#god forbid a woman is lesbian
Does anyone else just hate it when you headcanon a character as lesbian, and talk about why you see this character as lesbian and people come in and say "what about bisexual? 🥺"
Like I'm sorry I wasn't talking about her being bisexual. I'm talking about MY headcanon, and personally, I don't want men included in this headcanon of mine at all.
Why can't I, a lesbian, relate to a character and headcanon them as lesbian without men somehow being involved? I have to say "sapphic" or "wlw" so that there's still a chance she could like men in MY HEADCANON.
God forbid that I see this character as not liking men at all???
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dirksstri · 2 months
Everytime Kumatora and Duster are shipped together, an angel loses their wings 💔
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cowpokezuko · 4 months
If you think its fine to be a plukas or elias fucker but not a lady mowbray fucker get your act together and maybe stop hating women who have hobbies? Oh its fine when MEN are aristocratic murderers but when a WOMAN does it its all of a sudden an issue? Um sorry you hate lesbians i guess.
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the-everqueen · 9 months
re: lrb, i feel like the reason so much of the sandman fandom has attached to Death as their female character of choice is because she doesn't represent a threat to the major ship and in s1 she IS acting like the Supportive Big Sister for Dream. in other words, she doesn't challenge fandom's idea of what a Black woman "should" be. she can't be shipped with the (white) main character, she shows up briefly to lend him moral support, and she requires nothing from him. unlike all those other messy women that fandom loves to ignore.
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adelacreations · 1 year
I'm sorry but it very much is giving radfem logic whenever I see Billy antis talk about Karen Wheeler. Like, oh she just goes along with whatever her husband does. Um, from what we saw in the show, Karen is more than capable of handling things in her fucking house.
Hell, I don't even think Ted DOES much in the house. Ted ONLY stepped in to lecture Mike only AFTER Karen scolded him already. I could see the point IF it was the opposite way around but come on.
And for the love of GOD, look up Margaret Thatcher, there is a REASON why her grave is fenced off, so people cannot PISS on her grave. (Don't worry someone labelled it as a public restroom.). There is a reason why "The Witch is Dead" became a high grossing song when she died.
It's not a whole, "Oh people hate when women get powerful positions." Thatcher was a woman in power that FUCKED OVER working class people, miners and unions. Not only that but she passed section 28, so why yall are acting as if Karen is a lesbian when she supports a woman that made THIS HAPPEN is fucking beyond me
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for once in your lives, do your fucking research.
Edit: She was also racist as fuck, objecting to the number of Asian immigrants that were immigrating to the UK. Cut funding to schools providing free milk to students, saying quote "few children would suffer if schools were charged for milk"
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nostalgia-tblr · 10 months
one of the best Fandom Discourse Topics is the one about how this female character i have minimal to no interest in is TOO GOOD for my male blorbo. she can do MUCH BETTER he's A CRAP BOYFRIEND and so that's why he has to be paired with my other male blorbo, who lacks The One Braincell and thus will believe himself to be in a wholesome loving relationship in the endless fluffy fanfic i will read/write about him and BLORBO, THE WORST POSSIBLE CHOICE for that female character.
obviously i ship her with this woman she interacted with in one scene, who is also SUCH A QUEEN YASSSSSS. god i love this wholesome lesbian ship between these two women who probably don't even know each other's full names <3 <3 <3 i might even hit reblog on a gifset of their one scene together someday. i probably won't, but i might.
so anyway back to blorbo and how amazing he is, i bet he'd be a great boyfriend for this other white guy.
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armoralor · 10 months
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There are porn bots in almost every tag with full nudity, but god forbid tasteful sapphic art of fictional characters be shared on this site. Everything was completely covered, but it was taken down in under five minutes. Can we maybe get this level of dedication in taking down posts for all the porn bots spam following & sending DMs?
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some-pers0n · 9 months
"This show is woke and pandering to the liberals!!" and it's because a character was anything other than a straight, able-bodied, neurotypical, white, American, cis man
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spiritshaydra · 1 year
I believe in she/they Giratina supremacy ✨
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That is all ~ 😌💅✨
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xeun-lias · 4 months
Joy Huerta
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Joy Huerta is a Mexican singer-songwriter, songwriter and guitarist, known for being the vocalist of Jesse & Joy, a duo she forms with her older brother Jesse Huerta.After years working as Jesse & Joy, in April 2019, Huerta publicly announced that she is pansexual, that she lives with her wife and is active in the LGBTQ+ community. With her wife, Diana Atri, she had their first daughter, Noah, in May 2019. In March 2021, they had their second child, Nour.
Joy Huerta, es una cantautora compositora y guitarrista mexicana, conocida por ser la vocalista de Jesse & Joy, dúo que conforma con su hermano mayor Jesse Huerta.Después de años trabajando como Jesse & Joy, en abril de 2019, Huerta anunció públicamente que es pansexual, que vive con su pareja y es activa en la comunidad LGBTQ+. Con su esposa, Diana Atri, tuvo su primera hija, Noah, en mayo de 2019. En marzo de 2021, tuvieron a su segundo hijo, Nour.
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vespertine-legacy · 1 year
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since it is Lesbian Visibility Week, I have decided that She needs to be More Visible
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abstractime · 1 year
i hate when i tell someone i’m obsessed with an artist or character that is a man, and they immediately jump to “but didn’t you say you’re lesbian?”
STRAIGHT people get your shit together im sick of your black and white thinking and constantly doubting people’s sexuality
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wewontbesleeping · 5 months
it is so fucking annoying when men are “ironically” misogynist. like what’s the joke here? how is just smiling when saying you hate women a joke? and then I’m the killjoy for not laughing at it ofc.
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lord-squiggletits · 1 year
I know gender fuckery is the name of the game with alien robots and people are allowed to headcanon and AU whatever they want, but there are some choices to genderbend certain characters that do really fucking annoy me not gonna lie
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reluctantbylerblog · 1 year
just watched a movie where the main male and female character kiss for no other reason other than it's expected, but sure, queer characters with no romantic relationships in a show where there are only straight couples is tooootally revolutionary
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harmofud · 9 months
Gonna ring in the New Year by saying that you cannot easily decide who is and is not trans based purely on body type or facial features alone, and doing so often plays into some nasty western societal conceptions of what beauty is.
I'm very much cis and people think I'm trans all the time bc I have big shoulders, a wide jaw line, and a big nose. If I, a cis woman, have those features, that means that those features are not indicative of gender at all and cannot/should not be used to determine who is and isn't trans.
My dad has a friend who is a Polynesian woman. She's super tall, buff, and stocky, and people are assholes about it and keep asking if she's really a woman. That's a huge dick move first of all, and second of all, she's cis! That means that you cannot use height, strength, and stockiness as metrics for being a cis woman.
Women world wide have so many different features that you cannot restrict trans women from the pile without restricting cis women as well. There are examples of cis women being able to grow mustaches and beards, and those ladies get attacked double about a thing their body does because it's not female enough.
The thing that I mentioned earlier about it being a Western beauty standard problem is that there's this idea that all women have (or should have) hourglass bodies with big boobs and big butts, big thighs, small calves, ankles, and feet, thin and angular jawline (although small and round jawline works as well), small nose, thin shoulders, thin arms, no acne, long hair, and be short but not so short that you look 'weird' compared to your partner. That's so specific! Some races just aren't going to have those features and I doubt any race has them all! I don't know any woman who fills every category, and viewing every woman who violates that hyper specific standard as a Judas of some kind is not only insulting but also exhausting. Like damn girl, you really live like that?
I'm just saying that 'being a woman' is a societal group that we as humans made up. True, there are physical differences between male and female, but not so much that we're different ass species who inherently think differently and act differently and do everything differently. We're all human beings at the end of the day. I share a lot of physical features with guys I know and I'm cis and always will be. I shouldn't have to argue with people about whether or not I fulfill the beauty standard enough to be considered a woman, and if I shouldn't have to do it, other people shouldn't have to do it either, whether they be trans or not.
And, to finalize my point, I really truly don't want to he defined purely by whether or not I'm able to carry children. Haven't we, as women, fought against that idea for centuries? Haven't we, as women, struggled historically against claims that infertility makes us not good women? Haven't we, as women, fought for our ability of self-determination and the ability to be seen as more than our sex or gender, and that we have value even after we've done made the baby?
Ladies, I'm just saying that if you exclude the Western beauty standard and also refuse to define yourself by your baby-making propensity (like how we have fought for the ability to do), there's precious little that truly defines womanhood. I am a woman simply because I am. I'm assuming trans women feel the same way. None of us are so different, not really. Don't be insulted if someone asks for your pronouns, and don't be insulted if someone says sir instead of ma'am at the grocery store. Just be polite about it.
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