several police officers before Captain Cold and the Flash discovered who was actually responsible. With the death of his sister, and having killed Chillblaine and Mr. Element in vengeance, Cold has again become an unrepentant criminal. However, during a confrontation with Brother Grimm, Cold actually worked with Wally West to defeat the powerful magic user, although this was mainly because he and Mirror Master had been betrayed by Grimm and wanted revenge.[4]
Captain Cold was declared the leader of the Flash's Rogues Gallery. His skill and experience have made him a strong leader to the likes of the Weather Wizard, the new Trickster, the new Mirror Master, and the new Captain Boomerang. Len seems to have taken the young Captain Boomerang under his wing, after the elder Boomerang was recently killed. Tabloids rumoured that Captain Cold's sister, the Golden Glider, was Boomerang's mother, making him Captain Cold's nephew. This turned out to be false, however, as the new Boomerang's mother has been revealed to be Meloni Thawne, who is also the mother of Bart Allen. Despite his more ruthless nature as of late, Captain Cold's heart is not completely frozen, evidenced by having sent flowers to honor Sue Dibny, murdered wife of the Elongated Man.[volume & issue needed]
Traditionally, Captain Cold is driven by three things: money, women, and the desire to beat Barry Allen. Although not the lecher that Captain Boomerang was, Len Snart has an eye for the ladies, particularly models. When Barry Allen died, Captain Cold drifted for a while, jumping back and forth over the lines of crime and justice. He was captured by the Manhunter and served time in the Suicide Squad, worked with his sister as a bounty hunter (Golden Snowball Recoveries), and, with his longtime friend and sometimes nemesis Heat Wave, encountered Fire and Ice of the Justice League. He has teamed up with various villains over the years other than the many Rogues. These include Catwoman and the Secret Society of Super Villains. His favorite baseball team is the Houston Astros.[volume & issue needed]
"One Year Later"Edit
In the 2006 "One Year Later" storyline, he and several other Rogues are approached by Inertia with a plan to kill the Flash (then Barry Allen). Though Inertia was defeated, Captain Cold, Weather Wizard, Heat Wave, Mirror Master and Abra Kadabra killed Bart with a combined barrage of their elemental weapons. He, Heat Wave, and Weather Wizard seemed to express guilt, however, after learning the identity of the Flash and how young he was.
Salvation RunEdit
Captain Cold is one of the exiled villains featured in the 2007-08 miniseries Salvation Run along with his fellow Rogues: Heat Wave, Weather Wizard, Mirror Master, and Abra Kadabra.
New RoguesEdit
The New Rogues version of Captain Cold is Chill, a unknown man who possesses a Cold Gun.
Final Crisis: Rogues' RevengeEdit
In the 2008 miniseries Final Crisis: Rogues' Revenge, Captain Cold and the Rogues briefly joined Libra's Secret Society of Super Villains. In Final Crisis: Rogues' Revenge story, however, Cold and the rest of the Rogues reject Libra's offer, wanting to stay out of the game. Before they can retire, they hear of Inertia escaping and decide to stick around long enough to get revenge for being used.[8] Cold and his group are challenged by a new set of Rogues, formed by Libra to be their replacements. The new group, having kidnapped Cold's father, challenge the Rogues, and are defeated and killed. Cold goes to his father, talking to him about the abuse he suffered, and the fate of his sister. After the elder Snart insults him and his mother, calling them weak, Cold punches him, but finds himself unable to kill him, instead getting Heat Wave to do it.[9] The Rogues have their confrontation with Inertia, despite interference by Zoom and Libra, and kill Inertia. Libra then reveals that he needs the Rogues because Barry Allen has returned from the dead, and the Flashes are potential threats to him and Darkseid. Though shocked by the news that Allen is alive, Cold still rejects his offer of membership. After regrouping, Cold and the other Rogues agree not to retire, claiming that the game is back on.[10] In "Final Crisis" #7, someone that looks like Captain Cold appears as a Justifier and is seen fighting the Female Furies alongside the other Justifiers under Lex Luthor's control.
The Flash: RebirthEdit
In the 2009 The Flash: Rebirth miniseries, Captain Cold is seen with the other Rogues, reading about Barry Allen's return and claiming that they would need more of the Rogues.[11] The Rogues are still debating Allen's return, with Cold saying it's time to pull out their contingency plan that Scudder came up with, stating "In case The Flash returns, break glass."[12]
"Blackest Night"Edit
In the 2009–2010 "Blackest Night" storyline, the Rogues realize that the bodies of various dead Rogues are missing and prepare to fight them. Captain Cold knows that his sister, the Golden Glider, is among the reanimated Black Lanterns but is still ready to lead the Rogues against the zombies.[13] He is confronted by the Black Lantern Glider, who attempts to use his feelings of love for her against him. However, Captain Cold manages to suppress these feelings long enough for him to fight back, freezing her within a block of ice.[14] He subsequently kills Owen Mercer by throwing him into a pit with his Black Lantern father when he learns that Owen has been feeding people to his father in the belief that consuming flesh will restore him to life, informing Owen that Rogues do not kill women and children.[15]
The Flash (Vol. 3)Edit
In The Flash (Vol. 3), Captain Cold and the Rogues visit Sam Scudder's old hideout and unveil a giant mirror with the words In Case of Flash: Break Glass written on it and release beings from a Mirror World upon breaking it.[16] However, Captain Cold is told by Mirror Master he had discovered that the giant mirror is actually a slow acting poison.[17]
The New 52Edit
In the timeline of the 2011 company-wide reboot of all its superhero titles, The New 52, Captain Cold is reintroduced as a younger man than in the previous timeline and now with his Rogues lives with a code to never kill. His origin remains the same, however, his sister Lisa has not been the Golden Glider, and is instead dying of cancer. Upon learning that the hospital does not have enough energy to power a laser that could save her life, because of an EMP seemingly caused by the Flash, Cold blames him for everything that has happened to him, including a falling out with the Rogues, and decides to break the rules of their "game" and kill the Flash. Captain Cold has undergone experiments that have given him ice-based metahuman powers, including the ability to slow down the molecules around him, creating a field of inertia that reduces the Flash's speed to human level, allowing Captain Cold to touch him and effortlessly beat him.[18] He and the Rogues are set to return,[19] but later defeated them with help from Flash, and the Pied Piper.[20]
After freeing the Trickster and attending the meeting at the Justice League Watchtower, the Rogues return to Central and Keystone City, only to see that both have been destroyed by Gorilla Grodd. Grodd returns to Central City during the eclipse, while a ceremony commemorating Flash between the humans and gorillas is occurring. Grodd proceeds to take control of Central City as its king and renames it Gorilla City. Captain Cold sees the city's cops tied up from Grodd, and proceeds to free them. He then asks Mirror Master to help him get to the hospital where his sister is being held in order to check on her. While there, the Crime Syndicate send Black Bison, Hyena, Multiplex, Plastique and Typhoon to finish Grodd's work and destroy the hospital. The Rogues are able to hold them off, only to be interrupted by Deathstorm and Power Ring, who were sent by Ultraman to deal with the Rogues for resisting the Crime Syndicate's offer to join them. After battling Deathstorm and Power Ring, Deathstorm attacks Captain Cold and is able to extract his freezing powers from his DNA. Mirror Master attempts to get the Rogues out through the Mirror World, but Power Ring destroys the mirror causing the Rogues to be separated. Captain Cold ends up at Luthor and his Kryptonian clone's location where they are also joined by Black Manta, who has retrieved Black Adam from the ocean.[21] Luthor realizes that, with the help of his clone, Black Adam, Black Manta, and Captain Cold, he may be able to stop the Crime Syndicate. Captain Cold and the rest of the squad, now joined by Batman, Catwoman, Sinestro and Deathstroke, infiltrate the fallen Watchtower, where Black Manta kills the Outsider and Cold proceeds to shatter Johnny Quick's right leg after having frozen the molecules in it with his cold gun. He then unmasks the hooded prisoner brought over from Earth-3, revealing it to be Alexander Luthor, who is their version of Shazam, Mazahs, who states he will kill them all.[22][volume & issue needed] After defeating the crime syndicate, Captain Cold is pardoned by the U.S government, and becomes a member of the Justice League, along with Luthor.
DC RebirthEdit
Snart and the Rogues first made a cameo appearance in the DC Rebirth's storylines; they are fleetingly watching a news report about the many newly created speedsters appearing throughout the city in The Flash #3. Snart quips that it is time for the Rogues to leave Central City for a while. Visually the Rogues still seem to be based upon their New 52 appearances in this cameo, though when Snart later appears in one of Flash's memory flashbacks he has resorted to an even older look. He and the other Rogues retain these costumes in their later appearances.
Snart and the Rogues make their first full-length appearance in The Flash #15, where they are attempting to steal a valuable golden statue of the god Mercury from the small island nation of Corto Maltese. The Flash arrives to stop them, but they turn out to be constructs of Mirror Master laid so that the Rogues can commit a crime spree in Central City. Captain Cold reveals what he had been working on in his absence from the city—a "black ice gun" that uses the anti-Speed Force weaponry of the terrorist group Black Hole combined with his regular freeze gun. After a fight, the Golden Glider had a chance to kill the Flash, but was talked out of it by her fellow Rogues. Despite this setback, Flash manages to finally beat Snart and the rest of the Rogues without killing them. By the end of The Flash #17, Snart appears to be ready to take over Iron Heights from the more neophyte villains, including Papercut.
In the Watchmen sequel Doomsday Clock, Captain Cold and his fellow Rogues are among the villains that attend the underground meeting held by Riddler that talks about the Superman Theory.[23]
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