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kleoshe · 11 months ago
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Sansa, at the Godswood
By me 😋
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zlatokryletz · 4 months ago
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As time would have it: winter is coming. So lord Stark is kneeling beneath the great weirwood tree at Winterfell's godswood ❄️
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ilya-art01 · 6 months ago
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Eddard Stark and Catelyn Tully in godswood (282 AC)
NedCat wedding for @salialenart dtiys challenge.
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scorpiusartistry · 7 months ago
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Lady Catlyn Stark with her Husband Eddard Stark
@salialenart dtiys challenge!! Congrats on 1k!!!
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ophelias-lamentation · 2 years ago
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Lady Sansa Stark finding solace in the Godswood in Kings Landing.
Inspired by hwara
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48_Juego de tronos_Jon VI
El suelo del bosque estaba cubierto de hojas caídas, rojo sangre por arriba, blanco putrefacto por abajo. Los anchos troncos lisos eran de color hueso, y las nueve caras miraban hacia adentro. La savia seca encostrada en los ojos era roja y dura como un rubí. Bowen Marsh les ordenó que dejaran los caballos fuera del círculo.
—Es un lugar sagrado, no debemos profanarlo.
Al entrar en el claro, Samwell Tarly se dio la vuelta muy despacio, para examinar una a una todas las caras. No había dos iguales.
—Nos están mirando —susurró—. Los antiguos dioses nos miran.
—Sí. —Jon se arrodilló, y Sam hizo lo mismo a su lado.
Pronunciaron juntos el juramento mientras las últimas luces desaparecían por el oeste y el día gris se transformaba en noche negra.
—Escuchad mis palabras, sed testigos de mi juramento —recitaron; sus voces llenaron el bosquecillo en el ocaso—. La noche se avecina, ahora empieza mi guardia. No terminará hasta el día de mi muerte. No tomaré esposa, no poseeré tierras, no engendraré hijos. No llevaré corona, no alcanzaré la gloria. Viviré y moriré en mi puesto. Soy la espada en la oscuridad. Soy el vigilante del muro. Soy el fuego que arde contra el frío, la luz que trae el amanecer, el cuerno que despierta a los durmientes, el escudo que defiende los reinos de los hombres. Entrego mi vida y mi honor a la Guardia de la Noche, durante esta noche y todas las que estén por venir.
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amoratearte · 8 months ago
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Rhaenys lives AU
Following the high screeches of his dragon, Daemon is confronted by the ghosts of his uncle and wife at the Harrenhal heart tree. Before the prince can will himself to snap out of it, he hears pleas for him to save Rhaenys on the morrow.
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lupinusalbus · 2 months ago
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Game of Thrones, Season one
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clytemnaestraes · 2 years ago
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“A godswood without gods, as empty as me.” — Sansa VII, ASOS
“I'm not scared of god, I'm scared he was gone all along.” — Ethel cain
“It wasn't the gods who'd been cruel, it was Joffrey.” — Sansa I, ACOK
“God loves you, but not enough to save you.” — Ethel cain
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wpmorse · 2 years ago
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That was such a sweet dream, Sansa thought drowsily. She had been back in Winterfell, running through the godswood with her Lady. Her father had been there, and her brothers, all of them warm and safe. If only dreaming could make it so . . . Sansa 799
Sansa has a sweet dream about life in Winterfall when everyone was alive and happy.
For anyone who thinks the McDonaldland version of the heart tree is pushing it, I regret nothing.
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Flower Darling Aesthetic
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One OC that i absolutely adore but never post about is Flower Darling, or "Flower Snow" depending on who you ask. She's the bastard daughter of Brandon Stark and an unknown woman she only refers to as "Moma". She looks a lot like her father. Flower of course messes with pre-story canon a bit but I don't mind because i love her. I have a soft spot for the "raised by animals" trope so thats the backstory i gave Flower. Her and her mother lived in the godswood under the noses of the residents of Winterfell for Six years, unfortunately thats when Flower's mother passed during a particularly harsh cold season. Flower remained in the godswood living off of forageables for a few years before teaching herself to hunt (she also stole quite a lot from hunting parties) she has only just recently reconnected with her family after accidentally running into Ned while he was hunting. Her backstory is a bit iffy but she's a guilty pleasure character and i love her, the problem is idk where to go with her story from here, especially when things start getting into the nitty gritty of the actual events of the books/show, so if anyone has any ideas id love to hear them!💙
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asoiafreadthru · 1 year ago
A Game of Thrones, Bran III
He saw Winterfell as the eagles see it, the tall towers looking squat and stubby from above, the castle walls just lines in the dirt.
He saw Maester Luwin on his balcony, studying the sky through a polished bronze tube and frowning as he made notes in a book.
He saw his brother Robb, taller and stronger than he remembered him, practicing swordplay in the yard with real steel in his hand.
He saw Hodor, the simple giant from the stables, carrying an anvil to Mikken’s forge, hefting it onto his shoulder as easily as another man might heft a bale of hay.
At the heart of the godswood, the great white weirwood brooded over its reflection in the black pool, its leaves rustling in a chill wind.
When it felt Bran watching, it lifted its eyes from the still waters and stared back at him knowingly.
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Sansa Stark in the Godswood of the Red Keep by RobotDelEspacio
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agentrouka-blog · 2 years ago
He could almost smell the place, earthy and brooding, the smell of centuries, and he remembered how dark the wood had been even by day. I never felt so out of place as I did when I walked there, so much an unwelcome intruder. - Tyrion ACOK/ That was such a sweet dream, Sansa thought drowsily. She had been back in Winterfell, running through the godswood with her Lady. - Sansa ASOS I love the contrast/meaning behind these two passages. It says a lot.
Sansa feels free and safe in her home. I love her connection to Winterfell. These are her roots and they fill her with pride. She can remember the castle in perfect detail, enough to build a model from scratch in the space of a morning. (Which, randomly, interesting contrast to HOTD's Viserys and his sprawling, lifeless Old Valyria model.)
Meanwhile every single vibe at Tyrion: Begone.
This castle doesn't want him.
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ophelias-lamentation · 2 years ago
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Princess Sansa Greyjoy on the day of her marriage to future Lord Reaver Theon Greyjoy. She was married in the Godswood of Winterfell and given by her brother King Robb Stark two moons after he won the War of Seven Kings and gained Northern Independence.
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02_Juego de tronos_Catelyn I
-No habrás venido hasta aquí a contarme historias de miedo, ¿verdad? Ya sé que este lugar no te gusta. ¿De qué se trata, mi señora?
  —Hoy hemos recibido noticias amargas, mi señor. —Catelyn tomó la mano de su esposo—. No he querido molestarte hasta que no te hubieras aseado. —No había manera de suavizar el golpe, así que se lo dijo directamente—. Lo siento mucho, mi amor. Jon Arryn ha muerto.
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