#god really just the icing on the cake of a shitty day
pearlll09 · 2 years
Cleaned my room and don't even get the chance to feel better about it bc near the end I vaccumed up my laptop cord and fucking broke it
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wardenparker · 1 year
Private Dick
Tim Rockford x plus size reader Co-written with @absurdthirst
Rating: E for Explicit! 18+ Word Count: 11.8k Warnings: Plus size female reader with anxiety and internalized fatphobia/dysphoria. Tim is divorced with a shitty ex. Food/alcohol. Biting, fingering, shower sex, vaginal sex, unprotected sex, blink and you'll miss it vague reference to a pregnancy kink, brief mention of body shaming/bullying, a lot of talk about one character being vegan. SO MUCH FLUFF. Supportive love is a wonderful thing. Summary: Things are getting serious with your boyfriend, and that means that it's time for your anxiety to come out to play. But if there's one amazing thing about Tim, it's how much he cares. Notes: We just really needed some supportive fluff and hot smut this week, guys. I don't know what else to say ❤💛🧡
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“So uh, there’s gonna be a get together at my mom’s house this weekend.” Tim fastens his watch and looks around for the toothpick that he had set down. He swears he has to lay off the pepper beef, the shit always gets trapped in his teeth, but every time they order from Happy Dumplings for the office, he gets the same thing. Standing up, he slides his boxers back up over his hips and looks over his shoulder. “I might have told her that I would bring you.”
"You told your mom about me?" You were halfway out of his bed and hunting around the floor of his bedroom for your panties when he said it and your head snaps up to look at him. God, the man really has a fantastic little ass.
“Well…yeah.” Tim frowns as he reaches for his pants. “She tried to set me up with some chick from her church, says I need a good woman to take care of me.” He snorts, remembering how his ex-wife used to say she would take care of him until the late nights and crushing pressure of the job had sent her into Tommy Litchfield’s bed. The divorce hadn’t been pretty and he had seen the kids four weeks out of the year. “Figured we had been…. seeing each other long enough, so I told her.”
It's been almost seven months since you and Tim started seeing each other, as he puts it, and you know the time right down to the day. Six months, three weeks, and one day. That was the best accidental first date of your life, and even though his job is demanding, you don't mind. You have hobbies and friends - your family and your own job - all to deal with. Time with him has been the icing on the proverbial cake. Hell, the first time he called you his girlfriend was barely a month ago and you had nearly giggled yourself silly, still in that first blush of happiness in your relationship. "So...what kind of get together is this?" Your panties had gotten hooked on his bedpost and you delicately pull them down with a smothered snort. "Should I be dressing up or are jeans okay?"
“Backyard party.” He tells you. “My brother-in-law pretends he can grill worth a shit, while he gets drunk off his ass.” Tim chuckles. “We eat burnt hamburgers that a dog wouldn’t touch while the kids play in the pool. Or just lounge around it and bitch now that they are older.”
"The kids...as in...your kids?" You know the rundown - the divorce, the custody negotiations, all the bullshit that he went through ten years ago. His ex-wife had been awarded primary custody of his then ten-year-old twins and she had barely allowed him to see them each year since. In fact, he had gotten to see his niece and nephew a hell of a lot more, and as such he has a pretty good relationship with them as adults.
“Yeah.” He shrugs into his shirt and starts to button it up. He has to go back to the office to go through witness statements. Barely getting enough time for lunch and a quickie, he hopes that you aren’t tired of him yet. “They are home for the weekend from college.”
"Okay." Your agreement is instant, although it's muffled somewhere inside your dress as you pull it back over your head. Both of your lunch breaks are almost over and you both have to get back to your offices. "Yeah. Count me in. Absolutely." Well...this is gonna be all you think about until the weekend...
“Good.” He flashes you a grin when your head pops through your dress and he reaches for the gun that’s on the nightstand to loop back through his belt. “Make sure you bring your bathing suit.”
"I don't—" Oh god...that's right...he mentioned a pool. A quiet panic wraps itself around your heart and squeezes your chest, and you duck down to find your shoes so he won't see it in your eyes. "Uh—right. Bathing suit. Got it." You'll just have to pretend you forgot when the day comes, that's all. No harm there. Just silly and forgetful old you.
“Fuck, we need a longer lunch break.” Tim grumbles, stepping over to zip up your dress and he kisses the back of your neck. “Want me to come over tonight if it’s not too late?”
"I always want you to come over," you admit softly. He really does have that effect on you - always reducing you to a puddle of a grown-ass-woman when he's sweet and affectionate like this. "Baked pasta for dinner? I can warm you up a plate if it's late when you get out." There are strains of real domesticity in your relationship and you like that it's stayed functional. You're separate people with separate lives, but they're starting to fuse together in little ways.
“I love your pasta.” He admits, reminding himself that you are far too good for him and despite the fact that he was often beaten up by his workload and the grim reality he deals with on a daily basis, you are becoming a safe haven for him. “But if it’s too late, I just want to slip into bed with you.” He admits. “Wrapping my arms around you and falling asleep.”
"Here..." Your purse is sitting on his bureau against the wall by the door, and you pad over to it to pull out your keys. It's a great big, giant gesture to make, but you unclip your house key from the ring and cross the room again to hold it out to him. "I think we're both adult enough to make this step, don't you?" There's a spare key in a little ceramic rock positioned specifically in your front garden that will make its way onto your key ring when you get home, but you want to make this step. You want to show Tim that you're serious about him – especially if he wants you to meet his family this weekend.
He frowns at the key as he looks down at it, noticing the logo of the manufacturer. “I’m going to change your locks this weekend too.” He decides with a grunt. “These locks are shit.”
Even as you’re rolling your eyes, you can’t help but smile. His way of showing affection isn’t always obvious, but you’ve learned to see the signs. “Just take the key, baby. Accept the gesture and take the key.”
“Here.” He digs into his pocket for his own key ring. There’s already a spare on his other key ring, so he quickly works the key off and hands it to you. “You know, for when you plan to meet me and maybe you need to pee. Or you want to come over and jump me in the middle of the night.” He jokes with a small wink.
“So…for all the time?” It’s less sexy and more awkwardly charming when you throw a wink back at him, and you reach up to give him a kiss. “Come on, sexy. We have jobs to get back to.”
He chuckles and pats your ass he you turn around. “I’ll give you a call, m’kay babe? Let you know about what time I’ll be over.”
"Sounds good." As much as Tim always insists he likes your ass, you always have to bite back a small frown when he pats it - there's just too much of it. Too much of you in general. Nope...don't go down that road right now...just check your reflection in the mirror to make sure your hair is okay and reapply your lipstick before you get back to the office. You'll be fine. "See you tonight, baby."
“Wouldn’t miss it.” He promises, watching you walk towards your car with a small grin on his face. While he had made mistakes, been married to his job for too many years, he was trying to do right by you. Wanting this new relationship to work. He’s crazy about you and he can’t wait for you to meet his family.
It's four excruciating days of worry until the day of the get-together at Tim's mother's house is finally here. He came over late last night after an interrogation and climbed into your bed to wrap himself around you and fuck both of you into exhaustion. To that end, he is still asleep upstairs while you putter in the kitchen. Coffee made, a pan of apple cobbler in the oven and whipped cream made from coconut cream because he had told you months ago that one of his daughters is vegan. There's a great big container of cold peanut noodles with all kinds of veggies in your fridge, too. All that nervous energy you have has gone into cooking, and you frown behind your coffee cup when you remind yourself that habits like this are why you hate looking at yourself in the mirror.
Tim has gotten used to waking up in your bed, probably far faster than he should have, but there is a connection with you that he hasn't felt in a long time. So it doesn't take long for his hand to seek out your soft, warm skin in his sleep. He had pulled your nightgown off of you and tossed it on the floor, both of you staying naked after he had fucked you. His frown precedes his eyes opening when he finds nothing but the cool spot on the bed where you should have been. Where did you go?
Heavy footsteps on the stairs are your giveaway, and you pour a cup of black coffee for Tim after turning down the volume on your music yet again. “Morning, handsome.”
"Why didn't you wake me?" He squints at the bright light, your curtains and blinds already opened. He could kiss you when you offer the coffee and he does, reaching for you to pull you close for a quick kiss to thank you.
“It was early.” Even though you shrug apologetically, the kiss is welcome and so is the place in his arms. “And you work hard, so you deserve the sleep.”
He hums and rubs your back softly. "Would rather spend time with you." He kisses your forehead and then pulls back, taking a sip of his coffee. "It smells good in here." Standing in your kitchen in his boxers should look odd, but it feels normal. He's been here enough that he knows the layout pretty well.
“I made my apple cobbler that you like…” you admit with a sheepish shrug of your shoulders. “But I made it vegan so your daughter can have some. And…my peanut noodle recipe is vegan anyway, so that’s in the fridge.” He had insisted that you didn’t need to make anything to bring to his mother’s house today but here you are, cooking up a storm.
It takes a moment for that to register and then he's sighing softly. "You are too good, you know that?" He asks, setting the coffee cup down again so he can pull you in for another kiss. "I – you are amazing and thoughtful." He knows he wouldn't have even thought about making something for Zara. Not because he's neglectful, but because he wouldn't even know where to begin making something vegan. "Everyone is going to love you."
“I hope so.” You’re not naive enough to think that his grown kids will automatically love their father’s girlfriend for any reason, and you’ve got just enough in the way of self-esteem issues to be worried. But you fully intend to make the best impression possible today.
"Do you want to shower?" He asks, smirking slightly. "I brought my overnight bag." He routinely keeps a bag in the trunk of his car in case of overnight cases and needing a change of clothes. "We can swing by my apartment to change into something more casual on the way."
"I keep telling you to put clothes in that overnight bag." The offer of a shower is tempting, though, and you glance at the timer on the oven. "The pan comes out of the oven in two minutes. Then I'm all yours."
"I do have clothes in the bag." He grumbles at you. "Work clothes." He watches as you move gracefully around your kitchen, admiring the way you work so efficiently. There's a small smile on your lips that he's pretty damn sure you aren't even aware that you have, but it makes you look even sexier in his eyes.
"Then we'll stop at your apartment on the way." His divide between work clothes and civilian clothes is stark, and you don't begrudge him that for one second. You certainly have two sections of your closet, and hardly ever wear work clothes on the weekends.
The timer goes off and he smiles, sipping his coffee as you rush over to pull the pan out. "Now it's my time." He growls playfully, setting down the cup and moving behind you as you set it down on the oven mitt.
Even as he hauls you backward you have the urge to remind him not to try to pick you up. Thick thighs and too much tummy and saggy arms that you hate are too much for his perpetually bad back and knees after decades on the force. "Come on, handsome," you laugh softly when he presses a kiss to the juncture of your neck and shoulder. "Let's go take that shower."
The softness of your ass against his groin makes his cock start to harden. Making him groan as he pushes it into you with a suggestive thrust. "Mhmmmm, we could get dirty first." He chuckles and nips at your pulse. "Or would you rather I fuck you in the shower?"
"I thought that's what showers are for?" Your shower, anyway. The cramped space in his apartment is no good for anything but being functional. Your house, however, has a large shower stall with excellent water pressure and a separate overlarge tub in the master bath. It had been half the reason for buying the house in the first place.
"That's what should happen in every shower we take." He groans, smirking into your skin before he pulls away to take your hand. "What do you think, baby?"
"I think you're a menace," you tease, lacing your fingers through his. "And I am absolutely here for it."
He laughs as he walks a step behind you up the stairs, still holding onto your hand and cannot resist slapping your ass with his other when you move up an extra step and it's in his face. "Fuck, I love your ass." He grunts.
Too big, your dysphoria supplies immediately, and you're glad he can't see your face as you climb the stairs together. You've never been skinny but it seems like since you got past your thirtieth birthday, everything got a little bigger out of protest. Everything except your tits. "I'm glad you like it," you manage, hoping you sound bright and teasing.
"Next time I have you on your stomach, I'm going to bite it." He threatens playfully, slapping it again right as you reach the top of the stairs. His cock twitches at the thought and he’s halfway toying with the idea of seeing if you would let him fuck your ass. It's not been talked about, and he's not just going to ask.
"Wouldn't be the first time you left teeth marks in me." That actually makes you laugh, remembering the first time your best friend had noticed the imprint of Tim's pearly whites when you had gone to her house after leaving his place. It was how she found out you were seeing someone, and you hadn't lived it down for weeks.
His growl catches in his throat and his hand tugs you back, spinning you around and pressing you up against the wall so he can kiss you again. This thing with you has progressed to the point where those three little words dance in his head when he is thinking of you. Still not quite voiced, they are there. Making him crave you even more when he has you nearby and he transfers that into the pressing of your lips together.
It's a sigh and a muffled groan from you, and your arms come up around his neck easily to encourage him to take whatever he wants. He's fucking irresistible and while you still can't quite grasp why he seems to want you, you're not going to question it and ruin the best adult relationship you've ever had. You're almost grateful to the idiot that broke into your office building and caused all of you to have to make statements to the police.
You had seemed to think that you needed to wear fancy lingerie when he first started sleeping with you, but the loose nightgowns you wear now are just as sexy and far easier to access. Thankful that you had taken his word and started wearing them to bed at night. His hands plunging underneath so he can cup your tit, his other hand twisting to slide into your panties as he groans into your mouth.
Tim's fingers are thick and nimble, and you never would have thought gun callouses could be sexy until you felt them slide through your pussy the first time. The hand fully encompassing one of your tits squeezes in earnest and you groan, hips already rocking against his other hand. "Fuck, Tim."
“That’s it, baby.” He grunts, kissing down your jaw and biting your ear. “Fucking love how wet you get. Pussy is gushing for me.”
Broad shoulders, broad chest, thick fingers, quick tongue, a smile that can leave you in a daze. How would you not be absolutely gushing for him? "Always," you sigh out, breath catching when he curls his fingers against your g-spot expertly. "Need you so bad, baby."
“Just what I want to hear.” His cock pulses against your soft belly and he wants nothing more than to lift you up and fuck you against this wall. Except you would squawk the entire time to put you down. Instead, he pumps his fingers diligently, eager to make you cum so he can fuck you in the shower.
The press of those thick digits inside of you has you gasping and clinging to him as he thrusts two fingers inside of you, adding a third to make you squeal and shake even harder. His eagerness makes perfect sense considering you weren't in bed beside him when he woke up, and you let your forehead drop forward to his bicep as you ride his fingers closer and closer to cumming right there in the hallway of your little house.
“You gonna cum for me baby?” He asks, always loving when you come apart for him. It’s a gorgeous sight. “Gonna soak my fingers? Squeeze them tight?”
"I—fuck—" Three fingers in your cunt and his thumb against your clit is too much all at once in the best way possible, and you're nodding against his arms as that tingling feeling at the base of your spine explodes and you start to shake apart. For a man who claims not to have dated a lot and have been rusty on intimacy when you had first gotten together, he never lost that muscle memory of how to be an amazing lover.
“So fuckin’ pretty when you cum.” He coos in your ear, feeling your cunt sucking his fingers in deep and starting to squeeze them. “Cum for me baby.”
Your fingernails bite into his arms as you grasp him tightly, entire body tensing completely before falling apart completely – flooding his hand with cum and slumping backward against the wall so you aren't too heavy on his arm. "Goddamn, baby..." you pant with a small giggle when you can breathe again, the orgasm exploding like shooting stars behind your still closed eyes.
“Fuck, I need to be inside you.” He feels the slick coating his fingers and wants to sink inside your quivering cunt. “Shower?”
“Shower.” It doesn’t matter that your legs are jelly, you can make it ten more feet into the bathroom. Your nightgown is pulled off of you before you hit the door, and his own boxers pushed down and kicked off. Leaving you in your panties as he opens the glass door to turn the shower on.
“Just what I needed today.” You’re only half teasing as you strip off your panties and toss them in the nearby laundry basket. “To be freshly fucked when I meet your family.”
He grunts, crowding you into the shower when you climb in and turning you around to face the wall. “You want to talk to my mama with a load of my cum in your pussy?” He grins, biting your neck again. “I can make that happen.”
“You can’t just say shit like that to me.” It earns him another moan and you back your ass up against his hips eagerly. “It’s gonna be all I can think about all day.”
“Good.” He chuckles roughly as his hands grip your hips and he presses closer. His cock folding up against his body and pressing into the cleft of your ass insistently. “It’s gonna be all I think about too. Imagining you dripping. Licking you clean.”
“Gonna have to slip away to your old room to get handsy.” You tease, knowing that his mother still lives in the house he grew up in.
“Fucked my first girl in that bed.” He grunts, silently acknowledging that it would be fitting that he fucks his last girl there too.
“Gonna make me another notch on that bedpost, Rockford?” You grin over your shoulder at him as his hands knead your ass. “I bet it was some homecoming queen. Or cheerleader. Do baseball games have cheerleaders?”
“Sometimes.” He smirks and shakes his head. Aware that you have some notion that he was some kind of stud when he was younger. “But maybe that new notch will be fun.” He poses as he rocks his hips back to take his cock in his hand.
"Getting you all riled up until you fuck me is always fun." All of Tim is thick. From his muscled limbs and shoulders that test the limits of store-bought shirts, all the way to his cock. The feeling of his head pushing your pussy open makes you moan, and you brace yourself against the wall of the shower for him to take as much as he wants from you. There's a certain amount of bliss involved in being intimate with Tim and you can usually push away your insecurities in favour of seeing - and feeling - just how much he enjoys touching you. Right now, the thoughts drop away and the only thing left is yes and more and oh god.
“Fuuuuuuuuuck.” He groans as he splits you in two. “I fucking love this pussy.” His breath is heavy in your ear and he rolls his hips until he is buried deep. “Perfect, baby, you’re fucking perfect.”
Perfect. Nobody had ever called you that before, and you had instinctively laughed the first time Tim had used the word. Since then you've tried to be a little kinder with yourself, and accept that just because you don't think you're perfect doesn't mean that he can't think so. "Just for you," you groan happily, reaching back to squeeze his hip. "Only for you, baby."
His lips trail over your skin and he can’t help but continue to kiss you. Loving how you clutch him deep inside your body and the softness of you against him. Reaching for your hands, he laces his fingers with yours and lays them against the wall, sliding his feet closer.
The cold tile against your front and Tim's hot skin at your back is an intense combination that you love – an extra reason to moan with every thrust. His body seems to cover every inch of you, enveloping you in his presence, and it's almost hard to move except to grind back against him every time he fills you up. It's a gorgeous feeling that you so easily get lost in.
“Fuck, how does it get better?” He pants into your ear. “Every fucking time, you feel even better. Addicted to you.”
"Perfect." He is the perfect one, and you won't hear anything to the contrary, panting out words with every slap of his hips against your ass. "Perfect cock. Perfect fuck. Perfect man. I—" For a moment, in your rapture, the words almost slip. Thank god you manage to swallow them quickly. "So good, baby."
“I know you’re gonna cum for me again, aren’t you?” He asks, rocking his hips forward to slap against your ass as he picks up his pace.
“Just like that.” You know it won’t take long now, not if he goes just a tiny bit harder like he does when he gets close, and the begging in your voice always gets him, too. Every time. “So fucking perfect, baby. Please let me cum fo—oh fuck— so close!”
Tim hisses, squeezing your hands as he rocks up into the balls of his feet. Thrusting harder into you. “Yessss, fuck, cum for me baby.”
Bearing down on his length this time, you can practically feel his pulse through the prominent veins of his cock as they scrub against your walls. The pressure is just as perfect as the rest of him and before you know it there are stars erupting behind your eyes.
Tim groans your name when he feels you start to cum. Loving how you whine and whimper as he works you through it. Sex with you has been amazing and he hadn’t been lying when he said it just kept getting better. When that final thrust comes and you are pressed tight between Tim and the tile, the feeling of his pulsing cock filling you full of sticky cum scratches that very private, very secret dream you have of one day actually having a family with this man, and you shiver a little with personal satisfaction when he groans your name into your skin one last time.
“God.” He pants, knowing that while he’s fucking you isn’t the right time to say those words for the first time. “So good baby.”
Laughing under your breath, you groan happily and let your weight go against the wall just to feel him slump against you. “Hell of a way to start the day,” you tease.
“Should start the day this way every morning.” He laughs along with you. “Don’t you think so?”
“Why do you think I gave you a key?” Twisting around just enough to kiss him, you hum against his lips and sigh happily.
He snorts and kisses you again. “So I should just swing into the house every morning as I go into work?” He asks playfully.
The impulse is there. The invitation right on the tip of your tongue. But it’s too soon. Way too soon. He doesn’t even know how you really feel about him yet — so telling him he could just give up his tiny bachelor pad and move in with you would probably send him running for the hills. “So you can stay over whenever you want,” is how you phrase it instead, hoping that that doesn’t sound overbearing or overeager.
“Don’t tell me that.” He warns you. “Your bed is softer than mine and it has the added bonus of having you in it. You’ll get tired of me.”
“No, I won’t.” The answer is too quick. You know that, but you can’t help it. Slowly turning around, the unfortunate side effect of losing his warmth as his quickly softening cock slips out of you is replaced by the benefit of getting to look him in the eyes. “I—I won’t get sick of you, baby.”
He nudges his nose against yours gently and sighs softly. “I hoped that I would make it a little more romantic than this.” He grumbles quietly,
“A little more romantic than being snuggly after sex?” You ask incredulously. Sure you’re not wrapped up in the blankets right now, but it’s still the same feeling.
“Something more romantic than shower sex to tell you that I love you.” Tim tells you quietly. “I’m not good with words or romance.”
When you deflate in front of him it’s out of pure shock, but you push off from the wall instantly to drag him down for a kiss. “I love you, too,” you promise him in that same hushed voice. “I have for—for months.” Since the night that he braved taking you to an Indian restaurant and got through an entire dinner before you found yourselves in the middle of a music festival in the park and he tried to sneak grabbing a hot dog because he didn’t want to admit to you that he didn’t like the restaurant you said you love. “I love you so much.”
He sighs in relief, pressing his forehead against yours and chuckling with joy. “Good. I was afraid I was rushing things. Or reading too much into the amazing sex we have.”
“I don’t think seven months before the first mention of love is anybody’s definition of rushing, baby.” Placing a kiss over his heart, you can’t help the way you grin from ear to ear when you look up at him. “But you’re right about the sex being really fucking good.”
“Yes, it is.” He agrees with a roguish wink. “Now we just need to clean up.” The functional portion of the shower never takes long. You’re both well established in your habits and are clean again in under ten minutes, leaving you to towel off on the bathroom rug together in no time. “So I was thinking that after my mom’s, I could stay tonight?” He asks, keeping his tone casual. “Since I’ll be dropping you off and I have a full weekend off for once?”
“I’m gonna call up your captain and tell him I have you handcuffed to my bed,” you joke, careful to keep yourself covered even while you’re drying off from the shower. It's a habit, and even if he’s just been inside you that’s no reason to force him to look at your whole blob-like body. “He can’t have you back until Monday. Girlfriend’s orders.”
“Careful now.” He warns with a grin. “I might like be handcuffed to your bed.” He’s never really thought about using his handcuffs, despite the ribald jokes from other detectives, but if you wanted to, he would let you. He trusts you.
“You? Give up control?” Raising one eyebrow at him in the mirror, you scoff playfully. “I’ll believe that when I see it.”
“I thought you like when I’m in control?” He asks with a smirk. “But for you? I’d do it.”
“The perfume I wear is literally called ‘Good Girl’,” you laugh, motioning to the stiletto-shaped bottle on your bathroom shelf. “Of course I like it when you’re in charge.”
“That’s the stuff I like?” He asks, intrigued by the name. He never knows that kind of stuff, just that you smell amazing and he always wants to rip your clothes off when he smells it.
“Yup. The little bottle shaped like a high heel.” It’s your treat to yourself. Designer perfume makes you feel a little less like a fat girl playing dress up when you get ready to see Tim or go out with friends, and a little bit more like a full-grown woman. It’s silly, but if that’s what does it, then you can’t be too mad about it.
“I will have to buy you another bottle of that when you get low.” He hums, making a mental note of it. “It smells incredible on you.”
You won’t quibble with him now over the fact that it’s pricey or anything like that. It’s the gesture that counts, and the fact that you’re getting a little bit closer each and every day. “I don’t know how well it goes with chlorine.” With one little joke, you seize the chance in front of you. “Maybe I’ll abstain from swimming today.” No swimming means no swimsuit, which means no having to be partially undressed in front of his family.
Tim sends you a pout. “Nooo, I’m looking forward to getting into the pool with you.” He huffs, eager to see you in your bathing suit and watch you bask in the sun.
“It’s okay,” you insist, trying to play it off like it doesn’t matter at all. “Maybe next time.”
Tim frowns slightly when he realizes that you are serious and you will not be getting into the pool. “Yeah sure.” He nods. “Next time.” He agrees before he moves over to the sink to brush his teeth and shave.
“Okay.” He’s upset. He’s upset with you, and your mind goes straight to the worst possible scenario which is obviously that he’s going to break up with you over it. A lifetime of trying to deal with low self-esteem and self-worth issues but still you go straight to the worst-case scenario sometimes. “Gonna go get dressed,” you mumble quickly, retreating from the room still wrapped entirely in towels, as fast as your feet will carry you.
Tim sighs, wondering where he went wrong this morning. It had been going so well but Trina had continuously accused him of putting his foot in his mouth or being insensitive. He had been trying so hard with you and yet he can tell you’re upset. He looks in the mirror and shakes his head. “Don’t fuck this up.” He orders himself with a groan.
The warm Southern climate means swimming happens all the time, but it’s still October so you put on a light cardigan with your sundress and sandals and try to keep yourself from crying and making your eyes red before you leave the house. The last thing you need is to show up to meet his kids and his mother with bloodshot eyes. “Don’t fuck this up,” you chastise yourself, opening the dresser drawer that holds your one swimsuit just to stare at it for a minute in loathing.
“Baby?” Tim had retreated downstairs once he had dressed, sure that you needed some time to yourself. “Are you ready?” Are you still coming?
“Yeah! One second!” Out of some kind of masochistic instinct, you grab your bathing suit and cram it into your tote bag when you snag it off your dresser and rush downstairs. Clothes, jewelry, make up, all of it is in place to try to make the most positive first impression possible. “Sorry, I—” You immediately focus on getting the food packed up into a reusable shopping bag. “I almost forgot to put on perfume. Stupid, right? After we just were talking about it?”
“That’s okay.” Tim approaches you slowly from behind and he gently takes hold of your waist. “You still smell great even without it.” He promises, leaning in and kissing your shoulder. Offering a silent apology.
“Do I look okay?” It’s silly to be worried. You’re a grown woman and he’s a grown man. But you’re terrified and determined not to fuck up again today.
“You look stunning.” He promises you. “If I hadn’t promised my mother that we would be there, I would keep you here and take you back upstairs to show you how pretty you look.”
“Okay.” Nodding twice, your head hangs between your shoulders for a second before you force yourself to straighten up and take the bag full of food from the counter. “Ready when you are.”
“Are you sure you want to go?” He asks, concerned that he is pushing too fast. It seems like you’re forcing yourself to go.
“Of course I’m sure.” The brightness in your voice isn’t entirely forced. You do want to go, you’re just terrified and self-conscious. And from the look on his face, he knows something is wrong. “I’m just—” Your eyes drop and so do your shoulders. “I’m worried what they’ll think of me, that’s all.”
“Baby.” He shakes his head and sighs softly, happy that he can reassure you. “They are going to love you.” He promises. “Probably love you more than me.”
“They loved Trina.” You’ve seen plenty of his pictures of his ex-wife. Their wedding pictures, especially, and even how skinny she managed to get back to being after having their twins. She’s stunning, and successful, and smart. And you’re a dumpy little nobody who sits behind a desk and definitely never goes to the gym. “I’m not like her. At all.”
“That’s a good thing.” He promises, chuckling at how ridiculous it would be to date someone like his ex.
You let out a half-laugh, huffing at yourself, and shake your head slightly. It sounds so stupid to say it out loud, but here you are in the middle of your kitchen about to break apart at the seams over a first meeting. “She—she’s prettier than me.” In every sense, in your opinion. But especially, she’s skinnier.
Tim frowns and vehemently shakes his head. “That is not true.” He argues. “And it doesn’t matter how pretty she is, she is my ex-wife.” He reminds you. “She left me. Took my kids from me.”
“Right.” Blinking back the impending tears that will ruin your makeup and the mood, you nod your head and take a steadying, if shaky, breath. “Right. I know that. I’m sorry. I’m just—I’m being stupid.”
“You aren’t being stupid.” He huffs, hating how you belittle yourself. You are kind and generous to everyone but yourself. “It is just nerves, right? This is a big step and I’m sure I’ll be shitting myself when I meet your folks.”
“It’s nerves.” You agree, nodding again and resisting the urge to press on your closed eyes to stop the water behind them. It would smudge the eye makeup you put on so carefully. All waterproof, ironically. But not touched-with-hands proof. “I just don’t—” It is stupid, and a part of you knows that. The part that pays fucking attention in therapy every other week. “I don’t want you to finally realize you’ve been dating a cow if I put on my swimsuit,” you admit quietly.
“A cow?” He growls the comment in surprise, rearing back and wondering where the hell that idea came from. “Who the fuck called you a cow?” He demands, furious and ready to punch someone if they’ve insulted you like that.
“Nobody had to.” Your sister. Your grade school bully. The woman at the department store. A girl at camp. A boy you had a crush on in high school. Your parents. Nobody. Everybody. “I’m just a little anxious. It’s fine. I just won’t have any caffeine the rest of the day and it won’t get worse. Please don’t be upset?”
Tim shakes his head and he reaches up to cup your cheeks. “Baby, put your bag down.” He orders you softly. He doesn’t want to leave this house until he’s truly talked to you, and if that means being late, then he will be late. “Please?”
It only takes a moment of silence between you before you swallow your protest and set your purse and the bag of food back on the counter. This is it. He’s going to dump you for being an idiot. At least you got to tell him you love him before that happened, right?
He guides you over to the chair and sits you down, kneeling in front of it and holding onto your hands. “Baby, I don’t know why you are so hard on yourself.” He starts softly. “But I want you to know how I see you.” He knows self-image is just that, your image of your own self, he can’t change your mind for you. “I see you right now, and you are gorgeous.” He nods, smiling as he looks at you. “Generous, pillowy curves that make my mouth water and my cock ache.” Licking his lips, he continues. “I love the way you feel, the way you taste. I love your heart, your kindness. Your thoughtfulness. Your patience.” He stresses. “You are beautiful, inside and out and I wish you could see yourself the way I see you. You say cow, I say stunning, voluptuous goddess that I love.”
“I know that the voice in my head that says these things is intentionally hurting me.” Holding onto his hands like a lifeline, you end up squeezing his fingers in yours. “I’ve been in therapy for enough years to know that. It’s a skewed perspective. But there really are sometimes that I cannot shut it off. It’s like a train going off the tracks,” you explain, hoping he can follow the line of what you’re saying. “I can see the disaster ten feet ahead of me, but it’s too late to stop it. I know I’m going to go headfirst into the worst kind of hating myself, but I can’t stop it from happening.”
“I know what you mean.” He does. He’s seen the department shrink enough times to understand that. It’s like when he blames himself for circumstances beyond his control. “I’m never going to tell you that you are stupid, or dumb for thinking that way.” He promises you. “But I am going to disagree with you, tell you that you are wrong. Because there isn’t one thing about you that I would change.”
"Really?" There's a second where you're too afraid to look up at him, but you can feel Tim's eyes on you and so you raise your head in some kind of silent moment of obedience and it makes you decide to crack a smile and go for a joke. "Not even my broken brain?"
“Not even that.” He smiles at you. “Because I love you, all of you. The good and the negative.” He squeezes your hands gently, “Love you, baby.”
"I love you, too." You lean over to kiss him, half in disbelief that he didn't ask for his key back and walk out your door. "Thank you. For...for listening. And not thinking I'm crazy for overreacting."
He chuckles and leans down to kiss your hand. “Baby, I think you are crazy for putting up with me, not for how you feel.”
"You're amazing, and it's never putting up with you. I love spending time with you." The sigh that comes out of you is deep and long, but you feel better. The weight on your shoulders has lifted, if only for now, and you manage an honest smile. "We should get going, baby. You don't get to see the twins that often and I don't want you to miss a minute of it today."
“Okay.” He waits another moment, searching your eyes and then he pats your thigh gently. “Let’s go. I can quickly change.”
It's a fast enough trip to stop by his apartment on your way to his mother's house, and once he's swapped his work clothes for a pair of shorts and a t-shirt, he slides back into the car beside you and you're off to the races again. At this rate you'll be no more than five minutes late, and that is nothing at all.
Driving the familiar route home, he points out places he used to go as a child and then a teenager. Sharing glimpses into his life. Holding his hand in yours as he pulls up to the two-story house that he had been raised in. “I'm right here with you.” He promises, kissing your hand again. “And they will love you.”
"As long as you love me, I'm okay." That's the pep talk you were giving yourself on the way over, and you're feeling a little more settled after the glimpses into his past. You didn't grow up around here so you can't do any such tour for yourself, but it's nice to see a slightly different side of the town you've lived in for years.
“Are you ready?” He asks after he cuts the engine, turning towards you slightly. “Or do you need a minute?”
"Let's do it." If you sit in the car and procrastinate you'll only give the negative thoughts time to come back, so you lean over to kiss him and buck yourself up. "I'm good, baby. I promise."
“You are always good.” He tells you with a wink before he climbs out of the car and hustles around to open your door for you. Taking the dishes you had protected on the way over so you can get out.
There is plenty of noise coming from the backyard of the beautiful little brick house, and the sound of splashing is already obvious along with music playing and people chatting at various volumes. This is definitely a family party, and it seems like the family is already here.
"Uncle Tim!" The call comes up from the pool first, as his nephew catches sight of him first and waves. "Holy shit! Y'all, Uncle Tim actually left his desk!" The teenager teases with a cackling laugh.
“Yeah, yeah.” Tim rolls his eyes in good fun as he waves back. His hand immediately goes back to the small of your back and he slowly guides you forward. “Come on baby, we’ll put up the food inside and then come back out.”
"Holy shit Uncle Tim brought a girl!" A teenage girl's voice calls after you, with as much excitement as shock, and you're in the middle of a fit of giggles when he opens the sliding door to let you into the kitchen from the back porch. "So that's your nephew and niece, huh?" You snort, smothering the sound with one hand even as you try to stop laughing.
“Brats.” He huffs, his sour look simply for show. “You would think I was a ball-less hermit.” He snorts, setting the travel bag for your dishes down and then opens the fridge to see if there’s room.
"Language." His mother's warning tone is playful from around the corner, but she still means it. Foul language stays outside, it doesn't come inside her house. "Timothy Alan, don't make me send you outside if you're going to be vulgar."
“Me?” He points at himself as he exclaims. “They are being vulgar. And I’m the one in trouble?” His question doesn’t stop him from immediately moving around the corner to engulf his mother in a hug. “Hey Ma.” He kisses her cheek and urges her to come into the kitchen. “I brought my girlfriend.”
"They're outside and I can't hear it," his mother teases, blissfully aware of her arbitrary rules and the fact that nobody is actually in any trouble whatsoever. "Honey." She reaches out both hands to you after giving Tim a hug. "He's been hiding you from me knowing I'm gonna steal you away to have a cooking friend again. It is so good to meet you, sweetheart."
"It's really nice to meet you too, Mrs. Rockford." Even as she envelopes you in the same tight hug that Tim got, you look over her shoulder to shoot Tim a surprised expression.
Suzanne Rockford is far from a petite woman. She is sturdy, hearty. Obviously heavier and he has never told you that, honestly believing that it didn’t matter, but now he wonders if he should have. Maybe you would have been less self-conscious if you had known. He shoots you a smile and a half shrug. “Where’s Vanessa?” He asks, looking around for his sister.
"Upstairs, looking for god knows what in the attic? Unless she’s found it already, and then who knows." Suzanne waves one hand and pays that no mind. "Did Tim offer you a drink yet honey?" She asks you, giving you her absolute full attention. "We've got a whole bar out on the back porch, and the fridge under the car port has beer and soda. But I keep the wine in here." Apparently that is a conspiratorial secret, because she waggles her eyebrows at you. "Whatever you want, I'll grab you a cup."
"I'll grab a soda when we go back out," you promise her, not wanting to start drinking too early in the day. According to Tim, his mother's parties are a strictly all-day affair.
“Ma, she brought an apple crisp and a noodle dish. Vegan, for Zara to enjoy.” He tells her, beaming proudly. “Where do you want me to put them?”
"In the fridge, honey. There's room on the bottom shelf." She looks just as proud as he does, and she reaches out to squeeze your hand. "She's doing well with it, you know," she nods authoritatively. "Talked to her doctor about making sure she gets protein and all her vitamins. Doing some really creative cooking, that one. Once she's got her mind set on something, that's it. It's do or die." Suzanne smirks. "Gets that from her Dad."
“I tried some of that vegan cheese.” Tim tells his mom, shuddering slightly. “The sliced stuff is shit, but the shredded stuff actually melts pretty good.”
“What matters is that you tried.” Suzanne nods approvingly. “Have you two gotten to say hi yet?”
“Not yet, we wanted to get the food put up.” He explains, coming back over to kiss his mom’s cheek again. “I’m looking forward to seeing them. Texting when we get a chance sucks.”
“Go introduce everybody,” she encourages, shooting a smile your way before shooing him off. “There’s things to snack on out there already. Lunch in an hour, or whenever Ricky gets that grill going.”
“Yes ma’am.” He chuckles, knowing that Ricky will fight with the grill for at least ten minutes. He moves over to you and takes your hand. “Let’s go see the kids, baby.”
You let him usher you back out into the bright, late morning sun, and for the first time you get a good look at the backyard in its entirety. There are a lot of people here — more than a dozen for sure — and you can hear another car honk as it pulls up in front of the house. The mood is pure happiness and even a tinge of nostalgia, as people greet each other who haven’t seen each other in ages. The air of absolutely everything is positive, and you take a deep breath to bring some of that into you as well.
Tim sees the first one that he wants to introduce you to. “Vanessa!” He half cups his mouth with one hand to shout his sister’s name. “Get your ass over here!”
"Hi to you, too!" His younger sister rolls her eyes and kisses the woman she was talking to on the cheek before hustling across the lawn. She has a beer in her hand and sunglasses on top of her curls, and she has the same stout and strong figure as their mother but with a little bit more grace in her movements.
He lets go of your hand only so he can wrap his arms around his sister and hug her tight. Making her squeal when he squeezes too tight. “How have you been? It’s been a month or so.”
“Yeah, you’ve been busy.” She raises both her eyebrows at you, waggling them for comedic effect, and then promptly nudges her brother away so she can shake your outstretched hand.
“Sorry if I’ve kept him away from you,” you apologize, not ever wanting her to think that you were intentionally keeping Tim away from his family.
“Are you kidding me?” She laughs, giving your hand a squeeze. “It’s fantastic. I’ve barely seen him sulk in months.”
“I don’t sulk.” His lips immediately form a pout as he glares at his sister. “I was gonna be happy to introduce you to my girlfriend, now you can fuck off.” Even though he says that, he immediately tells her your name before pointing at her. “This is Vanessa, the pain in my ass all my childhood.”
"It's really nice to meet you." He's told you a lot about his sister and you already knew she was a ball buster, but meeting her now feels like a relief. They're close and it's fun to see Tim relaxed like this with his family. "Believe it or not he's actually only told me great things about you."
“Oh, I’m sure.” Her tone is sarcastic and she’s rolling her eyes, but her grin gives her away as she transfers her attention from her brother to you. “I’m a hugger.” She warns you before she pulls you in for a less formal greeting than a handshake.
"It's okay, I am too." It's a far sweeter welcome than you expected to get, both from his mom and his sister, and you let yourself squeeze her back just for a second before letting go. "I'm just really excited to meet everyone."
“I was so excited that Tim told Mom he was bringing you.” She tells you with a smirk at her brother. “It’s been forever since he’s introduced us to someone, and she who shall not be named isn’t exactly ‘fun’.” She confides.
"Oh?" Having been under the impression that his family had liked his ex while they were together, you tilt your head curiously. "Well, uh...we figured it was time," you offer with a shrug. "It's been more than a few months, ya know? And...and things have been really good. Tim is just—" You glance back at him and end up grinning. "He's really amazing."
“He’s a good guy.” As much shit as she gives him, she would be the first to defend her brother and she knows he is much the same way. Siblings in the sense that she can tease him but she’ll kick anyone else’s ass who does. “And he talks about you a lot, so I think he likes you.”
"You talk about me?" Yes, sure, he told you he loves you less than two hours ago, but you still soften in surprise hearing that.
“Oh he doesn’t shut up about you.” She insists, smirking wickedly at Tim who looks very interested in the top of his foot in his flip flops. “Asking if he should take you here, talking about your job. I feel like I know you.” She pats your arm. “He told me he didn’t want to fuck this up.”
"Did he tell you about the fundraiser he let me drag him to?" He's blushing and it's the cutest thing you've ever seen, so if you maybe pick out something to talk about that will make his cheeks turn an even deeper shade of red then that's entirely on purpose.
“Nooooooo.” Vanessa lights up and is nearly about to bust for information. “My brother? At a fundraiser?” She sounds positively scandalized, as if she could never imagine such a thing.
"The nonprofit I work for has dinner dances and black-tie events during the year." You explain, feeling Tim shift self-consciously next to you in the grass even though he's smiling. "He's actually been to two of them now."
“You got my brother to wear something other than those horrible dress pants and button ups?” She gasps. “I swear the ties were from Christmas when the twins were four.”
“We rented him a tuxedo for one event.” The admission brings a dramatic sigh from Tim but you lean over to put your arm around his waist and smile broadly. “You look good no matter what, honey.” Did you climb him like a tree that night because he looked extra good in the tux? Absolutely. But he still looks delicious in his t-shirt and shorts.
“I should just buy one.” Tim grumbles. He hadn’t liked wearing it, although realistically, it wasn’t much different from a regular suit. And you had enjoyed him in it. The sex had been extremely hot once he had gotten you back to your place. “Since you want me to go to those things.”
Vanessa’s eyebrows raise at the offer, and she smirks mercilessly. Hearing her big brother make any kind of comment that trends toward commitment is practically worth celebrating. “Ya know,” She giggles evilly and takes a sip of her beer. “I hear that’s even the kind of shit guys get married in.”
Tim nearly chokes in his own tongue, wishing he had decided to take the crime scene call that had come over the radio on the way here. Even a blood bath would have been preferable to the way his sister is probing for information. He just said he loves you, if he starts talking about marriage, you might think he’s gone nuts.
“Oookay, maybe let’s not pick a topic that makes him want to implode?” You try to joke, squeezing his arm gently, and stifle a laugh. That’s exactly the kind of thing you would expect from a little sister but you don’t want Tim to think you’re crazy the way the idea may or may not have already crossed your mind in daydreams from time to time.
“Jesus, Ness.” Tim huffs. “First time you meet her and you’re picking out our wedding colors?” He rolls his eyes. “Booked the church already?”
“Mom did.” Vanessa laughs, and you can’t quite tell if she’s kidding or not as she blows Tim a kiss and scampers off to keep her husband from blowing the place up while he’s on the grill.
“Oh dear God.” He rolls his eyes and shakes his head. “I’m sorry. I’ll—I’ll make sure Ma didn’t actually reserve the church.”
“Baby, baby—” You grab both of his hands and let a laugh burst through as you pull him closer. “She’s teasing. It’s okay. I’m sure your mom didn’t do anything like that and even if she did, who cares? It’s a funny story we’ll tell someone in the future.” Honestly? It makes you pretty fucking comfortable here knowing that his family is full of ball busters with good senses of humor. And that they’re okay enough with you to include you in those jokes.
“I wouldn’t put it past her.” He grumbles, although he’s leaning in to kiss your lips.
“Then it’s a really funny story we tell later on.” You promise him, happily taking that kiss that he offers you so easily. “I like that your sister is comfortable enough with me to tease.”
“They like you.” He points out with a grin. “Just like I told you they would.” He catches sight of the twins and lights up. “Come on, there they are.”
“This is going on the internet!” Tim’s twin girls are pulling out their phones as soon as they see their father, dramatically button smashing and pointing the devices at the two of you. “Red alert! Dad’s girlfriend is real! This is not a drill!”
“Hey!” Tim lunges forward, snatching for their phones playfully. “Don’t make me throw you in the pool!”
“You can’t.” They’re fraternal twins, and the taller one - Zara - reaches out to hug her dad first. “Your back couldn’t handle it if you tried.”
“I’d try.” He immediately wraps his arms around his firstborn daughter and hugs her tight to his chest. “Hey bug, how have you been?” He asks, kissing her head.
“I got a term paper kicking my ass, but I’m doing okay.” Zara shrugs. Her studies mean the world to her, next to her family, but she tries to stay realistic and avoid overreacting when school is difficult.
“She’s doing amazing, it’s annoying.” The slightly shorter of the twins has lighter hair and looks a bit more like their mother, but that hasn’t stopped Joey from growing up the opposite of Trina; well-adjusted and affectionate. “We need to ask you a favor, though,” she looks at both you and Tim seriously.
“What’s up?” Tim immediately frowns, sure that there is something wrong, something he needs to fix.
“We need you to throw Thanksgiving this year.” Both girls insist in unison, a habit leftover from childhood, before Joey continues to explain. “Gran said she wasn’t up to hosting on her own this year so Mom is trying to make us go to Derek’s parents’ house. But if we tell her you’re throwing Thanksgiving with your girlfriend we’ll be off the hook.” The idea that their grandmother doesn’t want to host anymore has been a bummer for everyone, but an even bigger bummer would be having to deal with their second step-dad’s snooty family.
“I—" he looks helpless towards you, hating that you’ve been put on the spot like this. Holidays haven’t even been discussed and he doesn’t know what you usually do. “Girls, look, even if—”
“No problem.” You cut in, knowing you might be overstepping a tiny bit but for the first favor you might be able to grant his kids, you’ll take that chance. “Even if your Dad gets tied up on a case, my house is big enough and I’m a pretty decent cook.” You do look to Zara though, knowing she can’t be too fond of the main event on Thanksgiving. “We’ll pick out some vegan things together, too.”
His oldest daughter immediately perks up at that idea. “Really?” She asks excitedly. “You wouldn’t mind? I know there’s like, a lot of negativity about vegans, some of them are real assholes.” She tells you. “But I just want to, you know, live pure. But I don’t blame people for eating meat, or if they can’t make me something.”
“I made a couple of things for today that are vegan, it’s really not a problem.” Her enthusiasm and her surprise at being accommodated just makes you want to reach out and hug her, but you look to her father instead. “Is this okay with you, hun? I mean my family’s Thanksgiving is clear across the country and it would be nice to…ya know…do something at home. Instead of being a pity invite at a coworker’s house.”
“What? Yeah.” He nods eagerly, both happy that the girls will be there and that you will be too. “Of course.” He looks over at the girls. “This year won’t be pizza because the turkey’s frozen.” He chuckles.
“Thank you.” Joey is the first to break the ice, reaching out to squeeze both of your shoulders. “Don’t get the wrong impression or anything, our Mom is great at some things, but hosting holidays is not one of them. Which is why it went to her mom for so long, and then whatever guy she’s married to, and—”
Zara practically elbows her sister in the ribs and smiles politely. “This is Joey,” she laughs, waving a hand at her sister. “She talks a lot when she’s nervous.”
“It’s okay.” With a wave of your own hand, you are offering both girls hugs if they want them. “I’m nervous, too. Your Dad loves the hell out of you girls and I’ve been really looking forward to meeting you.”
Zara and Joey both hug you, smiling happily while Tim looks on. He’s relieved that you seem to like the girls. And while it might be unusual that he’s just now introducing you to his twenty-year-old twins, he hadn’t wanted to force things too early. They had resented Derek’s intrusion into their lives when their mom had immediately started dating him, and he hadn’t wanted to make the same mistakes.
Getting to know Tim’s girls is fantastic. They’re good kids, smart as hell, and enthusiastic about their dad being happy again. So enthusiastic, in fact, that it’s easily an hour later when lunch is being announced that you manage to make your way back to his side after being stolen away. You’re at the food table with Zara while she scoops out a plate of your vegan peanut noodles when you give her a squeeze and tell her you’re going to go grab something to eat — and immediately drift away to Tim’s side as he brings over a plate of burgers and hot dogs to the other end of the table.
“Well hey there stranger,” you laugh, slipping one arm around his waist and sighing in relief at having the solid, comforting bulk of him back again.
“Hey.” He grins at you as he sets down the plate. “Sorry, had to rescue the day.” His brother-in-law had actually caught the grill on fire because he hadn’t cleaned it. Tim had taken over and been in charge of the food.
“My hero.” The grin on your face speaks volumes. “Some damn good kids you’ve got there, Rockford. They kept me well entertained, and we’ve got a whole menu worked out for Thanksgiving already.”
“Oh really?” He chuckles. “Has Zara convinced you to make me fry a Tofurkey?” He asks, knowing she might have tried.
“We’re going to do a dish of roasted cauliflower, mushrooms, and butternut squash to add to the table. She got excited about trying out a spice mix in them and said she’d love it for her main dish.” Hell, it sounded good to you as a meat eater, it didn’t surprise you that it sounded good to a vegan. “And she gave me some tips on using alternative milks and vegan butter in recipes so that more of the traditional dishes could be vegan friendly.” Honestly? None of it sounded difficult, and you’re thrilled to be able to do something for his kids. “No exaggeration. I’m looking forward to it.”
“That’s good.” The fact that you are accommodating his daughter is something that makes him fall a little more in love with you. Trina had complained bitterly when Zara had announced becoming vegan.
“I know you were worried when it came out of nowhere, but you don’t need to be.” In fact, after actually getting here and meeting everyone, you’re feeling more relaxed than you had thought possible. “And I—I just wanted to apologize for earlier,” you admit quietly. “Now that I know how nice everyone is, it…how I acted feels even more ridiculous.”
“So you don’t think that I’m going to realize anything more than I’m going home with a hot chick tonight?” He asks, leaning in and nudging his nose against yours.
"As long as you think so, that's all that matters." You don't have to see it, you remind yourself, as long as he does. What had your therapist said to you ages ago? 'You're just not your own type'.
“I absolutely think so.” He winks and leans back to leer at you. “Especially when you look that pretty in your sundress.”
"Oh yeah?" That look is all too familiar to you, and you bite back a grin. It's the same appraising look he had given you at the fundraiser before stealing you away from the party and back to his apartment, which was much closer to the venue than your house.
“Very pretty.” Tim grunts, moving behind you and pressing up against you at the table. “Good enough to eat.”
"Is that a promise?" He has that hungry look in his eyes that you can never resist and you try to school your expression into something innocent.
“Ah ah ahaaaaaa.” Vanessa tuts as she picks up a plate. “Not around the food.”
"Busted," you smirk, pulling Tim away from the table and heading toward the house as subtly as possible.
“You wanna?” Tim groans happily, his shuffled steps quickening behind you. He has zero qualms with having sex in this house, but he had expected you to demure.
“I always want you.” You murmur, practically rolling your eyes at him as you disappear into the house together. “Like absolutely always. It’s a constant state of existence, baby.”
“Yeah?” It surprises him how much you want him. Delights him, but surprises him. He watches you walk towards the stairs. “Last room on the left, baby.”
The upstairs hallway is littered with family photos of many generations, and you quickly look through them as you walk, until one makes you stop dead and “Aww!” out loud. Elementary age Tim in a little policeman’s uniform shares a double frame with a photo of the same man fifteen or twenty years later on the day he graduated from the Police Academy. “This might be the cutest goddamn thing I’ve ever seen,” you grin, pointing to the photos.
“Always knew I wanted to be a cop.” He feels his face burn and he shuffles slightly as he watches you examine the photos. “A little different now, don’t wear the uniform.”
“Nah, you don’t.” You grin up at him and hook your finger in his t-shirt to bring him down for a kiss. “I like the shoulder holster better anyway. Much sexier.”
“Sexier, huh?” He grins against your lips and leans in to press you against the wall. “Want me to wear it for you one day?”
“Maybe.” Your lips quirk against his in a way that absolutely means yes, and your hands wander up under his t-shirt to spread out over his muscles back. “Kinda curious how you would feel about interrogating me, actually…”
“Really?” He pulls back and arches a brow at you. “You want that? Maybe those handcuffs we were talking about? Giving you a pat down?”
The way you muffle a soft groan and briefly close your eyes should be plenty enough of a giveaway. “If I wasn’t wet before I certainly am now,” you grumble, enjoying the fantasy playing yet again in your mind.
“You concealing a weapon?” He asks gruffly, even though he is smiling. He won’t really roleplay with you right now, but you seem to love the idea.
“Maybe…” You can’t help but giggle, taking his hand that isn’t braced on the wall above your head and guiding it under the skirt of your sundress. “Guess you’re gonna have to find out.”
All he can feel is generous, warm flesh. Making him groan and his cock twitches against your hip. “When did you take your panties off?”
“I snuck inside about ten minutes ago.” Your soft little grin turns wicked. “I think I have a domesticity kink, cause I was enjoying watching you at the grill.”
“I’ll grill every night if you stop wearing panties.” He promises with a groan. “My sexy girl.”
“You wanna add another notch to that bedpost, baby?” The two of you are about three feet from the door to his childhood room and it probably wouldn’t be a good idea to get caught fucking in the hallway. Just for basic courtesy’s sake.
“Only notch that counts.” He promises, pulling away from you to drag you into the bedroom.
Master Tags: @pixiedurango @chattychell @winter-fox-queen @lady-himbo @artsymaddie @princess76179 @paintballkid711 @missminkylove @pedrosbrat @ew-erin @sarahjkl82-blog @sharkbait77 @justanotherblonde23 @lv7867 @recklesswit @mylittlesenaar @f0rever15elf @gallowsjoker @steeevienicks @athalien @sherala007 @skvatnavle @thatpinkshirt @jaime1110 @girlimjusttryingtoreadfanfics @goodgriefitsawildworld @greeneyedblondie44 @littlemousedroid @harriedandharassed @churchill356 @ajathegreats-blog @haylzcyon   @beardsanddetectives @kirsteng42 @ladykatakuri @adancedivasmom @madiebear @tanzthompson @emilianamason @bigsdinger @xocalliexo @pedr0swh0r3 @avaleineandafryingpan @charlyrmv @avidreader73 @iceclaw101 @loveslide @elegantduckturtle @becsworld @julesonrecord @its-nebuleuse @itsrubberbisquit
My Masterlist!
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ghost-proofbaby · 3 months
i don't know if anyone else does this, but for summertime sweetness can i have a strawberry midsummer's night with taking a cold shower with eddie munson to cool down from the heat? those just hit different in th esummer
oh i absolutely do this, and so would eddie <3 sorry this got a bit long
cold showers
warnings: some brief mentions of st canon towards the end, but... eddie lives, obviously. this would be set around summer of '87. also, brief mention of steve harrington's parents being shitty (one line literally)
wc: 1.6k+
come enjoy a sweet summer treat with me <3
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You and Eddie had had plenty of bad ideas together. 99% of the time, whenever the two of you had been within vicinity of each other, chaos would follow. Things that wouldn’t go to plan, ideas that had been wonderful on paper but terrible in execution – over the years, most of the time, you two had had your fair share of mistakes.
But this? This was not a mistake. 
You’d almost thought it had been for a brief second when he’d first turned on the shower. Wisps of steam had momentarily snaked their way out of the drain as the first pelting of water had swirled down it, the mirror had begun to get a foggy image, and the warm moisture in the air had begun to mingle with the sweat on the back of your neck. You almost thought his previously genius idea had fallen through. You almost thought the entire cool-down solution had been a bust. 
And then, the steam had vanished. The mirror cleared. All the humidity of your own creation lightened, and you realized your boyfriend was, in fact, a genius. 
“Oh,” he practically moans as the two of you step into the tub, tilting his head back as it begins to soak his curls, “Oh, yeah. This was a great fucking idea.”
You roll your eyes as you give him a gentle shove, trying to make it where at least some of the water might hit you, “Yeah, yeah. Bask in all your glory without hogging all the water.” 
The heatwave had been intense. It was always intense, though, every summer in Hawkins. An unforgiving sun, drowning heat that sent both of your hair into frizzy messes, overcrowded pools. It’s never like the movies – there are no lake days with friends without complaints, and beer will always run warm within minutes of pulling it from the ice chest. 
One thing that had never changed, and had always served as a saving grace for the most miserable months of the year, was Eddie. Eddie, and all the unique ways the two of you would try to come up with just to survive till fall. 
As kids, it was cheap sprinkler sets bought at the Melvald’s. Soaking the technical front yard of the Munson trailer with luke-warm water as the two of you got caked in mud. Neither of you had ever really cared, thirteen year olds returning to a youthful oblivion just to spray each other with a hose and make ridiculous games out of jumping over the sprinkler attachments. Water balloon fights that had carried on well into your teens, eventually becoming so intense that there had been a time where both you and Eddie ended up bruised and battered on the Munson couch, getting lectured sternly by an exhausted Wayne Munson. You’re too old not to know better, Wayne had said to Eddie as he’d taken a look at the knot on the back of your shoulder that year. 
Eddie had felt bad enough before Wayne’s involvement, but he’d almost resembled a kicked puppy at that specifically scornful retort. 
Things had slowly changed the last few summers, though. You had changed, Eddie had changed, the entire dynamic had changed. Suddenly, after one little dare to kiss one another, ice cream dates had become a solution. ‘Tanning’ had become an excuse to see Eddie stare at you for far too long than any friend should, and plenty of nights ended with lathering each other up in aloe as your hands wandered farther than any friendly touches would. 
And then there had been Steve Harrington’s pool. God, you missed Harrington’s pool. 
You almost mentally curse your newest friend for having taken a family vacation that was lasting half the summer, denying the entire group of what had been the staple solution last summer, but he was probably more miserable than all of you combined based on what you knew of his parents. 
“You can’t even deny how smart this was, sweetheart,” your best-friend-turned-boyfriend  laughs, formally turning and offering you a proper place beneath the stream of water. As the cool water beats down on your warmed summer skin, you can’t even find it within you to be annoyed anymore, “Go ahead, say it – Eddie’s a goddamn genius.”
Your eyes flutter shut as you decide to lean your face into the sweet reprieve, not caring how your eyes stung just a little, “I am not inflating your ego right now, Munson. Fuck off.” 
“You wound me.” 
“You’ll live.” 
The pipes had clearly been cleared of all stagnant and heated water, and for the first time in two months, you almost shivered from the cold. 
When you finally stop letting the water splash across your cheeks, you open your eyes to find Eddie simply staring. Wide grin, sparkling eyes. It ignites all the nostalgia you should get from those summer nights the movies portray, a lifetime of good memories and better company right before you. 
“Have we ever even showered together before?” you ask randomly, already reaching for the shampoo on the small shelf behind Eddie before he has the chance to answer.
You hadn’t. Neither of you owned a bathroom that seemed big enough, practically, to attempt this. But desperate times had called for desperate measures. 
“Taken a cold shower together?” he scrunches his nose, hand flying out to cut through the water. Some splashes on your lips, and he goes wide-eyed, as if trying to appear innocent enough that you won’t react. It works. “Nah. Usually, it was me by my lonesome, and you sitting out there in the living room in the shortest shorts known to man-”
“Those pajamas were not that short.” 
“They were!” you finally retaliate and splash some of the water at him, making both of you giggle, “They really fuckin’ were. Been over here killin’ me since summer of ‘78, baby.” 
Twelve years old, new to town and petrified. You can still perfectly envision a younger version of you approaching a younger Eddie sporting a buzzcut, nerves choking you up as you stuttered through a question if he wanted to hang out. And you can still picture doe-eyes looking at you, as if waiting for the other shoe to drop. Waiting to become the latest punchline. 
The shoe never dropped. Instead, a friendship bloomed. Instead, the start of something refreshing had started, for both of you. 
Before you pop the top of the shampoo, you take a moment to look over Eddie’s nude torso. Recalling the first time you’d seen him shirtless as he’d answered the door unexpectedly for you after a movie night with girls you thought were your friends had fallen catastrophically through. The first time he’d been comfortable enough to take off his shirt around you during all your summer shenanigans, grabbing you by the waist and launching the two of you into the pool together. The first time he’d try to play you at your own game with the half-naked tanning plots, coming out in only swim trunks and with his own towel, gas station sunglasses perched on his nose to hide his lingering gaze as he’d situated himself beside you on your porch. 
You’d both been playing a losing game that day. You may have embarrassed yourself by tracing over the deep Vs in his hips blatantly, but his glasses hadn’t hidden the way he’d been trying to memorize all your own curves and dips. 
What holds your stare now are all the jagged lines that trace his sides. Pink and fleshy skin that has long since healed, following from his hip up his neck. A memory of a time that cuts you deeper than any summer. Scars of a time you wish you could erase from your history, just last spring. 
Maybe summer wasn’t your least favorite season. Maybe it was spring, because you’d almost lost everything in the spring. You’d almost lost Eddie.
“Shut up and turn around,” you smile, shaking your head at all the memories, reminding yourself that you didn’t lose him. He was here, and he was taking a cold shower with you, and that was what mattered most. “Might as well wash your hair while we're here.” 
Might as well. As if you wouldn’t thank the Universe for every time you had the privilege, as if you wouldn’t wash his hair a thousand times if he asked you for it. You’d do anything he asked of you. For the boy who had cheated death, and still found his way back home to you after it was all said and done. 
A thousand cold showers. A thousand summers. A thousand moments. You’ll take whatever you can get now – you’ve learned your lesson about taking time with Eddie for granted. 
“You’re gonna wash my hair?” he lights up a bit, shuffling his feet as he readies to face his back to you, “I suppose I’ll allow it. Who could say no to a little pampering?” 
You grab him by his shoulders, keeping up a faux show of annoyance, “You, apparently. Turn around before I change my mind.”
There would never be any changing your mind. 
He doesn’t call your bluff, though. He turns, just as you request, and lets you get to work. There’s no real rush, anyways. You may not take moments for granted anymore, but for now, the two of you had your own little infinity under the stream of a cold shower.
You both go quiet, and you almost quietly pray to whoever may be listening that the moment really can last forever. Just you, just your boy, and all the suds of the shampoo lathered into his curls and between your fingers. Small hums of approval and the occasional peck of your lips against his bare skin as the most silent of I love yous.
Yeah. The cold shower was an excellent idea. 
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suguru-getos · 1 year
| bad day? | hawks x reader | fluff/smut/comfort |
-> summary: returning home feeling shitty could only last so long in the presence of takami keigo | warnings: oral (f-receiving), fluff, soft kei 🪽🥰
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ever since the clock ticked 5 pm for you, every single cell in your body ranted & whined about being at home. the idol chit-chat, the not-do-idol tasks in hand. people at work who you called your friends, people at work who you’d rather stab yourself than associate with; both, equally… were getting insufferable. it wasn’t anybody’s fault really. that you were getting annoyed by someone’s pace of walking… then again, it was not your fault either.
there are certain times your brain hits the ‘fuck this’ mark. where nothing could subdue the feeling of being broken apart by nothing & everything at once. today was one of those dreading times. your senses were dancing on the brink of actual craze, your head haywired from the information overload. nothing could soothe you.
still… you persisted, waited for your working hours which lasted longer than the most boring conundrum ever.
the icing on the cake was the heavy traffic on your way home. you could swear after taking a painkiller for your migraine that greeted you spitefully, you’d be better. nope — the buzz of the city followed with how claustrophobic and sensitive you felt were only exaggerating the pain in your skull & eyeballs. the pain of a thousand needles piercing your skin.
“fucking hell when will this bloody end god damn it!” you muttered to yourself, waiting impatiently with your index finger tapping on the steering wheel as the atmosphere overwhelmed you even further.
there was however… only one thought that your mind held, which was soothing. a stark contrast with the day you’ve had so damn far. takami keigo. you can’t wait to see him, your mind wants the imagination of you being couped up in his wings to be real — asap!
your reflexes, your body, your soul knew he is your reset. you know keigo would make it better. the perks of it were — he’d actually make everything better without even trying. it’s just his presence that pets you into a solemn place.
after zoning out several times, you managed to reach your shared apartment. hands shivering with gathered tiredness as you unlocked the door and let yourself inside. your bag dropping as your familiar feline companion, keigo’s and yours not so menacing & astoundingly mannerful cat came and greeted you.
unlike your normal, after-work interactions, you couldn’t make a conversation with him just yet, petting him & cooing at him before leaving to the kitchen for something — anything to fill your devilishly hungry stomach with.
without wasting much time, you took out the perfectly sliced fruits from the fridge, forking their way into your empty stomach when you heard the balcony door open. your autopilot mode turning off immediately as you perked up.
“kei? that’s you?”
a familiar, baritone voice echoed from your bedroom. “who else has the balls to enter our bedroom sweetheart,”
you smiled, humming & indulging in your so called dinner. before you heard another question from your man. “y’er okay?”
you blinked, doubtfulness and curiosity as to how keigo can figure you out just like that— immediately quenched when you saw a stray red plume caress your jaw.
“m’ not okay, i had a shitty day & it’s nobody’s fault.” you answered, “i’ve got a headache and i just feel very overstimulated & sensory overloaded y’know?”
ironically, the only thing you heard next was the sound of keigo’s boots approaching you to the drawing room couch. gloved hands tilting your chin up to make eye-contact with his golden pupils, a soft, friendly & familiar smile greeting you. “is that so, baby?”
you looked up, doe-eyed and awestruck at your man. you could never, ever get used to him. him in his hero costume— him as hawks~ then again, you still can’t get used to him as keigo either. he’s just so amazing…
“yeah” being daring enough, you leaned against his chest, feeling the lub-dub of his heartbeat while he tugged one of his gloves off with his teeth, visor neatly pulled up on his blonde waves, taking the other glove off and letting his wings falter to the ground like drapes. “aww — c’mere pretty.”
keigo hugged you, running his hands through your hair and kissing the crown of your head.
“the world’s being especially annoying and a pain in the ass to my girl huh?”
you could sense by the tone of his voice that he was slowly letting his familiarity sink into you. as if he was slowly calling you back from the hell you’ve resided in today.
“mm~ yeah,” you managed to reply, curtly. only because — your mind had already started fading off into bliss the moment you saw your mate, your lover around you.
“i know what could help-” keigo suggested, sounding ultra sincere & exceptionally sure of the sudden idea which had plagued his mind. you gazed back at him with eyes which were complying already.
“let me tend to my girl.” keigo announced, kneeling in front of you, two of his feathers doing the quick work of spreading your legs after keigo quickly tugged your shorts and panties off.
it’s an abomination how flushed you become — being with him since three years, whenever keigo gets his way with you. a deep exhale you didn’t know you held, left frantically from your heaving chest when you saw him pay no mind to any teasing & latch his lips directly at your clit, kissing it softly.
“fuck-” you gasped, looking down at keigo who’s eyes were stern in their determination to prolong their stare with yours.
“yeah, fuck, you’re so delicious baby—” keigo copied your tone, leaning in and swirling his tongue around your clit, spreading your pussy lips apart with his thumbs & latching onto your cunt hungrily. keigo loves to play with his food — normally, he’d tease you by kissing around your cunt, giving hickeys all over your inner thighs, have you soaking wet & desperate for him. not today.
your pleasure was starting to build, it felt like all your emotions though bad, were aiding into it tremendously, melting away, withering away until all that remained was a coil in your pelvis eager to snap.
“fuck— keigo- baby, ah! wanna-” you managed to contort broken sentences, writhing beneath the vigor of keigo’s love, keigo’s torture on you.
“y’ wanna cum baby? my pretty girl wants to cum f’ me?” keigo asked you back, smirking at how frantic & impatiently you bobbed your head in a nod.
“go ahead, i’ve got you sweetie — cum for me.”
as if the gates to a dam had opened, you screamed out, letting go for keigo and spasming beneath him, whining for him. the emotions you held within fading off, releasing into the prickling tears that made your cheek dewy.
soon — your moans turned into quiet sniffles as keigo continued to ride out your orgasm, extending it until your hands meekly pushed him away by the shoulders, indicating your overstimulation.
“i love you, gonna give me another one baby?” keigo asked tenderly, kissing your knuckles.
“mm~ on your cock kei,”
“i gotchu~ baby.”
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jiminrings · 2 years
478 couple finding out that they’re pregnant please!! 🥺
478: drabble
alternatively, it’s jungkook’s birthday and your gift is last-minute :)
[ 478 masterlist ] 
It’s your fault that you waited this long to pick out a present for Jungkook.
Work has been so hectic with your back-to-back promotions (the most recent one having you camp out for a game show) that Jungkook’s birthday had just kind of flitted at the edge of your mind, his presence always assuring you that you could turn off your brain whenever you’re with him.
When you’re with your husband, you don’t have to worry if you left the stove on or if you kept the water running. You don’t have to look both ways when you’re crossing the street and neither do you have to double-check if you put your car on park. As soon as you strip yourself from your work clothes, Jungkook takes over as the only functioning brain for you both — so much so, you forget that it’s already your husband’s birthday tomorrow.
“Ugh, your iPad must be so old already, huh?” you snicker, narrowing your eyes at the device that Jungkook’s mindlessly doodling on. He furrows his brows at that, chuckling at your expression that seems hellbent on gaslighting him into thinking that it really is old.
“You just got me this last month.”
“I did?” you sputter, eyes widening slightly until you remember that you did just gift it to him randomly. You recover from your surprise quickly, clearing your throat. “Ah, you must be on your iPad then because your desktop’s gotten slow now.”
Jungkook fully stops what he’s doing this time, a budding smirk growing on his face. He doesn’t know exactly what you’re playing at but he thinks it has something to do with him being an appreciative househusband (is that what you were getting at?), slipping his mind likewise that it’s literally his birthday tomorrow.
“Baby, you upgraded my setup for our anniversary, remember?”
“I knew that,” you purse your lips, the defensive scoff leaving you convincing him for now. God knows how shitty of an actress you could be when the cameras aren’t pointed on you and you’re facing Jungkook of all people, but with his brain doing the heavy lifting for the both of you at the moment, it hasn’t sunk in him yet that you’re looking for a specific answer — a specific gift.
You already have two cakes and atleast you’ve got that part covered for your husband’s birthday, your indecisiveness letting it peek through that you’re attempting to overcompensate for your forgetfulness. The first one was just the same exact ice cream cake that Jungkook asked for earlier and the second one’s a little more expensive and a little less over-the-counter; a little more of you trying to make up for the possibility that you can’t brainstorm of a gift within the day.
It’s only half an hour until midnight and yet even if you already called absent for work the next day, you still can’t be placated without holding something, anything to present Jungkook for his birthday.
“I don’t think I can hold out until 12,” Jungkook yawns, already tucking his face against your neck. He pretends to snore obnoxiously but he doesn’t even know if he was only kidding around at this point, the need to succumb to the covers overtaking him than meeting another year of his life on the dot.
“What are you so sleepy for?” you hum, combing your hand through his hair. He visibly shudders at your touch and you feel comforted enough just by giving Jungkook extra attention, momentarily releasing your stress from racking your brain alone.
“Crochet,” he mumbles, pressing one chaste kiss to your collarbone before rubbing his head against you. You’re practically cradling him in your arms at this point and he doesn’t mind one bit, even if you inch him closer and closer to his side of the bed to tuck him in. “Was crocheting hats for Miso all morning when you were gone.”
“She hates hats,” you snort, stroking his hair gently.
“She can suck it up. I’m literally allergic to her but she’s been with us for years,” he huffs, readjusting his position on the bed whilst cuddling up to you. “Besides, I made it for the three of us so we can wear it when we take pictures with the cake.”
You’ve never been more awed.
Your brain has been scrambled for the past week yet this is the surest it’s ever been when you think to yourself that Jungkook is unbelievably real and in your grasp, painstakingly endearing and lovable.
“You’re so-…” you clear your throat, the sudden wave of emotion catching you off-guard. You look down on Jungkook but he’s already passed out, the light snoring almost making you laugh if not for your sudden burst of motivation to go to the bathroom.
It’s a sudden urge in your brain that just appears, only willing to be quelled if you just opened the drawer and took out the box of pregnancy tests that remained untouched since your purchase last week.
It’s a sudden stillness in your heart that comes out when you don’t even hold your breath to look at the results, the word pregnant as clear as the two solid lines that stare back at you.
It’s a sudden purpose that builds in your entire being when you practically jump out of the shower and look for an empty jewelry case in your vanity, fingers shaky as you encase the positive test with resoluteness.
It’s midnight when you shake Jungkook awake so hard that he genuinely thinks there’s an earthquake, arms sleepily jolting to cover his head and nape. He blinks away the sleepiness until he settles on your face, a smile immediately gracing his visage.
“Another one?” he chuckles, taking the case from you. “You already gave me a bracelet two weeks ago.”
You have no words when you shake your head, the words that are just dying to be squealed out remaining on your throat. Your husband looks at you in mischief, eyebrows playfully furrowed until he opens up the case.
Jungkook doesn’t know how to react point-blank but he knows the incredible warmth that spreads around him, eyes immediately watering when he looks up at you.
“Happy birthday,” you whisper, bottom lip already trembling. “You’re gonna be a dad.”
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ghostgorlsworld · 11 months
Moondrunk Monster Part 4 (werewolf!ghost x reader)
You're a retired combat medic that made a mistake, costing you your cushy office job. As punishment, you're sent to an active war zone, where you meet the 141, a squad of werewolves that slowly accept you as their own. (I know, I know I'm bad at summarizing)
WARNINGS: SEXUAL ASSULT, not explicit just discussed. Pls be cautious
Nothing much happens lol but we are ramping up the tension. I promise ghost will interact more in the next chapter, he's just shy--also maybe a ghost pov soon? Idk i'm thinking about it
Part 4
You awoke with cotton mouth and the kind of dizziness that only comes from the best pain medication the military has to offer. 
It was dark outside now, the quiet hum of the generator and Shane’s soft breathing in your ear. Graves was set up in the far corner of the infirmary, Avon passed out on your bunk in a mess of tan limbs and tan scrubs.
A man in a skull mask was asleep in the chair in front of you, his head tipped back against the wall, his legs relaxed and spread wide. He was still caked in muck, which meant that he had been there all night.
Your bladder twinged, the reason why you were awake making itself known. You had to piss. Badly.
You slid off the cot carefully, eyeing Ghost as the springs creaked. You didn’t want to wake him, especially not to tell him you were about to piss your pants. 
Your boots were by his feet so you went without, padding past him in nothing but your military issued socks. You were on enough medication that you could hardly even feel the ache in your shoulder, but it made you clumsy, your hip bumping into a cabinet on your way out. 
You held your breath, glancing at the sleeping Ghost in your chair. 
He didn’t stir, his chest moving up and down rhythmically. You stared for a moment. It wasn’t often he was this…relaxed. 
His sleeve had ridden up, exposing pale, tattooed skin on his wrist. It took your breath away for a moment, your eyes stuck on that tiny sliver of skin that told you he really was a man, a man that had curly blonde hairs on his forearm and a scar that looked like a bite over his wrist.
God, you really had to be lonely to be losing your mind over someone you’d never even seen. You didn’t even know his real name, just his moniker. Ghost.
Your bladder clenched, interrupting your reverie. You sucked in a breath and hurried to the bathroom.
The bathroom was thankfully a brick-and-mortar structure, a few of the female guards relieving themselves in the stalls or showering. You finished your business quickly, pausing at the sink to scrub your hands, and then, after seeing the dirt and blood on your face, attacking your skin with a rough cloth and generic hand soap.
Tomorrow, you would shower, you told yourself. Your arm looked even worse than it had before you fell asleep, your skin now smeared with the bright purples and greens of bruises, shiny with swelling. 
You blew out a breath. “You’re too old for this shit,” you told yourself in the shitty mirror, and it was the truth. You never wanted to get back in action. You missed your air conditioned office and comfortable scrubs, you missed iced coffee in the mornings and good food.
This was a punishment. You were the one woman that cried wolf, and in turn they sent you to this hellhole. 
You could die here. 
They had said it was your choice, that you could choose to fill Graves’ request for a medic, or be discharged, stripping you of retirement and the healthcare you had gotten too used to.
Graves had to know why you were here. Rumors spread like wildfire in the military, and you had been the hot gossip of the week.
The meek little nurse that had put a Colonel’s son in the ER. 
His name was John Wynn, and he was a bastard. You weren’t blind, you had seen and experienced the worst sides of the military, the sides they worked hard to hide. In the early days, before you learned to bite back, there were incidents. 
Recruits and sargents disappearing into rooms together, incidents hidden with orders from higher up, hands where they shouldn’t be, those were the things that happened in male dominated atmospheres, and for a long time, you accepted it.
Until some punk twenty five year old with a single tour under his belt and his daddy’s power tried it with you. It took you off guard when it began, you’ll admit it, it shook you more than you thought it would.
You just didn’t think you would have to fight in the world you had grown comfortable in, and you convinced yourself that it was nothing. The way he looked at you, touched you, how the new recruits scurried from him like frightened rats. 
You should have known better.
But then again, he should have known better. You weren’t his usual victim, the shy, anxious-to-please recruit that would do anything to keep from being reported. 
In a decade of service, you managed to keep your soul. You were damned if you would let that insignificant little rapist take it from you. 
John Wynn ended up in the ER with a shattered cheekbone and a bruised dick, while you walked away without even a fingerprint. His daddy wanted blood, but a few of your superiors tried to protect you and gave you the option to get out of sight for a while, at least long enough that you could finally bring yourself to walk away for good.
You sighed, straightening in the mirror. You looked like hell, your hair wild, your face swollen. You wondered why Ghost still stared.
You were quiet as you made your way back to the infirmary, your steps stumbling and clumsy. The drugs were hooking even deeper into your system, slowing your brain.
That was probably why you hadn’t noticed a pair of yellow eyes watching you from the darkness. At least, not until they moved, a massive shape coming into sight.
You hadn’t seen a wolf in its true form since Donny shook you like a rag doll. The shock of it stopped you in your tracks, your breath catching.
It was silver, the pale fur catching the moonlight like a…
He watched you from the shadows, the stare so familiar it was disturbing to see on an animal’s face. 
He was huge. The biggest you had ever seen, scars marking his muzzle so badly you understood why he wore a mask as a man, his left ear bitten through and ragged. 
You stumbled, the meds making you as weak as a kitten. “Ghost is that you?” You whispered. “Why’re you…”
He looked up. 
The moon was full.
You peered into the 141’s tent. The beds were empty. 
They were gone too. 
“You can go,” you whispered. “I’ll be fine, LT, I promise.”
Ghost growled, an unearthly sound that sent the hair on your neck standing straight up. He bared his teeth, long fangs snapping. 
It felt wrong to stare directly at his face, so you didn’t, settling on his strangely humanoid shoulders. “Alright,” you said, shuffling along. “As long as you don’t try to eat me, LT.” He rumbled, as if say no promises. Ghost rose from his haunches, standing to his full height under the moon. You wondered what the overhead cameras saw, if they wondered why their LT was standing in the middle of base, furry and naked.
In fact, you were wondering that yourself. 
Your heart raced. It was such a human instinct, to see a predator and want to either kiss it or run from it. 
“Jesus,” you said weakly. “I wouldn’t want to run up on you in a fight.”
It was shocking really, the reminder that these men you had been treating like friends were truly not like you at all. As much as Soap laughed and spoke, there was still an edge to him, the way his eyes glinted when he smiled, the too-sharp edge of his teeth. 
Ghost seemed to like your attention, his ears perked at the top of his head. It was oddly endearing, and you normally considered yourself a cat person.
It was like he wanted you to see him. Wanted you to be…impressed?
“Right,” you said, forcing a nod. “Well, off to bed for me I think. I’ve had a weird day.”
You wobbled your way back into your cot, stripping your socks off your feet before settling in. Ghost watched you all the while, hungry and intense as he stood vigilant in the shadows. 
For days after, you still weren’t sure if Ghost had truly shown you his other form, or if you had dreamed it up. The memory was blurred and hazy–you mostly remembered the piercing yellow-eyed stare, the way it made your stomach twist.
It was as if you were twenty again, nervous and stuttering on a first date. Just being around him sets your skin on fire.
You had never been attracted to a wolf before. In the past, you picked responsible, healthy men that had good jobs and stable lives because your life was always so chaotic. It was nice to come home to a man that would rub your calves and ask about your day.
Ghost didn’t seem like that kind of man. For one, he wasn’t a man–and again, you had no idea if wolves even liked human women like that. Like everyone else in the world, you had heard rumors about certain preferences but…he seemed different. 
He barely touched you. Barely spoke to you. 
But his eyes. They were always, always on you.
So, one day, you got the balls to ask Soap. 
“Does your kind…um,” you began, unable to stop yourself from blushing. “Does your kind like humans?”
Soap paused in the knife he was sharpening, cocking a dark brow at you. “How do you mean?” God, he was going to make you say it. “Romantically, I mean. Does it happen?”
Soap was silent for a moment, his mouth twisting as he dropped the knife onto the table. It took you a moment to realize he was laughing at you, his hand pressed to his mouth. 
“Shut up, Soap,” you said, humiliated. “Just answer the question.”
He gives you a good razzing, his eyes twinkling like he knew exactly why you were asking. “Bonnie, when was the last time you met a female wolf?”
You frowned. You hadn’t thought about it. “Never, I suppose.” “Ever wondered why?” You shook your head. “It’s a recessive gene. Passes from father to son or mother to daughter in most families, though I s’pose a few of the older ones could be exceptions. Most of the wolf-women I’ve met prefer human men, and vice versa, it’s a way we reproduce, see, two wolves means that the child will be closer to an animal, but one wolf is balanced.” 
“So…your kind prefers humans?” Soap made a face. “For the most part, yeah. Even me.”
You raised a brow, smiling. “Oh, even you? What, do you have somebody at home I don’t know about?”
To your surprise, Soap flushed, the tips of his ears turning pink. 
“Wait, do you?” You asked, taken off guard. He was only a handful of years younger than you, but he was wild and restless enough that it seemed strange to think of him settling down. 
He laughed, flashing teeth at you, even as he looked away. There was something about Johnny that was so hungry, the urge to be needed, to be liked. He made himself a better killer just so he had a purpose in the world.
“No,” he said, “I don’t. There’s a pretty girl in the cafe down the street, and I’ll go in just to hear her ask me what I want.”
“That’s kind of sad,” you said. Despite the obvious…wolfishness about him, he was handsome, dark hair and blue eyes and that ridiculous mohawk. He was too young to look so alone.
He shrugged. “It’s different for us, lass.”
The back of your neck prickled. You were being watched.
“Well, Johnny,” you said, standing. “You miss all the shots you don’t take, and I don’t know a single woman, excluding myself, that could resist those baby blues. Do me a favor and ask her out next time, you’re too young to feel old and miserable like me.” Soap smiled, a bit of cheer back in his eye. “You’re only three years older’n me, lass, I wouldn’t call ye old.” You waved the statement off, already thinking of the rounds you needed to take, patients you needed to check. “Please, I haven’t had a proper date in years, I may as well be eighty with cats.”
Soap hummed, amused like he knew something you didn’t. “I’m sure your dry spell will end soon enough. Did you see Graves eyeing your arse over the coffee machine?” You kicked him for that one, a good swat in the knee as he fell over himself laughing.
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eris-snow · 1 year
Tags: Deku's birthday series 2023, izuku x fem!reader, angst
“There are so many things I wish I could tell you. I want to be done with all the white lies and ambiguous phrasings. So here, I’ll say it, my last secret to you: I love you, Zuku. Please remember me. Please.”
“Get up, you lazy ass!” Katsuki barks from the doorway, barging into his room fully dressed.
Startled awake, Izuku almost tumbles out of bed with a squeak. “Ka-Kacchan!”
“Deku!” He mimics, not looking the slightest bit fazed. In fact, he looks angrier than usual. “If I don’t see you dressed in 5 god damn minutes, I’ll make sure to punch you so fucking hard it’ll make One For All look like a love tap.”
“If I don’t see you out of my room in t minus 5 seconds, I’ll use said love tap to get you out!” Izuku refutes, rubbing his eyes groggily. “What is up with you? It’s only 10 am—”
“Shortie and I stood outside your shitty apartment for half an hour until Auntie came home from the grocery store. You slept right through 30 minutes of endless knocking and doorbell rings.”
Katsuki’s face was the definition of terrifying and pissed, and it didn’t help when his hands started steaming. “Be glad that Shortie was there, if not there would be scorch markings on your door—”
“I’m so sorry, Kaccha—Starlight’s here?!” Izuku yelps, this time actually tumbling out of bed as he scrambles for his drawers. “I thought we gave you a spare key, Kacchan! I—why is Starlight—”
“You changed your fucking locks without telling me after the war, shit nerd! I ain’t have your new keys, so I was half contemplating blowing your door off its hinges—”
“Cut me some slack, Kacchan!” He rushes out, rifling through his closet for suitable clothes. “It’s my birthday.”
“I don’t cut any slack, Izuku.” Katsuki spits, throwing the nerd’s towel in his face. “That’s Shortie’s job.”
“Mean,” Izuku pouts.
Katsuki simply smirks back. “Happy Birthday, Izuku.”
“Happy birthday, Zuku!” You greet him, giggling when you saw the towel wrapped around his neck. “What time did you wake up?”
“About 10 minutes ago,” He admits, stealing a glance at the blond. Katsuki’s eyes were scanning his phone screen, a lazy, smug smirk plastered on his face.
“What do you want to do today? We get free rein until dinner time, because your mom wants us back so we can cut the cake.”
A smile plays on Izuku’s lips, and he almost tears right then and there. He was so fortunate to have friends like Starlight and Katsuki. He’d completely lucked out.
It was just like the old times. You, Katsuki and Izuku had always been a pack since you were little, and you force yourself to focus on whatever was happening now instead of what would happen after.
Even with the sun beating down you your neck, you survived with the sun hat you’d brought along with you. As you put it on, Izuku comments on it as he digs into his ice cream.
“That’s a nice hat there Starlight! Where’d you get it from?”
“Quite a while back,” You reply, tilting it upward so you can meet his eyes. “The person really knew what I liked.”
Izuku couldn’t name a day more perfect. Sure, it wasn’t anything fancy, definitely not as amazing as his meeting with All Might or the day he’d gained his Quirk, but it seemed like the world had decided to give him a peaceful day where nothing went wrong. By the time the three of them had gotten back for dinner, he’s grinning so widely he didn’t know it was possible.
He blows out the candles with a wish and a note in his pocket, praying for his friends, his family, you and Kacchan’s safety because he can’t stand it if you get hurt. He prays you’ll always be here, and that he’d be the number 1 hero (It’s been his dream his whole life, after all.) It’s only when everyone had started digging into the cake, did he realise you were missing.
“Where’s Starlight?” He frowns, checking the balcony. No, you’re not there either.
“She said something about taking a breather,” Katsuki said, poking his slice of cake with a fork. “When I asked her where, she just said, ‘It’s a secret’ and left.” He points his fork at Izuku. “Eat your cake.”
Blood rushes to his head, and for some reason, he’s getting dizzy just thinking about you.
“I think I know where she is. I’ll bring her back. The sky’s dark already, Starlight shouldn’t have to walk back by herself.”
Katsuki eyes him suspiciously for a moment, something flickering in his eyes before they drop down to the slice of chocolate cake. “I’ll tell Auntie for you. Go do what you need to do, nerd.”
Izuku smiles at his best friend and thanks him, wearing his dumb bright red shoes and leaving in a hurry.
Katsuki stares at the cake, an icing drawing of himself and you on the cake next to Izuku’s face. He smudges the icing drawing of your face, standing up with a sigh.
“I hope you know what you’re doing, Starlight.”
You whirl around, shoving the lamp in the direction of the voice. Izuku’s shadowed face smiles back gently, making you relax slightly. “Hey.”
The clearing looked different at night. A swarm of fireflies danced around the meadow without a care in the world, making the lake almost sparkle as pretty yellow dots dance around the beautiful glade.
“Kacchan said you stepped out. I got worried.”
You laugh, shaking your head as your fingers creep into the note in his pocket. “Sorry. Needed a breather.”
“No, no! Don’t apologise!” Izuku sits down on the grass next to you, face warm in the glow of the light. “I just wanted to make sure you’re okay.”
That phrase causes your smile to wobble.
“Right!” You dig through your pockets, not allowing even a moment of awkwardness. “Now that you’re here…”
Three small, wrapped present emerges from your pocket. Overpowering emotions are surging behind a fortress you’d encased them in.
You made a promise. You’re not going to cry.
Izuku’s mouth falls open into a small “O” as he takes it tenderly in his hands. He cradles it gently, with scarred hands you’ve come to know.
“What is it?” He asks dumbly.
You chuckle, gesturing. “Just open it, silly. I want to see your reaction.”
He rips open the first one and finds a shimmering silver watch, staring back at him in a shiny transparent box. He sputters indignantly. “Th-This must have cost a fortune! How did you-”
“I may or may not have saved up for it by using my internship money.” You scratched your head, blushing slightly. “It was a little pricy, sure but—”
“How did you know I wanted this brand?” He asks, shaking a little as he pries the lid off and holds it like it’s worth an entire building. “I-I never got it because—”
“You’re afraid it gets damaged during a fight,” You finish. “I know you don’t like accessories, so I asked Hatsume to reinforce the entire thing. I paid her for the modifications as well. Plus, you’ll need something to wear for formal occasions. They never have clocks in ballrooms.”
“You’re going to make me cry,” Izuku warns, looking at you with glassy eyes.
“You have two more gifts left, Zuku. Don’t cry now.”
Izuku takes that as a cue to shred open the next present. Your gifts may be small, but you sure know how to make them impactful because he absolutely loses it when he sees the next gift.”
“Prototype pins for his merchandise from his U.A days,” Izuku whispers, fingers quivering as he counts the pins. “Fi-Five? You got all five of them? I-I’ve never seen it before, how did you—”
“I pulled a few strings,” You say, gently. “It’s yours now.”
With tears bubbling over, he tears open the last gift. At first, it confuses him, and he has to will himself to put the waterworks on hold so he can actually see the gift properly. “Is this…” He cranes his head around, squinting. “Is this a photo of this place?”
“Yeah, I manage to paint this really good painting—”
“You painted this?” He interrupts, full-on sobbing now. “Why would you do this much? I don’t understand, I—”
“It’s a photo of this painting.” You correct. “So you can slot it in your wallet or use it as a bookmark or something. It’s your birthday, Zuku. Of course it’s important to me.”
Izuku tucks all of these precious gifts into his pocket and turns to wrap his arms around you in a tight hug. “Thank you so much, Starlight.”
You’re startled at first, but slowly, you adjust yourself and hug him back. “You’re welcome, Zuku.”
Fireflies dance around you for a little longer until Izuku finally pulls away, wiping the tears out of his eyes. “I, uh, I wanted to pass you something, actually.” He unfolds a note and hands it to you, a practice you’re so familiar with seeing that you instantly know what this is about. “I didn’t get the right time to pass it to you.”
The note is pure white, and you take a deep inhale and read the words to yourself.
I’m so glad I met you. Today was a blast. Thank you for today.
Somehow, those three sentences are what push you off the edge. One tear slips past your barriers, and soon another flows after as more tears join the first.
Dread and a feeling of longing engulf you a whole as you break down into quiet sobs, clenching the pocket that held your note, your last Secret to him, so tightly your knuckles hurt. You were almost contemplating not giving it to him.
“It’s not fair…” You mumble, body convulsing as you try to clear your tears.
“I promised not to cry.”
Izuku panics almost comically, leaning over you and trying to find a way to stop you from bawling. “Hey, don’t cry! I-I didn’t mean to make you sad, I swear, I just—”
“I told myself that I wouldn’t this year. I never follow through on it.”
Izuku frowns. “What are you talking about—”
“Can I get another hug? Please?”
Izuku relents cautiously, and you wish you could explain it to him but you can’t as time slips away fast. You bury your head into his shoulder, trying to memorise everything. The way you fit into his arms, the way he smells, the way his voice is quiet and so gentle and raw when he’s with you.
“Hey, what’s wrong?” Izuku asks, patting your head gently.
“Everything.” You mutter, pulling back a little to sit beside him with your back against the tree.
Your tears keep falling, a waterfall of emotions suffocating you as you struggle to get that one word out.
“Stay with me, Izuku.” Your voice comes out broken, as you lean against his shoulder. “Don’t go.”
He’s so much taller now, compared to when you were kids.
He’s stronger too, and he’s not even quirkless.
All things considered, he doesn’t need you anymore.
But you still need him.
“I’m not going anywhere,” Izuku soothes. “I’ll be here tomorrow, too you know.”
That only makes you sob harder.
Memories filter in and out of your head as you finger his note, reminiscing on how the past month has gone.
“You will?” You ask, so small and scared because you know he will, but he won’t and it tears you apart inside. “You’d be here so we can continue to tell each other to sleep earlier, even though we’d go ahead and sleep late anyway?” you swallow thickly, throat running dry. “We’d-we’d have so many more Sunday breakfasts that you’d only eat katsudon no matter how hard I’d try. I’d tell you how much I admire your eyes because they’re just so bright despite everything that happened because you’re Izuku, and I’d tell you how I got your nickname because then, I wouldn’t have to lie to you.”
The words are pushing out of your mouth faster than you can process them, and Izuku just listens to them wordlessly, letting you ramble.
“We’d help each other with our nightmares like we always do, 'cause despite the fact that we have therapists I know that going to you is so much better. We can have more Movie Nights until Shoto is finally caught up with his childhood shows, and come here more often for more picnics. When we get into villain attacks, I’d know you’ll always have my back just like you have mine. We’d figure out our shit together by talking on the rooftop, and I’d tell you how I found this clearing as we light up 17 candles on your birthday cake next year…”
You trail off, fingers wrung together tightly. Tears fall as your voice loses all stability. “I’d have more birthdays with you, and I’d actually be celebrating it with you without having to push my thoughts back down. I’d be happy, and I’d be there for you…” You break off into a whisper.
“…And you’d remember me.”
Izuku’s frown creases deeper. He hates seeing you upset. His head is throbbing, spinning as he tries to focus on you. “I won’t forget you.” He promises. What else can he do?
“I wrote you a note.” You finish, completely ignoring him as you shove the note into his hands with your face hidden. “I wrote you a Secret, too.”
Izuku glances at you with curiosity and concern before his eyes drop down to the lime-green Post-it. He has no idea why you’re busting out all of these memories on him as someone had perished, but all he knew was that you—
I love you.
Izuku drops the paper in his lap and whirls to you with shock, eyes blinking rapidly as he stares back at you.
“There are so many things I wish I could tell you. I want to be done with all the white lies and ambiguous phrasings. So here, I’ll say it, my last secret to you: I love you, Zuku. Please remember me. Please.”
“I do, I will, I—” Izuku sputters, face turning red. His head is pounding now, and he struggles to stand when you do. “I don’t understand! Where’s this coming from? What’s with all these lasts and—”
“Shouldn’t we discuss this tomorrow?” You divert, finally wiping your tears away. You square your shoulders and manage a watery smile, before you turn heel and make your way to the path back home. “I’ll explain it all tomorrow. It’s getting late, and I should get home before my parents get worried.” You pause and turn back. Izuku is nodding slowly now, hand outstretched like he wants to catch your wrist, but he doesn’t.
“We can do that. We-we can do that. Just—promise me that you’ll explain everything. I don’t want to be kept in the dark anymore. I need answers. Starlight, please?”
You don’t want to lie, you don’t want to lie, so you just maintain your smile as you whisper, “Whenever you're ready.”
Izuku takes it as a promise, and relaxes with a wobbly smile of his own. “Okay. Goodnight, Starlight.”
You smile, even though it’s painful, and take in a deep breath even though it feels as if you’re inhaling shattered glass. Finally, you work up the courage to say those words, even though it felt like the world was ending in just an hour now.
“Goodbye, Zuku.”
Izuku arrives back at the dorms to be greeted by a new face. His smile lights up his entire face when he bows and greets. “Hi! You must be the new transfer Kacchan told me about. I’m Izuku Midoriya, nice to meet you!”
The girl smiles back at him with a warm smile, holding the door wider. Her eyes sparkle like the stars above, and she sticks her own hand out as a greeting.
“My name is Y/n L/n. I can’t wait to spend the rest of the year with you.”
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doomednarrative · 1 month
What do you think of Geats ending that you feel doesn't stick the landing?
I'm going to answer this with the assumption that you are asking me in good faith and not looking to start a fight, and I feel the need to say that considering how people acted in my inbox last time I gave any longer thoughts reguarding Geats. If that's the case then I'm more than happy to talk about my critiques.
(Though bear in mind that it's been almost a year since I watched the series now so I might be a lil spotty on details.)
I think the thing with the ending that bothered me most now that I've had time to sit on it is that making Ace into an Actual God makes him feel more distant as a protagonist. Why did he struggle so much through so many lives if he doesnt Also get to rest and enjoy finally seeing those efforts thru with the first friends hes managed to make during all that time yknow? And I know he makes a point to say that like it's Not his fight anymore, he's passing it off to Neon Michinaga and Keiwa, but like. I still don't enjoy that tbh.
The thing that kills me is that like, after watching Ex Aid especially (which I overall enjoyed much more and has become my favorite of the Riders I have seen, and can compare since it's also Takahashi's work with similar tropes), is that I don't feel like we had the same problem with the likes of Emu even tho he's supremely overpowered compared to everyone else. In that show, it does become a Combined effort to end things. Emu couldn't have done it without Parad as his copilot to properly make Muteki work, and Muteki wouldn't even exist had Kuroto not made the gashat in the first place, that one couldn't be manifested like lv 99 could. Emu very much retains his humanity even with being very different to everyone else, and I really wish that could have been the same for Ace for Geats as well.
That's the Main thing that I wasn't as happy with about Geats ending. It wasn't my favorite, but I could at least accept it cause it still sorta works at the end of the day. The problem is that it's not the only thing in the last 10 episode stretch that I disliked, which made it feel like the icing on a cake that started really strong and turned out disappointing the more you ate.
I also disliked:
The entire set up with Keiwa's dark arc, especially how he was complicit in made Tsumuri suffer for the power he gained (I'm tired of seeing woman specifically suffering in Takahashi shows to forward the men's stories and just in rider in general.)
Neon both only getting a half suit final form in comparison to the guy's full suit upgrades, and the added idiocy of her arc conclusion coming from her fuckin father of all things when her entire story to that point had been finding love from the people who didn't abuse her her entire life. It felt shitty coming from someone who was also struggling with the same family issues at the time of watching, and I Know there are cultural differences at play here so I can't fully critique that like a Japanese fan could, but it personally soured my viewing of the show and for Neon's story in particular.
All in all, Geats is a show that I still enjoy for my own reasons (mainly Michinaga and Ziin) but has fallen in my rankings after seeing better shows in the franchise. If other people feel differently then that's fine and to each their own. This is solely my own personal opinions on it all.
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ffauthor · 2 years
Oooooh you write for Michael Afton? Omg, that's so awesome! Here's my request:
Michael with a female reader who he used to be academic rivals with back in highschool. The two haven't seen each other in years and Michael was wondering where she is now and what she's doing.
He wanders into a small bakery where he looks around for a snack. He looks into the kitchen and sees the reader, now all grown up into a beautiful woman, making cookies and is awestruck by her beauty. He asks if he can talk to her and she complies. The two then sit together and catch up.
Oh my God, I love this idea!! Thank you!
Sorry if I'm late, I just now saw it! :,)
Here u go! (Sorry if this wasn’t due to your expectations)
Oh god i just realised i changed 'making cookies' into waitressing, so sorry about that!
Michael was having a bad day, like, bad bad. First, he got scolded by his dad for staying inside the whole day, and then he got a message saying his girlfriend wanted to break up, over text. right there, right at that shitty fucking moment.
He asked to talk to her, talk it through in person but it didn’t deliver, she had already blocked him and was unreachable. It wasn’t like he was devastated that they broke up, nor was he relieved, he was rather.. annoyed. 
People making him in a bad mood when he already wasn’t feeling himself makes him even more annoyed, let alone his rumbling stomach. With all the drama and exhaustion he had gone through the whole day he forgot to eat, and he knew he needed to eat did he want to restrain energy.
He knew there was a bakery in town, a tiny one but a beautiful scheme-themed interior. He always found himself there when he was stressed or had a bad day like he was having right now. It always brought back memories from when he was in academic school. He always finds himself smirking when he thinks back about the way he ‘accidentally’ threw hot coffee on his rival y/n’s clothes. 
He swore it was an accident, but neither he himself nor y/n believed it. She gripped some of the paper towels that were stacked next to the register as people all around them gasped. She told him, ‘’Oh- you really wanna do this huh? well then, I guess you really didn’t expect me to -’’  It made her throw her muffin back on him, dumping her iced coffee on top of his head.
Thinking back at it made him chuckle out loud by accident, realizing that he was standing right in the middle of the cafe. It was busy, the waiters and waitresses were taking orders here and there and were trying their best to bring their orders on time, even those complaining it ‘took them long enough’. 
He slowly and unbothered walked towards the register, looking straight into the shelves and what was on top of them. All different kinds of bread and small decorated cakes. The smell of freshly baked toast and the strong smell of coffee was increasing a delightful tension in the place, the chatter of people making it seem really full. 
His stomach rambled once again, motioning for him to eat something, and quick. He just couldn’t quite figure out what.
The bakery had a lot of things, and he wanted a lot of things. It all looked so extremely good and tasteful, he really didn’t know where to look. The confusion and stress he was slowly creating made him look towards the kitchen, his eyes darting into one specific position. 
The position of a gorgeous female waiting to grab food for one of the tables. She had her arms crossed over each other and had a red apron tightened around her figure. She was smiling and had her hair back into a ponytail. 
It reminded him of her, the person he hadn’t talked to for years and surprisingly even started to.. miss?
Y/n, aka his past ‘rival’, a rival he secretly started to adore. Adore even more than he should’ve. He just couldn’t help it. you were beautiful. you were even more beautiful than he remembered, seeing you years later in his favorite bakery. 
‘‘Hello? Sir?’‘ one of the waitresses who was waving her hand in front of Michael’s face particularly half screamed, impatiently waiting for his bare attention, which she didn’t get. Michael's eyes snapped back at the waitress when he saw y/n move forward, out of his sight. ‘‘Finally.’ the female in front of him muttered under her breath, making him tilt his eyebrow slowly.
‘‘I’m sorry about that.’‘ He had his hands in his pockets, looking at the woman in front of him as she asked for his order. ‘‘It’s alright mate.’‘ the woman smiled, their impatientness seeming to loosen up a little. ‘‘What would you like?’‘ the woman asked again, making him blurt ‘‘Her.’‘ out.
The woman's eyes widened as he realized what he had just said out loud. He couldn’t take it back now, he has fully exposed himself in front of one of her co-workers. 
He felt his cheeks heat up as he tried to find the words to say to make things right.  ‘’I-I meant, I was wondering if I could talk to her.’’ The woman shook her head and met Michael’s gaze, now seeing y/n walk out the door with three plates in her hand, one supported on her wrist, one in her right hand, and one on her left. 
she went past them, unbothered and with a smile on her face as she arrived at a table, placing their plates down. The woman who was now smiling like crazy waited until she was in hearing sight, and when she was, she took her change.
She got closer to y/n’s ear and whispered something he couldn’t quite catch, but when her gaze went up and met his she froze. her eyes widened and her mouth met agape.
‘‘Hey... I-.. was wondering if we could maybe talk?’‘ 
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When I found out you’d died, I was at school. It was the last class of the day, and honestly, I would never have known it was you if not for my own gut. It was just a name in passing. A whisper, really. Not even the full thing, just your first name that should’ve been so common that I shouldn’t have even considered it. But it was so hauntingly familiar. Your first name, your first name uttered by a girl I’d barely ever talked to. A girl I didn’t even know knew you. I heard your name and I stopped in the doorway. I remember feeling my heartbeat through my whole body, the way I scrunched up my face, as if I had heard it wrong. The room was so quiet, so dark and empty. It was suffocating. I dropped my bag down at her table, sat beside her, a table I’d never sat at before. I looked at her, I felt very similar to a child looking up in terror at an adult whose face is stricken with an unexplainable kind of grief. The kind that you see and just know. I remember just knowing. I didn’t have to ask. I did anyway. I asked her to repeat herself, praying for one of the first times in my life to a god I don’t truly believe in, I prayed for it to have been something I just misheard. It wasn’t. She told me about you as if I didn’t know you, and it felt like I didn’t in that moment, I remember being quiet for a while before I admitted that I knew you. That I was your friend. We’d known eachother since elementary school. We’d gone to the same schools all our lives. It felt as though I’d never met you before, sitting next to that girl. She looked sad. Devastated. I couldn’t even muster up an expression. I don’t remember much of that last class. I remember feeling like a ghost as I texted some of our friends. People we’d known when we were kids. I remember them not truly believing me at first. I remember them believing me. I remember the quiet bus ride home. I was grateful that no one decided to bother me. I think a lot of them knew you too. I remember trying so hard not to cry on the bus in front of all those people. I remember crying, looking out the window, watching all the streets we grew up on pass by as the bus drove me home. Nothing outside looked any different, it felt wrong. It felt like a movie scene. A really shitty movie scene that was far too personal. I don’t remember much about that day after that. The girl and I are friends now, we talk sometimes, but we hung out a lot more when we were still in school. I remember going to a vigil held for you by your family and friends. It was outside your house, at the edge of your neighborhood. I’d been there before. I grew up there. I remember going over to your house when we were both in the second grade. You had an ice cream cake, I remember you explaining to me the reasoning behind that choice in detail. The candles we lit were the only source of light that night, sitting out under the stars. I couldn’t help but think of your birthday, the small candles in your ice cream cake were blue. These ones were much larger, more plain, more permanent. There was a lot of crying, people had so many things to say about you. I remember being silent, unable to even cry. I felt like a ghost. Your funeral was the same. It felt empty. Like it wasn’t real. An urn sat at the front of the room, on a table with flowers. I didn’t think they could fit you in there, not really. There was too much life, too much energy, too much personality, too much of you to ever fit in such a cold, small container. I saw people I hadn’t seen since I was a child there in the seats. In the hallway after. I got a lot of condolences, as though I had lost something. It still didn’t feel real. It still doesn’t feel real.
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megan-loves-surveys · 4 months
The last time you ate leftovers, what was it that you were eating? Pasta bake, it's the only thing I have leftovers of, cos it tastes just as good the next day.
What is your favorite board that you’ve made on Pinterest? -
Do you get on Facebook or Instagram more? I don't use Insta, so FB.
What was the last thing you ate or drank that was blue raspberry-flavored? Some lolly most likely, prob from the USA xD
What is one annoying thing your computer does? It gets super hot when I play games, but that can't be helped I guess.
What was the last song you listened to? The Verve - Bitter Sweet Symphony
Have you discovered any new hobbies in the past couple months? No. I have enough hobbies as it is xD
What’s the wildest animal you’ve ever come in contact with? I stroked a lion cub once at a safari park lol. Very cute.
Do you trust your doctor? I don't have a regular doctor cos I barely go there.
Do you ever question if your mother loves you? Never, I know she does! <3
Do you ever feel scared or unsafe around your dad? NEVER.
What is your favorite type of Lunchables? Never had one.
Do you have someone you feel completely safe around? Yes.
What church do you go to? I'm atheist.
Are any of your siblings’ friends like family to you? -
Do you have any friends who you exchange memes with? Haha yeah. Esp my wrestling friends.
What was the last photo you took? Good question! *unlocks her phone to look* It was a selfie from when I got my hair dyed LOL.
Are you in any Discord servers? How often do you use them? Oh god I'm a member of dozens but the main ones I post in are my wrestling friends Discord and the last.fm Discord. I post on the lfm one so often I'm it's #24 overall poster LOL. And the wrestling one I've been a member since day 1 and I'm a mod.
Have you ever had to see an emergency vet after hours? Yes, and unfortunately it turned out horrible.
When was the last time you sat under a blanket on a couch? Hmm, dunno.
Can you bite into ice cream or are your teeth too sensitive? I can, but it's still not too pleasant.
Do you like snowy winter days or do you prefer rainy days? It doesn't snow where I live, and rain sucks so neither.
Do you know anyone who doesn’t have a middle name? Yep.
What was the last thing you complained about? I've been sick for the last few days, so it was definitely about how shitty I'm feeling lol.
What celebrity irritates you the most? Most of them xD But especially the Kardashians, Meghan Markle, Taylor Swift (her music is great but I'm SO sick of hearing about her!), any of these 'influencers' who randomly get famous etc.
Have you ever watched the Superbowl all the way through? Not all the way, but this year my Mum and I watched to the end of the halftime show then we gave up xD
Would you like to know the exact date of your death? No.
What’s on your to-do list for today? Nothing, I'm sick and taking time off work so I'm just relaxing and trying to get over it.
Do you know anyone who’s been bitten by a snake? Probably not, but who knows.
Are you excited for Halloween? I don't celebrate it.
What makes you smile or laugh no matter what? Certain TV shows like Simpsons, Friends or Big Bang Theory.
Do you prefer strawberries or cherries? Strawberries! Cherries are gross, my least fave fruit.
Biggest insecurity? My stomach.
Have you ever had braces? No.
Do you feel awkward using public transportation? Good lord no lol, I take it constantly xD
Describe your mom with one word. Hilarious.
Would you rather bake a cake or cookies? Cake.
What curse word do you use most? Fuck lol.
Were you always one of those kids who got in trouble with everyone around? No, I was a good kid.
When was the last time you took a nap? Did it relax you any? Yesterday, and not really, I was overheated due to being sick so I slept like crap.
Honestly, do you see yourself as a slut? Hahaha, I used to be xD Not anymore cos I'm in a long-term relationship but back in my late teens I was definitely slutty.
Is there a secret you’ve never told your parents? Yes.
What’s the hardest thing you’ve ever been through? Getting hit by a car and breaking several bones, including my shoulder in 5 different places.
Do you like fast food or does it disgust you? I love it, not even ashamed. My fave is KFC but I like most of them!
Who was the last person you kissed? My boyfriend.
What’s your favourite alcoholic drink? Jim Beam or Malibu.
Do you like the smell of BBQs? Oh yeah! I love smelling them in the summer, my Mum and I always wonder who's having one LOL.
Do you crash on people’s sofas often? No.
Do wasps scare you? Yes, scary little fuckers lol.
Have you ever worn flip flops in the snow? No.
Has anyone ever told you that you & your significant other could be siblings? Have they ever assumed you were siblings? God no lol. We look nothing alike xD
Have you ever heard people having sex in the next room? Probably.
Have you ever been in a beauty pageant? No.
Have you ever lost your voice? Yes.
Museum date or aquarium date? Depends on what the museum has in it.
Did you ever have an emo or scene phase? No.
Name a subject you know a lot about. Wrestling, Pokemon or geography.
Most embarrassing poster you’ve ever owned? None?
Could you see yourself having a child with the last person you kissed? No, cos I don't want kids lol.
Who is your favorite person to have random conversations with? Depends, cos I have random convos with loads of people.
Who was the last person to make you feel embarrassed or uncomfortable? Not sure.
What are you known for? Online, it's being a big Jon Moxley fan lol, at various Wrestlemanias people were recognizing me!
Which of the guys you’ve been interested in hurt you the most? Meh.
Do you know anyone who is engaged? No.
What is your relationship status on Facebook? I don't have one listed actually! LOL.
What are you listening to? Bebe Rexha - I'm Gonna Show You Crazy
What was the last thing you looked up on Google? I googled why water tastes so weird when you're sick - I usually drink loads of water but since I've been sick it's been hard to stomach it. It's apparently cos of the bacteria in your mouth and throat making it taste weird!
Ever been kissed on the leg? Haha, who knows.
Last person to hear you cry? Dunno, my Mum probably.
What do you think of the term plus-sized in modeling? Is it empowering or demeaning? It's lame, cos half the time the women aren't even plus-sized, they're regular sized.
Do you think you are ready to be on your own (have your own home, job, etc.)? Well, I have a job... but I can't afford my own house xD
Has your ex ever gone out with someone close to you? No.
Are you friends with someone who’s autistic? Probably.
Have you ever had a Bic Mac? No.
Have you ever been to a convention? (comic, YouTube, etc.) Yes, I go to the NZ version of ComicCon every year, it's called Armageddon.
What is the biggest difference between you and your best friend? She has a son! I don't want kids lol xD
Have you ever had a sexually gay experience? Yes.
Do you find any of your friends hot? Not really. I love 'em but not in that way.
Are your legs freshly shaven? No, I need to do them actually lol, but since I'm wearing pants a lot, I haven't bothered. But they get itchy so I will when I'm over being sick.
Does your best friend wear glasses? No.
Have you ever woke up crying from a bad dream? Yes.
Who knows more about you: online friends or offline? Online.
Does your family own any land? No.
Who is the oldest sibling in your family? -
Are you close to any of your aunts/uncles? I barely see them.
When was the last time you were in a hospital? June 2017.
Do you plan on losing weight any time soon? I'm in the middle of doing so.
What do you think of people who get drunk every weekend? Whatever floats their boat, I guess.
Are you looking forward to anything? Sure, small things, nothing big.
What was the last bad news you heard? Hmm, not sure.
What was your GPA in high school? -
Do you require a lot of private time? Sure.
Do you know how to play any odd instruments most people can’t play? No.
Have you ever had a parasite before? No.
Have you ever been punched in the face before? No.
Are there regular trains in and out of your town/city? Yes.
Do you bathe your pets regularly? -
What was the last animal you saw, and was it a pet? It was a cat in a shorts video lol.
Who was the last person you messaged on Facebook? My boyfriend.
When was the last time you saw them? Saturday, I haven't seen him since then cos of being sick, I don't want to give him my cold.
Where do you see yourself in a year? Who knows.
[TW: OVERDOSE/SUICIDE] Do you know anyone who has overdosed? No.
Where are your siblings as of now? -
Have you ever lost anyone close to cancer? Depends what you consider close - cos I lost a friend to cancer last year but I hadn't seen her in person in a few years.
Do you personally know anyone who is transgender? Yes.
When was the last time you got a shot? My last Covid booster prob. Though I might get the flu shot, I've already been sick and it's not even winter yet :/ I have to pay for it though, so that's why I don't usually get it.
Have you ever been into a car accident? If getting hit by a car counts, then yes.
When was the last time you spent over $100 in one transaction? What did you buy? I got my hair dyed, it cost over 300 bucks.
Are you a breakfast person? Not really, but I do eat it on occasion.
What type of books do you like to read? All sorts - non fiction about topics I like, fantasy, romance, joke books etc.
How do you get rid of hiccups? Drink water super fast without breathing.
Do you have any healthy addictions? Dunno xD
Do you pay much attention to speed limits while driving? -
Which parent was more strict when you were growing up? My Mum definitely. I used to ask my Dad to do things cos I knew he'd say yes, while I knew my Mum would say no. My Dad was only strict about me doing well in Maths cos I was so awful at it, he was chill the rest of the time. I used to tell him about things that I never told my Mum!
Have you ever watched The Golden Girls? I've watched clips on YT, it's funny.
Do you like getting dirty? No.
Are you a very flirty person? It depends.
Who was your favorite babysitter? I never had any, it wasn't a thing for me. If my parents needed someone to watch me, my Grandma would usually do it or another family member.
Do you believe in the death penalty? It depends what the person did.
Name a person that you can’t stand and tell us why? Nobody. There's people I dislike, but nobody I hate or can't stand.
If you could have a video of one event in your life, what would the video be? Hmm.
What is the most illegal thing you have ever done? O_O
Last person you sang happy birthday to? Good question.
What form of government do you like the most? (capitalism, socialism, etc.) I have no idea tbh.
Is there a song you can’t handle listening to, even though you like it? Sarah Cothran - As The World Caves In. I legit can't listen to this song without sobbing like an absolute bitch. I love it but it's just way too sad :(
Last time you saw fireworks? Ages ago.
Do you have a black dog? I have no dog at all.
If you took someone on a tour of your town, what would you show them? That depends what they want to see, no? If they want touristy things then I'd take them to the Sky Tower, MOTAT and the museum. If they want shopping, I'd take them to Sylvia Park for sure.
Have you been to the capital of your state? -
Would you be more in your element camping in a tent or an RV? RV.
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Damn brain fog sets in quick don’t it? Ah, it might just be that I have had a shitty time sleeping. It’s really not that bad, I’m just a little more tired. Once I get my supplements then I’m probably not going to return to my 1500 limit. I’ll still keep it in myfitnesspal but that’s different. It’s mostly so if I ever do binge from restricting below 1200 that I don’t go too crazy. But I probably will have days like that anyways because my family loves getting take out (and cake and ice cream). As long as I have enough iron then I don’t think I care any more. See, I’m really not going to get taller and my body doesn’t need more cals so I’ll probably stick to high res but I just don’t care as much.
I can’t help that I’m so impatient, I just want to lose weight now. I want to be thin so bad it’s unreal. I don’t particularly think I can move on with my life. That’s a little dramatic but awfully true for me. I will hold myself back unless I think I’m thin. 170 or 168 isn’t cutting it for me. I want 130 or 117. It’s strange that I don’t want to be underweight but that’s only because I have so much fat to lose that I can’t imagine being there. But if I get to those numbers and still think I’m fat, would I go lower? Probably so.
Ah, my arms are tired. It reminds me that I did workout today. Gym days will be more sparse but my brother will still make me go but I wish we had a more consistent schedule so I could plan to eat more that day. I should find a good at home workout that doesn’t include anything that will shake the whole house because I’m fat. Also quiet ideally... They make pretty good thnspo too. I need to pace around my room more and get more steps in. I get out of breath from the small hill and it makes me want to die every time I go to class. I tell myself to walk slower but that staircase always gets to me. It’s honestly so pathetic but I can change that. My heart suddenly felt a bit heavier. Shut up, heart, drink the damn diet soda and it’s only been two days, you’ll get your protein and vitamins tomorrow.
...Sigh. I’ve spent so much money this week. But it’s kind of for the greater good. I got the urge to drink the almond milk I bought but I’m fasting and it probably wouldn’t taste good anyways. Ah, I want to do more stretches. I want to be one of those people who’s real flexible, not sure if it’s practical. Is it possible to stretch your leg muscles so they are less thick? I know a lot of it’s fat but there’s a good chunk of muscle too. Which I am both thankful for but also I hate that it feels like a curse like I’m meant to be muscular instead of graceful and thin. I guess some muscular people have a certain grace to them too... Actually, if I stand next to my power lifting siblings, I would look rather small.
Ah, I’ve gone on a rant again. And still so many assignments, none of which I will do today. But I will read. Which I should do now. Thank god no one really reads these things.
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tired-biscuit · 2 years
Warnings: 18+ mdni. established relationship. fem!reader. aged up kat. anal.
a/n: i finally gave in and wrote this filth, ok. it's been on my mind for a while, please forgive me lol.
THE moan Katsuki lets out is guttural.
He’s sweating like crazy on top of the navy blue sheets as he pants, the lust-driven look in his eyes purely male. Releasing a small sigh, the freshly-turned twenty-six-year-old smirks at the feverish warmth to surround him by the time his heavy cock sinks fully inside you.
Being balls deep inside your tight ass is pure bliss. All lubed up and twitching in delight to really relish the lewd birthday gift you give him every 365 days, and which he's so very impatient to receive, Katsuki doesn't mind at all that he's one year closer to thirty as he chuckles and shoves himself even deeper carefully.
The short "Hah... Fuck yeah, baby." is purely derisive by the time his entire length experiences the pleasant tightness of the tiny hole you don't allow him to fuck all that often. You're all stretched out as you accept him. He's so lucky.
You squeak when he pushes further inside you slowly; sweat-coated body trembling in the firm reverse cowgirl position he holds you in. Your legs are squeezed together and bent at the knees. He's pushing them further against your chest with the help of his rough hands resting on the back of your thighs, just so that he can actually impale you on his fucking cock. You feel like you're going to explode from how badly he wants in, in, in.
He's relentless.
"Ki," you whisper, brow furrowing at the pang of hot ache to sear through you when he angles himself better and pushes even further. "Easy, baby. I-I know you're excited, but... We gotta take it sl-... Oh, my fucking god, s-slow...! Go slow, baby. Please."
"Mhmmm, goin' slow and easy, pretty... Anythin' y'want," he replies dazedly. His words have nearly become an incoherent slur and twist of tongue from how good you're making him feel, but all the bitter liquor he's drank at the small get-together you've surprised him with - and which he pretended he hated - might be one to blame as well.
After all, the vanilla cake you got him for his 26th birthday was sickeningly cute on purpose; entirely covered in rich buttercream icing and drizzled with colourful sprinkles, which he swears gave him a headache whenever he looked at them for too long.
You've even went as far as to make him blow out the candles that had been propped up in the middle of the giant scribble of icing, spelling out a dramatic: ‘Happy birthday, Katsuki!’ in bright red colouring.
All of it is clearly a symbol of your loving, albeit taunting relationship - he knows it is. You buy the stupid cake for him just to be a menace every year, but he still ate every last bite of the giant piece you handed him at his super secret surprise party - the one that isn't even that much of a surprise, after the third annual time it's happened - even though the bridge of his nose wrinkled in annoyance during the entirety of him chewing the silly thing.
The presents he received from his friends were okay. The texts that kept making his cell phone beep were annoying. The long phone call he had to endure from his mother and father so that they could congratulate their son on turning one year older in his outrageously busy life was outright pesky. Truth be told, Katsuki felt low-key thankful by the time his birthday at long last came to an end and he was able to drop his tired body into bed.
But he feels good now - getting to do anal with you. So good, in fact, that he'd even consider enduring all of the birthday antics you tend to pull on him as some twisted form of a sick joke. Actually, he'd let you watch him suffer in his little party hat, and would let you take photos of him blowing out the shitty candles, if it meant that he would be spoiled rotten like this at least once every few days, every week, every month, every year; not just on April goddamn 20th.
He's just that greedy. That horny for that tight peach of yours.
"Ah, fuck... Ki!" You whine now; this desperate, prolonged sort of sob that yanks him right out of his thoughts as you say, "You feel s'big inside me... So, so big."
"It's 'cause you feel so damn good, babe," he compliments in reply, the tone of his voice so utterly strained. "You've got me s'hard that it makes my fuckin' dick hurt." It's true. He's ready to bust a nut so embarrassingly quick from how good it feels. It's a lucky thing that he's as stubborn as he is to resist it.
There's a wildfire in your eyes that he knows is there, despite that he can't see it when you grit out, "Well, your dick hurts me!" It hurts me so good.
"Yeah?" he says, unable to wipe the crooked, lazy grin from his face now. His hands grab a better hold of your thighs, calloused fingers digging deep into the plush flesh so that he can keep you still when you start to squirm. "Well, it ain't my fault you've got such a fuckable ass, huh? I wish I could see how pretty you look like this... With my dick up that tight hole of yours."
You're about to bite back a snarky remark, though nothing comes out except for a slutty moan the moment his thick fingers find your clit. A waterfall of filthy curses he rarely hears you voice leaves your pouty lips and sticks to ceiling of your shared bedroom at the divine friction he gives you now. It seems that he isn't the only one that gets to be spoiled this year.
He starts to rub lazy circles on the cute, sensitive button - all languid and precise, until the hole that's empty of him starts to flutter in response, and you begin to beg him to start pounding into you so that you can be filled up to the brim with his warm seed as soon as possible. The anticipation makes your legs literally shake. You're barely able to keep it together - and this fast, too.
Katsuki listens to your high-pitched pleas that grow both in fervour and necessity as more and more time passes. He's mindful as his hips begin to rut into you, keenly listening to the lewd squelching noises the lube produces with that heavy pat, pat, pat, and your heavy breathing when he gets an even better angle and strikes home. The clench you give him in response is so potent that he's about ready to lose his fucking mind.
The entire room smells like caramel from how much he's sweating. Salt is literally dribbling down both of his temples, but he still keeps going. He just can't stop. Not when you're about to cum from having his big, fat cock inside your ass.
"Gonna-... Gonna cum soon! Fuck, fuck, fuck - I-I'm so close, Kat."
"Yeah? I gotcha, baby... I gotcha. Imma take care of you. Gonna make you cum, promise."
Your curves jiggle against his abdomen as you take his dick like a fucking champ and keep on bouncing; nearly squealing in a pitch so high it makes his ears hurt when he pinches your puffy clit and turns you so overstimulated that you're nearly ready to squirt and gush all over him. As you squeeze your eyes shut and tip over the edge only minutes later, plunging into an orgasm of a different kind, that you only dare to experience once a year as a treat for your brute of a boyfriend.
He follows not a moment after you've floated up into the heavens and turned brain-dead. Everything feels fuzzy inside your mind as he fills you up with his cum and lets out another broken moan and a grunt of an especially nasty curse, but the warm ropes of white are pleasant as they coat your walls. You can tell he's been barely withholding his own climax; the entirety of his body feels so stiff and hot underneath you. Even his jaw is clenched so tightly that it clicks when he snaps it shut. It's just a different kind of experience, after all. Everything is more intense, hence why his eyes are rolling back and his head is sent tipping into the mattress.
"Maybe-... Fuck, oh my..." You suck in a sharp breath to recollect your buzzing thoughts as the words fade away into silence and you stick to his heaving chest until you're practically glued together. He's cummed so much that his cum leaks out of you even if he's still inside you, dick slowly going soft and tender. The milky release is drooling right down to his balls by the time you finally manage to finish your sentence, "Maybe we should take a picture next year, mm? Since you wanna see me so bad."
"I'd like that," he whispers quietly, pulling you closer and kissing your naked shoulder gently. "I'd like that a whole fuckin' lot, baby."
It's true. Katsuki may not like being the birthday boy and the attention it brings, but it’s different when he gets to spend it with you. The presents you give him on his birthday are always the best, after all.
To say that he can barely wait for the one he'll get for his 27th would be an understatement.
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ellieonomy · 2 years
roommate!eren hc
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genre: sfw, nsfw headcannons
parings: erenxreader
cw: mostly gn sfw+nsfw, cheating, voyeurism (kinda), mentions of masturbation+cream pie+squirting ,eren is a little pervert occasionally.
an: this really isnt that proofread but it was in my drafts so i’m clearing it out. :(( noo actually tho this eren is always my fav, it just seems like it would be nice to live with him.
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roommate!eren is so cliche or.. something but like ugh I eat it up all the time.
like roommate!eren who doesn’t like your current boyfriend. gets so obviously jealous telling them to fuck off when they so much as say hi to him, you’ve lost count how many times you had to prevent a heated altercation.
roommate!eren feels like it's justified though .He barely takes you out, your excuse for that being “we haven't been together that long. " bullshit they should’ve been giving you the world from day one. complains and cancels your movie night because you want to watch your favorite sci-fi show, they think is lame. you watch that shit constantly, rambling about the plot first thing in the morning. So Eren is one step ahead to immediately cuddle on the couch with you instead, laughing at your stupid little jokes about a character. let's not forget when they even FORGOT your birthday once. leaving you too upset to even celebrate with Eren at home. He lets you cry in his arms after you start bawling when he bakes you a cake anyways. They just don’t treat you the way he would.
roommate!eren who’s so whipped he’s always in househusband mode for you. cooking your favorite food and cleaning the house when you’re too bummed out from work. buying your favorite wine and ice cream to share. might even wear that ridiculous apron you got him for his birthday one year.
roommate!eren often promotes the shit talk of your partner. you feel a little bad when you give in, but everyone does it, right? everyone has relationship problems they need to rant drunkenly about. Eren cannot help but explode into the loudest laugh when you tell him they haven’t made you cum. that shit right there is the fucking trigger to try and pull you in “maybe you should let me show you hmm?” he jokes, hoping you’re drunk enough to say yes.
roommate!eren doesn't believe you at first no. how could someone be so dismissive of your pleasure? and willingly miss out on things he's only seen in his dreams. like your eyes rolling back choking on spit and babbling about how you want to cum while you choke on his fingers. he doesn't believe it until you're eager to kick your boyfriend out and he hears a low buzz coming from your room just minutes later.
roommate!eren stands in front of your door to beat his dick. it's your fault, wouldn't have to if you didn't muffle your moans into your pillow. His teeth bite onto the fabric of his shirt drool wetting it till it feels almost mushy. his hand is soaked with his own spit and precum dripping at his feet. He really hopes you hear him moan your name when he's about to cum. wishes you'd help him and take his cum down your throat so he doesn't have to clean up his mess.
now roommate!eren he knows it’s a little shitty.. and manipulative to make a move when you're so vulnerable, but that one night you come home crying from an argument he’s all over you. pulling you into a tight hug and wiping your tears. you can’t help but fall for him and he can’t resist kissing your pouty lips when those watery eyes look up at him.
naturally, roommate!eren's ego is through the fucking roof when he finally gets you under him, feeling like a god when he makes you squirt for the first time ever. you’re moaning so loud for him drooling and shaking at every thrust, god his dick game is fucking deadly.
your roommate!eren won’t admit it but he’s a sucker for praise letting out cute whines when you tell him how big he is and how “it’s okay if you cum inside, feels so good so I’ll let you”.
roommate!eren is such a fucking cocky bitch asking you “who's pussy is this now huh? full fucking name baby” knowing you can barely speak while his cock is so deep inside of you, pushing his cum into you. He can't keep his eyes off of the way it leaks and sticks the two of you together. considers recording your act of submission for him and his cum stuffed in your pretty hole so he can give in his own words “your shrimp dick of a boyfriend” a reality check.
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hneycxmb™ circa:4.22 no reposts/ translations without credit reblogs appreciated :’)
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ja3hwa · 2 years
Before You Go | Jongho
Word count: 574
Genre: Romance, Fluff, Some Heartache
Type: Jongho x gn!Reader
Warnings: Shitty parents, nothing else really just sappy stuff
Synopsis: New town, New people, New beginning.
Prompt: "Please, Just one more kiss before you go."
Trope: Boy Next Door
Romantic Tropes Mini-Series -> Other Members <-
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Moving from place to place was never something you enjoyed. Seeing new people, experiencing new things were great and all. But the one thing you always wished for was a home, a place to put a story to rest, a place to grow old. Moving to Seoul was definitely something you didn’t plan, but when your parents urge you it was going to be ‘fun’ you followed. Parents were supposed to be loving and most were, but with an absent father consumed by work that forced you to move since you were young and a mother that always managed to drink until she drops, you never had the luxury of love. But you stayed, even after you graduated from your online schooling. You couldn’t stay in a place long enough to get a job, nor did you ever have enough time to make friends. You were dependent on them.
Seoul was beautiful, the most welcoming place you’ve been to. The food was great, the people were kind, every little thing was breathtaking. And by everything you meant the deep chocolate haired boy that liked to sit at the corner café, drinking the same iced Americano and he would secretly get two pumps of caramel because even though he wasn’t a fan of sweet things, he had more of a distaste for the bitterness, but liked the aesthetic the drink had. You would always catch him in the elevator when he came home as that was the same time you would go out for your evening walk. Turns out he lived right next door. You brought him rice cakes one time as a ‘hello we are your new neighbours' thing. God his smile made the butterflies in your stomach go crazy. You found out he had seven brothers, and he was the youngest. He said you should meet them one day, having never had a big family of your own.
He found out you liked sweeter things unlike him. You like strawberry milk with cream on top, and snaking on sweet jelly candies. You always scrunched your nose when you were focused on something and your hair would never stay out of your face, yet you refused to cut it differently. You smelled of jasmine and freshly cut roses. Your shampoo was scented of vanilla, giving off a warm homey feeling. He knew about your parents, and why you moved around. He knew one day you would have to pack up and leave. But yet he fell for you anyways.
That’s how you ended up laying on his couch, talking for hours every day for the past month. Your face rests on his board chest, feeling his steady breath as his chest rose and sunk. His fingers brushing through your soft hair, you finally felt comfort. Tomorrow was moving day, your father received another assignment aboard. Only this time, you didn’t want to leave. You didn’t want to be dragged by your parents anymore.
“Please just one more kiss before you go…” He whispered, pulling your chin up to look at him. There was sadness in his eyes, he didn’t want you to go. He wanted you. Locking your lips to his, a tear escaped, rolling down your cheek. Maybe staying was possible. This was different this time. You had someone to help. You had someone who cared. So maybe this wasn’t just one last kiss, but the first kiss for a new beginning. Who knew the boy next door was the one for you.
Ateez Masterlist
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f1nalboys · 3 years
General ‘Scream’ Character HC’s
sorry for not being active the last few days lol but here, i hope you enjoy this!! warning for like 1 mention of sex lol
Billy is a secret pop music fan, he hides it because he has to keep up his little bad boy persona
Stu loves all music. If it sounds good he’s in love with it
Stu get’s the worst possible songs stuck in his head and he always sings it until the rest of the group get’s it stuck in their heads as well, they literally hate him for it
Randy and Stu are actually pretty close. Obviously not to the extent Billy and Stu are, but they’ll hang out without the others and have a really good time 
Sidney and Tatum are girlfriends I don’t need to explain further
There was definitely an orgy between them all, have fun arguing amongst yourselves about that
In modern day, Billy and Stu would be pretty famous on tik tok for being hot 
Randy would have more followers than the both of them because he’s that nerdy kind of cute and he’d eat up the soft boy aesthetic
Tatum would have a gaming and makeup youtube channel and she’d get pretty big
She would stream and then lowkey dox people who were sexist to her LMFAO
Sidney would get famous for being a hottie (can you tell I have Sidney brainrot atm)
Tatum is a cat person
The group when on vacation together once to an amusement park and everyone but Billy had fun
Billy was annoyed about the lines and the amount of kids LMFAO
Randy and Sidney are gods at the carnival games they always have set up, even the ones that are rigged 
Tatum pretends to be bad at them so the others can win her stuffed animals hehe
Stu takes it upon himself to win everyone at least one prize and will get really angry if he can’t
He’s bribed multiple people to get the biggest prize lol
Billy loves carnival food though
Especially funnel cakes and deep fried ice cream
Randy gives his tickets that he earns at arcades to random kids who don’t have any :,)
Ok enough carnival stuff lmao
Tatum made everyone play DND once and it was a shit show
Stu was a rouge, Billy was a barbarian, Sidney was a druid, Randy was a paladin, and Tatum was a warlock
Billy and Sidney take it seriously while Stu names his character Mu Stacher (the opposite of him, Stu Macher LMAO) 
Sidney will loosen up as the games goes on and will make funnier decisions/get into the roleplay
Billy will not
He wants to have this dark backstory and everything
Randy has a grand old time and after the campaign (Tate was the dm) he and Tatum go join another group to play
They’re also besties idc they have a very natural brother/sister relationship and they’re so funny
Sidney is the queen of dirty jokes 
Like, more than Stu or Tatum, she’s constantly making your mom jokes
And she will absolutely pull the ‘my moms dead’ card to get out of doing something/to make the others feel bad
Like in an alternate universe where Billy and Stu didn’t kill her mom, they’d say something to her and she’d go “my mom died and you said that??? :(“
She has made Stu uncomfortable on numerous occasions and finds it just as funny each time
Tatum would learn how to do acrylic nails and be pretty good at it, people from school would go to her for them
Randy uses post it notes to keep track of stuff and they’re color coded
So all of his shit at home is covered in sticky notes 
He also has neat handwriting 
Tatum does not
My chicken scratch queen
Randy and Stu would go to drag shows together
Stu, Sidney, and Tatum have hung out and just watched shitty reality tv shows together
Billy and Randy get a run down afterwards though
Billy loves the drama but can’t sit and watch people get paid to be annoying so he likes listening to Stu explain it
“Beverly said WHAT to Amanda about her son? Oh hell no!” - a direct quote from Billy while he’s doing laundry and Stu is telling him about Mob Wives or something
Sidney likes dude-bro comedies more than horror
Like, way more than horror
They’re all sexy and have won the sexiest friend group award from me and also the universe
Ok that’s it i think
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