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dee-daa · 4 months ago
do you think asmodeus doesn't shower because his natural scent is an aphrodisiac and it being more smelly makes it more effective?
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rosyfun · 2 months ago
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cashewally-sarcastic · 1 year ago
The absolute wordr part of the deca brainrot is that this fucker has no refs. I am going insane. I am an Art Boy. I NEED to draw. What the hecc mihoyo????? I NEED to draw edge!!! Biting him. Killing him. Stabbing him
GOD I sympathize with you bestie
I unfortunately cannot help you with refs, no one draws him they just use the tower as a symbol 😔
BUT that means you can also just…make it up?
Is he old? Young? Somewhere in between? Does he look more human or more not human? Storm motifs around or is he straight up just not about that?
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chaifootsteps · 9 months ago
you know, one thing i really don't get about moxxie is why viv didn't just make him an ex butler
it's a profession imps are shown to have, he dresses as a butler, he is very polite and formal (calling blitzo sir even tho he doesn't respect him at all), he isn't physically strong like other imps, he feels out of place in wrath, he is interested in music and theater (which doesn't seem to be that big of a thing in wrath or greed, but the goethias might enjoy)
it explains every aspect of his personality pretty well in my opinion. him liking guns could be attributed to him being an imp, because they seem to like violence.
you could also use it in a cool way. imps in wrath think butler imps are traitors and have an easier life, that's why millie's parents don't like him. moxxie grew up away from imp culture and customs and feels out of place in wrath. you could use it to make a paralell with striker, who thinks he is so much better than moxxie but is still serving a goethia. because at the end of the day, they're both imps, even if striker likes to think he is above it.
Because it would explain everything, and in HH/HB, any idea that makes perfect sense is doomed from the start.
(Also because Viv is obsessed with the Mafia family backstory, so much so that she used it twice, once with Angel and again with Moxxie.)
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yurnu · 7 months ago
Charlie got Jesus to invite God and all of adam family to get adam dead body
Charlie: Thank you for all coming. I wanted to say sorry- but let us explain our side to hopefully clear some stuff up
Abel: This was not part of-
Charlie: guys come in!
All the hotel group came in and told their part all in musical.
Charlie: soooo how was it
Jesus: .....
Charlie: guys?
Seth: you just told us in a happy tone that our Dad was most likely eaten by cannibals
Charlie: well um- maybe
Abel: Oh my god, do you even know where our dad body is!!!
Charlie: well um no- but I was hoping if I could explain that, um, you guys would see our point of view- plus uncle
Jesus: Don't bring me into this! I didn't agree to any of this! I just wanted my brother body to rest up heaven.
Charlie: but- look we are truly sorry, we just wanted you to understand our side and maybe become part of our plan
Aclima: You just gave us a whole happy musical where you tell our grieving family that you let cannibals feed themselves upon the dead! Do you know how evil you have to be to pull that!
Charlie: ...grandpa?
God: ....
( This won't happen in the comic since I already have the entire plot written )
Reality begins to twist and scream. Everything begins to shake. The screams of unknown entities resonate and large fissures run from the hotel and descend and expand throughout the circles of hell.
God's eyes shine in a strong golden glow. The eyes of his six wings and halo shine brightly. God's face is distorted in a grimace of pure rage.
And with that God like cry filled with anger, he teleports out of the hotel.
With just a wave of his hand, a huge creature emerges from a summoned portal, a huge centaur whose body was only human skin that extended to his horse part, with two enormous curved horns where his eyes were supposed to be, absolutely removed from the human representation of centaurs.
The beast raised its huge hammer and began the destruction.
But the misfortune did not end there. With a snap, God summoned six of the seven plagues that once ravaged Egypt. Huge locusts appeared out of nowhere, as did enormous mosquitoes, horseflies and frogs. Killing and destroying everything in their path.
A massive Tsunami of blood swept through the six circles of seven. Ulcers began to break out from the sinners, hellborns and imps, along with the Goethia royalty.
Dark clouds covered the skies of the seven circles of hell and darkness covered them, suddenly, huge hailstones began to fall.
The cattle of hell began to die from all these misfortunes.
The screams of suffering were the only thing that could be heard throughout the seven realms of hell. The only "safe" place was the hotel.
The worst of all was that God was holding back.
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lahija-del-molinero · 3 months ago
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por la mañana en Transilvania... 😁
Goethia Disorder
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enyter · 10 months ago
Other easter eggs I found in the new helluva boss trailer:
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That means... possible hazbin hotel characters...??👀
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Apples and snakes as symbols?
Are the goethia located in the pride ring?👀🫢
Or is it just a meeting... with...maybe... Lucifer?😏😏😏
(tbh it is just my unrealistic hope)
Ok. Ok. Realistically this will be a full moon party located in the pride ring.
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But that signs on the top right are really Angel Dust scenes coded. So the gang will go to the pride ring >:)
(Or this is just the human world at night, because this is from the ghosthunter episode, and we see 2 humans in that later on)
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We have a Blitzø tattoo on Verosika🫢
Did she really love him that much?
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We got another song about Stolas forcing himself to cut off Blitzø to be happier without him...
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myrtles-and-blood · 7 months ago
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The Complete Book of Demonolatry by S. Connolly
I really love this and I wanted to share this with y'all!!
I'm having some trouble understanding some of the concepts she explains here, but I'll get it at some point.
I do love and understand her explanation regarding why demons (and deities in general) can be in many places at once, as well as taking up many different shapes. I knew about this but never got an explanation on why they could do this, which is very interesting.
I must say that I began working with a variety of deities coming from a bit of ignorance on the subject, especially about demons. My only prior knowledge came from pop culture and things that Christians often say. However, I started reading more on the subject (small bits of information, this is my formal reading of a book on the topic) and my interest grew quite a bit. I started working with Lucifer out of mere interest in his figure but without much prior knowledge of him. How can this be? Idk, shit happens, I was just reading about witchcraft and he just popped in while I was writing something for school.
This may sound stupid, but I have a very hard time concentrating and sitting to read something even though I love reading, but this time I'm trying my hardest to concentrate because I'm so so so curious to know more about demonolatry. This book is very interesting and I recommend looking into it! I started because I saw it was an excellent starter read and the author herself is very good for new people getting into demonolatry.
My next read will probably be Ars Goethia, but if you have suggestions please tell me!!!!
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who-is-this-weirdo · 1 year ago
Pain and Hatred on planet Earth (I had to make a list of the Goethias, then rearrange them so each rank has 7 (or multiple of 7) members, then assign them a sin/boss and then rearrange them in the order of their sin)
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raphaellight · 10 months ago
It's so easy to hurt angels
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"F*@king weak, dude"
Is it, tho? I think it's not as much of a plothole as it seems to be. There are potential plotholes, yet nothing that can't be pitched with later explenations. I rewatched the show already and this one thing stucked out to me. It does seems in first viewing that the hole "Angelic weapons can hurt angels" is really stretched out as to how noone really figured it out.
Gonna play the devil's advocate here, connecting phew small details form Hazbin Hotel and Helluva Boss.
"Angelic steel is rare and noone was really eager to test it out on angels." Carmilla said (I quote from memory, don't kill me)
Let's look at just HOW RARE it is. It isn't there to mine in hell, it does not grow nor it falls from the sky. Well, it does in a sense. The ONLY confirmed source of angelic steel is that which Exorcist bring to kill demons. Literally. And from what we saw, they all use melee weapons and before noone even thought you can defeat an angel, we can assume not many people succesfully won over angelic spear or stole it from angel. So the only way angelic steel come to be in hell is when Exorcist doesn't bother taking it away after impaling a sinner.
That's it. We saw a frame with a small forest of left over spears, but even if we assume it's like that every time, spear has a bit more steel than a typical knife. So I would take it as maybe dozens of kilograms of actual steel every year.
We also know Carmilla is the main angelic weapon dealer in hell. But I want you to consider, who is she selling it too? That's where Helluva Boss goes into play.
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Lucifer rules over a Pride Ring. And he is an angel, whom right to the events of Hazbin Hotel finale, is considered unharmable by general public. There were also Lilith and Charlie in Pentagram City, but Lilith was absent for a moment and preety liked when present. Charlie is, well, Charlie. Not respected, but noone would like to hurt her, both in fear of Lucifer wrath and because Charlie rarely interferes with anyones business, she is to nice to make enemies (and to get anyone to respect her). And simple sinners can be taken down with regular weaponary. Who can we kill with agelic steel however? Stolas and other Goethia. Possibly seven sins. You don't need it to kill an Imp or Hell Hound, but it was an important part of hell wars, as Moxy mentions when trying to make conversation with his in-laws.
So angelic steel sourse is the Pride Ring, more specificly, weapons left behind by Exorcists. That already leaves us with very little resource to work with, but then, all the evidence points towards the idea that it doesn't even have the reason to stay there. There is no real use for it in Pentagram City, unless for street creed to flex your shiny weapon.
Account to the fact that Carmilla is quite pacifist for weapons dealer and doesn't want sinners to kill eachother with angelic weapons on top of angels hunting them down, I'm preety sure pride ring had very little angelic steel before every exorcist attack, because she sold it outside the pride ring, leaving a little for herself and those who she trusted not to go on a rampage AND that payed better than those from outside the Pride Ring.
That's why noone ever "tried" to use angelic steel against an angels. There was just none when they arrived, sold to hellborns, as they had more use of it. To end it, when Carmilla actually learned angelic steel kills angels, she might have stopped selling it, as she was against ever going to war. That's why her magazines were full when Vaggie asked for it.
I just wanted to tackle the "how in hundreds of years noone figured out angels can be harmed" part of the issue. There is still the "How the hell Vaggie could think she was invincible when she was clearly injured as an angel", but you know what? People can be morons. Really. And among many great traits she possesses, intelect is not her most notable (she isn't the "dumb character", just average among everyone else). I can accept she didn't really question it to the very logical end and left it at "I am no longer an angel, so I can be hurt" or something.
We are yet to get an explanation for where those angels that had to see Carmilla killing exorcist went and why they didn't say anything to Adam or Lute. We also need more detailed explenation of how exacly angelic bodies work, as Lute could rip of her arm without Angelic steel and make Vaggie bleed by hitting her head onto the table, but as I said, nothing that can't be elegantly explained.
Follow for more theories, discussion and headcanons.
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booksniffingbastard · 3 months ago
AU Fanfiction Projects on AO3
Shameless fanfics:
Doomsday Blues - series
**currently down for maintenance**
This fic is not abandoned, ever. It's far too personal and at times I use it as an outlet for the thoughts I have that'll eat me up, if I don't get them out of my system. But. I'm not sure it works in its current form. I think I need to tear it into bits and pieces and reassemble something new. Probably it would be better as several independent stories than just one long one. I'm also unsure if it even works as a Shameless fanfiction. So it'll sit in my docs, while I figure things out.
The story of a demon summoning gone wrong and the consequences for Chicagoans, especially two families in the South Side.
Work: By the Pricking of My Thumbs - AO3 - Spotify playlist
Work: A Finnish Knife Strikes - AO3 - Spotify playlist
Very long, very self-indulgent and very, very weird. I've done absolutely nothing to reign in my weird and pretentious self while writing this, so it's ... a lot.
Writing this particular story is cathardic for me and in some ways I use it to deal with a lot of bad shit that has happened in my life and with my own mental illness.
A lot of angst, a lot of dark humor, and a lot of smaller stories weaved into a big one.
Inspired by works of: Mikhail Bulgakov, Ray Bradbury, Isaac Bashevis Singer, Avram Davidson, Nicholai Gogol
Folk tales from Eastern Europe and Ireland, The Key of Solomon: Ars Goethia by Alastair Crowley
Ian Gallagher and the Amazing Intelligent Machines
One shot, currently being written, but very, very slowly.
Sort of a Shameless/IT Crowd - crossover
A beautiful love story between a mentally ill man and his microwave oven.
It's as stupid as it sounds.
Inspiration: My own irrational fear of machines.
The Masochist's Cookbook - Spotify Playlist
The story of how Ian Gallagher met his family.
I never write anything but AU stories. This one takes place in the entirely fictional town of Arson, Illinois in the year 2000.
I've never written a whump before, so it's also a challenge to myself. I'm really good at creating problems, but solving them.... It's a journey.
Inspired by: All the high school tv shows and movies.
Outer Banks fanfics:
Bromancing the Stone.
I've always loved the action-adventure aspect of the show and wanted to expand on it, but aim for a story more akin to the likes of Indiana Jones, Romancing the Stone, The Mummy (2001), Pirates of the Caribbiean, Treasure Planet, The Princess Bride.
You know: Fun, romance and fighting. No major character deaths planned. (Seriously wouldn't do that in a swashbuckling adventure. It's been 30+ years and I'm still pissed about Rufio.)
Right now, it looks like it's going to be set in the late 1930s or early 1940s, but it most definitely will have the historical accuracy of a Disney movie. So racism and homophobia isn't a problem.
But probably nazis. Irredemably evil nazis. It'll give me an excuse to dust off and hopefully improve my terrible german.
And the story is going to be gay.
I'm trying to make it light, but I'm a silly person, not a fundamentally happy person, so it probably won't be angst-free.
I'm still plotting out the storyline, but I'm hoping to start uploading material before the year is out.
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nasuversekinkmeme · 2 years ago
Just hear me out. Lev/Romani/Da Vinci in a poly relationship. Pre FGO events. Just three of smartest people in Chaldea caring around each other in their way. Chilling in the break room together. Alternative: Flauros has awakened within Lev and he's struggling with starting Goethia's plan, because his attachment to Romani and Da Vinci is strong.
OH ho ho!
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divergencerpg · 9 months ago
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Hoy hablamos un poquito de la Ciudadela Goethia, el organismo máximo a novel global que se encarga de regular, controlar y promover la enseñanza sobre la magia, además de expender las licencias de uso, la clasificación y el ranking global.
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behindthehazbintapes · 1 year ago
Octavia Interview #001 (Hazbin Hotel Fan Series)
Today we are glad to present a exclusive interview with one of the heirs of the Goethia family.
(And The Crew Thanks All Of You For Your Support and Invites You to Join Us in this New Year! Happy 2024 Everybody! 💖).
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sir-virtem · 5 months ago
Necromancy, but they reffer all divination and summoning magic as Necromancy back then, basically during medieval age they transtitioned from "we can banish demons" to "we summon demons" and use them to make the house chores and menial work, so most of the ars goethia was directed to priests rather than anyone else.
Special note, astrology was not count as magic and was more aceptable than alchemy, however there was an imaginary line that would make it count as necromamcy too. Church didn't like when people put in doubt the notion of free will.
You can look Dr. Sledge on his channel in Youtube (esoterica) if interest you.
I understand why a lot of fantasy settings with Ambiguously Catholic organised religions go the old "the Church officially forbids magic while practising it in secret in order to monopolise its power" route, but it's almost a shame because the reality of the situation was much funnier.
Like, yes, a lot of Catholic clergy during the Middle Ages did practice magic in secret, but they weren't keeping it secret as some sort of sinister top-down conspiracy to deny magic to the Common People: they were mostly keeping it secret from their own superiors. It wasn't one of those "well, it's okay when we do it" deals: the Church very much did not want its local priests doing wizard shit. We have official records of local priests being disciplined for getting caught doing wizard shit. And the preponderance of evidence is that most of them would take their lumps, promise to stop doing wizard shit, then go right back to doing wizard shit.
It turns out that if you give a bunch of dudes education, literacy, and a lot of time on their hands, some non-zero percentage of them are going to decide to be wizards, no matter how hard you try to stop them from being wizards.
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yurnu · 8 months ago
overlord Susan es la pesadilla de alastor, además de restaurantes también tendría fabricas de comida y granjas? Muchos territorios quedaron libres después de lo paso con adam.
Seria gracioso que después de que adam recupere su cordura y después de que este tranquilo el y michael solo se fueran sin decir nada a nadie y lucifer este como desesperado buscando.
Las arpías que se encariñaron con Susan se quedarian con ella aun si adam se fuera, son leales a adam pero también tienen que comer almas de pecadores por lo que el infierno es su mejor opción además adam iría a verlas por lo que puede ser una excusa para que adam regrese al infierno.
Charlie: Papá se que estas triste que adam se fuera pero debemos hacer algo con esas arpías.
Lucifer: Charlie cariño no te preocupes yo me encargo de sacarlas ( dice sin animo).
De pronto aparece un portal y de el sale adam y michael.
Michael: hola la verdad no quería venir pero adam quiere ver a sus arpías por lo que nos verán seguido.
Adam: hola! Y como están mis niñas, lamento no llevarlas con migo pero ellas necesitan comer almas pecadoras, espero que no sea problema.
Lucifer: no para nada y ellas están bien, no te preocupes y no estas cansado adam por que en mi cuarto tengo una cama muy comoda y ....
Charlie: ....
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||🔱🪹 Chimera! Adam AU 🪹🔱||
Ohohoho creeme que Alastor y Rossie están viviendo una de sus más grandes pesadillas, Susan siendo una Overlord intocable y la más rica de todos los anillos infernales. Superando incluso al pecado de la avaricia, Mammon, en término de dinero y solamente lo logro cocinando.
Las arpías actúan como sus guardaespaldas, dado que superan de por mucho a los hellborns, Overlords, Goethias y pecados capitales en términos de fuerza bruta.
Susan tiene varios terrenos que usa como granjas, fábricas o tiendas/restaurantes debido al desastre caótico que provocó Adam en su estado de quimera y con su pelea con los pecados capitales (sacando a Mammon y a Belfegor).
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Ella es la mera mera del lugar. Y nadie la puede tocar a menos que quiera enfrentarse a la furia de las arpías, y si lastiman a las Arpías desatan la peor de las furias, la ira de Adam.
Charlie hasta este punto se ha resignado al hecho de que su padre es un SIMP cuando se trata de Adam. Puede que sea optimista, pero su padre no por nada es terco como mula.
Charlie: Al demonio todo.
Michael solamente disfruta del caos, ya que sabe perfectamente que su hermoso hombre bestia jamás corresponderá los sentimientos de Lucifer (y con justas razones).
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