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aunti-christ-ine · 3 months ago
The Divine Take on it
They're Losing Their Wives
"I voted for Trump, my wife sent me divorce papers."
NOV 11
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Dear Humans,
Behold, families are already being separated by the second Trump administration.
Over on X, many Trump voters are posting about how their families won’t talk to them anymore. They seem truly stunned that this is happening.
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Why are people like this? I don’t know, human. I wish I knew. Why do people not google tariff until the day after the election? Why are people so intellectually and morally irresponsible? Why do they think there are no consequences for their batshit crazy choices?
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Yes, people who vote against women’s rights are literally so fucked up in the head.
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You were hoping your college professor son would lose his morality over the price of groceries? You should be proud he didn’t.
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He’s never done wrong by you? He told you to inject bleach. He spread lies about vaccines and a million people died. He attacked the capitol!
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They’ve been posting that all day, without a shred of self-awareness or irony. Not a single moment of self-reflection or uncertainty.
Verily, tis’ mind-blowing.
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Yes, dumbass. It’s MADA…Make America Divorced Again. You voted for taking away no-fault divorce.
The LORD giveth thy wife, and The LORD taketh away thy wife.
Your family members have plenty of reasons to disown thee.
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Families destroyed. A nation destroyed.
All for the worst men in existence.
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And there was this.
According to Google Trends, searches for "Did Joe Biden drop out" started spiking around 6 a.m. on election day and continued to rise over the course of the day until reaching its peak at midnight. It then started to spike again around 8 a.m. the day after. Prior to election day, there were virtually no such searches. President Biden, of course, dropped his re-election bid in July.
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Not trying to condescend. I want to reach these people. I want to save them. But this is just painfully crushing levels of idiocy.
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I don’t rejoice in the notion that relationships are being destroyed.
But I do enjoy that people are smiting back.
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crabscrabscrabs · 2 months ago
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targarrus · 6 months ago
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it's your sign to watch gospod profesor you don't need sub or dub you'll understand everything i promise
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shadowgodling · 7 years ago
@spirit-ofthering from X:
He’d captured his most favourite person underneath the mistletoe; exactly as planned. Bakura wound his fingers around his captives frame, his chin resting on Godling’s shoulder as he stole not one solitary, fine kiss but shared two or three. “You taste delicious..” He purred, dotting a few more subtle kisses to his love’s neck.
Godling grinned into each and every kiss, fingers lightly playing along Kura’s shoulders as they shared sweet affections, cheek brushing against Kura’s hair as heated kisses danced down his neck. “You know.” Godling murmured, quietly for only Kura to hear. “I wish you’d put this mistletoe in a more private place. There are much more intimate ‘kisses’ I’d love to give you.”
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elfabianaco · 2 years ago
Microsoft 365 x Godpod OneDrive from muzixiii on Vimeo.
Client | Micrsoft Production House | Muzixiii Studio 目子拾參創意 Director | 李芹羽 Amber Lee 、 曹書睿 Ray Tsao Storyboard Artist | 徐子恒 Heng Hsu、謝宜家Ikea Xie 3D Artist | 佟紹魁 Shaokuei Tong、江美嫻 Ann Chiang、徐子恒 Heng Hsu、 謝宜家Ikea Xie、葉沛瑾 Peichin Yeh、田志奕 Travis Tien、劉尉廷 LOW WHEI THEING Motion Graphic | 徐子恒 Heng Hsu、謝宜家Ikea Xie Compositing | 徐子恒 Heng Hsu、謝宜家Ikea Xie
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danielvalentinec · 3 years ago
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Sogno III / Godpod - 2021
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life-thought-s · 7 years ago
I’ve been thinking this week about what it means to live as a Christian today. It’s an extremely difficult question and one that a lot of people seem to have different answers for. Having been brought up as a Christian and making my own choice to follow God at a young age I’ve been through a lot of periods in my life when I’ve felt both very close to God and extremely far away.
The great thing about Christianity is God’s forgiveness. Knowing that I can at this very moment in time confess my sins, be forgiven and start again is mind blowing and so difficult to understand. In the past I felt like I wasn’t being forgiven by God because I felt things still hung over me but over the years I’ve come to realise that it’s been me not forgiving myself that’s not let me get over things rather than not receiving God’s forgiveness.  
So what does this have to do with living as a Christian? Nobody can live the perfect Christian life because we are all broken and we live in a broken world. This means that at some point we will mess up and there will be days where we do drift away from God, there might even be periods in our lives when we abandon God all together but you need to remember one thing. No matter how many times you turn away, or how many times you mess up, you can start again and God will be there ready to pick you up, dust you off and help you get back on your Christian journey.
I recently read a blog which compared physical life with spiritual life which I found really helpful. They said that there are three things in your physical life that you need to keep your body fit. You have to eat, sleep and exercise. In your spiritual life there are also three main things which will help you to live a spirit filled life with God, these are engaging with the Bible (Jeremiah 15:16), spending time in prayer, and engaging in Christian work.
When I was doing a bit of online research around this topic I came across this story which I love, and for me perfectly sums up how we should be living as Christians in our societies.
‘A missionary in China was telling of Jesus for the first time to a group of people in an inland town. When he had finished, someone spoke up and said: “Oh, yes, we knew Him. He used to live here. Surprised, the missionary said: “No, He didn’t live here. He lived centuries ago in another land.” The man still insisted that he had seen Jesus, saying: “Not so, He lived in this village. We knew Him.” Then the simple country folk took the missionary out to the village cemetery and showed him the grave of a medical missionary who had lived, healed, served, and died in their community. Ah, yes, they had seen Jesus in this man! And they thought he was Jesus.’ (Story from http://bit.ly/2yag3o6)
Some other resources I find really helpful are the Bible App where you can read daily bible verses and commit to engaging with the Bible on a daily basis through their reading plans, Castbox which is a great podcast app and has some really good Christian material that you can subscribe to, some of my favourites being Hillsong, Audacious, and GodPod. Echo is also a favourite, which is a really good prayer reminder app.
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apieceofstrange90 · 13 years ago
The post-modernist who denies that there is such a thing as truth, if it's just my truth and your truth etc. is absolutely on all fours with Pontius Pilate saying, "what is truth?" It is in the interest of empire to deny that there is such a thing as truth, because you then cut off the possibility of critique.
N.T. Wright commenting on post-modernity and empire in relation to the trial narrative from the gospel of John.
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shadowgodling · 7 years ago
ask-henry-yugi-tudor replied to your post: Different anonymous : you are cute though still a...
(the grey orb is right tho this snoot noodle god is the cutest ever- also the coolest snake ever! :D)
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godpod-blog · 14 years ago
whipping post--the allman brothers band
the bass enters, cool, tired, but ready to rock. the guitar solo towards the end is amazing, the build up leading into their last cry, their last remarks--makes me want to do a belly-flop into their pain just so that i might have enough in me to make something as powerful as this song.
it comes to no surprise that whipping post made it on the rolling stone's 500 greatest songs of all time. the allman brothers band introduced this tune on their debut album, the allman brothers band in 1969. watch the 1971 performance of this song at filmore east in new york and be prepared to have your your life changed. i wish i was born in 1950 just so that i could have rocked out to that concert as a 21 year old in 1971, guh. but for now, youtube and air guitar in my room will suffice. this song just makes me wanna bleed all over everything.
download whipping post: http://www.mediafire.com/?ojmnnyojkij
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shadowgodling · 8 years ago
bloodyghosts-warmcuddles replied to your post: Can we get a ranking of the Ryou's you know, from...
//*beams proudly*
// congratulations for having won the godpod’s semi-approval <3 ;P
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shadowgodling · 8 years ago
datacow40 replied to your post: shadow-bakura replied to your post “I wish Thief,...
((Marik chuckling because aw, godling doesn’t Get It. Marik knows what he is))
// It is very confusing for the Godpod XP he tries to piece it together.
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apieceofstrange90 · 13 years ago
We often hear that the heart of the gospel is the message that God loves you... but in a way that's half of the gospel, a part of it. The realization of coming to faith in Christ is partly the realization that God loves me, but it's also the realization that God loves everybody else as much as he loves me.... because if it's just God loves me it can become a very narcissistic, sentimental thing, whereas if its along with that recognition that God loves everybody else just as much as he loves me it becomes this necessity for me to love those people.
Graham Tomlin
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