#going down the ENTIRE LIST there's a bunch of mixed hero opinions to consider!
the-nysh · 2 years
If Garou joins the HA, Amai Mask would lose his mind, I am sure...
And a part of me would kill to see those 2 interact.
I am still kind of pissed than Amai Mask wanted to kill Garou that badly, like seriously, not even the others nobody heroes wanted that, they were just getting out their frustation and past humiliation in him, they never said anything about killing.
How do you imagine things going with the rest of the class S than Garou did not fight (in contrast of the webcomic)?
With Sweet Mask, his black & white no-tolerance policy is understandable knowing what he is, and the extreme edge he's been living on where he cannot afford any leeway, pardons, or lapses in control, because it's reflective of the mental battle he's having within himself, so I'm not angry with him (and knew he had his role to fulfill.) :'3 However, many other heroes in the wc were on board with Garou's execution, finding reasons to 'justify' enacting it and all, while the ones in the manga either stood by as bystanders, or gleefully joined in a petty/vindictive mob of payback that called their 'good' behavior as heroes into question - cause Tareo could not stand by and called them all out for their unheroic behavior (good for him~) with King on pacifist support to emphasize how shameful they were. Cause 'good' heroes need to be above indulging in this type of impulsive, 'feel good' backstabbing violence, or they're no better than petty thugs or at worst, the inhumane monsters (oho..SM) themselves.
So naturally, SM will likely resist and still be vehemently opposed to Garou joining (unless...SM's identity is exposed and thus removes him as the 'barrier' from entering S Class), but as for what the rest of S Class will think of Garou??
I'm actually going to laugh if the manga's 'Garou vs S Class' is going to be a post-arc held competition/tournament to determine his placement among them! x'D So let's go down the list.
Blast: future Garou fought him and learned his portal powers + gravity techniques, but for all current Garou knows, Blast is the one credited for defeating him with the 'Zero Punch' out of nowhere. As for Blast himself, unknown how he'll come into the picture again.
Tatsumaki: was knocked out and never interacted with Garou. In the wc she had reason to fight him thinking he'd hurt her sister, but not here. This time manga Tatsu probably won't care about Garou (esp if she’s focused on Psykos in the post-arc), plus she knows she's the boss anyway.
Bang: self-explanatory. He's already on board supporting him and setting things up to make Garou his replacement following his hero retirement.
Atomic Samurai: ooh this is interesting. Cause he and none of his disciples fought Garou to build a grudge against him. (Aww, missed opportunity for Garou to ‘catch’/parry the Sun Blade~) Plus he respects and trusts Bang. So he’ll either be in support of Bang’s judgement OR he’ll want to gauge Garou’s strength (aka his worthiness as Bang’s replacement) with the ‘apple test.’ If AS doesn’t leave on a post-arc journey in search of the Moon Blade, then either he or his disciples could show interest in fighting/training with Garou, with respect to Bang.  
Child Emperor: ohhh...unsure here. In the wc he was in support of Garou’s execution, but here he stayed out and (aside being knocked out by radiation in the future) never interacted with him. So unless CE still insists on putting up a fight (or if he still leaves for the Neo Heroes with his own reasons), Garou probably won’t be that thrilled to face a child either. 
Bofoi (Metal Knight): lul....he showed up at the VERY END on cleanup and healing duty to treat everyone’s radiation poisoning with magitech. Not bad! But he honestly still has other urgent targets on his paranoia radar to bother with Garou, so he’ll likely stay out to focus on his own, more pressing problems as usual.
King: what a nice guy! :’D He stepped up as a hero in support of Tareo to save Garou, while Garou had previously saved him vs the cadres (as King’s literal Ultimate Wave Motion Cannon.) So King has no reason to oppose Garou...but IF there’s a hero competition requiring some fighting, then King could react like ‘oshit’ as his new reason to want to train himself among dojos. 
Zombieman: hmmm...he’ll probably have more reason to want to investigate ‘god’ as a detective than do any fighting. Unless his ever-healing body is used as target-practice to hone techniques, there’s not much for Garou to gain by fighting him either.
Drive Knight: LMAO he peaced out early and has more dirt to uncover on Bofoi and Blast than to honestly give af about Garou.
Pig God: he’s a nice guy and dependable hero too. Unless Evil Natural Ocean is still out there for him to ‘eat,’ he probably won’t have much problem with Garou. 
Darkshine: ah. He DID directly fight Garou who broke his confidence + heroic spirit (along with all his other ptsd from suffering at the hands of the cadres.) Poor guy. He honestly won’t be in any shape to want to fight, and will probably (retire hero work) want to focus on training/body building instead. (In the wc, this is his reason for leaving for the Neo Heroes to help train others at their facilities.) He IS a nice guy at heart and even welcomed Garou to train at the HA’s facilities...but yeah. I don’t think Darkshine will be in the mood to oppose Garou again. 
Watchdog Man: so Garou did fight him way back, but unless the city he guards is in direct danger, he probably won’t have much reason to care (or remember) much about Garou either way.
Flash: aha! He already picked a fight with Garou vs Platinum. So naturally when it comes to Flash’s pride, he probably won’t give up the opportunity to challenge Garou again. The ironic thing however - that Flash might not even realize, is how he was defeated by Platinum, but Garou ‘avenged’ Flash by defeating Platinum in turn. x’D
Genos: ohhh...how unfortunate. Because Genos has future memories, he’ll have that much strong reason and ‘evidence’ to distrust and oppose Garou. (At the cost of everyone else thinking he’s fanatical to downright ‘mad’/insane for having such wild claims.) So depending on how it’s presented to the audience, Genos could appear like he’s in support of Sweet Mask. D: BUT if Saitama calms & convinces Genos otherwise, Genos will support him, so that’s another story.
Metal Bat: ah good, no problem. Cause while he’s fought and interacted with Garou, he’s also seen some of his better sides + heroic potential to be ok with Garou, and pointedly did not agree with Sweet Mask (ayy). So Garou won’t be Mb’s reason to join the Neos (if he still does, cause he might not this time.) But aside consoling Zenko Mb’s still a friendly meathead bro enough to want a competitive rematch with him, anytime.
Tank Top Master: while the Master himself is a reasonable man, it’s his...tank top army that’s another story. Him saving face and managing their grudge/dissent with Garou will be one of his most pressing problems.
PPP: hmmm...cause Garou already effortlessly defeated him while unconscious, he could still believe Garou’s dangerous. Unknown if he’ll want to fight Garou again, but if he does, he won’t be that much of a challenge to Garou either way.
So we have....team support Bang, open-minded to Garou: 
Bang + Bomb (self-explanatory)
Sitch (HA staff already on board)
Atomic Samurai (friendly fighting - ok)
Metal Bat (friendly fighting - ok)
Along with the support heroes (Mizuki, Needle Star, Shadow Ring, Food Tub, One-Shotter, Gearsper) and staff (Sekingar) Garou saved in the helicopter from Sage Centipede. Suiryu may be open-minded vs the wc too.
Team no-show, probably won’t care either way or give af about Garou:
Drive Knight
Watchdog Man
Team neutral/undecided (might not fight him):
Child Emperor
Pig God
Team who’ll fight Garou competitively either way:
Team who’ll have strong reason to oppose/distrust Garou:
Sweet Mask
Genos (conflicted but will remain team Saitama)
Tank Top Master (to placate his angry followers)
Darkshine (defeated; too demoralized to fight)
PPP (defeated; may not want to fight him again)
Along with the other heroes Garou hurt who’ll still have beef on him (Blue Fire, Loin Cloth, Red Nose, Death Gatling’s group, etc) Golden Ball might, but Spring Mustachio is a gentleman who’ll worry more about his melted master instead.
So once Sweet Mask is gone....it honestly leaves more top heroes who’re probably open-minded (or who won’t care either way) to Garou, vs those who’ll oppose him with hanging problems. But there’s plenty of interesting/mixed opinions it could go either way.
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the-wiresmarvelau · 3 years
T.H.E. W.I.R.E.S
Peter and his Friends are allowed to design the compound and couldn't help but riddle it with secret tunels and hallways. While Peter installs said hallways he makes some new acquaintences who he has to help and gets help from.
chapter 2
Chapter 1:  Set up
Peter let his mind wander, only barely noticing the scenery passing by behind the car window.
He was thinking back to the events of the past one and a half years.
It had been soo much.
Somehow Tony fricking Stark had ended up in his living room to recruit him for an Avengers infight, and ended up mentoring him in not only superheroing, but also all things science related and even normal everyday stuff.
The rest of the consequences from this so-called civil war however hadn’t been as awesome.
Genius, billionaire, playboy, philanthropist, owner of one of if not THE most successful companies in the world and, not to forget, Iron man himself, came home beaten, and in shock. Nobody really knew what happened over in Siberia, apart from those who were there when it all went down.
Back then Iron man hat hated Captain America and, by extension, his team.
Now, Tony was convinced he would be able to get them back in a few weeks; it ‘had taken long enough’ according to him.
Not even four months after the whole Civil War thing went down Mr. Stark had decided to get over himself and begun to consider what would be best in the grand picture; and in his opinion: The world needed the Avengers.
Anytime something like the Chitauri invasion could happen again, a mutant could decide to use their powers for their own gain or organisations like HYDRA could manage to create another super solider.
Not to mention the personal attacks aimed for specific Avengers. Those often included less casualties but if said Avenger isn’t there to react, those people tended to lash out.
So, he had put his personal quarrels with the rogues aside and doubled his efforts to alter the accords in a way that every party could agree and to get the ex-Avengers pardoned.
Before that Tony had already worked hard to mend them in a way that Peter didn’t have to reveal his identity as Spiderman and he was eternally grateful for it; Peter didn’t want this kind of attention, he cherished his anonymity.
And that wasn’t even everything. Tony wanted to make sure everyone felt and was safe.
Safety. Something that the Tower wasn’t entirely fit to provide anymore.
It had been built in a time when more or less everyone had agreed that the Avengers were a good thing or at least no danger for the immediate vicinity.
Nowadays not everyone agreed with Tony on whether the rogues should come back or not.
The general consensus of the public was that the Winter Solider was a threat to society as a whole and their opinions in Wanda weren’t much better.
At least with these two there was a consensus. That couldn’t be said for the rest if the Avengers, team Cap as well as team Ironman.
If the Avengers were to move back to the Tower, everyone in New York would feel threatened and protests were sure to break out, which in turn would bring down the already almost non-existent moral of the team (if you could call them that).
Peter couldn’t help the tiny smile creeping on his face.
As extra as Mr. Stark was he had deemed the already existing compound as too small and unwelcoming.
Without further ado he had ordered to tear the old Structures down and build everything new.
The younger of the two geniuses would never forget the day on which he had found Mr. Stark in his lab, loudly ranting to F.R.I.D.A.Y. about how little time he had; Between the accords, SI and planning the new Compound he was stretched thin as a paper.
As a joke Peter had offered to design the compound for him, stunned when the man paused and decided that, yeah, why not; Let a 17-year-old and his friends go wild with near unlimited resources to plan a living facility for a bunch of spies, mutates, super soldiers and people who could keep up with those.
On the other hand, said teenager should have seen this coming. It was incredibly on brand for the billionaire to forward the most ridiculous tasks to the most unfit to do them (in Peter’s opinion).
At first, he had been horrified to hear what he was asked to do but after some time – and three best friends positively freaking out about the idea of becoming one-time-architects for THE Avengers- the boy relaxed a bit.
Especially Shuri’s assertion, that this wouldn’t be her first time devising such a structure helped.
That was why, the next day, the boy had told his mentor that he had changed his mind and would plan the compound.
How hard can it be, right?
Turns out: it was harder in ways he didn’t expect to become problems and easier when it came to the rest. Overall: feasible.
They had finished the layout about four months ago and by now it was ready to get furnished and finished.
Exactly that was what Peter was gonna do over the next few weeks.
It was summer and he was done with his finals; Not wanting to go stir-crazy with so much time on his hands he had insisted on furnishing the compound by himself.
It was much but manageable. For him at least.
The last year had taught the young hero much, especially about himself and his limits.
For example: Peter had not known that his spider powers included that he needed much less sleep than normal humans, given that he was relatively uninjured.
How had he found out? Well between school, studying for finals, going out as Spiderman and going to the tower to tinker with his mentor he had found himself sleeping only about four hours a day and after a short adjustment period, he was more energetic than ever.
He had also realised just how much his pattern recognition had improved since the bite; and to what extent that helped with learning, for example new languages.
Shuri had taught him a little Wakandan ever since they met which had made him aware that learning languages could actually be fun, if done correctly.
His friends, of course, encouraged him to try for other languages too.
Bevor he just couldn’t decide which one to learn first. There were too many interesting ones
Now that the Avengers were about to reunite, he wanted to make them feel welcome and especially Wanda could probably use someone her age speaking a language more familiar to her than English; so Sokovian would be ideal.
On the other hand, Peter knew that both Black Widow and Mr. Barnes spoke Russian and he really liked the idea of impressing them by speaking a language so different from his native one; he liked that almost as much as he disliked the possibility that the two spies could talk about him or Mr. Stark without them understanding, right in front of them.
Then he had found out that Hawkeye was almost completely deaf and that this had caused some tension in the past whenever Natasha wasn’t around to translate.
Like that, ASL got added to his list.
Three languages were ambitious but at least more manageable than the original list of over a dozen.
Peter was still a bit apprehensive about learning them all at once. That was, until MJ and Shuri began to bet on whether and if: how fast the boy would give up on it.
He knew that if he decided to start learning, he would have to see this through.
But his friends’ gentle bullying and a short motivational speech from Ned gave him the push he needed to take on this challenge.
That was how he found himself practicing every day.
With KAREN it was much easier to practice casually over the day. while he was on patrol, in the lab or at home
She began by telling him random words, in either Sokovian or Russian, apposite to what he was doing at the moment, and also describing the sign in ASL, providing animations of the gestures if needed.
Whenever he had nothing to do, she would quiz him on the learned vocabulary, encouraging him to sign along, and once he had a reasonable basis, she began stating sentences he was supposed to translate or ask questions which he had to answer.
To avoid him mixing up Sokovian and Russian, he always practiced one language for a week, and then the other for another week.
Following Shuri’s advice, he also made sure to have a physical “marker” associated with each language.
On the days he practiced Russian, he put on a watch on his right wrist, when he learned Sokovian he wore a soft fabric bracelet on his left.
According to the princess that would help his brain connect the different lectures within a language.
At first, this process was tedious; Sometimes he just didn’t have the nerves for another lesson or he got frustrated if he didn’t get the words right.
It didn’t help that KAREN sometimes misjudged how much he had to concentrate on different things and began quizzing him at inconvenient times.
But as time went by KAREN got better at knowing when she could distract him and the young genius settled into the routine; to a point where he started to randomly sign words along as he spoke.
It helped him focus on what he was saying, but it also distracted others sometimes. Especially Happy had a hard time following what the boy said when his hands were moving all the time.
Being reminded of the head of security, Peter chanced a glance at said man, who was currently driving.
He was irritable as ever, scowling at him through the rear-view mirror every so often.
Peter flashed him a blinding smile, the next time he looked, before turning his head back to the window and his attention to thinking about the last few weeks.
Distinctly, the new… acquaintance he had made.
About two weeks ago, during an otherwise normal patrol he had found himself further outside of Queens than he usually went.
In the outskirts of hell’s kitchen to be exact.
The spider-powered vigilante hadn’t thought much of it at first and began swinging his way back in the general direction of the tower when a twinge of his spider-sense and curious soundscape in one of the smaller alleys caught his attention.
More specifically the sound of a pretty intense fight going on.
Peter, of course, promptly changed direction to find out what was going on.
Now, he hadn’t expected anything in particular; Peter had learned that having expectations means it is likely that he will be surprised. And that being surprised only paved the way for getting punched, cut or shot, depending on the situation he stumbled into.
Still. He couldn’t help but be confounded when what he saw was a young to middle-aged man, clad in a deep red suit including a helmet with tiny horns, fighting a hoard of.. freakishly soundless … ninjas?
Fortunately for the wall-crawling-superhero the ninjas hadn’t noticed him yet, giving him time to compose himself.
While he had no idea who he should be rooting for, a general rule was that the one fighting alone against a group was usually not the one who picked the fight and would be more cooperative.
Additionally, the man in red seemed somehow familiar; he had probably seen a picture of him once, but he wasn’t sure.
Still. He looked like he needed some help and helping was what the mutate was there for.
“Hey Mr. Red, need a hand dealing with these guys?” Peter asked, already webbing up the first few Ninjas. Completely oblivious to the pun* he just made.
The man scoffed slightly. “Just when I thought you wouldn’t join in on the fun” He huffed out.
“How could I not” Peter replied, delighted that the other quipped back despite his clearly visible exhaustion.
After that the fight didn’t last too long. The horned stranger asked Peter to web all of them up because he neither wanted to be followed by them nor did he kill, which, again, counted as a win in the younger one’s eyes.
They talked a bit afterwards. The man introduced himself as Daredevil aka the Devil of Hell’s kitchen. Peter answered that he was Spiderman and then started to ramble about the article he had read, about the other bringing down this renowned mob boss.
The whole time Daredevil seemed a bit irritated, or confused by something. But he didn’t ask the boy anything and the teenager wasn’t sure if it was rude to ask; after all, vigilantes relied on secrecy, so Peter didn’t comment on it.
Looking back, he kind of regretted it. He would have loved to know what had been on the other one’s mind. But he didn’t have time to sulk about it much, because they arrived just then.
Giddy excitement surged through Peter as he got out of the car and found himself standing before the massive building, that was soon to become the new Avengers compound.
Another reason for why he wanted to furnish everything was, that Mr. Stark had allowed Peter to include secret passageways, which he wasn’t forced to reveal to anyone. He was even allowed to include his own AI in them, which Ned and him had been coding for what felt like forever.
They still had to follow some rules though.
For one: the secret hallways weren’t allowed to contain any clearly dangerous contraptions or traps like great heights, spikes, or an Indiana Jones stile Stone-ball-trap. Ned had been a bit disappointed at the last one but got over it quickly enough.
A secret lab was equally off limits, because “accidents are inevitable” as Tony put it.
Another rule: he had to be able to communicate with F.R.I.D.A.Y., one way or the other, at all times.
He was permitted to veil his exact position as long as the AI could always check whether he was inside the passage ways or not.
FRIDAY also wasn’t allowed to disclose the entries to anyone in any way - unless there was an emergency that is. Most emergency protocols included giving away the entrances to the secret passageways on request of any inhabitant; as either hideout or escape routes.
A tap on the shoulder from Happy brought him back to the present and he hurried to help his driver getting his luggage out of the car.
He would spend his whole summer at the compound, half of it almost alone; with only Tony, Pepper, Vision and Happy checking in occasionally.
For the nights he could decide whether to stay at the Tower after patrolling or go back to the compound, depending on what he felt like.
He’ll still patrol of course.
He had planned to spend most of his daytime putting everything in place. Getting furniture where it belonged, disguising his secret passages, ordering final decorations and equipment, making sure everything was in place.
In the evenings he would swing his way to Queens and fulfil his responsibilities as Spider-Man.
He had to report back to either Tony or Pepper at least every two or three days, because May was on a trip for Doctors without borders and therefore not available all the time; but he had promised to call May every day.
Happy bid the Yong hero goodbye and, with a last good look back at the kid, drove off. He wasn’t convinced that letting the kid go nuts with designing and furnishing the entire compound alone was that good of an idea.
On the other hand: it was by far not the most questionable thing Tony had done -or had allowed to be done for that matter- and he didn’t have a say in the decision anyways.
Peter, energetic as ever, went straight to work, deciding that he should start by setting up his room, so he had a place to sleep for the night. For convenience.
Then he would set up his lap before furnishing Tony and Peppers room as well as Vision’s, and Happy’s, since those four would probably be his only visitors for the next five or so weeks.
Whenever he got bored of moving stuff around -or he just wanted to tinker for a bit- he could prepare the entrance mechanisms for his secret pathways, which he and his friends had begun to call “T.H.E. W.I.R.E.S.”; Short for “The Hidden Entry’s Will Indefinitely Remain an Elaborate Secret”, a sarcastic remark from MJ which Shuri proposed to send as cryptic letter to one of the Avengers, in case they didn’t notice the pathways for long enough that it got boring.
As Peter wrote the phrase down, he realised what a perfect acronym it was, since the small hallways and crawlspaces connected the rooms like wires the different parts of a machine. And just like that - the new name was born.
As he stepped inside, the boy couldn't help the chills running down his spine at the emptiness of the building.
For some reason it reminded him of the abandoned warehouse that the Vulture dropped on him.
And empty
And. . . MASSIVE.
'No!' he reprimanded himself in his thoughts.
’This is different. These walls could withstand such a silly. Little .. sharp clawed wingsuit.
And besides! He was not as helpless as he had been back then.
‘I have my suit; I'm more experienced and I have Karen. I’m not on my own.’
With that in mind he began to make his way up to his new room to deposit his luggage.
The elevator was already working and connected to Karen for the time being. Tony had agreed that it would be easier to keep THE WIRES a secret if Peter were to set up the entries before FRIDAY was installed.
Additionally, Tony had more time to code the update he had planned for her; it would have been an unnecessary hustle to upload FRIDAY only to get her shut down for the update a week or so later.
"KAREN? Up to the first floor please" Peter asked; ever politely.
'of course, Peter' his AI replied.
"Where did Mr. Stark say the furniture was delivered to again?" the young hero inquired, just as the elevator came to a stop and he headed over to what would soon be his room;
Designed by himself for himself.
'Mostly in the Garage and the adjoining lap.' Karen’s melodic voice answered.' The furniture for your room and the kitchen on the ground floor are closest to the lifts entrance. For easy access. Oven, fridge and other kitchen machinery on both floors is already installed.'
"I knew I forgot something." he mumbled under his breath; then, louder: "Thanks’ Karen. What would I do without you?"
‘Starve; as it seems' Came Karen’s answer - cocky and with an almost human level of amusement.
‘Or you would have long since bleed out in some ally; refusing to call Mr Stark because „it’s just a little stab wound".'
They continued to banter back and forth like that, while Peter began furnishing his room.
His super-strength combined with his intuition for, and knowledge of physics made it fairly easy for him to manoeuvre all the stuff in and out of the, fortunately, large elevator... or maybe less fortunate and more designed that way.
‘By myself!!!’, he couldn’t help but think, as a spark of pride and excitement surged through him, while thinking about it.
He finished to set up his room and unpack rather quickly.
The carpets and wallpaper had luckily already been put up, which made the whole ordeal at least ten times easier.
Afterwards, at the insistence of Karen, he went on to get the kitchen ready for use while a Pizza was already in the oven.
Everything worked out as planned. There was no furniture missing, nothing broke and he got all the things done that he planned for the day.
It went fairly similar the day after.
And the day after that.
And the day after that and so on for about three weeks.
Patrolling seemed to go smoother lately; he got injured less, most likely because he actually went to sleep regularly; for once in his teenage years; and Peter felt the days fly by in a fulfilling blur.
But as relaxing and comfortable as these past weeks had been, Peter couldn’t help but wish for something interesting to happen. Especially as he swung through the city one night, elated from the adrenalin coursing through his veins with every twipp of his webs, every fall he caught in the last second.
He let his mind wander - through the compound, which looked more and more like a home with every shelf he installed, every painting he hung up – to Daredevil, who he hadn’t seen again even though he went near Hell’s kitchen more and more often, -to his friends, Ned and MJ, who had come over to help him for a few days, Shuri, sadly, hadn’t been allowed to come over, but at least they facetimed almost every day.
Just as his thoughts meandered to the special guestroom Mr. Stark had requested for some mysterious person who might move to the compound, according to Tony, in the not so near future; the boys attention got caught by a strange, greenish-gold light on one of the higher roofs.
It seemed so unnaturally... natural.
Too natural to belong in the middle of a city.
Nothing like the artificial neon lights and light up adds.
But it didn’t trigger his Spidey-sense, which was curious.
The spider themed hero landed on a roof not far away to inspect that strange source of light.
Now that he got a proper look at it, he realised that it was humanoid figure surrounded by something like an .. aura? in gold and a deep green. The person had about shoulder-long, black hair and wore a long, dark, leather looking coat with green accents.
They looked somewhat familiar but Peter wasn’t quite able to place them; that is, until they turned their head around, ever so slightly.
“Karen..? activate ’don’t tell mom Protocol’ please”
chapter 2
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simplysoriya · 5 years
LFC: Soriya Duskhaven
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Character Chart
Character’s Full Name: Soriya Amare Duskhaven
Reason or Meaning of Name: Her middle name is latin for beloved. Though it holds no real meaning in the Warcraft universe..
Character’s Nickname/Alias: Sori, Sunshine, The Only Decent Duskhaven
Reason for Nickname/Alias: When its not just a shortened version of her name it’s usually personalized. Like her father calls her Sunshine. Anyone who knows the family uses the last one.
Birth Date: August 14th
Physical appearance
Age: 27
How old does he/she appear: Relatively young and vibrant, full of life
Weight: 145lbs
Height: 6’
Body build: Athletic, toned, petite
Shape of face: Soft, rounded, a bit of a square jaw
Eye color: Turquoise
Glasses or contacts: N/a
Skin tone: Very tan & sunkissed
Distinguishing marks: A particularly bright smile
Predominant features: See above
Hair color: Chestnut with faded blonde highlights
Type of hair: Long & wavy, reaches down passed her shoulders
Hairstyle: It varies, she usually wears it down but will frequently wear it up when active
Voice: Energetic, slightly high pitched, enthusiastic, sometimes hints of sarcasm
Overall Attractiveness: 10/10 (Biased opinion). Very fit, cute, and generally all around attractive personality
Physical Disabilities: N/a
Usual Fashion of Dress: Bohemian, chic, athletic, traditional, or a mix of the aforementioned. It varies.
Favorite Outfit: She likes floral bikinis
Jewelry or Accessories: It varies, usually nicknacks and trinkets she has picked up from her journeys. Nothing too flashy, usually not valuable items. Think like driftwood carvings or handmade bracelets.
Good Personality Traits: Compassionate, understanding, easy going, kind, thoughtful, probably some other things that just aren’t coming to at the moment. But on theme with those.
Bad Personality Traits: Soriya is a bit naive at times, can be quick to comment without thinking, generally a bit of an airhead from time to time, she can also be distant.
Mood Character is Most Often In: Cheerful
Sense of Humor: Sarcasm and teasing, body comedy, light jokes
Character’s Greatest Joy In Life: Making others smile
Character’s Greatest Fear: Losing someone she’s close with
What single event would most throw this character’s life into complete turmoil?: At this current point in time? Likely just Kirollis passing on.
Character Is Most at Ease When: Meditating
Most Ill at Ease When: They know someone's ill intentions but trying and be nice to them anyways
Enraged When: I have yet to think of something that would make her go off in a rage.
Depressed or Sad When: She feels like she’s alone in the world
Life Philosophy: Don’t worry, be happy. Akuna Matada. Whatever floats your boat.
If Granted One Wish, It Would Be: To meet her mom, five minutes would be fine.
Character’s Soft Spot: Animals, orphans, people in general, those who have had it rough
Is This Soft Spot Obvious to Others?: It may be hard to spot given her usual sunny disposition.
Greatest Strength: Optimism
Greatest Vulnerability or Weakness: Benefit of the doubt
Biggest Regret: She doesn’t have any, mostly by choice
Minor Regret: See above
Biggest Accomplishment: I want to say she’s proud of who she’s become. That’s likely, to her, her greatest accomplishment. Feeling like she’s a good person.
Minor Accomplishment: Achieving the rank of Master among monks
Past failures he/she would be embarrassed to have people know about: The time she broke her leg on a dragon hunt.
Character’s Darkest Secret: A stuffed animal collection. It’s not really secret. Or dark.
Does Anyone Else Know?: Maybe?
Drives and Motivations: Wandering, being the change in the world, brightening up other peoples lives
Immediate Goals: Making sure her students have the tools they need to succeed, and the outlook needed to tackle life
Long Term Goals: Seeing all that Azeroth has to offer. Helping her father through his issues and guilt. Making a change in the world.
How the character plans to accomplish these goals: Exploring, compassion, and heart- in that order.
How Other Characters Will Be Affected: Kiro’s gonna cry a lot.
Hometown: Silvermoon
Type of Childhood: Rough, mostly. When she was in the orphanage resources were very slim and the amount of orphans were very high. It’s why she left in the first place.
Pets: Any dog that she sees.
First Memory: That’s rough, probably listening to other orphans express pain and loss following Arthas’ yeet to the Sunwell.
Most Important Childhood Memory: Leaving the orphange
Childhood Hero: She used to think her parents were valiant knights who fought the undead. She kind of idolized the renditions she imagined..
Dream Job: She likes teaching young ones.
Education: Lacking. She has the traditional education of probably 5th grade. (Not to say she’s stupid, though)
Religion: She’s devoted mostly to Pandarian teachings. But early on it was very muddled and confusing.
Finances: Poor
Current Location: Wandering Azeroth
Currently Living With: Whatever wildlife is near her at the time she makes camp. Alternatively her father.
Pets: Turtles. She also adopts animals all the time, which her dad then goes and finds homes for.
Religion: None that I can surmise
Occupation: Teacher
Finances: Wealthy
Siblings: None at the moment
Relationship With Them: N/A
Spouse: N/a
Relationship With Them: N/a
Children: N/a
Relationship With Them: N/a
Other Important Family Members: Really just her dad and her aunt are left. She hasn’t gone and tried to start one on her own.
Color: Sea blue
Least Favorite Color: Orange
Music: Classic Rock, pop, new school, techno
Food: Tacos
Literature: She doesn’t read a bunch. But she likes upbeat fiction, or self help books.
Form of Entertainment: Magazines
Expressions: A bright smile
Mode of Transportation: Boats
Most Prized Possession: A picture of her mom
Hobbies: Painting, hiking, climbing, surfing, swimming, martial arts, yoga, interior design, fashion
Plays a musical instrument?: Soriya can’t really play much. But she does know how to pick at a ukulele from time to time
Plays a sport?: Any that she comes across. Though soccer is a favorite, as well as volleyball.
How she would spend a rainy day?: Dancing in it. She likes the rain, or really any form of water.
Spending Habits: She has her days where she’s a shopaholic. Though since she came into family money, she’s splurged a lot more then she used to.
Smokes: Thistle sometimes
Drinks: She has a lot of brewmaster friends
Other Drugs: Not repulsed, but not on her to-do list
What does he/she do too much of?: Use qualifiers- ‘like’ ‘sorta’ ‘I mean’ before speaking, or woven into her speech
What does he/she do too little of?: Take a minute to just breath
Extremely Skilled At: Mistweaving
Extremely Unskilled At: Singing
Nervous Tics: Nervous or unusual laughter
Usual Body Posture: Upright, relaxed, calm
Mannerisms: Bright, welcoming, animated gestures, talks with her hands
Peculiarities: Basically her entire self
Optimist or Pessimist?: Optimist
Introvert or Extrovert?: Extrovert
Daredevil or Cautious?: Daredevil
Logical or Emotional?: Emotional
Disorderly and Messy or Methodical and Neat?: ‘Her’ definition of neat
Prefers Working or Relaxing?: She enjoys a hard days work, but preferably its relaxing.
Confident or Unsure of Themself?: Confident
Animal lover?: Most definitely is
How She Feels About Herself: She’s proud of herself.
One Word Character Would Use To Describe Themselves: Hopeful
Paragraph Description on How They’d Describe Themselves: “I just like to surf and eat tacos man. I’m not that complicated”
What does the character consider his/her best personality trait?: Kindness
What does the character consider his/her worst personality trait?: Forgetfulness
What does the character consider his/her best physical characteristic?: Her physique
What does the character consider his/her worst physical characteristic?: I’m not sure she really- I don’t think she focuses on that kind of stuff
How does the character think others perceive him/her?: A naive kid
What would the character most like to change about himself/herself?: If she wanted to change something she would put her mind to it and do it. She’s not the type to procrastinate self improvement
Relationships with others
Opinion of Other People in General: Sympathetic. She believes most people have had a hard life, and thinks that’s the reason for a lot of bad behavior
Does the character hide his/her true opinions and emotions from others?: It depends on how close to the chest she’s playing it but generally she will only hide things if she feels like it will hurt someone
Person Character Most Hates: Nobody
Best friend(s): Looking for some I guess
Love interest(s): N/a
Person Character (Would) Go to For Advice: Kirollis probably
Person Character Feels Responsible For: Her dad again, oddly
Person Character Feels Awkward Around: Probably @kat-hawke
Person Character Openly Admires: See above
Person Character Secretly Admires: She wouldn’t hold that back
Art creds @nehku
47 notes · View notes
guillemelgat · 7 years
Catalan Folk Music
As per request​, your favorite old person is here to give you some Catalan folk recommendations! (Actually I am neither old nor do I listen to large amounts of Catalan folk, but whatever, I’ll take any opportunity I get to talk about Catalan music.)
To begin with, the idea of “folk music” is kind of hard to define, since “folk” basically just means people and people are behind music most of the time. I’m not sure what Catalan folk Spotify thinks I’m listening to, but I’ll break down what I consider to be folk music from Catalunya and y’all can decide which one you think most accurately describes the style you like. 
(this is officially Too Long so will continue under the cut)
Real Folk (aka Weird Songs Your Avis Would Sing About Jesus and Other Such Topics)
Beldà + Sanjosex - This is probably why Spotify thinks I enjoy Catalan folk, but this album is really cool for me because as the child of an ethnomusicologist one of my favorite things in the world are the original songs that people used to sing in different places aka Real Folk Music™, and this album is the epitome of that. Neither Carles Beldà nor Sanjosex are explicitly folk artists, so don’t listen to any of their other albums expecting them to be the same, but this one is basically them reviving traditional Catalan folk songs (including samples from original recordings) and I think it’s super cool. If you speak Catalan, there’s a website (called Càntut like the album) dedicated to preserving these sorts of songs, with a wealth of songs, lyrics, and recordings.
“El divino vull cantar” - Token Jesus song with one of the people who taught them the song featured at the beginning and end (and at the end he sings a verse that Sanjosex comments is one he had never heard before). 
“El pomeró” - A cute song about a little apple tree of the sort that you would sing as a child except in a pretty polished version.
“Serrallonga” - A song about everyone’s favorite Catalan folk hero, this one has a bit more of an edge to it because Serrallonga was an edgy man.
Pep Gimeno “Botifarra” - I don’t know if Pep Botifarra should be here because he kind of transcends categories, but this was the best I could do. Basically, he’s a traditional singer in the Valencian cantaor style, and he makes a lot of traditional but also fun and modern music! In other words, the style he sings in is always traditional, and generally he’s accompanied by a traditional ensemble, but he also appears in collaboration with a range of groups from the País Valencià and the Països Catalans in general, especially groups like Obrint Pas. Also, a lot of his songs have more modern lyrics, and he’s generally just amazing.
“Malaguenya de Barxeta” - A rousing hymn to “el meu País Valencià” and honestly just The Best. Obrint Pas also have a version of this, which is also great, but less traditional.
“Jota de Xàtiva” - Feliu Ventura wrote at least some of the lyrics to this, but the music is old, which makes for a fun mix between modern and traditional.  
“Cant de batre” - Just because it’s absolutely gorgeous, not because it’s famous or important.
Nova Cançó (aka The Kind of Folk That Came From the 60s and Was Mostly For Hippies but in Catalunya It Was a Bit More Rooted In Actual Tradition)
Lluís Llach - I actually don’t listen to much Llach, but how can I not include him on this list? I don’t know if I would consider him 100% folk, but he’s definitely a leader of the Nova Cançó movement and a Catalan musician who you just can’t not know.
“L’estaca” - THE song by Lluís Llach, also probably a good example of him singing in a more folk-y style.
Maria del Mar Bonet - I've only listened to a bit of Maria del Mar Bonet, but she was another leader of Nova Cançó and her songs are really pretty and a lot more folksy. She’s also from Mallorca, which is always fun.
“Merhaba” - A song about the unity of Mediterranean cultures and their shared history as seafarers. This version sounds like it came from a movie soundtrack but it’s great.
“Què volen aquesta gent?” - A song about political repression and persecution during the dictatorship. It’s pretty famous and very moving.
“Carta a l’exili” - A song about writing to people from exile, making a definite reference to all the Catalans exiled after the Spanish Civil War and during the dictatorship.
Al Tall - Al Tall are THE folk band from the País Valencià, even though they kind of don’t count as Nova Cançó. They sing a lot of really traditional Valencian songs, but as with a lot of these groups, some of them have a definitively anti-Spain and anti-Bourbon flavor (I’m looking at you, “Cant dels Maulets”). Also they use a lot of dolçaina, so if that annoys you then you’re probably not going to like them. Still, if you want folk from a certain era from Valencia, they are your go-to people.
“El cant dels Maulets” - I can’t not mention this song, sorry if you like the Bourbons but this is a legend and it deserves to be here.
“Cançó de la llum” - A good song about a town where the mayor is supposed to switch to electricity but siphons the funds away for other purpose and proceeds to get absolutely destroyed.
“Tio Canya” - I’m sorry but it’s kind of impossible to find a non-political song by Al Tall, this one is about the loss of the Valencian language and is probably one of their most famous.
Ovidi Montllor- Ovidi is also Nova Cançó and arguably does not count as folk but I don’t care because he’s amazing and y’all should listen to him. He’s very left-leaning and pro-Valencian/Països Catalans, so he’s basically eternally relevant to young Catalans and honestly to young people everywhere, which is why groups like Aspencat, La Gossa, El Diluvi, and even Txarango (see the opening line of “Agafant l’horitzó”) make constant references to him. 
“Perquè vull” - A classic. The ultimate petty song but honestly such a mood. This version featuring Ovidi speaking in French at the beginning.
“Homenatge a Teresa” - Not personally my favorite Ovidi song, but it’s legendary so I can’t not put it. It’s a lot more quiet and gentle than his other songs.
“Tot explota pel cap o per la pota” - This is not the most Communist song by Ovidi, but it’s probably up there. Basically just about how the proletariat is done with the bourgeoisie, is empowered, and is going to rise up. What more could you ask for?
Raimon - Another super important artist from the País Valencià who is a bit more rooted in folk than Ovidi but still a part of Nova Cançó. I haven’t listened to a lot of Raimon but songs like “Al Vent” are classics that you can’t not like.
“Al vent” - A song about fighting despite the darkness of the world we were born into. It’s absolutely gorgeous.
“Jo vinc d’un silenci” - A haunting song about remembering where you come from and not losing sight of your roots.
“D’un temps, d’un país” - A solemnly beautiful song about pushing on and slowly winning the world that we have fought so much to see. Interpret what that world is as you will.
Esquirols - If you have an image of folk from the 1960s, Esquirols are probably what you’re imagining. Basically just a bunch of hippies singing songs about joining together (and also fighting for Catalunya but I mean what else would you expect at this point). In my opinion the best group from the Principat during this era, but that’s entirely personal and I am usually a bad judge of these things.
“Torna, torna, Serrallonga” - It’s ya boy he’s back and also this is literally The Most Legendary Song Ever it’s so epic (and as a heads up it’s also exceedingly political).
“Fent camí” - This is basically the Catalan version of all the songs I grew up with from Rise Up Singing (aka just a book with all the pro-union/grassroots protest songs ever sung in the United States), which is not a thing anyone is going to know but I don’t know how else to describe it.
“Arrels” - I just posted this a week or so ago (albeit a different version) but it’s so pretty and just a really nice positive song about life in general except not in a cheesy way, it’s just gorgeous and you have to listen to it for yourself.
“Folk Calentó” (aka Catalans Are Great and Have Modern Cool Hip Bands Who Play Folk in a Fun Way That Is Enjoyable to Listen to)
Roba Estesa - This band is literally the most undervalued Catalan group in modern music. They are six women who basically sing either feminist adaptations of traditional songs or else original songs with lots of influences from cúmbia or rumba catalana, but still with a definitive folk feel. They are amazing and deserve much more love than they get.
“Una altra ronda” - A lively song about getting really drunk with your friends because screw the rules women don’t care about being well-behaved.
“A la muntanya” - An older song about how girls just wanna have fun screw their husbands.
“Les noies d’Olot” - More girls just being generally badass and too good for the men who are interested in them.
El Diluvi - Of a similar left-leaning, feminist vein to Roba Estesa, this group is also very Catalanist and big fans of Ovidi (see above). They have a lively folk sound, with influences from all around the world, but are definitely rooted in acoustic, with a violin and a bandúrria making up part of their ensemble. They are quite possibly one of my favorite Catalan groups of all time.
“I tu, sols tu” - A feminist hymn but also just a great song, based on a poem by Maria Mercè Marçal.
“Vell record” - More of a folk song, with a somewhat Celtic sound and vivid lyrics.
“Alegria” - A simple, happy song about being happy. (What would expect, given the title?)
Germà Negre - A group which claims they were formed when La Moreneta (patron saint of Catalunya) visited them in a dream and told them to revive traditional Catalan music, which regardless whether it’s true or not, is a good origin story. They mostly sing covers of other artists (including songs by several of the artists listed above), but they have lots of interesting instruments and I really like them.
“L’Hereu Riera” - I am personally a fan of this version of this song, even though I’m pretty sure no one else knows it exists. The video shows the traditional dance that goes along with it as well as the cobla, the traditional Catalan musical ensemble.
“Les noies maques” - A great cover of a Catalan kids’ song that is about 200 times better than the original (even though the video does not match with the music being played, which is annoying).
“Guarda la lluna” -  A more traditional song, but it’s really lively and energetic.
La Troba Kung-fú - Probably a stretch, but rumba catalana is definitely folk music, and La Troba are masters of it. They definitely have a lot of modern influences from reggae and other things, but they do some really fun versions of traditional songs, which is what I’ll put here.
"La cançó del lladre” - The definitive version of this traditional song, very rumbero and very good, albeit perhaps not the most folk-like song.
“El preso de Lleida” (with Sílvia Pérez-Cruz) - A beautiful rumba version of this traditional Catalan song, with Sílvia Pérez-Cruz, who is another amazing folk-ish singer. It’s kind of quiet in the beginning, so turn up the volume.
“Flor de primavera” - Not a traditional song, but a gentle, beautiful rumba that is so dreamy and light you will immediately fall in love with it.
Indie Folk (aka The Acoustic Airy Sound That You Probably Associate With Folk More Than Anything Else on This List)
Mazoni - I haven’t listened to everything by him, but a lot of his music is what I would consider folk in the current sense of the word, especially his latest album. He is very much defined by that acoustic guitar sound, but can also be wildly different, so it’s hard to say with him.
“La collita” - A fun song about the apocalypse that takes a dig at Goldman Sachs, which is always appreciated.
“Pedres” - I personally really enjoy this song, it’s a bit grittier and more intense than the simple melody would seem.
Cesk Freixas - While I would consider Cesk Freixas more singer-songwriter than explicitly folk, he definitely has that specific sound. I haven’t really listened to much by him, but here are a few songs that aren’t “La petita rambla del poble sec” even though I love that song, plus him doing a cover of some of the songs earlier on this list.
“Et dono casa meva” - A mix of singer-songwriter and folk, a love song to Catalunya and the Països Catalans. 
“Que no et falli mai la sort” - A good example of his unique brand of utopianism and hope for the future, which sounds silly but it’s honestly not.
“Al vent / L’estaca / Què volen aquesta gent?” - Cesk’s version of these three classics which you might recognize now :))))
Well, this ended up being more of a list of traditional Catalan music than Catalan folk music, but that’s more of what I listened to. This also turned out way too long, but am I even capable of writing short posts? Anyhow, enjoy!
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racheltgibsau · 6 years
Marketers’ Top 5 Priorities for 2019 Ranked (And Why They’re Counterintuitive)
If you’re a digital marketer in 2019, people are expecting a lot from you. Your laundry list of goals for the year ahead probably includes a bit of everything: boosting organic traffic, refining paid ads, generating more leads, optimizing content for conversions, and maybe sacrificing a goat or two to the SEO gods. (#HailGoogle)
It’s enough to make anyone feel a little overwhelmed.
That’s why it’s important to sit down at the start of each year and figure out exactly what you want—or rather need—to focus on first. Because, as any marketer can tell you, prioritization is a tricky beast. There’s always so much that you could be doing, it’s hard to know what you should be doing.
Case in point, check out this graph from our Page Speed Report. It shows what nearly 400 marketers say their top priorities are for 2019:
Source: The 2019 Page Speed Report.
Of course, every item on this list is worth doing if you have the capacity to do them all. But one result here really caught us off guard: only 3% of marketers say they will be focusing on ensuring faster website loading times in 2019? It’s at the absolute bottom of their list of priorities?? That’s bonkers! Google keeps signaling this is the year of page speed, after all.
If you focus on some of this other stuff first—while your pages keep loading slowwwww—then you might accidentally end up driving up the cost of your ad clicks and conversions.
With that in mind, today we’re going to dive into the reasons why marketers say these priorities are so important—and why you might need to consider rearranging your to-do list for 2019.
Like this graph? Be sure to check out the full version of our Page Speed Report for more insights and examples that show you exactly how slow load times might be killing your conversions.
Priority #1: A/B Testing (33% of Marketers)
We’ve written a lot about why A/B testing is important, so we’re not surprised that most marketers list it as their number one priority for 2019. You should absolutely be running tests on your websites and landing pages to optimize them for conversions. This is what will give you the edge over the competition and drive down the cost of your PPC ads—right?
Well, not entirely…
Here’s the problem: proper A/B testing takes time to pull in adequate sample sizes and to get statistically significant results. And the longer you take to test and optimize your potentially slow-loading variants, the more your pages are going to bleed conversions. In fact, for every second a page takes to load, conversions drop by 12%. Overall, you have to ask yourself: will anything you’re testing on the page itself have as big of an effect as speeding up its load time?
What’s worse, some A/B testing tools actually have a negative impact on your load times, making your campaign pages even more sluggish than before. According to one test done by ConversionXL, implementing a third-party A/B testing tool can cause your page speed score to drop by as much as 12 points. Yikes!
So while A/B testing is a great way to see what’s working (or not) on any given page, we’d suggest moving this down on your marketing priority list for 2019 until your pages are optimized for speed, first.
Priority #2: Refining Ad Targeting (19% of Marketers)
You’re paying big bucks every time someone clicks on one of your ads. So one thing you want to be sure of is that the people who do click on them are actually the right types of qualified leads you want to be attracting.
Christi Olson, Head of Evangelism for Search at Microsoft, recently told Search Engine Journal that having a well-thought-out segmentation and audience targeting strategy is going to be what separates the “best-in-class” marketing experts from the “average Joes” in 2019.
But if you don’t provide a fast-loading landing page experience along with your terrific ad targeting? You’re still going to end up paying more for your ad clicks.
Google clearly states that slow page speeds will have a direct and negative impact on “your Ad Rank, and therefore your CPC and position in the ad auction.” So while refining your ad targeting is now more important than ever, what you really need to do first is make sure your landing pages don’t take f-o-r-e-v-e-r to load (even before you start fiddling around in your Google Ads account).
Remember: great targeting can amount to nothing if your visitors click an ad and run up against a slow-to-load page. See how Unbounce helps you automatically optimize every landing page you create, without the need for a developer.
Priority #3: Personalizing Website Content (16% of Marketers)
Marketers want to focus on personalization in 2019 because they know the more generic a website is, the less likely it is to convert. 61% of people expect brands to tailor experiences based on their preferences, and 90% of leading marketers say personalization significantly contributes to their business profitability.
So this one has to be a top priority—right?
Well, here’s the thing: even if a web page is extremely personalized and relevant, as page load time goes up, the probability of a visitor bouncing also increases dramatically as well…
According to Think with Google, the longer a page takes to load, the more likely a visitor is to bounce.
This means that if your landing page loads slower than the recommended 3 seconds, people are going to start bouncing before they even get a chance to see your content—no matter how personalized it is!
The end result? You’re going to have more frustrated visitors leaving your website without buying anything, a higher cost per conversion, and a bunch of super duper personalized content that gets completely overlooked.
Priority #4: Creating More Engaging Ad Copy (13% of Marketers)
Let’s get back to basics, then: 13% of marketers we surveyed say they are looking to spend their time this year creating more enticing ads. This is something that is so so so important for your PPC campaigns, especially with the latest expanded text ad formats. Clear, clever, and engaging ad copy will help you stand out from the competition, drive more leads, and directly impact your bottom line.
At the same time, similar to ad targeting (priority #2), your ad copy is only one piece of the Google Ads puzzle. Fast page speeds are also vital for campaign landing pages, especially for visitors who are using mobile devices.
The numbers don’t lie: mobiles sites that load in 5 seconds earn twice as much revenue as mobile sites that take 19 seconds. Similarly, fast-loading sites earn 25% higher ad viewability and 70% longer average sessions. This means that if you want your marketing campaigns to be successful in 2019, you’re going to need both compelling pre-click ad copy and fast-loading post-click experiences.
Remember: your ads and landing pages are an inseparable duo, so it’s smart to prioritize more engaging ad copy along with faster load times. For more info, check out our tips on How to Write the Best Google Ads Copy & Back It Up on Landing Pages.
Priority #5: Adding Compelling Design Elements (5% of Marketers)
Marketing is an act of creation, and all of us want our creations to be beautiful. So what do we do as marketers? We add high-resolution hero images, fancy animations, custom JavaScript elements, and background videos to bring our content to life.
Here’s the thing though, while these types of design flourishes can make your landing pages look good—they’re also kinda dangerous. Research shows that on most mobile landing pages, it takes more than 5 seconds for visual content above the fold to display. Considering more than half of visitors bounce if a mobile page takes longer than 3 seconds to load, that’s a big problem.
Basically, we suggest pulling a Marie Kondo on all of these design elements and ask yourself: does it spark joy (or truly make your visitor more inclined to follow through with your CTA)? If not, well, you know what you have to do…
“If it doesn’t bring you joy, out it goes.”
Worried what visitors will think if you strip out design elements? Interestingly enough, it seems most people aren’t all that hot about extra animations and videos anyways. Check out this graph from our Page Speed Report that shows what visitors would be willing to exclude from your pages in order to get better load times:
Half of all people would be willing to give up animation and video for faster load times.
Reorganizing Your Priority List
If you have page speed at the bottom of your to-do list, then you might have alarm bells going off in your head right now. Load times are critically important to your conversions (the thing we work so hard for in the first place), so that’s why we’re urging you to rethink your priorities for 2019. Make sure you check our Page Speed Report to learn more about all the juicy stats and trends that make it clear why faster page speed belongs at the top of your list.
As for your other priorities? You can call us ruthless, but we believe that if you’re going to only focus on a few things in 2019, these are the top three most important:
1. Page Speed 2. Refining Ad Targeting 3. Creating More Engaging Ad Copy
But hey, that’s just, like, our opinion, man. You’ll know better than anyone else which areas can make the biggest impact on your business. Leave a comment below and let us know what you think, and what you’re prioritizing in 2019.
from RSSMix.com Mix ID 8217493 https://unbounce.com/online-marketing/marketers-top-5-priorities-2019/
0 notes
archiebwoollard · 6 years
Marketers’ Top 5 Priorities for 2019 Ranked (And Why They’re Counterintuitive)
If you’re a digital marketer in 2019, people are expecting a lot from you. Your laundry list of goals for the year ahead probably includes a bit of everything: boosting organic traffic, refining paid ads, generating more leads, optimizing content for conversions, and maybe sacrificing a goat or two to the SEO gods. (#HailGoogle)
It’s enough to make anyone feel a little overwhelmed.
That’s why it’s important to sit down at the start of each year and figure out exactly what you want—or rather need—to focus on first. Because, as any marketer can tell you, prioritization is a tricky beast. There’s always so much that you could be doing, it’s hard to know what you should be doing.
Case in point, check out this graph from our Page Speed Report. It shows what nearly 400 marketers say their top priorities are for 2019:
Source: The 2019 Page Speed Report.
Of course, every item on this list is worth doing if you have the capacity to do them all. But one result here really caught us off guard: only 3% of marketers say they will be focusing on ensuring faster website loading times in 2019? It’s at the absolute bottom of their list of priorities?? That’s bonkers! Google keeps signaling this is the year of page speed, after all.
If you focus on some of this other stuff first—while your pages keep loading slowwwww—then you might accidentally end up driving up the cost of your ad clicks and conversions.
With that in mind, today we’re going to dive into the reasons why marketers say these priorities are so important—and why you might need to consider rearranging your to-do list for 2019.
Like this graph? Be sure to check out the full version of our Page Speed Report for more insights and examples that show you exactly how slow load times might be killing your conversions.
Priority #1: A/B Testing (33% of Marketers)
We’ve written a lot about why A/B testing is important, so we’re not surprised that most marketers list it as their number one priority for 2019. You should absolutely be running tests on your websites and landing pages to optimize them for conversions. This is what will give you the edge over the competition and drive down the cost of your PPC ads—right?
Well, not entirely…
Here’s the problem: proper A/B testing takes time to pull in adequate sample sizes and to get statistically significant results. And the longer you take to test and optimize your potentially slow-loading variants, the more your pages are going to bleed conversions. In fact, for every second a page takes to load, conversions drop by 12%. Overall, you have to ask yourself: will anything you’re testing on the page itself have as big of an effect as speeding up its load time?
What’s worse, some A/B testing tools actually have a negative impact on your load times, making your campaign pages even more sluggish than before. According to one test done by ConversionXL, implementing a third-party A/B testing tool can cause your page speed score to drop by as much as 12 points. Yikes!
So while A/B testing is a great way to see what’s working (or not) on any given page, we’d suggest moving this down on your marketing priority list for 2019 until your pages are optimized for speed, first.
Priority #2: Refining Ad Targeting (19% of Marketers)
You’re paying big bucks every time someone clicks on one of your ads. So one thing you want to be sure of is that the people who do click on them are actually the right types of qualified leads you want to be attracting.
Christi Olson, Head of Evangelism for Search at Microsoft, recently told Search Engine Journal that having a well-thought-out segmentation and audience targeting strategy is going to be what separates the “best-in-class” marketing experts from the “average Joes” in 2019.
But if you don’t provide a fast-loading landing page experience along with your terrific ad targeting? You’re still going to end up paying more for your ad clicks.
Google clearly states that slow page speeds will have a direct and negative impact on “your Ad Rank, and therefore your CPC and position in the ad auction.” So while refining your ad targeting is now more important than ever, what you really need to do first is make sure your landing pages don’t take f-o-r-e-v-e-r to load (even before you start fiddling around in your Google Ads account).
Remember: great targeting can amount to nothing if your visitors click an ad and run up against a slow-to-load page. See how Unbounce helps you automatically optimize every landing page you create, without the need for a developer.
Priority #3: Personalizing Website Content (16% of Marketers)
Marketers want to focus on personalization in 2019 because they know the more generic a website is, the less likely it is to convert. 61% of people expect brands to tailor experiences based on their preferences, and 90% of leading marketers say personalization significantly contributes to their business profitability.
So this one has to be a top priority—right?
Well, here’s the thing: even if a web page is extremely personalized and relevant, as page load time goes up, the probability of a visitor bouncing also increases dramatically as well…
According to Think with Google, the longer a page takes to load, the more likely a visitor is to bounce.
This means that if your landing page loads slower than the recommended 3 seconds, people are going to start bouncing before they even get a chance to see your content—no matter how personalized it is!
The end result? You’re going to have more frustrated visitors leaving your website without buying anything, a higher cost per conversion, and a bunch of super duper personalized content that gets completely overlooked.
Priority #4: Creating More Engaging Ad Copy (13% of Marketers)
Let’s get back to basics, then: 13% of marketers we surveyed say they are looking to spend their time this year creating more enticing ads. This is something that is so so so important for your PPC campaigns, especially with the latest expanded text ad formats. Clear, clever, and engaging ad copy will help you stand out from the competition, drive more leads, and directly impact your bottom line.
At the same time, similar to ad targeting (priority #2), your ad copy is only one piece of the Google Ads puzzle. Fast page speeds are also vital for campaign landing pages, especially for visitors who are using mobile devices.
The numbers don’t lie: mobiles sites that load in 5 seconds earn twice as much revenue as mobile sites that take 19 seconds. Similarly, fast-loading sites earn 25% higher ad viewability and 70% longer average sessions. This means that if you want your marketing campaigns to be successful in 2019, you’re going to need both compelling pre-click ad copy and fast-loading post-click experiences.
Remember: your ads and landing pages are an inseparable duo, so it’s smart to prioritize more engaging ad copy along with faster load times. For more info, check out our tips on How to Write the Best Google Ads Copy & Back It Up on Landing Pages.
Priority #5: Adding Compelling Design Elements (5% of Marketers)
Marketing is an act of creation, and all of us want our creations to be beautiful. So what do we do as marketers? We add high-resolution hero images, fancy animations, custom JavaScript elements, and background videos to bring our content to life.
Here’s the thing though, while these types of design flourishes can make your landing pages look good—they’re also kinda dangerous. Research shows that on most mobile landing pages, it takes more than 5 seconds for visual content above the fold to display. Considering more than half of visitors bounce if a mobile page takes longer than 3 seconds to load, that’s a big problem.
Basically, we suggest pulling a Marie Kondo on all of these design elements and ask yourself: does it spark joy (or truly make your visitor more inclined to follow through with your CTA)? If not, well, you know what you have to do…
“If it doesn’t bring you joy, out it goes.”
Worried what visitors will think if you strip out design elements? Interestingly enough, it seems most people aren’t all that hot about extra animations and videos anyways. Check out this graph from our Page Speed Report that shows what visitors would be willing to exclude from your pages in order to get better load times:
Half of all people would be willing to give up animation and video for faster load times.
Reorganizing Your Priority List
If you have page speed at the bottom of your to-do list, then you might have alarm bells going off in your head right now. Load times are critically important to your conversions (the thing we work so hard for in the first place), so that’s why we’re urging you to rethink your priorities for 2019. Make sure you check our Page Speed Report to learn more about all the juicy stats and trends that make it clear why faster page speed belongs at the top of your list.
As for your other priorities? You can call us ruthless, but we believe that if you’re going to only focus on a few things in 2019, these are the top three most important:
1. Page Speed 2. Refining Ad Targeting 3. Creating More Engaging Ad Copy
But hey, that’s just, like, our opinion, man. You’ll know better than anyone else which areas can make the biggest impact on your business. Leave a comment below and let us know what you think, and what you’re prioritizing in 2019.
from RSSMix.com Mix ID 8217493 https://unbounce.com/online-marketing/marketers-top-5-priorities-2019/
0 notes
zacdhaenkeau · 6 years
Marketers’ Top 5 Priorities for 2019 Ranked (And Why They’re Counterintuitive)
If you’re a digital marketer in 2019, people are expecting a lot from you. Your laundry list of goals for the year ahead probably includes a bit of everything: boosting organic traffic, refining paid ads, generating more leads, optimizing content for conversions, and maybe sacrificing a goat or two to the SEO gods. (#HailGoogle)
It’s enough to make anyone feel a little overwhelmed.
That’s why it’s important to sit down at the start of each year and figure out exactly what you want—or rather need—to focus on first. Because, as any marketer can tell you, prioritization is a tricky beast. There’s always so much that you could be doing, it’s hard to know what you should be doing.
Case in point, check out this graph from our Page Speed Report. It shows what nearly 400 marketers say their top priorities are for 2019:
Source: The 2019 Page Speed Report.
Of course, every item on this list is worth doing if you have the capacity to do them all. But one result here really caught us off guard: only 3% of marketers say they will be focusing on ensuring faster website loading times in 2019? It’s at the absolute bottom of their list of priorities?? That’s bonkers! Google keeps signaling this is the year of page speed, after all.
If you focus on some of this other stuff first—while your pages keep loading slowwwww—then you might accidentally end up driving up the cost of your ad clicks and conversions.
With that in mind, today we’re going to dive into the reasons why marketers say these priorities are so important—and why you might need to consider rearranging your to-do list for 2019.
Like this graph? Be sure to check out the full version of our Page Speed Report for more insights and examples that show you exactly how slow load times might be killing your conversions.
Priority #1: A/B Testing (33% of Marketers)
We’ve written a lot about why A/B testing is important, so we’re not surprised that most marketers list it as their number one priority for 2019. You should absolutely be running tests on your websites and landing pages to optimize them for conversions. This is what will give you the edge over the competition and drive down the cost of your PPC ads—right?
Well, not entirely…
Here’s the problem: proper A/B testing takes time to pull in adequate sample sizes and to get statistically significant results. And the longer you take to test and optimize your potentially slow-loading variants, the more your pages are going to bleed conversions. In fact, for every second a page takes to load, conversions drop by 12%. Overall, you have to ask yourself: will anything you’re testing on the page itself have as big of an effect as speeding up its load time?
What’s worse, some A/B testing tools actually have a negative impact on your load times, making your campaign pages even more sluggish than before. According to one test done by ConversionXL, implementing a third-party A/B testing tool can cause your page speed score to drop by as much as 12 points. Yikes!
So while A/B testing is a great way to see what’s working (or not) on any given page, we’d suggest moving this down on your marketing priority list for 2019 until your pages are optimized for speed, first.
Priority #2: Refining Ad Targeting (19% of Marketers)
You’re paying big bucks every time someone clicks on one of your ads. So one thing you want to be sure of is that the people who do click on them are actually the right types of qualified leads you want to be attracting.
Christi Olson, Head of Evangelism for Search at Microsoft, recently told Search Engine Journal that having a well-thought-out segmentation and audience targeting strategy is going to be what separates the “best-in-class” marketing experts from the “average Joes” in 2019.
But if you don’t provide a fast-loading landing page experience along with your terrific ad targeting? You’re still going to end up paying more for your ad clicks.
Google clearly states that slow page speeds will have a direct and negative impact on “your Ad Rank, and therefore your CPC and position in the ad auction.” So while refining your ad targeting is now more important than ever, what you really need to do first is make sure your landing pages don’t take f-o-r-e-v-e-r to load (even before you start fiddling around in your Google Ads account).
Remember: great targeting can amount to nothing if your visitors click an ad and run up against a slow-to-load page. See how Unbounce helps you automatically optimize every landing page you create, without the need for a developer.
Priority #3: Personalizing Website Content (16% of Marketers)
Marketers want to focus on personalization in 2019 because they know the more generic a website is, the less likely it is to convert. 61% of people expect brands to tailor experiences based on their preferences, and 90% of leading marketers say personalization significantly contributes to their business profitability.
So this one has to be a top priority—right?
Well, here’s the thing: even if a web page is extremely personalized and relevant, as page load time goes up, the probability of a visitor bouncing also increases dramatically as well…
According to Think with Google, the longer a page takes to load, the more likely a visitor is to bounce.
This means that if your landing page loads slower than the recommended 3 seconds, people are going to start bouncing before they even get a chance to see your content—no matter how personalized it is!
The end result? You’re going to have more frustrated visitors leaving your website without buying anything, a higher cost per conversion, and a bunch of super duper personalized content that gets completely overlooked.
Priority #4: Creating More Engaging Ad Copy (13% of Marketers)
Let’s get back to basics, then: 13% of marketers we surveyed say they are looking to spend their time this year creating more enticing ads. This is something that is so so so important for your PPC campaigns, especially with the latest expanded text ad formats. Clear, clever, and engaging ad copy will help you stand out from the competition, drive more leads, and directly impact your bottom line.
At the same time, similar to ad targeting (priority #2), your ad copy is only one piece of the Google Ads puzzle. Fast page speeds are also vital for campaign landing pages, especially for visitors who are using mobile devices.
The numbers don’t lie: mobiles sites that load in 5 seconds earn twice as much revenue as mobile sites that take 19 seconds. Similarly, fast-loading sites earn 25% higher ad viewability and 70% longer average sessions. This means that if you want your marketing campaigns to be successful in 2019, you’re going to need both compelling pre-click ad copy and fast-loading post-click experiences.
Remember: your ads and landing pages are an inseparable duo, so it’s smart to prioritize more engaging ad copy along with faster load times. For more info, check out our tips on How to Write the Best Google Ads Copy & Back It Up on Landing Pages.
Priority #5: Adding Compelling Design Elements (5% of Marketers)
Marketing is an act of creation, and all of us want our creations to be beautiful. So what do we do as marketers? We add high-resolution hero images, fancy animations, custom JavaScript elements, and background videos to bring our content to life.
Here’s the thing though, while these types of design flourishes can make your landing pages look good—they’re also kinda dangerous. Research shows that on most mobile landing pages, it takes more than 5 seconds for visual content above the fold to display. Considering more than half of visitors bounce if a mobile page takes longer than 3 seconds to load, that’s a big problem.
Basically, we suggest pulling a Marie Kondo on all of these design elements and ask yourself: does it spark joy (or truly make your visitor more inclined to follow through with your CTA)? If not, well, you know what you have to do…
“If it doesn’t bring you joy, out it goes.”
Worried what visitors will think if you strip out design elements? Interestingly enough, it seems most people aren’t all that hot about extra animations and videos anyways. Check out this graph from our Page Speed Report that shows what visitors would be willing to exclude from your pages in order to get better load times:
Half of all people would be willing to give up animation and video for faster load times.
Reorganizing Your Priority List
If you have page speed at the bottom of your to-do list, then you might have alarm bells going off in your head right now. Load times are critically important to your conversions (the thing we work so hard for in the first place), so that’s why we’re urging you to rethink your priorities for 2019. Make sure you check our Page Speed Report to learn more about all the juicy stats and trends that make it clear why faster page speed belongs at the top of your list.
As for your other priorities? You can call us ruthless, but we believe that if you’re going to only focus on a few things in 2019, these are the top three most important:
1. Page Speed 2. Refining Ad Targeting 3. Creating More Engaging Ad Copy
But hey, that’s just, like, our opinion, man. You’ll know better than anyone else which areas can make the biggest impact on your business. Leave a comment below and let us know what you think, and what you’re prioritizing in 2019.
from RSSMix.com Mix ID 8217493 https://unbounce.com/online-marketing/marketers-top-5-priorities-2019/
0 notes
maxslogic25 · 6 years
Marketers’ Top 5 Priorities for 2019 Ranked (And Why They’re Counterintuitive)
If you’re a digital marketer in 2019, people are expecting a lot from you. Your laundry list of goals for the year ahead probably includes a bit of everything: boosting organic traffic, refining paid ads, generating more leads, optimizing content for conversions, and maybe sacrificing a goat or two to the SEO gods. (#HailGoogle)
It’s enough to make anyone feel a little overwhelmed.
That’s why it’s important to sit down at the start of each year and figure out exactly what you want—or rather need—to focus on first. Because, as any marketer can tell you, prioritization is a tricky beast. There’s always so much that you could be doing, it’s hard to know what you should be doing.
Case in point, check out this graph from our Page Speed Report. It shows what nearly 400 marketers say their top priorities are for 2019:
Source: The 2019 Page Speed Report.
Of course, every item on this list is worth doing if you have the capacity to do them all. But one result here really caught us off guard: only 3% of marketers say they will be focusing on ensuring faster website loading times in 2019? It’s at the absolute bottom of their list of priorities?? That’s bonkers! Google keeps signaling this is the year of page speed, after all.
If you focus on some of this other stuff first—while your pages keep loading slowwwww—then you might accidentally end up driving up the cost of your ad clicks and conversions.
With that in mind, today we’re going to dive into the reasons why marketers say these priorities are so important—and why you might need to consider rearranging your to-do list for 2019.
Like this graph? Be sure to check out the full version of our Page Speed Report for more insights and examples that show you exactly how slow load times might be killing your conversions.
Priority #1: A/B Testing (33% of Marketers)
We’ve written a lot about why A/B testing is important, so we’re not surprised that most marketers list it as their number one priority for 2019. You should absolutely be running tests on your websites and landing pages to optimize them for conversions. This is what will give you the edge over the competition and drive down the cost of your PPC ads—right?
Well, not entirely…
Here’s the problem: proper A/B testing takes time to pull in adequate sample sizes and to get statistically significant results. And the longer you take to test and optimize your potentially slow-loading variants, the more your pages are going to bleed conversions. In fact, for every second a page takes to load, conversions drop by 12%. Overall, you have to ask yourself: will anything you’re testing on the page itself have as big of an effect as speeding up its load time?
What’s worse, some A/B testing tools actually have a negative impact on your load times, making your campaign pages even more sluggish than before. According to one test done by ConversionXL, implementing a third-party A/B testing tool can cause your page speed score to drop by as much as 12 points. Yikes!
So while A/B testing is a great way to see what’s working (or not) on any given page, we’d suggest moving this down on your marketing priority list for 2019 until your pages are optimized for speed, first.
Priority #2: Refining Ad Targeting (19% of Marketers)
You’re paying big bucks every time someone clicks on one of your ads. So one thing you want to be sure of is that the people who do click on them are actually the right types of qualified leads you want to be attracting.
Christi Olson, Head of Evangelism for Search at Microsoft, recently told Search Engine Journal that having a well-thought-out segmentation and audience targeting strategy is going to be what separates the “best-in-class” marketing experts from the “average Joes” in 2019.
But if you don’t provide a fast-loading landing page experience along with your terrific ad targeting? You’re still going to end up paying more for your ad clicks.
Google clearly states that slow page speeds will have a direct and negative impact on “your Ad Rank, and therefore your CPC and position in the ad auction.” So while refining your ad targeting is now more important than ever, what you really need to do first is make sure your landing pages don’t take f-o-r-e-v-e-r to load (even before you start fiddling around in your Google Ads account).
Remember: great targeting can amount to nothing if your visitors click an ad and run up against a slow-to-load page. See how Unbounce helps you automatically optimize every landing page you create, without the need for a developer.
Priority #3: Personalizing Website Content (16% of Marketers)
Marketers want to focus on personalization in 2019 because they know the more generic a website is, the less likely it is to convert. 61% of people expect brands to tailor experiences based on their preferences, and 90% of leading marketers say personalization significantly contributes to their business profitability.
So this one has to be a top priority—right?
Well, here’s the thing: even if a web page is extremely personalized and relevant, as page load time goes up, the probability of a visitor bouncing also increases dramatically as well…
According to Think with Google, the longer a page takes to load, the more likely a visitor is to bounce.
This means that if your landing page loads slower than the recommended 3 seconds, people are going to start bouncing before they even get a chance to see your content—no matter how personalized it is!
The end result? You’re going to have more frustrated visitors leaving your website without buying anything, a higher cost per conversion, and a bunch of super duper personalized content that gets completely overlooked.
Priority #4: Creating More Engaging Ad Copy (13% of Marketers)
Let’s get back to basics, then: 13% of marketers we surveyed say they are looking to spend their time this year creating more enticing ads. This is something that is so so so important for your PPC campaigns, especially with the latest expanded text ad formats. Clear, clever, and engaging ad copy will help you stand out from the competition, drive more leads, and directly impact your bottom line.
At the same time, similar to ad targeting (priority #2), your ad copy is only one piece of the Google Ads puzzle. Fast page speeds are also vital for campaign landing pages, especially for visitors who are using mobile devices.
The numbers don’t lie: mobiles sites that load in 5 seconds earn twice as much revenue as mobile sites that take 19 seconds. Similarly, fast-loading sites earn 25% higher ad viewability and 70% longer average sessions. This means that if you want your marketing campaigns to be successful in 2019, you’re going to need both compelling pre-click ad copy and fast-loading post-click experiences.
Remember: your ads and landing pages are an inseparable duo, so it’s smart to prioritize more engaging ad copy along with faster load times. For more info, check out our tips on How to Write the Best Google Ads Copy & Back It Up on Landing Pages.
Priority #5: Adding Compelling Design Elements (5% of Marketers)
Marketing is an act of creation, and all of us want our creations to be beautiful. So what do we do as marketers? We add high-resolution hero images, fancy animations, custom JavaScript elements, and background videos to bring our content to life.
Here’s the thing though, while these types of design flourishes can make your landing pages look good—they’re also kinda dangerous. Research shows that on most mobile landing pages, it takes more than 5 seconds for visual content above the fold to display. Considering more than half of visitors bounce if a mobile page takes longer than 3 seconds to load, that’s a big problem.
Basically, we suggest pulling a Marie Kondo on all of these design elements and ask yourself: does it spark joy (or truly make your visitor more inclined to follow through with your CTA)? If not, well, you know what you have to do…
“If it doesn’t bring you joy, out it goes.”
Worried what visitors will think if you strip out design elements? Interestingly enough, it seems most people aren’t all that hot about extra animations and videos anyways. Check out this graph from our Page Speed Report that shows what visitors would be willing to exclude from your pages in order to get better load times:
Half of all people would be willing to give up animation and video for faster load times.
Reorganizing Your Priority List
If you have page speed at the bottom of your to-do list, then you might have alarm bells going off in your head right now. Load times are critically important to your conversions (the thing we work so hard for in the first place), so that’s why we’re urging you to rethink your priorities for 2019. Make sure you check our Page Speed Report to learn more about all the juicy stats and trends that make it clear why faster page speed belongs at the top of your list.
As for your other priorities? You can call us ruthless, but we believe that if you’re going to only focus on a few things in 2019, these are the top three most important:
1. Page Speed 2. Refining Ad Targeting 3. Creating More Engaging Ad Copy
But hey, that’s just, like, our opinion, man. You’ll know better than anyone else which areas can make the biggest impact on your business. Leave a comment below and let us know what you think, and what you’re prioritizing in 2019.
from RSSMix.com Mix ID 8217493 https://unbounce.com/online-marketing/marketers-top-5-priorities-2019/
0 notes