#god i can't wait to sleep like normal tonight
six-of-ravens · 2 months
got home and flung open all the windows and the apartment is finally like, almost cooled down to the point where I don't need a fan for the first time in 2 weeks.
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roosterforme · 4 months
Yours Truly, Bradley Bradshaw Part 10 | Rooster x Reader
Summary: After just two days back home, Bradley takes you on a second date. He wants more, and you don't seem to mind when he can't keep his hands and lips to himself.
Warnings: Fluff, angst, language, Bradley being boyfriend material
Length: 5000 words
Pairing: Bradley "Rooster" Bradshaw x Female teacher!Reader
Check out my masterlist for more! Yours Truly, Bradley Bradshaw masterlist
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It had been such a long time since Bradley wore anything other than a flight suit, a khaki uniform or gym clothes, he had no idea what he was supposed to wear to dinner tonight. You mentioned weeks ago you thought Italian food sounded nice for a second date, and he agreed wholeheartedly. He managed to snag a table for the two of you at Salvatore's, and he was absolutely prepared to drop over five hundred bucks, but his clothing was becoming a situation.
After spending the entire day with you yesterday, Saturday morning was a bit of a reality check. He was trying to work through three loads of laundry while he sorted through a box of mail. There was nothing sweet in there like the packages you and your class sent to him while he was deployed. It was mostly bills that had already been automatically paid online, mortgage statements, and junk. Then he started folding laundry, somehow expecting some articles of clothing that weren't threadbare tee shirts or tropical print button downs to jump out at him.
"Why don't you have normal clothing?" he asked himself as he picked up his phone now that it was late enough to text you. He wanted to make sure you were okay with grabbing a drink before the dinner reservation which wasn't until 7:45. But when he unlocked his phone, instead of zero new messages, he found a picture you sent seven minutes ago. 
"Oh my god," he groaned softly, dropping onto his bed next to some unfolded laundry. You were in your own bed wearing his favorite sweatshirt and a bright smile.
Good morning, Handsome. Last night felt like a dream, but your sweatshirt is real, so it must have happened.
He scrambled to write back, clothing crisis forgotten. God, he wanted to be in that bed in the worst way. Things would definitely get out of hand pretty quickly, but he knew those first few kisses would be the sweetest things. After last night at the beach, waiting for a few more dates was going to be the challenge of his life, but he wanted you to know he was in this for the long haul. Especially after you mentioned that you thought he may have ghosted you.
Hey, Gorgeous. My sweatshirt looks way better on you than it ever did on me. Did you sleep in it?
He hit send and then wished he hadn't asked that question. He sounded like a horny twenty year old. It was bad enough that he had to practically beg you to go inside your apartment last night while you were kissing his neck, but he didn't want to embarrass himself.
Of course I did. It smells like you. The only thing better would be having you in my bed, too...
How the hell was he supposed to wait until this evening to see you? He tossed his phone aside. His blood felt like it was on fire, and he was sweating. Never before had he wanted to move this fast from a first date to making things official. But he knew you. He'd been working up to this point for months. And the Thai dinner with Prosecco on the beach wasn't really a first date. That felt closer to a reunion with a girlfriend than anything else. The only thing missing for that to have been true was a sleepover instead of him taking you home for the night. 
He was too many steps ahead right now. You hadn't yet done the drive down to Coronado from Mira Mesa for yourself, but he already caught himself wondering if you'd consider moving in with him in the future. "You need to relax," he ground out through gritted teeth. "You'll scare her away." He cracked his neck and forced himself to fold a stack of underwear before picking up his phone to reply.
I don't want to rush things, but your bed does look very comfortable. I'm confident we could get cozy there... You're making me blush. I need to get this conversation back on track. Cocktails before dinner at Salvatore's? I'll pick you up at 5:30?
A few minutes later, you responded with a photo of you still all snuggled up in bed, smiling and giving him a thumbs up in his shirt.
"Just in case," you muttered, making sure your bedding was straightened and your room was tidy. You left Bradley's TOP GUN sweatshirt folded on your pillow, but you certainly wouldn't mind having the man himself in your bed tonight. Your fingers and toes tingled when you thought about it. You bit your lip and scooped up his shirt, inhaling his scent one more time before you realized he would be here any minute.
When he knocked on your door, you set it back on your pillow and glanced at yourself in the mirror as you bounced past it. Cocktails and dinner at Salvatore's would have been a major splurge for a night out for you, but Bradley selected the restaurant. All you did was mention Italian food, and he really ran with it. You'd have been happy with some pizza and breadsticks, simply excited he remembered you mentioned Italian food at all, but this called for your littlest black dress and your brightest red lipstick. 
"I'm coming!" you called, going as fast as you could in your black heels, giggling at the double meaning. You had to compose yourself before you could open the door, and when you did, you were met with the actual man of your dreams.
"Hey, Gorgeous." Bradley's crooked little smile faltered a bit as his gaze slid down from your eyes to your lips, but he didn't stop there. He was shamelessly checking you out as a pretty shade of pink crept up into his cheeks, and you did a slow turn for him. 
Your skin felt warm as you met his eyes after doing a full circle. His lips were parted as you whispered, "Hi," and reached for his hand. As soon as your skin met his, he pulled you closer to him. "Bradley." His lips were on yours as he backed you up into your apartment until you softly met the wall behind you. He was big and warm, and you were holding his left hand while his right one came up to your face.
He broke the kiss by tipping your chin up so you were looking at him. "You're the most beautiful woman I've ever seen," he crooned softly. Your lipstick was smudged along his mouth, and his tongue darted out to taste it before he said, "I'm fucking crazy about you."
His rough thumb dragged along your bottom lip as you said, "And you've never even seen me dispose of a spider for you."
"Baby," he rasped. "I'd probably propose."
A shocked giggle escaped you, and his crooked grin was back as he kept you there against your wall with your door wide open. You reached up and ran your fingers along the collar of his oxford shirt before tugging on the fabric until his lips were on yours again. You let your head tip back against the wall as he devoured you, tasting your lips, tongue and teeth before his forehead came to rest gently on yours.
"You know," you gasped, trying to catch your breath, "I thought all your emails were sweet and romantic."
He chuckled as he pulled away from you. "I was hoping I was doing okay in person, too."
You shrugged playfully and tried to spin out of his grasp, but his hand was still wrapped up in yours. He followed you to your coffee table so you could grab your purse as you casually told him, "You're even better in person than I thought you'd be."
"Oh yeah?" he asked, pulling you close again. "You like my stupid looking clothes and how I can eat three meals for dinner?"
He was so endearing, you didn't know how to handle him. So you kissed him again and whispered, "I like all of it." You let your fingers trail along his shirt buttons as you said, "You look nice in this, but I can already tell you're more comfortable in your colorful Aloha shirts and jeans. And I love that you can eat three meals for dinner, because we ended up sharing everything last night."
"Let's go," he coaxed, leading you toward your door. "I'll let you pick whatever you want to try at Salvatore's. I don't usually like sharing my food, but there's just something about you, Gorgeous. You make me feel comfortable."
You tried to tell Bradley twice that he still had some of your lipstick smudged on his face, but he just shrugged and said, "Good," in response both times. If he didn't mind, then neither did you. It couldn't be any more obvious that he was with you when the exact color that was on your lips was also on his. You listened to him hum along to the retro oldies station as he merged onto the coastal highway while you took a minute to fix up your own smudged lipstick.
He grinned over at you as you put your makeup away and said, "Come on, Baby. If you didn't want it on my face, then you wouldn't be putting more on your lips."
Every time he made a bold statement like that, you wanted to cancel dinner altogether and take him to your bedroom. "I never said I didn't want it on your face. It looks good." 
He reached out blindly for your hand, and you grabbed his immediately. "You did tell me you wanted me to kiss you as soon as I saw you."
"Yeah," you muttered. "Don't stop doing that." You knew things with him were going to get physical pretty quickly, but you'd never been quite this attracted to someone before. You drew little shapes on his palm as you asked, "How was your first night back in your own bed after so many months away?"
He groaned softly. "Epic. Fantastic. I don't fit very well in an extra long twin bed."
"No, I would imagine you don't," you said with a laugh as you watched him drive his Bronco in the evening sunlight.
He licked his lips and grinned as he said, "Would have been better if you were there though."
The eruption of butterflies in your belly left you biting your lip. You wanted to respond, but you needed to be able to make it through dinner before you were hanging off of him again like you were last night. That's when he brought your hand up to his lips and kissed your knuckles, treating you to his mustache there. "Feel like getting a drink or two in the lounge first? Maybe a bottle of wine?"
"Mmhmm," you hummed, ready to go anywhere he took you. As soon as he parked, he jogged around to help you down, letting you slide against his body with your hands on his shoulders. You wobbled a bit in your shoes, but he kept you steady.
"You good?" he asked as he leaned in, his lips brushing the side of your neck as his arm wrapped around your waist.
"So good," you promised. "Never better."
Bradley kept his hand right there on your hip as he led you along the sidewalk toward the restaurant. The lounge was packed; this was definitely a popular weekend date night locale. Couples filled the space with noisy conversation, but you could hear Bradley perfectly as his lips found your ear when he said, "There's an empty stool at the far end of the bar." He gave your hip a little squeeze as you headed for it, and he leaned on the bar next to you. "Why don't you pick out a bottle of wine or whatever you want? I'll go let the hostess know we'll be hanging out in the lounge."
When you agreed, he kissed your lips like the two of you had been at this for years, not just since yesterday. You weren't the only one who watched him walk away in his snug pants and Oxford shirt that somehow showed off his biceps. He was just that good looking. When you saw him without a shirt on, you'd probably faint and need him to revive you. When the bartender came over, you were chuckling to yourself at the idea of having sex with Bradley while he kept his shirt on to save you from that fate.
"Can I get you a drink?"
You looked at him in a daze, realizing you meant to choose a bottle of wine. You blurted out what kind you liked best, and with a nod and a smile, he turned to fill your request. And that's when you finally looked at the menu and realized the bottle was more than a hundred and fifty dollars.
"Oh shit." But it was too late. He had already opened it and was heading your way with it. You scrambled in your purse for your wallet, cringing at the idea of Bradley seeing the bill when you could have simply ordered a cocktail instead. Just as the bartender was pouring out a bit of the wine for you to try, you found your credit card successfully. And that was also when Bradley came back.
"They'll come get us when our table's ready," he said. "I told them it would be easy to find me since my date is the most beautiful woman in the restaurant." He watched the bartender pick up a second glass and said, "Oh perfect, you found some wine that you like."
You nodded and tried your best to pass your credit card across the bar undetected with your hand covering it. "I sure did."
Bradley's eyes followed your hand as he took a sip of the wine. "What are you doing?"
"Nothing," you told him, picking up your own glass with your other hand. You tasted the wine and nodded at the bartender, and then he filled up both glasses while Bradley reached for your credit card.
"That's not necessary, Gorgeous. You can put that away."
You waited until the bartender walked off before you shook your head. "Let me pay for the wine. I was distracted and just picked a random bottle before I looked at the price, and then it was too late because he already had it opened. It's expensive."
Bradley looked completely unfazed as he eased your card from your hand and tucked it back into your wallet. "I don't care about that."
"I do," you said softly in your embarrassment. "I don't want you to think that's what I expected."
Bradley laughed in response. "First of all, I would never think that. And second, I was on that aircraft carrier for so long, and this wine tastes so good, and you look so pretty... I don't even want to tell you how much I'd be willing to pay for that bottle of wine and our dinner."
You simultaneously felt better and a little warm. "Okay, fine. But next time we go out for dinner, we're getting burgers from In-N-Out, and I'm paying."
His smile grew as you sipped your wine which really was quite good. "So that means you want to go out again?"
You rolled your eyes up at him where he stood, his hand brushing your knee where it was crossed over your other leg. "I'm about to make an In-N-Out reservation right now."
"Perfect," he replied. "Which night? I have to work late a few days next week to get caught up on everything I missed while I was away."
"You're ridiculous," you told him with a laugh. "How about Wednesday?"
His fingers toyed with the hem of your dress as he said, "Wednesday's good. You also need to let me know when I can visit your classroom again." His words were so sweet, and his gaze was sincere, but the feel of his fingertips inching along your skin above your knee was something else. 
You set your glass down next to your purse and reached for his hand, letting his fingers slip underneath your dress as you met his brown eyes. When he teased your skin with his rough hands, you reached for his shirt, and Bradley came willingly. Salvatore's didn't provide the two of you with the same level of privacy as the beach last night had, but you didn't really care, and he didn't seem to either.
You had the softest skin. How was he supposed to keep his hands off you? And that red lipstick made your little pout when he teased you even more delectable than he could have imagined. And he'd been doing plenty of imagining for the last few months. He'd imagined you in a variety of scenarios with him, but so far being with you in person surpassed everything his vivid thoughts came up with.
When he mentioned visiting you at work, you treated him to the silky soft feel of your skin, and then you literally grabbed the front of his shirt and tugged until he was kissing you. Oh god, he was never going to recover from this. He had to wrap his hand around the middle of your thigh to keep himself from going any further as you moaned softly into his mouth. He was absolutely starving and a little dizzy from the wine, but he was thinking about skipping dinner in favor of the solitude of the Bronco right now.
"Mr. Bradshaw?"
Your tongue was slowly tasting his when you jerked away from him as the hostess strolled over. Embarrassed, you turned toward the bar as Bradley grunted in response at the young woman who told him the table was ready for the two of you. And maybe that wasn't a bad thing, because feeling you up in the middle of the crowded lounge wasn't something he'd feel good about later. At least not on the second date. He'd bring you back here in a few months and see if the two of you even made it to dinner.
With a smile, he reached for your free hand after you picked up your glass. You halfway hid your face against his bicep as the hostess picked up the bottle and led the way through the lounge and into the restaurant. Bradley kissed your forehead and murmured, "If I could keep my hands off of you, this wouldn't be a problem."
You peered up at him through your lashes. "Hanging out on your couch alone is sounding better and better."
"Fuck," he groaned softly as you released his hand and took a seat at the table set for two which was overlooking the bay. Bradley pushed your chair in, and his thumbs met your bare arms. He took a few deep breaths before taking the seat opposite yours and accepted one of the menus as he listened to the specials while he looked at your face. He muttered some sort of response, and then the two of you were alone.
You emptied the remainder of the wine between his glass and yours, and then Bradley watched you lick a little droplet from your thumb as you smiled at him. "So which three dinners are you planning on ordering tonight?"
It took him a second to realize that he was holding an open menu even though he hadn't looked at it once. He cleared his throat and said, "Definitely some homemade spaghetti and meatballs. The last time I ate spaghetti, it was overcooked and sad, and I had to go back to my bunk and think about you to make myself feel better." You covered your mouth with one hand while you laughed, and it was the most charming thing he'd ever seen. "I'm so serious, Gorgeous. I got a plate of soggy noodles, and literally the only thing that made it better was imagining you teaching your class about military grade jets and aviation."
Your pretty eyes were glittering as you told him, "I keep extending my lessons on the topic, and you are completely to blame for that. After the first time you responded to us, my students asked about you every single day. They are completely enamored with you."
"Yeah? Just them? Or you too?" He knew his words were reminiscent of the way you'd tried to blame it on your kids when you asked him to send you a picture so you could see what he looked like.
"Hmm." You pretended to peruse your menu. "I'm thinking about the ravioli. Or maybe the penne with vodka sauce." Your foot tapped his leg beneath the table, and he had to fight the urge to reach under and touch your skin again. You were teasing him in every way right now, and he was absolutely loving it. When the waiter dropped off glasses of water and some freshly baked bread, he asked if you wanted anything else to drink.
"You want another bottle of wine, Gorgeous?" Bradley asked, deciding to tease you right back.
"Absolutely not," you told him, looking at him like he had two heads before kindly telling the waiter, "No, thank you."
He was still laughing when he picked up a piece of bread. "So we'll get spaghetti, penne and ravioli?"
"You don't have to order what I want," you told him, your foot still running along his calf while your expression dripped with innocence.
"No. I want to though." It was kind of fun spoiling you with something as simple as dinner. Vanessa would have made a comment by now about how much she hated the slightly kitschy, over the top restaurant, even if the food was supposed to be immaculate. You didn't seem to mind one bit that he ordered three massive entrees and intended to finish whatever you didn't. Vanessa always got embarrassed, but all you said was that you were excited to try all three.
There was never a lull in conversation. You actually listened to Bradley when he was talking, and he could have listened to you all night.
"So you know how last night I mentioned... that I'd never really thought about dating someone in the military who deploys for work?"
"Yeah," Bradley rasped, not sure he loved where the conversation was heading.
You looked a little apprehensive as you said, "I was thinking about it more last night after you dropped me off." 
You kind of shrugged and said, "I think I'd actually be okay with it, as long as it's you. It almost feels like we got some big, scary thing out of the way already, you know? And I could always write to you, because I kind of loved doing that. And yes, Bradley, I am also completely enamored with you."
It was almost a shame that the food arrived then, because as you started to cut into an enormous ravioli, all he could think to say was, "I'm completely enamored with you, too."
You were so full from dinner, you didn't know how Bradley could walk. He ate at least two times what you did, and then he insisted on ordering a piece of cheesecake. When you caught sight of the bill, you tried not to gasp, because it was more than you spend on groceries for a whole month. But he handed over his credit card and signed his name without even breaking conversation with you. And now you were discreetly grabbing a handful of mints on your way out of the restaurant as he held your hand.
It was late, and you knew he was still tired. He mentioned briefly that he had a lot of chores to do this week amidst some late nights at work, but you didn't know how you'd be able to wait until Wednesday to see him again. When he started up the Bronco and headed in the direction of your apartment, your mind flooded with questions, but he asked you one first.
"I already have plans tomorrow, but I don't think I can wait until Wednesday to see you again. What time do you usually get to school?"
"Okay. And what kind of coffee do you like?"
You couldn't stop smiling as you told him what you usually ordered on the rare occasion you had time to stop at Starbucks. You kind of already felt like he was spoiling you.
"Have you memorized everything I've ever told you?"
"Yep," he replied, his handsome smile evident in the street lights. "And I've gotta say, you're one of a kind, Gorgeous."
You honestly didn't want the ride to end. The fact that there was no buffer of traffic to add to the twenty minute drive made you pout a little bit. Bradley's deep voice layered over the music playing on the radio while he held your hand was intoxicating, but you made a disappointed sound as he parked in front of your building.
When he released your hand to kill the engine in the near darkness, all you could see was his handsome profile. "You thought the drive would be too much for me," you whispered. "But when I'm in the car with you, I don't want it to end."
He cleared his throat and softly said, "Well, we don't have to get out quite yet if you don't want to."
Your pout turned into a grin as you unbuckled your seatbelt. "I can tell you still need to catch up on some sleep. I don't want to keep you out too late, Bradley."
He chuckled and undid his own seatbelt. "Why don't you come a little closer and say my name again."
As you eased yourself onto your hands and knees, you scooted across the seat and whispered, "Bradley," with a little laugh.
"Closer?" he asked, and you crawled over to him until you were able to kiss his cheek.
He turned his head so his lips met yours, and he whispered, "Closer," against your mouth.
You were immediately in his lap, your hands resting on his chest as the steering wheel met your lower back. Your lips found his scarred cheek just like last night, and you kissed your way along his mustache and the side of his nose. You let your hands drift slowly down over his abs until they met the leather of his belt, and you whispered his name one more time.
His big hands closed around your wrists as he groaned, "You really love teasing me."
You nodded and said, "I really do," as he guided your hands up to his shoulders and around his neck.
"You're really good at it, Baby. All those pictures of you in your bed are enough to get a man through a deployment and then promptly kill him once he's on dry land if he can't touch you immediately."
He kissed the inside of your arm, and you scooted your body a little closer to his. "You can touch me." Your words elicited a deep groan as he slid his big hands along your bare arms, leaving goosebumps in their wake. He kissed your lips, swiping his tongue against yours as his fingers trailed down your sides. You almost cried out when his thumbs grazed the sides of your breasts before he gently squeezed your waist and your hips.
You could invite him to stay over. You didn't think he'd turn you down if you did. But all you could manage to say was, "Bradley," between kisses.
He tipped his head back against the headrest and whispered, "I love the way that sounds." His eyes were glittering in the darkness as he looked at your face and your body, and you remembered his text message from earlier.
I don't want to rush things
It was hard for you to remember that yesterday in your classroom was the first time you touched him. The first time you heard his voice in person. As much as you wanted to lean in close and ask him to stay, instead you kissed his ear and said, "You promised me movie night on your couch. When?"
"Friday?" he asked, kissing along your neck. "Let me end the week with my Gorgeous girl?"
You were afraid you were going to melt right out onto the pavement when he opened his door, but he helped you down and kept his arm wrapped around you. Bradley walked a half step behind you in the darkness all the way to your apartment. While there was no expectation that he was going to join you inside, you ended up pinned against your door, because it didn't seem like he was quite ready to leave yet either. 
He was eager. You could feel it as his lips found your neck again. He smiled against you as he whispered your name in that deep raspy voice. "Since you don't like surprises, I'm telling you right now that you should expect to see me in the parking lot at your school on Monday morning. Sound okay?"
"Oh god, yes," you whined as he released you. There were so many things you wanted to tell him as he put a foot of space between your bodies, really giving you a chance to see his pink cheeks and the way he was breathing deeply. You blurted out, "I'm falling so hard for you."
His crooked little grin was back as he nodded at your door. "Lock it behind you. And when you get in bed, in my sweatshirt, send me another selfie."
"I will," you promised, and you did exactly what he said. A minute after you texted the photo, you got a message back from him.
I think I'm falling even harder.
I'm so obsessed with them. She was so concerned about that bottle of wine! And he really wasn't lol. Coffee and burgers and a couch date coming up. This story will be 18+ soon. Thanks @beyondthesefourwalls
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03jyh23 · 8 days
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🌊⌇such a lonely heart┆kim hongjoong
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married, hongjoong x gn!reader
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│synopsis: if you can't find another reason to stay, then i know i'm gonna always have a lonely heart
│genre: hurt no comfort, angst
│trigger warnings: emotional distress, heartbreak, relationship conflict
│words: 4.1 k
│reminder: what you’re about to read is purely fiction, so let’s keep it separate from reality.
!minors do not interact!
— hi there my lovely people! it feels like forever since i last posted, and oh god, i’m so happy to be back! my hiatus ended up lasting much longer than i intended, and coming back after such a long time is honestly nerve-wracking. this piece of writing took me a long time to complete, but i’m really proud of it. once again, it’s a hongjoong angst with a personal touch, and i think hongjoong will always have that cathartic role in my stories. i hope you guys can feel the emotions i’ve woven into it. thank you for sticking with me—i can’t wait to hear what you think.
love, mon ♡
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It was late Thursday night. You were curled up on your bed, blanket wrapped tightly around you, staring blankly at the wall. It was unbearable. Was your mind numb, or was it so full of thoughts that they all clashed together, making you feel overwhelmed and empty simultaneously? You let yourself break again, letting the flood of thoughts and feelings consume you whole. You were drowning, unable to stop the spiral of despair that clawed at you. 
Eighteen times. 
Hongjoong ignored your calls eighteen times tonight. 
And that was your breaking point.
You felt the weight of each ignored call like a stone in your chest, pressing down, making breathing hard. The silence from his end was deafening, drowning out even the sound of your own heartbeat. You wondered, with a bitter taste in your mouth, if this was what it felt like to be truly alone. It wasn't anything new, you spent your nights alone, most of them sleepless as the lack of warmth in your husband's body made it impossible to get some rest. After tossing and turning, you would eventually catch a few hours of sleep, only to wake up in an empty bed. The routine had become painfully familiar. The cold sheets on his side of the bed were a constant reminder of his absence. You'd reach out, hoping against hope, but your fingers would only meet the cool fabric, untouched and undisturbed. 
Anyone would have thought you'd get used to it by now - Hongjoong leaving early for his office and coming back too late to spend time with you. But he would always text that he was doing extra hours or going out for a beer with friends. Tonight, however, was different. There was only radio silence. And nothing hurt more than the quiet. The absence of his usual messages left an ache in your chest that you couldn't ignore. You found yourself checking your phone obsessively, hoping for any sign of communication. But the screen remained stubbornly blank, a stark reminder of the growing distance between you. 
As the hours ticked by, your mind raced with possibilities, each one more unsettling than the last. Was he okay? Had something happened? Or was this simply the new normal - a silence that spoke volumes about the state of your relationship? 
The sound of the door creaking open finally pulled you from your thoughts. Through the narrow gap between the door and its frame, you saw a thin line of light, and then your eyes drifted up to see your husband. Hongjoong stepped into your shared apartment, his ginger hair damp from the rain. He ran his hand through it, pushing the wet strands away from his face, before peeling off his soaked beige coat and slipping off his shoes. You swallowed the lump rising in your throat at the sight of him, tears prickling your eyes again. You blinked rapidly, trying to push them back, gripping the blanket tighter as if it could shield you from the wave of emotions crashing inside you. The fabric pulled up to your chin, a flimsy barrier between you and the ache that had settled deep in your chest. 
The light went out as Hongjoong moved further into the apartment, past the door of your bedroom without a word. He didn’t even glance in your direction. What was wrong? Or was he simply trying to avoid waking you, assuming you should be asleep instead of quietly falling apart? One way or another, it was far too late for him to walk back in like nothing had happened. The silence that followed felt colder than before, sinking into your already worn-out body. 
You could hear him in the living room, the soft rustle of the wardrobe doors opening. Was he planning to sleep on the couch again tonight? You untangled yourself from the blanket, standing quietly before slipping out of the bedroom. The weight of exhaustion and frustration clung to you as you made your way to the kitchenette. You didn’t want to fight. Not tonight. You poured yourself a glass of cold water, grabbed the bottle of painkillers from one of the drawers, and swallowed a couple of pills, hoping they’d dull the throbbing in your head. You glanced at Hongjoong as you set the glass down. He had stopped mid-motion, his hands frozen on the pillow he was arranging on the sofa. Your eyes met briefly, the silence between you thick with unspoken words. As you had guessed, he was indeed preparing to sleep on the couch tonight. The realization sent a fresh wave of pain through your chest. You averted your gaze, unable to bear the weight of his silent stare any longer. The distance between you felt insurmountable, even though you were just a few feet apart in the same room. 
You stood in the dim light of the kitchen, hands gripping the edge of the counter as you tried to steady your breathing. Then, the words you’d been holding back for too long slipped out before you could stop them. "Where were you tonight?" you asked, your voice barely above a whisper. The question hung in the air, heavy with the weight of all the unanswered calls and unread messages. 
You took a deep breath, steadying yourself before continuing. "I called you eighteen times, Hongjoong. Eighteen. And not once did you pick up or call back. What's going on?" Your eyes met his again, searching for any sign of explanation or remorse. "Are we... are we okay?" The last question came out softer, more vulnerable, betraying the fear that had been gnawing at you all night. The words felt like they had a life of their own, carrying the weight of nights spent alone, of unanswered calls, and of the slow unraveling of something you once thought was unbreakable. You didn’t dare turn around, didn’t want to see the look on his face. Whether it was guilt, anger, or indifference, you couldn’t handle any of it. 
The silence stretched longer, and every second that ticked by only made your heart sink deeper. 
Finally, you heard him shift behind you, his footsteps hesitant, as if he wasn’t sure how to approach the fragile moment. The tension in the room felt suffocating, but you stood your ground, gripping the counter tighter, waiting for him to say something—anything—to break the silence. 
But nothing came. 
Tired. You were both tired—of the silence, of the distance, of pretending everything was fine when it clearly wasn’t. You weren’t sure how much longer you could keep this up, but at that moment, you didn’t have the strength to do anything more than stand there, waiting for an answer that might never come. 
You didn’t turn around as you felt his presence behind you, the warmth of his body radiating in the small space between you. You held your breath, waiting for him to say something, to explain, to apologize—anything to break the suffocating silence that had enveloped you both. One of your hands traveled to your temple, trying to massage away the pounding headache that wouldn’t relent, as if easing the physical pain might somehow dull the ache in your heart too. 
The silence dragged on, and you could feel him standing there, just out of reach, but still not saying a word. It was suffocating, the space between you filled with unspoken thoughts, unresolved arguments, and the growing distance that neither of you seemed able to close. 
"I kept waiting. Waiting for you to call back, to walk through the door, to say something—anything." you continued, voice trembling as you let your hand fall from your temple, now gripping the edge of the counter again.
Hongjoong let out a breath behind you, but it was small, almost inaudible. You could sense his guilt, but guilt alone wasn’t enough to bridge the gap. "I didn’t know what to say," he admitted softly, his voice barely above a whisper, and you could hear the weight of his own struggle in it. 
"You didn’t know what to say?" You turned around slowly, finally meeting his eyes. Your own were burning, a mixture of exhaustion, anger, and desperation swirling together. "Do you think that makes it any better? That just... ignoring me was the right thing to do?" 
He looked down, running a hand through his damp hair again. His hesitation was killing you. You needed him to fight for this, to fight for you. 
The silence stretched between you, thick and heavy. Hongjoong's eyes finally met yours, a storm of emotions swirling in their depths. He opened his mouth to speak, but the words seemed to catch in his throat. 
"Are you giving up on us?" The words tumbled out of your mouth, raw and vulnerable. Your eyes searched his face, desperate for any sign that he still cared, that there was still something worth fighting for. 
Hongjoong's eyes snapped up to meet yours, a flicker of pain crossing his features. For a moment, he looked as lost and scared as you felt. The silence stretched between you, heavy with unspoken fears and fading hopes. "I..." he started; his voice barely audible. He swallowed hard, struggling to find the right words. "I want a divorce, Y/N," Hongjoong finally said, his voice cracking slightly as he forced the words out. 
The world seemed to stop spinning for a moment. You felt as if all the air had been sucked out of the room, leaving you gasping. Your eyes widened in disbelief, searching his face for any sign that this was some cruel joke. But all you saw was a mixture of pain, guilt, and resignation in his eyes. 
"What?" you whispered, barely able to form the word. Your hands gripped the counter behind you, needing something solid to hold onto as your world crumbled around you. 
Hongjoong took a deep breath, his shoulders sagging as if the weight of his words was physically pulling him down. 
You felt tears welling up in your eyes, a lump forming in your throat. All those ignored calls, the nights spent alone, the growing distance - it all suddenly made sense in the worst possible way. The realization hit you like a tidal wave, leaving you struggling to stay afloat in the sea of emotions threatening to drown you. 
"A divorce?" The word felt foreign on your tongue, heavy and bitter. You shook your head, tears now flowing freely down your cheeks. "How... how long have you been thinking about this?" Your voice was barely above a whisper, trembling with the weight of your shattered world. 
Hongjoong's eyes flickered with a mix of guilt and sadness as he answered, his voice low and strained. "For a while now... I've been trying to find the right moment, but there never seemed to be one." He paused, running a hand through his hair, a gesture that once seemed endearing but now felt like a painful reminder of what you were losing. 
The words hit you like a physical blow, and suddenly, all the pain and frustration you'd been holding back came rushing to the surface. Your eyes flashed with anger as you stepped towards him. 
"Empty promises," you spat, your voice quivering with emotion. "Is that what our vows meant to you? Because I meant every single word, I said on our wedding day!" Hongjoong flinched at the intensity of your words, but you couldn't stop. The floodgates had opened. "I said I wanted to spend forever with you, Hongjoong. Forever! And I meant it with every fiber of my being. But for you? Were they just pretty words to say in front of our families and friends?" Your voice cracked, tears streaming down your face. "I promised you my life, my love, my everything. And you're throwing it all away like it meant nothing. Was any of it real for you?" 
The silence that followed was deafening, heavy with the weight of broken promises and shattered dreams. 
Hongjoong's shoulders slumped, his eyes cast downward as if he couldn't bear to meet your gaze. The weight of your words hung in the air between you, a tangible reminder of the promises made and now broken. When he finally spoke, his voice was barely above a whisper, filled with a mixture of regret and resignation. "It was real," he said, his voice barely audible. "But sometimes... sometimes love isn't enough." He paused, swallowing hard before continuing. "We've grown apart, Y/N. We're not the same people we were when we made those vows." 
"Don't bullshit me now, Hongjoong! It was two years ago! Two years!" Your voice rose, trembling with a mixture of anger and disbelief. "Why did you even bother to fucking marry me if you were going to give up so easily?" Your words echoed in the small space between you, raw with emotion. Your hands were clenched at your sides, your whole body shaking with the force of your outburst. The tears that had been threatening to fall now streamed freely down your face. You searched Hongjoong's face, desperate for any sign that this was all a mistake, that he didn't really mean what he was saying. But all you saw was a mixture of guilt and resignation in his eyes, and it only fueled your anger and hurt more. 
Hongjoong took a deep breath, his eyes meeting yours with a mix of sadness and determination. "I'm sorry, Y/N. I truly am. I didn't marry you with the intention of giving up. I thought... I thought we could make it work. But we've changed, grown apart. The passion, the connection we once had... it's not there anymore." He paused, running a hand through his hair. "I've tried, we've both tried, but it feels like we're just going through the motions. Don't you feel it too? The distance between us, even when we're in the same room?" His voice softened, a hint of vulnerability seeping through. "I didn't want to hurt you, but I realized that staying in a marriage that's lost its spark would hurt us both more in the long run. You deserve someone who can love you fully, completely. And I... I'm not that person anymore." Hongjoong's eyes glistened with unshed tears as he continued, "I know it's not fair. Two years isn't a long time, but it's been long enough for me to realize that we're not making each other happy anymore. And isn't that what marriage should be about? Happiness, growth, mutual support?" He took a shaky breath. "I'm sorry I couldn't be the person you needed me to be. I'm sorry I couldn't keep the promises I made. But I think... I think we both deserve a chance at real happiness, even if it means not being together." 
You were at a loss for words, the reality of the situation sinking in. Finally, you managed to speak, your voice barely above a whisper, trembling with emotion. "No, I don't feel it too. What I feel is the desperate longing for you when you're not here. I love you, it never changed." You realized, with a crushing finality, that you would never hear him say he loves you again.
Swallowing hard, fighting back a fresh wave of tears, you spoke again, your voice hollow. "I'm going to pack my bags." 
As you turned to leave, you felt a hand grasp your arm gently. Hongjoong's touch, once so familiar and comforting, now sent a jolt of pain through your heart. "Y/N, please..." His voice was barely above a whisper, filled with a mixture of desperation and regret. You froze, your back still to him. For a moment, you allowed yourself to feel the warmth of his hand, to remember all the times that touch had brought you comfort. But the pain of his words, the finality of his decision, was too fresh. 
With a sharp intake of breath, you pulled your arm away, stepping out of his reach. You couldn't bear to look at him, afraid that if you did, you might crumble completely. "Don't," you managed to say, your voice trembling. "Just... don't." Without turning back, you spoke, your voice barely above a whisper but filled with cold finality, "You can tell your lawyer to bring the papers to my parents." 
The words hung in the air, heavy with the weight of your shattered dreams and the future that would never be. You didn't wait for a response, couldn't bear to hear whatever Hongjoong might say. Instead, you walked away, each step feeling like it was taking you further from the life you had once imagined, towards an uncertain and lonely future. 
You packed your bags in a hurry, the silence broken only by the rustling of clothes and the soft thud of items being hastily tossed into your suitcase. Your hands trembled as you gathered the necessities, your mind a whirlwind of emotions. 
As you made your way to the door, you paused, your hand resting on the cool metal of the doorknob. Despite the pain coursing through you, you couldn't help but turn for one last look at the man you loved—still love. Hongjoong sat on the sofa, his head buried in his hands, eyes fixed on the floor. The sight of him, so defeated and lost, sent a fresh wave of anguish through your heart. For a moment, you stood there, memorizing every detail of this final scene, knowing it would be etched in your memory forever. 
With a deep breath, you reached into your pocket and pulled out your keys. The metal felt cold against your skin, a stark reminder of the life you were leaving behind. You walked over to the drawer near the entrance, your steps echoing in the heavy silence. As you placed the keys on the drawer, they made a sharp, metallic cling that seemed to reverberate through the apartment. The sound was jarring in the stillness, causing Hongjoong to snap his head up, his eyes meeting yours for a brief, intense moment. 
That single sound seemed to encapsulate everything - the end of your shared life, the finality of his decision, the irreversible nature of what was happening. It was as if that small noise had shattered the last remnants of the world, you once shared. 
Hongjoong's voice broke through the silence, barely above a whisper, but filled with a mixture of regret and desperation. "Y/N, wait..."He stood up, his eyes pleading. "I... I never meant for it to end like this. Please, don't leave this way—you don't have to go." His words were mumbled out quickly, a desperate need in them that you couldn't quite understand. The sudden shift in his tone caught you off guard, making you pause at the door. You turned slightly, not fully facing him, but enough to show you were listening. 
You felt a mix of emotions wash over you - anger, hurt, confusion. Part of you wanted to turn and run, to escape this painful situation. But another part of you needed answers, needed to understand how things had fallen apart so quickly. With a deep breath, you steadied yourself and turned to face Hongjoong fully. "What do you mean, don't leave this way?" you asked, your voice barely above a whisper. "You just told me you want a divorce. What other way is there to leave?" 
Hongjoong got up from the sofa and took a few quick steps in your direction. His expression faltered, a mix of guilt and uncertainty crossing his features. He took a hesitant step towards you, his hand reaching out but stopping short of touching you. "I... I don't know," he admitted, his voice barely audible. "I just... I can't bear the thought of you walking out that door, even though I know I'm the one who caused this." His words hung in the air, heavy with contradiction. You felt a surge of anger mixed with confusion, your emotions threatening to spill over. Taking a deep breath, you steadied yourself, your grip tightening on your suitcase handle. 
"Hongjoong," you began, your voice low and controlled, "you can't have it both ways. You can't ask for a divorce and then expect me to stay." You felt your resolve waver slightly at the vulnerability in his voice, but you steeled yourself, knowing you had to stay strong. 
"It's just hard to see you walk away in silence like we're strangers," Hongjoong said, his voice barely above a whisper, filled with a mixture of regret and longing. 
His words hit you like a physical blow, and you felt tears prick at the corners of your eyes. You took a deep, shaky breath before responding. "And it's hard for me to stay and pretend everything's okay when you've just shattered my world," you replied, your voice quivering. "We're not strangers, Hongjoong. We're two people who once vowed forever to each other, and now we're crumbling that promise." The silence that followed was heavy, filled with unspoken words and painful realizations. You both stood there, caught in a moment that felt both eternal and fleeting, the weight of your shared history and uncertain future hanging between you. 
Hongjoong's eyes met yours, a mixture of pain and regret swirling in their depths. You could see the conflict within him, the struggle between what he thought he wanted and the reality of losing you.
Suddenly, without warning, Hongjoong closed the distance between you. His hands cupped your face, and before you could react, his lips crashed against yours. The kiss was desperate, filled with a mixture of passion, regret, and longing. It caught you off guard, your body tensing at first before instinctively melting into the familiar warmth of his embrace. For a moment, the world around you faded away. There was only Hongjoong, the taste of his lips, the feel of his hands on your skin. It was as if all the love, all the memories, all the pain of your relationship was poured into this one, final kiss. 
But as quickly as it began, reality came crashing back. You pulled away, breathless and confused, your mind reeling from the sudden turn of events. Tears welled up in your eyes as you looked at Hongjoong, seeing the same turmoil reflected in his gaze. 
"Why?" you whispered, your voice barely audible, trembling with emotion. "Why now, when you've already decided to let me go?" 
Hongjoong's expression crumbled, he took a shaky breath, his hands falling to his sides as he struggled to find the words. "I... I don't know," he finally admitted, his voice barely above a whisper. "I'm sorry. I'm so sorry for everything." 
You choked on a sob, the finality of it all settled, and you found yourself struggling to breathe. With trembling hands, you reached for the door handle, your vision blurring with unshed tears. "Goodbye, Hongjoong," you managed to whisper, your voice barely audible and thick with emotion. The words hung in the air, heavy with the weight of everything you had shared and everything you were now losing. 
Without looking back, you stepped through the doorway, the soft click of the door closing behind you echoing in your ears like a death knell. As you made your way down the hallway, each step felt like it was taking you further from the life you had known, from the love you had cherished, and into an uncertain, lonely future. 
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entitled-fangirl · 6 months
Miller baby.
Pre-outbreak!Joel Miller x reader
Summary: the reader goes into labor.
Warnings: pregnancy, tooth-rotting fluff
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Any day now.
Their sweet Miller baby was due at any point. 
Joel wasn't sure about all of it at the beginning, but as he saw Y/N swell by the day with his child, he became more open to the idea. 
Especially after Sarah's reaction when they told her the news:
"OH MY GOD, I'M GETTING A SISTER?" She yelled in the living room.
"OR a brother," Joel reasoned, "Can't say for sure yet."
"It's a girl, though." Sarah nodded, "I can feel it."
He laughed, "You can't feel nothin'."
Now the due date was approaching. 5 more days. Y/N was settled on the couch, breathing heavy, as she had been doing the entire week before as well. While she had intended to wait on Joel's arrival from work, the call to sleep had become too strong and won her over. 
Joel entered the house, setting his bag down rougher than he meant to. He threw his keys on the table by the door and shrugged off his jacket.
Expecting Y/N to have greeted him at this point, his eyes finally started to take in the room.
She was fast asleep at this point.
He smiled, cursing himself for being loud before. 
He quietly shrugged off his shoes and tiptoed to the couch where she laid. 
She glowed, even asleep at 9 months pregnant. 
He couldn't help running his fingers out her forehead softly to push the hair from her face.
Her eyes opened softly at the feeling.
"J…Joel?" She asked groggily.
His smile brightened.
"Hi, darlin'." 
She sits up and rubs her eyes, "When did you get home?"
"Just now. Don't worry." He rubs her thigh gently.
She nods and swings her legs to the side of the couch.
Joel's eyebrows furrowed, "What are ya doing, hon?"
"I'm gonna get up and make dinner." She says like it's a normal thought.
He laughs, "The hell you are!"
She's taken back by his tone, "W…what?"
"Oh, hon. I'm sorry." He cups her face, "I was teasing. I don't want you getting up and around like that just on account of me. I can make dinner."
She shakes her head, "But Sar-"
"Sarah will be fine." He reasoned, "She's staying at a friend's house tonight."
"Oh," she relaxed. "Okay. Well, you've worked hard today, so I'll-"
"Hey," he grabbed her hands gently. "Hey. Just…. Stay there. I'm not gonna let you."
Her face dropped, "Why not?"
Joel smiled sweetly, "Sweetheart, I've got it. You relax. I'm making dinner."
She nodded, "Okay, but I need to get up, anyway." 
He nods and grabs her arm to help her up. 
She lets out a little grunt and her eyes close in pain.
"Hon?" He asked, worriedly, "You hurtin'?"
She sighs and nods her head, "'m fine."
"Contraction?" He asked.
She nods.
"How far apart, darlin'? Talk to me." He says, pulling her close on the couch.
"I don't know, Joel," she says. "Maybe… six minutes?"
"SIX?" He yells, "Jesus. C'mon. We're going to the hospital."
She immediately pauses and breaks out a sob.
His face softens, "Oh." His voice sweetens, "Oh, darlin'. What… what's going on?"
"I.. I CAN'T DO THIS!" She sobbed.
"Sweet girl, c'mon." He sighed, rubbing her stomach softly. "You can do this. You're gonna be a great mother. You already are with Sarah."
"I love Sarah," she whines through the tears. "I just can't do this."
"Well, that's the only way we can get the baby here."
She sniffles, "I'm not strong enough to do this, Joel."
He smiles, "Darlin'. We'll just take you to the hospital. They know what they're doing."
She wipes her tears and nods, "Okay… okay."
"Alright. I'll grab the bag, you just get in the car."
"You're doing it. Good girl. You're doing so good." Joel sighed in her hair.
"Alright. Now push." The doctor said.
It felt like her body was being ripped in two. But at least the baby would be here when she was done. That was what she was telling herself. 
Joel brushed her sweaty hair from her forehead. "Almost there, darlin."
The sound of a baby crying relieved the both of them. 
"A healthy baby boy."
Y/N smiled sleepily. Joel felt his breath leave his lungs.
"He has your hair, Joel." Y/N smiled at the sight of the baby.
"You've made the prettiest boy, darlin'."
"We did."
"Yeah, we did."
Sarah had to refrain from screaming in joy at the sight of her new baby sibling.
"Oh. My. God." She whisper yelled.
Joel helped Y/N further into the house. "C'mon. Let's sit you down."
She slowly sat on the couch and grunted.
Sarah ran to Joel, who had the baby carry on his arm. "He's really ours?!"
Joel laughed, "Yeah, he's ours."
"I'm gonna be the BEST older sister, I promise!" 
Y/N laughed next. "Wanna go change his diaper?"
Sarah's face dropped, "Nevermind. I'm good. I'll just be mediocre." And she ran from the room.
Joel couldn't hold in his laugh as he set the carrier down. "You sleep. I'll take the baby."
Y/N smiled, "Thank you Joel."
He sat on the couch next to her. "'Course. I knew you could do this."
She sighed and closed her eyes, "I love you, Joel."
"I love you, darlin'."
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natriae · 10 months
part 2 of this
cw// smut, daddy kink, got hella fluffy at the end ngl, MDI!!
"how many women have you fucked in here?" you question as your hand continues to feel up his chest.
"not many," is all the opposite hitter states. Slowly he lifts himself up so the two of you are face to face. Not letting your guard down you take a deep breath and watch as he holds your hand in place over his heart, "recently I've been thinking about one in particular," his deep voice rings out. Your pussy contracts around nothing as his sharp eyes maintain on yours. You swore you watched his jaw clench before asking, "You haven't fucked anyone, right? Kept yourself pure?" for me, you know he was implying that last part. You can't stop your face from flushing at his words.
Shaking you head you respond, "you know how much of a helicopter parent my dad is.." you just don't have time. The normally emotionless man's lips twitch with happiness. It didn't last long but even for a man like him it can be hard to keep your composure.
And it wasn't that you were saving your cunt just for him, you just never found the right time. Whether is was your father showing up randomly at your dorm, or being busy with class work, you just never had the right moment to do it. I mean, it definitely didn't help that none of the poor college boys could compare to the 44 year old man in front of you. They wouldn't be able to protect you the way he would and they most definitely wouldn't be able to please you the way he could.
"I've been so lonely here," you finish looking up at him. His hand finally leaves yours and pushes you down on the bed. He pulls your hand out from under your shirt and commands, "stay here tonight. I'll get you clothes, and you can sleep in here." He doesn't give you a chance to deny before he's up and walking into his closet.
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'Jima sets the table and speaks to you like this was his everyday. It's so domestic, like you are his actual wife. After dinner he shows you to his bathroom, and the clothes he prepared for you. However, he doesn't leave for you to start undressing. Instead he pulls his shirt off and turns on the shower letting the water heat up.
"are you showering or not?" He asks pulling his sweats off. The bulge in his boxers is quite visible. Not wanting to get caught gawking you begin to bring your shirt over your head. "no bra. Good girl," He whispers before kissing your forehead. In your peripherals you watch as he pulls his boxers off and walks into the shower. God, how can a man have that nice of an ass.
Your body feels hot as you pull off the last of your clothing. The glass door to the shower not hiding Toshi's eyes as he watches you undress. Opening the door you can't help but immediately look at the large cock that twitches leaning on his thigh. The weight of it clearly dragging it down. "come on, baby" his deep voice rings out as he pulls you closer to him. He moves you so your hair is under the water, running his hands through your hair to allowing the water to really dampen it, but you can tell he's just using it as an excuse to touch you. "something wrong, baby?" his thick eyebrows bunch up as his bottom lip juts out. For such a quiet man he loves to tease.
"it hurts," you breathe out, looking up at him. His hands run down your arms and pull you closer by your hips. Now chest to chest the older man strokes your back with caution and empathy.
"what hurts, sweetie?" he asks as delicately he can, but his deep, commanding voice leaves your pussy pulsing around nothing.
"my pussy, daddy" you pout at him. Your arms wrapped around his neck waiting for the moment he finally crosses the invisible line between you too.
"want daddy to kiss it better?" you feel his chest move with each breath and there's no doubt he can feel the fast beating of your heart. You nod at his words, and then your world stops. The moment you have been working towards all these years. His large hand drops to your butt cheek to pull you closer as his head drops down to finally kiss your lips.
His kisses are rough just as you imagined. The large man easily lifts you off the ground attempting to get you as close as he possible can. He pushes your body against the cold tile wall as his hands grope as much as he can. God, he's been waiting for this since he knew you moved here. His best friend's pretty little daughter is such a slut for him.
The strong man breaks off the kiss and leaves a small peck on your cheek before lifting you up to the ceiling. Your hand immediately reaches out to grab onto the wall as your legs wrap around his head, thighs on his shoulders. He's shows no signs of stopping even as you latch onto his hair. He's much more vocal than you thought.
You can hear every deep breath he takes as he eats your pussy like its his last meal. His tongue licks up your folds as he sucks on your pulsing clit. You're sure you could cum from the slurps and grunts alone. Before you know it your body starts spasming and your hands pull harder at his hair. The retired volleyball player drops you back down as you cling to him like a koala. God damn you're so cute, he thinks. You watch as he licks his lips attempting to savor the taste of your virgin pussy.
Not saying a word he turns the water off and carries you to his bed. You've never seen him this aggressive. His hands easily pry your legs apart as his lust filled eyes watch as your pussy begs for attention.
"so wet," he states more to himself then to you. He maneuvers his body so he lays next to you just like earlier in the day. His eyes never leave your face as his fingers trail down your body to your awaiting pussy. Shamelessly he hits his girthy cock along your thigh a few times before his fingers go back to playing at your clit.
"need to stretch you a out before i can put it in," Toshi whispers nuzzling closer to your ear. He leaves light pecks along your ear lobe before licking you softly. His middle finger slowly trails down to push into your entrance. "relax, baby, can't fit it if your nervous," finally pushing past the tight ring of your vagina. "have you ever fingered yourself?" he asks eyes not leaving your face. He's so intimidating just watching your face contort in pleasure you couldn't imagine facing him off in a game. Shaking you head no Wakatoshi's lips begin to frown. Words, he tells you implicitly.
"no i haven't- ah- doesn't fill this good, daddy" you pout, his angry face morphs into one of pity as he starts easing in another finger.
"better?" better than your tiny fingers? I can please you so well baby. He leans his face down to kiss your plump and pouty lips. "no pouting" his voice rumbles as his whole arm starts to move to make you feel good. The speed at which his arm is moving up and down has you seeing stars and your pussy getting wetter by the minute.
"daddy, feels f-uhh-nnyy" you whine for him. Not wanting him to stop. Your eyes cross as you feel the urge to pee. Don't pee Don't pee you tell yourself as you moan and whine. Your arm closest to his body latches to his back as your nails dig into his flesh. The pleasure is more than you'd ever imagine. Your left arm is reaching up to grab at his face, feeling the stubble left on his cheek.
"cum,baby" he whispers as his nose bumps yours. Your eyes cross and then close once you feel your release. Your body jerking towards his arm as he carefully rides out your high. His arm doesn't lose his speed even after you start gushing all over his hand and forearm. Who knew you'd be such a squirter. It's borderline pornagraphic the way you moaned his name as fluids shot out of your glistening pussy. You're perfect.
Ushijima kisses your cheeks as you come down from your high. The two of you watch as he brings his thick fingers out and your cum drips off his hand. Before you can speak however his tounge is already back licking into your mouth. Biting his bottom lip as he manuvers over you has him groaning in pleasure. Ushijima Wakatoshi may be a switch you conclude as you smile into the kiss. When the two of you pull apart you can't help but take notice of the red dusting his cheeks. He's so cute.
Pulling a pillow to lay comfortably under your head he rests his arms on each side of you while he gets into position. You know he's wondering if you can take his cock, but you don't want to spoil that you've been practicing taking a dick that girth and length, but you've never had the real thing. His hand holds his thick length as he slaps and rubs his cock over your lips. Your cum providing enough slick that he doesn't have to force it. You bite your lip as his fat mushroom tip pushes past your entrance. God, you wish you had a camera set up from your point of view, so you could watch over and over again Wakatoshi's face as he slides in. If only you knew just how happy this makes him.
His body stills as he watches a few tears fall from your eyes. The corner of his lips twitch as his nostrils flare slightly. Knowing him your whole life makes you a genius at reading his expressions. "fills good 'toshi. You're not hurting me," you calmly tell him as you smile. At your declaration he continues to slide in. You watch as his biceps flex and unflex while he carefully easies in.
Always so caring. You knew Wakatoshi was a caring guy, but you thought that man was gone the minute he got you naked, but you were wrong. Your 'toshi is still in there. When his pelvis finally hits yours, his arms wrap around your body bringing you with him as he essential kneels on his bed. Your arms wrap around his neck as he positions himself for you can fully sit on him, but his arms don't leave. He holds you close like this is all a dream and he's scared you'll leave. You hold tightens are you start to ride his cock. Your body surpising him as it starts to rock back and forth. Swallowing, you have to hold yourself back from speeding up, wanting to savor this pleasure for as long as you can. Your hand threads through his hair as you lean back to look into his eyes. His hands move to your ass to help you grind on him. It's slow, sensual, perfect. It's everything you'd ever imagine.
That night he runs a bath and bathes you before finally getting you dressed and ready for bed. The large man cuddles you close to his chest and kisses your forehead. "stay with me," he speaks out before falling asleep.
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agi-ppangx · 1 year
💌letter two - sorry i hurt you
╰► lee minho has sent you a letter !
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“i can't sleep. i look at your half of the bed and all the memories come back and for the first time in years i feel helpless.
you told me you were going to your sister's place so i hope you arrived there safely and ate something. you left your dinner untouched on the table.
we said too much today. we're both exhausted and we made the mistake of wearing it out on each other. i'm sorry for the things i said. i do have some things i wanna talk to you about, but it shouldn't look like this. we should just sit down and have a normal conversation, the one where we don't scream at each other and don't throw mugs on the floor (i know you didn't mean to and i know it was your favourite. i'm glad you didn't hurt yourself).
i'm so ashamed of the way i spoke to you today. my behaviour was childish and immature and i totally understand your anger - you have all the rights to be mad at me. i made a big deal out of nothing and took the things we shared for granted. god, i'm so stupid. i'm sorry.
i hope you'll come back tomorrow and we'll be able to sort things out. if you need more time, it's fine, take as much as you need. i just… i really miss you. everytime i tried to lay down and close my eyes tonight, the scent of your perfume tickled my nostrils and I couldn't help but cry. what would you think if you saw me crying, huh? i don't think i've ever shed a tear in your presence. i've always wanted to be strong for you, to protect you and make you smile. but now i hurt you and i can't forgive myself.
god, this letter is a mess. i'm sorry, i can't think straight now. i can only feel whole when you are with me, that's why i can't wait to see you again. i miss you.
i can't wait to hold you in my arms again. your minho
PS. i just found your favourite mug online and i ordered it for you. i don't want you to feel sad anymore and this is my first step to make you happy again”
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taglist: @lynlyndoll @iyenbread @flooo71 @skz-streamer @inniescandy-01
let me know if you wanna be added/removed from the taglist🤍
feedback and reblogs highly appreciated🫶🏽
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Can you please write a fic about the golden oldie of one bed in a hotel room with wanda maximoff and venom reader? I miss enemies to lovers 😭
Hell yeah I can!
Hotel Room hell
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Summary: You and Wanda are sent on a mission together but you don't get along, and when a woman tries flirting with you she needs to confront her feelings, or does she? Maybe she'll just play with you instead
Warnings: 18+ Minors DNI, terribly written smut, oral (W receiving) swearing, etc
Words: 5,300 (Got way too carried away 😳😂)
A/n: this has been finished for 2 days but I kept reading and changing things so let’s hope for the best lol
"I'm sorry ma'am but there's only one room left” the poor hotel receptionist repeated for the 3rd time to an angry redhead "I can't stay with her in the same room, we don't get along"
"She doesn't like us does she?" Venom said in your head and you just shrugged
"We'll be in different beds Wanda whats the big deal? You tried calming the situation down, you didn't really like her either but you were tired and all you wanted to do was sleep
More bad news incoming "oh actually the room only has a king bed available" this poor front desk person
"One room and one bed?! This is ridiculous!" You didn't say this often but Wanda was acting like a Karen right now "Wanda it's fine I'll sleep on the couch"
That seemed to calm the stressed redhead and she grabbed the key from the desk storming up to the room leaving you to deal with the woman "I'm so sorry about her she's normally really nice"
She laughed "trust me we get many characters around here, she's not even the worst I've had today, thank you for trying to help though"
"She is flirting with us! We need to ask her out! You have been very lonely recently!"
You forced a smile ignoring that insult from your symbiote and looked back to the woman who asked you a question and waited for your response "sorry? Did you ask me something?"
"I asked you if you were dating your friend?"
You shook your head "no no we don't like each other"
"Then why stay at a hotel? Seems a little odd" she laughed and you laughed with her, she was right but when Tony Stark gives you an order you have to listen apparently "trust me I know" you laughed with her
"So if you're not dating her, does that mean you're free tonight then?" She was asking you out, oh wow okay
"Oh yeah, yeah sure I'm free, do you have anything in mind?" You stumbling over your words and blushing hard was the cutest thing she'd ever seen even if you yourself felt yourself getting stressed
"A drink at the bar maybe?" She said and you nodded "absolutely, when do you get off?" Feeling confident you lent close on the desk leaning your head on your arm and she did the same smirking "isn't it a little too soon to ask when I get off?"
"Is she talking about what I think she's talking about?! I may be an alien but I recognise flirtatious attitude!"
Scratching your head to calm the irritation known as Venom you coughed trying to wet your dry throat, you won't be embarrassed
"Well maybe I'm just trying to time our date, knowing when you get off helps me decide the correct time" that didn't sound as good as you thought it did and both of you knew it but she decided not to hold it against you "I finish at 7, I'll see you at the bar, order me a pornstar martini"
"Pornstar martini? Sounds interesting"
"It's delicious, who doesn't love a pornstar?"
You laughed, god she was funny and hot, what a great combination "you got me there, okay I'll see you at 7" you went to leave but her hand grabbed your arm pulling you close and she gave you a kiss on the cheek "see you then"
Walking to the room with a smile on your face you went to open the door but you were stopped by black tentacles claiming your hand "what are you doing?"
"I feel tension inside and I do not think we should be going inside until Wanda has calmed down"
You huffed "you're being dramatic, we know she hates us what's the point?"
Ignoring very real instinct of Venom you opened the door barley surviving a thrown lamp thanks to Venom catching it in one of their tentacles
"Wanda what the fuck?! This place is expensive you can't be throwing shit around!"
You looked at Wanda seeing red swirls all around her body, okay she was definitely angry "where were you" she said sternly making Venom growl in a defensive state, they didn't like being told off
"I was talking to the front desk woman-
"She asked you out" she interrupted you and you had to hold back from letting Venom out "okay and? She's hot"
Wanda scoffed "oh so you'll just fuck anything that shows you attention huh? You should've been a man because you just think with your dick"
You just stood there dumbfounded, even Venom was speechless "what the hell are you talking about? Why are you acting like a jealous ex girlfriend?"
The witch stood up and stormed into the bathroom slamming the door "we're on a mission! You need to be focused, not staring at a blonde bimbo's chest!"
"I was not staring at her chest! I'm a lady!"
The silence on the other side of the door was deafening and you weren't sure on what to do
"I believe she may still be mad at us, should we do anything?"
You lowered your voice "and risk being murdered in a nice hotel room? No let's just go to the pool" picking out a bikini from your suitcase you headed down to the pool.
When you got there, you realised something "Can you swim?" You whispered to yourself and waited for the alien's response
"Yes I can swim, I was the fastest swimmer on my planet I won plenty of awards!"
You rolled your eyes "you know you don't have to continue talking, you could've just stopped at yes I can swim-
"Who you talking to stranger?" It was the woman from the front desk "oh hi, no one I'm just thinking about how to say sorry to Wanda"
She sat down on a sun lounger bringing you with her and you flopped down with her "honey I don't think you need to apologise to her, she doesn’t like you”
You shrugged "she got stuck with me on this....business trip so I owe it to her to behave"
"She wants us! Quick kiss her!"
Your hand reached to rub at your head calming down the incoming headache “anyway enough about Wanda, I thought you didn’t finish work until later?”
She shrugged “well I saw you coming to the pool and got someone to cover for me, do you want to go swimming?"
You did but you weren't sure, after Wanda's outburst she was definitely watching you, you thought you could even feel her eyes on you "I don't know..."
"Come on, I bet you look so hot in your bikini" she purred at you making you fault a little "oh er yeah, sure okay let me go change" you got up a little to quick nearly stumbling but froze when you felt a pair of hands steady your legs "hold on darling, seems like you need some help"
Her laugh was fun, you even managed to not notice her hands sliding up and down your legs rubbing circles into them
"Ah Y/n I believe we should stop because I feel some eyes on us that are angry"
You ignored the voice and in about 10 seconds you'll really wish you would've listened "so, how about my offer of swimming?"
"Y/n what the hell do you think you're doing?!"
"Ah fuck me" you whispered pushing yourself away from the woman and turning around to Wanda storming towards you "Wanda I-
"Get back to the room now!" She was angry that much was easy to see but you didn't know why, why was she acting like this?
"Wanda I don't know what the problem is-
"Ahhh! Y/n she's in our mind!"
You felt yourself getting dizzy walking away and falling into the pool spluttering and failing to stay afloat "oh Y/n you're so clumsy now come on you need to stay in the room while we're here"
She pulled you out of the water and pushed past the woman trying to have her way with you dragging you to the room and throwing you inside "we're here for a mission! Not to be a whore!"
"Dude, are you on your period or something?? What have I done? I know we don't like each other but you need to chill out"
Wanda hasn't looked at you yet, all she did was pace around the room "I-i'm sorry I don't know what came over me, it just pissed me off seeing you flirt with that bimbo because she doesn't deserve you"
"She is being quite confusing Y/n I believe it may be a trick"
You couldn't even think of what to say, did she just say someone didn't deserve you? "Wanda" she ignored you "Wanda look at me"
She looked up at you "I'm right, she just wanted to sleep with you"
You shrugged "and? What is this, the 1800s? I'm allowed to sleep with someone"
"Well I don't like it!"
"I'm getting a headache Wanda just say what you truly feel and let me and venom go to sleep"
Wanda scoffed "that's another thing, venom, venom this venom that, it's a parasite! Bruce could've gotten rid of it for you, you'd be normal but no you want to keep it so you can feel special, news flash! You're a mess and when you come in at 4am covered in blood and collapsing on the floor I'm the one picking you up and putting you in bed!"
That's how you get to bed? You don't even remember going out and killing people in the first place, does Venom know?
You lowered your head "do you know about this?"
The symbiote remained quiet so you asked again
"Venom answer me do you go out and then come back covered in blood and making a mess everywhere?"
"Well when you are asleep I can go outside and be my true self"
Your face drained of colour, oh god is that why you couldn't sleep much? "Venom come on dude! Why do you have to keep going out and killing?! I get you live chickens to eat"
Venom remained quiet so you looked back to Wanda "Wanda I-
She held her hand up stopping you "doesn't matter Y/n, go back to your "date""
Before you could respond Wanda was already back into the bathroom, her favourite place to be it seems
"Are you mad at me?" they whispered and you held yourself back from smacking yourself in the head knowing while it would hurt them it would hurt you more
"Yes but it'll pass, I need a lie down"
"What about the attractive blonde woman downstairs?"
You rolled your eyes "I don't want to sleep with anyone right now"
you lay down on the couch closing your eyes just wanting to go back home, but no, Tony wants you both to kill some people and take some important files or something you weren't actually paying attention, he only wanted you to go because of the alien inside of you
"You are thinking very loudly Y/n"
''Well I have a lot on my mind don’t I Venom?”
Before you could finish the bathroom door opened and Wanda came out “do you have anything to say?”
You looked towards her with your eyebrows raised "what do you mean?"
"After all the shit I do for you you owe me a apology" she came towards you and you instantly jumped up backing away from her making her laugh "are you scared of me?"
"When you stalk towards me asking for an apology it's a little scary yeah"
Wanda glanced behind you "and does Venom think I'm scary too?"
You hadn't noticed the black tentacles sprouting from your back in a defensive stance and then you suddenly heard the low growling coming from inside you
"Venom relax, it's okay I promise we're fine" the growling stopped and the tentacles retracted back into your body
"You still owe me an apology" she repeated and you rolled your eyes "can't we just get along for 10 minutes?"
"No, but I'll leave it for now, we should go to sleep we have an early day tomorrow" she turned her back to you starting to remove her top and you gasped "what are you doing??"
She turned her head to you "getting dressed for bed?"
"B-but can't you do that in the bathroom?" You stumbled over your words blushing and Wanda rolled her eyes "we have the same body anatomy Y/n there's nothing wrong with seeing me naked"
"Is this flirting? If she's removing her clothes that means she wants us correct?"
You shook your head "I-okay" you mumbled casting your gaze to the floor where Wanda's shirt then her bra ended up, Wanda smirked knowing exactly how you were feeling and while she hated you she would like to have a little fun
"You know since we’re here can you look at something for me?” You thought nothing of it and looked up immediately regretting it when you were faced with her chest “Wanda!”
“What? You wanted to help me correct?” She smirked and you closed your eyes “Wanda this isn’t appropriate, we don’t like each other and I don’t feel comfortable”
She rolled her eyes lifting your chin up but you still refused to open your eyes “malen'kiy I’ve been inside your head, you may hate me and I hate you but the images you think of when you think you’re alone are just delightful”
“Really?” You replied and Wanda’s smile dropped pushing you to the ground
“You’re a creep Y/n I’ve never been in your head because that stupid parasite stops any interaction from me, but now I know, you keep those disgusting images to yourself” still not opening your eyes you heard her slam the bathroom door again, Jesus that doors seen more action than you in months
“Y/n I believe she has left and we can open our eyes now”
You slowly opened your eyes and were met with Venom’s face too and you flinched “god I’ll never get over actually seeing your face”
“Because it is so beautiful”
You grimaced “hmm sure let’s go with that” you stood up drying yourself down and sitting on the bed “well I’m getting changed before she comes back out and beats me for looking at her wrong”
You quickly changed and got under the covers awaiting the angry witches return
“Oh so the couch isn’t good enough anymore?” Those were her first words exiting the bathroom dressed in a shirt and her underwear getting under the covers and placing a pillow between you both as some kind of wall of protection
“Don’t you dare touch me or I’ll tear your body from the inside out with my magic”
Rolling your eyes “please Wanda stop trying to turn me on I won’t be able to control myself if you keep teasing me”
“Keep your parasite at bay too”
Low growls from said parasite left your body and you shushed them “I promise they won’t do anything, even they have standards” you snapped back, closing your eyes you hoped to fall asleep quickly and you did
Through the night you were in and out of sleep waking up at one point and the pillow was gone removed by Venom
“What are you doing???” You whispered
“She is thinking of us”
You peeked a look at Wanda “she isn’t, she’s not angry”
“She is muttering your name and whimpering”
You scoffed turning over facing away from her “you’re being ridiculous Venom, she wouldn’t be whimpering about us, she’d be laughing and happy because she’s probably stabbing us”
Your whispering woke Wanda up and before she could shout she noticed the pillow gone and you muttering to that alien when you turned around you stopped talking and sat up quickly
“Sorry Wanda I didn’t mean to wake you, I didn’t move the pillow venom did and I’ve shouted at them already-
“Oh shut up” she kissed you to shut you up and you blushed hard pulling away but Wanda’s hand gripped the back of your neck keeping you in place
“I still hate you” she breathed out kissing you again sitting you both up and eventually pulling away leaving you speechless “I’m so confused”
“I’ll keep it simple Y/n, I hate you, you hate me, we’re here in this bed and I’ve not had sex in 7 months, even then Vision wasn’t the best in bed so I need to get it out of my system”
While she was talking she’d taken her shirt off and straddled you and went to kiss your neck but you finally regained some form of control placing your hands on her shoulders stopping her “Wanda wait this isn’t right, can’t we go back to hating each other properly?”
The witch shook her head giggling “oh princess you want me too, I know it now, tell me how does the parasite help you in sex?”
You couldn’t believe what was happening, this feels like something out of bad comedy love movie
“I don’t know, they only come out when scared or excited”
Wanda licked her lips smiling “excited? I can get them really excited”
“Y/n is this a trick? I feel like this is a trick”
You shrugged “I think she’s serious, just stay there until I figure it out”
Wanda watched the interaction rolling her eyes “I’m very serious Y/n” she pulled you back into another kiss starting to move her hips on your thigh but you put a stop to that grabbing her hips pausing her and pulling away “no, no Wanda I don’t feel right about it”
“Tell her you’ve never been intimate with another person”
Venom said and you shook your head refusing to tell Wanda about you never sleeping with anyone, unbeknownst to you Wanda knew, Venom couldn’t keep her out when you were sleeping
“It’s okay Y/n I know you’ve never had sex, and I can’t wait to ruin you for anyone else”
You gulped unable to say anything instead letting Wanda kiss down your neck and removing your shirt pulling away and admiring your chest noticing the metal bars “nipple piercings? What a naughty girl, do you have any other piercings?”
You shook your head not wanting to say something to ruin this beautiful yet really strange encounter
She didn’t say a word just leaning down kissing each nipple making you shudder “Wanda I-I don’t think-
She huffed pulling away and rubbing her face “Y/n I just want to fuck the anger out of my body, you’re being really selfish”
“Wanda I’m sorry, it’s just I’m scared that Venom might take over and hurt you”
“I’ll do more than that if she keeps calling me a parasite!” They growled taking over your body a little clawing at Wanda’s hips cutting into her
“Shit, they’ve got some sharp claws there” she laughed a little and you gasped “oh god Wanda I’m sorry!”
“Shush, listen Venom you horrible little clump of mold I need this, now either you let me fuck Y/n or you come out and give me a hand” roughly kissing you she was suddenly flipped onto her back and pushed down into the bed “woah, where did that strength come from?”
“Well Y/n is weak and if you want rough sex then I’m the only one here to give it to you”
Wanda’s eyes glowed red bringing you back to the front “I want to sleep with you, Venom can help but you’re the one who I want to look at.
You nodded “okay”
“You need all the help you can get, I will give you something that will drive Wanda wild”
You opened your mouth revealing Venom’s long tongue poking out licking up the side of the redhead’s face “oh god I didn’t know they had a tongue like that”
Not wasting anymore time you kissed your way down her body leaving marks and saliva in your wake until Wanda grabbed a handful of your hair pulling you to in between her legs
“Get on with it Y/n”
“But I’ve never done it” you said and you felt her pull your hair tighter “doesn’t matter, just fuck me with your tongue”
Venom growled from inside of you gripping her thighs spreading them apart and licking up the arousal that had dripped down and licking over her panties making her groan “fuck Y/n”
Moaning at her taste you ripped her underwear from her body circling her clit with the long tongue enjoying the moans coming from Wanda, god why have you never eaten anyone out before? This is fucking godly.
"So much better than Vision!" She shouted out and you (Venom) growled against her core sending vibrations throughout her whole body making her groan "how about you stop talking and let me do my job"
Thrusting your tongue into Wanda’s tight pussy had her crying out not caring about the other guests in the hotel instead feeling very full and unable to move, your tongue felt like heaven reaching places Wanda couldn't have imagined possible, what else could Venom give you? God Wanda couldn't even think, maybe another day.
Your hands gripped her thighs tighter cutting into the skin again but neither of you cared. You felt Wanda clench around the tongue and you groaned wanting to stay in between her thighs for the rest of your life
"F-fuck I'm gonna cum!" She screamed refusing to let you come for air trying to thrust her hips in time with your tongue but her sloppy movements couldn't keep up with you
"Grab her hips to keep her still! She isn't helping my rhythm!"
Your hands pushed Wanda's hips to the bed doubling down on your efforts with your tongue refusing to let her go, bringing orgasm after orgasm from her juices leaking down her thighs covering your face and the bed
You were so occupied that you didn't hear or feel Wanda try to weakly push you away until a small amount a power sparked your chest pushing you away, you were breathing heavy with Wanda's juices and saliva coating your face
"Wanda?" You climbed back up the bed trailing your fingers up her body liking the way her body twitched with every touch until you reached her face "Wanda are you okay?"
The witch shook her head "are-are you sure y-youre a virgin?"
You laughed "yeah, yeah it was Venom's tongue I was a puppet" Wanda didn't have the energy to respond instead working on her breathing, you turned to the nightstand picking up a small towel wiping your face clean and turning back to the woman surprisingly kissing her, Wanda groaned at the taste of herself enjoying the taste and the way your long tongue wrapped around her own claiming her.
Pulling away the tongue disappeared and you left you with your own small tongue again
"She does taste very good, a little sour but that might be her attitude"
"So what now?" You asked, choosing to laugh at VEnom’s joke later, watching the way Wanda's chest rose and fell in quick succession "seriously? You as a virgin fucking wrecks me with that parasite's long tongue and you have the audacity to ask me 'what now?' Fucking ridiculous Y/n"
She flopped back down onto the bed and you held in a laugh "sorry Wanda, are you okay?"
"Sure, I don't think I'll be walking for a while anyway"
"We treat Wanda like a lady but she will not admit that she loves us? And she still calls me a parasite!"
Wanda sat up in the bed looking towards you "what else can Venom give you?"
That surprised you but you also sat up "er I don't know, the long tongue not enough for you?"
Wanda let out a breathy laugh "it'd be much better than a plastic strap on"
You raised an eyebrow wondering what she meant until Venom spoke up "I cannot give Wanda what she wants, because I don't have any genitalia, I apologise"
You giggled "sorry Wanda Venom doesn't have that or any genitalia"
She sighed "I guess it's for the best, I don't want little alien babies"
You both burst out laughing forgetting how you both feel about each other for the time being "we should probably talk about the mission"
Oh yeah the mission, that was the last thing on your mind right now "I guess so"
Suddenly the door opened and you both nearly jumped until you recognised one of them.
"Well well well, guess I was right telling Tony it's better if we came with you, clearly you two have other things on your mind more important than the mission" she laughed and the other woman came into the room instantly laughing and falling to her knees dramatically
"Holy shit! I knew it! Clint owes $40"
"Natasha this isn't funny” Maria slapped her on the shoulder pushing her to the ground ignoring her giggles and looking back to you both "okay okay we've all had a good laugh now you two get dressed, we've got some intel on the target and need to get there quick"
When Wanda didn't move you held in a giggle and Nat pulled herself off of the floor eyeing Wanda up "don't tell me you can't move...that good?"
Wanda rolled her eyes "jealous Nat?"
The other redhead snorted "please, Maria does things you've never even heard of, I'm a trained assassin and talented ballerina and yet this woman takes me down every time"
She looked very proud of herself while Maria blushed hard "babe please calm down, Wanda why can't you move?"
"It is because of my long tongue isn't it Y/n?"
You gave a small nod in response to Venom and got out of bed to get dressed leaving the poor naked redhead on her own "go on Wanda tell us while she's in the bathroom getting changed"
"You know the parasite she has?" Wanda started
"Sure..." Nat said
"Well it has a long tongue and so Y/n has never had sex so I think they had a talk in her head and then this long tongue appeared from her mouth, way too much saliva though, I thought I was going to drown when she kissed me"
"That's the best of both worlds! A tongue and basically a strap on in 1, Shit Wanda I'm jealous"
Maria rolled her eyes "I thought I did things you've never imagined before?"
Nat kissed her pouting girlfriend "you do baby but that alien has like a 13 inch tongue that's thick too, I'd fucking die"
"I'm still alive over here guys"
"Yeah okay sure, why haven't you moved from the bed?" Nat walked over to the bed holding her hand out for Wanda to take which she didn’t
“Oh come on Wanda it’s not like I’ve never seen you naked, you get crazy at the Christmas party”
Wanda huffed taking Nat’s hand and hosting herself up from the bed leaning into Nat who casually looked over your body “you’ve got so many hickeys and scratches on your thighs and stomach, you look like you’ve been attacked”
“Yeah by an alien” Nat laughed
“Do you remember that you two hate each other?” Maria interjected and Wanda shrugged “I needed to fuck someone who didn’t have a robotic dick or a vanilla attitude”
You came out of the bathroom dressed and looking awkward “there she is, the virgin who managed to paralyse a witch from the waist down” Nat congratulated you while Wanda tried pulling away from her
“Nat please come on, let’s just go and sort this mission stuff out” you moved through the room towards the door but were stopped by Maria “hold on princess, we don’t really have to go that quickly, you two hate each other right? So what happened?"
You thought about it "maybe she was jealous about the woman who was flirting with me?"
"You mean the easy slut basically spreading her legs for you by the pool?"
The three of them stared at Wanda who doubled down on what she said "I'm right, if she didn't work here I bet she would've just stripped naked in front of you"
Nat picked up some sweatpants and a shirt from the floor giving them to Wanda "Wands I don't think you can talk about someone being easy when you're stood here naked"
The witch grumbled taking the clothes from Nat limping into the bathroom to get changed
"You two are a riot" Nat told you and you shook your head "Nat please don't make it worse, I'm really fucking confused" you flopped down onto the bed covering your face with your hands, when you felt a hand on your arm you looked up to see Maria
"Why label it? So you gave head to your enemy so what? I'm pretty sure you can still be enemies but still sleep with each other if you wanted"
You sat up sighing and giving Maria a hug "thanks Mia, I don't want to be sappy about the whole thing, you're right and its over now"
Nat clapped her hands "Alright! Now let's go and get dinner before we starve, I bet your little Venom is hungry too"
Did she mention food? I would very much like food! But my food!"
"Venom wants to eat what they normally eat" you said looking at Nat knowing full well what they want
"Well, can they wait until we get to the mission? They'll be loads of tasty horrible humans for them to devour"
Venom's head appeared from your back eyeing up Nat and spoke in a gravely voice "Natalia, do you promise me I can eat the humans? Last time I was refused that luxury"
"God you're really ugly aren't you?" Nat laughed and you shook your head "Nat! They get sensitive about how they look"
The alien retreated back into your body without another word cursing Nat in your head
Wanda came out of the bathroom fresh faced and dressed "shall we go?" She walked towards the door opening it and letting the two women out "meet you guys in the lobby okay?" Maria patted you on the shoulder giving you a kiss on the cheek
When they both left Wanda closed the door and sat down next to you "say what you want to say Y/n"
"I want to know what's going on Wanda, do we still hate each other? Because the way you were screaming my name and clenching your thighs around my head it sure doesn't seem like it"
Wanda rolled her eyes pulling you suddenly into her lap and kissing you hard, pulling away you were obviously even more confused that when you first started
"I still hate you and that stupid parasite but I don't want you sleeping with anyone else, you can't flirt with anyone else either" her hands wondered your body landing on your ass giving it a squeeze making you jump slightly
"Wanda just admit you don't hate me, what's the problem?"
"Because we can't have hate sex if we like each other can we?" sucking a mark into your neck she smirked when you groaned
"Y/n you need to focus!"
Venom dragged you off of the woman surprising both of you "the hell was that??"
"Venom doesn't want me near you" you said being dragged to the door but it was slammed shut by Wanda's powers "oh baby, your alien will learn to love me, now come on we need to finish that mission so I can take my post mission adrenaline out on you later"
She gave you a cheek kiss on the way out of the room leaving you dumbfounded "great, my first time was with a witch who is possessive over people she hates"
"On my planet she would be treated like a queen because of how mean she is"
You laughed "thanks Venom, that made me feel better"
"I aim to please Y/n"
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hailsatanacab · 1 year
For the prompt ask game!
9. Sleep deprivation and/or 37. Secret Relationship and/or 40. Identity reveal/major secret reveal
(I selected a few so you can chose the one that resonates the most.)
For any DPxDC characters. <3
*emerges from a google docs, covered in blood and panting* i did it... it is done.
thank you for the prompt!! because i love a challenge, or because i can't stop myself, i went and did all of them!! for everyone!! everyone is sleep deprived and everyone is revealing secrets ^^'
Danny/Tim, mentioned Jazz/Jason
(๑•́ ₃ •̀๑) enjoy!! prompt ask game
kid napping
“Red Robin, sound off. Status?”
“All good here, Oracle. Everything okay?”
It’s been a slow night, never a good sign. Pent up energy itches under his skin and he stretches when he stands, preparing for whatever Oracle is going to throw his way. It’s going to be something, he can tell.
“Good.” Relief briefly colours her voice answers, before she becomes serious again, keys clacking away in the background. “There’s been a report from Agent A. It appears that one Timothy Drake has been kidnapped and is being ransomed for five million dollars and a helicopter. I’m tracing the call now.”
“A helicopter, too? Kidnappers these days, used to be they just wanted their money and that would be the end of it… a fucking helicopter, wow.” Red Hood scoffs, and Red Robin can’t help but join in the laughter over the comms.
“Doesn’t exactly sound like these are the brightest tools in the shed now, does it, Hood? Wonder what poor schmuck they’ve got instead.” Nightwing says, slightly out of breath. 
The smile slips off Red Robin’s face and clammy, cold dread shivers down his spine. A stone settles in his stomach. He wets his lips and clears his throat. “Oracle, can you pull up the CCTV on my apartment near WE? Any closer to tracing the call?”
“Still on the trace, they’re using a jammer. Agent A is cooperating so they should phone back soon, which will help.” she reports, falling into silence as he finds the video feed.
“You know who it is?”
“I hope not.”
It’s tense, he taps his feet on the rooftop, fingers tightening over his grapple as he fights the urge to fly off the roof and check for himself. It better not be him. Please, dear God, don’t let it not be him.
“What are you thinking, Red Robin?” Batman growls through the comms. Red Robin can hear the wind under his words, whipping fast as he no doubt makes his way over to his position.
“I had a, uh, a friend coming over tonight. From behind, he… he could be mistaken for Tim Drake.”
The jokes fall silent, the comms growing serious as they pick up on his tone.
“Well, fuck.” 
“Eloquent as always, Hood.”
“Shut up, bat-brat.”
“You were right, Red Robin, it looks like it was your… friend they caught, instead. About two hours before the call came in. I’m following their van now, I should have the destination soon. In the meantime, it looks like they’re heading towards the docks.”
Red Robin throws himself off the building, shooting his grapple as low as he dares to get the fastest swing he can. 
They have Danny. 
Worry gnaws at his gut even as gravity pulls it into his throat with another swing.
Danny is… And Red Robin means this in the nicest way possible, but Danny is fragile. They haven’t talked about it, but RR knows that Danny has health problems. Something plaguing him since he was young, that’s landed him in the hospital more than once. A weak heart, far too slow to be normal, possibly chronic fatigue—he’s always so tired, falling asleep anywhere he can.
Sometimes, he doesn’t even need to put his head down. Once, when they had gone to the corner store to get some popcorn to enjoy their movie (which Danny had explicitly and repeatedly promised he wouldn’t snore through this time), Danny had rested his head on Tim’s shoulder while they were waiting and he’d just… gone. On his feet, asleep, just like that.
He’d laughed, when Tim woke him up. Apologised. Said Tim made him feel safe enough to fall asleep just about anywhere and—
Red Robin grits his teeth and corrects his course as Oracle updates them with more precise coordinates.
Tim had carried him home that night, piggy-back for four blocks, but by the end of it, he wasn’t tired at all. And that’s another thing, Danny’s just so light. It’s concerning.
They never did watch that movie, but it’s a night that Tim can’t help remembering fondly all the same. They’d ended up rewatching some old sitcom that Danny’s seen countless times but Tim’s never really bothered with, Danny drifting off to sleep again and Tim eventually following him, because… sleep is easy with Danny.
It’s the same for him, he thinks. He can’t explain it, but he feels safe enough to sleep with Danny, too.
He needs to be alright.
“So… Is this friend just a friend? Or a friend friend?” 
“A friend, Nightwing. Now hurry up.”
He’s not in the mood to play these games, not now. There’s a reason why none of them know about Danny, and this is one of them. His family, as much as he loves them, are just too damn nosey for their own good.
“You know that doesn’t answer my question at all.”
“Then why don’t you ask something intelligible, rather than continue with your childish antics?” Robin snarks, and for once, Red Robin has to agree with him. Or, rather, he’s grateful for the distraction that it gives him.
Tim has secrets. He’s sure that Danny does, too, and so far—aside from the standard background check he always runs on new friends and friend friends alike—he’s done very well to respect them. He just can’t say that his family would do the same.
They can be overwhelming, to say the least, and Tim has tried his best to protect Danny from that.
Only to fail to protect him in every other way that it counts.
“How long have you guys been ‘friends’?”
“Nightwing, save it, please.”
“What’s his name?”
He ignores him.
Red Robin lands on the building first, thank goodness. He wastes no time in finding a skylight that can be pried open fairly quietly, slipping inside without a second thought.
“Wait for backup, Red Robin, that is an order!” Batman says, when he lets them know he’s in.
“Negative, Batman. I’m getting him back.”
“Red Robin!”
He weaves silently through the desks on the second floor of the warehouse, always moving, always keeping a trained eye on the shadows around him.
When he reaches the stairs, he hears voices.
“Looks like three of them, armed. The-the hostage is tied to a chair in the middle of the room, he…” Red Robin takes a steadying breath. The person has a burlap sack over their head is slumped to the side, from where he is, Red Robin can’t see if his chest is moving. There’s blood on the floor. “He needs medical assistance. Another two on the northside entrance.”
The comms explode in admonitions, everyone pleading with him to stay where he is, to wait for help, but fuck that. With a tap, he switches them off and he can finally, just about make out the words of the kidnappers as he creeps down the first few steps.
“—shouldn’t he have woken up by now?”
“I don’t know, man, you’re the one that hit him! Do you think he’s—”
“No! I didn’t even hit him that hard, I swear!” the man cries, holding his hands up in surrender. “I just couldn’t take any more of his stupid jokes!”
If there was any doubt in Red Robin’s mind that they picked up Danny by mistake, it’s gone now. Yeah. If you get Danny, you get his stupid jokes, too.
He creeps closer. 
There’s some storage crates between him and Danny, if he can get behind there without being seen then that leaves him in a good position for when whoever’s next in takes out the guys at the front. He can’t do anything without them gone first, not without risking them taking shots inside and endangering Danny.
The man that hit Danny circles round behind him and grabs at his hands.
“What are you even doing, Pat? Who gives a shit, leave him alone.”
“I’m just checking! I just gotta see!”
“Fuck’s sake, guys, who cares? We just gotta get our money, that’s it—”
“And our helicopter!”
“And our—”
“Shit, I can’t find a pulse! Shit, Frank, I killed him, I—”
Jason told him once that when the Pits overtook him, he used to see green. Instead of blacking out, he’d be swimming in that putrid Lazarus colour and he’d slip into that rage and bad things would happen.
He’s heard of people seeing red, too, but really, he thinks that’s more of a literary device.
Tim doesn’t see anything aside from his targets.
A barrage of birdarangs take the guns from the guys at the front, the three around Danny startling badly enough that the guy that kil—that’s behind Danny—stumbles, losing his footing.
Only one of them shoots.
There’s a round of curses on the comms as the shots come through. Oracle must have turned them back on.
“Fucking hell—Nightwing and I are at the front, Red Robin, don’t worry about them.”
Red Robin’s barely listening.
He spins, kicking the largest guy in the stomach hard enough so that he doubles over, wheezing. Following through the movement, another kick lands on the side of his head and he’s down. 
The second one, Frank, gets his wits about him and raises his gun, spraying wildly. He’s a shit shot, going wide in panic, and Red Robin simply ducks and rushes forward, keeping low. Tackling the guy, he grabs the gun off of him and uses it to smash him across the face, once, twice, three times, before he stops moving.
“Oracle, get police and paramedics on scene, now.” Batman says, the displeasure in his voice evident. “Red Robin, Robin and I are coming in from the top.”
Pat hasn’t even made it up off the floor yet, scrambling backwards, fear plain on his face. 
Red Robin stands, breathing heavily, gun still in hand.
“I’m sorry, I’m sorry, I swear I didn’t mean to do it! Please—please, don’t, please!”
Red Robin doesn’t kill.
Well, no, Red Robin doesn’t normally kill.
No, that’s not quite right, either.
Red Robin has killed. Red Robin will more than likely kill again. Red Robin sees no problem with killing.
The gun is up, pointing towards the guy without any real thought about it.
Footsteps rush behind him, the familiar heavy footfalls of Batman and Robin, so he doesn’t bother turning around. The gun follows the guy as he keeps pulling himself backwards, snot and tears mingling down his face.
“Red Robin,” Batman says, softly.
It’s always weird hearing Batman’s voice like that. It’s not the first time, obviously—Batman can’t use his scary intimidating voice on victims or children, after all—but having it used on him is weird. 
“He’s dead. They killed him.”
If hearing Batman’s voice was weird, Red Robin can’t even recognise his own.
Distantly, he realises he’s dissociating. There’s a tightness in his chest, it’s hard to breathe, a growing buzz drowns out any noise in his ears and he can’t think, he can’t—
A heavy hand squeezes his shoulder, jolting him out of his thoughts. Batman reaches around and gently removes the gun from his grip, and Tim feels the instant loss of it. He should have done it, why hadn’t he done it?
Robin takes care of the last man, his crying cut off by a swift kick to the head. Nightwing and Red Hood join them, zip-tying the men on the floor and starting to drag them back to the entrance of the warehouse one by one.
No one says a word.
Shrugging off Batman’s hand, Tim moves towards the chair.
Shaking, he takes a deep breath and removes the sack. The small part of him that was left hoping it wasn’t him, it couldn’t be him, please dear God let it not be him, shatters.
Even dead, he looks peaceful.
Tim’s seen death. He’s no stranger to it, he’s seen what it can do to a person. There’s some blood coagulating over his eyebrows, but otherwise, he looks peaceful. Is that comforting? That he didn’t suffer?
Danny’s head lolls to the side as the sack comes completely away, his hair flopping over his eyes. Tim’s been on at him to get a haircut lately, he thinks it’ll be nice tidied up a bit, just on the sides. It’ll get rid of that permanent bedhead. Help him with job interviews, he’s got to be thinking about that now that he’s in his last year of college.
It’s about the only thing that’ll hold him back, Tim thinks. Danny’s brilliant. Any employer would be a fool to turn him down because of his shaggy hair, but employers are stupid so it makes sense to put your best foot forward and—
Tim falls to his knees.
He’s dead, he’s really—Danny’s skin is horribly pale, cold to the touch. Gone is his bright, cheerful smile. 
“Danny, I’m sorry, I’m so, so sorry, I—” 
He stops himself with a deep, shuddering breath. He can’t break down here, he can’t, he can’t, he can’t.
Instead, he tips forward to rest his head in Danny’s lap, arms curling around himself. They were too late. They got here as fast as they could and they were too late.
 “Danny, I’m so sorry…” he whispers. “I… I love you, I love you, I’m sorry.”
Dimly, he can feel the others standing around them. Someone crouches down beside him, resting a comforting arm over his back, but he doesn’t turn his head to see who it is. He squeezes his grip on Danny’s legs tighter.
“Come on, baby bird. Let’s—”
They’re interrupted by a huge, honking snore as Danny jerks himself awake.
Tim’s head snaps up, staring at Danny with wide eyes.
“You were asleep?” Red Robin springs up, several different emotions rapidly flip flopping through him.
“Wha… What?” Danny heaves a yawn, blinking blearily down at him. “Sorry, I’m just… they were shit kidnappers, man, really boring. Honestly, worst abduction yet.”
“You were asleep? I thought you were dead!”
“Not mutually exlusive, you know.” Danny says through another yawn. He rolls his neck around with an almighty crack and glances at everyone. “Didn’t think I’d warrant the whole Bat brigade, though…”
“The kidnappers thought they had Tim Drake.” Batman supplies, while Red Robin tries to work through the emotional whiplash.
“Ah, makes sense… wait.” Danny sits up suddenly, squinting at Red Robin. “Did you say you loved me?”
“No, of course not, why would I—”
“Tim? Is that—are you—are you Red Robin?”
“Everyone, hold the fuck up!” Red Hood shouts from the other side of the warehouse, having finished securing the perps to a streetlight outside. “Double R is dating Danny fucking Nightingale?”
Well, there goes his identity… Oh, who’s he kidding, Danny’s smart. There’s no way he could have salvaged that. This was not how he thought the night was going to go.
“Cranberry, is that you?” Danny twists in his chair, somehow delighted to see Red Hood rescuing him, too. “I thought I smelled you lurking about!”
“Shut it, you little shit. Since when were you dating this dweeb?”
“I’m sorry,” Red Robin pleads, hands in the air to try and slow down the onslaught of information and insults, “you two know each other?”
“Cranberry?” Nightwing echoes, looking as lost as Red Robin feels.
“Yeah, Cranberry—The Cranberries—zombie, zombie, zombie-ie-ie. Obviously. Also he’s wearing a big, fuck off red helmet.”
“Yeah, sure, makes sense.”
It’s about the only thing that does.
“And please don’t call my boyfriend a dweeb, Cranberry. Especially when he just said he loves me for the first time.”
“He only said it because he thought you were dead.”
“I am dead, so it counts.”
“Only half, so I’d say that puts you at a solid ‘like’. Tim’s—and savour this, Tim, because I’m only going to say it once—Tim’s intelligent, so I’m sure he’ll come to his senses soon.”
Danny just throws Red Hood such a shit-eating grin. A level of feral that Tim’s only seen before in Damian. 
“That’s what I used to say about Jazz, too.”
Hood scoffs in offence, and to be honest, Tim’s not sure where he should go from here. What the hell is happening, how do they know each other?
“Come on, is anyone going to untie me or am I really meeting your family mafia-style?”
“Do it yourself, Slimer.” Red Hood laughs, crossing his arms.
“Ugh, you suck so much. I’ll fucking slime you, just you wait. Can’t believe Jazz even likes you, I preferred it when she was dating Johnny.”
And then, without Danny doing anything other than muttering obscenities at Red Hood, the ropes fall to the ground. In one swift motion, Danny stands up and stretches himself to his full height of 5’6.
“All of you need to explain, now.” commands Batman, and honestly, Red Robin’s very much on his side of it.
“I can’t believe it… Jason and Timmy are both in secret relationships? That’s… How come no one told me?” Poor Nightwing sounds the most shocked out of all of them. He turns to Damian and clasps onto both of his shoulders. “You’re not secretly dating, are you, D? Please tell me you’re not, please tell me you’re single, please?”
Of course, Robin just clicks his tongue and pushes his hands away. Really, Red Robin doesn’t think that Nightwing’s in any danger of that happening, he’d be surprised if anyone could stand Robin enough to actually date him.
He shakes his head and turns to Danny, who’s staring right back at him, worry clear on his face.
Fuck, he... He's alive. He's really alive.
Tim pulls him into a bone-crushing hug, fingers buried deep in his NASA shirt. Tucking his face into the crook of Danny's shoulder, he laughs wetly with the joy of it. He's alive. He hasn't lost him. He's safe.
“I’m sorry I haven’t told you before now, starshine, but…” Danny breaks the hug and softly pulls away from him to rise on his tiptoes to place a kiss his cheek. The skin burns cold where his lips touch. “I love you, too. Also, you’re gonna wanna sit down. This is going to be a lot.”
#dpxdc#dead tired#anger management#(barely but it's there haha)#dcxdp#hailsatanacrab🦀🦀writes#i'm sorry this has taken a while but also this week has kinda sucked and i'm still pissed off about that#so writing has been a nice little break from that!!!!#i hope you enjoy it!! i'm not fantastic with writing romance/ships so like... hope it's alright haha#also i feel kinda bad about not putting the whole phantom reveal too but like... we get that all that time haha#idk maybe i'll continue it#OH SHIT I FORGOT MY WRITING TAG HOLD ON#must admit - i do like that you can edit the tags now even though the new post maker sucks#anyway!!!!!!! i had this whole bit from danny's pov in the beginning where he just decided to go to sleep but realised that fucking sucked#it was so boring haha#so we got this instead!#hope the emotions came across - i feel like i have a tendency to just go cold and clinical when emotions happen#idk#oh! danny and tim met because danny's a part time barista and when tim ordered his monstrocity of a drink danny just winked and said#'ah the walking dead special coming right up!' and added another three espresso#jason and jazz met before they did though - and none of them knew they were dating the other's family#danny and jason have a bit of a rocky relationship - he's not good enough for jazz!! she deserves way better than some two-bit gangster!!#jason just thinks he's a cute overprotective brother - he really envies their relationship and wishes he could have something like that#he likes to rib danny and tbh danny is really warming up to him too - now that the gross stinky ecto is starting to filter out#(which is thanks to him and jazz - which jason does know about and is extremely grateful for)#(he really does love jazz and is a little bit jealous that tim told danny he loved him first)#(jason goes home that night and dips jazz into a kiss and whispers it into her skin over and over again)#(he loves her he loves her he loves her - and who the fuck is johnny?)#once tim gets over his shock he's doing good! of course he accepts danny there was never any question of that#he meets ellie and then introduces her to kon and the rest of the team and ellie decides she might like to do some superheroing for a bit
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0oolookitsme · 1 year
Been Thinking
Type- One-Shoty Blurb
Verse- Dwd!Harry x Dwd!Y/n
Word Count- 1.6k
Warnings- Smut (soft dominance, a few curse words)
A/n- And, here's the first fic of kinktober!
Kinks- Phone Sex, Guided Masturbation
Please rb to share!
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Harry was just saving his last document of the day when a meeting was pulled. A meeting that could very well have been done over a few emails, but alas, they couldn't do something that would save their employees even a little of their time.
Thinking that he would only be a bit late, he went into the room not having any idea about his own self that'd be coming out of the same room with 8 files stacked up in his hand. All the ones that needed to be done tonight.
He sat on his chair with all the files sprawled across his desk, and looked at his empty coffee cup in dread. He did not have it in him to go and fetch himself some. So, as unwilling as he was, he defeatedly called the general assistant. Her job was to do just that – it was just Harry who couldn't benefit from it much often considering her infatuation with him.
"A coffee please," he said just when she peeked through the door, slipping his cup that Y/n had left there for him across the desk to have her stay as away from him as possible.
She didn't seem much chirpy today though, considering she just took the cup and left silently – without making any shot at him. It made Harry feel a little relieved, the thought of her finally backing off.
Without much thought, he powered on his laptop and at the same time, dialled up Y/n. He was just calling to let her know that he wouldn't be coming home for the night. And she was normal about it, cursing his office a bit and making him laugh.
It was when he was about to wish her a good night that she muttered something in a small, frail voice. Harry felt alarmed that something was wrong but he figured the problem when she repeated herself on his demand.
"Was thinking about you all day," she said, and after a long pause wished him a good night, hanging up a little later than normal – as if she was waiting for some kind of response. A response that Harry stupidly enough couldn't give. He was just so shocked at her words – she had never been this loud with her needs before. Yes, it's only been six months in their arranged wedding but… still.
Feeling like a prick, he decided to give it a rest. Putting his phone on the desk and just wishing for the coffee to be down his throat already.
Opening up files on his laptop, his head couldn't help but replay the little voice she had very kindly – and indirectly – voiced her needs to him. She said that she had been thinking about him all day, which must mean that she was also eager for him to come home tonight.
God, he can't believe what he's just done. Turned down the needs of the woman who's been making him weak in his knees ever since she's been with him, just because he was too stunned to speak? Rubbing his palm over his hair and fixing his hair a bit, he decided to call her back.
Not the regular call. But, a video call.
He wasn't ready for her to pick up on the first ring. But when he saw her face, he knew that she hadn't intended to pick up. Her hair was a little tousled, lips bitten and plump, eyes a little hazy and, because he squinted, he saw a fine layer of sweat on her forehead.
She surely wasn't sleeping or crying, but Harry shouldn't be thinking about what she really was doing – even though it was as clear as his eye sight.
He immediately opened his mouth and I speak before she could panik. "Don't hang up!" He said quickly. "Please," he trailed off when she paused. For a moment, all he could see was their bedroom ceiling but then she picked up the phone again – her hair now a little matted and sweat wiped off her face.
"I- uh, I'm sorry. I was just-" she stuttered, trying to come up with an explanation, with a lie. However, a shushing sound came through the phone, catching her off guard.
"It's okay, Y/n," he said and she felt a flutter in her stomach at the sound of her name from his mouth. "It should be me apologizing. And I-I'm very sorry," he said, looking at himself with slight disgust in his own brain at his words.
Looking away from him and probably picking at the bedsheet, "it's okay," she said, just as shyly.
"So, tell me. What were you thinking, Y/n?" He spoke, and she couldn't help but clench her thighs tighter.
"Nothing… just about when you'll be home and what would you like for dinner and stuff," she mumbled and while that was a very innocent answer, Harry couldn't help but see past the bullshit.
Humming, he pretended he was thinking hard about something. "Well, I'm not coming home tonight now, am I, darling?" He teased her, feeling more and more dominant in the situation as the time passed by.
Y/n only nodded in response, her eyes never once staying still.
"You can pretend all you want, love. But I can see the fucking mess you've made of yourself," he said impatiently, his voice now hoarse in an attempt to be a little quiet. And also, because under all the nervousness, Y/n's hand had lowered and he could see her red finger prints on her breasts, from when he imagined she was gripping them.
He could see the tips of her ears turn pink, yet she didn't make any effort to cover herself.
"Make that mouth of yours useful, and tell me – were you really thinking about that? Hm?"
"No," she breathed, rolling her lips in and shifting on the bed. "Just wanted you," she continued.
"Where baby?"
"Anywhere. Just wanted you so bad," she whispered lightly, a slight tingle in her nose.
Harry licked his lips, feeling worse about having to stay the night. "Look at you, poor thing. I'm very sorry baby, can't do much from here." He sighed. Leaning back, he put in his airpods. "Help me out a little, will you?" He more of suggested and only smiled when she agreed.
Getting impatien, he cut right to the subject. "Touch yourself for me. I'm here, and I'm listening," he told her, also surprising her.
She hesitated but lied back down when he cooed at her, muttering sweet names as her hand crawled lower and lower. "I can't see you, sweet girl. Put your phone on my bedside table," Harry instructed her, and she did it quickly, desperate for anything type of touch now.
The wetness had started slipping out of her. Her thighs felt wet whenever they rubbed and she was sure some of it was on the bedsheet as well. She knew, that if she touched herself now, she wouldn't be able to last for long. Her nipples were perky and sensitive – a whimper left her mouth with every accidental graze in them.
"Go on, Y/n. Won't give it to your husband?" He said, and Y/n swears she could've came right then and there. Instead, a moan slipped past her lips, and she heard him curse under his breath.
He saw as her hand cover her core, could see her inner thigh that was away from him glistening, and god, does he hate his boss. When her knuckles started moving, Harry could tell that she was in ecstasy. Small sounds started escaping her mouth and the moment she looked at him and sucked her fingers – Harry knew that he hadn't married a woman as innocent as he had thought.
Breathing out with each stroke on her clit, her back arched off the bed. "What are you thinking, Y/n?" She heard him ask, and without much thought she told him.
"About you, Harry. Your fingers, your cock, your mouth," she ranted, her pace increasing with each word.
Harry saw how she was slipping out of her shell, voicing her fantasies to him. And just when he was about to tease her, he heard something. Then again, and again.
She said she was going to come. No, she was yelling his name. No, she's chasing her high, and she's yelling his name. "Fucking hell, Y/n." He gritted through his teeth, feeling like he was going to burst just by the sight of her and the yell of his name in her voice.
"Fuck, I already love you moaning my name," he grunted.
Y/n was long lost now, her hips chasing her own hand as she continued moaning his name.
Harry saw her thighs start to quiver and he prayed that they'd be around his head the next time – while he sucked on her again and again. "I can't hear you – louder, baby." He urged her own, feeling pleasure in her pleasure.
"Fuck, Harry!" She screamed right when her thighs cleanched around her hand. Her other hand kneading her boob a little lightly now.
Her cheeks were flushed, sweat coated her hairline and her forehead, her eyes were squeezed shut and her body shook as her hand was still rubbing her core, getting her through her high.
Slowly and slowly, her hand came out of the cage of her thighs, and went right up to her mouth as she once again looked at him while sucking on them. A smile creeped up on her mouth and once she got a hold of her phone again, she couldn't help but let out a laugh at the sight of his sweaty face.
"You really don't know the things you do to me, Y/n," he said hoarsely, letting his head fall back and shutting his eyes tightly..
"Neither did you until now," she shrugged with a grin spreading on her face, and she knew she was in too deep when he chuckled.
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ilythecolorpink · 1 year
He Came Home (Choso Kamo x reader)
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You've been married to your husband Choso Kamo for six years. It wasn't odd for him to be home later than normal because you were aware of his situation and his cursed technique. When he returns home this evening following the Shibuya Incident without spending the entire day at home. You start to worry.
You glanced up at the wall clock to check the time while you waited for Choso to get home; it read 12:00. Normally, you would have passed the time by watching TV or sleeping, but tonight was different in some way. I had this strange ache in my chest that made me feel as though my heart was urging me to continue waiting for him at the door. My thoughts questioning if it was it was paranoia or intuition? Your ears pick up the sound of the door handle opening, stopping your thoughts in their tracks. You quickly got from the couch and went to meet him. You see him with his long black hair disheveled covering some of his face and his clothing messed up.
He enters, closes the door, and smiles softly as he greets you. You rush over to him, brush his hair out of his face, and give him a tight, warm hug. "Choso, where have you been?" you ask in worry. He takes a moment to let you get used to him before embracing you and saying, "I'm sorry, I took so long, I did my best to get to you in time." He seems a little taken aback by the sudden contact. "I'm so glad you're here, please don't do that again, I was worried sick about you", you say while grinning and holding his face and gazing up into his deep purple eyes. "Everything's okay, I'm right here," he says as he wipes away a tear that has gently run down your cheek. He glances down with a pained expression after seeing you. "Everything’s okay, I’m right here," he says as he runs his fingers through your hair. You back up a little and turn to face him, saying, "I know you won't, but I just can't help it." "No matter what challenges I have to face, I will always come to your side," he adds as he smiles softly in your direction. You say, "You're so sweet, you know that?" as your cheeks slightly flush. He says, "Thank you, love," with a slight flush.
After all the tears and tension are gone, the two of you are peacefully in bed, Choso has his back slightly up against the headboard and you are curled into his chest. You feel him gently run his fingers through your hair, with you taking in his warm scent. "You know, while I was in Shibuya, I found out something," Choso says passionately. He gives a pause before continuing saying “I found out that I have a little brother” You look up to see him smile, as you are surprised but also happy for him as you remember the unfortunate loss of his other brothers, and how upset he was from it. With a smile, you turn your entire body towards him and ask, "That's wonderful darling, what's his name?"
Your fingers entwine as he takes your hand and says, "His name is Yuji Itadori, and I was thinking of having you two meet." You exclaim, "I would love to, how about we meet somewhere tomorrow?" with a smile on your face. You go on enthusiastically, "Oh my god, how about we have dinner together, it could be at a restaurant, or how about we have it at our place?" You're distracted from your thoughts as he laughs and you ask him, "Hey, what's so funny?" Then, after further laughter, he says, "Oh nothing, It's just that you're so cute when you get all excited." You flush at his remark and get a warm sensation on your cheeks. When you draw away and say, "I love you, Choso," he smiles sweetly and replies, "I love you too, Y/N." Choso then softly strokes your cheek before giving you a gentle kiss.
A/N: I really hope y'all like this one. Anyways, I love you guys.
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bteezxyewriter12 · 5 months
Text Disaster
Pairing- Hobi x Named Reader
Word count- 3.2k
Includes- Oral, pussy eating, cum eating, dirty talk, cock riding, squirting, multiple orgasms, fluff
Tag List- @mingtina @jaxminnie @yeosayang @delightfulmoonbanana @tannie13 @y00nzin0 @marsstarxhwa
@borntowalkaway @soulseobi05 @kpop-bambi @seokwoosmole @meowmeowminnie @realisticnotes @effielumiere @svnbangtansworld @pinkies-things @insomniacatiny @marvelfamily3000
Masterlists- check out for more fics
📝Masterlists 📝BTS Masterlist 📝Hobi Masterlist
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"I haven't done blonde in awhile and ARMYS liked it last time so I figured why not?", he says
I nod, smiling at him, "It's light this time though. But still looks good"
He laughs, "Thanks. It was like a neon yellow for the butter video but it washed out and I'm left with this"
"I like it a lot", I compliment, my cheeks heating up
God, I'm so fucking bad at flirting
Especially when it's Hobi
He's just so... gorgeous and he makes me nervous
Even though I've known him for a few years now
Through my best friend Namjoon
Namjoon said the guys were going to a bar to hang out tonight and asked me to come
Apparently the guys were bringing friends
Hobi and I both wanted a drink so we went to the bar together
He got his drink while I'm waiting for mine
"Your hair is pretty too", he says, looking at my purple and blue hair, "Like the braid. The colors look cool mixed like that"
I blush harder, "Thanks"
"You're welcome", he smiles, making me swoon at those dimples
I hear my drink being called out by the bartender
"I'll be right back"
He nods
We wandered a bit from the bar to give more people room to order
Squeezing between people, the bartender hands me my drink
"Thanks", I say, then take out some money and put it in the tip jar
"Thanks!", he smiles
I nod, then move out from between two guys
I look for Hobi and when I spot him, my heart deflates
Some girl dressed in super revealing skanky clothes is flirting with him
Smiling, batting her eyes, her hand on his arm as she giggles
And he smirks at her as he talks
I wasn't even gone for two minutes and he's already flirting with another girl
Not that he can't but he made it seem like he was gonna wait for me
And I'm not interrupting them
It'd just be awkward
I'm pissed
Namjoon dragged me here, hyping me up to get with Hobi tonight
Or at least talk him up
I even dressed up
Black mini skirt, red lace tank top and heels
Clothes I had to buy for tonight because I so do not wear this on a regular basis
It was all for nothing
Turning away, I walk to the other side of the bar, sit at a stool and take my phone out
I'm gonna blow up at Namjoon
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Why the fuck isn't he answering?
I clearly told him he'd get sex tonight
Normally he'd be at my side immediately
We don't sleep together a lot
Only when one of us is very stressed or angry
Just to get the feelings out
And that's all it is
But he's not answering and I'm getting more pissed
Glancing up, I'm startled when I notice Namjoon across the bar
Engrossed in a conversation with a girl
His phone is on the bar, face down, his hand no where near it
There's no way he got into a conversation that fast
Especially not when I was offering sex
He would not stop to talk to a girl if we were going to leave
So that means I wasn't texting him
If I wasn't texting him, then who the fuck was I texting?
I open my phone and look at the recipient of my messages
And proceed to go into a sheer panic
Oh my fucking god, I was texting Hobi all that
He knows
Oh fuck, he knows I love....oh my god I need to get the fuck out of here right now
I need to go home and go AWOL for awhile
Until he doesn't remember this conversation anymore
Fat chance of that
Oh god, I can never hang out with BTS again
I need to go
I stand up from the stool and turn around, my heart jumping in my throat when I see Hobi standing behind me
Oh fuck
I can't do this confrontation right now
We just stare at each other for a few seconds then he comes closer to me
I feel like I'm gonna throw up
He reaches out, his fingers pushing some stray hairs behind my ear
He leans forward and suddenly he's kissing me, his lips so soft, so smooth against mine
I grab onto his shirt to steady myself as my head spins and the ground sways beneath my feet
Oh my god, this kiss is fucking perfect
It's just a simple sweet kiss and it rocks my world
All too soon he pulls slightly away from me, his eyes on mine
"You have no fucking idea how long I've been waiting for you"
I blink in complete shock
Which is what I say
"I thought you'd never notice me"
Is he kidding?
He's all I noticed
"Come home with me?", he asks shyly, then leans closer to my ear, "I'll let you ride me until all your frustrations are gone"
I swallow hard as he pulls back, suddenly smirking and the cocky Jay persona he has when he's in America comes out
I just nod, his smirk widens and he grabs my hand, dragging me behind him
And I follow him so willingly
He kisses me hard, his tongue playing with mine as his hands tear clothes off me
He made it to his apartment in record time
Once inside his apartment, his lips have not left mine as he carried me to his bed, laid me on it and got on top of me
I managed to get the buttons of his shirt open while he got my skirt and panties off
Shoving it off his body, I whimper seeing his hard muscles in his chest and abs
Fuck, I just got so much more wetter
He sits up, his hands grabbing the hem of my lace tank top, pulling and tearing it down the middle, the sound of the fabric ripping so satisfying
"Fuck, you're tits look so good in this bra", he murmurs, his hands cupping my boobs over the red lacy bra I wore to match the shirt, "Too bad it has to come off"
With that he lifts me up easily, taking the remnants of my shirt off, my bra following
He lays me back down, his eyes running all over my body, his eyes wide, desire pooling in them
"My god, you're fucking perfect", he murmurs, his hands squeezing my boobs, then running down my body, his fingers leaving fire in their wake
When he reaches my thighs, he opens my legs, his eyes immediately lighting up
"Fuck you're so wet", he says, mesmerizingly, "Is this because of me?"
I nod, "Yes Hobi"
"Is this all for me?"
"Yeah Hobi"
His eyes move to mine, "Are you all for me?"
"Always", I answer truthfully
He smiles, leaning over me, his mouth so close to mine
"I'm all for you Jo. Always"
Then he's kissing me passionately but the kiss is gone as soon as it was there
And his mouth is now pressed against my pussy, his tongue licking rapidly, his voice moaning into me as pure pleasure consumes my body
My hand slides in his blond hair, holding on as his tongue runs along my cunt then slides down and into my hole
I gasp at the bliss, my cunt squeezing his tongue hard, his moans sending vibrations up my spine
"Hobi", I cry
"Fuck yes", he groans, his hands digging into my thighs as he keeps them wide open, "Fuck moan my name baby. God, always wanted to hear you moan my name"
Shit, he wasn't kidding when he said he was waiting for me to notice him
His tongue moves fast, fucking into my hole, the sounds of him eating me out so messily so fucking hot
His mouth sucks as his tongue repeatedly slides in and out, both of us moaning the entire time
His wet tongue slides up then rolls over my clit, intense pleasure running up my spine as I cry out
"Fuck, your pussy tastes so good", he groans, lapping at my clit, "And your fucking clit baby, fuck. Throbbing so hard. Gonna let me suck on you?"
"Yes Hobi!", I yell, in so much bliss
Fuck, he can do anything to me as long as this euphoria stays
As long as it's him doing it
"Mmm good girl", he moans, now using the tip of his tongue to flick back and forth
"Oh god, oh god", I moan, feeling the pleasure building
Pulling his hair, he moans loudly his mouth latching onto my clit and sucking hard
"Fuck!", I shout, looking down between my legs to the completely erotic sight of Jung, Hoseok eating me out
He looks completely at home, like he could just stay there, eating my cunt all day
His eyes move to me, watching me as he continues, his hard jaw moving with each suck
My hips move involuntarily, fucking into his face and he nods, his brown eyes not leaving mine
We move like that together, my legs shaking around his head, my orgasm building and building
I'm so close and the next move of his beautiful mouth has me coming so fucking hard as I scream his name
I can't, the bliss is so fucking good, taking over every inch of me
He sucks me though it, moaning like he's getting blown
When I finish, his tongue moves to my hole, licking away, groaning loudly
"So fucking good. So good"
When he pulls away, he sits up, his face drenched in my cum and juice, making me blush
"Promise I can eat your cunt everyday", he demands
My mouth drops in shock at his words
"Promise baby", he repeats
"I...I promise", I answer
That will not be a problem
None at all
"Good girl", he smirks, sending a shiver up my back
I really like him calling me that
He gets off the bed, getting out of his jeans and boxers
I gape at his huge hard cock
Like really, that is so fucking massive
He just smirks, his hand wrapping around his length, stroking it a few times
"Ready to ride me?"
I blink, "Uh-"
"You said you wanted to ride Namjoon until you're not pissed anymore", he reminds me, "Sorry to say that you're not riding him anymore. Ever again actually. Not as long as you're mine"
I just nod, his words sinking in
This is more than just a one time thing to him
And that makes me so happy
"Whenever you're pissed off and you need to fuck away frustrations, you ride me"
"Ok", I agree, immediately
He nods, moving on the bed, kissing me softly before laying down
"C'mon aegi", he says
I smile and immediately climb in his lap
"There's my good girl", he murmurs, holding his cock up for me
Hovering over him, I move down, feeling his head right against my entrance
"Sit baby"
I push down on his cock, shivers of pleasure running up my spine as his fat dick spreads my cunt around him
"Oh fuck yes", he groans, his hands on my hips, helping me down, "So tight baby. Feels so good"
We are a tight fit, my pussy opening just enough to let him in
My cunt sucks his cock inside me as I move down, each fat inch pushed into me making me wetter and wetter
I have never been in such pleasure just getting a dick inside me
"Yes Hobi", I murmur, moving my hips in a circle to open my cunt more on his dick
"God, you're throbbing so hard already", he moans, his head pushed back into the pillow, "Fuck, you like my cock inside you this much?"
"Yes Hobi", I whimper, as I bottom him out, rocking on his perfect cock, his head in the perfect angle to rub against my spot, "So much"
"Mm I can see that baby", he murmurs, "You're moving on my cock already"
"So good Hobi", I moan, closing my eyes, grinding on him, "Fuck, big cock baby. So big"
I lean on his abs, starting to bounce softly on him, only sliding a little bit up his cock
"Yes baby. Keep going", he urges, as I slip up his cock more and more with every bounce, taking him deep inside, "So fucking pretty for me. Pretty little pussy taking my cock greedily inside her, creaming my cock like a waterfall. Pretty body out for me to watch. And you're beautiful face aegi, feeling so good because of me"
"Mmm hmm", I moan, riding him harder, his cock so deep I can feel him in my stomach
It feels phenomenal
I can hear how wet my cunt is, the squelching sounds mixing with the rhythmic slap of my ass hitting his legs with every move
Sex has seriously never felt this good before
His moans are so pretty, his hands gripping my thighs hard, pleasure all over his face
Pleasure I'm giving him
It's surreal
I keep moving faster, now sliding up to his head and bottoming him out over and over, the pleasure increasing
How does he feel this good?
Each bounce brings me closer and closer, the pressure in my stomach ready to snap
I take him in again, my body thrown into an utterly blissful orgasm, the ecstasy something I haven't felt before
"Hoseok!", I scream, my whole body shaking uncontrollably, "Hoseok!"
I vaguely hear him moaning about how good it feels but I can't concentrate on anything but the pleasure
When I finally finish, I open my eyes I didn't know I closed and look at him
He's gazing up at me in awe, "That was the most gorgeous thing I've ever seen"
I just raise my eyebrow, no longer shy
"And it felt so good too", he smirks
I giggle, leaning over and kissing his soft lips
He kisses me back and I'm in heaven
When we pull away, I press a kiss to the completely adorable and hot as fuck beauty mark on his lip
I always wanted to kiss that
Moving my finger over the mark, I murmur, "I love this. I hate when they cover it up in pictures"
His cheeks blush an adorable red , making me smile softly
I kiss the mark again, then sit up, ready to move on him again
Leaning on his abs, I start bouncing, watching the pleasure on his face
He's so fucking beautiful, his body drenched in sweat, his wet hair plastered to his forehead, his mouth slight open as he breathes
His hands move up my body, slowly touching my sweaty skin, his fingers feeling so fucking good
I move faster on him, his cock feeling so good, spreading me wide open for him
He's so hard, every clench around him feels amazing and I can feel every inch of him
My brain is turning off from the euphoria, my skin trembling
His hands move around my boobs, kneading them as his fingers pinch my nipples
"Hobi!", I cry, my pussy gushing around him as the bliss is turned up
"Mmm so wet baby. Love listening to this little pussy fuck my dick"
One hand drops to my clit, fingers rubbing, making me shout in pleasure
"Yeah aegi", he urges, "Cum for me baby. Wanna feel you gush around my cock"
I whine, leaning over, my hands on his shoulders as I ride him the hardest and fastest I can
"That's it baby", he smirks, "Ride my cock just like that. Fuck you feel so good. Pretty tight pussy so good"
His fingers keep moving as I bounce, his voice so desperate, his skin shivering under mine
He's close too
"Please cum around my cock baby", he begs, "I need to fill you with cum"
God, I want that so much and those words are just the push I need to fall headfirst into my orgasm
"Hoseok!", I scream, stars blasting in my vision as I squirt all over him, clenching on his cock so tightly
"Yes, yes yes baby!", he yells, "Fuck! Joanne!"
His cock throbs inside me, then I feel his warm cum filling me right up
I watch him orgasm and it is the most beautiful thing I've ever seen
He's so ethereal
"Baby", he groans as we finish, pulling me down on top of him
I lay on his shoulder, burying my face in his neck, holding onto him tightly
His arms move around my back, one secure around me, the other running in my hair
"I love you", he says softly
My entire body is shocked as I lift my head, staring at him in disbelief
I had no idea what he felt was love
Lust yes
Like yes
But love?
I didn't think he was there yet
"Don't look so shocked Jo", he says, smiling softly, "You're not the only one who unloaded your feelings on Namjoon"
"Namjoon knew?", I ask, surprised
"That I'm stupidly in love with you? Yeah he knows", he nods, "He told me he would get you to come tonight so I can talk to you. Maybe ask you out if I got the courage to"
Ok that's surprising
But what about that girl?
She swooped in right away and he didn't look for me until after I mistake texted him
"But I saw you with that girl-"
"That didn't mean anything Jo", he says, "She just showed up out of nowhere. I wanted her to leave me alone. The second I was able to get away from her I did. It was actually your texts that got me away from her"
That's ironic
"But you flirted with her"
He shakes his head, "No Jo. She flirted with me. I just smiled awkwardly to try not be rude"
I dunno
Maybe I thought he was flirting because I was so heated
I don't know
"Look at me baby", he says, his hands cupping my face
I raise my eyes to his, seeing the love in them
He really does love me
"How could I ever want anyone but you", he murmurs, "I never could. I don't want any girl but you. You never have to be jealous aegi. Never. I want only you. I love you. You're perfect. My perfect everything"
I can't help the smile that creeps on my face
"I love you too Hobi. You're kinda my everything too"
He smiles widely, his adorable dimples on display, "You have no idea how happy that makes me aegi"
Oh I know because I'm over the fucking moon
"Well this night turned out better than I expected", he laughs
I giggle, running my fingers in his hair, "So much better"
I lean down, kissing his perfect lips, so happy that he's mine and I can have his kisses all the time now
After the kiss, we cuddle into each other, his hand back in my hair, playing with it
"Sleepy time?", I ask
He nods, chuckling, "Sleepy time baby. Are you comfy?"
I nod, snuggling into him, "You're so soft baby. My Hobi pillow"
He laughs, kissing my forehead, "I love you"
"I love you", I answer
Closing my eyes, I lay in my boyfriend's arms, so happy I fucked up the texting tonight
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aetheternity · 2 years
You tell them to stop
Synopsis: Things are getting hot and heavy but you beg them to stop for whatever reason. How do they react.
CW: Adult situations but no actual smut.
A/N: I'm writing for one of the tall men, guys! I haven't done that in forever!
Characters: Tighnari, Cyno, Albedo, Diluc
"Breathe for me, Name." He slowly pulls you into a sitting position. "As deeply as you can." He counts down from three. His hand massaging your back in small, slow circles.
"3, 2.." He demonstrates his own breath a bit shaky as he exhales. He doesn't let up with the relaxing words until your breathing returns to normal.
"Sorry Bedo.." You huff "I don't know what came over me."
"You have no reason to apologize, I overwhelmed you. I should've considered your feelings more before we'd done this. I could've asked for our safe word as well."
"No.. I mean.. are you ok at least?"
"Me?" He questions
You place your warm hand flat against his bare chest. "You looked pretty spooked there for a second too."
He reaches out for your hand flipping it palm up to press kisses against. "Let's resume in the morning. Hopefully we'll both be more at ease then." He sighs
He'd actually given you far more space than you really needed. Almost a week after the incident the two of you were finally back in the mood.
"Please take the lead tonight. I want for the two of us to enjoy this as much as possible." He says, lying on his back with his hands lightly touching your clothed waist.
"I love you, Bedo."
"Promise me you'll use the safe word if needed?"
"I promise."
"I love you too."
He climbs off of you, pulling the blankets up around you and tucking your body in as you pant, tears welling in the corners of your eyes.
"Take it easy now. We don't need to do anything else tonight." He brushes strands of hair back from your eyes and behind your ears. "Just relax for me, please." His words so pleading with every soft kiss atop your forehead.
"Sorry, Cy.." You hum softly beneath him.
"Why are you sorry? Don't apologize for your feelings." He traces your cheek with his thumb. A low exhale retreating off his lips. "You need rest." He starts to leave but you snatch his wrist, holding it firmly.
"Sleep beside me." When you notice the shift of his eye you add. "I promise we won't attempt anything else tonight."
He grumbled low within his throat and when he climbed in beside you he made sure to keep the smallest bit of distance.
"Goodnight Cy."
"Goodnight." He whispered back
If you'd waited on Cyno's libido who knows when the two of you would've been back to your routine. Though unlike how your sessions usually were. Cyno was far more gentle in every touch he'd given you. From kisses to tracing his fingertips along your back. He asked you if you were still ok the deeper you two went.
"Was it.. good for you?" He questioned, tugging you deep into his arms.
"Amazing as always Cy." Your fingertips slide stray hairs back from his face. "Don't worry so much. I'm ok now I promise."
"You can't be too safe." He shakes his head. You simply kiss him, hugging him so so much tighter. How the world had granted you with such a sweet, adorable boyfriend you may never know. But you will forever be thanking the gods.
His first instinct is to apologize. He tugs his pants back up as you lay in bed catching your breath. For a minute he's frozen there, staring down at you as you hold your face. Before he knows it his body falls into auto pilot reaching out for one of your hands. He holds it so gently like he fears you'll break. Brushing his thumb over your knuckles as you relax. He kisses the back and palm and grasps you with both hands.
"I don't know what came over me tonight but it will never happen again. I was too caught up it seems." He quickly assures you.
His voice makes your throat ache. The defeat very much present and very much crushing. You pull yourself up, tugging him into your chest until you hear a long drawn out sigh fall off his lips.
"Would you like some tea? Maybe some coffee? Just name it."
"I just want you to stay here with me." You hum, rocking him gently. Before long you start to hear tiny grunts and you know he's successfully drifted off.
You don't even hesitate to catch him when he's almost finished working for the day. Sliding into your spot atop his lap.
"What are you doing?" He questions
"I want to make it up to you." His belt buckle clicks but he doesn't stop you. "For what happened the other day."
"There's no need to do that. Besides I have work to finish. If you're really up for it again let's resume later."
When you pull yourself off his lap he repositions fixing his clothing and returning to the papers admist his desk. You begin to head back upstairs but before you can go, "Name."
You turn in your stride. He wordlessly pats his knees and you sprint back. Kissing his cheek as you lie across his legs. "If you really want to go for a round, I'd prefer if you were the one on top tonight."
"Yes Master Diluc.." You can't help but tease.
He's honestly shaking a little at the pitch of your voice when you beg him to stop. He scoots off of you almost skittishly. He leaves the room as you begin to wind down returning a couple minutes later with a glass of water. He places it on the dresser next to you tugging the blanket up over your shoulder.
"I'm right here, I'm sorry things went too far tonight."
You shift onto your back. "I didn't mean to freak out like that.. I'm sorry.."
"No, I didn't take into account the change in your body language. I should've been more careful." He swipes a thumb across the edges of your eyes. "Get some rest, Darling. Don't think about anything else tonight." He presses a kiss against your forehead, rubbing a thumb over the back of your hand.
The next time things are starting to heat up. He finds himself a bit more hesitant. How could he not be. He'd never done anything that made you act the way you did that night. He hadn't made anyone act that way towards him ever actually.
"Let's.. take a step back tonight." He proposes
"Oh archons, I messed everything up.. Nari I'm-"
"Stop it, I ensure safety to all that traverse these forests. My entire life is dedicated to this, what kind of boyfriend would I be if your safety wasn't above all that?" He pulls you deeper into his arms. "Stop worrying about it. I'm fine the only thing I was worried about that night was you."
"You're seriously not mad?"
He pulls his head from the crook of your neck. "Before you get to that point, next time I want you to reach out for my hand and squeeze it. Squeeze it as hard as you can so I can react and slow down, please."
"I promise. Thank you, Nari."
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billkaulitz-grrrl · 1 year
You Make My World Stop Turning -Bill Kaulitz x Reader
Hello everyone! This is my first Tokio Hotel fic and I really hope you like it! I’m new to the fandom so sorry if there are any inaccuracies ahead of time.
Synopsis: You’re the daughter of Tokio Hotel’s manager and recently you’ve become rather close to a certain singer…
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His hands, god his hands could send me into a coma just by looking at them. I sat, tapping my pen on the clipboard that was handed to me by my father (their manager) as the four band members began warming up for their latest show in a few hours.
        I closed my eyes and tried not to fixate on Bill's hands. He held the microphone with such little care, it looked like the device could tumble out of his hand any second but somehow he manages to balance it well enough to keep it off the floor. God he's so annoyingly flawless that it makes my blood boil on occasion.
Bill and I have always just been good friends. I wouldn't say he's my best friend by any means but we always acknowledge each other and chat for awhile when I accompany my dad to their functions. Last night was different though, last night felt different. Or maybe it just felt different to me, with his millions of fan girls I doubt he'd look for a second at the girl he's known since we were 12.
I didn't even intend on hanging out with Bill alone last night but he caught me outside of the hotel smoking a cigarette in the middle of the night. We ended up sitting and talking for a long time. It was nicer than I would've expected. A small part of me dreaded this tour that took up the rest of my beautifully laid out summer. I had all these plans with friends before my mother decided to tell me I was going to Germany to stay with my father during the summer so she could move to Australia for this temp job at the company she's dedicated her entire life to. My german isn't even that good.
I sighed and stood up to go to the bathroom when their first set of the day was over. I crossed backstage to the nicer bathrooms that normal people don't have access to. That is the nice part of being the daughter of a popular band's manager, the bathrooms I go into actually have toilet paper and sometimes even paper towels.
Right before I got to the bathroom I felt a hand grab my shoulder. It was Bill of all people. "Going to smoke up the bathroom?" He asked, a sly grin on his face. I fake a laugh and shake my head. "Dad would kick my ass if he knew I was putting your lungs in danger." I sighed. He looked around and leaned in a bit, "Wanna hangout again tonight?" He asked. I was surprised and he must've notice this because he followed up with, "If you don't want to that's fine, I just can't sleep after shows and your company last night was very soothing."
Why was my heart rate accelerating? Since when did little Bill get so attractive? Fuck this isn't real, I still have to pee. "Aren't you and the guys going to be taking fans up to your room tonight? You don't have the time to spend with me." I tried to keep my cool but something inside me was cracking.
Bill laughed and shook his head. "I could probably get you something else to smoke too if you're into it." He said, putting his fingers to his lips in the motion of smoking a joint. I raised my eyebrows and nodded vigorously. "Same spot?" I asked, thinking of the secluded little area behind the bushes that I located yesterday. He nodded and smiled that deadly smile at me again. I turned to finally use the bathroom with a new giddy feeling in my stomach.
I huddled down into my little corner to
wait for Bill. We had never really settled on a time so I've been waiting for a few minutes. I truly hope he keeps his word and comes out here with me or else I would make quite the fool of myself waiting for him. I reached into my pocket and felt around for my cigs and my lighter. I lit it up and exhaled the smoke with a deep sigh. I heard a few footsteps to my left and I exited my book in order to take a peak at who or what was there. To my relief it was Bill, makeup off and hair wet from a shower.
"Hey there." I grinned, he sat besides me and returned my smile. "Hey, did you like the show?" He asked, cocking his head to the side. "Loved it as much as I've loved the rest of them." I said, offering him a drag from my cigarette. Without taking it from my hand he lightly held my wrist so I could hold it for him while he smoked off of it. A blush came to my cheeks at his dainty touch. I was forever grateful that it was dark enough to hide the red on my cheeks.
"That's good to know." He said, now fumbling in his pockets. He whipped out a joint that looked like it was rolled professionally. "Tom gave me one for tonight but normally he's pretty stingy about his weed." Bill said, asking for my lighter by holding out a hand. I placed it into his finely manicured hand and waited for him to light the joint between his fingers.
His hands caught my eye for the second time today. I heard my heartbeat in my ears watching him inhale the smoke. When offering me the joint, I leaned in the same way he did when hitting my cigarette and I hit it from his hand. Exhaling, I coughed a bit and curled up a little more to be comfortable.
"Did you get a good enough view tonight?" Is he making small talk??
"I did actually, sometime maybe I'll make it down right in front of the stage to watch you up close." I stated thinking about the hordes of fan girls that they had accumulated. "You want to watch me up close?" He smirked at me. I turned away to cover my face. "You're awfully bold if that's what you assume." I muttered, snatching the joint and hitting it myself this time.
"I mean I saw you watching me during practice, so I'd only assume that's how you watch me perform." He leaned a bit closer, our shoulders now touching. "What?" Was the only reply I could muster.
I smoked again, finally feeling the weed in my head. "I said-" He began before I cut him off with, "I heard what you said."
He exhaled with a laugh and took the joint from me. "I watch you sometimes too." He looked at me when he said that and it felt like the world had stopped turning.
"Why?" I asked, feeling like a complete idiot. "Because I think you're pretty." He said bluntly.
Silence fell between the two of us. I felt foggy enough to move in closer to him. He looked me in the eyes before suddenly he closed the space between us by connecting his lips to mine. I jumped at the opportunity and dropped my cigarette before placing my hands on the side of his face.
The moment became heated quickly as his hand made its way to my waist. I clamored onto him like it was the last thing I'd ever do. I sat in his lap and the kiss deepened. His hands moved up and down my sides as I began swirling my hips on top of his.
        He leaned his head back and groaned slightly at the contact. I leaned in once more to kiss him and I snaked my hands through his long dark hair. I felt completely primal in this moment, the only people in the world right now were us. I didn't even know how I felt about him until this moment, but apparently a secret part of me has been craving this since I had first met him.
        "Y/N..." He muttered, putting his hand on the back of my head and tugging my hair slightly back. "We should go upstairs, do you have your own room?" He asked. "Yeah, my dad is next door though." I said, capturing him in a deep kiss again. After a few more moments he pulled back again and slowly shifted me off of him so he could stand up. He offered me his hand and I took it, leading him towards the elevator to my bedroom.
        We stood awkwardly next to each other while waiting for the elevator to arrive. Neither of us wanted to spoil the moment by talking but we knew that at any moment someone could snap a photo of us holding hands that would send Bill's fan girls into an angry spiral.
        Once we heard the ding of the elevator we hurried inside, praying that we weren't seen.
        The second the elevator door closed he was on me in a flash. His hands began to roam across my body as his lips met my neck. I gasped at his abruptness and instinctively backed up against the wall. He pinned me against it quickly and continued his assault on my neck.
        I felt the elevator halt and instantly pushed him off of me and began to straighten my hair. He obviously felt rather proud of himself by the smug smile on his face as we walked out. I led him down the hall to my room and checked both ways for any paparazzi before opening the room and welcoming him inside.
        Instantly I shoved his jacket from his shoulders and onto the ground. "So hasty?" He asked, holding his arms out. "Please stop talking." I mumbled, looking away and feeling flustered towards what I should do next.
        "Are you nervous?" He asked, genuine hints of concern laced his voice. "Maybe I am, I don't want to stop though.." I replied, moving towards him again. He flashed me a smile and pressed our bodies together again. I gripped his hair and a deep groan came from his throat. Our hips came into contact with each other again and I felt his hard on through his jeans.
        I exhaled and took a step back, slowly taking off my sweatshirt, then my t-shirt. His pupils dilated at the sight of me standing there waiting for him, it was like a switch flipped in his brain as he collided with me once more, pushing me down onto my bed. I laid on my back and looked up at him as he began to undo his belt. I knocked his hands out of the way and took his belt off myself.
        "Y/N, can I show you a good time?" He asked, like we hadn't already been making out and groping each other for the past 10 minutes. "Please do, I need you Bill." I mumbled. That was all he needed to quickly yank down my sweatpants and clamber on his knees into the floor.
        "W-What are you doing?" I asked, sitting myself up on my elbows. "Can I? Make you feel good?" He asked, cocking an eyebrow. "Yes Bill, of course.." "Then just trust me." He said, yanking my legs to the end of the bed and putting his face between my thighs.
        I gasped as his tongue made contact with my clit through my underwear. My right hand flying to grab his hair and my left hand gripped the bedsheets besides me. "Bill, please." I whined desperately. His lean fingers looped under my underwear and he pulled them down my legs. Next thing I knew he dove into me like it was the last thing he'd ever do.
        It took everything in me not to scream his name at the top of my lungs. His tongue lapped at my clit while his fingers made their way inside of me over and over again. Whenever my legs clamped around his head, he used both arms to push them apart so he could continue to finger fuck me to the best of his ability.
        I moaned his name which only caused him to speed up. His dark eyes met mine and I felt a knot begin to form in my stomach. "Please don't stop Bill, please I need this!" I whined loudly. He stopped what he was doing to ask, "Please can you repeat that?" I felt incredibly pissed off that he had stopped so of course I obliged. "Bill, please fuck me, I need it so badly." I sat up and grabbed his hair, pushing him down between my legs once more.
         He didn't seem to mind since his pace only increased. Never once has a man treated me this good.
His fingers suddenly stalled inside of me and he looked up at me again. “Can I fuck you?” He asked, lust lacing his eyes. “Please.” I smiled back at him. I scooted back on the bed as he got undressed. I looked away, because I was unsure as to whether I should be looking at him right now. “Baby?” Does he mean me? “Y-Yes?” I asked. I felt his hand on my jaw as he turned me to look at him. “Look at me. Don’t be afraid.” He said.
I looked at him and fully absorbed the sight in front of me. Bill Kaulitz standing, wearing nothing but dark grey boxers. I felt myself blushing. He chuckled a bit before crawling on top of me and taking off my bra. “You look so beautiful Y/N.” He said, dipping down to kiss my neck.
I thanked him before allowing my hands to wander down his torso to the hem of his boxers. His lips halted on my neck as I began to push them down.
All of a sudden, there was an abrupt knock on my door.
“Fuck!” I whispered, shoving Bill off of me and onto the floor next to my bed. “Honey? It’s dad, let me in.” I heard my father’s voice from the other side of the door. “J-Just a second! I’m changing!” I shouted back.
“Bill, get under the bed.” I whispered. His eyes were about as wide as I could only assume mine were. I threw my sweatpants and t-shirt back on to open to door.
Next thing I knew my father was in my hotel room asking me if I’ve been keeping up with my summer homework on tour while I sat on top of the bed that a nearly naked Bill laid under.
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skinnywalker · 1 year
When we met part 1: the other Tartts (Roy Kent x Jamie tartt's sister reader)
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Roy is a very mature man. He wouldn't be caught dead doing the foolish things other men would do for love. He doesn't look at pretty women longingly, he doesn't beg for numbers or socials and he doesn't fawn after girls he can't talk to. That why he hasn't made a move on Tartt's angelic sister.
That's definitely the reason.
She comes into the locker room all the time bringing Jamie gifts and hugs and tales from home. She comes every week without fail. Roy is almost jealous. But he wouldn't be jealous of Jamie. Not in a million years.
She is waiting outside for her ride. She looks beautiful like that. When Jamie isn't around.
"You waiting on someone?"
She turns to look at Roy and smiles. God she looks pretty when she smiles. Her face is like Jamie's if Jamie wasn't a totally prick.
"Yes my Uber. Thought it would be here already."
"Tartt didn't take ya home? That's fucking rude."
She laughs.
"We live apart. Like really far apart."
"Yeah but yar his sister! Ya have special rights!"
She chuckles and pulls her coat on tighter.
"You'd think."
Roy isn't impulse. He isn't. He's smart and he thinks ahead and-
"I'll drive ya home."
"I'll drive ya home. It's too cold to stay out here and the club will close soon. I have no where else to go tonight."
She gives him and million excuses but Roy is as stubborn as stone.
"Ok, thank you. You really didn't need to do this."
"Yeah and Tartt didn't need to leave ya out in the cold like a prick. Hop in."
He drives for miles and she begins to doze off.
"Whats your address?"
No response. Roy turns to find that she is asleep. God damnit how can she always look so pretty. Roy can't force himself to wake her up.
He stops outside of his apartment and wakes her up enough to get inside and on his couch. She goes straight back asleep. Best to leave her like this.
Roy can't sleep though. It's eating him alive that he has Jamie's pretty sister in his house on his couch. Why does it matter so much? Why? Roy doesn't fall for girls who don't even know him, right?
He finally falls into a restless sleep. When morning hits he goes into the normal morning routine and stops when he sees her again in his bathroom.
Roy than remembers he is most naked and slips into his robe.
"Do you....do ya need new clothes?"
"I don't think so. Did we?"
"NO! no we didn't do anything! Ya fell asleep in my car is all and I didn't have yar address."
He can't tell her reaction to this news.
"Oh. Ok. Thank you. Thank you for taking me home to sleep. I'm sure it was kind of weird."
It was kind of weird.
"No it was fine. Ya needed a place to sleep and I'd prefer ya to fall asleep in my car rather than some random uber."
She nods. Her face is still unreadable. But then she smiles and her eyes twinkle.
"Can I ask you a weird question? You can ignore it if you want but I just want to know."
"Ask away."
"Are you single?"
What. Roy's brain turns off for a second
Awkward silence falls over them.
"Well, it really touched me that you were willing to take me home and care about me so I was just, you know, curious."
"Curious about?"
She takes a deep breathe.
"Well I've seen you in the locker room for a while and I thought you were cute and you seem kind and intelligent and I've been single for a while so I was just....wondering."
Someone into Roy first? That never happens.
"That's a bit fast, but if we take things slow and if ya don't mind not tell Tartt I...I wouldn't mind trying something."
"Yeah, not telling Jamie is a good idea."
More awkward silence. Roy has never been this awkward with a girl.
"So, are we dating then?"
She smiles
"Depends, do you want to get breakfast together?" Roy smiles for the first time in a while. He is genuinely happy.
"Yes, I would."
(@pyschshawnjulesshanluke happy birthday!)
*part two coming*
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orangeinecstasy · 11 months
pretty boy ࿐ ࿔*:・゚luke hemmings
paring: luke hemmings x fem!reader (no use of y/n)
summary: in love with a professor, luke can't help but keep going back to her
a/n: hey everyone. i've gotten a few requests to do song fics, but i wanted to try it out before i wrote them. this one is based off of teeth! lmk what you guys think
cw: suggestive language and implications of a toxic relationship
wc: 611
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*reblogs, notes, and feedback are greatly appreciated!!
Only thing that's burning when the nights grow cold. Can't look away, can't look away. Beg you to stay, beg you to stay, yeah.
My body ached as I woke, the rustling of sheets and footsteps pulling me from my already restless sleep. I rolled over, hand reaching out for my lover just to be met with air.
I was now fully awake, sitting up in bed and flicking the lamp on the bedside table. She was as beautiful as ever, her hair messy, wearing one of my sweatshirts with the clothes from the night before tucked under her arm. “Hey Lu,” she smiled, hand running through my hair, giving my curls a gentle tug. “Go back to sleep,” she mumbled into my skin as she kissed my cheek. I hummed, leaning into her warm touch. 
“Stay a little longer.” arms threaded around her waist, pressing kisses to her neck. She ruffled my hair, slowly pulling away from my embrace. “I have to go. I” ’ll see you later,” she said, making her way to the door. 
Her hand lingered on the doorknob for a moment, looking over her shoulder at me. “Later, pretty boy,” and she was gone.
Call me in the morning to apologize. Every little lie gives me butterflies.
This is Luke Hemmings. Leave a message after the beep. 
Hey Luke, it’s me. I just wanted to say sorry for leaving so quickly last night. Why don’t you come over later? I’m not lecturing tonight, so come by mine at around 7.
The audio muffles, another voice heard faintly over the voicemail.
Just give me a second, I'm on the phone. Sorry about that. Um, yeah, always, my place, seven. I’ll see you there. Bye, pretty boy. 
Push me away, push me away. Then beg me to stay, beg me to stay, yeah
My heart always sped up when I was around her. It was almost a normality at this point. Standing at the door of her brownstone, hand over my chest as I tried to steady my breathing. God, I knew I should leave. I knew this was a bad idea. But here I was again. Standing in front of her door, waiting. 
I knocked on the door, heavy wood cold under my knuckles. It felt like fifteen minutes until she answered the door. The smell of vanilla and warmth wafted into the street. “Luke!” she hugged me, the soft fabric of the sweater under my hands. “Come in,” she dragged me into the house, hand tightly wrapped around mine. 
“Sit, I’ll get us a drink.”
I simply nodded, the vanilla smell intoxicating my mind as I sat down on the couch. 
She came back with two glasses of wine. It was sweet and fruity and deep, only added further to foolish actions. The leash she had wrapped around my neck only grew tighter and tighter. But I didn’t mind it. Choking only added to the fun. 
One glass of wine turned to another, then another, and then eventually the whole bottle until my lips were on hers. 
Warm. She was always so warm. With her legs wrapped around my waist and her breath on my neck as she begged me to go faster. My god, she’s wrapped around me. Engulfing me as I melt into her skin. 
Then the moment’s over. 
Her head is on my chest as she draws patterns on my skin. My hands threaded through her hair, stopping momentarily before clearing my throat. “I, um, I think I should go. I have to be at the studio early.” 
She looked up at me, eyes so deep and full of an emotion I couldn’t quite distinguish. “Don’t go, Lu,” her words pushed into my skin as she kissed up my neck. “Staying the night won’t hurt. Right, pretty boy?” 
I smiled; how could I not when she looked at me that way. “I guess not.”
And there I was, once again, wrapped around her finger. 
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an: i hope you guys liked my first song fic! i feel like this could potentially have a part two, so let me know what you think!
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heartfullofleeches · 2 years
can i wish good morning, evening, afternoon, night to the lil bird?
morning cuddles and sleep well kisses.
fck the illness, doc needs tlc
He's always gone by morning.
And its getting on your last nerve. Mal was a saint in every other aspect of your relationship- something you didn't quite expect from the one who's been following you home for months, but you made your peace with once it was clear he would be a permanent entity in your life. Weekly check ups, breakfast waiting for you on the table, long chats well into the eve. These moments were times you wouldn't trade for anything, but there was one issuse separating the two of you.
Mal has never touched you for long, the current record being roughly two minutes. You have never experienced skin to skin contact with him and likely never would. You understood this was due to his illness, as vague as he was about it - but you still longed for some resemblance of domestic bliss. It was driving you mad, and you could tell he felt the same pain. There were times he lost himself in the moment and reached out to touch you, just to pull away before either of your needs could be met. He declared his undying love to you in every way imaginable without taking that final step. And tonight you were going to cross that bridge for him.
"Goodnight, Dove." Mal tucks your blankets up to your shoulder and fluffs your pillow, placing two fingers where his lips should be and setting them against yours. For this ritual, he swapped his usual leather gloves for a lacey pair just a hair thinner. It was the closest you'd ever gotten to a real kiss or feeling his skin. You could see and even feel the protruding veins along the flesh of his palms.
He heads over to his side of the room and climbs in bed, turning away from you as he lifts his mask and removes the same pair of glasses beneath. He puts them on the nightstand and turns off the lamp, facing you as he lies down.
"Do you have any preferences for breakfast?"
You remain quiet, shutting your eyes and breathing through your mouth to simulate sleeping. You hear him shift around in bed.
"Have you fallen asleep already? I suppose being so enchanting can be taxing on a person. Sleep well, my love."
Mal gets comfortable and attempts to fall asleep himself. With how much work he does and the physical tax his condition takes, the doctor is out like a light. You wait a couple more minutes before creeping out of bed and over to his to check. Mal was a surprisingly heavy sleeper, but you wanted nothing jeopardizing your palm.
After flicking his nose and poking various areas of his body, you consider it save to climb in. You get in his bed and snuggle up to his side, resting your head on his shoulder. He leans into your embrace, the hand resting over his chest shifting onto yours. It was just normal tossing and turning, but you like to think that it's his body unconsciously giggling in to what he needs. You kiss the tip of his beak and fall asleep for the first time in a while without trouble.
Mal wakes up to the bleeding sunlight scorching his eyes. The left side of his body feels heavy and his neck is sweaty. He could've sworn he took another dosage of medication before heading to bed. He tries to get up, but can't. Upon inspection he finds that the fluid isn't sweat - it's drool, and the weight on his chest was not from his body failing on him. He fights back a scream as your eyes open. You wipe the sleep from them and kiss his cheek.
"Good morning."
The lens of his mask fog as he hyperventilates. "Y/n? What on earth are you doing here? How long have you been here?"
"Since you fell asleep."
"Since I- Good God, Y/n. That's roughly seven hours you've been in contact. We have to get you to my office."
You yank him back down as he tries to get up. "Five more minutes...."
"Five more minutes?!" Mal hates to raise his voice, but his anxiety levels are through the roof. "You could be dead in five minutes, Y/n. Or much worse. Please, this is serious."
"So am I. You say you love me, but you feel so distance. We sleep in different beds for christ sake. I know you want to protect me, but we've been living together for months. Don't you want this too?"
Of course he does. It was all he ever dreamed of, but it was too dangerous. You grab his hand, locking your fingers with his. They're so cold, completely draining your skin of warmth - but you don't mind. Mal struggles to breath as you bring it to your cheek, trying so hard not to give in to your embrace.
"Just five minutes.. Please Mal."
Mal lays back down, thankful for his mask's aid to hide his tears. Five minutes. That's all this would be. He had to let you go once they were up.
If that were true, then why did he stay by your side until the sun had set in a different part of the sky.
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