#goddess of light (palutena)
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1caru · 11 months ago
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more sequel concepts be upon ye :)
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muses-of-the-memory · 1 year ago
New Muses
Everyone, I have now added new muses into my multimuse blog. These are the characters below.
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The Mystery Inc. Gang: Fred Jones, Daphne Blake, Velma Dinkley, Norville "Shaggy" Rogers and Scooby-Dooby Doo!
If you'd like a starter for either of these characters, leave a like or a reply to which you want to RP with.
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maburito · 11 months ago
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Ooh spooky, nice.
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limitlesspossibilities · 2 years ago
//What if I moved my Kid Icarus muses to this blog?
Haha just kidding...
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captainludraws · 4 months ago
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goddess of light ✨ my yearly palutena
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sepublic · 8 months ago
Everyone jokes that Pit is the unpaid intern who depends on tips to survive, but in a way, Palutena is also that amidst the godly pantheon; So it's fitting her personal champion reflects those same frustrations. Because if you think about it, Palutena is the only god actually trying to do her job in maintaining the celestial balance and helping humanity, and without really asking for anything?
You have Medusa, Pandora, Thanatos, Hades, and Pyrrhon, whom are all self-explanatory. You have Dyntos, who is neutral and does lean towards the greater good every now and then; But his general inaction is still enabling, and Palutena is scared of him for a reason.
We have Poseidon, who actually DOES help Palutena, but also admitted to wiping out a bunch of humans casually, and otherwise doesn't do anything else to participate. And while Viridi does try to maintain the balance of nature, she also massacred countless humans and contributed to the chaos that attracted the Aurum. And humans are a part of nature themselves, too!!!
And it's interesting because Palutena doesn't seem to demand anything in return; It seems she really is doing this out of the goodness of her heart, more or less. She does have her issues and occasional petty condescension towards humans, but otherwise Palutena's the only member of the pantheon committed to keeping things together. And while humans do sometimes praise and worship Palutena, it seems that she'd help them anyway even if she didn't; She calls Magnus a jerk but that's really it.
That ties into how sometimes, Palutena does admit that she feels pressured and overwhelmed with her duty, and the way she thanks Pit for insisting she does a great job in Chapter 4 kinda feels like... Well, maybe she's fishing for compliments sometimes, because Palutena could genuinely use the validation and it's lonely. This is also why she admits she's honored that Hades knows who Palutena is, because Hades is presumably a big deal in the pantheon, and I think Palutena craves validation, as much as she wants to be pure and selfless about her work; She does genuinely care too, these two things aren't mutually exclusive.
There's the Chaos Kin arc, and while Palutena's possibly just saying she's sick of doing the dirty work for humanity because the Chaos Kin makes her... There could be a hint of truth, just how Dark Pit reflects the truth in Pit's heart; Again, parallels between Goddess and Angel. She admits she's tired of constantly having to protect and take care of the humans, which is like Pittoo being frustrated with doing Palutena's dirty work.
Which then gets me to another point; Pit being a reflection of Palutena's light, because I can kinda see her venting her frustration through him? If Palutena feels beleaguered as the only goddess protecting humanity and the world in general, then she might really appreciate having a devoted angel with infinite energy, who will jump to any task for her. Which makes Pit a way for Palutena to treat herself, let someone help her handle the load, etc.
But there is a darker side, with how Palutena will sometimes demean Pit, even appealing to Viridi and Hades in Chapter 15 this way; It kinda reminds me of people who are bullied, only to turn the bullying towards someone else and participating in that so they can be part of the in-group, not be laughed at themselves, etc. Plus her shutting down Pit's disagreement with "Are you the goddess here?" Especially since she might feel that she deserves more respect for her work, and isn't always given that by those 'below' her (AKA humans, usually). It feels good to at least take pride in what Palutena DOES have, right?
And that's Palutena dropping her filter around her own 'Palutena' because admittedly, Pit is in a subordinate position to her. And I guess it feels good, deep down, to be the one letting someone else handle the work, and exercising that power over them because Pit is someone Palutena can get away with being unpleasant around. Part of that is trust, because Palutena feels comfortable being herself, expressing her own insecurities and true feelings.
But the other part is expression frustration at someone who won't talk back, who Palutena doesn't have to worry about holding up an image towards; With other gods it's obvious, and to humans, she has to be their perfect, noble paragon of virtue. In the end, it reminds me of how some people tired with their jobs might take it out on their assistants, or others who are below them, to feel like they're the ones in control and who are being asked for recognition from.
That ironically leads to Pit's own latent frustrations with Palutena, which is furthered by him being unable to fly on his own. And that manifests as Dark Pit. And then Palutena's frustrations manifest through the Chaos Kin's manipulation of her. Imagine if Pseudo-Palutena returned in a sequel to genuinely be the Pittoo to Palutena's Pit, lol. Although her dialogue paints her as more of a mad religious fanatic than someone secretly tired of that work.
In the end, I wonder how much of this has to do with Medusa's betrayal; In the original NES manual, it's mentioned that Palutena and Medusa both ruled together, they're two sides of the same coin, Light and Darkness. But when Medusa neglected her own duties to attack humanity, that forced Palutena to exile her into the Underworld, which basically left her working double, perhaps. Again, like how Pit has to often do all of the work, despite there being centurions who can come back from the dead like he does.
In Pit's case, this comes from a fierce loyalty and protective attitude towards those he cares about; He's a good friend always there for others who wouldn't dare to ask anything of them, but that wears him out ragged. In the case of Palutena, she had to lose that option entirely when Medusa went on a rampage; But shortly afterwards, Pit rescued her and became Palutena's champion.
So Pit has a lot of work dumped on him, and maybe that's because he's essentially taking over Medusa's duties in being someone who works directly alongside Palutena to maintain balance. That could make him a fun parallel to Medusa in a way. And maybe Pit is aware of this, adding to his refusal to ever question or betray the Goddess of Light, because he knows she's already been hurt and is also doing more work than she's supposed to. His loyalty comes out of empathy and compassion towards someone he can tell really needs it.
But that selflessness can be self-destructive, because Pit will forget to consider what he's getting in return, and that gives us Pittoo, whose selfishness is framed as not inherently bad, and even good for him. But Palutena does care for Pit in return, in big and little ways, such as preparing a cold drink for him after Chapter 10. She cares a lot for Pit too, she'll cook a delicious vegetable stew for him!
You know if Medusa returns in a sequel, I'd like to know more about her and Palutena's falling-out, if there was actually anything more to it than just "Medusa looks down on humanity." After the Chaos arc, I could see her insinuating to Pit that Palutena will betray him for real, just as she did her... Only for Pit to redo that same speech about how Medusa is an unprompted murderer of helpless innocents, ya dingus.
TL;DR Palutena is the only goddess doing her job and it's exhausting and she takes it out on her secretary who is also in the exact same position, ironically.
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hervygervy · 17 days ago
I just replayed chapter 20, which is my favorite level in the game, even if the section right before the boss is an absolute pain on 9.0. The combination of centurion strongarms and juggernaut is brutal. That aside, this level holds one of the most fascinating differences between the two versions of the game: Palutena is characterized VERY differently while possessed by the Chaos Kin between versions.
Okay, well, it's not just in this level. Let's actually rewind a little bit to chapter 18, as that's when we first interact with Palutena under the influence of the Chaos Kin. Her behavior and speech are drastically different from before, so it's pretty obvious that, as Pit puts it, "someone else is pulling the strings."
For the sake of highlighting this contrast, I've selected a couple other audio files from previous levels so you can really hear the kind of difference I'm talking about. As a result, this post is going to be really stinking long, which is saying something because my other posts on this topic have already been quite lengthy. So please proceed below if you're up for all of this.
This one's from the chapter 4 ground section. It occurs shortly after the encounter with that initial reaper. I picked it since Palutena's role as mankind's protector is sorta discussed here, which is brought up again in chapter 18. There's also this one bit from the flight section of chapter 11:
Underrated interaction. Anyway, here Palutena clearly and concisely states her stance on humanity, which means we can now compare it to what she says in chapter 18:
So as you can hear, her tone of voice and overall manner of speech is in stark contrast to what it was previously. Now let's take a listen to that chapter 20 convo:
Whew, that's a long one. But you get the idea. She's all hostile and weird and yada yada. So let's get to the main point of this. In the Japanese version, Palutena actually retains most of her typical mannerisms. She talks the same way as she always does, although under the Chaos Kin's influence, she says a few unhinged things and uses a slightly harsher tone.
First let's go through the Japanese equivalents of those other voice files I shared so you can listen to how she talks in order to compare them to the moments in chapter 18 and 20. As always, I'll provide my translations so you can actually understand the words. First up is the chapter 4 convo:
Pit: Even though the wasteland was full of reapers, this fortress seems short on them. Do you think they're all out?
Palutena: Perhaps they're doing their business of transporting a large number of souls.
Pit: Ah, I see.
Palutena: Reapers are carriers that snatch souls with the scythes they carry and transport them to the Underworld, after all. The humans might have brought about another war or something, huh?
Pit: That's sad. Those humans, they're always fighting their own kind, huh?
Palutena: But it's me who's at fault.
Pit: W-why's that?!
Palutena: It would be nice if I could promise a good harvest so that strife would not occur around the world. I feel inadequate...
Pit: Don't say that! The goddess of light is loved by everyone! It's true!!
Palutena: Thank you, Pit. I do my best. Now, let's hurry ahead.
Just a few notes before we proceed to the chapter 11 scene. The reapers are called 死神 (shinigami) or "death gods" in the Japanese version. From what I understand, this used to be a broad term that could be applied to any dark or evil spirit that had influence over death, but nowadays the definition of this word is more in line with the western idea of the grim reaper so I kept it as such in my translation.
Another thing I find interesting is Pit uses the word なげかわしい (nagekawashii), which means "sad" in like the deplorable sense rather than like the pitiable kind of sad.
Lastly, I triple checked this one, Palutena uses the word 豊穣 (houjou) which literally means like abundant crops or good harvest, so I don't think I made any mistakes there.
So that's one example of her typical speech. What makes her speech distinct from other characters in the game is she's pretty much always using standard formal speech. She VERY rarely deviates from this norm. Onto the chapter 11 scene:
Palutena: Enter inside, Pit.
Pit: The power of life is running wild...
Viridi: Humans arbitrarily hunt other creatures, cut down trees, erode mountains, and they alone elude the food chain. That's also going against divine providence, is it not? Answer me, goddess Palutena! How can you say only humans are special?!
Palutena: Because humans are the creatures that are closest to gods. Gods must not interfere with mankind. We have no such right.
Viridi: But they are violating all other living things! Are you saying we should watch and twiddle our thumbs as they consume nature like locusts? Before they destroy everything and it's too late, I shall purge the humans!
Palutena: This conversation is going nowhere...
Pit: It's not like I don't understand what Nachure's saying. But! Nevertheless, that does not excuse indiscriminate attacking!
Palutena: That's exactly right. Queen of nature, Nachure. It's meager, but we will challenge you.
Viridi: You've got guts. My Forces of Nature are different, you know.
Once again, Viridi's called "Nachure" in the Japanese version, after "nature." Her title is also 自然王 (shizen ou) or "queen of nature" in that version.
I know there's a lot of Viridi yapping but again, I chose this scene just because Palutena gives her thoughts on humanity here, which is brought up again in chapters 18 and 20. Hopefully you still got a good sense of how Palutena talks with these clips. So now let's take a listen to the scene in chapter 18:
She's not quite as cold as in English. To translate:
Palutena: It's been a while, Pit.
Pit: Ah, Lady Palutena! How did this happen?
Palutena: It's a sad thing but those days are drifting away. After going through so many wars, my fondness for humans completely exhausted. Pit, if your consciousness returned, please die right here!
Pit: Wha--?
Viridi: You hear that, Pit? This is reality.
Pit: Lady Palutena is being manipulated by someone!
Palutena: Is that what you think?
Pit: I won't accept this! Nachure! Thrust me in!!
Viridi: You sure that's alright?
Pit: Of course! Quickly!!
Viridi: You don't know what'll happen!
Well, okay, she did tell Pit to drop dead. At least she said it politely, lol. She says 死になさい (shininasai) and the なさい part indicates a polite command issued by a figure of authority. Point is, in Japanese she's still sorta maintaining that calm tone of voice and polite speech. The English performance has a lot of bitterness and resentment. Let's continue with the chapter 20 conversations, as you'll probably be able to hear the differences between versions a lot more clearly there, especially since the dialogue is somewhat different:
As you can hear, Palutena sounds rather normal. Very different from the English version! And now I must translate:
Phosphora: I secured the Chariot of Light.
Pit: You're... Lightning Flash Eleka?!
Phosphora: I'm not helping you, just so you know. Please stop Palutena's rampage.
Pit: You don't even have to say it!
Palutena: Pit...
Pit: Lady Palutena!
Palutena: I thought there was no way you'd break through that barrier. Pit, you've really grown. It makes me happy.
Pit: In that case, please stop your attacks on the humans!
Palutena: I cannot do that. This is my atonement for my own sin. I am responsible for letting the people become arrogant, causing disorder in the three realms, and not building up the heavens as I should have.
Viridi: That confession, I just feel like it's been a long time coming.
Pit: Quit it! Lady Palutena would never say something like that!
Palutena: ...
Pit: Lady Palutena was always pushing me to do nothing but unreasonable things. Frankly, I nearly died for her countless times!
Viridi: Hey now.
Pit: But! I could always understand Lady Palutena's actions! Even if not, I love Lady Palutena!
Viridi: Whoa, say what?
Pit: I-I don't mean in the romantic way!
Viridi: Of course...
Phosphora: That was exceedingly rude. Don't you know they're gods?
Pit: Ugh, geez, never mind that!! Not while Lady Palutena is like this! Not while my beloved Angel Land is like this! Return Lady Palutena to how she was! Please!
Palutena: Pit... how naive.
Pit: Ah, Lady Palutena...
Palutena: This naivety of yours, to what extent has it helped? In any case, please resign yourself to the fact that I can't return to the past.
Pit: Yes, Lady Palutena. If that's what you say, then there's no other way. I am Pit, commanding officer of Palutena's imperial guard! I will fight you! I'll fight you, and save you from harm!
Phew, that was a whole lot. Time to rattle off a few notes before I break this conversation down a little.
Phosphora's called "Eleka" in the Japanese version. You know, like "electric." Maybe I should have used a "c" in the romanization? Anyway, her title 電光 (denkou) can be interpreted to mean "lightning flash" just like her English title, so I kept it the same. And like I've mentioned before, the Lightning Chariot is called the Chariot of Light.
Now you might be wondering what the heck an "Angel Land" is. Believe it or not, that's the setting of the game. Have you ever played the original Kid Icarus? Well, playing it won't really tell you anything. Have you read the manual at least? It explains that the game's world is called "Angel Land" and it's split into three parts, which are the very same "three realms" Palutena was talking about: the Underworld, the Overworld, and Skyworld.
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Any instance of Angel Land being referenced in the Japanese version is replaced with "Skyworld" in the English version. To be fair, the English version is technically more correct, as Angel Land encompasses all three realms, and if we're just referring to the heavenly realm, it'd be Skyworld.
The manual for Of Myths and Monsters (the Game Boy sequel that nobody in their right mind actually acknowledges) also gives us a convenient illustration of how Angel Land is split up.
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I haven't actually played Of Myths and Monsters (maybe I will someday) but this is pretty much how it's split up in the first game too.
One last note, Phosphora butts in eventually, right? She tells Pit off for being rude. So in Japanese, once Viridi starts speaking in this scene, Pit loses his cool and switches to more informal speech. This is important to note because, when speaking to Palutena, even in her current state, he's always using polite speech. To me it sounds like he's targeting his big speech towards Viridi as a result, especially since he switches back to formal speech to respond to Palutena's "there's no returning to the past" comment. Additionally, he consistently uses more casual speech around Viridi anyway. Phosphora's gotta get with the memo.
Moving onto dialogue differences, in the English version, Palutena is very dismissive and mocking. In the Japanese version, she's not haughty at all and still seems to try and answer in a calm, logical fashion. Even her "how naive" comment seems gentle in comparison with how it's delivered in the English version. Also, in Japanese, she pretty much tells Pit she's proud of him, which English Palutena just uses as another opportunity to weigh him down.
Then the conversation progresses a wee bit differently between versions. When Viridi starts to speak, in English, Pit keeps talking to Palutena, and she continues to respond, whereas in the Japanese version, he actually immediately tells Viridi to knock it off and to me it sounds like the rest of his lines are directed towards her, since he switches to more informal speech and that's how he spoke to her in previous levels. Oh, and instead of "I trusted you," he says "I love her."
Alright so he's using 好き (suki) here which you're probably very familiar with if you've watched a lot of anime. It can mean "like" or "love," and honestly I'd say it's pretty close to how we'd think of it. We can say we like/love pizza or we like/love a person and we're using the same word, but they obviously carry different implications. 好き works the same way. Since the joke here seems to be that what he's saying sounds like a love confession, I opted to use "love," since "like" doesn't seem to carry enough weight to warrant the other characters reacting the way they did, at least to me. Translating 好き caused a whole drama for the Netflix dub of Evangelion, so I felt it was worth bringing up to explain my reasoning.
According to an interview with the English script's cowriter, apparently one of the things they focused on changing when it came to Pit's dialogue were "things that were inappropriate for a little boy to say." Certainly some weird things happen, but I can't really recall Pit himself saying anything too problematic in the Japanese version. Maybe I just can't remember right now. Anyway, I'm just gonna presume the English staff was uncomfortable with this kind of exchange and thus altered it, even though I think it's just meant to be a cliché misunderstanding type of joke. It's fair, Pit's meant to be the equivalent of a 13 year old boy and Palutena a 22 year old woman. It could easily be taken the wrong way.
There's actually one last thing I want to talk about, just because I personally find it interesting.
Yeah, it's the boss intro. Just leaving the English version here so you can compare it with the Japanese.
Palutena says "so you've come, Pit," and Pit says something along the lines of "Lady Palutena... I, Pit, will come to you!"
This is just interesting because here he's using 参ります (mairimasu) which is the polite form of 参る (mairu). Now, 参る is the humble form of 来る (kuru) or "to come." Maybe you've heard of this, but Japanese has this whole set of unique vocabulary and conjugations for honorific and humble speak, or like talking about things your boss does or things you do respectively, generally called 敬語 (keigo). And the purpose of humble speak is to talk about your actions in a way that honors the authority figure you're speaking to. That's the gist of it. It's a whole headache, even for native speakers.
After that opening exchange from chapter 20 that I shared with you, any other instances of Palutena speaking are responded to with more informal speak from Pit. But right before the boss fight begins, he uses humble speak. It carries a lot of hope within, I feel.
And there you have it. I did a whole lotta yapping but I hope you found this characterization change very interesting. I will continue to post about characterization differences in the future so please stay tuned for those!
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hikarinotenshiarts · 4 months ago
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I wanted Palutena to look glorious, I hope I achieved it, and I also took advantage of practicing lighting from other angles✨✨ Palutena is literal :3 hahaha she looks so cute, she is watching seri and pit proud of them😤💛
In the eyes I put the detail of her symbol, I have the headcanon that the gods of Kid icarus uprising have the Mark of their symbols in their eyes, and those who serve them have the symbol on other parts of their body For example: Seri has the Palutena's symbol on her left hand and Pit has it on his back That mark shows that they serve that goddess, In the case of Dark Pit, his Mark changed when he started serving Viridi and now he has the viridi's symbol on his back.
Well, I hope you like this drawing hehe💛💛✨✨
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istealdragons · 2 months ago
Since palutena is the goddess of light and rainbows are in part caused by light do you think she could shoot rainbows from her hands
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madara-no-kojika · 1 year ago
Tips for visualizing what clothes you wore as a divinekin, if applicable
Clothing and presentation has always been important to me as a God, so it's also always bugged me that my "appearance" in terms of clothing never felt right. After all, it's how I presented myself to lower beings! It's important they get the right impression, no?
So here's some tips I brainstormed on how to figure that more out. Could also be used as help for character design, I guess.
General Tips:
Throw away stereotypes. Not every god and angel wears flowy white and gold clothing, and not every demon wears dark reds and black. Go with what feels right to you.
Try to seperate skin and clothing. Maybe your skin has patterns on it or has fluffy bits/fur, and it's not a piece of clothing!
Trust your instinct. Often, your gut is correct when it comes to this type of stuff. If you look at an image and immediately go, "No, that's more something an angel would wear where I come from, so that's probably not at all like what I wore", congrats on the kin memory! But also, it's probably right.
Determine whether looking at external sources will aid you or not. For some people, looking at things like pinterest or picrews may help them visualize or trigger kin memories. However, for some it may give undue influence over what they're already trying to visualize. So, determine if you're more of an internal or external type of person.
Visualize. If you can visualize inside of your head, try meditation. While meditating, imagine yourself as a seperate entity to talk to. Imagine mirrors, imagine your "home." If you can't visualize inside your head, try pinterest, google, or character creators like picrews. Or, if you can, draw!
Consider your domain, if you know it. Fictional example, but, look at the gods of Kid Icarus. Palutena has white and gold flowy clothing, and a large pendant on a necklace resembling a sun. Her colour palette and symbolism make sense as she's the Goddess of Light. Contrasted with Viridi, who wears saturated magenta, red, and purple (much like that of a flower) with a more faded leaf-green. Parts of Viridi's outfit look like they're made out of wood, her shoes resemble leaves, and she has a flower crest on her dress. Naturally, Viridi is the Goddess of Nature. To put a long story short, your domain may have a heavy influence on what your outfit looks like.
Make a distinction between general feelings and specific details. Is that EXACTLY what your top looked like, or do you just have the general idea that you had a bare chest showing? Is your skirt EXACTLY that long and has EXACTLY that many layers, or do you just have the general idea that you wore a long flowy thing as a bottom?
The Senses
Often, the question you're trying to answer is "How did it look?" But if you're having trouble with that, we can turn to the other senses.
How did it feel? This is probably the most important one. What material was it made out of - silk, cotton, wool? Was it soft and smooth, or was it more fluffy and comfortable? Was it heavy, or light?
On the contrast, how DOESN'T it feel? Where do you not feel your clothing? If it was a cold or windy day, which parts of your body would you feel it the most in? This can help with narrowing down the shape of your clothes and where it covers and doesn't cover.
How did it sound, if at all? Is it silent, or do parts of your clothing make noises as you move? Maybe you have jewelry or adornments that clack together or jingle as you walk. If you were to rub against different parts of your clothes, what sound would it make?
Taste and smell are a little weird to talk about when it comes to clothes, but they have their uses. Maybe you're struggling to figure out just what part of your outfit you're imagining or being reminded of. If so, you could take this part and imagine what it tastes or smells like - if it tastes/smells metallic, it's probably jewelry, etc. Smell could also hint at the material, like if it smells naturey, maybe it's made out of leaves and wood.
And lastly, like I said before, trust your gut! Don't take everything in this post as absolute fact that must apply to you - these are just guiding tips to hopefully get you closer along your pathway.
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zoey-withay · 17 days ago
I made a post a few days ago about how beautiful Viridi's solo menu music is in Kid Icarus Uprising and I got this reblog saying how important this change of pace in the music is to the story and I want to yap more about the music in this game (so forgive me I'm about to set the music student in me loose)
One of the things I absolutely love about Uprising's soundtrack is the fact that each character is represented by an instrument and musical motif (a motif is a musical idea/little melody played in a bigger piece of music, usually to represent or symbolise something)
For example, Pit is represented by these bright and happy pianos that play his little theme song from the NES game which symbolise his bright and happy nature but also his determination to save the world from the Underworld Army, Aurum, Chaos Kin, etc. Palutena is represented by these soft - almost angelic strings and flutes, which is pretty fitting for the goddess of light. Dark Pit famously has acoustic guitars that, in the words of Masahiro Sakurai himself, have a Spanish flavour to them that give an old western movie vibe to them, which perfectly fits with his character (pre-character development) of fighting Pit and wanting to have an identity outside of being his copy (like if they were cowboys, the joke would be "this Skyworld ain't big enough for the two of us Pits") And Hades has these big deep percussions mixed perfectly with a chorus of vocals, which symbolise the souls of the Underworld.
But it's Viridi that I mainly want to talk about. When you think of the goddess of nature, outside of the Kid Icarus lore, what do you think of? Probably a quite regal and tranquil person, with music to match. Not a psychotic eight-year-old looking goddess whose dropping nukes every twelve minutes. And her music perfectly matches that about her character.
When we're introduced to Viridi in Chapter 11 Viridi, Goddess of Nature, she is represented musically by a chorus of strings, playing long legato (smooth) notes that crescendo (gradually get louder) over time, along with soft percussion of what I believe is a snare drum and a glockenspiel (which is like a metal xylophone and can be heard around the 1:30 mark).
This music sounds like nature. It has this fairytale-like sound of a magical forest, which fits perfectly with the land battle being set in The Reset Bomb Forest. It perfectly fits with what we perceive nature to sound like. If nature had a theme song, it would be this. But that changes in the next chapter with Wrath of the Reset Bomb.
We still hear that same motif in the melody, but it is played a lot harsher and louder, with more staccato (detached notes) which gives it a more chaotic and angry sound, which reflects Viridi's character in this chapter. Though she was still dropping the reset bombs in the previous chapter, she explained to Pit and Palutena why she was doing it. She wasn't fully angry yet, and that is reflected in the music. But now she's annoyed at Pit and Palutena trying to stop her plan, so the music gets more angry, louder. The percussion now has an army-like march to it, since she's commanding her troops. And this more chaotic sound persists during the Forces of Nature arc, and especially in Chapter 18 The Ring of Chaos, when Viridi picks up Pit and explains what's going on. Fittingly, the theme gets even more chaotic now that we're in the Chaos arc, but this is one of the last times that we hear this angry and irrational motif.
After Pit sees the destroyed Skyworld, Viridi takes him back to her temple, where we hear her solo menu music. And though we never see a scene take place with this music (other than Viridi explaining that she's taking over the menu) this piece of music tells us so much about Pit, Viridi and the story thus far.
It is a gentle melody, played on soft strings, harp and piano - giving it a musicbox-like sound. It also has a significantly slower tempo (speed) than any of the other music in this game. And you may have to correct me, but I'm 90% sure it is one of the very very few songs to be played in a minor key. And anyone who isn't too familiar with musical terms, music is typically played in one of two tonalities; major and minor. Major keys typically have a brighter and fuller sound than minor keys, which have a more dull and somber sound. Now that's not to say that all happy songs are major and all sad ones are minor, but nine times out of ten, that is the case. Like with this.
At this point in the story, Pit has learned that for three years his body has been used to kill the people he swore to protect, and that his mother/older sister figure, Palutena, has seemingly changed her ways and become evil (remember that he doesn't know about the Chaos Kin yet) and now he has to mentally and emotionally prepare himself to kill her for the greater good, all the while he has to team up with Viridi, whom he has been fighting with.
This is the moment where everything comes crashing down on Pit. This is the moment where he sees Viridi through his own perspective - not Palutena's. Though he doesn't believe that what she does with the reset bombs is right, he respects her and knows that she's a good and caring person, otherwise she wouldn't help him or give him shelter when he needs it the most, and the music reflects that part of her nature (no pun intended). This is also the moment where he realises that this war between the heavens and hell is real and it's serious. And the music reflects that beautifully.
This is my favourite part of this piece of music. The notes get higher and higher, being held for a while, before the music drops back down to the original melody and key, and it repeats. Those notes that are held as they get higher symbolise that feeling when you cry and you feel like you can't breathe, gasping for breaths. Then as the music returns to the melody, it's like letting out a sob and just letting yourself audibly cry. And though we don't see it in game, I think that small motif beautifully reflects Pit's emotions surrounding everything that has happened. Because at the end of the day, Pit is a child. He is thirteen-years-old and he's coming to the realisation that not only is the weight of the world on his shoulders, but he also may have to kill Palutena - the person who arguably believes in him the most, the person who has given him everything to make him the person he is today - to save the world.
And thinking about that. Thinking about all those thoughts and emotions racing through Pit's head is what makes me cry everytime I hear this music.
Kid Icarus Uprising, for being infamous for it's comedic and 4th-wall-breaking dialogue, really knows how to make an emotional impact in its story. And I think the wonderful team of composers, Motoi Sakuraba, Yuzo Koshiro, Masafumi Takada, Noriyuki Iwadare, Yasunori Mitsuda, and Takahiro Nishi, deserve a lot of credit for bringing those emotional scenes to life and having them impact people forever, me included.
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muses-of-the-memory · 10 days ago
@thepersonaking56 continued from here Jordan, seeing the subspace bomb explosion, he knows something is wrong and uses the jetpack on his back to speed away from it in time. He keeps on the same path as before. "What is going on?"
Meanwhile, in Skyworld... The Temple of Palutena...
Pit watched in shock to see that the Midair Stadium has been engulfed by the Subspace void caused by the Subspace Bomb's explosion from the Reflecting Pool. Then, a voice called to him from behind. "Pit..."
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It was Palutena, the Goddess of Light. "Lady Palutena..." Pit then runs over to her and kneels before her. "The Subspace Army's made its move. If we don't stop them, our world will be next... So, I give you this." Palutena said said giving her bow to Pit. "Your bow?" Pit asked.
"Yes, as a gift after the Medusa incident... You also have the Mirror Shield for defense. But don't forget, you can't fly..." Palutena said lowering Pit's spirit. "However! You have the Wings of Icarus that can allow you fly for a short while, as well as my Power of Flight... There's someone else that has entered Skyworld. Two somebodies actually. Now, hurry Pit. And save our world." Palutena said sending Pit to save their world, and he nods leavings as the door opens. Pit then falls backwards and descends and glides down to a lower level of clouds.
Happy 17th Anniversary, Super Smash Bros. Brawl (Open RP)
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Tagged by: @thepersonaking56, @hoshi-neko-hikari, @bluemajingirl, @spirits-of-nature16, @the-world-hopper, @smashingsire, @smashingveteransandnewcomers
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Goddess of Need (Open Starter)
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(Y/M) was feeling rather desperate as of late. After many failed attempts at finding love and more importantly, someone to take care of their growing needs, they decided to take a rather drastic measure and see if it would work. Praying. But not just pray to any goddess, they prayed to the goddess of light Palutena. A prayer to hopefully reach her ears and help with their current situation. Was it desperate? Absolutely but at this point they would try anything. That night a soft glow illuminated (y/m) room as the sound of heavenly ass cheeks came clapping out. The green-haired goddess slowly appeared before them, her hips swaying back and forth.
"Greetings little pervert. Someone must have been pretty desperate to cum to resort to praying to me~" she chuckled a bit, sounding a lot more relaxed and teasing than you would expect from a goddess. She smirked softly as she swayed towards her little follower, her massive body pressing down on top of them as she chuckled, "so, how can I help you little cutie?"
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dapper-lil-arts · 2 months ago
This is a Kid Icarus Uprising ask:
What are your top 5 favorite characters of that game?
1 - Pit himself. He's a precious naive boy but incredibly strong and kind hearted but also kind of stupit. I love him so much.
2 - Dark Pit is a perfect 'darker half', I love the subversion that the opposite of Pit is not an 'evil pit' but a complete rogue, someone that follows no orders. Fantastic.
3 - Palutena should have been Pit's mom, even if in secret. i like that shes not immune to being prideful or a memer on ocasion, shes such a fun take of a goddess of light fr.
4 - Viridi is Tsundere as hell, its very funny-- I wish she had gotten the chance to be more earnest at times, she didn't even have one sprite where she seemed to express genuine emotion, even if in the game she def did. Also a goddess of nature antagonist is rly fun heh. Girlet
5 - Hades is not only callous but funny. He is so far beyond everyone else that he can afford to be deeply amused by suffering and pain and knows he will never be punished for it, it makes for an entertaining villain, as well as a funny one, and even one thats a genuine threat!
Although I'm glad I get a kid icarus ask, its kind of silly to ask this question, bc of course the characters that get the most screentime will be the ones at top of the least. There are only bangers in this game tho! Phosphora and pandora and even dynthos are wonderfull honorary mentions.
(Poseidon is no ones fave lmao)
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emblemxeno · 3 months ago
Uhhhhh potential Smash moveset for Alear Fire Emblem Engage cuz it's been in my brain for weeks and I want it out
The gimmick is that they use emblem weapons and powers.
They have two movesets, the default one is with close range weapons (sword, axe, spear), and by pressing the special button while shielding, they switch to using fists, magic, and bows.
First moveset:
Neutral special: Override-Similar to Ike's Quick Draw, Alear lunges a long distance with Sigurd's Ridersbane, but can pass through enemies and damage shields
Side special: Quadruple Hit-Uses Leif's light brand in quick succession, works like Marth's Dancing Blade, but launches Alear far up as the last strike, to reference Leif's crit animation in Thracia; can use this for recovery
Up special: Twin Strike-Summons Ephraim to do a two hit move that can have variable directions akin to moves like Pikachu's Quick Attack, Sora's Sonic Blade, and Bayo's Afterburner Kick.
Down special: All for One/Bonded Shield-A dual use move like Palutena's Reflect Counter. All for One summons illusory copies of Alear to strike on both sides, counterattacking melee moves. Bonded Shield is a reflector for projectiles.
Ground moves: Standard sword jab if you press with regular timing, but if you mash, Alear summons Sigurd's Brave Lance for a spinning multi hit; All tilts and the dash attack have Alear slash with Lucina's Noble Rapier, with a tipper mechanic to reference effective damage;
Aerials: Neutral Air, Back Air and Up Air has Alear strike with Liberation, but Forward Air and Down Air uses Leif's Killer Axe, with both having high damage and potential meteor smash
Smash attacks: Forward Smash is a standard slash down in front of Alear with their Liberation; Up Smash is Ephraim's Siegmund stabbing up with pillars of flames rising on both sides as well; Down Smash is Eirika's Sieglinde, summoning thunder with sword strikes on both sides
Second moveset:
Neutral special: Mulagir/Astra Storm-Press once for a standard arrow, but press and hold for multiple stronger arrows fired all at once. Arrows can be guided and the bow can be aimed up as well.
Side special: Thani-A leading projective attack like Palutena's Explosive Flame, but with pre-emptive light attacks beforehand like Sora's Thunder magic.
Up special: Warp Ragnarok-Appear like a simple warping move, but has an initial hit before warping, after which you can do two things. You can tilt in a direction to move to your desired location, like most Smash warping moves, or you can press the b button again to home in on enemy's location for an explosive fire attack
Down special: Goddess Dance-Improves stats akin to Shulk's monado arts or Wii Fit Trainer's deep breathing.
Ground moves: Inspired by the arts in Engage, using close combat punches, kicks and energy bursts. Has a standard jab combo, but can turn into multi hit combo when mashed, and ends with Celica's Seraphim as a projectile finisher
Aerials: Aerials infuse punches and kicks with Micaiah's Shine magic, being good combo starters
Smash attacks: Just standard martial arts inspired Smash attacks, though the forward Smash takes direct influence from Alear's crit animation with Arts in Engage
Final Smash: Engage Blast with their Emblem form, cuz Smash doesn't care about spoilers as evidenced lol
Alt Costumes: Male and Female Alear variations, with standard colors, an Alfred and Diamant variant for M!Alear and a Timerra and Ivy variant for F!Alear. The last two costumes has them in their past Fell Dragon color scheme (I'd personally also have them be voiced like their past selves, that'd be neat)
I made this moveset idea with the intent of specifically referencing 8 of the 12 base game emblems. Sigurd, Leif, Eirika/Ephraim and Lucina for the weapons set, and Lyn, Micaiah, Celica and Byleth for the magic/arts set.
This leaves Marth, Roy, Ike and Corrin for standalone fighters alongside Alear, maybe with Robin too? Idk, all this is just my head brainstorming stuff
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marcmarcmomarc · 8 months ago
Super Smash Bros. Fighter Presentation
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MASTER HAND: The fourth game in the series is “Super Smash Bros. for Wii U” and “Super Smash Bros. for Nintendo 3DS”! For the game’s newcomers, we have a seemingly-random little guy who uses trademark, every-day tools for battle. “The Mayor of Smashville”, number 45, Villager!
Theme: Victory! Villager - Super Smash Bros. Ultimate
(The Villager steps to center stage and performs the Shrunk Funk Shuffle.)
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CRAZY HAND: First appearance, “Doubutsu no Mori” for the Nintendo 64.
MASTER HAND: Next is Capcom’s mascot character, hailing from his namesake series. Though he’s had many future and alternate universe incarnations over the years, it’s “The Blue Bomber” who has come to join the fight. Welcome the Super Fighting Robot, number 46, Mega Man!
Theme: Victory! Mega Man by GB6
(Mega Man steps to center stage and pumps his arm.)
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CRAZY HAND: First appearance, “Mega Man” for the Nintendo Entertainment System.
MASTER HAND: Next up, a pair of hard-working fitness instructors here to keep you fit. They are “The Yoga Warriors”, number 47, the Wii Fit Trainers!
Theme: Victory! Wii Fit Trainer - Super Smash Bros. Ultimate
(The Trainers step to center stage and perform various exercises.)
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FEMALE TRAINER: Stretch those shoulders.
MALE TRAINER: Let’s get a good stretch.
CRAZY HAND: First appearance, “Wii Fit” for the Nintendo Wii.
MASTER HAND: Next is the head of the Comet Observatory and Guardian of the Cosmos. “The Cosmic Traveler”, number 48, Rosalina!
Theme: Victory! Rosalina & Luma - Super Smash Bros. Ultimate
(Rosalina floats to center stage and waves her wand.)
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ROSALINA: Alright!
CRAZY HAND: First appearance, “Super Mario Galaxy” for the Nintendo Wii.
MASTER HAND: Sharing this fighter number and also from this game is her adoptive son, Luma.
(Rosalina taps her son with the wand. Luma chirps.)
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MASTER HAND: Next is the underdog pint-sized powerhouse champion “Bruiser from the Bronx”, who once took down Mike Tyson in his prime. Meet number 49, Little Mac!
Theme: Victory! Little Mac - Super Smash Bros. Ultimate
(Doc Louis steps to and around center stage holding a sandbag as Little Mac aggressively beats it into next week.)
DOC: It’s your time, Mac! Show ‘em what you got, baby!
CRAZY HAND: First appearance, "Punch-Out!!" for Arcade.
MASTER HAND: Next, the Ninja Pokémon and final evolution of Froakie, the water starter of the Kalos region. A sneaky, creepy, and highly skilled humanoid frog ninja boasting the Water/Dark type. He is “The Master of Stealth”, number 50, Greninja!
Theme: Victory! Greninja by Groovy Monkey Music
(Greninja stands upright, clasps its hands together, and assumes a ninjutsu stance.)
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CRAZY HAND: First appearance, “Pokémon X and Y” for the Nintendo 3DS.
MASTER HAND: Next are Nintendo’s customizable avatars, a staple since the days of the Wil. They are “The Fighters of Many Faces”, the Mii Fighters!
Theme: Classic Mode Clear - Super Smash Bros. 4
(The Mii Fighters step to center stage.)
CRAZY HAND: While their first appearance is on the Nintendo Wii’s Mii Channel, their first in-game appearance is “Wii Sports” for the Nintendo Wii.
MASTER HAND: The Miis come in three varieties with their own movesets. Number 51, Mii Brawler...
(Mii Brawler forms a grounded stance, then punches twice using alternating arms.)
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MASTER HAND: ...number 52, Mii Swordfighter...
(Mii Swordfighter poses with his sword facing upwards while balancing on one foot.)
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MASTER HAND: ...and number 53, Mii Gunner!
(Mii Gunner uses her free hand to hold the arm cannon, aims it left, slightly kneeling down in a “readying” pose, then aims right, with the arm cannon slightly angled higher.)
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MASTER HAND: Next, “The Goddess of Light” and ruler of Skyworld is number 54, Lady Palutena!
Theme: Victory! Palutena by DIMON • CAMI
(Palutena floats to center stage and briefly spins her staff in front of herself telekinetically, catches it, and stands with it pointed outwards.)
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PALUTENA: Too bad for you.
CRAZY HAND: First appearance, “Kid Icarus” for the Nintendo Entertainment System.
MASTER HAND: Next is Namco’s classic mascot character and arguably the first true mascot of gaming itself. “The Yellow Bane of Ghosts”, number 55, Pac-Man!
Theme: Victory! Pac-Man - Super Smash Bros. Ultimate
(Pac-Man jumps out of his round munching shape, lands at center stage, winks, and performs a thumbs-up.)
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CRAZY HAND: First appearance, “Pac-Man” for Arcade!
MASTER HAND: The next fighter comes from the continent of Ylisse and is a very distant descendant of Marth. Welcome the first of the Echo Fighters, Marth’s Echo Fighter, “The Warrior From a Doomed Future”, number 21e, Lucina!
Theme: Victory! Lucina by GB6
(Lucina steps to center stage and twirls the Parallel Falchion.)
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LUCINA: The future is not written!
CRAZY HAND: First appearance, “Fire Emblem: Awakening” for the Nintendo 3DS.
MASTER HAND: Also from this game is the swords-person who woke up in a field one day with no recollection of their life other than their name. They are “The Tactician Magician”, number 56, Robin!
Theme: Victory! Robin - Super Smash Bros. Ultimate
(Both Robins steps to center stage. Male Robin points his currently held sword upward.)
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MALE ROBIN: Time to tip the scales!
(Female Robin does the same.)
MASTER HAND: Next is a young Homs engineering student from Colony 9, who took on the legendary Monado after a devastating attack by the Mechon brought chaos to his hometown. He is “The Visionary”, number 57, Shulk!
Theme: Victory! Shulk - Super Smash Bros. Ultimate
(Shulk steps to center stage and grips the Monado's handle with his right hand while triumphantly pumping his left fist.)
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SHULK: I’m really feeling it!
CRAZY HAND: First appearance, “Xenoblade Chronicles” for the Nintendo Wii.
MASTER HAND: I suppose now is a good time to bring up Olimar’s alternate skin, another space traveler that hails from the planet Koppai, “The Astronaut in Training”, Alph!
Theme: Victory! Alph by GB6
(Alph steps to center stage and joyfully jumps in place.)
ALPH: Yo-ho!
CRAZY HAND: First appearance, “Pikmin 3” for the Nintendo Wii U.
MASTER HAND: Alongside the Winged Pikmin from the same game! Next is the not-really-evil counterpart of Pit who was created when Pandora used the Mirror of Truth with the intention of getting her own Pit to serve her needs. He is “The Dark-Winged Doppelgänger”, Pit’s Echo Fighter, number 28e, Dark Pit!
Theme: Victory! Dark Pit - Super Smash Bros. Ultimate
(Dark Pit steps to center stage, turns around a bit, then points with his right blade.)
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DARK PIT: Can’t help but feel sorry for you!
CRAZY HAND: First appearance, “Kid Icarus: Uprising”, for the Nintendo 3DS.
MASTER HAND: Next is Bowser’s beloved son, a crafty, scheming young prince who holds a strong emotional attraction to Peach and a thirst to defeat Mario to make his father proud of him. Meet “The Prince of the Koopas”, number 58, Bowser Jr.!
Theme: Victory! Bowser Jr. by GB6
(Bowser Jr. rolls to center stage in his Junior Clown Car and twirls a hammer.)
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CRAZY HAND: First appearance, “Super Mario Sunshine” for the Nintendo GameCube. His Junior Clown Car made its debut in “New Super Mario Bros. Wii” for the Nintendo Wii.
MASTER HAND: His alternate skins are the seven Koopalings.
Theme: Victory! Koopalings by GB6
MASTER HAND: “The Youngest”, Larry! “The Cool One”, Roy! “The Bold Beauty”, Wendy! “The Laughing Prankster”, Iggy! “The Enforcer”, Morton! “The Wacky War Machine”, Lemmy! And “The Pompous Prodigy”, Ludwig!
(They all twirl their wands.)
CRAZY HAND: Their first appearance is “Super Mario Bros. 3” for the Nintendo Entertainment System.
MASTER HAND: Next are a duo composed of a trollish dog and a duck that has left behind its life as a target. “A Unique Group”, number 59, the Duck Hunt Duo!
Theme: Victory! Duck Hunt Duo - Super Smash Bros. Ultimate
(The dog lays on his side and does his infamous laugh, while the duck flies next to him.)
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CRAZY HAND: First appearance, “Duck Hunt” for the Nintendo Entertainment System.
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