#god i didnt mean to write that much. whoops
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rzyraffek · 1 year ago
Platonic yandere yautja x child reader if u seen my pride um I recommend it the scene where cub nothing attacks a full grown lion but for this child reader was attacked while with a group of pups and was able to kill a xenomorph with a spear through the head
King i love you but please use punctuation😭
If I understood you correctly, you want dad yautja with kid who managed to kill xenomorph with other yautja pups? I hope I understand that right👽😊
I used y/n for kid cuz its easier to write that way, plus i used they/them!
Yautja dad with human kid (they whooped xenomorph)
Dude litteraly banned them from going outside for good month or two
I mean yeah cool cool you- YOU WHAT??? YOU KILLED WHO? W- WHAT
Dude needs proof
But if he saw y/n with yautja pups acually killing that thing? Hes proud and dead at the same time. Like omg yay my baby killed something yay⭐but at the same time OH MY STARS YOU COULD DIE SO MANY TIMES
Hangs xeno head in middle of livingroom so everyone that walks in sees it😊 he is a proud dad
But it doesnt change the fact that you litteraly can't go outside without him around
He also kinda dislikes y/n friends??? Like "ugh really kid? You are hanging out with those bab troublesome pups? You know you can do better? Just stay with me"
Hes jelous and upset that first hunt kid had was with their friends, not him😭
Everytime you guys hang out with other yautjas he gives y/n's friends a death stare
Of course hes proud that his lil baby menaged to hunt down A FUCKING XENOMORPH, he will purr. The issue is that he cant help but imagine what could happen.
Heres little extra, i never write this type of stuff but im bored atm. Tw toxic behaviour?:
Y/n wanted to show off what they hunted with their friends, but the corpse too heavy to carry, so kid just goes to their home, walks up to their dad and tells him that they have gift for him but its outside. They grab his hand and lead him outside, he didnt expect few young yautjas poking dead xenomorph in his backyard for sure. He yells that they should stay away and he pulls put his weapon. He has so many questions all starting with "why", "how" and "when"???
After making sure that the thing is dead and his child didnt suffer any wounds he turns to other pups and starts scolding them, how dumb they are to bring a human pup on a hunt?? Dont they know how dangerous it is.
He would probably yell at them forever if not y/n stepping in and trying to explain that y/n was acually attacked and pups helped, yautjas wanted only good. He kinda didn't expect that, you? His own kid? Stepping in and protecting other people from him? He should be the one viewed as the one whos right and the one you always go for advice! So yeah he didnt take that well. Of course he tried to keep cool around those young hunters but o my god after they went away? Omg expect a lot of offended and angry dad behaviour, he gives them silent treatment for few days or is just simply passive agressive
After all y/n just wanted to feel like rest of their friends. And ironically enough the only one treating y/n like human is her own dad
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pixelatedbugs · 2 months ago
okok great god grove thoughts ive beaten the game now
god damn! first game i've beaten this year and i've found peak already. every game i play after will be worse /j seriously i really enjoyed it, i knew i'd like it i mean i loved smile for me, but wow! this game made me change my profile picture!
but anyway. i'm not great at explainin my feelings about things. but this game made me really really happy when i've been kinda feeling Shit and Ass lately. the message about connection really struck me hard as someone who's always struggled to connect with people myself..but people will listen if i try! i hope!
gameplay wise i reaallly like the puzzles. the difficulty of them felt like it progressed smoothly and they were all super clever too, but not too difficult that i ever felt like i needed to look anything up! same goes for the boss fights, which i didnt expect to exist at all honestly (the first boss had me like "omg the bizzyboys hiiii!!!!! hey why does this place look like an arena Hey") i really like all of the gods, if i was forced at gunpoint to pick a favorite i'd probably say bauhauzzo but i really like cobigail too. and huzzle mug, click clack, thespius, mitternacht, king, inspekta and whoops i've just listed all of them. but i mean how can i not they're all so good??? i like bauhauzzo and huzzle mug's story a lot it just makes me so happy to see a super close friendship given the same importance as a romance yknow what i mean. they're besties and they care so much about each other ooughgughdsnfjn. and i would hang out with cobigail every day btw she's so silly but also super caring i love herr. i love the bizzyboys sm. capochin being so desperate to feel important, to have a purpose, the devotion burger recipe video drives me Normal????? i can't word it but i need to throw capochin out of a window. the need to feel important the need to have purpose the blind following of inspekta because he thinks inspekta will give him that. also he's a little gay for him i think. patty learning to stand up for herself PATTY I LOVE YOUUUU transfem patty is real to me by the way. i love her i mean she's my pfp rn you can probably tell. vib getting a little too into the thought of capochin being sweaty and dirty was hilarious to me btw i respect him for it. i hope the bizzyboys are able to truly help people now under hector's leadership and man, the finale...ouuh if i didnt have dry eye i would've cried so hard. the LEITMOTIFS!! everyone working together to close the rift...inspekta/hector realizing what he's done wrong and doing his best to fix it, returning to humanity forever to remember who he is...and king! king reuniting with mitternacht WUAHG THEY'RE SO CUTE??? the fact that she calls mitternacht a bag of bones (affectionate) and she has a MATCHING HEART SYMBOL??? OIHUIHG?? im normal btw. im so happy hector gets to have a hopeful ending too anyway really good game its somewhere in the top games ive ever played list i wish i could write the kind of awesome analysies other people do but. alas! i really like it and i need to draw myself as a bizzyboy right now tl:dr
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drdemonprince · 2 years ago
oh my god can i get trans masc self infantilization for 500 alex
Quick hate read of this piece:
my relationship to gender was mediated (isn’t it always) by capitalism. I could not meet another trans man who could tell me how to behave, but I could shop for one. I could buy distilled trans expertise, and tell myself I was putting money back into “the community;” I was engaged in political action, redistributing my middle-class cash to support people I had never met, but whose welfare was, nonetheless, my business.
oh my fucking god Jude buying a huge crop of trans books at the local indie bookshop is not political action. I know booksellers who work at beloved indie-progressive bookstores quite intimately so if you haven't heard yet, I'll be the first to tell you: no matter their feminist branding, these places treat their workers like shit and pay them minimum wage. And often these stores are hell to be in for trans femme people.
edit: whoops he didnt even claim to support indie bookstores, it was a chain in a mall wtf
Also, it's baffling to me that a published author like Doyle can claim buying books is somehow redistributing wealth to poor, trans authors. First, wealthy people are widely overrepresented in publishing, and two, the vast majority of published authors never see a single cent of royalites. Over 90% of books never "earn out". You'd be kicking them about $2.50 of a $25 hardcover sale even if they did. stop making your consumption seem righteous dude.
These authors didn’t hate people like me; they didn’t disagree with me or dislike my general aesthetic. These authors literally hated me, me personally, the dude who had recently given them money. 
the ENTITLEMENT!!! How dare these trans authors post openly that they disagree with you and your tepid liberal politics, you bought one of their books and (maybe, but probably not) gave them $3 !!!!
To a shy eleven-year-old boy on his first day of school, which is what I was emotionally and even hormonally at the time, it was devastating. I cried for days. I was on vacation.
a middle aged incredibly well connected man in publishing is pulling "im a little birthday boy -- hormonally" shenanigans. I get that reading critical comments about yourself hurts. I have been there buddy. I've received repeated misgendering, misogynistic criticisms and insults while I was newly on HRT and not even out to anyone! I was also a 30 year old adult man with a career and coping tools. I was not an eleven year old boy. I was not the victim of anything, really, except for my own lack of comment moderation habits at the time.
the amount of real life transphobia i have since lived looms so much larger that little petty online slights doesnt even rank. we're not talking about threats or doxxing here. we're talking people on twitter thinking he shouldnt be the face of trans politics.
because I know who this author is and move in the same circles, I have seen the message of hate that he's talking about. People mostly talk about him sardonically and insult his worst opinions and most hastily-written pieces. That's not even hate. That's just begging him to be responsible in his work and to maybe not write apologia for trans cops (one of the bad takes he was most openly criticized for at the time).
Those guys were my heroes, was the thing. They were the ones I had wanted to teach me how to act. I used to imagine conversations with them, think about what I would ask if I got the chance.
Buddy, you said you literally just discovered these authors mere weeks or months prior, having bought up every book published by a trans guy that you could find. It's not like you had posters of them hanging up on your bedroom wall as a child. And even if you did, youre a grown man in your forties who writes very inane takes. Some critique from your contemporaries comes with the territory and is in fact a compliment. it means people recognize youre a significant cultural voice and they want you to do better!
When I get into conflict with another trans person, when I stumble on the thread where my elders are shit-talking me, I am not looking at my computer. I’m in my math class, after lunch period, hearing the squeak of metal on linoleum as someone drags their desk a few inches away.
your elders??? are you talking about people who are like, three years older than you Jude .I understand that hostile middle and high school experiences bring massive trauma, but holding adults who are intellectually critiquing you, a fellow adult, responsible for the trauma you endured as a teen is so wildly inappropriate and immature that i cant stand it.
It would be one thing if Doyle showed any self-awareness of the disjoint here, and was just talking about being triggered, but he doesnt, not anywhere in the piece. he implies throughout that it's people being mean to him on twitter who are really at fault.
oh my god he likens himself to Isabell Fall later on in this piece i cant
i just cant with this dude hes always taking so many unnecessary Ls and gets hired so fucking much to write about trans experiences when he clearly has next to zero community connections and sense of scale when it comes to the issues we face. its so annoying!!!
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evandorepart2 · 2 years ago
longgggg fucking vent post under the cut. idk if it even counts as vent i am simply relaying information about the situation and i am unsure how i should feel right now
oh my fucking GOD my brother is such an asshole like. ok so whats happened over the past couple days is that
i hit a depressive period. it is Obvious -> since im depressed i dont have energy to eat or cook much and ive been struggling with making sure to eat Before this -> we have recently got groceries and there are muffins. before this i was literally eating a slice of bread so i would at the very least not pass out or vomit so obviously when we have that im going to switch to Depending on that -> this is something i do a lot, unconciously, to eat. i have a single 'meal' and stick with it until its run out. whether or not it has lots of steps.
what happened after this is
my brother gets pissed cause i ate all the muffins and he calls me a bitch and some other stuff idr cause i deleted the messages -> i am hanging by a thread and being confronted abt an insecurity on multiple levels makes me very upset -> i attempt to deflect these feelings by joking about it so that i can convince myself that im not upset -> he responds negatively and calls me annoying + brings up the fact that hes the only one whos been cleaning downstiars and subtly implying that im lazy and never do any work. a fact he Has said to my face despite this being proven Not True many times. and none of the Mess hes been cleaning up is mine since i have not been using the kitchen / using dishes / had items isolated to a single small table -> i get more upset and decide to be honest and write a short, frank note [bc this is all over text bc he never talks to me face to face] saying that i am depressed. its difficult to eat and i wasnt even Thinking of him [as he is someone who regularly gets on everyone else for eating junk sweet food so i dont think he wnats that stuff] and i apologize for being a dick and thank him for cleaning up.
after this he does not respond which means that there is nothing else he wants to say on the matter. that was a few days ago and i do not talk / go near him. ive phsyically seen him Three times since this exchange. and they lasted a few seconds since i quickly Left The Area.
today was the first time hes messaged me since then to tell me to do the dishes. i Was going to - was debating not to but then it got into my head as a Task I Need To Finish before i could continue what i was doing - but when i went downstairs he was on the couch and this scared me so i went back upstairs and was promising to do it tomorrow.
Until i had another breakdown and completely reorganized all my projects so i wouldnt have an unproductive spiral. and then i just finished so i thought Now i will do the dishes so i can get back into doing my Other Tasks. that is if they werent done - the thing with the dishes is that he said he was going to cook. which is how it usually goes. so its not like he just told me to clean LOL
but during this time i had headphones on which are sound proof and as i was going outside i took them off and realized the tv was on which means hes downstairs. and also i could smell meat cooking, meaning he was making dinner. its at this point i was like. whoops i didnt do the dishes that sucks but also. i Have told him i was in the middle of a depressive period. i havent been eating and i havent been leaving my room at all. even my father picked up on this. its easy to assume that he understands that hey! maybe youll tell me to do something and i just dont do it. for gods sake i didnt even answer the text bc i didnt want to say id do it and then not do it.
so i went to shower instead and felt really sick standing up since obviously i havent eaten and it feels like my stomach is caving in and i can smell food cooking which just makes it significantly worse.
which is whatever. i leave. i think about whether or not my pride will let me go downstairs when he tells me hes made dinner. NOTE: my father is gone today - hes partying with his work friends as a going away thing. so it is just us.
except! he hasnt texted me at all! in fact! its been half an hour since i know he cooked and nothing has been said to me. which leaves the options. he made something else and i can just fend for myself. he made the original meal [which was burgers and takes a while to do cause he does it from scratch] and was pissed that i didnt do the dishes so he didnt make me any. or hes still cooking and has yet to text me [doubtful]
which. i dont know which is worse! and i am unsure if i am allowed to be upset by this!
because on one hand yea. i was supposed to do the dishes and i couldnt even bring myself to do that.
but on the other hand. man im fucking depressed. it took two days of convincing to get me to brush my teeth again. i am getting physically ill from lack of food and ive been having casual thoughts of suicide again. and its not like he doesnt know. like ive told him. ive left out my diagnosis papers so he could see them - which he told me hes read ! im not 'suffering in silence' or whatever. im just FUCK i dont know. i hate this stupid family.
its like everyone looks at me and goes. yea you have problems. but the second i start i dont fucking know having problems everyone gets soooo mad at me and tells me how awful and lazy and how im literally never going to ammount to anything or do anything < real words that my brother had said ! he went off very long on how pathetic i am to my father and only 'apologized' like a day later when he was high which was barely even an apology he just said sorry and then hung up.
its like every time i try to get better and then everyone around me just. fucking i dont even know man. my mom hates me. my brother hates me. my father hates everything i like and everything i stand for and completely refuses to ever listen to me actually talk. im awful person to everyone around me and all my friends and im not getting out of this hell hole. nothing is going to change when i get to iowa. im just gonna be the same shitty person in an even shittier country with people and family that i hate
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beef-fajitas · 6 months ago
die. i dont know what to say. i genuinely got tears in my eyes after seeing this. this is the sweetest most awesomest thing that anyone has ever done for me. wtf. im gonna be thinking about this for. a long time.
[THE DETAILS WERE GOOD gooo with the flow of the story wasn't hard not expecting any less ofc :] ] im always so nervous abt the flow of the story whenever i write. hearing this. augh.
[i didnt expect the tension that came but i absolutely ate it up. ATE.] wait there was tension..? /genq im being so fr here, a lot of the time im not even aware of what im writing, it just kinda ~appears~ on the page and i just edit it to fit the general story.
["deciding to give him a chance" that means alloooooot. SDFJKDLSFJKDSL] listen. if i have the misunderstanding, you just KNOW i gotta have communication. im not willing to let it go further than a couple minutes of confusion. i just cant. they gotta talk it out.
[AND THEN COLE BEING HONEST WAS JUST AWESOME. LIKE THE THINGS COLE SAID. UNDERSTOOD THE ASSIGNMENT. IT WAS WRITTEN ACCURATELY FOR THE STORY OF THE BFS..... NOT TO MENTION KAI CRYING??] like i was saying earlier, sometimes he forgets his words have meaning. but when he realizes? oh god. prepare to cry your eyes out. aND KAI DID LMFAO. (so what if its a little bit of projection... kai cries, okay?) but im really glad to hear it was accurate :3
[its so realistic and yaoi at the same time.] i need it to be both. it needs to be realistic enough where i feel like im actually writing something, and yaoi enough to feed the fandom monster in me. glad to hear it worked out in my favor!
[smiling reading them hug they deserve it /srs] if it were up to me, all the ninja would hug all the time. they all deserve (and need) it so much more than they admit. /srs (maybe... just maybe... i may... write a fic about it... not anytime soon ofc, i need to finish the one im on rn and then im gonna collab w someone for another kai fic, but maybe after all of that..? 🤫🧏‍♂️)
[THE "YOU ASSHOLE" GOT ME LMAOOOO THE PLOT TWIST WE DIDNT KNOW BUT NEEDED] THANK YOU, THANK YOU *TAKES A BOW* ILL BE HERE ALL NIGHT !! (ill be here all night in yaoi hell because god fucking dammit i need to finish my kai birthday fic thats actually lava)
[the making out at the end sigh typical yaoi couple :// /aff] typical yaoi couple 🙄🙄 (as if i didnt make them kiss.. i feel like a kid smashing my two toys faces together if that makes sense)
@beef-fajitas promoting this and commenting about it. so normally. first of all lava shippers read this fiction if you want some precious cole and kai time...
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deadwriter16 · 3 years ago
Ooh, because I thought about writing a fic for it before, what about if one of them got hit with a truth quirk? But one that forces them to tell the truth about how they feel about a specific person?
oooh yes ok there are two options for this so imma do a few for each
kacchan gets hit with a truth quirk that basically makes it so you're in physical pain until u tell the person u feel the strongest for exactly how u feel for them, whether it be love or hate
obviously for bkg its love but deku being deku gets worried and thinks that kacchan's gonna like intensely hate him or smth because bkg is literally writhing with the effort it takes not to tell the truth. he's literally bedridden he's in so much pain
because he refuses to tell izuku he loves him. he doesnt deserve it
eventually izuku like breaks down in tears and he's like i cant stand seeing u so badly hurt please just tell me you hate me u dont have to try and protect me from your feelings i just want u to stop being in pain even if it means i have to live knowing you hate me
and bkgs like literally so mad abt this bullshit that he immediately confesses like bitch wtf?? im literally in love with you??? i-??
deku's like omg kacchan why didnt u just SAY SO and bkgs like uh bc i dont deserve u and deku's like now that's some real bullshit and like kicks bkg in the balls and then they live happily ever after
deku gets hit with a truth quirk that makes it so the first person he makes eye contact with he has to spill like everything he feels about them from love to hate to whatever and ofc its bkg
bkg is like oh shit im about to get an ass whooping bc he thinks deku's gonna like unleash all this pent up resentment abt the bullying and then like punch him in the face and yell at him
but when deku starts spilling it he literally mentions the bullying once he's like idk man it really sucked that u bullied me and u were a real asshole but also i forgive u and have for a while bc you've atoned and apologized and also ur just like so sexy and hot
which naturally devolves into deku just giving bkg like an hour long love confession he's like ...so anyway kacchan is sexy and hot and super pretty and he's so kind and caring and he's so funny when he makes all his yelly faces i love him so much kacchan's so cute :D
and bkg is like bro what the fuck and deku's like were u not fucking listening kacchan i said im in love with you god get with it man
and then they kiss kiss fall in love :)
bkdk hcs ask game!!
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writemyaceattorneys · 3 years ago
GOD 🦆anon You are Talented!!
Legit gave me chills-
They sould only sputter as wild theories became reality before the small grey screen, the only point of interest being their avatar for the game.
He was sentient. They all were.
No wonder the story would completely derail off the few times they used a walkthrough, how all the start of chapter cutscenes seemed to be so censored. No wonder there were more chapters than what they were told in game - they were told there was 5 maximum per game, not 10. No wonder character dialogue would be so... off, out of character almost, eerie and almost directed towards them.
...rationality decided to pop its head back into their mind, bordering a state of panic from confusion, commenting that maybe they were just seeing things.
It was late at night after all. Trial 10 was taking its sweet time with the pre trial segment with miles and maya seeming to always vy for phoenix's(...? They couldn't decide. Was it for him or them?) Attention.
...right, they'd get through this and save.
It was just another part of the game. The supernatural didnt exist - otherwise it'd just be natural.
"Alright... talk... there's no dialogue options though." They glanced down to where the bottom screen emulator would be.
"Oh no, just use your mic, S/O."
The abrupt text change made them jump. The supposedly "unique" sprite to phoenix's avatar in their game portrayed a gentle look to the side (coincedentlsly staring directly at heir Point of view)
...were they being hacked?
Through an emulator of all things? Using phoenix wright: ace attorney sprites?
No, no...
"You Look worried. Are you alright?"
The air went cold as S/O's hand retreated back from theur pondering, a slow burning whithin not pleasant with the icy air felt as if their emotions were a fever "...You can see through my camera?"
"Of course. Your dressing gown really suits you."
They scrambled to the drawer in their desk with tape in it and tore a piece of paper, quickly sticking it over their laptop's camera.
"What do you want?!" They nearly screamed, but it was hoarse, a whisper.
"Whoa, hey, its alright. I'm no hacker! I wouldn't ever do anything like what you're thinking!"
The sprite took on the iconic shocked expression, as if he had any justification to feel that way.
"Then..." their throat was burning. "What are you, if not a hacker?" Because what or who else could do this? It didn't make sense.
Again, eliminate the impossible whatever remains is only the truth, the very last "normal" case in their playthrough had said.
"Oh, S/O..."
He was looking again. It felt like a reassurance initially when it first came up in 1-3, like things were only going to get better from there, but that sprite seemed to have the opposite effect on that late night.
"You've played enough of the game. You should know."
"The theories in my head are more than impossible right now. You- You're not real. You're just a character."
"Ouch... what about edgeworth and maya?"
"Also characters! What the fuck, just-just explain this already!" They leaned into the computer, slamming their palms down as they took of the paper guard. phoenix -or whatever (...whoever?) That was, shook his head.
"Well, since you've done that... i might aswell state the obvious."
S/O leaned back with a hitched breath and frozen fingertips, awaiting anything but the truth.
"We're all living beings beyond your screen, S/O. Not hackers, nor ghosts. We're alive. And theres a whole world in here."
He was smiling again. S/O was not. Frozen in place, any heat drained from their body led them only to feel the radiation off their laptop.
"I'll keep in touch, hell if I don't-I won't, S/O. I won't."
S/O stayed silent, just taking it all in.
"And hey, maybe one day we could even meet face to face - no more pixels..."
How would that be possible? Something felt wrong just begond the light as the side glancing smile seemed to grow more earnest, but even more so creepy.
"how would that sound? Again, I'll keep in touch. Talk to you later. It's late after all. You really ought to take care of yourself..."
"but I don't mind. I can do it for you if need be."
(Whoops i didnt mean to write this much but uh... heck. I guess i have brainrot. Sorry mod miles /lh i took some of the ideas this au has slowly gathered and just slammed it together.)
🌌Anon this is amazing!!! The way you've taken some of the ideas we've all shared and run on your own to make this is marvellous. I can really feel S/O's fear right here, plus the horror vibe this is giving is beautiful yandere content.
I uh-
Phoenix can take care of me if he wants to 😂😂😂😂😂 also I would be happy for Edgeworth to vie for my attention at any and all times of the day.
Honestly, everything that you anons have sent me is so brilliant and now this has been made from all of the amazing ideas and this is amazing and every single one of you guys are just so amazing.
Am I crying because of the community spirit on this blog? Yes!!!
Do not apologise to me ever for sending in such beautiful writing, I would genuinely pay good money to read this.
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#1 for the 15 fluff prompts!! (Also I love your writing <33)
1# - waiting for the other at the airport
“Dada…” their second youngest one, Stella, aged 4, whined. “When’s daddy getting here?” This was a question in reference to when John (Pauls husband, and other father to their children) whom they were waiting patiently for at an airport. Fortunately, it was a relatively small airport, so Paul wasn’t at huge risk of getting his children (Mary, Stella and their new born, James) caught in the spotlight - something which both John and Paul felt was immensely important.
“He’ll be here soon, baby. Just be patient.”
“But how soon is soon?”
“Well, its…” how the hell do you explain ‘soon’ to a child with only the vaguest notion to understanding how time is told? “Its, um…”
But before he could even think up a response, Mary, aged 6, blurted out, “Can we get ice cream?”
“Sure we can; were going for a fancy meal though first, remember?”
Groaning, Mary insisted, “But I want ice cream...”
“You’d spoil your dinner if you had ice cream first darling.”
“I wouldn’t!” Mary wailed.
“I won’t!” Stella chanted too.
“You would! In fact, I let you eat dessert before dinner last night, and you couldn’t even finish yer meal.”
“Yeah but that was last night…” Stella complained.
Simply, Paul just retorted, “Im pretty sure you’ve still got the same stomach from last night, love.”
Mary changed the subject this time with, “Why did Daddy have to leave?”
“He’s picking up his Aunt Mimi.”
“I still don’t know who she is.”
“You met her last year, at Christmas.”
Unsure, Mary asserted, “I don’t think I did...”
“Love, ive got photographic evidence that you did.” She wasnt entirely sure she understood what he meant, but she was content with the answer and so didnt persist in her case.
Only a minute after asking, Stella once again posed the question (for the millionth time that day), “Whens daddy getting here?”
“Soon!” Mary shouted frustratedly at her. Stella just looked confusedly, and slightly solemnly up at Paul, so he put a comforting hand on her shoulder and said “Soon, Stella.”
She nodded and abruptly changed the subject asking, “When are we seeing Julian next?”
“Tomorrow baby, we see him every weekend.”
Seemingly contented she said, “Okay.” ‘End of discussion; good.’ he thought to himself. He’d explained the whole relationship between himself, John, Julian and Cynthia to Stella and Mary before, but with them being so young, they had the tendency to repeatedly ask questions a thousand times despite receiving the same answers.
“Why doesn’t Julian live with us?” Turns out it wasn’t the end of the discussion.
“Well, he does some days, doesn’t he?”
“Yeah, but why doesn’t he live us all the time.”
“Well, he lives with his mum most of the time – and then he visits Daddy on the weekends.”
“Are you his daddy too?”
“Um…well, kind of; im his step-dad.”
“What does tha’ mean?”
“So, your daddy was married to a lady, Cynthia, who’s Julians mummy; but they split up and then-“
“Why did they split up?”
“Well, they were fighting too much; they still loved each other, but it wouldn’t have been good for them to stay together.”
“Why did they fight too much?” The ubiquitous ‘why’ question that every child insists upon asking in relation to absolutely anything.
“Oh...its complicated.”
Looking at James, who was cradled closely in Pauls arms, Mary asked, “Where do babies come from?”
Paul nervously chuckled at this; for the most part, whenever this question had cropped up Paul had managed to avoid it, or John had come up with some witty response that would change the subject. But John wasn’t here, and Paul wasn’t sure how he’d get out of this one.
“Um…Well they come from mumm-”
“But where do they come from?”
“They…they come from…” finally a God send appeared, “Hey I think that’s Daddy over there!”
“Hello Princess,” John said lifting stella into one of his arms, then as he lifted Mary into another said, “and princess 2” and turning to Paul, “and princess 3.”
“Cheeky,” Paul retorted lightheartedly, “wheres Mimi?”
“Oh she’s faffing about with her luggage and that.”
Id just like to say that I have no clue how to write young children, cause ive barely been around them (apart from when I was a kid obviously lol) so if its all wrong...whoops I guess?
Hope you enjoy anyway, and im so glad you enjoy my writing anon!! <333
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angelthebedsheet · 4 years ago
Can we please get a scenario where black reader is having a horrible day and she’s walking pass Karasuno volleyball team and Tsukishima say some half slick shit so black reader just turns around and starts beating his ass?
leTs Get IT YALL
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now your day was absolute SHIT
your hair wasn’t cooperating and the hairstyle you wanted to try wasnt doing right
so you just did the same slickback bun
then you lost your earrings twice so you had to wear those ones that were your least favorite
it took you five minutes to find your socks
you felt like shit
you couldnt even find your lashes so you went lashless on a FRIDAY
you didnt even walk to school with yachi this morning so she KNEW something was up
you were in a bad mood all day and tsukishima of all people kept poking fun at you which usually didnt bother you
“wow for once you dont look like snuffalufocous”
“tsukishima shut the fuck up”
he’s LIVING for that
usually you can clapback
clapback game STRONG
“you had that hairstyle for the past couple of weeks.”
“swear to god tsukishima stop.”
yamaguchi is already betting your gonna pop off today
“tsukki i think you should stop”
yachi’s praying for him
now time skip
ya day got even worse
tsukishima was MILKING it and you were tired of it
you were FINISHED
you were about to leave when you walked past the gym
“look there’s a mole rat crawling back to the sewer drains.”
you turned your ass back tf around and walked into that gym
now yamaguchi and yachi feel the irritation coming off of you
you threw your bookbag on the ground and you took off your blazer
“on my fucking mama you keep talking SHIT tsukishima but thats alright imma beat ya ass for that then. since you wanna talk like a bitch you can get dragged like one, hoe”
“OOOHHHHHHH” -tanaka
“GET INTO IT Y/N!!!” noya
sugawara been EXCITED for some drama
“yeah okay sure go back to the pound”
the team is INVESTED NOW
kiyoko and asahi went 👀 too
now you just run up on ya boy and WITH THE POWER OF
“DAMNNNNN” - the whole team
now that bitch caught off guard and stumbling
and he LIVID
i hc that if tsukki can talk allat shit his hands can also make up for it
i know his brother was play fighting with him too when they were younger
“put em up bitch”
“alright lets fucking go then”
now yall SCRAPING
nun of the playing shit
yall getting solid hits on each other
aint nobody stepping in
yall hitting like mf BOXERS up in that bitch
you even got him in the bleachers
you KNOW damn WELL someone’s recording aka tanaka
nishinoya is HYPING YOU UP bc i KNOW he been WANTING to swing on him but he cant bc he’s his senpai
both of yall hits are connecting
tsukishima got a GOOD hit in and busted ya lip
now you mad
idk about yall but if i got my lip busted it would be over im going ham let out the beast
havent had a fight where im bleeding yet irl
back to our scheduled program
if you’re worrying about your skirt dont worry you wear biker shorts under that bitch aint nobody getting flashed
yall finally move from the bleachers
you are even more pissed
yall both are leaking by now
the team finally starting to intervene
yamaguchi, asahi and ennoshita holding tsukishima back
suga, daichi and tanaka holding you back
hinata and yachi standing inbetween yall
kageyama just standing there like “bitches started fighting and i was deadass rootin for her but um... ion know now wtf do i do.”
cap’n daichi speak up like GO GET COACH UKAI AND TAKEDA TF???
he like alr bet and call that nigga freeces BECAUSE HE’S GON
more words are being said
tsuki says some REALLY slick shit
when tanaka went in nishinoya took a hold of the phone to record
that man is becoming a professional cameraman with the angles he getting
he getting on the floor
his hands are mad fucking steady even tho he’s screaming DUMMY LOUD
tsuki bounces back and yall are back at it
them hits baby...
everybody getting loud
nishinoya doing straight LAPS around yall SCREAMING
asahi is like the only once trying to like pull yall away but you accidentally swang on him
“damn aight im out”
he dropped that idea and went to sit down bc this getting too much for him
when he went to school today he definitely didnt think you would almost rock his shit
kageyama bust in that bitch like
que for everyone look innocent
you kicked tsukishima down there and grabbed ya shit then DIPPED
yall both looking rough but tsuki..... you got him
coach ukai and takeda get there just as you book it out there
tsukishima was deadass about to chase you tf down bc that was PLAYING DIRTY
not yo fault this bitch a 6’0 tall bean pole with muskle
takeda got glasses so he was like nishinoya GET HER NEOW
nishinoya’s a fast mf so he was like alr BET
tanaka’s phone was RETRIVED AND IN HIS BAG
he def sending that to the group chat that you, coach and takeda and tsuki arent apart of bc snitches get stitches
nishinoya BOOKING IT after you
you sitting on the sidewalk with some tissues wiping your nose
nishinoya pulled up like “WASSUP MY LIL CHAMPION”
“okay so takeda sent my ass after you but imma just let you go home and imma just pretend you fought me on this then went all flash gordon on us and dipped. aight?”
“lets take a picture bc i’ll be damned if i dont memorialize this shit. how you feel now?”
“tired and my face hurts a lil”
“who knew yall both could pack a punch like a lunchable.”
yall took a pic
you KNOW the type of pic
“my homegirl just whooped some ASS lets GOOOO”
caption filter posted on his private instagram
then he let you go dummy fast
went back to takeda like nah she was gone
tsukishima got ice packs on his face, clothes ruffled, hair crazy, sports glasses crooked
that bitch is PISSED
deadass wants a round two
you on the other hand fixed yourself up and got a snack
you told ya mom that you got into a fight
even asahi cheek sting a lil
i think the whole team fw the fact you beat his ASS
walking home yamaguchi tried to talk about it to him asking if he was okay
tsukishima damn near beheaded him and yamaguchi said fuck that i wanna live past 20
on monday....
whew you were in a good ass mood
i mean lashes on hair popping lip gloss shinin like chicken grease
shit was a good day bc you WANTED to see how he looked after it
you knew you got good hits in
you on the other hand covered up your bruises with foundation (fenty)
popped on some cute ass fake (or real) glasses to hide anything else
tsukishima was PISSED lookin at you
at the end of the month yall became cool again so alls good
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broadwaynoodle · 4 years ago
bitter sweet pt 3
Title: bitter sweet pt.3
Pairing: mob!Racetrack higgins X reader
Word count: 1078
A/N: ahhh, i feel like this is a mess, but you get what you get. I’m so sorry, I’m an intern at a costume designer and life is just so busy right now.
taglist: @organabanks​
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 Race stood in the hallway, looking at his shoes, what was he going to do with you? He wanted you to like him so badly, but you didn’t, even worse you hated him. He wandered around his house, eventually deciding to go to his office and writing your brother a letter, a randsome note if you will. He didn’t really feel like doing it yesterday, as he finished it he put it in a envelope and walked over towards Albert his office, jumping lightly as he opened the door and Albert was still there. ‘Hey Red’ he mumbled as Albert laughed his ass of at Race his scare. He layed the envelope on his desk ‘Get the Cowboy to deliver this to the Y/L/N’s mansion tomorrow please.’ He said as he sat down in a big leather chair. ‘‘Course Tony.’ He said. ‘Don’t call me that Red, I’s ya boss.’ He said, lighting a cigar, presenting the cigar box to Albert, he thankfully nodded as he took one and hung it from the corner of his mouth. ‘Owh and Al, can you escort Y/N to breakfast tomorrow, wake her about like 11 I’ll have Jacobi cook something up for her and then escort her to my office please?’ he said making puppy dog eyes at the redheaded boy. Albert scoffed and nodded. Race got up and wished Albert a quick goodnight, which Albert returned. Race headed to his bedroom where he go tinto his pyjama’s and thjen he stared at his ceiling while finishing his cigar, he wasn’t feeling like going to all his meetings tomorrow, but he knew he had to, but he didn’t want to, he wanted to spend time with you, he knew he couldn’t though, so he just fell asleep staring at the paterns of his ceiling.
You groaned as a loud banging on the door woke you up. ‘What?!’ you yelled, the door slowly opened as Albert came in. ‘Morning princess, dinner is ready in 30 so you better be up and ready toe at, chef cooked for you and also boss wants to see you after, be back in 25 to bring you to the breakfast bar if you are not out of bed byb then I’ll whoop your ass understood? Okay great see you in a bit dove.’ He rambled on before walking out of your room again to do whatever it is he does in a day excepr for babysit you. You moaned as you slowly got up from your bed and walked towards the bathroom, washing your face before applying some of the make-up that had already been in the bathroom when you first arrived there, you went to your closet to see if Race fixed you a new t-shirt and sweatpants, but to your surpise it was full of brand new clothes, you scoffed, if Race thought you where going to get all dolled up for him now, he was deadly wrong, you kept the same pair of sweatpants on that you were already wearing and pikked out a huge cable sweater and after that you tooka book from the bookshelf in the corner of the room, as soon af you sat down on the little couch next to it Albert stormed into you room again.
‘Ah your done, Jacobi made you some chocolate waffles, you have to choose between starberries rasberries or blueberries though, he didn’t know if you are allergic to anything.’ Albert kept rambling before he acctually look at you. ‘you look nice dove, now come on.’ He said as he started walking towards the hall. You jogged out of your room to keep up with him. ‘Why are yo uso happy today?’ you asked finally catching up to him. ‘Won a bet from the cowboy, made some big bucks doll.’ You nodded understandingly ‘Who’se cowboy?’ is all you responded. ‘he’s our driver.’ Albert said opening the door to the kitchen for you. You walked in and a man in a cheff’s uniform and a thick moustache greeted you. ‘Goodmorning ma’am Y/N, My name is Jacobi and I’m the cheff around here.’ He stuck out his hand and you shook it before sitting down at a bar stool. ‘What fruit option did you want hunny?’ he asked as he smootly flipped an egg. ‘Rasberries please.’ You said as Jacobi put a few waffles, an omelette and some rasberries on the plate in front of you. ‘coffee or tea darling?’ he continued, you shook your head ‘I’m good thank you.’ You said as you looked at the breakfast in front of you with wide eyes, it’s been a long time since you actually had such a nice meal, when you still lived with your brother, you always would eat this nice, but when he kicked you out, you would barely eat a banana in the mornings. ‘thank you so much Jacobi, this is really nice.’ You said as you took your first bite, moaning a little at how nice it all tasted.
‘Well doll, I see you are enjoying yourself.’ The voice from behind you sent shivers down your spine, you really couldn’t describe the way Race made you feel, his voice was oh so warm, welcoming, nice to hear even, but yet he was so cruel, at least thats what you heard about him. He wasn’t mean or cruel towards you, but you had only been there for a day, you didnt know what he would be like when you where there for a week or a month, maybe two, you had no idea how long it would take before he realised your brother wouldn’t going to pay whatever huge sum of money he owed him, you didn’t even know if Race would let you go once he realised it though.
‘Yes, you have a great cook.’ You said politly smiling at the man in question, who shot you a little nod. ‘Well I know that darling, I only hire the best of the best.’ He said with a wink, which made you feel weird, god you wanted to slap his stupid smirk off of his face. ‘Where is Albert, I want to go back to my room.’ You said grumpily. ‘Well darling i also have legs I’ll walk you.’ He said, you rolled your eyes. ‘I’d rather get lost Higgins.’ You said as you got up and left the room, you assumed you knew the way back to your room, boy where you wrong.
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bitchiha · 5 years ago
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A/N: I accidentally posted the request before I finished LOL. So I don’t know much about Tsundere relationships, but I did some reading on it just before I started writing and I hope I did the request some justice! Also I’m literally Kankuros bitch <3
Ps, I’m sorry I didn’t put a keep reading thingy idk how to do it on mobile and my trash laptop is broken 😭😭
Also I didnt include tobirama bc I absolutely hated how his turned out and I had to delete it im sorry 😖
✎ Tsundere relationship! (Hidan, Kank, Naruto)
Ahh, where to start? I think you’ll meet on a mission co partnered with the Leaf...
You and Shikamaru are sent to assist the Sand on a mission. Now, we already know Kankurō is a bit of a sassy mf when it comes to the Leaf like I think he whole heartedly believes the Sand is superior and you also have those feelings about your own village... So there’s an instant dislike for one another. Kinda like an instant rivalry.
Literally the first thing you say to him is “So, the Sand can’t take care of their own missions?” And that sets Kankurō off, “What, how dare you- ack! Temari, that hurt! I’m not gonna let her walk all over us like that, I’ll fight you right now you Leaf Village bi- ow! Temari!” Shikamaru has to hold you back LMFAOO you’re ready to throw hands “Huh, what’s that? Sounds like you’re really determined for me to kick your ass?” He lowkey liked when you said that to him lol.
Anyways, the two of you are bickering the whole entire way to the missions destination. You’ll tease eachother about anything and everything you can. So, once you find out about his puppet master jutsu its only natural that you fall on the floor with laughter. Like full on tears and strangled breathing. Now this is something you can really tease him about.
“What! You still play with dolls? I bet you have little sleep over parties with them and do their hair-“
You’re cut off because he tries to trap you in the Ant. Temari has to strangle him and force him to let you out. You’re lucky he didn’t iron maiden your ass LMFAOO.
This is the kind of the energy you guys carry whenever you see eachother from now on. He’ll see you more often too because you carry out a lot of Leaf and Sand allied missions and duties. Rip to anyone who gets put on a mission with you two tbh.
But on one particularly hard mission it ends up down to the two of you fighting off like 10 enemies. He’s trying to focus on fighting them, but he can’t stop thinking about if you’re okay. His distractedness earns him a particularly hard blow.
You end up having to fight off the remaining enemies yourself, all the while protecting him. The last thing he remembers is you screaming his name when he gets hit and the fear that was in your eyes at seeming him like that. It slowly turns to anger and then you kick the bad guys asses. He’s like half conscious but is laying there like: whatta bad bitch. Then he passes out.
Starts to really admire you after that and his comments aren’t as snarky when he sees you next. It’s more like little jabs and teases because that’s how he shows his affection, but they were no longer the hardcore roasts he’d dish out before. You probably stop flaming his ass too because let’s be real here; you’ve both obviously been attracted to each other from the start you just didn’t want to admit it.
Like cmon, he didn’t wait for you at the gates every single time he knew you were visiting just to insult you first. No. He came there to see your cute ass first!!Same goes for you, like you didn’t take all the missions to the Sand for nothing. You came there to see your fav hot headed puppet master.
He’ll ask you out a few months later, when you end up at the Sand again. Probably takes you to dinner before going back to his place. I 100% see him showing you his puppets and this time you’ll actually show your interest and not just tease him lol. Probably ends up making out with you on his workbench. Ok that’s all.
You meet eachother for the first time at Ichirakus. Second to Naruto, you actually bring in the most cash for the place. So it’s surprising you two had never met each other before.
Until now of course. He’s just gotten back from a long mission and he’s dying for some ramen. He strolls right in and orders a miso pork ramen, but the old man tells him there’s no more pork left.
Probably flips his shit like who tf ate it all?? Then the old man points at you. You’re sitting there chowing down you’re literal 15th bowl, the giant stack of empty bowls next to you proving it. You watch the blondie charge right at you while you eat the last miso pork bowl of ramen for the day.
You put the bowl down and wipe your face just as he stops right infront of you, very close to your face. You can see the anger in his eyes, but you are not giving up. Also, the guy looks sorta comical so you basically laugh in his face which gets him more worked up.
“What are you laughing about? You just ate all of old mans pork for the day!! That last bowl is mine, believe it!” Once again you laugh in his face because you just can’t help yourself. Probably end up fist fighting eachother on the spot. Neither of you win because one of you ends up smashing into the bowl, sending it flying right at the old man. He kicks you both out, right after you pay your tab of course.
This arises a competition of who will eat all the miso pork ramen first, it goes on for a good few months. Ichirakus is swimming in your money now. Until one day, when you two arrive at Ichirakus at the same time. You basically have a show down. Unfortunately both your wallets are cleaned out and you can’t even pay off your bills anymore so you’re now indebted to the ramen place.
Narutos mission money won’t even cut it anymore and you can’t pay your debt off either. So you both have to get a job doing Ichirakus dishes until you can pay your debt off.
At first you two wanna strangle each other everytime youre in each others line of sight. But slowly — veryyyy slowly, you start to bond over your love for ramen. Like you can probably sniff the bowls before you clean them and tell instantly what ramen was eaten out of it.
You discover you both have the same favourite instant ramen, the same favourite Ichirakus order, etc... Then before you know it you actually start dating. Nobody knows how it happened because you were rivals for a good couple of months, but now all the sudden your holding hands while and eating ramen together peacefully. Mind blown.
You’re a brand new Akatsuki member and you’re cute. Really cute. Not only was Deidara drooling over you too, Kakuzu just asked to file your taxes. Do you even do taxes? You’re a rouge ninja. Anyways, Hidan is so sure that Jashin would love to have you.
You two start taking to eachother and actually getting along pretty well, until he mentions Jashin. You shut him down so quickly after that. Like you’re not interested in his fake God, no matter how cute he is.
From then on he tries to ignore you or is just super petty towards you all the time. Like you just got back from a failed mission with your Akatsuki partner and he’s at the hideout mocking you like “if you prayed to Jashin with me this wouldn’t have happened.”
Literally so fucking petty.
Anytime you suggest an idea to the Akatsuki he immediately tears it down. It doesn’t really matter when he does though because nobody really listens to Hidan anyways, it’s just annoying.
You two get put on a mission together one day because Kakuzu has some important money buisness to take care of. Hidans so pissy about it, “oh come on! Out of everybody you picked y/n? She doesn’t even respect my religion, how are we supposed to work together!?” Kakuzu just looks at him and is like “Hidan, I don’t care about Jashin either.”
Butthurt the whole journey. If you guys get bombarded or run into trouble he probably doesn’t even bother backing you up. If anything he tries to feed you to them LMFAOOO. Such a jerk.
Then, once he thinks that all the bad guys are gone he turns to you all confidently because you got your ass whooped and he’s like “see, I bet if you prayed to Jashin you wouldn’t be injured this bad-“
An enemy just stabbed him right through the chest and he watches the look of shock on your face. That’s when he gets an idea. He falls on the floor super fucking dramatically and you have to take the last guy down for him.
Then you kneel next to him and cradle his body because yes he was such a petty bitch but he actually started to grow on you. So you cry and in this distressed moment you probably even attempted to pray to Jashin because you’re desperate as fuck.
This bitch really makes his eyes flutter open and is like; “y/n?” Really fucking plays off that he was unconscious, “Jashin... Jashin saved me.”
Your ass just got clowned but I mean you believe it because like he just got stabbed right through the heart. Even immortal people should die if they were stabbed in the heart, right? It seemed like it was the case.
So yah he basically just emotionally manipulated you into being semi interested in his religion.
Then he stops being petty with you and probably asks you to sleep with him as an offering to Jashin. “It’s only fitting! He just saved my life afterall.”
Literal definition of a sleeze bag <3
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baby-fites · 6 years ago
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Tumblr really didnt want me answering asks with a readmore but this shits over 2,000 words so like I Gotta Tho
  You shouldn’t be staring. It wasn’t his fault- the fabric for his new costume was still under development, this was just a test run. A failed test run. You really shouldn’t be starring. You were staring. You couldn’t help it, Mirio stood just a few yards in front of you, naked as the day he was born, sweat glistening on his chest and abs and down to his-
    “Haha, whoops! Guess this thing isn’t quite ready for a public debut yet.” He gave a nervous laugh, sheepishly rubbing the back of his neck. Truth be told, it was embarrassing, but at this point he could only feel so much shame- plenty of people had seen him naked plenty of times, it came with the territory and by now he was more or less used to it. Well- for the most part, the difference was the person seeing him usually wasn’t someone he was into.
       He was into you though… very into you. Not that you’d reciprocate… It wasn’t that she was unattractive, you just had more important things to worry about then a relationship with anyone… Didn’t you? But then why were you looking at him- why were you looking at him like that?
      “Uh…. [L/N]? [F/N]? You ok over there?”
You blinked a few times, shaking your head. “Oh- Yeah! Yes! Sorry. I’m ok- just.. just uh…” A valiant effort on your part, but in vain. You couldn’t stop staring even as your cheeks heated up, you were practically drooling. “I just uh- just…”
       “Yeah?” He took a step forward, unable to keep a small smile off his face. “Just what? You’re looking a little flushed there [F/N], You sure you’re not getting sick or anything?” He didn’t sound convincing in the least, he knew you were starring- that you liked what you saw- and what you saw was his dick twitching in interest as he stepped towards you. God you wanted to know what it felt like…
       There was a gentle hand on your chin, tilting your head up to look at him. “[Y/N]… I wanted to ask you something. If that’s alright with you.”
       It took you a few tries to find your voice, the words getting stuck in your throat, at least you managed to tear your eyes away from his thickening cock. “Y-yeah? What’s uh- what’s what you wanted to ask?”
       His other hand came to your cheek and his eyes stare into yours, “Are you… Do you like me? I mean- You’re kinda staring y’know? …Not that I mind! You can if you want! I’m just asking if you do want.”
    “Yes…” The answer left you before you had the chance to think about it. Yes you want, of course you want, you don’t know what he’s offering but you want it, you want it bad. “Mirio I want to- I mean I want- You…”
        And then he was kissing you. Kissing you so hard it’s dizzying and you sucked in a gasp through your nose as he pushed you up against the wall of the training room. It was booked through the hour, and it wasn’t like anyone would interrupt, but the abruptness of having him act like this there and then was enough that your legs spread on their own when he nudged a naked thigh between them. Just as quickly as it started, just as you began kissing back with enthusiasm, he pulled away with a quiet laugh. “Woah- haha, sorry! Guess I got kinda carried away there huh? Sorry about that, it’s just I’ve had some feelings for you going on for awhile now so when you said th-”
    You cut him off by grabbing the back of his neck and yanking him in for another kiss, and he doesn’t object. This kiss was harder, more desperate, and within moments you felt his hands on you skin, he reached through your shirt to run his fingers over every part of you. You couldn’t help rutting slightly against his leg and groaning into his mouth. This sparked something in him, something primal. He pulled his hands from your chest, grabbing your legs and wrapping them around his waist, holding you up with your back pressed against the wall.
     After spending so much time looking at his dick you should’ve been prepared for how it would feel pressed against you, but you weren’t even close. By now he was rock hard and pressed against you through your shorts, and without even looking down you could feel how incredibly thick he was. Your legs tightened around him, pulling him closer as he broke away from your mouth, pressing hot, wet kisses over your jaw and down your neck. You let out a whine of his name, openly grinding against him as he held you in place.
      “Shit [F/N]..” He breathed against your skin, you couldn’t remember the last time you heard him swear. You opened your mouth to say something but you were cut off by your own startled yelp as you felt his fingers brush over you, phasing through your shorts and underwear, just touching you once before pulling away. “Sorry-” He barely stifled a grunt, “Was that bad? I mean is it ok if I touch you?”
You managed a shaking nod and a quiet “Yes… Please.” And that was all it took for him to get back to pressing his fingers against you, rubbing gently but with enough pressure that you needed to bury your face in his shoulder to keep from moaning. You squirmed and ground against his hand and it wasn’t long before one of his fingers was stroking gently across your entrance and you were whining out an embarrassing string of “please please pleasepleaseplease-”  As he slowly slipped it into you. You wanted to cry, you thought you might be crying. It didn’t hurt, of course, he would never hurt you, but the slow sensation of being worked open under his touch was enough to overwhelm you. You tossed your head back with a wail when he added a second, his fingers so thick, so filling, and so perfectly angled that-
“Mirio- Mirio fuck I’m gonna cum!” You bucked your hips harder, fucking yourself on his fingers while you felt the pooling heat build throughout your entire body. “Good,” He beamed at you- how could he stay so cheerfully casual? -And immediately worked his fingers with more precision against the spot that seemed to drive you the most wild. “I want you to actually, I’d love to know what you look like when you do.”
That was enough to send you over the edge, with a sharp cry you grabbed at his shoulders and muffled yourself against his chest as he worked you through the high. Just when you started coming down, thinking he was slowing to a stop, you felt a third finger press into you. “Oh shit.” you eloquently moaned as the stretch intensified the aftershocks of your first orgasm.
     “Wow, I guess I was right!” He was still smiling down at you, but even with pleasure clouding your vision you could see the playful glint in his eyes, “You look really, really good like that!” You only managed a whine in response, still grinding down against his hand. You could still feel him, hard and hot and heavy against your thigh, and looking down you could see glistening drops of precum forming at the tip of his cock.
     You looked back to meet his eyes and after a deep shuddering gasp you managed to speak. “These off,” you tugged at your shorts, “Fuck me.” He seemed taken aback slightly at your request, but was quick to shake his head with a light chuckle and slowly pull his fingers from you. You nearly fell when he set you down, catching yourself on the wall behind you.
      “Jeez,” He laughed again, but this laugh sounded a bit more strained than those before, “If I’d known you wanted it this bad I would’ve confessed my feelings at home!”
      You threw your balled up shorts-underwear combo at him with the skill of an expert marksman, they of course sailed directly through his torso and landed behind him on the floor, but it still counted, you were convinced of that. In the time you took to congratulate yourself on your obvious victory, the man in front of you found the opportune moment to launch a surprise attack of his own. That is to say he lifted you against the wall again, splaying you out and resting your legs on his shoulders, leaning in ever so slowly and pressing his nose to yours.
“Hi” He said “Hi” You echoed, blush creeping over your face as you felt his tip press lightly against you.
“Well…” He offered you a sheepish grin, “Knock knock, clearance for entry?” God damn it, you thought, “God damnit,” You said out loud, though your words had no real bite to them considering you couldn’t contain your laughter, “Mirio that was terrible. You do know that was terrible right?”
  “I have no idea what you mean!” He gasped, feigning offense, “Would you rather I said ‘permission to come aboard captain?’” Now you couldn’t help the snort of laughter that shook through your frame, if he was trying to ease your nerves he was doing a damn good job. “I’d rather you be in me already.”
     “I think I can do that,” His smile never quit, only quivering as he grit his teeth and slowly, ever so slowly started to push into you. Dear god he was thick- well- you’d known that, you’d expected that, you just… hadn’t expected how thick. You’d never felt so full in your life, and still, he wouldn’t hurt you. The slow drag of his cock was driving you mad, and any discomfort from the stretch never bordered on pain. You only realized you were clinging to him and whimpering in his ear when he started whispering encouragement against you.
    “Good job baby, you’re doing so good, taking me so well, you feel so amazing.” You could hear his voice faltering as he fought to sink into you at the slowest possible pace, and the groan the reverberated through his entire chest when he bottomed out was enough to make you grind your hips against his.
   “Fuuuck-” He exhaled through gritted teeth as he began to pull back, almost as slowly as he’d pushed in. “[F/N] you’re so- so good, feels so good-” his hips stuttered, pace picking up into a gentle but decent rhythm. You were practically writhing against him, words breaking off into fragments of his name and pleas for him to keep going, to go harder to give you more.
     He delivered, never once did he stop kissing you, praising you, encouraging you to be his. He Guided one of your hands down between your bodies, silently urging you to touch yourself. You had no objections and soon you were gasping for breath, moaning so loudly you worried someone outside of the room would hear. White hot pleasure was coursing through your veins all over again, your body tensing around him as it built to a peak. He’d covered your neck and collarbone in kisses and gentle hickies at this point, and when he latched on to the skin just under your ear you came undone.
     “Miri- Mmmirioooo I’m cumming again- cumming again right fucking now holy SHIT-” You let out a shriek, tears burning at the corners of your eyes as you came hard enough to white out your own vision, unable to focus on anything outside of the blinding liquid pleasure taking you apart from the inside out.
      When you came to it was with a surprised shout at the feeling of him jackhammering his hips into you, fucking you against the wall so hard you’d have bruises on your back for the next few days. It took you a few moments to realize he was saying something, muttering between grunts and moans into your ear.
   “Just a little more baby- ah- shit just hold out for me- just need a little more please- please you’re so good almost there just a little closer-” Between his words and the feeling of being fucked into next Tuesday, you felt your third release approaching fast and hard, and frantically you scratched at his shoulders and pleaded right back to him.
“Yes- God yes Mirio right there- so close- please-” “Cum with me-” It was louder than anything else he’d said, halfway between a command and a desperate beg, “Please baby please cum with me god I need you to please-”
 You couldn’t deny him, your body spasmed of its own accord, tightening and shivering around him as he railed into you like his life depended on it. You were dizzy, you were blinded, you could practically hear yourself dripping onto the floor beneath him and you were sensitive, so sensitive to how full you were- and then, you just weren’t full anymore. He was shuddering above you with a low, loud moan, and twitching in place as he came, but he wasn’t inside you anymore. It took you a moment, but you realized he hadn’t pulled out either, instead, in possibly the strangest type of intimacy you’d ever experienced, he’d phased his entire pelvis through your body, spattering the wall behind you with ropes of cum and making for the most bizarre view of two bodies you could imagine when you looked down.
  After a few seconds of heavy breathing he pulled his hips back enough to solidify again, and slowly sank the both of you to the floor, holding you close against his chest. “Heh, Sorry about that,” His voice, though a little shaky, still maintained a chipper casualty, “I guess I should’ve just asked if I could finish in you instead, but I also wasn’t sure I had time to pull out, besides,” He grinned, pressing your foreheads together, “I think your surprised face was almost as cute as your face when you’re cumming!” You rolled your eyes, unable to hide the blush from your face. “Hey y’know, the locker rooms here aren’t too great,” He continued, “what do you say we get cleaned up back at my place?” …You had the feeling you were in for a long evening.
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boybandsim · 5 years ago
leafeana replied to your post: 
WAIT i was just scrolling through your blog cause im hungry for content and saw this again and realized you asked what version i was playing? which i dont remember answering whoops
im playing it on pc! which is great bc then i get to mess around with mods (like the one that gives cindy some real clothing lol) but its also got its downsides since my computer is definitely not a gaming computer, which means graphics take a serious hit and lagging isnt uncommon
im...not sure if its royal edition?? I think windows edition has all the features of royal edition, although im not completely sure. I think luna has a cutscene in Insomnia thats only in royal edition, so once im there ill be able to tell. technically im in Insomnia now but ive time traveled back and it might be a while before i push on to the finale. after dealing with Altissia --> the start of Insomnia linearly i wanted some time to chill with the bros and pretend
everything is fine for a while. it has been a WILD ride for sure and yeah I haven't even started up any of the dlc yet! theres so much content!! ive been practicing playing as the other bros during medium-hard combat which has kept it feeling really fresh too. also its hilarious just blasting bad guys with a bazooka while the other people are in there swinging around swords and knives. and i haven't done any of the crossover quests yet, which seem big and exciting!
ill be forever sad that i missed the assassins festival but theres definitely plenty to do that I'm excited for. and im getting really into the fishing!! charmed is definitely the right word like..its not perfect at all but this game is so genuinely endearing with its characters personalites and development and its themes and music as well and it really does some things SO well.
god okay this is a lot of words. sorry for rambling and for the late reply! no one i know plays this game or has much interest in it so youre getting all my bottled up enthusiasm
PLEASE DO NOT EVER APOLOGISE FOR RAMBLING SEND ME AS MUCH AS I LOVE WORDS AND THOUGHTS AND TALKING ABOUT FFXV DUDE <3333 also literally no worries about late replies or replying at all im forever shit at them myself i get it bro nw nw nw
hell yeah pc is royal edition with a bunch of other shit and the dlcs (bar ardyn) incorporated, dont worry, also i would die for that one cindy in a decent outfit mod i know the exact one youre on about LOL (also i can recommend you some other mods if u like!!)
if i can share some knowledge with you right quick cuz i had the same problem and wouldve died to have someone tell me i went from barely 20fps on a good day to being able to run multiple programs with ffxv in the background; specialk is a very quick install and majorly helped with multithreading; otherwise for the in game options are using low resolution texture pack (assets option); shadows look near visually identical on the lowest option compared to the highest; all nvidia effects can be turned off with no significant graphic change; turning off anti aliasing entirely genuinely makes the game look better for me; i can post my full settings if itll help you and ive also read through a few tutorials for modding around lag so i can try and help you with that, i do get pretty major lag spikes though and frequently find it near impossible to stream/record, but i manage to nail that 60fps on average if im solely running ffxv with a few cut corners like those
also dont blame you with altissia, ngl i boiled through the story rollercoaster right quick after exploring most of the open world before even touching altissia and ended up ignoring all postgame content for starting a new save immediately and replaying just to get that hangout time in the open world that wasnt just go-back-in-time-through-magic-dog. but i feel you so hard dude i just want more of them chilling. literally i have 300 hours in this game already and i know half of those have been using the car listening to tunes LMFAO
yeah the crossover quests are funnn the one with terra wars is sweet and the ffxiv one is SO funny its literally hysterical i was roaring with laughter a couple times!!! and good on you practising i didnt touch any of the extended combat until my third save and yeah honestly if you want to do the postgame menaces those skillsll come in useful, its funny because the maingame bosses arent that hard but the postgame is mental. but yeah i love blowing shit up with proms bazooka it fucking rules nerds can keep their swords
ALSO SAME... i wanna play the promptis date so bad!! i wanna play episode duscae so bad!!! wanna play the platinum demo with baby noctis so bad!! knowing theyll never be ported kills meeeeee. sad & upset but as you say theres so much to do and the dlc honestly offer so much im still finding shit i havent done and ive spent a year playing already
honestly so much of this game for me is literally just booting it to go hang with the guys its really relaxing lmfaooo... hiking around with these goofy dudes. sometimes i just wanna chill with the anime boys. YEAH literally its sweet and charming and then fucking heartbreaking and even though the writing is hammy as hell im honestly so willing to forgive it. not only for the clear amount of care and love that went into specifically building the guys relationship (which anyone knows is the best and most realised part of the game) but the details and amount of lore you can uncover if you take a step and interpret a little. maybe thats too generous a statement for what was an executive nightmare and critically underdeveloped but i grew up on ffxiii and knowing the versus 13 lore and that ffxv was part of that extended canon im satisfied with it being another side to that story and running with that. i think supplemented with its additional content years after release ffxv isnt a complete experience but enough of one to leave an impact or at least it did majorly for me! ive been obsessed.
OMG sorry im nerding too its all good lol just genuinely i love this game and its hard to find people talking about it these days but i really had such a good time and still am continuing to and i love it fuck it ball hard
real shit though it has the best fishing minigame of all time hands down nothing has come close fuck the haters
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shhhhyoursister · 5 years ago
Hey what are you favourite davenzi scenes/moments and what are your favourite Matteo scenes/moments? Hope you’re well!
okay okay okay this has been in my inbox for a lil while and i feel like ive been building up to it but im going to watch some clips and gather some thoughts.....i asked @theyellowcurtains to give me a number limit for each and he said 3 so im gonna do 3 of each otherwise id just write a frame by frame analysis of all of season 3 (im so sorry for how long this post is i have so many thoughts all the time)
im gonna start with matteo moments and im gonna list the season/episode/clip just for clarity okay?? okay (im doing matteo moments that dont include david because i have to go off about that later on)
1. s3ep10cl2- okay okay so the morning after clip is perfect in every single way and i could go off about it for years but beyond all of the davenzi stuff there is the moment when matteo leaves davids room and hes wearing the gray sweater, when laura is dancing??? which is also iconic all on its own but im talking specifically about matteo here, so you know he sits down on that stool thing and hes smiling SO big and hes blushin really hard and then laura sees him and they LAUGH??? and then he claps for her???? if i had to pick id absolutely say that that whole sequence is my fave matteo moment and also kind of interesting and makes me think about the fact that matteo is definitely very shy and quiet but he also has that like,, brat confidence?? i could make an entire post about that but ANYWAY yeah that is the fucking best matteo moment hes so cute and nervous but also totally fine being obvious about the fact that him and david fucked which i think is hilarious but i digress and i MUST move on
2. s3ep8cl2- i do have to say that while im not a HUGE fan of the explanation the video he watched gave of like,, what being trans is, im really glad they included this clip?? like its so obvious that matteo wants to talk to david but doesnt really know what to say, and i love that his first instinct was to start looking stuff up?? like if i was into a cis guy and he told me that he didnt really know about trans stuff but he did RESEARCH?? like thats just really sweet and shows that he really fucking loves david already and just wants to be more informed about what hes,, not to say signing up for but i cant think of a better phrase but yall know what i mean ya know??? its just very very sweet of him!!!!!
3. s3ep8cl4- i think people know about my deep love for hans so of course this clip is going to be one of my favorites?? im going to narrow it down a bit though because the part of this clip that hit me the fucking hardest was when hans asks “what do you like about him?” because the way matteo reacts is just?? so sweet?? at first he looks a little unsure but then when hans repeats himself matteo licks his lips and goes “well, i love his smile” like????? is that not the cutest fucking shit?? he literally swoons and collapses back into the chair cause hes probably imagining it and then he goes off about it being “beautiful” with david and im sure hans is trying not to cry?? and hans ending it with “thats the only thing that really matters, everything else is secondary” and matteo going “thats true” and then laughing a little bit?? i feel like that whole thing was a bit of a turning point for matteo and wow i am,,, so emotional about it
oh my god im so sorry im going off but im about to go off more cause,,, im gonna talk about davenzi moments now
1. s3ep10cl1- okay im just gonna start strong even though i feel like everyone talks about this clip i REALLY wanna talk about it because??? the fact that they showed a fucking sex scene between a trans boy and a gay cis boy is still so fucking iconic and legendary?? while this whole season really changed my life, this scene in particular is so.......it just feels so good to see. like its so nice watching that and seeing someone who looks like me ya know?? not that i look like david god i wish i was that lucky but like,, someone wearing a binder?? someone whos body looks more like mine than any other trans rep ive seen?? and seeing that body being portrayed as DESIRABLE??? i think thats one of the things that gets me the most is just how like,, just how much matteo is into david lol it just feels good feels organic but im gonna stop myself here before i talk for 1000 years about a less than 4min long clip lmao
2. s3ep10cl4- okay so this clip really just highlights the cute beginning flirting stages of their relationship?? like matteo doesnt want to host the party but then he sees david and smiles and then hes smiling like a fool when he hands david the beanie back and theyre both just so awkward but obviously crushing?? and he wants to keep talking so of course hes gonna bring up the time they hung out, and he looks a lil shocked after david says “it was cool with you” and then he like,, stutters through inviting him to the party cause hes probably so nervous!!! theyre both just such big losers with such BIG crushes on each other its really just the cutest fucking clip and also kinda shows that david isnt necessarily just this,, cool dude?? hes also a stuttery blushy dork with a crush?? wow wow its just such a good underrated clip WOW
3. s3ep9cl7- okay okay okay okay okay im sure there are like lenghty analyses about this clip already but i dont care because holy FUCK??? something i didnt really notice about it before was once matteo finally goes up to david hes like “are you fucking serious” but then he sees that david is fuckin spiraling so his voice gets softer and he asks him like “hey whats wrong” and its just a really good set up to the conversation?? and its nice to see that despite matteo probably being kinda angry hes mostly just worried about david?? and then matteo just lets david go OFF at him and only talks when hes trying to tell him that it isnt going to be the same as it was last time but then once he sees that david is getting angrier and louder hes like okay how am i going to get him to listen so of course matteo, the quietest boy in the world, yells back!!!! and yeah thats the thing that finally stops david from working himself up!! and matteo realizes that hes gonna need to be a lil loud and pushy to make david listen to him and then he goes back to being soft once david is paying attention to him!!! and then he talks and he says so much, like much more than he usually does at one time, and god GOD the way they did that was jsut so GOOD!!!!! and the fact that matteo, who appears to be either depressed or apathetic like 90% of the season, is the one that says i love you first??? and during such an emotional and important moment like?? like after going off about how david isnt alone and that hes really great and jsut needs to stop hiding himself away LIKE???? guys its jsut so so good its just so good i could talk for years but im gonna cut myself off here
honorable mentions cause i cant shut the fuck UP:
1. when theyre looking at davids sketchbook and david is like “these are private actually all of them are private” and matteo is like “well you already showed them to me it doesnt matter” and then he giggles like damn no question why david had such a huge crush on him immediately hes such a cutie
2. “its not a girl”
3. ill just say the whole cuddle clip?? the tender/feral dichotomy?? absolutely *chefs kiss* just fucking perfect
4. THE FIRST KISS??? also gotta say i noticed something for the first time the other night but matteo SMILES and i hadnt seen it before its right after david says “i bet i can hold my breath longer than you” and then the angle changes and he smiles before holding his breath and it killed me when i saw it whoops
5. final shout out along the same lines as ^^ that one but just?? anytime matteo smiles?? fills me with serotonin. the smile in the final clip right before david runs over to kiss him?? the smiles when hes fuckin around with the boys?? every single lil nervous crushy smile with david??? i could go on but im going to stop this now before i say any more this is already too long
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hellreads · 5 years ago
For anyone who saw this, i urge u to read Right of Way. Okay io, my heart. First, as a jk stan, i feel like a several punches hit me from every direction. I'm the kind of reader who easily immersed into the character especially w the pronoun 'you' i feel like someone is reading me a story of my life, so yes i am bawling, usually it took me a few fluff or smut fic to simmer down the emotion but not this one. I went to bed with swollen eyes. I couldn't read a shit after that.
I will put all my answers under the cut because this is RoW and my emotions for this fic has no end T_T | 🍒
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❤️ Rara | 🍒 Io (I decided to answer it as if we’re just chatting and not hurting rip our weak hearts for RoW Jimin, Jungkook, and OC)
❤️ : For anyone who saw this, I urge u to read Right of Way. Okay io, my heart. First, as a jk stan, i feel like a several punches hit me from every direction. I’m the kind of reader who easily immersed into the character especially w the pronoun ‘you’ i feel like someone is reading me a story of my life, so yes i am bawling, usually it took me a few fluff or smut fic to simmer down the emotion but not this one. I went to bed with swollen eyes. I couldn’t read a shit after that.
🍒 : Rara, I feel you!!! I am the type of reader who hardcore immerses herself even if the main character gets killed or is a ghost because the best way for me to relate and feel everything to the core is to immerse, I can never read something as an outsider, okay maybe there’s a few I started out as an outsider but eventually caved in (even named OC fics lol, it’s fun to be someone else), sorry to break it to you but NO FIC CAN EVER HEAL THE DAMAGE RIGHT OF WAY HAS DONE TO YOU, NO FIC CAN MAKE YOU FORGET OF THE EVENTS, THE MISTAKES, THE REGRETS, THE PENANCE, THE ACCEPTANCE, THE WEIGHT THIS FIC WILL HAVE ON YOU IS TOO HEAVY YOU NEED A SUPPORT/SUFFER GROUP. 
❤️ : RoW jk is childish, to me. But maybe he is just naive or confused. For him to fall for oc but still care about sohee is kind of dick move to me, but someone once told me “we cannot choose who fall in love with, and we certainly cannot choose how it will happen either”. That’s their fates. I’m pretty satisfied w the ending bcs there’s no bad person in this story, just bad decisions. What saddens me is, it seems like only OC who pays the price.
🍒 : That is true that he seems like a childish one but isn’t that the beauty of being a child? loving without limits, with all your heart? no hesitations, just trusting that love will be kind, good, untainted even, he saw something in OC that’s why he opened up himself to her and fell for her even if we cannot fully understand the set-up they agreed to have, I hated him for staying with Sohee, I could never understand that part but then again have you seen how feral Sohee was for Jungkook? the girl would kill for the boy, she snaked her way to get him and she’d do anything for history to not repeat itself, but the gods said fuck you Sohee we’ll let the boy stray, he cheated once, he’ll cheat again, what makes you think you’re special hun? you’re right nobody is a bad person here since they’re all humans, something led them to commit the sins they’ve done in this lifetime…
Sohee’s Fault was stealing Jungkook from Seulgi, she was head over heels for him she didn’t think twice, she just wanted to get him at all costs even if it means karma will find her sooner or later, she lusted after him and eventually loved him so there’s no way she was letting go, hence, she carefully planned everything so she gets pregnant with his baby, sick right? but the reality is she’s not the only one who did this thing to their partner, she just didn’t fucking care as long as she keeps Jungkook.
Jimin’s Fault was trusting and loving OC too much he shrugged every sign of her infidelity under the rug, what a libra thing to do Jimin (I am a Libra and I can attest to this Libra trait especially when in love) he was too blinded by love that he gave her every benefit of the doubt whenever she skips dates, goes home late, always tired, even asking to be fucked dog style, sigh, he lost the love of his life to his best friend (well he lost his loves twice to the same boy) she was nothing but an empty shell pre-programmed to respond to him like a lover would and that fucking hurt, I think among the four characters here he received the most damage cluelessly, what a poor loving soul, my heart shattered for him, he only wanted to give her the world but she decided to run to a different planet.
Jungkook’s Fault was being weak and not opening himself up to Sohee, if he only opened up to her the way he did to OC then this wouldn’t have happened,  she’s always been there but something is still missing but he should’ve talked things with her instead of finding solace in the arms of OC, because of the secret class they shared they had to write something together which I think could’ve been written minus their drunken state but whoops this is their fate, maybe in another universe they belonged together and they’re trying it as well in this one? (coherence fucked up my mind so I keep thinking of alternate universes) also, Jungkook did nothing to stop the sins they’re doing, he’s into deep inside her in every sense and there was no going back, he was willing to ruin relationships and friendships but fate was cruel, he only had a taste of his euphoria before everything came crashing down.
OC’s Fault was thinking she was strong enough to fight her strong feelings and urges, she thought she was not capable of doing such thing, she wasn’t a bad person, maybe the stable relationship really got to her (long-term relationships can get boring and it isn’t pretty) and having a taste of something or someone new is titillating, also, it wouldn’t be bad right? because it’s the worst, just like Jungkook she gave in to lust, god their sexual chemistry and actual chemistry off-sex is something every lover should have except they aren’t lovers but sinners trying to milk each other everything they got before the world reveals their secrets, she knew it was wrong but she always kept coming back for more, as much as she tried to stay away and forget about everything she keeps spiraling down with Jungkook, it was no longer a mistake but a choice. ultimately, she had to pay the price because that was her predicament, she got the short end of the stick, everything was ruined for her, her relationship with Jimin, Sohee, and Jungkook.
❤️ : If i could wish for a different ending i would say a happy ending but that is unreal. I would want oc to end up w jk, sohee didnt ended up pregnant. (Thats the thing isn’t it, when u’re pregnant u’re bound for life, for the sake of the child). Maybe oc can end up w jimin, she will live her whole life as jimin wife and also as a liar. Point is, the ending is “this is bound to happen, someone have to take the bullet” n i think it’s necessary rather than satisfying,
🍒 : You’re absolutely right about somebody taking the bullet and that’s obviously OC, this is why it fucking hurts, you know for a fact that she didn’t do all of this on her own, it’s not like she forcefully had her way with Jungkook, I’m just so appalled because he was a fuckboy and suddenly lost all knowledge and imagination on this exact position “It’s actually pretty shimple… The girl is straddling the guy, her back facing him while her face is turned to the side so he can kiss her.” imo, he tricked her by playing dumb, maybe it’s true they’re tipsy but he constantly bugged OC after which means he remembers everything they’ve done that one sinful night…
~ the first ending I hoped for was Jimin and OC getting back together, I prayed so hard that he’ll have the heart to forgive and take her back but this the reality of cheating and getting cheated on, no matter how much you try to mend and put the pieces back together it will never fit perfectly again, edges now cracked and torn there’s no way their perfect relationship will ever be the same, as one of my favorite songs said “with each passing day the pain still stays the same” no matter how hard Jimin tries, his trust and love for her will never be the same, he will always doubt her and be reminded of her infidelity, it will not be a pleasant ride for them so it’s better that they didn’t end up being together because even if time heals all wounds the scar she gave him will always hurt like a salted fucking open wound.
~ the second one I hoped for was that Jungkook gives up everything even if Sohee was pregnant, this is brutal I know but if he truly loved OC he would keep his promise and be with her, with or without a child growing inside his girlfriend because it’ll never be the same for them but unlike Jimin, Sohee was willing to try and forget because he loves Jungkook too much, I applaud her for trying but I believe she will never be truly happy, she will be constantly reminded of stealing Jungkook from Seulgi, forcing their child into this world as a trap to keep him, and the devastating fact that Jungkook was willing to give everything up for OC, and that for a short period of time he loved her like the world was about to end, and end it did, Sohee won in this lifetime, suffering is a small price to pay to be with Jungkook ig, they can try but reality will come checking up on them once in a while and it won’t be fun, their relationship is damaged but for Hikaru their innocent angel they will try. 
~ the last and ultimate ending I prayed for was OC ending up alone, another savage wish because I love suffering, but this was the only way for her heart to be free from all the pain and guilt, she suffered long enough by keeping secrets and coming back to Jungkook’s arms, she wasn’t a bad person, she was just weak and lost the battle in holding tightly onto her morals because love is something you can’t run away from, yes, I believe that she and Jungkook fell in love it was evident in the incriminating poem he made her “the tiny islands of your birthmark leading me to your center like a happy trail” he paid attention to every part of her and you don’t do that to a random fuck, it was hard not to love the pair despite the sins they’ve done because fuck I’m crying again, my chest now heaving from too much pain ugh, they were perfect (these lines should’ve been on my second ending but whatever I’ll get to my point) if only Jimin and Sohee didn’t exist or sure let them join the picture except they’re just random friends, but they’re not, and that’s why it sucks that she had to endure all of this losing a lover, losing a friend, and losing a soulmate (because fuck the way Jungkook loved her screams soulmate to me except he’s tied to another T_T)
❤️ : My favorite moment would be when jimin found the poems, man it went down like I’m falling from a cliff straight into the coldest sea on earth. U know when u ride a rollercoaster, on the falling part, u feel like ur heart is at ur throat? That how i feel as jimin reads the poem. Now imagine being jimin. Imagine being cheated on in the worst way anyone could possibly imagine. He was ready to propose to oc, jk is his bff, she fucked jk while he was away, on the couch next to their photo…
🍒 : RARA, I FELT THAT, I RECENTLY VISITED A FAMOUS THEME PARK AND FUCK THE ROLLERCOASTER RIDE THERE TOOK MY SOUL, ALL I SHOUTED OUT WAS LOOOOOORRRRRRDDDDD AND I DIED ~ anyway, that poem part fucked me up, I was literally bawling my eyes out, I have been cheated on but if I happened to discover the affair the way Jimin did I would die, when I discovered my boyfriend of almost 8 years cheated on me my heart froze, literally fucking freezing cold and not a single tear dropped that day, the following days were hellish, that’s when I wanted to cry and release all my pain but still no tears (I knew it was coming I guess) ~ this is why the length of a relationship doesn’t really matter because it’s never an assurance that your partner will be faithful to you, maybe things got boring okay I admit to that but what I can never understand is, why stay and cheat and hurt your partner if you’re no longer happy.
no one owns anybody nor is anyone entitled to own anybody or have them as a back-up in case your mission to cheat or flirt fails, that is just fucking sick.
❤️ : I love it that I major in literature study, bcs i can keep my mind sane instead of just blaming myself (oc), i see it from each characters’ pov and god, the author deserves a standing ovation. This is so many asks hehe, i feel like i still have a lot to say but I couldn’t think straight right now, too clouded by the angst smoke, hehe p:s i love u more!
🍒 : ohhh that’s an interesting fact, my major and my profession has nothing to do with literature or anything, in fact, people who studied my major probs hate English ghasdjfghjdsagfhjsadgfjksd, I’m just used to seeing both sides of the story and trying to understand why they are like that, did something happen to them to end up in the situation they’re in? what is missing in their lives? what are they craving for? what tipped off the balance? nobody wanted to be in the predicament they’re in, Sohee, Jimin, Jungkook, and OC were victims of time and circumstance, just because things didn’t turn out the way you want them to doesn’t mean life or fate or destiny is cruel, this is the nature and balance of this universe, if they give everything to us freely even if we tried taking it in the most inappropriate or evil way there would be nothing but chaos, I just hope that somewhere out there our girl OC is happy and having the time of her life, I’m no longer wishing for Jimin to come back, I just want all of them to heal and learn from their experience, it’s sad and painful but they were just never meant to be, Jimin nor Jungkook was never meant for OC, OC wherever you are my love, I hope you’ve healed and loved yourself well and put back the pieces of your broken self together, love will find you and it will be beautiful.
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flowerpowell · 6 years ago
Second Chances (Drake x MC // Liam)
Part Eight (FINALE)
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After 221938129 years I finally managed to write the last chapter of Second Chances! It was wild ride, let me tell you! I didnt plan to write so much I thought I’d end this series on chapter three. Also, sorry in advance for those of you who won’t like the ending. I had it planned from the beginning, this is the original ending, this is how it was supposed to end. I hope you will enjoy it and as always, every feedback is very appreciated!
All rights go to Pixelberry. I dont own the characters and some parts of dialogues.
Rating: PG-16 (language, mentions of gun violence, blood, death)
Word count: 3636 (whoops! but its the finale so I hope its okay)
Tagging: @brightpinkpeppercorn @speedyoperarascalparty @agent-bossypants @museofbooks @jyreusser85 @journeytohomesworld @walkerismychoice @walkerduchess @confessionsofabrokegirl @catlady0911 @furiousherringoperatortoad @littlegreenmoo @mysteli @butindeed @gardeningourmet @hopefulmoonobject @sleepwalkingelite @eileendannie @beautifulobsessionforpink @bobasheebaby @fluffy-marshmallow-heart @boneandfur @damienswhore @mynameiskaylabella @delightfullypinkglitter @mr-sinclaire @topsyturvy-dream @blackcatkita @damiensmatch @whatmcsaid @sstee1 @mrsernestsinclaire @lordberg @barbaravalentino @itstaygs @umccall71 @wannabemc2 @mrsdrakewalkerblog @marywrites-things @moneyfordiamonds @annekebbphotography @zaffrenotes @hrhdes @tacohead13 @ao719 @dancetothestoriesinyoursoul @jlouise88 @blubutterflyy @parrotdrama @littleeeepeach ♥
“Can someone help me lift Drake?”
“Riley! Help Drake and stay low. I’ll cover you!”
“I need help with lady Riley, she’s losing her consciousness!”
“Come on Drake, let’s get you out of here”
“Drake...you took a bullet for me”
“We have four injured people, one has been shot in the chest, one in the legs, the others were stabbed. One person is dead.”
“Drake...I love you.”
“I love you too, Brooks. I was a fool to try to fight it.”
“Duchess Riley is breathing but is unconscious, we need to take her under observation.”
“We should make the most of the time we have while we’ve got the chance. Brooks...Riley, will you marry me?”
“Sir Drake Walker needs to undertake an immediate surgery.”
“We’re getting married!”
“I might not say this enough but I’m honored to be by your side.”
“You’re cute when you’re jealous, you know that?”
“Y’know, I definitely didn’t think I’d meet the love of my life at my best friend’s bachelor party.”
“Me? I’m nobody. I’m never going to be good enough for someone like you.”
“You know, you’re engaged to the only man to win a Cordonian duel in a hundred years.”
“Oh, Liam...I can’t marry you. I’m in love with Drake...”
“Next time we go camping, how about we do it without the rest of them.”
“What’s keeping you awake? Is it scandalous thoughts about me?”
“We’re losing him! Drive faster!”
“I’d have to be...I mean, anyone would be a fool not to care about you.”
“When the time comes...when those photos aren’t hanging over your head anymore...I’ll still be here.”
“How about tonight? I can take you on a real date.”
“It’s a miracle I ever managed to make you fall for me.”
“Still shocks me sometimes, thinking about how close you are to being my wife.”
“I would like to have one last fling before we’re married. Only if it’s okay with you.”
“What I want more than anything is for you to be happy.”
“Room number three, transport her Grace to room number three as soon as possible!”
“Drake, what’s going on? Why are you shutting me off? Talk to me, please!”
“You’re still in love with him, aren’t you? That’s why you wanted to have a fling...to fuck Liam one last time!”
“Drake stop the car! I didn’t sleep with him!”
“I love you Drake Walker. Please never ever forget that.”
She woke up feeling sharp pain in her head. The room around was white and blurry. Was she dead? Is that was Heaven looks like?
Not being able to move, she rolled her eyes to see if there was anyone else in the room. It was empty.
Riley closed her eyes as the memories of last evening became more and more clear. She had no idea how long she was unconcious, what happened to other people who were at the party.
This man, Anton, she remembered...he tried to kill her. But he didn’t because...
Riley inhaled sharply and started shaking when she realized it was Drake who stopped the bullet, Drake who saved her life, Drake whom she loved more than anything in the world, Drake who wasn’t with her in the room.
Oh God, please let him be okay, please let him be alright--
“Good morning your Grace! I see you finally woke up!” a cheerful nurse greeted her and she realized she met her before.
She met her when Drake got them in a car accident and she lost her memory.
She lost her memory. She was rude to Drake. And now that she finally remembered everything Drake is...somewhere.
Shit, shit, shit.
“How long have I been here? Where’s Drake?” she asked in raspy voice.
“The attack took place last night. You were unconscious for about 10 hours. You hit your head quite badly on the floor. Do you remember what happened?”
“I do. Yes. Where’s Drake?”
“Sir Drake is being operated now,” the nurse smiled but it didn’t reach her eyes.
“Still?!” Riley exclaimed causing more pain in her head. He was being operated for over 10 hours. “Is he going to be alright?” she asked with shaky voice.
“I don’t know your Grace. From what I’ve heard...it’s a very complicated situation and the chances are pretty low...”
Not like this.
Riley closed her eyes to stop her tears. This couldn’t end like this. Just no.
Please, please. All I want is a second chance, she prayed silently trying to divert her thoughts from overthinking the worst scenario.
She didn’t know how many minutes, maybe even hours, passed on her prayers, begging for a miracle, when she heard someone entering the room. Without moving her head, she shifted her eyes onto the door and saw Liam.
“Hey...” he started, standing awkwardly in the doorway, “May I come in?”
“How are you feeling?” Liam asked sitting on the edge of her bed.
“Awful. I feel awful,” she admitted as a tear rolled down her cheek.
Liam put his hand on hers comfortingly. “I’m sorry. Maybe I can talk to someone to give you more painkillers? Is your head still--”
“It’s not that,” she whispered, “It’s Drake. They—they don’t know.”
Liam bit his lip slightly and thought for a while before answering. “It was a nasty shot. They’re doing everything they can,” he said slowly.
She turned to him despite the pain in her neck and head, and saw a real sadness in his eyes. “What happened there?”
“Anton had been planning this attack at your and Drake’s wedding. But since you broke off the engagement, he didn’t want to wait. Gladys...she worked with him. I had no idea, and I’m sorry. She told him about your memory loss and Anton was afraid there was a chance you’d marry me. That’s why he tried to kill both of us. But Drake saved you and ruined his plan. Then Hana hit him with a tray from behind so he wouldn’t try to shoot again and then Olivia, who somehow managed to steal someone’s gun, shot him. For good. He’s dead. Gladys was captured and is awating her sentence. Bastien, Mara, and other guards caught the rest of the attackers as well. Maxwell was shot in his legs when he tried to run up to you. Penelope and Bertrand were stabbed but luckily, everything is okay and wounds weren’t dangerous. Maxwell is still here, in the room next to yours, and he needs rest now. The rest is okay.”
“So...Anton is dead...there are no other dead people?” she asked.
“No. Not yet anyway.”
“Liam, don’t. He can’t die. We are supposed to get married, have kids, grow old together. He is supposed to know how much I love him. He can’t die now, not knowing how I feel about him. He can’t!” Riley yelled and Liam squeezed her hand for comfort.
“He’ll be fine. He’s strong, but...” he trailed off.
“But it means you remember,” he tried to smile but it didn’t quite reach his eyes.
“I’m sorry Liam,” this time she squeezed his hand. “I remembered everything, although I think my heart always remembered. Only my head didn’t follow. And I’m so, so sorry for misleading you like this. I...was a mess.”
“It’s okay--”
“No, let me finish before I lose the courage,” she took a deep breath before continuing. This wasn’t an easy conversation but it needed to happen. She had to tell her how she really felt. “No matter what happens Liam, I won’t be your Queen. You’re the most wonderful man in the world and you deserve someone much better.”
In the corners of her eyes, she saw Liam nodding and she went on. “And even if Drake,” she swallowed hard, “even if he dies, I can’t be with you. My heart belongs to Drake. Has always belonged to him. I won’t be able to love you as much as you deserve to be loved.”
Liam sighed and remained silent for a minute before finally speaking. “Riley, I won’t lie and say it was easy for me but I understand. Maxwell helped me realize some things and, no matter how hard this is, I know you’re doing the right thing. I just hope that maybe, one day, a miracle happens and I’ll meet the one I could marry for love.”
“I’m sure you will. I’m sure,” Riley smiled at him warmly and they talked and talked, reminiscing Drake and their friends, trying to stay positive, until evening came and Liam left Riley alone in her hospital room.
Drake’s surgery lasted for almost twenty-four hours. He was already out of it but remained unconscious. They put him five rooms away from Riley’s. Despite her pleas, the nurses asked her to rest and not to get out of the bed. Drake needed rest as well. But...
But it was already four in the morning and she still couldn’t sleep. She needed to see him. As carefully and slowly as she possibly could, Riley sat down and straightened herself. Gently, she put both of her feet on the floor, and with help of the crutches left next to her bed, she stood up.
She waited a few moments before she stopped feeling dizzy and took a few steps towards the door.
So far so good.
Wincing with each step, she managed to reach Drake’s room. Taking a deep breath to calm her down, she entered the room and tears welled in her eyes. Drake, the love of her life, the man whose heart she broke so many times, her hero, this big, fearless man, lay there, now so small and vulnerable.
She walked up to his bed sat down on a chair. He was lying motionless connected to some machines.
“Hey,” she said placing her hand on his. “It’s me, Brooks. And I just wanted to apologize. I remember now and I wish things were different. I love you Drake. I always have. Please, just don’t give up on me now. Fight for me, my hero,” she sobbed bringing his hand to her lips, kissing it, her tears wetting it. She stayed there, talking to him, about the life they could have until she fell asleep, on a chair next to him.
The rays of sun woke her up and it took her a while to realize where she was. Still gripping Drake’s hand, she put her head on his pillow and closed her eyes.
“Riley?” she heard Drake’s voice and turned to him rapidly. Her head ached but she didn’t care. He was awake!
“Drake? Drake! You’re awake, you’re okay, you’re here!” she exclaimed, tears rolling down her cheeks as she tried to hug him.
“Are you okay? What happened?” he asked, confused to see her here.
“I’m perfectly fine. Just worried about you. Anton shot you, I mean, wanted to shoot me but you saved me. Again.” she smiled at him.
“Again...” he repeated and the realization hit him. “Again! You...remember?” He couldn’t believe it.
“I do, I do remember everything Drake. I love you so much, can you forgive me?”
“You remember...you remember! There’s nothing to forgive, I’m so happy right now I--”
“Oh I see Mr Walker is awake! And Duchess Riley too as I can see. What a nice surprise to see you here, your Grace!” The nurse with the same, cheerful smile walked in.
“Yes, I umm, couldn’t sleep and decided to check on my fiance,” she stressed the last word and noticed Drake smiling widely.
“I’m sure you are both very happy but I need to take Mr Walker to examine him. And you, your Grace, need to be examined too.”
“Oh, sure! I’ll see you soon?” she turned to Drake and despite a slight pain in her head, she leaned down and kissed him lightly on the lips.
“I can’t wait,” he murmured before she left the room and happier than she ever was, she got back to her bed.
The next few days were the most hectic ones Riley had ever experienced. Drake was recovering but after a few days he was dismissed and could go back home. Liam offered him a place in the palace but Drake wanted to go to his place.
Liam apologized for his behavior and Drake admitted to his wrongdoings as well. At first, it was rather awkward but none of them wanted to waste such great friendship over a few arguments.
Maxwell became Liam’s confidant, to Riley’s surprise, and with his help, Liam was slowly accepting the fact that Drake and Riley belonged together.
Cordonia learned the truth about Anton as his death was announced along with Gladys’ jail sentence. With his death, Olivia’s marriage was annulled, which she celebarated by buying herself a celebratory dagger.
Riley visited Drake in his house every day, helping him out and keeping him company. Even though they both were happy to be alive and together, some things were still unresolved. One day, when they were both watching a movie, Riley decided to bring this up.
“Drake...did you forgive me for what I said when I lost my memory?” she asked hesitanly.
“Huh? Of course, it was me who should be sorry, I caused the accident. There’s nothing to forgive, love,” he kissed her forehead and pulled her closer.
“Are you sure?” she inquired and he raised his eyebrow.
“What are you getting at?”
“I just wanted to know where we stand,” she murmured, suddenly embarassed.
“Currently we’re sitting.”
“Drake! I meant with us. We’re dating, I’m wearing the ring but I was thinking...maybe I could move in with you? If you want to?” she looked at him.
“I don’t really want to live with my girlfriend, y’know?”
“...But I would love to live here with my wife,” he smiled and her as her eyes widened. “If that’s still what you want.”
“Of course I want to!” she threw herself on him, peppering his face with kisses as he giggled. They spent the night discussing the details of their wedding.
The ceremony happened a week later and it was compromise between a big wedding and Drake’s dream small one.
“I now pronouce you husband and wife. You may kiss the bride!” Regina said as Drake leaned down to his now wife and kissed her tenderly.
As much as Liam was happy for his best friend, his heart was still aching. Not necessarily for Riley, but rather for love, actual, genuine love that he was afraid he was never meant to experience.
Wishing the newlyweds the best at their reception he excused himself and together with Bastien, he came back to his palace.
He hated himself for not being able to be there, to be with them but the more he looked at how happy Drake and Riley were, the sadder he became. Was it selfish to dream of such love too?
Changing into his sweats, a garment worn only within the walls of his own room, he left the palace and headed to the place which always helped him clear his head.
When he was about to enter, a couple was just leaving it and covering his face with a hood, he remembered the maze was open to the public that day. And he was supposed to be at his friends’ wedding.
Liam went deeper into the maze and when he reached the middle of it, he spotted a young woman sitting on the ground and drinking something straight from the bottle.
“Hi,” she said, noticing him too.
“Hi. Can you actually drink it here?” he asked with a smile on his face.
“Probably not.” Correct. “But I’m drinking cider so it’s like embracing the Cordonian spirit,” she said and he chuckled. Fair enough.
“Anyway, I’m Anna*. From America, Boston. It doesn’t actually matter but I just came here yesterday because my friends are huge fans of this American whose wedding is today. So they left me here alone, having fun on the wedding themselves. What about you? What are you doing here at eleven at night?” she held her hand for him to shake it. Didn’t she recognize him?
“I’m L—Louis. From here, and I couldn’t sleep,” he admitted shaking her hand. It was better to play safe and not reveal his real name. Besides, would he ever meet her again? Probably no.
“I know the feeling. Wanna drink?” Anna held the bottle towards him but he only shook his head. At least he wouldn’t break the law.
The two of them stood in silence before she finally spoke. “Are you okay? Sorry for that but I’m a psychologist and you see, I analyze people. And I see something is bothering you. Maybe I can help?”
“No...Actually, I’m just a little heartbroken. It’ll pass.” He smiled sadly at her.
“Ah, I get it. A girl broke up with you?”
“Not really. I fell for someone who fell for my friend. I never had a chance and I thought she was only chance for love.”
“Ow, that must have hurt! But come on, you’re young! You’re gonna meet your love eventually! You’re not like the King of this country or whatever who needs to get married in order to secure the monarchy. Oh boy, he must be so screwed,” she took a sip from the bottle.
Indeed, screwed.
“Sorry, I’m really sorry. I don’t talk that much to strangers...Actually I don’t talk that much to anyone. Normally I would run away seeing another person but today it’s just not my day,” she sighed.
“What happened? If I may ask? I’m no psychologist but I’m a good listener.”
“Soooo. I lost my job. The guy whom I was in love for almost five years, and who swore he loved me too just got engaged to another woman, who’s pregnant with his baby by the way, my friends dragged me here, to a country I don’t know and never knew existed because they have a crush on the King, and they left me alone tonight so I decided it was time to do something I normally don’t do.”
“Talk to people. Well, mumble, rather. I talk as if I was drunk but I promise you I am not.”
“I’m sorry for what happened. He must be a jerk to leave a woman like you,” Liam put a hand on her shoulder trying to comfort her a little. There was something about her...something he couldn’t really explain but he really liked her. He liked her openess, her realness.
“No, I’m used to being abandoned, really. It’s fine. I know I’m just too much to handle. I understand him,” she sniffed as she drank from the bottle again.
“I wish I could help you but honestly I feel exactly the same,” he admitted and once again refused when she tried to hand him the cider.
Liam and Anna talked for a few hours, discussing their lives (omitting the King part of course), Anna admitted she felt bad about not knowing about the existence of Cordonia and after she said she didn’t know what the King looked like, Liam was relieved. For the first time in a very long time he pretended he was a regular man. He listened curiously about Anna’s decision to become a psychologist to help others, after she had to deal with depression as a teenager. In exchange, he told her about the traditions of this country, about his mother and his father. He mentioned his brother and the two laughed at some of Leo’s adventures. After a few hours, Liam even shared his deep fear of never finding a true love and Anna nodded, knowing exactly what he meant.
“I sometimes wonder...what if I missed it? What if a true wasn’t meant for me? What if my true love chose someone else?”
“Then she wasn’t your true love,” Anna replied looking in the distance. It was already very late but somehow neither of them were tired. “Listen, your true love would never fall for someone else, okay? And this comes from a person who’s currently unsuccessfully trying to get over the guy she was desperately in love with and who treated her like a garbage she felt she was.”
Liam chuckled, “We’re both pretty pathetic, aren’t we? Whining about the people who probably didn’t deserve us.”
“Do you think there still might be a chance for us? For broken people who don’t believe there’s ever a chance to be in love again?”
He thought for a while about Riley and Drake, the reception probably already ended. Maybe everyone was right. Maybe Riley wasn’t meant for him after all. She was happy with his best friend and Drake was happy with her. They both fought hard to be with each other and it was worth it. Maybe he could fight too? Maybe...he could fall in love again?
“I’d like to think so, yes.” He smiled softly at her, feeling calm about the future, for the first time in a long time.
“Well, in this case,” she smiled warmly at Liam, handing him the bottle, “here’s to second chances!”
*Anna is my OC for Liam, so you can guess what happens next :)
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