#god forbid women have a role model
boudiccamoment · 5 months
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Ellen Ripley from Alien is Forklift Certified!
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feyresdandelion · 3 months
A lot of people in this fandom want to be soo feminist that they end up being misogynistic. Elain is the perfect example.
It isn’t a secret that popularly we have had a lot of female protagonists (almost always written by men) who need rescuing, are stupid and obviously made to make the main male character look heroic and capable. So I think it’s fair that women would start asking for more badass main characters and, luckily, now almost every single fmc is a warrior and capable and a badass.
But now, when a female character isn’t shown to be a warrior or a badass or is shown to be gentler and kinder and quieter, it suddenly becomes a problem. In the need for more physically strong female characters people have developed a hatred for female characters who are more traditionally feminine.
It’s the same as with the color pink. Since we are children we are taught that pink is for girls and blue is for boys so we try to step away from gender roles by hating femininity (but God forbid we hate masculinity) therefore furthering misogyny.
It’s bad being traditionally feminine because femininity is bad. It’s good being traditionally masculine because masculinity is good.
Being a woman is bad. Being a man is good.
And thus Elain gets hated on because of misogynistic reasons. She is too feminine and not enough masculine and she furthers patriarcal norms even though she’s just existing and being herself.
Feminism is letting a woman choose how she chooses to show her masculinity and femininity. Being a feminist means you don’t judge stay at home moms or lawyers or models or doctors.
Feminism is about choice. Is about dismantling systems that have been existed for centuries that have taken away women’s choice. Is about letting a woman choose if she wants to be a mother or remain child free. Is about letting a woman decide is she wants to work or not work. If she wants to bake or to train. If she wants to garden or to rule.
When your feminism starts taking away someone’s choice, you are doing the same exact thing patriarchy has done for millennia: forcing women into a box. And that’s just as asphyxiating.
Let women be.
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autisticempathydaemon · 4 months
[A4A] Accidentally Kidnapped by an Apologetic Mafia Boss
Tags: [Mistaken Identity] [Meet-Cute… of Sorts] [Librarian Listener]
Type: SFW
Tagline: Giacomo, who the hell is this?
Tone: affable, disarming and disarmed
Setting and SFX: abandoned warehouse; distant city noise
WC: 918, ~8 - 10 minutes
[Door, footsteps] (Muffled) Hey, you did it, G! How was your first and hopefully last nab and grab? They’re unharmed and in one piece, I see.
I gather from the cursing and yelling that you didn’t gag them before you put the bag over their head. God forbid we have to do this again, but if we do, we should invest in gags or some sort of knockout gas. Make a note of that.
Alright, alright, I get that this is very shocking for you, but I’d really appreciate it if you could calm down with the insults; criminals have feelings too. Believe me, I have nothing against you personally, and we’re going to try to make this as painless as-
[Cloth rustling, pause] You’re not the governor’s kid. (Aside) Giacomo, this is not the governor’s kid we were trying to ransom; who the fuck is this?
[Tapping on phone] (Direct) Excuse me just a second, doll. (Aside) This is the picture I showed you from last week’s newspaper. Look at it next to this civilian you’ve got tangled up in our business. They look nothing alike; how did you possibly mix them up?
Bud, what’s the point of us giving you a health plan including vision if you’re not going to use it? You’re taking the day and going to the optometrist, boss’s orders, before your nearsightedness gets you and me killed.
[Groan, deep breath] (Pensive) Alright. How are we going to take care of you…
No, we’re not going to kill you! I don’t know what sort of Godfather-esque, dark romance stuff you’ve been reading or watching, but organized crime is a fairly tidy process nowadays. Making people sleep with the fishes is costly and messy. Me and mine almost exclusively work in money laundering and counterfeiting.
(Abashed) This, admittedly, is a bit of a special case. See, our local governor, running for re-election based on his staunch, Christian family values?
(Fiery) Yes, the one with the ill-fitting suits. I’m always saying that; the man doesn’t know how to dress. You know what he does know how to do? Woo his way into sweet, unsuspecting women’s hearts and beds without telling them he’s married. Sweet unsuspecting women like my widowed Auntie Nina who thought she was getting a second chance at love and got nothing but an NDA and a frankly insulting amount of hush money.
I fucking know, right? So you see why this is a special case, why we had to make this personal and see how he likes people he loves not being treated like they deserve… or, rather, we tried to. Where did we go wrong there, by the way? (Aside) Giacomo, where were you that you managed to pick up a stray instead of doing your job?
That’s right, that schmuck had an event at the library: shaking hands, kissing babies, probably being a worse role model and reader than the drag queens he hates. I thought it was closed to the public; that’s why we planned the kidnapping then. (Direct) Are you on his campaign team, doll? Because I hate to break it to you, your boss is a fucking asshole.
(Aghast) You’re a librarian? (Aside) You kidnapped a librarian?
You are fucking killing me, man. What are you gonna do next- roll a nurse and kick us down to a lower circle of hellfire and brimstone? Do me a favor and go out and start the car, please, so we can try to get some good karma back.
[Door] Sorry about all this, let’s get you untied, out of this stinking warehouse, and back home.
Of course we’re going to take you home, doll, safe and sound. You’ve suffered enough because of me and my cousin out there, and keeping you quiet the old-fashioned way wouldn’t benefit us at all. Like I said, I like my crimes like I like my money: untraceable and unbloodied.
Hand to god. Besides, I’m a mobster, not a monster. Libraries are an important part of the community, and I appreciate people like you who keep them running as best as you can. I might even want to stop by and say hello if that’s alright with you.
Because I think you’re interesting. I’ll grant you, it’s partly cause I’d rather you not snitch to the feds but mostly because I’d like to see you again.
In the past two hours, you’ve had a sack thrown over your head, been manhandled into a van, strapped to a chair, and left to stew in fear in a cold, dank warehouse of god knows what. In those two hours, you haven’t lost your cool or nerve even once. You didn’t cry, beg, or scream. You cursed me out, called me words I won’t repeat in your polite company, and did a real number on my associate if him limping out of here is any indicator. I can’t say I meet someone like you often, even in my line of work.
[Laugh] You’re giving me, a seasoned criminal, terms and conditions?
Oh, I like you.
Alright, doll, I’ll bite; I’m invested. What must I do if I want to come see you at work?
No more illegal activities on library grounds, that’s a fair enough ask. What’s the second thing?
[Hearty, genuine laugh] Oh, it goes without saying that I’ll be the one driving you home. I love G, I do, but I wouldn’t trust him to navigate us out of a paper bag at this point.
(Performed by the lovely @mr-laveau~)
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emma-radfemcanu · 8 months
Last night my dad spent 15 minutes explaining to me how the Barbie movie is 'anti-male propaganda' 🙃 apparently because there aren't any positive male role models, they're all treated as stupid and women hold all the power?
Bearing it mind he hasn't even seen it- it was all 'I kNoW eNoUgH' except you literally don't??? You cannot make a proper judgement of something without reading or seeing it for yourself. He gets all his information from those youtube channels which are like 'DISNEY GOES WOKE AND IS CORRUPTING CHILDREN!!!' like yes I'm sure that is a completely reliable place to get your information from
He also insisted it was a 'masterpiece of marketing' (which it was tbf) and that is the only reason it did so well at the box office... he didn't have an actual answer for when I said 'well why did so many women love it so much then?'
(he also didn't have an answer for when I pointed out how women are portrayed in the majority of media, but god forbid men's feelings are hurt by a film which makes them look a bit dumb)
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rivetgoth · 2 years
I casually referred to double incision top surgery as plastic surgery on a Reddit thread while answering somebody’s questions and immediately had someone trying to explain to me the difference between “surgeries rich people want” and “surgeries trans people need,” and their mind was blown when I explained to them that “plastic surgery” is literally just the term for any reconstructive surgery, the word “plastic” coming from the Greek “plastike” meaning to sculpt, model, or reshape. “Even if it’s because of cancer?” they asked. Yes. Almost all trans affirming surgery is plastic surgery. Tons of post-cancer operations are plastic surgery. So are the entirely elective cosmetic surgeries that “rich people want.” I don’t actually have anything against the person I was speaking to, they were totally open to a conversation about the topic, but I seriously cannot stress enough how much the trans community needs to do better destigmatizing the idea of plastic surgery.
The person on Reddit asked me how we are supposed to explain the difference if elective cosmetic surgery and gender affirming care are under the same category. That’s just it, you cannot. You can’t reasonably make a clear distinction between a trans man fighting to have nipple grafts while his insurance insists that nipples are purely a superficial cosmetic addition, a cancer patient fighting for their insurance to cover post-cancer rhinoplasty, and a cis woman wanting to undergo body sculpting for purely cosmetic purposes. These are not actually distinguishable and trying to create some clear moral divide where desiring to medically alter one’s body as a consenting adult for aesthetic purposes is sometimes good and sometimes bad, sometimes revolutionary and a way to stick it to the man and destroy the gender binary and sometimes a tool of patriarchal brainwashing that should be banned to protect people from the potential consequences of their own desires, is simply not possible. Unless you view a trans woman undergoing breast augmentation as separate from a cis woman, and if so... why? Can you actually put into words how these are two separate processes where one is innately good and one is innately bad without making it abundantly clear that you have not fully considered the role that bodily autonomy plays in transsexuality?
There isn’t a trans utopia where we can make some perfectly clear and easy distinction between medically necessary cosmetic procedures and wholly elective cosmetic procedures, and that sounds less like a utopia and more like a dystopia to me, personally, because I have no interest whatsoever in moralizing, let alone, god fucking forbid, actually creating legal limitations on what individuals choose to do with their own bodies. I literally saw people recently saying that doctors who perform cosmetic surgeries on women, that the women in question consented to, should be arrested. Do you not realize that is the actual writing in anti-trans bills? That doctors should be arrested for operating on or approving hormone therapy for trans people? FWIW, TERFs already realized that trans affirming care cannot be separated from elective cosmetic procedures, and made their stance on this matter very clear. You cannot have the same opinion as TERFs regarding one’s bodily autonomy and right to consensually medically modify their physical self and then turn around and say “but trans people are just different because the surgery makes them happy :)” lol.
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turnways · 1 year
I desperately need people to stop woobifying people that fall into right wing pipelines. Specifically incels.
It's one thing to understand why these people believe what they do but hell will freeze over before you get me to sympathize with an Andrew tate fan because "they had no other role models" like even online there are tons of male feminists (or just not shitty men) that are in general good guys but people like tate tell their audience those guys are brainwashed by feminism.
At most I feel pity for these dudes but they're by no means "the victims" of this ideology. Same with terfs and conservatives. Or at least they're not victims in the same way the people they spread hate against are.
Feminists and queer people have been telling cishet men for years to go to therapy and let go of upholding ideas of toxic masculinity that other men force upon them. To embrace non toxic masculinity and to help dismantle the patriarchy as a power structure because that will ultimately help them too.
But these men see any discussion of privilege and viewing men and women as equals and go "you're trying to emasculate me and make me feel bad for being a man!" And turn to people like tate because they reaffirm their ideas of "what makes a man" without them having to challenge their view of women or queer people or God forbid manhood itself.
Also sorry, cis women and queer people face the same economic, mental health, and general societal issues that cishet men face nowadays. We're not in desperate need of needing female or queer role models to shape our morality and personhood. At least not the extend these guys act like having a singular role model is such necessity.
Like the argument these guys join these hate groups because they have "no one to talk to" is ridiculous like join the club buddy! We're all facing the woes of late stage capitalism and a shitty dating scene!
Cope with it via a skincare routine and stealing from work like the rest of us.
Anyways the idea that turning to people like tate is these dudes "only choice" is a load of bullshit. If you've ever actually tried to have a conversation with these men you know how they react to suggesting we shouldnt blame women for everything (heres a hint, they respond by blaming women). They ignore any advice that doesn't agree with their idea that all women are lying thots.
It's like that post about how Anakin saw a slippery slope to the dark side and grabbed a sled.
These guys had other choices. They chose hate.
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skinnymeanfaggot · 2 years
🌙,🙉, and 👑 for anim, 🌈, 💔, and 🌌 for javier, and ❤️ for both?
so for anim:
greatest wish: depressingly but for the most of their life it would be to be completely reborn as someone else. just throw it all away. when theyre older it would be more of just wishing everything with harper just never happened, because they wouldnt want to lose their time with javier
hear no evil: this gets sad. basically anything harper says deals anim psychological damage to the max but especially him calling them a boy not only due to dysphoria reasons but just the bad associations with him and being his. really anyone saying it but with him its the worst
ultimate worst thing is to hear that they arent needed/not good enough. its the fear of abandonment and stems from the bit of "nothing i do seems to make him happy" and their worst fear at that time was upsetting him/pissing him off or just not being loved by him basically. cant relate btw this isnt based off anything.
both harper and zora have said this or stuff like this too it kinda puts anim in a frenzy where theyre like "ill do whatever you want" and is basically desperate to be good enough in their eyes. which obviously leads to bad things. just shit that leads to the fear of abandonment.
they are TERRIFIED of javier saying this and he would NEVER EVER because they are the light of his life but theyre so scared all of the time but finally they learn that like, hell always love them and they dont have to worry about that. but it still is just their worst fear basically.
what to be remembered as: so with their job of like doing undercover murdery things and in general having a low profile, they dont have any big grandiose dreams. probably did as a kid, wanted to be famous and popular and all that but mostly now anim doesnt think of legacy. obviously doesnt want to be forgotten by everyone or anything but yeah. i think they would at least want to leave a lasting positive effect on their loved ones. they want to be remembered as a good role model for kylin or someone who was good to her. which they get that wish for
what he would tell his younger self: basically when he was younger he had this complex of Everyone has to like me So much all of the time or else im worthless and so he would totally tell himself to fucking chill on that. because obviously it led to a lot of bad shit like toxic relationships and over extending himself and the inevitable devastation of not being perfect. he was always somewhat aware that how his mom treated him wasnt fair or ok but still had this underlying issue of "if i cant get validation from her i just need to get it from literally everyone else ever" and he would tell his younger self that like hey, no. seek help
what his partner could do to break his heart: pretty standard stuff like cheating on him, leaving, saying they dont love him basically. for anim specifically it would be more like going back on the progress theyve made like going back to work for zora, leaving him for zora god forbid, or accusing him of not loving them or trying to use them.
inspiration: so i dont remember when i decided to make jamie and kyra half siblings but literally. was honestly fucking like "kind of whorish for a man to have kids with two different women :/" so he was a designated slut from the start. he wasnt supposed to exist as a character he didnt have a name he was literally just jamie and kyras whore dad. and then i tripped and listened to the exit one too many times and was like what if he was MORE than just a whore.... what if he had SUBSTANCE.... and it went from there
love languages: for both DEFINITELY words of affirmation and physical touch and quality time. theyre both very touchy and cuddly and at the very least they like to sit next to each other and be in each others presence. theyre also both insecure and sad so words of affirmation are good but javier is really good at waxing poetic and just saying how much he loves them. anim is more practical and less verbal. like a cat. theyll do things for him that show they really care. and i think they both give gifts but javier does it a lot and likes to get them both things he knows theyll like and things that are meaningful. so theyre very lovey and they also have a lot of sex
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daysinstarlight · 2 months
I've noticed that there's a concerted, coordinated effort of misogynists on Twitter to have an insult for women for any job they may work. Presumably because it's laughable and easily disprovable to claim that men are sole providers and women don't work outside the home and so they need another way to attack and discriminate against women.
If they don't know a woman's job they claim she's an OF model and degrade her for doing sex work. If it's a woman in corporate , especially in a stereotypically feminine role (HR, marketing) ,then they claim it's a useless job and the men in the company do all the real work. If it's a woman in a male dominated field or a field they respect (doctor, engineer, CEO, CS) then they claim she's there because of DEI or they wouldn't be her client either way.
And God forbid a woman ever make a tiktok at her job or they'll claim she's never actually worked a minute in her life and "this why women shouldn't vote ".
I hope the teen girls don't take this to heart and get discouraged , especially in combination with the rise of tradwife content. Women should never feel embarrassed to follow their dream career path and shouldn't let these deeply insecure men dictate their life choices.
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tommytranselo · 2 years
you can do so much with making mafia characters trans
trans sam who never shares anything about his past or personal life and meticulously controls every aspect of his image and presentation, from his wardrobe to his deliberately played up womanizing reputation.  sam who goes to the brothel only for it to turn into a therapy session, with the same woman every time, whom evidently he's told quite a lot and clearly cares for, so michelle's quite possibly the only one to know his secret–but also, who's to say they're even having sex (all that often or at all)?  sam who perhaps isn't actually that interested in sex and/or in women but is convinced he has to be the most red-blooded libidinous heterosexual man or he won't really be a man at all, who's terrified of his affectionate and potential romantic feelings toward paulie because he views them as weakness.  who turns to michelle exclusively because god forbid he lean on another man for emotional support, because what if they find out?–anything that could even halfway be interpreted as sign of weakness if you squinted at it sideways becomes a potential crack in his spotless reputation, and a single crack is an intolerable risk of having his manhood revoked in the most fundamental, earth-shattering way possible, a risk that "you're not a man at all" will become an all-pervasive truth right down to his core. he cannot abide that, not even for an instant.  sam who is the don's golden boy, the paragon, the unimpeachable bright star of the family.  who buries his pain so deep it becomes untouchable to him, and because he is very good at lying to himself he starts to believe it's not really there.
trans marty who's sick to death of his high voice being made fun of, of his youth being rubbed in his face because sure he's still young but also he's seven-fucking-teen with a PAYING JOB but everyone seems to think he's twelve, who's desperate to be taken seriously as a man goddammit instead of a laughable excuse for a boy that the moment steve coyne offers him a pistol and a chance to bust some heads he leaps at the chance because fucking finally.  who's thrilled at every second of the lifestyle no matter how small or tedious.  who's desperate to be a wiseguy like the ones he sees in the movies and around his neighborhood because nobody ever gives them any shit and they're the toughest male role models he has.  who wants to be just like joe, fucking idolizes him because joe is the only one to take him seriously and has always had his back since he was a little kid, since he told him "i wanna be a boy" and joe just said "okay" and clapped him on the back.  marty who's so desperate to be taken seriously he throws himself into harm's way without a second thought trying to prove something, prove everything, till it gets him killed.
trans henry who's been as stealth as possible for years by never telling anyone about himself and by holding everyone at arm's length, who's long since resigned himself to solitude, who'd rather the clemente gang think he's just a cold standoffish prick than to risk getting too close.  henry who carefully presents himself as sharp in both dress and attitude, who tries to make himself look big and tough, who can't dress for shit because he was never taught.  who keeps everything close to his chest because he thinks it makes him more of a man to appear cool and collected.  henry who enjoys thrives on feeling like a tough guy, being respected, dodging bullets, seeing people afraid of his power, because it does make him feel like a big man.  who will do anything for pride, no matter how stupid, because god forbid somebody say he’s a pussy.  henry who's tried so hard to be a good, loyal soldier, to be fearless and unflappable, to make his father proud. henry who knows he will never be his father.  who finally manages to lighten up around vito and joe in particular because they're close and caring and he can cut loose and joke around with them, and he finally doesn't have something to prove.
trans vito who's been told for years he's the spitting image of his father; at first it makes him strangely happy but over time, as their relationship crumbles, it starts to hurt.  who’s terrified that the only man he can ever become is his father, who he regards as a complete failure at everything a man should be in his head–strong, collected, a provider, a family man.  vito who latches onto any man who shows him a scrap of affection or praise or just seems admirable because he desperately needs a role model.  who starts hearing sexist jokes left and right that he's supposed to find funny as soon he becomes "one of the guys" and is furious, and who is terrified of ever crossing the line with a woman and making her uncomfortable.  who's so painfully aware of his every movement, torn between trying to seem safe both to his family and random women around him vs feeling that violence is what makes him a man, the ability to just take what he needs and to never be fucked with ever again.  vito who writhes internally every time someone makes a gay joke because he doesn't understand what he's doing wrong, but who doesn't even realize that it's an option for him.  vito who wants so badly to be a good man.  vito who doesn't know what a good man is.
trans danny who loves the most stereotypical guy stuff–cars, beer, all that stuff–and gets so much euphoria from it no matter if anyone thinks it’s a little silly.  danny who was thrilled to be included by lincoln and ellis as one of the boys before he even knew why.  danny whose father accepts him only because he always wanted a son and "at least he's straight," and he feels so so guilty for nicki and that he can't change burke's mind no matter how hard he tries, even though nicki never holds it against him.
trans luca who becomes belligerent and sharp-edged to keep anyone from ever fucking with him, who’d thrives on being hated and feared because it means nobody will get close enough to find out and nobody dares question him.  who throws himself into presenting as the kind of man he wishes he was but can’t get the hang of it.  trans clemente who is the only person to know but instead of sympathy, he just treats luca even worse because “if you wanna be a man so bad then learn to take it like a man,” who in his own head is doing it for luca’s own good to toughen him up.  clemente who never let anybody find out.
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moongirldreamer · 2 years
Stranger things spoilers
I hate this stupid show I want season 5 canceled
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literaticat · 2 years
Is there any truth to the idea that boys won't read books written by women, or that boys won't read books with girl protagonists? I've always believed that and have been worried about my protag being a male and me being a female and having to use my initials as a pseudonym. But I've seen so many recent bestseller books adored by all genders with female protagonists by male authors and vice versa!
I don't like to even post this because it's such a gross way of thinking (it's not YOUR fault, it's society). Like -- GROSS.
The "old wives tale" or whatever is basically, boys won't read any book about a girl - but girls WILL read books about boys (because what fuckin choice do we have) -- ERGO, school assigned books are things like RED BADGE OF COURAGE or FAREWELL TO ARMS or whatever the hell even though half the class is holding their nose while they read it, because god forbid a boy should have to read about a girl, or about friendship, or EMPATHY or something! Girls have COOTIES, its a scientific fact, and empathy makes you gay.
And that's why many middle grade adventure books etc are either boy-led, or have a group of kids with both boys and girls. (I'm NOT saying that is a good thing. Just, this is the traditional way of thinking).
There is "truth" to the idea because disgusting toxic-masculinity poisoned adults impress this POV on children. Boys are not inherently misogynists -- they are TAUGHT that. If boys aren't "supposed" to like "girly" things because their horrible parents will say something about it or their buddies will make fun of them because THEIR horrible parents said something about it -- guess what? They learn not to like (or SAY they like) "girly" things.
One hopes that we are all growing up and shedding this antiquated way of thinking. Because obviously, a boy who is raised to value women and girls equally to other boys and men, who is given role models and cool characters of all genders to read about and watch on TV, and who isn't punished for liking things that are outside the very narrow definition of what some old coots think is appropriate -- is just as likely to like Wonder Woman as Batman. Wonder Woman is COOL AS HELL.
And yeah - I AM being hard on parents. Because parents and grandparents are the problem. Like sorry to go off, but I have or overhear conversations like this literally EVERY DAY in the bookstore:
me: "OK, I can wrap this as a gift -- I have red paper with multi-colored hedgehogs on it, or navy paper with cupcakes on it."
grandma: "Well it's for a BOY."
me: "Oh okay so ... *confused silence, lifted brows, trying to read their mind*
*them glaring at me as though the answer is obvious*
me: "..... heeeedge--caaaakes????"
grandpa: Can you recommend a great book?
me: How about this one -- it's called TWO MICE, and, these mice are best fri--
them: (cutting me off) -- Yeah, no, this is for a BOY.
me: Um... mice can be boys?
kid: Picks out Princess in Black or similar book with a "girl" on the cover - never mind that it's a girl dressed as a very cool NINJA SUPERHERO, whatever
mom: "You don't want that, let's pick something else out."
kid: hones in on a very cool display of SPIKELETS -- pointy wristbands in badass colors like black-and-neon, not gendered at all
dad: that's literally a BRACELET those are for GIRLS, you're NOT wearing THAT
Anyway long story short - - ha ha - - this is not something that needs to concern you, write the story you want to write, you don't have to use your initials if you don't want to (but you can if you do want to!) -- LOTS of books by women are very popular with all genders, so I really don't think you need to worry about the author-name of it all, and if your publisher feels differently that can be a conversation with them (but I have never had a publisher express an opinion either way on that subject actually, and I do rep people who use their initials and people who don't).
As far as the protagonists of the stories -- Yes, it's true that some (asshole) parents won't get books for their boys if a girl is front-and-center on the cover. And some boys will avoid those books too.
And yet -- so what? Girls deserve to have just as many rad stories and be represented on covers too, so they'll need to get over it or choose a different book. When your book is hugely popular and even the most BOYISH of the boys are dying to read it no matter who or what is on the cover - you've made it, and can officially cross "beaten the patriarchy" off your list.
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commaclear · 2 years
*turns around like an evil business woman, stroking dog bc I’m allergic to cats* ohhoho. So you want me to drop the htid!Schlatt theory, yeah? Well, you’re in for such a mentally ill treat because I have multiple.
To start with my thoughts on our favorite wittle Schlatty watty, it’s pretty implied that home boy is an alcoholic and dilf (derogatory). Double homicide right there. Anyways. I’m betting money that he was the type of guy who peaked in high school and used that to his advantage. Schlatt was probably the President of the debate or stuco club and Quackity was probably some freshman who was struggling to feel validated at home or by close friends. It’s very easy for people with insecurities ti get wrapped up with people who offer the tiniest amount of admiration. (His parents weren’t supportive, but owemji girlypop was like “when he calls me fatty patty😍”)
Sorry, I’m a Quackity apologist, it’s my nature. Back to Schlatt. (I also imagine Schlatt came from money, which was also something that made him appealing to Quackity at a young age. this is relevant I swear) So thanks to peaking in highschool and probably loosing the last shred of youth he had left when Quackity finally broke free from that relationship, Schlatt probably found what kept him young was the aftermath of teen drinking. That buzz was enjoyable back when he was care free and had everything he ever wanted, so why stop now. There comes a point in alcoholism that it fucks up your life so hard that you drink to forget how hard it fucked you until you’ve just been fucked more. (Rip bro. Beer doesn’t use lube *laughtrack*)
When Quackity left him, Schlatt was probably broken. That was the last thing still tying him to being some life of the party highschool kid, and now his sugarpumpkin was getting to be a highschool kid while he was sitting through a college lecture about business with his best friend The Flask™️ since his dad told him to grow up. Speaking of growing up, that’s where our little Tubster begins. I bet Schlatt’s dad wasn’t involved too much with his life other than being a god awful role model, so Q was his only chance at a happily ever after and he destroyed that chance by mimicking his dads shit examples of how to treat your bitch. If I’m right, and Schlatt was expected to follow in his fathers footsteps (like most rich, peak in highschool, stuco kids are) then he probably just forced himself to drop any chance of being happy and upon his first year of working in some shitty office job, he made a fake ass love connection with the receptionist because god forbid the apple fall far from the tree.
Not long after, Schlatt was probably left with a newborn and a woman who no matter how hard he tried he couldn’t love because that just wasn’t him. Now it’s him and a baby and a bottle of bourbon and that’s his life now. All sad. Probably works at his dads office and will inherit the family business. He probably shows up to holiday parties with random girls he convinced he could love short term and he probably treats them just as all the other cooperate douche canoes treat their seventy second wives.
Schlatt mourns the loss of Quackity even if he knows he treated him poorly and did god awful things to him. He’s fully aware of what an awful person he’s been and he tells himself it’s all downhill anyways. He tries to pass these ideas onto Tubbo just like his father did to him, but Tubbo never cared for the Women his dad brought home (they never stayed long) or for the way that their liquor cabinet stayed more stocked than the pantry. They aren’t poor, but Schlatt thinks that means they are happy. He knows his mistakes, but if he has that glass in his hand then the mistakes aren’t there anymore.
Side note
I absolutely imagine that Schlatt had been called into a teacher conference once to talk about his son’s failing math grade, and is now banned from the school because he tried to (drunkenly and forcibly) (ever the charmer, eh?) rekindle something with his ex who was still coping from his fiancé being in a coma.
At some point Schlatt probably said something along the lines of “no one would ever have to know, sugar. Just me and you, like the good times. You remember those, right? I remember them. I wish you would’ve stayed, I never meant to hurt you. I’m a changed man now, baby.” Then there was a pause. “And you’ve changed to by the looks of how well that ass fills those pants.”
Quackity proceeded to press the office call button and make eret deal with this. That night he ordered new pants that were bigger because he hated feeling so objectified again.
Side side note
Wilbur has probably grabbed Quackity’s ass before and not understood why his boyfriend shuts down because Quackity shoved that trauma about as far away as Schlatt tried to shove the term gay back in the closet.
(Also I’m fully aware this isn’t relevant and will most likely never be used in the actual fic. I just like Schlatt because he’s such an interesting character when you take a step back)
honestly I'm so tempted to hit this with the canon stamp bc you are oh so close to completely accurate
very impressive, anon, please take this dusty piece of pink quartz for your efforts
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eppysboys · 4 years
I loved your post about str8 guys projecting their “misunderstood” genius identity through John. What do you think are some examples of them ignoring John’s queerness?
Thank you, dear anon! I......kind of ended up rambling (as per usual!) and I don’t even know if I adequately answered your question... So, I’ll put this mess under the cut!
It’s interesting to think about specific examples of it - because I tend to think of it as a general dismissal of certain aspects of John’s personality and behaviour.
I think for one, the approach to John and Brian’s Barcelona trip is portrayed a certain way. @monkberries has (brilliantly) pointed out how that trip and Brian and John’s dynamic as a whole is represented. Essentially - there is no consideration that John was actually attracted to Brian and that any softness and intimacy between them was John either pitying Brian or manipulating Brian for his own gain, rather than perhaps being genuinely curious because of the long-felt conflict inside him between wanting to be a macho Brando type vs his Oscar Wilde side, the ‘fruity’ ‘f*g’ side of him that he refers to over and over again throughout his life. And hardly consideration for how everyone from Aunt Mimi to Paul to Julia Baird has said that John was genuinely interested in Brian and spent a lot of time with him and talking to him and that there was an ‘attraction to him’. 
More broadly speaking (which I know isn’t what you were asking but oh well) there has been some attempt to explore his relationships with men vs women and what he seemed to desire from both - but it would be more compelling if someone more knowledgeable in psychology (without the outdated views about queerness and queer life through history) could analyse that and perhaps give some insights that the typical biographer cannot. This isn’t to put down straight guys!!! (God forbid!!) but certainly there’s something to be said for how ‘inverted’ John’s upbringing was and how he continuously expressed desire for a life and companionship that was not at all the norm for a run of the mill straight male. Why did he want those things? It’s always brought down to ‘strictly because of his childhood trauma propelling him to want to hoard love and people to nourish the void’. But that’s only a portion of the story, and I think you would find a great deal of insight by actually examining John’s perception of gender and sex and relationships as well as how his identity and wants and needs were shaped partly due to his interactions and relationships with either sex through his lifetime. The last time I remember reading any ponderings about this topic, was in Pauline Sutcliffe’s book about her brother, where she dedicates pages and pages into theorising that any homosexual curiosities John had were a direct result of his absent father and need for a male role model in his life + a possible OCD that made him want to chase ‘extremes’ in every aspect of his lie. Which is all well and good (and there’s definitely a grain of truth in what John might have been partly searching for in certain relationships he had with men who took care of him - Stuart, Brian, Paul etc) but what would a psychologist who has better/accurate/not outdated research of gender and sexuality to back them up make of John? 
I would appreciate any sort of discussion about how John’s femininity was expressed through the years through in his style and music - especially because John himself talked about it many times - how he had to hide a part of himself, or his true self and wear a mask because otherwise it would have been unsafe for him. It clearly wasn’t just a product of the times - men being more androgynous by the 70s - because he himself said he had been wrestling with that shame since he was a kid! It would be great to read about when those major turning points in his confidence and ability to be himself (the velvet feminine side) might have occurred and why and how, instead of a mere mention here and there without much thought into the significance of that development. I have seen bits and pieces of analysis of this which are a great - but of course they all happened to have been published post 2010s! So, clearly there needs to be some sensitivity and awareness to be able to discuss those aspects of John, because otherwise they are barely explored and hardly mentioned and thus not giving us a proper view of John Lennon. 
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sopebubbles · 3 years
Ooo don't mind me getting super angry... his thought process just really pissed me off. Honestly the fact that we all know this is gonna blow up now bc that girl decided to take pictures instead of minding her own business, I do hope that Jimin claims Baby Mochi as his own bc I know that he would be proud to do so no matter what anyone says.
But now I'm also conflicted bc when this shit blows up, what if the company fires MC?!?! I doubt they're gonna fire any of the boys bc misogyny is real and they're their biggest money makers too. They're not gonna blink twice at firing MC and it angers me. I'm gonna stop speculating now and just wait patiently for the next chapter now
-Team Jimin Leader anon 💜
Let it out bestie!
Okay, I'll step in to try to defend jk.
Jk definitely made the wrong choice. But his biggest role model (Namjoon) is there telling him he's doing the right thing and that his career and the group are more important. He does feel bad, but he doesn't have the sense of responsibility to Yn personally to make him go. He is worried about his baby. But again, he's getting from most of his elders that doing nothing is the right thing. He's too immature.
As for the rest, we'll see soon enough!
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willcwthewisp · 3 years
false god complex | ben & willow
LOCATION: university of maine, white crest. PARTIES:  @professorbcampbell and @willcwthewisp. SUMMARY: ben is more than happy to lend willow a helping hand.  CONTAINS: elements of grooming.
Willow’s knuckles were white as she gripped the steering wheel of her car in a near death-grip, already dreading what was to come. Why had the telemarketing company thought she was a good person to deliver toner? She’d done her best to avoid getting too close to anyone in the office, constantly afraid that she’d end up throwing someone through the flimsy walls that made up their miniscule cubicles. But somehow they’d settled on her to make a delivery that required a signature. She couldn’t even find peace in the knowledge that she’d be able drop the package and run. No- the telemarketer would have to come face to face with an actual person. This was the exact opposite of what she’d signed up for when taking a job that was about being away from people.
Pulling into the university, she struggled for a moment with the box of printing supplies, finally managing to balance it on her hip as she locked her car. One slow and deep breath later, she was steeling herself as she walked towards the closest building. Just find a person. Have them sign. And get out. That’s all she had to do. At least it was later in the day, getting closer to a time of the evening when less students were on campus. Throwing a college student into the quad fountain was also on her list of scenarios to desperately avoid. And it was a rather long list. Why were there so many people in the world? Turning the corner into a hallway, she scanned for any nearby lifeforms, finally spotting the back of a man’s head down the way as he walked away from her. “Um- excuse me!” she called out, her free hand waving with uncertainty above her head as she made an awkward shuffle towards him. “Excuse me! Sir? Sorry- I just- well I’m dropping off this toner, and it needs a signature. Do you think- well would you mind signing for it?”
Thumbing through his mail, Ben scanned the various letters. Hardly anyone sent him physical mail anymore, but he made a point of checking his mailbox once a week. It was good practice to walk through the halls, make a show of being polite and friendly to all of the cubicle dwelling student workers and pitiful staff members who didn’t have access to offices of their own. His office was on the third floor of the building, and while he didn’t have a corner office just yet, he had it on good authority that the next vacancy would be his. Tossing a few pieces of junk mail into the recycling bin, he headed out of the mailroom back to his office. He would finish up some emails and then take home his remaining essays to grade. Perhaps stop by the coffee shop, see if he could arrange a serendipitous meeting with a student--
As he walked down the hall, Ben was caught off guard by the sudden flash of movement and a woman’s voice calling out to him. Toner? What, did she take him as a secretary? It wasn’t his job to make sure the printer room was stocked. But, he offered an easy smile instead and hurried towards her. “Here, let me take that.” He said, taking the heavy package of toner from her easily. “You’re a ways off from the printing room. I can carry this and sign once we get there?” He said with a nod.
“Oh- oh no, you don’t have to-” Willow began, but he’d already taken the package from her hip in a movement so smooth she almost forgot to be nervous about the proximity of him. Almost. Realizing how close she’d come to potentially grazing against the man, and therefore possibly tossing him into next week, the medium took a healthy step back. “Sorry- it’s been so long since I went here, and I swear they moved everything around,” she breathed with half an attempted chuckle, trying to set herself at ease after the close call. “You really don’t have to, though,” she started once more, hating to be any sort of inconvenience. “I mean- I didn’t mind carrying it! And it’s not your job, you know?” As she said the words she finally did a cursory one over of the man in front of her, blinking a few times in quick succession as she began to fully understand just how handsome he was. Oh god- now she was nervous again. “And I mean- you could just sign here, if you wanted! Then I could just take it to the printing room or wherever and set it and leave it there since you...signed for it. And it’s just toner! I don’t think anyone wants to take toner or anything, right? I mean, have you ever heard of anyone ever stealing toner before?” Willow ended on an semi-awkward chuckle, practically begging herself to stop talking before she said anything else that sounded equally, or god forbid, more idiotic.
Hefting the box in his arms, Ben made his expression one the model of politeness and patience. It was irritating to have to maintain his role as the good-nature professor for someone who so clearly wasn’t worth his time. Well. She was cute, in an out-of-sorts kind of way. Which was typically how most women acted around him. “No, it’s quite alright. It’s a heavy box and it’s easiest for me to just carry it while I have it now.” He said with an easy smile and tilted his head. “The printer room is on my way back to my office, so it’s no skin off my back. Two birds with one stone, hm?” He said as she rambled on and on. Incredible. She just kept speaking without providing anything of substance. “No need to worry. And no, I can’t begin to imagine why someone would steal toner of all things. Unless they’ve got a massive printer at home, I can’t see why they’d do that.” He laughed. “Ah,” Just shut up, “I’m sorry if I made you uncomfortable by just taking the box from you. You just looked as though you were struggling and I wanted to offer a hand. Or two.” Ben gestured to the box resting in his hands.
“Oh- well...thank you, then.” Willow wasn’t about to argue with a man who was being so perfectly polite about helping her, especially when he looked as handsome as this one did. After all, who didn’t enjoy it when a good-looking man helped you of his own accord without seeming threatening or overbearing? Feminism be damned. “Sure,” she agreed, feeling like she’d be doing that more often as the conversation went on. His words and actions were so confident that they nearly even set her at ease, which was no small feat. “Thank you, again.” She should make conversation, shouldn’t she? It was only polite after he’d helped her. “So you’re...a professor here?” That much was obvious given his mention of an office. “”What do you teach?” For a moment she laughed with him, still somewhat amazed that she’d been able to do so in the first place despite being at risk of telekinetically throwing someone in a public setting. “I guess so. Unless there’s some toner black market that I’m completely unaware of.” It was her own attempt at a joke. “No, no-” she began, not wanting him to think she was upset. “It was nice of you- really. I just wasn’t entirely expecting it and-” She didn’t like people getting close to her. Not when she was a ticking time bomb. “-and I appreciate the two hands.”
“You’re quite welcome.” Ben said with a kind smile he didn’t mean in the slightest. This woman looked familiar, and he couldn’t quite place his finger on why. She looked to be around the same age as him, perhaps a few years younger. Blonde, brown eyed, classical bone structure, but why did she look familiar to him? Perhaps he’d be able to worm the information out of her. “Please, it’s really not a problem. And yes, I am. I teach the classics. Greek and Roman history, culture, and philosophy for the most part, but I dabble in most ancient Western civilizations.” As he always did for the more nervous types-- and this woman struck him as quite nervous-- Ben offered a self conscious grimace. “But, it’s hardly the most interesting field.” He said as he led them through the halls at a leisurely pace. A toner black market. Knowing some of the creatures who roamed this town, there very well might be. “Well, my apologies for startling you. It wasn’t my intention at all. Do people generally let you,” Flounder “Struggle without offering to help? That’s hardly the sort of behavior I’d expect of people here.”
He seemed like a very nice man. Or a well-meaning one at the very least. The more he spoke, the more Willow settled into the situation she’d been handed, figuring there was little she could do at this point if he was going to be so insistent about helping. She just had to keep her distance, and everything would be alright...right? “Oh- well that’s all very impressive sounding,” she replied with a tentative smile, as if she were testing the waters when it came to the expression on her face. “The closest I ever got to the classics or anything like that when I was here were the art and visual culture classes for the eras.” While Ben carefully practiced humility, Willow was already shaking her head in denial of his words. “Oh no- if it’s interesting to you, that’s what matters, right? And I’m sure there’s plenty of people who find it really stimulating.” As she walked along with him, her eyes scanned the hallways, curious to see how her alma mater had changed in the years since she’d roamed it. “No, really- you don’t need to apologize at all. I mean- you were just being thoughtful. And there’s nothing wrong with that at all! Pretty much the opposite, actually. As for other people...I guess I wouldn’t know- I’m not really a ‘delivery’ sort of person, but the usual person was out today.”
Walking alongside the woman, Ben continued to appraise her. She seemed to have calmed down a bit which had resulted in, thankfully, less rambling. Some people rambled in productive ways, providing little insights into their lives, their minds. This woman? Not exactly. She spoke as though she had to fill the air with sound or else there would be dire consequences. “Ah, thank you, though it’s hardly impressive.” Ben said with a shrug. Oh, he was very impressive. Department co-chair, associate professor, and well established within the college at his age? No, he was impressive and he knew it. “Art and visual culture? Are you an artist?” He asked with interest, though internally he couldn’t care less. “Indeed! That’s how I find it as well.” Ben nodded as they continued down the hall. Rounding the corner into the printer room, he set the heavy box on the counter. “Ah, in that case, I’m quite glad I was there to help. It’s never pleasant when you have to take on the responsibilities of others.” He said with a sympathetic smile. He leaned against the copier, waiting for her next move, curious to see how she’d fill this new gap in conversation.
“Don’t say that,” Willow insisted, apparently gaining confidence where Ben carefully lost it. If there was one thing she was confident about it was boosting the spirit of others. “You know something that plenty of people couldn’t even begin to really grasp. Isn’t that impressive?” A friendly nod had her head bobbing up in down as he asked about her, blonde hair bouncing along with the motion. “I majored in Fine Arts when I was here, and then opened a gallery a few years out of school.” A smile grew more comfortable on her lips while he continued to be perfectly amenable. “Well then I’m glad you agree,” she finished with a small chuckle, finding herself more at ease with every moment. “Oh- well I was definitely lucky that you were there to help. And that you’re obviously more than happy to lend a helping hand.” A shrug tugged at her shoulders. “It’s alright- I don’t mind helping.” At least that was usually true when it didn’t put her in public situations that might result in someone getting broken in half. “But um- if I could get that signature from you now, that would be great?” She offered him the little electronic device they’d given her at the office, a pen attached to it. Holding it by the very ends, she desperately tried to ensure that no contact would be made when he took it. 
“I suppose it is.” Ben said and offered a sheepish, apologetic smile as the woman admonished him. So she was one of those types. An optimist, someone who tried to lift others up. Naive. Interesting, very interesting. He couldn’t help but weigh and measure her, even if he had no real desire to lure her towards the way of his Lord. But who knew. She might be able to be of use to him, one day. It never hurt to cultivate “friendships.” Just as he thought, an artist, one of those creative types. “Now that, that sounds quite impressive.” As she held out the little device, she watched the way she kept him at arms length. As though she was scared of him? No, not quite. He wasn’t entirely sure why she was so frightened. “Of course.” Ben signed off on the machine with a smile before handing it back to her. “Ben Campbell. A pleasure to meet you..?”
Willow’s grin widened as the man agreed, happy to see that he wasn’t planning on minimizing his accomplishments anymore for the time being. Why shouldn’t he be proud? She was fairly certain everyone had something to be proud of in their lives, and if they couldn’t see that then she was more than happy to help show them. “Oh no- I mean- it’s not that big of a deal.” Willow fell naturally into the persona that Ben had cultivated for himself over their conversation, a slight blush creeping over her cheeks at his praise. “But thank you, nonetheless.” Relief flooded her as he didn’t offer a hand to shake along with his introduction, knowing she would have only made the conversation terribly awkward as she refused to take it. “I’m Willow- Willow Finch. And thank you for the signature, Ben,” she said warmly, already taking a step back as she reminded herself that she was testing the limits of her telekinesis simply by talking to him. “I hope you have a good day, Professor Campbell.” Then she was starting to head off, wishing she could have counted the man as a new friend, but knowing it wasn’t possible with her current situation. But it had been nice to pretend for the length of the walk down the hallway.
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rametarin · 3 years
Just venting. Pocketed for your convenience.
you can still reblog if you agree but these are just private gripes I’m angry about from certain discourse.
“Empathetic” Citizen: “Why are so many depicted male friendships so heteronormative, stoic, dispassionate and hypersexual towards women? Why won’t our society allow men and boys physical contact or to cry? We need more role models and examples of male intimacy that aren’t bonding over a mutual sexual attraction to women and typical ‘rough boy things.’ We need more characters in fiction in our culture of boys that aren’t afraid to express their feelings and touch and be open.“
Person: “Here’s my work. It features an open friendship between two males. They hug and hold hands sometimes and don’t let modern notions of homophobia dictate their ability to cry, show emotion or display intimacy with people around them!”
One God Damned Demon: “OMG YAAAAAS KWEERN, SLAAAY.” immediately begins masturbating, breathing heavily and nasally. “THEY’RE SO. FUCKING. GAAAAYUURRGHGGGHH! MMMMMM!!! QUEER ICONS! QUEEEEER ICONS! SO FUCKING QUEEEEEEER! Oh god I need a cigarette! BIG FAGS! MMM! Big FAG characters! So KWEER! omg baes! They’re GAY and we all know it, look at them, those big fucking fags! I bet [Character #1] is a delicate top but [Character #2] is a bratty bottom!” WHEEEEZE. WHEEEEEZE. WHEEEEEEEZE. “HNNGH. Those heteronormic standards are DISINTEGRATING. Love WINS! Take THAT cisheteronormic PATRIARCHY!”
Another God Damned Demon: “We really need to have a conversation about how cavalier these boys are about touching people without being asked. Statistics show most domestic abusers and men whom abuse women have problems with societal norms saying it’s okay for men to touch women the way they are allowed to touch one another. We need to challenge these toxic notions that say men aren’t inherently a danger to those that aren’t men.”
Person: “Actually my characters are straight and what in the heck is this nonsense about, ‘boys being entitled to physical intimacy’? Boys are so touch starved growing up in this society that their mental health suffers for it because there’s such a stigma against physical intimacy with a man, due to fear of sexual exploitation. And they just accept that as men, because it’s better to be personally touch starved than allow a stranger, a predator, the societal norms necessary to get close enough to feed. It has NEVER been okay for men to just draw off and touch women! It’s been a societal taboo to show any proactive physical intimacy with a woman or even one another for DECADES now. What are you talking about!? The work isn’t even OUT YET, and the way it depicts boys is exactly what some of you were pining for! Not so standard depictions of male affection and interactions that aren’t all about women but also aren’t gay, either! This is EXACTLY what some of you claimed to want for boys to be able to do!!!”
One God Damned Demon: “HOW DAAARE YOU TAKE THIS AWAY FROM US. Bet you just want to sell it in China and Russia, you homophobic SELL-OUT! QUEER baiter! Executive meddler! FALSE ally!! HOMOPHOBE!! You CLEARLY depicted them as gay boys!! The context. No STRAIGHT boys act like that in THIS culture and society!! Educate yourself!”
Person: “I’m CHALLENGING gender and societal norms! Do you realize how difficult it is to depict platonic, heterosexual male intimacy at all!?! The only time men are ALLOWED to be intimate and tender is if they’re gay! As EVIDENCED. RIGHT. HERE! They aren’t allowed ANYTHING. The stigma for boys to feel anything BUT angry or they must be gay is a real problem. And you’re fucking angry that not all depicted male relationships are either minimized or gay!?”
Another God Damned Demon: “Ohhh they want to be ‘oppressed’ so bad.”
One God Damned Demon: “And you never said they WEREN’T gay!! So it’s MY headcanon that they are! And if I EVER get the chance to take up writing them on a professional basis, FUCK YOU and what YOU say, they’re GAY!! I’ll DEPICT THEM the way they were ALWAYS INTENDED TO BE if I must, and it’ll be canon, and you’ll just have to go fuck yourself! Death of the Author is a thing! You very CLEARLY coded them based on things I consider to be objectively gay in subjective culture!!”
Person: “Lesson learned by what I’m not allowed to do. From now on I won’t make the mistake of portraying boys as having feelings or being intimate while being masculine and heterosexual, because clearly every opportunity in media to portray that is seen as a lost opportunity for them to be gay. I’ll make very clear they’re jaw-droppingly attracted to women, and women exclusively, like a wolf in a Tex Avery cartoon, and I’ll make sure they don’t even give the audience a fucking WHIFF of physical intimacy or feelings beyond what they’re allowed to feel in order to be “proper straight men,” according to You God Damned Demons, because that just means they’re gay or bi. Because god fucking forbid you damned demons don’t fill in the gaps however you want and then argue with me, the creator, about my own characters, their intent and my meaning with them and my work.”
One God Damned Demon: “These are OUR characters. We adopted them. They belong to society. And we say they’re gay.”
Another God Damned Demon: “It’s not our fault you don’t know how culture affects society and how society affects your subconscious expression of culture. Educate yourself.”
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