#golden lovers research tag
theundergrounddog · 2 years
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hornedstorys · 3 months
POTA Caesar x reader - turning Page Part 1
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It's been far too long since I've seen the films! It's time to change that! I hope you like the story anyway. And I have no idea how many parts this story will have. Maybe 2-3?
Warnings: sfw, very slight closeness, friends to lovers, slight angst, slow burn - english is not my native language
Content: You were Will's cousin and lived with him. You and Caesar grew up together and loved playing together. But you got older, feelings changed, just like events in the world.
German Version
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When you heard the news from Will that he had rescued a baby chimpanzee, you almost died of curiosity. You really wanted to see the baby!
You were downstairs at the front door so quickly and pulled it open before Will could even think about putting his keys on.
"Where is he?" you asked hastily and Will laughed, then you noticed the box in Will's hands.
"Is it in there?" you were about to look for yourself, but Will just managed to block you and shook his head in amusement.
"Take it easy, (Y/n). Let me come in first, then I can introduce you to him."
Him? So he was a boy, you thought to yourself and followed Will into the kitchen. Your eyes followed the action excitedly. Then finally Will opened the box and a little chimpanzee appeared, blinking at Will and you with curious golden-green eyes.
You almost fainted at the sight of the baby. He was so cute! Carefully, the little one stretched out his tiny hands and with wide eyes you pushed your finger towards him. He accepted it gratefully.
"He's really cute! Is he going to stay?" you asked and Will nodded: "For now, yes. I couldn't possibly leave him in the lab." You nodded understandingly and didn't take your eyes off the little monkey.
"What's his name?" you asked and Will shrugged.
"Caesar," Will smiled and you looked at the little Ape with big kid eyes.
"Hello Caesar!"
It was amusing to watch Will trying to be a surrogate mother to little Caesar. You tried to help as much as you could, even though you were only ten years old. Still, you tried to help and take care of Charles, well at least you tried to talk to him and play games with Charles. But his Alzheimer's didn't get any better.
You felt so sorry for him and it seemed like it was getting worse every day. But you had no idea about the plans Will was making, you didn't even know what exactly was going on with Caesar and what the researchers in the lab were doing with the Apes, maybe you were just too young at the time to understand. You had fallen too much in love with the young Ape that you cared for so much that you only had thoughts for him. He was growing so fast and learning so quickly. It fascinated you.
With a heavy snort, Caesar let his breath slide against your neck. You giggled. You had just been playing tag, but Caesar was much faster than you.
"Stop it Caesar, it tickles!" the little monkey made happy noises. You sat with him at the dinner table. He was so clever, he had already understood how to drink from a bottle of milk when he was only one day old. Now he was nibbling on a few apples and looking at you with shining eyes.
Three years later, Caesar had learned to use the toilet. Which surprised and amused you at the same time. He got cheekier and started teasing you by breathing against your neck. He knew it tickled you. But then you had your moments where you tried to beat each other at chess.
He was always one step ahead of you, he always won. And sometimes, when you were lucky enough to win, you could see something in his eyes. Something mischievous, but also something gentle. He let you win on purpose. You really had the feeling that you were sitting in front of a human and not a monkey.
Will did tests with Caesar in between. He was just as fascinated by his intelligence and wanted to test it. You looked at the whole thing with a critical eye, because you saw from Will how the monkeys were treated in the laboratory and also how Caesar's mother Bright Eyes was killed. The monkeys were not seen as living beings, but as guinea pigs.
"This time I win," you growl, sitting opposite the monkey who looks at you mischievously. You had another game of chess and this time you thought you would finally win. You made your move and were so close to winning, but your hopes were dashed when Caesar made his move. Your mouth fell open and you almost fell off your chair.
"You've won again?" you shouted in disbelief and hit your forehead on the tabletop, not too hard of course. This monkey had now beaten you for the fifth time in an hour. He was so quick with his moves, while you took a little longer. Caesar grunted in amusement and you looked at him in offense. He was making fun of you, great.
Soon Will's girlfriend Caroline joined us. She had helped you with Caesar, she really knew a lot as she was a vet. You went for a walk together in the park with Caesar, Charles and Will. The young monkey really blossomed when he was out in nature and he wasn't even afraid of dogs. You soon found that out when Caesar snarled and stood up to a German shepherd who didn't even know what was happening.
Caroline and you got on really well and you were also glad that you were finally not the only woman in this male household. You were no longer a child but a teenager, your body was changing and so were your moods. As a result, you were more easily annoyed by Caesar's games. He had got into the habit of teasing you and testing your limits. But you couldn't blame him, after all he was getting older too and entering a kind of puberty.
Still, he was gentle with you, he had never hurt you before. His every touch was deliberate and controlled, he could well appreciate that his strength was so far above yours that he could kill you with ease. Of course he didn't want that. He liked you, you had grown up together and you were family to him.
It was another one of those days when you were sitting in the garden reading a book in the evening when everything was quiet. You were far too focused on the book that you didn't notice the shadow in the neighboring trees and how it dropped to the ground with ease. Soft footsteps came closer to you and suddenly someone breathed gently on the back of your neck. Startled, you dropped your book and pinched your neck where you felt the breath so Caesar wouldn't have a chance to do it again.
You giggled and gave him an offended look. Wait a minute! You got up and walked towards him. You tried to tickle him too, but Caesar was quicker and dodged your hand. He liked this game. Caesar was faster than you and before you knew it, he grabbed you by the hips and pushed you against him. His green-gold eyes met yours and there was silence for a few seconds. You just looked at each other.
His eyes fascinated you, they looked so human and yet different. Those golden speckles in his eyes glowed and you only noticed it now. His hard chest was warm against yours and he too seemed lost in your eyes. His gaze was equally pensive.
"Caesar," his name came through to him and he liked the sound of you pronouncing each letter. Your scent wafted into his nostrils and he breathed in and out deeply. He knew that these feelings were only arising because he was changing physically. At least Will had explained to him that he could be going through a kind of puberty, much like humans. Was that why he saw you a fraction differently than he had the years before?
The barking of a neighborhood dog snapped you out of your thoughts and Caesar's grip loosened, but it took ages. Your pulse beat against your neck and his eyes fixed on him. He only now saw how soft and fragile your skin seemed and how easily he could break through it with his sharp canines. He had never noticed it when he was younger. He had seen you differently and now. You've changed, you've grown up and… He shook his head quickly and turned away, disappearing into his room.
You looked after him, puzzled. But he left you with a comforting warmth that frightened you.
But that evening was just the calm before the storm.
You watched Will's car drive away with tears in your eyes. He and Caroline had taken Caesar and they had just left you behind. They knew you were just trying to free Caesar and now they were taking him to a monkey house. You slumped on the floor crying, holding one of Caesar's T-shirts in your hands. It still smelled like him. He really did have a pleasant scent.
You closed your eyes, then you made a decision. Days later, you secretly grabbed Will's car keys and took his car. You drove to the monkey house where Caesar was supposed to be living now.
The blond guy who took you to him wasn't exactly sympathetic and you scowled at him as he stared at your neckline. Still, he had taken you to Caesar's, but it had cost you the last of your cash, which you had to hand over to this idiot to get him to take you to Caesar's.
When you arrived at Caesar's cage, you froze. He was sitting in the corner, his gaze fixed silently on the wall. You stepped closer to the bars and gripped the cold metal with your trembling hands.
"Caesar, I'm here," you spoke softly, hoping it would calm him down a little. When the monkey heard your words, he immediately jumped up and walked quickly towards you. He didn't take his eyes off yours for a second. Your hand slipped through the bars and gently stroked his cheek. His head leaned into your touch and you felt the tears gathering in them. He looked so exhausted, but you could see how the fire in them hadn't gone out yet.
"I'm so sorry," you breathed and a tear escaped your eye. His big thumb gently stroked it away and his eyes looked at you with affection.
"Not your fault. Caesar, was bad," he gestured and you immediately shook your head and contradicted him: "You are not a bad monkey, Caesar! You are the gentlest and kindest monkey I have ever met!" Again a tear rolled down your cheek and again the chimpanzee wiped it away. He was just trying to protect his family when this neighbor just couldn't control himself. Nobody wanted that to happen.
'You have to go,' grunted the monkey. He didn't want you to stay in this horrible place any longer, "I'll be fine," he gestured further. He saw the struggle in your watery eyes and that you were already thinking of a plan to get him out of there, but he didn't want to. He would find a way himself.
"I love you, Caesar. Don't forget that," you whispered and stroked the soft fur on his face again. You were the only one allowed to touch him there and he enjoyed that touch, and what he enjoyed even more were your words, even if he couldn't fully appreciate what you meant.
"Caesar loves you too, (Y/n)."
A few years had passed. The virus had taken everything from you. Will, your family, everyone. You had escaped when people went crazy. They started fighting for things, be it food or places to sleep. You were scared and didn't want to stay in the city any longer. You packed up what you needed and disappeared into the forest. The only place that was safer than the city.
As on many nights before, you sat by the fire and stared into the flames. You thought about the past and especially about Caesar. There wasn't a day when you didn't think about the monkey and you wondered what had become of him. The loneliness consumed you more and more with each passing day and your fear grew. The forest was dangerous and you were mostly lucky that no bear had caught you yet.
You survived by eating berries, although you had bad experiences with some of them. Some of the ones you found were poisonous and made you throw up quite badly afterwards. That was the last time you picked those particular varieties.
You sighed and rubbed your eyes against your forearm as you rested your face on your arms. Suddenly there was a crack in the undergrowth and you tensed, then the earth began to shake. Confused, you stood up, what was going on?
You looked around in panic as the first deer came towards you and with a wobbly leap you jumped to the side to avoid landing under the animal's hard hooves.
A few seconds later, more came. It was a mass panic that was triggered and it forced you to run. Your heart pounding, you ran through the undergrowth, hoping not to be trampled to death by the herd.
What had happened? What had startled the animals so much? You almost tripped over a root, but you quickly managed to catch yourself and keep running. But you almost missed the next danger ahead of you, a ravine. You wanted to stop, but one of the big deer crashed into you and you were thrown down with a scream.
You hit a rocky outcrop with a hard thud. Pain shot through you like a bolt of lightning and your head rumbled. Every movement burned and you were afraid to move, you didn't know if anything was broken. You tried to stay calm, breathing heavily.
"Take it easy, (Y/n). It's going to be okay," you tried to tell yourself, but you could feel how much of a lie it was and tears gathered in your eyes, you sobbed.
"Caesar…" came out of your mouth subconsciously and images from the past flashed up again and an arm with dark fur. He came towards you as if in slow motion. He looked so real. Your brows drew together and you stretched out your arm too.
Suddenly the arm sped up and in a flash the large, rough hand grabbed your wrist and yanked you upwards, followed by another hand. A cry of pain escaped your throat as your body began to burn again. You were laid down on the floor and your eyes blacked out for a moment.
A dark shadow hovered over you and green-gold eyes looked down at you, worried but critical. Rough hands scanned your body for injuries and a hissing sound came from your lungs.
Then you opened your eyes, the blurry outline above you becoming clearer and clearer until you could make it out. Your heart skipped a beat and your eyes widened.
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enjolrasoftheday · 3 months
Hello!! Do you know any good Enjolras/Grantaire fics ? Asking for scientific purposes only, naturally
Well, if it's in the name of science...
I do have some recommendation lists in my fic rec tag, and I absolutely still stand by those. But! Here are some more recent fics, in no particular order, that I've enjoyed (and may or may not have speed-read in the last week since receiving this ask, I swear I wasn't ignoring you, I was just conducting important research lol). I’m not going to include the tags/warnings for each fic, so remember to take a look at those on ao3!
Also if anyone else has any recs, feel free to add them in the comment or reblogs!
Happy reading!!
Seek and Destroy by pumpkinspiceprouvaire (27,102 words)
Because Grantaire doesn’t feel that way about him. Grantaire is his friend, and Enjolras will love him from a distance, and that’s the way it’s always been, the way it’s always going to be. Enjolras’ blood freezes in his veins. It’s so obvious. This isn’t Grantaire.
restoring the balance by televisionbodies (14,427 words)
“How long are you stuck here?” He thinks for a moment. “The next train is in about five hours time. And then I’ve got work again, tomorrow.” “No wonder you wanted a coffee,” the bartender murmurs. “Well, then. You’ve got plenty of time to let me show you around.” — It’s 12:36am on a Wednesday and Enjolras, consumed with his work, has missed the last train home.
Les beaux cheveux que voilà by GayAvocado (9,184 words)
One should always have a hair tie around their wrist. If not for their own hair, for others’, or for the multitude of mundane situations that require a hair tie. So of course Grantaire has a hair tie around his wrist tonight. A pink one that might have belonged to Jehan or Azelma or both at some point. The neon colour will look lovely in the middle of Enjolras' golden curls. Or: For some reason, Grantaire finds himself braiding Enjolras’ hair way more often than he thought he ever would. Things change between them.
And Pages To Go by femmebingley (5,441 words)
Grantaire loses his sketchbook. /// “You’ve had it this whole time?” Grantaire couldn’t even find enough indignation to cover his growing terror. “Did you open it?” Enjolras sighed, and that was it. Grantaire’s life was over.
Lost in All of Our Vices by cx_shhhh (11,220 words)
“You will be banished for an indeterminate amount of time and stripped of your godly abilities,” Javert announces, voice booming in the echoing hall, not unlike the thunder he represents. “Until you learn that order is necessary for the gods to stay in power, that the respect of mortals is valuable to us, and until you learn to love them wholeheartedly, you will live like one.” Basically, Enjolras is banished from the heavens, and he learns that a god can, indeed, fall in love.
The Worst First Date by kjack89 (3,443 words)
Enjolras sat down at his desk, fresh mug of coffee in front of him, and took a moment to adjust the ring light behind his cellphone before taking a deep breath and pushing record. “So, um, I hope no one minds but we are taking a break today from our usually scheduled ranting at various governmental institutions because one of my best friends wants me to do a TikTok that’s part of this viral trend.” Or, the one where Enjolras makes a TikTok about his first date with Grantaire.
Green Rushes by loverism (6,043 words)
The mermaid, Enjolras, bites his lip, glaring at Grantaire like he's trying to determine whether he's serious. Grantaire supposes he was probably raised on stories of how evil the cave-witches are, how deceitful; how they mock everything they speak of; how they're driven only by profit; and above all, how striking a bargain with one of them is never, ever worth it. Grantaire can't exactly call those stories inaccurate. or: grantaire is a sea witch chilling in a cave, mixing potions and trying to mind his own business. enjolras has other ideas.
Love is Blind by kjack89 (32,982 words)
Enjolras sat down in front of the camera, and the producer just off-screen gave him a reassuring smile. “Nothing to it,” the producer promised. “Just introduce yourself and tell everyone why you’re here.” Enjolras jerked a nod before looking into the camera. “My name is Enjolras,” he said. “I’m 31 years old, and I’m here because this is the first season that this show has been open to queer contestants.” The producer cleared his throat. “So do you believe Love is Blind?” he prompted. Enjolras gave the camera a smile. “Well,” he said. “That’s what we’re here to find out.”
Love Bites by ShameDumpster (9,557 words)
"What—" Enjolras says, breath hitching at the sight, “What are you doing?” Grantaire immediately freezes, and then pulls back, slightly. Even still, it’s closer than they’ve ever actually been, barely a foot between their faces. "I…need to bite you?" he says, managing to sound both wry and nervous at the same time, "How exactly did you think this worked?" In which Grantaire has recently been turned into a vampire, and Enjolras offers to help him. For the Same-Prompt Fic Challenge 2022
Tell Me Why (Ain’t Nothin but a Heartache by cs_shhhh (3,281 words)
It starts slowly, of course. Grantaire already pays too much attention to Enjolras, so it’s easy to spot the white petals, no matter how hard he tries to hide it. Enjolras seems to grow angrier and angrier when the coughing starts interrupting his speeches, so much that Combeferre has to take over after pushing a glass of water towards him, and he casts the flowers to the ground, glaring at them.
anything you want, boy (i can make it happen) by thewalrus_said (3,545 words)
As he’d been falling asleep, he’d expected to feel devastated, or heartbroken, or something negative after a clearly one-off night with the object of his long-held desires, but instead he just feels...satisfied, almost content. Enjolras clearly finds him at least physically desirable, and he’s apparently in Enjolras’ head at least a little bit, and that turns out to be enough for him. He’s finally had sex with Enjolras, and while it hadn’t been what he’d secretly hoped for, it had still been good, and so the memory doesn’t drag him down like he’d feared it might. So when he answers a knock on his door a week later to find a breathless Enjolras, who immediately pushes his way into Grantaire’s apartment and says, “I think we should have sex again,” he’s more than a little taken aback.
The Arms of the Ocean, so Sweet and so Cold by ShameDumpster (11,867 words)
Sirens attack the crew of the dreaded pirate ship, the Musain. They send out Enjolras to deal with it, as in the past, he’s proven himself to be unaffected by their song. Unfortunately for him, as he’s told Grantaire many times, things can (and do) change. And this change may leave his life, and heart, in the balance.
It Only Takes a Meow-ment by cx_shhhh (7,158 words)
“The prince is finally putting out a challenge for his hand. He has a very loyal cat, you see. Whichever suitor, man or woman, can obtain the ring attached to the bow around its neck will be given the time of day.” Or Enjolras is oblivious, and it impacts everyone around him in the best way possible.
neon loneliness by dyhtps (4,345 words)
He lets his gaze fall around the kitchen. A coffee mug left out on the side, a tea-towel hung over the oven handle, even one of those awful kiss the cook aprons that he figures must belong to Enjolras’ boyfriend. Grantaire blames the concussion for the sudden, awful sinking feeling in his stomach. He decided he hates the mystery boyfriend, maybe he's been an arse to future Grantaire before and it's just his subconscious warning him to get away from the guy as quick as he can. or Grantaire loses his memory, is jealous of Enjolras' mystery boyfriend and finally realises that's actually him.
visiting hours by televisionbodies (5,731 words)
”I guess I’m just surprised you’re still in here at all.” “I’m sure I don’t know what you mean,” Enjolras says smoothly, knowing exactly what Grantaire means. “Two months?” One side of Grantaire’s mouth is turning upwards. “I didn’t think you were capable of sitting still that long.” — 5 times grantaire visits enjolras in prison, and 1 time he doesn’t have to.
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Hi !
So your daemon targaryen x stark wife reader reminds me of shameless (kev and veronica)
Like daemon going in the room where the reader is in labor
- Im here , are you ok !
- you need to get the fuck out im having triplets
- triplets ,TRIPLETS ....i have a magic cock
Turns to the maesters : I HAVE A MAGIC COCK
[Blurb I for the Stark!Reader Universe]
Daemon Targaryen x Stark!Reader
Summary: "Daemon can choke on his magic," -his wife.
Word Count: >200
Warnings: mentions of genitalia, crackfic, fluff, typos, etc.
A/N: i debated whether i should fashion this as a fic cos i really just wanted to answer anon and ended up writing something anyway anon here's my response to your ask: DFHKASHFLAHSFLANCKNASCLAJSCOHWEFNASNAS:LN I saw this ask when I woke up and was so focused on the fact i didn't know shamelss kev and veronica that i did research, decided i really did not know it, then went to class after deciding i would reply when i got home. BUT THE DIALOGUE ALSFHASHFLASFASFHAS HAHAHHAHAHA GOLDEN and for that I will give you a crumb ig i'll tag my lovers @deniixlovezelda & @pinksirensong cause i ended up writing something also @nyctophilic0vitnir lest you think im personally attacking you again Here's the main fic "A Ring is Merely Jewelry and Marriage a Contract" & Blurb II
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"My princess."
"Is something a matter?" I ask the maester as he withdraws from me.
"The rate in which you have been advancing in your pregnancy had raised my suspicions, but now I am certain."
"Is something wrong? Is she hurt? And the baby?" Daemon questions, stiffening as he leaned closer to the maester.
"Not at all, your graces," he quickly replies.
We both sigh in relief.
"But it seems you will have your hands very full once the princess gives birth. She is carrying multiples."
"Multiples?" my face contorts.
"Yes. Two or, as I suspect with her size, possibly more."
My eyes twitch.
"Well, how many could one woman carry?" Daemon places a hand on my belly.
I shoot him a dirty look, but his face is blank.
"I have once birthed four babies at once."
The maester clears his throat. Daemon muffles his laugh as he bends down to brush his cheek on my belly. As much as I am soothed by his sentiment, it was fleeting as suddenly he blurts, "I've got a magic cock."
"I said I have a-"
I kick him off the bed and growl at him.
He laughs as he look up at me, "well, your cunt is equally magical, my love."
I grab the maester's tools and chuck it to his face.
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witchofthesouls · 19 days
Wait something funny just occurred to me. In the AU where the kids get cyber formed but remain on the edge of being adults, someone would have had to give them the Cybertonian version of The Sex Talk.
Would it be Ratchet, giving them the strictly medical side of things, or would it be some bot, talking about the experimental/exploring parts?
(I genuinely believe Ratchet would have an aneurysm of some kind at the prospect of it. But let's pretend)
I have to name this verse properly because Tarn isn't here, but it will eventually lead the D.J.D. to Earth. I'll keep the soulmate au tag until I can figure out something.
Ratchet does have an aneurysm because he has set ideas on what is and isn't 'appropriate' from Functionist-held Golden Age Cybertron, but he also carries a lot of guilt from out-surviving almost all his friends, cohorts, and students...
And it's all being dragged into the mud by the Jasper trio, who gives no quarter on crushing his prejudices and fears. Even Raf, his favorite, casually steamrolls over it with the draconian and American mindset of giving no fucks.
Team Prime had harmless thought exercises of what their charges' Cybertronian frames would be like... and none of them were remotely correct!
Because Miko is a Seeker femme, Raf may or may not be a type of Predacon, and Ratchet can't get proper readings on Jack's base-coding, Ratchet sits them all down because they're not sparklings or mechlings with sealed plates but full-framed mecha with total access. He gives them the reproductive talk, especially since Seekers and beastformers go into reproductive heats, but humans don't have that. He's trying to be mindful, and Ratchet is going through the different sexual methods and the variations of parts. Of course, Raf has to interrupt because the draconian mech has two spikes and no receptacle, and he would like to know about any necessary care.
All in all, it's really Ratchet having another fit because his weird humans are now weird Cybertronians of yore/throwbacks. And the ex-humans are taking it rather well, but Jack, Miko, and Raf had literally lifetimes to explore sexuality: as humans, human-hybirds by exploring their heritage as well as alchemical concoctions and very curious lovers.
This, however, did kickstart the path of Ratchet teaching Miko his medical knowledge as she doesn't want the results. She's burning to have the technical skills and knowledge of the processes. Ratchet does pass on his skills to Raf and Jack, but Raf prefers the science as Jack is more fascinated by procuring research material. Miko literally bullzoned her way to become his student. The howling matches they had shook the foundations of the base, but she got her way because she deliberately aimed at his vulnerable parts. ("You'll leave us one day to go back to Cybertron! And you're refusing to tell me how to properly care for myself!?") Ratchet is highly concerned about how voracious Miko's appetite is for that knowledge.
She yearns to become a Tsunade/Unohana terror among them because they have a strong suspicion that if their status is revealed, then they'll become targets. She'll become a Cybertronian Bloodbourne horror if it means she'll never be trapped like what happened to some of her kin.
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aerodaltonimperial · 7 months
Okay, friends, I ended up embarking upon a little research mode today when I wanted to figure out the top 20 or so pairings in the AEW tag. This ended up being a lot harder than I anticipated, because it's very easy to get the top 10 (AO3 shows you those on the main page filters) but tough to get anything after, because while you can simply exclude the top 10 in order to generate the next 10, this messes up the numbers in pretty much all the next ones by hiding fics where more than one pairing is tagged.
This means I essentially had to pull the pairing and then search it organically to get true numbers. Took a little while! Then I decided that I only wanted full AEW pairings - this meant both people had to be IN AEW. So I took out any pairings that fell under this category, mostly the OFC/reader inserts, and a few holdovers from other wrestling promotions. (I almost took out Golden Lovers, but then searched since I forgot Ibushi had officially gotten the All Elite sign.) I also took out the BCC group because while I am impressed that a multi-some has that many entries, one person isn't in AEW anymore and also I was looking for 2-people pairings only. You can see the numbers in the first screenshot, however.
This gave me 19. Close enough! So here are the top 19 pairings in AEW fandom on AO3 hahaha.
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Current only as of right now, Feb 13, 2024 at 4:40 PM CST lmao
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poomphuripan · 9 months
10 BL Boys I Want Carnally To Love, Take Care and Cuddle With Every Night
@bunnakit awww thank you for the tag 🫶 as an asexual i can't say i spent much time thinking about fucking anyone (so coming up with this list was really hard ;_;) but if any of these characters propositioned... i would NOT say no 😉
10. Phob (Something In My Room)
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if there is an award for cutest ghost of all time in a BL series, i think Phob will take home easily. Phob deserves better sex. my meow meow friendly ghost Phob, i will tuck you in bed my ghost sweetie 🥺🫶
9. Shao Fei (History 3: Trapped)
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my righteous cop with a strong sense of justice, i really love Shao Fei so much. Shao Fei doesn't beat around the bush and is really straightforward with his wants, I LOVE HE!
8. Khuafah (Sky In Your Heart)
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Khuafah, the HOT CHARMING doctor that you are. i would volunteer to get sick every day just to visit him 🫠
7. Gene (Lovely Writer)
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if Gene ever needs to write a straight romance novel, i'm happy to make out with him for research purposes 😉
6. Pisaeng (Be My Favorite)
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most patient boyfriend who tries super hard to get you plushies? yea i would bang Pisaeng in a heartbeat, no doubt. in fact, i believe Pisaeng would be considerate and wait for me to be ready (Pisaeng babe i'm always ready for you 😉)
5. Tennoji Haru (Trillion Game)
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while Trillion Game is DEFINITELY not BL, but Meguro Ren was in Kieta Hatsukoi so my boy should get a PASS 😤 Haru is confident yet humble, self-proclaimed selfish yet always selfless. god i love competent men *swoons* Trillion Game is out on Netflix, please check out my boy Haru and his boy(friend) Gaku and their start-up adventure together 🥺👉👈.
4. Charn (Laws of Attraction)
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while i can't guarantee that i can give Charn a good time, i believe that as a fellow lawyer i can assist Charn with any case work he got. Like i said, i am a sucker for competent men 😮‍💨.
3. Tangmo (Great Men Academy)
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you don't understand how obsessed i am with the og golden retriever, nation's boyfriend, Tangmo. it's been 4? years... i have not let him go... gentle soft boi but great at judo too? i think Tangmo and i should have our wrestling sessions ending up as makeout sessions.
2. Joe (My Stand In)
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this is kind of a cheat but i've read the original novel for My Stand In (Professional Body Double by Shui Qian Cheng) and i can confirm Joe/Zhou Xiang is the sweetest soul, most precious, unluckiest gay ever (Ming, you are on sight, watch it sir or imma steal Joe away). i'm super excited for My Stand In because i hope i get to fall in love with Joe once again the way i fell super hard, head over heels for him when i finished this danmei novel within less than 24 hours. (was this shameless PR for Poom Phuripan's new BL series next year? yes, yes it absolutely was 🤗)
1. Khun Yai and Jom (I Feel You Linger In The Air)
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if i don't have a gentle lover like Khun Yai Kritsada Palathip or a soft boyfriend like Jom Ravit Pittayanan then what's the POINT. i want both of them so BAD. also isn't it such a crime that Yai lives his entire life the rest of his live in celibacy, having fucked only ONE person (the love of his life) in his lifetime. LET ME IN. i will love both of you equally.
+ bonus: Chef Guy (Bake Me Please)
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did you REALLY think i was gonna end my list without current loml, our resident sad boi, considerate and caring Chef Guy? 😅 Guy deserves a spot on here because well i'm absolutely feral for this man. Guy is just the nicest guy and i will literally do anything for him. Guy had me at hello but my heart truly broke when he comforted Peach saying he doesn't want to see Peach who's given him so much positivity, cry 😭.
oooooh that was soooo hard ;_; i love all these characters, maybe one day i need to start listing the female characters i'd totally hypothetically bang too because WOMEN ARE HOT 🔥.
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justabigoldnerd · 4 months
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Thank you so much @nicijones for the tag!!
Here are seven sentences from "I Am Your Lover (I Am Your Jailor)" !! I'm so close to being done with researching, I'm SO EXCITED to share this with you guys 🤩
While standing in the grass, tall enough to reach his thighs, the Prince rested his hand on the surface of the swaying flora and closed his eyes. “The old archbishop showed me this place. He said that it was a vortex, and that it was pure ethereal energy that made the grass flow like water, not the wind. He even told me this story about people of the Old Ways gathering here to celebrate their holidays because a god was said to live beneath the tree,” he glanced back at Illya and shrugged, then cast his eyes down, “Fairytales for a scared little boy. Maybe there was some truth to it, though. It's so peaceful here.”
No pressure tagging @cha-melodius @pippinoftheshire @yallwildinrn @huggiebird @too-young-to-fall-in-love
@times-up-alone-tonight @heytheredeann @the-golden-comet and anyone else who wants to join!!!
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jinxedmuse · 1 year
new romantics — boo seungkwan, 부승관
🎵 daydreamin' - ariana grande, arabella - artic monkeys, off to the races - ldr, feel so close - calvin harris, automotivo bibi fogosa - bibi babydoll, light a flame - svt, you know you like it - dj snake
in which: the “goody-two-shoes”, university athlete boo seungkwan encounters a “rebel against-all-odds”, biker!reader and truly learns what it means to have fun while living life for himself alongside new found, and utterly careless love.
authors note: plz don't be mad i'm aware i owe u guys part 2 of the jeonghan fic and a "bed peace vernon" fic but.. no excuse tbh. wrote something like this a while ago and was gonna re-upload it but the more i re-read it the more i was dissatisfied so here’s this (hopefully way cleaner ver) instead. tags & warnings: she falls first x he falls harder, strangers/annoyance to lovers, some cursing, reckless racing, reader is (strongly) implied to be a thrill seeker, harmless back and forth (flirty) banter, mentions of alc (legal drinking) word cound: 4.2k
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9:52 am
seungkwan suddenly came to an abrupt halt. he tightly held the large iced americano in his right hand and completely let slip his folder packed with research and syllabus papers in the left.
he begrudgingly looks down at his scattered papers, frustration growing by the second before looking up. in front of him and the reason for his abrupt stop was you.
you were running late on the first day of uni and had opted to take your bike to campus in a rush. you didn't even realize you almost ran into the guy until you were way too close for comfort.
you removed your helmet, your hair coming undone from underneath it. positioning your helmet onto the handle of your ride, you hopped off and immediately crouched down, trying to gather the papers that had dropped on the floor but your black leather gloves prevented you from doing so comfortably, slightly crinkling some in the process.
“just stop, you can leave them. It's fine.” the voice rushes out. you look up but can hardly see who was speaking. the sun was directly behind him, practically shining around his blonde hair like a golden halo.
he seemed kind of tall, and lanky but healthy. his backpack, the one you recognized too well that nearly all athletes here used, was slinked onto one shoulder. you stand up, squinting your eyes to protect them from the harsh rays of the beaming sun.
once face to face with him, you realized he was kind of, no, exceedingly handsome. he was rather well groomed, his skin fair with no marks and instead, a cute beauty mark right underneath his left eye.
he slightly backed up, looking at you muddled. it was obvious his tolerance was wearing thin as he picked up the rest of his papers and practically shoved them inside his folder, somehow without ripping or further crinkling any more of them.
you bowed repeatedly, embarrassed with your negligence.
“dude i’m really sorry about that, i’m usually way more careful on this thing i swear.” you practically pleaded, laughing dryly while pointing back at your all-black bike.
you silently prayed that he wouldn't be one of those rich snobs who would threaten to take it away or get your license suspended.
instead, he just raises an eyebrow, observing you without even giving the tiniest glance towards your bike.
“you should be more careful, someone could get hurt. oh and, do you know me that well to be speaking so casually?” he remarks rhetorically.
of course, you don't know him, he knew that as well.
“yeah no, you're right. my bad. i mean, my apologies.” you murmured, bowing once more at the boy in front of you. you could feel your cheeks growing warmer and warmer from embarrassment.
while bowing, his feet start moving and soon enough disappear. you look up and realize he has walked away, without even saying anything or regarding your apology.
“interesting” you whispered, head slightly tilted to the side. in a swift movement, you swung a leg over your bike and re-adjusted your helmet. revving your bike, the wheels tracked a bit of pebbled dirt before it took off, catching you up to him in no time.
this time, you don’t stop the bike. you use one hand to open up your helmet visor and turn to him, trying to get his attention as he was ignoring you.
“look, i truly do apologize. it looks like we’re heading the same way, how about i grant you a ride and save you time? morning classes start in 5 minutes and I guarantee I can get us there in less than 3” you offer, slowing down to match his pace.
“i’m fine.” is all he urges in a monotone voice, facing forward and slightly picking up his pace as the steps of the main campus start coming into view.
you simply hummed in response, putting down your visor once more before setting off, immediately creating a lengthy distance between you too.
you pull up into the student parking for bikes, motorcycles, etc., and hop off. readjusting your slinger backpack, you head into the building. pushing the dreadful encounter to the back of your mind.
boo, seungkwan was now two minutes late to his first lesson. usually, he would try not to beat himself up about something trivial but it was the first day and that professor was like the Korean students most wanted for this course.
he took a deep breath and finally, opened up the door to the classroom. the professor cocked an eyebrow before seemingly crossing seungkwan’s name off his paper, motioning for him to head to the back.
seungkwan took a glance at the wide lecture room and just as he suspected, practically all the seats were filled. only two scattered ones in the back remained. he heads up toward the back and absentmindedly sits down next to some girl.
she had pretty, long lashes resting onto her soft skin, hair slightly in her face due to her head down, and her plump lips formed into a subtle pout as she was already falling asleep.
she's pretty, he simply thought to himself. but really? falling asleep on the first day? in this professor's class no less? hopefully next time seungkwan can find another seat, a better seatmate to be precise. they probably won't be prettier but he wasn't here for that, he was here to raise his (already above-average) gpa.
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9:48 pm
"guys thank you so much.. for bringing me to the world's lamest orientation party." seungkwan remarks, clapping his hands sarcastically.
his long-term friend and junior here, mingyu simply bows his head in shame.
it truly was boring. the room was split up into groups of freshmen, sophomores, juniors, and seniors. the drink stand had the blandest variations of alcohol and the food that was getting passed out had already gotten cold an hour in, of course after playing what seemed like a thousand ice breakers.
"dude i'm so ready to leave." chimed up lee chan, a fellow sophomore and friend.
“the moment it hits 10, i’m out.”
almost as soon as he said that, the door opened up and a girl walked in. she wasn't exactly tall but she had the height to her, she was dressed in all black head to toe, her dark hair was neat and pushed out of her face, her features soft yet eyes sharp, clearly searching for someone in the room.
seungkwan tried studying her face but she walked by his table quickly, he swore he’d seen her before.
"i gotta get back to my table, but once this is over lets go over to seungcheols apartment yeah?" mingyu declared before getting up and making their way to the junior table.
seungkwan turned back, simply nodding before lazily clicking his glass with the slightly younger chan
"you know her?" he asked, tilting his cup in the girl's direction who was now speaking to some guy at one of the club stands.
seungkwan hated seeing someone he wasn't even close to multiple times, once he noticed you, he'd see you everywhere. as if you had taken a dip into his daydreams, invading the air around him.
yet he still studied you once more before turning back, downing his glass in one go and setting it back down.
"nope, she looks familiar though."
now you had only walked into this orientation for one thing: to get your friend and go.
"vernon are you done yet?" you whined, watching as he paced back and forth, picking up the remainder of his items and stuffing them into his black backpack.
"okay, now i'm done. let's go" he says once he slips it on and makes his way from behind his club stand, grabbing his motorcycle keys and twisting them around his index finger.
"finally, time to have some real fun tonight." you practically beamed, skipping along to head outside.
you stop in your tracks a few feet from the door once you realize vernon is no longer walking beside you but is now by a table, having a conversation with two heads of blondes.
curious, you sneak up behind vernon, resting your head on his shoulder. once you peer at who he's speaking to, you can't help but smile. the familiar face now trying his hardest to not look right back at you.
vernon senses this almost immediately "you guys know each other?' he raises a question to the both of you.
"no,” seungkwan reacts quickly.
"something like that," you reply, conveying your most impressionable smile.
he falters once he sees it but fixes his eyes back on vernon, "no, we don't. just unfortunately ran into each other this morning."
you move from behind vernon and closer to the table. "oh please, the pleasures all mine”, you retaliate, sticking your hand out to shake his.
he does, although reluctantly and you use that opportunity to pull him out of his seat. once up, you wrap an arm around his shoulder.
"vern, why don’t we invite these lovely gentlemen to where we're going?” you ask, completely ignoring the very confused and shocked seungkwan in your arms.
funny enough though, he wasn't making an effort to get out, for which he could've easily done. instead, he listens in quietly, a part of him wondering if he could truly let go just once tonight after this failed orientation party.
he makes eye contact with a very excited chan, practically jumping out of his seat, already putting on his jean jacket.
vernon looks at you all, a small smile spreading across his face.
"i don't see why not.”
"he doesn't see why not, and you sir? what are you gonna do?” you ask looking at the boy still in your grasp.
he looks at you, face slightly flushed in embarrassment because he realizes a few other students are now looking in your direction. but you don't budge, keeping eye contact steady, as if you didn't even realize there were other people in the room.
vernon and chan looked at seungkwan expectedly, he nods shyly and chan clapped excitedly.
"finally, let's get the hell out of here now, please. i'll text mingyu and seungcheol about this.” quipped the younger blonde, already quickly typing away on his phone and making his way to the door with vernon.
you smiled, taking your arm off his shoulder.
you picked up the glass bottle of mexican coca-cola from the table, presumably his as it was in front of his dish. flicking the already loose cap off and onto the remainder of his untouched food, you wrap your lips around the top. downing the rest of his drink, right in front of him.
seungkwan watched your actions tenaciously. he didn’t speak up, or complain about you taking it despite you had only met once before this. instead, he just watched as your lips like a galaxies edge, wrapped around the tip of the coke bottle, taking back the last sip of his dark drink.
“you know for someone who seems to hate me, you sure do have a habit of staring.” your voice caught him off guard and he quickly realized he had been staring at your mouth for far too long.
you let out a small laugh, going on ahead outside “i didn’t think you’d agree after this morning.”
“I didn’t think i would either,” he muttered, grabbing his stuff and following closely behind you as you left the orientation hall.
once outside, chan was already on the back of vernon’s ride.
you take your jet-black helmet off your handlebars and toss it to the boy behind you. you caught seungkwan yet he still managed to catch it effortlessly.
"what about you... no helmet?" he asked warily, surveying your bike as if another helmet would just pop out of thin air.
“don’t need one," you say matter-of-factly as you mount your bike. you pat the space behind you before revving your engine. seungkwan looked skeptical of the accommodation and situation.
"oh c'mon on, i'll be fine. don't tell me you're backing out now" you teased, revving the engine once more.
seungkwan had a clear scowl on his face after your remark. chan laughed at the joke you looked but before he could say anything, vernon pulled out of the sidewalk and sped off.
seungkwan was anxious, should he let go so early in the year, with someone he barely knew? he's about to toss back the helmet, but when he looks at you, you're no longer butting jokes or rushing him. simply playing with some stickers you had put on your handlebars. your hair was blowing in the wind, and the chilly night air didn't seem to affect you.
just for tonight, he thought to himself. he walked towards you and boarded your bike without saying anything.
"ah c'mon, handsome. you should know this, hands round the driver,” you say casually, foot on of the peddles, ready to take off at any time.
nervously, he wraps his arms loosely around you, a smile tugged at your lips. his shyness was charming.
you take off, following in pursuit behind vernon and you can feel his grip tightening around your waist. his broad chest pressed against your back. his heart beating rapidly but steadily.
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10:36 pm
you guys arrived at the race tracks, vernon and chan already standing by some bleachers speaking to another group. you pull your bike in front of the wide set of bleachers, seungkwan hurriedly gets off the bike as soon as you stop it and removes the helmet.
"thanks." is all he says with a slight bow before going back to join vernon and chan by the bleachers.
"still so formal huh?”
i’ll crack you soon. is all you think to yourself. you hop off your bike and are greeted by a few fellow racers pulling you into hugs and small conversation.
"it's about to start soon, you racing tonight sweetheart?" one remarks. you looked at the track, observing its condition with a small smile on your face,
you looked back at who spoke, a friend that got you into motorcycles and the entire lifestyle years ago, jun.
"hm, what’s in it for me?' you ask, your gaze no longer on the track or jun, but behind him. seungkwan was currently sitting by the lower edges of the bleachers, a can of beer in hand as he laughed at something chan and vernon said.
you forgot jun was speaking by the time you cut him off. "actually-" you start, slowly starting to walk by. "i think i do have something that might interest me" you remark, a sly smirk on your face as you looked on the blonde boy ahead of you.
something about him piqued your interest, you couldn't tell if it was the feeling of a brand new bike straight from the garage or if he was a person you'd want in your life. either way, the feeling excited you.
you walk past jun and inevitably the small group that had gathered around you, ignore their confused remarks and make your way to the bleachers.
vernon smiles upon you approaching, wrapping a lazy arm around your shoulder. you pat his back but shrug it off, nodding your head towards chan who is sitting to seungkwan’s left.
"can i steal your seat for a moment," you ask, to which the young blonde simply nods. downing the rest of his beer and motioning vernon to go get some more with him.
once you and seungkwan are left alone, you sit by him closely. observing him carefully.
the moon above shone directly on him. It's like the solar system routed him his personal spotlight wherever he went. he was barefaced yet he still looked incredibly handsome. realized he had more beauty moles than just the one underneath his left eye. the blinding lights around the race track slightly brightened his face.
"are you just gonna stare at me?" he asked, taking a small sip from his beer.
he was shifting his feet uncomfortably and not looking back at you but he made no motion to distance himself from you, you were close enough so that your knees and shoulders were slightly touching, brushing against each other at any slight movement.
"just returning the favor from this morning, is that not allowed?” you ask sarcastically. seungkwan practically splurts out his beer, your sudden remark surprising him.
"that was you in the lecture hall this mornig?' he asked surprised, he was now looking at you, total shock over his face as he wiped off any small beer spillage on his crisp black shirt.
you ignore his question, finding there is no need to be hung up on the obvious for longer than it should be. a personal philosophy.
"i have a proposition.” you exclaim, once again not breaking any contact.
he nods slightly, a sign to continue with whatever it was you had to say tonight.
“i'm racing tonight, if i win, let me get closer to you." you bargained. seungkwan sucked in a harsh breath, it felt like all his words, any rebuttal or joke or even just awkward laugh he could've left out got caught choked up in his throat.
he searched your face; your eyes, for any sign of insincerity. anything to show you might be joking but there were none. you were completely serious.
he ran his empty hand through his bleached blonde hair, as if stuck in deep thought before meeting your gaze.
"whats in it for me if we get closer?' he managed to ask. words spilling together like he still didn't quite believe you.
you smiled softly, and without even realizing it, upon impulse, you gently poked the beauty mark right underneath his eye. he was taken aback but didn't physically back away.
he looked around as if searching for a hidden prank camera and it earned a laugh from you.
"you’re cute. it makes me want to spend time with you. if you allow me to get closer to you, i can make your life a whole lot more fun," you state in a persuasive tone. dropping your hand from his face but holding it up by his empty one, urging him to shake it.
to lock in the deal.
he looked at you skeptically but you could tell he was intrigued. he brought his hand up swiftly, shaking yours then dropping it almost as soon as it started.
you held back a smirk. too easy, you thought to yourself. you got up as vernon and chan were making their way back to the bleachers.
"pay attention to me well, yeah?” you asked directly, mocking his bow from earlier. seungkwan held back a smile, simply raising his eyebrow slightly.
vernon yelled out once a bit closer, "yo reader! you're racing tonight right? they're calling you." while approaching the bleachers. chan reclaims his seat next to seungkwan and vernon sits on the opposite side.
vernon was now looking up at you as he adjusted his beanie.
"hell yeah i’m racing, i’ll be winning too,” you say confidently, showing a small wink in seungkwan’s direction. the others definitely noticed, vernon just thought it was your usual behavior so he didn't say anything; no matter how bad he wanted to.
you jokingly salute the three before making your way down to the track, jun was standing by your motocycle ensuring its condition.
you thanked him and hopped on, adjusting the helmet. whatever shampoo seungkwan used, it smelled like him now, a small smile tugging at your lips. it smelled good.
"what's got you smiling like that?' jun asked, pushing your head slightly with an index finger. you waved it off, no longer holding back the smile.
"the fact that i'm winning this race." you cooed in a sing-song voice.
jun simply laughed. bringing down your visor. with that, he murmured a small "i know you will." before tapping your motorcycle and slightly jogging off the track, maintaining a closer position by one of the grid girls he had been flirting with earlier.
with that, a shot was fired in the air and you wasted no time in taking off. immediately creating a large gap between you and the other racers.
the cool air hit your clothes, keeping you cold despite your layers which weren't much if you were being honest. the smell of the track excited you, racing thrilled you. so how could a boy, you just met, also be this captivating to you? you drifted easily past a turn, neck, and neck with another racer.
the beaming and flashing lights around the track illuminated the floor, there were flashlights from people recording and screams from people who bet money. the endorphin rush hitting them even if they were just watching.
it all felt so good, even better when you created another gap, suddenly feeling extremely motivated at the thought of your deal. with another turn of your handle and a bit more seed, you cruised past the finish line, a gride girl waving a big flag back and forth, signaling you had won and the race was over.
seungkwan didn't even realize when he had gotten out of his seat. mouth ajar and hands up in eagerness as he watched you easily pass the finish line. a part of him was hoping you’d have won and right now it was extremely evident.
he watched almost in awe as you leaned against the motorcycle, as if you didn't just do something so incredible in front of what seemed like hundreds of people tonight. you looked so free.
was this the life you were used to? he wondered, was this the fun you’d wrap him up in? the questions already started driving him insane.
cheers erupted all over the bleachers, your group of friends recording your victory and jun jogging up to reach where you had stopped. your heart was pounding loudly in your ears, the rush from the race taking you higher than any drug you’ve taken. you smile proudly as you remove your helmet.
jun stretches up his hand and you high-five it before he pulls you into a hug while holding onto your helmet for you.
one of the grid girls made their way over to you, saying something along the lines of "congrats, that was cool' while handing you a couple of bands of prize money. you gave a small and firm smile, accepting the cash but carelessly tossing it into one of your small hidden compartments.
once it was in here, you tapped jun on his shoulder "watch this for me for a few, yeah?” you ask with pleading eyes. he simply nods, slightly leaning into your bike while pulling out his phone.
with that, you start making your way to the bleachers, another smile on your face once you realize the three boys are already heading towards you.
"yo that was fucking crazy, damn you’ve gotta teach me sometime!” chan exclaimed. practically begging as he daps you up, patting your back before walking by, letting out a series of "ouuu" as he looks at our bike.
vernons reaction was more tame but he was still hyped.
“good job.” is all he says, patting your head a few times before following behind chan who is already making conversation with jun. you swore chan could become friends with anyone.
you turned back in front of you, the real reason you had made your way back here in the first place. boo seugkwan was enamored, to say the least, but he would never admit that out loud.
you take his canned beer from him and down it before crushing it slightly, not breaking eye contact with him. he was practically putty in your hands by now but he was pulling himself together to the best of his abilities to not show it.
"i didn't know you were soo.." he starts, lost in words as he looks at you. he already knows you are pretty, but it's as if a new light is forming around you. the same girl he'd sworn he'd avoid the rest of his academic year just hours ago.
"cool? beautiful? absolutely incredible at everything?” you teased at the now practically speechless boy in front of you.
he kicked a few pebbles in front of him, now avoiding eye contact as he spoke up.
"yeah," he replied simply, honestly.
it was your turn to be caught off guard, you didn't expect him to return the same amount of energy you'd been playfully putting out all night.
"get closer to me all you want. i implore you to," he says looking up, no longer timidly looking at nothing on the ground. he now returned the favor of firm eye contact, carefully watching your reaction.
you tried to find words, but for the first time since meeting him, it felt like all possible formations or words were stuck in your throat. the fact that he had this effect on you excited you beyond what you'd imagine.
it makes you feel like pulling out your playing cards as well, you’d play your ace if it meant more of these interactions with him.
you simply smiled looking at the boy in front of you.
this was about to be so, fun.
───── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ─────
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auphelia · 6 months
Memento Mori - Chapter 1
*Super nice banner once I make it*
One tragedy never arrives alone Two crows never a bore Three meetings never a coincidence Doubt takes root when one decision comes at a price no one could hope to pay. And when praying and pleading with the divine does nothing to dull the ache, it's only natural that curious eyes will look to other means. When an opportunity at redemption presents itself in the shape of a Harbinger, you're all too willing to cast aside reservations and take him up on his word. Dottore laughs in the face of adversity, yet all he can manage with his newest research assistant is a burning rage gnawing away as everything is derailed. Info/tags: Il Dottore x fem reader, research assistant!reader, nuisances to lovers, eventual angst, eventual smut, eventual ending, fem reader with backstory and personality, possibly not very likeable MC, mostly canon compliant, former amurta student reader, slow burn, tags subject to change as I write MDNI - I mean it
The evenings in Sumeru had always been breathtaking, the serenity as the sun settled provided a constant in the busy city. Golden light streamed through the canopy, bathing everything in a warmth that lingered throughout the serene nights. The bustling sounds from the bazaar barely reached your ears as you leaned against the side of one of the little pavilions scattered outside The Akademiya. Your fingers were deftly working to pick apart the flower in your hand, ripping petals out and letting them fall to the ground.
"As if that old fool even has the authority to issue such an order," your voice came out louder than intended, the few students still scattered around the gardens no doubt glancing in your direction. You slumped forward for a moment, focusing on breathing through it as you hoped no one would approach.
It wasn't like you'd hurt anyone or broken any rules. The Akademiya technically had nothing stating someone couldn't use themselves as a subject. Getting the clearance to conduct human studies was a long and tedious process, especially with how busy the sages seemed lately. All of that valuable time could be much better spent on research into cures and remedies for other ailments.
It had certainly been a bit of a careless decision to inject yourself with something you knew was harmful. Your fingers squashed the center of the flower, it's petals strewn about the ground. But honestly, you'd had it under control. You couldn't help but grin to yourself as you toss the naked stem aside.
The antidote you'd made had worked flawlessly, ridding your body of the toxin within mere minutes. It didn't contain any pricey ingredients, and creating it wasn't as labor intensive as you'd feared, overall it was the most satisfying result you'd managed to produce after obtaining your degree. White light danced across the inside of your eyelids as your palms pressed firmly against your closed eyes.
Progress would always sit at the outskirts of acceptability, the moral consensus always shifting to accommodate what turned out to be useful. At least this held true to some degree, some boundaries were not to be crossed, not even in the name of advancement. The six cardinal sins flashed through your mind, the words beaten into your consciousness in every class you'd followed.
You shifted slightly, leaning back to lay on the soft grass. The stained glass mosaics in the top of the pavilion created a swirling display of colors, the sight almost too much as your eyes closed. Was the act of making medicine not conflicting with one of the sins if taken in it's purest form? Bringing life to that which would've otherwise perished, surely it could be argued that anything could be conflicting with the Sages' views if they willed it enough.
The thought made bile rise in your throat, maybe if things had been different, the rules a little more loose… A sigh escaped your lips, it was most likely a system established by Greater Lord Rukkhadevata when she was still around. And questioning the God of Wisdom seemed like a foolish endeavor. Especially when your mind felt all but clear.
There wasn't any real reason for you to stay, lingering behind was only bringing about thoughts of new experiments to plan, mind already working tirelessly to figure out the next medical problem to throw yourself at. The groan you let out as you got on your feet was downright pitiful, hands massaging your lower back. Doubt bubbled right beneath the surface, your next move from here completely up in the air.
It wasn't exactly a matter of lacking options, it had been almost a full year since you'd taken more than two days off. Shops passed by in a blur, chatter and all the tantalizing scent blending together to provide a dull background to the thoughts amassing in your head. They were pressing uncomfortably behind your eyes, throbbing with every step you took, only becoming more evident as you reached the outskirts of the city.
The door creaked on it's hinges as you pushed it open, crossing the threshold into the modest apartment. The corridor was always dark these days, the door to the adjoining room on your right remaining closed out of sheer reluctance to touch it. Your fingertips grazed the wall as you pushed straight ahead to the living room, convincing yourself as so many times before that nothing good would come from lingering.
The couch was soft, phantom warmth still lingering in the pillows and blankets that had been carelessly thrown around. Eyelids already heavy from exhaustion, you chanced a look at the opposite wall, goosebumps already spreading before the image was fully formed. Same as always, two picture frames. Two diplomas.
You removed your glasses, willing the lines to blur before you turned away, as if that would somehow erase the knowledge. A heavy sigh left your lips, tears stinging the corner of your eyes before you could bury your head into the plush fabric below. Keeping them on the wall was stupid, but your mother had insisted. Teeth sunk into the pillow as the memory of hanging them flooded your mind.
There was a soft thud as a pillow collided with the wall, your body shaking in time with the wooden frames. The scream you'd let out was still ringing in your ears, foreign and ugly.
"I can't look mum and dad in the eyes like this," every word felt like glass, throat constricting a little further with each syllable that passed.
"But there's no reason to stay as long as they won't let me into the lab," the words stung more than expected when they passed your own lips. The reality beginning to settle.
Your profe- employer, had forced you to take at least a week away, insisting that it would be beneficial for everyone. You could only scoff at the thought, as if he wasn't partially responsible for this in the first place, always urging his students towards perfection. He was a fool if he thought a mindset like that would just vanish once the degree was obtained.
Not bothering to eat or move from the couch, thoughts about possible solutions began to form. There were too many variables with this, even without taking social obligations into consideration. Turning to lay face down helped a bit, blissful darkness enveloping your senses. Feeling unable to justify to friends and colleagues that a week as a shut-in would be good meant you'd have to leave. Being unable to tell family about this meant you had nowhere proper to go. It'd have to be either somewhere secluded or foreign, and risking a trip to somewhere new seemed silly with only one week available.
As sleep began to settle, thoughts of locating old hiking gear, packing food, and something to make camp took your mind back to the time you'd spent as a student. Field trips were always the highlight of the year, a small hope blossoming that this might still be the case. Memories of vast caverns filled with glowing fungi merged brought to mind a hulking colossus made from moss and vines, it's leather boots adorned with yellow crystals as it trudged on. Everything soon turned to nothingness as sleep claimed you, the Archon's gift granting peaceful darkness as the fantasy was forgotten alongside the rest of your dreams.
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bloopitynoot · 1 year
Shadowgast Corporate/Office-Au Rec List!
Hello I'm back again with more disaster wizard (well and in this case working professional but more office-like setting) recommendations!
This list is a little bit more bawdy than normal (I love a good smut fic, but I also try to vary the ratings on these lists for those who may not share my enthusiasm).
If you want to see my other shadowgast rec lists- they are linked at the end of this post. ANYWAYS- let's get into it!
1 As per my last email
As per my last email (11651 words) by LivThael (I don't think they are on Tumblr- if they do please comment so I can tag- but they have a twitter listed in the notes of the fic) Chapters: 11/11 Rating: Explicit Summary: Essek Thelyss is an asshole with a questionable taste in spreadsheets. Caleb Widogast has more important and certainly more interesting things to do than filing travel expense claims. A series of mails turns into a escalating meeting. Or: Please stop writing me emails, I genuinely hate you. - Explicit content only in chapter 10.
What I loved: Anyone who has worked in an office knows a passive aggressive email when they get one. Plus we have the added bonus of having to deal with accounting to get expenses covered- ugh, so good. The energy of these passive aggressive- yet flirty workplace emails between new hire Caleb and kind-of-an-asshole Essek in accounting is *chefs kiss*. The build up to their meeting was written so well! I also really love the way the fic is formatted- the email style gives it an immersive feel.
2 Paradigm Shift
Paradigm Shift (114,291 words) by full_time_dreamer_behold (I don't know their tumblr, please totally feel free to tag if they have one- i'll add it). Chapters: 28/28 Rating: Teen and up Audiences Summary: Recently moved to Rosohna, Caleb accepts a job at a prestigious law firm, but the work turns out to be menial and dull. Thankfully, his life takes a turn when he makes new friends and starts taking a curious interest in the IT Manager- the handsome and intriguing Essek Thelyss. Could he be reason enough for Caleb to stay in this place? He certainly intends to find out.
A friends-to-idiots-to-lovers slow burn with a sweet ending.
What I loved: This was such a lovely slow burn. It covers hard topics in a corporate kind of setting including racism, nepotism, and power dynamics that really suck but it handled with care and well written. I also really love the disability representation here! This slow burn is so so good, I super recommend! Also bonus it's the length of a beefy novel!
3 the golden thread around your neck whispered visions of my undoing
the golden thread around your neck whispered visions of my undoing (172812 words) by MarsBar2019 (If you know Mars' tumblr please comment and I will tag- I couldn' find it in the notes). Chapters: 38/? Rating: Explicit Summary: Caleb Widogast does not belong here. The world of sharp suits, board meetings, and billion dollar budgets is a far cry from Caleb’s preferred domain: the research lab. Where nobody cares about his faded T-shirts and raggedy jeans. But a year of industry experience will look good on his CV, and the hefty pay bump wouldn’t hurt either. How hard could a secretary gig be? What he finds behind the glittering edifice of Auriga, Wildemount’s leading name in arcane technology, is CEO Essek Thelyss, who maintains his domain with an acid tongue and an iron fist. It’s difficult not to find him intriguing, this handsome, guarded, brilliant man. It’s even more difficult not to want to please him. Caleb knows to keep it professional, though. Working late nights together at the office and lingering glances here and there don’t cross the boundaries of propriety. That is, until they do.
Or: the one where Essek Thelyss loses focus and has a consensual workplace relationship.
Updates weekly on Mondays.
E-rated chapters: Ch. 4, 9, 13, 14, 17, 18, 22-23, 26, 32, 38
Why I love it: Out of all the recs this one is the SPICIEST (and I love that). Head the warnings - there may be stuff that isn't for you, but if you, like me, enjoy a 6/5 spicy level fic- congrats this one will not disappoint. This story is in progress but updates weekly which is fantastic. We have big time and hot mess CEO Essek and his personal assistant disaster bisexual Caleb- of course it's an HR scandal waiting to happen, but also, Essek might come out a better person for it. I cannot recommend this enough, this fic is so so good. In addition to the smut, it's also just a really fantastic story.
4 sleep, with benefits
sleep, with benefits (62272 words) by KmacKatie @kmackatie Chapters: 12/12 Rating: Explicit Summary: Caleb Widogast wakes up from the first good night of sleep in far too long. It takes him a moment to realise it's because he's not in his bed. Is it the better mattress (lump-free and like a cloud), or the fact he drunkenly slept with Essek Thelyss, the colleague he's been secretly crushing on for the last six months?
Why I loved it: Let me just start off by saying kmackatie is brilliant and everything shadowgast that katie writes makes my heart sing. In this fic Essek and Caleb are captured so well- they are both big idiots who act like scared cats around one another (even though they both want the same thing) but honestly- can there be any other dynamic? This hot mess of them not using their words eventually leads to the best of endings and you should all read it because it is so lovely.
BONUS FIC: (high school teachers, less corporate feel, but not what I would throw on a professor or academia list so its a bonus for this one).
5 all this science i don't understand
all this science i don't understand (8858 words) by mllekurtz @mllekurtz Chapters: 1/1 Rating: Mature Summary: Caleb knew how he was with crushes, he was aware that historically they’ve brought him nothing but trouble, and vowed that he wasn’t going to develop one on his new colleague. This resolution lasted a remarkable twenty-four hours. * Small-town high school science teacher Caleb Widogast has his life more or less figured out, or so he thinks. Then an unexpected variable gets thrown into the equation in the form of the new addition to the teaching staff: the handsome and clever Essek Thelyss.
Why I loved it: This fic was so sweet. I have a soft spot for fics that play with chronology in their story telling and this one does a bit of that. It is a shorter read but honestly that works really well for this love story. Caleb of course falls hard and fast and Essek does not mind at all. Some angst, but they are written so well and so soft, Brilliant <;3
My Other Shadowgast Rec lists:
Shadowgast fics that made me ugly cry
Shadowgast Space Opera-AU list
Shadowgast Bakery/Coffee/Tea Shop-AUs
As usual I devour all fics shadowgast so if there is a rec list you want to read that is tried and true- dm me or leave a comment. I always prefer to use my librarian degree for chaotic neutral purposes so hmu.
[I am totally thinking about doing a Professor/Researcher OR College-AU OR Time is a Weird Soup list next but we shall see!]
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Leona and Diana Old Lore / New Lore. My take on it
Okay so, I am relatively new to the League community, with barely three years under my belt, but lore is one of the things that interest me the most about it. And well, the dynamic between Sun and Moon coded characters is one I never pass up in exploring. Leodia is arguably my favorite ship from League, but it's mostly the idea of it, with recent executions leaving me feel kinda... meh.
So apart from probably having read every single half decent fic under the Leona/Diana tag on Ao3, I have scourged the internet for their lore and have come across quite a few references of their old one. Never found the complete thing though. And possibly unpopular opinion, I like it better than their current one.
That is not to say that the old lore is any sort of masterpiece, and people could argue that it doesn't set them up to be lovers, but I think with a little bit of tweeking it can become really good. Many of my ideas are inspired from a fic I probably read like 2 years ago, also features an OC named Helena and has a side of Riven's inner struggle, Riven and Diana friendship and Rivelia. (I cannot for the life of me remember the name, I apologise)
My problem with the New Lore mostly, is that it's vanilla for a mountain of warriors and *cultists* it feels almost like High School AU but try to fit it into League, and yeah it's not it for me. Also the co-dependence of their ascension, and just Leona's whole thing kinda sucks. Like I can see how people might see it as romantic and poetic and whatever, that they ascended at the same time and Leona followed Diana up the mountain to keep her safe etc. etc. but that's kinda glossing over some issues especially with Leona's character.
Now the new take on Leona's character is really interesting, and a complete 180 from the old lore and actually the idea isn't so bad, if they ACTUALLY DID ANYTHING WITH IT. Now as a person that definitely doesn't overanalyze literature and fictional characters for fun, Leona's new lore is such an interesting take and could be taken many directions if someone chose to explore it and go a bit deeper that "genocidal close-minded bigot".
At first read Leona is really just that. She does what she is told no hesitation, no questions asked and turns on Diana also no questions asked. But let's take it a bit deeper shall we?
I have no intention to make it as though Leona holds no blame for her actions or that she is a paragon of virtue, cause she is not. But if we dive in her story a bit more we could perhaps understand how she came to be what she is. Because under no circumstance do I think she is that daft. Especially if she was with Diana for years. Some of that curiosity must have rubbed off on her. Then again she could have just ignored everything Diana said about the Moon and her research. I guess we'll never know.
I do not intent to ramble about Leona in this post. But I'll give you some clues as to why her backstory and the whole Targonian premise is important. She is born practically into a cult, or well a religion with really strict and particular disciplines. So already an environment with very particular ideas and particular ways to enforce them. She is the daughter of two really strict and proud parents in said cult, who seem to care more abt her achievements and punishments than anything (Grade A parenting), - She doesn't even send them that letter in the end - and she is the golden child of the Solari. So what do we have in our hands? An affection starved perfectionist suffering from gifted child expectations. NOw take that and put it in the Solari premise of religious fanatism and voila!
(I will probably at some point make a separate post abt this, because I really took a deep dive in Leona's character when writing my Ruination fic - that I wont ever post anywhere probably - and I have a LOT to say)
So in the old Lore the Rakkori are the warriors and defenders of the mountain, a bit heavy on the bloodthirsty side though, hence the right of Kor. A coming of age ritual battle to the death. (What else could it be). Leona being the only one that refuses to kill her opponent and friend, is sentenced to be executed, but before the execution could be carried out, she is claimed by the Golden Sister as the Sun aspect with a beam of golden light.
I feel that Leona's ascension in particular is really important in the old Lore, because in such a warlike culture she was rewarded for showing mercy. She was chosen because she chose mercy over mindless slaughter. Something that could potentially be really important later on, in a mountain where half its indigenous people have slaughtered the other half??
Point 1 I like from the old lore: The Sun chose Leona because she was merciful. (Or had a semblance of a moral compass)
Moving forward the lines kinda blur for Diana, mostly cause I am not sure what I remember is actual lore and what is related to that magnificent fic.
Her curious truth-searching nature is ever present. She discovers hidden texts, burned pages and embarks on a journey of knowledge that leads her to climb the mountain. Only she is in the company of an elderly woman I think? Anyhow, she finds - is lead to - an alcove, an old temple and the relics of the Moon Aspect. Overjoyed at her findings she dons the armor takes it all down to the elders, they call her a heretic, brand her, and intent to kill her, when she begs the Moon for help and ascends. Either her or the moon blast kills every elder in the room she gets blamed either way, and the chase begins.
Diana is at her core an academic and a researcher, that researches. She has her Indiana Jones moment in the mountain and there is a process a ritual to it, instead of I just climbed up saw unimaginable terrors and now I am the aspect of the Moon (over-simplified I know. The climb judges worthiness). There is something about her checking old dusty books, and deciding to brave the climb looking for answers. About her choosing to be helpful -kinda as a mirror to Leona sparing her opponent, Diana, the one that keeps to herself - apart from when arguing abt academics and scriptures consciously engages with and helps a stranger, guiding them up the mountain and helping them along the way when the trip became too arduous.
Point 2 I like from the old lore: The ritual of the process in Diana's research and ascension and the mirroring with Leona, minor though it is, that they ascended - sooner or later - after an act of kindness that contradicted what would have been expected of them.
Point 3 I like from the old lore: The brand. Like it just adds another layer to Diana's character. And is a much better explanation for its presence than Moon magic. Also the amount of complications this act has, its just delicious. I mean THE DRAMA. and ofc THE TRAUMA. I don't think she'd go near a fire for months.
Point 3 I like from the old lore: The independence of the ascensions. It gives us the chance to see them grow and evolve as their own people before the thread of fate that binds them together appears. We get to see one without the other, and that would later make their dynamic more interesting.
But How are Leona and Diana connected?
In the old lore they aren't. I think. Leona is like a blood hound that needs to kill the heretic.
In the fic, Leona's dad was one of the guards in the room when Diana ascended and was killed, which in the context of the story adds a layer of betrayal between them, as up to that point they were lovers. And you know what, I really like that idea. And I was thinking that perhaps we could try to get the best of both worlds. Though it might be difficult to fully develop the idea.
Lore Idea:
So the Rakkor ans the Solari are different factions. Solari = priesthood, Rakkor = Warriors. Leona's family are Rakkori, and they are simple people, her father works as a guard for the Solari Temple, something that is considered a bit of an honor despite that fact that the factions don't rly see eye to eye about everything. Right of Kor happens when they are around 15 (Yes I want to traumatize a bunch of teenagers that train to fight, kill and defend since they could walk) and Leona's story proceeds as we know it. She then gets taken to the Solari temple to be educated in their way and train to become the figurehead of their faith. (Like that Leona has already had the chance to develop some critical thinking, and to experience sth different.)
She gets there and all the acolytes younger and older look at her starry eyed, because the elders told them so and because they see her like a bit of a Messiah. (Plus I doubt a bunch of scrawny academics and priests to be have seen anyone their age with that musculature). All of them apart from Diana, who as always isn't particularly impressed by the paragon in training of the Solari faith.
Leona is relieved to get some normal person treatment, even if it is from the broody girl with her nose in a book half the time, and like the cocky 15year old meathead she is, she wants to show off a bit and perhaps win her favor. Shenanigans ensue and Diana unlike the other people that desperately want to befriend Leona, is not impressed.
Another point of similarity is that Leona - that has ascended already mind you - would have a few questions and oppositions to all that mumbo jumbo the Solari say about the Sun and the Moon. So after she flops exceptionally in one oration or sth class, with saying something positive about the Moon that has the students look at her with horror, and the priest fuming and screaming punishments - light ones, because the Sun chose that clueless miscreant, and he doesn't want to fall out of her favor - Leona manages unknowingly to win inquisitive Diana's intrigue - and favor, (but don't tell anyone about the last part).
A tentative bond forms. It gets solidified when Leona stops a few bullies from beating Diana to a pulp, and the dark haired girl in return helps her pass a class she was having an exceptionally hard time with. Diana - who in my head is a year younger - does eventually get charmed by the surprisingly goofy and sunny disposition of the Sun Aspect in training. (Don't get this wrong Leona will still act like a 15 yo that has had to train and fight every day of her life) Diana asks her countless questions about life outside the temple and they discuss theology together, either trying to help Leona understand, or trying to make sense of Diana's findings. (The Rakkori in my head are far more neutral abt Sun and Moon, more like if there is light and I can see I am happy, whether its the Sun or the Moon. "There was even that one traveler from some big city, Pilt - something was it, that even said that the Sun and Moon are like orbs in the night sky, one is a star rly close to us and the other is like a smaller planet or something, can you imagine?")
The become friends, the Nightless Eve happens, and then they become lovers. Leona starts suffering from all those expectations and the charade she needs to put up, she has more hours with classes and training she gets tutored by the priests, punished more severely when se speaks out of line or says something borderline heretical, yada yada. More people like her and she likes the attention. She doesn't abandon Diana though, and she always defends her. Things get difficult as the years go by but still they persist. (We could include some homophobic sentiment in the Solari, or even sth downright misogynistic, which would add complications with Leona's state as the Radiant Dawn, and the wlw relationships as they would not be seen as real substantial relationships - add asshole trying to flirt with Leona bc her relationship with Diana isn't real cause they are both women- DRAMA)
Leona is 18 passes her final exams, and Diana is 17 when Diana's arc happens. They have a huge fight about faith and contradicting it and if it is worth it. (No one wants to bandage their lover's whipped back that is practically a mosaic of scars at this point, or nurse them to health after sever dehydration - cause yes apparently standing naked in the sun for three days can do that). Diana storms off angrily. Finds an elderly woman in the base of the mountain that needs help going up (Silver sister in disguise). She helps her up, and when they are like 3/4 up and rest cause Diana's everything hurts the woman disappears. She looks around, finds the temple, sees carved proof that the Solari and Lunari co-existed gets the relics and climbs back down excited to show everyone her findings.
Meanwhile Leona has left for an emergency Solari mission or sth, and hasn't told Diana. Diana goes to the priests, they don't believe her, she invokes her right to be judged by the Aspect or sth, the priests pretend that Leona is still around and doesn't want to see or help Diana (Strike 1 of betrayal). Diana feels betrayed and hurt and fears for her life. The priests give the order for her to be branded and executed on the spot. Leona's dad who had been in the room and had met Diana, tries to plead her case from an outsider's perspective. One of the elders reprimands him and threatens him with death.
They brand Diana with the moon Symbol on the forehead, and are about to place her face down in the flames and / or slit her throat, and Iasur can't have her dying thinking that Leona betrayed her (A bit of family honor and afterlife beliefs - honor is a huge deal-, and a bit of a soft spot for his daughter's closest companion). He tries to fight his way to her, and gets killed in the process. Diana witnessing Iasur's murder prays to the moon for help, and seconds before breathing her last breath, she ascends. Pillar of Moonlight and heavenly fire burns everything to a crisp, and Diana remains alone in the middle of the room, barely breathing and clad in the garb of he Moon aspect. She takes one look around her and speeds away from the temple.
Leona returns three days after to find the council and her father dead, the council room in ruins and apparently Diana to blame. On top of that Diana is missing. Leona is presented with the case and believes Diana to be her father's killer. She vows to avenge him and kill the Scorn of the Moon, because her Diana wouldn't do that. It must be the moon spirit. and yes apparently Moon is bad because dad and Diana are gone bc of it. Leona is determined to save her lover from the Moon's clutches and set her free the only way she knows how, with killing her.
And thus their journey begins. Leona becomes more and more of a puppet from here and on driven by anger and betrayal and Diana feels abandoned and betrayed, with nothing left in the world but the glow of the branding mark on her forehead and the knowledge that her lover wanted her dead.
And as for their path to reunite again and achieve peace? Well Leona needs to be merciful, and Diana needs to guide and support someone through the right path.
Thanks for reading this huge ass post. Again MANY credits to that amazing writer on Ao3, if I find that fic I'll put a link here, cause its phenomenal.
Take care and see ya next time!
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wangxianficfinder · 1 year
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Fic Finder
1. Excuse me, but could anyone tell which Wangxian fic has Wei Wuxian as someone who works as a cursebreaker in a modern setting and meets Lan Wangji when his laptop got cursed? I really want to reread it again, please? @kaitou-cure-prism12
FOUND! Crossed Wires by stardust_and_sunlight (T, 20k, wangxian, modern cultivation, college/university au, meet-cute)
2. I'm hoping you can help me re-find a fic I read a while back. It was a WIP at the time, a modern AU, and it started with JZX calling in a favor from LWJ to help him find a good present for JZX's fiance's brother (WWX). LWJ researches WWX online and gets intrigued and also recommends that JZX give WWX a dizi. Thanks! @marbleglove
FOUND! The Trials of Purchasing Gifts for a Gremlin by MavisMelisande (T, 3k, XuanLi, WangXian, Modern AU, LWJ Has Friends, Social Media, Christmas Presents, POV LWJ, POV JZX)
3. hello, thank you for all your hard work! I was on twitter following this thread a few months ago then forgot and now twitter is glitchy but i rmb the author said she will poster on ao3! She has a small following then and it’s so hard to find it on ao3 might be incomplete I’m not sure but I really want to know how it ends cause it’s k wording me
- it’s about lan zhan writting to himself from a different universe? wei Ying dies or something in another universe and Lan zhan is trying it to prevent again
- high school setting
- no it’s not the space one!!
thanks in advance guys, you all the backbone of the fandom 💛 @meedorin
FOUND? 至少还有你 | in another life by nagiusagi (T, 16k, wangxian, modern, high school au, LWJ pov, heavy angst w happy ending, hurt/comfort, pain, hurt WWX, student WWX, student LWJ, letters from past, implied/referenced child abuse, character death (JYL), grief, misunderstandings, teenage wangxian, WWX’s hair ribbon, forehead ribbon exhange, pianist LWJ, parallel universes)
4. Hey I am looking for two fics !
I have searched many tags but i cannot find them
A) this is set in post canon where lwj and wwx visit a village for nighthunt I think but they find lwj's mother's family ? It was a oneshot ig
B) This is a modern au fic again a oneshot ig? The only thing i remember is that lwj was a fashion icon here and very sassy . Oblivious Wwx as usual ! i think wwx implied lwj like mianmian and later lwj talks to his brother and says " brother do i not look gay enough?" .I do not remember anything else . Also it had good friendship dynamics with almost everyone.No angst but again i can be remembering wrong . Also !!!!! Lwj wore heels ( it wasn't a genderbend fic )
FOUND? Gentian Seeds by yuyu_finale (T, 9k, WangXian, Thirteen Years of WWX’s Death, at first, Post-Canon, later on, Mentioned Madam Lán, Implied/Referenced Character Death, Hurt/Comfort, Fluff and Angst, Found Family, but literally, some elements of character study, Soft WangXian) LWJ discovers his mother's hometown
FOUND? The Same Cloth by x_los (T, 8k, WangXian, Established Relationship, Case Fic, Aftermath of a Case, Family Feels, Family Drama, Family Bonding, Family Secrets, Clothing Porn, Worldbuilding, Government, Chief Cultivator LWJ, Married Life, Character Study, Post-Canon)
FOUND? Turn the Other Cheek by Minyoongiisacatuwu (E, 19k, WangXian, Unreliable Narrator, Modern, Oblivious WWX, Panties, LWJ flirting very hard, Rabbits, Rimming, Mutual Pining, LWJ is a top in a Thong, LWJ in heels, Fashionista LWJ, Friends to Lovers, Aftercare, Porn with Feelings, College/University)
5. Hello, I'm looking for a fic where WWX thinks he has a miscarriage in the burial mounds and then ends up giving birth at the end of the war.
FOUND? Impermanence, Transience, Permanence by Best Bepsy (BepsyGray) (E, 39k, wangxian, canon divergence, unplanned pregnancy, mpreg, gore, sunshot campaign, assumed miscarriage, medical procedures, childbirth, golden core reveal)
6. Hi! I'm looking for a fic where wwx is a single parent to lwj's child. They knew each other in school and were friends, but wwx disappeared after yzy kicked him out. Wwx has been sending letters to lwj to tell him about their child but lwj never saw any of the letters. The meet again after some years and lwj gets to know his child and it turns out that it was lxc who intercepted all the mail and destroyed it before it could get to lwj. I think lxc was angry that wwx was stringing along his brother and disappeared without a word, but didn't realize that wwx had snuck into the house to see lwj one last time. Thanks!
FOUND? Nothing but your heart by airinshaw (E, 21k, WangXian, Modern AU, A/B/O Dynamics, Implied Mpreg, First Time, Getting Together, Angst and Drama, Angst with a Happy Ending, Anal Sex, Whump, Breeding Kink)
7. I was wondering if you can help me find a fic. It was so long ago I'm ngl. I remember it was stormy and the cultivators had to seek shelter or they saved someone. In return that someone a 'fortune teller' could show the future. I remember I think Qiren was wary. She showed the future to the previous generation like cangse sanren and lan qiren. I think she also showed the future to Wei wuxian generation. It might have been in Portuguese or spanish maybe. It could have been in english. @whitewoodwalker
8. Hi, I'm looking for a certain fic where Jiang Cheng and Jiang Yanli send Wei Wuxian to Gusu after the end of the Sunshot Campaign because they're worried about him. WWX really doesn't want to go and I think they end up drugging him?? He is in a really bad headspace for part of the fic. @noxgold​
SIMILAR Swordless by WithBroomBefore (G, 32k, WangXian, Established Relationship, Canon Divergence, WWX goes to Gusu, Golden Core Reveal, Trans Character, AFAB LWJ, philos) and "Rescue" by the same author also has some similaritis
FOUND? but I think you're looking for if i had the strength by agloeian (M, 16k, wangxian, post-sunshot, hurt/comfort, getting together, fix-it, tgcf style gods, mental health issues, recovery, accidental baby acquisation)
9. Hi could you pls help me find a fanfic I read about wangxian in which Wei Ying was stoic and lan Wangji was shameless I thing Wei Ying grew up in Gusu in that fanfic it was basically a personality switch au
I this one was a deleted fic but I can't remember the name rn 😓
FOUND? Uno Reverse by A_flower_in_the_snow (M, 62k, wangxian, lan WWX, OOC, role reversal, not JC friendly, not Jiang friendly, time travel fix-it, WIP) Deleted but can still be found in wayback machine. The author goes by xinXiniieboo currently afaik.
10. Plz help me i'm looking for a fanfiction And all I remember is a time travel on another fanfiction named the rise of the divine oracle 😭😭it was like after they dead they were sent to the past to try and change there future with madam yu being to be nice to see ying
well rise of divine oracle was by Blak_Salt and is on ffnet and ao3 but is post canon not time travel (tho an excellent fic). I wonder, is ur time travel fic the one where post canon everyone dies so wwx tries to send himself back in time but it messes up and goes too far - prior gusu lectures, and it makes him sickly and he doesn't actually consciously remember the future. Instead events trigger memories from the future that he (& everyone else) thinks r visions. Madam yu becomes nice.
This probably fits here too:
whateverweilanlovechild: #12 haha i believe you are looking for the fic I wrote. I'm sorry to inform that it's discontinued and only 2 chapters are there as of now
11. Hello mods!! I've been looking for a very specific fic for a while now but I can't find it with the usual tags. It's wangxian, post canon and mpreg, where LSZ, studying the gold cores, tries to help WWX form a new one by dual cultivatition (with LWJ) but instead accidentally gets him pregnant. I hope you can help me and thanks in advance! @jenaerith
12. Plz help me 🆘  im looking for a time travel fanfiction was about the wy an lz who time traveled to the past from the original fanfiction named "the rise of the divine Oracle” @bunnychwan​
whateverweilanlovechild: #12 haha i believe you are looking for the fic I wrote. I'm sorry to inform that it's discontinued and only 2 chapters are there as of now
13. Hello, (this is not a WangXian fic but a Xichen fic) I Think it was set in modern world. It was some kind of party and the OC's was an adopted foreigner who is a designer for clothes. Xichen then invited her to like some kind of stargazing that night that's all I remember about the first chapters but like in the middle of the plot(?) He found out that OC needed him that's why she accepted his proposal
Hi, I just want to find a fic it's about a Xichen x OC set in Modern world (I think) Oc was an adopted rich heiress or something but she is a designer(?) They met a party and Xichen asked if they could go on stargazing(?) Then Fast forward to the middle of the story, Xichen and Oc are in a relationship then Xichen found out that OC needed him to marry her inorder for her to adopt the kid she was set to adopting.
FOUND? His Mistress, His Wife by PhoenixLumen (E, 26k, LXC/OFC, wangxian, check all the tags from the work before reading, smut, porn w feelings, porn w plot, modern, attempt at humor, BDSM, bondage, bottom LXC, submissive LXC, brotherly bonding, businessmen, safe sane and consensual, implied/referenced child abuse & neglect, multiple pov, strong female character, marriage proposal)
14. This is a bit of an obscure one but I'm trying to find a fic: I don't remember if it was time travel or something else but something happened that led to Lan Zhan having to immobilize Wei Ying like Wen Qing did to him after Qiongqi Path, despite Wei Ying telling him he wouldn't survive it if it happened to him (again?) and then when they meet again they have to deal with the fact that Lan Zhan did it anyway. I can't remember the context so hopefully someone recognizes it anyway @vulpestars
FOUND? If You Forget Me by DivideTheSorrow (Not Rated, 189k, WangXian, JYL/JZX, YZY/JFM, WIP, Time Travel, Fix-It of Sorts, Hurt/Comfort, Slow Build, Relationship(s), Canon Divergence, Eventual Happy Ending, Canon-Typical Violence, POV Alternating, Original Character(s), Angst)
15. Hello, I'm looking for a fic if you have the time.
It's during the yiling patriarch era, not sure if it was during the war, it feels like it but the burial mounds and the wens are involved so I'm not sure. Wwx basically gets an Infection and is forced to amputate his leg. The wens do the amputating in (not sure) the burial mounds. Another Wen creates a wooden prosthetic leg for him.
Later, I think it was on the battlefield which is why the exact timelime is confusing me, wwx gets shot with an arrow in his prosthetic. Jin zixuan is there, gets worried and wwx is forced to reveal that he lost a leg. Or it could've been just a foot idk.
Thank you and goodbye.
FOUND? we’re starting at the end by Miss_Enthusiasimal (M, 92k, WangXian, JC & WWX, Time Travel, Canon Divergence, Implied/Referenced Suicide, Golden Core Reveal, Burial Mounds, Hurt/Comfort, Angst, Starvation, emaciation, Cannibalism, Self-Harm, Amputation, Suicidal Thoughts, Sunshot Campaign, let JZX and WWX be friends club)  
16. Hi, mods! Pls, Im looking for a fic (Modern AU) in which WWX (still alive) left LWJ (for now reason) & he goes mad, desperatedly looking for him in different men who look like WWX, but ends up killing 'em all during sex (it's BDSM, kinda gore, dark/obsessive LZ), until he meets real WY in a pub w/o knowing it's him (he introduces himself as Moxuanyu, but doesnt have Mo's appearance) & both end up together, sharing the same kink. LXichen, WQin & WN show up briefly, only 'cleaning' LWJ mess. TYSM @einherjermineord
FOUND? Dead Ringer by Regency_Bunny (E, 7k, WangXian, Modern AU, Dark LWJ, Dark WWX, Dark WangXian, Dark LXC, Murder, Sadism, Masochism, no kink shaming in this household (this is not your average healthy bdsm this is actual murder), Identity Porn, Doppelganger, Obsession, somnambulism, Minor Character Death, Mention of torture, Choking, Lan typical unhealthy relationships, identity theft, reference to suicide, Drunk LWJ, Date Rape Drug/Roofies, Knifeplay, LWJ Swears, Happy ending (for some), Mildly Dubious Consent, Mention of illegal domestic imprisonment (not WangXian), Future murder husbands in the making) i just finished reading it and the description is on point <3
17. Hello!! I was looking for a certain fic where Wei Ying turns into a child by accident and the juniors take care of him.I can't find it anywhere :( I hope you could help me with it!! But if you couldn't find it then a fic with similiar content can help too 😚 @for13years-i-play-inquiry-foryou
FOUND? most likely grow by cafecliche (T, 14k, WangXian, Age Regression/De-Aging, Character Study, Post-Canon) Easily the most famous of the fics with that description.
18. Hii <3 I'm looking for this fic where wrh kidnaps wwx and is all nice to him because wwx is some kind of phoenix and well he shows wwx that the Jiangs are being killed and well wwx goes crazy and actually turns into a phoenix and the ans take wwx and imprison him because they know he is dangerous as the phoenix is wwx but not quite. @thatperson0-0
FOUND? Breathing Firestorm by ladyshadowdrake (M, 110k, wangxian, angst, fluff, captivity, creepy WRH, no non-con, dreamsharing, politics, people making the best decisions they can, epic length, mythical creature WWX, canon-typical violence, dark, happy ending)
19. Hii I'm looking for this fic where wei ying and lan zhan form some kind of bond that makes them read each other's minds and feel how the other feels and in the end they try to sacrifice themselves to some kind of fight but instead they end up forming the same bond with meng yao, nie huaisang, jiang cheng and wen ning
FOUND? We Can See a New Start by  preciousbunnynoiz (M, 127k, wangxian, time travel, fix-it, soulmates, angst w/ happy ending, PTSD, hurt/comfort, communication, check all the tags) 
20. For FF, I can't recall if it was time travel or not, but the scene I recall: CR arc, WWX refusing to copy his punishment texts in the library. He confessed to LWJ that he wasn't planning to complete the copying because the punishment was unfair. He said something like: it takes more than 1 to cheat (I think it was the cheating bit) but I'm the only one being punished. And that opened LWJ's eyes for the punching JZX scene. Can't remember where it went after but I really want to read LWJ's realization again. @mreisse
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katymacsupernatural · 2 years
Red and Green Satin
Dean Winchester x Reader
1600 Words
Written For: @spnchristmasbingo
Square Filled: Lingerie
Warnings: This is an 18+ fic. NSFW. Smut. 
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It was a slow time of year for hunting, and you were grateful for it. It gave you a chance to recharge, to spend time with Dean without having to worry about catching the monster or getting killed. You weren’t sure if Monsters hibernated like bears, or if they hated the cold just as much as you did. 
Today was one of those relaxing days. While Dean was gone running some errands, you took the time to catch up on your reading. Lounging in the library, you ignored all the hardback, leather-covered books that you still needed to research, reaching for a romance from one of your favorite authors. 
With a cup of hot chocolate at your side, you dug into the story, immersing yourself in the tale of forbidden lovers and heroic escapades. At some point, you heard Dean come back to the bunker. He even came by, placing a kiss on the top of your head before taking your empty mug and leaving you to your reading.
Once the two characters finally realized their love for each other, you closed the book and stretched your back. Dean had left a sandwich by your side sometime during the day, and you munched on it as you made your way down the hallway and into the bedroom you shared with Dean.
Laying on the bed was a small white box wrapped with a silky red ribbon. Your name written in Dean’s cramped handwriting on the connected tag. You were curious, but also annoyed. The two of you had promised no gifts for Christmas this year.
Slowly pulling on the ribbon, you laid it on the side before lifting off the white lid. Inside, nestled in pink tissue paper were little scraps of red and green satin plaid tied together with gold ribbon. Holding the bottoms out, you weren’t even sure they would fit you, with the tiny triangle of fabric in the front, the three golden ribbons on each side, and the thin scrap that was the only piece of the back.
“Holy crap,” you whispered, setting it down to pick up the top. It had the same red and green satin fabric, mainly under the wire, wrapping around to the back. The cups were only half there, red sain, tied up like the big red bow on the package. You had never worn anything like this. It was much too skimpy. You liked to be covered, to hide all the scars, the cellulite, and stretch marks on your stomach and thighs. This would do nothing but highlight them.
You noticed a card hiding in the tissue paper, and with a shaky hand you pulled it out. ‘I know we said no Christmas presents this year. But I thought this would be for both of us. No pressure.”
No pressure. Just looking at it was pressure. Imagining what you would look like in it was pressure. Taking a deep breath, you started to shove it back in the box when you paused for a moment. A part of you wondered…wondered what it what be like to wear something like that. To be comfortable enough in your own skin to stand in that skimpy of outfit in front of the man you loved. A man who loved like Adonis himself.
Your curiosity got the better of you as you slipped out of your sweatpants and oversized shirt. Maybe you could try it on before Dean came to bed and let him know that it didn’t fit. Then he could return it, and you would never have to go through the humiliation of wearing it in front of him again. 
Your simple sports bra came off, along with your black panties. The satin of the lingerie felt smooth and soft against your skin as you struggled to pull it up your thighs. Finally, it was settled in place, the ribbon slightly rough against your skin. The bra was next, and you had a little more trouble with it. Getting it into place, you struggled to get the bow tied while supporting your generous breasts. Finally, the bow stayed tied, your girls pushed and piled high above the red ribbon. You were grateful that you had shaved that morning as you hesitantly stood in front of the mirror.
You tried to focus on the positives. How well the red and green highlighted your skin. Instead, your eyes went immediately to what you called the problem areas. Sighing in disappointment, you turned to take it back off when a loud whistle startled you.
“Damn, that even looks better than I expected,” Dean exclaimed as he leaned against the wall. “I hope you don’t mind.”
Crossing your arms over your chest did nothing but push your girls up even farther, pulling Dean’s gaze down. “Dean, you know I’m not a big fan of showing off my body,” you started to argue as he came forward. “I appreciate the gesture, but…,”
Your words faded away as his callused finger ran along the satin fabric, brushing the top of your breasts. “This is definitely a present I can’t wait to unwrap.”
“It’s a present you’ve seen before,” you retorted, but it ended in a whimper as his hand dipped down, following the gold ribbon from your hip to right in front where the tiny little green bow was perched. 
“And each and every time it’s like seeing it for the first time,” he answered as his hand pulled you tight against him. His green eyes were a darker, forest green as he leaned down, his lips ghosting against yours, driving you wild.
Suddenly it didn’t matter how exposed you felt in the skimpy lingerie. All that mattered was the feel of Dean’s arms around you, his lips rough against yours. Threading your fingers through his hair, you stood up on your tiptoes, your lips hot against his. 
Groaning against your skin, he picked you up, dropping you on the bed before stepping back. “Wow,” he whispered, kneeling between your legs, staring down at you. “How did I get so lucky?”
“No, how did I?” You argued as his finger traced the red bow on your breasts, tugging on it until it came untied. Pulling the fabric away, he greedily stared down at the present he had just unwrapped. “I definitely think I won here,” his voice was deeper, guttural as he leaned between your splayed legs, his hand resting warmly on the swell of your breast as his lips nestled against your neck. 
You weren’t about to argue as his thumb began a gentle caress of your pebbled nipple, pulling a soft groan from your lips. His lips left your skin long enough to join his thumb, his tongue swirling around the sensitive skin as his other hand skimmed down your belly, coming to rest on your satin covered mound. “As much as I love seeing these panties on you, I think it’s about time to unwrap my second part of the present.”
Your agreement was lifting your hips slightly off the bed so he could pull them down. They came off a lot easier than they went on, and you watched as Dean’s shirt and jeans joined them on the floor. “Much better,” he licked his lips as his hand continued it’s exploration down, rubbing against your most sensitive area. You were already warm and wet, turned on by the way he was looking at you and the feel of his callused fingers against your skin. 
He started to rub his finger against your nub when you pulled him back up for a kiss. “Need you,” you pleaded, wanting to skip the foreplay. Pushing on his shoulder until he was laying down, you straddled his waist. The red satin bow swung down, tickling his belly as you pulled his member from the slit in his boxers. Rubbing it along your slit, you groaned at the sensation before slipping the head inside. 
“Fuck me,” Dean groaned, his head tilted back, his teeth tugging on his lower lip. 
“That’s the point,” you chuckled, it ending in a moan as you sank down, filling yourself with his impressive girth. “Damn, that feels so good.”
Dean’s hands felt for and grasped your hips, helping you move up and down, creating a rhythm that worked for the both of you. Your head thrown back, you rocked up and down, loving the way he felt inside of you. 
One of Dean’s hands slid up your side, cupping your breast slightly rougher than before, rubbing your nipple between his fingers and you could feel the pressure building up low in your stomach. “Dean, I…, you moaned, wanting more. Needing more. Moving your hips faster, you ground against his hip bones before coming apart at the seams. 
Dean’s name left your lips in a screaming moan as you clenched around him, sending him over the edge as well. His hand grasped your hip tight enough to leave a bruise, yelling “Fuck,” loud enough for Sam to hear down the hall. 
Once the two of you stopped seeing stars, you laid down on your side beside him, his hand running up and down your arm gently. Both of you were half asleep, completely sated. “Well, I hope you enjoyed the present as much as I did,” he chuckled, using his other hand to play with the crumpled satin.
“Very much so,” you agreed, grateful that Dean had been able to pull you slightly away from your insecurities.
Dean/Jensen Tags: @acortez82 @acreativelydifferentlove @adoptdontshoppets @a-girl-who-loves-disney @akshi8278   @cap-just-said-language @colette2537   @deansgirl215  @flamencodiva @hamiltrash1411 @its-not-a-tulpa @jerkbitchidjitassbutt @justanotherwinchester @just-another-winchester @karouwinchester @keikoraventeller  @librarygeekery @magssteenkamp @misspygmypie @mlovesstories   @mrspeacem1nusone @nothinbuttrouble2 @ria132love @ruprecht0420  @screechingartisancashbailiff   @sortaathief @superseejay721517 @squirrelnotsam @thing-you-do-with-that-thing @thoughts-and-funnies @torn-and-frayed @tricksterdean @wonderfulworldofwinchester @woodworthti666 @beabutterfly987 @pink-sparkly-witch @sexyvixen7 @supernatural3002 @deans-baby-momma @brilovesdeanwinchester @deandreamernp @missmemoire09 @spngif
Forever Tags:  @aditimukul @alexwinchester23 @algudaodoce03-blog @amanda-teaches @andreaaalove   @artisticpoet @atc74 @be-amaziing @caswinchester2000 @cpag7 @chelsea072498  @closetspngirl @deanwanddamons @docharleythegeekqueen @emoryhemsworth @ericaprice2008  @esoltis280   @tatted-trina6 @foxyjwls007 @gh0stgurl @goldenolaf25 @growningupgeek  @heartislubbingdubbing @heyitscam99 @hobby27 @horsegirly99blog @imsuperawkward @internationalmusicteacher   @jayankles @jensen-gal @justsomedreaming  @karlee-fay-my-wayward-son @linki-locks11 @littleblue5mcdork  @lowlyapprentice   @mersuperwholocked-lowlife @mogaruke @monkeymcpoopoo @musiclovinchic93  @nanie5   @percussiongirl2017 @plaid-lover-bay25   @roonyxx @ronja-uebrick @roxyspearing  @samanddeanmyheroes @sandlee44 @shamelesslydean @simonsbluee @sillesworldofwriting @sgarrett49 @spnbaby-67​  @spnwoman   @superbadassnatural @thatcrazybookwormgeek​   @thewinchesterchronicles​ @valsworldofcreativity @vvinch3st3r​  @whimsicalrobots​ @winchester-writes​ @zombiewerewolfqueen @lyarr24 @disneyprincessbuffyannesummers​ @theamyhead @440mxs-wife @stixnstripesworld @furiouscopshepherduniversity @thelastpyle 
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this-is-me19 · 1 year
From MollyRobertsmagick.com
I am not affiliated other than an email subscriber and I lover their blog and works.
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The golden, misty, mysterious magick of autumn stirs colors in the soul of the Art Witch
Let's explore a bushel of ways to bring your creative magick out to play this season with 13 Autumn Inspired Grimoire Prompts!
1) Record an autumn color collection. Create a page cataloguing the autumnal colors you notice in your environment to heighten your magickal vision and drink in the seasonal beauty
2) Dab cobs of corn with paint or ink. Roll the corn cob onto the page for harvest inspired textured backgrounds or papers for later use.
3) Create a page dedicated to all of the beautiful poetic names for the autumn moons: Harvest Moon, Singing Moon, Wine Moon, Sturgeon Moon. Make up a name for a full moon inspired by your own environment.
4) Write a list of all the teachers you are grateful for: spiritual, craft, vocation, ancestral, animal, digital and academic teachers.
5) Trees are the star of autumn. Dedicate a page to honoring Dryads! Leave your book in a tree overnight for tree blessings and green magick inspiration.
6) Experiment painting with fruit juices to invoke bountiful harvest energy. Try pomegranate, cranberry, berries and wine
7) Use acrylic paint, paint pens or metallic paint to decorate dry leaves with patterns, words of power and symbols for all the blessings of the season.
8) Make a cornucopia shaped pocket. The cornucopia is a powerful symbol nourishment and spiritual abundance. Tuck drawings, magazine cuttings, words or symbols inside the cornucopia pocket to invite abundance and gratitude.
9) Write an affirmation to help you navigate change gracefully.
10) Use boxing tape to create specimen tags of autumn herbs, flowers and leaves. Sprinkle or place your dry botanical specimen on the sticky side of the clear tape. Seal with a second piece of tape and burnish out the air bubbles until the tape is flat. (These make fabulous mini spell book marks!)
11) Compose a letter to Themis, the goddess of Balance, Justice and Equality. (Her feast day is September 28th.) Ask her to imbue you with Reason, Fairness, Truth and Justice
12) Mushrooms galore! Celebrate mushroom magick in your book: Draw mushrooms from life, write a recipe using mushrooms, learn the names of mushrooms in your area or research mushroom myths and lore.
13) Create a dark mirror in your book. Paint one side of a piece of clear plastic packaging or page protector with black paint. Adhere the plastic to your grimoire page *shiny side out*, painted side in. (This gives you a reflective surface.) Draw or collage a frame for your dark mirror and scry away!
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yourpenpaldee · 3 months
·˚ ༘₊· ͟͟͞͞꒰➳ WIP NAME TAG
Thank you @pixies-love-envy (post) and @moltenwrites (post) for the tag!
Post the names of all the files in your WIP folder, regardless of how non-descriptive or ridiculous. Let people send you an ask with the title that most intrigues them, and then post a little snippet or tell them something about it!
I figured I would use the WIPs I posted about a while back, so here goes!
Main WIP. Working on a rough first draft.
The WIP I work on when I'm not writing for WAT. Also working on the rough first draft.
Brainstorming is complete. Very excited to start the draft when it's time!
Still underdeveloped, but I've been watching The Walking Dead for research purposes. Starting season 3 today :)
Also underdeveloped, but it's slightly different from what I'm used to writing.
This is the oldest story idea on this list! I'm starting over from scratch since I've developed many new ideas for this WIP.
Spin-off for PLL, which came to me two years after PLL's creation.
TAGGING (NO PRESSURE): @honeybewrites @mundanemoongirl @ominous-feychild @themboty @the-golden-comet + open tag ♡
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