whollydevoured · 9 days
I promise I’m around, I just haven’t had the energy to write :<
I’ve also been in more of a prey mood recently oops.
How would the reception be if I started posting things that weren’t vore related? (Like BDSM related stuff?)
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whollydevoured · 23 days
Yes! You can still eat the cake. I’ll just eat you after you’re finished. :)
You’ll be even more delicious than you usually are with the flavor of the strawberry shortcake to compliment your own.
your strawberries aren't safe near me btw. i WILL eat them. and you'll find me in the middle of the bowl chewing on them like this
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whollydevoured · 23 days
Excellent! So I suppose you won’t protest when I join you for dessert? It’ll be so difficult to pass up a delicious little morsel like you, placed so delicately atop a strawberry shortcake. :)
That may be better rephrased as you’ll be joining me… Because you’ll find yourself in my stomach.
your strawberries aren't safe near me btw. i WILL eat them. and you'll find me in the middle of the bowl chewing on them like this
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whollydevoured · 23 days
Do you love it so much that you’d like to be surrounded by it? Maybe you’d like to have such a big cake that you can fit on top of it? :)
your strawberries aren't safe near me btw. i WILL eat them. and you'll find me in the middle of the bowl chewing on them like this
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whollydevoured · 23 days
How do you feel about strawberry shortcake? :)
your strawberries aren't safe near me btw. i WILL eat them. and you'll find me in the middle of the bowl chewing on them like this
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whollydevoured · 23 days
Chat after investigating further I’ve discovered that it’s those annoying ass bots that have now started rbing eachother in my absence
My point still stands though - maybe… just not for the bots 💀
I will be back to my regularly scheduled eating people though now that my summer term has ended :)
Teasing/torturing my prey until they cry and the licking their tears off of their face.
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whollydevoured · 23 days
I come back from a break (because I was focusing on uni) to see that the soft vore/gentle enjoyers have found my content and chosen to RB with hate.
This is your one and only friendly reminder that if you don’t like my content, DONT INTERACT! :)
The pinned on my blog explicitly states all the content that you’ll see here. Please use your eyes and brain to read it if you’re afraid you’ll see something you won’t like.
Myself and other HV/cruelty enjoyers do commonly go out of our ways to avoid explicitly soft/wholesome people for their comfort, so we expect at MINIMUM for you people to be mature and not reblog OUR content from OUR blogs with completely immature and unnecessary hate.
Please be kind.
Teasing/torturing my prey until they cry and the licking their tears off of their face.
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whollydevoured · 2 months
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These two post showed up one right under the other and I thought that was very funny
@microposting @specksizedgoddess
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whollydevoured · 2 months
The line between kink and horror is measured only in cowardice
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whollydevoured · 2 months
I turned 20
Sorry I’ve been inactive :< been busy with college and irl things
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whollydevoured · 2 months
therapist: cunt dracula is not real and cannot fuck you.
cunt dracula:
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whollydevoured · 2 months
I’m gonna have a controversial take that may piss some people off.
I totally I respect that the minors made their own tags n shit. Good for them knowing how to try and forge that safe space- but some of you all need to be reminded/humbled.
As tumblr when it was made? Bro it was anything but a place for kids and never should have been a place they go. But like Las Vegas, they do now and expect adults to suddenly be OK with it and modify “sin city” to be kid appropriate.
Especially when their respective interest does exist as a fetish as well. And a lot adults that do not and will not give a shit to avoid blogs. Why? Well because this was their space first-
Now that isn’t to say it’s a good or kind way to go about it by just being disrespectful of any boundaries. But I can agree they aren’t wrong for thinking kids shouldn’t be on tumblr of all places to post their stuff and get mad that the place was full of adults already.
Would you go into Las Vegas and tell the strippers that because you like dancing for the form instead of the body appeal that they should put some clothes on? No- you SHOULD realize it’s fucking Las Vegas!
I know I know: “there isn’t anywhere to go for SFW only vore then!”
Yep. Because it’s not going to happen. You like it as a fixation only, but no matter what? People out there mostly don’t- or lay somewhere in between.
And that’s why I waited till I was able to cope with the fact people will be looking at my stuff that way before posting vore. As growing up, I knew it wasn’t exactly viewed as nothing more than a fetish. And I didn’t make it the adults problem they viewed it as such- so when I finally did get around to it? I knew how I wanted to view it- and that I wasn’t going to be able to, nor wanted to bother changing the way these now fellow adults see it. I just told them to shut the fuck up about how much of a boner they got on my blog. Go jerk it in silence.
Just like any show maker or artist: You must accept your creation will be twisted beyond your own making. (Even in nonsexual connotations too!)
It’s a terrible but true fact. If you can’t handle that? Creating is going to be a very difficult time for you. (Even I struggle with that still at times.)
Welcome to the internet my snowflakes- instead of crying about how everyone is going to make you melt? Just get out till you’re grown up or don’t post- Because tumblr is not, and was not ever a space with kids in mind.
Signed, a SFW 18+ Vore Blog whose owner has been here long before he even had the blog and was a kid lurking here too. (And don’t think I don’t regret what my little eyes can’t unsee.)
Now go make a discord for you all to hang in, THEN you can have your bubble intact.
And stop bashing on adults for being adults on a social media website that’s entire culture was made by a whole diff generation than you. Especially over something that is A FETISH for people more often than just a fixation.
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whollydevoured · 2 months
I am home 🎉
But I have start classes tomorrow so I must prepare for that :<
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whollydevoured · 2 months
While I do agree with the majority of this post, we shouldn’t be calling vore “SFW” because regardless of what you may think it be, it is at its root- a fetish. And fetishes will never be “safe for work.” (Non-sexual though?, go ham, because non-sexual fetishes are also often referred to as ‘fixations’ (oral fixation, for example.)
I may be wrong here; but I am pretty sure that the vore tumblr minors also created the “sfw vore” tag for their spaces (even if they didn’t, they are the majority that uses it), so tagging things with that will get minors on your blog and expose them to your content regardless of how you feel about that.
I was on the internet at far too young of an age as well, so I can’t really say there’s a way to stop them from viewing it, but if we are knowledge about the spaces (tags, for this instance) that they engage with, should we really be using them in our 18+ spaces?
Edit; I wanted to elaborate on my last point before someone tries to misinterpret me.
Under no circumstances do I encourage minors to engage with vore (or any other adult content/spaces), it is unsafe for them- and will also do LOADS of harm to them in the process (I am speaking from experience as an adult who had unrestricted internet access in the early 2000s). However, also speaking from that experience, I know there is absolutely nothing we can do to realistically keep those kids out of adult spaces.
So, as responsible adults on the internet, we should do what we are able to (within reason) to keep kids out of our spaces, this means not using tags that we know lots of them use, and have even coined for those spaces.
This is because (again, speaking from experience) there ALWAYS will be bad adults in our adult spaces that will take advantage of those kids. And they will ALWAYS (unfortunately) be exposed to more extreme things that can cause them to spiral and try to weed themselves into even more adult spaces.
While I’m not saying you have to go out of your way and be the vore tumblr police to keep our spaces separated, I think the bare minimum is to not knowingly use tags that we all know are monopolized by the tumblr vore minors.
I’m gonna have a controversial take that may piss some people off.
I totally I respect that the minors made their own tags n shit. Good for them knowing how to try and forge that safe space- but some of you all need to be reminded/humbled.
As tumblr when it was made? Bro it was anything but a place for kids and never should have been a place they go. But like Las Vegas, they do now and expect adults to suddenly be OK with it and modify “sin city” to be kid appropriate.
Especially when their respective interest does exist as a fetish as well. And a lot adults that do not and will not give a shit to avoid blogs. Why? Well because this was their space first-
Now that isn’t to say it’s a good or kind way to go about it by just being disrespectful of any boundaries. But I can agree they aren’t wrong for thinking kids shouldn’t be on tumblr of all places to post their stuff and get mad that the place was full of adults already.
Would you go into Las Vegas and tell the strippers that because you like dancing for the form instead of the body appeal that they should put some clothes on? No- you SHOULD realize it’s fucking Las Vegas!
I know I know: “there isn’t anywhere to go for SFW only vore then!”
Yep. Because it’s not going to happen. You like it as a fixation only, but no matter what? People out there mostly don’t- or lay somewhere in between.
And that’s why I waited till I was able to cope with the fact people will be looking at my stuff that way before posting vore. As growing up, I knew it wasn’t exactly viewed as nothing more than a fetish. And I didn’t make it the adults problem they viewed it as such- so when I finally did get around to it? I knew how I wanted to view it- and that I wasn’t going to be able to, nor wanted to bother changing the way these now fellow adults see it. I just told them to shut the fuck up about how much of a boner they got on my blog. Go jerk it in silence.
Just like any show maker or artist: You must accept your creation will be twisted beyond your own making. (Even in nonsexual connotations too!)
It’s a terrible but true fact. If you can’t handle that? Creating is going to be a very difficult time for you. (Even I struggle with that still at times.)
Welcome to the internet my snowflakes- instead of crying about how everyone is going to make you melt? Just get out till you’re grown up or don’t post- Because tumblr is not, and was not ever a space with kids in mind.
Signed, a SFW 18+ Vore Blog whose owner has been here long before he even had the blog and was a kid lurking here too. (And don’t think I don’t regret what my little eyes can’t unsee.)
Now go make a discord for you all to hang in, THEN you can have your bubble intact.
And stop bashing on adults for being adults on a social media website that’s entire culture was made by a whole diff generation than you. Especially over something that is A FETISH for people more often than just a fixation.
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whollydevoured · 2 months
Teasing/torturing my prey until they cry and the licking their tears off of their face.
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whollydevoured · 2 months
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Reblogging this because
Hi chat - im gonna be (mostly) gone for a few days on a trip
It would be very kewl if I came back to some fun asks and/or prompts and things like that :3
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whollydevoured · 2 months
This made me think of @dinnergirl
I'm definitely not a pred by any means but I do still pay attention to the reblogs and responses I get and I must confess, all of the preybrained girls that respond are so cute-
Like, you want to get churned up soooo bad, don't you? Fill out a gorgeous pred's hips? It's so cute how desperate you are to be a meal.
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