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benjirijo · 4 years ago
Land Rover from Barbaros Gokdemir on Vimeo.
Director: Barbaros Gökdemir Agency: TBWA Istanbul Production: Anima Istanbul DOP: Olcay Oğuz
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avetruth · 3 years ago
Ahmet Ender Gökdemir. Cenûb-i Garbî Kafkas Hükûmeti (1998)
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Ahmet Ender Gökdemir. Cenûb-i Garbî Kafkas Hükûmeti (1998) https://www.avetruthbooks.com/2022/07/ahmet-ender-gokdemir-cenub-i-garbi-kafkas-hukumeti-1998.html?feed_id=1623
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ryaska · 3 years ago
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буду говорити
показувати чекати читати дивитися слухати
петро ряска
в міжнародному міждисциплінарному проекті: centrum światów jest tutaj
діяння, поезія, читання поезії, нотатник, кошик, дерев`яна кухонна лопатка, еластичний бинт з 2000го року для підв`язування коням ног��, земля. група кураторська: liliana kalinowska, jadwiga sawicka, paweł korbus, tomasz pudłocki. співпраця ewa zarzycka. м.перемишель, польща, 11 вересня, 2021 року: 19.20. світлини: agata mikrut 1, 2 / emrah gokdemir 3, 4, 5, 6, 7
зміщений центр світу
археологічна точка опори
чи це можливо
що буде якщо доторкнутися центру
істот, що жиють там
дії можуть заперечити набуте
котре може заперечити попередньо набуте
третій стадіон
центр обміну
елемент міського фольклору
історія місця
жінки вбивають кіл
będę rozmawiał (mówić)
pokazywał czekał czytał patrzył słuchał
petro riaska
w międzynarodowym interdyscyplinarnym projekcie: centrum światów jest tutaj
dielania, poezja, czytanie poezji, notatnik, kosz, drewniana szpatułka kuchenna, bandaż elastyczny z 2000 r. do wiązania nóg koni, ziemia. zespół kuratorski: liliana kalinowska, jadwiga sawicka, paweł korbus, tomasz pudłocki. współpraca ewa zarzycka. przemyśl, polska, 11 września 2021: 19.20. zdjęcia: agata mikrut 1, 2 / emrah gokdemir 3, 4, 5, 6, 7
Przesunięte centrum świata
Archeologiczny punkt podparcia ( mogło by też być oparcia)
Czy to możliwe
Co się stanie jeśli dotknie się centrum (literalnie: Co będzie jeśli dotknąć centrum)
Istot, co tam żyją
Działania mogą zaprzeczyć nabyte
Które może zaprzeczyć poprzednio nabyte
Trzeci stadion
Centrum wymiany
Element miejskiego folkloru
Historia miejsca
Kobiety zabijają (albo wbijają – nie wiem co ma a myśli) koła
tłumaczenie poezji (ua-pol) Katarzyna Komar Macyńska
i will speak
show wait read watch listen
petro ryaska
in an international interdisciplinary project: the center of the worlds is here
performance, poetry, reading poetry, notebook, basket, wooden kitchen spatula, elastic bandage from 2000 for tying horses legs, ground. curators group: liliana kalinowska, jadwiga sawicka, paweł korbus, tomasz pudłocki. cooperation ewa zarzycka. przemyśl, poland, september 11, 2021: 19.20. photos: agata mikrut 1, 2 / emrah gokdemir 3, 4, 5, 6, 7
shifted center of the world
archaeological fulcrum
is this possible
what will happen if you touch the center
of land (earth)
of creatures living there
actions may negate the acquired
which may deny the previously acquired
the third stadium
exchange center
element of urban folklore
history of the place
women hammering count
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ordu-kent-gazetesi · 4 years ago
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🔴👉Türk Mengele Turhan ve kardeşi ♦️Muazzez İlmiye Çığ ♦️Ve 12 Eylül'ün generallerinin adamlarının ♦️👉"HAİNLER ve TARAFSIZLAR"Arasındaki ♦️"BİLİMSEL METRİS" deneylerini 🟥👉👉👉Bizzat Biliyorum... 🟥👉HZİ ve Ayhan Songar ve Muazzez ilmiye çığ'ın 🟥👉Elleri , maalesef kirli idi... @gokdemirorhan yazdı Bizim sevgili hastalığımız http://haber.sol.org.tr/yazarlar/orhan-gokdemir/bizim-sevgili-hastaligimiz-266019 https://www.instagram.com/p/CGIQL5ejBm4/?igshid=1n88xbvdcknui
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david558me · 4 years ago
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ncfcatalyst · 5 years ago
Honoring education advocate Akgun Temizer
Honoring education advocate Akgun Temizer
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Photo courtesy of Elba Viruet “His last wish was to see me graduate and I am thankful to God that he was able to do it,” Gokdemir said.
Education plays an important role in society. It allows people to expand their knowledge and pursue their dream professions. However, finances can often be a limiting factor for students everywhere and often the privileges of an American education can be…
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buyukakin · 6 years ago
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Ayak oyunu
Orhan Gökdemir_SolHaber
Başakşehir Kulübünün ve adını aldığı ilçenin adındaki “başak” Erbakan’ın “Refah Partisi”nin logosundan geliyor. İlçe bir Erbakan projesiydi. Burada İslami bir getto oluşturacaklardı. İlk konutlar yapıldıktan sonra bölgenin adını partinin logosundan esinlenerek “Başak Şehir” koydular. Sonra projeyi AKP devraldı, halen İstanbul’u yobazlaştırma projesinin merkez üssüdür.Ama ayak oyunu bu, top döner, talih döner, her zaman kazanmanız mümkün değildir. Ayak oyunları ile kurulan düzenler eninde sonunda yıkılır.AKP için kaybetmeyi öğrenme vakti. Başakşehir’in sonuna bakın, AKP’nin sonunu göreceksiniz…
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Being Someone
Last year before the pandemic happened, I was planning to go to the U.S.A for working and traveling with one of my closest friends. I have been to only a couple of countries in my whole life and the visits were mostly touristic. I don’t have a lot of experience with living in abroad, so this traveling plan was sensational for me.
I may not have been in the U.S.A. before but as you know because of the movie sector in Hollywood almost every person is familiar with their culture and lifestyle. Personally, I watch a good variety of tv shows in my daily life and most of the tv shows that I watch are based in the United States. I know I can’t truly experience their culture by just watching tv series. With the help of YouTube and social media I get familiar with their life every day. This was not something that I choose to research about but it happened involuntarily and naturally. Because of their presence on tv and social media is massive. I think their culture is the most visible and observable one in the world without even going there. So, my knowledge about U.S. is coming from mostly tv and social media. This may not be true representative of their culture, but this is all I have got and let’s get into details.
The misunderstanding that I have about U.S.A. is the respect for others and word selection they use. I think U.S. is very relaxed country about communication. In Turkey we use very formal words for addressing people that we don’t know. Also calling older people than you with their first name considered as very rude. When I grow up, I learned that the words we use is a part of the way we show our respect to others. Also, in Turkish we have a lot of different names for addressing people. For example, you can use five different words just for the women that you don’t know personally and five completely different words for men. In the U.S. they use the other person’s first name and that is it. I find it very different from my culture and it is hard to understand for me. With this way I think the communication in the U.S. is more singular and focused to the person. In Turkey you need to be careful with your language and be sure that you are using the right words.
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I think this situation is related to both power distance and individualism dimensions of Hofstede. When we think about the parts related to respect for elderly and hierarchy, difference in the power distance dimension stands out in the countries that have large power distance (Hofstede, 2011). Also, we know that Turkey has more power distance than U.S. (Hofstede Insights, n.d.). But I think this situation is also because of the individualism differences between countries. I know it sounds little bit unrelated at first but let me explain my view. As researchers mention in their article people who lives in the U.S. is more individualistic than people who lives in Turkey (Cukur, De Guzman, & Carlo, 2004). In my opinion in the U.S., they value the person for just being that person and they use the first name of the person when they are calling them. According to one research, Turkey has a lot of components that collectivist countries have (Dumludag, Gokdemir, & Giray, 2015). In Turkish language we use different addressing words and adjectives for people. We don’t only use their first names. Those adjectives define our relation to the other person. Which means that Turkish people gives value the relationship between people more that the person itself and I think this is related to collectivism.
It seems like “being someone” in the U.S. is really different than I used to in Turkey. I see that the words we choose affects a lot of things in a culture. I believe our way of talking represents the respect we have for the other person. This doesn’t mean Americans are not respectful. This is just a cultural difference between two countries. It takes time to understand but it is possible with educating yourself and researching about the topic. 
Cukur, C. S., De Guzman, M. R. T., & Carlo, G. (2004). Religiosity, Values, and Horizontal and Vertical Individualism—Collectivism: A Study of Turkey, the United States, and the Philippines. The Journal of Social Psychology, 144(6), 613–634. doi:10.3200/socp.144.6.613-634
Dumludag, D., Gokdemir, O., & Giray, S. (2015). Income comparison, collectivism and life satisfaction in Turkey. Quality & Quantity, 50(3), 955–980. doi:10.1007/s11135-015-0185-1 
Hofstede, G. (2011). Dimensionalizing cultures: The Hofstede model in context. Online readings in psychology and culture, 2(1), 2307-0919.
Hofstede Insights. (n.d.). Country Comparison. Retrieved June 3, 2021, from https://www.hofstede-insights.com/country-comparison/turkey,the-usa/
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filmmakerlifeincolors · 7 years ago
ETI - HOTEL from Matthias Zentner on Vimeo.
"Hotel" is the first chocolate commercial in Turkey evoking it's secret in the shape of a little brown and pristine diamond. Eti, the turkish manufacturer, derives the chocolate indulgence from this new, diamond-shaped design,boosting the tasting experience to the max. Director Matthias Zentner devoted himself to this tasting explosions of pleasure. With the freedom of imagination and the surreal moment hotel walls transform in the tasty chocolate bars. Liquid chocolate flows along the corridors, around columns, up the stairs attracted by a woman holding the single piece of the seduction in her hand. Appealing table-top meets passionate and sensual attraction, an energy of forces in a hotel rendezvous. Liquid chocolate runs along the walls like water filling a dry river bank, attracted by her calling signal, the cracking of the chocolate bar. Our elegant, gracious yet seductive lady, wrapped in warmth and softness of her golden dress and the chocolate tones of the fashionable surroundings, awaits for the liquid sweetness to arrive and meet her diamond of pleasure. The flow triggers the hotel walls and floors to rearrange in the tasty chocolate bars. For this sensation, Zentner decided to go for a location in Istanbul with the most interesting geometrical interior, where the needed design was already predefined. Streaming effortlessly, the dense liquid river reaches the lady and, like drawn by a magnet, gets completely absorbed in one diamond piece of Eti chocolate she is holding. The taste in her mouth is like the explosion of the numerous fountains, an extreme pleasure, winding up in chocolate wings. Parts of the wall and floor structure was originally re-build in a bigger scale to obtain fantastic and yummy slow-motion liquid chocolate shots on a high-speed camera. The intrigued integration of 3D-liquid-chocolate-flow simulation was obtained with the help of a 3D-scanning of the hotel architecture and the planned mix of CGI chocolate and slow-motion SFX-liquid. Everything needed for the peak of the sensual emotional impact and the action driven chocolate. It's the pure energy of the unknown pleasure in one flow.
CREDITS: client: ETI Sutlu Cikolata; agency: Saatchi and Saatchi Istanbul; creative group: Kerem Kanik, Cenm Akar, Emre Gokdemir, Ozgur Akpinar, Bora Adalı, Oguzhan Dilek; client services: Pinar Dulgerler, Ozge Oncul, Nevra Akın; production: Complete Works; executive producer: Esen Yeşilırmak; producer: Sibel Oguz; production manager: Ziya Sagir; director: Matthias Zentner; DOP: Stefan von Borbely; in-camera chocolate SFX: Alex Gunn; Designer: Mert Kanlibeli; Stylist: Hakan Ozturk; VFX supervisor on set: Leif Petersen; location scanning: Rise FX David Salamon and Andreas Wiged; post: velvet mediendesign Gmbh; producer: Oliver Loessl; lead artist nuke: Lene Hoenigschmid and Christian Reinmann; color-correction flame: Sylvi Roessler; online flame: Tom Tiller; color-correction baseligth: Bianca Rudolph; edit: Jochen Kraus; 3D supervising: Leif Petersen; 3D artistst: Hannes Gerl, Bastian Konradt and Klaus Jaworski; graphic animation: Thomas Wernbacher; sound mix: M-Sound, Munich
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tumimmtxpapers · 7 years ago
Ibrutinib modulates the immunosuppressive CLL microenvironment through STAT3-mediated suppression of regulatory B cell function and inhibition of the PD-1/PD-L1 pathway.
Ibrutinib modulates the immunosuppressive CLL microenvironment through STAT3-mediated suppression of regulatory B cell function and inhibition of the PD-1/PD-L1 pathway. Leukemia. 2017 Oct 03;: Authors: Kondo K, Shaim H, Thompson PA, Burger JA, Keating M, Estrov Z, Harris D, Kim E, Ferrajoli A, Daher M, Basar R, Muftuoglu M, Imahashi N, Alsuliman A, Sobieski C, Gokdemir E, Wierda W, Jain N, Liu E, Shpall EJ, Rezvani K Abstract Ibrutinib, a covalent inhibitor of Bruton Tyrosine Kinase (BTK), is approved for treatment of patients with relapsed/refractory or treatment-naïve CLL. Besides directly inhibiting BTK, ibrutinib possesses immunomodulatory properties through targeting multiple signaling pathways. Understanding how this ancillary property of ibrutinib modifies the CLL microenvironment is crucial for further exploration of immune responses in this disease and devising future combination therapies. Here, we investigated the mechanisms underlying the immunomodulatory properties of ibrutinib. In peripheral blood samples collected prospectively from CLL patients treated with ibrutinib monotherapy, we observed selective and durable downregulation of PD-L1 on CLL cells by 3-months post-treatment. Further analysis showed that this effect was mediated through inhibition of the constitutively active signal transducer and activator of transcription 3 (STAT3) in CLL cells. Similar downregulation of PD-1 was observed in CD4+ and CD8+ T-cells. We also demonstrated reduced IL-10 production by CLL cells in patients receiving ibrutinib, which was also linked to suppression of STAT3 phosphorylation. Taken together, these findings provide a mechanistic basis for immunomodulation by ibrutinib through inhibition of the STAT3 pathway, critical in inducing and sustaining tumor immune tolerance. The data also merit testing of combination treatments combining ibrutinib with agents capable of augmenting its immunomodulatory effects.Leukemia accepted article preview online, 03 October 2017. doi:10.1038/leu.2017.304. PMID: 28972595 [PubMed - as supplied by publisher] http://dlvr.it/PsHccy
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medmedya · 8 years ago
Diyarbakır Vali Yardımcısı Gökdemir FETÖ’den gözaltına alındı
Diyarbakır Vali Yardımcısı Gökdemir FETÖ’den gözaltına alındı http://medmedya.blogspot.com/2017/07/diyarbakr-vali-yardmcs-gokdemir-fetoden.html
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okuryazartv · 8 years ago
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“Klavyelerinden başka silahları yok.” http://www.okuryazar.tv/orhan-gokdemir-redhack-sanal-alemin-klavyeli-asileri/ Kendi açıklamalarına göre 1997 yılında kurulan RedHack, o tarihten itibaren özellikle devleti hedef alan sanal saldırılarla çok konuşuldu. Kamuoyu tarafından bilinir olmaları özellikle YÖK eylemiyle doruğa ulaştı. Sanal âlemin klavyeli asileri, Münir Özkul’un unutulmaz repliğini manifestoları ilan ediyor… Orhan Gökdemir herkesin kim olduklarını merak ettiği RedHack’le temasa geçti, araştırdı ve sadece RedHack’i değil tüm dünyadaki hacker’ların sistem kırıcı eylemlerini inceledi. Orhan Gökdemir’le, “sanal âlemin klavyeli asileri”ni, RedHack’i konuştuk… #redhack #redhackailesi #okuryazartv #okumaparçası #kitaptanbirbölüm #okuryazarinsan #okuryazar #kitap #kitapkurdu #kitapaşkı #kitapönerileri #kitaplar #kitaplariyikivar #kitapkokusu #kitapsever #kitapsevgisi #kitapokuyorum #kitapyorumu #okur #okuryorum #okuma #okumak #okumavakti #okumakeyfi #edebiyat #edebiyatkulübü #hergünbirkitaptanokumaparçası
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turkcebilginet-blog · 8 years ago
Ayvaz Gökdemir Ayvaz Gökdemir (d. 1942, Gaziantep, Türkiye – ö. 19 Nisan 2008, Ankara, Türkiye), Türk siyasetçi, eski devlet bakanı ve eski milletvekili. Ayvaz... - #A - #KimKimdir Ayvaz Gökdemir http://www.turkcebilgi.org/kim-kimdir/a/ayvaz-gokdemir-234831.html
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huang-ng · 8 years ago
ETI - HOTEL from Matthias Zentner on Vimeo.
"Hotel" is the first chocolate commercial in Turkey evoking it's secret in the shape of a little brown and pristine diamond. Eti, the turkish manufacturer, derives the chocolate indulgence from this new, diamond-shaped design,boosting the tasting experience to the max. Director Matthias Zentner devoted himself to this tasting explosions of pleasure. With the freedom of imagination and the surreal moment hotel walls transform in the tasty chocolate bars. Liquid chocolate flows along the corridors, around columns, up the stairs attracted by a woman holding the single piece of the seduction in her hand. Appealing table-top meets passionate and sensual attraction, an energy of forces in a hotel rendezvous. Liquid chocolate runs along the walls like water filling a dry river bank, attracted by her calling signal, the cracking of the chocolate bar. Our elegant, gracious yet seductive lady, wrapped in warmth and softness of her golden dress and the chocolate tones of the fashionable surroundings, awaits for the liquid sweetness to arrive and meet her diamond of pleasure. The flow triggers the hotel walls and floors to rearrange in the tasty chocolate bars. For this sensation, Zentner decided to go for a location in Istanbul with the most interesting geometrical interior, where the needed design was already predefined. Streaming effortlessly, the dense liquid river reaches the lady and, like drawn by a magnet, gets completely absorbed in one diamond piece of Eti chocolate she is holding. The taste in her mouth is like the explosion of the numerous fountains, an extreme pleasure, winding up in chocolate wings. Parts of the wall and floor structure was originally re-build in a bigger scale to obtain fantastic and yummy slow-motion liquid chocolate shots on a high-speed camera. The intrigued integration of 3D-liquid-chocolate-flow simulation was obtained with the help of a 3D-scanning of the hotel architecture and the planned mix of CGI chocolate and slow-motion SFX-liquid. Everything needed for the peak of the sensual emotional impact and the action driven chocolate. It's the pure energy of the unknown pleasure in one flow.
CREDITS: client: ETI Sutlu Cikolata; agency: Saatchi and Saatchi Istanbul; creative group: Kerem Kanik, Cenm Akar, Emre Gokdemir, Ozgur Akpinar, Bora Adalı, Oguzhan Dilek; client services: Pinar Dulgerler, Ozge Oncul, Nevra Akın; production: Complete Works; executive producer: Esen Yeşilırmak; producer: Sibel Oguz; production manager: Ziya Sagir; director: Matthias Zentner; DOP: Stefan von Borbely; in-camera chocolate SFX: Alex Gunn; Designer: Mert Kanlibeli; Stylist: Hakan Ozturk; VFX supervisor on set: Leif Petersen; location scanning: Rise FX David Salamon and Andreas Wiged; post: velvet mediendesign Gmbh; producer: Oliver Loessl; lead artist nuke: Lene Hoenigschmid and Christian Reinmann; color-correction flame: Sylvi Roessler; online flame: Tom Tiller; color-correction baseligth: Bianca Rudolph; edit: Jochen Kraus; 3D supervising: Leif Petersen; 3D artistst: Hannes Gerl, Bastian Konradt and Klaus Jaworski; graphic animation: Thomas Wernbacher; sound mix: M-Sound, Munich
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