#golden ruler
dwuerch-blog · 29 days
Let’s Get Out the Golden Ruler
We have heard the Golden Rule many times. Jesus was being harassed by people who wanted to be right more than they wanted to do what was right. The Pharisees and Sadducees didn’t even like each other. But they were united in their dislike of this man, Jesus. He was causing people to question their teaching. In Matthew 22:37–39 Jesus gave them a teaching, now called the “Golden Rule”. He said,…
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calmbigdipper · 1 year
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anushkab2711 · 2 months
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ladsofsorrow24 · 1 month
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there was a boy, a very strange enchanted boy (x)
based of this fic i read yesterday. needless to say, i cried so much like a baby after finish reading it. i did not expect to cry that badly, but i did.
anyway, commission link -> (x)
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kelbunny · 3 months
Okay, so partially brought on bc I've been playing tactics ogre reborn, but in TriStrat, there really should've been more Cordelia during the Liberty ending. There's the small scene with Roland if you stayed in the capital chapter 15, but that's about it.
Mostly with what her reaction would be to Serenoa, since he's just as much her brother as he is Roland's. But she wasn't as close to Serenoa as Roland was, and as far as she knows, it like she lost Roland due to the Wolffort's betrayal, just like as Frani warned Roland early on, that the Wolfforts weren't to be trusted.
And the thing is, Cordelia had already lost Roland once before, back when he faked his death between chapter 9 and 10. And just like with the Liberty ending, it appeared to be at the hands of the Wolffort's.
As a side note, that scene always felt so much more painful on the surrender Roland route. Cordelia put herself at risk to free Roland, only for some time later be delivered what appeared to be his corpse, making her risk be for naught.
I doubt during the period between 10 and 13-14 Cordelia was trusting of the Wolffort's and its a reason why she turned to Avlora, as she was the only person Cordelia had left to potentially rely on. So to have that doubt return full force after Wolffort takes Roland away from her once again seems like it would drive a rift between any potential relationship between her and Serenoa.
Benedict probably wouldn't try to get rid of Cordelia like he did Roland, as just like she was during Aesfrost's occupation, she'd almost certainly be a pawn to him.
I wish there was a scene between her and Serenoa, where Cordelia denies him as her brother, because although it was Aesfrost who stole Frani and her father away from her, it was Serenoa and house Wolffort who stole Roland away from her.
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ifidiedinadream · 13 days
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currently thinking about this
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rottingrot123 · 1 year
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False Ruler TOH AU. One of two AUs I can't stop thinking about
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Belos has Hunter act as the emperor.
Hunter and the other Grimrulers (Grimwalkers that are made to be a placeholder ruler) know from day one that they are not the true ruler and are raised wholly with this mindset. He's being a good Nephew to his Uncle as a shield from ruling with a curse and taking on being the target for public outrages and even assignation attempts.
Grimrulers are grown only to the age of small children so they fit the narrative better and can be more finely tuned to Belos' needs as a false Emperor. Grimwalkers meant for only the GG (Golden Guard) role are allowed to grow normally up to young 10-12. 
It's not every grimwalker that gets used as a figure head. Belos has got to play like 4d chess to keep the cycle going and the ‘royal line’ working. (it’s something like a private game to him) Inserting himself as the actual emperor here and there too. Use of masks and keeping the Emperor’s life a heavily private affair. 
Belos likes to keep a good/evil thing going with himself and Grimrulers. He does everything from dressing them in overly heavy ornate dark robes and himself in light colored more common clothes. Framing the Grimrulers as cruel, unforgiving, malicious rulers and himself as the kind approachable Uncle/advisor that helps to keep the Emperor in check and manages their tantrums (which are really just Belos losing it to his curse or punishing the grimwalkers in private. Always making sure to leave a mess for others to find later) 
The golden guard is still always the Grimwalker but it's either full time or done in secret on the side when they are also playing emperor. Hunter is playing both roles. Golden Guard on the weekends mostly used for missions Belos doesn't trust/want others to know about or acts as the brute force and threat of the ‘emperors’ power. This further entrenches Hunter to Belos, he’s trusted with these things as the only one Belos can rely on, doubly so after the ‘betrayal’ of the last GG, he has something to prove.
When working as the GG Hunter is forbidden from revealing his face as he already shows it as the emperor to the coven heads and around the castle (though wears a mask/hood for public events). It does however let him have a lot more freedom to be himself as the GG as long as he gets the job done. 
Belos uses the grimwalkers as the emperor usually when he knows/thinks that he will need one to place blame or use as a scapegoat for reforms and such that he wants done. Hunter is used in this way for the Day of Unity and the growing strain as he has to ramp up sigil branding and other things for it. Day of Unity work succeeding or not won’t come back on to the kind, good hearted Uncle to the merciless child emperor that he had tried so hard to stop. Belos being known as the one to ‘tame and bring the more outrageous orders from the emperor down”. The poor overworked Uncle that many think is mistreated by his power hungry Nephew, if the rumors are to be believed. (this is more messed up than I originally planned, whoops)
Belos manipulates Hunter through lies, gaslighting and guilt. Belos can't take over as was his right because of his curse, no one wants a cursed emperor Hunter, what of my fits, what would the public think if they saw that Hunter? Even though Belos always manages to only have the fits in private anyways, only in front of Hunter. 
Belos has taken extra care to set up this situation for Hunter. At least 50 years dedicated to it, everything perfect for the day of unity. Darius' mentor and the previous Grimwalker was only a golden guard. Belos as the emperor but made sure to never show his face. His larger form in the robes and voice changed from the curse used to disguise himself. However in the later years he got ‘sick’ and his brother Belos appeared from afar to care for him. Belos would build his place as the kind and caring but wise brother of the emperor. Worming his way into taking over more duties of ruler and as a public icon. It only takes a few years before the current GG, who was already very uncomfortable with this new situation, finds more things out and it's exactly what Belos wants. The GG confronts Belos and Belos murders him, letting him scar him in the process (the scar above his left eye going into his hairline). That night he announces with a heavy heart that the emperor is dead, betrayed by the GG. But not all is lost as the Emperor also had a son. Hunter is brought in days later not quite 4 years old, but really fresh from the ground. The public is told he was kept a secret for his safety, which seems justified at the murder of his “father’ by the once trusted GG. The new little emperor‘s uncle Belos promises to take care of the boy and raise him while covering the position while he grows up having already cemented himself in the empire's affairs. He is beloved by the people at this point and his manufactured sob story sealing the deal.  
Hunter is trained in everything to be both GG and Emperor. However outside of a rigorous education and physical training, he isn’t actually trained to rule. Just how to know what His uncle wants and how to read him in front of people so he can relay exactly what Belos wants said or done.
Belos is at every meeting and acts as the secretary of the right hand to his Nephew. He still works in his role as advisor. Using a private code between the two to make comments and orders to Hunter in the notes, directing him when needed. 
Over the years Hunter is very good at just knowing or reading Belos’ to succeed in his role. Failing to ends in punishments and/or lectures that can leave him emotionally wrecked. Hunter only directly disobeys Belos while acting as Emperor 3 times at this point. The two scars on his face are lasting reminders of this and part of some of the most severe punishments. One such scar is from stating Lilith could keep her palisman when she was to be promoted to coven head. Hunter was maybe like 8(?) years old at the time and had looked up to her when he would visit the library. He felt terrible for how upset she was over it. Though he is still under the idea at the time that palismen are just things and dangerous wild magic. Lilith can totally be trusted to keep it safe, he thinks, because she was about to become the head of His(Belos’) Coven, selected by his Uncle personally. It would definitely be ok…it was not ok. She gets to keep her palisman and he gets a new face scar. 
Hunter’s room is basically the same but is instead in the private hall of the Emperors. There is a small suite for the emperor which is really Belos suite, including his study.
He still meets his friends though working as the GG.
(To be continued)~
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ryctone · 2 years
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Anything for a friend.
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mihrsuri · 5 months
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Dauphine of France. Princess of Scotland. Princess of Albion. Queen Regnant of Scotland. Queen of England. The Half Breed Heathens Whore Of A Wife. My Darling Wise Thistle. Little Wise Eyed. Jeanne.
Though Joan’s father died not six months after her birth his love for her was remarked upon - indeed it was said that he could hardly bear to be apart from her. His death was something her mother Mary never recovered from despite two subsequent marriages and the reminder of him in her black haired and grey eyed daughter seems to have been a mixture of grief and solace to her. Joan proved to be a serious child - interested in books, archery and riding but with a keen talent for music she was included in and educated in rulership from a young age, particularly by her paternal grandmother who remarked that she saw ‘very much of Marguerite of Navarre in her’ she was excellent at politics, at rulership and in her concern and interest in the lives of all her people but she was not warm and nor did she have the charisma and ability to draw the eye of her mother, something that drew unfavourable comparisons. Her marriage was made out of pragmatism on her part and no one was more surprised than Joan when it turned into love.
(inspired in part by this edit by @emilykaldwen (ABBY MY BELOVED))
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smiles-ocs · 1 year
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Clover doesn’t like libraries. One of the reasons why under the cut (tho warning for a bit of horror). It’s actually a redraw from this!
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This is a little darker than the older version but hey! Flashlight!
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dwuerch-blog · 1 year
 The Golden Rule aka the Golden Ruler
Aw! The old “Golden Rule”. Personal reciprocity. I like the word, reciprocity — as in harmony like a situation or relationship when two people or groups agree to do something similar for each other. So, if we took the Golden Rule to heart, then it should be simple to follow, and even go beyond. “Do unto others as you would have them do unto you.” It’s right there in Matthew 7:12. Easy to find,…
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occvltswim · 2 years
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“The Star of Ethiopia” — A Pageant, 1915.
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quibbs126 · 1 year
What are the chances that there may actually be a revolution in GC’s kingdom happening at some point? The art book states that she controls EVERY aspect of her citizens’ lives down to the smallest details, plus something tells me she may have forged/altered the story of her Vs Cheddas.
The odds of the Cheese Puff Orbs collectively deciding that they’ve had enough of her crap are high, but the chances of them winning the war by themselves…is debatable.
You know, I’m not sure, but honestly I kind of doubt it
I mean, in this scenario, it sort of paints Golden Cheese as the villain to the Cheesebirds, and while yeah, she can be a flawed character, she is still supposed to be an Ancient Hero. Yeah you could say she learns the error of her ways, but at the same time, it’s not a very flattering image for one of the heroes to be portrayed as the bad guy
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ben-the-hyena · 2 years
Now that we know with that Mulan comic in which Chi Fu finally gets a taste of respecc women juice for the first time in his life that he always was genuinely loyal to the royal family not just for his job but because he genuinely loves them and admires them (makingtheEmperorreadytofirehimonawhimquitetragical;Iguessitwasperhapsjusttomakehimreactandshuthimupandnotserious?), it has me wonder if he was part of the environment of Ting Ting, Su and Mei as they grew up. And that as much of a misogyne as he was he did love them like nieces with a distance due to respect (being royals after all) all while teaching them protocol and innocently teaching them sexist value and the oath about marriage out of duty they repeat during the sequel comes from him. Ting Ting being older was the most under his influence and the most serious about it, and most of the things the sisters want to do in their I Wanna be Like Other Girls song was things he forbid them to do aq kids when catching them doing it "a princess puts her shoes on" "a princess doesn't do grimaces, it's unladylike" "a princess doesn't eat too much, she would get fat and unfit for a husband" ALL while thinking no ill and thinking that he was helping
And now that with Mulan he learned to be finally accepting of non conventional women, he must feel guilty now that right after his redemption these girls are off to marry for duty justifying it when asked how they feel about it by parroting his words. Yes it is duty, yes he taught them well on that, but now that he can understand women better at last as more than brides and wives, he can't help but wonder if they would be happy (and of course like the Emperor would miss them as he wouls think he would not see them again and now the moment he had prepared them for all their lives seems to have come too soon)...
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lieutenant-amuel · 2 years
I randomly remembered “The Secret of Avalor” and I love the fact different guards wear different uniforms.
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rottingrot123 · 1 year
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The more day to day outfits for the False Ruler Au stuff
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