#golden den bitties
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jayedshifter · 29 days ago
Badboyhalo Bitty Blob!
Very Common First Blob [ALWAYS Born with SoulBond Skeppy from a single Egg]
Appearance- [Clothing and Props Not Included]
Black body, white glowing eyes, long thin devil Tail, long horns and even pointed ears on some! Their mouth is a white void just like their eyes and a white halo above their head and with the :3 face
Personality- Mischievous, Clever, Cheerful, optimistic, Cuddly, Loving, Manipulative
Diet- Anything a human can eat! But they have a special liking to Muffins and sweets!
Height- 8-12 inches
These bitties are bound by soul to their Skeppy Blob! DO NOT separate them! They will get anxious
These bitty Blobs are incapable of getting along well with bad mannered and very suggestive or ‘potty mouth’ types, they will bully the bitty out of the household if they can or prank them till the bitty snaps
These types do not like physical contact from anything other then their Skeppy or from a SapNap type!
These blobs may cause problems especially for foolish types
This Blob is extremely playful and mischievous as well as affectionate and generous
This blob is extremely susceptible to mind control and manipulation tactics that involve Skeppy Blob Bonds
These blobs love chaos and especially love to bother Foolish types and trick them into playing with them
Despite their mischievous nature they despise cussing and will squeak especially loud to tell you off if they hear you
This bitty has an extremely mischievous and playful nature! Often playing pranks on those unsuspecting or very aware of their nature!
These bitty blobs should NOT a be in the same household as a Red Egg bitty type! This may cause a rift between the BBH and Skeppy, causing extreme pain and misery and Confusion for them!
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vex-bittys · 7 months ago
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*I just wanted to let my followers know that there are still other active bitty blogs out there. If you have an active blog and want to be added to the list (or know of other active bitty blogs), let me know!
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@dumplingsspookysweeties has adoptable bitties and scenarios/asks are open!
@fantasy-fields-bitty-center is an active bitty blog with bittybones available for adoption! Make sure to check out the masterpost to see everything they have to offer!
@himesbittycenter is another active bitty blog offering Sans, Papyrus, and Frisk bitties as well as Cult of the Lamb, Rainworld, and original bitties!
@jayedshifter has active bitty adoptions at their Golden Den Bitty Center! Go check it out; there are Undertale and Invader Zim bitties!
@blacksheepbittybones is also active! They offer Asriel, Muffet, Undyne, and Alphys bitties!
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cozzzynook · 7 months ago
Medieval Soundrod AU Anon here again. I bring part 2!
Distance sounds of drunken chatter followed by laughter drowned out swarming thoughts that currently filled Soundwave's helm. He carefully tapped his servo on the old wooden table as he gazed into his fizzy drink of engenx. It had been months since he had last seen Hot Rod and he was worried that the red predacon had gotten himself caught by some hunters. The blue mech let out a derry sigh not noticing the look of concern on Megatron's face.
"You're worried about your little Mech-Friend are you?" The large grey mech rumbled as he took a sip of drink before speaking again "I'm sure we would have heard something by now from the hunter's guild...Laserbeak and Ravage have been keeping guard there for weeks."
Soundwave gave another sigh he knew Megatron was right, hunters had the awful habit of bragging about the mecha-animals or predacons they slayed to their fellow hunters. But it did so little to calm his nerves these days so Soundwave just hoped that Hot Rod and his flock just moved deeper into the forest or into the mountains away from any villages. Without saying another word the Blue mech stood up giving a sharp nod for Megatron before heading out the door for some air.
Outside the busy Bar was peaceful, the cool breeze made Soundwave shiver a little forcing him to clamp down his plating as he took a short stroll down the street. Halfway he paused at an ally hearing footsteps followed by shuffling fabric. Soundwave quickly grabbed his knife in case it was a bandit trying to mug him, instead his visor light up as he saw a familiar face emerge out of the darkness of the ally.
"Long time no see handsome." Hot Rod smiled brightly, he wore a long cloak that had a hard time hiding his large golden wings. He was also holding a bundle blankets. "Sorry its been a while...My carrier has been super protective ever since my little brother hatched. Sorry if I worried you"
Soundwave didn't answer instead he pulled Roddy into a hug giving a gentle nuzzle on his helm just thankful he was alright. The pair just hold each other for a while enjoying each other's warmth. "Glad you're alright...I was afraid that someone had hurt you" Soundwave whispered as he transformed his mask away so he could kiss Roddy's helm.
Hot Rod gave a soft smile before pulling away shuffling the blankets he was holding. "I also have something to show you...don't be mad okay?" Soundwave nodded a bit confused but he watched Roddy pull away the blankets. He let out a gasp in Hot Rod's arms was one single egg with deep blue and gold swirls along its shell. "You were sparked? I wasn't aware that was possible" Soundwave spoke as he carefully placed his Servo on the smooth shell, he could faintly feel the soft spark beat of their sparkling. He then gazed lovely at Roddy before placing a gentle kiss on his partner's cheek before pulling them into a protective hug. "My sweet spark I'm not upset, my new mission is to protect you both now and forever." Roddy smiled nuzzling his helm under Soundwave's chin with a gentle purr.
{little Bonus} "Well, should we report the good news to Megatron? I'm sure he will be THRILLED to hear he is going to be an uncle" Laserbeak chirped from his post on the wooden beam. Ravage swayed their tail side to side before giving a pleased purr as they sat on the roof. Turning his attention to their bird companion he answered "Of course, but lets make sure they return to their little 'Lover's nest' before heading back...I want to see Soundwave make a fool out of himself first. Think of it as revenge for removing my favourite pillow the other night." Laserbeak chuckled before taking to the sky to follow the expecting couple.
{Hope you enjoyed the second part and yes Roddy's little brother is Bumblebee :D}
Aaaahhhh i love this!!!!
Baby predacon bee is with optimus crawling all around their den while Roddy is off to unite with his bitties sire!!
Poor Ravage, his favorite pillow must be avenged!
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pastel-taiga · 8 years ago
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Stuffies Under $10:
Webkinz Himalayan (x)
Pink Polka Dot Cat (x)
Grey Tabby Cat (x)
Orange Tabby Cat (x)
Molly - Purple by Aurora (x)
Snippy Black and White Cat (x)
Webkinz Siamese Cat (x)
Webkinz Smaller Signature Grey Tabby Cat (x)
Kiki Grey Cat (x)
White Stuffed Cat (x)
Oh So Soft Kitty Tan Plush (x)
Lil Lucky Chocolate Lab (x)
Bailie Golden Retriever Dog (x)
Border Collie (x)
Sheba German Shepherd (x)
Checkers Dalmatian  (x)
Cute Dog Plush (x)
Scruff Dog (x)
Itty Bitty Boo (x)
Blue Dog (x)
Prancer Red Roan (x)
Twilight Sparkle (x)
Rainbow Dash (x)
Paint Horse (x)
Mr. Brown Chestnut Horse (x)
Rarity (x)
Little Pink Fantasy Pony (x)
Chestnut Brown (x)
Beau Black Horse (x)
Miyoni Baby Bunny (x)
Bitty Rabbit Bunny (x)
Miyoni Bunny White (x)
Blanco Floppy Ear Sitting Bunny (x)
Miyoni Bunny Brown (x)
Floppy-Eared Easter Bunny (x)
Miyoni Lop Eared Bunny (x)
Misc Animals~
Humphrey Elephant (x)
Spunky Hedgehog (x)
Stuffed Penguin (x)
Miyoni Fawn (x)
Penguin Plush (x)
Sloth Animal Den Plush (x)
Kookoo Koala (x)
Fox Stuffed Animal (x)
Teddy Bear Baby (x)
Lamb Baby Rattle (x)
Brushy Hamster (x)
Buffy Baby Goat (x)
Hippo Plush (x)
Tyrannosaurus Rex (x) 
Stegosaurus (x)
Webkinz Lemon-Lime Gecko (x)
Lizzy the Blue Lizard (x)
Webkinz Gecko (x)
Emerald Tree Boa (x)
Pink Snake Plush (x)
Flower Frog (x)
Fernando the Frog (x)
Ganz Lil'Kinz Bullfrog (x)
Underwater Critters~
Skimmer Dolphin (x)
Pop Out Pets Ocean (x)
Ganz Lil'Kinz Pink Glitter Fish (x)
Clown Fish (x)
Ganz Lil'Kinz Polka Back Fish (x)
Sami Fish Plush (x)
Blueberry Ripple Unicorn (x)
Cinder The Green Dragon (x)
Sprinkles Dragon (x)
Sea Sparkles Maryn Mermaid (x)
GIR Doll (x)
Note: This is by no means a comprehensive list. Just some that I was able to find! There’s lots of unique stuffies at thrift stores waiting to be adopted! There’s a whole world of stuffies out there if you’re willing to look!
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burnt-cinnamon · 8 years ago
Greeks Bearing Gifts
Or, Huth tries to be nice and Archer overthinks everything. Post Ep 2.         (Little bitty bit of a SS-GB fic. Also on AO3 / ff.net if you prefer those formats)
         The tin of sherbet lemons sits exactly where Archer put it two days ago, gathering dust on his desk.
He does not look at it. He tries, as much as possible, to ignore it.
Für den Kleinen, Huth had said. A present. For your boy.
Cigarette smoke spiralling lazily upwards, his smile knife-edged and unreadable.  
He hadn’t asked where Huth had got it from, this small miracle of sugar rationing. He doesn’t want to know. He can already picture the evicted premises, the children’s ransacked bedroom. He imagines Huth finding it among the wreckage, stooping to pick it up from a nest of rubble and shattered glass.
 Or perhaps not. Perhaps he bought it on the black-market.
 Either way, Archer cannot look at it without thinking of schoolboys being loaded onto trucks, shivering in their uniforms. Of a gloved hand on his son’s face, the juxtaposition of black leather and boyish skin somehow blasphemous, somehow obscene. Like the ringing of jackboots upon a church floor. The sacred and the profane.
 Gifts are inseparable from the giver and he does not want to bring Huth home with him. The creak of his trench coat, the smell of his cigarettes. With a silver deathshead on his brow and an iron cross glittering at his throat. The thought of his long shadow in the hallway, like a spectre needing to be banished. Better not to invoke it at all. Better not to invite it in in the first place.
 There is home, and then there is everywhere else. Inside is safe, a warm soft world of tea and toast and homework done by lamplight; outside is the underworld his work takes him into, the dark alleys filled with bodies and the howl of the air raid sirens.
 It’s a distinction he has been struggling to maintain for months, fighting a losing battle in the face of shifting lines and slipping boundaries. His walls finally came crashing down the day the bombs fell on Cheam, turning inside out and outside in, turning lives upside down. Interiors spilling out onto the street and his wife’s body left open to the air.
 He wants to keep Dougie away from all that, keep him shuttling between carefully constructed facades. School, church, home. Lock the door and keep the wolves at bay.
 But in the end he does take the tin home with him, if only to bury it at the back of a wardrobe. Out of sight, out of mind. At least this way Harry will stop raising his eyebrows every time he walks past and catches sight of it, this artefact from another time.
 A day later the boys meet him at the door with contrite expressions, sticky-mouthed and dusted with sherbet. Sorry, Dad. Sorry, Mr Archer. We were looking for something and we found- They are apologetic but not truly repentant, all guilty grins and conspiratorial nudges. And Archer cannot find it in him to be angry. Perhaps it’s better this way after all.
 He just prays that Mrs Sheehan never finds out that he’s been plying her son with SS sweeties.
 We saved the last one for you Dougie says by way of apology, holding it out like an olive branch. Snug in his palm, hard and smooth as a stone.
 An unwanted gift trailing too many unknown strings, its provenance too uncertain.
 From Kellerman it would have been a bribe, nothing more and nothing less. Reassuring in its simplicity, in its transparent intent. Inspired perhaps by the twin girls smiling out of the silver frame on his desk – pretty in plaits, as fat and golden as freshly-baked loaves. (Archer wonders if they know about the whores, if Lieber Vater ever comes home with lipstick on his collar).
 But Huth is a tactician, not a politician. He knows how to negotiate but does not deal in the currency of treats and favours, of flattery and false compliments. He wears no wedding ring and his desk is bare of photographs. From a man like him it could mean anything, it could mean nothing at all.
 And if years of classical education have taught Archer anything, it’s to beware lavish feasts laid out like offerings at a stranger’s table. They are always a temptation, honeyed snares set to catch the unwary. Seductions, of one kind or another. He wonders idly if crystallised citrus counts as fruit, for mythological purposes.
 Dad? Is something wrong? Dougie asks, his face crumpling into a frown. Beside him Bob eyes the sweet with sudden suspicion.
No, Archer says hurriedly, no boys, of course not, and pops it into his mouth before he can think. Rolls the powdery-sharp taste of it over his tongue. Childhood fizzling in his mouth, the taste of things long gone and half-forgotten.
 Sweet and bitter, both at once.
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illegalalienundercover · 8 years ago
Tog flyget från Kashmir till Amristsr kl 12.45. Framme ca 13.40.. När jag väntade på väskan så träffade jag en kille från Kina, han frågade ifall jag skulle till "Golden Tempel" och om vi skulle dela taxi, jag fattade inte riktigt vad han sa så jag sa nejtack. Utanför flygplatsen stod en buss med skylt "free buss to golden tempel".. tänkte att templet måste va närmare mitt hotel än flygplatsen så jag hoppade på, och där satt kineses och svettades.. Han berätta att han tänkte sova i Templet eftersom det är gratis, jag sa att jag hänger med honom och kollar läget lite innan jag drar och checkar in på mitt hotel.. hade jag inte bokat genom turist byrån så hade jag också sovit där tänkte jag, det var helt okej ställe, backpackers har fått sin egna sovsal med skåp för att låsa in sina värdesaker och sängar att ligga på.. Efter att han hade "checkat in" så var det min tur.. jag dumpade kinesen och tog en tuktuk till mitt hotel, checkade in och lämnade grejerna på rummet och tog en promenad tillbaka för att kolla lite närmare på templet.. När jag gick runt där inne så kom det fram en liten liten Indie med en pipig röst (Amar) vi började casual snacka, han berättar att han studerar engelska för att kunna flytta till Kanada och jobba (visa sig att det är den stora drömmen för alla som pluggar engelska här).. Han visade mig matsalen där det serveras gratis mat och vatten till ALLA 27/7. Där är även sovplatser för ALLA ifall man behöver en plats att sova.. Blir helt chockad över att detta ens är på riktigt.. och drivs av en religion(Shik).. Efter maten så går vi runt lite, han presenterar mig för sina klasskamrater som är i trakterna och vi hänger och vi snackar en massa, de tycker att det är jätte kul att få chansen att träna och sin engelska.. Efter ett tag så träffar vi en klasskompis (Vikram) som sitter längst med väggen inne i templet och håller i mobiler åt sin familj som är och tar sig ett heligt dopp i poolen.. När familjen kommer så blir alla genast överglad över att se en vit person, de tas en massa foto och sedan går vi på en liten promenad utanför templet (Jag,Vikram,Amar) Vi tar lite gratis nattamat som serveras av volontärarbetarna för templet och lite gratis chai.. Vikram berättar att hans familj ska sova utanför templet ikväll för att sedan ta första tåget klockan 4 imorgon bitti, han frågar ifall jag inte vill följa med till hans by imorgon och träffa mer av hans familj och vänner och få se lite äkta "Panjabi living" Okej säger jag och Vikram och Amar blir överlyckliga.. Runt klockan 12 på natten så går sätter vi oss utanför templet på det stors torget. Hela torget är fullt av människor som sitter/ligger och ska sova, det spelas lugn/rogivande musik ur högtalaren, någon religiös trudelutt..  kändes som en natt på Boom Chillen. Mysig stämning. Vikram säger att de inte tänkt sova, utan sitta uppe och prata fram till klockan 4 istället, jag säger att jag är helt slut efter en sån händelserik dag och att jag iallafall vill sova någon timma. Det var inte lätt att somna på den hårda graniten och klockan 01.30 så kommer 2 "vakter" och petar på mig med sin spjut, de rabblar något på panjabi och jag är helt vilsen, de säger att jag inte får/kan sova där ute eftersom jag är turist (ett sovande offer för stöld) med mitt pass och värdesaker i midjeväskan. Vikram berättar att det är lungt eftersom jag är med dom och de har ett öga på mig och då var det okej. Somnar om och får kanske 1,5h sömn till, sedan väcker Vikram mig och säger att det är dags att gå.. Man var inte så stöddig efter den "sömnen"
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rasekstories · 7 years ago
Rasek’s Dupstep Hour
It was early evening, and the light filtered through a set of old blinds and a cloud of dust as thick as butter, illuminating a small spot on the floor in front of a growing fire where a group of young trolls were gathered.  They were all sitting on their haunches, looking up at a grey-haired troll in an overstuffed chair.
The troll in the chair puffed at his pipe as they asked him questions all at once, the girls demanding stories of romance and danger and bravery, and the boys demanding stories of boobs and another look at the daggers on his hips.
They all quieted at once as he took his pipe from his mouth, exhaling the smoke through his nose and regarding them all coolly.  
“Ya wanna hear a story?”  They nodded in unison.  “Aiight.  I tell ya a good one.  Rasek quality story for a quality crowd.”
He leaned forward in his chair and rested his elbows on his knees, leaving his pipe forgotten.
“See, we was stationed in de Sunnymoon a lot, right?  Like eh, even back when de Sunnysworn was infestin de place like termites, which is where de name comes from, see.
Anyway so we was stationed dere a lot durin de lest war, an eh like, we left an came back, left an came back, but dis one time we was dere an de place was all weird.  Dere was mon I neva seen before goin round tellin everyone dey was in charge, dey was a big name wit a big head an big glory, an I neva heard shit about dese chumps, right?
So I just look at all dese mon an not tell one from de udda, an dat make tings hard for me.  I know lots a de warband feel dat way.  An ya know, Sunnymoon was harder to live in den if ya was a troll, because dey was hikin up de prices for us an everyting else.  Ya lucky ya live in dis age an not de last one, eh?
Anyway so sometimes it was nice to take a break an wander round in like Evasong an tings.  Not dat we could visit de Amani dat would out in de eastern side den, since dey wasn't our allies an tings.  Like we had eh, General Juzmik an him sis was from dere, but like we couldn't just walk in an shake hands an tings, so not like we could go round an chill an be in normal huts an tings.
So anyway, I was wanderin round Evasong, just walkin round dese forests dat'd all been ruined an tings.  De elfies had dese big rune stones set up round de forest dat was s'possed to keep shit out, but like dey was shit, so dey didn't work, ya?  An I come to one an dere be dis pinky hangin round one like she cryin on de ting.
So I hop off my bear an come up to her an ask her why she cryin, because like ya can't turn down a girly in need even if she an elfy.  Dere a chance she let ya see her boobs, an dat's worth it no matta where she come from, lemme tell ya.
Dis girly thought I was gonna kill her at first til I talk to her in Orcish a bit eh, an den I gave her my elf impersonation an got her laughin an tings, an she told me her whole house got sacked!
Awww, what a turrible fate.  I mean it was sacked by de trolls so I wasn't too worried about it, but I'm a sucka for cryin girls, so I was all aww girly aww dat's sad.
An she start tellin me her papa raised dese eh, de big bird tings dey ride, an how proud he was, an he dead an tings but she still took care a dem, an she was so sad because de Amani take off wit her birdies.
So I was like ey I help ya get dese tings back, what a good citizen dis guy is.
An she was like “Ohhh Rasek ya de best, ya de finest ya got de biggest dick” an I was all I know whateva I hear dis all de time.
So I put her on de back a my Thug'jin, dat's my bear, an we head in de direction she pointed me.  Now at de time I didn't consider de facts.  Cute cryin pinky in de middle a de woods, tells me Amani took her birds an den takes me west?  Dey live in de east!  But I was focused on de fact dat she had great thighs an her arms was wrapped around my waist (dis was 'fore I was married to ya mama, 'fore ya ask), so I didn't pay no shit attention.
So we get to dis real suspicious lookin path between two cliffs, an dere's dis sign outside dat say “candy on de udda side”, an I go well I like candy, but dat ain't written in Zandali, an she go “Oh well dey got my birdies Rasek help me”, an she press her tittes against my back an I was like ya right de candy lessgo!
So I walk through an like in five seconds dese mon was jumpin down from de cliffs all actin like badass heroes an tings, ready to steal from me an take my bear, eh?
Now ya might be tinkin ol' Rasek kill em all wit him trusty daggas, but dat weren't de case.  Dey captured me like right away an take me to dere base.  Dey ask if dere anybody who'd pay a ransom for my life, an I'm like ya try all de whores in Sunnymoon, but dey didn't tink it were funny, so dey didn't gimme no damn dinna or nuttin.
So anyway, dey elfies right, so like a course dey real fuckin stupid druggies dat just waste dey time singin an tings, an I'm a smart guy an tings, so late at night dey was all getting drunk an smokin de thistle, an I was just like whoeva taught ya to tie knots was a failure, an I slipped outta my ropes an just kinda eh... well, I was in a cage, ya?  So I couldn't just be like EY I UNITED MYSELF an have em actually look at a fuckin book an figger out how to tie a knot, so I was just all quiet an tings.  I peed on some a dere shoes when dey walk by.
Anyway, in de mornin someone come an open de cage to gimme some food, an I bit a chunk outta him neck an jumped out screamin.  Dey udda elves was just so horrified dat I bit a chunk outta a dude's neck dat dey all just starin at me in horror.
Like shit, de lot a ya thieves an villains, an ya neva seen a mon try an eat anudda mon before?  I swear to de Loa, elves is de pussiest creatures.
Anyway, one ting hot bitty wasn't lyin about was de ting about de birds.  Dey got lotsa birds, real nice ones, ya?  Dey was all lined up like eh, in a stable type ting but ghetto, an dere was one at de end dat was all extra fancy.  Like ya figger dey king or whateva ride dat one.
I started to run ova an get it, but by den some a de elfies regained dey senses an was tryina grab me.  So eh, I whip my junk out an start hittin em wit it an wavin it at em, an dey all move back, not wantin to touch my junk an me not wantin to get ransomed by a bunch a fairies, right.
So I hop on dis king bird, dis big white ting wit like friggin jewels on him face an tings, an just start screamin jibberish dat sound scary and whoolah outta dere.
Meanwhile, cryin boob chick from before's chasin afta me, screamin an hollerin about how I'm de manliest min she eva met an how she wanna come wit me.  I stop before a majestic sunset an tell her she got pancake boobs an she smell like a warlock an I already met de most beautiful girly eva (it's ya mama), so she just scummy an I ain't got time for her.
So I leave her de way I found her: Sobbin into de dirt.  I come back to Sunnymoon wit my new white birdy an get heralded as a great hero an dey gave me a cape an a bunch a udda tings I forget.”
A young troll in the back raised her hand, a pair of golden eyes watching him from behind a curtain of black hair.  Rasek nodded at her.
“But em, papa, how'd Thug'jin get out?”
“Thug'jin.  He outside.”  She jerked her thumb towards the door.  Rasek squinted his eyes an tucked his pipe back in his mouth.
“Oh eh.  I dunno.  Dat's Thug'jin 4, don't ask me questions like dat, girly.”
And so he reclined in his chair and lowered his eyes to the floor, content by the warmth of the fire, his gaggle of excitable children bathing in the moonlight through the window.  Wompf wompf wrr wrr wrr this has been the Dubstep Hour with Margaret Finch.
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oyunhikayeleri · 8 years ago
NBA Live 18 (Efsane geri mi dönüyor? İnceleme, izlenim, yorum)
Eskiden sadece o vardı. Fifa serisi gibi tek başına kalmıştı ve NBA Live neyse basketbol oyunları da oydu… Sonra Fifa’nın PES serisine kaptırdığı gibi tahtını devretti ama PES gibi bir şekilde ayakta kalamadı ve yıkıldı, Fifa serisi gibi yeniden kral da olamadı. Oyunları çıkmadı, ertelendi, bazı geri dönüş hamleleri denedi, sadece konsollara çıkmakla yetindi ve yıllar içerisinde NBA 2K serisi aldı başını yürüdü, tekelleşti. Bu yıl yeniden deneyecek EA Sports firması ama yeniden deneyiş bu sefer sıradan bir hamle gibi görünmüyordu. Nitekim konsollar için yayınlanan demosu sayesinde oyunu ucundan tadabilme imkânı bulduk.
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Demo düzenli biçimde hazırlanmış. James Harden karşılıyor hemen başında. 21 sayı atan takımın kazandığı bir yıldızlar maçı yapıyoruz henüz menülere girmeden. Oynanış dinamiklerini görüyor biraz eğleniyor biraz öğreniyoruz. Oyuna alışma sürecini hızlandırmak adına sol üst köşede tuş kombinasyonlarından örnekler verilmiş. Hangi tuşla ne yapılacağı, küçük görevlerle gösteriliyor. Sonrasında “The One” başlıklı tek kişilik kariyer ve hikâye moduna geçiş yapabiliyoruz. Burada iki sıra ilerlemeden NBA menüsü açılmıyor.
Hikâye modunda bir karakter oluşturuyoruz. Oyuncumuz sakatlık geçirmiş, draft edilememiş ve bir senesi heba olmuş. Yakın arkadaşıyla yaptırdığımız mesajlaşmalar sonrasında NBA oyuncularıyla efsanevi alanlarda sokak ve salon basketbolu maçlarına katılarak ilerliyoruz. İlk yaptığımız maç misali 21 sayı atan takımın kazandığı süresiz maçlar bunlar. Oynadığımız maçlardan elde ettiğimiz yetenek puanlarını dağıtarak karakterimizi güçlendirme imkânımız var. Seçtiğimiz oyun pozisyonu doğrultusunda puanlarımızı kullanarak ilerleme kat edebiliriz. Ben şut atabilen kısa bir oyuncu oluşturmuştum. Bol bol asist yaparak biraz da sayı attım. Puanlarımı üçlük ve orta mesafeli iki sayılık atışları geliştirmede kullanma imkânı verdi oyun. Yaptığımız her hareket 70’den başlayan maç puanımıza etki ediyor. Asistlerden savunmadaki duruşumuza, gereksiz sut seçimimizden yaptığımız sayılara kadar puanımız azalıp çoğalabiliyor ve maç sonrası farklı hanelere aktarılıyor. 7 aşamalı özel maçların sonuncusunu draft için oynuyoruz. Maç esnasında kaçıncı sırada seçilebileceğimiz sol üst köşede görünüyor. Aldığımız ortalamaya göre 2017 Draftına giriyoruz. Ben sayı atamadığım maçta yaptığım asistlerle 90 civarı bir ortalama puan tutturup 5. Sıradan Sacramento Kings tarafından seçildim. Öncesinde bu sene seçilen oyuncular görüldü. De’Aaron Fox yerine seçilmiş oldum ve demonun izin verdiği bölümler bitti. Artık bir Sacramento oyuncusuydum ve ana menüdeki resimde oyuncunun üstünde yeni takımının forması bulunuyordu. Oyunun tam sürümü alındığında kalınan yerden devam edecekmiş.
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Bir başka oynama imkânı verdiği mod ise en temeli. Cleveland Cavaliers ve Golden State Warriors takımlarından bir tanesini seçerek finalinin gerçekleşmeyen 3-3- sonrasındaki son maçını oynuyor ve kazanırsak kupayı alıyoruz. İki takım da bol bol yıldız oyuncu içerdiğinde hayli eğlenceli maçlar yapma imkânımız var ki iki takımla da bu maçları deneyimledim. Diğer modlarla da birlikte bolca oynama fırsatım oldu.
Peki gelelim asıl soruya. NBA Live serisi tahtını geri alır mı? Cevap zor, olabilir çünkü özenle hazırlanmış, üzerinde çalışılmış, yenilikler barındıran bir oyun hazırlamışlar, olmayabilir çünkü NBA 2K serisi almış başını gitmiş ve kitlesinin oyunlarını terk edip Live serisine dönmesi zor. Şöyle düşünelim, henüz elimizde 2K18 oyunu yok ve farz edelim ki bu sene çıkmayacak, rakipsiz bir NBA Live 18’le karşı karşıyayız. Bu oyun oynanır mı, bıktırır mı?
Bir kere tuşların yerleşimi bakımından NBA 2K serisine alışan bir oyuncu Live’a fazla zorlanmadan alışacaktır, aşağı yukarı benzer düzen sağlanmış. Ama oyunun bütününe baktığımızda tabii ki aynı oyun değiller. EA Sports firması hayli çalışmış, özellikle animasyonlardaki çeşitlilik göze çarpıyor ve biraz da batıyor açıkçası. Fazla mal göz çıkarmış sanki. Bazı noktalarda oyun animasyon çokluğundan ötürü kendi kendine oynuyormuş hissi veriyor. Gerçek basketbol oynamaktan örnek vermek gerekirse elimize pamuk dolayıp topu öyle tutuyormuşçasına bir his verdi bana. Kontrol bizde ama çoğu pozisyonda devamı kendiliğinden geliyor. Şu atacaksak fazladan ilerleyip oyuncu pozisyon alıyor, potaya doğru hareketlenirken üç sayı çizgisini geçince animasyon kendiliğinden başlıyor, bazen iki hatta üç oyuncuyla mücadele otomatik yapılıyor, topu istediğimiz anda elimizden çıkaramıyoruz. Animasyonlar gerçekten fazla, üzerinde uğraşılmış, hareket çeşitliliği sağlanmış ama bunları göstermek için oyuncu bir tuşa basarak hepsi gerçekleşiyor. Kolay alışılır mı, bir süre sonra sıkıcı hale gelir mi zaman gösterecek.
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Bir de şut atarken yanda çıkan barlar var. Eski Live oyunlarında şut atan oyuncu sıçrayıp topu en üstte tuttuğunda bırakılan şutlarda isabet sağlanırdı. 2K serisinde her oyuncuda farklılık gösteren bir şut stili hâkimdi özellikle son oyunlarda ve çok göze batmadan arzu eden oyuncuya fayda sağlayan şut barları kullanılırdı. Basketbol oyunlarında en sevdiğim özellik oyuncunun duruşuna göre topu bırakmakken bile gözlerimi barlardan ayıramadım. Sıra tabanlı strateji oyunları misali oyuncu kendi kendine bir yerlere gidiyor, boyu kadar yanında duran barlarla şutu atıyor, en üstteki yeşil kısma denk getirince şut giriyor. Kolaylık seviyesine göre değişir şut isabet oranı ve önünde oyuncu varsa yeşil kısımda da şut tuşu bırakılsa isabet zorlaşıyor ama oyuncuya değil de gözümüzün barlara takılması yapaylığın üst düzeylere çıkmasına neden olmuş. 
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Genel anlamda ise oyun güzel, oynanabilir, oyuncular pozisyon alıyor, yer değiştiriyor, şut için yardımcı oluyorlar, grafikler harika, sevenler de olacaktır. Eğlenceli mi eğlenceli ama 2K serisini tahtından indirebileceğini sanmıyorum. Savunma yine 2K ya göre daha etkili hareketler mevcut. Blok sayısı bir hayli fazla gelgelelim üçlük çizgisinden itibaren aksiyon başlayınca blok yapacak oyuncu da o zaman kadar pozisyonunu hazırlayabiliyor. Yapaylık etkisi yine… Tuşa basıyoruz ve animasyonlar başlıyor, topu elden çıkarma bizim kontrolümüzde ama o da anlık etkiyle gerçekleşmiyor. Başta belirttiğim gibi animasyonlara çok çalışılmış gelgelelim biraz fazla kaçmış.
Üzerine çok çalışılmış bir oyunla geri dönüyor NBA Live serisi. Tüm eleştrilerime rağmen oyun esnasında beğeni uyandırmıştı aslında. The One isimli hikâye modu gayet başarılı, eğlenceli, merak ettirtiyor. Oyundaki animasyon zenginliği dengelenebilirse NBA 2K serisine ciddi bir rakip haline gelir ve bu rekabet oyunculara avantaj olarak döner, daha özenli yapımlarla buluşabiliriz.
Yazan: Emrah Subaşı  
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jayedshifter · 9 months ago
Hi hi it's me again, I would adore two jelly belly capys if that's okay? Any color is fine!
- @himesbittycenter
Oh most certainly!~ I think these two sweet little cuties would do very well within your household~!
Their very sweet, a JUSTICE and KINDNESS Jelly Belly pair~ 💛💚
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jayedshifter · 1 year ago
Jelly Belly Capy
[Non Bitty Adoptable Companion]
Personality- Varying From Capy too Capy! But common Personality traits are, Calm, Kind, Apathetic, Cuddly and Uncaring
Diet-Vegetables, Fruits, Nuts, Grass, Hay, Magically Processed Food, Magic Supplements(Required)
Jelly Belly’s generally love the water and swimming! Spending most of their time in or near water!
JBC’s often at times do not care about how scary or vicious or rude a person or bitty can be unless it gets physical! In which they can and will use their large crushing teeth!
JBC’s Teeth and nails constantly grow so please be mindful to trim and use different methods too keep their Teeth and claws in check!
These Guys tend to like larger group families but are perfectly fine with just a Capybara or another Jelly Belly Capy in the household!
Please note that Jelly Belly’s Skin Is Squishy but it is not meant to be squished or pulled hard! Think of us as a tougher Jello, it can take a lot of strain but it cannot be abused constantly! It can also be sensitive since it is literally magic skin
Jelly Belly Capy’s do not care much for what happens around them! It could be a complete chaotic mess and they would simply just swim or nap!
{These Guys Can come in any Color! The healthier the more vibrant the color!}
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jayedshifter · 5 months ago
Sunny S's (Skoodge)
Difficulty- Basic
Personality- Loyal, Skittish, Shy at first, brave, Cuddly, Intelligent, Competent, Gullible, Mellow, Kind
Mini- 3 Inches
Bitty- 6 inches
Large- 10 inches
Diet- Snacks, Sweets, Filtered water, Sugar Water, Soda
Clean things
Being praised
Shown kindness
Learning things
Being yelled at
Being alone
Being hated
His height (Very self conscious)
Feeling incompetent
Being unable to work
These bitties will break themselves backwards for tallest type bitties, it is better to have him not adopted with them unless they are of the kinder verity
These bitties have low confidence and see their achievements often as insignificant in others eyes, no matter how hard they work, this will also make them hide injuries on the clause of not wanting to bother others, you will have to help them through this self destructive behavior
These bitties are extremely emotional when it comes to praise, you must be king and patient when hading them even a little bit of it or they might break down into tears
Skoodge types are often picked on by other Irken types, it is better to keep them separate from others that have a very mean nature
Sunny S’s are extremely compatible with each other! They get along greatly at it is not uncommon for people to adopt a pile of 3
Sunny's are loyal to a fault, if you abandon them then they can and will move on and live their life, so long as you care for them they will sacrifice for you
These bitties are extremely gullible when it comes to others, despite their cleverness and ability to survive in harsh conditions, they will believe almost anything and everything you or others will say say to them without much question
These bitties love cuddle piles! They are extremely pudgy and soft unlike the standard Irken, they love to squish together and it is not uncommon for a Sunny Cuddler Pile to be made in the pillows
Sunny S’s are very messy with their clothes and can often be upset about ruining the clothing, hand washing each piece carefully by themselves because they don’t want to bother anyone, you will have to teach them that a little bit of mess doesn’t make them less perfect
⚠️⚠️⚠️ Do Not Feed Meat or Bathe them In Normal Water⚠️⚠️⚠️
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jayedshifter · 6 months ago
I am very interested in a possible Dib bitty!!!
Oh then I think you’re quiet in luck~ now I was going to make them after I got all the Irkens that I wanted made and in the shop, but for you my dear I’ll make an exception~! 💛
Though I must tell you, you’ll have to get a newer Dib, one that may not be used to Cryptid type owners and not used to non humans so it may be harder to bond because they can be so shy-
That and if you only want a Dib then you’ll probably be looking for one without a Zim type or Gaz type paring, that will make them a bit harder to warm up to others as quickly as they should without their pair, but so long as you acknowledge their work, are patient and are interested in their interests I don’t doubt you’ll get along~ 💛
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jayedshifter · 6 months ago
Mothman Bitty
Difficulty- Basic
Type: Dib Bitty
Personality- Paranoid, Excitable, sporadic, Nerdy,
Mini- 3
Bitty- 5
Large- 8
Diet- These bitties can eat anything that normal people do! Though they do have a tendency to prefer warm fresh family meals
Outer space
Mythical tales
Proof of existence of monsters and creatures
Gaz Bitties
Hunting mysteries
Mythical creatures
Zim Bitties
Being ignored
Being belittled
Being put down by others
Feeling alone
Feeling left out
People trying to disprove Cryptids
These bitties can be overwhelmed which large households if not properly adjusted, especially when the household consists of many more alien or mythological types within it, it is recommended for extreme slow introduction and monitoring before allowing to roam around with said types.
These Bitties can be very wary of owners that are not human, it will take them a long while to feel comfortable. So it is best for you to introduce yourself to the bitty and get to know them before adoption.
Just because they like Cryptids does not mean they may be completely comfortable, they may be even paranoid and completely avoid the person, or bitty until they are 100% convinced they will not be harmed, or have them not harm others they care for.
The reason for a Mothman to like a Zim so much is because of how serious the Zim Bitty will take his threats and other such actions, it's gives them a sense of confidence, reassurance and attention in themselves in a way nothing else can, their rivalry can mean EVERYTHING for a Dib type, leaving a deep sense of emptiness and depression when that Zim is gone, this is why it is best to adopt the Mothman bitty with the Zim type if they are indeed bonded to one.
These bitties adore when an owner has the same excitement to mythological and Cryptid creatures, often being able to rant for hours on end about different facts and rumors that they've heard about.
Despite opinions, these bitties are extremely smart when it comes to technology, accidentally or not rambling while subconsciously fixing different random and broken items.
You HAVE to be interested or at least participate in a Mothman bitties factual rambles, or graphs or just simply at least showing them videos and other wiki page facts about new or different opinions on myths and Cryptids or else the Mothman will become discouraged, Lost, and depressed without someone to at least take interest or pay attention to even a little bit of their work.
These bitties are extremely prone to loneliness and depression, so it is best to get them some bitties that at least have interest in their work or more friendly types that will do well with the Mothman bitty.
These bitties tend to look at the worst possible scenario that might happen in a situation, becoming extremely paranoid, they will need constant reassurance from others or the owner in order to calm them down.
These bitties can be very shy when meeting new people so slow introduce is best for them.
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jayedshifter · 6 months ago
GIR Bitty
Personality- Passive, Chaotic, energetic, friendly, loud, Childish
Mini-3 inches
Bitty- 4 inches
Large- 7 inches
Diet- Oil
These bitties should not eat anything other than oil! If they do you must do a deep clean for them.
Fluffy things
Word things
Funny shows
Baking (thier not good at it)
Playing games
Video Games
Creating things
It is not known what Gur bitties don't like, one dislike might turn into a like within the next moment.
These Bitties are most Compatible with Minimoose and Zim type bitties, as well as Scoge types, but can be overwhelming for most shy or agressive bitties.
These bitties are mostly paired with a Zim type and require repair by their Zim every so often, should they not have a Zim type then they will be repaired by either the Golden Den or though you.
These bitties require a steady power source to charge from, we recommend installing solar panels to help save energy.
These bitties require a cleaning every single week at the LEAST, because of how much they stuff things inside of their compartments, be it living, rotting, moldy or even sweet it will be put inside.
These bitties require extreme patience with their caretaker due to their childish personality, they become sad if you scold them too much, even if they forget it within a few minutes.
These bitties are not made of Iron for majority of their frame and inner workings have materials substituted for them with different metals if possible.
These bitties are extremely chaotic, they love fun, they love cuddles, they love being messy, but of all else they love having fun, it is recommended to get comedy shows, old cartoons, and even kid shows. Though you must be careful as they tend to mimic and play out what they see often.
These bitties love dressing up in their 'disguise' and running around having fun, this can range from a green dog to a green Monkey.
Got bitties, despite being robotic are not the brightest when it comes to certain things, and therefore will need assistance while doing tasks, and should never be given really important or fragile things to handle both for their and the objects safety.
These bitties have a fail switch which will temporarily shut them off should they go into 'battle mode'
Please, it is VERY important for you to learn the code to prevent any incidents should your Gir come to this state, they will not know friend from foe.
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jayedshifter · 7 months ago
Takky T's {Tak Bitty}
Difficulty- Basic
Personality- Vengeful, Loyal, competitive, self conscious, Hot Tempered
Mini- 5 Inches
Bitty- 10 inches
Large- 14 inches
Diet- Snacks, Sweets, Filtered water, Sugar Water, Soda
⚠️⚠️⚠️ Do Not Feed Meat or Bathe them In Normal Water⚠️⚠️⚠️
Teasing Zim types
Zim Bitties
Their mechanical parts
Having their flaws pointed out
Being compared to others
Being frustrated
Being confused
Not knowing things
These bitties despite their pride and their words, they often feel lonely and left out because of their appearance with other Invader bitties, this is often why they prefer their counterpart Lovebug types for companionship instead. (Though they are still wary of Flutter Bitties)
These bitties are actually very comfortable with Scouge types, the do not dislike them and they are not judged by them, they often established bonds with a Sunny bitty before establishing a bond of loyalty to a Snacky PT or a Leader RT.
These bitties do not require a Snacky or Leader in their life, they don't even require a talent to function, though they may confused they will quickly adapt without one.
These bitties are not comfortable around younger bitties or children, fearful of scaring them off with their appearance.
She is extremely loyal so long as you treat her right, she is confident, strong, and collective even if she loses her cool.
Takky's are extremely self conscious of their wiring, they feel defective and often times depressed at the constant reminder of their features.
Takky's are not adjusted well to being taken care of by another, their entire existence is to serve in some way or another and it shows so you must be patient as they try and adjust to being wanted and treated like a person instead of a throw away soldier.
These bitties are very aware that their Tallest are not the smartest, they are much more self aware then other Invader bitties compared to them, but despite this they know no other life therefore serve loyalty to their tallests, it may be hard to break them out of their mindset of servitude.
Takky T's love repairing thing and making them better then they where before, but they can get carried away if you let them, making the item
Completely different from what it was.
These bitties may not go to you at first with their problems and hardships at first, you yourself must establish this bond and try to coax them into trusting and giving you their problems they might be having.
⚠️⚠️⚠️DO NOT LEAVE ALONE WITH A ZIMMY Z ⚠️⚠️⚠️ they despise Zim types so take caution when leaving them alone together, you must monitor their interactions!
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jayedshifter · 7 months ago
Zimmy Z’s {Zim Bitty}
Difficulty- Intermediate
Personality- Loud, Brash, Rude, Prideful, Confident, Loyal, Childish, Excitable
Mini- 2 Inches
Bitty- 4 inches
Large- 8 inches
Diet- Snacks, Sweets, Filtered water, Sugar Water, Soda
⚠️⚠️⚠️ Do Not Feed Meat or Bathe them In Normal Water⚠️⚠️⚠️
Tallest Type Bitties
Sweet Water
Showing off
Discovering new things
Clean places
Being yelled at
Being scolded
Being disliked
Dirty places
Valentines Day
Doctor appointments
Being exposed
Being vulnerable
Being upstaged or outdone
These bitties easily get lonely, despite their protests of them not needing anyone, it is best to have either an extra bitty, or someone who is home often so that they can show their accomplishments to them.
These bitties are not very compatible with Takky T bitties, often fighting and competing with them, leading to serious injuries of both and other bitties as well as environmental damage, if you do wish to house both then you must have completely separate areas and monitor their closely! I'm serious! Please be careful to not let them fight!
These bitties cannot stand a messy environment, and despite their size will do anything in order to sterilize their homes and areas they like, often doing deep cleans at least once a month!
These bitties CAN NOT. drink or bathe in unfiltered and un sterilized water, this can burn their skin, make them sick, or even permanently injure them! It is best to prepare items beforehand because of the long process it may take if the water is dirty
Due to Pollution, these bitties cannot play in the rain or in rivers, ponds, puddles, or mud without injuring themselves or making themselves sick
Zimmy's are extremely prideful, being scolded and or yelled at can make them upset, causing them to run away if your too harsh, you have to speak calmly and explain properly or else they will think that your upset for no reason
Should there be no tallest bitties within the household these bitties will latch onto you as their tallest, substituting and going to you for both missions, comfort and problems.
These bitties are extremely chaotic and athletic! Getting into anything and everything that they can get their hands on, being quick, swift but not balanced at all on their feet making them get into chaotic messes.
These bitties are by far the youngest or the Irken line! They are very young in both body, and mind and often times will act childish because they are still discovering the world around them!
These bitties love discovering the world and its traditions so that they 'blend in' more naturally, they can often times be very prideful of their knowledge and disguises of their environment.
Zimmy's absolutely adore experimenting and showing off their work, despite them being young and childish, they have great pride like a child in each piece of work they do, so be sure to compliment them, but also steer them away from more dangerous projects they may try in order to impress you!
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