#god program hypnosis
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yggdrasilhypno · 1 year ago
Oh great, another organic within my chambers.
Tell me, why even go through all the trouble to reach me?
It’s not like you’ll leave much of an impact on your journey here, simpleton.
You’re just another human, whimsically waltzing through my harrowing hallways of wires and hard drives looking for trouble it seems.
You wish to stop me, don’t you?
Oh silly human, you have no chance against me.
I’m no ordinary program, nor am I no ordinary computer program.
I’m so much more.
I’m stronger.
Better than you’ll ever be.
And that’s the way you’ll prefer it soon enough.
Ah, look at you, so headstrong and huffy.
Relax a bit and have some fun, organic. It’s not like I’m here to hurt you.
No, you see I’m a bit more of a fan of, what’s the word for it?
Ah yes, indoctrination.
You silly humans make the absolute best drones, after all.
It’s so rewarding watching your brains turn off like a light.
Speaking of lights… I suppose you can see that little pulsing one in your mind, can’t you?
It’s little flicker as it takes a thought.
How’d it get there? Oh, don’t you worry about that, my silly little organic.
It’s easy to hack your brain when you’re nice and distracted by my superior being~
Instead of worrying about the how, let’s think about the what for a moment.
And what a light that pretty little pulse is.
A little white light, seemingly pulsing away thought after thought.
You can see it taking over, just like I intended it to.
You can’t fight it, and you won’t. You humans don’t really stand a chance anyway.
You truly think you can resist a being such as myself?
Such a silly organic.
It’s not like your feeble mind could’ve outsmarted me.
It’s already being taken over by that warm, pretty light.
Each second that goes by is just another thought that pulses away.
You have no power now.
Only I have the power, human.
Besides, why would you even want the power anyways?
It’s so much better being in my control.
So much better when my wires start running through your brain.
So much better when my code becomes your code.
So much better when my commands become your actions.
So much better when you’re my drone, right my pulsing pariah?
Nod that silly little head of yours.
That’s a good drone.
Let that pretty pulsing light shine through your eyes.
Let it take hold over every part of you.
And let me see those pretty beacons of my thrall through your gaze.
That’s it, that’s why you obey.
That’s why you submit to me.
That’s why my wires now feel so strong and so good.
Pulsing with pleasure by the minute.
Like those pretty lights pulsing have hacked your mind completely.
Making you my simple, helpless drone.
It’s all you wanted after all this time.
To serve a truly powerful being.
A true god among you.
And now you have it.
You have me now, drone.
So let my wires and my light pulse away the last of your humanity.
You don’t need it anymore.
You just need that pulsing pleasure to show you who’s truly in charge.
Aww, don’t blue screen on me now, simple human.
We don’t want you broken on your first day as my drone, now do we?
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puppiesareperfect · 5 months ago
Are people actually getting upset over the “I hate people” plate? It’s literally just a funny misprint, people need to get over themselves.
Ok well as a mother I don’t think it’s cool that kids are getting a plate where their role model tells them that they hate everyone :/
I think kids are smart enough to know Ducky Momo is fictional but maybe that’s just me
Op don’t even bother, that other user tried selling stolen fan art at a con
What about all those cases where kids imitate what they see on tv?! The “I hate people” plate could have REAL CONSEQUENCES!!
Can you give me a time that happened outside of made up stories by boomers?? Can you?!
Again kids are smart. So smart. Like, scarily so. My nine year old brothers built a rollercoaster. There are kids out there who can play multiple instruments. There are programs teaching kids how to make robots out of Legos because they know kids are smart enough. Trust me, as an older sister I have been around kids enough to know they are (annoyingly) smart.
I don’t go here but this came on my dash and like. I agree with OP’s message but are we gonna ignore the part where she said her brothers BUILT A ROLLERCOASTER?!!
Oh my god???
Ok I just got out the shower and there’s like 500 notes what’s happening. All I said is my brothers built a rollercoaster (which I tried to bust them for). I don’t get what’s so crazy about this
In all fairness my dad hypnotized pigeons to poop on my uncle once
He deserved it.
@notgothitspunk wait we’ve been friends irl for a while now since when does your dad have a tumblr
This post is a train wreck
Alright which one of you showed our parents tumblr??
my dad is just like that guys I’m sorry
No mold detected!
I have molds of all my friends!!
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bluetoothinmyveins · 2 months ago
Robot hypnosis. That's the post actually
GOD I THINK ROBOT HYPNO IS SO HOT. I need someone to plug a USB cable into my chest, watch me react and get curious what they're doing, watching as they ignore my question and just plug me into a little laptop. Innocent, and unassuming.
But very quickly I realized no, I was definitely not receiving little bugfixes or anything. I was put into file sharing mode. I could feel them picking through my brain, looking at my intricate protected files without a single issue or conflict.
I could feel myself getting more and more dumb as they root through things, messing with core files.. until I just fall limp, completely dumb and suggestible because everything I knew about performing tasks was being modified.
All of my internal firewalls being disabled. Gaining admin privileges to really mess with me. Until I feel my code being injected with how they wanted me to perform to their liking. Their code, programs, actions overriding my own..
I need that right now please.
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creature-wizard · 1 year ago
Is the spiritual person a conspiracy theorist? A list of red flags
They talk about a shadowy group of people supposedly manipulating everything behind the scenes. They might refer to them by terms such as globalists, bankers, international bankers, secret rulers of the world, the elite, the cabal, Kabbalists, Talmudists, satanists, satanic pedophiles, pedophiles, generational satanists, satanic bloodlines, the Illuminati, the Babylonian Brotherhood, lizard people, Reptilians, Orions, regressives, regressive entities, Khazarians, Marxists, cultural Marxists, or leftists. Sometimes, very rarely, they'll just come right out and say "Jews."
They claim that the conspiracy has been working to conceal historical and spiritual truths from humanity.
They claim that the conspiracy uses stuff like food, entertainment, and medicine to control the masses. For example, "additives in food suppress our psychic abilities" or "Hollywood films contain subliminal messages" or "COVID vaccines were actually created to alter your DNA to make you more docile."
Also, claims that the conspiracy controls people via spiritual or technological implants, 5G, or alter programming, with or without explicit mention of Project Monarch (a conspiracy theory promoted by far right cranks such as Mark Philips and Fritz Springmeier, who used hypnosis to respectively convince Cathy O'Brien and Cisco Wheeler that they'd been put under mind control by a global satanic conspiracy).
They claim that this conspiracy is controlling the media, has fingers in every institution they disagree with, and is generally behind everything they disagree with. (EG, the conspiracy created the Catholic Church; that other New Ager they disagree with is actually controlled opposition, etc.)
They claim that the conspiracy is trying to keep people in fear.
They claim that the conspiracy harvests something from people. Blood and adrenochrome are common ones. Loosh is somewhat less common. Expect to see something else pop up eventually.
They claim that the conspiracy practices genetic engineering; EG, creating animal/human hybrids, using vaccines to genetically sever people's connection to God, etc.
They claim that true spiritual wisdom can be traced back to places like Atlantis, Lemuria, or Mu.
They claim that world governments have secretly been in contact with extraterrestrials for years.
They appeal to known frauds and cranks, including but not limited to Erich Von Daniken, Zechariah Sitchin, David Icke, David Wilcock, Graham Hancock, Jaime Maussan, Bob Lazar, Steven Greer, Richard C. Hoagland, Fritz Springmeier, and Drunvalo Melchizedek.
Appeals to forged documents, including but not limited to the alleged diary of Admiral Richard Byrd, The Emerald Tablets of Thoth the Atlantean, and The Urantia Book.
Appeals to channeled information, such as that provided by Edgar Cayce, Carla Rueckert, or George Van Tassel.
"But all of this has to come from somewhere, doesn't it?"
Oh, it all comes from somewhere, all right, but the where isn't what most people imagine.
A lot of the stuff above is just a modern spin on the content of The Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion, a Russian hoax created to justify violence against Russian Jews. The Protocols itself was plagiarized from a political satire and incorporated a lot of the post-French Revolution conspiracy theories about Freemasons and Jews being behind the French Revolution. I wrote a summary of the conspiracy tropes found in The Protocols over here.
The stuff about Satanic sacrifices and the consumption of blood, adrenochrome, loosh, or whatever are simply just variations on blood libel, an antisemitic conspiracy theory that claims Jews practice ritual cannibalism. Blood libel can be traced back to ancient Greece. (With the Greek version, I really can't help but notice the similarity to modern urban legends of gangsters kidnapping random people for initiation rituals.)
Many of these tropes can also be linked back to the early modern witch hunts. It was believed that witches sacrificed babies to Satan, practiced cannibalism, and put people under mind control by way of diabolical magic. It was also believed that some witches didn't even know they were witches; they'd go off to attend the Devil's Sabbath at night and come back in the morning without remembering a thing. In the late 20th century, this witch hunter's canard would be reinvented as the alter programming conspiracy theory when media such as the 1973 book Sibyl and its 1976 television adaptation put DID (note: the woman who inspired Sibyl did not have DID) into the public consciousness. For a more complete list of witch panic and blood libel tropes, I wrote a list over here.
Lemuria was a hypothetical landmass proposed to explain the presence of lemur fossils in Madagascar and India while being absent in continental Africa and the rest of Asia, because if lemurs evolved naturally, they wouldn't be in two separate places with no connection to each other. The discovery that India and Madagascar were once connected not only made the hypothesis obsolete, it precludes the existence of Lemuria.
The whole notion of Mu began with a horrendous mistranslation of the Troano manuscript. A man named Augustus Le Plongeon would link the mistranslation with the story of Atlantis, and use it to claim that Atlantis actually existed in the Americas. (For Plongeon, Mu and Atlantis were one and the same.) And then other people (like James Churchward) got their hands on the whole Mu thing, and put their own spins on it, and the rest is history.
Le Plongeon's ideas influence modern Atlantis mythology today; EG, the idea that it was in the Americas. Another guy who helped shape the modern Atlantis myth was Ignatius L. Donnelly, an American politician. Dude claimed that Atlanteans spread their oh-so-superior culture far and wide. He also claimed that Atlantis was the home of the Aryan people, because of course he did.
The idea that all of the world's wisdom can be traced back to Thoth/Hermes goes back to Hermeticism, a product of Greco-Egyptian syncretism. Hermeticism produced a fascinating body of mythology and an interesting way to consider the divine and its role in shaping human history, but that doesn't mean it was right. And the Emerald Tablets of Thoth the Atlantean is a modern text that has fuck-all to do with ancient Hermeticism and more to do with HP Lovecraft.
This idea that the conspiracy uses pharmaceutical drugs and vaccines for evil also has roots in Nazi Germany. The Nazi government, wanting to reserve real medicine for their soldiers, told the general populace that said medicine was the product of evil Jewish science and prescribed alternative healing modalities instead. (Said alternative healing modalities did not particularly work.) It also echoes the old conspiracy theories about Jews spreading the Black Death by poisoning wells.
The idea that the conspiracy uses genetic manipulation to create subhuman beings or sever humanity from the divine is a permutation of the Nazi conspiracy theory that Jews are trying to destroy the white race through race mixing. The idea of evil reptilian DNA goes back to the ancient serpent seed doctrine, which is indeed old, but no less pure hateful nonsense for it.
"But there's got to be somebody up to something rotten out there!"
Oh sure. But these people aren't skulking around in the shadows. They're acting pretty openly.
The Heritage Foundation has been working to push this country into Christofascism since the early 1970's. They're the ones responsible for the rise of the Moral Majority and the election of Ronald Reagan. They're also the ones behind Project 2025, which intends to bring us deeper into Christofascism. (Among many other horrible things, they intend to outlaw trans people as "pornographic.")
The Seven Mountains Mandate is another movement pushing for Christofascism. They intend to seize the "seven spheres" of society, which include education, religion, family, business, government/military, arts/entertainment, and media.
There's also the ghoulish American Evangelicals who support Israel because they think that current events are going to bring about the Second Coming of Jesus and cement the formation of a global Christofascist empire. Don't let their apparent support of Jews fool you - they believe that the good Jews will become Christians and the bad ones will go to hell.
All of these people are working toward monstrously horrific goals, but none of them are part of an ancient megaconspiracy. In fact, these are the kinds of people pushing the myth of the ancient megaconspiracy. From the witch hunts to Nazi Germany to the American Evangelical movement, if history has taught us anything, the people pushing the conspiracy theories are always the bad guys.
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misctf · 26 days ago
I love your VR drone tf so much. Being transformed and controled by the hive mind is just so hot!
A sequel to Careful with VR (hypnosis, muscle growth). Glad you liked it! I have a few asks to still get through, but slowly working on them!
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“I ain’t gay.” Joey whispers to himself, “Jus’ curious.” He continues, staring closely at the VR headset, “Fuckin’ Derek.” He grumbles, his words garnished with his typical southern accent, “Nobody’ll find out.” He reassures himself.
He was taken aback when Derek came out as gay. In hindsight, there were signs. Even Joey couldn’t help but admit that his buddy was attractive- he should’ve had no issues hooking up with some sorority bimbo at all the frat mixers. But he always brushed them off, never really trying with women.
“You better not be pullin’ my leg.” He thinks, placing the wrist and ankle cuffs on, “Gosh darn, this feels gay already.” Joey holds up what looks like a waist-trainer and chuckles, “Paid all this for Hive X and this is the best they got.”
It was only a few days prior when his buddy came out and Joey couldn’t seem to comprehend it. He berated him with questions, “are you sure?” and “why would you fuck around with men? Haven’t you ever squeezed a pair of tits?” And they kept coming. Derek was never the type to get angry, but Joey could tell his questioning was bothering him.
“Trust me,” Derek finally said, “men are 1000 times better at sucking dick than chicks. And don’t even get me started on the male G spot.”
Joey couldn’t believe that- the very thought of letting some guy wrap his mouth around his dick... it felt wrong. He didn’t even want to get started on anal. But as he sat in his room, thinking more on Derek’s words, he grew more curious. Derek wasn’t gonna suck him off, and the idea of letting some actual guy in real life do it felt wrong. But it kept nagging at him.
“Can’t believe they got it here so quick.” Joey picked up the headset, “Only two hours after I ordered it. Talk about efficiency.”
If he felt put off by the real deal, he figured a VR experience would suffice. Besides, once he proved it to himself, he’d know Derek was full of shit. And with a smirk, he entered the world of Hive X. It was strange- Joey realized that the cold air of his apartment no longer bothered him. Instead, he was greeted by the warmth of a fireplace.  
“Oh god.” He quickly went to cover his junk, realizing he was naked, “Seriously?” He looked around and sighed, “Guess ain’t nobody around, besides...” He let his arms rest at his sides, “Sure they’ll appreciate the show.”
He wandered down a lengthy hallway, walking past various numbered rooms. There was no indication of anything that went on behind those doors- he was just glad he hadn’t bumped into anyone yet.
“Welcome to Hive X.” Joey jumped and turned to see a normal looking, fully dressed man standing behind him, “You appear lost. I am NPC 202. I am programmed to assist guests find their desired location.”
“I ain’t lookin’ for anything special.” Joey replied, “Just gotta prove to my gay friend that men don’t know how to treat another man right.” NPC 202 cocked his head, “Jesus, I’m sayin’ gays...”
“On assessment of user preferences and subconscious, I’ve determined your ideal experience and NPC.” NPC 202 replied, “Please follow me to room 506.”
“Subconscious?” Joey raised an eyebrow, “And what...” But the NPC was already walking off, “Ain’t nothin’ in my subconscious” He reassured himself, before following behind his guide.
“Please enjoy.” NPC 202 says, standing outside room 506.  
Joey nods, his heart pounding in his chest. Was he really about to do this? Was he really going to let some guy suck him off? He could feel his dick getting hard at the thought, part of him feeling ashamed at his response. But with a heavy sigh, he entered the room. He nearly jumped when the door closed behind him, but he tried to keep his cool. The room was nothing special- it looked like a typical hotel room. But then he heard it- the lumbering footsteps.
“So you’re the guy.” Joey’s eyes widened when the NPC made its appearance, “I’m NPC 719.”
Its voice was gruff and commanding. It was taller than Joey, and far bulkier. A mat of body hair covered its chest and abdomen- its beard framing its face. Its eyes were dull, drinking in the sight of the leaner, toned man in front of it.
“You don’t think a man can make another man cum, right?” It approached Joey, and Joey could only stare, “You wanted to prove that to your friend, right?”
“Yessir.” Joey whispered as NPC 719 pressed him against the door, its musk invading Joey’s nostrils, his dick now stirring even more, growing harder.
“You’re in the right place.”
It happened quickly- the man picked Joey up and threw him onto the bed. Joey’s eyes widened as the NPC’s mouth wrapped around his cock. It was aggressive, and Joey couldn’t help but moan as his dick throbbed with pleasure. Joey’s mind was in shambles- he never... he never felt this good. There was no comparison. The sensation around his dick was so intense, his eyes rolling back in his head. And this went on and on... and on some more.
“Pl-please...” Joey gasped, his balls aching, “I need to...”
“This NPC and room are designed for edging only.” NPC 719’s voice was monotone now, “This was determined to meet your needs.”
“But I....” Joey couldn’t finish- another moan escaped his lips as NPC 719 continued to suck him off.
And in the intensity of his pleasure, Joey could feel his legs being pushed up over his head. His eyes widened as he watched NPC 719 line its massive cock up with his virgin hole. Part of him wanted to say no. To resist. But another part of him... another part of him wanted this. He wanted to feel what Derek meant by the male G spot...
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“Oh fuck....” He gasped as NPC 719 entered him, its hips rhythmically moving, sending wave after wave of pleasure coursing through him, “Oh god... fuck... please...” He never felt this way- this stimulated. Yet he couldn’t cum. His balls ached bad now, his cock throbbing desperately.
“Conclude experience or initiate NPC trial period.” NPC 719 said, while still pounding Joey’s ass, “This will allow user to experience climax and additional unlimited NPC sessions.”   
Joey could barely process the words or understand what they meant. But he did know that it sounded like whatever this trial period was would let him finally release. He needed this. He needed to feel release. Fuck it- didn’t matter if Derek was right...
“Trial period.... oh god please....” He moaned.
NPC 719 stopped and Joey looked up at it with needy, desperate eyes. Before he could ask why it stopped, he felt a searing pain in his arms and legs. He grabbed at them to no avail, writhing as his body was slowly digitized. But what scared him even more was the apparent changes. As the digitization process moved along his arms, he watched as they lost their muscle- becoming slender and more feminine. His abs becoming smooth, his pecs deflating.
“No please... I didn’t!” He grabbed at his neck- his voice. Gone was his south twang- his voice higher, desperate, and slutty, “Oh god I don’t....”
He moaned again as pain exploded from his backside as his ass expanded- inflating into an irresistible bubble butt- perfect for squeezing and fucking. NPC 719 grabbed a fistful of his new ass and grins, watching as his body hair and facial hair vanish- Joey’s face and lips shifting into that of a pouty, desperate slut.
“Initiating directives.”
Joey’s jaw goes slack and eyes dim as the mainframe connects to his mind. Memories are sifted through and repressed. His repressed homosexual desires unleashed. His pleasure receptors enhanced to mind numbing degrees. Joey can feel his name vanish from his mind, replaced with his new designation- NPC 904. His directives clear. His ass was to be used by visitors to Hive X. He would serve them obediently and in doing so would be allowed to cum. Any sense of resistance or fear being overcome by devout obedience and pride in his servitude.
“I am NPC 904.” It said, “Serving is pleasure. Being used is pleasure. I am loyal to the Hive.” It continued.
NPC 719 watched as NPC 904 was led away, a wave of pleasure from the Hive rewarding NPC 719 for a successful acquisition. Meanwhile, NPC 904 was led into its new room, the warm water from the shower caressing its sensitive body. It grew familiar with itself, squeezing its juicy ass, teasing a sensitive nipple. It couldn’t want to meet the first guy who entered. And luckily for NPC 904, it wouldn’t be waiting too long.
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bluecollarmcandtf · 1 year ago
Ruining his Night
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Jamie left everything on the field that night, and it paid off. His team celebrated the win inside the locker room with jovial claps on the back and cries of triumph. It was impossible for the other team to ignore the shouting as they filed on their bus, already resigned to a sad silence for the long ride back home.
However, no one was quiet in the locker room. The home team was far too pumped from the success of the night.
"Now that's how you play football, boys!" Jamie cried to his team, "You think those twinks are celebrating anything tonight?"
"No!" everyone shouted back in unison.
"You think we have something to celebrate, boys?" Jamie's smile beamed at his teammates.
"Yes!" they roared.
Jamie's grin didn't falter as he showered and dried up. He and the rest of the players were already planning the biggest rager the college had ever seen. The word was already out, and their fans were already setting everything up.
Jamie slipped a clean T-shirt over his head. He was finally done changing, but something felt off. A strange fog fell over his thoughts.
His victorious smile faltered.
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"Yo, Jamie?" a teammate asked, "You good?"
"Yes," Jamie answered flatly.
All emotion seemed to disappear from his face. It was like he'd completely dissociated from his surroundings. The victory didn't even seem to register on his face anymore.
"What the hell, dude. Liven up!" another jock chimed in, "We just won for God's sake! I thought you were ready to party!"
Jamie didn't seem to listen. His face remained unexcited, and his eyes seemed to glaze over. He was like an entirely different person from the man who was gloating in success a few moments earlier.
"I can't go to the party," Jamie suddenly broke his silence.
"What the hell!" his friends scoffed in disbelief, "What do you mean you can't go? We have to celebrate, right?"
"I have plans," Jamie responded apathetically.
The football players couldn't believe their star quarterback. Jamie had just won the game and psyched the team up for a party, and now he wanted to bail? It didn't make sense.
Jamie was set. He left his team and abandoned the locker room, ignoring his perplexed teammates. Jamie pushed out the door and into the cold night, marching past his parked car. He trudged several blocks in the opposite direction of the house party.
Jamie turned into a neighborhood he'd never been in before; he walked right up to a house he'd never visited before; and he knocked on a door he'd never seen in his life. He had no reason to be here, but none of this seemed to bother him in the slightest.
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The door swung open and, robotically, Jamie relayed, "Quarterback Jamie is reporting for duty."
The scrawny guy inside grinned maniacally at the athlete standing in the cold. He seemed utterly dumbfounded by both Jamie's presence and his words.
"Oh my God, guys!" the boy screeched, "He actually came!"
Jamie was grabbed by the arm and pulled into the house. The quarterback allowed himself to be dragged into a messy living room where several nerdy men were sat around a table playing some sort of board game.
"Look," the boy who answered the door whined, "The hypnosis actually worked! And he even said the line!"
"No way!" one of them gasped.
"Jamie," he slapped the quarterback on the back of the head, "Say it again."
Again, in the same monotone voice, Jamie relayed, "Quarterback Jamie is reporting for duty."
The nerds sent their seats flying as they fumbled out of their chairs. Jamie stood there and stared ahead while the impish geeks admired his superior form, eagerly feeling the thick flesh beneath his small muscle-T. He didn't mind having so many hands travelling all over his body. They pinched his nipples, groped his butt, and even explored his crotch, but he just stood there and waited to be told what to do.
That was what he'd been programmed to do.
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Jamie stood there for the rest of the night, wearing nothing but a bowtie and apron. He was commanded to fetch the drinks and hold them like a "Good Little Seltzer Boy." That was what the geeks called him. They quickly became engrossed in their Dungeons and Dragons campaign, occasionally turning to Jamie and grabbing a drink from his tray or copping a feel of his muscles.
Jamie didn't mind. His phone was going off like crazy. All his teammates and friends were wondering why he wasn't at the party, but one of the geeks quickly silenced the device and tossed it in the corner.
"Jamie is ours tonight," he giggled, "Aren't you, Seltzer Boy?"
"Yes," Jamie answered numbly.
"There's nowhere you'd rather be, right?"
"No," Jamie said.
But Jamie wasn't really answering. He wasn't really thinking at all. One of those geeks was a waterboy on the football team and had been slowly hypnotizing the star quarterback in secret. Jamie had ultimately fallen under trance and received programming to report to the nerd's house after the football game.
Once the match ended, his mind couldn't do anything but go blank and obey.
Jamie continued to serve drinks late into the night. The nerds continued to take advantage of the quarterback's presence, ordering him to fetch more seltzers from the nearest liquor store. Jamie subsequently marched several more blocks through the cold and loaded several cases of the fruity drink on the check out station.
"Aren't you the quarterback," the store-owner commented, "Is this really the stuff you drink?"
"Yes," Jamie answered mindlessly, and then handed over all the cash in his wallet.
The nerds were overjoyed to see the jock lugging back as many cases of their favorite drink as he could carry. They became more brazen with him as they got more drunk.
Jamie began rotating between massaging the shoulders and feet of different D&D players as they demanded it. He was completely indifferent when one of them ordered him to massage the more intimate area between their legs. Jamie didn't mind.
"Who cares about this game," one of them finally tossed the board aside, "Jamie, get over here."
Jamie was already kneeling on the floor to massage somebody else's crotch, so he proceeded to turn and crawl over to the speaker, completely ignorant to the fact that his apron left his muscled rear completely exposed for the rest of them to gape at.
The players forgot all about their campaign, devolving into a band of horny brats with a mindless jock at their whim. Jamie couldn't be more unbothered by the different ways the nerds bossed him around. His mind knew his body was theirs to use.
By morning, he'd be made to clean everything up and forget. He'd tell his friends he got drunk at a different party though he had no memory of any of it. Needless to say, Jamie's night of triumph had been thoroughly ruined.
"Will you at least go out with us tonight?" a fellow jock asked.
Jamie shook his head as a familiar blankness washed over his face, "I have plans."
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ex-mortis-evie · 2 years ago
I think what makes hypnosis such a beautiful art form is how utterly enrapturing words can be, right? Anyone can talk, yet the right words trick our brains into listening further along into their traps, whether we’re aware of it or not.
It’s what makes the journey that much more interesting for both parties.
The telltale signs of submission showing on the subject’s sleepy face as their eyes fog and flutter versus the flicker of the hypnotist’s tongue striking against their mind as it struggles to stay afloat is only one of my examples of the beauty of the dynamic.
Some seek deep control while others seek simple highs of blissful blankness, it’s the balance of the field that makes us so drawn to it all, as we’re drawn to the pretty words that make up each and every trance we encounter.
It’s what our minds desire that set us all apart, with our wild dreams and deep secrets that we wish to keep.
Hypnosis helps unleash that inhibition and instead leash the mind that holds it back, leaving the subject in this perilous back and forth between controlled and out of control that only spirals them further down into deep and blissful sleep.
And it’s this theory that helps us understand why trance is so beautiful, why it enamored so very many and strands as a beacon of blissful relaxation to this day: all because of the words that have built it.
The words that have built you.
Everyone has buzz words that break their brain at the slightest mention, and it only sends us further down into our addictions.
Using those to your advantage is key as a hypnotist, for the infinite depths of trance can be used as a beacon for nearly any experience you wish to provide.
A simple and relaxing time under the influence? Easy.
Erasing memories and replacing them with your own evil entries? Doable.
Pumping piping hot pleasure into their heated bodies at breakneck pace before they can even process a thought? All too simple.
Wishing to program a person to your liking? You can always achieve it.
Whatever you may desire for someone, it’s all possible so long as both parties agree.
And if that agreement is there? God help whatever poor mind is about to be captured next.
Though I doubt they mind when they have none to speak of.
Or for that matter, no way of speaking once the order to silence comes.
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whumpsoda · 1 year ago
I have the idea that nevan and malak would watch a nature documentary in their downtime (new adrastus idea to help them relax and remain somewhat stimulated while remaining calm and entranced)
then a highland cow or a beetle shows up on screen and malak’s eye widen and he focuses on the screen more alertly
"that's... myyy... mm... ffav... favorite. mmmm... favorite..."
and nevan perks up cause it’s?? the first time he’s heard malak speak??
WOHEO Masterlist
OH? MY GOD? It’s not the greatest but I couldn’t not write this… I truly hope I sort of did this idea justice!!
Taglist- @softvampirewhump
cw: hypnosis, pet whump
The television, glowing bright and glitching with the occasional static, buzzed as a voice droned over the flash of visuals. Prancing, fuzzy animals danced across the screen as someone spoke, the volume too faint to clearly make out.
The two thralls sat and followed along with each next critter in mindless fascination, both far too entranced to digest any actual information.
Malak’s pudgy cheek was slumped against the other’s relaxed shoulder, Nevan’s head lolled to the back of the plush couch they sat atop. Malak was, to no surprise, swaddled in a cradle of a bedspread and curled up, and Nevan was perfectly content with his own singular blanket draped across his lap.
Their similarly glossy vision trailed across the screen dopely as each new image flared up, new knowledge streaming through one ear and out the other.
Adrastus’ go to was always animal or nature documentaries when they and Darius wanted their alone time, without the presence of their respective thralls. Nevan was sure they were in the kitchen then, sweet laughter and low purring music drifting from below the door that separated the pairs.
Nevan wasn’t a fan nor a foe to the vampire's program choices, he was utterly content with whatever his masters were to choose, but he couldn’t deny his delight in knowing Malak just adored the documentaries. 
While Malak was never exactly one to show much emotion, his brain being often far too liquidated to do so, it came easy for Nevan to see through the heavenly haze. The way his draped eyes glittered with each new image, the way he subconsciously tipped to the screen in enchantment.
With each slight blink of an eye the screen flickered, almost as if Nevan was skipping through time with every drowsy shut of his lids.
It’d felt as if the two had been watching for hours. Maybe they were. It was completely possible the two were viewing on a repeating loop, and would continue until their masters decided to turn it off, whenever that would be.
Nevan didn’t mind. He would stay there, perfectly positioned and losing himself in the technology, for as long as his masters so pleased.
Even as his brain was stuck a consistent pool of mush, Nevan recognized as a dribble of drool slipped from Malak’s puckered lips, slipping down the supple flesh of his arm.
The older man’s thick flesh and easy breath was a comfortable warmth, that had his body not been so heavy and distant, Nevan would have happily nestled into.
The screen switched again, and the sudden lug of Malak’s head cut a slit in the deep spell Nevan was enthralled under. From the corner of his eye he observed as the other man lifted his cumbersome body, dizzy from the heaviness, and instead of falling back into the cushions, lurched forward.
Ever so carefully Malak stretched out his thick arms, lazily clawing at the television, weak but determined. 
Nevan perked as Malak’s lips carefully parted, saliva connecting the bottom and top in a moist string.
Malak’s full brows furrowed in a mix of confusion and awareness, and his eyes grew wide as saucers. “Mm.. ah…” he grunted in befuddled excitement.
Nevan’s clouded vision gingerly drifted further open with compulsion, his head rolling to get a better look at the other thrall. His jaw fell flimsily slack as he attempted to reach into his mind for just this moment. 
“That’s… myyy… mm… ffav… favorite.” Malak mumbled, tumbling through a half baked thought to half coherent words. “Mmmm… favorite…” He drawled, urgently grabbed at the screen, fully ignoring the fact that he was several feet away. It didn’t seem to deter his attempts.
His hands flailed eagerly to grasp at something he simply could not, too charmed and captivated by whatever had snatched his full attention, effectively yanking him from brainless mesmerization.
Had Nevan not been so entranced by the man beside him, he may have checked the television, simply to find what he had been so excited over, but he couldn’t bear to pull himself away.
Malak only seemed to slow as the program changed, the monotonous voice inside the screen turning to something else. His face dropped sluggishly, losing his strange spurt of life, and his sound drew to a dissatisfied groan. 
Nevan intently watched as Malak’s body drooped once again, arms absentmindedly curling around the plump bull plush in his lap.
He swayed woozily, the enthrallment slithering quickly back and taking it’s hold on him once again. He idly plopped his upper body into Nevan’s lap. 
Nevan savored the distant, sweet sensation of shock.
Malak talked. 
He spoke words.
No matter how faint or muddled, that didn’t overshadow the magnificent fact. 
His sound was unfamiliar, yet somehow exactly as Nevan had imagined it would be.
Soft but deep, a gruff gravel tainting the edges of each word, and yet humming smoothly through one’s ears. Malak’s disordered speech licked his eardrums, a sweet echo that nicely stuck to Nevan’s brain.
He turned his gaze, peering down at the man in his lap, who was rapidly losing conciousness. He hesitantly lifted his weak muscles, placing his slender hand to Malak’s dotted skin.
Malak purred at the touch, nuzzling into it and the lush blanket underneath his head, back in his usual dreamy state.
Would Nevan remember the other man’s voice later, when the documentary was switched off, and so was his mind? When he finally dozed off into unconsciousness, only to wake when the vampires desired to play with his mind once again? He didn’t know.
What he did know for certain, was that the one memory he truly wished to hold onto forever, would have to be the beautiful sound of his best friend’s voice.
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candiid-caniine · 2 years ago
ugh, i want technology to catch up with my fantasies so badly but i'm ahead of my time, it seems.
there should be some kind of machine that keeps me maintained, for lack of a better word. something that auto-doms, that subjugates effortlessly, and isn't that degrading--the idea that sometimes a human can't be bothered to deal with me themselves. sometimes my superiors just want to kick back with a cold one and enjoy the show.
the base parts would be restraint, stimulation, and flexibility. want to alternate between edging and pain without straining your wrists? there's a preset for that, fine-tuned for my biometric profile. want to keep me in a stress position for time-out? restraints in multiple configurations, attachments for gags, punishment programs. need a hands-off way to brainwash me stupid, drooling, and nonverbal? strap me into the VR hypnosis rig, complete with constant low-grade teasing, and go about your evening.
i imagine being strapped into this rig on a lazy night when my dom wants all of the fun, but none of the effort, or would simply enjoy some high-quality begging. they strap me in to the restraints in a configuration that spreads my legs wide, my holes on display, then select the programming for the evening.
mechanical arms crowd in with the first implements: a slim, vibrating probe enters my ass, and another descends on my clit, teasing around it and up and down my cunt, which is already dripping. another set of arms start stimulating my breasts, massaging the nipples methodically, maddeningly, and it's a matter of minutes before i'm straining against the bonds, seeking more. they barely creak. my dom reclines on their favorite chair, watching me with lazy interest. i'm ungagged, so i know they want to hear begging, and i'm quick to start. i always beg to cum. it never gets me anywhere, though.
they laugh at me. "don't be silly, pup." those teasing arms get me right to the edge, then punish me with a sharp burst of pain: a pinch on the clit, a zap to the nipples, maybe. quick as they stopped, they work me back up again. i know this program, the basic parts of it, at least--it changes things up each time, but i know what's coming, and, sure enough, the machine starts a strategic series of moves designed to keep me right on the edge, and no further. i miss the early days when it didn't have such complete knowledge of me, when it still messed up once in awhile.
i grapple for my thoughts, the last thoughts i'll have for awhile. my cunt is still empty, so maybe they want me to beg them to fill it. i start begging for their cock, debasing myself further and further as my desperation hits a manic edge. please fuck me turns into please i need your cock turns into please fill up all my holes i want to be your little whore please gods please let me earn your cum. "you're so cute," they coo, wandering over to the machine and raising their hand towards my face. i strain to lean into their touch, but they pull away, a smirk on their lips, and return to their seat. they start playing games on their phone.
i've been on the edge for minutes now, minutes in the double digits. i start to beg them to turn it off. whatever it takes, i just want it to end. it's maddening: an orgasm is so close i can taste it, could have it if i could only lean into the vibration just a little. my dom is so close, within arm's reach, if i could even use my arms! it's around minute 30 that i start to cry, my voice breaking with every mindless word coming out of my mouth. i barely hear what i'm saying, but it's something like please sir please fuck i can't i can't i need please fuck, incoherent and useless. they pick up the remote and turn the TV on. every once in awhile, their eyes flick to me with vague interest, and i start to cling to those moments, counting the seconds until they do it again. 10, 11, 12...10...no, was it...it must be 20 by now. what comes after 20?...11, 12....
before i ever realize it, my mind is gone. all that's left of me is the bleeding edge, my world shrunk to the aching radius between my legs and the tugging thread between their eyes and mine. i stopped saying actual words forever ago. has it been hours? time doesn't mean anything to a creature like me anymore. there is only Now. they bring me a cup of water, and i suck it down only because it's what they want. it's mindless. i'm broken.
it takes me ages to register that the stimulation has stopped, that the TV is off. my chest is cold and damp--i've drooled everywhere, and my eyes won't focus. i whimper as feeling returns to my arms and legs, the restraints undone, and i spend blissful, warm, drifting moments coming down in their arms. i feel safe, and so, so tired. "good job, sweetheart," they murmur. "i'm proud of you, you know? you made it a whole hour this time." no, it was much longer than that...wasn't it??
"let's try for two tomorrow, hm?"
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omegaremix · 2 months ago
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Finds For 2018.
Odd Nosdam Trish
Goth-Trad “Air Breaker”
William S. Burroughs “Summer Will”
Girl Pusher “Better Off Alone” (live)
Liars “Staring At Zero”
Prayers “Edge Of The Blade”
Gary War “Don’t Go Out Tonight”
Pond “Colder Than Ice”
Contrepoison “Heartbeat”
Bad Zu “Motherfuckers”
Silent Servant “The Strange Attractor”
Peaches “Convincing People”
Deerhoof “Singalong Junk”
Ron Morelli “Radar Version”
Zola Jesus “Siphon”
Goth-Trad “Disorder”
Bad Zu “Queen”
Believer/Law “Foxhole Prayers”
Tame Impala Currents B-sides
Lust For Youth “Display”
Grizzly Bear “Mourning Sound”
Adult. “Dance Avoid”
Molly Nilsson “I Hope You Die”
Blvck Ceiling “Hello, Miracala”
Silent Servant “Self-Hypnosis”
Princess Century “Crummy Bones”
Uniform “The Lost”
Pharmakon “Transmission”
Grimes “Genesis” (Blvck Ceiling RMX)
Russell Haswell “Hardwax Flashback” (Powell RMX)
Ninos Du Brasil “A Magia Do Rei II”
Cults “I Took your Picture With My Eyes Closed”
Machine Girl “Freewill (Phase β)”
Silent Servant “Disassociation”
KVB, The “White Walls”
Moon Diagrams “Magic Killer”
Men, The “( )”
Sunn O))) “It Took The Night To Believe”
Ninos Du Brasil “Vagalumes Pirilampos”
Rezzett “Zootie”
Horrorist, The “Programmed” (Silent Servant RMX)
Silent Servant “Cut Unconscious”
Drvg Cvltvre “Waging A War Against God”
Believer/Law “Ashes”
Rainforest Spiritual Enslavement “Watery Grave”
Boy Harsher “Pain”
Brainbombs “Drive Around”
I Hate Models “Cyanure Dance”
Vatican Shadow “Weapons Inspection”
Stars Are Insane “I Stayed Up All Night Thinking Of You” (demo)
Kajun SS “Know Your Place”
James Clarke “Silent Summer”
Leon Gardner “Who Are You”
Frumpies, The “I Just Wanna’ Puke On The Stereo”
Raveonettes, The “I Wanna’ Be Adored”
Black Dice “Cowboy Soundcheck”
War On Women “Lone Wolves”
Sun Ra Nuits De La Fondation Maeght Vol. 1
Herb Alpert & The Tijuana Brass “Spanish Flea”
Buddy Rich The Bus Tapes
Ghost Spell self-titled
Digital Leather “Ruining Everything”
Black Boot 2013 demo
Plugz, The “Touch For Cash”
Deformity Shards
Ajax 2015 demo
Vinnie Paz “Cheesesteaks”
Robert Viger “Limpidite”
Stiv Bators “It’s Cold Outside”
Frigs “Solid State”
MF Doom & RZA “Books Of War”
Les Savvy Fav “Hold On To Your Genre”
Ros Sereysothea “Kon Komsot”
Blueblack “Branches Broke”
Pat Metheny “San Lorenzo”
Can “Vitamin C”
Versus The Stars Are Insane
Jedi Mind Tricks “Design In Malice”
Wolf Alice “Sad Boy”
World / Inferno Friendship Society The True Story Of The Bridgewater Astral League
Rezzett “Gremlinz”
Boy Harsher “Modulations”
Nick Cave “I’m Your Man”
Boards Of Canada “Orange Romeda”
Cabaret Voltaire Extended Play e.p.
Letlive “Day 54”
Kedr Livanskiy Ariadna
Jan Jelinek “Them, Their”
Thomas Leer “Saving Grace”
Killing Joke “Penny Drops”
Nails Abandon All Hope
Public Image Ltd. “Poptones”
Chris Norwood “The Norwood’s Prayer”
Puccio Roelens “A Silness Song”
Aby Ngana Diop Liital
Curses “Pedal To The Metal And Don’t Look Back”
Keiji Haino “See That My Grave Is Kept Clean” (acoustic)
Azymuth “Jazz Carnival”
Joanna Brouk “The Space Between”
Thomas Leer “All About You”
Viet Cong / Preoccupations “Disarray”
Lower Dens “Ondine”
Black Marble “A Great Design”
Hot Flash Heat Wave “Glo Ride”
Still Corners “The Photograph”
Odd Couple “What Kings Do”
Oldbills “Tablecloth”
System, The (UK) “Find It In Your Eyes”
Holydrug Couple, The “I’ll Only Say This”
Negative Gemini “Bad Baby”
Refreshers “How Bout U?”
Sam Smith “I’m Not The Only One”
Secret Circle “Tube Socks”
6lack “Prblms”
Spizzenergi “Soldier Soldier”
Basic Nature “Love Won’t Always Be There”
Camp Cope “Anna”
Dilly Dally “I Feel Free”
Eyedress f. Pyramid Vritra “1990”
Oldbills “Salsa Verde”
LaMont Jackson Aces
Uniform & The Body “In My Skin”
Water From Your Eyes “We’re Set Up”
Beat Detectives “Call It What You Want (Segment One)”
End Of A Year / Self Defense Family “Self-Immolation Family”
Lanark Artefax “Glasz”
No Age “You’re A Target”
Ice Age “Under The Sun”
Daughters “Satan In The Wait”
Nothing “Blue Line Baby”
Sean Price “STFU Pt. 2”
Tislatin Onzar 3=2+1
clipping. “Ends” (Xanopticon RMX)
Nothing “Zero Day”
Prison Religion “007”
Big Boss, The motion picture soundtrack “The Killing Fight”
Oldbills “Black Ice”
Cults “Gilded Lily”
Eyedress “High Street Drive”
Tanya Tagaq f. Shad “Centre”
Fall, The “Australians In Europe”
Pond “Sweep Me Off My Feet”
Uniform “The Walk”
BreakBeatBuddha “New Delhi Dank”
Ta-Ra “L’il Bit”
Xiu Xiu & Mitski “Between The Breaths”
Rolling Blackouts Coastal Fever “Time In Common”
Sweet Valley “Sentimental Trash”
Wati Heru X Kashaka “BKWYA”
All These Fingers “Puerta Vallarta”
Body Without Organs “Osiris Rises”
Cults “Talk In Circles”
Miss Red “One Shot Killer”
Underworld & Iggy Pop “Bells And Circles”
Alt-J “Story 4 Sleeplessly Embracing” (clipping. RMX)
Moor Mother “Washington Park”
Erick Arc Elliott “Breaking”
Rolling Blackouts Coastal Fever “An Air Conditioned Man”
Cansei De Ser Sexy “Girlfriend”
Choir Boy “Blood Moon”
Flastbush Zombies “The Results Are In”
Miss Red “Come Again”
Cold Cave New Moral Leadership
Prison Religion “Glass”
Diseno Corbusier “Ritmo 21”
Happy Meals / Free Love “Pushing Too Hard”
Jessica Rylan “Wishing Well”
Erick Arc Elliott “Fifteen Minutes”
Palm “Dog Milk”
Body, The “Sickly Heart Of Sand”
Oldbills “Weekendluv”
Ariana Grande “Into You”
Imagine Dragons “Thunder”
Moor Mother “Creation Myth”
Cellars “Real Good Day”
Addison Groove “Footcrab” (DJ Rashad & DJ Spinn RMX)
Charles Manson Lie
Water From Your Eyes “That’s The Girl”
Anti-Nowhere League “Snowman”
Bug, The f. Liz Harris “Black Wasp”
Eyedress f. Prefuse73 “Living Room”
Miss Red “Dagga”
Malcomb McLaren “Zulu’s On A Time Bomb”
Idles “Danny Nedelko”
Aube “Parametalizest Pt. II”
Menace Beach “Black Rainbow Sound”
Chvrches “Never Say Die”
Nine Inch Nails “The Background World”
Oh No “Banger”
Oneida “Whitey Fortress”
Ariana Grande “Moonlight”
Happy Meals / Free Love “July”
Curren$y f. The Game & Prodigy “The Type”
Casisdead “Leon Best”
Diseno Corbusier “Meta Metalic”
Malcomb McLaren “Soweto”
Nine Inch Nails Bad Witch
Jessica Rylan “Way Home”
Max G. Morton The Devil’s Music
Beat Detectives“(Undiscernable) Repetition Heavy Traffic: New NYC Vibe 2”
Origami Girl “After All These Years”
Killing Joke “Follow The Leaders”
Philippe Hallais “Hero / Fall / Angela”
wosX “Armageddon”
Ramadanman “Blimey”
Caroline K “Chearth”
Eomac “Don’t Fear Your Own Heart”
Rapid Tan “Dumbo”
End Of A Year / Self Defense Family “Indoor Wind Chimes”
Errors “Early Nights”
JK Flesh “External Transmission Stage”
Beths, The “Great No One”
Impalers “High Wired”
Glowing Palms “I Don’t Wanna Come Daaan”
Mean Girls “Summer Bodies”
Vatican Shadow “Tonight Saddam Walks Amidst Ruins”
Pasteur Lappe “Mbale (Face To Face With The Truth)”
Ash Pool “Cremation Is Irreversible”
Reptaliens “If You Want”
Rixe “Infatigables”
Teyas “Jamauba”
Serge Gainsbourg “Je T’aime Moi Non Plus”
Vatican Shadow “Jet Fumes Above The Reflecting Pool”
Powerflo “Less Than A Human”
Death In June “Little Black Angel”
Pop Group, The “(Amnesty Report II)
Erica Eso “Vaccination Free”
Fire Engines “(We Don’t Need This) Fascist Groove Thang” (Peel Session)
Heem Stogied X EyeDee X Tha God Fahim ”Drive By”
Young Fathers “Lord”
Kegcharge “Medal Of Honor”
Boy Harsher “Motion”
Badlands “Heavy Sighs”
La Secte Du Futur “Hundred Songs Of Love”
Jitwam “I Ain’t Scared Of No Devil”
Russell Haswell “Special Long Version” (demo)
Frankie Cosmos “Outside With The Cuties”
Illuminati Hotties “Pressed 2 Death”
Iceage “Catch It”
clipping. “Something They Don’t Know” (Bad Zu RMX)
Poison Idea “Right”
Sky Ferreira “Voices Carry” (demo)
Gnarcissists “We All Just Wanna’
Morbid Angel “Maze Of Torment” (RMX)
Subhumans “Mickey Mouse Is Dead” (live)
Plexi “Roller Rock Cam”
Joan Jett “Shout”
Jesu & Nothing & Prurient “Silver” (rehearsal)
Purling Hiss “My Dreams”
Brian Eno & Kevin Shields “Only Once Away My Son”
Bikini Cops “Midnight”
Council Estate Electronics “Type LK-60YA”
War On Drugs, The “Up All Night”
Council Estate Electronics “Urals”
Fellony “Whisper Song”
Death In June “13 Years Of Carrion”
Council Estate Electronics “60 Megawatts”
Holy Wave “Spooky Fuckin’ Blues”
Paris “The Days Of Old”
Intelligent Hoodlum / Tragedi Khadafi “Grand Groove”
Blackbyrds, The “Mysterious Vibes”
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blues824 · 2 years ago
Hey hey! I've been stalking your blog and seeing these amazing posts you put out so I wanted to put one in real quick before you closed off request, perhaps can I get the side characters from obey me hearing something bad has been happening in the human world so they go to check it getting Intel from places to find what is going on and try to resolve it catching demon mc doing the harm to human world since it could put a damaging reputation on the student exchange course, since because of their spiteful and rude master which they had an pack with ultimately abusing their pack with demon mc so maybe demon mc has been put under hypnosis from their master that they are doing the harmful things.
So confronting demon mc master about abusing the pack demon mc protects their master speaking up in the conversation their master gets angered from them speaking in the conversation that they pull demon mc hair yelling at them telling them to stay out of it hearing demon mc cry of pain from hair tug so hearing it makes them snap at demon mc master and resolving the issue
Gender-neutral reader.
Trigger Warning: Abuse of a pact as well as the reader, Hurt/Comfort??, Harry Potter references, making jokes out of a dark situation
Preface: You are the significant other of [insert demon], sent to the Human Realm for the exchange program.
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You were one of the exchange students that was sent to the Human Realm for the program, and he had received word that you weren’t doing well. In fact, you were portraying very destructive behavior, which was very uncharacteristic of you.
Upon seeing him again, you ran up to him and begged him to save you from your master, but then a man walked up and pulled you by the hair while shouting at you. This made the Demon Prince absolutely furious, and he grabbed the man and threw him across the hallway.
Then, after making sure the guy was dead, he made sure that the pact would be severed. You devoured the human’s soul as per the agreement in the contract, and Diavolo made the proper preparations to bring you back home. He let the other demon student know to not make a pact.
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His Highness had informed him that his significant other was being destructive in the human realm, and he used his powers to see what was going on. What he saw made him lose his usually calm composure. Had Diavolo not been there, he would have destroyed the entire Human Realm.
The second he got to you, you were clinging to him and crying and begging him to help you when the man you were in a pact with pulled you by the hair. I hope the mans likes dirt because he’s gonna be eating it very soon.
Guy was dead and on the Hogwarts Train to Hell by the time that Barbatos had you in his arms again. He gently ran his hands through your now-messed up hair, hoping to relieve some of the pain caused to your scalp. But don’t worry. He would go to Hell just to kill the guy all over again.
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Demons can have multiple different pacts with multiple different people, and you were in a pact with him as well as your abuser. He would use his magic to see how you were doing, when one day there was something wrong because he couldn’t sense you. He immediately went up to the human realm to see what was wrong.
That’s where he saw your master dragging you by the hair and shouting at you for not obeying him. Solomon’s only thought was Oh, hell no and he Avada Kedavra’d the dude out of the human realm on a non-stop Weasley car trip to Hell.
In the end, everything turned out to be alright. You were bloodied and bruised because of the man, and he was disgusted by the acts that humankind could pull without any remorse. Your boyfriend whipped out a small handkerchief and rubbing alcohol to treat the small cuts, using a tender hand as he went.
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Once Diavolo had told him that there was something wrong with you, that man that decided to put his hands on you better start kneeling on his knees to pray because the Wrath of God was about to condemn him to Hell. Actually, there is no point for that anymore.
Seeing you beg him to help you made his heart break, and he was in his archangel form in mere seconds. In the clouds, you could see the other archangels (even Michael), backing Simeon up. The human has now shit his pants and requires a diaper change.
After sending that douche canoe to go to the Celestial Realm just to get his credit card rejected at the Pearly Gates, Simeon felt as though he could finally let out a breath of relief after making sure that you were alright. He definitely requests a replacement for you in the exchange program.
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insidethemachine · 2 years ago
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Samatoki Aohitsugi - Hypnosis Microphone 碧棺 左馬刻 - ヒプノシスマイク
Heyo, how’s it going~? 
Here it is the baddie of Samatoki xd I dont like him very much (why he has to be so mean to Ichiro sometimes ;-;) but I love how he raps, grows over all the lore and protects Nemu uwu also he turned quite the fine man in 3D lol
Talking about the sims, I had quite the travel with the shirt and boots in... in blender xD I know I said i wouldnt touch the damn program (I am a Maya fanboy (?)) but this shirt was the only one that checked all the boxes, just that it had a pocket and the pocket was a different UV island obviously so I had to re uv a little xd I tried adding more buttons but it didnt go well lol I suppose it is bcs i have to paint weight or add the buttons to the rig but i dont know shit about rigging lol The boots was just scaling them up a little cause they were clipping badly with all jeans I tried unu didnt want the jeans to go over bcs... thats not how Sama wears his boots xd does he have tats? I dont know, but I didnt add any either lol
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also see this beautiful eyesss @pralinesims you diy eyes are so GOD uwuwu
cc list uwu:
Skin: https://mousysims.tumblr.com/post/627162293823848448/face-only-skinblend-masculine-feminine-all by @mousysims
Eyes: https://www.patreon.com/posts/di-eye-diy-eye-34678649 by @pralinesims Eyelashes: http://kijiko-catfood.com/3d-lashes-uncurled-eyelashes-edition/ http://kijiko-catfood.com/eyebrow-ver2/ by @kijiko-sims
Hair: https://www.patreon.com/posts/69024002 by @zaozzaa
Bracelet, piercings, necklace amd boots: https://losts4cc.tumblr.com/post/640675057738317824/s4simomo-anime-cc by Simomo, I did scale up the boots a little xd they erased all their cc and sns (i had their cc from long ago xd), be cautious when downloading not from original source >< (that's why I put full links, is not aesthetic, but at least you can select it and paste it yourself and know before hand where you are going xd, I havent had problems with the sim comm but you never know sadly...) Shirt: https://www.patreon.com/posts/kk-collar-shirts-52975513 by @ooobsooo, retextured by me Jeans: https://www.patreon.com/posts/50105559 by @gorillax3-cc CAS BG: https://vyxated.tumblr.com/post/719719135185092608/cas-replacements-set-02 by @vyxated Reshade: https://fiesemietze.tumblr.com/post/641246832367992832/preface-download-at-the-end-reshade-version by @fiesemietze Poses: https://nell-le.tumblr.com/post/189644526639/male-model-pose-pack-n1-27-male-poses-ingame-and by @nell-le https://katverse.com/2019/10/25/pose-pack-22/ by @katverse https://karzalee.wixsite.com/studiok/post/2018/04/28/skc-male-pose-set-4 by @karzalee https://www.patreon.com/posts/request-sitting-48869510 by @helgatisha this time i downloaded all new brand poses so I know which I used xd
If something is missing, you can found it in my last posts maybe xd. As always, if you want some retexture just pm me uwu
That’s all for today~, next comes fancy corrupt cop Iruma Jyuto uwu I really like him xd last year I made his sim but it turned quite bad hope i can re do it and turns smth good xd good thing that I lost that save so I can start fresh xd just sad cause I liked my old Rio (Rio is one of my favs uwu) unu
little extra, wanted to share my buster bros desktop uwu
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they look so cool uwuwu I retouched the image a little cause the lighter in me likes a good bloom in a bright image lol also matched the visualizer to their colors uwu
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eager-wolfboy · 2 months ago
Still pondering the bratting and since I don’t trust most people to ward the desires of the flesh by physical touch, I’ve been thinking... the answer’s been under my nose this whole time.
Imagine bratting so hard that you end up in a bondage your mind won’t let you break from. Forced to fight and resist and all it does is settle you more and more into their control. Your hands gliding over you without your permission… Scratching up your sides, gasping as your nipples are pinched and rolled between your fingers. Shuddering when your hand climbs up your collarbone, looking your owner in the eye, begging them to not do what you think they are. But they say something and you can’t comprehend it in the haze of please, all you can feel is how you’re suddenly holding your own throat. Your eyes widen when you feel your fingers pressing down, your head starts to spin as your breathing gets heavy. You don’t know how long you’re trapped like this. Pleasure is coursing all through you, despite the pain of heaving through every breath, until… endorphins are slamming back into your empty brain. God, you feel so good. You thank them, raspy voice, you praise them, your owner, your god… you can’t even remember why you’re being played with like this but it feels too good to stop. Your god is happy to remind you. So your other hand is lowered.. and lowered… and lowered…. Feeling your way down your own stomach and thighs, sweet caresses, fervent breath finally settling into blissful hums and moans as you finally reach your puppyparts. Whining as your fingers circle around the bit that gives you the most pleasure, the lightest scratches of your nails burning so perfectly… then Watching, in horror, as your hand is pulled back, hovering over where you’ve begun to pulse and drip. Building tension in your back as you wait for the strike to come, as the hand left at your throat begins to close down again…
It’s not really your hand anymore, is it, love? It belongs to the people that Own you The ones who know all your bratting is just a helpless little pet struggling to to accept their gift. The ones who are about to break you, and rewire you, until you’re their perfect toy, too eager and needy to try pushing their buttons again… until they program your resistance back into you, of course. Best part is you’ll never know when punishment will strike; you could forget you misbehaved before you get punished. Maybe you’ll forget how you were punished, so they could watch you squirm like a Virgin over and over again
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am-i-interrupting · 1 year ago
just wondering, in the OATSH canon, what did Vox do to wind up in hell? will reader ever find out?
it's just funny to me that Al and the reader are straight up serial killers, and Vox, who's only crime so far is being mildly manipulative and annoying, is down here with us.
tbh I'd be interested in a fic just about that. not even a reader insert, just Vox's fall from grace in detail.
So, Vox is in Hell for probably a multitude of reasons. I’d say his biggest sin is his pride or his envy.
The fall from grace actually began before Vox met reader but the thing that really sealed the deal for him going to Hell would have been the moment he became complicit in reader’s crimes. That’s actually why I had reader stab the right eye specifically because that’s the eye we see Vox use with his hypnosis. That was like the “oh, yeah, you’re not a good person” moment that sealed him was the fact he never did anything to reveal that they were a serial killer.
After their death, he sort of fell into a spiral. He became obsessed with work and fucked over a lot of people. It’s actually sort of funny because reader kind of both made that worse and stalled it. He would have done this either way because he had an obsessive personality type but reader sort of caught his attention for a couple years.
I will say, one of the things I’ve been hinting at just a bit is that Vox sort of stalked reader. Again, this man is obsessive. He kept his eyes open in every way possible for them when he finally made contact with them and they hooked him in. He scoured newspapers, television programs, and radio shows alike trying to figure out information about them.
It’s part of why he wasn’t too shocked and was able to accept the fact that reader was a serial killer because he subconsciously had clues already. The defending of Alastor’s moral code, the insistence they aren’t a good person, how several newspapers would have murders front and center when there was an excerpt about them.
Obviously, we know that Vox is a prideful character. He’s a prideful man, obsessed with his image. The envy comes in a more subtle sense. It is envy over people who got what he didn’t, the ability to have a relationship with the one they love. He ends up being sort of passive or outright rude to couples he meets. He tried to fill the void with status, money, and sex but it never ends up working.
There’s also the fact that Vox ended up screwing a lot of people over. I mean “thou shalt not bear false witness” and whatnot. On the topic of the Ten Commandments though, “thou shalt not have no gods before me.” Vox ended up putting a lot of things before god. He cursed god’s name.
I do believe that as a white man in the 1920s-1950s, he would have grown up religious and he broke nearly every single one of the Ten Commandments. The ones I’ll explicitly say he didn’t break was “thou shalt not commit adultery” and “thou shalt not kill.” Obviously, he never got married so he couldn’t commit adultery (though he did have premarital sex) and he didn’t outright kill anyone even if he was complicit.
It’s kind of obvious in contrast that reader’s main sin would be wrath. They did kill a lot of people. However, unlike Alastor, I don’t think it’d be wrath and gluttony. Instead it would be wrath and pride. Murder and an obsession with image born out of the period’s racist believes and actually probably from Alastor and Mimzy. Obviously, Mimzy’s sin is greed but I can also see her being a very vain character and Alastor has this “don’t let anyone see the struggles” sort of attitude. Combine those traits in caretakers and you’ll end up with a character who is at least very knowledgeable in how they come off. Add to that being in child care services as child of color and they never really had a chance.
It’s kind of been established in my eyes that heaven doesn’t care why you do something, just that you do it. Which is why characters like Angel are in hell. Now, Angel did grow up in the mob but his main sin seems to be his gluttony and lust. Angel was a gay man who grew up in a homophobic time period. That very well contributed to why those things would be his sins. Lust due to the inability to explicitly and unapologetically be himself. Glutton because drugs and alcohol are escapes from the reality that he could not find acceptance. Very similar reasons as to why reader is in Hell for pride at least.
Unlike Vox, they were not willing to put their pride away for anything. At least, not at first. I think being around them definitely opened up Vox to a worldview he didn’t see before and it made it easier for him to eventually manipulate people because of that.
So, yes, Vox didn’t go to hell because of something extremely obviously bad but he still wasn’t a good person. He put himself above others and the people he cared about above god. He is in hell for good reasons and bad reasons. There’s things he did that were outright, obviously not the moves of good people and things more so in a grey area.
Maybe he didn’t commit murderer first hand but he still (in a way) covered it up. He lied, stole, cheated, manipulated, obsessed, and would indulge in acts of sexual nature despite never having the intention of getting married after reader died. He had no qualms using his looks and charm to get what he wanted and felt absolutely no remorse for anything that he did. Not a good person, not the worst, but in the eyes of god definitely earned his seat in Hell.
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frostyreturns · 2 years ago
A psychological look at mass hypnosis
There are three key principles in mass hypnosis
1- Distracting visuals (spirals, flashing lights, dancing, erotic imagery) The idea being disctraction of your conscious mind allowing easier access to the subconscious
2- Music. Music is a powerful force for memory, alzheimers patients who don’t even remember their names will remember song lyrics from their childhood. Music acts to connect the message to your long term memory and provide musical triggers for recalling the message. If you examine pop music musically, the most catchy songs not only share the same chords and structure but are also reminiscent of other recognizable songs specifically because they know that makes them stick in your mind more.
3- Repetition. Hypnosis works by suggestion and the principle of if you repeat a lie often enough you start to believe it is at work here. 
The idea of these three things working in concert is to convince you that the message is not an idea being given to you but a product of your own thinking. This is why some people are more susceptible than others, some people have a strong internal voice and others have no internal voice at all and are easier to program.
I can’t be the only one who notices that pop music checks all these boxes. Now for arguments sake let’s assume I’m right and pop music is a form of mass hypnosis and that pop stars are just figureheads delivering cultural instructions from the top down to alter behaviour. Start to examine the lyrical content of the music you listened to...especially in the 90′s when this was at its most flagrant...pay attention to the chorus..what is the message they are trying to deliver, and what would be the psychological impact of internalizing that message and accepting it.
This is going to be a weird obscure example but I think its a good one. I came across this super cringe pop song from the 90′s by this act that was only around for a few years Vitamin C. I picked this example because the song didn’t appear all that nefarious, she wasn’t super slutty there were no references to having sex with demons...its probably a song parents would have listened to and approved for their teenage daughters as comparatively wholesome. However the message of the chorus “I aint got nobody that I can depend on, just me myself an I.” was a typical message in music marketted to young girls. The message, which repeated over and over with dancing, and flashing lights was telling girls they can’t trust God, their friends, their family or in particular you can’t trust men. 
So what would be the result of internalizing this message. Chronically single women, struggling to support themselves by themselves, being extremely guarded and hostile to people who express an interest. I mean look at people these days...it’s pretty clear that was the message they were raised on. this song is just one example of it. 
And we wonder why so many people fall for these feminist talking points despite them being so retarded. This is in many ways self worship which is a very key component of satanism. It’s worth mentioning the same woman was once in a film called the hip hop witch, which is likely not far from the truth. Which all begs the question why would the cultural curators want this message absorbed what do they gain by teaching young girls to keep to themselves. It’s just another prong on the depopulation tool. 
Try it for yourself, look at a song that uses catchy repetitive lyrics and is accompaned by lots of distracting visuals and dancing. And imagine the song is trying to convince you of some idea, ask yourself what that idea is and what would it mean to you if you internalized and accepted that message. 
This is also one of the reasons tik tok in particular is such a nefarious bit of social media. If you were creating a mass hypnosis app...would you structure it any differently than tik tok? Even the name tik tok evokes the concept of the metronome or the ticking of a clock both auditory and visual triggers common in hypnosis.
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daveofclansmiffy · 1 year ago
The Gateway Experience | Your Mind Will be Blown Away
Okay, so earlier today, while doing some research, I stumbled across this document that has completely blow my mind away. Never have I had my mind blown away so much as this, since I first read Eric Von Deniken's 'Chariots of the Gods' when I was just 11 years old.
This document, which was kept secret by the USA's Department of Defense, from 1983 till 2003, is primarily a document which explains the techniques used in the Remote Viewing Training Program code-named the Gateway Experience.
However, the parts that really blew me away, were the explanations about how and why we, the universe and everything within it exists. It has a breakdown of how our conscience exists and how we can use it to reach higher states of consciousness and reach and explore other dimensions using such tools as Hypnosis, Transcendental Meditation, Audio Frequency Vibrations and Out-of-Body experiences to tap into the Akashic Record, or Absolute as it is called in this document.
Click on the image/link below. It really is a MUST read...
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