#god i fucking love ososan
pekodayz · 1 year
u know that weird jittery feeling u get after getting too excited and happy. like ur stomach floats. i gotta stop looking at art i can’t go back to sleep now it’s 512 am
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tezzbot · 2 years
now I'm curious, what other opinions abt the dub do you have 👀👀👀 me and my friends think karamatsu sounds like markiplier
i do actually really really like Ray Chase as kara but the way that Nakamura pitches his voice down for him and then when something karamatsu isnt like. prepared for or whatever happens he goes back up into his regular vocal range or sometimes a bit higher really adds to karamatsu's whole. everything HJGKHFJGH LIKE his whole identity pretty much IS performance so even his voice being part of his front is so fun to me, Ray Chase's voice feels so naturally deep and smooth that its like. his voice is Too Cool for kara yknow like his voice being Actually cool? karamatsu fucking wishes JHKGJFGHD BUT i do think he is one of the better choices that the casting directors made compared to the rest of the brothers
(AGAIN NOT SHITTING ON THESE EXTREMELY PROLIFIC AND TALENTED VA'S this is just my opinion of them as the ososan characters)
like i said before i have Absolutely zero qualms with Max Mittelman as Totty literally thats a match made in heaven I think he was perfect for the role n absolutely killed it hes so funny and from what ive seen the writers actually gave him so many good lines big ups for todo likers
Kyle McCarley as Ichimatsu i honestly havent seen much of his performance but god did he put is whole pussy into the one episode where he INSISTS they have to respect each other, hes honestly really really good at maintaining the monotone voice while also conveying a lot of emotion through his voice its pretty impressive that he can do the yellingscreaming while keeping that up, Fukuyama Jun's like. jump from monotone to YEEEAAGHHK when ichimatsu is At His Limit is really really funny so i think that these two are pretty much on par with each other while putting their own spin on how the character . i dont know. expresses himself i guess. poggers :thumbs up emoji i cant use cus im typing on desktop:
in a ranking id prob put Ray's kara here but i already did him so. just. in case u wanted to know this is where he goes to me lmfao hes pretty on par with Kyle's ichimatsu to me tbh
Billy Kametz as Osomatsu honestly worked pretty well osomatsu is the most some guy ever and when u listen its like. a little over the top(obv bc its an anime dub) but its definitely a voice youd hear and go yeah ive probably walked past someone what talks like that, again Great delivery on some lines, he does sound a lot less SillyGoofy #girl... frat bro vibes in there tbh But i mean if he was american i guess he kinda would be huh GHJFGHDF he kinda lost how cheeky he sounds in jp also like there are moments but for the most part :( also the way they wrote him (again i havent seen much but from what i Have seen) he doesnt have the same I Love My Little Brothers energy idk how to describe it they all feel like they hate each other more rghjbhjgh
Sean Chiplock ouygugh im so sorry king but also not it for Choromatsu...... casting directors, voice directors, whoever else is involved in the process, if youre gonna cast around your initial reactions to how the characters are why doesnt he sound like a fuckin nerd!!! i get that hes initally played as a Straight Man but you didnt have to Just Some Dude him make him sound like the loser he is!! even like a little nasally! i also think he sounds a little too much like Billy's Osomatsu, (which again not the va's faults i feel its a voice direction issue) when they talk at the same time its kinda hard to tell em apart which might be on me for not watching enough and getting used to it but... sorrie... no from me
Michael Sinterniklaas i have so much repect for you but.... i already said in that other post, the voice they okayed..... everything he was made to say....... no. thats not jyushimatsu. that fuckin. companion character in some fantasy anime ass voice, his whole deal in the dub is too childish imo and i get why that was their first impression but oough his character suffers so so much for it moreso than any of the others.... they massacred my guy..... and this is absolutely not a dig at Michael, ive seen his other work hes incredibly talented, just everything they got him to do as jyushimatsu makes me take critical damage in real life my hp bar drops so so much
Also i really like Cassandra Lee Morris as Totoko but I feel like she doesnt capture the flip between teehee totoko chwwaaannn and KILL KILL KILL voices that Aya Endou manages, he voice is very cutesy, but i feel like she doesnt sound mad enough when totoko gets pissed WHERE IS YOUR ANGER? YOUR RAGE??? RISE RISE RISE RISE RI
also also Keith Silverstein as iyami is honestly really good i didnt really know what to expect but i feel like hes p spot on, idk how iyami-likers feel abt him though lol ask telly or sth HJGHJ
SORRY this got long but i probably was never gonna be happy with the dub, im not gonna get too much into the writing in the localisation but ough. it is Just a comedy show to the dub writers and i can respect that, but the show means a lot to people Because of the characters and how they clearly run deeper than they appear thats a huge part of the appeal for ososan imo and i feel like a lot was lost in the translation. But! it can be pretty funny sometimes and thats all it rlly needs to be, funny haha penis anime
im gonna try and give the dub another shot, ill do me best to grit n bear through it GHJFG
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envy-catwalk · 5 years
I'd been avoiding watching the second season of Osomatsu-san because I was worried it was going to be as incestuous as the drama cds, official art, stageplay, and everything else that came out after season one. I'm tentatively watching it now, and holy shit, I forgot how much i loved this show 😭😭
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bicon-crange · 7 years
my thought on this episode in short was:
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mossible · 7 years
friendly reminder that osomatsu matsuno is a little disgusting trash manbaby, but if it came down to it not only would i kill for him, but i would also die for him.
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hekatekun · 2 years
hiii i really really love the way you write and the themes you touch on in your posts id love to hear if theres any books/media that influenced your writing style + the things you focus on in your analyses !
omg hiiii thank you<3 this got annoying so lemme put it under cut lol
This is actually really hard for me to pin down I've been racking my brains over this one. I tend to be a little bit of everywhere, just whatever catches my interest at the time. Most of my personal reading is nonfiction within the realm of philosophy/theology + history + english criticism; whatever fiction I do get around to tends to be horror and/or satire. House of Leaves by MZD actually has just about everything that tickles my fancy. Finally read it beginning of 2021 and I truly haven't been the same since. That's definitely a big one.
But to give you an idea here's the pile of books I'm looking at on my desk as I type this is: an anthology of John Wesley's sermons (founder of Methodism), House of Leaves, an anthology of Percy Shelley's poetry + prose, "The Sphinx in the City" essays on urban living + feminism, the communist manifesto, a dissertation on the influence of Hermann Hesse in Japan, "Thank God for the Atom Bomb" essays by a "conservative cultural critic", and how could i forget the 70pgs of the unabomber's manifesto i printed out.
Currently been slowly making my way through "Romanticism and Consciousness" which are essays on the historical/political background influencing Romantic literature. More often than not I tend to look for essays and critical readings of works before I actually do read said work proper. I don't recommend this btw I just never listen to my own advice. But like, this book inspired me to buy the Shelley anthology. And some of the essays in the Shelley anthology analyzing him I actually found online weeks prior and added them to my digital library. I'd rather read them physically, as I tend to highlight my books. I find highlighting + margin notes really help me stay focused otherwise simply Sitting And Reading makes me go a lil nutz unless the book really is that good. I backed an artist's first comic book that had me ensnared recently. Independent comics tend to do a number on me. Yes I'm still a huge homestuck fan. Will be going 8 years strong.
I reread Brave New World late 2020 after, somehow, getting my hands on it in middle school. Comparing the way the protagonist kills himself at the end vs trying to read Huxley's theological pieces, he should've stuck to the racist satire. I'm still gonna try to finish the Perennial Philosophy, though. All this rambling has me realizing the childhood series I grew up on was A Series of Unfortunate Events, so I think I'm starting to notice a trend.
But actually the biggest media type I consume is games I fucking love video games. I think I cried playing Disco Elysium. I wish more games understood its medium as well as DE. I think that's really what you have to find is stuff that understands its medium. Ososan is a show that is really fucking good at being a tv show, and I think it helps because it doesn't necessarily draw from anything prior because it's such a different beast from osokun (the ososan manga actually came out like a few months after it aired I learned recently).
I don't watch many movies or shows, and the ones I do make me really wanna read the original source material just so I could compare (A Clockwork Orange, American Psycho). I just last watched the Belladonna of Sadness and I think that's an animated movie that understands it's an animated movie. Why go for realism when you've got watercolors?
My other main criteria for any piece of work is that it makes me want to pick up smoking. I don't think I could explain this further if you asked.
Aside from. Any of whatever I just said. My writing background is largely academic with some journalistic experience. It makes media analysis really easy. It also helps that there's technically no wrong answer when it comes to critical readings, just like any school essay you just have to be able to back up your claims with evidence and articulate the connections you see. Prose is a new beast that I am attempting to tame but I think 1. You need to have fun with the learning process and I do in fact enjoy learning. This includes a willingness to examine and reexamine your own words even after you're done working on a piece and analyzing what you can/need to improve on. 2. I really enjoy being able to construct a sentence in a million different ways and I will always have a tab open for the Merriam-Webster dictionary-thesaurus while writing ANYTHING. 3. Did I mention having fun? I really have fun writing I love writing as a hobbyist. 4. Consume and question everything in equal measure. This will eventually produce something.
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osopine · 3 years
ososan season 4 leak
CHOROMATSU: (pointing at a picture of tacchan, nyaa-chan, and totoko) My three girlfriends. And yes, they smoke weed. KARAMATSU: heh..do they smoke weed? ✨ CHOROMATSU: Yes, actually. OSOMATSU: hah? so you mean she isn't just smoking a cigarette? but a 𝔀𝓮𝓮𝓭 cigarette? CHOROMATSU: It's called a bunt...not WEED cigarette....and yes, it is a weed bunt. They all smoke weed bunts before we kiss. (They are my girlfriends.) ICHIMATSU: They don't look like they smoke weed. CHOROMATSU: Fuck You. Fuck You. Fuck You. Fuck You. Fuck You. Fuck You. Fuck You. Fuck You. Fuck You. Fuck You. Fuck You. Fuck You. I’m so angry you are so lucky my three weed smorking girlfriends are rubbing my shoulders to calm me down I’m so mad. CHIBITA: Oi, yer “weed smoking girlfriend” has a Hello Kitty tattoo on his belly. The one in the middle. CHOROMATSU: I printed out a photo of your avatar and taped it to my punching bag that I punch and I mutter your URL with every strong punch I punch you twerp…. Don’t ever talk about Tacchan or the wicked Tat(tattoo) I drew on him ever again I Don’t wanna see you standing outside my home at 3 am holding your weird dripping oden sticks ever again ok leave us alone this is the FINAL FUCKING WARNING ICHIMATSU: Well, that escalated quickly.. CHOROMATSU: What, was that? Hmm? Come again. *Nyaa-chan grabs my shoulder* Come on Choro, they aren’t worth it, please. *I jerk my shoulder shaking her hand off* NO! NOOOOO!!! *starts to just pummel you with my big fucking fists. With each blow I let out a furious yell. The blows come quicker and harder and the yells get louder. I’m yelling so loud and now I’m crying. BREAKING POINT. The week was hard and I can’t take anymore. I’m opening sobbing at this point while you blood gurgle. All three of my girlfriends struggle to pull me off and they finally succeed and lead me away from the goo pile that is now your body* TODOMATSU: haha oh my god who even is this dude? someone needs some anger management classes. love how he keeps reminding us that “I HAVE THREE GIRLFRIENDS”, “THEY ALL KISS ME”, and “THEY SMOKE WEED HURRP DURR”. and let’s not forget the “Tacchan” and his “wicked tat”, or that he doesn’t “wanna see you standing outside [his] home at 3 am holding your weird dripping oden sticks ever again”, and that this is “the FINAL FUCKING WARNING”. “the goo pile that is now your body” i’m dying over here, jesus please, Choro, come challenge me to a bout of internet witticsisms; i promise, it’ll be fun. CHOROMATSU: *shoots you dead* Heh, idiot… *leaves with my three weed smorking girlfriends to go hold hands and kiss.* OSOMATSU: this dude playin omg CHOROMATSU: Come again? *The bar falls silent. No one dares to make a sound, as you have just said a very poor choice of words at a very dangerous time. I remain slumped over the bar, not looking back to you. One hand limply holding an almost empty bottle, the other hand cradling my head. I repeat the question, this time louder.* Come again?! *You can hear me slur the words, the sentence sounds like a real struggle for me to get out. I’m clearly intoxicated. A bead of sweat rolls down your face as you realize you might have just fucked up in a very major way. Everyone else in the bar is pretending to not notice what is going on. The bartender idly washes a mug with a cloth. His eyes are closed and he’s muttering something to himself. A handful of people hurriedly leave. One person looks back at you, a look of sorrow on their face. They almost say something, but shake their head and cast their eyes down to the floor, and leave. But not you. You stand, petrified. A quick look at me reveals I’m still at the bar. You look to the exit, there’s still time. But there’s not, there’s not, there’s not. Your fate was sealed the moment you opened your mouth.* Mother fuck.. what did you say?! *I slowly rise from my stool and being to lumber over to you. I look a mess. My hair is unkempt, I haven’t shaved in what looks like months, there are dark heavy bags under my eyes, my shirt is stained and has holes in it, and I’m missing a shoe. But the main thing you notice is the gun tucked into my jeans, and my massive muscle arms that look like they were made for punching. You know that song about the boots that were made for walking? Yeah, it’s like that only instead of boots it’s my muscles and instead of walking it’s punching. As I drunkenly sway over to you, you think of your family… Will they mourn you, or will they try and forget this blotch of stupidity, that their child insulted the Choromatsu publicly, ever happened to their family? Your thoughts are cut short as I now stand face to face with you. I grab your face and pull you even closer.* Playin?! There was nothing playing… no playing you fuck. No playing… it was real.. the realest thing I’ve ever know.. felt… Love. I loved them… Tacchan…. Totoko… Nyaa-chan… I loved all three of em… but they…*My face is wet with tears and I’m blinking constantly in vain to hold them back.* They left me… left… *Almost instantly the sadness leaves my face and is replaced with pure anger.* Playin? Playin?! *My hand leaves your face and starts to head to what you think is the gun. You close your eyes and see Akatsuka looking at you, shrugging. ‘Pft, you brought this upon yourself dude.’ He says as he waves his hands at you dismissively. But instead of the gun, my hands grab yours. Your eyes jolt open and the anger is gone from my face. There is only sadness.* Left me… * I fall to the floor and sob.* Wow, grow up. *You say before you leave the bar but are hit almost immediately from a car and are killed upon impact.*
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osomatsusanki · 3 years
what if,, ososan characters in squid game?? 😳
I think kamimatsu would be the old man™
i might be working on a little something you'll like ;)
i don't see why kamimatsu would be the old man™ but i'd love to hear your ideas! here are some of mine:
you probably meant a game with hundreds of players but imagine a matsu only version. there could only be 4 games if some of them are played in pairs or teams and totty would definitely win because he's a sly little demon <3
but anyway, there's lots of contestants besides them. iyami is there
karamatsu immediately loses. he's the first one to get eliminated in red light green light lmao
the whole thing is now a lot more lighthearted and fun though because this is a gag anime where death isn't a big deal
but money is and by god, osomatsu will do anything to get the prize
seeing that karamatsu died, jyushimatsu grabs all his brothers and runs to the other side with them before the doll could turn around. being super strong and fast is pretty cool of him hfsdhjk
But he'd probably fuck up in the second game and quickly eat the honeycomb before the guard could see and he's immediately shot to death :/
tug of war seems a little hopeless without jyushimatsu and karamatsu but they end up winning somehow idk lol
iyami is probably on their team but i doubt he'd be a lot of help tbh
anyway. marbles. no one wants to play with ichimatsu because he loses his cool quickly. remember the mahjong skit?
but choromatsu is fine with anyone as long as it's not osomatsu so. nenchuu marble game. i think ichimatsu would lose and get rekt by triangle guard rip
as for the other pair, todomatsu gets his big bro eliminated. because he's a sly little demon <3
lets face it they wouldn't survive the last 2 games hhsdfhkj
but it would be funny if the games were different, like hide and seek or floor is lava. ichimatsu would win hide and seek
i think that's all i have now! feel free to add anything if you feel like it
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pekodayz · 1 year
If I gotta be around some racist transphobe one more time I’m gonna bash my head into a concrete wall until i can no longer see or hear or think of these these stupid ass idiots. I’m so sick of these ppl god
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autistichoromatsu · 3 years
daydreaming about a lot of things rn. chibita's complicated relationship with iyami, for one, since that never gets brought up in the ososan fandom i feel. and his deep loneliness and lack of resources and care as a child leading to him trying to care for everyone around him as an adult to make sure nobody lacks what he did at the expense of his own happiness and income. and i was like (screams)
but ALSO. i was imagining what it would be like if nyaa chan formed meaningful friendships with the sextuplets. nyaa and the sextuplets know totoko REALLY well but both know her from different sides, if that makes sense. the brothers have known totoko since they were all kids, they know what she likes and how she acts and what makes her mad. but she doesn't really talk to them about her personal worries, her problems, her actual inner emotional life, because she doesn't actually trust them to take that seriously or not take advantage of how she feels in some way. and she doesnt trust them to not be super fucking annoying about it. but she and nyaa DO talk about how they feel and their worries and their personal stuff. so i think itd be neat seeing the bros and nyaa trying to figure out how those pieces of totoko can fit together
that and i have a lot of Thoughts about totty, kara, kinko, nyaa, and eventually choro helping totoko with her brand. totoko is clearly super worried about her idol career and where it's going, but the Status Quo Is God part of the show means that the writers are complete pussies about addressing that in meaningful ways. for me it's really obvious that she CAN keep the fish themeing and be very successful. fish can be beautiful, be deadly, big and small and every color ever. also some of her outfits that are played off as ugly are actually really good displays of craftsmanship and i like them a lot (the one where shes a grey crustacean in particular but i forgot which specific animal shes supposed to be in that one lol)
i just want her partnership with nyaa to be further explored, since it's clear that it has become a permanent fixture of the show's canon and of nyaa and totoko's relationship with each other.
in my daydreams specifically i just love the idea of her friendgroup all arguing around a big table about her costuming. kara added too many sparkles to the design but totty's suggestions on their own are all incredibly bland, choromatsu is too focused on the cute factor, kin-chan's taste is eccentric and questionable, nyaa is simultaneously trying desperately to keep the peace and add her own suggestions, and overall everything is chaos. but in the end, all of them come together with costumes and themeing that is genuinely impressive because they cover each other's weaknesses. totoko can be a fighting fish or a shark or a mantis shrimp, all strong and unyielding and COOL, and have her costumes still be cute and frilly while retaining the aquatic themeing
her strong personality coming through in the kinds of fish she represents on stage could be really cool. nyaa being a housecat but also a big threatening wildcat depending on the loose story their music and stage themeing has would be so cool as well. like, i genuinely think there's a lot of potential for their competitive spirits and strong wills to really shine on the stage and be compelling for audiences. ITD BE SO FUN. OKAY.
itd be so fun to see totoko get the love and attention she deserves but from people who also won't just crumple under her Intensity. i think the matsus in particular need to see women as people instead of sex objects and i think this storyline lends itself well to that as well. like, choro helping nyaa with her themeing and ending up seeing her a lot outside of her constructed idol persona..... i think after he realizes she's just some lady with a Lot to worry about, they could actually be friends. i also think that she and oso should be friends. i think everyone should be friends and hold hands in a circle and work out their problems. and nyaa and totoko should kiss. i love how they love (by yelling)
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inumatsu · 3 years
I find it insane how good season 1 osomatsu san is. Like sure there are some bad skits here and there or a joke that doesn't really land but the jokes for me hit far more compared to the later seasons. Don't get me wrong I love seasons 2 and 3, but god some of the season 2 skits just go on for too long. That seasons lows are pretty fucking low
this is exactly how i feel and like it really puts into perspective how ososan was probably supposed to be a 1 season wonder... like im very thankful for the other seasons + more on the way but s1 is just so good to me and what really made me fall in love with the show! but you can tell in s2 (sometimes in 3 for that matter) that they were kinda trying to ride off the wave of comedy and popularity from s1. i also feel like because of fan interpretations and jokes that some characters (choro and jyushi lol) have changed personalities for the worse in s2/s3
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kaoruko-han · 3 years
Really though... I don't watch anime since months (beside hxh that I binge watch sometime ) and read mostly otome Isekai and I am MAD
Because there's just so many more interesting female characters in there and anime just flat out ignore otome Isekai that aren't hamefura when there's so much better
Like y'all ask for strong female characters and it's where they are? I would even say that they tend to be too OP sometime
I am starting to hate the medium of anime itself because you see. Wether the audience male characters are usually ok, but female characters are either waifu or heroine who's only quality is her kind heart so in the two case they have to be appealing by being cute and kind and not taking too much space
That's so upsetting when there's better and literally one of the inspiration in my life is fucking Chiyuki from death parade because while I love Decim Chiyuki is a whole new other things in my eyes
The only difference in a decade is that before female characters were openly hated. Now they are just... Girlbossified and kept in a "queen" position, not allowing them to be imperfect and as interesting as a male character as a result
Like do we gently mock them? Do we dissect their flaws and enjoy their flaws as much as their quality? No.
Girl boss this, queen that, yass slay. Like there's no appreciation for their bad side beside to uplift them
It's also annoying that not liking them too is called misoginy. Just look at Totoko in ososan who mostly appeared as a gag where her fans are like "if you dislike her while you like the matsu you're sexist"
The whole reason why people like the matsu is because we do see their flaws AND good side while Totoko was mostly played as a joke. Now in the S3 she's much more human but for me it's a little late to care
Like take in account the female characters we already have, even if they're not girl boss and oh yeah enjoy their flaws too THEY DON'T NEED TO BE BADASS LET THEM BE HUMAN THAT'S WHY MALE CHARACTERS ARE MORE POPULAR THEY ARE ALLOWED TO BE MORE THAN BADASS
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God I am so glad I don't think that way when I write my own shit my female characters would be so boring
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pippa-frost · 5 years
Hi! OMG just arrived on this blog and has all the stuff I love 😭 you're such an AMAZING artist OMG. Your art is stunning girl! Your Ososan and TS drawings give me doki dokis ❤️❤️ And Karamatsu it's your Favorite Matsu too? 😭😭💙💙💙 OH GOD. The question, gosh, almost forgot >.
God i feel like a jerk! i’m soooo sorry this is probably so late! i haven’t logged in in forever!!!! I just happened to log in today cause i just needed to get a little fic idea out of my chest (is a new fandom tho, not oso san or SS, sorry :C), so i’m really sorry for taking so long! and you have nooo idea how happy you just made me! ugh i had so many asks and they’re all making me so happy!! i had actually forgotten how it felt to be logged in again!!! 
And HELL YEAH Kara is my fave!! have you seen him?!?!?! ugh. i love him. And i have so many ideaaaaas for him!!! but still it will all come once the year is over, so if you send an ask (you or anyone who is reading this) i wont be ignoring you, it’s just that i won’t be logging in for a long time, i WILL answer, ALLWAYS, but it might take me months until i do so.
Oh no sweetie don’t worry! I wouldn’t have been able to tell at all! besides my mother lenguage is Spanish and i haven’t written anything in ages so my english is kind of rusty!
Hmm, let’s se, I learnt about Oso san through a friend, se watched anime like i did and she introduced me to the fandom. It was hilarious cause i’m really picky about drawing quality when it comes to anime. Like, the plot can be freaking amazing, but if i don’t like the drawing style it’s reaaaally hard it to get my vote hahaha. So she showed it to me and another friend, and seeing as it hardly has any continuous plot, she made sure to show us the funniest episodes first. I could be wrong, but i think it was the one when the hearter goes out, and maybeeee we saw the saw parodies as well (could be wrong tho) (also whoa this will get real long real fast, hope you don’t mind!) Now, up till that point i had heard and seen stuff about them, and i was one more person who was like “the hell are people suddenly fanart-ing several Nobitas all of a sudden?” and i never liked nobita (because of the drawing most of all actually).
And the FIRST thing that happened when i watched it was (besides having no fucking idea who was talking at any given time, like they are all the fucking same drawing! and they were together all the time so i couldn’t even get time enough to relate one color (cause that was the only way my mind could at least try to separate them) to one specific voice) was Karamatsu. He was SO FUCKING CRINGEY (PAINFUUUUUULLLLL) (and see, my brother and i actually have always been embarrased very easily by stuff, like since we were kids whenever something really, REALLY cringey was happening we actually turned to another channel while we waited for the embarrassing bit to pass, so it was freaking TORTURE to me), BUT!!! HE WAS SO FREAKING SWEET!!!! (i think we also watched the letters for the fish bit too but i’m not sure) AND EVERYONE TREATED HIM SO BADDLY!!! And i could see he was a big brother type from the start, which is always my favourite trait (i’m an older sister, guess it just gets to me, dont know).
So, anyway, i was hooked. I got home and started watching them even tho i hated the drawing style on principle, and this was on the weekend (he had had a sleepover at my friend’s place), but it was so fucking HILARIOUS! just so freaking clever, i couldn’t stop laughing, i just couldn’t! And Kara actually made me more resilient to cringeyness, like now we’re watching movies with my brother i can actually watch the embarrassing parts while he leaves the room XD; and by monday i was already practising drawing them in class with my friend watching with a smug look hahahaha . I think the first i started to draw was Jyushi actually. I just loved him! But it was Kara the one that stuck. 
Ahh... this actually made me really happy, good times and good memories *wipes tear*
And sander sides... actually i found it through vine videos on youtube. I would watch compilations to laugh on my free time and then through recomendations i found the video with Virgil and Roman talking Disney movies and i was hooked. I mean, Thomas is just a wonderful being, cute, sweet, and hilarious af, and this was DISNEY MOVIES CONSPIRACIES, and i have anxiety, so it caught me right away and went to look for other videos with Anxiety there and well. It made my like happier. Seriously. 
Just like the rest of fandoms i havent seen any of it in a long time! I know there’s a new video, it’s been out fora while, but i never got around to watch it, and to be honest, i’m actually avoiding all these things, cause i want to truly enjoy them and be able to draw and write and just be around everything and i know i won’t be until i’m done with this year, so i’d rather get up to date with everything once i feel at ease enough to do so.
Anyway, sorry for the long reply hahaha, and thank you sooo much for your ask, it actually just made my day!
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totally-totty · 6 years
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(under the cut, a really long, really cheesy dedication to these characters and their show)
Okay. Whew. 5/24/2018. Lemme just start with this, Osomatsu-san is my absolute, lifelong favorite anime. Of all times. I really don’t know how my life would be if this sorry excuse for a gag anime hadn’t entered it. 
Back in 2015, my life was absolute hell. I had just started high school, was taken off the comfort zone that middle school represented to me, my parents were always fighting and on the edge of divorcing, my mother’s family and my father’s relationship was worse than ever. My self-esteem problems were off the charts. This may be a bit too much to share, but my recurring self-harm practices were getting worse. I didn’t even want to draw anymore, something that had always managed to cheer me up. All I wanted back then was to die, literally die. And I tried it once. Needless to say, I failed. Was taken to therapy once again, something I absolutely didn’t want to happen. Therapists are too damn expensive. My mother was struggling with money, something that my father was always trying to take off her. I just wanted to disappear.
This lasted over a year. I had lost my joy in living, I didn’t want to continue it anymore.
But I remember it well. 5/24/2016. I was browsing around tumblr. I used to spend hours on my dashboard. And some of the people I followed seemed to be really enthusiastic of some show, with 5 or 6 muppet-like guys who all looked the same. That day was no different, and their fan arts were literally everywhere. I had seen it before, but not as much as in that particular day. And I didn’t know the name of the series, either. But one of them caught my attention. There were two of them, one in blue clothes and the other one in pink. And right under it, a name: Osomatsu-san.
It was floating around in my dashboard for some time, so I thought, why not give it a try? Then I went looking for the episodes, and started watching it.
It was the best goddamn decision I have ever made in my entire goddamn life.
I went through the first 12 episodes in one sitting. It felt like a light had been lit inside of me. Their nonsensical, reality-detached sense of humor was like a shelter to the stuff I had been going through. It was so damn refreshing. So fun. And I kept going, and with every passing episode, my love for the series kept growing, unconditionally. I listened to the OSTs, opening and endings passionately. Their second opening, Zenryoku Batankyu, is without a doubt my most-heared music ever. I listened it on repeat, every day, for 3 whole months. Every note is like liquid euphoria being pumped from my heart to every single bit of my body. And I kept watching and watching it. I was devastated by the end of episode 24. Their conclusion on 25 left me completely speechless. And with that, the first season had wrapped up. And conquered my entire being.
After its end, I went looking for every single Ososan-related thing I could manage to find. I started reading the manga when it came out, I started reading -kun, I caught up with their games and strategies for the HesoWars sets (eventually getting to play it), I looked for tons of fics and amvs and spent hours reading and watching them, my life had been completely changed. 
I found the joy to live again, thanks to this anime. It may sound a bit dumb, but that’s the truth. And I started drawing again too, happier than ever before. My Matsu passion invaded everything I did. 
I was so happy when they announced a second cour. So happy I thought I’d die.
And the second season just reaffirmed my undying love for this god-forsaken anime and its god-forsaken sextuplets. 5 months ago I started this drawing, to pay a tribute to their new batch of  nonsense, inspired by the visuals of Maboroshi Wink. All their musics, all their episodes, everything this show has to offer. It literally pulled me out of a severely depressed state. And today, I finished it to celebrate their birthday, and also my 2-year anniversary on this hellish, exciting hype train that is the Matsu fandom. I don’t plan to ever leave it.
With this long-ass text, I salute the entire Matsu crew, and especially, the man that made all of this possible back in 1962, Akatsuka Fujio. I wonder if -san would please him. I like to think it would. 
And that’s all, I think. 
I’ll cherish this anime until the day I die. And I’ll do so cheerfully. It changed my entire approach and view of life. And for that I’ll be eternally grateful.
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bakurasoccult · 7 years
Hey! It's the anon who asked for tips on your ososan blog, thought you might be more comfortable answering that here, plus, it could help other people interested too! (and I'm too shy to send dm's hhh)
HEY! Aw dude you could always send me a DM whenever, I’m more than happy to receive one and make new friends! As for your question! I have a few things to say about it, it’s nothing too big but these are the things that helped me when I first started.
always be your own person, don’t get intimidated by cooler looking witches and all that. you don’t have to wear all black and wear wide brim hats. 
always have an idea of what you want to look into and be proud of what path you start to craft for yourself, everyone has their own path and its always different. 
study!! study want you’re interested in, its so much fun to learn these new things and to incorporate them into your life! because once you leave your home and look around, you start to notice small things that you haven't before that ties into magick.
collect a crystal, anykind that isnt toxic (yes there are toxic crystals pls be careful) and practice your energy with it. you can close your eyes and meditate. you can imagine weaving a favorite color into the crystal as a mental image of your energy to help guide you.
like, there are so many ways to start its crazy.
plus, there is no surefire way of starting out
just look around, read and study what you might be interested in and allow that to guide you to your next task!
plus there are witches here on tumblr that you can peek through their blog for mega posts for spells and books and normal sources! 
what i find fun about starting is the adventure of it, honestly. its really fun to just look around and find what interests you!
but always remember to be yourself and don’t follow the crowd. you don’t have to worship a god or goddess, you dont have to preform this particular spell before this particular moon for it to work.
so what makes you happy and fucking go for it tbh
i went into witchcraft completely blind and a little scared honestly, i didnt know shit and i didnt know what the hell i was doing but i fUCKING LOVED IT. Because I was learning new things and always getting lost in the internet looking up new things and just guiding myself around!
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