#godox ad360ii
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What happens when a photographer hosts a costume party
What happens when a photographer hosts a costume party
What happens when a photographer throws a party and invites people home? Would the guests see framed prints on the walls of the living room or home studio? Maybe, they should also get a taste of his/her work as a personalized return gift. That’s the thought I had when Swapna(my wife) and I invited to our home a set of happy people – few siblings, cousins, and friends – to welcome the new year…
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#adobe lightroom#bangalore#bollywood inspiration#canon EOS 5D MarkII#cosplay#costume party#fashion photography#fun portraits#godox ad360ii#linklite octabox#new year&039;s eve#performance art#photoshop cc#portrait photographer bangalore#strobist
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GODOX AD360II NIKON/CANON - Santiago (Santiago, república-dominicana) - Fotografía (Compraventa) [Anuto]
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Godox Witstro AD360II-N TTL Powerful & Portable Flash for Nikon
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Flash 2.4G Wireless Trigger System GN60 for Canon Nikon Pentax
Flash 2.4G Wireless Trigger System GN60 for Canon Nikon Pentax
Godox TT600 Speedlite Master/Slave Flash 2.4G Wireless Trigger System GN60 for Canon Nikon Pentax Olympus Fujifilm DSLR Camera
Thanks for buying the Godox Thinklite TT600 digital camera flash. This digital camera flash adopts Godox wi-fi X system and 2.4G ratio transmission, which is appropriate with AD360II-C, AD360II-N, TT685C, TT685N, X1T-C, X1T-N, and so forth. Appropriate for all DSLR…
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5 Flash Kamera Godox yang Perlu Kamu Tengok
5 Flash Kamera Godox yang Perlu Kamu Tengok:
Lampu flash pada kamera berfungsi untuk menambahkan cahaya pada objek agar hasil foto terlihat lebih jelas. Namun, tidak semua flash kamera punya kualitas baik, entah itu dari segi pencahayaannya yang terlalu berlebihan atau bahkan tidak dapat menambahkan cahaya dengan baik. Nah, kalau kamu membutuhkan camera flash berkualitas baik, maka pilihan yang tepat untuk membeli salah satu dari kelima camera flash Godox berikut ini.
1. Godox TT350 (Rp1 jutaan)

Godox TT350 (Foto: Godox)
Untuk kamu yang memiliki kamera merek Canon, Fujifilm, Nikon, dan Sony, flashkamera yang satu ini cocok kamu gunakan. Dari segi spesifikasi, flash ini sudah dibekali fitur TTL yang dibentuk seminim mungkin untuk kamera mirrorless. Namun, flash ini masih menyediakan HSS hingga 1/8000s dan full mode 2,4 GHz untuk sistem Godox X radio master dan built-in.
Lalu, flash ini juga memberikan dua gayatransmisi untuk menghasilkan efek cahaya yang memuaskan. Bahkan, transmisi optiknya pun punya pencahayaan dan output yang stabil. Flash ini juga bisa dikontrol secara manual atau otomatis dengan cakupan cahaya24-105mm.
Baca juga: 3 Kelebihan Studio Flash Godox SK II Series yang Harus Kamu Tahu
2. Godox TT600 (Rp800 ribuan)

Godox TT600 (Foto: Godox)
Selanjutnya, ada Godox TT600 yang bisa digunakan untuk kamera DSLR dari merek Nikon, Sony, Pentax, dan Olympus. Flash ini juga memiliki mode M/Multi dengan GN 60 (m ISO 100). Lalu, Godox juga menyematkan flash zoom 20 berukuran 200 mm.
Selain itu, HSS di flash ini bisa mencapai 1/8000th. Yang menarik, flash ini kompatibeldengan Godox X1-C transmitter dan X1-N TTL receiver, Godox XTR-16s receiver danXT-16 transmitter, Godox FTR-16s receiver, serta FT-16 transmitters. Cukup lengkap, kan?
3. Godox TT520 II (Rp500 ribuan)

Godox TT520 II (Foto: Godox)
Berikutnya, ada flash kamera TT520 II yang punya tiga mode berbeda, yakni M, S1, dan S2. Flash ini juga diberikan guide number 33 untuk (m ISO 100). Bahkan, flash ini bisa diputar secara vertikalhingga 90 derajat dan horizontal hingga 270 derajat.
Jika kamu membeli flash ini, maka kamu bisa mendapat RT remote control, mini stand, dan tas pelindung khusus untuk flash. Cukup lengkap, kan?
Baca juga: 5 Rekomendasi Lampu Studio Berkualitas dari Godox
4. Godox V850II (Rp1,8 jutaan)

Godox V850II (Foto: Godox)
Godox V850II sudah memiliki sistem wireless X. Dengan sistem tersebut, produk ini bisa digunakan dengan beberapa produk Godox lainnya, seperti AD600, AD360II-C, dan AD360II.
Dari segi spesifikasi, Godox V850II punya guide number (1/1 power @200mm) - GN60 (m ISO 100) dengan catu daya baterai Li-ion Polymer sebesar 11.1V/2000mAh.
Flash ini juga memiliki temperatur warna 5600K +/- 200K. Menariknya, Godox V850II ini sudah dilengkapi dengan tiga fungsi wireless flash, yakni Master, Slave, dan Off.
5. Godox V850 (Rp950 ribuan)

Godox V850 (Foto: Godox)
Kalau Godox V850 ini, satu kelas di bawah V850II. Perbedaannya, tentu spesifikasi yang lebih rendah jika dibandingkan dengan produk Godox sebelumnya. Flash ini tidak memiliki sistem wireless X. Jadi, produk ini tidak bisa digunakandengan produk-produk Godox lainnya.
Meskipun begitu, spesifikasi yang ditawarkan masih cukup oke dengan guide number (1/1 power @105mm) - 58 (m ISO 100) 190 (Feet ISO 100). Tidak hanya itu, Godox juga memberikan flash coverage dengan zoom manual mulai dari 24 hingga 105 mm.
Untuk flash duration-nya, V850 punya kecepatan mulai dari 1/300 hingga 1/20000 detik. Sedangkan untuk temperatur warnanya berada di angka 5600K +/- 200K. Cukup baik, kan?
Baca juga: 3 Rekomendasi Flash Kamera Godox dengan Harga di Bawah Rp1 Juta
Itulah lima camera flash dari Godox yang bisa kamu pilih. Mana pilihanmu?
(Listiorini Ajeng Purvashti)
from https://review.bukalapak.com/gadget/5-flash-kamera-godox-yang-perlu-kamu-tengok-94591 from https://bukareview0.tumblr.com/post/181443912908
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Godox releases firmware updates to expand Pentax flash support
It feels like forever ago since I posted about the new Godox XPro-P flash trigger for Pentax. But it’s actually only been about three weeks. When I went out to test it, I only had the opportunity to really use it with the AD400Pro. We had other lights with us, though, which we tested to varying degrees of success.
Today, though, Godox has released a number of new firmware updates to add Pentax support to a bunch of their other lights.
So, first up, the speedlights. The Godox TT600 I tested for the review doesn’t support TTL, but it had no problem dealing with high speed sync already. So, I imagine we’d see the same from the V850II, as it’s essentially the same light but with a different power source. There have been no updates for the various TT685 models yet, but the lithium-ion-powered speedlights have all received one.
The code in brackets after each unit, either G1 or G2, is the firmware update app you’ll need to apply it to your device.
When it comes to strobes, the AD400Pro, AD600Pro, AD600BM and AD600TTL already fully supported Pentax. The Pro models had Pentax support right out of the box, and the 600BM and TTL models received a firmware update a couple of months ago. But, there’s that one light that everybody keeps asking me about and, yes, it’s finally here!
Surprisingly, there doesn’t seem to be an update for the Godox AD360II N or C models, although I have been told they’re on the way at some point in the future. There’s also no firmware update for the Godox X1R receiver yet, either. So, if you were hoping to use your Nikon, Canon or other system speedlights on Pentax, you might have to wait a little longer.
Hopefully, they’ll also release the latest firmware for the Godox XPro-P trigger itself soon. Mine’s still running the pre-production firmware.
You can check out all of the Godox firmware updates for all of their devices on the Godox website.
Source: https://bloghyped.com/godox-releases-firmware-updates-to-expand-pentax-flash-support/
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Godox Demystified: A Complete Guide to X Series Flash Gear
Since I purchased my first Godox product in late 2015, I’ve been extremely vocal about their product line because of their massive price to performance ratio. It’s a weird occurrence for one of the most capable products to also be one of the cheapest.
Over the years of working with all their products, I’ve become familiar with the extensive model list, but still every day people are discovering them for the first time. At first glance, it’s a daunting pile of letters and numbers that can create a ton of confusion. To help, I created a summary of the Godox X series equipment.
The first thing to understand about the Godox X series is that it all works together. Every flash and transmitter mentioned in this article is part of a system using the same 2.4Ghz radio technology. The next thing that tends to throw people off is that Godox is a manufacturer that also lets other distributors rebrand their equipment. Adorama in the U.S. supplies it under the Flashpoint brand. Pixapro and StrobePro do the same for the U.K. and Canada, respectively. So while this article is presented in Godox terms, if you are interested in a product it may be named differently depending on where you are purchasing.
The reason Godox products have become so popular is because in addition to being triggered wirelessly, they give users remote power control, and access to features such as zoom, TTL, and HSS.
Their lineup breaks down into 3 categories of connectivity.
Transmitters: Used on camera, these devices send a signal out to the receiving unit. Transceivers: These can be used both to send a signal and to receive a signal Receivers: Always off camera, these devices can only receive a signal from a transmitting unit.
There are 3 transmitters for the Godox X Series. The XT32, X1-T, and XPro. All 3 offer manual control of off-camera groups.
The X1-T was the original trigger. It is TTL and HSS capable, offers control of up to 5 groups, and has a hot-shoe on top. This hot shoe can be used to integrate a non-Godox flash or use another Godox flash on camera while retaining access to 5 groups of flash off-camera.
The XT32 is an alternate trigger design and while the interface is a bit more user-friendly because of its wheel and slanted display, it does not communicate TTL and there is no hot shoe.
The XPro is the newest transmitter that marries the feature set of the X1-T and the improved design of the XT32. It has the largest display which is slanted, is TTL/HSS capable, has individual buttons for selecting a group, and adds a TCM feature for converting a TTL output to manual.
This part of the lineup gives new users the most trouble. Godox offers 7 lights that can be used both on or off camera. 6 of these are speedlights of various capabilities, and the outlier is the AD360ii which is essentially a mega-speedlight with a bare bulb rather than fresnel head.
TT350 and V350: Mini speedlights that are designed to balance better with a smaller camera or mirrorless bodies. Both have TTL and HSS. The V350 uses a lithium-ion battery that lets it recycle faster and put out more flashes per charge, whereas the TT350 uses 2 AA batteries.
TT600 and V850II: Full-size speedlights with no TTL, and are only HSS capable when used off camera. Again, the TT600 uses AA batteries while the V850II uses a lithium-ion battery for faster recycle times.
TT685 and V860II: Full-size speedlights with TTL and HSS (on camera and off). AA batteries on the TT685, proprietary lithium-ion battery on the V860II.
One note, the TT600/TT685 can be used with an external power pack like the Godox PB960 to increase the recycle time. The V850II/V860II cannot.
AD360II: While it looks ridiculous on top of a camera, the AD360II can act as a speedlight and transmitter. More commonly it is used off-camera, as it has a small power pack. It’s a great portable OCF option as it draws 360w/s of power making it ideal for use on location.
Up till now, everything we’ve discussed can be used on camera. This means, in order to be fully-featured, the shoe of the device has to be compatible with the camera hot-shoe. So, it’s necessary for all these products to be brand specific. Godox adds the first letter of the brand at the end of the model. N: Nikon, C: Canon, S: Sony, F: Fuji, O: Olympus/Panasonic. So for a Nikon compatible TT685, one would search for a TT685N.
As we move into the receiver units, these are not capable of being used on camera. They are also not brand-specific and will be fully-featured using any of the above transmitters and transceivers.
AD200: This was the most exciting flash product to come out of 2017. It is 200 w/s while maintaining a small size not much larger than an extended speedlight. It has an internal lithium ion battery capable of over 500 full power flashes and recycling its full output in 2 seconds. It has TTL and HSS and lets users choose between a 35mm fixed fresnel head or bare bulb. Adding to its flexibility, two packs can be mounted to one AD-B2 accessory creating a single 400w/s light source. There’s also an EC-200 remote head option for mounting the body lower on a light stand.
AD600B/AD600BM: This is Godox’s most powerful off-camera light. Both models are 600 w/s and use an attached Li-on battery. While they both are HSS capable the AD600BM does not have TTL (the M stands for manual). Both have a Bowens mount for light modifiers. Popular accessories for the AD600 include an AC adapter that replaces the battery for endless power, and the H600B and H1200B remote heads. The H600B offers 9 feet of cable for keeping the large AD600 body low on a light stand, while the H1200B draws power from 2 cabled AD600’s that can be mounted lower.
AD600 Pro: Recently Godox added a new flagship light in the Godox AD600 Pro, which offers the same power as the original. However, it improved on the original by adding a color stable mode, changing the bulb to create more even light, a 4x more powerful LED modeling lamp, and cutting the recycle speed in half. The recycle speed reduction came at a price though, as the AD600 Pro’s battery is capable of 360 full power flashes, which is lower than the original AD600’s 500. An AC adapter is already available for the AD600 Pro and a remote head is expected soon.
AD400 Pro: While it hasn’t hit the streets yet, Godox just announced the AD400 Pro. This is a smaller body than the AD600 series at 4.5 lbs, yet maintains the feature set of the larger AD600 Pro. It promises a 1s recycle time, 30w LED, and 390 full power flashes. It also offers a unique head design set to launch with some lighter proprietary modifiers, or be easily adapted to Bowens, Profoto, and Broncolor mount.
Lastly, for those looking to incorporate the Godox X series system for studio use, Godox offers 17 models of AC powered strobes under 5 lines. I’m not going to dive into that here because we’ve already gone over enough model names for one article. But if you want to know more you can check out this video:
I hope this article helps to demystify the extensive Godox X Series.
About the author: Robert Hall is a wedding and commercial photographer in Southeast Michigan. You can find more of his work on his website, Instagram, and YouTube.
from Photography News https://petapixel.com/2018/07/11/godox-demystified-a-complete-guide-to-x-series-flash-gear/
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model: Ferren Khosasi of @aj_angels_ 17/02/2018 at @lemarikopi 📷: Sony a7ii with FE 85mm f/1.4 GM > privately rented from @sindunata_salim 💡Lighting: Godox X-1TS trigger; Godox AD360ii mobile flash and Godox TT685s flash are provided by @ijoule #写真好きな人と繋がりたい #ファインダー越しの私の世界 #sonyindonesia #sonyalpha #sonyalpha_id #GoMirrorlessFF #A7II #SonyA7II #stabilityforall #sonyportraits #portraitphotography #portraitmood #portrait #portraits #portrait_ig #pixel_ig #portraiture #portrait_perfection #portrait_universe #makeportraits #life_portraits #portraiture #portrait_vision #portraitpage #kawaii #fe85f14gm #GMaster #CaptureGreatness #lemarikopi #maringopi (at Lemari Kopi)
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Robert ©Lucho Gomez • • • • • • • • • • #photoshooting #noedit #fashionphotography #modestclothing #editorial #editorialphotography #magmood #magazine #photography #portrait #modelnomodel #modeling #manmodel #man #photoshoot #nikonphotography #nikonportrait #challenge #pic #picture #godox #ad360ii #iquitos #peru #peruvian https://www.instagram.com/p/ByKGf94hIoo/?igshid=z50jk87475xv
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Deepa + Sreejith. Ganjam Mantap. ⠀⠀ ⠀⠀ Bangalore. May 2017⠀⠀ ⠀⠀ For more of my wedding photography, do check the below links.⠀⠀ ⠀⠀ Website: http://buff.ly/2qVvX10⠀⠀ ⠀⠀ Instagram: http://buff.ly/2qVFLrO⠀⠀ .⠀⠀ .⠀⠀ .⠀⠀ .⠀⠀ .⠀⠀ #thatsdarling #loveauthentic #chasinglight #weddingseason #theknot #realweddings #brideandgroom #weddingdetails #loveintentionally #destinationwedding #intimatewedding #incredibleindia #bengaluru_nodi #photographers_of_india #igersbangalore #weddingphotographer #hinduwedding #candidmoment #canon #indianwedding #asianweddingphotography #Godox #ad360ii #strobist
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In the midst of the flurry of announcements at WPPI and CP+ last week, Cactus quietly announced the RQ250 portable monolight, a palm-sized 250 watt-second, battery-powered flash unit that will support TTL, high-speed sync, and feature an LED modeling light. Despite its diminutive size, the monolight will be fan cooled, making it reliable when pushed hard, even in hot environments, according to Cactus. Battery life is expected to hold up for 400 full-power flashes. With a built-in wireless receiver, the RQ250 will be compatible with the Cactus V6 II and V6IIs triggers, with cross-platform support for every major camera brand, and Sigma cameras.
Though the Godox is thinner, the Cactus is a shorter flash unit. This size comparison is based on measurements provided by the two companies, and is only accurate within 2%.
Depending on the RQ250’s price, it may provide competition for the popular Godox AD200 which is prized for its power (200w/s) and compact size. When shooting with a bare bulb, the RQ250 is shorter but thicker than the Godox, though the standard reflector head on the Godox makes them very similar in length. No weight specs are currently available for the Cactus, but it is likely to be considerably heavier than the Godox.
The market is now replete with powerful, portable flash units, many of them quite cheap. Generic flashes like the Neewer Vision5 provide similar functionality: TTL, HSS, and wireless triggering and at significantly higher power levels (400ws in this case) for only $299, the same price as the Godox AD200, but they’re large and heavy, and less nimble for use when lighting on-location. Small flash units like the Godox (and perhaps the Cactus RQ250) can be mounted to small multi-clamps and for lighting sports arenas, wedding venues, and other locations where good light is necessary but tricky to find.
Still more powerful and equally compact (though somewhat less elegant) are the bare-bulb style speedlights that are also readily available on the market. The Godox/Neewer/Flashpoint AD360II provides blasts of 360w/s, but costs about $200 more than the AD200.
Price & Availability
According to the Cactus press release, the RQ250 will be available during the summer of 2018, though no price has been announced.
Cactus RQ250 Wireless Monolight: Palm-Sized TTL, HSS In the midst of the flurry of announcements at WPPI and CP+ last week, Cactus quietly announced the RQ250 portable monolight, a palm-sized 250 watt-second, battery-powered flash unit that will support TTL, high-speed sync, and feature an LED modeling light.
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Bayek by azproduction Bayek, Assassins Creed: Origins Photographer: A.Z.Production Cosplay Photography (http://ift.tt/1UqaB38) Cosplayer: Leon Chiro (http://ift.tt/2wfi4Pb) Setup: Main: Godox AD360II with Phottix Para-Pro 1.5m; Edge: Godox AD200 with CTO gel http://ift.tt/2AkhIF6
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Обзор Godox AD360II – Накамерная вспышка мощностью 360 Дж https://keddr.com/2017/09/obzor-godox-ad360ii-nakamernaya-vspyshka-moschnostyu-360-dzh/
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Flash Light Master Slave Speedlite 2.4G Wireless X System for Sony DSLR
Flash Light Master Slave Speedlite 2.4G Wireless X System for Sony DSLR
GODOX TT600S GN60 Flash Light Master Slave Speedlite 2.4G Wireless X System for Sony DSLR Camera A7S A7 A7R II A7MII A6000 A6300
With Master and Slave wi-fi flash, it may be used with Godox AD360II-C/N flash, TT685-C/N/S flash, X1T-C/N/S set off, and so forth. TT600S speedlite have a for Sony Multi Interface Shoe that may completely match for SONY MI Sizzling Shoe cameras, corresponding to a7 a7r…
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Godox Quietly Launched Cross-Brand TTL and HSS On All Lights http://ift.tt/2uWrUS8
Chinese lighting manufacturer Godox has already released a few products in 2017 that have helped a lot of strobists build lighting kits with a modest investment. Most notably the Godox AD-200 (also sold as the Flashpoint eVolv) has become a crowd favorite for a portable and powerhouse flash.
More recently Godox added Fuji and Olympus/Panasonic versions of the TT350 (Flashpoint Zoom-Mini R2 TTL), which is a smaller speedlight aimed to be a better fit for mirrorless cameras.
The TT350 has TTL, HSS, and radio connectivity to the rest of the Godox lineup, which really helps Fuji users expand their flash options.
The Godox AD200 and larger AD600B (Flashpoint XPLOR) both received an expected firmware update recently which enables it to receive the flash signal and TTL information from the TT350O and TT350F, as well as the X1T-O/X1T-F radio triggers (the latter of which is expected to start shipping late July). If this wasn’t big enough news for Fuji/Olympus users, Godox also quietly updated their TTL speedlights (V860II and TT685) and AD360II as well.
The firmware updated on June 28th enables the TTL-capable X series lineup to do cross-brand TTL and cross-brand HSS. Any of the brand-specific lights designed for Canon, Nikon, and Sony all (such as the V860II-N, AD360II-C, and TT685S) can now function as TTL/HSS lights regardless of the brand triggering them so long as the master signal matches up with the camera brand.
When a Godox flash of one brand detects the master signal coming from another brand, it converts the signal and denotes it in the bottom left of the radio slave screen.
Cross-brand TTL isn’t a new concept, the Cactus brand has been rolling out X-TTL now as they add compatibility between brands. Unfortunately they are still limited to Sigma, Sony, and Fuji, which leaves out the two biggest camera brands.
Other proprietary systems such as the RoboSHOOT have managed to create X-TTL and HSS between Fuji cameras and Nikon flashes. Godox seems to be the first to crack the code across all the major brands, as around the world people are confirming compatibility between various brands. It’s worth noting that this information is the result of photographers from the Godox User Group on Facebook tinkering between flashes, as Godox made no official announcement on their website or social media.
Godox also has an X1R receiver for each brand that allows you to use the X1T transmitter to control (manual power adjustment, TTL, HSS, TTL compensation) non-godox speedlight products, such as the SB-910 and Canon 600-EX-RT. Some users are reporting after the firmware update that they can utilize the cross-brand functionality on the non-Godox products as well.
I myself was able to test this with a Godox TT350F on an X-T2 triggering the V860ii-N off-camera. As others experienced, the TTL worked as if it was for the native brand, and I saw no black bars when triggering in HSS (I had the TT350F set to no flash to ensure the result was only from the V860II-N).
I did try to flip the scenario, using a V860II-N on my Nikon D750 to trigger a TT350F off camera. While it worked in manual, TTL did not function. It seems the TT350 does not have the X-TTL. Since it has no usb port for firmware updates, it’s safe to say it never will.
These early successes of cross-brand functionality are exciting for a number of reasons. Photographers using multiple camera brands would have access to more of their lighting equipment without investing in 2 of everything. It also makes it simpler to borrow or try out the full functionality of a system. Most importantly, this could have a great impact on the pricing of flash equipment down the road. If companies are able to develop a single flash unit that can work across 6 camera brands with full functionality, they will be able to save a ton of money on development, organizing, and distributing that equipment, and (possibly) pass that savings on to the consumers.
While this technology is still developing, Fuji and Panasonic users can now enjoy TTL and HSS for off-camera flash on the following Godox equipment (with the Flashpoint rebrand in parentheses).
Godox AD200 (Flashpoint eVolv)
Godox AD600B (Flashpoint Xplor TTL)
Godox AD360II (Flashpoint Streaklight TTL)
Godox V860II (Flashpoint Zoom Li-On TTL R2)
Godox TT685 (Flashpoint Zoom TTL R2)
Godox TT350 *requires correct brand* (Flashpoint Zoom-Mini TTL R2)
Nikon, Canon, and Sony users can now enjoy the same functionality they are used to across the various brands.
About the author: Robert Hall is a wedding, portrait, and commercial photographer based in Michigan. You can find more of his work on his website, Twitter, Facebook, YouTube, and Instagram.
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The post Godox Quietly Launched Cross-Brand TTL and HSS On All Lights appeared first on CameraFreaks.
July 13, 2017 at 10:05PM
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