#going thru my notifs like a FAN
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repressedgaymer · 3 months ago
hey tumblr can i get a special mutual color for my girlfriend so that i can see his reblogging from me easier
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simpjaes · 2 months ago
u have been putting me thru such a rollercoaster this week with your hiatus indecisiveness right when I start coming to terms with your absence on this site you’re like wait maybe I was jk and I’m like YAYYYYYYY but listen no matter where u go I’ll be an active fan 🙏🏼 tho I do like having u on here bc I get to send u anons and receive notifs whenever you post your little late night jay yearnings I wish neither you nor drunkhazed would be burdened with the presence of the chronically clenched kindergarten number line IQ engenes on here 😞 i miss her so bad but I’m very grateful that you’re still around for the time being <3
man, this shit happens every time i'm manic ;-; I'm sorry. It's like, i genuinely cannot stand how uncomfortable I am here but there are times where it's just like "it's just a website, who cares?" and I decide to stay. I think I'm too attached to some of my readers here and I guess I'm just generally not ready to leave yet no matter how much I wish I was. I keep trying to bite the bullet, but i also keep spitting it back out.
Sorry for the roller coaster fr. It will likely happen again. ;O; i do genuinely deal with hypo-mania that makes me feel capable enough to delete all of my blogs and disappear off the face of the earth but I'm learning how to deal with it and try to think before I make decisions like that. I've worked too hard on this blog to abandon it like that :/
hate that i want to be here at the same time, but I'm thankful you put up with me. I'll just start utilizing the option to turn off anon every time i receive hate. Also might just use tumblr as another platform to post my writing but distance from the social aspect from time to time. There's just...so many issues here, but also a lot of positives.
omg im being messy and yapping.
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karmaajr · 2 months ago
CHAT 😭😭 I was literally just looking thru notifs on tumblr and was seeing some from my girlfriend and then like.. the girl comes in and turns off the fan?? and we have rlly short discussion and she sits on the bed and is like
and so I go
"wuh now-"
"phone, look! you smiling at the phone!"
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expergoe · 3 months ago
im so happy to see you in my notifs again cryiugn... also 2, 4, 7 and 14!!
YAYAY im happy to be able to speak to ppl again 😭tennisblr withdrawals r real..
2. album of the year my kpop music tastes and otherwise differ wildly and i cant pick which one i prefer so u get.. TWO!
its honestly very hard to pick between their two projects this year (if anything however i also recommend listening to passionfruit from their album before this. literally this image in song form)
as a fan of nmixx pretty early on (where my url comes from LOL) it felt sooo satisfying for them to get this album this year that flexes their vocals like their team shouldve been having them doing... AND THE MUSIC IS GOOD! this edges out fe3o4 break (their earlier project) in my mind because it feels entirely cohesive and aside from moving on (when im not in the mood for it) there feels like... zero filler. love is lonely is an amazing bittersweet album closer, the run of see that+sickuhh (which i hated at first. now one of my fav songs of theirs?)+red light sign+beat beat? incredible.
i almost put kendrick's gnx, however me and romance spent the entire summer together with me and this album its PERSONAL. suuch a good evolution of their sound, romance into starburster as an album opener is crazy work. in the modern world is just one of those songs that encapsulates the feeling its going for so utterly perfectly. like i feel like i went thru 50 divorces when i listen to it. stunning album so sad i missed them playing near me this year :(
4. movie of the year ....venom the last dance LMFAOO. is it ' good '. no not really. it was fun as hell though, i burst into laughter at the 'emotional' ending scene/flashbacks. also i went to go see it w my best friend and the whole thing was one of those days where ur like damn life is great actually. love and light!!
7. favourite actor of the year JACOB ANDERSON BABEYYY. i finally got around to iwtv earlier this year and holy hell. acting masterclass. literally watch the scene of him in the confession booth from s1 and you will be flabbergasted. he's incredible. still mad he got snubbed by all the award shows. whatever they mean NOTHING to me.
14. favourite book you read this year?
this is surprisingly difficult to answer because i am not good at remembering when i read things. HOWEVER i will choose wheeling motel by franz wright <3 absolutely amazing poetry collection, his writing is so poignant and gut wrenching everytime i reread it never hits any less. special shoutout to day one in particular (under the cut... this post is already long enough LOL)
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danphantom · 1 year ago
oh hey i wanna talk abt smth thats been on my mind both lately and on and off for a while in general. sorry this ended up being a hella long post lol. but i have a lot to say
so...for context, ive been in the phandom for 10 years--since 2014--though it has admittedly been on and off in terms of engagement from me. in 2017 i got into dragon ball and all but dropped danny phantom completely with a few small drawings here and there. it was only like..within the past week that i actually got back into the phandom legitimately again, actively making art and posts about it and engaging with the source material and etc
anyway, i was obsessed with dp from 2014-late 2017 (until i got into dbz). i made lots and lots of fanart, played the gba games like all the damn time (i got to where i could speedrun tue lol), rewatched the show regularly...i was even one of those fans that bought obscure merch and learned useless trivia that ive since forgotten. in 2015 a lot of you may remember that i made @doppelgangercomic, a comic about an au i had where dan got a redemption arc (albeit a bumpy one) and future vlad was there and stuff happened (go read the comic LOL). it got a LOT of love and traction! it made me really happy to see all the positivity around my work like that :) i actually got a lot of positive responses towards my work in general. i had a really great time in the phandom back then
then i changed fandoms and kinda fell out of the phandom space. after being on a hiatus from the phandom until literally a week ago, i honestly have to say ive felt like i kind of...faded into obscurity in the phandom's eyes? basically i feel like old news. people dont generally know what doppelganger is now. they may have seen my art in passing here and there but they dont know who i am anymore. i think the only place people actively still find my old danny phantom art from when i was heavily active is...deviantart lol. i get notifications from favorites literally every day there. but uh anyway--im not saying this to garner pity or tell a sob story or anything! im just expressing some thoughts and feelings ive had for a long time lol.
the reason i bring this ^ up though, is because like...i know its not true? logically, i know that i DID make an impact in the fandom i loved/love so so much. i left my mark on both the fandom in an artistic sense, and also the people in the fandom, and sometimes i forget that because i get significantly less engagement on my posts than i used to. but i know that doesnt mean that people dont like my stuff anymore, or that ive been forgotten.
i actually got a message from someone today--a friend i made kinda recently who approached me bc they liked doppelganger actually. they told me that basically its surreal to them that theyre talking to me as a friend because they remember reading doppelganger when they were younger and looking up to me because of it. and it really reminded me of what i said previously--ive not been forgotten, and people still do appreciate and love what ive put out into the world (specifically about danny phantom in this case). ive made an impact on people's lives even when i dont realize it or see it physically. the message and sentiment made me feel really really good and nice and happy and honestly relieved, because the phandom and danny phantom as a media has been an extremely important and impactful part of my life ever since i got into it ten years ago. i literally changed my name to dan because of it lol. it was the reason i found stephen silver's work and went down that path of my art journey. its the reason i found so many amazing people and friends and artists and continue to do that even now. i owe a lot to danny phantom and the phandom as a whole, and i try to give back in the only ways i know how--mainly thru showing my passion through my art and posts.
anyway erm. yeah. all of this to say i wanted to thank yall--the phandom--for supporting me all this time, whether youve been with me from the beginning or if youre just joining me recently. youve been an absolute delight in my life and i know youll continue to be for a long time. :)
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trashyandtiredsol · 1 year ago
I weirdly feel tired and kinda shitty rn?????
Gonna type my day out, big text time
The fuck- I had a nice day, ate well (2 waffles plus a peanut butter nature valley cracker sandwich thing and a small bag of chips a bit before noon, then had coffee and finished it in like maybe less than 20 minutes that my mom got me after I ate what I said above this.
I then went to a Wizard of Oz play with my gram and a couple of her friends, listened to my music with earbuds during the ride, so nice and not awkward stimulation from being uncomfortable and to quiet. We were on the balcony there, right after the row in the front of the balcony. I really liked the play, would recommend, they did a fantastic job at it. I worked on a rottmnt Leo drawing before it started, Finished it!! Then I worked on my bluejay lemur drawing during intermission, didn't get real far :/ gotta look back at my wing tip Reblog at some point.
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We then went to some food place never heard of before, tried haddock and some other seafood thing grs friends ordered, wasn't a huge fan. I ordered a chili dog with orange Fanta soda (small size I think?) with some fries, didn't finish the fries, was a bit larger than I was hungry for.
Also listened to music on the way home and dropping grams friends off.
I then ate a donut my mom got me (dunkins, same place she got the coffee (iced pumpkin spice coffee with caramel added, highly recommend!), plus the other donut that was for my brother, but he didn't want it. Took a drowsy making allergy pill plus my prescribed sleep pill before I ate the donuts, it was after 6 then, which is when I usually take the pills, helps me fall sleep faster if I take them an hour or two before 8 ish, when I usually go to bed (to not fuck my sleep schedule and to be able to sleep more).
I then was going thru my Tumblr notifications, replied to mino on mini me in mug (will work on eventually!! It's currently 8:40 rn, gotta sleep soon :/).
I then went to get ice cream with my mom and step grandma (married to my grandpa, my bio gram and him aren't together) from McDonald's, an Oreo mcflurry, finished it before I'm typing this post.
And then am now going thru my Tumblr notifications and making this post, will go to bed after I finish this and finish going thru my Tumblr notifications!!! :D
My day all typed out (woke up at 7 something, that's why I go to bed at 8ish wanna sleep around 8-10 ish hours :P. I like sleep)
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tamaharu · 1 year ago
im still only like 42% thru orv (torturous) (the demon king selection just started if u were curious idk)
anyway but my secret is there were TWO reasons i wanted to read orv #1 i reblogged a lot of posts from you and tagged em as zero escape but you tagged em as orv. which basically guarantees orv is good
THE OTHER SECRETER REASON is cause i saw u had a tag for shipping 3 of the characters together and i was like ok dont mind if i do
anyway youre doing good work to remake/rehash memes to make sure they include all 3 and i kno i dont have most of the appropriate context at this point (mortifying ordeal of only being halfway thru media. excrutiating. death and dying) BUT ITS A SENTIMENT I TOO HAVE FELT. WITH OTHER MEDIA. SO I APPRECIATE IT.
so anyway in 10 years when i finally get all the way thru prepare to have your notifs wrekt i WILL be going thru ur tags
thank you for your time
ehehehe if my memory of the order is correct youre getting extremely close to an veeerrrry fun arc. so good luck for when you reach that :3
I WANT TO PLAY ZERO ESCAPE! I've heard very good things about it.. mostly from a lot of fellow orv fans! and i played some of aitsf (although i didnt get the chance to finish it) and enjoyed it, so im interested to see the predecessor to that. i just havent found the time/money to pirate/buy and play it but its definitely on my ever-expanding to do list..
and YES ahahaha! i knew having that tag would be of use (besides my own personal enjoyment)! the unfortunate part of the yhk trio is. oh its so good howls to the moon. but hsy is introduced comparatively late into the game and a lot of her Deal is only properly contextualized at the very end, so when a lot of the readers are webtoon-only/primarily or just going slowly when working through the novel, she can often get excluded sad face. it really doesnt help that shes A Girl and fighting for prestige against the blowjob brothers. but its okay. i know her heart. i know of the yaoi and yuri she engages in with those two. han sooyoung, fighting!
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dialecticzander · 5 months ago
Daydreams about Fiction Writing
Here are some visions of potential websites that don't yet exist (as far as i know):
Daydream: I browse paragraphs describing various fictional universes. Each universe has a wiki that anyone can write new content for. I forgot about that airships-in-a-hollow-planet setting! I add a list of airship names to that wiki's page about the faction that can talk to birds. I'm good at inventing vehicle names. But i can't make more substantial changes to this page without getting the permission of cactuschloe, the person who came up with this faction. Instead i check the list of Freely Expandable Pages, which any writer is allowed to add anything to. I spend 2 hours expanding the stub page List of Expeditions Beneath the Shadowstar Well. This makes me the concept-admin for most paragraphs on that page. I go seek lunch. The next day, i see 2 Likes on that page, 1 Request for me to expand the Explorers MIA section, & 1 notification that another writer added a List of Monsters section. It's nice that other people are adding to this story.
Daydream: I can't stop thinking about the cliffhanger at the end of book 2 of Catherynne M Valente's new Redwall-except-theyre-butterflies series. I'm obsessed. I scroll thru plot bounties posted by other impatient fans. The biggest bounty is about a ship i find boring, but the 2nd biggest is 'Reveal - Who Wrote the Instructions Inside the Tulips?'. I pay a cool $20 to that bounty, because I WANT TO KNOW. 14 months later, Book 3 comes out & reveals that the Ant Queen is behind the flower instructions. Obvious in retrospect. The user who posted this bounty marks it as complete & all $9,625 that fans paid into it goes to Valente. If the series had ended without ever revealing this, that user would have clicked Refund All & we would all have gotten our money back. By escrowing our money, we were showing Valente how much we were willing to pay her to write about the plot threads we care most about. A ebook can be copied for free, but the writer's time cannot. That's the valuable, scarce resource here.
Daydream: I post a bounty & pay $30 into it. I describe it using tags that are mostly from dropdowns, but sometimes typed by me, like AO3 tags. I'm paying for someone to publish a novel about lonely self-sustaining communes in a cyberpunk setting, ideally involving northern California & whole brain emulation. I can't get this money back after i post it, & indeed 6 years go by before i become aware of a new novel that fits my bounty to my satisfaction. I release my bounty's $30 to that novel's writer. They also collect the bounties of hundreds of other users, whose overlapping tags also match this novel. In this way, those unwritten books we all dream about become buyable.
Daydream: While others would not be, I'm delighted to pay $30 / month to a very nice membership bookstore located along my drive home from work. The store is a generous participant in the Open Fiction movement that's taking off in the 2030s, financially supporting many new authors who write DRM-free ebooks. The bookstore membership revenue helps replace the carbon-heavy paper revenue of traditional bookstores, & of course the store is a lovely place to have a tea & browse.
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legionofghostss · 1 year ago
I have this problem where if I see some fan art I like, I'll go to original posters page and just scroll thru liking and reblogging literally everything I see, most of the time I forget im on someone's page and not just on my dashboard I'm so sorry to all the people who just have me x100 in their notifs 😭
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maddsmallow · 2 years ago
really not a huge fan of the fact that i cant see my notifications while going thru my likes on mobile 🥴 i hate this stupid update with the blog button on the top of the screen
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tintinology · 2 years ago
Ok ok but not only can the newspaper not fire him, it's gotta convince him to stay as well because the other newspapers would definitely try to poach him!! Like sure, he's unpredictable as hell and if he dies during an assignment it'll look bad, but he's been fine so far, and if they could just get him to work for them their sales would go thru the roof! So his editor has to somehow balance keeping him safe for the sake of his fans and his newspaper while also keeping him happy enough that he won't quit, and this man's blood pressure is way too high to be healthy and he is definitely going to die from the stress at some point rip
And also I just love the idea of Haddock getting dragged into this mess, and I especially like the concept of a Haddock who's very much online (though I can't decide whether he actually interacts with fans or just happens to know what the latest discourse and discussions about Tintin are) and just has to deal with knowing what the fans say about Tintin and about them (I wonder how he'd react to being called Tintin's sugar daddy??). But ALSO Haddock liveblogging their adventures and alternating between being like "this idiot better NOT be doing what I think he doing" and "ohmygod this is it this is how we die help me", except he never gives any actual details so the fans (and Tintin's editor who at this point has notifications on for Haddock and for any mention of Tintin online) have to use Haddock's tweets to try to figure out just in how much danger Tintin actually is this time
Also Tintin vlogs but only about the most mundane parts of his life, like here's what I feed snowy and oh my friend Chang is visiting Marlinspike this week and then just disappears for months at a time while adventuring before coming back with another video compilation of Haddock tripping over stuff
Modern AU where Tintin's editor begs him to please stay out of trouble for a little while after his latest adventure lands him in the hospital (again) and people take to Twitter to accuse the newspaper of endangering its employees for the sake of profit
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ventithedrunkbardehe · 2 years ago
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Hello hello
I'm baackk~
Warnings: English is nkt my first lanuage so there might be grammar errors, also typo's mighz happenen here and there, also swearing
So let's get started shall we?
Streamer!reader accidentaly revealing their relationship with the Xsoleil boys ft.Nina!
You were just doing an ordinary drinking stream, or so you planned to. You didn't realize how much you got caught up in drinking and started answering the questions in the chat. You didn't realize how much of a bad idea it was beacuse of your drunked state. You took a sip of your drink as you read out the next question
'Is there anyone that has your interest in NijisanjiEN' - you rewd the question out lous and without even thinking you answered to it. "Mhmm... And I'm so glad that he's actually my boyfriend..." - you said as you took another sip.
"I mean who wouldn't love Ver... He's just so perfect, and handsome, and cute, and everything else you could ask for..." - you continued babbling about your boyfriend as the whole chat turned into a mess, both hate and love coming from fans. You would've kept going unless Nina called you up that you should stop the stream since you were so drunk and you didn't realize what were you talking about. You argued a bit with her ws she tried to convince the fans thru the phone call that you were saying nonsense and it was just beacuse you were drunk. But everyone knowing that you're one of the most honest streamers out there, why would you be babbling lies about being together with Ver. Nina luckily got you to turn the stream off and go to bed, but you weren't ready what would happen tomorrow.
As you woke up the next day, you're phone was blown up by how many notifications you got from Twitter. As you opened the app you saw several clips about you talking about how much youlove Ver and so glad that he's your boyfriend. You saw how many other streamer friend of yours tried to protect you, as you got embarrassed from reading all the tweets about your mistake, you finally got yourself together and wrote an apology tweet saying that you were sorry and that too drunk to even know what were you talking about, you didn't mean to say boyfriend as in a relationship but as a good guy friend. After ypu posted the tweet out you immediately called Ver up.
"I'm so sorry about everything honey, I was just-" -he cut into your sentence
"It's okay, but next time make sure that you don't get caught up in drinking and start spilling tea about our relationship okay? Anyways I'll go over to your place in a few minutes okay?" - he said
"Okay, love you" - you said as you giys put the phone down.
'This will be hurting for a while...' - you tought as you looked at the screen of your monitor that had twitter open.
"I mean who wouldn't like Hex... Just look at him... He has such an attractive voice... His humor... Ahh I could talk about him all day." - you said. You continued talking about him as you took several sips from you drink. You didn't ralize thst you were talking about him for like 5 minutes straight untill Mom came to the rescue and called you up to stop the stream which took her like almost 10 minutes beacuse your drunk ass didn't realize what was going on and you guys ended up arguing untill she finally got you to end the stram and to to bed.
When you woke up your head was hurting like hell, as you remembered back what did you do last night's stream and immediately went up on twitter to see clips about you talking about you dear boyfriend Hex, and others trying to protect you. When you got yourself together you wrote an apology tweet, saying thst it was just a big missunderstanding that the word boyfriend you meant was not the 'in realtionship' term but it was as 'guy friend' term. Hoping that people will belive you as you posted it. After a few minutes of continuing reading the tweets about your mistake your phone buzzed. It was you boyfriend Hex. You immediately pickee upand started apologizing to him about the accident.
"It's okay... Hopefully it will go down in a week or two..." - he said as you were on the verge of tears. "But to be honest... I never imagined that you love me this much" - he chuckled at your reaction as teased you.
"Oh shut up... This is embarrassing" - you said as you huffed and joined to laugh with him.
"Pio-chan is just so cute... He's like a giant baby... His laugh... ahh so cute. Everything about him is so cute..." - you continued babbling about your boyfriend. Some of your streamer friends in the chat tried stopping you, writing to you on social media, but Nina saved the night. She called you up talking you down from continueing the stream as you were drunk drunk. After a few minutes of talking and arguing a little she finally got you to stop the stream and get yourself together and go to bed.
The next day you woke up with a terrible headache from being drunk yesterday night.
"Fucking hangovers..." - you said as you tried to get out of bed and get some painkillers. After ypu took them, even tho your head was still hurting you went up on twitter to see everything about your mistake that was clipped and posted everywhere. Everyone was talking about your little tea spilling. You saw some of your friends trying to stop the people from talking about these matters, but everyone knew that they won't die down from just these tweets. You were reading the tweets about yourself as the phone buzzed on your desk. It was Doppio. You didn't really want to answer it being a bit scared how he would react to it. But you eventually picked it up.
"Good morning darling~" - he said lively.
"Good morning" - you said back to him, it was hearable on your voice that you were nervous and embarrassed.
"Are you worried about yesterday night?" - he asked in a softer tone.
"Mhm... I'm sorry" - you answered.
"It's alright it's alright! My company might kill me but let's tell the fans ye? I mean it won't die down until they get to know the thruth yea? So why not make it easier for everyone?" - he said in a reassureing voice.
"I-... Pio-chan... Are you okay? Are you drunk? As I know I was the one drowning myself in drinks and not you." - you asked worriedly laughing a bit.
"Yepp a 100% sure!" - he answered immediately.
The two of you agreed to announce your guy's relationship and after tweeting it out the both you turned your social media's off. Soon enough he arrived at your place and you guys went and played games.
@lonelysimpfor2dmen thank you for the request ❤️ sorry thst it took this long 😭🙏
Hope you guys enjoyed it! Have a nice day! Byeee!
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ixomiyu · 2 years ago
It's the season of love! and you know what that means, time to find yourself a valentine! and who better than one of your beloved mutuals? answer these questions, and the mutual with the most mentions your tumblr valentine:
Mutual you can always rely on?
Mutual who never misses a post?
Mutual you share the most interests with?
Mutual you have the most in common with?
Mutual you look up to?
Mutual you'd run away and live in a cottage with?
Spouse material mutual?
Mutual with the best personality?
Mutual that never fails to make you laugh?
Mutual you'd have a crush on if you knew them irl?
Mutual you absolutely cannot live without?
she’s seen every side of me…all the good parts and bad parts. my ei has always been there for me ilyily bae 🤍
MUTUAL(S) WHO NEVER MISSES A POST — @hanniluvi @wonieleles
i always see them in my notifs whenever i post nd it’s always fun interacting w/ them 💓 i love to check my phone to see notifs from my pookies 🤭
yun was the first person that i have interacted with that has figure skated before, so me being the biggest amakmos fan ever i screamed 🤷
i read thru their carrd nd we listen to literally the same people #xintwinz FR!! 🤞🏻 ALSO!! we’re both hufflepuffs 🤭
MUTUAL(S) YOU LOOK UP TO — @amakumos @arininlove @hanniluvi @kynrki @soobnny
i could name a whole bunch more of names but they really were the ones who inspired me to take writing seriously. i’m so grateful to be able to interact and be friends w/ all of them as they were by biggest inspirations 💓
my 09’bae, i see us going to a type of cottage-y house whenever we wanna/feel like it yk 🤷 AND OFC WE’D TAKE LOTSSSS OF PICS !!! 😍
my most obvious option ofc 🤭🤭 #soki_endgame 💍
we say and talk abt the most random shit at times so it’s so hard to NAWT laugh 😭😭😭 ei is such a fun and charming presence to be around <3
sophi checks all the boxes 🤷 SHE’S JUST BETTER THAN EVERYONE ELSEJDKDJ !!! that’s why she so wifey material 🤭
ei is my ride or die. if she jumps, i jump idcidc 🤷 we’ve known each other since we opened our accounts and i could imagine my life without her ☹️ nd even though we don’t talk everyday, WE DON’T NEED TOO!! cause the moment we start talking again our convos go on for hours 😭😭🤍 anyways i have sml 4 you my ei, never forget that 🫶🏻
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jayflrt · 3 years ago
hello ! firstly, i’m glad you had fun at svt’s concert !! i also wanted to go for the svt concert but the ticket’s too expensive so… 😓😓😓 but still! if possible can you share your experience and the pictures and videos you took 👀 i’m just like,, living vicariously thru everyone i know who went/is going to a svt concert atp…
also, on the other hand, for the last two chapters of diamond league, your entire first taglist wasn’t tagged, so i didn’t get a notif for them — if possible, can you try to fix that? thanks! 💗
thank you anon !!!! 🥰🥰💖💖 it was incredible omfg they’re such amazing performers and i was so emotional towards the end when i realized it was ending soon 😭 they’re so genuine too in how they perform and talk to their fans <//3 i just love them sm 😔 there were so many sweet carats too and i got a few freebies and a banner ♡ also omg you’re right some of the resale tix were crazy expensive </3 i’m ngl i didn’t take many pictures at all it was all videos HAHAH and i wasn’t planning on posting those bc you can hear me very clearly 💀 LMFOAOO
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i do have a few pictures i just didn’t take that much !! 🥰 i was mostly trying to sing along and watch them dance 🤭
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also i’m not sure why it didn’t tag bc i tagged it manually but i think i’ll just add the tags in a separate reblog and that should fix the issue! thanks for bringing it to my attention!!
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kibonosentoki · 2 years ago
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name.    Chavi (it's an old nickname)
pronouns.    He/Him
preference  of  communication.    Discord 100%, I either blog-hop too much or I don't get the notifs about the IM system. So Discord is easier to reach me thru!
name  of  muse.    Son Gohan (specifically Future Son Gohan)
rp  experience  /  how  long.     UH... If my math is correct, I've been writing for about... 12 years give or take. On many different platforms, Tumblr wise, about 6 years give or take.
best  experience.    Easy! Hands down all the stuff I've been able to write on my P.eter P.arker, T.enth D.octor and this blog. Like, I got such a soft spot for Pete that it's not even funny and the whole M.arvel RPC was the first big-time thing I wrote in, so it's been pretty fun! I'm still in the fandom, just not as active as I'd like lmao!
rp  pet  peeves  /  dealbreakers.    Tbh, I don’t really have too many pet peeves. The ones I have are mostly just small-time stuff, like over-formatting to the point where I can't read shit, or leaning SUPER HEAVY into purple prose to the point where I can’t understand what’s going on, it happened to me once and I literally had to crack open a dictionary so... Dealbreakers-wise, it’s gotta be rule violations and anyone who’s generally a terrible person!
fluff,  angst,  or  smut.   YES, YES, YES! — Lmao, joking aside, I do very much enjoy writing all three of these. Though I don't often write smut on Tumblr lol. I just like the opportunities to really dive into the inner machinations of, in this case, Gohan's mind and, y'know, dig around the parts that either aren't explored for whatever reason (not too much time on the spotlight for it, the author wasn't feeling it, etc...)
plots  or  memes.    UH... Trick question, I'm a fan of both! Though, truth be told, I tend to lean a bit more towards plotting since it helps me and my partner get an idea of what kind of relationship our muses might have, as well as a general direction on where to take things. But I LOVE memes, especially cause I can just jump around the timeline and write p much whatever the muse is feeling... I'm just slow at answering things lol.
long  or  short  replies.    Define long. Cause I've tried to do like, one-sentence things and I end up doing a short paragraph lmao. So I guess the answer is long.
best  time  to  write.    Trick question! I don't really have the best time to write, since I'm in college, I write when I got the time. It ranges from anywhere between "as soon as I get home." to "Oh boy! 1am, time to write!"
are  you  like  your  muse. uh... Maybe?! Like, he's 10 times more determined than me, not to mention smarter lmao but, I think we do share the whole "low image of ourselves" bit because he's constantly second-guessing himself about his ability to be the hero and so on. I'm regularly doing the same with my writing and so on. We do like learning things, so that's another stuff we got in common!
Tagged by: I stole it days ago off my dash lol Tagging: YOU, PERSON READING THIS! Just say I tagged you, lol
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lefinohohohohon · 4 years ago
DCKZ (Diluc, Childe, Kaeya, Zhongli) Idol!AU Genshin Impact
DCKZ is a fanmade k-pop group based on Genshin Impacts's character " Diluc, Childe. Kaeya, and Zhongli as an idol group in an Idol AU.
Character design belongs to @veechu (please check it out and give them love)
Some of the headcanons I used for references came from Erica's comment on "ventiffin"'s youtube video: 
Link: (195) Pov: 4NEMO & DCKZ are having a rap battle | a playlist - YouTube
and Yajle Gaite on riko's youtube playlist: (196) attending a dckz concert – a genshin playlist - YouTube
P.S Diluc & Kaeya's part is longer since their together.
Ajax or as he was known currently with his fans because of his various song covers "Tartaglia" had just finished tidying up his recording room to attend his practice session at the gym for MMA, as he was placing his spare clothes on his duffle bag, he took a quick swipe at his phone buzzing with notification at his latest cover.
A sweet genuine smile carved at Childe's face as he reads a thousand messages on his post as he was savoring the joyful and thirsty comments as well as memes about him a message from an unknown sender appeared on his screen curious, Childe tap on the email sent to him when he reads who was the sender he was both thrilled at the same time skeptical. 
'This couldn't possibly be true, can't it? No way?'
he thought to himself, eyes wide open, body shaking of nervousness and excitement. He took the hand that had covered his mouth in a shock away and took a deep breath gulping down a breath he had not noticed he was holding
"Okay, Ajax just chill. .  . just chill man, you still don't know what the message is about don't get ahead, Oh Tsaritsa what should I do?" he told himself and slowly exhaled before continuing to read the rest of the content
"Greetings, Tartaglia!
On behalf of Geo Ent. we would like to express our desire to have you as one of our new talents. Currently, Geo Ent. has been looking for new trainees for a new idol group, your recent crack cover had made the Geo ent. scout you, the company believes that with your talents and charisma you will be a great asset to Geo ent as one of its rising stars.
If you have any clarifications regarding our offer, you may call us at XXXX- XXX-XXXX  or email us with this email address at any given time and if you prefer to personally talk you may visit us at "Golden Pavilion, Liyue" we will cover your travel expense and accommodation for the duration of your stay regarding our offer. 
Thank you and we hope your decision will be in our favor. We are looking forward to hearing from you soon!
Geo Ent.
Talent Scout Manager
A scream from his room interrupted Ajax's family, everyone looked atop the stairs as heavy footsteps hastily descend upon the living room where everyone was eating snacks, Ajax who was still ecstatic at the email he had received hugged his siblings tightly and kissed his mother on the cheek before taking Teucer his younger brother and tossing him gleefully in the air  the younger boy happily cried "higher brother, higher!" Teucer said
"Hahaha, of course, anything for my little brother" he laughed while catching Teucer.
"Hahaha, You're beaming, there must be something good, да?" Ajax's father commented as he chuckled at his son's antics when he gets excited
"My, my you seemed to be happy Ajax, did something happen?" Ajax's mother commented as she continued to watch the brothers lovingly, upon hearing his mother he threw Teucer one more time in the air before catching him and placing him down safely on the floor with their other siblings, Ajax smiled toothly at his mother before nestling down between his mother and father who sat on the sofa clasping each of their hands on his as he breathed steadying his excited heart.
"I received an email from a company" he started trying to assess his parents 
"Oh? From who? Is it a sponsorship from that brand you want?" His mother inquired knowing too well that his son was already famous to have some sponsorship from different companies.
Ajax chuckled, he knew his family will be shocked at the news he was about to tell them "Hmm, better" he teased eyeing his father this time to see his reaction
"Better, huh?" His dad started then a twinkle of surprise resurfaced on his father's eyes as he made a deduction "Don't tell me? Are you serious Ajax?" His father continued as he assumed what could be better than having sponsorship from a company
"They're hiring you? What company? No! wait! don't tell me it wouldn't be any regular company who will message you especially with what you often do. . . so it has to be-"
Before his father could even continue Ajax, answered for him "Geo Ent. invited me to be one of their new talents for an idol g-"
Before he could even say everything else, Ajax was clamored down by his siblings who were listening and his father on the sofa congratulating him.
"Congratulations son! I know you had it in you, especially since you have my face, hahaha!"
"Congratulations! Big brother!"
"Big brother will be famous soon! Will you be cosplaying as Mr. Cyclops too?"
"Big brother is talented so of course they want you to be their talent!"
"Now, now I haven't given them their answer which reminds me I have to call them now to-  uh, mom?" Ajax called after noticing that his mother standing on the other side of their house pulling what seemed to be a bunch of large travel luggage.
"Ajax, dear, do you think these pieces of luggage will be enough for your things while you stay in Liyue, or do we need to buy more?" Her mother probed and all he could Ajax do was laughed at his excited family.
"Let me call them first"
Diluc & Kaeya:
A selca here, a selca there, and of course a selca of his favorite brother should also be included in his latest insta, though Kaeya wished that Diluc would smile more at his pictures of him, he always looked aloof
"Can you please try to smile at least once, when I take your picture?" Kaeya whined mumbling that his brother's good looks are wasted with his unchanging face
"I would if you stopped placing unnecessary caption on my pictures and for the last time Kaeya, stop drinking! It's the middle of the day" Diluc retorted eyeing his brother's various drinks placed neatly all at once on the VIP lounge they are currently staying at in "Cat's tail".
'He's not going to drink all of this, is he?'
Diluc thought to himself innocently before his brows started scrunching a moment later at the possibility of it happening, after all this is Kaeya he was talking about, his self-proclaimed wine/alcohol-connoisseur brother Kaeya.
He sighed exasperatedly plopping his head on the velvet backrest of the chair he is currently sitting on his back facing his brother 
"Why am I with you again?" He asked out loud asking himself more than his brother who he accompanied, he often wonders to himself what made him go along with Kaeya's wine tasting adventure despite disliking alcohol himself. 
"Because you're my big brother and you love me and despite your nagging, you wanted to make sure I enjoy what I'm doing safely- does that answer your question"
"Yeah, that's right because I care too much about you that's what big brothers do" Diluc mumbled back while patting a cat on his lap that has somehow managed to make it thru their private lounge.  Kaeya grinned all too knowingly at his brother recording their conversation live secretly to his followers on insta with the camera facing his brother's back, he's sure Diluc will kill him if he saw what he was doing but for now, while he's still alive, he'll savor his brother's words. He might be too mischievous but he sincerely appreciates Diluc's love for him despite their constant petty fights.
"Kaeya, just promise me you won't- huh?" Just as Diluc was turning to face Kaeya he noticed his brother's phone and his shit-eating grin plastered on his tanned brother leaning one arm on the velvety lounge chair suddenly he felt the want to strangle someone to death.
"Aww~ <3, mind repeating that? My followers are crying over your message" 
The cat who was sitting on Diluc's lap leaped out of the other male sensing the impending danger that is about to happen in the lounge.
"KAEYA. . . . .. . !"
"Well, that's it for now my followers! Pray that'll be alive after this! Bye!-"
 was the last word Kaeya's followers heard before the live ended.
"Please come again!" The hostess Margaret said as the two good-looking brothers left the establishment with one looking aloof once again arms crossed over his chest while the other looked scruffy following behind the older red-head male sighing
"Must you waste good alcohol? I was looking forward to tasting those!" Kaeya felt dejected after not having even a sip of any of the cocktails he ordered, he glared dagger at Diluc
"It's for your own good, I told you, too much alcohol isn't good for you" Diluc sighed not even looking at his brother as they walked to the street, he was specifically trying to find Good Hunters to order chicken skewers for Kaeya since he knew his brother is upset.
"I haven't even got a single sip! And I paid for those"
"Of course you should, you ordered them after all," Diluc said eyeing the shop across from them, he waited for Kaeya to be on his side before patting his brother's back to led him to cross the street, Kaeya huffed while walking and looking at his brother dead in the eye he can't believe he paid for nothing
"But I didn't break the glasses why did you use my card to pay for those as well?"
"To maximize your card limit so you can't pay for anymore cocktail"
"What. . .?!" Kaeya couldn't believe what he was hearing, he won't be able to drink any at all, tears started forming on his visible eye quickly and sniffing could also be heard a second later, Diluc turned to look at this brother with crocodile tears he sighed again for the nth time today
He can be so melodramatic sometimes and I'm an idiot for always indulging him
He thought brows knotted together as he waits for Kaeya to deliver his 'guilt-ridden' lines he often uses at him to get his way, his brother is too good at mind games
"H-how could you. . . I thought you love me as your younger brother maybe you really-"
". . ."
"sighs* first let's get you some chicken skewers, I know you're really upset even if you don't really show it and when we get home I'll make you some death afternoon"
"Really? Aww! Thanks Luc! You're really are the best big bro! hehehe" And as quickly as Kaeya summoned his tears as quickly as it also disappeared across his face replaced with his infamous shit-eating grin knowing he got his way again, he patted Diluc's back as he quickly makes his way towards Good Hunter to order chicken skewers, he'll order a few to eat at Good hunters and order some more to bring back at the mansion he'll have to convince Diluc as well to give him sparkling wine to make his fruity chicken skewers he's sure his brother wouldn't mind.
Just as Kaeya was placing his order, Diluc sat at one of the open tables on the veranda and waited for his brother when he noticed a bobbed-cut black-haired woman staring in their direction, Diluc paid her no mind thinking that the woman was probably one of Kaeya's follower on insta waiting for Kaeya to return to have a photo ops with his brother
"Hey, Luc! You don't mind if I ordered some chicken skewer to go, right?"
speak of the devil, Kaeya nonchalantly walked back to him all smiles this time as he took his seat parallel to his brother "Sure, whatever makes you happy. . .  by the way" Diluc leaned forward arms still crossed as he placed them atop the table "Kaeya I think that woman is one of your-"
"-She isn't" Kaeya responded strongly as he places one of his arms above the table cradling his chin on his palm looking at the counter to see if his chicken skewers are ready 
"Oh, and how do you know? You haven't even looked at her?" he rose one incredulous brow at his younger brother. It always amazes Diluc how Kaeya can be quite perceptive of things when it's convenient for him.
"Because that woman has been following us since we left the Dad's office this morning"
A look of disbelief flashed on Diluc's handsome face at the realization and knotted his brows later at his brother's words
"If she's been following us since the beginning"  Diluc emphasized, "why did you tell me only now?" He sighed closing his eyes trying to alleviate the incoming migraine he's about to have, he tapped the table with his finger waiting for Kaeya's explanation, his brother is preceptive he wouldn't be so careless especially since the two of them are well-known sons of the world-famous wine-tycoon Crepus Ragnvindr it is bond that there will be people who are after them either to do them harm or to gain something from their family.
"Relax, she doesn't look dangerous or to be more precise she isn't with someone dangerous though we'll have to verify that once she talks to us"
And just as Kaeya spoke, the woman who had been tailing them stood from her seat and politely approached them 
"Good day gentlemen, may I take some of your time?" she stated with a polite smile looking at the two brothers
Diluc only nodded in acknowledgment while Kaeya gave her his fan-service smile 
"Of course, please have a seat you must have been tired waiting for the right time to approach and talk to us, aren't you? You should have just come forward instead of stalking us, you do know that's a crime right? I can report you easily to the police but of course, that'll depend on your reasons" With a friendly facade, Kaeya warned the young woman openly of what he can do if he finds anything about her intention dangerous, the young woman was surprised and at the same time embarrassed for looking like a suspicious person, well she could understand their apprehensive behavior towards her, she was after all following them since the beginning.
She cleared her throat and offered her hand to formally introduce herself "I apologize if my action seemed suspicious to you Mr. Diluc and Mr. Kaeya it's only for my line of work. I'm Katherine by the way" 
The brother's looked at Katherine's extended hand before looking at one another assessing Katherine's words, Kaeya took her hand first smiling while Diluc just watched, his brother is better than him when it comes to conversation especially to strangers
"Yes, it's indeed suspicious for an unknown young woman to follow and even know something about us, so tell me what kind of job stalks people? I haven't read anything of that sort from the classified ads or is it that the government legalized stalking, hmm?"
Okay, Diluc takes it back, his brother is definitely not good at normal conversation Kaeya's better at interrogating he has forgotten his brother used to be in the military. He should take over before Kaeya makes the young woman even flustered as she was already.
"What my brother is trying to say is to please explain to us why were you following us, I apologize if we're a bit apprehensive with you but I guess you already know why we're like that so if you wouldn't mind, we'd like to hear your reason"
Seeing the window of opportunity to be heard, Katherine immediately blubbered the purpose of her stalking the handsome brothers forgetting the tell them about the company and whatnot.
". . . " ". . .huh?" 
was the only response of the brothers
"I-I mean, the two of you are already well-known and has a great number of fanbase on insta, the company was looking for new talents such as you two when we saw your insta stories of Mr. Diluc performing a jazz song on a piano and Mr. Kaeya's guitar cover the higher-ups decided to make an offer to the both of you that's why I was following you"
". . . I . . . see"
". . hmm"
Again, the brothers only looked at her with doubt, Katherine could already see on their heads she was being labeled as a 'scammer'
Embarrassed and unable to bear the brothers piercing doubtful gazes, Katherine hastily stood from her seat
"A-anyway, now that I have said what I needed to say, please excuse me and thank you for sparing me your time, i-if you have any doubts about my offer you can visit us at "Golden Pavillion, Liyue" though she was embarrassed, Katherine made an effort to politely offer her business card before fleeing the scene leaving the brothers confused and curious at the same time, the brothers looked at the business card left to them and looked at one another
"It's a scam," the two of them said in unison they deduced, however, the two of them were still curious, Kaeya was about to reach out to take the business card when his name was called up from the counter of Good Hunters for his chicken skewers, Diluc still looking at the business card left by Katherine gave Kaeya his card to pay for his order and take-away when Diluc was left on the table alone, he took the unique looking card and swiped his thumb on the high-quality bronze gold-like colored business card written on its front was Katherine's name and her position as a Talent Scout Manager and other contact details but nothing about the company.
"an Idol, huh" he breathed still eyeing the card, a longing gaze swept across his handsome face as recalls a childhood dream he once had to be a musical performer just like his deceased mother, he recalls his earliest memories of his mother playing the piano while he sang, his father Crepus listening to the mother-son duet with the proudest and happiest look a father could ever have and even when his mother died, Diluc continued to play for his grieving father, music made it less painful for the both of them and made it easier for them to remember the happiest time with his mother. 
The first time Diluc thought of being a musician was when he met Kaeya, compared before his brother was frail and timid not like the confident flirt and perceptive- bastard he is now. When Kaeya was first brought to their mansion at the winery his brother had trouble sleeping, being plagued with nightmares night after night, worried, and unable to bear Kaeya's suffering he took his younger brother to the music room one night and sat him comfortably with one of the chairs as he plays one of his mother's pieces hoping it will help his little brother when he finally finished playing he was surprised to find his brother sleeping soundly on the chair and since then, every night Diluc would take Kaeya to the music room and make a pillow fort together so they could sleep comfortably after Diluc finishes playing the piano and just like every night Kaeya would be asleep on his part of the bed Diluc would tuck his brother up, however, that night was different someone else has already tucked Kaeya on their self-made pillow fort
"Dad, you're home," Diluc said as he stood up from the chair and made a beeline towards his father, hugging the older male as Crepus knelt to received his son's affection.
"I wanted to come home early since I heard Kaeya was having trouble sleeping but I guess you already took care of it, huh?" Crepus chuckled as he ruffled his son's fluffy red hair"
"Of course! I'm his big brother, I need to protect him, heheh" Diluc beamed at his dad proudly with a toothy smile "Dad, I want to be a musician just like mom so I can play the pieces she composed and also help Kaeya sleep better! Kaeya needs to sleep a lot if he wants to be big as me so I'll play the piano for him every time he has a hard time sleeping"
Crepus chuckled at his son's determination and admired his reason, Diluc was always warm-hearted just like his deceased wife "Thank you Diluc, you're really a great big brother to Kaeya"
For years Crepus and Kaeya had been supportive of his dream of becoming a musician until that one fateful day of his 18th birthday, His father, Kaeya, and their acquaintances prepared a birthday party for him at one of their many branches worldwide in Angels Share located in Mondstadt he was excited not only because he's at a legal age now but because he also received a letter of acceptance to one of the prestigious music school, he knew Kaeya and his Dad will be thrilled at the news, however, everything from that day had been a nightmare for him It was the day he learned the truth about his father's health condition and Kaeya's reason why he was adamant about going to Khaenri'ah. 
That day on his 18th birthday everything changed, the father he once thought was healthy was sick and the brother he thought who wouldn't hide anything from him was keeping a secret.
"Kaeya, why didn't you tell me dad was sick! I thought there was no secret between us?! And why am I only hearing about your trip to Khaenri'ah now? What are you planning on doing in that place?! You're barely legal!"
"sigh* Just focus on becoming a musician Luc, you don't need to concern yourself with me going to Khaenri'ah as for dad's health he made me promise not to tell you because he knew you will act like this"
"To hell with how I act! I deserve to know what's happening to my family. Tell me the truth Kaeya!"
In that instant, on his 18th birthday, Diluc's dream of becoming a musician was left focusing solely on the family business, he also made sure that Kaeya will finish his military training and become an accomplished Brigadier General at such a young age just like his brother's dream. Kaeya's dream shouldn't be compromised because of his family's business, Diluc always thought Kaeya should deserve better but after 4 yrs of only serving his bastard of a brother retired from his position the moment he was back from establishing a branch in Khaenri'ah stating he missed him and the taste of wine and prefers to work as a wine-connoisseur instead. With years apart he didn't even know Kaeya started playing the guitar to fill the silent hollow covering their mansion when he stopped playing any instrument, though they weren't as close as they used to 4 yrs ago, they're trying their best to live as brothers.
He was still reminiscing about the past when he heard Kaeya's voice  near him
"Want to check it out?" his brother probed as he took his seat a platter of chicken skewers placed in front of him and another bag to take home, Diluc didn't answer and simply placed the unique looking card back at the table saying nothing
"I'm curious as well Luc, let's go" Kaeya insisted after taking a graceful bite of his skewer 
"You already said it yourself, it's a scam why bother?"
"Yeah, but I mean there is nothing we could lose by checking it out and if it's really a scam then I could just report it to the guys back at the military, I'm still a military officer you know"
"A retired military officer" Diluc corrected, Kaeya paid his comment no mind and insisted "Come on Luc, let's try it out, you've put a hold of your dream as a musician for a long time now, I've become a military officer just like my dream, Dad's health is alright and you already succeeded in opening a branch in Khaenri'ah so, what's holding you up?"
Diluc sighed, Kaeya is right everything's fine now, except for him, he guessed it's about time for him to fulfill his dream, Diluc sighed once again but this time it wasn't due to annoyance from his brother but rather he sighed of relief of finally letting himself accomplished his dream
"Fine, let's check it out" he finally answered
"Great!" Kaeya cheered "You heard him loud and clear right, dad? We'll visit Liyue soon"
What? Dad?! Since when did Kaeya had been talking to dad?
"you snake. . . " Diluc mumbled under his breath looking at his giggling brother who managed to manipulate him again, he heard their father's hearty laugh from the other end "Thank you Kaeya, make sure Diluc's wish comes true,  alright?"
"Of course, dad, anything for my big bro that's a promise" Kaeya looked at his brother adoringly as he told their father however before Kaeya could end the call, Diluc took his phone and left a clear declaration of his new dream and goal. 
"Don't worry Dad, I'll make sure to fulfill my dream- becoming a musician along with my little brother"
"what. . . ? Why am I involve in this?" Kaeya whispered over the phone
"Because I've had a different dream this time, performing with you, didn't you say you'd do anything for your big bro?" Diluc stated as a matter of factly "Or are you just saying that, maybe you never meant it and hated your big bro-"
"-Alright! Fine I'll audition with you" Kaeya couldn't believe Diluc copied his guilt-ridden strategy, he should be more careful now around his brother until now he only thought it would only work on Diluc and not back-fired at him
Over the phone, Crepus was laughing loudly at his sons' exchanged, he was happy, joyous even knowing that his two pride and joy are still getting along despite the rift that had happened between them. 
"Alright, do your best boys but just in case bring someone else with you, it'll put my heart at ease knowing you two are safe, will that be alright?"
"of course dad," the brothers said in unison, laughing at one another.
The following day at the Golden Pavillion, Katherine who was busy checking any response from the talent she had scouted was abruptly called by the receptionist because of a commotion at their company's lobby. Upon reaching the said lobby Katherine was surprised to see a lot of black-suited men guarding every corner of their building looking for anything suspicious when one of the black-suited men noticed her, the man straightforwardly asked her without reserved "Excuse me ma'am are you, Katherine?"
"uhh. .  . y-yes! Why did I do something?" Katherine asked nervously racking her brain for any memory that would warrant her for an arrest of some sort but as soon as she saw a pair of good-looking men walking her way, she recalled one of the brother's threat
"- You should have just come forward instead of stalking us, you do know that's a crime right? I can report you easily to the police but of course, that'll depend on your reasons" 
No way! Is she going to be arrested for stalking Crepus Ragnvindr's sons?!
Oh, God, I was only scouting them, I didn't mean to do anything illegal! 
Katherine silently prayed as the group of men parted to make way for the two young men, contrary to what Katherine imagined of disdain from the brothers because of her scouting, The two looked friendlier than before, the younger brother Kaeya if she remembers even smiled and waved at her calling her but she shouldn't let her guard down, compared to the older brother Diluc who looks intimidating is less of a threat compared to Kaeya.
"Oh, Ms. Katherine we were looking for you!"
"y-yes? H-how can I help you" she answered in surprise, readying herself for any possible threat the younger male may speak
"We're here to discuss your offer from last time, does it still stands?" Diluc the older brother inquired and for a moment, Katherine felt she was dreaming or is this another ploy to threaten her because they misunderstood her scouting them, she was silent for a minute or two before Kaeya probed her
"Hmm, Ms. Katherine?"
"Ah! Y-yes? I'm sorry I was spacing out" she started still frightened at her surroundings "I'm just overwhelmed with. . ." she looked around her and to the black-suited clad men in the lobby ". . . with this. I was expecting it'll only be you two to visit our building" she explained while the brothers only looked at her understanding what the young woman meant, it could really be intimidating to be surrounded by a lot of bodyguards, however, Kaeya snickered despite trying to apologize profusely at the scene they made
"pfft. . hehehe I-I . . . hehehe . . .we're so sorry if that's what you felt Ms.Katherine but you also have to understand our side, you left immediately after saying your piece without any explanation and your business card doesn't even give any hint about your company" Kaeya explained
"WHAT?!" Katherine spoke, now that she recalls she indeed forgot to tell them because of Kaeya's threat
"We sincerely thought it was a scam and just decided to check the place you mentioned, we just took some extra precautions just in case, I hope you understand, hehehe"
"I-I. . . yes alright, I understand, t-then are the both of you auditioning or just one of you?"
The brothers looked at one another, a knowing smile grazing their handsome faces as they answer Katherine in unison.
"Both of us, if you don't mind"
He was taking his usual stroll in the city trying to relieve another stressful day at work, he had no destination on mind letting his feet take him when he noticed a bunch of freshly picked Qingxin flowers being displayed in the flower shop, Zhongli seeing the flower made him stood in place, a look of longing for someone was reflected on his amber-golden eyes and for a moment he felt the wind blew gently at him swaying his long tied hair
'Oh yeah? Let's see who sings better? You may have that deep alluring voice but I can sing better than you! heh"
'I hope I can see the two of you perform soon! I wouldn't miss it for the world'
"Is it that time already?" he asked himself looking at the clear blue sky above him smiling although with a hint of melancholy, without another word Zhongli purchased a bunch of Qingxin flowers thanking Hu Tao for reminding him of his wallet and as if the wind were guiding him, Zhongli walked where ever the wind blew and before he knew where he was heading he found himself listening to a sound of a harp playing in the distant the soft melodies flowing in the air made him stop on his tracks and a vision of young woman sat with the harp playing covered his eyes
". . . Guizhong?" he mumbled one hand reaching out to the phantom image of his long-gone lover and a second later he felt himself walking towards her mirage only for him to realize his mind was playing tricks at him again. He stood in silence a prick of pain throb his chest slowly growing to his whole body, he covered his handsome stern face with his free hand and heaved a deep sigh not to recollect himself but rather to shake off the incoming tears in his eyes.
'I really love listening to your voice Zhongli, when you become famous don't forget to sing for me, okay?' 
'I'll always be by your side to support you so don't worry about me '
'you worry too much Zhongli, hehehe I may be small compared to you but I can take care of myself, just focus on your dream you made a bet with Barbatos after all'
Try as hard as he can, the emotions insides him betrayed him and a tear slowly cascaded his face at the memory of Guizhong and his time with her, he felt bittersweet at the memory. He was able to achieve what he wants but the person he wants to show his achievement was no longer with him.
How ironic but we can't all have the good things in life can't we? 
He thought as he carefully wiped the remnants of his tears across his face and composed himself again before walking once again to give the flowers to its owner. 
As Zhongli walked the pavement towards the cemetery where Guizhong's tombstone lies he noticed a smaller male sitting in front of her laughing to himself as he lifts a goblet of what seems to be a wine to the air
"I hope you're happy there dear, our beloved stern-face brutish blundering buffoon finally decided to uphold our bet, heh - though I might say it took longer but don't worry the wait is worth it so please keep watching over him, alright? He's. . . .  well, busied himself with others after you were gone can't blame him, you were precious to him" the smaller male said as if he was talking to a person, he leaned back admiring the clear blue sky a soft breeze of the wind passed as if it was agreeing to what he had said earlier about Zhongli not realizing that the male in question was just standing a couple of feet away from them his looming shadow cast over the shorter male as he approaches and a look of disdain clearly pasted on his face.
"Oh, so I'm stern-face blundering baffoon, huh? Oh, how convenient that there's stone here, you wouldn't mind me hitting you with it won't you Barbatos?" Zhongli sarcastically said tossing the pebble in his hand in the air up-down, up-down like a warning as he eyed the man
"hahaha, did I say that? I wasn't actually talking about you rather -"
"huh, save it, Barbatos" The taller man sighed "though I'm surprised to find you here I heard you are busy with your pre-debut" Zhongli threw the pebble to the ground to the relief of Barbatos and sat next to the smaller male offering the Qingxin flower and a short prayer wiping away the dust and dirt that littered her tomb 
Hello, love it's been a while since I lost visit, I hope Barbatos, Xiao, and Ganyu has been keeping you company for me
 He told her silently before he looked back at the shorter male eyeing the wine on his goblet
"Osmanthus?" Zhongli probed 
"The one and only I know you like this stuff and what better way to taste it on the day you finally accepted Geo ent.'s offer, heheh" Barbatos chuckled as he poured another goblet to Zhongli and another in a smaller cup to Guizhong's tomb.
The two men sat in silence neither tasting the wine and just relishing the peace between them before Barbatos cut the silence 
"Guizhong's case. . . it's finally closed, right?" he asked carefully, knowing it's a sensitive topic to his friend
Zhongli only nodded as he gracefully took a sip of the precious wine in his goblet
"I'm glad Guizhong finally had justice . . . she wouldn't have it if it weren't for you I'm sure she's thankful for you up there"
"I need to see to it that I closed her case, I wouldn't have peace if I allowed the criminal who wronged her not be punished" as Zhongli said that Barbatos noticed that somehow Zhongli was able to find peace- though a bit of longing hangs from his face from to time it's better than seeing his old friend looking desperate and empty
Barbatos sighed, "yeah, you've been busy. . . even becoming a lawyer heheh~ so, I guess I have to be careful with my words now, huh? or I might have a court order"  he jested knowing all his friend's activities in the past couple of years and why Zhongli only accepted the Geo ent.'s offer despite being scouted for several years
Zhongli was busy chasing and fighting the court for Guizhong's murder busy enough that his friend grew a bit distant from his relatives Xiao and Ganyu, that was the only reason why his friend became a lawyer and Barbatos doubts his friend will seriously take any more clients after this case was closed, after all, he wouldn't have accepted Geo ent.'s offer if he's serious about his law career, right? 
"Don't worry yourself, this will be the first and last case I'll handle" as if reading his mind, Zhongli responded clearing any doubt from his friend "though, if you break any contracts, I wouldn't mind suing you. .. . you still recall our bet right? A rematch who's a better singer? I'll be upholding that against you, Barbatos" Zhongli chuckled after taking another sip of the wine
"Of course I remember, heh! And it's not Barbatos call me 'Venti' now that's my screen name"
"I see. . . that's better compared to being called 'Barb' or 'atos', Xiao's also debuting with you. . . correct?" Zhongli asked remembering that his younger relative becoming close to his friend while he was busy with his law career.
"Yeah, we have 2 other members joining, you know Aether from ABYSS right? and then there's Kazuha Beidou's protege from Inazuma, You better prepare yourself Zhongli with my group we'll definitely crush you on our rematch, heheh"
Barbatos or as he would like to call himself now 'Venti' jokingly threatened his old rival to which Zhongli paid no mind and just smiled at him 
"I doubt that"
"Oh, aren't you confident? Lemme guess you're being grouped as well? I thought they offered you an exclusive solo contract?"
"They were, however, I asked them to change it mainly because I'm already old and youths prefer something more trendy and younger appearances and I believe we would lose to your group when it comes to charisma and looks" 
 Zhongli finished explaining before he felt his phone vibrated the company number of the Geo ent. flashing on his screen unexpectedly, it was too soon for them to call him regarding the other members. He stood from his seat and dusted off some of the dirt on his pants 
"I'll see you around Barba- I mean 'Venti' they're calling me"
"Don't sweat it, I'll look after Guizhong for a while before I head back and the next time we see each other it should be on stage, remember that, okay?" Venti called over as Zhongli started walking away to answer his call giving him one final look.
When he was finally out of earshot, Zhongli answered the phone the familiar voice of Katherine the talent scout manager greeted him
"Hello, Mr. Zhongli, are you available today for a meeting?"
"I am, what is the meeting all about?" he asked
"It's about your other bandmates, they're here, and we would like for you to get to know one another before proceeding with the formation of your group,"
At her answer, Zhongli saw a young woman was standing beside a plum blossom tree smiling at him the words the woman mouthed made him smile before her mirage disappeared along with the breeze.
'thank you & congratulations Zhongli . .  .'
"Mr. Zhongli?. . . will you be available sir?" 
Katherine's voice brought him back from his trance, he took a second or two before responding a smile evident in his voice.
"yes, I would love to meet them"
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