#going to try & post something (for realz) today !
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tetzoro · 8 months ago
goooood morning & happy tuesday friendz !! i hope you all have a wonderful day ! remember to drink lots of water, get yourself a lil treat & unclench your jaws ! ^_^
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quirkychaoticraptor · 4 years ago
“Camp Cretaceous” Season 2 Review
 As the title says, this is what this post is gonna be about xD. And, unless I’m very stupid (which is entirely possible), but the whole “Under the Cut” option for spoilers no longer seems to exist. Sooo....
SPOILER ALERT!!! For this whole post, just in case.
 Alright, first off, I just wanna say this show has surprised me, yet again. I was concerned that this season was going to feel very rushed and turn out disappointing since the date for it was so soon after season 1. Because as I’ve probably said in my last review of this show...usually, when things get a date that soon after the first season/movie/book/whatever, they don’t turn out quite well, most of the time. So yeah, the date for this 2nd season did make me feel really skeptical. However! I binged it, today, and was genuinely surprised that it turned out to be just as good as the first season! Maybe even better!
 I’ll try not to make this review as long as my last one ^^;.
 Anyway, first off (again, but for realz or whatever), I knew that Ben was going to come back. I noticed the twitch in his fingers at the very end of season 1. So I saw that coming. What I didn’t see coming was his kinda sudden character development (if that’s what it’s called...I dunno, I’m no expert on the whole character development thing ^^;). He went from a very skittish boy to like, Tarzan. Lol! He grew a pair, and I’m a little proud of him xD. Then again, I guess that’s what being alone and surviving like that with lack of sleep will do to you. I also loved how big and powerful Bumpy grew up to be! And protective! I mean, of course, she kinda did imprint on the boy (or is it the other way around?), just as how Blue was protective of Owen. I just love those sort of bonds in wild animals and humans that they share (I’m being a nerd, please ignore me xD).
 Oh! Blue! I love that they gave her a bit more screen-time! Just like the first season, her screen-time only lasted about a second...but she had more scene cuts like that than she did in the first season! I kinda hope she’ll make more of an appearance in season 3 (yes, I read that apparently, season 3 is probably a strong possibility), and if she does, I hope she’ll actually have a full scene with her in the spotlight, if that makes any sense. She is just like, my top most favorite character in the Jurassic World movies (with Rexy coming in second).
 Speaking of Rexy, our old girl is as badass as frickin’ always! Her roars will forever give me the chills (I’m still so happy that they kept all the dinosaur sounds from all the movies. I find it interesting that she had pretty much made Main Street her little home. I was confused about her making a nest, though. Like, she an old lady, why does she need a nest xD? On a different note, maybe I just didn’t see them...but, I noticed that she did not have her scars. That confused me because since I didn’t see any of her scars, I wasn’t sure if it was actually her...or, if there has actually been a 2nd T-Rex on the island that nobody knew about (that’s unlikely, though). But she’s supposed to have scars, people! She’s a fighter, and has been in some tough battles! Lol!
 I liked that the people who made this show brought back Toro. Even for only two scenes, and Ben had gone up against her in his story of what had happened after the end of the first season. The Ceratosaur making an appearance did kinda surprise me, as the last time I saw that dinosaur, she was in the 3rd Jurassic Park movie (please don’t at me about that, I grew up with all 3 of those movies). I mean, I saw her in the season 2 trailer, but honestly, she had such a small clip in said trailer that I forgot about her ^^;. Even in this show, she didn’t really make too much of an appearance as I had thought she would.
 The Baryonyxes. This trio were very interesting antagonists! I actually liked them, a lot! And I’m not really much of a Baryonyx fan (probably because growing up, I never really paid it too much mind as I did Velociraptors and Tyrannosaurs. I only remember seeing 1 Baryonyx in the Jurassic World movies, but she only got a little bit of screen-time. Now that I think about it...it might’ve been the two siblings in “Fallen Kingdom...because I think one of them died when the volcano exploded, and the other one was carried onto one of those ships. I could be totally wrong, though...but after watching this season, it would kinda make sense and an interesting theory. Anyway, I went off-track, there. Main point being: Baryonyx, very interesting antagonist, actually terrifying. I was not expecting them to sound like that, either. Maybe I’m just crazy, but they sounded just a little bit like the Indominous! Maybe.... 
 I was not expecting poachers to be in this show, at all. I’m actually very against poachers...I feel like they’re the reason some certain animals are going extinct. But anyway, that was an interesting reveal! I was suspicious of them from the get-go, but I honestly thought that they would turn out to be working for Manticore. The show did a good job on making me constantly second-guess this couple! I never liked them, to begin with, simply because I felt something off about them...but they were just horrible people! The woman, I forget her name, was the worst of the two, or so she turned out. She seemed to be the one actually in charge of things. Lemme tell you, when she killed one of the Baryonyxes, I literally had a “uhhhmmm” moment because I just knew that her actions were going to come around right back to her...literally. My heart actually went out to the other two Baryonyxes because it was just...a bit of a roller-coaster of emotions, there! The woman later on left her husband for dead (now, that’s just a douche move). But ya know...what goes around comes around! So, I wasn’t shocked when the two Baryonyxes made their way onto her boat.
 Yeah.... Karma is a bitch.
 What I really liked about this season was that it threw in so many elements of the first Jurassic Park movie. I loved that! I haven’t seen the movie in a really long time, so those elements in this season was a nice quick nostalgia ride for me. Raptors in the kitchen (though, in the show’s case, Baryonyx in the lab), the watering hole (I think that was in the first movie, but I could be very wrong), Rexy with the flipped over Jurassic Park (World) vehicle...all of it was amazing to see!
 I talked a lot about the dinosaurs, sorry ^^;!
 The kids were great, of course. Honestly, I feel like there isn’t too much to say about the humans, this season. The kids get along, well, and prove to be a great team, Kenji is...well, Kenji xD, and like I said, Ben coming back was expected but still great to watch. One thing I also liked was that the kids realized and pretty much implied about what had happened to the Indominous.
 To close this review off, I have just one question in mind about something that has me totally thrown off and kinda desperate for answers.... What in the hell is in that locked room in the lab?!?! What was cooked up that the show is so implying to be incredibly scary and dangerous?! Is it another I-Rex or is it a I-Raptor or a half-dino, half-human creature?! What?! Dr. Wu?! Explain, please!
 Ok, I’m done with my confused ranting xD.
 That is my review for season 2 of “Camp Cretaceous”! I am curious to see what season 3 will bring and what the kids will do, now, since they’ve decided to no longer wait for people to come rescue them. I’m also curious to see what sort of dinosaurs season 3 will bring. That is all if season 3 does get decided to become a thing. 
 Until next time! Later! 
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vcg73 · 5 years ago
Witch!Kurt #44: Three Cats and a Coffee Shop
“You sure you’re ready for this?” Kurt asked, resting his hands on Adam’s shoulders and kneading the tense muscles with soothing pressure. “As much as I like the idea of being able to eavesdrop on this meeting, I don’t want you to feel like you have to go. You don’t have anything to prove.”
Adam nodded, lifting his own hands to lightly grip Kurt’s wrists, not to to push him away but to take comfort in the increased contact. “I know. I think I moved myself past that hurdle the last time we were in Lima, but I still want to go. And it’s not as if he’ll know it’s me. I’ll just feel better about things if I can be sure, once and for all, that he has no power over me. Besides, I rather like the idea of giving you a psychic Skype.”
Kurt laughed, pleasantly surprised by the little joke. He could feel that his husband was nervous but no longer terrified by the thought of close contact with Blaine, and that reassured him in turn. Giving those smiling lips a soft kiss, he nodded and let him go. “All right then.” He looked over at Fam, who were sitting on the arm of the living room sofa watching their exchange. “Sam? Are you sure Blaine will be at the Bean right now?”
The blank expression that the two young men typically wore when neither was exerting any particular control over their shared body cleared as Sam came to the forefront. “Probably. Before Burt came to get me, I used to spend most of my time there and Blaine always came in for at least an hour every afternoon around this time. Back then I was upset because he never wanted to talk to me, but now I’m kind of glad he didn’t.”
He twitched like he had just had a bug crawl over his skin. Sam had come an amazingly long way since being joined with Finn, but he could still recall what it had felt like to spend every day feeling confused, and exhausted, and desperately lonely, unable to understand what he had done to drive away the person he had believed to be his best friend. He was just starting to come to grips with the betrayal of that relationship, and the knowledge of just how much harm had been done to him, Finn, and so many others.
Kurt patted him on the back, understanding that feeling better than most people could.
“Okay, then. Sebastian, Tubbington, Elliott, and Adam, you’re on recon duty. While we see how things stand with Blaine, I want Dani and Monica to go over to McKinley and check with Sue Sylvester. I’ll text and let her know you’re coming. She can get you a pass to take a look around the school and find out what kind of shape the kids and teachers are in. Also find out if Blaine is sucking power or magic dumping with anyone in particular. My guess would be the current group of New Directions, if he hasn’t found another David or Sam yet.”
“On it,” Dani said. “I know where the school is from when I was dating Santana. We came here once for some concert the club was putting on.”
He nodded, interested to realize that nobody was hesitating at all about following his directives. On the contrary, they seemed happy to be taking action. He turned toward his old classmates.
“Santana, Brittany, and Johnny,” he said. “I know you’re probably surprised that I didn’t give you the McKinley job but I wanted to send someone the people there won’t be familiar with, and I have another job that I feel like your particular blend of talents is very well suited for.  I think it’s time we begin a subtle harassment campaign.”
Santana perked up like a child who had just received a new puppy for Christmas. “You want us to be the itching powder in Blainer’s shorts? For realz?”
He grinned at her excitement. “Absolutely. Wait for the others to finish their coffee run first, but after that you have blanket permission to become his unwelcome shadows. Use whatever dirty tricks you like as long you don’t get caught. I want Blaine irritated, annoyed, unfocused, and most of all, distracted from thinking about me and what I might be doing.”
“And what will you be doing?” Elliott asked, knowing his friend too well to think he would be content to sit here and direct the action without being part of it.
“I want to go to Dalton Academy,” he said.  “Ever since I first learned there was such a thing as influential magic, I’ve suspected that Blaine probably got started there. Most of you never saw him as a Warbler, but they used to hang on his every word, and hand him every solo even though their standing policy, at least according to the group’s council, had always been to parcel songs out fairly.  I remember competing for a secondary spot against two guys named Nick and Jeff, and finding out later that neither one had had a solo since Blaine started at Dalton, even though both of them had been there longer than he had.  It suggests that he’s probably been buying influence with magic since he was around fifteen.”
“So, five or six years,” Sebastian mused. “That sounds about right. You know that a big part of the reason I came to find Blaine back when we first met was because the Warblers were so united in being up his ass. It’s why I assumed he would be something special. By the time I started at Dalton the famous Warbler Council had graduated and nobody could organize themselves well enough to replace them. Taking over was a snap. At the time, I thought it was just my own charisma that made them fall in behind me like a row of ants, but I guess they were just conditioned to play follow the leader.”
He looked so disappointed by this revelation that Kurt could not help smiling. “That’s right, and I’m betting Blaine’s influential magic didn’t really ramp up until he went to Dalton, just as mine didn’t start to manifest until I became a student there. I’ve been thinking about this a lot and I believe there’s more to that school than just a couple of residual power confluences. Now that I have the power to really check the place out, I want a better look.”
Burt cut in before anyone else could speak. “Not alone.” He pointed a stern finger when Kurt opened his mouth to protest. “No. I know you’ve got a lot of power now, Kurt, but I’m gonna put my foot down on this one. If your group of Warblers was that far under Blaine’s thumb, what do you think the current group that he’s playing teacher with is going to be like?  You want to go to Dalton? Fine, but you take someone along to watch your back.”
Elliott, to Kurt’s surprise, sided with his father. “He’s right.  I can either take you over there now while the others go spy on Blaine, or you can wait until we’re back.”
Chiming in on the side of caution, Adam said, “We’re only going to be gone a short while, darling, and you’ll want to concentrate on whatever I’m experiencing. Afterward, you can go to Dalton better fortified with knowledge of what you’re walking into.”
It was obvious to Kurt that Adam wanted to go with him, but his husband’s reason for wanting to face Blaine was a sound one, and that he would almost certainly need a little time to recover after doing so.
It was not anyone’s fault that Kurt was suddenly itching to take direct and immediate action.
“Okay,” he agreed, trying not to show his reluctance. “You’re right. I’d rather stick with the current plan and wait until you get home. Just be careful, okay? All of you?”
Sebastian Smythe sauntered into the Lima Bean, looking as smug as it was possible for any person to look as he strolled over to an empty table carrying a large, lazily-lounging black cat in his arms. He had conjured the most casually expensive clothing he could think of, because he knew that Blaine Anderson had an almost Pavlovian attraction to a show of ‘better than you’.
Beside him walked a pudgy, bearded man dressed in wrinkled khakis and a black t-shirt covered by an eye-popping orange and white Hawaiian shirt, with a smiling sun medallion resting prominently against his chest.
Blaine Anderson was right where Sam had said he would be. Center table, seated alone. He looked up as the newcomers came into the shop, straightening his posture and smiling as they approached his table, only to frown when they turned left and took seats at an empty table nearby without seeming to notice him. His frown became one of puzzlement when the black cat peered up at the posted menu next to the barista station, looking as if it were considering what to order. His bafflement only grew when a smiling teenage waitress approached after just a few seconds, carrying a saucer full of heavily creamed coffee, which she placed in front of her unusual customer, patting his sleek little head gently before she took coffee orders from the two men.
Blaine shot a glower at the girl’s back when she walked away without so much as a glance in his direction, giving a flip of her high ponytail and a disdainful swish of her short skirt. Lima Bean employees were not supposed to wear skirts as part of their work uniform, but this one seemed to be doing whatever she liked today, including ignoring a customer who was raising his empty cup to request a refill. He focused back on the newcomers and decided to speak first, since they seemed annoyingly disinclined to be polite.
“Hey, Sebastian,” he said slowly, “Long time no see.”
“Oh … Blaine,” Sebastian replied slowly, feigning an air of surprise as though he had only just noticed that he and his unknown companion were not the only people in the coffee shop. His eyes flicked to the empty cup in Blaine’s hand and he smirked. “What happened, you forget to tip your server again?”
“She’s probably a Cheerio in her off-duty hours,” he grumbled in reply, setting the cup down with an annoyed click when the girl returned with two small plates of pastries for the men, ignoring Blaine once again as she left. “All of Sue Sylvester’s girls act like they own the world.”
The heavy-set man snorted around a bite of croissant. “Must be contagious,” he mumbled.
Blaine gave him a vaguely disdainful look as the man inhaled his pastry and brushed the crumbs off his shirt and beard. He flicked a gesture toward Elliott, who was watching him with impassive blue eyes over the top of the saucer and licking flecks of cream off his long whiskers. “Are you allowed to have that thing in here? Isn’t it kind of unhygienic?”
Tubbington gave Blaine an appraising once-over, flicking a few crumbs in his general direction just to annoy their observer. Even with all his screwing around in the minds and magic of witches, the little punk clearly wasn’t able to recognize a Familiar when he saw one. Probably because no self-respecting Familiar would be caught within a mile of him. Well, except for Sebastian. Tubbington nearly hissed at the boy on general principle. “We know the owners. They make an exception for Service Animals.”
“Service animal?” Blaine repeated, mouth twisting a little. “A cat? That’s ridiculous.”
“Support Animal then,” he replied. “Emotional, not that it’s any of your business. Ya nosy little shit.” The last comment was muttered under his breath, but Blaine’s stiffening features showed that he had heard. Tubbington hid a smile around a sip of steaming caramel latte – pity they didn’t serve booze in a place like this – from the cup their cute little waitress had just set in front of him.
Sebastian paid for the drinks, his own a regular triple-shot mocha, and gave the girl a generous tip, winking at her as she blushed and flounced away. Blaine scowled at her back, and Sebastian smiled at him. “You see, I find it very depressing to be around some people,” he said, taking a sip and nodding thoughtfully as though the drink had managed, barely, to meet his expectations. “The cat reminds me not to go around punching them in the face.”
Tubbington snorted a laugh at Blaine’s nonplussed expression.
“Oh, by the way,” Sebastian continued. “This is my uncle. L.T. is visiting town and I thought I’d show him my old haunts. Unc, this is Blaine Anderson. A high school acquaintance of mine.”
The way he said the words seemed to imply that that relationship had been so far in the past that it was barely worth remembering, like the imaginary friend one had played with when they were a toddler.
Blaine bristled. “We were a little more than that.”
“Were we?” he said, frowning slightly. “I forget, did we hook up at some point? It’s hard to remember. I was kind of a wild kid. You know how it goes, L.T.  Small town, not much to do, not too many out guys to choose from.”
His apologetic tone seemed to suggest that his friendship with Blaine had been a case of slim pickings being better than none at all, and Tubbington could not hold back a grin at the incensed expression on Blaine’s face. “Yeah, I get it,” he said. “Lucky you got a boyfriend now.”
Back off, gel-head. He’s off the market, Tubbington thought, reaching across to pat Elliott’s head as the black cat began to purr loudly. He had made the statement because he was curious to see how this self centered creature would react to the news of Sebastian’s relationship. Especially, if he was looking for a new pigeon following his breakup with Dave Karofsky.
“Why don’t you come over and join us?” Sebastian said, abruptly taking on a friendlier tone as he casually lifted a finger to gain the waitress’s attention and pointed to Blaine’s empty cup. She nodded and he smiled, knowing it would annoy the other man even more to have his order jumped to while Blaine’s had been ignored. “We can catch up a little.”
Blaine practically leaped to accept. He started to take the chair next to Sebastian’s, but changed his mind and took the one across when Elliott continued to stare him down with eyes that looked entirely too wise. “Not a cat person,” he explained faintly.
Tubbington slurped his latte, looking nearly as smug as his ‘nephew’. If only you knew, you little shit.
Thoroughly enjoying teasing this particular rat, Sebastian said, “Yes … I remember that now. Kurt said you wouldn’t let him get a cat after you moved in with him. He had intended to get one when he moved to New York. Even made sure the loft was pet friendly before signing the lease, but then he was too busy starting his new life at Vogue and moving in, setting up housekeeping, babysitting Rachel Berry. He barely had time for anything else. And that was before he threw college into the mix. Most of us understood that.”
Blaine flushed, recognizing the barb in that comment. He had been the only person who did not understand that Kurt’s jam-packed schedule as he was setting up his life in New York would not permit him to devote as much time to keeping Blaine happy and attended. “How do you know what Kurt’s life was like? You were never friends.”
He sounded like a sulking child.
Sebastian shrugged one shoulder, smirking knowingly as he said, “No, not then. I ran into him again after he dumped you the last time, and … well, let’s just say that we’ve learned a lot about each other since then.”
Blaine, who had bristled at the reminder of being dumped, suddenly looked like he wanted to murder Sebastian. The intensity of his gaze as he leaned forward and stared at his former friend was honestly frightening. It did not seem entirely sane. “What do you mean, since then? I heard through a couple of people at McKinley that Kurt had gotten married. Apparently to someone he must have just met. I know for a fact he wasn’t dating anyone at Christmas.”
Continuing to alternately sip at his coffee and pet the cat in his lap, a cat that had begun subtly growling at Blaine’s enraged tone, Sebastian just smiled with a knowing air.
“Check your sources, short-stack,” Tubbington cut in, ignoring the fact that in his human form he and Blaine were roughly the same height. He merely spoke to be condescending, wanting to get the boy’s attention off of Sebastian.
Sure enough that weirdly hostile focus shifted to him. He could feel the energy of badly focused magic washing over him, strong but sloppy, as if it were water thrown from a full bucket, searching for any target in its general vicinity.
Santana had been right. Swipe and Splooge was indeed this one’s style.
While the influence of Wild magic had no real effect on him, he could feel that Blaine had indeed grown dangerous with it. This profligate use of power, used with no real need or focus, paired with a hair-trigger temper showed that much. This boy had no more notion or care for how the power worked, or how to fine-tune it for a better result, than a monkey knew the difference between picking up a gun and pulling the trigger, or just tossing a handful of poop at someone. As long as it got a reaction, nothing else mattered.
“Kurt was seeing someone at Christmas. They got married on Valentine’s Day. I was invited, seeing as I’m a close family friend and all.”
Blaine looked like his head was about to explode. “Valentine’s Day?” He turned to Sebastian again. “You married Kurt, my Kurt, on our special day?”
He was yelling, not seeming to notice or care that everyone else in the Lima Bean had started staring. Apparently Blaine had known about the wedding, but not the exact date, or the identity of the other groom. That was very interesting. It suggested that whomever had spilled the beans when they returned to Lima must somehow have had enough control over themselves, in spite of his influence, to not part with too much information.
Had he been throwing the net of his influence over too wide a target, making it lose strength? Or had the sudden loss of Karofsky taken a greater toll than they had supposed.
Tubbington placed a hand against his own chest, pretending to adjust the chain that held his medallion, but in reality just covering the fact that the necklace had started to tremble against his breast. It gave him a chance to give Adam’s transformed body a supportive pat. Whether he was having a fear reaction to Blaine’s show of rage, or just getting angry himself at this show of possessiveness, Adam clearly needed a little help keeping control.
“Funny,” Sebastian said calmly, pushing away his cup and cuddling the cat in his arms closer, likely for the same reason that Tubbington was soothing Adam. Elliott was a very collected individual most times, but he did have a temper when someone he cared about was being mistreated. And he loved Kurt with all his big generous heart. “I don’t seem to recall Valentine’s as being anything special for you. Didn’t you hit on another dude right in front of Kurt in your first year as friends? Then pretend to be so badly injured from that rock salt I tossed in your face the next year that you couldn’t bother getting him a gift, even though you were dating and supposed to be madly in love by then? Ignored him so thoroughly, in fact, that Karofsky thought you’d broken up and that it was smooth sailing to Kurt’s heart.”
“What? You? He?” Blaine spluttered.
Sebastian laughed, his wicked green eyes gleaming. The rat was cornered now. “Oh, I know all about that. By the way, I just heard that Dave dumped you too. Always thought that guy was smarter than he looked. I guess it’s a good thing you and I never dated. You’d be Oh for Three.”
Everyone at the table flinched when a shockwave of pure uncontrolled power washed over them from the force of Blaine’s temper. Damn, he was even more hair-triggered than they had guessed if all it took was a mere mention of losing Kurt and Karofsky. He had always been a bit unstable, but the unfiltered and repeated use of stolen magic and high emotion – for that was certainly what he was siphoning from the crowds of brain-washed Standards – had taken its toll.
Tubbington, sensing the coming explosion, had placed both hands protectively over the disguised Adam and whispered a protective incantation under his breath. Thus shielded, the human was no more affected by the blast than the Familiars were. Even so, Tubbington felt a bit shaken and he knew it must be even worse for Adam to have felt that touch again after what he had experienced before.
He glanced around the café. The little witch behind the barista station was looking stunned. Their fellow customers, Standards all, suddenly looked as intelligent as a pack of zombies in a B movie. This might take them a couple of days to recover from.
Tubbington didn’t really do guilt, but he grimaced, wondering just how often things like this had been happening in Anderson’s vicinity while they had stayed home waiting for a perfect moment to confront him. Not that they could or should have done anything else before their coven leader was properly trained and protected within his magic, but the delay still sucked for these poor saps.
For his part, Blaine looked both shocked and disappointed that his three companions were unaffected. He reached forward as if intending to take the hand Sebastian had laid on the edge of the table to steady himself when the surprising temper tantrum had struck, and Elliott struck out at him with sharp, angry, protective claws, scoring a furrow along the back of Blaine’s hand.
“Ow!” he shouted, snatching his hand back and looking at the injury in disbelief as it started to well blood. Just as if he himself had not been the one to attack first, or as if he had already forgotten his murderous impulse, he scowled and pressed a paper napkin to the wound. “Get that fucking animal under control, Sebastian!”
“You might need a tetanus shot. We don’t know where he’s been,” Sebastian remarked.  
It took Blaine a moment to realize that his former friend was actually speaking to the cat.
As he shoved his chair dramatically back from the table, Sebastian looked at him with narrowed eyes. “By the way, Blaine. I’m not the one Kurt married, and you might want to think about all the things you’ve told me over the last couple of years. Because you aren’t nearly as good as you think you are, and this is fair warning. Kurt knows what you’ve done, or tried to do, and he’s through playing nice.”
For a moment, Blaine looked confused, then slightly frightened. But his focus immediately returned to his personal obsession. “Who did Kurt marry if it wasn’t you? Tell me!”
“Un-fucking-believable,” Tubbington said, slapping both hands hard on the table and standing up. He needed to get Adam out of here, the medallion against his chest was growing hot. Besides, he’d had about all he could take of this guy. “Why don’t you get a life and stop butting into Kurt’s, you little pecker-head. He ain’t your puppet anymore. We came here today to tell you that your reign of power in Lima is over. It started with Kurt, and now it’s going to end with him. Got me?”
Blaine looked warily from hard hazel eyes to challenging green ones. Even the black cat was glaring.  He blinked, as if he had just figured out that they were not affected by his influence somehow. He realized something else as well. “He’s at Burt’s house,” he said slowly. “That’s why Burt wouldn’t let me inside to visit Sam last week. Kurt was there.”
He was wrong, of course, but no one felt the need to enlighten him.
Blaine suddenly smiled brightly, an expression that had no business being on the face of someone who had just been subtly threatened.
This must be how stalkers look before pulling out a knife and getting all stabby,’ Tubbington thought, backing off a step.
Blaine laughed, “I get it! This was just a test, to find out if I still love Kurt. Burt, and you … you’re both trying to protect him because you don’t understand that he and I are soul mates. Kurt belongs with me. We both know that.” He sounded so reasonable that it was absolutely creepy. “He must have realized that he made a mistake and left that other guy. Just like me and Dave.  Kurt must be afraid I won’t forgive him, but I will.  We both made mistakes, but nobody has ever suited me as well as Kurt. I don’t need anyone else. We’ll get his marriage annulled, if he hasn’t done it already, and then we can be together. Just like we were meant to be. And he’ll leave New York. That place was never good for us. Too many bad influences. Other guys made Kurt think he could belong to someone else, and that he needed to pursue his own life, instead of taking care of me the way he should have. Let him know I forgive him and that we can stay in Ohio. Everything will be the way it should always have been.”
Sebastian, not usually one to display his feelings overtly, was staring at Blaine as one would stare at an in-progress fender bender. Watching him shift in the space of a ten minute conversation from jealous, to murderous, to whiny, to annoyed, to full blown fantasy land had thrown Sebastian off balance as very little else could.
Elliott was looking as if he’d experienced the unexpected sharing of someone else’s acid trip.
“Blainers has gone bye-bye,” Tubbington muttered.
Blaine was no longer paying attention to them. He did not seem to care at all when Sebastian made a vague excuse about having somewhere to be and the three of them exited the café.
They ducked into a convenient alley between a restaurant and a clothing store, so that the cat and the medallion could both resume their human forms.
Elliott took the arm of a lightly trembling Adam, Transporting him back to Burt’s house as the other two Familiars came along under their own power. Neither could carry another person, but as they had long since explained to Kurt, any cat could use the in-between spaces to Teleport themselves.
When they appeared, Kurt stepped forward and pulled his husband into a firm embrace. Adam’s arms came to encircle his waist, holding on just as tight.
“Are you okay?” Kurt asked, pulling back to look into his eyes. “I could feel how difficult it was for you to hold on. Do you need to lie down? Can I get you anything?”
Adam managed a smile as he pulled him closer again. “No, darling. I just need to be here with you for a few moments, knowing both of us are safe and sound. Could you see and hear all of that?”
Kurt shivered. “Most of it. I lost transmission here and there, but I certainly caught the last part. He sounded insane.”
“Looked it too,” Sebastian said unhappily.
Elliott sat down on the sofa and patted the space next to him. Recognizing that his Familiar needed the reassurance of his presence, Kurt cuddled in next to him and slung his arm around his shoulders, doing the same for Adam when he took the spot to Kurt’s other side.
The little group explained what had happened for the benefit of those who had not been able to magically eavesdrop.
“It has to be the influence of all those people he’s been stealing from,” Santana murmured, tapping her finger against her lips. “He was never the steadiest, especially when it came to Kurt, but considering how many brains he’s been hacking, and for how long, he’s bound to have picked up snippets of other people’s thoughts and feelings. It would have just made him even more whacked.”
Tubbington nodded. “I think so too. It was freaky how intense he got the moment Kurt’s name came up. And the way he attacked, just like that?” He snapped his stubby digits in demonstration. “That is not how a stable person reacts to hearing that their ex has moved on with his life.”
A little shudder traveled over Kurt’s body, causing the two loved ones bracketing him to both reach out and touch him with automatic reassurance. “I’ve seen that look before. He had it the time he tried to force me to have sex in the Scandals parking lot. When I pushed him away, he got that same ragey, possessive look. It freaked me out even more then than it does now. It was the first time I ever started to think maybe he didn’t really love me. But unfortunately within a few hours I’d decided it must have been my fault for saying no to him.”
“I wish you’d told me what happened on that night,” Burt said grimly. He had been listening from the kitchen door and he shook his head grimly at his son’s words. “I’d have murdered the little shit if I knew he’d ever laid his hands on you that way. Saved us all a lot of grief.”
Kurt smiled at him. “Maybe, but as much as I appreciate it, I’m glad you didn’t. I wouldn’t have been willing to trade your life, or your freedom, for his.”
“Neither would I,” Adam agreed, nodding respectfully at his father-in-law. “Though I can’t disagree with the sentiment. I didn’t know Kurt then, but I would give anything to have spared him that pain.”
There were murmurings of agreement throughout the group, and Kurt squeezed the two closest to him, touched by how much they all cared.
Burt continued, “The question is, what do we do next? No matter how warped his perception of fact might be, he’s going to be expecting Kurt now.”
“Do we just rush him?” Johnny asked, sounding uncertain. “Before he has time to bring in backup? I mean, he won’t be expecting all of us, right?”
Kurt shook his head. “No, but I don’t trust him not to grab the nearest innocent to use as a shield if he feels threatened. I’d prefer to avoid getting anyone else involved if possible. I think for now, we’ll just stick with our plan. I still want to do that research project I mentioned.”
Adam cocked his head, relieved but also curious. “I rather expected you’d be ready to march right down to the coffee shop and tear his head off.”
“I guess I’ve learned to be more patient since gaining magic,” Kurt told him, taking his hand and giving the matching set of rings on Adam’s left hand a light stroke with his thumb to indicate the other reason for some of that virtue. He looked at Elliott. “Dalton Academy tomorrow?”
Elliott nodded. “I’m in.”
Kurt looked at his husband. If there was going to be a little delay, then maybe, “You want to come?”
Surprised but pleased at the invitation, Adam beamed at him. “Love to. With all I’ve heard, I’m as curious to get a look at that place as you are. And this time, it’ll be my magic that comes in handy. Or have you forgotten that I can render people unnoticeable at will?”
Kurt had indeed forgotten that Adam used to do just that in protection of the Adam’s Apples from less than friendly NYADA peers. He was also delighted that Adam felt up to another adventure so soon, in spite of being emotionally shaken by this last one. “I feel better already.”
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santiagoswagger · 6 years ago
"you're cute when you're all worried"! (pre relationship would be awesome but your choice :)) )
This isn’t pre-relationship but I hope this is sort of what you were looking for! 
Jake overthinks his third date with Amy. 
Prompt: “You’re cute when you’re all worried.”
It’s not often that Jake is at a loss for words, but three days into a romantic relationship with Amy Santiago and he might as well be mute.
It’s nearing the end of the work day. He would usually be elbow-deep in a case file by now but he’s antsy to leave the precinct today, his knee jiggling steadily as he watches the clock on the wall behind him. He has something, more like someone, to go home to now.
Or, at least he thinks he does. It’s only been three days, after all, and they don’t really know what this unnamed thing between them even is. Jake knows what he wants it to be, has known for a while now, but they haven’t talked about the future just yet.
They went home together after their first date two days ago, but that had been a drunken decision – a great, life-changing drunken decision, but not intentional. And last night, Amy came to his place in a spontaneous romantic gesture after calling things off – which was awesome and meant more than he could ever say, but also not intentional. He wants tonight, their third night, to be intentional.
This is foreign territory for him.
He’s always loved too hard, too fast, and it got him hurt one too many times in his 20s. He chose casual dating and one-night stands to full-on relationships until Sophia crashed into his life with her perfect, shiny hair and her love of hot wings, and he thought he’d give love another try. That had ended much the same way the others had, but it left him with the knowledge that he could do it again, for realz, with the right person.
It’s only been three days, but he has a feeling Amy could be that person for him. He just doesn’t want to jinx it yet by overstepping too soon and scaring her away. He wants this one to work out. His heart’s been invested too long for it to fall apart.
The little hand on the clock is nearly at the 5 when Amy marches out of the interrogation room and over to their conjoined desks.
Her neat bun has fallen over the course of the work day, leaving wispy little tendrils that frame her face perfectly. They make her look like an angel, but the thing Jake can’t seem to look away from is the smug grin she’s wearing.
“Well, well, well, somebody looks pleased with herself,” he says, unable to stop himself from beaming at her. It seems his face muscles can’t control themselves around her any more than the rest of him can.
“Oh yeah, got the confession in under an hour,” she says proudly, immediately sitting down at her desk to organize her case files.
For once, he’s not quite sure what to say, so he watches her post-interrogation routine for a moment, just as he has a number of times over their many years as partners. What’s different tonight is the hopeful pang in his chest that only grows as he watches her fill out paperwork, taking her time as she carefully signs her name. He’s got to snap out of it or he’ll never get anything done in this precinct again, and he has his reputation as the greatest detective alive to protect.
He waits until she finishes the ‘o’ in Santiago before speaking up so as to not startle her into ruining her forms. He’s made that mistake before. “So, dinner?”
He hopes it sounds as casual as he meant it to, like he’s been taking Amy Santiago to dinner his entire life and tonight is just another Thursday night.
She looks up from her work and smiles brightly. “Sure. What did you have in mind?”
He clears his throat and pretends to think hard, even though he knows exactly where to go. “How about that Italian place by your apartment? Or, you know, wherever,” he says, scratching his neck. He knows it’s one of her favorite neighborhood spots; she takes her brothers there every time they’re in town and he’s heard her rave about their panna cotta more times than he can count.
Her eyebrows shoot up. “You want to go to Angelo’s?” she asks, surprised.
He nods, looking anywhere but at her. “Yeah, you know, you’ve talked about it a lot.”
She tilts her head and he finally looks her in the eye. “I have?”
He smiles uncomfortably, feeling very vulnerable all of a sudden. “Yeah, you talk about it a lot actually.”
She stares at him for a moment, probing him thoughtfully, before nodding slowly. “Okay, let’s go. I can finish my report in the morning.”
His sigh of relief is lost among the sounds of Amy packing up her desk for the night. It’s not lost on him that she’s willing to postpone paperwork to go to dinner with him.
She slings her sensible leather tote over her shoulder and looks expectantly at him. “Ready?”
Jake just nods and they begin the short walk through the bullpen to the elevator. Once the doors close and it’s just the two of them for the first time all day, Amy moves to grab his dangling hand in hers, gently entwining their fingers.
“You’re cute when you’re all worried,” she says softly. Her tone is teasing, but Jake can see that the tips of her ears have turned pink, so he’s glad he’s not the only one that’s been affected by all the upheaval of the last few days.
He has a feeling this unnamed thing between them might not remain unnamed for much longer, and he can’t wait.
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kittywildegrrl · 6 years ago
In Which MamaCat Temporarily Loses Momentum, but has a pretty good story to tell anyway.
Honestly, darlings, did any of you also get this email this week???
“I'm XXXXX XXX-XXX from Beijing Film Academy, A film production company based in Singapore.,I saw your posted on MN FILM TV and after reviewing your profile,i feel excited with your past experiences,Kindly confirm your availability and email your recent resume to([email protected]) so i'll get back to you with the job details.Your prompt response will be highly appreciated.Thanks and God bless.”
Make of it what you will. There really is a Beijing Film Academy but it’s a .edu, not a gmail.com. Just saying.
While Mother puts that research on the back burner, let me mention here that the whole #AllFemale1776In2020 idea is alive and kicking, even though it took a week off when MamaCat lost her elder cat (actual cat). Say hello or join up at www.happycatranchproductions.com and hit us up on the contact page. Don’t worry, we have not yet begun to ask for money.
Since last I wrote, darlings, we have had to bid our Lebowski goodbye, I did not get to start my latest temp job (so back to the interview & outreach phase AGAIN), the dryer broke so we have had to go to the laundromat, and there were some pretty nasty events in the TwitterVerse and the RacismVerse. Also the nastiest week of the hottest month on record, pretty much everywhere. AND THEN THERE’S THE “CATS” TRAILER.
So… yeah… let’s talk about showbiz and self-actualization and how cool it is when cool stuff happens... I’m just going to sit down here and think of beautiful unicorns who exhale love and fart glitter…
I had promised someone recently that I would tell this story: of how all of that traveling back and forth to and from various places, and focusing on what a sweet young Golden Girl can do to break through in her acting career, has begun to lead to some really cool stuff. Quick flashback montage to actual rooms in the actual 80s and things I actually heard: “You’re very funny but you don’t fit your type”; “We can’t cast you the way you are unless you want to go blonde and get a boob job”; “You’re very talented but you won’t work until you’re over 40”; “We just can’t cast flat-chested brunettes”; “You can always come back to the business when you’re older”…
So when I got older and got some theatre work and made some friends in New York City, I began to try to face my dragons and see where I can fit into the business as it exists in the 21st century. One of those dragons is called, A Camera. In younger days, I feared the Camera as some fear the dance studio mirror or monologue auditions. Whole lotta personal issues, cats and kittens. (News Flash: Actor Admits to Personal Issues! First Time in Recorded History! Ghost of Aristophanes Dies Laughing!)
I faced down the Camera Dragon by taking some classes through Actors Launchpad. I figured I’d be the oldest, or in the top 3 oldest, in every class – and I was right! And it was scary! But then in walks Amazing Casting Director, with a half-eaten wrap in one hand and a large nearly-cold half-finished coffee in the other. She greets me, recognizing me from a recent summer stock role, because she had made it her business to look up every one of us online prior to class. So in one movement, she simultaneously made me feel welcome and seen, and also gave me a big fast lesson in professionalism: look people up. Get to know them in advance. Start the relationships off on the right foot by acknowledging humans for who they are.
(I was suddenly REALLY glad that I already had looked her up in advance and gotten to know her work as a CD. See how that works?)
I held off in class as we began to do our on-camera readings. I wanted to see what the younger actors in the room were like, what the actors closer to my own age were like, what Amazing CD’s feedback was like… oh, BS. MamaCat was scared AF! I sat there watching my colleagues’ work while I was working on all the various breathing & centering exercises for calming oneself in the midst of trying something new with a lot of risk involved. And, as we went along, I thought to myself, I can handle this, I really can.
My scene was pulled from a crime procedural; I was playing some kind of DA or judge or something cool and authoritative like that. I had been studying the actors on Massively Successful Series (casting by Amazing CD), and the really tense, underplayed, authentic work they were doing. It translated perfectly as a guideline for my scene for class. I called upon the spirits of Streep and of Eastwood to guide me. My reading partner was a real talent who gave back as good as he got.
The scene ended. The room was silent. Amazing CD said, “YES, Diana!” The class applauded.
Not every class I took at ALP that first fall went that well, but I learned something every time, and I go back to Actors Launchpad every time I’m in the City. That’s one of the things I’m doing there in Gotham City, instead of the spendy, touristy stuff. And over time, it pays off in so many ways.
Fade out, fade in; Amazing CD has me in to read for an under-five for that Massively Successful Series. Then she has me in to read for Sitcom Pilot. She requests a self-tape here and a self-tape there. Then one day… she reaches out to me for a self-tape audition for an actual speaking role in an honest-to-Josh* feature film that will be shooting on location near me.
Oh, the obstacles I had to overcome to get myself on-set for that glorious day. There’s a hilarious chapter about SAG-AFTRA and a lifetime of mistaken thingys. There was a serio-comic chapter about the non-union commercial spot shoot I had to back out of and the reaction that surprised me. It’s worth several more blog posts just telling those.
But here is the point of today’s missive: I faced down the Camera Dragon, learned from the experience, and by improving my skillset and my attitude towards booking work and where I want to go, things began to shift for me. I got my really and truly for realz SAG-AFTRA membership this year, working opposite the actual real-live Tony-Award-winning, Oscar-nominated, Mr. Frank Langella, he of Frost-Nixon and of Dracula, in a one-on-one scene in a real movie that will most likely really come out, and will most likely actually contain that scene.
Working with Frank Langella was like acting with someone you’ve known forever and been partnered with a million times. And now I am One Degree of Kevin Bacon.
There’s your lesson in courage and valor in the face of overwhelming odds, jazz babies and hepcats. You got this. In the words of Commander Peter Quincy Taggart, “Never give up! Never Surrender.”
 Meow, darlings.
 *See, “Lamb: The Gospel According to Biff,” by Christopher Moore. You’ll thank me later.
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kneelanabob-blog · 5 years ago
please forgive any spelling or grammer mistakes im not gifted in that field but if you want to get in contact with me about this post please do so and share it where ever you can all i ask is you give me credit so i can answer questions others have 
                                                  A better way Hello and thank you for takeing the time to read this... I have a feeling it could be long but something tells me it shall be worth your time... today is the day I found my cause... you see I am tired I am tired of looking around and seeing it I see it everywhere I go and in almost everything I do I see it In the faces of the people I pass in the store in our polititions in our ritch in our poor in our teachers in the pastors we entrust to guide us to a moral path what im refering to of course is the lonelyness and heartache of this world the us verses them mentality I simply refuse to bealive this is the world that I find myself in and that this is the world you find yourself in I bealive together we can change it and I bealive together we can make a diffrence I bealive that together we can stand united againts the main problem faceing our country today and its probably not what you think it is because it has been one that has been around for genurations I am talking of course of poverty for the people arnt you tired as well? Tired of getting up every day to scrape by tired of having to work for 12 hours a day simply to be able to pay your bills tired of having to walk past the homeless people in your citys averting your eyes because you yourself dont even have money to give them you might think the problem is climate change or it is war or a lack of education but with the right funds I bealive we could solve all of these so there enlies the core problem the route of all misfortune that befalls us. You see I am one of the few left I bealive that still bealives in the goodness of man that still bealives that if you could help you would I bealive that people regardless of there birth sexual orination or religion at there core are good people now you may be saying to yourself what about the rapeist the ones who exploit children and the ones who steal or kill I am here to tell you I am one of the people that has felonies and in my time incarsarated I realzed that all people regardless of who they are or what they may have done are good inside for you see you do not know the circumstances of others you are so quick to judge take the theif for instance perhaps the only way they could get money to support themselves is by stealing in a world where one can barely get a job take the prostitutes who im sure would love nothing more then to be able not to sell themselves and there dignaty for funds but they have no formal education because of shortcomeings in our own systems take the murder perhaps he felt that he had no other choice or mearly acted in a moment of anger and will forever regret what he did take the one who exploits children perhaps he to was exploited making them bealive that it is the only way to be because no one ever helped him deal with it arnt you tired of being and feeling alone? I see it every day in the faces of others. Before you are to judge another as guilty look at your own life and remember that others do not act againts you but for themselves and trust me there is a tremendus diffrence I bealive that together we can overcome these problems of the world and together we can make a change search inside yourself and see if you do not bealive as I do that people regardless of there own circumstance have the right to live comfortbly. Now I know a lot of you are thinking to yourself but what about hard work? Surley these people can get a job or government assistance so I ask you how? I know of one friend of mine who has a buisness degree and a full time job in the restraunt field because she can not find a job where she lives in the field of buisness so she has to sell herself just to be able to scrape by this is not due to lazyness or lack of ambition it is due simply to the fact that hardly any job around here provides an actual livable wage and to make matters wrose our own government says that what she does is illigal and if she where caught she could face jail time now I ask you how is consitual sex between two adults meant to be illigal when she has no other options the only thing aresting her would acomplish is her loseing her job home and probably unable to get another job and she does not even have children to feed that is only one I know of but I also know there are thousands more in just such sitations take another friend I have for example he was said to commit an illigal act but with almost zero evidance for a very minor offence  our government issued a warrant for his arest now he is homeless and unable to get a job simply because of the own shortcomeings in our justace system you may ask why he does not simply turn himself in and the answer is clearly because this man would rather be free then face jailtime for something he did not even do and im sure many of you reading this have also faced our own justace system and there “plea bargins” a tool used to convict the inocent because they fear more time for something that they useally did not do in the first place and dont have the funds to get a decent lawer and once they are convicted they will find it that much harder to get a job causeing them to again turn to crime ad infinutume and you honestly bealive that there is not a better way? How do you expect those who live 20 miles from the nearest town with no car and no one left to even help them to get a job when there is a foot of snow on the ground? And the sadest part of it is I know there are countless more casses such as these that I do not even know of and that is just in amarica not even to say anything about the other countries good people reading this I think its time we all finally admit the system itself is broken that when most of the ritch of this world could empty out there change jars and buy good people like these new homes but they simply wont due to there own greed that there HAS to be a better way I bealive I know that better way I could be wrong I will admit I am a human and I do make mistakes but I bealive to the depths of my soul that this can not be the world we find ourselves in and that all people are good people and that it is time to make a drastic change in the way we aproch everything not just our own problems but I ask you to look behond yourself to alighn yourself to my cause of creating a better world for yourselves and others most of you lack a reason to get up in the morning I ask others all the time what it is they enjoy doing and half the time they can not even give me an answer because they are so foucused anymore on mearly trying to survive if you disagree feel free to ignore this completely but I think if you ponder it long enough you will arive at the same conclutions I have... that there has to be a better way.
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yetanotheremptypage · 6 years ago
Happy Fanfiction Writers’ Appreciation Day!
It’s another fic rec list! Here’s last year’s, and here’s the masterpost with links to previous years’ lists. They are all amazing, so you should definitely check them out, but in the mean time, here’s some more. I tried to tag most of the ships and/or fandoms, so if you ship any of those or are in the fandom, check out the recs below the cut. Of course, there are plenty more amazing fanfictions/writers out there, and to them, I give a huge THANK YOU! Finally, for the shameless plug, if you have any interest in any of my stories, links can be found here.
all of my wrongs they lead me right to you series (Lara Jean x Peter, To All The Boys I’ve Loved Before) AO3 [In-progress]
Lara Jean and Peter Kavinsky reconnect 6 years after breaking up.
Peter's hiding a secret that could change everything.
A great look at relationships and the happy ever after we all want for these two. Plus Peter as a single dad. Perfection in every story, from courtship to parenting.
And All The Devils Are Here (Rosaline x Benvolio, Still Star-Crossed) AO3 [Complete]
It's a simple story, really: Girl meets Boy. Girl hates Boy. Girl and Boy infiltrate the most popular reality dating show on television to expose its unethical treatment of contestants and have to act like they're falling in love... And suddenly, the lines get blurred between the sparks flying on screen - and the real thing that grows when the cameras stop rolling.
Did you know you needed a Rosaline x Benvolio undercover Bachelor AU? No. But you do. Trust me. It’s by the same author as Falser Than Vows Made In Wine, which I rec’ed another year, and it is just as perfect.
Close To The Ground (MCU) AO3 [Complete]
“Not done,” Tony slices a hand through the air, and Peter shuts his mouth immediately. “Because you must have done something. Last I remember, your mother wasn’t an insect.”
Peter winces, but he can’t help mumbling an “Arachnid,” under his voice.
“Excuse me?”
“Spiders are arachnids, not insects.” Mask clutched in his hands, staring at the floor, Peter decides this might just be one of the worst moments of his young, ever persisting life.
(...or the civil war biodad au that no one asked for.)
Need to recover after the Starkson feels of the recent MCU films and/or the Marvel-Sony battle? Try this on for size. It’s so well-written, though, that it could make things worse. But probably not.
Elegance Cannot Kill A Man series (Sansa x Tyrion, Games of Thrones) AO3 [In-progress]
What if a good deed resulted in Sansa and Tyrion being married before Ned Stark's death? How would this change the Game of Thrones?
A series featuring a Sansa who is strong and smart, a Varys with a plan, and a Tyrion who has no idea what he's gotten himself in for.
This series gives me SO MUCH LIFE. In a recent review, I described it as the political fantasy epic the TV series wished it could be. Everything about it is amazing. Everything. I’m on the fourth one right now and literally everything is amazing, even the sad stuff. Just do it.
Happiness Can’t Be Arranged series (Regina x Robin, Once Upon A Time) AO3 || FF [In-progress]
Set during the Regency Period, Henry and Cora arrange a marriage for their daughter in an effort to save their family’s name and estate.
I accidentally stumbled across this series due to a OUAT hyperfixation relapse, and I think the relapse occurred so I would find this fic. The characters are so well written to the point that I hear the actors’ voices in my head, guys. It’s got everything: friends to lovers, arranged marriage, mutual pining. Also, we were robbed of Henry and Roland interaction and I didn’t know it until this fic.
Home (Sybil x Tom, Downton Abbey) FF [In-progress]
The lives of Tom and Sybil Branson, both in Dublin and Yorkshire, as told through an anthology of stories. Proudly AU from 3x05 onward.
I don’t remember how I found this, but in excitement over the Downton Abbey movie, why not read a brilliant AU where Sybil Lives and she and Tom get to be happy? It is a one/two-shot series and is complete perfection.
I Wanna Mash-Up With You (Brittany x Santana, Glee) FF [In-progress]
"People think that she and Britt just fall together when they're drunk at parties, maybe in between boyfriends. And Santana lets them believe it because she isn't ready for them to know its not the falling together that does her in, it's the fact she feels like without her, she would fall apart." Brittana & Quick. Lots of Unholy Trinity & Pucktana friendship too. Canon couples.
Full disclosure: I came for the Quick, stayed for the amazing Holy Trinity relationship, and wait with bated breath for the Brittana I know will soon come alive (For realz, at least). The characterizations are on point, and I love how it explores motivations for these early Season 1 moments.
Identity series (Leia x Han, Star Wars) AO3 || FF [Complete]
A distress signal reaches Coruscant after the Empire's demise, claiming to be the beacon of Bail Organa. what would the reappearance of Leia's adoptive father mean for her life in a post ROTJ context. What would he think of Han Solo, and what could he tell her about the dark shadow of her heritage? H/L; significantly AU, I suppose.
Kindle (Harry x Ginny, Harry Potter) AO3 || FF [Complete]
Life throws a lot of unexpected things Harry Potter's way, but his luck has been pretty good so far.
THE Hinny Modern Single Dad-Ish AU you must read. We’ve got Weasley shenanigans, Sirius/Jily alive and well, Teddy as the Ultimate Shipper, and Harry and Ginny being super adorable and amazing all over the place. Plus, Harry as his awkward relatable self. A 10/10 must-read.
made weak by time and fate, but strong in will (Harry Potter) AO3 [In-progress]
In one world, James Potter is wandless when he faces Voldemort.
In another, he’s not, and everything changes.
*incoherent screaming for years about how absolutely perfect this fic is: the A+ characterization, the magnificent world building, and the fantastic pacing*
Poe Organa-Solo series (Star Wars) AO3 || FF [In-progress]
“You’re Han Solo’s kid, aren’t you?” he asks.Poe has no idea how to answer that, on a foreign planet no less. There are two types of people in the galaxy - those who hear yes and want to buy him a drink, and those who hear yes and want to kill him. He doesn’t feel like finding out which type this guy is, but then again does he really have a choice?
Hi, did you know that Poe Dameron was adopted by Han and Leia after Shara and Kes’ tragic demise, Luke is Kylo Ren’s father, and Kylo Ren is directly responsible for the death of Han and Leia’s biological daughter, Breha, and deserves to die for it? No? Then you haven’t read this masterpiece. Please correct yourself.
the santiago-peralta family stories series (Amy x Jake, Brooklyn 9-9) AO3 [In-progress]
This series is goddamn amazing and follows the two most amazing detectives raising some of the most amazing kids. It’s so well written and so FLUFFY and just amazing.
we’ve been together as long as i can remember (but we only make love in the spring) (Sansa x Tyrion, Game of Thrones) AO3 [In-progress]
She is always cold. And thin, so thin. He feels her bones protruding under her pale, marble skin, even with the layer of her clothes in his way: ribs and hipbone and the sharp angles of her shoulders, shoulder-blades, the notches of her spine. He ran a finger over them, once, in one of his braver moods, almost down to the small of her back, and felt her shivering lightly under the touch. Made of steel, he had thought, then. Today, he rests one modest hand on her shoulder. She's not drunk, he knows she's not, but he won't risk her resentment in the morning.
Still, even with the privilege that is to know her bones, he wishes he had a whole harvest for her.
This whole marriage is winterbound. He wouldn't call it love.
"Thank you", she mumbles, eyes closed and face hidden on his chest. "You're a good husband".
He reaches for the tip of the nearest blanket to cover her and bows his head down to puts his lips to her forehead. "You're drunk", he answers, and she chuckles briefly, too tired to argue.
[Where all the wars are over; the Starks are starting again; and everyone waits for news of spring.]
This might be one of the absolute best versions of Sansa and Tyrion coming back to each other, with all their demons, and making something beautiful out of it, that I have ever read.
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boystownbirdie · 8 years ago
LMWTV4U: The OA, Season 1
Welcome back to let me watch TV for you! Someday Game of Thrones and Drag Race will be back with weekly eps (praying to the gods of George R.R.R.R. Martin and Rupaul) and I’ll be back with weekly posts. For now, though, I’ll be watching other shows/seasons/series for you. Today I’m re-capping the entire season of the new Netflix series, The OA. I know what you’re thinking, WHAT’S THE OA?!?!? Well I can’t tell you yet, but over a series of long conversations in an abandoned house I’ll finally get around to it (that’s a little inside joke for those who watched it). So let’s go!
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So what’s it about? Here’s as simple as I can make it: A young midwestern woman (Brit Marling, who also co-wrote and co-created the whole project) returns after she’s been missing for almost 8 years. Before she went missing she was blind but now she can see. She decides to tell her life story to a group of 4 teenagers and a teacher (Phyllis from The Office!) so that they can learn her secrets and use them to save the world. She ends up teaching them a pretty cool interpretative dance which they later perform to save their high school cafeteria from a school shooter whose only shot hits Brit which she is actually pretty happy about.
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So lets’s break this down chronologically:
Late 80s/Early 90s, Russia: Young Brit Marling (age 6?) is a super rich Russian kid (!?!? yep that’s right) who can totally see. Her mom died in childbirth and her dad is devoted to her but also makes her jump in a freezing lake to teach her to be brave which seems kinda child-endangerment-y to me but who am I to judge? Baby B has bad dreams that make her nose bleed. In one, she is trapped in an aquarium and can’t breathe and sees crayons falling from the sky. She tells her dad and he’s like jump in this freezing lake and you’ll be cured. Spoiler alert, SHE IS! (kind of) 
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Then she and her dad eat some raw eggs (because RUSSIA, you guys) and it’s time for her and her rich friends to start school. Her school bus is attacked by the Russian mob to teach the rich people a lesson and it falls into a lake. Baby B and her friends end up trapped in the bus underwater and the whole stuck-in-an-aquarium-falling-crayons-premonition comes true. But since Baby B’s dad taught her how to not freak out when she’s trapped in freezing water, she’s like, ok fellow kids, don’t freak, there’s an opening we can swim through. But the other kids’ dads never made them jump in a freezing lake so they’re like naw dawg. Baby B starts swimming to safety but it’s a loooooong way up. And then grown up Brit (who is telling her story to the teens) is like “All the kids on the bus died that day. Including me.” THAT’S RIGHT Y’ALL SHE DIED.
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But then she goes to heaven or like purgatory or something and meets this old gypsy lady who is like girl you died but do you want to be alive again? And Baby B is like yes duh. But the gypsy is like K, but you’re about to experience so much suffering and I can’t bear for you to see it so I’m gonna make you blind. And Baby B is like fair ‘nuf and her dad finds her washed ashore, still alive but blind. Which leads us to our next segment…
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Early 90’s, somewhere in America: Blind Baby Brit (BBB) gets sent to school for the blind in America since her dad is worried the Russian mob will attack her again. Her dad calls her on the regs at her school and she plays violin for him. Then she finds out her dad has died (but she doesn’t believe it because he told her he was going to “disappear” to hide from the mob) and she has to go live with her aunt there in America. This aunt is apparently running a baby-selling-business and poor BBB has to care for all the little babes even though she’s a wee one herself and also super blind and sad about going from hero to zero. One day, a very plain couple from Michigan comes through and is about to adopt a little baby boi. But plain-mom finds BBB and is like we gotta take this kid instead, she needs us. And plan-dad is like cool she seems blind but also pretty great.
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Early 90’s, Michigan: BBB comes home with plain mom and dad and you have to take your shoes off at their house so don’t even think about walking around in your outdoor shoes! Things are pretty great and they help her learn braille and let her climb and explore the world and they give her the unfortunate name of “Prairie” (which, sorry, nope). But then she starts having those vivid dreams with nosebleeds again and in the dreams she is talking in Russian and like playing with knives and shit so her plain parents are like CALL THE DOCTOR. She sees a shrink and he’s like your daughter is cray cray bananas so let’s give her a bunch of meds. And plain mom is like ummmmmm no? But plain dad is like we gotta do this so they pump her full of pills and she grows up to be… 21-year-old-Brit-Marling.
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2000s, Michigan, NYC: 21 year old Brit (21B) has a dream where her dad tells her to meet her at the Statue of Liberty. So she runs away, LEAVES A NOTE (which her mom never bothers to tell the police about) and tries to find her dad. He doesn’t show up at the statue of liberty, so 21B ends up down in the subway stations, playing her violin for cash money. A doctor (played by Draco Malfoy’s dad, you guys!) finds her and is like wow you play violin really well, did you ever die and come back to life? And she’s like YES. So they eat oysters together and he tells her all about his studies where researches people who’ve had near death experiences. And she’s like COOL TAKE ME WITH YOU. So she hops into his private plane and flies to his house/ research lab which is conveniently in the middle of nowhere and that’s what lands us…
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2000-2010s, Underground bunker in the middle of nowhere: She gets there and it’s immediately creepy and she’s like hmmm, I don’t hear any traffic and the windows seem super thick and he’s like oh that’s for totally normal reasons, NBD. And then he’s like let me lead you down these stairs that only I have the security code for and into this bunker and, cool, here’s a bed! And she’s like ummm, kinda creepy but ok. And then he locks her in a glass cage and she’s like WHAAAATTTT and then a few other people, also in glass cages, are like ummm calm down. So then she’s trapped down there for the next 7 years. 
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During that time, Draco’s dad keeps killing all of his captives and bringing them back to life so they can tell him more about near-death-experiences. Needless to say they don’t share a lot of their info with him since he’s an evil masochist BUT one good thing is that during one of her deaths, Brit gets her sight back! She also falls in love with a fellow captive, Homer, and while they can’t touch each other, they can make googly eyes at each other all day. During the sight-giving death trip, Brit learns a series of motions after the gypsy woman (yep, she’s back!) make her eat a little bird. 
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The other captives also learn some motions and together they start practicing this intense, interpretive dance. Unfortunately they need five motions for some reason and they only know four of them. Also at one point one of the fellow captives dies fur realz and Homer and Brit do their 2-part dance and BRING HIM BACK TO LIFE and totally cure him of errything. ALSO Brit finally gets her “OA” name from one of her deaths and it stands for the ORIGINAL ANGEL which is a little heavy-handed if you ask me. OA and her friends think if they can get all 5 motions they will open a portal to another dimension and they can GTFO but they don’t learn the fifth until….
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Present day, underground bunker, still: Draco’s dad finally gets caught by his local state trooper who just walks in on him watching a vid of his captives down below one day. But Mr. State Trooper has a wife who is very sick with ALS and Draco’s dad convinces him to let OA and Homer cure his wife in order to hush. So Mrs. State Trooper is lying there and Draco’s dad makes OA and Homer come up from the bunker to do their magic dance for her. It works and when they cure Mrs. State Trooper she is like OMG so glad to see you guys, when I was a kid I had a near-death-experience and I learned the fifth movement and here it is! And OA and Homer and are like cool teach us! So she does and they are super happy and then Draco’s dad runs in there and kills Mr. and Mrs. State Trooper at the same time. Then he grabs OA and knocks her out and takes her to the middle of nowhere so that she and Homer and the others can never complete their motions together. And that’s when she shows up, in the same clothes she’s been wearing for 8 years and is no longer blind and gets sent back to her adoptive parents in Michigan even though she’d rather be underground practicing her dance with her friends.
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Present day, Michigan: So OA and her five friends learn all of the motions of the dance and they also become stronger, better, more courageous humans in other aspects of their lives as well. Also, she’s been chatting with this FBI “victims support specialist” guy who is played by Riz Ahmed because he’s in everything these days! And he knows some of her plans but not all of them. Right before they can perfect their dance, OA’s parents freak out and take her away to a hotel for her own safety and her friends are like we gotta save her! 
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So one of the teens (French) breaks into her house while she’s gone to try to help her I guess and finds a box under her bed and freaks out because it’s filled with books like Homer’s “The Illiad” and “Near Death Experiences” and “How to Pretend You Were Captured for Eight Years” and shit like that. The weird thing with this is that while French broke into OA’s home and found these books, the FBI guy happened to be there, too, sneaking around in the dark. So while you’re supposed to think that MAYBE OA was lying this whole time, it’s also possible this shady FBI guy planted those books under her bed to discredit her because they sure as hell don’t look like she’s been reading them. Some of the kids find the book-discovery to be more upsetting than others but they’re all a little disappointed. 
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OA eventually gets to come back home and is taking writing classes or something and then takes a nap in the bath (which... dangerous) and wakes up and is like OMG I KNOW WHAT I NEED TO DO. Simultaneously, all of the high schoolers are back to their old friend groups in their huge cafeteria and Phylis from the Office is there because she got fired and need to clean out her classroom. The OA runs toward the high school all of the sudden and that’s when the school shooter busts into the cafeteria and the four teens plus Phyllis reluctantly look at each other and then they’re like, LETS DO THIS. 
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They get up and perfectly perform their dance and while nothing really magical happens, the shooter is distracted enough for a cafeteria worker to knock the gun out of his hands. And it hits the OA just as she shows up which, again, she is happy about because if she has another near-death-experience she may be reunited with her friends. The series ends with the OA “waking up” in a bright room and saying “Homer”
AND THAT’S ALL, FOLKS. SERIOUSLY that’s how it ends.
My final thoughts: the Good, the Bad and the Ugly:
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Good: I love the line when Steve asks her “How did you survive so long down there” and she says “I survived because I wasn’t alone”
Bad: There’s an entire storyline where Draco’s dad takes Homer to Cuba with him to have Homer seduce a Spanish-guitar-playing-lady and he succeeds and OA has to listen to them have sex
Good: The actress who plays baby Brit is amazing, especially considering she has to speak fluent Russian, English and pretend to be blind
Ugly: Steve is such a monster when we first meet him and although he effectively transforms himself, it seems pretty far-fetched that he would change so much
Good: The casting of the kids who play French and Buck is on point, they’re both great young actors
Bad: The storyline with Draco’s dad’s mentor who also has human captives but in the morgue of a hospital is absolutely ridiculous and also how would OA know about it?
Good: Don’t hate but I really like the dance/ series of movements, I think they’re really beautiful and it’s awesome to see them performed by such a diverse group of people throughout the show’s run
Bad: I don’t want to be “that girl” but I work in the mental health field and the whole thing with this-kid-who-recently-experienced-trauma-is-acting-strangely-lets-medicate-immediately-with-no-additional-therapy is just not realistic in the slightest
Good: French works at Olive Garden
Bad: Apparently OA and her plain-mom-and-dad need a reservation to get into Olive Garden?
Good: Homer-OA love story. I’m into it.
Ugly: Most of OA’s outfits when she’s back in Michigan. The sparkly dress over tear-away-Adidas pants are particularly WTF
Bad: So she can speak to snakes and dogs?
Good: Buck performing in choir. Adorbs.
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morningpages-louise · 6 years ago
January 17, 2018
kapoya uy hahaha i forgot to write a morning pages yesterday shoots but its okay that wont start the fucking momentum bitch no it wont. i woke up at around 6:40 feeling confused because the last time i was up was around 9 pm and then a brief wake up sitch at 12 and then back to sleep until 6 lol i succumbed to my jet lag so damn hard. i love my jetlag for it allows me to wake up super early morning and have certain times just for myself you know like i dont even have to set an alarm because i know i will be up. it's a great feeling - when your roomates are still on their beds and probably will be til god knows what time while youre out there in the kitchen with your airpods listening to music and cooking up a scrumptious breakfast. i just hate how i sleep so damn early tho to the point that its hard to get much else done like yesterday i had a presentation for nntropsy due but i wasnt able to do it since i literally just passed out. i thought i would pass out at 10 or 11 but nope i passed out at 9 lol but im super careful not to break this precarious sleeping pattern because i really dont want it to get at the point like last term where i was literally sleeping at 4 am and 12 pm i mean sure i was still getting my daily dose of 8 hours of sleep but then it worked because my classes started pretty damn late but this term 2/3 days of classes my classes are at 9 so id rather not break the momentum just yet you know. let's see how long this clock lasts lol anyways in other news i actually have no classes today. it's a thursday and my schedule has afforded me no classes on thursdays which is fucking great :D a leeway for me into the week to slow down, rest, relax and netflix and chill. but i cant do that today since i have a workshop on storytelling courtesy of MAD travel. omg wait i just got a notif that its kurts birthday today lol partay? omg i just realzed its pretty close to sofia's birthday too :O i have a special place in. my heart for that girl after our ny trip now whenever i think of her i think of ny <3 anyways back to wat i was saying about having class on thursday yeah i have a workshop today urgh so no netflix and chill for me. i actually have so much shit on my plate its crazy. like i did not expect my planner to be filled out that damn fast. i have no time for reading :( other than the news lol i actually wanted to dedicate some tie for going to the lib and reading new york times lol im making it a fucking habit and im sticking with it! but i just dont know if i have time because aside from that i also wanted to drop by greenbelt so i can go grocery shopping and buy moisturizer and slides but honestly i dont see it happening. i just want to enjoy my damn morning man. so i will just slow down and relax. i can probably do that on the weekend. i was gonna say tomorrow but i end at 2 and i have dinner at 8 so it may not be kaya. yeah ill probably have time for it on sunday :) since i am planning on going to legazpi. will have to find friends who are g :D but eah im so happy that y transition has been so well like i havent been feeling intense spurts of homesickness you know in fact it seems like i never even left i just fit in right in an instant <3 for that i am grateful. fuck its so slow haha i cant type in lightning speed. but yeah really happy im fitting right in. ive had some thoughts about quitting mad. im just so traumatized from last term and like i do not want to be making stupid social media captions. blog post writing is fine but theres only so many things you can write about. ive been thinking of quitting these past few days but im scared it might be something ill regret. im thinking of waiting it out a bit, like reaping the benefits my internship has given me such as this workshop (attending a writing workshop has been on my bucketlist) and also getting my free tribes and treks tour :D well see lol trying not to think about it too much im just gonna Head into that workshop and be like watever lol I’m too tired to give a damn. Ill just be myself :D today will be a good fucking day.
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0225pm · 7 years ago
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unfiltered photos bc i’m too tired to edit them at this moment but i still wanna post something today before i ko!!!!
sOOoo from the photos you may have probably guessed where we went today!! hehe yes we went to gardens by the bay – i actually wanted to go to the autumn festival thingy (i think that’s what it was called??) the one with the pumpkins and other cool foliages, but apparently you have to pay to go in the observatory and even though i like the aesthetics and how beautiful all these flowers and plants look, tbvh i wasn’t ready to fork out $12-20 to look at them in person. i prolly sound like some stupid hipster poser person who only “likes” flowers bc it’s the trend and shit.
han came over to my place to fetch me since our initial plan was to head over to tampines for lunch – the nasi lemak shop that has duck, lobsters, prawns and other idk what as their sides instead of the usual chicken/fish. but they close at 2pm, and by the time i left my house it was already 1pm. considering that we won’t be able to make it in time to the place, we decided to have our lunch elsewhere.
by this time, han was already cranky hahahaha one, it was so fucking humid today. two, i made him wait. three, his plan to eat at the nasi lemak shop fell through.
after much consideration, we took the bus to tampines hub because i told him there’s a thai food shop there and maybe we can have our lunch there instead. he just shrugged and agreed (lmao cus he don’t have a choice alr hahahaha he asked me to choose and plan). then on the bus i told him about all my cravings HAHAHAHA like how i felt like eating some 4fingers and then he said we can have kfc since i mentioned (a tweet on twitter) that any fried chicken is fine and i was like noooo i want the sticky rice that comes with it????? and then he asked me if i’m pregnant or something bc i’m craving for so many things and i just looked at him like (-_-;)
upon reaching the hub, at this time he was already whining about how hungry he was loooolllll so we walked towards the food area and then realized that the hawker center actually serves malay food also!!! and while walking around to survey the different menus, i spotted claypot chicken rice!!!! which i really wanted to get but han said they only serve that around 6pm and it was only around 2+pm daheck. so i was like okkkkk nvmmmmm and went to look for other food to eat. i saw a few people eating pasta and it made me feel like having pasta too so i asked han to help me order a plate of cabonara but wah it sucks man. like tbvvvvh it’s wayyy too salty for my liking. i barely even ate it, and felt so bad for wasting so much food. even with the grass jelly drink han got me, the saltiness still lingers uGhhh. oh and han got chicken rice for himself!!!! the moment he came back to the seat he was complaining about how long it was and i was like ah maybe cus it’s lunch now so it’s more crowded and he was like,
han: no??? there isn’t even a line but the person preparing the food i ordered took so long *frowns* i’m damn hungry sia then still must wait so long me: o mannnn han: then i realized the drink stall here also open but i went all the way to the other side to buy *points to his milk tea*
oh and the weather was so erratic today too. it was sunny one time then started pouring for awhile, and then sunny again, then drizzled again.
since it was sunny again, i told han to follow with the same plan uh – which was to head over to gardens by the bay (at this point of time i didn’t know that the observatory isn’t free HAHA)
oh and smth rly cute!! i casually mentioned that i wanted some ice cream and he was raised his voice and went like “what you want la!!” and i was like????? and then he said “make up ur mind la u want this la that la u know i want to buy everything for you right” and i was just *puts hand on chest where the heart is* happy bc han wants to feed me hahahahahahahaha but no la we ended up not getting ice cream hehe
then we took the train to marina bay pier??? i think idk but it’s the pier la cus han said “follow the map and we won’t go wrong” BUT OH BOY WERE WE SO WRONG LMAOooOo. apparently as listed on the website, we’re supposed to go to bayfront mrt since it’s way nearer from there so i told him “hey let’s just walk back to the mrt and take the train to bayfront” but he was like “no la we’re already here we just take the bus then will reach alr” and i was like??????? okkkkk if u say so ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
so while waiting for the bus my whole body was screaming at me to stop torturing it with the stupid heat and in turn, i literally became a monster and went on a rampage about how i rly hate the sun and how it should go away (pls don’t. i rly like the sun but omg pls lower your heat) and han was just being all patient with me and trying to make me feel better about things hahaha he knows how much of a bitch i can be when i’m overheated and im so thankful that he’s at least the sane and calm one bc i was definitely going insane from the heat at that time.
and then the bus came!!! BUT LOL ITS GOING TO DOWNTOWN??? and we weren’t sure if it was going to the bayfront area so we decided to just dropped off at the second stop and take the train instead. from there then we just followed the signs and TADA!!!! we’ve arrived!!!!!!!
at this point i thought the heat was quite bearable maybe since it was quite shady bc of all the plants and trees idk ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ and then we just decided to randomly walk around (it’s my first time there!!! and his second time today) and then bc han can’t stand the heat anymore, he asked me if i wanted to go in the gift shop for the aircon hahaahahah to which i obviously said yes to 😂 and while we were on our way out, i saw this really cute lip gloss that apparently has real flowers in it!!! i wanted to get it but han was like “takmo la mahal la kata nak save duit” hahaahahhahahahahahahaha taik but ya i didn’t get it in the end. i haven’t even finish using my current lip stuff soOoOoo
then we continued walking and that’s when we realized that to go and see the pumpkins, we would have to go in the observatory :( and then han was like “do u wanna go??” and i was like….. “nah it’s fine” and then he was like “if u wanna go i can pay…… for u only la haahhaha” and i just looked at him like r u mad why would i go in alone without u???????
so i asked him if he wanna go anywhere else if not we can head back to the mrt and maybe idk walk around or smth and he was like hmmm ok then.
on the way back, i pulled him towards the power plants thingy??? idk what its called tbh but it’s in the pictures!!!!! they use solar energy and shit it’s cool. then we snapped some photos together and wah y'all the lighting rly damn daebak la hahaha makes my skin look damn good even though it’s like shit and even though i was perspiring as heck and my hair was all just sticking to my forehead i was like u know what i can’t miss this good ass lighting i gotta take some photos man and that’s how we spent i think close to about an hour just sitting there taking photos both on my phone and the instax i bought along hahahahah
by the time we walked back, it started drizzling a little so we quickly rushed towards the elevator to the mrt bc um hello who wanna get drench? definitely not me hahaha. thennnn from the mrt we decided to walk around the shoppes since han haven’t rly been there before. he kept saying how there’s prolly not much sale bc the goods are expensive as heck $$$$$. and i told him that’s the power of brand names!!!!! like people pay for branding and i guess quality comes after la hahaha
and then after awhile i asked him if he still wanted to walk around and he was like “no ah for what there’s nothing to see alr all the same” and i was like hahahaha ok then so we walked back to the mrt and take the train all the way to paya lebar. from there we changed lines and took the train to bedok. i told him i wanna grab some food for dinner (also bc i was feeling quite hungry already since i didn’t finish my lunch). han ended up getting his usual pizza fix from pezzo and i got some sushi and a couple stick of fried goodness from ock.
oh and i bought two bras today since it was on sale!!!!! i hope it fucking fits bc it’s supposed to be a lifting bra and i got a cup smaller since i read online that you’re supposed to get a size small for lifting/push-up bras ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
and thennnnnn we decided to head home. han sent me home as usual hHahahaah and then we ate our dinner together before he fell asleep. i honestly dunno how he can sleep on smth so hard but i guess he must have been pretty worn out (bc he didn’t sleep a wink) from the whole adventure we had today.
it was a good day!!! if i say this i have a feeling han won’t give it to me often anymore (him and his lame ass too much of a good thing can be bad theory) but i super love when he gives me cheek kisses wtf like i know it’s such a simple action but the way he does it makes me go all jelly for realz i rly love it la don’t ever stop!!!!!!!!
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